Old-Timey Sportsmen

Old-Timey Sportsmen, A Collection of Images: Hunting, Fishing & Outdoor Life

Old-Timey Sportsmen, A Collection of Images: Hunting, Fishing & Outdoor Life


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History of Fishing & Hunting<br />

Throughout history, people have loved fish and devised ever most<br />

efficient and ingenious methods of catching them. The oldest<br />

fish hooks date back at least 10,000 years and probably existed long<br />

before. Fishermen with pole and line were depicted in ancient Egypt<br />

and China. Macedonia produced artificial flies in Roman times. The<br />

name “fly” fishing, derives from an earlier time when people used live<br />

flies for bait.<br />

The history of sport fishing could be said to have<br />

officially started in the western world with the 1496<br />

British publication of The Treatyse of Fysshynge With<br />

Angle, written primarily for the English upper class,<br />

whose members traditionally angled for trout and<br />

salmon in inland waters. The subject of the book<br />

deals with rods, lines and artificial fly patterns.<br />

Some of the fly patterns described are still in use<br />

today.<br />

Until the 16th century, people fished using a stick with line attached<br />

to the end! During the 17th century, when Izaak Walton wrote The<br />

Compleat Angler, someone put guides on a rod, which allowed a running<br />

line for the first time. Starting as a wooden spool with a center pin,<br />

the fly fishing reel slowly came into development. Casting was born<br />

when the reel was combined with the new use of guides and a long<br />

split bamboo rod.<br />

Early fly line was made of horsehair- a single strand from the tail of a<br />

stallion was approximately 4lb test, and could be plaited together for<br />

added strength. Later, gut line, silk and linen were also used.<br />

Although developed in the 17th century, the first fully modern version<br />

of the fly fishing reel was designed in 1874 by Charles Orvis. By<br />

then, the open-faced bait-casting reel had been invented in the 1820s<br />

and slowly grew in popularity. William Shakespeare of Kalamazoo,<br />

Michigan, came up with his level wind bait-casting model in 1896.<br />

The spinning reel was the last to come into common use.<br />

One hundred years ago, the people in these photos may have used<br />

quaint, old-fashioned equipment, but whether in pond, creek, river or<br />

lake, fresh water or salt, these fishermen and women caught fish. Like<br />

their modern counterparts today- with or without the satisfaction of<br />

success- they had a happy, exciting and memorable time doing it!<br />

Our ancient ancestors have been hunting for meat, skins, feathers<br />

and bone since long before the evolutionary arrival of Homo<br />

sapiens. Through the ages, our forbears constantly honed their skills in<br />

the arts of stalking, tracking and trapping, while further developing<br />

evermore practical and sophisticated tools and tactics.<br />

From the simple beginnings of throwing rocks and sticks, sharpened<br />

spears and chipped stone points for both hunting and defense evolved.<br />

The “atlatl” or throwing stick was the first truly effective mechanical<br />

breakthrough. This simple device added leverage that increased the<br />

propulsion of a missile, resulting in considerable more distance, force<br />

and accuracy than simply throwing by hand. Then, approximately<br />

15,000 years ago, the bow and arrow appeared.<br />

At about this same time in history, humans gained a valuable new ally<br />

in their hunting endeavors as the domesticated wolf slowly morphed<br />

into “man’s best friend.”<br />

These innovations paled in comparison to a new masterpiece in<br />

technological development- a metal tube and substance, which upon<br />

ignition, explosively propelled stones or pellets from its end with<br />

unimaginable effectiveness. The new device, then called a “hand<br />

canon” made its European debut in the 14th century. This was the<br />

birth of the modern firearm.<br />

Over the next centuries, these first simple barrel<br />

loaded, smooth bore guns underwent a dizzying<br />

evolution and refinement. First, came the<br />

harquebus, blunderbuss, and then the musket. The<br />

carrying power and accuracy of the projectile was<br />

increased by the invention of rifling in the 16th<br />

century. The next century saw development of<br />

flintlock ignition, the breechloader, double barreled shotguns and<br />

the elongated bullet. The 1800s brought the introduction of the<br />

percussion cap, metallic cartridges, bolt action rifle and lever action<br />

loading.<br />

Firearms, which had started primarily as weapons, gradually became<br />

more widely used by hunters. The “fowling piece,” or shotgun, and<br />

the rifle became standard equipment for the market gunner and<br />

“sportsman” alike by the latter 19th century.<br />

With agricultural developments and animal domestication, mankind’s<br />

reliance on hunting for sustenance has gradually evolved into the<br />

modern sport we know today- complete with Teddy Roosevelt’s<br />

doctrine of “Fair chase” bag limits, off limits, and closed seasons.<br />

For the camaraderie and challenge, for the days in<br />

the open and the meat on the table, today’s modern<br />

hunters still enjoy and share in this oldest of human<br />

endeavors.<br />

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