Beyond borders
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<strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>borders</strong>
A welcome from the chair<br />
Welcome to Solas Festival 2016. Can you believe it’s<br />
the seventh Solas Festival? It’s a different world to<br />
the one Solas was dreamed up in, but we reckon that<br />
we are as needed as ever, bringing you the very best<br />
music, dancing, and ideas, and providing some much<br />
needed sustenance for your mind, body and soul<br />
over midsummer weekend.<br />
It’s my first year as chair of Solas Festival and I’m<br />
delighted to say that this year’s festival features some<br />
of the most ambitious things we’ve ever brought to<br />
the beautiful Bield: from hip hop to circus skills,<br />
protest rock to performance art and puppetry.<br />
Particular highlights for me will include Liz<br />
Lochhead launching her brand new album with<br />
Steve Ketley and The Hazey Janes; a special singing<br />
workshop with Karine Polwart and hotly tipped<br />
newcomer Roseanne Reid. Henry tells me I should<br />
also mention a session where the excellent Anne<br />
Bryce and I will talk about our recent bike ride across<br />
the West Bank.<br />
Cycling brings us to the first bit of news for this year,<br />
we’re delighted to have Take One Action joining us,<br />
showing films for all ages in their solar-powered<br />
cinema. What has that got to do with bikes you ask?<br />
Well, if the sun don’t shine you’ll need to hop on<br />
board and power it that way. Films over the weekend<br />
include an array of shorts, the increasingly relevant<br />
‘You’ve Been Trumped’, and ‘Hamish’ - a new film<br />
about the life of Hamish Henderson, followed by a<br />
discussion with the producer and two of the film’s<br />
stars - Geordie McIntyre and Alison McMorland.<br />
Our theme this year is <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders. In the two<br />
years since we chose this focus, issues around refuge<br />
and <strong>borders</strong> have only become more urgent. We’re<br />
delighted then to have talks from key campaigners<br />
such as Inderjit Bhogal who is a founder of City of<br />
Sanctuary, We Will Rise who campaign against<br />
detention , Alison Phipps from the Glasgow Refugee<br />
and Migrant Network and Amal Azzudin, one of the<br />
Glasgow Girls, famous for fighting dawn raids.<br />
Thanks again to everyone at the Bield for welcoming<br />
us back for a fourth time, it’s great to be back in this<br />
beautiful place. There are a few changes and a new<br />
outdoor stage but, by and large, if you’ve been to<br />
Solas before you’ll know your way round. Look out<br />
as well for visual artists working over the weekend,<br />
particularly a special installation by Debbie<br />
Budenberg as well as mural painters Hell Yeah!<br />
The main stage is a riot of energy this year, with<br />
Skerryvore, Stanley Odd, The Declan Welsh Band,<br />
and Bdy_Prts all bringing the noise. For those more<br />
tranquil moments there’s award winning folk from<br />
2 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders<br />
Sam Lee and Friends, the<br />
cinematic sounds of A New<br />
International and the wonderful songwriting of<br />
Blue Rose Code. Elsewhere you’ll find Tony<br />
Robertson, son of the master storyteller Stanley<br />
Robertson; and Essie Stewart who will bring<br />
legends, Celtic stories and epics handed down from<br />
her grandfather Ailidh Dall Stewart (Blind Alexander).<br />
There will also be a unique Solas session with both<br />
Essie and Tony and English folk singer Sam Lee who<br />
had an extraordinary four year apprenticeship with<br />
Stanley Robertson.<br />
Don’t forget to visit the venues hosted by our<br />
brilliant partners. The Scottish Methodists bring a<br />
unique creative space focusing on sanctuary and<br />
