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COM PAÑ ÍA <strong>ALL</strong> STAR S<br />


PRESEN T S<br />


Brava Theater, M ay 21-22, 2016


Script and Direction: Santiago Carnago Lopez<br />

Visual Design: Lazaro Arias (Lachi)<br />

Voice Over: R audelis M artinez<br />

General Direction: Jorge Luna Roque<br />

Producer: Rueda Con R itmo<br />

Program Design: Alexia N ader<br />

Dancers<br />

N aiviv Plutin Pacheco<br />

Kerlins Borrero Bernardo<br />

M agalis Ochoa Williamson<br />

Silvia Darlenis Bonne Diaz<br />

N oralis Cando M oreno<br />

Andy Williams H anlan Danger<br />

Jorge Edgardo Bridon Smith<br />

Heriberto Garcia Andreu<br />

Ivan Larrondo Tamayo<br />

Yurisnel R amón Castellanos Espinosa<br />

Yenne Guibert Portuondo (special guest in "Homenaje a Revé")


?Criolla Añoranza? es un espectáculo eminentemente danzario, con propuestas<br />

de alta complejidad en sus coreografías y vestuarios adecuados a cada muestra,<br />

está concebido sobre la base de un repertorio de ritmos auténticamente cubanos,<br />

aunque no deja de proponer algunos cuadros con otros ritmos caribeños, sobre<br />

todo los que interactúan con la cultura cubana. La puesta en escena, aunque no<br />

pretende contar una historia, respeta un orden sucesivo de la aparición de la<br />

música y sus ritmos en la isla, que van desde el son y la guajira, hasta el muy<br />

actualizado reguetón y la rueda de casino, donde se muestran las mayores<br />

habilidades de estos bailarines con gran oficio y profesionalidad. Colorido y<br />

maestría en la ejecución de sus bailes es el mayor regalo al espectador que va a<br />

disfrutar de aproximadamente una hora y un quarto de la más elegante muestra<br />

de bailes cubanos y caribeños que hayan podido presenciar, directamente llegados<br />

de la Isla M aravillosa que es Cuba y de su joya más preciada en la cultura<br />

nacional: Santiago de Cuba.<br />

~<br />

?Criolla Añoranza? is a dance show par excellence, featuring a variety of highly<br />

complex choreographies and costumes that highlight the beauty of each<br />

individual piece. The show is based on a repertoire of authentic Cuban dance<br />

rhythms, but showcases numbers with other Caribbean rhythms, especially the<br />

ones with strong connections to Cuban culture. T he show?s mise-en-scène wasn?t<br />

designed to tell a story. However, it follows the history of the appearance of<br />

musical and dance rhythms on the island, from son and guajira to the very current<br />

reguetón and rueda de casino, which displays the dancers?skills, purpose and<br />

professionalism. Brilliant color and technical mastery in the execution of these<br />

dances are the greatest gifts to the spectator, who will enjoy an hour and fifteen<br />

minutes of the most elegant demonstrations of Cuban and Caribbean dances they<br />

have ever seen, coming directly from the marvelous island of Cuba and its most<br />

precious cultural jewel of national culture, Santiago de Cuba.<br />

? Jorge Luna Roque

COMPAÑÍA <strong>ALL</strong> <strong>STARS</strong><br />

La Compañía Danzaria All Stars de Santiago de Cuba se funda el 7 de enero de<br />

2004 bajo la dirección de Jorge Luna Roque, su actual director y coreógrafo. En<br />

sus doce años de existencia, esta agrupación danzaria ha participado en disímiles<br />

eventos, espectáculos y festivales a todos los niveles, alzándose con importantes<br />

lauros, como la Beca N acional de Creación Danzaria Sara Lamerán y múltiples<br />

premios en Festivales de Artistas Universitarios a nivel del país. All Stars ostenta la<br />

categoría nacional que otorga el Consejo N acional de Casas de Cultura. Gracias a<br />

sus resultados artísticos la compañía ha realizado giras a Holanda, Alemania,<br />

Suiza, Francia, Estados Unidos y M éxico. Sus integrantes, jóvenes universitarios<br />

santiagueros, son defensores por antonomasia de los bailes populares tradicionales<br />

y de salón cubanos, aunque también sobresalen en el repertorio de la agrupación<br />

nuestros bailes campesinos, el complejo de la rumba y variadas expresiones<br />

danzarias del folklore latinoamericano y caribeño.<br />

~<br />

T he dance company All Stars from Santiago de Cuba was founded on January 7,<br />

