Hiking in and around Liptov

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This diverse trip is everyone’s favourite <strong>and</strong><br />

suitable for the whole family. You walk through<br />

three completely different l<strong>and</strong>scapes.<br />

Tatra plan 5008<br />

“Chočské Vrchy”<br />

For this walk you don’t need to br<strong>in</strong>g a lunch pack. Penzión<br />

Borovec <strong>in</strong> Veľké Borové serves small dishes <strong>and</strong> dr<strong>in</strong>ks.<br />

w 16.2 km r 670 m. s 670 m. 4:45<br />


From Sojka resort take a left onto route 18.<br />

Follow the signs to Bešeňová (B) <strong>and</strong> keep<br />

go<strong>in</strong>g straight so you exit Bešeňová. After<br />

about 8 km you turn left to the village of<br />

Prosiek (D). Park your car on the park<strong>in</strong>g<br />

lot at the end of the village. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the high<br />

season the municipality ask a park<strong>in</strong>g fee.<br />

THE HIKE<br />

Prosiecka dol<strong>in</strong>a (640) - Velké Borové (820)<br />

Follow the blue trail. The first part of the<br />

hike passes through a l<strong>and</strong>scape of cliffs<br />

<strong>and</strong> a small river, via a few cha<strong>in</strong>s <strong>and</strong><br />

ladders. In case there have been showers,<br />

you’ll have to jump over en couple of rivers.<br />

After about 1.5 hour of walk<strong>in</strong>g you arrive at a highl<strong>and</strong> with the second type of<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scape. Keep follow<strong>in</strong>g the blue trail until you arrive at the village Veľké Borové.<br />

At the end of this village, along the blue trail, you’ll f<strong>in</strong>d Penzión Borovec where you<br />

can eat a soup or dr<strong>in</strong>k a beer.<br />

w 6.7 km r 325 m. s 145 m. 1:55<br />

Velké Borové (820) - Kvačianska dol<strong>in</strong>a (650)<br />

After a short break you cont<strong>in</strong>ue on the blue trail, pass<strong>in</strong>g the third type of<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scape. The path goes down here until you arrive at the watermills, after about<br />

45 m<strong>in</strong>. This part of the hike goes along a quiet path <strong>in</strong> thick woodl<strong>and</strong>. After you<br />

have visited the watermills, keep follow<strong>in</strong>g the blue path (on the right side, steeply<br />

up, when you come back from the watermills). Then turn right onto the red trail to<br />

the village of Kvačany. Local brewery Brontvai (about 750 m <strong>in</strong>to the village passed<br />

the park<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Kvačany, on the right side, house number 88) serves their own beer<br />

<strong>and</strong> small dishes.<br />

w 4.7 km r 135 m. s 305 m. 1:25<br />

Velké Borové

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