Catholic Outlook February 2016
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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong><br />
The official publication of the Diocese of Parramatta |<br />
VOLUME 19, FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br />
"In passing through the Holy Door, then,<br />
may we feel that we ourselves are part of<br />
this mystery of love, of tenderness."<br />
Pope Francis<br />
page 4<br />
FAITH<br />
page 6<br />
Cover Photo: Art In Images
Dear Brothers and Sisters,<br />
Lent comes early this year, and perhaps in some<br />
ways we should see this as a gift as we continue<br />
to celebrate the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of<br />
Mercy.<br />
A lot has already been written about this<br />
observance but I thought given that we are<br />
about to commence the great penitential<br />
Season of Lent it might be worth reflecting on<br />
one of the subjects most focused on during this<br />
time – the matter of sin.<br />
Now this little three letter word in English is<br />
not exactly popular! In Rugby League when a<br />
player incurs a serious penalty on the field for<br />
bad behaviour they are often sent to the “sin<br />
bin”. The term is used in relation to other sports<br />
as well, particularly ice hockey.<br />
Some social scientists believe that sin is a<br />
construction of religious people and that<br />
religious organisations use the notion of sin as a<br />
way of social control or as a form of oppression<br />
by determining who can and can’t obtain<br />
forgiveness.<br />
Of course, even a cursory glance at the<br />
behaviour of people who inhabit the planet<br />
(whether of any faith or none) will tell you<br />
something very different. It is one of the major<br />
quandaries of the human condition and one<br />
that St Paul in a state of frustration expresses in<br />
a way that we can all identify with:<br />
“I do not understand my own actions. For I<br />
do not do what I want, but I do the very thing<br />
I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree<br />
that the law is good. But in fact it is no longer<br />
I that do it, but sin that dwells within me …<br />
For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I<br />
do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do<br />
not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin that<br />
dwells within me.” (Rom 7:15-18)<br />
But might it be worthwhile for us to actually<br />
think more seriously about what sin really is?<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>s are well known (or so it is thought)<br />
for having an obsession with sin. In reality, I<br />
think that <strong>Catholic</strong>s are good at recognising<br />
particular “sins” rather than sin itself.<br />
Because of early catechesis in preparing for<br />
the Sacrament of Penance, as children we were<br />
taught even if at a rudimentary level, to identify<br />
certain actions and thoughts as constituting sin.<br />
Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />
Ash Wednesday Mass times<br />
and Reconciliation during Lent<br />
Ash Wednesday is a day of penance, fasting and abstinence<br />
from meat.<br />
Ash Wednesday Mass times and Reconciliation during Lent<br />
across the Diocese of Parramatta will be published at:<br /><br />
But as I have often reflected on with penitents,<br />
sins are the result of a much more deep-seated<br />
state of alienation, and sins are the symptoms<br />
rather than the cause.<br />
Paragraphs 1849 and 1850 of the Catechism of<br />
the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church provide a very clear and<br />
comprehensive definition of sin and its effect<br />
on human beings:<br />
1849 Sin is an offense against reason, truth,<br />
and right conscience; it is failure in genuine<br />
love for God and neighbour caused by<br />
a perverse attachment to certain goods.<br />
It wounds the nature of man and injures<br />
human solidarity. It has been defined as "an<br />
utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the<br />
eternal law."<br />
1850 Sin is an offense against God: "Against<br />
you, you alone, have I sinned, and done<br />
that which is evil in your sight." Sin sets<br />
itself against God's love for us and turns our<br />
hearts away from it. Like the first sin, it is<br />
disobedience, a revolt against God through<br />
the will to become "like gods", knowing and<br />
determining good and evil. Sin is thus "love<br />
of oneself even to contempt of God". In this<br />
proud self-exaltation, sin is diametrically<br />
opposed to the obedience of Jesus, which<br />
achieves our salvation.<br />
Thus sin then is an innate part of us and to fully<br />
understand this alienation from God as the<br />
Catechism reminds us we go back to the story<br />
of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the<br />
book of Genesis.<br />
At the heart of our confrontation with sin it<br />
comes down to making a choice – to follow<br />
self-will, or to follow the will of God?<br />
Of our own volition we can of course achieve<br />
nothing, but it is God’s mercy and love for<br />
us seen most perfectly in the person of Jesus<br />
Christ that is the source of our remedy. As<br />
2 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
A Lenten Message<br />
Through His death and resurrection, Jesus destroyed sin and death and invites us to embrace the new life<br />
that comes through repentance, conversion and Baptism.<br />
much as we would like to think that we can<br />
permanently rid ourselves of the debilitating<br />
effect of sin, the reality is that we can’t.<br />
This Jubilee Year of Mercy affords everyone the<br />
opportunity to find healing and forgiveness,<br />
and the opportunity for a new start, and to<br />
confront the fact that while original sin cannot<br />
be removed from human nature, the sinful<br />
actions that result from original sin can be<br />
expunged and that our baptismal character can<br />
be restored.<br />
The Good News we encounter in Jesus Christ<br />
reminds us that through His death and<br />
resurrection, Jesus destroyed sin and death and<br />
invites us to embrace the new life that comes<br />
through repentance, conversion and Baptism.<br />
All this is possible because of the rich mercy of<br />
God who never fails to love us, even when we<br />
are at our worst. That is precisely the message<br />
that Pope Francis is conveying to the Church<br />
and the world in this Jubilee Year.<br />
Lent <strong>2016</strong> provides an opportunity to<br />
experience this mercy in new and richer ways.<br />
It is also incumbent on each of us to show that<br />
mercy to others by the quality of our Christian<br />
witness and to radiate God’s love to all we<br />
encounter in our day-to-day lives.<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>s are greatly blessed that the<br />
Sacrament of Reconciliation is a vital part of<br />
the sacramental economy of the Church. In<br />
this sacrament we meet Christ who lavishes<br />
the Father’s mercy on the repentant soul. It is<br />
a moment to rejoice – not to lament – God’s<br />
mercy freely given, available to all!<br />
May this Lent be time of real conversion for all<br />
of us in the Diocese of Parramatta.<br />
Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />
Diocesan Administrator<br />
3<br />
4, 6, 21, 22, 23<br />
NEWS<br />
5<br />
7<br />
8-9<br />
10<br />
YEAR OF<br />
11<br />
12-13<br />
14-16<br />
17-24<br />
DWF APPEAL –<br />
18-19<br />
20<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong><br />
The official publication of the Diocese of Parramatta<br />
Publisher:<br />
Very Rev Peter G Williams<br />
Diocesan Administrator<br />
Tel (02) 8838 3400<br />
Fax (02) 9630 4813<br />
PO Box 3066,<br />
North Parramatta, NSW, 1750<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
Editor:<br />
Jane Favotto<br />
Tel (02) 8838 3409<br /><br />
PO Box 3066,<br />
North Parramatta, NSW, 1750<br />
Journalists:<br />
Adrian Middeldorp<br />
Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
Designer:<br />
Aphrodite Delaguiado<br />
School news:<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office<br />
Tel (02) 9840 5609<br /><br />
Deadlines:<br />
Editorial and advertising<br />
– 10th of the month prior to publication<br />
Advertising:<br />
Tel (02) 8838 3409<br />
Accounts:<br />
Alfie Ramirez<br />
Tel (02) 8838 3437<br /><br />
Printing:<br />
Rural Press Printing, North Richmond<br />
40,500 copies of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> are<br />
distributed monthly through 47 parishes and<br />
86 schools. All material in this publication<br />
is copyright and may not be reproduced<br />
without permission of the editor. <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
<strong>Outlook</strong> is a member of the Australasian<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> Press Association.
New chapter for Australian Church music<br />
By Adrian Middeldorp<br />
After nearly a decade of<br />
work, revising a resource<br />
more than 30 years old, a<br />
comprehensive new worship resource<br />
for the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church in Australia,<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> Worship Book II, has just<br />
been completed and is ready to be<br />
launched in Lent this year.<br />
In layman’s terms, <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
Worship Book II is to <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
musicians and liturgists what The<br />
Force Awakens is to Star Wars fans.<br />
In fact, <strong>Catholic</strong> Worship Book II<br />
(CWBII) took many more years of<br />
production than the epic film.<br />
CWBII is a project of the National<br />
Liturgical Music Board, which is the<br />
consultative body on liturgical music<br />
to the Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops<br />
Conference.<br />
It is the first monumental work<br />
of its kind in Australia to have been<br />
compiled by a group of musicians<br />
and consultants under the auspices<br />
of the Church, rather than a<br />
commercial publishing enterprise,<br />
for specific use in the Church.<br />
The book encourages the vision<br />
of the Second Vatican Council that<br />
reaffirms music as an integral part<br />
of all liturgical rites and, therefore,<br />
proper worship of God.<br />
It is a response to the 2001 Vatican<br />
document, Liturgiam Authenticam,<br />
which called for a more faithful<br />
translation of texts and clear<br />
guidelines for the establishment<br />
of sacred music repertoires within<br />
dioceses and local parishes.<br />
CWBII consists of more than 650<br />
musical items, explanatory notes<br />
on principles for choosing and<br />
using liturgical music, and rubrical<br />
instructions.<br />
It includes hymns, chants and<br />
other liturgical music from a<br />
variety of Australian and overseas<br />
composers, past and present. Taize<br />
chants are well represented among<br />
plainchants along with more<br />
contemporary styles of music.<br />
It contains not only music for Mass<br />
but also music for the sacraments,<br />
with a comprehensive section for the<br />
stages of the RCIA (Rite of Christian<br />
Initiation of Adults) and the Divine<br />
Bernard Kirkpatrick completes his final checks before sending CWBII to the<br />
printers. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
Office (Liturgy of the Hours).<br />
Each piece of music has been<br />
meticulously chosen; the essential<br />
selection criteria being: musical<br />
quality, text quality and pastoral<br />
considerations.<br />
Two key contributors and<br />
collaborators in the creation and<br />
collation of this resource will be<br />
very familiar to those in the Diocese<br />
of Parramatta: our Diocesan<br />
Administrator, Very Rev Peter<br />
Williams, and the Director of Music<br />
at St Patrick’s Cathedral, organist,<br />
conductor and composer, Bernard<br />
Kirkpatrick.<br />
Fr Peter said the CWBII is a<br />
comprehensive liturgical music<br />
resource as it contains music for<br />
the complete range of liturgical<br />
celebrations in the Roman rite, both<br />
old and new.<br />
“Most parishes tend to get locked<br />
into a fixed repertoire because their<br />
resources are limited. This book<br />
will provide the opportunity for all<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> parishes to extend their<br />
repertoire, retaining what is tried<br />
and true, and also introducing new<br />
compositions,” Fr Peter said.<br />
For Bernard Kirkpatrick, the book<br />
is just one part of the culmination of<br />
a life dedicated to Church music.<br />
“Ever since I was a young child, I<br />
had a particular interest in the music<br />
of the Church, it is something I’ve<br />
just fallen into, something that has<br />
unfolded before me,” he said.<br />
“In a sense, it is something akin<br />
to a vocation, you’re led by the Holy<br />
Spirit, you’ve got the gifts, and you<br />
put them into action and people call<br />
on you to assist.”<br />
Bernard hopes the book will be<br />
the beginning of a larger project<br />
to educate and strengthen Church<br />
music in Australia and beyond.<br />
“The book itself is one aspect of<br />
the CWBII project. It was felt that we<br />
needed to go down the track of first<br />
producing a hard copy resource, to<br />
be followed by a digital download<br />
facility, especially for the melody<br />
edition, for those places where data<br />
projection is used or special Order<br />
of Service booklets are required,” he<br />
said.<br />
“After the book is released, we<br />
will have workshops and forums<br />
where the content of the book can be<br />
explored and demonstrated.”<br />
A longer-term project of the<br />
resource is to record and provide prerecorded<br />
accompaniments of selected<br />
items, for those communities where<br />
musicians are scarce or unavailable.<br />
The Diocesan Administrator, Very Rev Peter G Williams, has<br />
confirmed the following appointments in the <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of<br />
Parramatta:<br />
Rev Fr Binu Pullukattu Abraham: Assistant Priest, Padre Pio<br />
Parish, Glenmore Park, from 12 January;<br />
Rev Fr Eugene Szondi: Assistant Priest, St John Vianney’s Parish,<br />
Doonside, from 1 March.<br />
The Name of God is Mercy is the title of a new book in which Pope<br />
Francis reveals his vision of God’s mercy in a series of interviews with<br />
Vatican reporter Andrea Tornielli.<br />
“The Pope is a man who needs the mercy of God,” the Holy Father says.<br />
“I said it sincerely to the prisoners of Palmasola, in Bolivia, to those<br />
men and women who welcomed me so warmly. I reminded them<br />
that even St Peter and St Paul had been prisoners. I have a special<br />
relationship with people in prisons, deprived of their freedom. I have<br />
always been very attached to them, precisely because of my awareness<br />
of being a sinner.”<br />
Available from St Pauls Books & Gifts Centre tel (02) 9126 8912,<br /><br />
A new app has been developed for the Jubilee Year of Mercy to<br />
assist with daily reflection and prayer practice aimed at supporting<br />
attentiveness to the movement of Mercy and the many ways that we<br />
receive and respond to this movement in the everyday circumstances of<br />
our lives.<br />
The ‘Mercy-ing’ app provides users with a morning inspiration and an<br />
evening reflection to frame their day and to be attentive to the events,<br />
interactions, relationships and circumstances of each day within the<br />
context of ‘being Mercy’.<br />
The app is an initiative of the Sisters of Mercy Parramatta, Australia &<br />
PNG and NZ. Download the app from iTunes or get it on Google Play.<br />
Title: <strong>Catholic</strong> Worship Book II (Two<br />
editions: Peoples edition and Full<br />
Music edition)<br />
Publisher: Morning Star Publishing<br />
Available: Lent <strong>2016</strong><br />
For more information:<br /><br />
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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 3
Supporting catechists<br />
in sharing their faith<br />
Death of Rev Fr Brian<br />
Clement Larkey<br />
14 August 1932 – 7 December 2015<br />
By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
Cecilia Zammit: “I feel blessed and privileged to be leading the CCD." Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
Standing in front of a class<br />
of 20-40 students in a state<br />
school, sharing your faith and<br />
love for God with the children,<br />
can be a daunting task. But for<br />
many catechists in the Diocese of<br />
Parramatta, it’s less of a task and<br />
more of a passion.<br />
Cecilia Zammit is the new<br />
Director of the Confraternity<br />
of Christian Doctrine (CCD),<br />
succeeding Paul Worthington who<br />
retired in December last year.<br />
Part of Cecilia’s role will be<br />
supporting these catechists or Special<br />
Religious Education (SRE) teachers<br />
by providing opportunities for<br />
their own faith formation and for<br />
curriculum training.<br />
“Most people are so modest. They<br />
think, ‘What do I know?’ But it’s<br />
not about having a theology degree.<br />
We are relaying to children the<br />
unconditional love of God through<br />
Scripture and personal faith, and a<br />
lot of people can do that,” she said.<br />
For Cecilia, her work in the<br />
Diocese has come full circle.<br />
From being a teacher in state<br />
schools for 18 years and at St Agnes<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> High School for six, she has<br />
also had experience as a catechist and<br />
was part of the Spiritual Formation<br />
Team and Religious Education Team<br />
