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<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
<strong>13</strong>.01 <strong>Kotak</strong> Elements in the Digital World 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.02 Powerpoint 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.03 Wall Paper 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.04 Emailer 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.05 Call-to-Action Buttons 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.06 Web Banner Advertisement 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.07 Web Banner Advertisement, Vertical SIzes 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.08 Web Banner Advertisement, Squarish SIzes 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.09 Web Banner Advertisement, Horizontal SIzes 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.10 Web Banner Advertisement, Products, Vertical SIzes 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.11 Web Banner Advertisement, Products, Horizontal SIzes 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.12 Web Banner Advertisement, Products, Squarish Sizes 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong> Mobile 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.14 Tablet 1<br />
<strong>13</strong>.15 Social Media 1<br />
CHAPTER<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>13</strong>.16 Websites and Microsites 1
<strong>13</strong>.01<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Elements in the Digital World<br />
The digital world has changed how consumers<br />
engage with brands. It is transforming the economics<br />
of marketing and making obsolete many traditional<br />
strategies and structures.<br />
Today, consumers are connecting with myriad<br />
brands—through new media channels. After a<br />
purchase consumers may remain aggressively<br />
engaged, publicly promoting or assailing the<br />
products they’ve bought, collaborating in the brands’<br />
development.<br />
across digital applications, the colour and size of<br />
fonts and the way the call to action buttons behave<br />
can go a long way in acheiving this consistency. The<br />
consistent use of <strong>Kotak</strong> (business) logo and branding<br />
guides in social media applications is also critical in<br />
building this ‘One <strong>Kotak</strong>’ experience.<br />
Digital Identity elements<br />
1. The <strong>Kotak</strong> Infinity Symbol and <strong>Kotak</strong> business logos.<br />
(For more details refer to the <strong>chapter</strong> on <strong>Kotak</strong> logos).<br />
Through this ever changing scenario consumers still<br />
want a clear brand promise and offerings they value.<br />
What has changed is when – at what touch points –<br />
they are most open to influence, and how one can<br />
interact with them at those points. Customer touch<br />
points have changed in both number and nature,<br />
requiring a major adjustment in the way we design<br />
and standardise the way they experience them. The<br />
digital world is moving from ‘static’ to one which is<br />
extremely fluid. Consistency in a fluid world is key.<br />
This <strong>chapter</strong> on digital ear marks the key experience<br />
buidling elements in the digital world for <strong>Kotak</strong>. A<br />
set of simple guides streamlines the <strong>Kotak</strong> digital<br />
experience. Standardising the <strong>Kotak</strong> top red band<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 218
<strong>13</strong>.01<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Elements in the Digital World<br />
2. Favicon<br />
3. <strong>Kotak</strong> Digital Colour Pallete<br />
5. The <strong>Kotak</strong> Red Band device<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Red<br />
Web FF0000<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Black<br />
Web 000000<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Blue<br />
Web 003366<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Grey 1<br />
Web 999999<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Grey 2<br />
Web cccccc<br />
Background colour<br />
should be used to<br />
divide content on<br />
websites or apps.<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Grey 3<br />
Web ebebec<br />
<strong>6.</strong> <strong>Kotak</strong> Link details<br />
Refer to the colour section for <strong>Kotak</strong> secondary<br />
set of colours<br />
Rest State<br />
Read More ><br />
4. <strong>Kotak</strong> Typeface<br />
Active State<br />
Read More ><br />
Aa Bb Cc<br />
Aa Bb Cc<br />
House style:<br />
Frutiger<br />
Default style:<br />
Arial<br />
Always refer to the core guidelines for consistency<br />
with other applications. Find a full catalogue<br />
of logo variants, <strong>Kotak</strong> typefaces and imagery<br />
for various applications here.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 219
<strong>13</strong>.02<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
PowerPoint Presentation<br />
PowerPoint presentations are the most ubiquitous<br />
items in the list of customer touch points and yet it<br />
finds itself in the list of the often neglected. Follow the<br />
guides given below and use the templates so that all<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> presentations have the same look and feel.<br />
made by the <strong>Kotak</strong> Mahindra team and will not be<br />
viewed on another machine, only the Frutiger font<br />
