Happy Christmas

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<strong>Happy</strong><br />

<strong>Christmas</strong><br />

December 2015 / January 2016

Contacts<br />

Minister<br />

Rev Geoff Bell 325877<br />

minister@trinitymethodist.org.uk<br />

Lay Assistant<br />

Sean<br />

Senior Steward<br />

John<br />

Administrator<br />

Jenny<br />

admin@trinitymethodist.org.uk<br />


Magazine Editor -<br />

Pat O<br />

We have a lovely ‘fat’ magazine<br />

this time – and it covers two<br />

months. So plenty to read while<br />

you eat all those mince pies! I am<br />

delighted we have two wonderful<br />

testimonies – read them and<br />

rejoice with the writers for God’s<br />

goodness to each of them. And if<br />

you have a testimony to share,<br />

why not consider putting it into a<br />

magazine next year?<br />

May I take this opportunity to<br />

wish you all a very happy<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> and everything you<br />

wish yourselves in 2016. May<br />

God continue to shower us all<br />

with His blessings – and may we<br />

obey Him in all we do.<br />

Pat<br />

If you have any queries concerning<br />

Trinity activities, please contact me,<br />

your Pastoral Visitor, and if I do not know<br />

the answer I will find someone who does.<br />

Name………………………………………….<br />

Tel……………………………………………..<br />


What! Was that a Cracker I Heard Being<br />

Pulled? It’s Still Only the Middle of November!<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong>, what a time it is! What a time it was, when I was a<br />

kid. It was not even considered until the middle of December<br />

when mum got out her <strong>Christmas</strong> Club money, paid in at the<br />

Co-Op over the year. What a day that was - pounds, shillings and pence pouring<br />

out onto the kitchen table. We weren’t allowed to touch it, just stand and stare<br />

at it, knowing, with all certainty that this was the source of our stocking being<br />

filled to overflowing on <strong>Christmas</strong> morning. Such excitement, you would not<br />

believe. From this day on sleep at night was highly improbable, and on <strong>Christmas</strong><br />

Eve – impossible!<br />

They say there are four stages of life: 1. You believe in Father <strong>Christmas</strong>. 2. You<br />

don’t believe in Father <strong>Christmas</strong>. 3. You are Father <strong>Christmas</strong>. 4. You look like<br />

Father <strong>Christmas</strong>! I remember the magic of believing in him. I remember the<br />

sadness of not believing in him. I enjoy the thrill of being him. I’m not too sure<br />

about the thought of looking like him.<br />

The point is, life is lived in seasons. Each one a precious moment in time. But we<br />

often find ourselves complaining about this present moment, wanting to move<br />

on. Can’t wait for <strong>Christmas</strong>! We think the future will be rosier than the present<br />

but it rarely is – each season comes with its own problems. And so we can find<br />

ourselves living discontented lives, complaining about this and that instead of<br />

enjoying the moment and seizing the day. This all creates dissatisfaction in us,<br />

which is not how Christians should live. Let’s enjoy the moment, not rushing<br />

ahead all the time, as we do with <strong>Christmas</strong>. If things aren’t right yet then try to<br />

accept it for now without complaining, and work positively towards making it<br />

better. It often takes time to get things right and we can ruin the time we have<br />

by always wishing for better times to come. Make plans, of course, but enjoy the<br />

journey you’re on, every step of the way, for life is short. And remember there’s<br />

more to life than all of this, for God gave us the most precious gift of all that first<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> day, and the joy of <strong>Christmas</strong> can be ours every day of the year, and in<br />

every season.<br />

Have a great <strong>Christmas</strong> everyone and enjoy the journey you are on.<br />

With love and peace - Geoff

Advent, <strong>Christmas</strong> and<br />

New Year Services<br />

Circled in Light<br />

A candle lighting liturgy for each Sunday<br />

morning in Advent<br />

29 November<br />

The first candle represents people’s faith waiting for the Messiah to come<br />

Isaiah 9:2<br />

Light First Candle<br />

A light shining in the darkness<br />

reminding us that Christ rewards those who wait patiently for Him to come<br />

06 December<br />

The second candle represents the Prophet’s hope to a weary world.<br />

Isaiah 40:3<br />

Light Second Candle<br />

A light shining in the darkness<br />

giving hope to the hopelessness and despair in our world<br />

13 December<br />

The third candle represents John the Baptist’s peace to troubled hearts<br />

Luke 1: 38<br />

Light Third Candle<br />

A light shining in the darkness<br />

As our preparations for <strong>Christmas</strong> gain momentum may the peace of God be<br />

with us<br />

20 December<br />

The fourth candle represents Mary’s joy at the call upon her life<br />

Luke 1:46-47<br />

Light Fourth Candle<br />

A light shining in the darkness<br />

As our waiting nears its end may the joy of Jesus be with us in ever greater<br />


<strong>Christmas</strong> Services and Events<br />

Saturday 19 December:<br />

Puppet Performances<br />

2.00pm and 5.00pm<br />

Sunday 20 December:<br />

10.45am – Parade Service<br />

6.30pm – Carols by Candlelight<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> Eve:<br />

4.30pm - Crib Service<br />

110.00pm - Candle Light Communion<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> Day:<br />

10.00am - Fun Filled Family Service<br />

Sunday 27 December:<br />

10.00am - Combined Service<br />

Sunday 03 January 2016:<br />

Covenant Service<br />

10.00am - Combined<br />

No evening service<br />

4.30pm - 6.00pm<br />

TYGs Post-<strong>Christmas</strong> Party<br />

Puppets <strong>Christmas</strong> Show<br />

See the poster on the back cover!<br />

Please note – the puppets will not be appearing during any<br />

Service this year … don’t miss them!

Senior Steward’s Report<br />

Going Forward Together<br />

Last month I anticipated we would know the name of<br />

the minister appointed to the Redhill and East<br />

Grinstead Circuit with oversight of Trinity by November<br />

2015. However with 150 vacancies for ministers and<br />

only 100 ministers available, perhaps we should not<br />

have been surprised that we were not matched on the<br />

first round of stationing (the name given to the process by which ministers are<br />

matched with churches). The Circuit at present has five churches and five<br />

ministers, which may be unique in Methodism and arises from our<br />

comparatively large congregations. Our vision is to grow. Even if there is not<br />

a match in the next round of stationing at end of this year or the beginning of<br />

next year, our ministerial oversight will be met by the current Circuit staff -<br />

Rev Melvyn Cooke, (Superintendent and Horley), Rev Clive McKie, (Reigate),<br />

Rev Sue Conroy (Crawley) and Rev Felicity Al-Hassan (Redhill).<br />

The Stewards Leadership team are planning for an Away Day at Burrswood on<br />

23 January 2016, when we shall be continuing to work on the Vision and<br />

discerning God’s plan for Trinity’s growth. Please pray for us and share with<br />

us your hopes and dreams.<br />

Hebrews 10 encouraged the early church to grow by reminding them to<br />

- Hold unswervingly to the Hope that is Jesus (v23):<br />

- Consider how we may spur each other on (v24):<br />

- Not give up meeting together (v25).<br />

Paul also reminded them that Christ’s sacrifice of Himself on the cross had<br />

broken down every barrier. In his letter to the Romans, Paul reminds them<br />

and us that there is nothing that can separate believers from the love of God<br />

which is ours in Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 8:38)<br />

