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This <strong>report</strong> should be cited as:<br />

Gynther, I., Waller, N. & Leung, L.K.-P. (2016) Confirmation of the extinction of the Bramble Cay<br />

<strong>melomys</strong> Melomys rubicola on Bramble Cay, Torres Strait: results and conclusions from a<br />

comprehensive <strong>survey</strong> in August–September 2014. Unpublished <strong>report</strong> to the Department of<br />

Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government, Brisbane.<br />

Author affiliations:<br />

Ian Gynther (to whom correspondence should be addressed) –<br />

Threatened Species Unit, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, PO Box 64,<br />

Bellbowrie Qld 4070, Ian.Gynther@ehp.qld.gov.au<br />

Natalie Waller and Luke Leung –<br />

School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Gatton Qld 4343<br />

Photographs:<br />

Front cover –<br />

Top: Eastern end of Bramble Cay between October 1979 and March 1980 (David Carter)<br />

Bottom: Same view of eastern end of Bramble Cay in September 2014 (Ian Gynther, EHP)<br />

Inset: Bramble Cay <strong>melomys</strong> Melomys rubicola, November 2002 (Ian Bell, EHP)<br />

Inside front cover –<br />

Bramble Cay <strong>melomys</strong> Melomys rubicola, with single young attached to a teat, climbing on<br />

an anemometer, October 1979–March 1980 (David Carter)<br />

Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, June 2016

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