family must be used in the weights and sizes specified.<br />
If a presentation is to be sent to other viewers who are<br />
not part of <strong>Kotak</strong> Mahindra, Arial must be used.<br />
Presentation slides are typically of two types: The Title<br />
slide and the Content slide. If a presentation is to be<br />
17mm<br />
Title Slide<br />
10mm<br />
20mm<br />
Line separator, 1pt thickness,<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Red 3 (C0, M80, Y100, K0)<br />
37mm from the top<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Red background<br />
190mm<br />
Presentation Title<br />
Title text:<br />
Frutiger Light / Arial Roman<br />
Size 30pts<br />
Background graphics<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 220<br />
255mm<br />
Date<br />
Date:<br />
Frutiger Light / Arial Roman<br />
Size 16pts
<strong>13</strong>.02<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
PowerPoint Presentation<br />
17mm<br />
Content<br />
Slide<br />
Title of slide<br />
7mm<br />
15mm<br />
7mm<br />
• Heading 1<br />
190mm<br />
– Level 2 text content<br />
• Level 3 text content comes here<br />
– Small text and other content comes here<br />
Presentation Title<br />
Date Footer Slide Number<br />
255mm<br />
Slide title text: Arial Roman, Size 30pts<br />
Heading 1: Arial, Size 28pts<br />
Level 2: Arial, Size 24pts<br />
Level 3: Arial, Size 20pts<br />
Small text: Arial, Size 18pts<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 221
<strong>13</strong>.02<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
PowerPoint Presentation<br />
PowerPoint presentations across all <strong>Kotak</strong> business<br />
must follow the same guidelines. Given below are<br />
sample title slides for various businesses.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 222
<strong>13</strong>.03<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Wall Paper<br />
Wall paper: Infinity<br />
Wall paper: Cool<br />
Wall paper: Corporate<br />
Wall paper: Vibrant<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 223
<strong>13</strong>.04<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Emailer<br />
The best possible response for e-mailers can be<br />
achieved if certain layout considerations, images and<br />
content rules are adhered to while creating <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
emailers.<br />
5. Web users skip over unimportant information and<br />
follow an ‘F’ reading pattern. Relevant logos, words<br />
and images on the left side of the screen tend to get<br />
more attention than things on the right.<br />
Layout and format considerations<br />
1. Keep everything within 700px wide. Numerous eyetracking<br />
studies have discerned that the average Web<br />
user’s reading habits skew more towards scanning<br />
rather than word-for-word reading. This means that<br />
stuff on the left gets more attention than stuff on the<br />
right.<br />
<strong>6.</strong> Repeat the Calls-to-Action if mail content is long.<br />
The next page shows a sample emailer for one of the<br />
businesses showing the prominent position of the<br />
Business logo. Partner logo position is also shown (if<br />
required). Other businesses are advised to follow a<br />
similar template.<br />
2. Keep Calls-to-Action high up on the mail, clear<br />
and clickable. Now that mobile email consumption<br />
surpasses that of desktop use – it’s a great time<br />
to make sure those buttons are big enough for<br />
touchscreen use.<br />
3. Very often images are blocked by subscribers.<br />
Headlines and body copy play crucial roles in keeping<br />
the reader engaged, so back-up all text that is<br />
embedded in images with alt-tags which display even<br />
with images turned off.<br />
4. Keep only a single or double column layout, always.<br />
Overly complex layouts, long copy paragraphs and<br />
superfluous design elements should be avoided.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 224
<strong>13</strong>.04<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Emailer<br />
Maximum height 36 pxl<br />
Image area 200pxls after<br />
the red band<br />
Headline<br />
Frutiger Roman 24pt<br />
Line spacing 32pts<br />
Drop shadow to enhance<br />
readability<br />
Body text<br />
Frutiger light 12pts<br />
line spacing 14pts<br />
Feature highlight text<br />
Frutiger Bold12pts<br />
line spacing 14pts<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Red<br />
and we will call you back.<br />
Calls to action to be<br />
placed with 400pxls from<br />
the top so it can be seen<br />
within the first screen size<br />
Other mandatory text<br />
Frutiger Light 9pts<br />
Line spacing <strong>13</strong>pts<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 225
<strong>13</strong>.05<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Call-to-Action Buttons<br />
Call-to-Action buttons should be <strong>Kotak</strong> Red in colour.<br />
The font used for describing the button should always<br />
be Frutiger Roman, size 16pts.<br />
All buttons should be 27px height<br />
Buttons should be white when placed on <strong>Kotak</strong> Red<br />
Small 50px<br />
Medium 100px<br />
Medium 110px<br />
Long 200px<br />
Buttons should have 5px corner radius.<br />
Shadow effect should be minimal.<br />
Rest state<br />
Active state<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 226
<strong>13</strong>.06<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement<br />