at the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office<br />
(CEO).<br />
While working for the CEO,<br />
Cecilia liaised closely with the<br />
Institute for Mission (IFM) for the<br />
accreditation of teachers. In 2012,<br />
she became the Acting Director for<br />
IFM before joining the Chancery<br />
in the area of Parish Support and<br />
Development.<br />
As Director of CCD, Cecilia is<br />
entering the classroom again through<br />
her support of the catechists and<br />
believes her experience will help in<br />
this new role.<br />
“Working with teachers has<br />
given me a greater appreciation of<br />
the commitment of the volunteers<br />
and also an understanding of their<br />
frustrations,” she said.<br />
“I have always believed that you<br />
start with the person, the teachers<br />
themselves, feeding them and<br />
nourishing them so they can give.<br />
It’s a shared experience; I learn from<br />
them and we journey together.”<br />
Cecilia intends to visit parishes<br />
across the Diocese of Parramatta<br />
to hear from catechists about their<br />
experiences.<br />
Another part of the role<br />
of Director of CCD is to liaise<br />
with CCD coordinators in other<br />
dioceses and to keep abreast of<br />
NSW Government guidelines and<br />
comments regarding Scripture in<br />
state schools.<br />
“We need to defend the right of<br />
children in state schools to religious<br />
education and make sure that<br />
classroom teaching standards are<br />
maintained,” Cecilia said.<br />
“In the Diocese of Parramatta, we<br />
are grateful to the 900 mature SREs<br />
and the 450 secondary student SREs<br />
who give witness to their faith daily<br />
in state schools from Granville to<br />
Katoomba.”<br />
“They are all very different but<br />
what they share is a belief in the<br />
importance of passing on their faith.<br />
They feel strongly that every child<br />
should have the opportunity to learn<br />
about God,” Cecilia said.<br />
“Each year, CCD has a focus on<br />
training and the faith formation of<br />
SREs. Great facilitators have again<br />
been lined up in <strong>2016</strong>, starting with<br />
the Parish Coordinators meeting on<br />
5 <strong>February</strong> where Sr Leone Pallisier<br />
OSU will lead us in prayer with a<br />
Year of Mercy focus.”<br />
Cecilia said she is encouraged<br />
by the experience, commitment and<br />
skills of the Regional Coordinators<br />
who, together with office manager<br />
Maree Collis, form the Parramatta<br />
CCD Team.<br />
“I really am looking forward<br />
to the new role,” Cecilia said. “I’m<br />
grateful to God for the way it’s<br />
panned out. It’s an amazing journey<br />
so far.<br />
“I feel blessed and privileged<br />
to be leading the CCD and I look<br />
forward to working with Parish<br />
Priests and SREs in my new role.”<br />
Rev Fr Brian Larkey: 1932-2015.<br />
A<br />
retired priest of the<br />
Diocese of Parramatta, Fr<br />
Brian Larkey, died on 7<br />
December last year in Concord<br />
Hospital. He was 83.<br />
A Mass of Christian Burial<br />
was celebrated in St Patrick’s<br />
Cathedral, Parramatta, on 11<br />
December.<br />
The son of Clement and<br />
Mary Larkey, he grew up in the<br />
Sydney suburb of Belmore with<br />
his sisters Imelda and Pauline<br />
and brother James.<br />
The young Brian was<br />
educated at St Joseph’s Primary,<br />
Belmore, and by the Christian<br />
Brothers at Chatswood.<br />
He entered St Columba’s<br />
Seminary, Springwood,<br />
before going on to St Patrick’s<br />
Seminary, Manly.<br />
On 20 July 1957, he was<br />
ordained to the priesthood by<br />
Cardinal Gilroy in St Mary’s<br />
Cathedral, Sydney.<br />
When the Diocese of<br />
Parramatta was established<br />
in 1986, Fr Larkey read the<br />
mandate of appointment at the<br />
Mass of installation of Bishop<br />
The young seminarian at St<br />
Columba's, Springwood in 1951.<br />
Bede Heather. Fr Larkey was<br />
Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral<br />
from 1986-1991.<br />
He was NSW Director<br />
of the 1986 Papal Visit when<br />
Pope John Paul II came to the<br />
newly established Diocese of<br />
Parramatta.<br />
During his time as Parish<br />
Priest of St Finbar’s Parish<br />
at Glenbrook, Fr Larkey was<br />
responsible for having the new<br />
church built and installing the<br />
beautiful pipe organ.<br />
Fr Larkey’s other priestly<br />
appointments included the<br />
parishes of Chatswood, Rozelle,<br />
Bondi Beach, Carlingford,<br />
Avalon, Maroubra, Neutral<br />
Bay, Lewisham, Golden Grove,<br />
Parramatta, Glenbrook and<br />
Baulkham Hills. He was<br />
Director of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Family<br />
Life Centre from 1973-83.<br />
Fr Larkey retired from parish<br />
ministry in 2002. He is buried in<br />
Rookwood Cemetery.<br />
Schools of the PARED Foundation<br />
Open Day Wednesday 23rd March <strong>2016</strong><br />
PARED, truly personalised system of education<br />
The Personalised Tutorial System, pioneered in Australia by PARED, ensures that each<br />
child is encouraged to become the best person he or she can be. In the unique tutorial system,<br />
every student is allocated a personal tutor from a member of the school staff.<br />
This tutor meets regularly with the student and with the student's parents, reviewing<br />
progress and helping with goal setting. This facilitates a partnership between parents and<br />
school to ensure the children receive a holistic and efficacious education. The <strong>Catholic</strong> faith<br />
is taught.<br />
“Parents and teachers working together” The PARED (Parents for Education) Foundation Phone 02 9651 1177<br />
4 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
Tangara School for Girls<br />
77-97 Franklin Rd<br />
Cherrybrook NSW 2126<br />
Phone 9680 4844<br /><br />
Redfield College<br />
855 Old Northern Rd<br />
Dural NSW 2158<br />
Phone 9651 4066<br /><br />
Retaval Belfield<br />
3 Elliott St<br />
Belfield NSW 2191<br />
Phone 9758 7444<br /><br />
Retaval Wahroonga<br />
100 Fox Valley Rd<br />
Wahroonga NSW 2076<br />
Phone 9487 1298<br /><br />
Montgrove College<br />
140 Bringelly Rd<br />
Orchard Hills NSW 2748<br />
Phone 4736 5977<br /><br />
Wollemi College<br />
4 Gipps St<br />
Werrington NSW 2747<br />
Phone 9833 0499<br />
*Pricing is indicative and subject to minimum group size and itinerary changes.<br />
6<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra @cyp_parramatta @<strong>Catholic</strong>YouthParra<br />
Countdown to WYD <strong>2016</strong> Krakow<br />
By James Camden, Director of <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />
It’s now less than 200 days until 300 young people from the<br />
Diocese of Parramatta make their pilgrimage to meet Pope<br />
Francis in Krakow, Poland, for World Youth Day <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
The Diocese has spent 18 months planning and preparing<br />
our two diverse pilgrimages, which we hope will meet the<br />
spiritual needs of our 16 to 35-year-olds. For itineraries, see<br />
panels at right.<br />
COSMOS, the ACBC approved tour operator for pilgrims<br />
travelling to WYD from Australia, has been extremely<br />
professional, personal and sensitive to our needs in ensuring that<br />
this will be a safe, affordable and genuine experience for them.<br />
We also hope that our young people will be blessed with<br />
the opportunity to meet and get to know our new Bishop on<br />
pilgrimage, if an announcement is made in the first half of this<br />
year.<br />
Pilgrimage 1 gives youth and young adults of all ages the<br />
opportunity to take up Pope Francis’ call to serve disadvantaged<br />
youth in the Philippines after a devastating earthquake in 2013.<br />
Pilgrimage 2 gives our young adults in university or working<br />
life the chance to explore and appreciate the life and spirituality<br />
of St John Paul II – founder of WYDs.<br />
It’s important to recognise and appreciate that a diocesan<br />
approach to World Youth Day enhances a sense of local Church<br />
and ensures that this unique opportunity is as safe and life giving<br />
as possible for all involved.<br />
There has been a rigorous selection process and induction<br />
course for our diverse Group Leaders and Chaplains.<br />
Beginning in May, a quality formation program for<br />
pilgrims will take place over three months. These are being held<br />
simultaneously in three sites across the Diocese.<br />
We are conscious of ensuring the development of future<br />
leaders within our structure and using their witness to formally<br />
connect young people from various parts of our church mission.<br />
We are planning key community-building events before and<br />
after WYD, which encourage positive relationships supporting<br />
local ministry.<br />
Another key component of our overall planning has been<br />
to link both pilgrimages together on arrival in Krakow to visit<br />
the German concentration camp, Auschwitz, and then reflect<br />
together at Kalwaria, a UNESCO world heritage site with 42<br />
churches and shrines on the slopes of Zar Mountain.<br />
The following day our entire pilgrim group will spend time<br />
sharing about their journey to this point before the WYD week<br />
even begins.<br />
A new addition to our pilgrimage will be a day-long retreat<br />
in the countryside, a short journey from Krakow, to translate the<br />
WYD experience into a local response back in the Diocese of<br />
Parramatta before our flights home.<br />
Only a few more months to register and join us! Go to www.<br /><br />
The WYD raffle will be drawn at the Palm Sunday Youth<br />
Mass & Festival on Sunday 20 March.<br />
On behalf of young <strong>Catholic</strong>s in Western Sydney and the<br />
Blue Mountains, thank you to all those who are supporting and<br />
putting Faith in the Future of this Diocese through World Youth<br />
Day.<br />
World Youth Day <strong>2016</strong><br />
+ WORLD YOUTH DAY KRAKOW <strong>2016</strong><br />
20 DAYS from $7,180 *<br />
DEPARTING 15 JULY <strong>2016</strong><br />
Youth and young adults are invited to join the pilgrimage of a<br />
lifetime on a mission experience to Bohol Island in the Philippines<br />
which was devastated by an earthquake in 2013. Pilgrims will<br />
spend four days working with young people in parishes, schools<br />
and orphanages.<br />
Auschwitz<br />
POLAND<br />
Kraków<br />
Following this mission experience, the group travels to Krakow,<br />
Poland with millions of young people ready to pray in solidarity<br />
with Pope Francis at World Youth Day.<br />
‘Blessed are the merciful; for they shall receive mercy.’ Matt 5:7<br />
Cebu<br />
Bohol<br />
Panglao Island<br />
World Youth Day Krakow <strong>2016</strong><br />
KRAKOW<br />
17 DAYS FROM $5798 *<br />
DEPARTING 20 JULY <strong>2016</strong><br />
Young adults are invited to join the pilgrimage of a lifetime in the<br />
footsteps of a Saint. In 1986 Pope John Paul II visited Western Sydney<br />
and founded the Diocese of Parramatta. In <strong>2016</strong>, you can journey, as he<br />
did so often in his homeland, through all of the places he loved and lived<br />
before you arrive in Krakow, Poland with millions of young people ready<br />
to pray in solidarity with Pope Francis at World Youth Day.<br />
*Pricing is indicative and subject to minimum group size and itinerary changes<br />
Vienna<br />
Warsaw<br />
1<br />
9<br />
Czestochowa<br />
Jasna Gora<br />
1<br />
Auschwitz<br />
▼<br />
Kalwaria<br />
ONE<br />
Krakow<br />
Includes airfares,<br />
Accommodation,<br />
Tour Director<br />
and some meals<br />
For further Information<br />
Phone 3324 3440<br />
wyd<strong>2016</strong><br />
1<br />
▼<br />
▼<br />
10<br />
1<br />
Wadowice<br />
TWO<br />
TO WORLD YOUTH DAY KRAKOW <strong>2016</strong><br />
Warsaw<br />
POLAND<br />
Kraków<br />
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall receive mercy. Matt 5:7<br />
Kalwaria<br />
11 Diocesan Youth Council Meeting #8<br />
11 WYD Leaders & Chaplain’s Formation #5<br />
19 WYD Gala Dinner Fundraiser<br />
25 Parra-Matters! - Roaming Formation for<br />
Youth Ministry Night<br />
MARCH<br />
3 WYD Leaders & Chaplain’s Formation #6<br />
17 Diocesan Youth Council Meeting #9<br />
20 Palm Sunday Procession<br />
WYD Mass & Celebration<br />
25 Good Friday Walk<br />
31 WYD Leaders & Chaplain’s Formation #7<br />
APRIL<br />
21 Diocesan Youth Council Meeting #10<br />
28 Parra-Matters! - Roaming Formation for<br />
Youth Ministry Night<br />
MAY<br />
3/4/5 WYD Pilgrim Formation Sessions #1<br />
7 Keeping our Young People Safe Summit<br />
10/11/12 WYD Pilgrim Formation Sessions #2<br />
17 WYD Combined Pilgrim Formation<br />
Sessions #3 – Jason Evert<br />
26 Parra-Matters! Home from the Front<br />
31 WYD Pilgrim Formation Sessions #4<br />
Proud photography partner of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong><br /><br />
1300 655 003<br />
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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 5
Chris Lee’s conviction to curb street violence<br />
By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
A<br />
violent altercation in the<br />
early hours of Easter Sunday<br />
in 2012 left Chris Lee blind<br />
in his left eye.<br />
The then 18-year-old was<br />
on a night out in Kings Cross,<br />
farewelling his roommate who was<br />
leaving to join the army (a path<br />
Chris had hoped to follow).<br />
The notorious nightclub<br />
precinct became the scene of a<br />
disturbing alcohol-fuelled assault<br />
against Chris by a complete<br />
stranger.<br />
A fight broke out between the<br />
pair on William Street and the<br />
stranger pulled out a knife and<br />
stabbed Chris in the eye. The man<br />
proceeded to stomp on Chris’s<br />
head, leaving him to lie reeling in<br />
pain on the pavement.<br />
Chris was taken by ambulance<br />
to the same hospital where his<br />
father had died of cancer just two<br />
months earlier.<br />
As he lay in hospital, his army<br />
case officer called and explained the<br />
sobering reality that Chris’s lifelong<br />
dream of serving in the Australian<br />
Army was now impossible due to<br />
his partial blindness.<br />
The harrowing experience had<br />
dealt yet another blow.<br />
The assailant has not been<br />
identified but this lack of closure<br />
hasn’t defeated Chris, rather he<br />
has chosen to focus on preventing<br />
others from experiencing similar<br />
attacks.<br />
Chris is an Ambassador for<br />
both the Thomas Kelly Youth<br />
Foundation and the Wake Up<br />
Foundation. Thomas Kelly<br />
died in July 2012 after he was<br />
coward-punched by a man under<br />
the influence of alcohol. Both<br />
foundations aim to curb this type of<br />
violence.<br />
Chris has also co-founded<br />
Conviction Group, an organisation<br />
that provides mentoring services<br />
and forums for male students on<br />
mental health, drugs, body image,<br />
alcohol-fuelled violence, bullying<br />
and leadership.<br />
“I’d like to invite more young<br />
adult men to volunteer for the<br />
forums. When you’re asked to lead,<br />
you push yourself to heights you<br />
never thought you could reach,”<br />
Chris said.<br />
It was a lot of self-reflection that<br />
helped Chris fulfill his call to lead.<br />
“I was in hospital for a month.<br />
I was very angry with myself and<br />
with the situation I had put myself<br />
in. There was a lot of regret there,”<br />
he said.<br />
It was during his recovery that<br />
Chris realised he was being directed<br />
Chris Lee: “After the attack I started going back to Mass and understanding my faith<br />
more.” Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
down a new path in life.<br />
“My eye doctor was treating<br />
the producer of the SBS forumbased<br />
television show, Insight, and<br />
I was asked to be a guest. We met<br />
others who had been involved in<br />
alcohol-fuelled violence. From<br />
there I was able to get in contact<br />
with the Kellys to become an<br />
Ambassador.”<br />
Chris believes the timing of his<br />
attack was no coincidence.<br />
“What happened to me was too<br />
weird for it not to be saying, ‘Look<br />
Chris, you have been put in this<br />
position to take responsibility,’” he<br />
reflected.<br />
Chris’s mother and sister are<br />
heavily involved in the parish life of<br />
St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta.<br />
Chris believes it was their support<br />
that helped him through his<br />
recovery. It was their love and care<br />
that renewed his interest in his<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> faith.<br />
“When I was 18 and before<br />
the attack I was questioning my<br />
faith. A lot of people blame God<br />
and push their faith away in those<br />
moments, but there were too many<br />
coincidences for it to not be a force<br />
pushing me to change my life,” he<br />
said.<br />
“I started going back to Mass and<br />
understanding my faith more. God’s<br />
impact in your life sometimes has to<br />
happen through weakness.”<br />
Chris is one of the diocesan<br />
Pilgrim Leaders who will mentor 300<br />
young people from Western Sydney<br />
who are heading to Poland for World<br />
Youth Day in July this year. For more<br />
information about WYD Krakow,<br />
visit:<br />
For more information about<br />
Conviction Group, visit: http://www.<br /><br />
6 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br />
How are we planning to be a light for the world in <strong>2016</strong>?<br />
By Richard McMahon, Director of Pastoral Planning & Implementation<br />
the disciples on mission by twos. If we are<br />
isolated in our goal, perhaps it is time to<br />