I think the challenge before each of us is to go forward together so the truth<br />

of God’s love for all the people in East Grinstead may be known. Please pray<br />

about the part Jesus has for each of us.<br />

John S

Geoff is “Sitting Down”, Who Will Stand in His Place?<br />

Part Two!<br />

William Cowper wrote in a hymn back in the 18th century “God moves in a<br />

mysterious way His wonders to perform”. A truth which I find encouraging as,<br />

when left to make our own decisions, events often do not turn out the way we<br />

think they should or hoped they would!<br />

The Circuit Stewards were disappointed, but not surprised, to receive a call from<br />

the Chairman of the District on 05 November to say that no minister had been<br />

matched with Trinity during the first meeting of the Stationing Matching Group, a<br />

meeting which took place over three days.<br />

In mid October the Circuit Stewards received 101 profiles written by presbyters<br />

who hope to take up new appointments next September. After prayerful<br />

consideration and two meetings to consider the profiles the Circuit Stewards sent<br />

the Chairman, the names of ten presbyters whose ministry they thought would<br />

benefit the Circuit and Trinity in particular came through. As requested, the ten<br />

were divided into a top five with five reserves!<br />

We heard via the Chairman’s grapevine that the profile of the Circuit which we<br />

had prepared had created a lot of interest around the country, and that a number<br />

of presbyters had shown an interest in coming to East Grinstead. Against that we<br />

had also been told that there were considerably more vacancies around the<br />

country than there were ministers to fill them. Added to that was the fact that of<br />

those vacancies fifty were for Superintendent ministers, which take priority and<br />

are the first to be matched. For those reasons we were not surprised by the<br />

message from the Chairman.<br />

After the matching round we were told that five of the District’s eight vacancies<br />

had been matched. What happens next?<br />

Those ministers matched will visit the Circuits they have been matched with and<br />

both the minister and the Circuit will decide whether or not it is a good match.<br />

Usually about 85% of the matches are confirmed. The other 15%, those ministers<br />

not matched in the first round and possibly some late entries, go into a second<br />

round of matching. This will take place on 30 November – 01 December, after<br />

which we here at Trinity will hear whether there has been on this occasion a<br />

match with our Circuit.

If so, a visit will be arranged when the minister will meet the Circuit Stewards, the<br />

Trinity Stewards Leadership Team, the Superintendent minister, the Circuit<br />

Invitation Committee, Geoff if the visiting presbyter so desires, and also take a look<br />

around the manse. The Chairman assured us that when the second round of<br />

matching takes place he will very much have our Circuit, and Trinity in particular, in<br />

mind but we know he can give no guarantees.<br />

The Stationing Matching Group will meet for a third time on 13 January to deal<br />

with unresolved stationing. Visits will also follow that round.<br />

And so the wait to see who will follow Geoff as minister at Trinity goes on. But rest<br />

assured, no Methodist Church is left without a minister having pastoral oversight of<br />

it and its members. We rest easy in the knowledge that God’s will will be done.<br />

Bernard Circuit Steward<br />

Bible Teaching Sundays<br />

The fourth of the Bible Teaching<br />

sessions will be held at the 6.30pm<br />

service on Sunday 13 December.<br />

This will be the last of the studies<br />

by Paula Gooder (pictured) on<br />

Ephesians 3:14-21, from this year's<br />

Spring Harvest, a series that has been very well received. If you have missed<br />

any of the earlier sessions, the DVDs are available to borrow from me.<br />

The Stewards Leadership Team has agreed that the format will continue next<br />

year, at least from January to March, and will comprise the evening service on<br />

the second Sunday of each month. A new series will therefore commence on<br />

Sunday 10 January 2016 and all are welcome. Details of the teaching resource<br />

to be used will appear in the weekly notice sheet.<br />


Roundabout Pre-School<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> Celebration<br />

15 December<br />

9.45am – Jubilee Community Centre<br />

(Bring an Orange!)<br />

All Trinity Friends are invited to join the Roundabout<br />

Christian Pre-school staff, children and their families to Roundabout’s<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> service and Christingle Celebration. This will be held at the Jubilee<br />

Community Church, Charlwood Road Tuesday, 15 December at 9.45am. We<br />

are invited to bring an orange so that we can join in the festive celebration<br />

with the children and make our own Christingle decoration.<br />

Margaret<br />

Chairman of Governors

Mentoring Update<br />

Those of us who attended the Christian Mentoring course earlier in the year<br />

continue to meet regularly to discern how God wants us to use the skills we<br />

learned. Although each of us is mentoring one or more people, we would be<br />

happy to make ourselves available to anyone else who feels they would like to<br />

have a mentor.<br />

Christian Mentoring is designed to help people deepen their faith by seeking<br />

God’s plan for their lives. We do this by praying together, talking about any<br />

concerns or ‘blockages’, setting realistic targets – and then some more praying.<br />

We are approaching the start of a new year. Why not think about seeking a<br />

mentor to discern God’s plan for your life in 2016? If you would like to know<br />

more, do contact one of us to discuss it further. It could be the best New Year<br />

resolution you ever make!<br />

Norma, Sean, Mary, Pat,<br />

John, Rachael<br />

Do You Love Flowers?<br />

Would you like to help our flower<br />

arrangers and deliverers coordinate<br />

their work at Trinity? I would like to<br />

hand over my responsibility for<br />

these areas of our church life, so it<br />

would be great to find one or two<br />

people who'd love to take this on.<br />

For Sunday flower arrangements, I<br />

keep an eye on the sign-up sheet,<br />

restock some of the supplies in the<br />

flower room and am a general<br />

contact person for all things flowers.<br />

On the delivery side, I produce a rota a couple of times a year to schedule our<br />

Monday shifts to deliver flowers to people and I keep an eye on supplies for this<br />

too. If you'd like to know more, please get in touch.<br />


Trinity New Build Team – a Final Report<br />

The final TNB meeting was held on 23 October 2015, at which the TNB team<br />

unanimously agreed it was time to disband the team, subject to Church<br />

Council approval.<br />

There are a few remaining practical actions and current snag corrections<br />

awaited from our contractor, the only significant one being the replacement of<br />

faulty LED lights in the top bulkhead of the Worship Area ceiling. Supervision<br />

of all remaining new build actions is now passed to Property Committee.<br />

While we still await the final bill from HA & DB Kitchin, remaining construction<br />

payments will now be handled directly by Phil Walker (Church Treasurer),<br />

Simon Bruce (Property Chairman) and Andrew Barnes (who retains the<br />

payment processing activities of New Build Treasurer).<br />

Our Redhill Methodist Church (RMC) loan of £450,000, repayable over ten<br />

years (ending 2023), has a minimum repayment of £45,000 each year, and this<br />

year we have been pleased to agree a repayment to RMC of £50,000. This<br />

means we have paid back £117,500 so far, leaving £332,500 still to be repaid.<br />

