MU May / June 2016

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Issue 3, Volume XXVII <strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

The machinery only journal for processing & packaging | www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

INSIDE<br />

NEWS<br />

Lorem The first ipsum bursaries dolor awarded sit<br />

amet, under the consectetuer PPMA’s BEST adipiscing<br />

Educational elit, sed Scheme diam nonummy<br />

support nibh two euismod undergraduates tincidunt<br />

will<br />

ut at Colin laoreet Mear dolore Engineering magna<br />

(CME) to develop further<br />


A complete compliance<br />

solution that meets all of<br />

the requirements of current<br />

and impending pharma<br />

serialisation legislation has<br />

been launched by Domino<br />

Find out more on page 12<br />


A rotary capper first<br />

seen at the PPMA<br />

Show has met<br />

Beanies The Flavour<br />

Company’s demand<br />

for a British built<br />

capping machine<br />

PLUS<br />

Innovating with safety<br />

Entries are now invited for the<br />

thirteen categories that make<br />

up the PPMA Awards, <strong>2016</strong><br />

Get your entries in by <strong>June</strong> 27<br />

www.ppmatotalshow.co.uk<br />

We report on how the ready meals sector is recovering after the<br />

horsemeat scandal and how equipment is helping to deliver recipe<br />

innovation, product reformulation and, of course, cost effectiveness

Much more than simple technology<br />

CAMA UK Ltd - cama3@camagroup.com - Tel. +44 (0) 1793 831111

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 3<br />

<strong>May</strong>/<strong>June</strong><br />

Contents<br />

7 NEWS<br />



Sollas <strong>MU</strong> N-D 2014_HR 16/10/2014 10:16 Page 1<br />

19<br />



FOODEX <strong>2016</strong> REVIEW<br />

Five pages of the bi-annual<br />

review covers new products<br />

launched by PPMA members at<br />

the three day event in Birmingham<br />



This feature reports on the<br />

latest developments seen in the<br />

ready meals sector that includes<br />

a vision system for microwave<br />

packaging, fat analysis kit and<br />

various European installations<br />


Three pages of news are followed<br />

by a review of Mach <strong>2016</strong> as well<br />

as new products seen at the<br />

co-located Drives & Controls<br />

Show at the NEC, Birmingham<br />

66 LABELLING,<br />


New machinery, inks and also<br />

services are included this issue<br />


We look at how machinery<br />

manufacturers can ensure the<br />

reliability of their wireless safety<br />

controls in operation<br />


People, events and diary dates<br />


Machinery and services<br />

EDITOR:<br />

Gail Hunt<br />


David Chadd<br />


Bill Lake<br />


Chris Valdes<br />


Barry Heath<br />


Sarah Ketchin<br />


PPMA Ltd<br />

New Progress House,<br />

34 Stafford Road,<br />

Wallington,<br />

Surrey SM6 9AA<br />

TEL: +44 (0) 20 8773 8111<br />

FAX: +44 (0) 20 8773 0022<br />


publishing@ppma.co.uk<br />

show@ppma.co.uk<br />

technical@ppma.co.uk<br />

WEBSITE:<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />


of Machinery Update are<br />

considered from specifiers,<br />

managers and purchasers of<br />

processing and packaging<br />

machinery in the UK.<br />


£35 (UK), £50 (Continental<br />

Europe), £65 (rest of world).<br />

ISSN 0969-4145<br />


Manor Group, 7-8 Edison Road,<br />

Highfield Industrial Estate, Hampden Park,<br />

Eastbourne BN23 6PT.<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1323 514400<br />

The Processing and Packaging Machinery<br />

Association assumes no responsibility for the<br />

statements or opinions, whether attributed<br />

or otherwise, in Machinery Update.<br />

This publication is copyright under the Berne<br />

convention and the International copyright<br />

convention. Apart from any fair dealing for<br />

the purposes of research or private study, as<br />

permitted under the Copyright, Designs and<br />

Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication<br />

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval<br />

system or transmitted in any form or by any<br />

means in any form without prior written<br />

permission of the publishers.<br />

Publishers: PPMA Ltd

Series FN1 & FN4<br />

Series FN1/FN4<br />

Series FN1/FN4<br />

Series FN1<br />

New<br />

Series FN4<br />

Flow rate<br />

max. 40 l/min<br />

max. 80 l/min<br />

max. 250 l/min<br />

• Increased operational performance<br />

• Reduced downtime and recycling costs with our<br />

low maintenance stainless steel filter<br />

• No more element replacement<br />

Our unique element construction with back-flushing capability (PAT.)<br />

The element of the filter is constructed of a series of grooved filter plates and wave washers<br />

placed one above the other. Available: 5~20 micron with NBR or FKM seals.<br />

Eco-friendly regenerative filter<br />

A unique stainless steel element construction with back-flushing capability generates no<br />

industrial waste, thus requires no element replacement.<br />

FN1/FN4 Series Fluid flow Air flow<br />

Filtering<br />

Regenerating/Back-flushing<br />

Cylinder<br />

Cylinder<br />

Reservoir tank<br />

The element compressed by the cylinder<br />

filters the fluid - like a normal filter.<br />

As the cylinder extends downward, theelement is decompressed.<br />

Air pressure forces the fluid in the reservoir tank out to a waste<br />

filter and back-flushes the element.<br />

The element is then recompressed to resume filtration.<br />

A typical clogged filter<br />

More than just pneumatics.<br />

':0845 121 5122 8:sales@smcpneumatics.co.uk<br />


www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE 5<br />

PPMA matters<br />

There’s no<br />

slowdown in<br />

making things<br />

Grant Jamieson<br />



It’s a busy time of the year for many in manufacturing just<br />

now with no economic slowdown in evidence. Many PPMA<br />

members are reporting excellent order levels and demands for<br />

capital equipment remains buoyant. Customers have done their<br />

homework and are now rolling out their plans. We are a relevant<br />

manufacturing sector and I would argue we can be seen as a<br />

reliable barometer of people’s investment appetite.<br />

Not only are PPMA members rushing around at their day<br />

jobs, they have also been busy demonstrating their wares at<br />

various exhibitions at the NEC, Birmingham. The doors closed<br />

on Drives & Controls, Mach <strong>2016</strong> and Foodex <strong>2016</strong> in April, each<br />

demonstrating a diverse range of technologies. If you did not<br />

manage to visit, you can find reviews of each of these shows<br />

within the pages of this issue.<br />

Customers are rolling out<br />

their plans and demonstrating<br />

an appetite for investment<br />

CAM__SC=839.472<br />

4940977370101000<br />

LONDON 5<br />



There are also a couple of news items included this time on<br />

Open House events that have taken place recently, both of which<br />

were well attended by visitors from end-user companies.<br />

One in particular reports that every attendee had a live project<br />

to discuss during the event.<br />

Currently, it seems that customers need more capacity and<br />

this is not only leading to new equipment being ordered, but in<br />

my company’s case, enquiries about re-commissioning existing,<br />

previously mothballed machinery.<br />

Of course with rising demand, comes a further need for<br />

skilled people and this is a thorny and well publicised issue in<br />

manufacturing. The combination of an ageing workforce and<br />

many young people not finding engineering sexy is toxic to us<br />

all. We, at the PPMA, are trying to address this within our own<br />

membership with our BEST programme which this month, sees<br />

our first participants (see page 7).<br />

These initial bursaries are supporting two undergraduates.<br />

Our aim is to encourage and support students in relevant<br />

disciplines to develop the skills and experience they need to<br />

address the shortages in our industry. As well as proposing match<br />

funded options for colleges, scholarships for STEM 6th form<br />

students and day workshops in secondary schools, grants for<br />

apprenticeships are also available under this scheme.<br />

We are also encouraging students to visit our PPMA Total Show<br />

(NEC, Birmingham September 27 – 29) on the final afternoon. n<br />

Explore state of the art vision<br />

systems and smart cameras<br />

from Europe’s largest provider.<br />

Discover how we combine<br />

leading products with outstanding<br />

competence and<br />

service to make you stronger!<br />

Imaging is our passion.<br />

Phone 01252 780000<br />

www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />





Fully<br />

compliant<br />

with HACCP<br />

criteria<br />

M<br />

<strong>MU</strong>LTI-SPECTRUM<br />


CEIA<br />


with Round Belt for in-line applications<br />


∫∫<br />

∫∫<br />

Compact conveyor system integrated with CEIA THS /SL21<br />

series Metal Detectors<br />

Designed for integration into Standard check-weigher<br />

systems and other in line applications<br />

Round Polyurethane cord (FDA approved)<br />

∫∫<br />

∫∫<br />

Hygienic and easy to inspect conveyor<br />

Digitally-adjustable belt speed, with the option of automatic<br />

synchronization with the following conveyor<br />

∫∫<br />

High immunity to environmental interference<br />

∫∫<br />

Very high sensitivity to all magnetic and<br />

non-magnetic metals, including stainless steel<br />

Tool-free skidplate and belt removal<br />

∫∫<br />

∫∫<br />

Multi-spectrum technology for the most accurate<br />

compensation of the product effect (MS21 series)<br />

Automatic learning & tracking of product effect<br />


∂ Contact us on: 0161 286 8750 (TECHNICAL) - 0161 286 8755 (SALES)<br />

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metal detection services<br />


∂ 24-7 Help Line and Assistance<br />

∂ Metal Detector Validation and Retailer Code of practice training

News<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 7<br />

PPMA member takes up<br />

funds to benefit its staff<br />

The first two bursaries<br />

awarded under<br />

the PPMA’s BEST<br />

educational scheme have been<br />

made to two young people<br />

from bespoke machinery<br />

supplier CME.<br />

These engineering<br />

undergraduate bursaries will<br />

see the PPMA BEST grant<br />

matched by CME. The aim of<br />

this scheme is to help encourage<br />

and support students in<br />

relevant disciplines to develop<br />

the skills and experience they<br />

need to address the shortages<br />

in the industry. It is designed to<br />

encourage existing employees<br />

to embark on courses to benefit<br />

their roles.<br />

In this instance, Ryan Parris<br />

is studying Mechanical<br />

Engineering at UWE in Bristol<br />

and is in his second year. This<br />

is a part time course which he<br />

combines with working in the<br />

design office at CME on various<br />

customer projects.<br />

At the same time, Jonathan<br />

Ryan Parris is at UWE in Bristol<br />

studying Mechanical Engineering<br />

Simmons is in his first year<br />

at Southampton University<br />

studying Electromechanical<br />

Engineering. His gap year was<br />

spent working at CME where<br />

he was involved in several<br />

overseas installations.<br />

CME believes this matchfunding<br />

is a great way of<br />

Jonathan Simmons is studying<br />

at Southampton University<br />

attracting and encouraging<br />

high calibre staff. “We get<br />

great value out of these two<br />

young people and we hope<br />

that helping them gain extra<br />

qualifications and experience<br />

will encourage them to stay,”<br />

says managing director at<br />

CME Paul Knight.<br />

More visitors went<br />

to Powtech <strong>2016</strong><br />

than previous show<br />

Entries are<br />

invited for<br />

<strong>2016</strong> awards<br />

Both PPMA members and<br />

non-members alike can now<br />

submit their entries into one of<br />

the thirteen categories in this<br />

year’s PPMA Group Industry<br />

Awards which are designed to<br />

be a celebration of the best that<br />

British manufacturing has<br />

to offer in <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Awards for equipment<br />

innovation in a range of sectors,<br />

exceptional companies and<br />

exporters and excellent customer<br />

service will be presented as well<br />

as recognition for apprentices and<br />

also outstanding contributions to<br />

the industry. The full list of award<br />

categories is on the PPMA Total<br />

Show website (see below).<br />

Taking place on Tuesday 27<br />

September <strong>2016</strong> – the first night<br />

of the PPMA Total Show <strong>2016</strong><br />

– at the National Motorcycle<br />

Museum, Birmingham, this glitzy<br />

event will see more than<br />

400 guests come together for<br />

a four-course gala dinner with<br />

celebrity host Andy Parsons.<br />

Sponsors of the awards are<br />

Busch, Festo, Omron, Machinery<br />

Update and also PPMA Group<br />

Insurance.<br />

W www.ppmatotalshow.co.uk<br />


Latest apprenticeship plans<br />

Weetabix Food Company has launched a new Engineering and<br />

Manufacturing Apprenticeship scheme at Tresham College of Further<br />

and Higher Education. A total of four individuals will be taken on this<br />

year, two in manufacturing and two in engineering, with plans to take<br />

eight per year from 2017. The scheme is targeted towards college<br />

students to enhance their skills and gain practical experience.<br />

W www.weetabix.co.uk/careers<br />

Powtech <strong>2016</strong>, the exhibition<br />

for processing analysis and<br />

handling of powder and bulk<br />

solids, welcomed 16,000<br />

visitors in April. This was<br />

roughly 7% more than the<br />

previous event and, according<br />

to organisers, reinforced the<br />

Nuremburg-based show’s<br />

role as a key gathering place<br />

for the global process and<br />

bulk solids community.<br />

A total of 891 exhibitors from<br />

31 countries showcased new<br />

and more efficient production<br />

processes throughout the three<br />

days in Germany.<br />

The co-located scientific<br />

congress Partec welcomed<br />

over 500 delegates.<br />

Andy Parsons is the awards’ host

8 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

News<br />

Vast majority of members give<br />

a resounding no to leaving EU<br />

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services<br />



with<br />

and protection to IP69K<br />

The vast majority of<br />

PPMA (Processing &<br />

Packaging Machinery<br />

Association) members don’t<br />

want to exit Europe.<br />

When the trade body<br />

surveyed its members to ask<br />

if they thought they’d be better<br />

or worse off if the UK exited<br />

Europe, the answer was an<br />

overwhelming 82% believing<br />

they would be worse off and<br />

just 18% think leaving<br />

would bring benefits to the<br />

economy.<br />

Both sides of the Brexit<br />

debate had strong views with<br />

most of the answers showing a<br />

strong concern for trading and<br />

exports. Additionally, there is a<br />

fear of a narrowing market and<br />

damage to the UK economy<br />

from any retaliation from the<br />

EU if the UK does leave.<br />



UK Head office and assembly plant:<br />

Geared motors and inverters from NORD with<br />

and<br />

protection to IP69K for use in demanding washdown conditions.<br />

Easy to clean due to smooth surfaces<br />

Resistant to acids and alkaline wide pH range<br />

Increased energy savings with IE3/IE4 motors<br />

NORD Gear Limited<br />

11 Barton Lane, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, Oxford. OX14 3NB<br />

Tel. No.:+44 (0) 1235 534404 Fax. No.: +44 (0) 1235 534414<br />

Email: GB-Sales@nord.com web: www.nord.com<br />

Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group<br />

82%<br />

of the membership felt leaving<br />

the Eurozone would bring<br />

economic danger to the UK<br />

Many of the participants<br />

talked about being part<br />

of a European group or a<br />

connected supply chain so the<br />

consequences of any UK exit<br />

would be serious for them.<br />

Business cut backs, increased<br />

selling costs, job losses,<br />

depleted trading relationships<br />

and general downsizing of UK<br />

offices were also foreseen.<br />

Other participants that<br />

favoured an exit felt that the<br />

money saved from current<br />

EU contributions could be<br />

reinvested in to UK businesses<br />

as well as infrastructure to<br />

the benefit of all. In summary,<br />

the survey showed an<br />

overwhelming sense of members<br />

understanding or perceiving<br />

a danger to the market and<br />

economy from exiting the EU.

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 9<br />

Robotic chef can<br />

process ingredients<br />

with great care<br />

As Machinery Update went to<br />

press, OAL and the University<br />

of Lincoln were launching APRIL,<br />

a robotics and automation<br />

development described as<br />

changing the way food is<br />

manufactured. The patented<br />

robotic chef developed by OAL<br />

uses the latest cooking and<br />

material handling technologies<br />

to process ingredients with care<br />

on an industrial scale.<br />

APRIL allows users to scale<br />

up how chefs prepare restaurant<br />

food using flexible robotic cells.<br />

And, says Jake Norman of OAL,<br />

analysis of existing chilled food<br />

plants indicates a 7-14% bottom<br />

line improvement following the<br />

adoption of this technology.<br />

W www.aprilrobot.com<br />

Visitors could discuss the extensive range of equipment on show on the day<br />

Multivac UK held an<br />

open day in March to<br />

show off its refurbished<br />

building to customers,<br />

suppliers and partners<br />

following an eight month<br />

renovation process.<br />

The £3 million investment<br />

is designed to meet the needs<br />

of the expanding business<br />

that has been housed in its<br />

original building in Swindon<br />

since 1985. The transformed<br />

facilities now include a<br />

temperature controlled<br />

Product Development Centre<br />

designed to cut product<br />

development time and<br />

facilitate new packaging<br />

solutions as well as a new,<br />

expanded training facility.<br />

This now includes a dedicated<br />

OAL says APRIL robotics practical training area and<br />

technology will benefit ready a new classroom.<br />

meals manufacturers. See our The 40sq metres NPD area<br />

ready meals feature that begins features a separate changing<br />

on page 44 of this issue<br />

room and full hygiene facilities<br />

Redpack <strong>MU</strong> J-F <strong>2016</strong> Artwork_bmh to 08/01/<strong>2016</strong> enable advanced 09:05 Page processing 1<br />

Extended facility<br />

meets user needs<br />

and packaging trials for the<br />

first time.<br />

“With these facilities, we<br />

can now offer our customers<br />

additional options for carrying<br />

out packaging tests,” explains<br />

John Lakin, managing<br />

director of Multivac UK.<br />

“The installation of the demo<br />

room will completely change<br />

the type of trials we can<br />

now carry out.<br />

“Multivac can now provide<br />

an area suitable for shelf<br />

life trials and edible sample<br />

manufacture, cutting new<br />

product development times<br />

drastically for processors and<br />

retailers alike,” he says.<br />

And showroom facilities<br />

have also increased<br />

dramatically, to 850sq metres<br />

allowing the company to<br />

demonstrate its expanding<br />

range of packaging,<br />

inspection, labelling,<br />

processing and automation<br />

equipment more easily.<br />

In brief<br />



Rockwell Automation is<br />

celebrating industry endorsement<br />

of its iTRAK motion control<br />

solution. It won the technical<br />

innovation category at the Motion<br />

Control Industry Awards dinner.<br />

The award for iTRAK was<br />

down to the revolutionary design<br />

and build of its independent<br />

movers solution for packaging and<br />

materials handling. By combining<br />

intermittent and continuous<br />

motion into an integrated solution,<br />

Rockwell says iTRAK offers its<br />

users a smaller machine footprint<br />

with reduced maintenance and<br />

changeover time. This increases<br />

throughput potential and flexibility.<br />

Judges felt that iTRAK stood<br />

out in an excellent category because<br />

of its flexibility. They were also<br />

impressed by the efficiency savings<br />

it makes possible and the extensive<br />

range of end users who could benefit.<br />



A relationship that began at last<br />

year’s PPMA Show between sieving<br />

equipment maker Farleygreene and<br />

Irish supplier of food processing and<br />

packaging machinery Henderson<br />

Food Machinery Company has led to<br />

an agency agreement.<br />

Henderson Food Machinery<br />

Company will now be representing<br />

Farleygreene’s Sievmaster and<br />

Sievgen products in Ireland to<br />

strengthen the local service offer.<br />

P325E-FI - Trayless/Trayed Bottom Seal Flow Wrapper<br />

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● Integral labeller and printer available<br />

info@redpack.co.uk +44 (0) 1603 722 280 www.redpack.co.uk

10 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

News<br />

Vision technology day<br />

added value for guests<br />

Over fifty presentations over five tracks were completed during the event held at the Silverstone Wing in March<br />

The second UK Vision<br />

Technology Forum held<br />

by Stemmer Imaging<br />

at the Silverstone Wing saw<br />

more than 300 people gather<br />

for the seminar programme of<br />

over 50 presentations over five<br />

tracks and a mini exhibition<br />

featuring more than 30<br />

international machine vision<br />

technology suppliers.<br />

“We were delighted with<br />

every aspect of the event,”<br />

says Mark Williamson,<br />

director – corporate market<br />

development at Stemmer.<br />

“Attendance levels were<br />

excellent and we were pleased<br />

to welcome many new faces<br />

since over 50% of the visitors<br />

had not been to one of our<br />

events before.”<br />

The format gave attendees<br />

the flexibility to choose<br />

exactly which presentations<br />

they wanted to attend as<br />

well as plenty of time to visit<br />

the exhibition area. Each of<br />

the presentations typically<br />

attracted between 20 – 25<br />

delegates, but some had more<br />

than 40 people listening. The<br />

six ‘hands-on’ sessions for 3D<br />

imaging and the creation of<br />

machine vision applications<br />

using either smart cameras<br />

or multi-camera imaging<br />

software were once again,<br />

fully subscribed.<br />

“It was very rewarding to<br />

see many groups of visitors<br />

engaging in conversation<br />

throughout the day, taking<br />

advantage of the chance to<br />

network with each other and<br />

the vision specialists that were<br />

on hand,” says Williamson.<br />

“Many people commented<br />

on how useful these business<br />

discussions were.”<br />

• Here we highlight just a<br />

couple of sessions from<br />

the machine vision day.<br />

W www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk<br />

How smart cameras are changing the way<br />

vision is implemented in today’s factories<br />

Graham Brown from Teledyne<br />

DALSA’s spoke about how the<br />

advent of mobile computing<br />

platforms and the ‘internet<br />

of things’, has meant smart<br />

camera capability has never<br />

been greater.<br />

Once relegated to simple<br />

pixel counting algorithms,<br />

today’s smart cameras are<br />

far more powerful, and can<br />

implement sophisticated<br />

machine vision and image<br />

processing algorithms, he<br />

said. “All this and at prices<br />

that have never been lower.”<br />

For instance, the BOA is<br />

a highly integrated optical<br />

inspection tool for controlling<br />

quality and increasing<br />

productivity. It comprises all<br />

the elements of an industrial<br />

machine vision system in a tiny<br />

smart camera style package.<br />

Easy to use and inexpensive,<br />

Teledyne DALSA’s BOA<br />

leverages the full breadth<br />

and depth of the company’s<br />

design, engineering, and<br />

manufacturing expertise<br />

including sensor, camera,<br />

image-processing and vision<br />

software development to<br />

deliver the next generation<br />

in smart camera technology.<br />

BOA offers scalable vision<br />

solutions to satisfy a wide<br />

range of application needs<br />

from positioning robotic<br />

handlers to complete assembly<br />

verifications.<br />

“Smart cameras are redefining<br />

machine vision for factory<br />

automation and beyond,”<br />

he told the conference.<br />

Fully shielded cables are reliable<br />

Considering<br />

cables is a<br />

smart move<br />

US manufacturer CEI Components<br />

Express warned delegates to not<br />

skimp on their choice of cabling for<br />

any of their machine vision projects.<br />

“Why would you jeopardise a<br />

multi-million dollar installation for<br />

the sake of spending a few more<br />

dollars on better quality cabling?”<br />

asked Steve Mott of CEI.<br />

“Don’t get the cheapest cable from<br />

the internet as it may not deliver<br />

what you need.”<br />

He also talked about not<br />

leaving the decision about cabling<br />

until the last minute as it was an<br />

integral part of any successful<br />

implementation project.<br />

There are many factors to<br />

consider when choosing the correct<br />

cable solution for vision systems<br />

such as application environment,<br />

mechanical, orientation and space<br />

constraints. “Vision designers<br />

must consider their industrial<br />

environment location when<br />

selecting a cable suitable for<br />

their systems in order to ensure<br />

the highest possible quality of<br />

implementation,” he said.<br />

Common factors that determine<br />

the appropriate cable include<br />

motion requirements (Static,<br />

C-Track, Robotic); temperature/<br />

flammability/gas emissions;<br />

solvent and UV resistance;<br />

IP Ratings, IP67 (liquids and<br />

water resistance) and finally, noise<br />

EMI/RFI (motors and welders).<br />

Primarily there are three main<br />

types of cables to consider: static<br />

– stationary/no movement; drag<br />

chain – continuous movement<br />

back and forth on X-Y axis and<br />

robotic – continuous movement<br />

including torsional through X-Y-Z<br />

axis as well as several common<br />

jacket material types.<br />

“To guarantee the performance<br />

you require I would urge you to<br />

choose fully shielded, certified<br />

products,” he said.

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MACHINERY UPDATE 11<br />

Projects discussed<br />

at customer events<br />

The five open days that took place during March and April were well attended<br />

Aseries of open house<br />

events in March and<br />

April saw a good spread<br />

of attendees from the dairy,<br />

confectionery, cereals, fresh<br />

produce and other food<br />

businesses learn more about<br />

equipment from Rovema UK<br />

and multihead weighers from<br />

Multipond.<br />

Held at the Cox & Plant<br />

facility in the West Midlands,<br />

Rovema demonstrated its<br />

BVC 260 high speed bagger<br />

running at industry leading<br />

245 bags a minute on a single<br />

tube using laminated film<br />

from National Flexible.<br />

Jelly type sweets were being<br />

handled on this equipment<br />

during the events.<br />

Visitors were also able to<br />

discuss other machines in<br />

the Rovema range including<br />

its case packing equipment.<br />

These flexible machines can<br />

handle a number of bag styles<br />

and their build quality enables<br />

them to cope with harsh<br />

production environments.<br />

Sales manager at Rovema<br />

UK Alistair Brown was<br />

delighted with the open days<br />

and the opportunity to talk to<br />

so many contacts. “It was<br />

very gratifying that every<br />

visitor had a project to discuss<br />

during the open days,” he<br />

told Machinery Update.<br />

“We often work on turnkey<br />

projects so this was an<br />

excellent opportunity to explain<br />

our expertise in this area.<br />

“Our after sales and back up<br />

service is also valued by our<br />

customers,” he says.<br />

T 01296 310490<br />

W www.rovema.co.uk<br />

Pharma hub is here to help<br />

To help the global healthcare<br />

industry meet ever-changing<br />

compliance needs Videojet<br />

has developed the Pharma<br />

Hub. It is designed to provide<br />

pharmaceutical and medical<br />

device manufacturers with a<br />

reliable and comprehensive<br />

source of information to help<br />

them meet the changing coding<br />

and labelling requirements.<br />

“With the Pharma Hub, it is<br />

our aim to make it as simple<br />

as possible for manufacturers<br />

by providing the relevant<br />

information they need in a<br />

language they can relate to, all<br />

in one location,” says Nicola<br />

Rapley, vertical marketing<br />

manager for pharmaceutical<br />

and medical at Videojet.<br />

W www.videojet.co.uk/Pharma

12 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

New Machinery<br />

Turnkey solution allows for<br />

easy legislation compliance<br />

Domino Printing Sciences<br />

has launched a complete<br />

compliance solution that<br />

meets all the requirements<br />

of current and impending<br />

pharmaceutical serialisation<br />

legislation. Called SerialTrac,<br />

it has been designed to allow<br />

turnkey installation on<br />

primary packaging lines.<br />

The solution is equipped<br />

to deal with both internallyand<br />

externally-generated<br />

serial numbers and also offers<br />

aggregation functionality<br />

as standard, including<br />

post-manufacture rework<br />

and repacking – essential<br />

to any pharmaceutical<br />

manufacturing process. And<br />

its patented data compression<br />

techniques reduce the reliance<br />

on large, cumbersome and<br />

expensive databases. “The<br />

high degree of standardisation<br />

means we can offer SerialTrac<br />

as a cost effective, scalable<br />

compliance tool which can be<br />

rapidly installed,” explains<br />

Jim Orford, commercial<br />

programme manager for<br />

SerialTrac at Domino.<br />

With the Delegated<br />

Acts associated with the<br />

EU Falsified Medicines<br />

Directive (FMD) now in the<br />

public domain, item-level<br />

serialisation in the EU will<br />

be a reality in less than three<br />

years’ time. Domino estimates<br />

that a significant proportion<br />

of manufacturers will be<br />

Jim Orford is in the SerialTrac team<br />

SerialTrac has been designed to allow turnkey installation on packaging lines<br />

hard-pressed to meet this<br />

deadline but for some at least,<br />

SerialTrac may be the answer.<br />

“The impact of the FMD<br />

and other serialisation<br />

schemes around the world<br />

should not be underestimated<br />

for any branch of the industry<br />

but Domino recognises that<br />

small to medium-sized<br />

businesses are particularly<br />

hard hit,” says Orford.<br />

“Typically these<br />

manufacturers do not have<br />

the infrastructure or resources<br />

readily available to create<br />

a bespoke solution or to<br />

integrate with an ERP system<br />

– yet they face exactly the<br />

same complexity challenges<br />

as operations ten times their<br />

size,” he says.<br />

Throughout the serialisation<br />

journey, Domino and other<br />

commentators have repeatedly<br />

stated that no single supplier<br />

can provide a complete<br />

solution addressing all the<br />

core disciplines – which<br />

include code generation<br />

and management, code<br />

application and verification,<br />

pack handling, reject and<br />

data storage,<br />

management<br />

and reporting.<br />

Domino’s<br />

response to<br />

this problem,<br />

and the<br />

culmination<br />

of more<br />

than three<br />

years’ work<br />

for the team<br />

involved, is<br />

SerialTrac, which is produced<br />

under the Domino brand by<br />

a consortium of companies<br />

with complementary expertise.<br />

The result, it says, is a proven,<br />

‘out of the box’ serialisation<br />

product that combines best in<br />

class technological solutions<br />

for all aspects of serialisation,<br />

synchronised in a single<br />

SerialTrac Carton EU FMD Code<br />

product from a single supplier.<br />

Most serialisation projects to<br />

date have been out of necessity<br />

based on a bespoke solution<br />

but with SerialTrac, Domino<br />

has taken a different approach,<br />

recognising that the higher the<br />

degree of customisation, the<br />

greater the complexity.<br />

To this end, SerialTrac is not an<br />

application-specific solution;<br />

rather, Domino has called on<br />

the best minds in the business<br />

to create a master specification<br />

that covers the widest possible<br />

range of user requirements.<br />

If the specification does not<br />

cover the application at hand,<br />

then SerialTrac is not the<br />

solution. However, where<br />

the application meets the<br />

specification, the advantage<br />

of SerialTrac is that it is a<br />

complete solution that can<br />

be installed, working and<br />

compliant with minimal<br />

impact on production.<br />

Secure code generation and<br />

management functionality<br />

is based on the Codentify<br />

traceability solution which is<br />

widely proven in the tobacco<br />

sector for fraud prevention and<br />

fiscal recovery. At its heart is<br />

a powerful algorithm<br />

featuring asymetric<br />

encryption<br />

which generates<br />

random codes<br />

from a virtually<br />

infinite number<br />

of combinations.<br />

Installation on<br />

a typical line can<br />

be completed<br />

with minimal<br />

impact to any<br />

production environment<br />

which compares extremely<br />

favourably with the install<br />

requirements for bespoke<br />

systems, which are proving<br />

lengthy for many of the<br />

contractors currently at work<br />

in the field, says Domino.<br />

T 01954 782551<br />

W www.domino-printing.com

14 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

New Machinery<br />

End of line units keep up<br />

with high speed line pace<br />

The bag filler is easy to operate<br />

Bulk bag<br />

filler is easy<br />

to operate<br />

A new rear-post bulk bag filler<br />

featuring a patented swingdown<br />

fill head that pivots to the<br />

operator at floor level for safe,<br />

ergonomic spout connections,<br />

and a low-profile loading deck<br />

that allows removal of filled bags<br />

using a pallet jack is available<br />

from Flexicon (Europe).<br />

The cantilevered fill head pivots<br />

downward to a vertical orientation<br />

that places the inflatable bag spout<br />

seal, inflator button, and four<br />

bag loop latches within an arm’s<br />

length of an operator standing<br />

on the plant floor, eliminating the<br />

need to climb steps, strain or risk<br />

injury associated with overhead<br />

connections to conventional fill<br />

heads in operation.<br />

Once the operator connects<br />

the bag straps and activates the<br />

inflatable bag spout collar, the<br />

filler automatically pivots the fill<br />

head to horizontal, inflates the bag<br />

to remove creases, and activates<br />

a flow control inlet valve or feed<br />

conveyor. As load cells register the<br />

gain in weight, the controller raises<br />

and vibrates the loading deck at<br />

programmed intervals to densify<br />

material and promote flow into<br />

bottom corners of the bag.<br />

Once the bag reaches its target<br />

weight, the controller automatically<br />

stops the flow of incoming material,<br />

deflates the bag spout collar and<br />

releases the bag straps, allowing<br />

the filled bag to be removed.<br />

T 01227 374710<br />

W www.flexicon.co.uk<br />

Ocme UK director Steve Wyard says this machinery represents a step change for customers in the drinks sector<br />