reach out for support. Journey through this<br />
year with a companion or small group of<br />
like-minded people.<br />
Mr Richard McMahon<br />
The pastoral planning wraparound<br />
cover on this issue of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong><br />
features an explorer venturing through<br />
a cave, perhaps in the Blue Mountains.<br />
A new year can seem a little like<br />
venturing into a dark cave, unsure of where<br />
we are heading, and if we will find a way<br />
through!<br />
Caving, or spelunking, offers five great<br />
tips for beginners (see<br />
caving<strong>2016</strong>), and these can be applied to<br />
planning for ourselves individually, with our<br />
loved ones, and with our local community:<br />
• There’s strength in numbers<br />
We are not alone. Our planning begins<br />
with God. Rather than asking, “How will<br />
I get through <strong>2016</strong>?” why not ask, “God,<br />
how will we get through <strong>2016</strong> together?”<br />
Jesus possessed the wisdom to send out<br />
• Know your limits<br />
A new year brings fresh enthusiasm,<br />
and the danger of taking on too much! How<br />
might we seek to prioritise what we want to<br />
achieve? Rather than trying to take on five<br />
big caves or challenges and getting lost, let’s<br />
chat with God about the one important thing<br />
we need to address in <strong>2016</strong>, and put our<br />
efforts into bringing light to one dark place.<br />
• Have the right gear<br />
Don’t jump in unprepared! There is a<br />
wealth of resources to support us. In our<br />
personal lives, many government and nongovernment<br />
organisations can assist. In our<br />
church life, there are many good agencies,<br />
communities and groups willing to walk with<br />
us and share their wisdom (contact me if you<br />
are seeking a place to start).<br />
• Stay warm<br />
Caves can be cold places, and so can<br />
planning. We stay warm when we remain<br />
centred in prayer, in our sacramental life,<br />
and through taking time out with a good<br />
meal, laughing in the company of friends,<br />
and caring for our health and wellbeing.<br />
• Don’t drown<br />
Flash flooding is a danger in many caves.<br />
Outside forces sweep away the best laid<br />
plans. We cannot foresee every eventuality,<br />
and people and events can knock us off our<br />
feet. How do we stop from going under when<br />
our best efforts falter? It helps to remember<br />
that we are not Christ, not the one who saves,<br />
and to continue to place our trust in God’s<br />
goodness, particularly in this Year of Mercy.<br />
Our Diocesan Pastoral Plan, Faith in Our<br />
Future, invites us to grow in faith and share<br />
our faith. We do this best when following the<br />
Light of the World, who guides us in all our<br />
wanderings, leading us to new life, inviting<br />
us to be a light to others through our walking<br />
in the light of Christ.<br />
Richard McMahon<br />
Director of Pastoral Planning &<br />
Implementation<br />
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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 7
A Bridge over troubled water<br />
By Joseph Younes<br />
Parish Priest of St Anthony of Padua, Toongabbie,<br />
since September 2014, Rev Dr Arthur Bridge AM is<br />
perhaps one of the better known members of clergy<br />
in the Diocese of Parramatta.<br />
Newcastle-born and schooled in Parramatta, Fr Arthur<br />
felt called to ministry from a young age, and pledged to<br />
devote himself to a life of service.<br />
At 18, he was told he would not be accepted into<br />
theological studies until he had familiarised himself with<br />
the “affairs of man and the world”.<br />
Undeterred, Fr Arthur immersed himself in social<br />
work in order to serve Christ – a passion that has been<br />
a constant in his life. Along with music (in particular<br />
classical) and the fine arts, Fr Arthur has maintained this<br />
devotion to the Church and social work.<br />
This work has led him to become acting Chairman<br />
of <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services Council – Diocese of<br />
Parramatta. He has also worked on education programs,<br />
various arts initiatives, been a Sydney Opera House<br />
Trustee, a prison inspector and served on the Australia<br />
Council for the Arts.<br />
Baptised in the Anglican Church, Fr Arthur was<br />
drawn to the structure of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church with its<br />
rules, regulations and pursuit of perfection. The same<br />
admiration for structure and perfection perhaps explains<br />
Fr Arthur’s love for music and the arts.<br />
As the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church is governed by canon law, so a<br />
musical composition has rules and laws that make it work.<br />
That appeals to “the heart and soul of any human being”<br />
Fr Arthur said.<br />
Readily admitting he is not and “cannot be a priest<br />
for everyone” Fr Arthur continues to serve the Church<br />
faithfully. Previously parish priest at Harris Park,<br />
Blacktown, and assistant priest at Marayong, Windsor and<br />
Guildford parishes, Fr Arthur describes his parishioners at<br />
Toongabbie as “energetic, hardworking and holy”.<br />
One of the oldest sites of <strong>Catholic</strong>ism in Australia<br />
(dating from the late 1700s), Toongabbie today is a multiethnic<br />
congregation predominately of Maltese, Indian and<br />
Sri Lankan backgrounds.<br />
His parishioners have a particular devotion to St<br />
Anthony of Padua which is reflected in the swelling<br />
church attendance rates on Sunday and Tuesday night<br />
devotions in particular.<br />
“They turn up to Mass on Sunday and their attendance<br />
at Tuesday night devotion is extraordinary,” Fr Arthur<br />
said.<br />
Fr Arthur has been heavily involved in Ars Musica<br />
Australis (AMA). AMA is partly funded through the sale<br />
of Indigenous canvas art. Fr Arthur personally makes<br />
contact with the Indigenous artists (a majority of whom<br />
are based in central Australia), collects their work and<br />
helps facilitate sales to lawyers, bankers, politicians and<br />
art lovers across Australia and the world.<br />
The artist receives a fee for their work and any left over<br />
funding is reinvested into AMA.<br />
This unique philanthropic model has helped dozens<br />
of artists while providing scholarships to more than 200<br />
people since it was founded in 1996.<br />
Fr Arthur will celebrate the silver jubilee of his<br />
ordination to the priesthood on 29 November <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
Now in his 25th year as a <strong>Catholic</strong> priest, it is safe to<br />
say Fr Arthur Bridge has familiarised himself with the<br />
“affairs of man and the world”.<br />
In November, Fr Arthur Bridge will celebrate the silver jubilee<br />
of his ordination to the <strong>Catholic</strong> priesthood.<br />
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8 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br />
A warm welcome at St Anthony’s in the Market Place<br />
By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
Nestled among the shops and within walking distance of<br />
Toongabbie Station, St Anthony’s in the Market Place<br />
plants the faith at the feet of everyday shoppers and<br />
commuters.<br />
Shirley Stewart has been the Parish Secretary for the vibrant<br />
and welcoming community for more than 30 years. “In that time,<br />
I’ve worked for four priests, three bishops and three pastoral<br />
associates!” she said.<br />
Shirley knows many of the parishioners personally and it is<br />
her simple gesture of greeting them by name that helps to make<br />
St Anthony’s a spiritual home.<br />
Deacon James Phelan, who was appointed to the parish<br />
in September 2014, believes it is the lifelong commitment of<br />
parishioners at St Anthony’s that has contributed to the sense of<br />
community.<br />
St Anthony’s unique depth of history is held by many of the<br />
ageing parishioners.<br />
“What is surprising is that so many of the parishioners<br />
went to school here,” Deacon James said. “It’s pretty unusual for<br />
someone to be educated in a parish, married in a parish, to have<br />
stayed in a parish and then to have raised their children in the<br />
same parish.”<br />
The parish hall was used for many social activities, helping to<br />
build the community that parishioners have felt connected with<br />
for most of their lives.<br />
“The hall is heritage listed. The hall would be a school during<br />
the week, have a picture theatre running on a Saturday and<br />
then Saturday night would be bingo and then Mass on Sunday<br />
morning,” Shirley explained. “In those early days it must have<br />
been an amazing time to be able to do that.”<br />
Deacon James said the older parishioners have a strong link<br />
with the parish. “It’s a very friendly parish. You see that with the<br />
different activities. Different groups will put on a morning tea on<br />
Sundays so the people stay behind for a cup of tea and a biscuit.”<br />
“We’re very fortunate and<br />
blessed to have such wonderful<br />
parishioners who give of their<br />
time to look after their ‘Spiritual<br />
Home’.”<br />
It is this community that Shirley said was a blessing for<br />
the Church. “We’re very fortunate and blessed to have such<br />
wonderful parishioners who give of their time to look after their<br />
‘Spiritual Home’."<br />
It was a call from Fr McNamara over the pulpit 30 years ago<br />
that led Shirley to take on the role of parish secretary.<br />
“Fr McNamara asked if there was anyone who could help Sr<br />
Helen Law RSM two mornings a week. I thought, ‘I can do that!’<br />
So I told him and he asked, ‘Can you start this week?’ And that’s<br />
how it all started,” Shirley said.<br />
What began as just five hours a week became three days<br />
a week. She started off with a Remington typewriter then<br />
progressed to an electric one and then to a computer.<br />
In the early days, she used a Gestetner machine to run off<br />
the bulletin and now has advanced to sending the bulletin from<br />
computer to photocopier.<br />
The duties of a parish secretary can be daunting but St<br />
Anthony’s welcoming community makes it all worthwhile.<br />
“I could have a full-time job just answering the phone and the<br />
door!” Shirley said.<br />
“I can even lie in bed at night and note down all the things I<br />
want to get done the next morning, and it’s not till mid-afternoon<br />
that I start on them.<br />
“But I love this parish and I love the people.”<br />
Deacon James Phelan and Parish Secretary Shirley Stewart<br />
love the strong sense of community in St Anthony’s Parish.<br />
Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 9
<strong>2016</strong> LENTEN/EASTER PROGRAM<br />
Cleansing our Hearts with Your Mercy<br />
By Ben Smith, Director, Family & Life Office<br /> @parrafamlife parrafamlife<br />
On Ash Wednesday 1983, a huge bushfire ripped<br />
through South Australia and Victoria. This event<br />
forged in my young mind a connection between<br />
bushfire and Lent.<br />
As Australians our experience of living though<br />
major bushfires, either personally or as a community,<br />
illustrates clearly the transitory nature of our lives, houses,<br />
communities, flora and fauna.<br />
However, after a fire the bush will soon regenerate.<br />
Likewise, the Australian spirit is resilient and this trait helps<br />
communities to rebuild after a tragedy. Our Diocese has<br />
witnessed this resilience and regeneration in Springwood<br />
following the tragic bushfires of 2013.<br />
This cycle of fire and regeneration is relevant to Lent and<br />
Easter. The ashes distributed on Ash Wednesday remind us<br />
that life on Earth is transitory and that we need to focus our<br />
mind on things eternal.<br />
However, through mercy and forgiveness we can<br />
experience conversion, new life and grow in hope for our<br />
own resurrection in Christ on the last day.<br />
It is easy for us to be distracted by our busy lives so that<br />
the seasons of Lent and Easter can come and go before we<br />
really get focussed on spiritual renewal.<br />
Consequently, we can miss out on the graces and renewal<br />
that Lent and Easter can bring. One way to avoid this trap<br />
is to take part in a Lenten program, but sometimes it is too<br />
hard to attend mid-week meetings in our parish, especially<br />
for those with young children.<br />
To address this challenge the Family & Life Office has<br />
developed a Lenten/Easter program called Cleanse our<br />
Hearts With Your Mercy for families to use at home. The<br />
program is mainly aimed at families with primary school<br />
aged children but it could be used by families with infants or<br />
older children.<br />
This program combines the traditional Lenten approach<br />
of focussing on the cleansing of our hearts with the key<br />
themes of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.<br />
Last year on the 3rd Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis<br />
addressed this topic when he said: “Do we allow Him (Jesus)<br />
to ‘cleanse’ our hearts and to drive out the idols, those<br />
attitudes of cupidity, jealousy, worldliness, envy, hatred,<br />
those habits of gossiping and tearing down others? … Jesus<br />
cleanses with tenderness, with mercy, with love. Mercy is His<br />
way of cleansing.”<br />
Family Lenten/Easter Program <strong>2016</strong><br />
The program includes resources for living the five weeks<br />
of Lent with children’s activities, family scriptural reflections,<br />
vegetarian recipes and some colouring pictures of saints.<br />
Each week focuses on a particular set of the works of<br />
mercy, including practical suggestions for performing works<br />
of mercy as a family. The program also covers Holy Week<br />
and includes some follow-up activities for the beginning of<br />
the season of Easter.<br />
The program will be available in parishes on Sunday 7<br />
<strong>February</strong>. An electronic copy and other resources for helping<br />
your family in your Lenten and Easter journey is available at<br /><strong>2016</strong><br />
Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv leads the rosary<br />
procession to the shrine.<br />
Pro-life Mass for the Feast<br />
of the Holy Innocents<br />
On 28 December last year, the Conventual Franciscan friars<br />
held their 22nd annual pro-life Mass for the Feast of the Holy<br />
Innocents at their parish and shrine in Kellyville.<br />
This year’s celebration was a joyful homecoming for the<br />
principal celebrant, Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM<br />
Conv. Currently an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of<br />
Melbourne, he ministered at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in<br />
Kellyville from 1995-2002.<br />
Bishop Vincent presided at the Eucharistic liturgy in the<br />
parish church, and then led the faithful on a rosary procession to<br />
the Shrine of the Holy Innocents for devotions and benediction.<br />
The Franciscan community’s first Holy Innocents Mass was<br />
offered in 1993. The first Bishop of the Diocese of Parramatta,<br />
Most Rev Bede Heather, was the principal celebrant in 1994, and<br />
Cardinal Edward Clancy when Archbishop of Sydney presided<br />
in 1996.<br />
Since then, each bishop of the Diocese of Parramatta has<br />
celebrated the annual Mass in Kellyville. During his time as<br />
the shepherd of this Diocese, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP<br />
gave tremendous support for the continued development of the<br />
shrine, culminating in his blessing and dedication of the new<br />
shrine Chapel of the Holy Innocents on 7 June 2013.<br />
The shrine continues to be a place of healing for anyone<br />
who has lost a child to miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, accident,<br />
illness, or any other cause.<br />
As a further extension of this ministry, the shrine has been<br />
designated by the Diocese as a pilgrimage site for the Year of<br />
Mercy. Pilgrims may pass through the Holy Door of the shrine<br />
chapel every day from 6am-6pm.<br />
Mass is offered in the chapel on weekdays at 6.45am,<br />
followed by prayers for the Jubilee Indulgence. The Sacrament of<br />
Reconciliation is available immediately after Mass.<br />
For further information, please contact the Parish Office tel<br />
(02) 9629 2595, 9629 9499,<br />
Mercy and the Feminine Genius<br />
Feast of St Joseph<br />
Men’s Breakfast<br />
Saturday 19 March<br />
St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall,<br />
1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />
Starts with Holy Mass at 8am<br />
followed by breakfast with speaker<br />
in the Cathedral hall, ending at 10.30am.<br />
The Anima Women’s Network invites you to explore how women can<br />
make a unique contribution to the Year of Mercy.<br />
Saturday, 12th March <strong>2016</strong><br />
Keynote Speaker: Karen Doyle<br />
St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, Parramatta<br />
Time: 9:30 am -12 pm<br />
Cost: $5 for students & $10 for adults<br />
RSVP to by Wednesday, 9th March <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
For more information, please go to:<br />
Karen Doyle is a registered nurse and the co-founder of CHOICEZ MEDIA. She has studied at the John<br />
Paul II Institute, authored two books and produced “The Genius Project”—an online <strong>Catholic</strong> women’s<br />
resource. Karen is a sought after speaker on a number of topics including the feminine genius, the<br />
impact of pornography, sexuality and relationships. She has been involved with the Sisterhood<br />