Web banners come in myriad sizes and shapes. <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
branding must remain consistent through these<br />
sizes. In the following pages are details of size and<br />
placement of the <strong>Kotak</strong> logo on each of these formats.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 227
<strong>13</strong>.07<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement, Vertical Sizes<br />
Details of placement of logo and size given below for<br />
vertical sizes.<br />
The banners are all shown in <strong>Kotak</strong> Red colour.<br />
However, it is not a mandatory that they should be<br />
only this colour. If any of the <strong>Kotak</strong> Neutral colours or<br />
an image is used the appropriate logo version should<br />
be used.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 228
<strong>13</strong>.08<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement, Squarish Sizes<br />
Details of placement of logo and size given below for<br />
squarish sizes.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 229
<strong>13</strong>.09<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement, Horizontal Sizes<br />
Details of placement of logo and size given below for<br />
horizontal sizes.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 230
<strong>13</strong>.10<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement, Products, Vertical Sizes<br />
For product logos in vertical banners, separate the<br />
product name from the <strong>Kotak</strong> business name since the<br />
width of these sizes are limited and will not allow for<br />
legibility.<br />
Only in the Half Page and Vertical Rectangle size, the<br />
product logos can go with the business names.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 231
<strong>13</strong>.11<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement, Products, Horizontal Sizes<br />
Details of placement of (Business + Product) logo and<br />
size given below for horizontal sizes.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 232
<strong>13</strong>.12<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Web Banner Advertisement, Products, Squarish SIzes<br />
Details of placement of (Business + Product) logo and<br />
size given below for squarish sizes.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 233
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
Mobiles are often used whilst commuting, watching<br />
television, or speaking with other people and it is<br />
important to bear this in mind when designing for this<br />
platform. It’s best to arrange the page<br />
content so that it is in direct ‘read order’,<br />
starting with the most relevant or featured<br />
content at the top.<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> mobile design must have flexible page layouts<br />
to make it mobile friendly. Make sure that the content<br />
is in the right order and the page can adapt to various<br />
screen types and widths. This is important especially<br />
for devices that can be used both in landscape or<br />
portrait modes.<br />
Allowing users to input information by making simple<br />
selections instead of entering text is preferable.<br />
A touchscreen is an electronic visual display that can<br />
detect the presence and location of a touch (with<br />
finger or hand) within the display area.<br />
• Elements should be positioned on either side of the<br />
screen, to accommodate for users and how they hold<br />
their devices.<br />
• It is recommended that a 44px safe area around<br />
elements<br />
should be applied to allow a user to easily select<br />
content.<br />
• As a general rule, gestures should not to be used<br />
for aspects of core navigation. If employed without<br />
due consideration, gestures can cause problems with<br />
standard functions like scrolling.<br />
When designing for <strong>Kotak</strong> Mobile platforms a<br />
minimum of 480px and 320px width resolutions is<br />
recommended. Since screen sizes and resolutions can<br />
vary across mobile devices so when designing<br />
a consistent look and feel across a variety of<br />
devices, design assets need to be scalable. Ensure that<br />
designs adapt to the user’s preference,<br />
portrait or landscape.<br />
For smartphones, in landscape orientation the design<br />
can either scale to fit the page, or redraw to show<br />
additional content. Orientation should be used to<br />
affect the scale and format of what is being displayed,<br />
not to navigate between pages.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 234
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
Most mobile applications follow a 320x480pixel layout<br />
that is divided vertically into 3 clear zones:<br />
1. Masthead on the top - area for branding and<br />
primary navigation<br />
2. Content in the middle<br />
3. Footer at the bottom<br />
The global masthead contains a menu with<br />
global navigation links, log in and search<br />
functionality. The masthead is always<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Red on all <strong>Kotak</strong> mobile sites.<br />
The local masthead should be devoted to<br />
product level branding.<br />
Collapsible navigation bar<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> business logo, height of the ellipse is always<br />
27pixels. Always ensure the isolation zone for the<br />
logo is maintained.<br />
Masthead should always be 42 pixels in height.<br />
Login<br />
Content space<br />