The new Advance range<br />

from Ocme includes its<br />

fastest palletiser and<br />

shrinkwrapper it has ever<br />

offered to meet the end of line<br />

needs of high speed canning<br />

and bottling lines.<br />

“A fast changing market<br />

needs a palletising solution<br />

and a shrinkwrapper that is<br />

just as fast,” explains Federico<br />

Sartori, Ocme’s machine<br />

business unit manager.<br />

“The Advance range is<br />

designed to exceed the current<br />

standards of speed at the end<br />

of a line by matching the needs<br />

of our customers to have the<br />

fastest solutions available on<br />

the market,” he says.<br />

This new high performance<br />

range includes the Vega<br />

Advance shrinkwrapper, the<br />

Pegasus Advance palletising<br />

robot and the Orion Advance<br />

in-line palletiser, all of which<br />

are high speed options.<br />

For instance, the<br />

shrinkwrapper can reach<br />

150 cycles per minute<br />

with film only and 120<br />

cycles a minute with a<br />

tray and film, the<br />

This robotised option offers customers a high degree of customisation<br />

robotised palletising system<br />

offers 630 layers an hour and<br />

the in line palletiser can reach<br />

up to 570 layers an hour.<br />

The Pegasus robotised<br />

option includes the Ocme<br />

patented motorised gripper<br />

head for safe control and<br />

offers customers a high degree<br />

of customisation in terms of<br />

pallet layouts or pad and tray<br />

use. The Orion in line machine<br />

meanwhile is designed<br />

to combine accessibility,<br />

compactness and speed.<br />

Both units can include<br />

Program Maker software which<br />

can create and simulate new<br />

palletising patterns.<br />

According to Steve Wyard,<br />

director of Ocme UK, customer<br />

reaction to the new equipment<br />

has been extremely positive.<br />

“This machinery represents<br />

a step change for customers<br />

where one unit could replace<br />

two existing end of line<br />

machines,” he tells Machinery<br />

Update. “We are offering<br />

industry-leading speeds to<br />

soft drinks, beer and water<br />

producers,” he says.<br />

T 01635 298171<br />

W www.ocme.com

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 15<br />

High-end inspection and data<br />

capability at entry-level price<br />

WH Leary, manufacturer<br />

of glue application,<br />

quality assurance and<br />

data systems, is introducing its<br />

new MAQ quality assurance,<br />

data-enabled, 3-channel<br />

controller at drupa <strong>2016</strong> (<strong>May</strong><br />

31 - <strong>June</strong> 10, Düsseldorf). This<br />

new controller provides an<br />

extremely affordable solution<br />

with leading technologies<br />

and a robust user interface<br />

previously only available on<br />

higher end systems.<br />

It is ideal for packaging<br />

sectors looking to add quality<br />

inspection and/or data analysis<br />

for various applications<br />

including folding carton,<br />

cup filling, bag, cartoners,<br />

printing presses, labelling,<br />

tray forming, canning and also<br />

bottling machines.<br />


MAQ handles up to three<br />

of Leary’s QA technologies<br />

including cold and hot melt<br />

adhesive inspection, barcode<br />

reading, skewed cartons<br />

and bent or missing flaps<br />

detection and features touch<br />

screen control powered by its<br />

exclusive, operator-friendly<br />

Monet user interface. This<br />

reduces job setup and operator<br />

training time through its<br />

simplicity and reliability.<br />

The system’s rejection<br />

option emits a signal to the<br />

machine’s own rejection<br />

device or to Leary rejection<br />

devices to track bad product<br />

through the line and eject at<br />

the appropriate stage. This QA<br />

controller is data-enabled and<br />

can be used in combination,<br />

or on its own, with Leary’s<br />

data collection platform.<br />

Operations and production<br />

managers use the iQ platform<br />

to quickly analyse efficiencies,<br />

waste and OEE through the<br />

dashboard and ready-made<br />

reports and graphs.<br />

T 01268 490035<br />

W www.whleary.co.uk<br />

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16 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

New Machinery<br />

End of line range is a modular<br />

offer delivering reliable quality<br />

Alpma GB is now<br />

representing end<br />

of line packaging<br />

machines from German<br />

company Somic in the UK<br />

and Ireland. This is the first<br />

time a UK representative has<br />

been appointed as previously,<br />

machinery was sold direct<br />

from Germany.<br />

The company’s latest<br />

mechatronic 424 series<br />

range includes tray packers,<br />

wraparound units, cartoners,<br />

case erectors, packers and<br />

closers as well as complete<br />

lines, all of which are<br />

engineered within a standard<br />

modular system. This allows<br />

maximum flexibility for users<br />

and the ability to use single<br />

units or to incorporate a<br />

complete line into their plants.<br />

One of the key benefits<br />

of Somic equipment says<br />

Alpma is the combination<br />

of maximum performance,<br />

producing high quality final<br />

cases, within a small footprint.<br />

The flexibility of the range<br />

also allows users to adapt<br />

their production processes to<br />

changing market conditions<br />

quickly and easily.<br />

Fortress 3rd LHP_<strong>MU</strong> 19/11/2014 08:47 Page 1<br />

Somic’s end of line equipment range is now available direct from Alpma GB<br />

High speed is a given.<br />

“The engineering standards<br />

of Somic machines and<br />

sophistication of design and<br />

mechatronics gives them an<br />

industry leading position,” says<br />

Nick Aikenhead, managing<br />

director of Alpma GB. “These<br />

are machines for high speed<br />

and challenging applications<br />

where presentation and quality<br />

are priorities.<br />

“Somic has some of the<br />

most competitive equipment<br />

to offer,” he tells Machinery<br />

Update.<br />

Somic was founded by an<br />

ex-Alpma employee over 40<br />

years ago and today, as well<br />

as being close neighbours in<br />

Germany the companies use<br />

the same technologies, from<br />

Elau for motion control and<br />

mechatronics. “This allows<br />

Alpma GB to be well placed<br />

to support Somic equipment<br />

and our customers in the UK,”<br />

says Aikenhead.<br />

Satisfied customers in the<br />

UK talk about the quality of<br />

the final case achieved on the<br />

equipment. Somic systems do<br />

not fold the final case around<br />

the product, but fold it around<br />

a folding head which produces<br />

a superior case shape and<br />

consistent quality, said one<br />

user. “This was important to<br />

our business, especially as<br />

our products are not always<br />

uniform in shape,” he said.<br />

Other customers talk about the<br />

changeover process producing<br />

a perfect case immediately,<br />

without any need for further<br />

adjustments.<br />

T 01256 467177<br />

W www.alpma.co.uk<br />

www.fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

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www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 17<br />

Sewing units<br />

meet multi<br />

closing needs<br />

Fischbein sewing heads and<br />

systems can be configured to<br />

close a range of open-mouth<br />

bags including those made of<br />

jute, burlap, cotton, paper,<br />

poly-lined paper, polyethylene,<br />

woven or laminated<br />

polypropylene and nett.<br />

Sewing heads are constructed<br />

with heavy-duty metal<br />

components for unmatched<br />

durability to withstand even<br />

the most demanding working<br />

environments and the pressurised<br />

self-lubrication system protects<br />

moving parts and ensures<br />

maximum productivity with low<br />

maintenance.<br />


This robust ‘body’ is compact<br />

and is light which enables easy<br />

changeovers for maintenance<br />

purposes while the variable<br />

speed feature allows for easy<br />

synchronisation to the bagging<br />

line. In operation, stitch length<br />

and thread tension can be<br />

adjusted easily and a rotary knife<br />

can be used for accurate and<br />

faster thread cutting.<br />

Sewing systems can be manual<br />

which see the sewing head<br />

suspended to a cable or to the<br />

ceiling and involve the operator<br />

completing all of the operations.<br />

A basic sewing system can be<br />

supplied where the sewing head<br />

is on a single leg pedestal.<br />

Here, the already reshaped bag is<br />

introduced into the sewing head<br />

by hand or automatically.<br />

The higher speed sewing<br />

systems can be incorporated into<br />

new or existing packing lines to<br />

sew the bags faster, neater and<br />

with fewer breakdowns.<br />

This improves efficiency and<br />

output while also saving costs.<br />

For manual operations, the<br />

company offers a portable sewing<br />

machine that handles up to 250<br />

to 300 bags an hour.<br />

T 0844 372 2877<br />

W www.fischbein.com/eastern<br />

Offline unit is a roll-to-roll<br />

label serialisation provider<br />

Atlantic Zeiser will be<br />

demonstrating a rollto-roll<br />

label solution at<br />

drupa <strong>2016</strong> (31 <strong>May</strong> - 10 <strong>June</strong><br />

Düsseldorf) which means the<br />

serialisation and dispensing<br />

processes can be separated<br />

both physically, and in time.<br />

The already integrated,<br />

powerful unique code software<br />

and drop-on-demand inkjet<br />

technology open up a range<br />

of options for pharmaceutical<br />

manufacturers, packaging<br />

service providers and label<br />

printing companies to<br />

streamline the processes<br />

associated with serialisation,<br />

coding and tamper evident<br />

labelling, says the company.<br />

“With the Digiline label<br />

offline system, operators of<br />

multiple packaging lines that<br />

are not always working at<br />

full capacity can concentrate<br />

the necessary serialisation<br />

and printing tasks in one<br />

location within the production<br />

process in a way that enhances<br />

efficiency and saves space,”<br />

explains Michael Urso, product<br />

manager pharma & packaging<br />

solutions at Atlantic Zeiser.<br />

“Labels can then also be<br />

used for two functions at<br />

once, for instance: as a seal,<br />

The modular and responsive<br />

EIT (efficiency improvement<br />

tool) from Gebo Cermex<br />

continues to evolve and this<br />

year, EIT v6.0 is released<br />

incorporating a new web<br />

design interface and two more<br />

user-oriented modules: EIT<br />

AQ-Clock, offering real-time<br />

measurement of accumulation<br />

and EIT Audio which sends<br />

voice messages to production<br />

line staff.<br />

The Digiline label offline system offers new business opportunities<br />

providing tamper protection,<br />

and at the same time for<br />

transporting the serialisation<br />

codes,” he says.<br />

Furthermore, in some<br />

markets such as the USA,<br />

tablets are usually not packed<br />

in flat cartons, but primarily in<br />

HDPE plastic bottles, but still<br />

have to be serialised.<br />

With the new Digiline label<br />

offline system, extremely<br />

abrasion-resistant, high<br />

quality labels can be printed<br />

at speed, serialised and made<br />

available for a wide range<br />

of different packaging lines.<br />

The system paves the way for<br />

service providers such as label<br />

printing companies to produce<br />

pre-serialised labels at speeds<br />

up to 900 labels a minute for<br />

their customers and so exploit<br />

a new business model.<br />

T 01264 324222<br />

W www.atlanticzeiseruk.com<br />

Modular efficiency improvement tool gets<br />

new features to help production operators<br />

Operators now get vocal messages<br />

In the event of a machine<br />

stoppage, the new EIT<br />

AQ-Clock module keeps<br />

the operator fully aware of<br />

how much time he has for<br />

restarting his machine before<br />

it impacts the whole line while<br />

the second new module, EIT<br />

Audio, optimises operators’<br />

effectiveness as in addition to<br />

the visual management tools<br />

at their disposal, it provides<br />

vocal messages informing<br />

operators of ongoing issues<br />

or upcoming events.<br />

T 01480 455919<br />

W ww.gebocermex.com

18 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

New Machinery<br />

Technology deposits 3D jellies<br />

at high speed and at lower cost<br />

Online Label<br />

Inspection System<br />

In combination with Sentinel, Cerberus,<br />

Theia and SPX<br />

Baker Perkins has<br />

introduced new mould<br />

technology to deposit<br />

3-dimensional starchless<br />

jellies. These 3D jellies can be<br />

made in one or two colours;<br />

with stripes and layers; with<br />

solid or soft centre-fills and<br />

with inclusions such as real<br />

fruit pieces. The process<br />

uses quick-setting jelly<br />

formulations, typically<br />

pectin- or carrageenan-based.<br />

Inspects, locates and<br />

verifies on either top or<br />

bottom of pack<br />

• Text<br />

• Graphics<br />

• Barcodes<br />

• Promotional labels<br />

• QR codes<br />

• RSS codes<br />

SparcEye Benefits<br />

• One-touch setting<br />

• Fully integrated<br />

• No addtional space required<br />

• Speeds up to 200 packs/min<br />

• OCR/OCV as standard<br />

Sparc House, Merebrook Business Park,<br />

Hanley Road, Malvern, Worcestershire,<br />

WR13 6NP England<br />

T: +44 (0)1684 310000<br />

E: sales@sparc-systems.com<br />

3D jellies are a fast-growing segment<br />

Balls or spheres; fruit<br />

shapes such as raspberries,<br />

strawberries and pears;<br />

animals and cartoon<br />

characters are possible.<br />

The importance of speedto-market<br />

in this short term<br />

environment means the<br />

process of developing a new<br />

product ready for manufacture<br />

has to be compressed, says<br />

Baker Perkins. To answer this<br />

need, new designs can be<br />

visualised and models made<br />

very quickly using 3D CAD and<br />

3D printing, which is also used<br />

to make test moulds for trials.<br />

To ensure fast changeover<br />

between production runs,<br />

the mould system uses a new<br />

carrier design with clip-in<br />

moulds that allows rapid<br />

low cost product change by<br />

replacing just the moulds<br />

rather than the complete<br />

carrier system. This widens the<br />

range of products that a single<br />

line can produce, and this<br />

versatility may be enhanced by<br />

the ability to deposit multiple<br />

shapes in different colours<br />

simultaneously.<br />

T 01733 283000<br />

W www.bakerperkins.com<br />


New Machinery<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 19<br />

Carton/tray former offers cost<br />

benefits for lower speed users<br />

Bradman Lake has<br />

launched a new variant<br />

of its three axes servo<br />

HSS double head, glue and<br />

lock style carton/tray former.<br />

The new single head version<br />

has a smaller footprint and is<br />

more cost effective for lower<br />

speed applications.<br />

This new machine was<br />

initially developed for a<br />

multinational chocolate<br />

and food company that<br />

had placed an order for<br />

a complete integrated<br />

packaging machinery system<br />

which had to be located<br />

into a confined floor space.<br />

Both the space available for<br />

such a machine combined<br />

with the requirement for<br />

low carton forming speeds,<br />

dictated a creative solution.<br />

Bradman Lake developed<br />

a ‘slimmed down’ single<br />

head version of the larger<br />

HSS former while retaining<br />

and enhancing the technical<br />

features of the unit.<br />

Included in the design is<br />

a low level, large capacity,<br />

powered and fully adjustable<br />

carton blank magazine<br />

Even coarse boards such as microfluted and B & C fluted can now be formed<br />

which is fully shaft adjusted<br />

to suit different carton sizes.<br />

Also, a servo motor powered<br />

vacuum carton feed bar has<br />

been included which, unlike<br />

older design vacuum feed<br />

bars, is fully adjustable to suit<br />

all carton sizes within the<br />

machine range and therefore<br />

a more economic item since no<br />

change parts are required.<br />

In operation, the carton<br />

blanks are shuttled forward<br />

and gripped at each side to<br />

ensure precise positioning<br />

of glue and consistent location<br />

above the carton plunger<br />

cavity. Hot melt glue is fired<br />

downwards with accuracy.<br />

Meanwhile, lock erect style<br />

cartons can also be handled<br />

on this former by just turning<br />

off the glue firing.<br />

The carton or tray plunger<br />

has also been redesigned<br />

to give it another technical<br />

feature. Unlike many formers<br />

which use mechanical drives,<br />

Bradman Lake software<br />

designers have programmed<br />

the speed of the plunger<br />

descent and ascent using<br />

electronic cam profiles so that<br />

the mechanism can plunge<br />

downwards fast then dwell for<br />

milliseconds to permit glue<br />

compression or mechanical<br />

lock engagement and then<br />

retract fast. This programming<br />

allows fast forming speeds<br />

of up to 60 cartons or trays<br />

per minute (depending upon<br />

blank size) to be achieved.<br />

Another benefit of this<br />

servo programming of the<br />

plunger action is that the unit<br />

can be programmed to plunge<br />

further into the forming<br />

cavity which allows the new<br />

HSS single head machine<br />

to glue or lock form cartons<br />

or trays with taller height<br />

side walls.<br />

T 01502 470500<br />

W www.bradmanlake.com

20 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

New Machinery<br />

Label applicator allows<br />

3-sided case placement<br />

Autolabel has developed<br />

a pallet labelling<br />

applicator that complies<br />

with the strict GS1 Serial<br />

Shipment Container Code<br />

(SSCC) as it can place<br />

barcode labels on three sides<br />

of a case, not the standard<br />

two sides.<br />

“We have designed the<br />

Pallet Flex Wipe system to be<br />

safe, user friendly, extremely<br />

compact, fast and future<br />

proof for all labelling needs,”<br />

says Denis Brett, managing<br />

director of Industrial<br />

Labelling Systems (ILS).<br />

“Both the compact nature of<br />

the unit and the fact that same<br />

applicator can label all three<br />

sides offers great flexibility,”<br />

he continues.<br />

Flex Wipe is built upon two<br />

rotating movements. The inner<br />

arm can rotate 360deg and the<br />

labels can leave the printer in<br />

two directions. The outer arm<br />

can rotate 200deg.<br />

A camera based scanner is<br />

located behind the applicator<br />

pad. In operation, when<br />

a validation check scan is<br />

required, the arm moves away<br />

from the pallet and the outer<br />

The Flex Wipe system can apply labels to three sides of a case in operation<br />

arm turns 180deg to take a<br />

picture of the label. “Pallet<br />

labelling is the foundation of<br />

traceability within the supply<br />

chain,” says Brett.<br />

The pallet Flex Wipe<br />

system is fully compatible<br />

with Autolabel’s existing<br />

T63 printer, using the same<br />

Autolabel standard applicator<br />

interface as with all the other<br />

applicators in the range.<br />

Other advantages of the<br />

system include the lightweight<br />

arms which make the<br />

applicator fast but hazard<br />

free; there is no need for<br />

any guarding; it is safe for<br />

operators and it has the same<br />

configuration regardless of the<br />

labelling application required<br />

(front, side or back).<br />

T 0161 655 4846<br />

W www.ilsystems.co.uk<br />

Heat seal bench top banders offer a cost<br />

effective way to achieve tamper evidence<br />

Jenton has launched the<br />

Bandit range of heat seal<br />

The Bandit heat seal bander launched by Jenton<br />

bench top banders which are<br />

available in two tape widths -<br />

30 and 50mm. Plain<br />

or printed materials<br />

can be used on the<br />

units as well as<br />

products with cross<br />

sectional dimension<br />

of up to 240mm.<br />

These small<br />

machines are<br />

ideal for banding<br />

individual products<br />

for labelling or<br />

security or in<br />

multiples for promotions or<br />

shelf stacking.<br />

The units are compact,<br />

are easily portable and they<br />

can apply bands at up to 25<br />

cycles per minute without<br />

any need for compressed air.<br />

A simple tension adjustment<br />

is included to suit the<br />

product being banded, along<br />

with a patented tape guide<br />

mechanism to allow trouble<br />

free tape feeding.<br />

T 01256 892194<br />

W www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Cartoner for<br />

pharma is<br />

topload unit<br />

Bosch Packaging Technology has<br />

added a new topload cartoner to<br />

its TTM product portfolio.<br />

The proven features of the<br />

TTM platform have been<br />

advanced for the packaging of<br />

ampoules, vials, syringes, pens<br />

and further pharmaceutical<br />

products. Bosch says a simple<br />

and safe changeover concept;<br />

high process safety and a broad<br />

format and product flexibility<br />

characterise the machine.<br />

Its modular design means<br />

machine layout can be adjusted<br />

to different product infeeds.<br />

Outputs of 30 up to 200<br />

cartons per minute can be<br />

achieved which makes the<br />

machine suitable for both small<br />

and large production batches.<br />

The new Sigpack TTMP can<br />

be combined with the TTMC<br />

case packer to offer customers<br />

a uniform operating concept for<br />

an entire line, says Michael Haas,<br />

product manager at Bosch.<br />

Tool-less format changes with<br />

vertical restart can be carried out<br />

in minutes while the open and<br />

easy accessible machine design<br />

provides for fast line clearance.<br />

“The patented changeover<br />

concept allows several pack<br />

styles to be handled easily<br />

on one machine,” says Haas.<br />

“This is especially important for<br />

increasingly small batch sizes.”<br />

A wide range of product infeed<br />

and loading options ensure the<br />

gentle handling of sensitive,<br />

delicate products including a<br />

range of gripper technologies.<br />

T 01332 626262<br />

W www.boschpackaging.com<br />

Pharma pack options available


Embracing the latest technology, Kensal consistently<br />

delivers improved line efficiency for customers, whilst<br />

reducing operating costs.<br />

For standalone or complex conveyors, robotic palletising<br />

systems, project management, line integration, conceptual<br />

designs or software upgrades – whatever your handling<br />

requirement – Kensal has the answer.<br />

• Stainless steel conveyor systems<br />

• Robotic and end of line equipment<br />

• Bespoke engineering capabilities<br />

• Turnkey and standalone solutions<br />

• Integration and project management<br />

• Service support and upgrades<br />

Kensal Handling Systems Ltd, Kensal House, President Way, Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

www.kensal.com<br />

sales@kensal.com | tel: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777

22 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

False rejects<br />

eliminated<br />

for nut firm<br />

Replacing its existing metal<br />

detectors with five Fortress<br />

Technology’s Stealth Vertex<br />

systems has yielded a 40%<br />

improvement in sensitivity and<br />

eliminated the issue of false<br />

rejects for a leading UK nut and<br />

dried fruit processing and<br />

packing company.<br />

Having purchased metal<br />

detection equipment from several<br />

different suppliers over the<br />

years, the company saw this as<br />

an opportunity to rationalise its<br />

sourcing approach. It turned to<br />

Fortress, whose technology had<br />

previously proved reliable. The<br />

mini Vertex units could also be<br />

fully integrated with its existing<br />

multihead weighers and vertical<br />

baggers on its site.<br />

“What we needed was to<br />

get more productivity out of<br />

this equipment by retrofitting<br />

them with reliable in-line metal<br />

detection units,” says a company<br />

spokesperson. “The small,<br />

compact Vertex head fitted<br />

beautifully within the available<br />

envelope, and we liked the<br />

fact that Fortress offered full<br />

installation and integration with<br />

our existing kit.”<br />

The ultra-slim Vertex<br />

from Fortress detects metal<br />

contaminants in free-falling<br />

product prior to final packaging.<br />

The sensitive unit uses digital<br />

signal processing technology<br />

to ensure detection of the<br />

smallest ferrous, non-ferrous<br />

and stainless steel contaminants.<br />

Complying with stringent<br />

HACCP regulations, the built-in<br />

data collection software with<br />

USB data transfer establishes<br />

the Vertex as an effective critical<br />

control point.<br />

Screening a variety of nuts<br />

immediately prior to bagging at<br />

speeds of 80 packs per minute,<br />

the new metal detectors have<br />

eliminated false rejects at the<br />

company altogether.<br />

T 01295 256266<br />

W www.fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

British-built capper is<br />

the answer for coffees<br />

Karmelle launched its<br />

new rotary capper<br />

at last year’s PPMA<br />

Show and first to install this<br />

British-built machine is coffee<br />

manufacturer Beanies the<br />

Flavour Company. The coffee<br />

maker had first seen Karmelle<br />

equipment at a previous<br />

PPMA exhibition which led<br />

to a project in 2014. This saw<br />

a three point wraparound<br />

labelling machine installed.<br />

“We have had previous<br />

dealings with Karmelle and<br />

we find them very easy to<br />

work with,” explains Beanies<br />

production manager Lee Hull.<br />

“The company advised on<br />

the size, speed and overall<br />

specification of the rotary<br />

capper and we liked what<br />

we heard,” he continues.<br />

“A price was agreed; it was<br />

as easy as that.”<br />


Karmelle developed the<br />

machine as a response to a<br />

gap in the UK market. The<br />

company says<br />

it was able to<br />

fill this need<br />

for a British<br />

machine able to<br />

compete with<br />

the overseas<br />

machines on<br />

speed, quality<br />

and price with<br />

the added<br />

convenience of<br />

relative close<br />

proximity<br />

for easy<br />

communication,<br />

quick servicing<br />

and change parts supplies.<br />

This factor was certainly<br />

important to Beanies.<br />

“We find buying from<br />

UK-based manufacturers<br />

a better option due to the<br />

support network they offer,”<br />

Hull tells Machinery Update.<br />

“Overall, the machine has<br />

been working well,” he says.<br />

Beanies is the first customer<br />

The capper has been working very well at Beanies The Flavour Company<br />

“We have had a few teething<br />

issues but Karmelle are only<br />

a phone call away with help<br />

and advice if needed.”<br />

Also, Karmelle’s flexible<br />

approach allowed it to install<br />

the capper over weekends to<br />

avoid interfering with Beanies<br />

manufacturing<br />

process.<br />

In operation,<br />

the Karmelle<br />

rotary automatic<br />

capping machine<br />

is designed<br />

for closing<br />

various types<br />

of containers<br />

with screw,<br />

press-on and<br />

pilfer proof caps.<br />

The machine<br />

is especially<br />

suitable for<br />

use in the food<br />

processing, cosmetic and<br />

chemical industries but as all<br />

the machines are bespoke,<br />

they can be adjusted to suit<br />

individual needs.<br />

Containers queue up before<br />

entering a single star wheel<br />

which presents the bottles into<br />

the rotating capping station.<br />

The star wheel then indexes<br />

the bottle into position and<br />

the cap is then screwed home<br />

as the capper rotates.<br />

The capped container then<br />

leaves the machine via a<br />

second star wheel.<br />

These caps are held in<br />

a low level hopper which<br />

automatically feeds the caps<br />

up to the elevated sorting<br />

drum. The hopper is fitted<br />

with a low level visual<br />

alarm to alert the operator<br />

of when the hopper requires<br />

replenishing.<br />


This elevated, angled sorting<br />

drum presents the caps upside<br />

down into a discharge chute,<br />

where they are orientated into<br />

the correct position. The inner<br />

caps then enter a magazine<br />

where they are placed onto<br />

the container as it passes<br />

underneath and just before it<br />

enters the press which closes<br />

the cap down.<br />

Containers are stabilised<br />

during the pressing action by<br />

a side drive which keeps time<br />

with the moving conveyor<br />

underneath.<br />

T 01484 533356<br />

W www.karmelle.com

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 23<br />

Latest technology brings energy<br />

savings to capsule manufacturer<br />

whluk_adver16_machup_0405_f_eco.pdf 1 4/11/16 1:25 AM<br />

Plastics cups and<br />

capsules manufacturer<br />

RPC Tedeco-Gizeh has<br />

reduced its annual energy<br />

consumption by 83% since<br />

changing the vacuum pumps<br />

on its automated packing lines<br />

at its factory in South Wales.<br />

RPC works closely with<br />

Cymru Automation on process<br />

improvement projects. Piab,<br />

in conjunction with Cymru,<br />

was asked to look at the<br />

automated packing lines to<br />

see if it was possible to reduce<br />

maintenance downtime and<br />

also save energy.<br />

Visit W H Leary<br />

and Robatech<br />

Hall 6<br />

Stands D60 & D62<br />



£1114<br />

which translates to an 83%<br />

C<br />

energy reduction. It is being<br />

rolled out to other machinesM<br />

Y<br />

These packing lines use<br />

CM<br />

a vacuum system to hold<br />

cardboard boxes in place<br />

MY<br />

during filling. The previous<br />

CY<br />

system relied on constantly<br />

running, electric vane pumps CMY<br />

which were providing a<br />

vacuum facility, even when<br />

it wasn’t necessary.<br />

During the project, it became<br />

obvious that a significant<br />

saving could be made by<br />

replacing these constantly<br />

running, energy expensive<br />

vacuum pumps with the<br />

latest technology from Piab.<br />

Consequently, Piab and<br />

Cymru engineers suggested<br />

fitting a Piab piclassic<br />

Si32-3 vacuum pump with<br />

pisave Optimize.<br />

This allows the vacuum to<br />

be switched on automatically<br />

only when needed and to<br />

provide only the amount of<br />

vacuum necessary to hold the<br />

boxes in place.<br />

T 01509 857010<br />

W www.piab.com<br />


24 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

Servo drive replacement has<br />

delivered cereal bar benefits<br />

Outdated drive technology<br />

at Weetabix’s Alpen<br />

factory that was<br />

impacting wrapping efficiencies<br />

has been replaced to bring<br />

production line gains<br />

including extending the<br />

machine’s life.<br />

About a quarter of capacity<br />

of the Alpen bar production<br />

line is handled by a Bosch<br />

HSM wrapping machine.<br />

Critical to the operation of this<br />

machine were IRT 1300 servo<br />

drives, but as they had been<br />

discontinued, replacement<br />

parts were becoming difficult<br />

to source. Karl Wigley,<br />

reliability engineer at Weetabix<br />

Food Company, was charged<br />

with addressing this issue<br />

and finding a cost effective<br />

solution. And a solution that<br />

could be implemented with<br />

minimum downtime and risk<br />

to the production line that<br />

operates round the clock.<br />

“Our original wrapping<br />

machine was fitted with<br />

fourteen IRT 1300 servo drives<br />

which were located in two<br />

cabinets,” explains Wigley.<br />

“The flow wrapper still met our<br />

requirements and the IRT servo<br />

drives – critical to the operation<br />

of the machine – were running<br />

smoothly,” he says.<br />


“Unfortunately, the IRT drives<br />

had been superseded by a new<br />

generation of drives, the 2000<br />

series, meaning replacement<br />

parts were no longer being<br />

manufactured so we were<br />

faced with the decision to<br />

replace our servo drives.”<br />

Weetabix systematically<br />

implements reliability<br />

centred maintenance<br />

(RCM) and condition based<br />

monitoring (CBM) to<br />

increase machine uptime,<br />

increase cost effectiveness<br />

of capital investments and<br />

improve decision making<br />

Reliability engineer at Weetabix Food Company Karl Wigley has found a cost effective solution for Alpen bars<br />