movement since it began and is passionate about seeing women reach their full potential in God.<br />
Karen is married to Jonathan and they have three children.<br />
Anima aims to enrich the lives of women by addressing the issues that women face in their faith, families, relationships, workplaces<br />
and society. Anima helps women to connect, find mutual support, encouragement and have fun together.<br />
Speaker’s topic<br />
‘Learning from St Joseph: Living<br />
purity of heart in a porn saturated<br />
culture.’<br />
Speaker Paul Ninnes<br />
Paul Ninnes is the Managing Director of Real Talk Australia, an organisation<br />
that focuses on the topics of sex, relationships and personal identity<br />
from a Christian perspective. He is married to Emma and they have two<br />
beautiful daughters. Paul uses his powerful life story and builds on 10<br />
years’ youth ministry experience to present a life-changing message on a<br />
variety of topics to more than 10,000 young people each year.<br />
Men’s groups from across the Diocese will also be present at the breakfast.<br />
Cost: $15 for students; $20 for adults.<br />
RSVP by 16 March to<br /><br />
10 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br />
Sophie drawn to smiling Sisters’ ministry to the family<br />
By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
It’s 5am and 24-year-old Sophie<br />
Boffa is beginning her day with<br />
half an hour of prayer in the chapel<br />
of the Queen of Poland Convent in<br />
Marayong.<br />
The flames of the Holy Spirit are<br />
envisioned on the chapel windows,<br />
symbolic of the ignited flame in<br />
Sophie’s heart as she journeys to<br />
become a Sister of the Holy Family<br />
of Nazareth from the Holy Spirit<br />
Province.<br />
But Sophie hasn’t always felt called<br />
to become a Sister and, like many<br />
young women, had imagined a life as<br />
a mother.<br />
“I had always wanted to get<br />
married and I always believed that<br />
I’d make a good mother,” Sophie<br />
explained.<br />
But in 2012, while she was<br />
studying English, History and<br />
Theology at The University of Notre<br />
Dame Australia, Sophie decided that<br />
during Lent, she would challenge<br />
herself to pray the rosary every day.<br />
It was during this time that Sophie<br />
began to think about the consecrated<br />
life.<br />
When persevering with her<br />
discernment, she was struck by the<br />
sisters’ devotion to the Holy Family<br />
when looking over a list of religious<br />
orders online.<br />
“I saw Sisters of the Holy Family<br />
of Nazareth and I thought, ‘Wow, I<br />
really like that; that’s a nice name,’” she<br />
explained. “I had been growing in my<br />
love for the Holy Family.”<br />
Sophie has always felt a deep<br />
connection with family. “I’m one of<br />
four children. Dad is from Malta. He<br />
came to Australia when he was 12.<br />
Mum is Australian. Their love, support<br />
and presence has been a real blessing.”<br />
Life for Sophie has not been<br />
without its struggles but her family has<br />
always encouraged her and instilled in<br />
her a great faith.<br />
Sophie was born with facial palsy.<br />
The rare neurological condition<br />
affects cranial nerves and causes facial<br />
paralysis.<br />
“A lot of my nerves don’t work<br />
or are missing so most of my face is<br />
paralysed,” she said.<br />
“I was diagnosed with unilateral<br />
Moebius Syndrome quite early in<br />
life. I have had surgery to give some<br />
movement in the left side of my face.”<br />
Sophie had her first ‘smile surgery’<br />
when she was just seven years old.<br />
This gave her the ability to smile, a<br />
gift many take for granted. It was the<br />
joyous smiling of the Sisters of the<br />
Holy Family of Nazareth that caught<br />
Sophie’s eye.<br />
“I opened the webpage and I was<br />
greeted with this beautiful picture of<br />
smiling faces and I thought, ‘Wow,<br />
they look amazing!’<br />
“I read about their charism and I<br />
thought, ‘This is something touching<br />
my heart.’ The biggest surprise for me<br />
was they were having a retreat the<br />
following week.”<br />
Sophie attended the retreat and<br />
was given the opportunity to meet<br />
the Sisters and learn more about their<br />
charism.<br />
“I saw them as being women who<br />
were incredibly honest and they were<br />
just so real. What you see is what you<br />
get. I love how caring and considerate<br />
they are,” she said.<br />
Living in the spirit of the Holy<br />
Family, whose lives were centred in<br />
the love of God and one another,<br />
the Sisters give witness to this love<br />
through their ministry to the family.<br />
Their charism and welcoming<br />
and genuine nature set the path for<br />
Sophie’s vocation.<br />
When asked what she would say to<br />
those discerning the consecrated life,<br />
Sophie had two pieces of advice.<br />
“Your life is a gift and it’s so<br />
important to be thankful every day<br />
for your life. And because life is such<br />
a great gift, we need to use it to our<br />
best ability and use it to serve God,”<br />
she said.<br />
“The first thing you have to do is<br />
to trust. God is always inviting us and<br />
all we have to do is trust Him.<br />
“Be thankful for your life and trust<br />
God.”<br />
To learn more about the Sisters<br />
of the Holy Family of Nazareth visit:<br /><br />
Sophie also generates content for<br />
their Facebook page: Sisters of the<br />
Holy Family of Nazareth – Holy Spirit<br />
Province<br />
The Sisters’ charism and welcoming and genuine nature set the path for Sophie’s vocation.<br />
Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
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<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 11<br />
16/09/2015 12:48 pm
JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY: 8 December 2015 – 20 November <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
#mercyhasaface<br />
Offering thoughtful prayer as a simple means of evangelisation<br />
By Rev Paul Roberts, Director of the Institute for Mission<br />
Decisions to share faith<br />
Late last year I heard some Year 11 students<br />
from Patrician Brothers’ College at Blacktown<br />
saying they wanted to be the best example of<br />
faith for the Year 7s and encourage them to<br />
believe in themselves.<br />
Last month I heard some parents designing<br />
a new prayer approach at home, wanting to<br />
make faith more meaningful for their children.<br />
Last week I heard my colleagues talking<br />
of ways to better support young adults as they<br />
share faith leadership in the world.<br />
Last weekend I heard a man who had<br />
started a Scripture reflection group while<br />
in prison speak of still being in touch with<br />
inmates.<br />
Last night I heard a 21-year-old saying<br />
he wanted to use his study of law to serve the<br />
most unnoticed people of Australian rural<br />
communities.<br />
I could continue with countless stories<br />
that have struck me about the ways in which<br />
ordinary people, much like you or me, are<br />
deciding intentionally to share their lives and<br />
communicate their faith.<br />
Pope Francis talked of these decisions,<br />
this work of evangelisation, (a Greek word<br />
which means to share the Gospel) in his great<br />
reflections in 2013 entitled Evangelii Gaudium<br />
(The Joy of the Gospel).<br />
In fact, he first said that we need to let<br />
others evangelise us! We need to keep being<br />
moved in our faith by what we witness in<br />
others.<br />
And then Pope Francis said that each of<br />
us needs to “find ways to communicate Jesus<br />
wherever we are …” and that: “All of us are<br />
called to offer others an explicit witness to the<br />
saving love of the Lord …” (Paragraph 121)<br />
Each of us is an<br />
evangeliser<br />
As I wrote this article, a parishioner<br />
from a Hills parish visited my workplace and<br />
shared about her ministry. She said that in<br />
a sacramental program she’d been trying to<br />
help people appreciate that their personal<br />
participation in faith is as significant as the<br />
personal faith participation of their priest. How<br />
true.<br />
One of the good and ongoing questions<br />
for each of us during this Jubilee Year of Mercy<br />
could be about our participation in faith and<br />
how we can be the best evangelisers possible;<br />
how we can communicate Jesus and witness<br />
to the saving love of the Lord, as Pope Francis<br />
expressed it.<br />
Our diocesan Year of Mercy Committee<br />
talked about how it could do something to<br />
encourage people in this question and ways in<br />
which many people of the Diocese could share<br />
in a simple evangelising action.<br />
The committee also talked of how easily<br />
people can be turned off by those who come<br />
on too strong with their faith! Who wants to be<br />
seen like that? And so, what could be offered<br />
that wouldn’t have that effect?<br />
300,000 messages to share<br />
beyond our faith circles!<br />
For starters, we have produced three business<br />
card-sized messages and printed 100,000 of<br />
each card.<br />
One side has an inspiration. The other side<br />
has the space to complete a relevant message,<br />
preferably to someone outside of your circle of<br />
faith.<br />
It might be someone in your workplace<br />
or social network who is <strong>Catholic</strong> but not at<br />
home in the Church. Or it might be someone<br />
who is not baptised or who is from another<br />
background.<br />
The card is not intended to tell the person<br />
anything about what his/her faith should or<br />
shouldn’t be. It’s simply our own witness to<br />
faith by promising a thoughtful gift of prayer<br />
for something important to that person.<br />
It would be easy to just write a name on the<br />
card BUT let’s make more of this opportunity<br />
and of the cards that have been specially<br />
prepared.<br />
For example, you might choose one of the<br />
cards and carefully word something like:<br />
For information and updates<br />
about the Year of Mercy in the<br />
Diocese of Parramatta:<br /><br />
#mercyhasaface<br />
Dear Emily,<br />
#mercyhasaface<br />
#mercyhasaface<br /><br />
Just letting you know that you’re in my prayers for your important decision about<br />
your job. I’m asking God each day to bless you to find the best use of the amazing<br />
gifts you have.<br />
Warm wishes, from Nathan<br />
OR<br />
Dear Steve,<br />
Just letting you know you’re in my prayers for your mum’s difficulty right now.<br />
She’s obviously so special to you and no doubt you are to her. Really thinking of you<br />
in this sensitive time.<br />
Go gently, from Geraldine.<br /><br />
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12 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
Imagine if 300,000 messages for different<br />
intentions were thoughtfully given! Depending<br />
on your feedback, we can print more of these<br />
cards or create other designs.<br />
The cards are purposely minimalist in their<br />
Church content, using instead the diocesan<br />
Mercy social media access for those who might<br />
link further.<br />
But by either their image or their quote,<br />
they make a faith link by capitalising on the<br />
positive vibe about Pope Francis that also exists<br />
beyond direct <strong>Catholic</strong> circles.<br />
#mercyhasaface<br /><br />
Coming to parishes during<br />
Lent<br />
Best wishes as you might choose to<br />
participate thoughtfully in this united<br />
diocesan action of evangelisation. Let’s pray<br />
for us as a Diocese of the Church to use this<br />
action meaningfully during Lent when the<br />
first 300,000 cards will be made available<br />
throughout our diocesan parishes and schools.<br />
It’s a simple gesture, but if we do it with<br />
thought and care, who knows how God might<br />
bless it?<br /><br />
#mercyhasaface<br />
#mercyhasaface<br />
Holy Doors in the Diocese of Parramatta<br />
The Jubilee Year of Mercy<br />
proclaimed by Pope Francis<br />
began on 8 December 2015<br />
and concludes on 20 November <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
Within the Diocese of Parramatta there<br />
are four Holy Doors that will be open<br />
throughout the year.<br />
The Diocesan Administrator, Very<br />
Rev Peter Williams, opened the Door<br />
of Mercy in St Patrick’s Cathedral on<br />
13 December. Holy Doors are also at<br />
the Schoenstatt Shrine, Mulgoa, the<br />
Shrine of the Holy Innocents, Kellyville,<br />
and Our Lady of Czestochowa Polish<br />
Chapel, Marayong.<br />
Schoenstatt Shrine<br />
The Schoenstatt Shrine is a place<br />
of pilgrimage and grace where each<br />
week many pilgrims come to pray and<br />
spend time with Our Blessed Mother,<br />
writes Shirley Hall of the Schoenstatt<br />
Movement – NSW.<br />
“They come because they love<br />
the shrine and find in it a prayerful,<br />
peaceful place where they can feel at<br />
home. They believe that our Merciful<br />
Mother will answer their prayers and<br />
petitions and grant us to accept the gifts<br />
and challenges that God sends us.<br />
“We believe that with the help of<br />
Our Lady and her Son, we will come<br />
to know and believe that we have a<br />
merciful Father who loves us and only<br />
wants what is best for us.<br />
“The Diocese has nominated the<br />
shrine as one of the special places where<br />
a Door of Mercy will be open for the<br />
duration of the Holy Year, so that all<br />
who enter ‘will experience the love of<br />
God who consoles, pardons and instils<br />
hope’. (Pope Francis)<br />
“In this Year of Mercy, the Holy<br />
Father is also encouraging each one<br />
of us to go on pilgrimage because, ‘it<br />
represents the journey each of us makes<br />
in this life’. (Pope Francis)<br />
“He sees this as a sign, ‘that mercy<br />
is also a goal to reach and requires<br />
dedication and sacrifice. May pilgrimage<br />
be an impetus to conversion: by crossing<br />
the threshold of the Holy Door, we<br />
will find the strength to embrace God’s<br />
mercy and dedicate ourselves to being<br />
merciful to others as the Father has been<br />
with us.’<br />
“So in this Year of Mercy, you are<br />
invited to come on pilgrimage to the<br />
Schoenstatt Shrine at Mulgoa. You<br />
might consider organising a pilgrimage<br />
from your parish, or come along<br />
privately with your family and friends.”<br />
St Patrick’s Cathedral<br />
St Patrick’s Cathedral at 1 Marist Place, Parramatta, is open every day from 6.30am-7pm. Mass<br />
is celebrated on weekdays at 6.45am & 12.30pm, on Saturdays at 8am, 9.30am (Latin) & 6pm, on<br />
Sundays at 8am, 9.30am, 11am & 6pm, on public holidays at 8am. Visit:<br />
The Holy Door in St Patrick’s Cathedral is the central door gate at the top of the entry steps.<br />
For more photos by Art in Images visit:<br />
Schoenstatt Shrine<br />
The Schoenstatt Shrine at 230<br />
Fairlight Road, Mulgoa, is open each<br />
day from 7am-8pm, except Mondays. To<br />
bring a pilgrimage group, please contact<br />
the Schoenstatt Spirituality Centre tel<br />
(02) 4773 8338. Visit: www.schoenstatt.<br /><br />
Shrine of the Holy Innocents<br />
The Franciscan Shrine of the Holy<br />
Innocents is at 8 Greyfriar Place,<br />
Kellyville. The shrine is open every<br />
day from 6am-6pm. Mass is celebrated<br />
at 6.45am, Monday to Friday, with<br />
Reconciliation available afterwards.<br />
Visit:<br />
Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel<br />
Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel<br />
is at 116-132 Quakers Road, Marayong.<br />
Mass is celebrated on weekdays at<br />
7.30am and on Sundays at 9am, 11am,<br />
6.30pm. Confession before and during<br />
Sunday Masses. Visit: https://marayong.<br /><br />
There’s a warm welcome from Fr Robert<br />
Melnick OFM Conv and the Franciscan<br />
Friars at the Shrine of the Holy Innocents<br />
at Kellyville.<br />
The Schoenstatt<br />
Shrine at Mulgoa<br />
caters to pilgrimage<br />
groups.<br /><br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 13
HSC students do Diocese proud<br />
with outstanding results<br />
NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli with some of the Top Achievers in the 2015 HSC.<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> schools in the Diocese of Parramatta have achieved some exceptional results in the 2015 Higher School Certificate<br />
(HSC) with a number of schools making significant improvements in their overall results.<br />
More than 2300 students from the Diocese were among more than 70,000 students from across NSW who sat for the 2015 HSC.<br />
Executive Director of Schools Greg Whitby congratulated the students and their teachers on the impressive results. “We are<br />
proud of the overall improvement our schools are showing in the HSC,” Greg said.<br />
“The Diocese is committed to the transformation of learning and teaching and these results are a testament to the collective<br />
efforts of students, their families and teachers over the past 13 years.”<br />
Year 11 Emmaus student tops HSC<br />
Retail Services Course<br />
Year 11 student, Crystal-Lee<br />
Smithers from Emmaus <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
College, Kemps Creek, has<br />
achieved first in the state for Retail<br />
Services Examination in the 2015 HSC.<br />
Accompanied by her proud dad,<br />
Crystal joined First in Course Award<br />
students from across NSW at an awards<br />
ceremony at Technology Park on<br />
Tuesday, 15 December 2015. The awards<br />
were presented by NSW Minister for<br />
Education Adrian Piccoli MP.<br />
Crystal studied the Retail Services<br />
Examination through early<br />
commencement, which is a program that<br />
allows students to begin an HSC subject<br />