Footer<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 235
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
Given below is how the product logo comes along<br />
with the business logo.<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> product + business logo,<br />
height of the ellipse is always<br />
27pixels.<br />
Login<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 236
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
Branding can be applied across the site<br />
banner and the local navigation. A consistent<br />
brand colour (<strong>Kotak</strong> Red/<strong>Kotak</strong> Neutrals/<strong>Kotak</strong><br />
Stylized product colours) can also be applied to the<br />
background of the local navigation links. Additionaly<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> colours may be used within text links in the<br />
content area to strengthen branding.<br />
Y<br />
2Y<br />
Height<br />
of ellipse =27px<br />
2Y<br />
Login<br />
42px<br />
Y<br />
2Y<br />
Height<br />
of ellipse =27px<br />
2Y<br />
Login<br />
42px<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 237
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> uses bold typography to create stronger<br />
hierarchies across the mobile site. Frutiger is the house<br />
style and Arial is default web font for both headers<br />
and body copy.<br />
Font sizes are relative on mobile devices,<br />
which means that point sizes are not<br />
used. Fonts are defined as X-large, large,<br />
medium, small and X-small. These are the<br />
recommended type sizes.<br />
Arial Bold 24pt X-large<br />
Arial Bold 20pt Large<br />
Arial Bold 16pt Medium<br />
Arial Bold <strong>13</strong>pt Small<br />
Arial Bold 11pt X-small<br />
Frutiger Bold 24pt X-large<br />
Frutiger Bold 20pt Large<br />
Frutiger Bold 16pt Medium<br />
Frutiger Bold <strong>13</strong>pt Small<br />
Frutiger Bold 11pt X-small<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 238
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
There should be consistent use of font sizes<br />
across all <strong>Kotak</strong> mobile sites. Headers should be<br />
24pt and body copy should be 16pt. On changing<br />
orientation of the device, text should be responsive<br />
and scalable.<br />
Smartphone (Portrait) 320px<br />
Header 24pt<br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur<br />
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor<br />
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna<br />
aliqua.16pt<br />
Link 16pt<br />
Smartphone (Landscape) 480px<br />
Header 24pt<br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do<br />
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.<br />
16pt<br />
Link 16pt<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 239
<strong>13</strong>.<strong>13</strong><br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Mobile<br />
8px<br />
There should be consistent spacing around<br />
headers and body copy. Either 8px or 16px<br />
above and to the left of content.<br />
8px<br />
16px<br />
16px<br />
8px<br />
Header<br />
Body Copy: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do<br />
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et<br />
dolore magna aliqua.<br />
Link<br />
320px page width<br />
480px page width<br />
304x171 304x171 108x61<br />
Images should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 or<br />
should be square images. Recommended image<br />
sizes are as follows, 304x171, 144x81,<br />
108x61and 70x70 pixels. The resolution of the<br />
screen determines which image sizes should be<br />
used per grid.<br />
144x81<br />
70x70<br />
70x70<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 240
<strong>13</strong>.14<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Tablet<br />
Tablets are some of the first digital screens to be used<br />
at a variety of distances. These variations in contextual<br />
user behaviour can be broken into three main reading<br />
categories:<br />
Close distance reading - using a device whilst lying in<br />
bed<br />
Medium distance reading - using a device whilst sitting<br />
on a train<br />
Far distance reading - using a device propped on a<br />
table while eating<br />
to the device on which they are being displayed.<br />
While Arial <strong>13</strong>pt on 16pt leading is suitable for<br />
desktop reading, it feels too small for most tablets. As<br />
a result, the smallest font size that is recommended<br />
recommends for tablet devices is 15pt on 20pt for<br />
body text.<br />
A landscape or portrait orientation change of<br />
a device can also affect the layout of a service,<br />
so text should be responsive and scalable.<br />
The pixels per inch of a tablet screen varies across<br />
devices. This means, that font sizes are relative<br />
8px<br />
8px<br />
16px<br />
16px<br />
8px<br />
Header<br />
Body Copy: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do<br />
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et<br />
dolore magna aliqua.<br />
Link<br />
As with mobile, with tablets too there<br />
should be consistent spacing around<br />
headers and body copy. Either 8pt or<br />
16pt above and to the left.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 241
<strong>13</strong>.14<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Tablet<br />
As with mobile, in tablets too establish clear heirarchy<br />
between headline levels and body copy as per the<br />
following reference in Arial and Frutiger fonts.<br />