In simple terms this means continuing to raise an average of £41,562 per year,<br />

for the next eight years, to repay the RMC loan. Some church members have<br />

pledged specific giving to support this, but we need more to do so. We also<br />

need lots of fundraising activities to support the loan repayments. Obviously<br />

all this is in addition to the ‘normal’ giving needed to run our church, so<br />

funding will continue to be a major challenge to us all.<br />

I would like to give my personal thanks to all the members of the Trinity New<br />

Build Team for all their hard work over the last eight years. It has been an<br />

incredible journey of faith and God’s provision, a miracle of transformation,<br />

and a wonderful example of what team-work can achieve in the service of our<br />

Lord. I would like to wish them all a well-earned rest – but knowing them, I’m<br />

sure they already have plenty to do as we now seek to build up the family of<br />

God at Trinity to fill our new home.<br />


Trinity Methodist Church<br />

What You Didn’t Know About the Church Finances?<br />

Following Simon’s report signifying completion of the Church Building Project, this<br />

seemed an appropriate time to keep you all appraised of our overall finances.<br />

I am delighted to say that the overall financial situation of the church is in a sound<br />

position. However, each financial year remains a challenge to make income equal<br />

expenditure and achieve all the work the Church would like to undertake.<br />

Did you know it costs £2,277 per week to keep the Church and our core activities<br />

running?<br />

In addition, as a Church we also pledge 10% of the Church’s income, nearly £12,500<br />

in the last financial year to 31 August 2015, towards donations to worthy causes<br />

both within and outside Methodism.<br />

The above figures do not include the annual repayments of £45,000 to repay the<br />

loan from Redhill which helped us complete the new church, or the £30,000 per<br />

annum which enables us to have a lay assistant working within the Church family.<br />

Adding all of this together, the Church requires £3,959 per week to ‘balance the<br />

overall books’. Over 80% of these costs are met by the extremely generous giving of<br />

our congregation and friends.<br />

However, with costs inevitably likely to increase each year, I believe every one of us<br />

should challenge ourselves to see whether an increase in our giving to the life of the<br />

church is possible, however small or large that increase might be. For if we are<br />

benefiting from living within the family of the Church, we should look to maximise<br />

our giving to the Church so that others might also benefit from our Church family.<br />

And for all those who currently pay tax, and are not claiming gift aid, we can no<br />

longer ignore the opportunity provided by the Government to increase your giving<br />

by 25% (at no cost to yourself). So please see me or Jennifer, if you pay tax but are<br />

not already registered for Gift Aid.<br />

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have a question or would like to know more<br />

about the finances of the Church.<br />

Phil, Church Treasurer

AV Presentations During Services<br />

As part of the New Build, Trinity has been very fortunate to have a brand new,<br />

feature-rich media installation which can support presentations in varied formats.<br />

Over the years we have come to realise that to provide a good presentation<br />

service, constraints need to be placed on what media is used. Though a<br />

presentation will work on your home PC it may not work on ours. It is not ideal<br />

for the A/V Technicians to be correcting/adjusting a presentation five minutes<br />

before the service because a font or file is incompatible or the text does not<br />

line up.<br />

Following on from a recommendation from the company providing these<br />

services to events like Spring Harvest, the following procedures have been<br />

agreed and are being implemented by the AV technicians at both the 9.00am<br />

and 10.45am services.<br />

Only media in an agreed format will be accepted. A document has been<br />

produced covering the accepted formats and is available on request.<br />

The AV Team need to know before the service that the playing media is<br />

required so there are no surprises. This is especially important for the 10.45am<br />

service as the changeover between the two services is a very busy time.<br />

Ideally the media needs to be available before the service, if possible by the<br />

Thursday night so it can be tested and set up during band practice.<br />

There have been two occasions recently where media has arrived as a surprise<br />

five minutes before the service started. In one case the person was left<br />

disappointed as they were politely told there was no time to sort it out and the<br />

other, where an attempt was made, the service was started five minutes late.<br />

Please, if you wish to play any media during the services, contact the AV team<br />

well in advance to avoid the difficult answer of, No, sorry too late.<br />

Tim B

Refresh<br />

Yes, we certainly were refreshed with tea<br />

and amazing home baked cakes provided by<br />

the Church Family. At our cell group meeting<br />

on the Monday night following we spoke<br />

about how God wants us to “Eat drink and<br />

be glad”. Look at Ecclesiastes Ch8 v15.<br />

Well we certainly did that at this meeting. Everyone was so pleased to meet<br />

with others and get to know a little more about them. A great ice breaker got<br />

us going on doing this.<br />

Lots of sharing at this time and plenty of talking, it was quite a buzz. Angie<br />

gave an amazing testimony of how she came back to God after the birth of<br />

her daughter Megan who was born with Down's Syndrome, how He helped<br />

her to cope with the massive change it made to the family and the wonderful<br />

blessing Megan has been to them (this testimony is reproduced elsewhere in<br />

the magazine).<br />

There was more time later for people to tell of experiences they'd had in<br />

answer to prayers. A truly humbling time for us all.<br />

Jayne and the great team behind her have worked so hard to organise this<br />

time on alternate months, making it a great time for us all to meet together<br />

and enjoy each other’s company, making new friends and sharing God’s Love.<br />

I can't wait for the next meeting on 02 January - will you be there? Hope so!<br />

Linda<br />

The Best <strong>Christmas</strong> Presents<br />

To your enemy - forgiveness,<br />

To your opponent - tolerance.<br />

To a friend - your heart.<br />

To a customer - service.<br />

To all men - charity.<br />

To every child - a good example<br />

To yourself - respect<br />

(Author Unknown)

Trinity Welcome Café<br />

Saturday 02 January<br />

10.00am - 11.30am<br />

Ladies, please join us for our next Refresh<br />

meeting on 02 January from 10.00am –<br />

11.30am in the Welcome Café. There’ll be<br />

spiritual refreshment over coffee, cake and<br />

fellowship with a testimony or short message.<br />

Set aside the time in your diary and come and have some ‘me time’, to start<br />

your New Year feeling refreshed!<br />

Please let us know if you are able to come by using the sign-up sheet on the<br />

notice board in the Welcome Café. You can also use this to say if you’d like to<br />

bring some cake or fruit and if you’d like to help serve tea and coffee.<br />

Kim<br />

Men at Trinity<br />

After quite a break Men at Trinity are invited to get together for a meal on<br />