2004 under the direction of Jorge Luna Roque, its current director and<br />

choreographer. In its twelve years of existence, this dance group has participated<br />

in various events, shows and festivals of all levels, garnering important honors<br />

such as the Beca N acional de Creación Danzaria Sara Lamerán and multiple<br />

prizes in the Festivales de Artistas Universitarios at the national level.<br />

T he All Stars holds the honor of being in the category of a national dance troupe<br />

by Cuba?s Consejo N acional de Casas de Cultura. Because of the quality of its<br />

artistic performances, the group has successfully toured the N etherlands,<br />

Germany, Switzerland, France, M exico and the United States. Its dancers, young<br />

college students from Santiago, are exemplary champions of Cuban traditional<br />

popular dances and bailes de salón, though in the group?s repertoire, country<br />

dances, rumba, and various Latin American and Caribbean folkloric dances also<br />

stand out.


Jorge began his artistic career in 1990 at the school Pepito Tey where he created<br />

the educational center's artistic brigade, which participated in various events and<br />

festivals. Before founding the All Stars in 2004, he organized cultural events at<br />

the Instituto Pre Universitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas Antonio M aceo<br />

Grajales and formed another artistic brigade which obtained the grand prize in<br />

the provincial festival of the Federación Estudiantil de la Enseña M edia. In 2003,<br />

with the students of the vocational school of the Universidad of Oriente, he<br />

created the rueda de casino group La M aquinaria del Sabor.<br />

In his 11 years as director of the All Stars, he has participated in various events,<br />

festivals and shows at the provincial, national and international level. T hese<br />

include: Festivals del Caribe, M atamoros Son, Alabanza, Baila en Cuba, Festival<br />

Internacional OLORU N , ALABAN Z A, T V shows, and national university<br />

festivals. He has also judged couples and rueda de casino competitions in many<br />

popular dance festivals both in and outside Santiago de Cuba. Thanks to his<br />

artistic accomplishments, he has successfully completed tours in France,<br />

Germany, the N etherlands, Switzerland and the United States. As founder of the<br />

All Stars, he has championed the importance of the dedication, discipline, talent<br />

and unity that makes this dance group not just a team, but a family with a stamp<br />

that represents la cubanidad.


N aiviv, Andy, Ivan, K erlins and Yurisnel are founding members of the All<br />

Stars and have danced in the group for twelve years, earning several awards such<br />

as all the grand prizes in the Festivales Danzarias from 2007 to 2011, and the<br />

grand prize for ?Best Choreography? in Santiago?s carnival from 2008 to 2011.<br />

M any of them have performed in tours across Europe, M exico and the United<br />

States. Apart from their work in the All Stars, many of the dancers have earned<br />

advanced degrees in M echanical Engineering (Andy), Chemistry (N aiviv),<br />

Physical Education (Ivan). Yurisnel works as a journalist, and Kerlins as a dance<br />

professor.<br />

Bridon and M agalis joined the All Stars in 2007 after taking part in the youth<br />

group Impacto Juvenil and studying at the Escuela Instructores de Arte. They<br />

have performed all over Europe with the All Stars.<br />

Pillín (Heriberto) joined the All Stars in 2010 after earning a degree in Tourism<br />

from the Universidad de Oriente. He participated in the All Stars?European<br />

tour.<br />

Silvia and N oralis joined the All Stars in 2015 after taking part in the youth<br />

groups Impacto Juvenil and Arieto (respectively) and studying at the Escuela<br />

Instructores de Arte. Outside the All Stars, they have worked as dance instructors<br />

at local schools and have participated in dance events in the M unicipal and<br />

Provincial categories.<br />

Yenne was born in Guantanamo, Cuba, and is a graduate, in M athematics, of<br />

the Universidad Pedagogica de Guantanamo. She has worked as a dancer and<br />

singer for 26 years, and currently teaches Afro-Cuban dances and directs the<br />

group Explosión Rumbera.


Canto de luna llena, hastío de la montaña<br />

Y la palma que se yergue en su nostalgia<br />

Barca que cruza el caribe color de los girasoles<br />

Santa Bárbara y los amores de una criolla añoranza<br />

?Cubanía?<br />

M usic: ?Somos Cubanos,? by Los Van Van<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Bridon<br />