– an essential part of its<br />

production process. Weighing<br />

the immediate financial<br />

benefits of renovating existing<br />

technology with the longer<br />

term benefits of deploying a<br />

more contemporary design<br />

with increased efficiency and<br />

performance, Wigley and<br />

the Weetabix team made the<br />

decision to entirely upgrade<br />

its servo drives.<br />

Having made the decision<br />

to enhance its production<br />

line, Weetabix approached<br />

Quin Systems, a distributor<br />

and technical support<br />

organisation in the UK and<br />

Ireland for Swiss-based IRT<br />

to take its existing 1300<br />

drives and upgrade them to<br />

the 2000 series. Fearing a<br />

About a quarter of the capacity of the Alpen bar production line is handled<br />

drop in production during<br />

the installation process,<br />

the two companies worked<br />

together to agree a work plan<br />

that minimised risk and<br />

inconvenience from the outset.<br />

The solution was found<br />

in upgrading the cabinets<br />

on separate dates and on<br />

weekend shifts so that normal<br />

practice could resume without<br />

causing any financial loss.<br />


For maximum efficiency, Quin<br />

fitted the new IRT drives in<br />

place of the existing drives in<br />

the same cabinet space and<br />

reused the existing motors,<br />

encoders, command cables<br />

and the control system.<br />

This delivered the most cost<br />

effective solution. “Quin<br />

Systems carried out the<br />

installation, commissioning<br />

and testing of our new drives to<br />

the highest possible standard

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 25<br />

production downtime.<br />

“It’s proved a great decision<br />

to replace our drives and<br />

we’ve been left very satisfied,”<br />

of production line innovation<br />

at Weetabix and we’re looking<br />

forward to producing bars<br />

that is always on the lookout<br />

for new talent. Take a look at<br />

its careers webpage for more<br />

for UK consumers over the details: www.weetabix.co.uk/<br />

Wigley Contiform tells Machinery AspetBloc, Update. Machinery coming Update years.” magazine, 149x225 careers. mm, CC-en31-AZ011 10/15<br />

“The Alpen bar factory is<br />

now one of the prime examples<br />

Wigley is part of a growing<br />

team of engineers at Weetabix<br />

T 0118 977 1077<br />

W www.quin.co.uk<br />

Cabinets were updated at weekends<br />

and offering a quality of service<br />

that is rarely found these days,”<br />

says Wigley.<br />

“Despite a few minor<br />

hiccups, the machine was<br />

up and running by the<br />

scheduled time and little to no<br />

production time was lost,” he<br />

continues. “The Quin engineer<br />

was present at the start of<br />

production on Sunday night<br />

and returned in daylight hours<br />

to give advice and support to<br />

our team as required.<br />

“We couldn’t have asked for<br />

a smoother transition.”<br />


Wigley reports that the<br />

flow wrapping machine is<br />

now handling better than<br />

ever before. For instance,<br />

increased responsiveness<br />

means the machine takes less<br />

time to reach the optimum<br />

speed. Hunting (where the<br />

system first overcorrects in<br />

one direction and then the<br />

opposite direction) has also<br />

been reduced, resulting in<br />

smoother handling and lower<br />

energy consumption.<br />

In a nutshell, Weetabix<br />

has implemented a cost<br />

effective solution on this<br />

production line which will<br />

extend the machine life,<br />

improve reliability and save<br />

The Alpen<br />

bar factory is<br />

now one of the<br />

prime examples<br />

of Weetabix<br />

production<br />

innovation<br />

Contiform AseptBloc<br />

#GermanBlingBling<br />

#ContiformAseptBloc<br />

We do more.

26 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

Case packer helps present butters<br />

in retail friendly packs efficiently<br />

The ability to switch<br />

between different<br />

secondary pack formats<br />

easily has seen German butter<br />

manufacturer Meggle install<br />

a further case packer from<br />

Schubert.<br />

This second line was<br />

installed to meet retail<br />

customer demands for not<br />

only various sizes of butter<br />

container, but also different<br />

case formats including the<br />

so-called Zip & Crack cartons<br />

as well as tray packaging.<br />

Zip & Crack are cases that can<br />

be zipped open in the middle<br />

and separated so they can be<br />

merchandised sideways on<br />

the shelf in a store.<br />

In the factory, butter<br />

containers are supplied by<br />

the upstream machine in<br />

various types along four belts.<br />

Different splits of container<br />

types are possible, two belts<br />

of unsalted butter and two<br />

with salt for instance.<br />

Parallel to delivery of<br />

the butter containers, a<br />

3-axis robot pulls the carton<br />

blanks from the magazine.<br />

Schubert says this F3 robot<br />

delivers better unstacking of<br />

the cartons as they are not<br />

simply removed, but actually<br />

stripped with the third axis.<br />

Even slightly damp or warped<br />

cartons do not cause the<br />

The individual butter containers at the Meggle factory are carried on the Transmodul and pre-grouped before packing<br />

machine to malfunction.<br />

A 2-axis robot takes the<br />

blank, which is supplied<br />

with hot glue from the<br />

bottom, pushes it through<br />

a folding frame and positions<br />

the erected carton directly<br />

onto the Transmodul.<br />

The system has two<br />

Transmodul lines. On the first,<br />

the boxes are transported<br />

while the container formations<br />

are created on the second<br />

line’s Transmodul.<br />

Via light scanners, two fouraxis<br />

pick and place robots pregroup<br />

the containers ready for<br />

filling and then closing.<br />

Switching between the two<br />

carton formats, either trays<br />

(in 12 and 24 formats) or Zip &<br />

Crack cartons (12 products),<br />

takes place without manual<br />

adjustment and therefore<br />

without tools. Only fixed<br />

format parts are exchanged.<br />

Another special feature of<br />

the machine is its integrated<br />

buffer which takes on a<br />

memory function for excess<br />

butter containers. If the<br />

mixing ratio isn’t correct<br />

for any reason, the pick and<br />

place robot sets the excess<br />

containers into a buffer until<br />

the right mix of product is<br />

achieved.<br />

T 01676 525825<br />

W www.schubert-uk.co.uk<br />

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28 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

Shrinkwrapper increases<br />

output using less power<br />

Johnsons Stalbridge<br />

Linen in Glasgow is the<br />

first laundry company<br />

to take delivery of a brand<br />

new shrinkwrapper from<br />

Shrinkwrap Machinery and<br />

has been so pleased with the<br />

purchase it has ordered two<br />

further machines for its sites<br />

in the South.<br />

“For the past month we have<br />

used Shrinkwrap Machinery’s<br />

new machine which was<br />

delivered and installed<br />

on time, explains Alan<br />

Mulholland, group operations<br />

director at Johnsons Stalbridge<br />

Linen. “Although this machine<br />

sits on a smaller footprint, it<br />

delivers a higher pack output<br />

and uses less power.<br />

“We are so pleased with<br />

the new machine that we<br />

have just ordered two further<br />

machines for two of our sites<br />

in the South.”<br />

The machine has a number<br />

of new features and additions<br />

which have all been added<br />

with commercial laundries<br />

in mind. “We listened to<br />

our customers and took on<br />

their feedback,” says Jeremy<br />

Frith, technical director at<br />

Smooth lines and clear views allow for easy maintenance access for engineers<br />

Shrinkwrap. “We’ve been able<br />

to greatly improve pack side<br />

closure, something that the<br />

industry is demanding more<br />

and more, we have improved<br />

the energy efficiency of the<br />

heat tunnel by reducing<br />

heaters, improving air flow<br />

and finally we have ramped up<br />

the insulation to an incredibly<br />

high standard.”<br />

Speed wise, this machine<br />

will happily work its way<br />

through 1200 packs per hour<br />

using a 13 micron film; and the<br />

progressive infeed machine<br />

will increase that to 1500<br />

packs per hour where there<br />

is a requirement.<br />

“Aesthetically our machine<br />

range has had a total overhaul<br />

with ease of maintenance<br />

access in mind for engineers at<br />

all times,” says Frith.<br />

T 01202 674944<br />

W www.shrinkwrap.co.uk<br />

Special scale brings<br />

higher productivity<br />

across tofu range<br />

Tofu King has installed a semiautomatic<br />

Dataweigh multifunctional<br />

scale from Yamato as<br />

this weighing solution was set<br />

up quickly and worked ‘straight<br />

out of the box’ to meet rising<br />

demand for the company’s bean<br />

curd products.<br />

The scale is portioning and<br />

feeding the packing area and is<br />

capable of reaching speeds of up<br />

to 30 packs a minute on retail<br />

packs of Tofu King products. The<br />

machine has fitted into the limited<br />

space available and is working with<br />

other, existing machines.<br />

Hygienic and waterproof, the<br />

scale can handle both dry and<br />

marinated tofu products because<br />

the hoppers and conveyor<br />

belt can be removed easily for<br />

cleaning and maintenance.<br />

The flexibility that this has brought<br />

to the food company has enabled<br />

it to adjust the machinery<br />

easily to suit different products,<br />

weights and sizes required.<br />

“The process of packing tofu<br />

products was done manually<br />

before because of potential<br />

problems packing various<br />

weights of both dry and wet<br />

products which contain oil, chilli<br />

marinated tofu for example,” says<br />

Yamato commercial operations<br />

manager Andrea Spencer.<br />

T 0113 322 1546<br />

W www.yamatoscale.co.uk<br />



Antalis Packaging specialise in the design and creation of integrated packaging systems,<br />

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www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 29<br />

Cartoners keep pace with high<br />

speed spice mix lines in India<br />

With the co-operation<br />

of its new agent in<br />

India, Kliklok has<br />

secured an order for two fully<br />

automatic end load cartoning<br />

lines packing four different<br />

size bags of aromatic spice mix<br />

at 330 cartons a minute.<br />

To achieve this speed, Kliklok<br />

has designed a brand new<br />

variant of its 6in pitch Prima<br />

end load cartoner incorporating<br />

servo motors to replace<br />

mechanical drive mechanisms<br />

throughout the machine. This<br />

eliminates time-consuming<br />

hand wheel adjustments with<br />

quick and easy automatic<br />

adjustments. For this particular<br />

project, to meet the specific<br />

requirements of the customer,<br />

each Prima was enhanced with<br />

a number of optional features<br />

to maintain efficiency and<br />

consistently high performance.<br />



10minutes<br />

thanks to the ‘easy-fit’ design<br />

of the cartoners change parts<br />

Kliklok’s patented rotary<br />

carton feeder has the ability to<br />

run cartons with large quality<br />

variations which is key to<br />

maintaining efficiency on such<br />

a high speed line<br />

The deployment of RFID tags<br />

ensures that the change parts<br />

fitted are precisely matched to<br />

the SKU selected on the menu<br />

screen before the machine<br />

can run. This fail safe system<br />

ensures maximum productivity<br />

and eliminates any downtime<br />

due to operator error.<br />

For the product loading<br />

operation prior to cartoning,<br />

each Prima was integrated with<br />

Kliklok’s triple module Cascade<br />

loading system.<br />

T 01275 836131<br />

W www.kliklok-int.com<br />

Faster production without using more energy<br />

Achieving the highest consistency, quality and throughput doesn’t have<br />

to cost you more. Once programmed, our robots can be relied upon to<br />

handle a process in an efficient, hygienic and timely manner, leading to<br />

decreased product wastage and energy spend. To find out more about<br />

how robots could improve your picking, packing or palletising process,<br />

email robotics@gb.abb.com ref; ‘processing applications’.<br />

ABB Limited<br />

Auriga House, Precedent Drive<br />

Rooksley, Milton Keynes<br />

MK13 8PQ<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1908 350 300

30 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

Maximum flexibility is delivered<br />

by off-the-shelf palletising units<br />

AUK bakery that<br />

installed two Palbox<br />

robotic palletisers<br />

from PML (Promalyon) last<br />

year has ordered a further<br />

two machines for its Milton<br />

Keynes-based plant.<br />

According to export<br />

sales engineer at PML<br />

Clément Schmitt, the<br />

benefits of installing one<br />

robotic palletiser per<br />

production line is a simple<br />

way to make the operation<br />

more efficient.<br />

“We offer a standard<br />

design solution to our<br />

customers that guarantees<br />

quality and reliability,” he<br />

tells Machinery Update.<br />

And, as well as allowing<br />

quick commissioning, the<br />

machine can be moved easily<br />

to accommodate changing<br />

production layouts or<br />

throughputs as the Palbox<br />

is mounted on a skid.<br />

“Our equipment can be<br />

moved easily without<br />

any de-wiring or<br />

re-wiring, disassembling<br />

or reassembling or any<br />

re-learning of robot<br />

YPS <strong>MU</strong> N-D 2014_<strong>MU</strong> 16/10/2014 09:38 Page 1<br />

Four standard configurations are offered to meet individual customer needs<br />

trajectories,” explains<br />

Schmitt. This can work well<br />

for factories handling seasonal<br />

product ranges.<br />

Technology used for the<br />

latest Palbox equipment in<br />

the UK is a six axis robot<br />

from Yaskawa which offers<br />

freedom of movement,<br />

even in this compact space.<br />

External dimensions are<br />

6800 x 3100 x 2500mm which<br />

allows the equipment to be<br />

transported by truck and<br />

loaded and unloaded quickly.<br />

All electrical components,<br />

including the main cabinet<br />

and its HMI are housed in<br />

this enclosure.<br />

Ease of use has been<br />

designed into the equipment<br />

and the Flexipal software,<br />

for instance, allows<br />

pallet patterns to be<br />

programed independently.<br />

Four standard<br />

configurations are<br />

offered (right, left,<br />

rear right and rear left)<br />

to meet individual<br />

customer needs.<br />

Products that can<br />

be handled include<br />

cardboard boxes and<br />

trays, shrinkwrapped<br />

bundles of products<br />

and wraparound boxes<br />

as well as an option to<br />

use bags. Interlayers can<br />

also be used on the system.<br />

The machine has been well<br />

received by the food industry<br />

and, by producing a standard<br />

solution the company offers a<br />

simple introduction to robotic<br />

technology. “Because the<br />

Palbox is standard, we offer<br />

a quicker, cheaper and more<br />

efficient choice than bespoke<br />

machinery,” says Schmitt.<br />

T 01295 272755<br />

W www.yaskawa.eu.com<br />

W www.promalyon.com<br />

SHRINK WRAPPING solutions you can TRUST<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems exclusive distributors for the range<br />

of high speed shrink wrappers<br />

YPS will offer full spares and<br />

service backup to existing<br />

UK and Ireland based<br />

Hugo Beck installations.<br />

High Speed Side Sealers<br />

High Speed Feeders<br />

Form, Fill and Seal Machines<br />

High Efficiency Shrink Tunnels<br />


Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane, Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF12 7JJ, UK<br />

T: +44(0)1924 441355 F: +44(0)1924 440686 E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk

THE alternative solution<br />

IP rated trunking<br />

systems from Lasnek<br />

Stainless Steel Cable Management Systems<br />

• UL Listed NEMA 4X Trunking system<br />

• Designed and certified to IP66 standard<br />

• Available in 304 or 316 grade stainless steel<br />

• Retained and sealed cable access cover<br />

• Choice of 4 widths and 4 lengths<br />

• Wide range of fittings, brackets and accessories<br />

• Manufactured in the UK<br />

www.lasnek.com • sales@lasnek.com<br />

Lasnek Ltd, 1 President Way, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 9NR<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1582 425 777<br />

6410 IP AD - MARCH 2015 - MACHINERY UPDATE 210x143.indd 1 21/03/<strong>2016</strong> 14:55<br />

Fast, affordable, print &<br />

apply from Logopak<br />

The new Logopak 300 is a simple case<br />

or pack labeller. It has a clean design,<br />

uncompromising German build quality,<br />

a small footprint and a user-friendly<br />

operator interface.<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />


32 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

Brewery<br />

is now in<br />

full control<br />

Rockwell Automation has<br />

supplied South African<br />

Breweries (SAB) with its first<br />

fully automated and networked<br />

EtherNet/IP-based control<br />

system for its new maltings plant<br />

in Alrode, Gauteng.<br />

The new control system will<br />

integrate traditionally disparate<br />

malt production processes into<br />

a single networked EtherNet/<br />

IP-based solution to provide<br />

plant-wide visibility and<br />

actionable data from the malting<br />

plant’s production floor to SAB’s<br />

top floor. This new maltings plant<br />

will account for more than half of<br />

the breweries’ South African and<br />

Namibian malt production when<br />

fully commissioned this year.<br />

SAB contacted Rockwell to<br />

design a fully automated and<br />

networked EtherNet/IP solution<br />

for the plant, a first for SAB. The<br />

solution implemented connects<br />

all data from the plant floor to<br />

the rest of the SAB enterprise,<br />

transforming the plant into a<br />

‘Connected Enterprise’.<br />

“By converging operations<br />

technology and information<br />

technology, we enable SAB secure<br />

access to operational, business<br />

and transactional data to improve<br />

the malting plant’s supply chain,<br />

economic and sustainable<br />

performance,” explains Adrian<br />

van Wyk from Rockwell.<br />

All devices and processes within<br />

the plant are integrated in a single<br />

secure network with dual-port<br />

EtherNet/IP-based hardware<br />

connected in a Device Level Ring<br />

configuration. “This provides<br />

a strong future-proof technical<br />

solution with high-performance<br />

delivery and Network resilience at<br />

Device Layer,” he says.<br />

“By enabling secure access to<br />

actionable run-time production<br />

data, machine diagnostics and<br />

automatic fault-finding, SAB<br />

gains full visibility of the maltings<br />

plant, ultimately facilitating a<br />

faster time to market.<br />

T 0870 242 5004<br />

W www.rockwellautomation.co.uk<br />

To ensure production line efficiencies were maximised, tna installed a fully integrated control system across the line<br />

Tailored solution meets<br />

snack demand increases<br />

Algerian snack<br />

manufacturer<br />

Maravilla has increased<br />

production capacity by 25%<br />

since installing customised<br />

solutions from tna.<br />

The replacement of an<br />

outdated manual process with<br />

optimised and automated<br />

conveying systems enabled<br />

Maravilla to achieve its<br />

primary goal of boosting<br />

production capabilities,<br />

while also fuelling company<br />

growth and improving overall<br />

profitability.<br />

In light of the growing<br />

demand for snack products in<br />

the domestic Algerian market<br />

and overseas, Maravilla wanted<br />

to boost production capacity<br />

to ensure it stayed competitive<br />

in this dynamic sector.<br />

Working with tna, Maravilla<br />

integrated nine tna roflo high<br />

throw vibratory conveyors,<br />

alongside three mini feeders<br />

into its potato/corn pellet line.<br />

The snack manufacturer also<br />

updated its current control<br />

systems by investing in the<br />

latest integration technologies<br />

from tna.<br />

As a result of the installation<br />

of tna’s equipment, Maravilla<br />

now benefits from a more<br />

efficient production process<br />

and also reduced downtime<br />

at the production plant.<br />

In every production<br />

line, plant managers want<br />

to optimise the speed<br />

and performance of their<br />

manufacturing to ensure<br />

targets are met, says tna.<br />

Products therefore need to<br />

be processed more quickly<br />

and efficiently. Incorporating<br />

effective conveying equipment<br />

into production lines is critical<br />

to achieving this.<br />


To maintain and improve<br />

its production capabilities<br />

and overall efficiency, and<br />

to fully benefit from these<br />

emerging opportunities in<br />

kids snacks, Maravilla needed<br />

a high performance, flexible<br />

conveying solution that could<br />

be easily integrated alongside<br />

existing systems for a<br />

smoother distribution process.<br />

tna’s roflo VM 3 was supplied<br />

to achieve the company’s<br />

production efficiency<br />

objectives. This conveyor<br />

incorporates a special reaction<br />

base design combined with an<br />

intelligent microprocessor,<br />

for a much greater stroke<br />

length at a lower frequency.<br />

This feature enabled<br />

Maravilla to improve<br />

throughput by 25% and<br />

achieve a smoother transfer<br />

of its products throughout<br />

the manufacturing process.<br />

Due to increasingly<br />

stringent food safety<br />

regulations in the country,<br />

Maravilla was also looking<br />

to integrate a simple design<br />

system with smooth surfaces<br />

and no blind spots or<br />

areas where product and<br />

microorganisms could build<br />

up – to reduce the risk of<br />

cross-contamination.<br />

tna’s roflo VM 3 features no<br />

metal-to-metal bacteria build<br />

up areas and all conveyor<br />

trays are fully welded or<br />

scalloped, meaning Maravilla<br />

now benefits from reduced<br />

contamination risk.<br />

T 0121 628 8900<br />

W www.tnasolutions.com

Engineered to perform<br />

Packing a punch<br />

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The portfolio comprises a wide<br />

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SOMIC also offers handling and<br />

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Specialist industries include<br />

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Choose a champion and call<br />

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ALPMA GB Limited<br />

1 Devonshire Business Park<br />

Knights Park Road<br />

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Hampshire RG21 6XN<br />

Telephone: 01256 467177<br />

Fax: 01256 842917<br />

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Take on complex tasks with a single<br />

packaging system.<br />

With a customised TLM system from Schubert, you can design your entire packaging process in a way that is<br />

tailored and sustainably efficient – no matter how many steps are involved. You’ll not only save considerable space,<br />

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Thanks to the patented Transmodul we deploy in our TLM machines, the intelligent transport unit autonomously<br />

carries products and packages from station to station, while enabling precise tracking. Find out more about the<br />

future of packaging technology at www.schubert-magazine.com




Take on complex tasks with a single<br />

packaging system.<br />

With a customised TLM system from Schubert, you can design your entire packaging process in a way that is<br />

tailored and sustainably efficient – no matter how many steps are involved. You’ll not only save considerable space,<br />

compared to using many individual machines, you’ll also achieve uniformly high performance and process stability.<br />

Thanks to the patented Transmodul we deploy in our TLM machines, the intelligent transport unit autonomously<br />

carries products and packages from station to station, while enabling precise tracking. Find out more about the<br />

future of packaging technology at www.schubert-magazine.com

36 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Installation News<br />

First UK order for dual<br />

arm robot is from Sony<br />

New system for drinks maker<br />

Dual sealing<br />

system keeps<br />

drinks safer<br />

Following a request from an<br />

ingredients supplier to a global<br />

soft drinks company for extra<br />

protection from cross product<br />

contamination during the<br />

case sealing process, Endoline<br />

Machinery developed a special<br />

case sealing system that both<br />

glues and tapes filled cases.<br />

With additional technology<br />

to handle both single wall and<br />

twin walled cases to ensure a<br />

precise seal each time, the new<br />

dual sealing system offers an<br />

alternative to using separate tape<br />

and glue machines. Compactly<br />

designed to meet with the tight<br />

space requirements, the machine<br />

was built to meet the size of the<br />

previous case sealer, which only<br />

offered a glue finish.<br />

The beverage company<br />

produces the ingredients for<br />

a range of different varieties<br />

of soft drinks and supplies<br />

bottling factories worldwide.<br />

One particular ingredient is the<br />

granules which are used in the<br />

production of diet and low sugar<br />

drink alternatives for a global<br />

soft drinks company. It was this<br />

product which prompted the<br />

request for heightened sealing<br />

capabilities to meet stringent<br />

regulations placed on them<br />

by the drinks maker.<br />

With a daily output of over<br />

10,000 cases per day, the dual<br />

sealing system is achieving a<br />

perfect seal on cases ranging<br />

from almost empty to 25kg<br />

in weight.<br />

T 01767 316422<br />

W www.endoline-automation.com<br />

Sony UK Technology,<br />

manufacturer of<br />

broadcast and<br />

professional cameras and<br />

camera systems, will be the<br />

first in the UK to order YuMi,<br />

ABB’s dual arm robot solution.<br />

Primarily used in R&D, it will<br />

help Sony to better understand<br />

the benefits of collaborative<br />

robotics in its high volume<br />

circuit board application.<br />

“The innovative design and<br />

forward-thinking capabilities<br />

of YuMi will complement our<br />

culture of doing something<br />

better today than yesterday,”<br />

says Kevin Edwards,<br />

general manager and head<br />

of engineering at the Sony<br />

UK Technology Centre. “We<br />

consistently strive to produce<br />

the highest quality products<br />

with the highest reliability<br />

and we pride ourselves on<br />

using the latest state of the art<br />

manufacturing techniques<br />

that enable us to respond<br />

quickly to customers’ needs.”<br />

YuMi’s safe design, 2-finger<br />

grippers, accurate vision and<br />

sensitive force control lends<br />

itself well to the proposed<br />

Gs Fresh Marketing has<br />

installed a NIKO filling line<br />

from UK agent Holmach for<br />

the handling of beetroot and<br />

other pickles into a new range<br />

of pasteurisable PET jars.<br />

Comprising a volumetric<br />

pocket filler with vibration<br />

that is designed to handle<br />

whole, shredded and sliced<br />

product; a spice filler for<br />

capers, peppercorns and<br />

seeds and a vacuum filler<br />

linked to a capper, the line<br />

is designed to gently fill<br />

delicate and difficult products<br />

Sony UK Technology will use YuMi to help improve its assembly techniques<br />

application and presents<br />

Sony with the opportunity to<br />

readily adapt its programming<br />

to match any changes<br />

in its assembly process.<br />

Furthermore, YuMi’s flexible<br />

software allows staff to use<br />

lead-through programming to<br />

effectively teach the robot how<br />

to handle each part, reducing<br />

set-up time and allowing team<br />

without damage and to ensure<br />

the brine is filled into the<br />

container without spillage.<br />

The line has been running<br />

members to play a significant<br />

role in the robot’s operation.<br />

“YuMi creates valueadded<br />

opportunities for our<br />

employees to utilise their<br />

skill sets,” says Edwards. “We<br />

look forward to discovering<br />

the further benefits that this<br />

collaborative robot will bring.”<br />

T 01908 350300<br />

W www.abb.com<br />

Filling line provides for delicate and also<br />

difficult products to be handled with ease<br />

German-based NIKO are specialists in pickle handling from fillers to briners<br />

well since installation at over<br />

100 jars a minute.<br />

T 01780 749097<br />

W www.holmach.co.uk

Transferring more<br />

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<br />

PPMA Jobs UPDATED_HR 16/10/2014 10:19 Page 1<br />

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Y<br />

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Review<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 39<br />