Wednesday 09 December, meeting at the Mediterranean Restaurant (two doors<br />

up from the Bridge Bar on London Road). We will meet at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm<br />

start which I hope will enable those at work enough time to get there.<br />

We will have a two-course meal (starter and main course) for £10, drinks not<br />

included.<br />

If you are interested please email Paul . I will then send you the menu for you to<br />

choose your meal so I can inform the restaurant by no later than 07 December.<br />

We will be holding bi monthly events throughout next year. The programme is<br />

being compiled and will be ready for the next magazine.<br />


Greetings from your Street Pastors<br />

Where has the year gone? I cannot believe that we are<br />

writing our bumper <strong>Christmas</strong>/New year magazine<br />

9+already, but here we are and on behalf of the Trustees,<br />

the Street Team and all the Prayer Pastors I wish you all a<br />

very <strong>Happy</strong> <strong>Christmas</strong> and a brilliant New Year.<br />

If a team comes together we are going to be out patrolling on <strong>Christmas</strong> Eve and New<br />

Year’s Eve and will be looking for folk to join the Prayer Pastors in the base to make it a<br />

really happy time for us all.<br />

As from this December we are offering the possibility to the teams of patrolling on a<br />

Friday evening instead of a Saturday on some weekends. We are also venturing into<br />

the social media way of communicating. I have learnt to Twitter this year and there is<br />

now an opportunity for people to write a ‘blog’ and send it to Yvonne Shaw for her to<br />

edit and place on our ever changing website.<br />

As you know, I have been involved with this venture since July 2012 and on the whole<br />

feel as enthusiastic as when I started. We have our moments like all organisations, but<br />

I still believe with a great passion that God wants Street Pastors in this town and that<br />

we are making a bit difference to the community, especially within the centre of the<br />

town.<br />

Thank you for your continued support, especially on the prayer side. We now have<br />

other ways of raising funds which includes ‘Giving of £10.00 per month’ through direct<br />

debit. Please see me if you would like to receive a registration form. We now have<br />

contacts within Sainsbury’s who will give us 4% on every amount we spend there.<br />

Please see Paul for details on registering for a card. Last, and by no means least, we<br />

have an account on ‘Just giving’. Please see me if you would like further details.<br />

Just before closing I would like to drop another gentle reminder that we are trying to<br />

recruit. I have had five possibilities since September, but as yet not one has taken it<br />

any further other than an initial interest. Please pray that all those who think God is<br />

calling them to join the team will come out for a ‘taster’ observation very soon.<br />

We are having a fund raising stall at the <strong>Christmas</strong> Shopping Day on 06 December in<br />

the town, and we are holding our annual social on 23 January starting at 7.00pm in the<br />

Jubilee Centre. A note for your diaries is that Les Isaacs, the founder of Street Pastors,<br />

is coming to East Grinstead on 11 March and we will be holding an event that day. He<br />

will also patrol with the team. Please keep the date in your diaries as we would love to<br />

see you there.<br />

Thank you again for your continued support. It is very much appreciated.<br />

Mary Co-ordinator

'Joseph' – a reflection<br />

It has been suggested that I share with you the 'poem' with which I concluded<br />

the 9.00am service on 25 October, the penultimate week of our study of the<br />

'Joseph story'. That week's theme was 'Forgiveness and Reconciliation' and I<br />

wanted to convey that our study also requires practical application.<br />

David Browning<br />

If you were at church on the 8 th September,<br />

then I'm sure that you will remember,<br />

we showed a film that was rather groovy;<br />

a lavish production – 'Joseph' – the movie!<br />

“What's it about?” Do I hear you say,<br />

you couldn’t make it on that day?<br />

That's a shame, but the answer is this -<br />

'It's based on a story from Genesis'.<br />

I expect it's a story you well know,<br />

about things that happened a long time ago -<br />

(probably the equivalent, in its day,<br />

of 'EastEnders', 'Neighbours', or 'Home and Away'.)<br />

It's a story of a dozen brothers,<br />

who between them had four mothers!<br />

'Jealousy' was therefore rife<br />

and caused the family lots of strife!<br />

Their father, Jacob, tried to cope,<br />

but, peace among brothers? - little hope!<br />

The odds were stacked at eleven to one -<br />

Against young Joseph - Jacob's favourite son!<br />

When Jacob gave Joseph a coloured coat,<br />

that really got 'the brothers' goat'<br />

Now they hated brother Joe,<br />

because their father loved him so.

The straw that broke the camel's back<br />

was because young Joseph had the knack<br />

to interpret dreams and say what they meant;<br />

Joseph – delighted; brothers – incensed!<br />

And so we read of the brothers' plot<br />

to get rid of Joseph and say 'That's yer lot'!<br />

The story you know – the movie you've seen,<br />

I don't need to tell you, the bits in between.<br />

By showing the film, we started our teaching,<br />

And then we began seven weeks of preaching.<br />

So if we call the movie a 'pre-quel'<br />

'What happens next?' will be 'Joseph – the se-quel'.<br />

In one sense the movie was pure entertainment,<br />

But 'Joseph – the sequel' is about our attainment<br />

of all that the story was telling about -<br />

love and forgiveness, and living it out.<br />

Now that's not an easy thing to do<br />

But when God is with us, He'll see us through.<br />

We just need to trust Him and His ways -<br />

And live in the way His commandment says.<br />

So as our study is nearly through<br />

Let's pray about what we should do<br />

to reconcile those situations<br />

among our own friends and relations.<br />

Remember then how Joseph behaved,<br />

the love that he showed, - those he forgave.<br />

And if we make 'Love one another' our text<br />

We'll have discovered the answer, to 'What happens next?'

‘Rhythm of Mission’<br />

Training for Churches in the South-East District of the<br />

Methodist Church<br />

Yes, that means us! Trinity Methodist Church will be hosting this training for<br />

our area.<br />

Please put the following dates in your diary if you want to be encouraged and<br />

equipped for mission and outreach:<br />

Saturday 16 January 2016<br />

Saturday 19 March 2016<br />

Saturday 17 September 2016<br />

10.00am - 12.30pm<br />

10.30am - 5.00pm<br />

2.00pm - 5.00pm<br />

A team from Share Jesus International, a UK based mission charity, which was<br />

set up by Rev Dr Rob Frost and now led by his son Andy, will be delivering the<br />

training. It will help churches plan and prepare to create opportunities for<br />

people to start a journey of faith and discipleship.<br />

It will help churches become more confident in sharing their faith and more<br />

expectant for faith conversations to emerge.<br />

It will help Christians connect with their community in new ways.<br />

The first session explains some of the key thinking behind creating a rhythm of<br />

mission. The session helps churches work through some key questions to<br />

strategically put together a plan for the year. This session also introduces<br />

people to the Sharing Jesus course that can be used to prepare congregations<br />

for evangelism.<br />

If you are interested in mission and outreach and would like to know more, or<br />

you hope to attend this training, please speak to Norma, Ruth or Sean.<br />

Please note:<br />

The first date for ‘Rhythm of Mission’ is 16 January 2016<br />

10.00am to 12.30pm at Trinity<br />

Come and be a part of it!