in Year 10.<br />
Recently completing Year 11, Crystal<br />
still has a year at school to consider<br />
career options, including Psychology<br />
and Law. Crystal is also the recipient of<br />
a Western Sydney University Academy<br />
Access Scholarship for when she begins<br />
university next year.<br />
Executive Director of Schools Greg<br />
Whitby commended Crystal on her<br />
exceptional result.<br />
“This is an outstanding result from a Year<br />
11 student,” Greg said.<br />
“Congratulations to Crystal, her teacher<br />
Melissa Else and all those who supported<br />
Crystal in her studies,” he said.<br />
Crystal-Lee Smithers was congratulated on her achievement by NSW Minister for Education<br />
Adrian Piccoli.<br />
A focused student, Crystal also works<br />
part time in retail as a register supervisor<br />
at Target, St Marys Village, where she<br />
enjoys helping customers.<br />
“Working in the industry gave me the<br />
practical side of things so I could apply<br />
my knowledge from work to the exam,”<br />
Crystal said.<br />
“It hasn’t really sunk in that I came first<br />
in the whole state but it feels really good,"<br />
she said.<br />
Crystal was supported in her studies by<br />
experienced Vocational Education and<br />
14 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
Training teacher Melissa Else who has 22<br />
years’ experience working in retail.<br />
“I’m so proud of how hard Crystal<br />
worked in order to reach such a fantastic<br />
achievement,” Melissa said.<br />
Minister Piccoli said securing first place<br />
was an outstanding achievement that<br />
students should be incredibly proud of.<br />
“There are more than 70,000 HSC<br />
students across NSW this year and<br />
topping a course is an exceptional<br />
achievement,” Minister Piccoli said.<br /> @<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra <strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />
Nagle College HSC student<br />
an inspiration to her peers<br />
Nagle College,<br />
Blacktown South<br />
student Patrisha<br />
Domingo’s HSC journey<br />
has been nothing short<br />
of inspirational. Patrisha,<br />
who was diagnosed with<br />
cerebral palsy as a child,<br />
recently completed her<br />
studies despite chronic pain<br />
in her hips and needing to<br />
take time off for doctor’s<br />
appointments.<br />
Patrisha said sitting the HSC<br />
was “a bit scary” for two<br />
main reasons.<br />
“The first is that it’s a bit<br />
hard not knowing what the<br />
questions are,” Patrisha said.<br />
“It was also scary because I had hip surgery scheduled for a<br />
few weeks after the HSC finished.<br />
“I wouldn’t have been able to get where I am today without<br />
the support of the <strong>Catholic</strong> school system and the teachers<br />
I have had from Kindergarten to Year 12.<br />
“I had such a wonderful learning support team who were<br />
great at accommodating for my needs and helped me when<br />
I needed it," she said.<br />
Patrisha hopes to go to the University of Technology<br />
Sydney to study a double degree in law and journalism.<br />
Principal Delma Horan said Patrisha was a bright young<br />
student who was always willing to give anything a go.<br />
“The Nagle community is so proud of what Patrisha has<br />
accomplished in all her years of schooling,” Delma said.<br />
“She is a courageous young lady who will do great things in<br />
her life, I am sure of it,” she said.<br />
Luke Brame, a recent<br />
graduate of St<br />
Columba’s <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
College, Springwood spent<br />
the last two years of his<br />
schooling balancing his<br />
HSC studies with a rigorous<br />
program of training and<br />
competition in world-class<br />
mountain biking.<br />
Luke spent 16 weeks<br />
travelling around Australia<br />
(to Perth, Victoria and<br />
Brisbane) and around<br />
the world (Germany,<br />
Czech Republic, Andorra,<br />
Switzerland and France)<br />
while studying to complete<br />
his HSC.<br />
Nagle College, Blacktown South HSC<br />
student Patrisha Domingo.<br />
Blue Mountains student’s<br />
HSC tour de force<br />
Luke Brame with his PDHP/E teacher<br />
Greg Malone.<br />
Luke said the HSC exams started just seven weeks after the<br />
Mountain Biking World Championships where he placed 61st in<br />
the men’s juniors.<br />
“It took a lot of organising with the teachers and a lot of out-ofhours<br />
communications via email and Edmodo,” Luke said.<br />
“I would also have morning classes and lunchtime classes to<br />
make up the time I missed.<br />
“The teachers at St Columba’s are so helpful and I have now<br />
completed the HSC and I feel like I did a good job,” he said.<br />
Luke hopes to pursue a career in mountain biking but has also<br />
applied to study Business at the University of Technology Sydney<br />
in <strong>2016</strong>. @<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra <strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />
Well done to the following students who placed in the<br />
top 20 students in NSW in a course<br />
Jack Barham<br />
Bede Polding College, South<br />
Windsor, 7th in Construction<br />
Examination.<br />
Jasmine Neal<br />
Caroline Chisholm College,<br />
Glenmore Park, 3rd in Mathematics<br />
General 2.<br />
Sarah Richter<br />
Caroline Chisholm College, Glenmore<br />
Park, 4th in Primary Industries<br />
Examination.<br />
Illeana Prieto<br />
Illeana Prieto, Cerdon College,<br />
Merrylands, 6th in Drama.<br />
Martina Gambacorta<br />
Martina Gambacorta, Cerdon<br />
College, Merrylands, 4th in Italian<br />
Continuers and 2nd in Italian<br />
Extension.<br />
Marianne Chemuel<br />
Cerdon College, Merrylands, 10th<br />
in Studies of Religion I.<br />
Athanasia Valsamou<br />
Cerdon College, Merrylands, 4th<br />
in Modern Greek Extension.<br />
Emma Willoughby<br />
Emmaus <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Kemps<br />
Creek, 3rd in business Services<br />
Examination.<br />
Crystal-Lee Smithers<br />
Emmaus <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Kemps<br />
Creek, 1st in Retail Services<br />
Examination.<br />
Sophie Mack<br />
Gilroy <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Castle Hill,<br />
2nd in Ancient History and 16th in<br />
Legal Studies.<br />
Alysia Conditsis<br />
Gilroy <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Castle Hill,<br />
9th in Senior Science.<br />
Alannah Rees<br />
Marian <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Kenthurst,<br />
9th in Personal Development, Health<br />
and Physical Education and 6th in<br />
Senior Science.<br />
Mikaela Mandato<br />
Nagle College, Blacktown South,<br />
3rd in Community and Family<br />
Studies.<br />
Carlos Dela Cruz<br />
Parramatta Marist High, Westmead,<br />
7th in Industrial Technology.<br />
Alexander Baiada<br />
Parramatta Marist High,<br />
Westmead, 5th in Information and<br />
Digital Technology Examination.<br />
Tony Lahoud<br />
Parramatta Marist High,<br />
Westmead, 17th in Personal<br />
Development, Health and Physical<br />
Education.<br />
John Khoury<br />
Parramatta Marist High, Westmead,<br />
10th in Senior Science.<br />
Shannon Dias<br />
St Andrews College, Marayong,<br />
10th in Design and Technology.<br />
Chris Kim<br />
St Patrick’s Marist College, Dundas,<br />
7th in Mathematics.<br />
Brodie Naughton<br />
St Patrick’s Marist College, Dundas.<br />
12th in Mathematics General 2.<br /><br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 15
CATHOLIC EDUCATION @<strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra <strong>Catholic</strong>EdParra<br />
Creative and performing<br />
arts success for <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
schools<br />
Tysha Parashko performs her Individual Project Performance The company of wolves.<br />
Jessica Cunningham’s rendered graphite drawings Life.<br />
Creative and performing arts students from across the<br />
Diocese of Parramatta shared in great success in 2015.<br />
A number of students had outstanding HSC results in<br />
creative and performing arts, including being nominated for<br />
the prestigious Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational<br />
Standards (BOSTES) ARTEXPRESS Exhibition and Onstage<br />
drama and Callback dance showcases.<br />
Four Visual Arts students from Caroline Chisholm College,<br />
Glenmore Park, had their HSC artworks selected to feature in<br />
the annual ARTEXPRESS Exhibition based at the Art Gallery of<br />
NSW. Nominated students included Kayla Galea, Cara Pemble,<br />
Tysha Parashko, Brooke Tavares, Kristy Tebbutt and Sarah Toan.<br />
Visual Arts teacher Karen King said the students in creative<br />
and performing arts had a great result in this year’s HSC<br />
examinations.<br />
“Two students in Drama, Chloe Sheridan and Ebony<br />
Humphrey, each received a Band 6 and the cohort overall was<br />
10 marks above the state mean,” Karen said.<br />
“Seven Visual Arts students received Band 6 in their final<br />
marks,” she said.<br />
In Dance, three students were nominated for the Callback<br />
Showcase held at the Seymour Centre for four works in<br />
the Dance Examination; core performance, major study<br />
performance and major study composition components.<br />
HSC dance student Michaela Clarke was nominated for both<br />
her core performance and her major study performance works.<br />
Year 12 student Tysha Parashko was nominated for her Major<br />
Study Composition.<br />
Year 12 student Tayla Hui was nominated for her Major Study<br />
Performance work and received a Band 6 for her Dance results<br />
overall.<br />
2760 1245<br />
Total number of<br />
students enrolled<br />
male students<br />
in Year 12<br />
In Drama, Tysha Parashko was nominated for the Onstage<br />
Showcase, also held at the Seymour Centre, for her individual<br />
project performance The company of wolves. Tysha was<br />
nominated for the HSC showcase exhibitions for each of her<br />
three creative arts subjects.<br />
St Columba’s <strong>Catholic</strong> College, Springwood, students Lillian<br />
Gerlach and Jessica Cunningham had their HSC practical<br />
submissions in Drama and Visual Arts nominated for the<br />
Onstage Showcase and ARTEXPRESS Exhibition respectively.<br />
Leader of Learning in Performing Arts Carmen Noonan<br />
said Lillian’s performance titled FISH was adapted from Kate<br />
Lutherborrow’s short story.<br />
“Lillian’s individual performance was a poignant exploration<br />
of a girl coming to terms with the loss of her mother at sea<br />
by transforming into a fish and returning to the ocean to be<br />
reunited,” Carmen said.<br />
Leader of Learning for Creative Arts Margaret Rust said Jessica’s<br />
submission was a series of rendered graphite drawings.<br />
“Jessica’s series of skilfully rendered graphite drawings titled,<br />
Getting a Handle On Life portrays key aspects of her parents’<br />
work and leisure interests through intimate viewpoints of their<br />
hands,” Margaret said.<br />
“To be nominated for any of the BOSTES HSC showcases and<br />
exhibitions indicates that the student’s practical submission is<br />
considered to be exemplary.<br />
“Recognition in this manner is acknowledgement of your<br />
considerable talent and commitment to your studies in Creative<br />
Arts.”<br />
1515<br />
female students<br />
Brooke Tavares’s ARTEXPRESS piece Those Crazy Kids.<br />
Kayla Galea’s ARTEXPRESS piece 21st Century Afterlife.<br />
Ccgratulati<br />
all our<br />
Year 11 &<br />
12 students<br />
18% speak languages other<br />
than English<br />
3.2 % additional needs<br />
15 % born overseas<br />
55% female<br />
45% male<br />
20 high schools to Year 12<br />
who sat their Higher School Certificate<br />
examinations in 2015 for all their effort<br />
and achievements<br />
16 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
CCSSParramatta<br />
Providing compassionate, professional and relevant support to the people in our diverse community<br />
Rollout of <strong>Catholic</strong>Care<br />
clothing bins underway<br />
By John Kelly, Executive Director<br />
In a first for <strong>Catholic</strong>Care<br />
across Australia, the Diocese<br />
of Parramatta has rolled<br />
out a number of distinctive<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>Care clothing bins in<br />
parishes.<br />
The brightly coloured bins in the<br />
corporate colour of <strong>Catholic</strong>Care<br />
Social Services (CCSS) display<br />
a list of the many programs that<br />
the agency undertakes on behalf<br />
of your Church in the Diocese.<br />
Also included are contact details<br />
for CCSS offices and the website:<br /><br />
Branding the bins with a list of<br />
CCSS programs will raise greater<br />
awareness of the work the agency<br />
and your Church does in the<br />
community, and where some of<br />
the funds collected through this<br />
month’s Diocesan Works Fund<br />
Appeal are directed. Parishes and<br />
diocesan schools may wish to<br />
use our services, or may know of<br />
someone who could benefit from<br />
these services.<br />
Donations of clothing will be<br />
gratefully received into the<br />
Our new head office address is:<br />
38 Prince Street Blacktown<br />
(corner of First Avenue)<br />
Please confirm the address of your next<br />
appointment when you call to book<br />
(02) 8822 2222<br />
Offices at Blacktown, Emerton, Parramatta, Penrith, Springwood, call (02) 8822 2222<br />
CCSS Executive Director John Kelly with the distinctive <strong>Catholic</strong>Care clothing bins.<br />
bins. All proceeds from your<br />
donations will go back into the<br />
Blue Mountains and Western<br />
Sydney community by financially<br />
supporting CCSS programs.<br />
In addition, CCSS will support<br />
parishes and schools by giving<br />
back to those communities a<br />
percentage of the monies raised.<br />
Couples, the Internet and Social Media<br />
Friday, 18 March at 7.30pm<br />
St Paul the Apostle Parish Hall, 40 Buckley’s Rd, Winston Hills<br />
The evening will be addressed by Shane Smith on the topic:<br />
“Text, Twitter, Tweet – Couples, the Internet and Social Media.”<br />
Shane Smith is the Director of Prepare/Enrich Australia and Vice President of the<br />
Marriage and Relationship Educators Association of Australia. He is an enthusiastic<br />
presenter who actively promotes and facilitates marriage and family relationships. He has a<br />
broad understanding of digital technology and his presentation will focus on the impact of<br />
the internet, mobile technology and social media on couple relationships, and how digital<br />
technology matters in the lives of Australian couples.<br />
Come along and find out the latest research on how this technology affects relationships<br />
and how it can be managed in your relationship.<br />
Free entry and a light supper will be served.<br />
Please register your attendance to:<br /><br />
or ring Lyn Keane on 8822 2222<br />
These funds can be used for<br />
a range of purposes such as<br />
scholarships and purchasing<br />
equipment.<br />
Keep an eye out for the bins,<br />
and when the time comes to<br />
clear out your wardrobe, please<br />
think of donating the contents to<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>Care.<br />
& EVENTS<br />
REACH Wellbeing Group. Do you have depression or bipolar? Are<br />
you looking for strategies to manage your illness and wellbeing?<br />
The REACH Wellbeing Group might be for you. REACH stands<br />
for Recovery, Education, Acceptance, Commitment, Hope. Starts<br />
on Thursday 11 <strong>February</strong> in St Patrick's Cathedral Hall, 1 Marist<br />
Plc, Parramatta, 6.30pm-8.30pm, once weekly for nine weeks. To<br />
express your interest, contact Anna Weilche tel (02) 8822 2222,<br /><br />
Responsible Gambling Support Group is free and on every Saturday,<br />
9.30am-11am at CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St, Blacktown. For more<br />
information, tel (02) 8822 2222.<br />
Blacktown Neighbour Aid - Can you volunteer one hour a fortnight<br />
to brighten the life of an elderly person in Blacktown? To find out<br />
more contact Blacktown Neighbour Aid, tel (02) 8822 2222, bna@<br /><br />
Living Skills Program is offered to young parents and young people,<br />
25 years and under, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.<br />
Topics include money, housing, education & training, employment,<br />
health & wellbeing, daily living skills, personal & social development,<br />
and legal rights & responsibilities. Locations include Highfield<br />
Rd, Quakers Hill, and Prince St, Blacktown – <strong>2016</strong> dates to be<br />
confirmed. For further information, tel Youth Rezolutions (02) 9680<br />
1201<br />
Post Separation Recovery Program – seven sessions weekly from<br />
Wednesday 17 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2016</strong>, 7.30pm-9.45pm. CCSS Centre, 38<br />
Prince St, Blacktown. Fee $80. Bookings essential, tel (02) 8822<br />
2222,<br />
Stepping Beyond – Post Separation Support – last Tuesday of the<br />
month, 7.30pm-9.30pm. CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St, Blacktown. Fee:<br />
$5 per meeting. Bookings, tel (02) 8822 2222, soloparentservices@<br /><br />
Younger Widowed Support Group – Third Tuesday of each month,<br />
7pm-9pm, CCSS Centre, 38 Prince St, Blacktown. Fee $5 per<br />
meeting. Bookings, tel (02) 8822 2222, soloparentservices@ccss.<br /><br />
Springwood Drop In Centre – Drop in for a cup of tea and a<br />
chat, public use computers, WiFi and study space, community<br />
information, volunteering and bushfire support, counselling services<br />
and referral. To arrange an appointment for counselling, tel (02)<br />
4751 4956 or visit the Drop In Centre, Shop 3, 163 Macquarie<br />