Food and drink industry<br />

saw latest developments<br />

PPMA members were<br />

out in force at Foodex<br />

<strong>2016</strong> held at the NEC,<br />

Birmingham in April with<br />

many launching equipment<br />

and demonstrating machinery<br />

to suit all sizes of food and<br />

drink businesses.<br />

Sales and new contacts<br />

were secured throughout the<br />

three days but some were<br />

disappointed with the number<br />

of visitors at the event and felt<br />

that last year’s PPMA Show<br />

had been busier.<br />

One stand that was busy<br />

when Machinery Update<br />

visited was Multivac UK and,<br />

explains Laura Affleck, orders<br />

had been secured throughout<br />

the event. “We aimed our<br />

Winkworth<br />

demonstrated its<br />

new benchtop<br />

ManyMix unit which<br />

is ideal for factories<br />

where space is at<br />

a premium or for<br />

technicians wishing<br />

to place it on a<br />

laboratory bench.<br />

It is smaller than<br />

its predecessor, the<br />

Many Mix 3-in-1,<br />

but still offers<br />

performance and mixing<br />

capabilities.<br />

exhibit at small to medium<br />

sized food companies and<br />

we’ve secured a healthy<br />

amount of leads,” she said.<br />

“We have also exhibited<br />

our recipe management line<br />

to demonstrate our skills<br />

in supplying integrated<br />

packaging solutions.”<br />

One exhibitor that felt the<br />

biennial show was not as<br />

busy as last time was Grant<br />

Jamieson, managing director<br />

of mixer company Winkworth.<br />

“Footfall hasn’t been as high<br />

as previous shows but we have<br />

seen different people from<br />

customer organisations which<br />

is useful,” he said.<br />

Another PPMA member<br />

that had secured orders from<br />

Features include the compact<br />

footprint, digital variable<br />

the stand was metal detection<br />

company MDS Ceia. “The<br />

show has been surprisingly<br />

good for us with a decent<br />

amount of enquiries,” said<br />

sales & marketing director at<br />

the company David Hale.<br />

Aaron Bessell sells Fuji<br />

wrapping equipment at<br />

Paramount Packaging and he<br />

said the company had seen<br />

a good mix of new contacts<br />

as well as existing customers<br />

while marketing co-ordinator<br />

at Pacepacker, Andreas<br />

Fantousi was generally<br />

pleased with the quality of<br />

the visitors but, he told<br />

Machinery Update, he would<br />

have liked a few more of them.<br />

W www.foodex.co.uk<br />

High level performance as well as mixing<br />

capabilities are available on benchtop unit<br />

The benchtop ManyMix unit is ideal for when space is tight<br />

speed motor via<br />

a touchscreen<br />

control and quick<br />

changeover<br />

hygienic chamber<br />

technology.<br />

“The ManyMix is an<br />

essential research,<br />

development and<br />

pre-production<br />

mixer,” says<br />

Grant Jamieson,<br />

managing director<br />

at Winkworth.<br />

T 01256 305600<br />

W www.mixer.co.uk<br />

New material offers safer uses<br />

Detectable<br />

material<br />

reduces risk<br />

Undetectable plastics used in<br />

food packaging could be a thing<br />

of the past with the new material<br />

that is food safe and metal<br />

and x-ray machine detectable<br />

launched by Detectamet at the<br />

three day exhibition.<br />

The material can be used to<br />

make plastics sacks in all practical<br />

sizes and thicknesses, commonly<br />

used by ingredients suppliers<br />

and it can also be used to make<br />

detectable plastics liners for<br />

paper sacks. From strong 25 kilo<br />

sacks to small sachets, this new<br />

material can be tailor made for<br />

specific purposes.<br />

Customers can select from<br />

nine colours to identify brand<br />

or purpose or to provide extra<br />

visibility. The special polyethylene<br />

material has been found to be<br />

safe for direct contact with food<br />

and complies with US and EU<br />

regulations.<br />

“Packaging is essential<br />

for protecting food and food<br />

ingredients but until now, there<br />

has been little packaging that<br />

metal and x-ray inspection<br />

systems could find and reject<br />

should it accidentally get into<br />

the finished food,” says James<br />

Chrismas, managing director at<br />

Detectamet. “I have been asked<br />

several times if we can reduce the<br />

risk of contamination by pieces<br />

of ingredient sacks and this new<br />

material is a significant response<br />

to this challenge,” he said.<br />

T 01759 304200<br />

W www.detectamet.co.uk

40 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

New Machinery Review<br />

New software solution is<br />

aid to productivity gains<br />

Cimlogic<br />

announced the<br />

release of new<br />

software solution<br />

OEE Express at<br />

the event.<br />

The company<br />

believes that Cimlogic<br />

OEE Express (powered<br />

by TrakSYS) with its<br />

fast implementation<br />

and rapid return on<br />

investment will give<br />

manufacturers the edge<br />

over their competition<br />

by improving<br />

effectiveness,<br />

increasing output,<br />

reducing downtime and<br />

improving quality.<br />

Cimlogic’s OEE<br />

software provides a<br />

highly integrated application<br />

that helps manufacturers to<br />

improve the productivity of<br />

manufacturing processes<br />

and accurately measure true<br />

plant productivity.<br />

High levels of downtime and<br />

work in progress, low capacity<br />

utilisation and high labour<br />

costs can all have an impact<br />

on business profitability and<br />

performance. OEE Express is<br />

IWM exhibited its T200 oneman<br />

operated traywasher, the<br />

CW13 EX BT cabinet washer<br />

and the EC20 200 litre Euro<br />

Bin washer at this year’s event.<br />

The T200 washer benefits<br />

from powerful enhanced<br />

pumps that produce highpressure<br />

water jets as well as<br />

additional heating capacity.<br />

Ideal for removing tough, sticky<br />

residues, the machine can<br />

accommodate 50 to 200 trays,<br />

crates or boxes an hour with a<br />

maximum size of 600 x 400mm.<br />

The OEE Express software allows more detailed information to be extracted<br />

a decision support tool to<br />

focus on production losses<br />

(time, speed, quality)<br />

and improve overall<br />

manufacturing operations.<br />

OEE Express offers a variety<br />

of benefits including the<br />

rapid deployment without<br />

programming or disruption<br />

of production, deployment for<br />

multiple (discrete) production<br />

areas (eg lines or cells) and it<br />

comes with many out-of-the<br />

box KPI reports. It can easily<br />

extend deployment to<br />

other lines and be readily<br />

upgraded to the professional<br />

package for a full-scale<br />

manufacturing operations<br />

management system to achieve<br />

manufacturing and business<br />

improvement objectives.<br />

T 01274 599955<br />

W www.cimlogic.co.uk<br />

Industrial washing equipment meets range<br />

of foods demand for hygienic manufacture<br />

With a stainless steel control<br />

panel built to IP66 standard,<br />

the T200 comes complete<br />

with an electrical system that<br />

includes stop/start, emergency<br />

stop, category 4 safety circuits<br />

and low-level water and<br />

thermostatic protection for<br />

heater and pump components.<br />

With solid construction and<br />

user friendly operation, the new<br />

CW13 EX BT general-purpose<br />

cabinet washer is ideally suited<br />

for efficient batch washing of a<br />

wide range of items including<br />

trays, machine components/<br />

change parts, weigh pans,<br />

buckets and utensils. This<br />

new cabinet washer has been<br />

designed with hygiene in mind,<br />

with an internal self-cleaning<br />

function and a machine interior<br />

that is completely rounded,<br />

with no right angles.<br />

Completing the display was<br />

the EC20 bin washer which is<br />

compatible with Eurobins as<br />

well as Vemag skips and buggies.<br />

T 0121 459 9511<br />

W www.indwash.co.uk<br />

Sleeve coder<br />

brings retail<br />

alternatives<br />

Rotech unveiled its new RF-Lite<br />

sleeve coding system which has<br />

been designed to address key<br />

technical challenges presented<br />

by the drive to minimise the<br />

environmental impact of food<br />

packaging while maintaining its<br />

on-shelf impact.<br />

It is described as an ideal entry<br />

level solution for artisan food<br />

producers and other small food<br />

companies looking to automate<br />

their offline date marking process<br />

for the first time. It also suits<br />

larger operators, especially in<br />

the chilled food sector, who are<br />

looking to install multiple date<br />

marking systems to cater for<br />

multiple products and short<br />

production runs.<br />

The RF-Lite takes flat<br />

cardboard sleeves from a hopper,<br />

feeds them through an inkjet<br />

printer so they can be date-coded<br />

and stacks them again ready for<br />

use. The use of thinner, lighter<br />

sleeve materials is not a problem<br />

for the RF-Lite. The sleeves are<br />

stacked vertically in a hopper,<br />

where friction wheels separate<br />

them and feed them one by<br />

one to the inkjet printer.<br />

This would not be possible using<br />

a conventional ‘push’ or shuttle<br />

feed mechanism, which only<br />

works with thick, stiff materials.<br />

This unit can handle a variety<br />

of sleeve shapes and sizes and<br />

only takes seconds to swap<br />

between them without special<br />

tools or training.<br />

T 01707 393700<br />

W www.rotechmachines.com<br />

Coder handles a range of sleeves

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 41<br />

Delivering reductions in<br />

pack/wrap times in food<br />

Antalis Packaging<br />

exhibited its latest<br />

packaging options<br />

that provide food logistics<br />

businesses with bespoke<br />

solutions to improve their<br />

automation and efficiency.<br />

The stand included live<br />

demonstrations of the latest<br />

semi-automatic Lantech<br />

stretch wrapping machinery,<br />

and case erector systems;<br />

both of which aim to reduce<br />

pack/wrap times within a<br />

warehouse environment,<br />

especially relevant when<br />

dealing with perishable or<br />

refrigerated food goods.<br />

Also shown with the stretch<br />

wrapper were a weigh scale<br />

and printer as well as other<br />

examples of materials and<br />

machinery for primary,<br />

secondary and tertiary<br />

packaging applications.<br />

Key to Antalis’ service<br />

offering is the ability to provide<br />

bespoke, tailored product lines<br />

to fit the individual needs of<br />

a business, providing end-toend<br />

solutions from void fill and<br />

case erectors/closers, through<br />

to pallet wrappers/weighing<br />

machines and stretch films.<br />

“Within the food logistics<br />

industry, it is vital that both<br />

packaging consumables and<br />

machinery provide effective<br />

solutions matched to suit<br />

Antalis Packaging showed a range of kit designed to reduce pack/wrap times<br />

specific requirements, as<br />

well as meeting all relevant<br />

food legislation,” says Martin<br />

Styler, sales director at Antalis<br />

Packaging. “By implementing<br />

automation into your packaging<br />

process, a more adaptable<br />

business model is possible,<br />

increasing efficiencies and<br />

reducing costs associated with<br />

damages and returns.”<br />

The company has recently<br />

revealed a new informationpacked<br />

website to support<br />

customers in the fast-paced<br />

packaging and logistics<br />

markets. Set against a<br />

backdrop of the rapid rise of<br />

ecommerce and the increasing<br />

demand for a streamlined<br />

storage, packaging and<br />

distribution supply-chain,<br />

the launch of www.<br />

antalispackagingsolutions.<br />

co.uk offers visitors useful<br />

information and clear solutions<br />

to real industry challenges.<br />

The new site has a userfriendly<br />

interface that is<br />

easy to navigate and has<br />

been developed as a ‘go-to’<br />

resource for help and advice<br />

with any packaging and<br />

logistics problems across the<br />

supply chain.<br />

T 0370 241 1466<br />

W www.antalispackaging<br />

solutions.co.uk<br />

Bulk handling and<br />

conveying systems<br />

were demonstrated<br />

Spiroflow showcased its latest<br />

bulk handling and conveying<br />

solutions for shifting food<br />

ingredients at the show.<br />

Transferring food powders,<br />

flakes and granules from one<br />

area of a factory to another<br />

for processing, packaging and<br />

distribution requires a system<br />

that is fast, easy to route, has few<br />

moving parts, empties the system<br />

of product with minimum residue<br />

and provides dust-tight operation,<br />

says the company. Visitors saw for<br />

themselves how equipment was<br />

meeting these needs via the bulk<br />

bag discharger and flexible screw<br />

conveyor on the stand.<br />

Both are designed for the<br />

hygienic discharging and<br />

distribution of food ingredients<br />

including sugar, flour and spices,<br />

within a factory environment.<br />

Options available with the<br />

T2 bulk bag discharger include<br />

loss-in-weight product feed,<br />

patented massage systems to<br />

promote flow from bags, hygienic<br />

bag spout sealing device and<br />

integral hoist , all of which are<br />

designed to empty 1-2 tonne bags.<br />

Meanwhile, the main advantage<br />

of the flexible screw conveyor<br />

is its simplicity which results in<br />

short installation times and low<br />

maintenance. The whole system<br />

can be stripped down for cleaning<br />

in minutes, says the company.<br />

T 01200 422525<br />

W www.spiroflow.com<br />

Zero rejects<br />

with machine vision<br />

World’s leading trade fair for machine vision<br />

08 – 10 November <strong>2016</strong> Messe Stuttgart, Germany<br />


42 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Review<br />

Bespoke horizontal flow wrap<br />

unit offers food sector benefits<br />

Paramount Packaging –<br />

exclusive distributor<br />

of Fuji Machinery<br />

Company’s horizontal and<br />

vertical form, fill and seal<br />

equipment in the UK and<br />

Ireland – demonstrated<br />

bespoke versions of its<br />

Alpha VII horizontal flow<br />

wrapping system.<br />

The stand featured a special<br />

box motion model that has<br />

been adapted to produce the<br />

on trend, stand up ‘block<br />

bottom gable top packs’ which<br />

are becoming increasingly<br />

popular for packaging of<br />

gourmet sandwiches as well<br />

as confectionery and snack<br />

multipacks.<br />

A back seal flow wrapper<br />

that has been customised for<br />

the fresh produce market was<br />

also on display.<br />

Ideal for overwrapping<br />

irregular shaped, fragile or<br />

sticky products such as fish,<br />

sausages or even IV bags,<br />

Fuji’s Alpha VII back seal flow<br />

wrapper features bottom film<br />

feeds for easy, positive transfer<br />

of product from the infeed<br />

conveyor to the film tube.<br />

This eliminates the need to use<br />

Optional extras such as film pre-creasing devices, labellers and hole cutters can be added<br />

trays for loose products.<br />

The FW3710BS/B model<br />

on show at Foodex has been<br />

adapted for use on mobile<br />

field harvesting rigs making it<br />

suitable for the fresh produce<br />

market. Mounted on a stainless<br />

steel support frame, it is ideal<br />

for very wet environments and<br />

has a flexible two-part infeed<br />

which allows it to be used with<br />

Adpak <strong>MU</strong> S-O 2015 V2_Layout 1 17/07/2015 09:25 Page 1<br />

different types of rig. It also<br />

boasts an integrated ink jet<br />

coder with label applicator.<br />

With advanced heat pipe<br />

end seal technology, faster<br />

temperature control and high<br />

pressure sealers, Fuji’s Alpha<br />

VII box motion horizontal<br />

flow wrapper offers reduced<br />

energy usage and hermetic<br />

sealing making it ideal for<br />

high speed gas<br />

flushing or MAP<br />

applications<br />

where extended<br />

shelf life is a<br />

key requirement.<br />

Due to the<br />

additional dwell<br />

time, it can seal<br />

thicker wrapping<br />

materials so is<br />

better suited to<br />

handling<br />

taller and heavier<br />

products. The<br />

FW3710B model<br />

exhibited was<br />

also capable of<br />

producing on<br />

trend ‘stand up’<br />

block bottom<br />

gable top packs.<br />

Fuji’s box<br />

motion and back seal flow<br />

wrappers operate at speeds<br />

up to 250 packs a minute, with<br />

a cut off length of 430mm.<br />

They can handle products<br />

measuring between 140 and<br />

200mm (width) and up to<br />

100mm (height).<br />

T 01252 815252<br />

W www.paramountpackaging.co.uk<br />

No. 1 for Shrinkwrapping<br />

www.adpak.co.uk<br />

Providing Your Complete<br />

Packaging Solution<br />

3 Pendleside, Lomeshaye Ind Estate, Nelson, Lancs, BB9 6RY Tel: 01282 601444 Fax: 01282 612201 info@adpak.co.uk

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 43<br />

Equipment is designed to meet<br />

every sealing and filling speed<br />

Packaging Automation<br />

(PA) demonstrated a<br />

range of electric tray<br />

sealers designed to seal film,<br />

foil or board lids to plastics,<br />

foil or board trays to cater to<br />

the needs of all food producers<br />

from the artisan to the multinational.<br />

Speeds offered by the<br />

equipment range from 15 to<br />

200 packs a minute.<br />

All the machines shown<br />

have low energy requirements<br />

due to the removal of<br />

pneumatic components which<br />

eliminates 90% of the running<br />

costs when compared to<br />

conventional pneumatic tray<br />

sealers. The company says the<br />

seal force delivered provides<br />

improved seal quality over<br />

rival technologies, too.<br />



Bizerba Junior <strong>MU</strong> M-J 2014_BMH 30/04/2014 11:57 Page 1<br />

Checkweigher CWF - for automatic<br />

quality control of packaged goods<br />

Varicon metal detection<br />

system for all ferrous and<br />

non-ferrous metals<br />

FP8machine<br />

which is part of the pot<br />

filling and sealing range<br />

A machine from the<br />

company’s pot filling and<br />

sealing range – the FP8 –<br />

was also on display. This high<br />

spec model incorporates an<br />

advance control system with<br />

programmable recipe control<br />

and real time adjustment of<br />

all operating parameters.<br />

It is designed for producers that<br />

want high production speeds<br />

and the option of gas flushing<br />

for MAP packaging.<br />

PA says its design and<br />

advanced control features<br />

ensure increased productivity<br />

and reduced downtime. It can<br />

be used for drinks, yoghurts,<br />

sauces, dips, soups and cream.<br />

The company’s SkinPAC<br />

system of sealing was also<br />

exhibited at the event.<br />

T 01565 755000<br />

W www.pal.co.uk<br />

BVS-Imaxx inspection system with<br />

high-resolution camera for<br />

package and text verification<br />

XRE product inspection system<br />

for detection of foreign objects<br />

and product defects via X-ray


Preventing contamination and costly over- and under-filling<br />

HC-M-WD-MDi<br />

SC 3000-C-C<br />

EC-E-VA<br />

Reliable product inspection is the core of our business.<br />

With the use of the leading X-ray HD-TDI camera technology,<br />

product control for contamination and fill level<br />

is guaranteed even through metalized foils. In particular,<br />

our applications deliver a high performance control of<br />

ready meal products.<br />

OCS inspection solutions systems have been proven for decades<br />

to prevent costly over- and under-filling. OCS supplies<br />

a wide range of options for foreign object detection and<br />

provides optimal product handling that will improve your<br />

productiv ity. OCS product inspection: Leading technology,<br />

exceed ing your expectations.<br />

T +44.1993.701-970<br />

info.uk@ocs-cw.com<br />


Feature: Name Ready here meals<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 45<br />

This bespoke line for a German manufacturer of IQF ready meals has delivered a 40% greater yield than the older line – more details on page 56<br />

Innovating with safety<br />

Trying to create the impression of a home-cooked meal in a safe, hygienic,<br />

fast and cost effective way is the challenge faced by ready meals producers<br />

Private label continues to<br />

dominate sales of ready meals,<br />

accounting for 69% of retail<br />

value sales in the category in<br />

2015, and it is a key category for<br />

retailers to differentiate their private label<br />

ranges and encourage consumer loyalty<br />

to their retail stores.<br />

Convenience and recipe sophistication<br />

properties are likely to remain essential<br />

elements of attempts to drive sales in<br />

ready meals in the coming years and as a<br />

result, growth is expected to be strongest<br />

in categories in which the potential for<br />

recipe innovations are the greatest. And<br />

machinery has to cope with this demand<br />

for new pack formats.<br />

According to PFM, the stand-up pouch,<br />

in a variety of formats, is set to increase<br />

its share of the ready meals market as<br />

demographic and current lifestyles set the<br />

trend for more consumers eating alone.<br />

Meanwhile, Tony Burgess of Proseal says<br />

tray sealer suppliers have to take account of<br />

the changing needs in this fast-developing<br />

sector, especially for the dishes that<br />

require an element of preparation.<br />

“Inevitably this combination of<br />

new product development and market<br />

competition puts pressure on machinery<br />

suppliers to provide solutions that<br />

maximise speed and efficiencies while<br />

maintaining product quality,” he tells<br />

Machinery Update. “Equally important,<br />

the introduction of so many different<br />

dishes is leading to shorter production<br />

runs which can also involve many<br />

different pack formats,” he says.<br />

And, he thinks, future-proofing is vital<br />

in the development of new tray sealers.<br />


According to Ian Wells, product manager<br />

for tray sealing at Multivac UK, trays per<br />

minute and quick die changes have long<br />

been the buzz words for ready meals<br />

producers. “But now, there is a new<br />

concern; how quickly and how effectively<br />

can the machinery be cleaned?<br />

“This has become more critical in<br />

today’s world as we look to control<br />

allergens within the manufacturing<br />

process,” he says, “which is why we offer<br />

a range of tray seal machinery that can<br />

be completely washed down with a low<br />

pressure hose.”<br />

It should also be remembered that<br />

this is a market where the small to<br />

medium-sized food producer often<br />

operates which is why Packaging<br />

Automation has launched a hire<br />

scheme that helps customers automate<br />

packing processes from day one with<br />

minimal investment. The scheme offers<br />

entry level machines with a sealing tool<br />

for one pack format on hire for a fixed<br />

weekly rate.<br />

At the end of an initial six month hire<br />

period, users have the option to return<br />

the machine and stop making payments,<br />

keep the machine at a reduced weekly<br />

rate, or upgrade for a small uplift in cost<br />

to a quicker machine with a sealing tool<br />

to suit the same pack if demand for<br />

products is increasing.<br />

This flexible low cost sealing package<br />

has already helped Whitby Seafoods<br />

launch a breaded scampi product.<br />

Post horsemeat, the requirement for<br />

traceability and safety remains high,<br />

especially when product recalls, such as<br />

the chicken meals recalled by Sainsbury’s<br />

at the beginning of this year, are a costly<br />

business for retailers and brand owners.<br />

Learn more about equipment making,<br />

marketing and productivity gains in this<br />

sector from the following 12 pages.

46 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Feature: Ready meals<br />

Failure to take least<br />

cost formulation<br />

(LCF) seriously is<br />

likely to lead to<br />

commercial<br />

problems for ready meals<br />

manufacturers as without<br />

it, their ability to achieve<br />

the highest yield from their<br />

activities is compromised,”<br />

argues Richard Hebel, product<br />

manager for fat analysis at<br />

Eagle Product Inspection.<br />

Inline fat analysis systems<br />

– through accurate fat<br />

measurement – enables every<br />

ounce of process yield to be<br />

realised with regard to the<br />

meat element of the product.<br />

“This puts those that<br />

employ inline fat analysis at<br />

a competitive advantage over<br />

those that choose not to, as<br />

the latter’s LCF will not be as<br />

efficient as it could be,” he says.<br />


For ready meals manufacturers,<br />

the ability to create recipes<br />

with a high degree of accuracy<br />

is critical, and where products<br />

contain meat as a major<br />

component it is important to<br />

drill down into exactly how<br />

this is comprised in terms<br />

of ingredients to achieve<br />

maximum yield. Historically,<br />

processing that meat has<br />

carried serious limitations when<br />

it comes to obtaining accurate<br />

fat or lean measurements in<br />

order to meet recipe targets,<br />

but with the introduction of fat<br />

analysis (FA) systems this has<br />

ceased to be an issue.<br />

One of the methods<br />

commonly employed by<br />

modern processors when<br />

creating recipes is that of LCF,<br />

a mathematical optimisation<br />

technique that enables them to<br />

put together a formula or recipe<br />

at the least cost or expense –<br />

specifically where that formula<br />

or recipe needs to meet certain<br />

technical parameters and<br />

constraints and where there is<br />

flexibility in ingredient use in<br />

meeting those parameters.<br />

Let’s take a meatball as an<br />

example, a common meat<br />

element in ready meals. If you<br />

are making meatballs and<br />

Measuring the fat content in the meat used in ready meals allows for recipe targets to be met using cheaper options<br />

Separate the<br />

fat from lean<br />

Eagle Product Inspection talks about the role of fat<br />

analysis in achieving least cost formulation for meals<br />

the specifications state that<br />

product must consist of 40%<br />

protein, but must also contain<br />

a minimum of 70% beef, there<br />

are a number of ingredients<br />

you could combine in order to<br />

achieve this goal.<br />

Besides the necessary<br />

beef, which may be batches<br />

of high-fat beef, one or more<br />

other vegetable proteins or<br />

ingredients may be selected<br />

to achieve recipe targets.<br />

This combination of recipe<br />

components and amounts<br />

provides flexibility in meeting<br />

recipe targets, where that<br />

flexibility can be exploited<br />

to enable use of inherently<br />

lower cost components.<br />

Past sampling methods were<br />

simply too crude to allow least<br />

cost formulation to be achieved<br />

And with agile purchasing, this<br />

flexibility allows additional<br />

cost reduction via low cost spot<br />

buys of commodity products<br />

whose prices vary daily.<br />

LCF enables companies<br />

to calculate the most cost<br />

effective way of purchasing,<br />

selecting and combining these<br />

ingredients in order to achieve<br />

the recipe goal.<br />


LCF, in a complementary role,<br />

also allows processors to make<br />

best use of existing inventory.<br />

Using LCF calculations,<br />

processors can manufacture

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 47<br />

meatballs, for example, that<br />

best optimise yield value from<br />

existing stock.<br />

Fat is a primary determiner<br />

of the cost of meat and the<br />

ability to measure fat content<br />

accurately is crucial to effective<br />

LCF. As the saying goes<br />

“you can’t manage what you<br />

can’t measure.” Accurate fat<br />

measurement enables LCF, and<br />

this is where advanced x-ray<br />

technology comes into play.<br />

Modern in-line FA systems<br />

using dual x-ray absorptiometry<br />

or ‘DEXA’ technology enables<br />

fat measurement of 100% of the<br />

meat based on the differential<br />

absorbance of fat and lean meat<br />

content using two x-ray energy<br />

spectra. The combination of<br />

measuring all of the meat, and<br />

at accuracies better than ±1CL<br />

(chemical lean), enables LCF<br />

control schemes to precisely<br />

meet blending targets at<br />

maximum yield.<br />

FA systems are also capable<br />

of simultaneously detecting<br />

physical contaminants<br />

such as glass shards, metal<br />

fragments and calcified bone,<br />

and also measuring weight.<br />

The FA system’s ability to<br />

perform a wide range of tasks<br />

simultaneously, coupled with<br />

low ongoing costs to extend<br />

the lifetime value of the<br />

equipment, are key drivers to<br />

achieving a fast return.<br />

T 01763 244858<br />

W www.eaglepi.com<br />


In order to comply with<br />

stringent regulatory<br />

requirements, hygiene must<br />

be made a priority. Food<br />

borne pathogens have been<br />

responsible for countless<br />

hospitalisations.<br />

FA systems available today<br />

are engineered to NAMI/<br />

EHEDG sanitary design<br />

guidelines. This makes them<br />

ideal to withstand harsh<br />

washdown protocols typically<br />

required within processing<br />

facilities to ensure sanitisation<br />

to a microbiological level. With<br />

Eagle FA systems, breakdown<br />

for sanitation is quick: just<br />

five minutes to prepare<br />

for cleaning. This allows<br />

processors to spend less time<br />

cleaning the machine, and<br />

more time processing meat,<br />

without compromising on<br />

hygiene standards.<br />


100%<br />

of the meat, there can<br />

be no sampling errors

48 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Feature: Ready meals<br />