Park Pretty, Please<br />

Our car park can get extremely<br />

busy on some days. As a courtesy<br />

to fellow users may we politely<br />

remind everyone to park carefully<br />

within marked parking bays, and<br />

never to park on the pedestrian<br />

walkways or on the grass. To<br />

assist cars exiting onto the London<br />

Road, we ask that only small and<br />

medium sized cars are parked<br />

outside the Blue Room, opposite the exit bollards. Larger cars are encouraged<br />

to park in the first sections of the car park, from the Lingfield Road entrance<br />

round to the Thuja tree (opposite the external cross).<br />

Although we have a one-way system we do appreciate that some large<br />

vehicles may need to exit back onto the Lingfield Road, but remind all that<br />

this needs to be done carefully, safely and very considerately.<br />

Simon<br />

Property Chairman<br />

General Knowledge Quiz<br />

23 January 2016, 7.30pm<br />

Maximum of eight per team<br />

£5.00 a head<br />

This event will be organised by David and Lene and will raise money towards<br />

repaying the Trinity New Build debt

Forest Row Lifeboat Choir<br />

Forest Row Lifeboat Choir has been coming out of ‘hibernation’ in December each<br />

year since 1946 to sing <strong>Christmas</strong> carols! “How did this come about”? I hear you<br />

ask, when Forest Row is nowhere near the sea!<br />

Billy Mills, Forest Row postman in 1946, was inspired to form the choir when he<br />

heard how his friend, William Pope, had lost three brothers back in 1928 when the<br />

Rye Harbour lifeboat, the ‘Mary Stanford’, had overturned with the loss of all 17<br />

crewmen. The tragedy was all the more poignant as it need never have happened;<br />

the seamen in danger had been rescued by another boat.<br />

Billy’s first choir consisted of three car-loads of people who entertained at the<br />

house parties of well-known local residents in return for a donation to the Royal<br />

National Lifeboat Institution.<br />

Since then the choir has raised well over £100,000 for the RNLI and this year has<br />

thirty four members, twelve of whom are members or adherents here at Trinity.<br />

This year the choir has fourteen ‘shouts’ (a figure of speech, not a description of our<br />

singing, I hope!) which range from singing in shopping malls, residential homes,<br />

formal concerts, etc, to the Ashdown Park Hotel where guests are entertained on<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> Eve.<br />

We would love to see as many of you as possible here at Trinity at 2.30pm on 05<br />

December for what will be the first choir concert in our new building when<br />

Forest Row Lifeboat Choir<br />

presents<br />

“Carols and Cakes”<br />

Trinity Methodist Church<br />

05 December at 2.30pm<br />

A two-hour concert of carols old and new, instrumental solos and readings - with<br />

cakes included during the interval!<br />

Tickets costing £6 can be purchased either in the Café or from Jennifer or Bernard<br />

or just come along on the day and pay at the door! Some may think this is a little<br />

too early to be celebrating <strong>Christmas</strong>. If that is you, look upon the concert as a<br />

chance to step away from the <strong>Christmas</strong> rush; a chance to remember the real<br />

meaning of <strong>Christmas</strong>. See you there!<br />


What is easyfundraising?<br />

It’s a simple way to collect free donations for Trinity Methodist Church every<br />

time you shop online this <strong>Christmas</strong>, as well as throughout the rest of the<br />

year – it doesn’t cost you a penny extra!<br />

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly<br />

shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation for Trinity<br />

Methodist Church, East Grinstead?<br />

There are nearly 3,000 retailers on board ready to make a donation, including<br />

Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury's – it doesn't cost you a<br />

penny extra!<br />

It's really simple, all you have to do is:<br />

1. Join.<br />

Head to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/trinitymethodist/<br />

and sign up for free.<br />

2. Shop.<br />

Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first, pick the retailer<br />

you want and start shopping.<br />

3. Raise.<br />

After you’ve checked out, that retailer will make a donation to Trinity<br />

Methodist Church for no extra cost to you whatsoever! There are no<br />

catches or hidden charges and Trinity Methodist Church will be really<br />

grateful for your donations. So far 42 supporters have raised £1406.48.<br />

Some of the retailers in the scheme are Amazon, John Lewis, ebay,<br />

Expedia.co.uk, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Argos – and many more.<br />

Thank you for your support!<br />


Retreat Programme<br />

Spring 2016<br />

At Dalesdown, near Horsham, you will find peace, tranquillity and beautiful<br />

countryside and a place dedicated to God and used by Him. The retreats provide<br />

the opportunity and privilege of time apart in God’s presence, enabling you to<br />

return to your busy, noisy world better equipped to serve Him.<br />

Worship Space: Worship Space days offer quality time in a prayerful atmosphere.<br />

We welcome you to experience the benefits of worship, personal reflection and<br />

prayer, led through inspirational teaching from our guest speaker.<br />

We have two Worship Space events during spring 2016. On Tuesday 08 and 15<br />

March we will be welcoming Ian Smale as our guest speaker. The day will start<br />

with coffee,from 9.45am, with a time of worship from 10.00am, and plenty of<br />

space for personal reflection in the peaceful surroundings.<br />

Tea and coffee is available throughout the day, with a simple cooked lunch being<br />

served at 1.00pm. The day ends with a worship session at around 3.00pm.<br />

Places are limited - please book your place through the Office. Cost: £25<br />

Breathing Space: Breathing Space days provide a day of personal retreat,<br />

following your own agenda or taking time to pray with one of the team.<br />

Coffee is served from 9.45am, with a short worship session at 10.00am before<br />

making the day your own in the quiet and prayerful atmosphere. Tea/coffee are<br />

available throughout the day and light lunch is served at 1.00pm.<br />

The day will end with a short service, including the opportunity for communion,<br />

at around 3.00pm. Places are limited - please book your place through the Office.<br />

Cost: £20<br />

If you would like to know more about any of our Retreats, or the possibility of<br />

booking a small room for your personal retreat day, please phone the office at<br />

Dalesdown: 01403 710712. Or email Jo Jackson at: events@dalesdown.org.uk

Trinity<br />

Life<br />

An abundance of ‘Love in a Box’<br />

now in transit to needy children<br />

in Eastern Europe<br />

More baptisms<br />

- Irene and Sean<br />

Paul and Linda working on the patchwork wall hanging

Trinity Groups<br />

Kaleidoscope<br />

Kaleidoscope meets on the second Tuesday of each month at<br />

1.45pm in the Roundabout Room. Outings usually include a<br />

booking form found in our rack in the Welcome Café<br />

Saturday 05 December: We join the RNLI Choir for their <strong>Christmas</strong> Concert at<br />

