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Unnikrishnan, A.S. 2013. Sea Level Change. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science<br />

Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the<br />

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Eds T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, G-K. Plattner, M.<br />

Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex & P.M. Midgley), pp 1137–1177.<br />

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA.<br />

Cohen, H. 2012. A sinking feeling in the Torres Strait. Background Briefing. ABC Radio National,<br />

Australian Broadcasting Corporation.<br />

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Accessed 27 November 2014.<br />

Dennis, A.J. 2008. Bramble Cay Melomys Melomys rubicola. In The Mammals of Australia, Third<br />

Edition (Eds S. Van Dyck & R. Strahan), pp 673–674. New Holland Publishers, Sydney,<br />

NSW.<br />

Dennis, A.J. 2012. Bramble Cay <strong>melomys</strong> Melomys rubicola. In Queensland’s Threatened Animals.<br />

(Eds L.K. Curtis, A.J. Dennis, K.R. McDonald, P.M. Kyne & S.J.S. Debus), pp 398–399.<br />

CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Vic.<br />

Dennis, A. & Storch, D. 1998. Conservation and Taxonomic Status of the Bramble Cay Melomys,<br />

Melomys rubicola. Unpublished Report to Environment Australia Endangered Species<br />

Program Project No. 598. Queensland Department of Environment, Atherton, Qld.<br />

Department of Climate Change. 2009. Climate Change Risks to Australia’s Coasts. A First Pass<br />

National Assessment. Australian Government, Canberra, ACT.<br />

DERM. 2011. Queensland Coastal Processes and Climate Change. Queensland Climate Change<br />

Centre of Excellence, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, Qld.<br />

Dickman, C.R., Leung, L.K.-P. & Van Dyck, S.M. 2000. Status, ecological attributes and<br />

conservation of native rodents in Queensland. Wildlife Research 27: 333–346.<br />

Diete, R. 2010. The ecology of exotic rodents and non-target species on Torres Strait islands:<br />

implications for exotic rodent eradication. Bachelor of Applied Science (Animal Studies)<br />

(Honours) thesis. University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld.<br />

Duce, S.J., Parnell, K.E., Smithers, S.G. & McNamara, K.E. 2010. A Synthesis of Climate Change<br />

and Coastal Science to Support Adaptation in the Communities of the Torres Strait. Synthesis<br />

<strong>report</strong> prepared for the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility (MTSRF). Reef &<br />

Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, Qld.<br />


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