Riggs Autopack<br />

meets changing<br />

filling demands<br />

made by sector<br />

Riggs Autopack says<br />

that ready meals<br />

producers are placing<br />

more emphasis on new<br />

product development,<br />

focusing on the quality of produce<br />

and increased sophistication of the<br />

meal itself, all of which is impacting<br />

machinery suppliers.<br />

Currently, the pressure on<br />

machinery manufacturers such<br />

as depositor and filling machine<br />

manufacturer Riggs Autopack is to<br />

be able to supply equipment that<br />

is reliable, versatile and capable of<br />

damage free product handling as<br />

well as providing quick changeover<br />

times to handle the increase in<br />

ready meals variants.<br />

Today’s ready meals contain<br />

fresher, often only part cooked<br />

ingredients, which enhance<br />

both the quality and appearance<br />

of ready meals. Riggs has<br />

acknowledged that as the product<br />

is more solid, it therefore does not<br />

flow as easily and the particulates<br />

become more likely to lock<br />

together in operation.<br />

Machinery from Riggs, however<br />

can overcome the risk of jamming<br />

and has the ability to handle large<br />

delicate particulates through<br />

careful design of the product<br />

porting within the rotary valve<br />

assembly of the depositing unit.<br />

An area of great significance<br />

to the ready meals producer is<br />

achieving homogenous proportions<br />

with equal mixes of products per<br />

meal, says the company. This can<br />

be difficult to achieve as depositors<br />

have a tendency to draw in the<br />

most fluid product, such as sauces<br />

or soft particulates first.<br />

Alongside this, it is also<br />

important to attain an even<br />

distribution of the product within<br />

the container. To meet these<br />

requirements Riggs has developed<br />

a method of depositing that does<br />

not damage the product while<br />

incorporating a form of agitation<br />

that ensures an even distribution.<br />

Fillers offer<br />

flexibilities<br />

Depositors can<br />

provide damage<br />

free product<br />

handling for a<br />

plethora of<br />

ready meals<br />

By the use of large capacity<br />

hoppers, a correct mix of product<br />

can be presented to the machine in<br />

one batch, either pumped or tipped<br />

directly from tote bins, cooking<br />

kettles or other holding vessels.<br />

The company’s Model 1000 series<br />

of depositors includes a range<br />

of options that are trusted by a<br />

widening group of customers and<br />

large scale food manufacturing<br />

groups such as Kerry Foods,<br />

Bakkavor, Greencore and also<br />

Samworth Brothers, for example.<br />

All are designed to be easy to set up<br />

Special indexing conveyors<br />

offer ready meals producers a<br />

clean and fast changing option<br />

and operate, as well as quick<br />

to clean in place and easy to<br />

maintain going forward.<br />

Another recent trend in the sector<br />

has been for pack style changes<br />

from trays to pouches and bags.<br />

To meet this requirement Riggs<br />

offers machines that incorporate<br />

devices such as bag openers and<br />

bag grippers together with bag<br />

sealing and clipping machines that<br />

can be supplied on one compact<br />

mobile frame with the filling unit<br />

and catchment trays.<br />

“Our equipment is extremely<br />

versatile and can deposit into an<br />

array of containers from ready meals<br />

single or multi-compartment trays,<br />

pots, tubs, bags and pouches,”<br />

says Riggs Autopack general<br />

manager Nigel Matthews.<br />

T 01282 440040<br />

W www.riggsautopack.co.uk

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50 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Feature: Ready meals<br />

Vision system<br />

steams ahead for<br />

microwave films<br />

Olmec-UK has developed a web-mounted vision system to check<br />

laser micro-perforated holes in microwaveable packaging formats<br />

S<br />

teaming of ready meals and<br />

vegetables in the microwave<br />

is one of the healthiest ways<br />

of cooking because the short<br />

cooking time preserves vitamins<br />

and minerals while maintaining flavour,<br />

colour and texture. Olmec-UK has<br />

developed a web-mounted vision system<br />

for a manufacturer of microwaveable<br />

packaging to check that the laser microperforated<br />

holes that form part of their<br />

self-venting ‘steam valve’ system are<br />

present and that the perforations have<br />

gone through completely.<br />

The packaging, which is used by<br />

a number of leading ready meals<br />

manufacturers, features arrays of laser<br />

micro-perforated holes covered with a<br />

hot-melt patch. As the pack is heated<br />

in the microwave, the steam produced<br />

creates pressure in the packaging, rising<br />

to the optimal level for steam cooking.<br />

At the appropriate time, the hot melt<br />

melts, exposing the holes to allow excess<br />

steam to escape. This prevents bursting<br />

while maintaining the optimal steam<br />

pressure in the container.<br />

This self-venting packaging can<br />

be applied in a multitude of different<br />

packaging solutions, such as pillow bags,<br />

stand-up pouches, lidding films or VFFS<br />

solutions. Clearly it is essential to check<br />

that all the self-venting holes are present<br />

and fully perforated to both guarantee the<br />

correct cooking conditions and for safety.<br />

The laser micro-perforation pattern<br />

and the size of the holes can be chosen<br />

according to the required pressure inside<br />

the pack for the product being cooked.<br />


Olmec was chosen for this project<br />

as it has experience in real-time<br />

monitoring of perforation quality in laser<br />

perforated flexible packaging through<br />

its work with Rofin-Baasel UK and<br />

Universal Converting Equipment in the<br />

development of the ‘VisionPerfoControl’<br />

system.<br />

The new vision system consists of a<br />

line scan camera mounted in the correct<br />

position to inspect a ‘lane of perforation<br />

patterns’ as they pass under the camera<br />

to provide guaranteed 100% web<br />

Key to the efficacy of the vision system<br />

is making the triggering of inspection<br />

independent of the laser perforation process<br />

The packaging material is illuminated from<br />

the back so the camera sees the transition in<br />

light intensity coming through the holes<br />

coverage in the machine direction. For<br />

this particular application, the packaging<br />

features six lanes of patterns across the<br />

web, so six cameras have been installed.<br />

The system looks for hole patterns with<br />

hole diameters of 350 – 1000µm at web<br />

speeds up to 200 metres a minute.<br />

It checks that they are at the size,<br />

pitch and repeat that was entered into<br />

the user interface as well as being fully<br />

perforated. In order to accommodate the<br />

350µm minimum hole size, cameras with<br />

2048 pixel line resolution were used.<br />

The packaging material is illuminated<br />

from the back, so the camera sees the

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 51<br />

Feature: Name here<br />

It is essential to check that all the self-venting holes are present and fully perforated to both<br />

guarantee the correct cooking conditions and also to prevent bursting of the pack<br />

C<br />

transition in light intensity when it comes<br />

through the holes. This means it can<br />

be used for both clear and overprinted<br />

packaging film. The system is fully<br />

integrated into the web, so if the holes are<br />

not detected or they are incomplete, the<br />

web is automatically stopped.<br />

One of the major challenges for the<br />

system is handling the volume of data<br />

being generated during the inspections,<br />

says Olmec. With six cameras having a<br />

resolution of 2048 pixels and operating at<br />

a line frequency of 120 KHz, there is a lot<br />

of data to handle.<br />


Choosing the appropriate hardware<br />

was critical to ensure that the multiinstance<br />

processing required for the<br />

inspection could be carried out on<br />

the high data volumes on a single PC.<br />

Data was transferred from the camera<br />

using the CameraLink Full interface to<br />

accommodate the data rates needed.<br />

Key to efficacy of the vision system<br />

The self-venting films can be applied to various<br />

different packaging solutions including lidding<br />

is making the triggering of inspection<br />

independent of the laser perforation<br />

process. For overprinted packaging film<br />

with registered print, the web will have<br />

a sensor which looks for the registration<br />

mark and then fire the perforating laser so<br />

the holes are always present in a specific<br />

location on the artwork. However, if the<br />

print registration sensor fails, no holes<br />

are printed and if the vision system was<br />

also triggered by this sensor, the web<br />

would just continue past the cameras<br />

without inspection.<br />

The vision system is therefore<br />

designed to be independent of any print<br />

registration trigger source so if the web<br />

moves, the system will inspect it to see if<br />

holes are present and correct and stop the<br />

line if they are not.<br />


Olmec was able to offer much more than<br />

just a bench-developed solution.<br />

The company possesses its own reelto-reel<br />

winder on which they can put<br />

customer’s reels for evaluation before<br />

they commit to a project. This also allows<br />

development and testing of the system<br />

to be carried out in conditions that are<br />

close to the final factory environment.<br />

Thus prior to the completed system being<br />

installed, it was fully demonstrated at<br />

customer line speeds at Olmec’s premises<br />

to mitigate the customer’s risk and ensure<br />

that the installation and commissioning<br />

phase could be completed with a high<br />

degree of knowledge and understanding<br />

already in place.<br />

T 01652 631960<br />

W www.olmec-uk.com<br />

M<br />

Y<br />

CM<br />

MY<br />

CY<br />

CMY<br />


52 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Feature: Ready meals<br />

Stand-up is set<br />

for sector rises<br />

PFM Packaging Machinery says its servo drive<br />

equipment helps cater for single serve pouches<br />

The stand-up pouch, in a variety<br />

of formats, looks set to increase<br />

its share of the ready meals<br />

market as demographics and<br />

current lifestyles set the trend to<br />

more and more consumers eating alone.<br />

As a result, according to Italian<br />

machinery manufacturer PFM, quick line<br />

changeover and in particular re-setting<br />

weighing and dosing equipment for a<br />

variety of ingredients, will assume greater<br />

and greater importance.<br />

“Demand for stand-up pouches in<br />

Europe is already growing at around twice<br />

the pace of the flexible packaging market<br />

generally and, according to recent market<br />

research, the use of pouches for ready<br />

meals is following that trend – about 5%<br />

a year,” says PFM sales and operations<br />

director Chris Bolton.<br />

“We see a situation developing where<br />

there will be a variety of pouch sizes<br />

Riggsautopack <strong>MU</strong> M-J <strong>2016</strong>_<strong>MU</strong> 14/04/<strong>2016</strong> 09:59 Page 1<br />

and within those pouch sizes a family<br />

of products under an umbrella brand.<br />

Overall the trend will be to shorter runs.”<br />

But while the layout of the horizontal<br />

As pressures for product differentiation rise,<br />

equipment has to cope with shorter runs<br />

pouch machine, with space for<br />

multiple ingredient loading points that<br />

lends itself particularly well to multicomponent<br />

snacks based on a sauce<br />

or rice; changeover between products<br />

on conventional, mechanically driven<br />

machines can be time-consuming, points<br />

out Chris Bolton.<br />

This, Bolton explains, was one of the<br />

principal reasons for PFM to develop its<br />

new range of D-series full servo stand-up<br />

pouch machines.<br />

It means that size changeover can be<br />

made rapidly and, with full computer<br />

control, auxiliary equipment such as<br />

liquid fillers, weighers and dispensers<br />

can be adjusted automatically as part<br />

of a product programme.<br />

“As markets inevitably mature the<br />

pressure is on for product differentiation<br />

which in turn is often reflected in greater<br />

variety and hence shorter runs, says Mr<br />

Bolton. “The flexibility given by servo<br />

drive makes that an economic proposition<br />

for single serve snacks in pouches.”<br />

T 0113 239 3401<br />

W www.pfmuk.com

METAL<br />

BONE<br />

STONE<br />

GLASS<br />

RUBBER<br />



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When you buy Ishida, you buy the assurance that only the best quality<br />

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Find out more, watch the video at www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

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Ishida Europe Limited, Head Office: Kettles Wood Drive, Woodgate Business Park, Birmingham B32 3DB, UK.<br />

Web: www.ishidaeurope.com Tel:+44 (0)121 607 7700 Email: info@ishidaeurope.com

54 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Feature: Ready meals<br />

De-stacker<br />

brings gains<br />

for pot meals<br />

Organic soups and pot meals<br />

manufacturer Rod and Ben’s has installed<br />

an automatic pot dropper from Pack<br />

Leader. This labour-saving technology<br />

was supplied by Advanced Dynamics.<br />

The pot dropper ensures a fast,<br />

uninterrupted flow of containers, whether<br />

filling viscous or non-viscous products,<br />

delivering cost benefits for food to go and<br />

ready meals companies while meeting<br />

all food preparation and labelling<br />

requirements.<br />

This new equipment was supplied to<br />

Rod and Ben’s along with a Pack Leader<br />

PL-501D wraparound labeller specifically<br />

designed for conical pots. It delivers<br />

an accurate and efficient, automated<br />

labelling system for Rod and Ben’s chilled<br />

soups and pot meals which are produced<br />

on the company’s farm in Devon.<br />

“The pot dropper and labeller<br />

combination have had a major effect on<br />

our operation, significantly reducing<br />

production and labour costs,” explains<br />

Rod and Ben’s managing director Tim<br />

Wigram. “Ease of use and simplicity in<br />

operation has allowed the equipment to fit<br />

in seamlessly with our current production<br />

line with no extra labour costs.”<br />

Suitable for the de-stacking of pots and<br />

tubs for filling hot or cold foods, the dropper<br />

eliminates the time consuming, manual<br />

process allowing employees to be deployed<br />

on more productive tasks. The system<br />

accommodates a range of pot diameters and<br />

is capable of running up to 60 pots a minute.<br />

Oscillating stability jaws catch the pot<br />

on the conveyor, open end up, to ensure<br />

a stable transfer into the production line.<br />

This solution can also be supplied with<br />

a bulk infeed rack to keep the dropper<br />

topped up for a longer period.<br />

T 01274 731222<br />

W www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

This combination<br />

allows companies to get<br />

their products to market<br />

faster and at lower cost<br />

ALTech says its machine is not only low cost, but it also offers significant efficiency savings<br />

Labeller allows<br />

smart markings<br />

ALTech says its system is ideal for users likely<br />

to require a range of labelling and box formats<br />

ALTech UK has designed<br />

and installed a standalone<br />

system for labelling flat<br />

corrugated cardboard boxes<br />

for manufacturer of frozen<br />

ready meals and snack food products<br />

The Authentic Food Company.<br />

The machine was designed to apply<br />

large multi lingual labels for foreign<br />

markets across the corner of the box which<br />

are of a size that could not practically be<br />

applied by hand. This solution allows<br />

The Authentic Food Company to label<br />

blank boxes rather than purchasing more<br />

costly pre-printed ones, providing greater<br />

flexibility over the label content as well as<br />

cost savings on the boxes.<br />

In operation, the machine can be fully<br />

adjusted to suit a wide range of box sizes<br />

and easily reconfigured in less than<br />

two minutes. Authentic Foods currently<br />

applies a pre-printed label stock using<br />

ALTech’s ALritma labelling head.<br />

This unit can apply two labels per box<br />

(for example front and side) in the same<br />

pass where required.<br />

Due to the modular design of ALTech<br />

machines, Authentic Foods can also add<br />

a print engine in the future enabling them<br />

to print and apply on demand labels,<br />

potentially removing a separate print<br />

room process. This is also available with<br />

the option to apply labels to the bottom<br />

of the box in the same pass, providing a<br />

four sided corner-wrap opposite corner<br />

labelling solution. It also allows separate<br />

labels on all panels of the box to be used.<br />

ALTech says this is an ideal solution for<br />

customers who have a number of lines<br />

producing a wide variety of products,<br />

likely to require a range of box and/<br />

or label formats which are not easily<br />

compatible with an online labelling<br />

solution in a plant.<br />

T 0800 612 6205<br />

W www.altech-uk.com

C10<br />


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METTLER TOLEDO’s high speed, high precision weigh modules are designed specifically for easy integration in<br />

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Download the latest white papers and guides at:<br />

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Tel: 0116 234 5095<br />

Email: enquire.mtuk@mt.com

56 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Feature: Ready meals<br />

Ishida has installed<br />

a custom designed<br />

line for IQF meals<br />

In conjunction with its<br />

customer German frozen<br />

food manufacturer Jütro<br />

Tiefkühlkost Ishida Europe<br />

has designed and installed<br />

a bespoke packing line to handle<br />

the weighing, sealing and<br />

checkweighing of a range of IQF<br />

(individually quick frozen)<br />

ready meals.<br />

The line comprises a 20 head<br />

Ishida CCW-RV multihead weigher,<br />

a QX-1100 Flex tray sealer and a<br />

DACS-G checkweigher, filling a<br />

variety of different tray sizes at<br />

speeds of up to 70 packs a minute.<br />

This has delivered a 40%<br />

greater yield in comparison with<br />

the company’s older tray sealing<br />

line, resulting in a fast payback on<br />

capital investment.<br />

The multihead weigher is able<br />

to weigh three different products –<br />

meat, vegetables and rice or pasta<br />

– simultaneously for discharge into<br />

the trays. The RV model combines<br />

speed and accuracy with a highly<br />

robust design, which is ideal for<br />

the demands of IQF foods, says<br />

Ishida. Its heavy duty contact<br />

surfaces ensure minimal product<br />

adherence, while the weigher is<br />

certified to the highest level of<br />

waterproof protection, IP69K.<br />

Speed and weighing accuracy are<br />

maximised by the use of booster<br />

hoppers, which provide temporary<br />

storage of already-weighed<br />

product. This increases the number<br />

Meat, veg, rice/pasta can be handled<br />

Line brings<br />

yield gains<br />

“We resolved a<br />

few teething<br />

troubles together<br />

with Ishida and,<br />

since then, the<br />

complete system<br />

has been working<br />

faultlessly,” says<br />

Michael Meyer<br />

of possible weight combinations for<br />

each weigh cycle.<br />

The weighments are collected in<br />

two timing hoppers before being<br />

transferred to the trays. After the<br />

addition of water and sauce, the<br />

filled ready meals trays reach the<br />

Ishida QX-1100 Flex tray sealer.<br />

The compact, single-lane model<br />

can handle seven trays at a time<br />

and creates an airtight seal using<br />

Ishida’s inside cut technology. The<br />

basic shape of the trays is the same<br />

with only their heights varying<br />

between 50 mm and 70 mm.<br />

Modern servo technology<br />

ensures controlled, high speed<br />

tray delivery and film supply while<br />

the stainless steel construction<br />

with quick-release belts is<br />

easily accessible for operation,<br />

maintenance and cleaning.<br />

“In comparison with other<br />

tray sealers, the QX-1100 Flex is<br />

extremely straightforward,” says<br />

Jütro Tiefkühlkost’s ceo Michael<br />

Meyer. “In particular, the easy<br />

handling of the film minimises<br />

downtime.” He is also impressed<br />

by Ishida’s unique sealing head<br />

redundancy feature. “In the event<br />

of faults, the affected sealing<br />

heads can be individually disabled<br />

and the tray sealer continues to<br />

operate, diverting the supply of<br />

trays automatically to the still<br />

operational sealing heads,” he<br />

explains. “After shift end, the<br />

faulty sealing head can be checked<br />

over, without wasting precious<br />

production time.”<br />

The DACS-G checkweigher<br />

with integrated metal detector<br />

rejects out-of-spec packs and is<br />

able to operate reliably in the low<br />

temperatures and high humidity<br />

of the production hall. A newly<br />

developed loadcell enables very<br />

high speeds during product<br />

inspection, while the weigher’s<br />

protection function automatically<br />

disconnects the weigh sensor from<br />

the belt in the event of external<br />

disturbances.<br />

T 0121 607 7700<br />

W www.ishidaeurope.com

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 57<br />

End-effectors<br />

bring benefits<br />

Pacepacker says the choice of any end-effectors<br />

is key to robotics adapting to changing formats<br />

Pick and place robots are<br />

becoming increasingly<br />

commonplace in the<br />

convenience food arena and,<br />

while the arm of the robot<br />

tends to attract the greatest attention,<br />

it’s actually the end-effector – the hand<br />

– that determines the precise operation<br />

that the unit performs according to<br />

Paul Wilkinson, business development<br />

manager at Pacepacker Services.<br />

“For any convenience food packer,<br />

ensuring you have the right end tool for<br />

the product is a key consideration,” he<br />

says. “While speed is naturally important,<br />

the end-effectors must be able to adapt to<br />

a variety of shapes and pack sizes.<br />

“This is especially true for convenience<br />

foods, where manufacturers and contract<br />

packers are handling everything from<br />

single serve portions to family-sized<br />

meals, and all of the formats in between.”<br />

End tooling for pick and place tends<br />

to fall into one of four categories:<br />

vacuum systems, magnets, clamps and<br />

clamshell style. Most refrigerated, frozen<br />

and ambient ready meals have rigid<br />

packaging, making the vacuum gripper<br />

(also known as suction cups) the most<br />

suitable option. Compressed air typically<br />

generates a vacuum, and the suction and<br />

configuration of valves can be tailored to<br />

foil topped, cellophane packaging and the<br />

exact product being picked.<br />

When more vacuum is required, for<br />

example handling pots of fresh pasta sauce,<br />

a pump or even a high air-flow pump can be<br />

specified. The latter is likely to be required<br />

where, for instance, a good seal between<br />

valve and product cannot be guaranteed.<br />

Another benefit of vacuum grippers is<br />

they can be multi-functional. One large<br />

gripper can pick up the different size<br />

variants on the same line, for example<br />

a family-sized portion of lasagne or<br />

several individual servings. Where<br />

interchangeability is required, compressed<br />

air vacuum electronics can be quickly<br />

disconnected and re-attached using quick<br />

release couplings.<br />

T 01371 811544<br />

W www.pacepacker.com<br />

Vacuum grippers are the most suitable end effector for ready meals, says Pacepacker Services<br />

<br />

Food Production Automation since 1976

58 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Components<br />

Light curtain stands up<br />

to harsh environments<br />

Atough addition to Sick’s<br />

safety light curtain<br />

family – the deTec4<br />

Prime – is an extra-rugged,<br />

high performance light<br />

curtain that is easy to install<br />

and use. It is also suitable<br />

for harsh environments and<br />

exceptionally wide machines.<br />

With the deTec4 Prime,<br />

it is easier than ever to achieve<br />

hazardous and access point<br />

safety protection up to PLe/<br />

SIL3, says the company.<br />

It is ideal for a wide variety of<br />

applications such as machine<br />

tool operation; automotive<br />

production; warehousing<br />

and logistics and fmcg goods<br />

handling and packaging.<br />

With integrated laser<br />

alignment for simple<br />

installation, the curtain<br />

provides full end-to-end<br />

protection with no blind zones<br />

and a wide scanning range of<br />

up to 21 metres. With integral<br />

dip switches for simple in-situ<br />

configuration, it is quick and<br />

easy to commission without<br />

the need for a computer.<br />

Cascading up to three<br />

deTec4 Prime safety light<br />

curtains minimises wiring<br />

Phoenix Contact is now offering<br />

the SD Flash Easy Safe Basic<br />

and SD Flash Easy Safe Pro<br />

SD cards, in order to start<br />

up components even more<br />

easily using the SafetyBridge<br />

technology. SafetyBridge<br />

technology is a cost-effective<br />

solution for implementing<br />

functional safety requirements<br />

up to SIL 3 or PLe without using<br />

a safety controller.<br />

By using the SD cards, all<br />

the necessary configuration<br />

settings and initialisations for<br />

The latest light curtain from Sick UK is ready to use in Smart factories<br />

complexity and reduces the<br />

number of safety inputs in the<br />

control cabinet. The coded<br />

light beam option prevents<br />

optical interference between<br />

devices in side-by-side<br />

applications.<br />

“With the deTec4 Prime,<br />

Sick has produced yet<br />

another functional safety<br />

device optimised for<br />

maximum uptime through<br />

ease of connectivity and<br />

quick commissioning whilst<br />

meeting the most stringent<br />

Users can get malfunctions via email<br />

international safety standards,”<br />

says Dr Martin Kidman, Sick UK<br />

safety specialist.<br />

“Launching the deTec4<br />

Prime enhances our portfolio<br />

of next generation light<br />

curtains, ready for use in the<br />

Industry 4.0 Smart Factory,” he<br />

continues. “Through the space<br />

saving, robust design of the<br />

curtain, machine integration is<br />

optimised in order to achieve<br />

higher operator productivity.”<br />

T 01727 831121<br />

W www.sick.co.uk<br />

Latest SD cards provide for easy start-up of<br />

SafetyBridge components with no controller<br />

the integration of SafetyBridge<br />

components in the standard<br />

application are completed<br />

automatically. The safety<br />

functions are configured<br />

via drag and drop using the<br />

Safeconf configuration software.<br />

The user-friendly web<br />

interface offers numerous<br />

diagnostic functions, as well<br />

as the option of integrating<br />

standard modules into the<br />

application. In the pro version,<br />

process and diagnostic data<br />

are provided via Profinet<br />

or Modbus/TCP to other<br />

applications, by means of the<br />

communication module.<br />

T 0845 881 2222<br />

W www.phoenixcontact.co.uk<br />

Brushless<br />

DC motor is<br />

all-in-one<br />

To meet machine builders<br />

demands for smaller, lighter<br />

components that offer the<br />

same or improved performance,<br />

Dunkermotoren has developed<br />

a brushless DC motor that<br />

incorporates not only the power<br />

supply, but also the control and<br />

positioning electronics, PLC<br />

functions, BUS links along with<br />

various encoder and brake options.<br />

The 550watt BG 75 DMC<br />

brushless motor (Direct<br />

Mains Connection) succeeds<br />

in eliminating the need for an<br />

external power supply while<br />

also accommodating all the<br />

functionality into the motor<br />

housing. About 20 years ago,<br />

the control components would<br />

have filled a small cabinet, now<br />

they are completely integrated<br />

in the motor housing and<br />

depending on the application,<br />

a control cabinet is completely<br />

unnecessary, says the company.<br />

To enable maximum<br />

end-user benefit the reactive<br />

power compensation has been<br />

incorporated and where required,<br />

the motor can be adapted to<br />

feed energy back into the grid,<br />

even during braking. In future,<br />

a complex external power factor<br />

correction method and in some<br />

cases, a braking resistor will be<br />

dispensed with.<br />

Thanks to the integral design<br />

of the motor, installation and<br />

commissioning is easy and<br />

renders the need for wiring in the<br />

control cabinet as unnecessary.<br />

The term single-cable solution<br />

usually refers to the connection<br />

between the motor and the<br />

controller. With the BG 75 DMC,<br />

it includes the complete drive up<br />

to the 230 VAC supply.<br />

T 023 8073 3509<br />

W www.dunkermotoren.com

New Machinery<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 59<br />

Relay modules offer safety first<br />

approach and more functionality<br />

SAUKjunior.pdf 1 23/03/<strong>2016</strong> 15:39<br />

The Schmersal Group has<br />

introduced a new family<br />

of safety relay modules<br />

with eight basic versions.<br />

All equipment versions can be<br />

employed in applications up to<br />

cat. 4/PL e according to EN ISO<br />

13849-1 and SIL 3 according to<br />

EN 62061/IEC 61508.<br />

A major advantage of the<br />

new Protect SRB-E range is<br />

that with each basic version,<br />

several dozen existing<br />

safety relay modules can<br />

be replaced thanks to their<br />

multi-functionality. Each<br />

module can be configured<br />

for up to eleven different<br />

applications via a simple<br />

control element while all<br />

conventional safety sensors<br />

and electromechanical safety<br />

equipment can be monitored.<br />



C<br />

M<br />

Y<br />

11different<br />

MY<br />

applications via simple controls<br />

CM<br />

CY<br />

The drastically reduced<br />

CMY<br />

number of variants and a clear<br />

K<br />

overview of the eight versions<br />

with their relevant functions<br />

makes it easier for machine<br />

manufacturers to select<br />

the right module for their<br />

particular application, says<br />

the company.<br />

Functions such as start/<br />

reset monitoring or cross<br />

circuit monitoring, for<br />

example, can now be set<br />

via a rotary switch.<br />

One version of the new<br />

Protect SRB-E range is also<br />

distinguished by p-type failsafe<br />

power semi-conductor<br />

outputs up to 5.5 A while a<br />

combined version makes it<br />

possible to monitor two safety<br />

functions with one device.<br />

T 01684 571980<br />

W www.schmersal.co.uk<br />

New benchmark in thermal<br />

flow measurement<br />

The latest SA flow meter from ifm electronic for liquids and gases also measures<br />

temperature. Fast response. Easily readable LED display can be set to change between red and<br />

green and the whole unit can be rotated. Calibrated for water, oils and air.<br />

A clever solution from ifm<br />

www.ifm.com/uk/sa<br />

ifm Telephone 020 8213 2222

60 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Components<br />

Considering OEE during the<br />

design phase brings benefits<br />

The ongoing pursuit of<br />

ever better OEE (overall<br />

equipment effectiveness)<br />

scores has become a real focus<br />

for end users in the food and<br />

beverage industry in recent<br />

years, says Robert Brooks,<br />

European industry marketing<br />

manager – food & beverage at<br />

Omron Electronics. OEE itself,<br />

however, is not a conversation<br />

end users routinely have with<br />

their machinery suppliers,<br />

with the focus instead<br />

tending to be on areas such<br />

as baseline speed, cycle times<br />

and overall performance.<br />


However, if machine builders<br />

can bear OEE in mind<br />

during machine design, and<br />

subsequently demonstrate<br />

how their machine designs<br />

can contribute to improved<br />

OEE results, then they can<br />

give themselves a significant<br />

competitive advantage.<br />

One area where machine<br />

builders can really impact<br />

on OEE for the end user is<br />

in machine availability. For<br />

example, inbuilt diagnostics<br />

and monitoring algorithms<br />

can highlight developing<br />

problems before they become<br />

critical, enabling users to take<br />

preventative action during<br />

scheduled maintenance<br />

periods. These are systems that<br />

machine builders can easily<br />

build in as part of the machine<br />

design – without incurring<br />

additional costs.<br />


Consider, for example, the<br />

operation time of an actuator<br />

or cylinder. With a simple<br />

teach operation, the controller<br />

can learn the ideal move<br />

times in both directions, and<br />

limits can be expressed –<br />

creating rules perhaps for an<br />

early warning, and an alarm<br />

if the actuator’s operation<br />

time falls outside of these<br />

The fieldbus modules are installed close to the process so sensors and valves can be connected with shorter cables<br />

rules, predicting a potential<br />

impending problem.<br />

The same thinking could<br />

be applied to sensors on the<br />

production line. The control<br />

system can monitor the sensor’s<br />

performance, with limits set<br />

to trigger alarms as the output<br />

drifts towards tolerance limits.<br />

Then there is the monitoring of<br />

servo torque values – knowing<br />

what the ideal should be,<br />

and setting alarms to spot if<br />

those torque values drift out<br />

of tolerance. A simple teach<br />

routine is all that is required in<br />

the first instance; the controller<br />

takes care of everything else<br />

from that point on.<br />

The machine controller<br />

can then flag up these<br />

warnings and alarms on an<br />

HMI local to the machine or<br />

inform engineers remotely,<br />

giving operators plenty of time<br />

to look at the operation of the<br />

devices in question and taking<br />

quick and appropriate actions<br />

before failures occur.<br />

A further benefit of<br />

automation is being able to<br />

demonstrate to a customer<br />

how, for example, changeover<br />

times from one product size<br />

or packaging style to another<br />

could be significantly reduced.<br />


‘One push configuration’ is<br />

now a standard feature in<br />

automation technologies<br />

such as Omron’s Sysmac<br />

platform. Once the operator<br />

can configure the whole<br />

line from a single push<br />

button operation on an HMI,<br />

product changeover times<br />

are dramatically shortened,<br />

getting the line back up<br />

and running much more<br />

quickly each time.<br />

Another area to consider is<br />

unscheduled downtime, and<br />

the cost implications that this<br />

has for the end user. Today’s<br />

automation equipment is<br />

inherently reliable, but even<br />

the most reliable of equipment<br />

can fail unexpectedly. If that<br />

faulty part is a complex piece<br />

of electrical equipment that<br />

may have incurred significant<br />

programming effort, then<br />

the end user could be facing<br />

substantial downtime.<br />

Here machine builders<br />

can offer their end users the<br />

benefits of backup/restore<br />

functionality, perhaps with all<br />

the critical program settings<br />

and parameters stored on an<br />

SD card. All of this could help<br />

an end user to get a machine<br />

back up and running quickly.<br />

For the machine builder,<br />

that means an enhancement<br />

to reputation for machines<br />

that are easy to maintain,<br />

but it also means that there<br />

is less need to take your<br />

own engineers away from<br />

important design projects<br />

and instead onto non-profit<br />

generating maintenance or<br />

support roles.<br />

Importantly, none of the<br />

features which can help to<br />

increase machine availability<br />

have to be a challenge for<br />

the machine builder to<br />

implement.<br />

T 0870 752 0861<br />

W www.industrial.omron.co.uk

weQube Series <strong>2016</strong><br />

weQube − the Smart Camera<br />

weQubeSeries <strong>2016</strong> enhances the weQube modular image processing platform with numerous<br />

innovations! Select between weQube with autofocus or with C mount threaded connection and<br />

combine the software packages on your Smart Camera just as you need.<br />

Housing<br />

weQube with Autofocus<br />

weQubeOCR<br />

the character recognition package<br />

Software<br />

weQube with C mount<br />

weQubeOCR reads predefi ned OCR-A<br />

and OCR-B fonts over several lines in<br />

a single scanning operation.<br />

weQubeVision<br />

the image processing package<br />

weQubeVision combines any number<br />

of image processing functions in one<br />

application.<br />

weQubeDecode<br />

the scan package<br />

weQubeDecode reads all common barcodes<br />

as well as 2D codes even if damaged<br />

or poorly readable.<br />

Flexible Communication<br />

Protocol<br />

The new fi rmware update permits you to<br />

simply switch weQube with Industrial Ethernet<br />

to PROFINET or EtherNet/IP protocol. All<br />

weQube models incorporate an Ethernet TCP/IP<br />

and a RS-232 interface as standard.