Trinity at 2.00pm.<br />

Tuesday 08 December: Time to celebrate <strong>Christmas</strong> with readings and carols,<br />

and decoration of stars. A cup of tea with mince pies.<br />

Tuesday 12 January: New Year Party<br />

Tuesday 26 January: Soup Lunch<br />

Thursday Group<br />

Thursday 03 December at 2.30pm<br />

Thursday 17 December at 2.30pm<br />

Carol singing in the Blue Room<br />

Members’ <strong>Christmas</strong> Party<br />

No meetings in January; first meeting in 2016 will be Thursday 04 February.<br />

Members of the Thursday Group wish all members of Trinity a very <strong>Happy</strong><br />

<strong>Christmas</strong> and every good wish for the New Year. Membership of the Group<br />

is open to people of any gender and a warm welcome awaits anybody who<br />

would like to join.<br />

Knit and Natter<br />

Will not be meeting in December,<br />

but will be back again on<br />

09 January 2016<br />

10.00am - 12.00noon<br />

Please come along with any knitting or other crafts you are doing.<br />

See Val for more details.

Trinity People<br />

Testimony<br />

At the ‘Refresh’ meeting in November Angie gave a wonderful testimony of how<br />

God’s love supported and upheld her during a very difficult time in her life, and<br />

continues to do so. Maggie Bruce prompted her with questions. Her testimony<br />

is long, but it would be a shame to omit any of the important steps in her<br />

life, so it’s reproduced here in full. Maggie’s prompts are in italic print.<br />

I have been trying to remember when we first met and think it must have been in<br />

the 1990s. I was working very part time as a community paediatrician in<br />

Crawley, Horsham and EG area and heard via my professional network that a<br />

baby with Down's syndrome had been born into an East Grinstead family. I<br />

subsequently found out that a friend at Trinity called Linda was a neighbour of<br />

the mum and the mum's name was Angie! I think the birth of Megan was a<br />

pivotal moment in your life and the beginning of your God journey - could you tell<br />

us more?<br />

Yes. Megan’s birth in 1990 was very much a pivotal moment and the beginning<br />

of my road back to God. I had been part of a church as a child and I would say I<br />

had a simple childlike faith when I was younger. But as often happens, I reached<br />

my teenage years and refused to go any more. After that I very rarely went to a<br />

church and if I was asked I would say to people, ‘I’m a good person, why do I<br />

need to go to church?’<br />

Lawrence and I married in 1975 and we had two girls who were aged 10 and 8<br />

when Megan came along. In those days there were no blood tests to assess your<br />

risk factor of having a child with Down’s syndrome, only an amniocentesis test<br />

which could be carried out if you were aged 35 or over; I was 34. I had a very<br />

easy pregnancy but Megan showed signs of distress during the labour and had to<br />

be born by emergency caesarean. So a few hours after the birth I was still<br />

groggy from the anaesthetic and they told me they suspected Megan had<br />

Down’s syndrome. I was in total shock and cried almost nonstop; they very<br />

quickly moved me into a private room away from the other mums, which was<br />

helpful in some ways but also made me feel alone and isolated. I had very little<br />

experience of anybody with a learning disability and I was very afraid for the<br />


Megan also seemed to be very sick. She couldn’t keep any milk down and wasn’t<br />

suckling. An x-ray showed she had problems with her duodenum which was blindended<br />

and not joined to her intestine. Because of this she was taken down to The<br />

Royal Alex children’s hospital in Brighton for an operation. She stayed there for<br />

four weeks until she was able to feed properly.<br />

It was a very difficult time for us as a family trying to get the older girls to school,<br />

Lawrence having to keep the business going and I was relying on people to drive<br />

me down to Brighton most days. But it did help me bond with Megan and for the<br />

time she was in hospital she was just a sick baby; the fact that she had Down’s<br />

syndrome was put to the side.<br />

After she came home the reality of it all came back and I worried constantly about<br />

the future. My neighbour Linda was a great support and she told me that ladies at<br />

this church were praying for me. Also another Christian neighbour came round<br />

and said they were also praying for us. I remember being so grateful that although<br />

they didn’t know me, they cared enough to pray for us.<br />

Over the next few weeks I began to feel the need to go to church, I was looking for<br />

answers. I didn’t want to go back to my old church and Linda suggested I come<br />

here to Trinity. So the girls and I went along the next week which was Pentecost<br />

Sunday. I thought the service was amazing - so alive and vibrant.<br />

After that I was invited to join a Christian basics group which was run by Maggie<br />

and Rachael. I was still concerned and worried about Megan’s future and I found it<br />

really hard to switch off everything in my head, especially when I was on my own,<br />

usually when I was driving. I very clearly remember one day I was driving up<br />

College Lane and as usual worrying in my head, when I had a sudden realisation<br />

‘God is with me’. It broke through all the worry and was as if He had thrown me a<br />

life line. From that moment I knew I was not alone. I carried on with the<br />

Christians basics course, made a commitment and I and the girls became<br />

immersed in the church.<br />

I remember being in a cell group/home group with you and hearing that you were<br />

pregnant again. How difficult was it to make the decision to have another child<br />

after having Megan?<br />

Lawrence and I decided quite quickly to have another baby; because of the age<br />

difference with the older girls we didn’t want Megan to be on her own. I was<br />

concerned about having another baby with Down’s syndrome even though Megan<br />

has Triosomy 21 which is not hereditary. I do know two families who have had a<br />

second child with Down’s syndrome so yes, it could be a possibility.

We decided against any invasive tests like amniocentesis, but I’d heard about a<br />

new blood test which could determine your risk factor. I rang the Down’s<br />

Syndrome Association to find out more, but unfortunately they explained that if<br />

you already had a child with Down’s Syndrome then your risk factor would come<br />

out high anyway. I was so disappointed. I really needed some reassurance that<br />

this pregnancy would be OK.<br />

I remember going upstairs and kneeling by my bed and praying for help. Within a<br />

couple of hours there was a knock at the door; it was my midwife. She said “I<br />

know we haven’t got an appointment but I felt I should come and see you”. I<br />

explained about the blood test and how disappointed I was. She said that a<br />

doctor at one of the London hospitals was carrying out a new scan called a<br />

Nuchal scan which could detect any of the possible markers that a Down’s<br />

Syndrome baby may have. She referred us and I had the scan at five months; the<br />

doctor was 98% certain that there were no problems and that we were having a<br />

boy. An added bonus as we do tend to have girls in our family. To this day that<br />

remains the most amazing answer to prayer.<br />

Despite you and the girls (and later Tom) becoming very involved with Trinity, it<br />

took quite some time for Lawrence to develop a faith in Jesus. Can you tell us a<br />

bit about that process?<br />

Lawrence did come along to a few services but he wasn’t comfortable and even<br />

walked out of a holiday club service. He was quite happy for the rest of us to<br />

come along, after all it gave him a peaceful Sunday morning. It’s hard when your<br />

partner doesn’t come to church; you feel a little isolated and I missed coming to<br />

any social events because I didn’t want to come on my own.<br />

I continued to pray for him but as the years went on I began to think that it would<br />

never happen. But after about 14 years Lawrence was very unsettled and started<br />

searching - Buddhism, self-help the Power of You, more or less everything else<br />

apart from Christianity. Thankfully he didn’t find what he was looking for and<br />

somehow we began to have more God discussions.<br />

I remember one day he read in the newspaper about a book that was in the New<br />

York Times top ten. That book was ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ by Rick Warren and<br />

he ordered a copy for me. I found it a very powerful book and although Lawrence<br />

didn’t want to read it himself he was happy for me to tell him about it. It was at<br />

this time as well when ‘The Passion of Christ’ was on at the cinemas and we went<br />

together to see it.

