Shareholders' Letter

Shareholders' Letter

Shareholders' Letter


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3.8 Business combinations and goodwill<br />

Business combinations are accounted for using the purchase method. As of the date of acquisition,<br />

acquisition costs are recognised at fair value. The purchase consideration includes the amount of<br />

cash paid as well as the fair value of the assets ceded, liabilities incurred or assumed as well as<br />

own equity instruments ceded. Liabilities depending on future events based upon contractual<br />

agreements are recognised at fair value. Directly attributable transaction costs are reported as<br />

other operating expenses. At the time of acquisition, all identifiable assets and liabilities that satisfy<br />

the recognition criteria are recorded at their fair values. The difference between the cost of<br />

acquisition and the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired is accounted for as<br />

goodwill after taking account of any minority interests. Any negative difference, after further<br />

review, is expensed directly. Goodwill acquired in connection with a business combination is<br />

recorded under intangible assets. The goodwill is not amortised but reviewed for impairment at<br />

least annually. When an entity is disposed of, the carrying amount of the goodwill is derecognised<br />

and recorded as a component of the gain or loss on disposal.<br />

3.9 Other intangible assets<br />

Research and development costs<br />

Research costs are not capitalised but expensed as incurred. Development costs are capitalised<br />

under intangible assets only if they can be identified as an intangible asset which will generate<br />

future economic benefits and the costs of this asset can be determined reliably. Costs of further<br />

development are only capitalised if the original level of performance is increased. Development<br />

costs which do not satisfy the requirements for capitalisation are expensed as incurred. Capitalised<br />

development costs are amortised using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives<br />

of the related assets.<br />

Other intangible assets<br />

Mobile phone licenses, self-developed software as well as other intangible assets are recorded at<br />

purchase or manufacturing cost less accumulated amortisation. Intangible assets resulting from<br />

business combinations, such as brands and customer relationships, are recorded at fair value less<br />

accumulated amortisation. Systematic amortisation of mobile phone licenses is based on the term<br />

of the contract and begins as soon as the related network is operational, unless other information<br />

is at hand which would suggest the need to modify the useful life.<br />

Useful lives of other intangible assets<br />

Systematic amortisation is computed using the straight-line method based on the following estimated<br />

useful lives:<br />

Category Years<br />

Software internally generated and purchased 3 to 7<br />

Customer relationships 7 to 11<br />

Brands 5 to 10<br />

Other intangible assets 3 to 12<br />

The estimated useful lives are reviewed at least once annually as of the balance sheet date and,<br />

where necessary, adjusted.<br />

3.10 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations<br />

A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that has been sold or is classified as being<br />

held for sale and represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations<br />

or a subsidiary acquired exclusively with the intention of resale. The classification as a discontinued<br />

operation is made upon disposal or at an earlier date if the operation satisfies the criteria for classification<br />

as being held for sale. A non-current asset or a disposal group is classified as being held<br />

for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered mainly as a result of a sales transaction and not<br />

through continued use. Non-current assets or disposal groups that are held for sale are reported<br />

Consolidated financial statements 144 | 145<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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