Arial Bold 48pt, 48pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 36pt, 36pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 32pt, 32pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 28pt, 28pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 24pt, 24pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 20pt, 20pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 16pt, 18pt Leading<br />
Body Copy<br />
Arial Regular 15pt, 20pt Leading<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 242
<strong>13</strong>.14<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Tablet<br />
Frutiger Bold 48pt, 48pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 36pt, 36pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 32pt, 32pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 28pt, 28pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 24pt, 24pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 20pt, 20pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 16pt, 18pt Leading<br />
Body Copy<br />
Frutiger Regular 15pt, 20pt Leading<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 243
<strong>13</strong>.15<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Social Media<br />
Whether a ‘share’, tweet, like or post, it’s vital our<br />
brand is presented consistently across all social<br />
media platforms.<br />
on the <strong>Kotak</strong> Red background (refer to Logo Chapter).<br />
Background images should be used across social<br />
media to communicate the <strong>Kotak</strong> personality.<br />
Our <strong>Kotak</strong> Infinity symbol should be used as the profile<br />
picture for all social media platforms. It should be used<br />
Profile Picture<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 244
<strong>13</strong>.15<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Social Media<br />
Facebook<br />
On the timeline, the cover photo should carry an<br />
element of <strong>Kotak</strong> red integrated into the composition.<br />
If it is an illustration, use red as the main colour. Try<br />
and include the current campaign creative alongside<br />
the profile picture. To support the cover photo, a<br />
single copy line should be used. The profile picture<br />
should be the Square Logo Version. Here the <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
Mahindra Bank Facebook page is shown, other <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
businesses follow the same guides.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 245
<strong>13</strong>.15<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Social Media<br />
Youtube<br />
The main image should carry a <strong>Kotak</strong> Red thread<br />
integrated into the composition. Try and include<br />
the current campaign creative alongside the profile<br />
picture. Follow the TVC rules from theTVC guidelines<br />
<strong>chapter</strong> for videos on YouTube. Here the <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
Mahindra Bank Youtube page is shown, other <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
businesses follow the same guides.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 246
<strong>13</strong>.15<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Social Media<br />
Twitter<br />
The main image should carry a <strong>Kotak</strong> Red thread<br />
integrated into the composition. Try and include<br />
the current campaign creative alongside the profile<br />
picture. The icon for the profile image should be the<br />
logo in the square version. Here the <strong>Kotak</strong> Mahindra<br />
Bank Twitter page is shown, other <strong>Kotak</strong> businesses<br />
follow the same guides.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 247
<strong>13</strong>.15<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Social Media<br />
Google+<br />
The main image should carry a <strong>Kotak</strong> Red thread<br />
integrated into the composition. Try and include<br />
the current campaign creative alongside the profile<br />
picture. The profile picture in Google+ is circular.<br />
The image shhould have the logo as shown below.<br />
The infinity symbol alone will not work here since the<br />
ellipse clashes with the circle. Here the <strong>Kotak</strong> Mahindra<br />
Bank Google+ page is shown, other <strong>Kotak</strong> businesses<br />
follow the same guides.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 248
<strong>13</strong>.15<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Social Media<br />
Linkedin<br />
The main image should carry a <strong>Kotak</strong> Red thread<br />
integrated into the composition. Try and include<br />
the current campaign creative alongside the profile<br />
picture. The space provided for profile picture in<br />
Linkedin is rectangular so it is recommeded that the<br />
Logo Block version of the logo is used. Here the <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
Mahindra Bank Linkedin page is shown, other <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
businesses follow the same guides.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 249
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Companies with multiple businesses and myriad<br />
products that have large websites face this qyuestion<br />
all the time: should you keep the website as a unified<br />
whole or allow it to be broken down into a series of<br />
micro sites?<br />
Mega sites have the disadvantage of not being able<br />