Rd (right next to Blooms chemist), Springwood, Monday-Friday,<br />
10am-4pm. Join us on Facebook: <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services Blue<br />
Mountains.<br />
The Healing and Support Service is a therapeutic case management<br />
service for people affected by childhood sexual abuse or any other<br />
abuse, perpetrated by a person or persons working for the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
Church in the Diocese of Parramatta. The service involves providing<br />
information, an assessment of need, appropriate referrals for<br />
counselling or other services, crisis intervention and assisting the<br />
affected person determine what would constitute an appropriate<br />
healing response from the Diocese. Tel (02) 9933 0233.<br />
Recover Wellbeing - recovery oriented program and support groups<br />
for people living with depression and bipolar and their families.<br />
Monthly get-togethers 4 Wellbeing include Drum4Wellbeing,<br />
Dance4Wellbeing, Sew4Wellbeing, Create4Wellbeing,<br />
Splash4Wellbeing. Further information, tel (02) 8822 2222, julie.<br /><br />
Houses to Homes (previously known as Catherine Villa) transition<br />
housing and support for pregnant girls and young mothers aged<br />
25 years and under. See the <strong>Catholic</strong>Care website for more<br />
information.<br />
CreateAbility Day Options provides a service for people with<br />
disabilities. Offers opportunities and programs tailored to fulfil<br />
individual needs and aspirations. For further information, email<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 17
Programs and resources for life in faith<br />
The Institute for Mission<br />
(IFM) exists in and for the<br />
support of the Diocese of<br />
Parramatta, to facilitate formative<br />
means for life in faith, and<br />
for the furthering of capacity<br />
in the personal and ecclesial<br />
participation in God's mission.<br />
Programs and resources<br />
produced and facilitated by the<br />
IFM draw from four key areas:<br />
the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith, the world as<br />
it speaks to faith, spirituality of<br />
personal and ecclesial living, and<br />
the call and capacity for mission.<br />
The IFM's various formation<br />
initiatives are planned to engage,<br />
encounter, extend and equip life<br />
in faith.<br />
IFM Programs nourish<br />
belonging in God’s mission for<br />
adults — young adults through to<br />
seniors.<br />
Whether you have an hour or<br />
a year, or whether you’re hot,<br />
cool or curious in your God<br />
connections, we want to offer<br />
something for you.<br />
These programs are highlighted<br />
from the growing collection:<br />
Certificate in Pastoral Formation (CIPF)<br />
A one-year, part-time program for all who desire to deepen their<br />
knowledge and faith formation as well as enhance their participation<br />
in ministry and mission.<br />
Certificate in Beginning Theology (BT)<br />
A one-year program with some similar content to the CIPF program<br />
but BT has less group attendance and is structured with mostly<br />
self-learning. BT allows you to soak up some nourishing theology at<br />
home and also to meet periodically with a supportive group of fellow<br />
participants and a mentor.<br />
Home From the Front, with <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth Parramatta<br />
Offering life and faith nourishment to generous young adults<br />
by hosting them for a night stepping back from the front line of<br />
commitment to service in their faith mission; a time to allow others to<br />
serve them and their development.<br />
Reflections<br />
Reflection sessions are part of the IFM ‘Life in Faith’ initiatives and<br />
are most typically offered as mini-retreat experiences, either onsite at<br />
the IFM’s Blacktown centre or at parish and deanery venues.<br />
To find out more about the IFM’s programs and resources visit: www.<br /><br />
Donations to this month’s Diocesan Works Fund (DWF) Appeal<br />
help to fund the work of the Institute for Mission. Visit www.<br /><br /><br />
Liturgical Ministry<br />
Formation Courses<br />
Course enrolments are now open for all those interested<br />
in becoming:<br />
• Readers of the Word<br />
• Ministers of Holy Communion<br />
• Ministers of Communion to the Sick and Dying<br />
• Adult Servers and/or Acolytes<br />
Commencing 22 <strong>February</strong><br />
Mondays from 7pm-9pm, Institute for Mission Hall, 1-5<br />
Marion St, Blacktown<br />
Commencing 24 <strong>February</strong><br />
Wednesdays from 7pm-9pm, St Nicholas of Myra Parish<br />
Meeting Room 1, 326 High St, Penrith.<br />
Courses are FREE.<br />
To obtain the enrolment form send an email to the<br />
Office for Worship, tel (02) 9831 4911<br />
or visit<br />
Bookings close 18 <strong>February</strong>.<br />
Chief Executive Officer<br />
The Chief Executive Officer is the delegated leader of Jesuit Mission’s<br />
operations who works actively with the Board, the staff of the Jesuit<br />
Mission Office and the various supporters and recipients of the<br />
organisation’s work nationally and internationally for the continued growth,<br />
development and welfare of the Jesuit Mission enterprise.<br />
Responsibilities<br />
Under delegated authority from the Board, the CEO Jesuit Mission will<br />
have day-to-day responsibility for all aspects of the enterprise, in particular,<br />
the CEO will lead:<br />
• The effective working of the administrative and organisational<br />
aspects of the Jesuit Mission Office;<br />
• Effective collaboration with the Board; and<br />
• The fundraising and assistance enterprise of Jesuit Mission.<br />
A salary competitive with that available in comparable positions in not-forprofit<br />
organisations will be offered.<br />
Applications<br />
Information about Jesuit Mission and this position, including the position<br />
description, selection criteria and the application form, is available at<br /> (positions).<br />
For further information about the position please contact Dennis Doherty,<br />
Principal Consultant, Pathways International Consulting, tel 1300 722 076<br />
or 0412 636 899, or send an email to<br />
Interested applicants will need to complete the online application form<br />
not later than close of business on 15th <strong>February</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
18 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br /><br />
CreateAbility Day Options is<br />
supporting people with disability<br />
All Saints of Africa Centre is<br />
helping to build community<br />
The All Saints of Africa Centre provides affordable activities in a safe place for families to come together.<br />
Melissa Caldwell, <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Parramatta’s Disability Services Manager, with CreateAbility participants, Kylie and<br />
Mark. Photo: Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services Diocese<br />
of Parramatta recently started a<br />
new service specifically tailored<br />
to individuals living with a disability.<br />
CreateAbility Day Options provides<br />
opportunities and programs that enable<br />
people with disability aged 18-65 to maintain<br />
their independence and participate as valued<br />
community members.<br />
Members of the CreateAbility team work<br />
alongside participants, identifying what is<br />
important to the person, thereby engaging<br />
them in programs, activities and experiences<br />
that meet individual needs and aspirations<br />
with a holistic service.<br />
Melissa Caldwell is Disability Services<br />
Manager at <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Parramatta. “All the<br />
programs we offer are based on empowering<br />
people to create their own futures and<br />
maintain independence,” Melissa said.<br />
“It is important to support individuals in<br />
developing their skills so they can actively<br />
participate within their local community and<br />
feel valued and needed.”<br />
Within CreateAbility, there are various<br />
options depending on the age of participants.<br />
Community Participation supports young<br />
people with disability, Life Choices assists<br />
adults and Active Ageing helps mature age<br />
adults.<br />
Many activities such as artistic, cultural,<br />
physical and social interests are available to<br />
participants within the service. There are<br />
opportunities to focus on developing skills,<br />
continued education and preparing for work<br />
There is flexibility and choice for<br />
individuals to create a program that will<br />
meet their specific needs.<br />
Programs are offered in the beautiful<br />
grounds of Mamre Homestead and<br />
Farm, located at Orchard Hills. The site is<br />
surrounded by 200 acres of tranquil gardens,<br />
farms and orchards.<br />
CreateAbility staff undertake extensive<br />
training in all aspects of supporting people<br />
with disability with a strong focus on a<br />
person-centred approach.<br />
For further information about<br />
CreateAbility Day Options please contact<br />
Melissa Caldwell tel (02) 9670 5321.<br />
This month’s Diocesan Works Fund<br />
(DWF) Pastoral Appeal has the theme<br />
‘Faith at Work’. Your donations will help to<br />
support the programs and services provided<br />
by <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services to the Blue<br />
Mountains and Western Sydney community.<br />
Donation envelopes are available from<br />
your parish or donate online at<br /><br />
In March 2013, <strong>Catholic</strong>Care Social Services<br />
established the All Saints of Africa Centre<br />
to address the growing needs of the African<br />
community living within the Blacktown Local<br />
Government Area and surrounding areas in the<br />
Diocese of Parramatta.<br />
The centre provides a voice for the African<br />
people and models Africans and Australians<br />
living and learning in harmony together.<br />
The centre aims to support African refugees<br />
and migrants in areas such as trauma and loss<br />
of family, resettlement issues, language and<br />
cultural barriers, behaviour management of<br />
children, unemployment, and lack of financial<br />
skills.<br />
The service has three staff, two of whom<br />
are African. Staff member Rafa Godo has<br />
worked for the centre from when it opened.“It<br />
is wonderful being able to help people with a<br />
similar background to me,” Rafa said. “I feel a<br />
strong connection and due to this am able to<br />
show empathy. They instantly feel safe, knowing<br />
that I have been in their position and have come<br />
out smiling.”<br />
The programs run at the centre include:<br />
Mums’ group<br />
This group assists mums by providing<br />
information on a range of topics that support<br />
families with the settlement process into<br />
Australian society. Topics include but are not<br />
limited to:<br />
• Women’s health;<br />
• Centrelink information sessions;<br />
• Australian Taxation Office information<br />
sessions; and<br />
• Healthy eating.<br />
Supported playgroup<br />
This group meets weekly during school<br />
term. Parents learn the importance of play and<br />
interacting with their children in a positive way.<br />
Community Hub<br />
The Community Hub works directly with<br />
primary schools and African families. The<br />
program assists families with learning how the<br />
education system works and the importance<br />
of how parents interact with the schools and<br />
teachers.<br />
Many families have not experienced<br />
schooling growing up in their homeland.<br />
As a result of this program, families are now<br />
comfortable with being more involved with<br />
their children’s education and the children are<br />
becoming more confident within the schools.<br />
Sacramental programs<br />
Faith plays an important part for the families<br />
accessing our services. The All Saints of Africa<br />
Centre offers Bible study groups, dance groups<br />
and choir. One program that has created a very<br />
strong sense of belonging within our hub is the<br />
dance group for parents and children.<br />
This dance group, which is run once a week<br />
by volunteers, has created a place for families<br />
to feel less isolated and experience a sense of<br />
togetherness. It gives them a space where they<br />
can relax, share their personal stories, and feel<br />
they are accepted for who and what they are.<br />
To find out more about how the All Saints of<br />
Africa Centre can be of support to you and your<br />
family, please contact Lisa Foster tel (02) 8822<br />
2250.<br />
Donations to this month’s DWF Appeal<br />
will help to support the work of the All Saints<br />
of Africa Centre. Visit<br />
donate<br />
Presented by:<br />
Rev Fr Hugh Thomas CSsR, Maria Hyson,<br />
Gerry Galam & Dr Nidarshi Fernando<br />
19, 20 & 21 Feb <strong>2016</strong><br />
Fri: 7.00pm - 9.30pm Stations of Cross followed by Mass<br />
at 7.30pm led by CCR Youth Team<br />
Sat: 9.00am - 4.00pm Holy Spirit Mission<br />
Sun:11.00am - 5.00pm Holy Spirit Mission, closing Mass at 5pm<br />
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 7 Grantham Rd, Seven Hills<br />
Everyone most welcome<br />
Free entry, donations accepted. Reconciliation (1pm to 2pm)<br />
and Children’s Ministry available Saturday & Sunday<br />
Lunch available for purchase - Coffee and Tea provided<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> Charismatic Renewal Parramatta Diocese<br />
Enquiries: 0404 093 118 or (02) 9896 3711<br />
HOLY<br />
SPIRIT<br />
1 Marist Place, Parramatta<br />
Weekend Masses<br />
Saturday 8am, 9:30am<br />
(Mass in the Extraordinary Form<br />
– Latin), 6pm (Vigil) Sunday 8am,<br />
9.30am (Family Mass), 11am<br />
(Solemn Mass), 6pm<br />
Weekday Masses<br />
Monday to Friday 6.45am,12.30pm<br />
Public Holidays 8am<br />
Adoration of the Blessed<br />
Sacrament<br />
Monday to Friday 11.15am-12.20pm<br />
First Friday of the month 6pm-7pm<br />
Sacrament of Penance<br />
Weekdays 11.15am-12.20pm<br />
Saturdays 8.30am-9am, 5pm-5.30pm<br />
Devotions<br />
Morning Prayer of the Church<br />
Monday to Friday 6.30am<br />
Saturday and Sunday 7.30am<br />
Angelus<br />
Monday to Friday noon<br />
Rosary<br />
Monday to Friday after Angelus at<br />
noon<br />
Canticle of Our Ladyʼs<br />
Marian Movement<br />
Friday 1pm<br />
Christian meditation<br />
Tuesday 9.30am-10.15am<br />
Baptism - Sunday 12.45pm<br />
by appointment<br />
Marriages - By appointment<br />
Contact the Parish Secretary<br />
tel (02) 8839 8400 or email<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 19
<strong>2016</strong>: A year of Mercy and Justice<br />
By Sr Louise McKeogh FMA, Social Justice Coordinator<br />
Caritas works with communities in Malawi to help them to harness their unique strengths,<br />
skills and natural resources. Photo: Caritas.<br />
In his message for World Day of<br />
Peace on 1 January, Pope Francis<br />
was clear, “with the present Jubilee<br />
of Mercy I want to invite the Church<br />
to pray and work so that every<br />
Christian will have a humble and<br />
compassionate heart, one capable of<br />
proclaiming and witnessing to mercy.<br />
It is my hope that all of us will learn<br />
to ‘forgive and give’, to become more<br />
open to those living on the outmost<br />
fringes of society.”<br />
Caritas Australia’s Project<br />
Compassion is just one way that we<br />
in the Diocese of Parramatta, our<br />
families, parishes and schools, will be<br />
reaching out to the fringes.<br />
On 7 <strong>February</strong>, Caritas Australia,<br />
the international aid and development<br />
agency of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, will<br />
launch its annual Project Compassion<br />
appeal – one of Australia’s largest<br />
humanitarian fundraising and<br />
awareness-raising campaigns.<br />
This year we will be reaching<br />
out to countries like Malawi. Martin<br />
Mazinga is National Programs<br />
coordinator of the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
Development Commission in Malawi<br />
(CADECOM).<br />
In the Diocese of Parramatta,<br />
he will be visiting the school<br />
communities at St Mark’s <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
College, Stanhope Gardens, on<br />
Monday 8 <strong>February</strong> and Holy<br />
Family Primary, Granville, on Ash<br />
Wednesday on 10 <strong>February</strong>.<br />
Martin and his team ensure<br />
that Caritas Australia’s programs<br />
create meaningful and sustainable<br />
development opportunities for the<br />
most marginalised communities, with<br />
a focus on food and water security.<br />
His work tackles inequality at its<br />
roots, empowering people to develop<br />
livelihoods, earn an income, to learn<br />
new skills and access education.<br />
Through Caritas Australia’s<br />
partnership with Caritas Malawi,<br />
Martin works with communities to<br />
harness their unique strengths, skills<br />
and natural resources and to release<br />
their vision of a just and equal world.<br />
More information and a short<br />
video of this program can be found<br />
on Caritas Australia’s Project<br />
Compassion website:<br />
au/projectcompassion<br />
The year ahead for the social<br />
justice office and for us all in the<br />
Diocese is abounding in opportunities<br />
for reaching out to the margins.<br />
The Feast of St Josephine Bakhita<br />
on 8 <strong>February</strong> is also a Day of Prayer,<br />
Reflection and Action Against Human<br />
Trafficking. Many parishes will be<br />
observing the day at weekend Masses<br />
on 7 and 8 <strong>February</strong>.<br />
Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Religious<br />
against Trafficking in Humans<br />
(ACRATH) has a wealth of<br />