One day Lawrence was sitting on the stairs in someone’s house where he was<br />

working, probably having a cup of tea! He had this sudden realisation ‘God is real’.<br />

He told me about it when he came home and I persuaded him to go and chat with<br />

Geoff. He started coming to church and joined the Alpha group with Mike Brooks,<br />

Shane Hannam and Carrie Maynard.<br />

Can you tell us a little about what has happened since?<br />

Megan is now 25 years old and we wouldn’t change a thing; she has been and<br />

continues to be such a blessing. We have prayed about every decision we have had<br />

to make about her health, her schooling and her life. Without exception answers<br />

have been given and doors opened. She has been given amazing opportunities -<br />

singing and performing, horse riding at The Special Olympics and more recently a<br />

home in Brighton where she lives fully supported with her own friends.<br />

People say that the Christian life is a journey and I would agree. Sometimes the<br />

road ahead is very clear, but often it’s not. There have been times I’ve wandered<br />

down the wrong path, looked around and thought what am I doing here - when life<br />

throws difficult things at you like illness or the death of loved ones that you can’t<br />

understand. Those are the times when you just have to stand still and wait while<br />

Jesus supports you. Like when you are in a storm sometimes it’s best not to fight it<br />

but just stand still and wait it out until the storm passes.<br />

And finally can you tell us one of your favourite hymns/worship songs and why it is<br />

special to you?<br />

My taste in music is quite varied. I like the modern worship songs and I also love<br />

singing along to hymns. Just recently a song comes to mind often when I am<br />

thinking and praying. ‘Jesus, We Enthrone You’. I’ll try to explain what the first lines<br />

of this song mean to me.<br />

Jesus, we enthrone You, we proclaim You our King –<br />

Jesus I proclaim You as King, You are Lord of my Life.<br />

Standing here in the midst of us – You are not sitting on a throne in the distance.<br />

You lived on this earth and you understand all the joys and the sorrows. You stand<br />

with me. We lift you up with our praise – Because of this no matter what I am going<br />

through I can praise you.<br />


My Testimony<br />

As I read in the news sheet two weeks ago about sharing testimonies of how God is<br />

helping us along life’s journey, I felt a significant prod from God and He said, “that’s<br />

something I want you to do”. Since then, God has kept bringing it back to my mind<br />

and I’ve being making excuses why I can’t do it, as the thought of standing up and<br />

sharing something so personal was very scary.<br />

God ALWAYS has His way in the end, so here I am today, to share with you a couple of<br />

situations during October when I really felt God’s presence and had prayers<br />

answered.<br />

The first relates to my trip to Israel at the beginning of the month. The day we<br />

arrived in Jerusalem was the first day of the latest prolonged clashes between<br />

Palestinians and Israelis. Our hotel was a two-minute walk away from the Old City<br />

walls, so from my bedroom window I could hear and see some of the rioting in the<br />

streets. Like many others in the UK, I have watched regular news reports showing<br />

the violence and riots and felt detached from it all, but when you find yourself so<br />

close that you see and smell the fumes from the burning tyres, it is really scary. So I<br />

sent a prayer request to Jill, which she distributed. Knowing people were praying for<br />

our safety was very reassuring, and I want to thank you all for doing so.<br />

After five days we went to Bethlehem and had to sneak in the back of the hotel as a<br />

full blown riot was taking place out front. This is where I got the tear gas in my eyes.<br />

Again, I texted a prayer request to Jill. Once I had pressed the “send” button I lay on<br />

the bed praying, and I had a real sense of peace about the whole situation and<br />

confidence that God was in control. The rioting paused after midnight and the next<br />

morning we were able to leave Bethlehem half an hour before the rioting<br />

re-commenced, which was a wonderful answer to your prayers.<br />

We spent the next five days near the Golan Heights, and saw a number of military<br />

bomber aircraft flying over the hillsides opposite. I was so thankful to know that<br />

many of my Trinity family were praying for our safety. I really was able to relax and<br />

enjoy the holiday, knowing it was being covered in prayer back in East Grinstead.<br />

The second situation concerns my daughter Suzy’s wedding. First of all, for those of<br />

you who don’t know me, my divorce from Gerry came through just over a year ago<br />

and I have struggled since then to accept it and move on.

Suzy got engaged at the beginning of September and announced two weeks later<br />

that she wanted to get married at the end of October. I was delighted at the news,<br />

but also anxious, because this meant I would have to spend the whole day with<br />

Gerry and his new partner, whom I had not met before. I decided to meet his<br />

partner a week before the wedding and asked some of my Trinity family to cover<br />

the meeting in prayer. As I was praying on the train going up to meet them, I felt<br />

Jesus very clearly say to me “I am going to be beside you in the restaurant” and this<br />

gave me great comfort.<br />

When we sat down at the table I went to put my bag on the chair next to me. I<br />

actually jumped a little because I very clearly heard Jesus say “Oi, what are you<br />

doing, that’s MY seat”, so I put the bag on the floor. During the meeting I felt<br />

strengthened every time I looked at the ‘empty’ chair because I knew Jesus was<br />

sitting there. It was fantastic and really helped me get through - actually I enjoyed<br />

the occasion.<br />

Suzy and Simon’s wedding was very special and a wonderful day. There were only<br />

fourteen guests so there was a lot of close interaction between myself, Gerry and<br />

his partner during the day. I won’t go into detail here, but there were a number of<br />

occasions when I did find it extremely hard emotionally. Again God came up<br />

trumps, because as I was praying during one of these difficult occasions, He<br />

reminded me that my invitation had actually been addressed to ‘Mum and friend’<br />

and therefore Jesus, as my friend, was again right beside me.<br />

One year ago today, I posted this on my FB page: ‘Life has knocked me down a few<br />

times and<br />

It has shown me things I never wanted to see. I have experienced sadness and<br />

failures. But one thing for sure, I ALWAYS get back up again’.<br />

I want to firstly thank God for His faithfulness each and every day as He walks<br />

beside me, and sometimes carries me, on this road of life.<br />

And then I want to thank you guys for your prayers and loving support through the<br />

last two years. God bless and thank you.<br />


The Wider World<br />

Time to Stop?<br />

It’s twenty-one years since the Sunday Trading Act was passed, allowing the doors of<br />

our supermarkets and DIY stores to be flung wide every day of the week. Since then,<br />

