May_June 2016 Chamber Magazine
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Leadership Fredericksburg Continued from page 5<br />
The Leadership Fredericksburg experience for Fallon goes far<br />
beyond the relationship with his fellows. As chairman of the<br />
Mentor Program, he has opportunity to interact with program<br />
facilitators and mentors. “There is an incredible cadre of the<br />
mentors, executive speakers, and <strong>Chamber</strong> staff,” Fallon said.<br />
“Passion seems to be a common denominator among the<br />
various stakeholders of the program.”<br />
Teaching leadership to other leaders is to lead by<br />
example.<br />
Ronald Reagan once said, “The greatest leader is not<br />
necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the<br />
one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” This year’s<br />
program facilitators, J.R. Flatter and Dave Corderman have<br />
achieved this. Both are <strong>Chamber</strong> volunteers and community<br />
business leaders; J.R. Flatter, President and CEO of Flatter &<br />
Associates and Dave Corderman, Senior Partner of Academy<br />
Leadership Associates.<br />
Gratitude flows for the two lecturers from the fellows; and<br />
from the lecturers to the fellows. “It’s extremely satisfying, we<br />
both volunteer for the <strong>Chamber</strong>, and we give our time for this<br />
program and have enjoyed it very much,” said Corderman.<br />
Their seamless leadership transition for the program was<br />
recognized last month by the <strong>Chamber</strong> when both received<br />
the prestigious Joseph L. Argenzio Award. This is given<br />
annually in recognition of the volunteer leader who goes<br />
above and beyond the call of duty in service to the <strong>Chamber</strong>.<br />
“Working with J.R. and Dave has been an honor,” said<br />
Susan Spears. “They are among the most humble people I’ve<br />
met. I learn from them in every meeting we have together.<br />
Their commitment to the program and the community<br />
is extraordinary.” Spears serves as executive director of<br />
Leadership Fredericksburg and is co-facilitator.<br />
Applications will be accepted <strong>May</strong> 1 - July 1 for the 2017<br />
class. For more information, visit the <strong>Chamber</strong> website:<br /> Leadership-Home or call<br />
the <strong>Chamber</strong> office at 540-373-9400.<br />
Facilitators Dave Corderman, Susan Spears and J.R. Flatter stand<br />
with Eric Fletcher, LF’12 (right) who spoke to the class during the<br />
October 2015 session.<br />
Leadership fellows congratulate Leadership Fredericksburg<br />
facilitators J.R. Flatter and Dave Corderman at the State of the<br />
<strong>Chamber</strong> where they were awarded the <strong>2016</strong> Joseph L. Argenzio<br />
Award.<br />
<strong>2016</strong> fellows ride the Fredericksburg Trolley to the Chancellor<br />
Battlefield tour during the November session.<br />
LF Alumni Give Back Continued from page 7<br />
professional benefit being affiliated with the program; as a<br />
candidate, alumni or mentor. ‘Sharpening the axe,’ as they<br />
say, is important to my continued leadership experience.”<br />
Leadership Skills Include Taking the Good with<br />
the Bad<br />
Great leaders learn from their mistakes and accept<br />
responsibility. Analyzing individual skill set unlocks personal<br />
character flaws, which is the purpose of the Leadership<br />
Multi-rater Assessment of Personality (LMAP) 360 Leadership<br />
assessment. Leadership Fredericksburg uses the assessment to<br />
anchor the feedback and coaching. 360 assessments use selfratings<br />
and ratings from co-workers. It focuses on how others<br />
experience the leader’s behavior. Leaders get a deep sense of<br />
how it feels to have you as a boss or team member.<br />
Tom Schoedel, LF ’14, president of Atlantic Builders, said the<br />
LMAP assessment opened his eyes to how others perceive<br />
him. “The LMAP made me realize it’s not always how I<br />
perceive myself,” said Tom. “I’ve taken personality profiles<br />
before, but this was my first experience having others profile<br />
me. It helped me understand better how to communicate and<br />
relate to others.”<br />
The class alumni agree, the <strong>Chamber</strong> and Leadership<br />
Fredericksburg offer opportunities to develop new relationships<br />
and to stay in touch with the business community. These<br />
relationships are invaluable to a business. Staying involved<br />
by helping to mentor young entrepreneurs, watching them<br />
develop and succeed, is absolutely rewarding.<br />
MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> Fredericksburg Regional Business 25