62 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

MACH <strong>2016</strong> Review<br />

Robotic automation for<br />

production line advance<br />

MACH <strong>2016</strong> sees<br />

expanded exhibitor<br />

and visitor numbers<br />

Manufacturing technologies<br />

exhibition MACH <strong>2016</strong> took<br />

place in Halls 4 and 5 of the<br />

NEC, Birmingham in April with<br />

thousands of tons of working<br />

equipment on show.<br />

“MACH is a great barometer<br />

for judging the health of the<br />

UK’s manufacturing sector,” said<br />

James Selka, ceo of organisers<br />

the Manufacturing Technologies<br />

Association (MTA). “And I am<br />

happy to report that the prognosis<br />

is excellent this year, as MACH<br />

<strong>2016</strong> is a sell-out.”<br />

The biennial exhibition prides<br />

itself on being at the forefront of<br />

technological developments and<br />

this year’s event saw expanded<br />

Zones focusing on additive<br />

manufacturing, automation,<br />

metrology and software solutions,<br />

as well as the traditional milling,<br />

turning and tooling.<br />

W www.machexhibition.com<br />

ABB demonstrated its<br />

latest developments<br />

in robotic automation<br />

with its new generation of cost<br />

effective, standardised arc<br />

welding cells.<br />

During the show,<br />

demonstrations included laser<br />

welding technology combined<br />

with Flexinspect automated<br />

in-line inspection while YuMi,<br />

the dual-armed robot also<br />

made its debut.<br />

The Flex Arc is the new<br />

generation of standardised<br />

welding cells designed to<br />

deliver maximum performance<br />

while making optimum use<br />

of space. The basic options<br />

feature either a single robot or<br />

two robots with MultiMove,<br />

together with a choice of ABB<br />

positioners and a selection of<br />

welding equipment options to<br />

suit customer needs.<br />

Jointly developed by ABB<br />

and 3D imaging company<br />

nub3d, the Flexinspect is<br />

a new robotic automated<br />

inspection system capable<br />

of measuring a wide variety<br />

of components and finished<br />

products in three dimensions.<br />

ABB’s new generation of cost effective arc welding cells was demonstrated<br />

It includes built-in adjustable<br />

lighting technology to provide<br />

optimum digitising results<br />

regardless of production floor<br />

conditions or vibrations.<br />

Also featured on the stand<br />

was the YuMi robot, the<br />

collaborative dual armed<br />

robot designed for a world in<br />

which humans and robots<br />

work together. Its extensive<br />

safety features allows the<br />

robot to work alongside<br />

workers with no need for<br />

barriers, cages or zones.<br />

The robot is said to offer<br />

manufacturers a raft of<br />

benefits including increased<br />

productivity, flexibility and<br />

product quality.<br />

ABB also used the show<br />

to highlight its overall<br />

capabilities in the supply and<br />

support of robotic automation<br />

solutions for manufacturing<br />

applications.<br />

T 01908 350300<br />

W www.abb.com<br />

Linear motion technology was exhibited as<br />

well as complementary system components<br />

Demonstrating the depth<br />

of its product ranges,<br />

HepcoMotion took two stands<br />

at the exhibition: the first<br />

focused on the company’s<br />

core linear motion technology<br />

while the second displayed<br />

complementary system<br />

components that are supplied.<br />

Key products on the core<br />

products stand included the<br />

GV3 linear motion system<br />

that serves a diverse range<br />

of automation and linear<br />

applications. Visitors were<br />

also able to see the PRT2 1-Trak<br />

The GV3 linear motion system shown by HepcoMotion<br />

continuous motion system<br />

that gives designers freedom<br />

in 2D track design.<br />

Hepco’s second stand<br />

provided<br />

products to<br />

meet system<br />

needs such as<br />

the Zimm screw<br />

jack system for<br />

pushing, pulling,<br />

lifting, lowering<br />

and positioning<br />

object loads,<br />

linear ball<br />

bushings and the<br />

newly announced low cost,<br />

Hepco linear guide system.<br />

T 01884 257 000<br />

W www.hepcomotion.com<br />

Next generation of<br />

safety products for<br />

productive factories<br />

Visitors to the Sick stand got<br />

a glimpse of the future of<br />

industrial safety as it rolled<br />

out the next generation of<br />

safety products including the<br />

DFS60S Pro safety encoder,<br />

microScan3 safety laser<br />

scanner and deTec4 Prime<br />

safety light curtain (for more<br />

details see page 54 of this<br />

issue), all designed to increase<br />

efficiency in automated<br />

production and warehousing<br />

environments.<br />

T 01727 831121<br />

W www.sick.co.uk

Processing & Packaging Machinery Association<br />

Technical Seminars<br />

& Training Courses<br />







• PUWER (SHWW)<br />


Held at several locations including;<br />

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Dublin - Edinburgh<br />

• Management & Development<br />

training courses are also<br />

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For further details please e-mail;<br />

christine.jordan@ppma.co.uk<br />

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or email him at<br />

mph@wallacehind.com<br />


64 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Drives & Controls Review<br />

‘Pick to light’ solution among<br />

a range of automation at show<br />

Asystem designed to<br />

reduce human error<br />

in production line<br />

assembly tasks or packing<br />

operations was previewed<br />

by Mitsubishi Electric on its<br />

stand, as well as new products<br />

added to its existing range,<br />

that also featured.<br />

Studies have shown that<br />

automated ‘poka-yoke’ (a<br />

Japanese term meaning<br />

‘mistake-proofing’) or pickto-light<br />

strategies can help<br />

eliminate human error and,<br />

with the next generation of<br />

these systems now being<br />

developed and introduced,<br />

Mitsubishi Electric demonstrated<br />

its new ‘pick to light’ solution.<br />

It is due to be launched<br />

officially later in the year.<br />

At the show, the live and<br />

interactive demonstration of the<br />

‘pick to light’ solution was built<br />

around Mitsubishi Electric’s<br />

factory automation PLC and<br />

HMI technology. The controllers<br />

and touch screen displays<br />

are used to communicate<br />

with distributed ‘Poka Yoke<br />

Terminals’ that visitors<br />

interacted with using a number<br />

Mitsubishi found the desire to invest in automation was there at the event<br />

of light, pushbutton, lever and<br />

shutter stations distributed on<br />

an ASLink network.<br />

The new ‘pick to light’<br />

solution will help<br />

manufacturers to address<br />

production errors that<br />

occur when assembly line<br />

personnel are selecting parts<br />

from inventory according to<br />

instruction.<br />

“Our robots and the ‘Poka<br />

Yoke’ pick-to-light demonstration<br />

definitely generated the most<br />

interest on the stand,” says<br />

Chris Evans, marketing &<br />

operations group manager at<br />

the company. “The pick-to-light<br />

demonstration in particular<br />

showed how human assembly<br />

tasks could be sequenced<br />

and speeded-up by guiding<br />

operators to make accurate<br />

decisions quickly.”<br />

The company demonstrated<br />

various robots on its stand,<br />

and in the ‘Robot Zone’,<br />

including Melfa units that<br />

showed how repeat tasks could<br />

be taken care of by compact,<br />

reliable robots. The robot<br />

feature that drew the most<br />

attention at the show however<br />

was the ability of an articulated<br />

arm robot to slow its work rate<br />

as a person came closer to it.<br />

“We covered everything from<br />

our fully automated ‘end to<br />

end’ production solutions,<br />

through improved person-torobot<br />

interaction and using<br />

automation to help with<br />

repetitive manual,” says Evans.<br />

Industrial control technology<br />

also featured on the stand<br />

including new PLCs and drives<br />

which were seen together<br />

for the first time in the UK.<br />

Mitsubishi has expanded<br />

its Melsec iQ control and<br />

automation platform with the<br />

launch of two ranges, the iQ-R<br />

and iQ-F, both of which connect<br />

with other controllers in the<br />

range. Complementing these<br />

controllers is the new FR-800<br />

series of variable speed drives.<br />

T 01707 288780<br />

W www.mitsubishielectric.co.uk<br />

Drives & Controls<br />

saw industry meet<br />

The automation world gathered<br />

at Drives & Controls at the<br />

NEC, Birmingham in April to<br />

demonstrate the very latest<br />

developments available from<br />

across the varied sector.<br />

On this spread, we highlight<br />

some of the new developments<br />

that were on show.<br />


Critical kit can be protected<br />

Visitors to Rittal’s stand saw its modular enclosures, power<br />

distribution and climate control systems, commonly specified for<br />

protecting critical equipment as well as a hands-on experience on its<br />

demonstration bus.<br />

T 01709 704000 W www.rittal.co.uk<br />

Automation company<br />

enjoys success and<br />

launches catalogue<br />

SMC Pneumatics is following<br />

up enquiries collected on its<br />

stand that included its modular<br />

Total Productive Maintenance<br />

display and the launch of its<br />

new Innovations catalogue for<br />

<strong>2016</strong>-17. Developed primarily<br />

for machine designers and<br />

builders, this 75 page catalogue<br />

contains the latest information<br />

on all the key products launched<br />

by SMC over the past year<br />

and contains basic technical<br />

information on each product.<br />

T 0845 121 5122<br />

W www.smcpneumatics.co.uk

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 65<br />

New company and new<br />

ranges were announced<br />

RA Rodriguez had its<br />

biggest presence yet and<br />

took the opportunity<br />

to introduce a new company:<br />

RARUK Automation.<br />

Over the last six years, the<br />

company has been steadily<br />

adding automation products<br />

to its portfolio and this success<br />

has prompted the company to<br />

separate this division of the<br />

company. As a result of this<br />

decision, all automation sales<br />

are now the responsibility<br />

of the newly formed RARUK<br />

Automation, a company<br />

dedicated to developing a<br />

group of automation products<br />

with a unique edge.<br />

“The creation of a separate<br />

organisation allows us to tool<br />

up for the growing demands<br />

of automation in the UK,<br />

whilst not losing sight of our<br />

traditional strengths as a<br />

supplier of the highest quality<br />

transmission components,”<br />

explains Peter Williamson,<br />

md of both companies.<br />

“The move allows us to<br />

optimise the growth of both<br />

strands of our business<br />

while better addressing the<br />

The new slewing drives are designed to<br />

accommodate combined tilting, radial and<br />

axial loads and are ideal for applications<br />

in production engineering<br />

respective needs of our design<br />

and production engineering<br />

customers.”<br />

Brands in the RAR UK<br />

automation catalogue include<br />

Universal Robots, Robotiq, IEF<br />

Werner and Mafu Automation.<br />

The latest development<br />

from RA Rodriguez shows the<br />

company’s commitment to<br />

growing its core engineering<br />

component business<br />

in parallel with its new<br />

automation venture. It has<br />

become the sole UK distributor<br />

for the Cone Drive range of<br />

slewing drives and harmonic<br />

solutions and, in so doing,<br />

has significantly extended<br />

its ability to provide products<br />

for performance critical<br />

applications.<br />

Cone Drive’s slewing drives<br />

are designed to accommodate<br />

combined tilting, radial and<br />

axial loads and employ worm<br />

gear geometry that provides<br />

high ratio single stage gearing.<br />

The bearing and gears are<br />

assembled into a low profile<br />

housing that optimises weight<br />

against performance.<br />

T 01462 670044<br />

W www.rarodriguez.co.uk<br />

High efficiency gearboxes as well as a fully<br />

functional conveyor demonstration rig<br />

Nord Drivesystems showed<br />

its latest series of slim twostage<br />

helical bevel gearboxes<br />

in the form of a new smaller<br />

unit for output torques up to<br />

50 Nm at the show.<br />

The highly efficient helical<br />

The helical bevel type units are highly efficient<br />

bevel type units are now<br />

available and complement<br />

the line-up of worm gearboxes<br />

that are already available for<br />

small powers. Thanks to the<br />

‘Unicase’ gear housing and<br />

large dimensioned bearings,<br />

the gear units are<br />

very robust and<br />

can withstand<br />

high radial or<br />

axial loads acting<br />

on the output<br />

shaft. The new<br />

units are available<br />

for gear ratios from<br />

3.58 to 61.88.<br />

A large fully functional<br />

conveyor technology<br />

demonstration rig that<br />

brings together a selection<br />

of its geared motors and<br />

decentralised frequency<br />

inverters and starters that<br />

are well proven for materials<br />

handling applications in<br />

packaging machinery and<br />

logistics industries such as<br />

baggage handling, was also<br />

on the stand.<br />

T 01235 534404<br />

W www.nord.com<br />

Raft of new<br />

products<br />

bring gains<br />

B&R Automation introduced a<br />

range of new products which are<br />

all designed to bring benefits to<br />

automation engineers.<br />

Its new HMI solution, mapp<br />

View, for instance, showcased the<br />

full potential of web technology in<br />

the Automation Studio software<br />

engineering environment. The<br />

company says it gives automation<br />

engineers all the tools they need<br />

to create powerful and intuitive<br />

web-based HMI.<br />

Also on show was the<br />

ACOPOS P3, 3-axis servo drive<br />

which offers a power density of<br />

4A per litre, making it one of the<br />

most efficient servo drives with<br />

integrated safety functions on<br />

the market, and also providing<br />

previously unmatched dynamics<br />

and precision, with a minimum<br />

sampling time of 50 µs for the<br />

entire controller cascade.<br />

mapp technology is B&R’s<br />

new approach to developing<br />

software. Ready-made modular<br />

components simplify and<br />

accelerate the development of new<br />

programs – on average by 67%.<br />

The Automation Panel<br />

5000 of swing arm operator<br />

panels are said to raise the bar<br />

when it comes to flexibility and<br />

modularity. These fully enclosed<br />

systems feature IP65 protection<br />

and are available in many<br />

different variants.<br />

Ultra-compact X20<br />

controllers, secure remote<br />

maintenance technology and new<br />

operator terminals with a multitouch<br />

user interface are just some<br />

of the additional highlights that<br />

were presented.<br />

Visitors also saw demonstrations<br />

of how the collaboration between<br />

COMAU Robotics and B&R<br />

continues to mature and expand<br />

in integrating robotics into<br />

production lines easily.<br />

T 01733 371320<br />

W www.br-automation.com

66 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Labelling, Coding & Marking<br />

Labeller matches bottling<br />

line speeds with precision<br />

The newly designed assembly line<br />

New line allows for<br />

twice the output to<br />

meet label demand<br />

Herma has increased its<br />

production capabilities to<br />

allow a considerable increase<br />

in the production volume of<br />

label applicators at its Deizisau<br />

location. “This enables us to<br />

fulfil the sharply rising demand<br />

from customers without making<br />

any structural changes to our<br />

buildings before our move to<br />

Filderstadt in 2019,” explains<br />

Martin Kühl, head of the labelling<br />

machines division at the company.<br />

In addition to increased<br />

capacities, Herma has further<br />

optimised the efficiency and<br />

quality processes at the plant.<br />

For instance, the new station for<br />

high-voltage tests is a highlight<br />

of the new line as applicator<br />

modules no longer have to be<br />

moved off-line for testing, while<br />

the packaging process is also now<br />

fully integrated.<br />

T 01440 763366<br />

W www.hermalabellingmachines.co.uk<br />

Terra Spirits & Liqueurs<br />

has purchased a Kosme<br />

Flexa Comba labeller<br />

from Krones on its main<br />

bottling line to meet the<br />

increased demand for its own<br />

brands, as well as its contract<br />

bottling business.<br />

“Previous to this latest<br />

investment we were labelling<br />

through an older generation<br />

two head Krones wet glue<br />

which was limited in terms<br />

of flexibility and perhaps<br />

efficiency, especially<br />

considering the pace of<br />

the drinks industry in <strong>2016</strong><br />

and the demands from our<br />

growing customer base,”<br />

explains operations director<br />

at the family-run bottler<br />

Shaun McKevitt.<br />

“Matt Gardiner, who<br />

is the resident Irish sales<br />

manager for Krones, quickly<br />

understood our current and<br />

future requirements and<br />

recommended that we take a<br />

look at a Kosme Flexa Comba<br />

labelling machine.<br />

“The Kosme has now been<br />

in operation for over six<br />

months, it has never missed a<br />

beat, and in fact it is running<br />

The new labelling machine in operation in Ireland has been future proofed<br />

so well that the only attention<br />

it gets during a shift is when<br />

more labels need to be added.”<br />

The labeller has been<br />

supplied with five labelling<br />

stations handling both PSL<br />

and cold glue labels at a<br />

speed of up to 200 bottles a<br />

minute while the previous<br />

machine could only manage<br />

90 a minute. “The machine<br />

design allows for quick<br />

changeover by exchange of<br />

labelling stations which has<br />

significantly reduced our<br />

downtime, furthermore it is<br />

self-controlled by an encoder<br />

which means the labeller<br />

knows when to ramp up or<br />

down its own speed without<br />

any interference required by<br />

operators,” says McKevitt.<br />

T 01942 845000<br />

W www.krones.com<br />

Consumables are now certified<br />

Top marks for label<br />

sustainability given<br />

Logopak has achieved FSC & PEFC<br />

TM certification for its consumables<br />

which means customers’ supply<br />

chains can benefit from sustainable<br />

and ethically sourced wood-based<br />

materials. Using certified<br />

consumables provides complete<br />

traceability for a company.<br />

T 01904 692333<br />

W www.logopak.co.uk<br />

New opaque yellow pigmented ink delivers<br />

a contrast on both light and dark substrates<br />

Linx Printing Technologies<br />

is launching a new opaque<br />

yellow pigmented ink that<br />

delivers excellent contrast<br />

on both light and dark<br />

substrates, making it ideal for<br />

a wide range of applications<br />

including cable extrusions.<br />

In addition, the new yellow<br />

pigmented ink 1079 provides a<br />

fast drying time of within two<br />

seconds, allowing it to be used<br />

on fast-moving production<br />

lines or where products are<br />

handled soon after printing.<br />

The ink offers superior lightfastness and stands up to harsh environments<br />

The ink can be used with<br />

Linx’s Midi plus and Ultima<br />

plus printheads on the Linx<br />

5900 and Linx 7900 series<br />

printers to code plastics, in<br />

particular PVC, PP, OPP and<br />

PVC jacketed wire and cables,<br />

dry glass, card, and steel.<br />

T 01480 302100<br />

W www.linxglobal.com

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 67<br />

Integrated system offer<br />

from latest partnership<br />

An ICE Vulcan print and apply labeller integrated onto a udaFormaxx feeder<br />

Coding equipment<br />

companies Interactive<br />

Coding Equipment (ICE)<br />

and PrintSafe, have agreed<br />

a machinery partnership<br />

that will enable customers<br />

to benefit from high speed<br />

integrated systems for coding<br />

and labelling a range of<br />

packaging formats.<br />

Both companies<br />

provide equipment to UK<br />

manufacturers; PrintSafe is<br />

the UK distributor for German<br />

company KBA-Metronic GmbH<br />

and ICE supplies a range of<br />

thermal transfer printers,<br />

thermal inkjet printers and<br />

the Vulcan print and apply<br />

labeller.<br />

PrintSafe’s flagship<br />

product is the KBA-Metronic<br />

udaFormaxx offline feeder<br />

which can be used in<br />

conjunction with a coder<br />

or labeller, to print or label<br />

sleeves, cartons, bags, pouches<br />

and other flat-form packaging<br />

accurately and quickly.<br />

“Over the last few years, we<br />

have supplied an increasing<br />

number of udaFormaxx feeders<br />

to be fitted with ICE printers<br />

and labellers,” says Neil Turner,<br />

Atwell Peanuts Ad - <strong>MU</strong> M-J <strong>2016</strong>_BMH 12/04/<strong>2016</strong> 10:45 Page 1<br />

managing director at PrintSafe.<br />

“ICE printers are extremely<br />

popular with UK customers<br />

because of their build quality,<br />

easy-to-use software and the<br />

high level of customer service<br />

provided by ICE.”<br />

Chris Simpson, managing<br />

technical director at ICE,<br />

added: “By proactively<br />

seeking out and forging strong<br />

partnerships with other<br />

manufacturers in the industry,<br />

we put our customers in a<br />

fantastic position to reap the<br />

rewards of having a stable, fully<br />

integrated and highly effective<br />

packaging line solution.<br />

This free interactive technical guide<br />

from ICE provides barcode insights<br />

Multivac’s SpeedUp module<br />

Faster running time<br />

for thermal transfer<br />

printers is available<br />

Multivac has developed a<br />

SpeedUp module for its cross<br />

web labellers to increase<br />

speeds when thermal transfer<br />

printers are used at low ambient<br />

temperatures. Other benefits<br />

outlined for the equipment<br />

include excellent print quality,<br />

savings in thermal transfer ribbon<br />

usage and shorter downtime.<br />

The SpeedUp module consists<br />

of a servo driven label advance<br />

and a label buffer in which the<br />

preprinted labels are temporarily<br />

buffered. It effectively decouples<br />

the labelling process from the<br />

printing process so the printer<br />

can continue to print while the<br />

labeller is at a standstill. This<br />

means overall line output is no<br />

longer adversely affected by the<br />

thermal transfer process.<br />

T 01793 425800<br />

W www.multivac.co.uk<br />

You fill it<br />

We’ll Label it<br />

+44 (0) 1444 239970<br />

sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk<br />

www.Labeller.co.uk<br />

Wraparound cylindrical labelling done by the Atwell Linear Wrapround Labeller<br />

find out more<br />

Fast, Reliable and Easy to use Semi Automatic<br />

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68 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE<strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Regulations<br />

Talking about the<br />

wireless evolution<br />

Paul Neil Laidler Dyson<br />


Here, we look at how machinery manufacturers can ensure the reliability of their wireless safety<br />

controls so that machinery users can be assured of their own personal safety while operating<br />

any packaging and processing equipment<br />

The growing trend for<br />

wireless modules to be<br />

added into everyday<br />

products, beyond the more<br />

traditional market of laptops<br />

and mobile phones, is moving<br />

into the machinery business<br />

as wireless connectivity<br />

becomes the expected norm.<br />

One such area is wireless<br />

safety related control systems.<br />

Machine builders and endusers<br />

should ensure that<br />

wireless systems are installed<br />

as per the manufacturer’s<br />

specific mounting and wiring<br />

instructions. For example,<br />

to install equipment the<br />

wireless switch should be<br />

mounted on an even surface,<br />

and the radio switch must be<br />

installed by strictly following<br />

the mounting and wiring<br />

instructions for the receiver.<br />


While wireless technology<br />

affords a great deal of<br />

flexibility in terms of how<br />

equipment can be deployed<br />

across a site, it does have<br />

limitations, which is a concern<br />

for safety systems where<br />

100% reliability is required.<br />

One such limitation is<br />

the sensing range between<br />

receiver and transmitter, the<br />

strength of which will depend<br />

on the local conditions. The<br />

radio signal can be strongly<br />

affected by conductive<br />

materials, as well as other<br />

sources of radio interference,<br />

and can sometimes lead<br />

to a dead spot for wireless<br />

connectivity. This can be<br />

caused by metal parts, such as<br />

wall armour, insulation and<br />

metal foils, which are known<br />

to reduce the penetration of<br />

radio waves to 0-10%.<br />

So how can machinery<br />

manufacturers ensure the<br />

reliability of their wireless<br />

safety controls and machinery<br />

end-users assure their<br />

own personal safety while<br />

operating equipment?<br />


In the European Union<br />

(EU) it is mandatory that<br />

radio equipment meets the<br />

‘essential requirements’ of<br />

the new European Union<br />

Radio Equipment Directive<br />

(RED) 2014/53/EU, which<br />

replaces the Radio and<br />

Telecommunications Terminal<br />

Equipment Directive (R&TTE)<br />

on 13th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

While the RED will become<br />

the required method to show<br />

compliance of radio and<br />

telecoms equipment sold<br />

across the EU, equipment<br />

compliant with the current<br />

R&TTE Directive may continue<br />

to be placed on the market<br />

until 13 <strong>June</strong> 2017.<br />


Products which fit within<br />

the following definition are<br />

subject to the RED:<br />

“Radio equipment – an<br />

electrical or electronic<br />

product which intentionally<br />

emits and/or receives radio<br />

waves for the purpose of<br />

radio communication and/<br />

or radiodetermination, or an<br />

electrical or electronic product<br />

which must be completed<br />

with an accessory (such as an<br />

antenna) so as to intentionally<br />

emit and/or receive radio<br />

waves for the purpose of<br />

radio communication and/or<br />

radiodetermination.”<br />

In order to reduce both<br />

Wireless connectivity is<br />

demanded more and more by<br />

equipment makers and users<br />

costs and time to market<br />

for new equipment, we<br />

expect that many machinery<br />

manufacturers will rely on<br />

the use of wireless modules<br />

that already meet some or<br />

all of the RED’s essential<br />

requirements. However, once<br />

these modules are integrated<br />

into another product, the<br />

regulatory requirements will<br />

change as the host machine<br />

falls within the scope of the<br />

RED. Under the RED, the<br />

manufacturer must also<br />

take account of reasonably<br />

foreseeable conditions,<br />

ie use of the product outside<br />

of its intended use.<br />

The most common<br />

method of demonstrating<br />

compliance with the RED<br />

essential requirements would<br />

be by using ‘Harmonised<br />

Standards’. These are written<br />

and published under an<br />

EU mandate, and provide a<br />

‘presumption of conformity’<br />

(or compliance), provided they<br />

are applied in full.<br />


As the scope (and the<br />

safety and radio essential<br />

requirements) of the RED differ<br />

from the R&TTE, additional<br />

standards are required<br />

and existing standards<br />

must be amended. While<br />

harmonised standards are<br />

being reviewed for publication<br />

under the RED, the European<br />

Telecommunications<br />

Standards Institute (ETSI) has<br />

stated that it is not possible to<br />

complete all of the required<br />

standards by 13th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Likewise, some standards<br />

produced by CEN/CENELEC<br />

still require amendment.<br />


The European Commission<br />

will publish a Harmonised<br />

Standards list for the RED in<br />

the Official Journal (OJ) prior<br />

to 13th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2016</strong> and update it<br />

as necessary. In the absence of<br />

ETSI RED standards published<br />

in the OJ, it shall be mandatory<br />

for any manufacturers wishing<br />

for an early implementation of<br />

the RED to apply to a Notified<br />

Body for a Type Examination<br />

Certificate or a Full Quality<br />

Assurance Approval.<br />

i For more information<br />

contact W www.tuvps.com<br />

TÜV SÜD Product Service<br />

is the PPMA’s technical and<br />

legislative partner

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70 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Who What Where<br />