Sunday trading hours have been limited across the UK, but just recently the<br />

Government has confirmed plans to loosen these restrictions, leaving the decision in<br />

the hands of local authorities through the Cities and Devolution Bill. Doors will open<br />

for longer if it will boost local economies.<br />

It sounds straightforward, but it’s a complicated issue. Balancing the needs of<br />

consumers, families, shop workers, small stores and superstores is hugely challenging.<br />

So where can we turn for guidance?<br />

God made the world to need work in order to bring forth its riches and potential. But<br />

work was designed to be in balance with rest. Part of the brokenness of today’s<br />

workplace is that we’ve lost sight of that rhythm and the crucial part that rest plays in<br />

bringing perspective and meaning to our daily toil.<br />

Sabbath rest celebrates and invests in friendship, family, creativity, joy, and more<br />

besides. It allows us to restate our trust in a God who provides, by taking time away<br />

from our economic imperatives. In today’s self-determined society, it demands a<br />

change of heart. It reminds us that we’re not God: stepping away from the e-mails;<br />

letting go of the shopping trolley; trusting the universe will still be in place when we<br />

return.<br />

But Sabbath rest is fragile; it needs protection. It’s vulnerable to the voracious pace<br />

of life fuelled by ‘always-on’ technology. In God’s eyes, Sabbath is not an option.<br />

Robust Old Testament laws strove to guard its place in Jewish culture, while Jesus<br />

reaffirmed its significance as God’s loving intent for us as He famously turned the<br />

tables on His critics: ‘The Sabbath was made for mankind, not mankind for the<br />

Sabbath’.<br />

Among the many arguments for and against preserving a special day in our society,<br />

we should remember the power of symbol. Somehow, having something special<br />

about Sunday puts a stake in the ground to say ‘this is important’. As the Bill goes<br />

through Committee stage in the House of Commons we can still influence the<br />

planned legislation (visit KeepSundaySpecial), and in the way we trust God in our<br />

work and rest we can model a different way of living.<br />

‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10)<br />

Charles Hippsley (Director of LICC Work Forum – first published by LICC)

On the Wildside December 2015<br />

Weapons of Mouse Destruction<br />

The first performance of the carol ‘Silent Night,<br />

Holy Night’ was the indirect consequence of a<br />

mouse gnawing the bellows of the church organ<br />

in a remote Austrian village, but such incidental<br />

benefits are rare. Church mice may be poor, but they are also troublesome<br />

when hungry.<br />

When the government decreed that all pest species should be killed with<br />

kindness, the pest control boffins found that when they were ‘poisoning the<br />

pigeons in the park’, field mice and house mice also took their final sleep.<br />

The active ingredient induces hypothermia (so long as the heating is off).<br />

Alternatively, the pest controllers may use a bait containing an overdose of<br />

Vitamin D2, ensuring that any such rodent dies in good health.<br />

This month the dozen or so Canada geese on Hedgecourt Lake and other open<br />

waters have been augmented by wintering gulls, and a dozen pairs of heron<br />

stretch their grey legs to stalk frogs, and collect branches with which to build<br />

their untidy nests.<br />

In the fields, wide open spaces and generous gardens, the big grey thrushes we<br />

call fieldfares are arriving from Norway and further north and east, until a<br />

million or more have joined us for <strong>Christmas</strong> with calls of ‘chack, chack’. They<br />

have a blue-grey head and rump, upright stance and black spotted breast.<br />

They fly high and descend to feed on worms and berries. The rather smaller<br />

redwings, showing off a creamy yellow eye-stripe, will also be feeding on any<br />

juicy berries and can be heard, after dark, calling overhead.<br />

Take care driving through Ashdown Forest after dark any night before or after<br />

<strong>Christmas</strong>. It’s not the deer in the headlights but the ones following after it<br />

that cause accidents. And it won’t be Rudolph, because all the male deer have<br />

shed their antlers. As for me, I’m going to concentrate on the turkey. And that<br />

mouse.<br />

May we all share the joy of knowing Christ this <strong>Christmas</strong>.<br />


Services for December 2015<br />

Sunday 06<br />

9.00am<br />

10.45am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Rev Geoff Bell<br />

Rev Geoff Bell<br />

Mrs Pat - Taizé Service<br />

Sunday 13<br />

9.00am<br />

10.45am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Rev Geoff Bell – Holy Communion<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Holy Communion<br />

Mr David - Bible Teaching<br />

Sunday 20<br />

9.00am Mr Tim 10.45am Rev<br />

Geoff Bell<br />

6.30pm<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Carol Service<br />

Thursday 24<br />

4.30pm<br />

11.00pm<br />

Friday 25 (<strong>Christmas</strong> Day)<br />

10.00am<br />

Sunday 27<br />

10.00am<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Crib Service<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Holy Communion<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Family Service<br />

Mrs Pat - Combined Service<br />

Youth Groups<br />

The Big Q<br />

Fridays – 7.30pm – 9.00pm (11-14 yrs) – Upper Room with Tim<br />

LiveWires<br />

Fridays - 6.15pm - 7.15pm (8-11 yrs) - Upper Room with Lydia

Services for January 2016<br />

Sunday 03<br />

10.00am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Covenant Service - Combined<br />

No evening service<br />

Sunday 10<br />

9.00am<br />

10.45am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Rev Geoff Bell – Holy Communion<br />

Rev Geoff Bell<br />

Mr David - Bible Teaching<br />

Sunday 17<br />

9.00am<br />

10.45am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Sunday 24<br />

9.00am<br />

10.45am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Sunday 31<br />

9.00am<br />

10.45am<br />

6.30pm<br />

Mrs Helen<br />

Rev Geoff Bell<br />

Mr Tim D<br />

Rev Felicity<br />

Rev Felicity<br />

Rev Geoff Bell - Quiet Service/Holy Communion<br />

Rev Geoff Bell<br />

Rev Geoff Bell<br />

Mrs Pat O<br />

Youth Groups<br />

The Big Q<br />

Fridays – 7.30pm – 9.00pm (11-14 yrs) – Upper Room with Tim<br />

LiveWires<br />

Fridays - 6.15pm - 7.15pm (8-11 yrs) - Upper Room with Lydia



Come and join the Puppets<br />

in their brand new production<br />

as they tell the <strong>Christmas</strong> Story<br />

through music and drama<br />

Fun for all the family<br />

Saturday 19 December, 2.00pm and 5.00pm<br />

Trinity Methodist Church<br />

Lingfield Rd, East Grinstead, RH19 2HA<br />

(Free entry but donations welcome)<br />

Please note – a smoke machine and UV lighting will be used at times during the performance.

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