to speak to specific and smaller target audiences.<br />
The challenge with microsites is to be able to tie the<br />
individual branding together with the mother brand<br />
look.<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> micro sites should have different design styles<br />
aimed at different target audiences. However, there<br />
should be a definite uniformity across each site in<br />
terms of navigational positioning, typography, grid<br />
system and <strong>Kotak</strong> logo usage.<br />
websites and Microsites of <strong>Kotak</strong> are tied in together.<br />
However, it still provides enough flexibility for<br />
individual divisions to stamp their own brand on a<br />
site and cater for the specific needs of their audience.<br />
Best of all this approach does not undermine the user<br />
experience across the sites because of a consistent<br />
approach to navigation, layout and functional<br />
elements.<br />
The folloowing are suggested to build this consistency:<br />
1. Universal Grid<br />
2. Columns<br />
3. The Masthead<br />
4. Horizontal Navigation<br />
5. The Local Masthead<br />
A consistent design language is built so that all<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 250
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Universal Grid<br />
A consistent grid should be created for all <strong>Kotak</strong> sites<br />
(web and micro) which should be divided<br />
into 61 x 16px vertical units. This has been<br />
created to align with existing image<br />
ratios and advertising requirements.<br />
The grid allows for a standard split across<br />
three columns with 16px gutters, creating a<br />
feature of the slightly wider column on the right<br />
that accommodates ‘fixed panel’ advertisements.<br />
16px<br />
976px<br />
304px 304px 336px<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 251
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Columns<br />
Columns can be further divided. The grid allows<br />
for a huge range of experimental layouts and<br />
templates.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 252
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Global Masthead<br />
The global masthead includes the <strong>Kotak</strong> logo (business<br />
/product +business). The logo can be on white, <strong>Kotak</strong><br />
Neutral Greys or on <strong>Kotak</strong> Red only. The logo should<br />
always be on the top left corner. The height of the<br />
ellipse in the logo should always be 48 pixels.<br />
Two lines of horizontal navigation with tabs and<br />
a crumbtrail solution for deeper hierarchies is<br />
recommended.<br />
16px<br />
48px<br />
16px<br />
48px<br />
16px<br />
16px<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 253
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Creating Typographic Heirachy<br />
Large bold type should be used to establish<br />
a clear information hierarchy. These are the<br />
recommended type sizes.<br />
Arial Bold 48pt, 48pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 36pt, 36pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 32pt, 32pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 28pt, 28pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 24pt, 24pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 20pt, 20pt Leading<br />
Arial Bold 16pt, 18pt Leading<br />
Arial Regular 14pt, 18pt Leading<br />
Arial Regular <strong>13</strong>pt, 18pt Leading<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 254
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Frutiger Bold 48pt, 48pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 36pt, 36pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 32pt, 32pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 28pt, 28pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 24pt, 24pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 20pt, 20pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Bold 16pt, 18pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Regular 14pt, 18pt Leading<br />
Frutiger Regular <strong>13</strong>pt, 18pt Leading<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 255
<strong>13</strong>.16<br />
<strong>Kotak</strong> Digital<br />
Microsite and Website<br />
Creating Typographic Heirachy<br />
Given below is an example of how typographic<br />
heirarchies can be created in websites and microsites.<br />
There should be consistent spacing around headers and<br />
body copy. Either 8px or 16px above and to the left<br />
Super Header 36px<br />
Header 32px<br />
Subheader 20px<br />
Copy <strong>13</strong>px Arial Bold on 16px leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur<br />
adipiscing elit. Fusce sed leo. Maecenas ultrices lorem sit amet<br />
diam. Aliquam sollicitudin tristique nulla. Duis libero diam, condimentum et,<br />
condimentum in, congue eu, tellus. Phasellus eu elit at nisi ultricies lobortis.<br />
Suspendisse porta commodo leo.<br />
Copy <strong>13</strong>px Arial Roman on 16px leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />
consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sed leo. Maecenas ultrices lorem sit amet<br />
diam. Aliquam sollicitudin tristique nulla. Duis libero diam, condimentum et,<br />
condimentum in, congue eu, tellus. Phasellus eu elit at nisi ultricies lobortis.<br />
Suspendisse porta commodo leo. Sed tincidunt tincidunt massa.<br />
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 256
The <strong>Kotak</strong> Brand Book 257