Who’s done what and gone where...<br />

tna<br />

Steve Burgess<br />

has been<br />

promoted to the<br />

new position of<br />

general manager<br />

for Europe at tna and assumes<br />

responsibility for all European<br />

operations immediately.<br />

He joined the company as a<br />

technical support engineer<br />

nearly 20 years ago and has<br />

progressed to work with key<br />

European clients in recent<br />

times. In his new role, Burgess<br />

will offer enhanced<br />

commercial, manufacturing,<br />

operational and after-sales<br />

support to European customers.<br />

Matcon<br />

Stephen Ball<br />

has been<br />

named as the<br />

new managing<br />

director of<br />

Matcon, taking over from<br />

David Cooper who has left<br />

the business. Ball joined<br />

the company three years<br />

ago as finance director,<br />

with a strong background in<br />

working for engineering and<br />

manufacturing firms, and is<br />

delighted to be taking on the<br />

leadership role.<br />

Domino<br />

Paul Doody<br />

is taking on<br />

the global<br />

marketing<br />

director role<br />

at Domino Printing Sciences<br />

which will see him draw<br />

on his experience as an<br />

entrepreneurial leader to<br />

define and drive effective<br />

marketing campaigns for the<br />

coding and marking company.<br />

He began his career at Unilever<br />

and then spent 16 years at<br />

Linx Printing Technologies.<br />

“My aim is to not only<br />

develop quality marketing<br />

campaigns but to empower our<br />

international teams,” he said.<br />

RNA Automation<br />

David Hanslow<br />

has joined<br />

RNA as sales<br />

director,<br />

bringing a<br />

wealth of experience in the<br />

automation industry to the<br />

role. A local man, he has built<br />

a reputation for establishing<br />

long term relationships with<br />

customers. Also joining the<br />

sales team is Paul Carter who<br />

has served customers in the<br />

automation and robotics area.<br />

Siemens<br />

Alwyn Jones is<br />

the new vertical<br />

sector head for<br />

pharmaceutical<br />

& life sciences<br />

at Siemens UK & Ireland tasked<br />

with delivering its business<br />

strategy for the sector.<br />

He joins the pharmaceutical<br />

team following four years<br />

as an account development<br />

manager for the environmental<br />

power sector at the company.<br />

FPE Global<br />

David Cooper<br />

has joined FPE<br />

Global as its<br />

chief executive<br />

officer from his<br />

previous role as managing<br />

director of Matcon, where<br />

he led numerous strategic<br />

initiatives resulting in<br />

significant and sustained<br />

growth in revenue and<br />

profitability over almost<br />

15 years of service.<br />

“We’ve seen increased<br />

demand for innovation<br />

and excellence in materials<br />

handling on a global<br />

scale, which presents a<br />

huge opportunity for the<br />

business,” he says.<br />

Diary<br />

Dates<br />

27-29, SEPTEMBER, <strong>2016</strong><br />

PPMA Total Show<br />

<strong>2016</strong><br />

NEC, Birmingham<br />

www.ppmatotalshow.co.uk<br />

31 MAY - 10 JUNE<br />

Drupa <strong>2016</strong><br />

Dusseldorf, Germany<br />

www.drupa.com<br />

8 JUNE<br />

Packaging seminar<br />

BPF House, London<br />

www.bpfevents.co.uk<br />

15 - 18 JUNE<br />

Propack Asia<br />

Bangkok, Thailand<br />

janette.lane@ppma.co.uk<br />

13 - 15 JULY<br />

Propack China<br />

Shanghai, China<br />

janette.lane@ppma.co.uk<br />

14 - 15 SEPTEMBER<br />

Food & Drink<br />

Technology Africa<br />

Johannesburg, South Africa<br />

www.fdt-africa.com<br />

Founders of Bakers Perkins are<br />

inducted into the Hall of Fame<br />

Joseph Baker and Jacob<br />

Perkins, founders of the<br />

companies that eventually<br />

became Baker Perkins,<br />

have been inducted into the<br />

‘Baking Hall of Fame’ of the<br />

American Society of Baking<br />

at a ceremony at BakingTech<br />

<strong>2016</strong> in Chicago. The Society<br />

considers them responsible<br />

for developing a broader range<br />

of bakery technologies than<br />

any other bakery equipment<br />

manufacturer.<br />

Baker Perkins md John Cowx (left) receiving the award at BakingTech, Chicago<br />

20 - 22 SEPTEMBER<br />

Propak West Africa<br />

Lagos, Nigeria<br />

www.propakwestafrica.com<br />

2 – 5 NOVEMBER<br />

Eurasia Packaging<br />

Istanbul, Turkey<br />

www.packagingfair.com<br />

14 - 17 NOVEMBER<br />

Emballage <strong>2016</strong><br />

Paris Nord Villepinte, France<br />

www.all4pack.com<br />

6 - 9 NOVEMBER<br />


International<br />

Chicago, USA<br />


www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 71<br />

Buyers Guide: Ancillary Equipment<br />

Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking<br />

Lloyds Bank, SME Key Markets Office, 3rd Floor,<br />

12 Cavendish Place, London, W1G 9DJ<br />

07764 625666<br />

David.Atkinson@Lloydsbanking.com<br />

www.lloydsbankbusiness.com<br />



ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />

Schmersal Ltd<br />

Worcestershire, WR14 1GL<br />

T: 01684 571980 E: uksupport@schmersal.com<br />

www.schmersal.co.uk www.schmersal.net<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />



Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />


Interroll Ltd<br />

Orion Way, Kettering,<br />

Northants, NN15 6NL<br />

T: 01536 312770<br />

E: gb.sales@interroll.com www.interroll.co.uk<br />


CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />



Birmingham, B11 2BH<br />

T: 07780 470457<br />

E: miked@powercapacitors.co.uk<br />

www.powercapacitors.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />



PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />


Axelent Ltd<br />

Modular Machine Guarding<br />

Unit 9 County Park, Shrivenham Road,<br />

Swindon, SN1 2NR<br />

T: 01793 523535 F: 01793 432424<br />

E: sales@axelent.co.uk www.axelent.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

Schmersal Ltd<br />

Worcestershire, WR14 1GL<br />

T: 01684 571980 E: uksupport@schmersal.com<br />

www.schmersal.co.uk www.schmersal.net<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


Goudsmit Magnetics Group<br />

Peter Buckley<br />

T: +44 (0)7482 983183<br />

E: pbu@goudsmit.eu<br />

www.goudsmitmagnets.com<br />




Birmingham, B45 8JL<br />

Bytronic<br />

T: +44 (0)1564 793174<br />

E: enquiries@bytronic.com<br />

www.bytronic.com<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />



ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


JACOB (UK) LTD<br />

T: 01694 722841<br />

E: sales@jacob-uk.com<br />

www.jacob-uk.com<br />


JACOB (UK) LTD<br />

T: 01694 722841<br />

E: sales@jacob-uk.com<br />

www.jacob-uk.com<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

Interroll Ltd<br />

Orion Way, Kettering,<br />

Northants, NN15 6NL<br />

T: 01536 312770<br />

E: gb.sales@interroll.com www.interroll.co.uk<br />

ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

Goudsmit Magnetics Group<br />

Peter Buckley<br />

T: +44 (0)7482 983183<br />

E: pbu@goudsmit.eu<br />

www.goudsmitmagnets.com<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk

72 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Ancillary Equipment<br />


IRbTraining<br />

Newcastle upon Tyne<br />

T: 0191 265 9151<br />

www.irbtraining.co.uk<br />


Doncaster,Yorkshire DN11 8EW<br />

T: 01302 711056 E: sales@bwcontainersystems.com<br />

www.bwcontainersystems.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

FANUC UK Ltd<br />

Coventry, CV3 4LB<br />

T: 02476 639669<br />

E: marketing@fanuc.eu www.fanuc.eu<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Western Mechanical Handling UK Ltd<br />

Callington, Cornwall PL17 7SD<br />

T: 01579 383788<br />

E: enquiries@wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />

www.wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />

Schmersal Ltd<br />

Worcestershire, WR14 1GL<br />

T: 01684 571980 E: uksupport@schmersal.com<br />

www.schmersal.co.uk www.schmersal.net<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />


Balluff Ltd<br />

Cheshire, CW9 7UA<br />

T: 0161 282 4700<br />

E: sales@balluff.co.uk www.balluff.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />



JOULIN (UK)<br />

T: 0191 265 9151<br />

E: joulinuk@joulin.com<br />

www.joulin.com<br />

Turbo Vacuumentation Ltd<br />

T: 0161 482 4004<br />

E: steve.hurn@turbo-vac.co.uk<br />

www.turbo-vac.co.uk<br />


ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

VALVES<br />

Gemu Valves Ltd<br />

T: 01925 824044<br />

E: customer.support@gemu.co.uk<br />

www.gemu.co.uk<br />



PILZ Automation Technology<br />

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field, Corby,<br />

Northants, NN18 8TJ<br />

T: 01536 460766 F: 01536 460866<br />

E: sales@pilz.co.uk www.pilz.co.uk<br />


Schmersal Ltd<br />

Worcestershire, WR14 1GL<br />

T: 01684 571980 E: uksupport@schmersal.com<br />

www.schmersal.co.uk www.schmersal.net<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

SICK (UK) LTD<br />

Waldkirch House, 39 Hedley Rd,<br />

St Albans, Herts AL1 5BN<br />

T: 01727 831121 F: 01727 856767<br />

E: info@sick.co.uk www.sick.co.uk<br />

ifm electronic Ltd<br />

Oldfield Road, Hampton,<br />

Middlesex TW12 2HD<br />

T: 020 8213-2222<br />

E: enquiry.gb@ifm.com<br />

www.ifm.com/uk<br />

Buyers Guide: Processing Equipment<br />

Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking<br />

Lloyds Bank, SME Key Markets Office, 3rd Floor,<br />

12 Cavendish Place, London, W1G 9DJ<br />

07764 625666<br />

David.Atkinson@Lloydsbanking.com<br />

www.lloydsbankbusiness.com<br />


Sealock Ltd<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5NU<br />

T: +44 (0) 1264 358185<br />

E: sales@sealock.co.uk<br />

www.sealock.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />


Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />

BAKING<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Steck Depositors Limited<br />

Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3LF<br />

T: +44 (0) 1293 873439<br />

E: sales@steckdepositors.com<br />

www.steckdepositors.com<br />


Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Silverson<br />

Waterside, Chesham,<br />

Buckinghamshire HP5 1PQ<br />

T: 01494 786331<br />

E: sales@silverson.co.uk www.silverson.co.uk<br />


Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />



Baker Perkins Ltd<br />

Manor Drive,<br />

Peterborough, PE4 7AP T: +44 1733 283000<br />

E: bpltd@bakerperkins.com<br />

www.bakerperkins.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />



Baker Perkins Ltd<br />

Manor Drive,<br />

Peterborough, PE4 7AP T: +44 1733 283000<br />

E: bpltd@bakerperkins.com<br />

www.bakerperkins.com<br />

Baker Perkins Ltd<br />

Manor Drive,<br />

Peterborough, PE4 7AP T: +44 1733 283000<br />

E: bpltd@bakerperkins.com<br />

www.bakerperkins.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />

Coperion K-Tron GB<br />

4 Acorn Business Park, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810<br />

E: ckb@coperionktron.com<br />


Advertise: Christine Valdes T<br />

020 8773 8111 E<br />

chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 73<br />

Processing Packaging Equipment<br />

Machinery<br />

JACOB (UK) LTD<br />

T: 01694 722841<br />

E: sales@jacob-uk.com<br />

www.jacob-uk.com<br />

piab<br />

Oaks Ind. Est., Festival Drive,<br />

Loughborough, LE11 5XN<br />

T: 01509 857010 F: 01509 857011<br />

E: info-uk@piab.com www.piab.com<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


The Industrial Cleaning<br />

Equipment Company<br />

T: 01543 449259 E: info@ecoblastsupplies.co.uk<br />

www.ecoblastsupplies.co.uk<br />


AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Valco Melton UK<br />

Hortonwood 32,<br />

Telford TF1 7YN<br />

T: 01952 677911 F: 01952 677945<br />

E: ask@valcomelton.com www.valcomelton.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />



AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

Baker Perkins Ltd<br />

Manor Drive,<br />

Peterborough, PE4 7AP T: +44 1733 283000<br />

E: bpltd@bakerperkins.com<br />

www.bakerperkins.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />



Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />



T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Yorkshire Packaging Systems Ltd<br />

Woodkirk Freight Terminal, Quarry Lane,<br />

Woodkirk, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ<br />

T: 01924 441355 F: 01924 440686<br />

E: enquiries@yps.co.uk www.yps.co.uk<br />


Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Premier Mill, Brunswick Street,<br />

Nelson, Lancs BB9 0HU<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@riggsautopack.co.uk www.riggsautopack.co.uk<br />

Steck Depositors Limited<br />

Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3LF<br />

T: +44 (0) 1293 873439<br />

E: sales@steckdepositors.com<br />

www.steckdepositors.com<br />

Western Mechanical Handling UK Ltd<br />

Callington, Cornwall PL17 7SD<br />

T: 01579 383788<br />

E: enquiries@wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />

www.wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />


TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

DRYERS<br />

VC999 Packaging Systems<br />

Round Spinney, Northampton NN3 8RQ<br />

T: 01604 643 999,<br />

E: info@vc999.co.uk<br />

www.vc999.co.uk<br />


Baker Perkins Ltd<br />

Manor Drive,<br />

Peterborough, PE4 7AP T: +44 1733 283000<br />

E: bpltd@bakerperkins.com<br />

www.bakerperkins.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Premier Mill, Brunswick Street,<br />

Nelson, Lancs BB9 0HU<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@riggsautopack.co.uk www.riggsautopack.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


d h industries<br />

dh industries<br />

Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />



T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Busch (UK) Ltd<br />

Hortonwood 30, Telford,<br />

Shropshire TF1 7YB<br />

T: 01952 677432 F: 01952 677423<br />

E: sales@busch.co.uk www.busch.co.uk<br />

Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Premier Mill, Brunswick Street,<br />

Nelson, Lancs BB9 0HU<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@riggsautopack.co.uk www.riggsautopack.co.uk<br />

Western Mechanical Handling UK Ltd<br />

Callington, Cornwall PL17 7SD<br />

T: 01579 383788<br />

E: enquiries@wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />

www.wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Western Mechanical Handling UK Ltd<br />

Callington, Cornwall PL17 7SD<br />

T: 01579 383788<br />

E: enquiries@wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />

www.wmh-uk-ltd.com<br />


Krones UK Ltd<br />

Westregen House,<br />

Great Bank Road, Wingates Industrial Park,<br />

Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 3XB<br />

T: 01942 845000 F: 01942 845091<br />

E: sales@krones.co.uk www.krones.com<br />



NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QD, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


Silverson<br />

Waterside, Chesham,<br />

Buckinghamshire HP5 1PQ<br />

T: 01494 786331<br />

E: sales@silverson.co.uk www.silverson.co.uk<br />

Interroll Ltd<br />

Orion Way, Kettering,<br />

Northants, NN15 6NL<br />

T: 01536 312770<br />

E: gb.sales@interroll.com www.interroll.co.uk<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

Schmersal Ltd<br />

Worcestershire, WR14 1GL<br />

T: 01684 571980 E: uksupport@schmersal.com<br />

www.schmersal.co.uk www.schmersal.net<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk

74 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />


NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />




NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />


Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Silverson<br />

Waterside, Chesham,<br />

Buckinghamshire HP5 1PQ<br />

T: 01494 786331<br />

E: sales@silverson.co.uk www.silverson.co.uk<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

d h industries<br />

dh industries<br />

Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />

Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />


Coperion K-Tron GB<br />

4 Acorn Business Park, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810<br />

E: ckb@coperionktron.com<br />

www@coperionktron.com<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

Genoa Way, High Wycombe, HP11 1NY<br />

T: 01494 471580 F: 01494 533487<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Steck Depositors Limited<br />

Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3LF<br />

T: +44 (0) 1293 873439<br />

E: sales@steckdepositors.com<br />

www.steckdepositors.com<br />

PUMPS<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum<br />

Leatherhead Road, Chessington,<br />

Surrey, KT9 2QL T: 01372 737300<br />

E: sales.vacuum.ln@oerlikon.com<br />

www.oerlikon.com<br />



Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />



Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Grote Company<br />

Wrexham Technology Park,<br />

Wrexham, LL13 7YP<br />

www.grotecompany.com<br />

E: sales@intl.grotecompany.com<br />

T: 01978 362243 F: 01978 362255<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

VC999 Packaging Systems<br />

Round Spinney, Northampton NN3 8RQ<br />

T: 01604 643 999,<br />

E: info@vc999.co.uk<br />

www.vc999.co.uk<br />


Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />


Baker Perkins Ltd<br />

Manor Drive,<br />

Peterborough, PE4 7AP T: +44 1733 283000<br />

E: bpltd@bakerperkins.com<br />

www.bakerperkins.com<br />

Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


Scorpion Vision Ltd<br />

Efford Park, Milford Road,<br />

Lymington, Hants. SO41 0JD<br />

T: 01590 679333 F: 0870 622 4092<br />

E: sales@scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

www.scorpionvision.co.uk<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />


TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />




Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />



Cremer Speciaalmachines BV<br />

Heereweg 5, 2161 AB Lisse, The Netherlands<br />

T: +31 252 419038 F: +31 252 418718<br />

E: sales@cremer.com<br />

www.cremer.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9 Ardglen Ind. Est., Ardglen Rd.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />


T: +44 (0)1260 272894<br />

E: sales@jrboone.com<br />

www.jrboone.com<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Morton Mixers<br />

T: 0845 277 0939<br />

E: info@morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

www.morton-mixers.co.uk<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />


TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

Winkworth<br />

T: 01256 305600 E: info@mixer.co.uk www.mixer.co.uk<br />

Sparc Systems Ltd<br />

Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6NP<br />

T: 01684 310000<br />

E: sales@sparc-systems.co.uk<br />


www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 75<br />

Buyers Guide: Packaging Machinery<br />

Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking<br />

Lloyds Bank, SME Key Markets Office, 3rd Floor,<br />

12 Cavendish Place, London, W1G 9DJ<br />

07764 625666<br />

David.Atkinson@Lloydsbanking.com<br />

www.lloydsbankbusiness.com<br />


Brunel Engineering Services Ltd<br />

The Street, Broughton Gifford, Melksham,<br />

Wiltshire SN12 8PH<br />

T: 01225 784019 F: 01225 783400<br />

E: general@brunelengineeringservices.co.uk<br />

www.brunelengineeringservices.co.uk<br />

Sealock Ltd<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5NU<br />

T: +44 (0) 1264 358185<br />

E: sales@sealock.co.uk<br />

www.sealock.co.uk<br />


Brunel Engineering Services Ltd<br />

The Street, Broughton Gifford, Melksham,<br />

Wiltshire SN12 8PH<br />

T: 01225 784019 F: 01225 783400<br />

E: general@brunelengineeringservices.co.uk<br />

www.brunelengineeringservices.co.uk<br />

Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />

Protek Packaging Ltd<br />

Warrington, Cheshire WA1 4RR<br />

T: 01925 819557<br />

E: sales@protekpackaging.com<br />

www.protekpackaging.com<br />

Valco Melton UK<br />

Hortonwood 32,<br />

Telford TF1 7YN<br />

T: 01952 677911 F: 01952 677945<br />

E: ask@valcomelton.com www.valcomelton.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />

W H Leary, Robatech<br />

Basildon, Essex, SS15 6SW<br />

T: 01268 490035<br />

E: post@whleary.co.uk<br />

www.whleary.co.uk<br />


d h industries<br />

dh industries<br />

Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />


Ocme UK Ltd<br />

King John Hse, Kingsclere Park,<br />

Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 4SW<br />

T: 01635 298171 F: 01635 297936<br />

E: sales@ocme.co.uk www.ocme.co.uk<br />


AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

Coperion K-Tron GB<br />

4 Acorn Business Park, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810<br />

E: ckb@coperionktron.com<br />

www@coperionktron.com<br />

Fischbein-Saxon Ltd<br />

T: +44 (0) 844 372 2877<br />

E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Industrial Controls Ltd<br />

Alpha Works, Sandars Road, Heapham Road<br />

Industrial Estate, Gainsborough DN21 1RZ<br />

T: 01427 611885 F: 01427 611883<br />

E: sales@gic.uk.net www.gic.uk.net<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

2 Pilgrim Way, Stanningley,<br />

Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

PFM Packaging T: Machinery 0113 239 3401 Ltd<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com<br />

www.pfmuk.com<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />


CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Fischbein-Saxon Ltd<br />

T: +44 (0) 844 372 2877<br />

E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern<br />

KUKA Robotics UK Ltd<br />

Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7LL<br />

T: 0121 505 9970<br />

E: sales@kuka-robotics.co.uk<br />

www.kuka-robotics.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Burnley, Lancs, BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />


automated packaging systems<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

T: 01684 891 400 F: 01684 891 401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Fischbein-Saxon Ltd<br />

T: +44 (0) 844 372 2877<br />

E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern<br />


Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394 400 F: 01256 394 410<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9 Ardglen Ind. Est., Ardglen Rd.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />



W H Leary, Robatech<br />

Basildon, Essex, SS15 6SW<br />

T: 01268 490035<br />

E: post@whleary.co.uk<br />

www.whleary.co.uk<br />


Acrovision<br />

Hertfordshire, AL3 8JP<br />

T: 0845 337 0250<br />

E: info@acrovision.co.uk<br />

www.acrovision.co.uk<br />

Birmingham, B45 8JL<br />

Bytronic<br />

T: +44 (0)1564 793174<br />

E: enquiries@bytronic.com<br />

www.bytronic.com<br />

Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

Cobalt Systems Ltd<br />

Cobalt House, Arden Square,<br />

Electra Way, Crewe, CW1 6HA<br />

T: 01270 539800<br />

E: sales@cobaltis.co.uk www.cobalt-hsg.com<br />

Industrial Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

D4 Brookside Business Park, Manchester M24 1GS<br />

T: 0161 655 4846<br />

E: sales@ilsystems.co.uk<br />

www.ilsystems.co.uk<br />

Logopak International Ltd<br />

George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XE<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />

E: info@logopak.net<br />

www.logopak.co.uk<br />

REA JET Ltd<br />

119C Olympic Ave,<br />

Milton Park, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 4SA<br />

T: 01235 835446 E: info@rea-jet.co.uk<br />

www.rea-jet.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

Dividella AG<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.dividella.com<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

Sepha Ltd<br />

Unit 25, Carrowreagh Business Park,<br />

Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald,<br />

Belfast BT16 1QQ<br />

T: 028 9048 4848 F: 028 9048 0890<br />

E: info@sepha.com www.sepha.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Serac UK<br />

Po Box 527, Ducklington,<br />

Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 9LL, UK<br />

T: 01235 537222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

Genoa Way, High Wycombe, HP11 1NY<br />

T: 01494 471580 F: 01494 533487<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />


automated packaging systems<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

T: 01684 891 400 F: 01684 891 401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

RM Sealers Limited<br />

Valley Farm, Dagnall, Herts HP4 1QR<br />

T: 01442 843387<br />

E: enquiries@rmsealers.co.uk<br />

www.rmsealers.co.uk<br />

Sensor House, Phoenix Park, St Neots,<br />

Cambridgeshire PE19 8EP T: 01480 408 500<br />

E: info@leuze.co.uk www.leuze.co.uk<br />

Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com

76 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Packaging Machinery Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Advanced Dynamics Ltd<br />

Unit 3, 606 Industrial Park,<br />

Staithgate Lane, Bradford, BD6 1YA<br />

T: 01274 731222 F: 01274 308953<br />

E: info@advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

Jacob White Packaging Ltd<br />

Riverside Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5BY<br />

T: 01322 272531<br />

F: 01322 270692<br />

E: enquiries@jacobwhite.com www.jacobwhite.com<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline-automation.com<br />

www.endoline-automation.com<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline-automation.com<br />

www.endoline-automation.com<br />

AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

Kliklok International Ltd<br />

Western Drive, Hengrove Park Estate,<br />

Bristol BS14 0AY<br />

T: 01275 836131 F: 01275 891754<br />

E: sales@kliklok-int.com www.kliklok-int.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.com www.capcoder.com<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

Jacob White Packaging Ltd<br />

Riverside Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5BY<br />

T: 01322 272531<br />

F: 01322 270692<br />

E: enquiries@jacobwhite.com www.jacobwhite.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

Po Box 527, Ducklington,<br />

Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 9LL, UK<br />

T: 01235 537222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

Brunel Engineering Services Ltd<br />

The Street, Broughton Gifford, Melksham,<br />

Wiltshire SN12 8PH<br />

T: 01225 784019 F: 01225 783400<br />

E: general@brunelengineeringservices.co.uk<br />

www.brunelengineeringservices.co.uk<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

Mediseal GmbH<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.mediseal.de<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

105 Newdigate Road, Nottingham, NG16 1HN<br />

T: 0115 875 9846<br />

E: contact@raupack.co.uk www.raupack.co.uk<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />



AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

SCM Handling Ltd<br />

Broadgauge Business Park, Taunton,<br />

Somerset, TA4 3RU<br />

T: 01823 431838 F: 01823 430806<br />

E: sales@scmhandling.com www.scmhandling.com<br />

Woodward Avenue, Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />



BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />


AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />

Quin Systems Ltd<br />

Oaklands Business Centre,<br />

Oaklands Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2FD<br />

T: 0118 977 1077 F: 0118 977 6728<br />

E: rmaidment@quin.co.uk www.quin.co.uk<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Woodward Avenue, Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />

www.machinesystems.co.uk<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />

Tekpak Automation Ltd (UK)<br />

T: +44 (0)113 3505694<br />

E: sales@tekpak.co.uk<br />

www.tekpak.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />



Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline-automation.com<br />

www.endoline-automation.com<br />

CME Ltd<br />

Combe St Nicholas, Somerset, TA20 3NL<br />

T: 01460 269500<br />

E: cme@cme-ltd.com<br />

www.cme-ltd.com<br />

BluePrint Automation B.V.<br />

T: +31 (0)348 410 999<br />

E: sales@bpa-flexolutions.nl www.bpa-flexolutions.com<br />

Doncaster,Yorkshire DN11 8EW<br />

T: 01302 711056 E: sales@bwcontainersystems.com<br />

www.bwcontainersystems.com<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Dividella AG<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865<br />

www.dividella.com<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

CAMA 3 Ltd<br />

Suite 44, Berkeley House,<br />

Hunts Rise, South Marston Park,<br />

Swindon, Wilts, SN3 4TG<br />

T: 01793 831111 F: 01793 831481<br />

E: cama3@camagroup.com www.camagroup.com<br />

Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />



T: 01635 905090<br />

E: dianne@et-pack.com<br />

www.et-pack.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Woodward Avenue, Yate, Bristol BS37 5AP<br />

T: 01454 328660 F: 01454 326871<br />

E: machine.sales@smurfitkappa.co.uk<br />


Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 77<br />

Packaging Machinery<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />



Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Coding Division,<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.com www.capcoder.com<br />

CME Ltd<br />

Combe St Nicholas, Somerset, TA20 3NL<br />

T: 01460 269500<br />

E: cme@cme-ltd.com<br />

www.cme-ltd.com<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Colwall Conveyor Systems<br />

Unit 8A, Spring Lane Industrial Estate,<br />

Malvern Link, Worcs. WR14 1BY<br />

T: 01684 562625 F: 01684 573700<br />

E: sales@colwallconveyors.co.uk<br />

www.colwallconveyors.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

DAN-Palletiser A/S<br />

Borgergade 17<br />

DK-4241 Vemmelev, Denmark<br />

T: +45 5838 2193 F: +45 5838 2826<br />

E: sales@dan-palletiser.dk www.dan-palletiser.com<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

Domino UK Ltd<br />

Bar Hill, Cambridge<br />

CB23 8TU<br />

T: 01954 782551 E: enquiries@domino-uk.com<br />

www.domino-uk.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />


Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline-automation.com<br />

www.endoline-automation.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Industrial Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

