May_June 2016 Chamber Magazine

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Proven successful, Leadership Fredericksburg alumni<br />

give back<br />

Feature<br />

By Dawn Haun<br />

The keys to successful leadership are presented in a<br />

simplified and unforgettable way. It may be by a beautiful<br />

photograph, a success story, an inspirational movie, or<br />

a motivational quote. Leadership Fredericksburg Alumni are<br />

shaped through these lessons, instilling the characteristics and<br />

responsibilities of a leader.<br />

Leaders help others grow<br />

When Janel Donohue, LF’08, was approached by her<br />

supervisor to apply for Leadership Fredericksburg in 2007,<br />

she came up with excuses not to. “I couldn’t afford the<br />

time and energy to participate,” she said. She was juggling<br />

work, two children, and running a business with her husband<br />

Michael. Her boss’ response made her think again: “Janel,<br />

you can’t afford NOT to. Just do it.” Her supervisor knew she<br />

showed the characteristics of a leader, but needed to learn<br />

more for her position as Director of Resource Development at<br />

Rappahannock United Way.<br />

So Janel stretched her schedule, decided to apply, and was<br />

accepted in the inaugural Leadership Fredericksburg class. The<br />

Mentor Program was the component which helped her the<br />

most. “We were a perfect match,” said Janel. “He saw my<br />

weaknesses, excuses and my blind spots. He taught me to<br />

think and act differently, and to be more effective personally<br />

and professionally. The diverse leaders who contribute to<br />

Leadership Fredericksburg community are unique.”<br />

Since graduating, Janel’s career immediately advanced to Vice<br />

President of Resource Development and later, to President<br />

of Rappahannock United Way. “I am stronger and better<br />

equipped as a leader,” said Janel. “My career growth has<br />

aided me to support the community.”<br />

Earning Respect Is a Leadership Skill<br />

Rose Heyward, LF’09, is the human resource director for<br />

Spotsylvania County. She has a wide range of duties overseeing<br />

the administrative tasks that revolve around personnel<br />

functions, such as recruiting, interviewing, hiring and training.<br />

As a fellow in the program, she was challenged to be her<br />

best and become an authentic leader. “It’s not prescriptive,”<br />

she said. “ You are not taught how to be a leader based on<br />

a set of characteristics; but how to be your best so you can<br />

effectively lead.”<br />

Since Leadership Fredericksburg, Rose has received a<br />

professional certification in coaching, advanced her career to<br />

a director level, and started a small business. “I attribute my<br />

recent accomplishments to my skills refined and connections<br />

made through Leadership Fredericksburg,” said Rose.<br />

Pave Your Way to the Top with Leadership<br />

Skills Training<br />

When you’re ready to hone your leadership skills, it makes<br />

sense to learn from a proven leader.<br />

Ben Keddie’s experience in the program opened his eyes<br />

to strengthen his effectiveness as a leader. Ben, LF’10, Vice<br />

President of Commercial Division at Coldwell Banker Elite,<br />

was impacted by the high-caliber of community leaders<br />

who helped mentor and share their leadership talents with<br />

the class. Since graduating from the class, Ben mentors and<br />

shares his own career experiences to the new classes.<br />

“Exercising leadership is what increases your effectiveness<br />

as a leader,” said Ben. “Selfishly, I found a personal and<br />

Continued to page 25<br />

Rose Heyward, Tom Schoedel, Janel Donohue, and Ben Keddie.<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>2016</strong> Fredericksburg Regional Business 7

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