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een a bit rough” during the annual mackerel season, which runs for approximately six months over<br />

the last half of each year (June or July to November or December). Mr Stewart also reflected that the<br />

weather had worsened over the previous decade, in particular “getting rougher and rougher over the<br />

last four or five years”. He recalled that in former times “there would be strong winds for a few days,<br />

but then it would ease off, becoming calm for periods, but this doesn’t seem to happen recently”.<br />

Instead, he said there were “big seas and 30 knot winds lasting for longer periods of ten days to three<br />

weeks” and now “they practically live in wet weather gear”.<br />

Anecdotes about unusual flotsam observed in the seas around Bramble Cay were provided. Mr<br />

Moller-Nielsen recalled on one occasion taking his fishing boat to investigate what looked like a<br />

vessel in distress, but found the object to be a large (6 m x 6 m), floating piece of land that supported<br />

an upright palm tree. Another time he observed an intact hut adrift at sea on a section of earth.<br />

Table 2. Chronology of Bramble Cay <strong>melomys</strong> abundance from assessments made on Bramble<br />

Cay since the 1970s.<br />

Time Period Sampling Effort No. of Individuals<br />

Recorded<br />

Dec 1978 Spotlighting Estimated max. of<br />

several hundred<br />

July 1998 444 trap-nights 42<br />

(estimated pop. of 93)<br />

Limpus et al. (1983)<br />

Reference<br />

Dennis & Storch (1998)<br />

Nov 2002 444 trap-nights 10 Latch (2008); P. Latch (pers. comm.)<br />

Nov 2004 444 trap-nights 12<br />

(last known capture)<br />

Late 2009 Casual searching 1-2<br />

(last known record)<br />

Latch (2008); P. Latch (pers. comm.)<br />

E. Stewart (pers. comm.)<br />

Dec 2011<br />

150 trap-nights<br />

nil<br />

Waller et al. (2014); N. Waller (pers. obs.)<br />

Spotlighting<br />

Daytime searching<br />

Nov–Mar 2013 3 camera trap-nights nil S. Preston (pers. comm.)<br />

Mar 2014<br />

Aug–Sep 2014<br />

120 trap-nights<br />

Spotlighting<br />

Daytime searching<br />

900 trap-nights<br />

60 camera trap-nights<br />

Daytime searching<br />

nil<br />

nil<br />

Gynther et al. (2014a)<br />

This study<br />


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