In this opening piece, the dancers prove their versatility by performing a variety of dances:<br />

flamenco, rumba, Franco-H aitian dances, country dances, sones, and more!<br />

Canta Santiago y su canto, espuma es en la garganta ardiente<br />

Baila criolla ciudad de amaneceres<br />

Trasnocha el trovador y se bebe el alcohol de su guitarra Morena.<br />

Risa en sus calles, alegre su gente y ese sol ardiente que les<br />

inunda y le ilumina<br />

Santiago de Cuba, guitarras y sones<br />

Tambor y Bembé del bueno, que sacude las entrañas y que te<br />

deja Inquieta la respiración enrejada<br />

Repicar de cueros que enturbia la mirada con el amarillo color<br />

de los Girasoles<br />

Mar serena de olas perfectas que besan la bahía quieta<br />

"Estampa Campesina"<br />

M usic: Collage of Rhythms, by Conjunto M ajagua<br />

Choreographed by Reynaldo Salazar<br />

In this lively, feisty, and sensual number, two teams of dancers? one dressed in red, one in<br />

blue? face off in a friendly competition. One team represents folkloric and country dances<br />

and the other, popular dances.

"Son Homenaje a Los Compadres"<br />

M usic: M edley of Sones, by Septeto Santiaguero<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Luna Roque<br />

This choreography was inspired by the important career of musician Reynaldo H ierrezuelo,<br />

who, together with Compay Segundo, formed the duo Los Compadres. In this piece, we<br />

hear Latin Grammy winners Septeto Santiaguero interpreting the songs of Los Compadres.<br />

"Homenaje a Juan Formell"<br />

M usic: ?Si A Una M amita,? by Los Van Van<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Luna Roque<br />

The work of Juan Formell reflects a rhythmic authenticity and serves as a chronicle of our<br />

times. We honor his importance as a Cuban cultural figure with this work.<br />


"Identidad"<br />

M usic: ?El N ecio,? by Yoruba Andabo<br />

Choreographed by Yuneidi Bejerano<br />

A fundamental part of the rumba cycle, the fast-paced and cheerful guaguancó is a partner<br />

dance that represents the assertion of male and female gender identities. This choreography<br />

reaches a harmony that captivates the audience.<br />

Con la llegada del conquistador a la tierra cubana, las corrientes danzarias de la vieja Europa invaden los<br />

salones de baile de los criollos nativos, el Minuét, la Contradanza el Rigodón son influyentes de todas<br />

nuestras festividades hasta que el son nacido en la parte mas oriental de la isla llega a la habana y junto al<br />

ritmo criollo aparece la nueva forma melódica y cadenciosa de hacer un baile de parejas, adaptado a las<br />

costumbres y modos del cubano, su gracia sensual y la manera de ceñir la cintura de su mulata, asi nace el<br />

baile nacional de Cuba: El Danzón.

"Baile N acional de Cuba"<br />

M usic: ?Bodas de oro,? by Electo Rosell (Chepín)<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Luna Roque<br />

Created by the musician M iguel Faílde from M atanzas, Cuba in 1879, danzón is considered<br />

to be Cuba?s national dance because since its inception, it has been the most genuine display<br />

of partner dancing, replacing foreign rhythms and melding other Cuban variants like son and<br />

bolero.<br />


"Arcoiris Cubano"<br />

M usic: M edley by Various Artists: Juan Luis Guerra, William Vivanco, Orquesta Casino de<br />

la Playa, M araca<br />

Choreographed by Yuneidis Bejerano<br />

This piece features the dance styles pilón, cha-cha-cha, mambo, and casino.<br />

Rey de la rumba y el bambuco, de las leyendas de Ochún, de la macumba y la<br />

piña, del Turquino y el Tandil.<br />

Voces negras que nos unen, piel mulata y sudor, los ancestros son los mismos del Caribe que nació en<br />

barcas de<br />

girasoles y el amalá de Changó<br />

Quema el grito en su garganta, fuego del Náhuati<br />

Tambor te llama Jamaica, Barbados que te nombra lucumí<br />

Venezuela, Colombia, y mandinga, Martinica, Ocantomí<br />

"Homenaje a Elio Revé"<br />

M usic: M edley by Elito Revé y Su Charangón<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Luna Roque<br />

Considered to be a master founder of generations of musicians and defender of changüí<br />

rhythms as the antecedents of traditional son, Elio Revé inspires this staging in which the All<br />

Stars dancers display their theatrical talents through their casino. The Orisha dance of<br />

Yemaya adds a profound element of African identity.

