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25<br />
Though Tim pursued law, and Marilyn teaching,<br />
Though volunteer Tim pursued administrating, law, and and Marilyn the Unitarian teaching,<br />
volunteer administrating, and the Unitar-<br />
Though Tim pursued law, and Marilyn teach-<br />
Church, ing, volunteer their social administrating, engagements and and the relationships<br />
Unitarian<br />
Church,<br />
have taken<br />
their social<br />
place<br />
engagements<br />
among artists,<br />
and<br />
students,<br />
reian<br />
Church, their social engagements and relationships<br />
curators, arts<br />
have<br />
administrators,<br />
taken place<br />
and<br />
among<br />
fellow<br />
artists,<br />
lationships have taken place among artists,<br />
collectors<br />
and curators, appreciators. arts administrators, Their interest and forms, fel-<br />
students, curators, arts administrators, and fellow<br />
texture collectors and meaning and appreciators. has encouraged Their interest<br />
low collectors and appreciators. Their and interest<br />
sup-<br />
students,<br />
in ported forms, emerging texture and meaning developed has talent encouraged<br />
in forms, texture and meaning has encouraged<br />
to explore<br />
and the supported outer reaches emerging of their and medium. developed talent<br />
and supported emerging and developed talent<br />
to explore the outer reaches of their medium.<br />
to explore the outer reaches of their medium.<br />
Throughout and Throughout<br />
my<br />
my<br />
education, education,<br />
and and<br />
conversations<br />
conversations<br />
like the my thoughts have<br />
like<br />
this<br />
this<br />
one one<br />
with with<br />
the the<br />
Masts, Masts,<br />
my my<br />
thoughts<br />
thoughts<br />
have been rearranged. I am now thinking of collec-<br />
have<br />
been<br />
been<br />
rearranged. rearranged.<br />
I am I am<br />
now now<br />
thinking thinking<br />
of<br />
of<br />
collectors as artists, their private collections as pub-<br />
collectors<br />
as<br />
as<br />
artists, artists,<br />
their their<br />
private private<br />
collections<br />
collections<br />
as lic (seen or unseen), and of the collector as<br />
cross-trainer as<br />
public public<br />
(seen<br />
(seen<br />
or or<br />
unseen),<br />
- they unseen),<br />
and<br />
usually and<br />
of<br />
do of<br />
the<br />
this the<br />
collector<br />
side.’<br />
‘on collector<br />
the A as<br />
point as<br />
cross-trainer<br />
cross-trainer<br />
- -<br />
they<br />
of distinction they<br />
usually<br />
that usually<br />
do<br />
needs do<br />
this<br />
to be this<br />
‘on<br />
made ‘on<br />
the is<br />
that the<br />
side.’<br />
side.’<br />
A throughout<br />
A<br />
point point<br />
of their<br />
of<br />
distinction travel<br />
distinction<br />
that abroad<br />
that<br />
needs and<br />
needs<br />
to<br />
in the<br />
to<br />
be<br />
US, be<br />
made made<br />
is<br />
Tim and<br />
is<br />
that that<br />
throughout Marilyn<br />
throughout<br />
their have<br />
their<br />
travel remained<br />
travel<br />
abroad<br />
committed<br />
and<br />
abroad<br />
and in<br />
to in<br />
the building the<br />
US, US,<br />
Tim a Tim<br />
and significant and<br />
Marilyn Marilyn<br />
have portion have<br />
remained<br />
of remained<br />
committed their collection<br />
committed<br />
to<br />
with artwork to<br />
building building<br />
a created a<br />
significant significant<br />
portion in Michigan, portion<br />
of<br />
by of<br />
their<br />
Michiganders, their<br />
collection<br />
collection<br />
with or with<br />
artwork artists artwork<br />
created from various created<br />
in places in<br />
Michi-<br />
Michi-<br />
who<br />
gan,<br />
have gan,<br />
or<br />
fallen or<br />
by by<br />
Michiganders, into Michiganders,<br />
or or fallen in love or<br />
artists artists<br />
from with Detroit. from<br />
vari-<br />
vari-<br />
Like<br />
ous<br />
many ous<br />
places<br />
places<br />
who other collectors who<br />
have have<br />
fallen a fallen<br />
into simple into<br />
or curiosity or<br />
fallen fallen<br />
in<br />
grew in<br />
love<br />
into love with<br />
a with Detroit. guiding Detroit. Like principle Like many of many other life – other collectors<br />
an aesthetic collectors<br />
of<br />
a<br />
domesticity a simple simple curiosity curiosity grew – which grew into has into a shaped a guiding guiding prin-<br />
their social principle<br />
life, ciple travel<br />
of of life life and<br />
– – an friendships an aesthetic aesthetic for<br />
of<br />
almost of domesticity domesticity fifty years,<br />
––<br />
which<br />
and which in<br />
has has turn<br />
shaped shaped they have<br />
their their shaped<br />
social social life, the life, travel community travel and<br />
and<br />
friendships that friendships people for likely for almost almost have fifty been fifty years, years, shaped and and by, in in knowingly<br />
they have and have unknowingly. shaped shaped the the community Their community collection that that reflects people people<br />
a<br />
turn turn<br />
they<br />
likely critical likely have have slice been of been Detroit’s shaped shaped history by, by, knowingly and knowingly culture, and and now<br />
unknowingly. safeguarded unknowingly. against Their Their collection dispersion. collection reflects reflects Entire histories a a criti-<br />
critical<br />
housed cal slice slice along-side of of Detroit’s Detroit’s burgeoning history history and and visions, culture, culture, textures now now<br />
safeguarded of safeguarded the future. against A against true collection dispersion. dispersion. collage. Entire Entire histo-<br />
historieries<br />
housed housed along-side along-side burgeoning burgeoning visions,<br />
visions,<br />
textures textures of of the the future. future. A A true true collection collection collage.<br />
collage.<br />
Pi Benio, Fetal Female Wrapped Form, 34x25x10, 1991.<br />
Graham<br />
Graham Marks, Marks,<br />
Untitled, Untitled,<br />
33x33x34, 33x33x34,<br />
1987.<br />
1987.<br />
Pi Benio, “Fetal Female Wrapped Form”, 34x25x10, 1991.<br />
Pi Benio, “Fetal Female Wrapped Form”, 34x25x10, 1991.<br />
<br />
John John Stephenson, Stephenson, “Earth Auger, “Earth Auger”, Auger”, 12x24x13, 12x24x13, 1985.<br />