information about how this important<br />
issue affects us locally and leads us to<br />
some valuable resources for our own<br />
education and awareness: www.acrath.<br /><br />
Many of our diocesan agencies<br />
involved in reaching out to asylum<br />
seekers and refugees continue to be<br />
that credible message of Mercy and<br />
Justice.<br />
In July, hundreds of our young<br />
people will continue to witness to<br />
reaching out to the margins through<br />
their mission work in the Philippines<br />
on their pilgrimage to World Youth<br />
Day in Krakow.<br />
Pope Francis’ apostolic<br />
exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, his<br />
encyclical Laudato Si’ and his message<br />
for this year’s World Day of Peace<br />
are alive and active in the hearts<br />
and hands of people throughout the<br />
Diocese.<br />
We echo the message for World<br />
Day of Peace <strong>2016</strong>: “it is absolutely<br />
essential for the Church and for<br />
the credibility of her message that<br />
she herself live and testify to mercy.<br />
Her language and her gestures must<br />
transmit mercy, so as to touch the<br />
hearts of all people and inspire them<br />
once more to find the road that leads<br />
to the Father. The Church’s first truth<br />
is the love of Christ. The Church<br />
makes herself a servant of this love<br />
and mediates it to all people: a love<br />
that forgives and expresses itself in<br />
the gift of oneself. Consequently,<br />
wherever the Church is present, the<br />
mercy of the Father must be evident.<br />
In our parishes, communities,<br />
associations and movements, in a<br />
word, wherever there are Christians,<br />
everyone should find an oasis of<br />
mercy.”<br />
Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy<br />
Penrose Park<br />
Fatima Day: Saturday <strong>February</strong> 13<br />
Main Celebrant: Fr Peter Zytka, osspe<br />
Administrator of the Shrine<br />
Divine Mercy Devotions - First Sunday of the Month<br />
Fatima Family Sunday: <strong>February</strong> 21<br />
Learning more,<br />
creating change<br />
Doney and her son, Junior, with the hand-washing facility they learnt to use<br />
through the CADECOM program in Malawi. Photo: Caritas.<br />
Doney is a quiet and humble<br />
woman, but thanks to<br />
an innovative program<br />
supported by Caritas Australia, she’s<br />
creating big changes – in her life –<br />
and in her village.<br />
Doney beams when she talks<br />
about how much her life has changed<br />
in the past five years. “My life has<br />
been transformed,” she smiles. “I<br />
am now more knowledgeable on a<br />
number of issues and I have a vision.”<br />
Located in East Africa, Malawi<br />
is one of the poorest countries in the<br />
world. Over half the population is<br />
living below the poverty line, with<br />
more than 80% of people living<br />
in rural communities and relying<br />
on farming small plots of land to<br />
produce adequate food to live on.<br />
In Doney’s remote village in the<br />
Blantyre region, her family have often<br />
gone months without enough food.<br />
Yet, when Caritas Australia and<br />
the local Caritas, called CADECOM<br />
(the <strong>Catholic</strong> Development<br />
Commission in Malawi), began a<br />
program in Doney’s village, they<br />
didn’t simply see poverty, isolation<br />
and food shortage, they saw<br />
potential.<br />
CADECOM worked with<br />
Doney’s community to identify their<br />
strengths, so they can build on them<br />
to meet their needs.<br />
Empowering the community<br />
to make the most of their land,<br />
CADECOM trained families in new<br />
farming techniques, so they can<br />
produce more plentiful and reliable<br />
crops. ”The problem of malnutrition<br />
in my household is an old song now,”<br />
she said.<br />
Doney’s skills and passion for<br />
education were quickly recognised.<br />
“I was chosen by the community<br />
and after that CADECOM took me<br />
for training in adult literacy as a<br />
facilitator,” she said.<br />
Despite only finishing primary<br />
school, Doney’s training gave her the<br />
skills to teach literacy and numeracy<br />
to adults in the village. “In the past<br />
people didn’t know how to read and<br />
write. They didn’t even know the<br />
direction of the bus as they didn’t<br />
know how to read the signposts,” she<br />
said. “Now many are able to read and<br />
write as well as know how to count<br />
money.”<br />
Doney and her husband, Nedson,<br />
are determined that their five<br />
children complete secondary school.<br />
Even though just 7% of 15 to 24-yearolds<br />
in Malawi complete secondary<br />
education, Doney has strong hopes.<br />
“I encourage my children to<br />
attain education so that they can be<br />
independent in the future,” she said.<br />
“This would make me proud!”<br />
Upcoming celebrations in Our Shrine:<br />
<strong>February</strong> 3: St Blaise<br />
(Traditional blessing of Throats following the 11am Mass).<br />
<strong>February</strong> 11:<br />
Our Lady of Lourdes (World Day of Prayer for the Sick) Solemn Mass at<br />
11am. Followed by devotions.<br />
Pauline Father’s Monastery<br />
Address: 120 Hanging Rock Road, Berrima, NSW, 2577 Phone: 02 4878 9192<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
20 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br />
Commitment in service of the Faith<br />
By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
Faith, family and music make<br />
up the tripartite nature of<br />
the Samoan way of life or<br />
‘Fa’asamoa’. The weaving of the three<br />
elements into parish life and the<br />
Diocese of Parramatta is a gift that<br />
the Samoan people give joyfully.<br />
The musical flair and talent that<br />
is attributed to the Polynesian culture<br />
is heard in the seamless harmonies of<br />
the parish choirs they join.<br />
Rhythmic and rich, the voices<br />
in the choirs could be said to pay<br />
homage to the ebb and flow of the<br />
tides of their homeland, washing<br />
over parishioners in a lively display<br />
of their devotion to Christ.<br />
Fa’asamoa has transcended<br />
borders, enriching Western<br />
Sydney with its vibrant culture and<br />
dedication to the faith.<br />
This is personified in the<br />
charity of Aleki Fa’amausili Ailua,<br />
the groundskeeper for St Oliver<br />
Plunkett’s Parish, Harris Park.<br />
Mr Fa’amausili Ailua was born<br />
in Apia, Samoa, and has served<br />
Harris Park Parish since his arrival in<br />
Australia 24 years ago.<br />
He was awarded the Diocesan<br />
Medal of Honour in 2014 for his<br />
longstanding service to the parish<br />
and the Samoan community, in<br />
serving as sacristan and acolyte,<br />
maintaining the church and grounds,<br />
and communicating with his<br />
Samoan community to organise their<br />
involvement in the parish.<br />
Before he arrived, St Oliver’s<br />
Church and the parish grounds were<br />
not being maintained.<br />
“There was no one here before<br />
I came. I knew something had to<br />
be done and that I would give my<br />
service freely,” he said.<br />
Mr Fa’amausili Ailua decided<br />
he would volunteer his time to the<br />
service of the church.<br />
“I mow the lawn, set up the<br />
church for Mass and I make sure<br />
everything is locked up after events,”<br />
he said.<br />
After many years volunteering for<br />
the Diocese, Bishop Kevin Manning<br />
offered him paid employment.<br />
Mr Fa’aumausili Ailua reflects<br />
on his time at the parish with great<br />
fondness. “I enjoy working with the<br />
priests. I had the honour of working<br />
for Fr Peter Williams for seven years.<br />
He is a very good man.”<br />
This high regard is reciprocated,<br />
with the Diocesan Administrator<br />
describing Mr Fa’amausili Ailua as a<br />
“quiet achiever”.<br />
“Many years ago there was an<br />
advertisement on television that<br />
made reference to the ‘quiet achiever’.<br />
That description is most apt for<br />
Aleki, who has provided unstinting<br />
service to the Parish of Harris Park<br />
for decades,” Fr Peter said.<br />
“He unassumingly does many<br />
things but above all has taken<br />
responsibility for the custody of the<br />
church in ensuring that it is open<br />
and closed, and also during my seven<br />
years at St Oliver's, set up for daily<br />
Mass. He is a fine man and a devout<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong>.”<br />
Mr Fa’amausili Ailua said it is<br />
the support of his family that allows<br />
him to serve, as they are also heavily<br />
involved in the parish life.<br />
His wife and five children are<br />
a part of the Samoan <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
community, joining in the choir and<br />
activities.<br />
Moving from Samoa to New<br />
Zealand, and later from New Zealand<br />
to Australia, his faith, family and<br />
culture have provided him with<br />
stability and comfort wherever he<br />
travels.<br />
This is founded in the<br />
universality of the Mass, which is<br />
supported by its translatability:<br />
I le suafa o le Tama, ma le Alo,<br />
ma le Agaga Pa’ia. Amene.<br />
In the name of the Father, the Son<br />
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.<br />
Mr Fa’amausili Ailua’s passion<br />
for his work is displayed in how he<br />
devotes his time. He works seven<br />
days a week, coming in after-hours<br />
and on weekends to ensure the parish<br />
is secure.<br />
Aleki Fa’amausili Ailua is proud to have received the Diocesan Medal of Honour in 2014<br />
for his longstanding service to St Oliver’s Parish and the Samoan community. Photo:<br />
Elizabeth McFarlane.<br />
This generosity is not unfamiliar,<br />
with the Samoan <strong>Catholic</strong><br />
community playing an active<br />
role in the social and economic<br />
development of parishes and schools<br />
in the Diocese, providing mutual<br />
support networks for its members<br />
and engaging in social activities,<br />
which include sporting and cultural<br />
performances. Their choirs also<br />
perform regularly at church services.<br />
The Diocese of Parramatta<br />
has three communities based at<br />
St Oliver’s Parish, Harris Park, St<br />
Aidan’s Parish, Rooty Hill, and Our<br />
Lady of the Rosary Parish, St Marys.<br />
St Marys and Rooty Hill choirs<br />
are combined and they can be heard<br />
singing at Our Lady of the Rosary<br />
Parish on the second Sunday of every<br />
month at 10.30am and at St Aidan’s<br />
Parish on the fourth Sunday of every<br />
month at 10.30am.<br />
St Oliver’s choir sings at Harris<br />
Park Parish on the first Sunday of<br />
every month at 10.30am.<br />
Mass for World Day of the Sick<br />
Diocesan Development Fund<br />
<strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta<br />
Supporting the<br />
growing needs of the<br />
institutions and agencies within<br />
the <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta<br /><br />
in acknowledgment of carers<br />
and those for whom they care<br />
Thursday 11 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2016</strong> at 10.30am<br />
Including the Sacramental Rite of Anointing of<br />
the Sick and Prayers for Healing<br />
Please join us for a light lunch at the conclusion<br />
of Mass<br />
St Patrick’s Church, 51 Allawah Street, Blacktown<br />
All welcome<br />
Disclosure Statement<br />
The Diocesan Development Fund <strong>Catholic</strong> Diocese of Parramatta (DDF) is not subject to the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 nor has it been examined or approved<br />
by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.<br />
Deposits with the DDF are guaranteed by CDPF Limited, a company established by the Australian <strong>Catholic</strong> Bishops Conference for this purpose.<br />
We welcome your investment with the DDF rather than with a profit oriented commercial organisation as a conscious commitment by you to support the Charitable,<br />
Religious and Educational works of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church.<br />
Neither the DDF nor the Trustees of the Roman <strong>Catholic</strong> Church for the Diocese of Parramatta are prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority;<br />
contributions to the DDF do not obtain the benefit of the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959; the DDF is designed for investors who wish to promote<br />
the charitable purposes of the DDF.<br /><br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 21
Brendon D’Souza<br />
from<br />
Plumpton<br />
By Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
The Smiling Chef, Brendon D’Souza.<br />
Cheerily chopping and stirring,<br />
and springing between<br />
simmering saucepans, it’s<br />
obvious why Brendon D’Souza is<br />
called The Smiling Chef.<br />
The food blogger and chef<br />
from The Good Shepherd Parish in<br />
Plumpton is busily making a Mussel<br />
and Sweet Corn Chowder, detailing<br />
ingredients and cooking tips to the<br />
camera.<br />
Brendon has been an avid lover<br />
of all things food since he was just<br />
six years old, when he turned on the<br />
television to see the fresh-faced Jamie<br />
Oliver, affectionately dubbed ‘The<br />
Naked Chef ’, mixing a salad.<br />
“With messy brown locks and a<br />
heavy cockney accent, he was the first<br />
person I ever saw toss a salad with his<br />
bare fingers, adding a swirl of olive oil<br />
that zigzagged in the air as he poured<br />
it, and always a bit extra right at the<br />
end,” Brendon said.<br />
‘The Naked Chef ’ refers to Jamie<br />
Oliver’s cooking style, working with<br />
simple, fresh ingredients, ‘naked’ of<br />
rich and hearty spices and stripped<br />
back to the bare essentials to bring out<br />
their natural qualities.<br />
Young Brendon was hooked<br />
and keen to cultivate his skills in the<br />
kitchen.<br />
“Dad walked in and asked me<br />
what I was watching, to which I<br />
replied, The Naked Chef. Dad told<br />
me to turn the TV off immediately,<br />
refusing to listen when I continued<br />
to ask why,” Brendon recalled with a<br />
laugh.<br />
"Within <strong>Catholic</strong>ism,<br />
food is central to so<br />
many aspects of our<br />
faith. We have the<br />
feasts, the Passover<br />
and the Last Supper.<br />
Jesus even feeds the<br />
5000 with loaves<br />
and fish, bringing<br />
people from all walks<br />
of life together."<br />
“A few nights later I found<br />
Mum and Dad watching the same<br />
show. When I explained that<br />
it was the program I had been<br />
watching, everything clicked<br />
and we all started watching The<br />
Naked Chef together.”<br />
Being from Goa in India,<br />
Brendon’s family cooked<br />
traditional dishes, mostly<br />
seafood-based and influenced<br />
by the state’s Portuguese<br />
colonisation. The rich spices<br />
were a staple, but Brendon<br />
was inspired by Jamie Oliver’s<br />
simplistic approach to cooking,<br />
finding himself drawn to Italian<br />
food.<br />
“I’ve grown up being<br />
obsessed with Italian food.<br />
It was the Italian culture<br />
that I found enticing. I liked<br />
the fresh take that Italian food had<br />
compared to Indian food. Italian food<br />
was like a step back. It was really fresh<br />
with tomatoes, basil, herbs and really<br />
fresh ingredients.”<br />
Moving to Australia and being<br />
a part of Plumpton Parish has given<br />
Brendon many opportunities to try<br />
other cultural cuisines.<br />
“On feast days in Plumpton we<br />
hold multicultural days. We celebrate<br />
twice a year on Good Shepherd<br />
Sunday and in October for the<br />
anniversary of the parish.<br />
“When you finish getting your<br />
food, you have to sit next to someone<br />
you don’t know.”<br />
Ingredients<br />
• 1kg farmed, fresh Australian<br />
Blue Mussels<br />
• 1 tbsp olive oil<br />
• 1 med onion, peeled, diced<br />
• 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped<br />
• 200g potatoes, diced<br />
• 100g bacon, diced<br />
• 500g whole sweet corn, husks<br />
removed (or 250g frozen corn)<br />
• 1L chicken stock<br />
• 600ml thickened cream<br />
To serve<br />
• Chopped chives and crusty<br />
bread<br />
Method<br />
Clean the mussels. Scrape off any<br />
barnacles using a sharp paring knife.<br />
De-beard each mussel. Rinse, drain<br />
and set aside while you prepare the<br />
base. Skip this if you are using frozen<br />
mussels.<br />
Make the chowder. Heat the oil in<br />
a large casserole pan or saucepan<br />
over a medium heat. Add the onion,<br />
garlic, potatoes and bacon. Cook,<br />
stirring until the bacon is crisp. You<br />
Food for Brendon is central to<br />
building relationships within the<br />
community.<br />
“When we first came to Australia,<br />
we were invited to someone’s house<br />
and were asked to bring a plate.<br />
We didn’t understand the concept,<br />
thinking we would have to actually<br />
bring just a plate.”<br />
"Needless to say, the<br />
misunderstanding gave everyone a<br />
good laugh and broke down barriers.”<br />
“There is a joke among my friends<br />
that if you’re visiting the D’Souza’s<br />
house you don’t have to eat anything<br />
beforehand because if you come to the<br />
Prep time:<br />
30 mins<br />
Cooking time:<br />
30 mins<br />
Serves 6-8<br />
The Smiling Chef’s<br />
delicious Mussel and<br />
Sweetcorn Chowder<br />
recipe.<br />
Photo:<br />
Elizabeth McFarlane<br />
can add 1-2 tsp smoked paprika to<br />
taste and season with a little salt, but<br />
not too much as the mussels will add<br />
a salty flavour. Take each corn cob<br />
and holding it carefully, slice off the<br />
kernels. Add the corn to the saucepan<br />
along with the stock and simmer over<br />
a medium heat until the potatoes are<br />