D4 Brookside Business Park, Manchester M24 1GS<br />

T: 0161 655 4846<br />

E: sales@ilsystems.co.uk<br />

www.ilsystems.co.uk<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

FlexLink Systems Limited<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Blakelands,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01908 327200 F: 01908 327201<br />

E: info.uk@flexlink.com<br />

www.flexlink.co.uk<br />

Sparc Systems Ltd<br />

Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6NP<br />

T: 01684 310000<br />

E: sales@sparc-systems.co.uk<br />

www.sparc-systems.co.uk<br />


Anritsu Industrial Solutions Europe Ltd<br />

Saxon Business Park, Bromsgrove B60 4AD<br />

T: 0845 539 9729<br />

E: ais-europe@anritsu.com<br />

www.anritsu.com<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park, Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Sparc Systems Ltd<br />

Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6NP<br />

T: 01684 310000<br />

E: sales@sparc-systems.co.uk<br />

www.sparc-systems.co.uk<br />

Yamato<br />

Leeds, LS12 6HH<br />

T: 0113 322 1546<br />

E: sales1@yamatoscale.co.uk<br />

www.yamatoscale.co.uk<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Allen Coding<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.com www.allencoding.com<br />

Linx Printing<br />

Technologies Ltd<br />

8 Stocks Bridge Way, St. Ives, PE27 5JL<br />

T: 01480 302100 F: 01480 302116<br />

E: uksales@linx.co.uk www.linx.co.uk<br />

Logopak International Ltd<br />

George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XE<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />

E: info@logopak.net<br />

www.logopak.co.uk<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk<br />

www.opendate.co.uk<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: sales@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

REA JET Ltd<br />

119C Olympic Ave,<br />

Milton Park, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 4SA<br />

T: 01235 835446 E: info@rea-jet.co.uk<br />

www.rea-jet.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />


Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />



Jenton International Ltd.<br />

9 Ardglen Ind. Est., Ardglen Rd.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 892194<br />

E: sales@jenton.co.uk www.jenton.co.uk<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777 F: +44 (0) 1 582 425 776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


Advance Automated Systems Ltd<br />

T: 01325 328930<br />

E: sales@advance-as.co.uk<br />

www.advanceconveyors.co.uk<br />

Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

automated packaging systems<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

T: 01684 891 400 F: 01684 891 401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Doncaster,Yorkshire DN11 8EW<br />

T: 01302 711056 E: sales@bwcontainersystems.com<br />

www.bwcontainersystems.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Interroll Ltd<br />

Orion Way, Kettering,<br />

Northants, NN15 6NL<br />

T: 01536 312770<br />

E: gb.sales@interroll.com www.interroll.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777 F: +44 (0) 1 582 425 776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Burnley, Lancs, BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

SCM Handling Ltd<br />

Broadgauge Business Park, Taunton,<br />

Somerset, TA4 3RU<br />

T: 01823 431838 F: 01823 430806<br />

E: sales@scmhandling.com www.scmhandling.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />

Transnorm<br />

Unit 300B, Ashchurch Business Centre,<br />

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 8TD<br />

T: +44 (0)1684 291100 F: +44 (0)1684 291550<br />

E: sales@transnorm.co.uk www.transnorm.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Coding Division,<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.com www.capcoder.com<br />

Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />


78 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Packaging Machinery Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

DAN-Palletiser A/S<br />

Borgergade 17<br />

DK-4241 Vemmelev, Denmark<br />

T: +45 5838 2193 F: +45 5838 2826<br />

E: sales@dan-palletiser.dk www.dan-palletiser.com<br />

Interroll Ltd<br />

Orion Way, Kettering,<br />

Northants, NN15 6NL<br />

T: 01536 312770<br />

E: gb.sales@interroll.com www.interroll.co.uk<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777 F: +44 (0) 1 582 425 776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />


Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Interroll Ltd<br />

Orion Way, Kettering,<br />

Northants, NN15 6NL<br />

T: 01536 312770<br />

E: gb.sales@interroll.com www.interroll.co.uk<br />


Cremer Speciaalmachines BV<br />

Heereweg 5, 2161 AB Lisse, The Netherlands<br />

T: +31 252 419038 F: +31 252 418718<br />

E: sales@cremer.com<br />

www.cremer.com<br />

105 Newdigate Road, Nottingham, NG16 1HN<br />

T: 0115 875 9846<br />

E: contact@raupack.co.uk www.raupack.co.uk<br />

Sparc Systems Ltd<br />

Malvern, Worcestershire, WR13 6NP<br />

T: 01684 310000<br />

E: sales@sparc-systems.co.uk<br />

www.sparc-systems.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />



automated packaging systems<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

T: 01684 891 400 F: 01684 891 401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />


d h industries<br />

dh industries<br />

Sullivan House, Fenton Way, Laindon,<br />

Essex, SS15 6TD, UK<br />

T: +44 (0)1268 410 666 - F: +44 (0)1268 410 777<br />

E: dh@dhi.co.uk - www.dhi.co.uk<br />


Sepha Ltd<br />

Unit 25, Carrowreagh Business Park,<br />

Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald,<br />

Belfast BT16 1QQ<br />

T: 028 9048 4848 F: 028 9048 0890<br />

E: info@sepha.com www.sepha.com<br />


AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777 F: +44 (0) 1 582 425 776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />

KUKA Robotics UK Ltd<br />

Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7LL<br />

T: 0121 505 9970<br />

E: sales@kuka-robotics.co.uk<br />

www.kuka-robotics.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Burnley, Lancs, BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />

SCM Handling Ltd<br />

Broadgauge Business Park, Taunton,<br />

Somerset, TA4 3RU<br />

T: 01823 431838 F: 01823 430806<br />

E: sales@scmhandling.com www.scmhandling.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Kensal Handling Systems<br />

Kensal House, President Way,<br />

Luton, LU2 9NR<br />

T: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777 F: +44 (0) 1 582 425 776<br />

E: sales@kensal.com www.kensal.com<br />

Schmersal Ltd<br />

Worcestershire, WR14 1GL<br />

T: 01684 571980 E: uksupport@schmersal.com<br />

www.schmersal.co.uk www.schmersal.net<br />

SCM Handling Ltd<br />

Broadgauge Business Park, Taunton,<br />

Somerset, TA4 3RU<br />

T: 01823 431838 F: 01823 430806<br />

E: sales@scmhandling.com www.scmhandling.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


automated packaging systems<br />

Sandy’s Road, Malvern, WR14 1JJ<br />

T: 01684 891 400 F: 01684 891 401<br />

Email: sales@autobag.co.uk www.autobag.co.uk<br />



AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Coperion K-Tron GB<br />

4 Acorn Business Park, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1AS<br />

T: 0161 209 4810<br />

E: ckb@coperionktron.com<br />

www@coperionktron.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

ILPRA UK<br />

Swindon, Wilts. SN3 4AG<br />

T: 01793 832020<br />

E: reception.uk@ilpra.com<br />

www.ilpra.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Paramount<br />

Packaging Systems<br />

T: 01252 815252<br />

E: fuji@paramount-packaging.co.uk<br />

www.paramount-packaging.co.uk<br />

2 Pilgrim Way, Stanningley,<br />

Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

PFM Packaging T: Machinery 0113 239 3401 Ltd<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com<br />

www.pfmuk.com<br />

Sollas UK Ltd<br />

Unit 12, Ardglen Ind. Est.,<br />

Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7BB<br />

T: 01256 896930 F: 01256 896665<br />

E: sales@sollasuk.com www.sollas.com<br />


TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Industrial Controls Ltd<br />

Alpha Works, Sandars Road, Heapham Road<br />

Industrial Estate, Gainsborough DN21 1RZ<br />

T: 01427 611885 F: 01427 611883<br />

E: sales@gic.uk.net www.gic.uk.net<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

2 Pilgrim Way, Stanningley,<br />

Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

PFM Packaging T: Machinery 0113 239 3401 Ltd<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com<br />

www.pfmuk.com<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

Po Box 527, Ducklington,<br />

Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 9LL, UK<br />

T: 01235 537222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

A.T. Sack Fillers<br />

12 Biggin Lane, Ramsey, Cambs PE26 1NB<br />

T: 01487 711114 E: enquiries@atsackfillers.co.uk<br />

www.atsackfillers.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com

Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 79<br />

Packaging Machinery<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Evolution BPS<br />

T: 01721 724296<br />

E: sales@evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

www.evolutionbps.co.uk<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

Po Box 527, Ducklington,<br />

Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 9LL, UK<br />

T: 01235 537222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

Doncaster,Yorkshire DN11 8EW<br />

T: 01302 711056 E: sales@bwcontainersystems.com<br />

www.bwcontainersystems.com<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.com www.capcoder.com<br />

Evolution BPS<br />

T: 01721 724296<br />

E: sales@evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

www.evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Premier Mill, Brunswick Street,<br />

Nelson, Lancs BB9 0HU<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@riggsautopack.co.uk www.riggsautopack.co.uk<br />


Adelphi Group<br />

Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath,<br />

West Sussex RH16 1XQ<br />

T: 01444 472300<br />

W: www.adelphi.uk.com<br />

All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Cap Coder Ltd<br />

Monument Business Park,<br />

Chalgrove, Oxford, OX44 7RW<br />

T: 01865 891466 F: 01865 891292<br />

E: sales@capcoder.com www.capcoder.com<br />

All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Rovema Packaging Machines Ltd<br />

8 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close,<br />

Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DP<br />

T: 01296 310490 F: 01296 483440<br />

E: sales@rovema.co.uk<br />

www.rovema.co.uk<br />


Holmach Ltd<br />

The Dingle, Pilsgate,<br />

Stamford, Lincs PE9 3HW<br />

T: 01780 749097 F: 01780 749098<br />

E: sales@holmach.co.uk www.holmach.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

<strong>MU</strong>LTI-FILL Inc. T: +1 801 280 1570<br />

multifill multifil<br />

E: sales@multi-fill.com<br />

www.multi-fill.com<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />


All-Fill International Ltd<br />

5 Gateshead Close, Sunderland Rd,<br />

Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 1RS<br />

T: 01767 691100 F: 01767 681406<br />

E: info@allfill.co.uk www.allfill.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Norden (UK) Ltd<br />

2 Tanners Drive, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BN<br />

T: 01462 895245 F: 01462 895683<br />

E: enquiries@norden.co.uk<br />

www.nordenmachinery.se<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd<br />

Dorchester, Dorset,<br />

DT2 0LL<br />

T: 01935 483900<br />

E: info.npu@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com<br />

Riggs Autopack Ltd<br />

Premier Mill, Brunswick Street,<br />

Nelson, Lancs BB9 0HU<br />

T: 01282 440040 F: 01282 440041<br />

E: info@riggsautopack.co.uk www.riggsautopack.co.uk<br />

Optima Packaging Machinery PLC<br />

7 Loader Close, Kings Worthy, Hampshire SO23 7TF<br />

T: 01962 620898 F: +49 (0)791/506-6500<br />

E: info@optima-gb.com<br />

www.optima-gb.com<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

T: 01235 537 222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com<br />

www.oil-filling-machines.com<br />

www.lubricants-filling-machines.com<br />

www.dairy-bottle-filling-machines.com<br />

105 Newdigate Road, Nottingham, NG16 1HN<br />

T: 0115 875 9846<br />

E: contact@raupack.co.uk www.raupack.co.uk<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

Genoa Way, High Wycombe, HP11 1NY<br />

T: 01494 471580 F: 01494 533487<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com

80 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Packaging Machinery Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

Serac UK<br />

Po Box 527, Ducklington,<br />

Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 9LL, UK<br />

T: 01235 537222<br />

E: info@serac-uk.com www.serac-group.com<br />

SP Filling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit 28, Ddole Industrial Estate,<br />

Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6DF<br />

T: 01597 824918 F: 01597 822553<br />

E: sales@sp-filling.co.uk www.sp-filling.co.uk<br />


Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fordsps.com www.fordsps.com<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Fischbein-Saxon Ltd<br />

T: +44 (0) 844 372 2877<br />

E: sales@fischbein-saxon.co.uk<br />

www.fischbein.com/eastern<br />

Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fordsps.com www.fordsps.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />


Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire SK23 7DQ<br />

T: +44 1663 732 700<br />

E: mark@mpe-uk.com<br />

www.mpe-uk.com<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />

RM Sealers Limited<br />

Valley Farm, Dagnall, Herts HP4 1QR<br />

T: 01442 843387<br />

E: enquiries@rmsealers.co.uk<br />

www.rmsealers.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QD, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />


AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />


Allen Coding<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.com www.allencoding.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />



W H Leary, Robatech<br />

Basildon, Essex, SS15 6SW<br />

T: 01268 490035<br />

E: post@whleary.co.uk<br />

www.whleary.co.uk<br />

Packaging Aids Limited<br />

Lords Way, Basildon, Essex SS13 1TN<br />

T: 01268 885885 F: 01268 885860<br />

E: sales@packer-products.co.uk<br />

www.packer-products.co.uk<br />


Advanced Dynamics Ltd<br />

Unit 3, 606 Industrial Park,<br />

Staithgate Lane, Bradford, BD6 1YA<br />

T: 01274 731222 F: 01274 308953<br />

E: info@advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

Enercon Industries Ltd<br />

62-64 Edison Road, Aylesbury,<br />

Bucks HP19 8UX<br />

T: +44(0)1296 330542 F: +44(0)1296 432098<br />

E: info@enerconind.co.uk www.enerconind.co.uk<br />

Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fordsps.com www.fordsps.com<br />


Fords Packaging<br />

Systems Ltd<br />

Ronald Close<br />

Woburn Road Ind. Estate, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7SH<br />

T: 01234 846600 F: 01234 853040<br />

E: sales@fordsps.com www.fordsps.com<br />


ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk<br />

www.opendate.co.uk<br />

T: 01962 761761 E: sales@printsafe.co.uk<br />

www.printsafe.co.uk<br />

REA JET Ltd<br />

119C Olympic Ave,<br />

Milton Park, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 4SA<br />

T: 01235 835446 E: info@rea-jet.co.uk<br />

www.rea-jet.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

REA JET Ltd<br />

119C Olympic Ave,<br />

Milton Park, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 4SA<br />

T: 01235 835446 E: info@rea-jet.co.uk<br />

www.rea-jet.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Acrovision<br />

Hertfordshire, AL3 8JP<br />

T: 0845 337 0250<br />

E: info@acrovision.co.uk<br />

www.acrovision.co.uk<br />

Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

Evolution BPS<br />

T: 01721 724296<br />

E: sales@evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

www.evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

Fortress Technology (Europe) Ltd<br />

Phantom House, Beaumont Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxon, OX16 1RH<br />

T: 01295 256266 F: 01295 255987<br />

E: info@fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

www.fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

Körber Medipak Systems UK<br />

Fairacres, Windsor SL4 4LE<br />

T: 01753 754865 E: info@uk.medipak.systems.com<br />

www.medipak-systems.com<br />

M.D.S. Ltd Metal Detection Services<br />

St. Martins Studios, Greenbank Road,<br />

Sale, Cheshire M33 5PN<br />

T: Sales 0161 286 8755 T: 0161 286 8750<br />

E: sales@mds.org.uk www.mds.org.uk<br />

Nordson (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

25 Faraday Road, Rabans Lane Industrial Area,<br />

Aylesbury, HP19 8RY<br />

T: 01296 610 140 F: 01296 610 175<br />

E: sales@uk.nordson.com<br />

www.nordson.co.uk/adhesives<br />

Scorpion Vision Ltd<br />

Efford Park, Milford Road,<br />

Lymington, Hants. SO41 0JD<br />

T: 01590 679333 F: 0870 622 4092<br />

E: sales@scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

www.scorpionvision.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QD, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Allen Coding<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.com www.allencoding.com<br />

Atlantic Zeiser Ltd<br />

53 Central Way, Andover,<br />

Hampshire, SP10 5AN<br />

T: 01264 324222 F: 01264 324333<br />

E: ppma@atlanticzeiserUK.com www.atlanticzeiser.com<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

Industrial Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

D4 Brookside Business Park, Manchester M24 1GS<br />

T: 0161 655 4846<br />

E: sales@ilsystems.co.uk<br />

www.ilsystems.co.uk<br />

QuickLabel Systems<br />

11 Whittle Parkway, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 6DQ<br />

T: 01628 668836 F: 01628 664994<br />

E: info@QuickLabel.co.uk<br />

www.QuickLabel.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Advanced Dynamics Ltd<br />

Unit 3, 606 Industrial Park,<br />

Staithgate Lane, Bradford, BD6 1YA<br />

T: 01274 731222 F: 01274 308953<br />

E: info@advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

www.advanceddynamics.co.uk<br />

Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Allen Coding<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.com www.allencoding.com<br />

ALTech UK Labelling Technologies Ltd<br />

Central Park, Bridgend, South Wales CF31 3RT<br />

T: 0800 612 6205<br />

E: sales@altech-uk.com<br />

www.altech-uk.com<br />

ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

Open Date Equipment Ltd<br />

Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4DG<br />

T: 020 8655 4999<br />

E: sales@opendate.co.uk<br />

www.opendate.co.uk<br />

Allen Coding<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.com www.allencoding.com<br />

Valco Melton UK<br />

Hortonwood 32,<br />

Telford TF1 7YN<br />

T: 01952 677911 F: 01952 677945<br />

E: ask@valcomelton.com www.valcomelton.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk

Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

www.machineryupdate.co.uk MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> MACHINERY UPDATE 81<br />

Packaging Machinery<br />

AVE UK LTD<br />

Farnham, Surrey GU9 7UG<br />

T: 01252 733200<br />

E: sales@aveuk.net<br />

www.aveuk.net<br />

Evolution BPS<br />

T: 01721 724296<br />

E: sales@evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

www.evolutionbps.co.uk<br />

HERMA UK Limited<br />

The Hollands Centre,<br />

Hollands Road, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 8PR<br />

T: 01440 763366 F: 01440 706834<br />

E: sales@herma.co.uk www.herma.co.uk<br />

Industrial Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

D4 Brookside Business Park, Manchester M24 1GS<br />

T: 0161 655 4846<br />

E: sales@ilsystems.co.uk<br />

www.ilsystems.co.uk<br />

Karmelle Ltd<br />

Unit 17, Queens Mill Industrial Estate,<br />

Queens Mill Lane, Huddersfield HD1 3RR<br />

T: 01484 533356<br />

E: Karmelle@gmail.com www.karmelle.com<br />

KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />

Logopak International Ltd<br />

George Cayley Drive, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XE<br />

T: 01904 692333<br />

E: info@logopak.net<br />

www.logopak.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


T: 01255 553822<br />

E: sales@premierlabellers.co.uk<br />

www.premierlabellers.co.uk<br />

Propack Automation Machinery Ltd<br />

10 Hill Wootton Rd, Leek Wootton, Warwicks, CV35 7QL<br />

T: 02476 470074<br />

E: office@propack.co.uk<br />

www.propack.co.uk<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QD, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

Sessions UK<br />

1 Redeness Street, York, YO31 7UU<br />

T: 01904 610613<br />

E: enquiry@sessionsuk.com<br />

www.sessionsuk.com<br />

Sovereign Labelling Systems<br />

Brightlingsea, Essex CO7 0SF<br />

T: 01206 304182<br />

E: sovereign@sovereignlabellingsystems.co.uk<br />

www.sovereignlabellingsystems.co.uk<br />

TMG Marchesini UK Ltd<br />

Unit M3 & 4, Cherrycourt Way,<br />

Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 4UH<br />

T: 01525 216201 F: 01525 216200<br />

E: sales@marchesini.co.uk www.marchesini.com<br />

Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Astec Conveyors<br />

Robian Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DH<br />

T: 01283 210333 F: 01283 210444<br />

E: Sales@Astecconveyors.com<br />

www.astecconveyors.com<br />

CKF Systems Ltd<br />

The Pavilions, Olympus Park,<br />

Gloucester, GL2 4NF<br />

T: 01452 728753 F: 01452 725686<br />

E: info@ckf.co.uk www.ckf.co.uk<br />

Gebo Cermex UK Ltd<br />

PO Box 12, Huntingdon<br />

Cambs, PE29 6EF<br />

T: 01480 455919 F: 01480 451520<br />

E: sales.uk@gebocermex.com www.gebocermex.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Sewtec Automation Ltd<br />

3 Riverside Way,<br />

Ravensthorpe Industrial Estate,<br />

Dewsbury WF13 3LG<br />

T: 01924 494047 F: 01924 480949<br />

E: sales@sewtec.co.uk www.sewtec.co.uk<br />


Allen Coding<br />

Unit 9 Gateway 1000, Whittle Way,<br />

Arlington Business Park, Stevenage,<br />

Herts, SG1 2FP<br />

T: 01438 347770 F: 01438 347771<br />

E: info@allencoding.com www.allencoding.com<br />

ATD Marking Systems<br />

Marley House, The Mill, Great Bowden Road,<br />

Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7DE<br />

T: 01858 461014 F: 01858 436900<br />

E: mail@atduk.com www.atduk.com<br />

REA JET Ltd<br />

119C Olympic Ave,<br />

Milton Park, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 4SA<br />

T: 01235 835446 E: info@rea-jet.co.uk<br />

www.rea-jet.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park, Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum<br />

Leatherhead Road, Chessington,<br />

Surrey, KT9 2QL T: 01372 737300<br />

E: sales.vacuum.ln@oerlikon.com<br />

www.oerlikon.com<br />

Sepha Ltd<br />

Unit 25, Carrowreagh Business Park,<br />

Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald,<br />

Belfast BT16 1QQ<br />

T: 028 9048 4848 F: 028 9048 0890<br />

E: info@sepha.com www.sepha.com<br />


Aylesbury Automation Ltd<br />

Unit 2 Farmbrough Close, Stocklake<br />

Industrial Park, Aylesbury, HP20 1DQ.<br />

T: 01296 314300 F: 01296 482424<br />

E: enquiry@aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />

www.aylesbury-automation.co.uk<br />


Advanced Labelling Systems Ltd<br />

Unit B, Bandet Way, Thame Ind.<br />

Estate, Thame, Oxon OX9 3SJ<br />

T: 01844 213177<br />

E: sales@als-eu.com www.als-eu.com<br />

T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

Weber Packaging Solutions<br />

Macmerry Industrial Estate,<br />

Tranent, East Lothian, EH33 1HD<br />

T: 01875 611 111 F: 01875 613 310<br />

E: patrick.hughes@weber.co.uk www.weber.co.uk<br />


Anritsu Industrial Solutions Europe Ltd<br />

Saxon Business Park, Bromsgrove B60 4AD<br />

T: 0845 539 9729<br />

E: ais-europe@anritsu.com<br />

www.anritsu.com<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Fortress Technology (Europe) Ltd<br />

Phantom House, Beaumont Road,<br />

Banbury, Oxon, OX16 1RH<br />

T: 01295 256266 F: 01295 255987<br />

E: info@fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

www.fortresstechnology.co.uk<br />

M.D.S. Ltd Metal Detection Services<br />

St. Martins Studios, Greenbank Road,<br />

Sale, Cheshire M33 5PN<br />

T: Sales 0161 286 8755 T: 0161 286 8750<br />

E: sales@mds.org.uk www.mds.org.uk<br />

Mettler-Toledo Safeline<br />

Montford Street, Salford, M50 2XD, UK<br />

T: 0161 848 8636<br />

E: safeline.info@mt.com<br />

www.mt.com/metaldetection<br />



Air Products PLC<br />

2 Millennium Gate, Westmere Drive,<br />

Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6AP<br />

T: 0800 389 0202<br />

E: apukinfo@airproducts.com<br />

www.airproducts-freshthinking.com<br />

Audion Swissvac UK<br />

Marish Wharf, St. Mary’s Rd, Langley, Berks SL3 6DA<br />

T: 01753 546777 F: 01753 585564<br />

E: info@audionelektro.co.uk<br />

www.audionelektro.co.uk<br />

Busch (UK) Ltd<br />

Hortonwood 30, Telford,<br />

Shropshire TF1 7YB<br />

T: 01952 677432 F: 01952 677423<br />

E: sales@busch.co.uk www.busch.co.uk<br />

Gainsborough Engineering Company<br />

Long Wood Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Gainsborough, DN21 1QB<br />

T: 01427 617677<br />

F: 01427 810443<br />

E: sales@gains-eng.co.uk<br />

www.gains-eng.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

G Mondini (UK) Ltd<br />

Whitebridge Lane,<br />

Whitebridge Estates, Stone, Staffs ST15 8LY<br />

T: 01785 812512 F: 01785 819512<br />

E: info@gmondini.co.uk www.gmondini.co.uk<br />

2 Pilgrim Way, Stanningley,<br />

Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

PFM Packaging T: Machinery 0113 239 3401 Ltd<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com<br />

www.pfmuk.com<br />

Raque Food Systems Sales Ltd<br />

Unit 7P Estate Road 6, South Humberside Ind. Est.,<br />

Grimsby, DN31 2TG<br />

T: 01472 239786<br />

E: sales@raque.co.uk www.raque.com<br />

Reiser UK Ltd<br />

Maidstone Road, Kingston,<br />

Milton Keynes, MK10 0BD<br />

T: 01908 585300 F: 01908 585400<br />

E: salesuk@reiser.com www.reiser.com<br />

Sealpac UK Ltd<br />

Units 1-3, The Concept Centre, Innovation Close,<br />

Poole, Dorset BH12 4QD, UK<br />

T: 0845 302 3056 F: 0845 302 3057<br />

E: sales@sealpac-uk.com www.sealpac-uk.com<br />

<strong>MU</strong>LTIHEAD WEIGHERS<br />

AMP Rose<br />

Gainsborough,<br />

Lincolnshire, DN21 1QT<br />

T: +44 1427 611 969<br />

E: sales@amp-rose.com www.amp-rose.com<br />

Bizerba (UK) Limited<br />

2-4 Erica Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 6HS<br />

T: 01908 682740<br />

E: info@bizerba.co.uk<br />

www.bizerba.com<br />

The Food Machinery Company Ltd<br />

Rochester, Kent ME3 8RF<br />

T: 01634 272345<br />

E: contact@foodmc.com<br />

www.foodmc.co.uk<br />

Ilapak Ltd<br />

Chalfont House, Silverdale Road,<br />

Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BN<br />

T: 020 8797 2000<br />

F: 020 8797 2050<br />

E: sales@ilapak.co.uk www.ilapak.com<br />

Ishida Europe Ltd<br />

Kettles Wood Drive,<br />

Woodgate Business Park, Birmingham B32 3DB<br />

T: 0121 607 7700 F: 0121 607 7666<br />

E: info@ishidaeurope.com www.ishidaeurope.com<br />

Multipond Limited<br />

Genoa Way, High Wycombe, HP11 1NY<br />

T: 01494 471580 F: 01494 533487<br />

E: info@multipond.co.uk www.multipond.com<br />

2 Pilgrim Way, Stanningley,<br />

Leeds LS28 6LU<br />

PFM Packaging T: Machinery 0113 239 3401 Ltd<br />

E: sales@pfmuk.com<br />

www.pfmuk.com<br />

Yamato<br />

Leeds, LS12 6HH<br />

T: 0113 322 1546<br />

E: sales1@yamatoscale.co.uk<br />

www.yamatoscale.co.uk<br />

<strong>MU</strong>LTIPLE PACKAGING<br />


KHS UK Limited<br />

6 Monkspath Business Park,<br />

Highlands Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4NY<br />

T: 0121 713 6900 F: 0121 713 6935<br />

E: info@khs.com www.khs.com<br />



T: 01444 239970 F: 01444 246609<br />

E: sales@atwell-labellers.co.uk www.labeller.co.uk<br />

Riley<br />

Automation Ltd<br />

Foresters Business Park,<br />

Sinfin Lane, Derby, DE23 8AG<br />

T: 01332 275850 F: 01332 275855<br />

E: sales@rileyautomation.com www.rileyautomation.com<br />

ILPRA UK<br />

Swindon, Wilts. SN3 4AG<br />

T: 01793 832020<br />

E: reception.uk@ilpra.com<br />

www.ilpra.co.uk<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Burnley, Lancs, BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com

82 MACHINERY UPDATE MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> www.machineryupdate.co.uk<br />

Packaging Machinery Advertise: Christine Valdes T 020 8773 8111 E chris.valdes@ppma.co.uk<br />

SCM Handling Ltd<br />

Broadgauge Business Park, Taunton,<br />

Somerset, TA4 3RU<br />

T: 01823 431838 F: 01823 430806<br />

E: sales@scmhandling.com www.scmhandling.com<br />

KUKA Robotics UK Ltd<br />

Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7LL<br />

T: 0121 505 9970<br />

E: sales@kuka-robotics.co.uk<br />

www.kuka-robotics.co.uk<br />

Endoline Machinery Ltd<br />

Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB<br />

T: 01767 316422<br />

E: sales@endoline-automation.com<br />

www.endoline-automation.com<br />

T: 01283 543756<br />

E: alan.lewis@shrinkpack.co.uk<br />

www.shrinkpack.co.uk<br />



Gordian Strapping Ltd<br />

Brunel Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XX<br />

T: 01256 394 400 F: 01256 394 410<br />

E: sales@gordianstrapping.com<br />

www.gordianstrapping.com<br />

Phoenix Handling Solutions<br />

Burnley, Lancs, BB12 6HH<br />

T: 0845 265 7570 F: 0845 265 7571<br />

E: info@phs-uk.com www.phs-uk.com<br />