"Fiesta Caribeña"<br />

M usic: M edley, Various Artists<br />

Choreographed by Reynaldo Salazar<br />

Widely popular throughout the Caribbean, carnival dances date back many years yet<br />

maintain the same flavor nowadays. This piece recreates these festivities and shows the<br />

proximity of these rhythms to Cuban identity and its ethnic mix. Dances performed include<br />

merengue, calypso and kizomba.<br />

"Chicos Chancletas"<br />

A Collective Choreography<br />

This is a moment where we?ll share the meter and rhythms of popular dances and bailes de<br />

salón with the audience, using wooden sandals, a Cuban domestic staple, as claves, typical<br />

Cuban percussive instruments.<br />

"Las M arias"<br />

M usic: ?H istoria Verdadera,? by H avana d?Primera<br />

Choreographed by Agustin Delgado<br />

This piece highlights the company?s female dancers with mixed-genre moves found in both<br />

contemporary dance and variété shows.<br />

"Lo Que Tengo Yo"<br />

M usic: ?Lo Que Tengo Yo,? by Los 4 and Charanga H abanera<br />

Choreographed by Yuneidi Bejerano<br />

Cuban reguetón is fueled by the rhythms of the popular dances of the country, but it?s also part<br />

of the genero urbano. So in this piece, the dancers perform onstage without losing the stamp<br />

that identifies them as Cubans.<br />


"Pegao"<br />

M usic: ?El Que Sabe Está Callao,? by H avana d?Primera<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Luna Roque<br />

This piece embodies the essence of Cuban dance in all of its forms, and expresses the<br />

rhythms, genres and varieties that make up the roots of an authentic Cuban, without any<br />

influences, and with extreme artistic rigor.<br />

"Llévatela"<br />

M usic: ?La Fruta,? Pupy y Los Que Son Son<br />

Choreographed by Jorge Luna Roque<br />

This is our see-you-later with a hug to our respectful audience and with a memory that<br />

should linger in one?s mind as CR IOLLA AÑ ORAN Z A.<br />

Thank You<br />

We would like to thank everyone who has supported and collaborated to make this<br />

show happen, particularly:<br />

M inisterio de Cultura en Cuba<br />

Teatro Heredia de Santiago de Cuba<br />

La Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Cuba<br />

M inisterio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba<br />

Anastacia Cuellar, and the Brava Theater staff<br />

Donors, volunteers, students in the Rueda Con R itmo and Bay Area Cuban dance<br />

communities<br />

A special thanks to Ryan and Sidney for making this gathering possible. Without your<br />

will, none of what we shown today would have been a reality.

COMPAÑÍA <strong>ALL</strong> <strong>STARS</strong> BAY AREA RESIDENCY<br />

The All Stars are just starting their residency in the Bay Area. Please join them for their<br />

full three week schedule of activities:<br />

5/27, 7:30 - 11:55pm: Salsa and Rueda Classes and Party with the All Stars at ODC<br />

5/29, All Day: SF Carnaval Parade, Stage Performance, and After Party<br />

5/31, 7:30 - 9:30pm: All Stars Workshops in M ountain View<br />

6/1, 6:00 - 10:00pm: All Stars Workshops in Santa Cruz<br />

6/3, 5:00 - 8:30pm: Friday N ights at the de Young with the All Stars and Rueda Con<br />

R itmo<br />

6/4, 12:00 - 4:30pm: Intensive All Stars Workshops in Oakland<br />

6/5, 11:30am - 5:00pm: Intensive All Stars Workshops in San Francisco<br />

For the complete schedule please visit: RuedaConR itmo.com/events/all-stars<br />

~<br />

Study Dance in Santiago de Cuba with the All Stars:<br />

Trips planned for July, October, and December 2016<br />

RuedaConR itmo.com/cuba-trips


Brava! for Women in the Arts, owner and operator of<br />

Brava Theater Center,<br />

is excited to announce we will soon complete our renovated storefront on<br />

24th Street for more performances, community events, and arts education.<br />

Brava Theater Center, a historic landmark, is one of few venues in the Bay<br />

Area continually operating as a theater since 1926. As a patron, you may<br />

have seen the storefront boarded up for the last 7 years. We are thrilled to<br />

finally have all of our permits and nearly enough funding to reopen our<br />

transformed storefront into offices and arts programming spaces.<br />

With construction set to begin this summer, our plan is to open the new<br />

spaces by the end of the year. We have raised $1 million so far for the project.<br />

We still need an additional $50,000.<br />

Please help us reach our goal by making a tax-deductible contribution<br />

at our website www.brava.org<br />

or by sending a check to<br />

Brava! for Women in the Arts 2781 24th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110<br />

We hope you will be part of the festivities as we celebrate the opening, the<br />

90th birthday of our building, the 30th birthday of our organization, and the<br />

20th anniversary of Brava owning this treasured center for art and community.<br />

Thank you for your generosity and investment in this treasured venue!!

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