tender. Stir through the cream, cover<br />
and reduce heat to low.<br />
Cook the mussels. Cook the mussels<br />
in a large lidded saucepan or dutch<br />
oven with 250mL water for 10-15<br />
minutes or until they start to open<br />
wide. Throw away any that haven’t<br />
opened. Allow to cool then remove<br />
the flesh and place into the chowder.<br />
Strain the mussel juice and add to the<br />
chowder for more delicious flavour.<br />
To serve. Ladle the soup into bowls<br />
and serve warm with crusty bread.<br />
Leftover soup can be used as a<br />
delicious sauce for pasta. For a vegan<br />
twist replace the mussels with 500g<br />
diced pumpkin or sweet potato, the<br />
chicken stock with vegetable stock,<br />
leave out the bacon and swap the<br />
cream for almond milk.<br />
door, the first thing that you’re going<br />
to be greeted with is food,” he said.<br />
Brendon believes food is at the<br />
heart of his culture and faith.<br />
“Within <strong>Catholic</strong>ism, food is<br />
central to so many aspects of our<br />
faith. We have the feasts, the Passover<br />
and the Last Supper. Jesus even<br />
feeds the 5000 with loaves and fish,<br />
bringing people from all walks of life<br />
together. I think Jesus had the right<br />
idea.”<br />
Brendon has been blogging for<br />
three and a half years. You can access<br />
his recipes, cooking tips and reviews<br />
at:<br />
St Paul’s World 2 Pilgrimage<br />
Greece, Malta and Rome with Fr Wim Hoekstra<br />
Information afternoon<br />
Sunday 28 <strong>February</strong><br />
You are invited to an information afternoon with<br />
Fr Wim Hoekstra, Parish Priest of St Michael’s<br />
Parish at Baulkham Hills, who will be escorting this<br />
pilgrimage to Greece, Malta and Rome.<br />
Leaving 24 September and returning 14 October.<br />
The information session will be at 2pm<br />
for 2.30pm start .<br />
St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, 1 Marist Place,<br />
Parramatta<br />
For more information contact Fr Wim:<br /><br />
22 <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong><br />
4 seminarians instituted as acolytes<br />
Acolytes have a special role in the Church’s ministry. Parramatta seminarians (from left): Jack Green, Joe Murphy, Shinto Francis and<br />
Chris del Rosario. Photo: Art in Images.<br />
Four seminarians for the Diocese<br />
of Parramatta were instituted as<br />
acolytes during the celebration<br />
of Mass at Our Lady of the Angels<br />
Church, Rouse Hill, on 6 December<br />
2015.<br />
Parramatta's Bishop Emeritus<br />
Kevin Manning instituted Shinto<br />
Francis, Joe Murphy, Jack Green and<br />
Chris del Rosario. The men are in<br />
formation for the priesthood at Holy<br />
Spirit Seminary. As each candidate's<br />
name was called, they rose to indicate<br />
their willingness for ministry.<br />
In his homily, Bishop Manning<br />
said the young men offering<br />
themselves for the ministry of acolyte<br />
and had a special role in the Church’s<br />
ministry.<br />
“Since the Eucharist is the summit<br />
and source of the Church’s life, which<br />
builds up the Christian community<br />
and helps it grow, it will be your<br />
responsibility to assist priests and<br />
deacons in carrying out their ministry<br />
as special ministers to give Holy<br />
Communion to the faithful at the<br />
liturgy and to the sick.<br />
“Because you are specially called<br />
to this ministry you must strive to live<br />
more fully by the Lord’s sacrifice and<br />
to be moulded more perfectly in its<br />
likeness.<br />
“Be obedient to<br />
the commandment<br />
which the Lord gave<br />
to His apostles at<br />
the last supper: ‘Love<br />
one another as I also<br />
have loved you’.”<br />
“You must seek to understand the<br />
deep spiritual meaning of what you<br />
do, so that you may offer yourselves<br />
daily to God as spiritual sacrifices<br />
acceptable to Him through Jesus<br />
Christ.<br />
“In performing your ministry,<br />
bear in mind that as you share the one<br />
bread with your brothers and sisters,<br />
so you form one Body with them.<br />
“Show a sincere love for Christ’s<br />
mystical body, God’s holy people, and<br />
especially for the weak and the sick. Be<br />
obedient to the commandment which<br />
the Lord gave to His apostles at the<br />
last supper: ‘Love one another as I also<br />
have loved you’."<br />
As with other liturgical ministries,<br />
the acolyte has a specific role, that is,<br />
to assist the priest or deacon in the<br />
service of the altar, preparing the altar<br />
and the sacred vessels.<br />
Sacrosanctum Concilium states:<br />
"Those who serve at the altar exercise<br />
a genuine liturgical function. They<br />
ought to discharge their office<br />
therefore, with the sincere devotion<br />
and decorum demanded by so exalted<br />
a ministry and rightly expected of<br />
them by God's people.<br />
“Consequently, they must all<br />
be deeply imbued with the spirit of<br />
the liturgy, in the measure proper to<br />
each one, and they must be trained to<br />
perform their functions in a correct<br />
and orderly manner." (Second Vatican<br />
Council, Sacrosanctum Concilium, 29)<br />
Acolytes undergo specific training<br />
and formation. They should familiarise<br />
themselves “with everything which<br />
pertains to divine worship and should<br />
endeavour to understand its spirit<br />
and its inner meaning." (Pope Paul<br />
VI, Ministeria Quaedam, 15 August<br />
1972, #6)<br />
The Mass was concelebrated by<br />
the seminary's Rector, Very Rev John<br />
Hogan, Our Lady of the Angels' Parish<br />
Priest, Rev Warren Edwards, and<br />
Assistant Priest Rev John Rizzo.<br />
For more images of the event,<br />
please visit:<br />
parracatholic/albums<br />
11<br />
14<br />
18<br />
20<br />
21<br />
27<br />
In acknowledgement of carers and those for whom they<br />
care. Includes Sacramental Rite of Anointing of the Sick<br />
and Prayers for Healing. Mass at 10.30am in St Patrick’s<br />
Church, 51 Allawah St, Blacktown. Light lunch to follow.<br />
The Rite of Election closes the Period of the<br />
Catechumenate for those taking part in the RCIA. Starts<br />
2pm in St Patrick's Cathedral, followed by afternoon<br />
tea.<br />
Adoration, prayer, music and quiet time from 7pm-<br />
8pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Patrick’s<br />
Cathedral. To find out more about priesthood contact<br />
the Director of Priestly Vocations, Fr Warren Edwards,<br />
tel 0409 172 700,<br />
A time to stop, pause and reflect on the RCIA journey<br />
towards the <strong>Catholic</strong> Faith and the Scrutinies. From<br />
9.30am-3pm at the Institute for Mission, 1-5 Marion<br />
St, Blacktown. No charge – morning tea and lunch<br />
provided. RSVP 17 <strong>February</strong>: Adelle tel (02) 9831 4911,<br /><br />
Introduction to Christian Meditation, two periods of<br />
meditation, Eucharistic Celebration and information<br />
exchange. Arrive 10am for 10.30am, concludes 3pm.<br />
St Benedict's Monastery, Arcadia Rd, Arcadia. Inquiries:<br />
Ann Bergman (02) 9498 2625, anniebergman@hotmail.<br />
com or Ann Lomas (02) 9456 4775, atlomas@bigpond.<br />
com<br />
WOMEN<br />
Includes vocation discernment to marriage & family<br />
life, single life or consecrated life. Cost $30 includes<br />
morning & afternoon tea, lunch and materials. Mt<br />
Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa. Registrations: Sr<br />
M Julie Brcar ISSM, tel 0408 728 334, juliebrcar@gmail.<br />
com<br />
For more events visit:<br /><br />
Free e-book for computer, e-reader, tablet or iPhone<br />
Son of God:<br />
The Daily Gospel Year C-2<br />
This e-book is authored by Father Ted Tyler, Parish Priest of St<br />
Mary of the Cross MacKillop Parish, Upper Blue Mountains. Copies<br />
may be downloaded free of charge to a computer or e-reader or<br />
tablet.<br />
The e-book offers the Gospel for every day of this Liturgical Year<br />
C-2 (Sundays Year C, weekdays Year 2), together with a reflection<br />
of some 750 words on each daily Gospel. This Liturgical Year C-2<br />
continues till November <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
The e-book contains the Gospel passages not only for this present<br />
Liturgical Year, but for any C-2 Liturgical Year in the future,<br />
together with their reflections.<br />
It may be passed on to friends or acquaintances as desired. It<br />
carries the Imprimatur of Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop<br />
of Sydney.<br />
Son of God: The Daily Gospel Year C-2 may be accessed at:<br /><br />
“The most beautiful<br />
and visually<br />
compelling film<br />
I have ever seen. I did<br />
not want it to end.”<br />
Kim, Brisbane.<br />
Filmed and Edited by<br />
Michael Luke Davies<br />
A unique inside portrait of<br />
the world of the Tyburn Nuns.<br />
“This film takes you into<br />
another realm…”<br />
What is life in a cloistered Benedictine<br />
community really like? Let the Tyburn<br />
Nuns take you to their 9 monasteries<br />
around the world. Witness the nuns’ holy<br />
life of prayer and work, centred on the<br />
Eucharist, in this remarkable film.<br />
ORDER ONLINE:<br /><br />
or send cheque/money order for $25<br />
payable to:<br />
Tyburn Priory, 325 Garfield Road East<br />
Name ........................................................<br />
..................................................................<br />
Address .....................................................<br />
..................................................................<br />
..................................................................<br />
..................................................................<br /><br />
<strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Outlook</strong> | FEBRUARY <strong>2016</strong> 23
<strong>2016</strong><br />
supported by<br />
Houses to Homes – For pregnant girls<br />
or parenting young women, 25 years<br />
and under, who are homeless or at<br />
risk of homelessness in the Blacktown<br />
and Hills LGAs call 02 9837 2095.<br />
Living Skills – CCSS partners with Youth Rez for the<br />
Living Skills program offered to young parents and<br />
young people who are homeless or at risk of<br />
homelessness, 25 years and under to strengthen<br />
their capacity to meet the challenges of maintaining<br />
a tenancy.<br />
Family Support – in home or centre support to families.<br />
The service supports families with young people and<br />
children to meet their physical, social, emotional needs<br />
and developmental milestones.<br />
Project Elizabeth – Pregnancy related counselling,<br />
case management and group work service providing<br />
support for individuals and families that are expecting<br />
a baby, have lost a baby or who have a child 0-3.<br />
Contact Penrith office.<br />
Baulkham Hills Family Daycare –<br />
unique home based child care service<br />
providing quality care for children<br />
02 9639 1346 or 02 9686 1494<br /><br />
Recover Wellbeing provides a service<br />
for adults in Western Sydney who are in<br />
recovery from mental distress. It reduces<br />
social isolation and promotes positive<br />
messages of hope and recovery.<br />
Contact Blacktown.<br />
Family and Relationship counselling for anyone seeking support when struggling<br />
through couple, parenting, family or individual issues at Blacktown, Springwood, ACS<br />
Emerton, Penrith, Parramatta. Day and evening sessions in some locations.<br />
Keeping Kids in Mind post separation<br />
parenting program which is designed<br />
to focus on what’s best for children<br />
and includes KKIM parenting groups<br />
and KKIM family support post<br />
separation. Contact Blacktown.<br />
Rollercoasters for Kids experiencing<br />
family changes such as adjusting to<br />
their parents separation. This can be<br />
run in school and other settings on<br />
request.<br />
Cool Kids for preschool, primary,<br />
adolescents and their parents experiencing anxiety.<br />
My Kids and Me a program for those parents whose children are currently being parented<br />
through FACS departmental supervision<br />
Bringing Baby Home – a John Gottman seminar designed to support expectant and new<br />
parents. BBH can also be run in parishes on request.<br />
External Contracted Services in which qualified supervisors can offer clinical supervision<br />
to other staff and services.<br />
Available to present workshops in the community on issues such as parenting teens<br />
and children in multicultural Australia, or strengthening family and couple relationships.<br />
For enquiries contact your closest office as below.<br />
Financial and problem gambling services – counselling and education.<br />
Contact Blacktown office.<br />
Bereavement Support Program –<br />
for those who have been widowed,<br />
with educational input and<br />
opportunities for shared experiences.<br />
Younger Widowed Support Group –<br />
a monthly Support Group for those<br />
widowed at a younger age.<br />
Post Separation Recovery Program<br />
– for those who have been separated<br />
or divorced, on topics pertaining to<br />
personal growth and development.<br />
Stepping Beyond – Monthly Post Separation Support Program, with focus on issues that<br />
arise out of the breakdown of the family unit.<br />
Seminars – Understanding the Annulment Process, Dealing with the Legal System,<br />
Understanding Family Law.<br />
Individual Counselling particularly for those dealing with loss, grief and bereavement<br />
following the death of their spouse or breakdown of their marriage relationship.<br />
Courses and individual couple preparation<br />
available for engaged couples preparing for<br />
Marriage<br />
Celebrating the Early Years Mass & Lunch<br />
Sunday, 1 May <strong>2016</strong> at the Cathedral<br />
Celebrating the Journey Mass & Lunch<br />
Sunday, 18 September <strong>2016</strong><br />
Faith in Marriage Conference is set for<br />
Friday, 26 August, <strong>2016</strong><br />
Marriage Enrichment evenings held during<br />
the year.<br />
Natural Fertility Services – information, seminars and one on one teaching of natural<br />
fertility methods. For enquiries contact Blacktown.<br />
Healing and Support Services – for adults affected by child sexual abuse.<br />
For enquiries contact Blacktown.<br />
For more information on dates and locations, please contact your closest office listed below.<br />
REACH is a nine-week psycho-educational wellbeing group program for individuals with a<br />
mood disorder, run by qualified Black Dog Institute trained Facilitators.<br />
Bringing up Great Kids – A fun parenting program that focuses on how parents<br />
communicate with their children.<br />
Managing the Bull – A 6 week course for<br />
bullied teenagers in years 7, 8 & 9. This course<br />
aims to build resilience and self esteem in<br />
bullied teens through games, activities and<br />
discussions.<br />
123 Magic and Emotion Coaching –<br />
A series of 3 seminars offering a behaviour<br />
management program for children 2-12 years<br />
that can be used by both parents and teachers.<br />
TripleP Positive Parenting Groups and<br />
Seminars – Runs for 8 weeks and looks at<br />
simple routines and small changes that can<br />
make a big difference to your family.<br />
Young Mums Group and Playgroup<br />
Circle of Security – This is an 8 week early intervention program designed to<br />
enhance attachment security between parents and children.<br />
Engaging your Adolescent – A series of 3 seminars providing parenting skills<br />
for resolving teenage behaviour problems.<br />
For bookings, enquiries and dates contact Blacktown.<br />
Keeping Children Safe – A protective behaviours course.<br /><br /><br />
Parramatta: (02) 9933 0222 Blacktown: (02) 8822 2222 Penrith: (02) 4721 5331 Springwood: (02) 4751 4956 Mamre House: (02) 9670 5321<br />
Visit<br />
Volunteers<br />
needed<br />
If you are interested<br />
in making a difference<br />
for local services, email<br />
You are not alone<br />
in your loss and grief<br />
Aboriginal <strong>Catholic</strong> Services (Emerton)<br />
supports Indigenous people through<br />
comprehensive and culturally appropriate<br />
services and programs designed to<br />
contribute to their social wellbeing.<br /><br />
(The historic) Mamre House and Farm<br />
– provides a range of programs and<br />
services to benefit people in Western<br />
Sydney. Also offers:<br />
• On-site café<br />
• Catering and venue hire for events<br />
and functions<br />
• Mamre Plains Ltd is a Registered<br />
Training Organisation and offers Hospitality,<br />
Horticulture and Business courses<br />
• Garden services for schools, industrial sites and homes<br />
• Fresh produce for sale<br />
• Migrant and refugee English and settlement sessions.<br />
For more info contact Mamre House.<br />
CreateAbility day options –<br />
provides a holistic service with<br />
tailored programs and opportunities<br />
for individuals 18-65 living with a disability to achieve<br />
aspirations. For information please call 02 9670 5321.<br />
Blacktown Neighbour Aid – Provides<br />
a home visitation and support service<br />
for the frail, aged or younger people<br />
with a disability and their carers in the<br />
Blacktown LGA. Contact Blacktown.<br />
Springwood Drop-in Centre – Supports the needs of<br />
the Blue Mountains Community. Provides counselling,<br />
community information, referral and outreach<br />
activities including a Community Garden.<br />
All Saints of Africa (Blacktown) is a<br />
Community Hub providing homework<br />
programs, cultural celebrations and much<br />
more for African migrants. Contact Blacktown.<br />
Subscribe to our<br />
monthly enewsletter<br />
Aboriginal <strong>Catholic</strong> Services<br />
CALL TO<br />
A SCHOOL<br />