what it means on a personal level as well as globally.<br />
And the Just Peace Partners have a full programme<br />
of talks and workshops around the theme of<br />
“Naming and Framing” which will include<br />
storytelling, singing, discussion and worship. We've<br />
also introduced a wee space for meditation and<br />
reflection - it's called the Shelter, and will have<br />
guided sessions as well as quiet space.<br />
As if all that wasn’t enough, our talks programme will<br />
stretch from fatherhood and the brains of children<br />
to AL Kennedy exploring ideas of scepticism with<br />
Padraig O Tuama. We’ve got slam champions Hollie<br />
McNish and Harry Baker and marvellous theatre<br />
from Alan Bissett with his Moira Monologues. And<br />
we're trying out a re-shaped Sunday morning - there<br />
won't be a service this time round - see what you<br />
think. And in yet another departure, we're hosting a<br />
live BBC Radio Scotland broadcast of 'Sunday<br />
Morning' with our old chum Ricky Ross. One thing<br />
we can guarantee is that you won’t be able to see it all!<br />
We’d like to thank Creative Scotland, EventScotland,<br />
Perth and Kinross Council, and Trust Greenbelt. We<br />
couldn’t put on the festival without their support or<br />
without the year-round support of our regular<br />
donors, the Solas Saints – they know who they are<br />
and we’d love you to join them.<br />
Solas Festival is all about bringing together the<br />
biggest mix of people, ideas, music, and stories that<br />
we can to make something new. We hope you enjoy<br />
it as much as we will.<br />
Have a great weekend<br />
Graham Bryce<br />
Festival Chair<br />
Acknowledgments<br />
Solas Festival 2016, <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders,<br />
has been made possible with the<br />
generous and imaginative support of:<br />
The Solas Festival Saints<br />
Partners<br />
The Methodist Church in Scotland<br />
Just Peace Partners: Christian Aid<br />
Scotland, Church of Scotland,<br />
Corrymeela Community, Iona<br />
Community, Place for Hope, Progressive<br />
Christianity Network and Wild Goose<br />
Resource Group<br />
Refugee Festival Scotland<br />
AMOS Trust<br />
Funders<br />
Creative Scotland<br />
EventScotland<br />
Trust Greenbelt<br />
Perth and Kinross Council<br />
Sponsors<br />
Tempo Tea<br />
Perth Radio Taxis<br />
Media Sponsors<br />
The List and DC Thomson<br />
Cover: MacGillivray (Event No.52)<br />
photo by Tim Noble.
solas festival 16<br />
<strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>borders</strong><br />
Welcome from the chair 02<br />
Site Map<br />
Essential Information<br />
The Broch<br />
Visual Arts<br />
Just Peace Partnership<br />
The Den<br />
Friday Grid<br />
Friday Listings<br />
Saturday Grid<br />
Saturday Listings<br />
Sunday Grid<br />
Sunday Listings<br />
Saints Sign Up<br />
04<br />
05<br />
06<br />
07<br />
09<br />
10<br />
11<br />
11-12<br />
13<br />
14-21<br />
22<br />
23-29<br />
31<br />
Solas Festival, 16 Lennox Avenue, Glasgow, G14 9HG<br />
Email: Tel: 0141 416 1650.<br />
Trustees<br />
Graham Bryce (Chair), Dot Reid (Vice-Chair), Frank Strang (Secretary),<br />
Paul Clelland (Treasurer), Mary Ann Kennedy, Scott Paget, Deborah Lewer,<br />
Jasheen McKenzie, Emma Bennett, Gerry Hassan, Gavin Gourlay.<br />
Staff Team<br />
Jill Smith, Laurie McIntosh, Debs Hahn, Henry Bell and Charlie Irvine<br />
We are also incredibly grateful for the hard work and talents of the following<br />
people in making this year’s festival possible: Frankie Campbell for<br />
exceptional grid skills; Steve Butler for creating all 164 listings in our Festival<br />
Guide; Craig Smillie for our beautiful map; and to all our wonderful<br />
volunteers without whom we could not function.Thanks also to Sharon<br />
McHendry and Avril Cadden (SM Publicity) and Tim Courtney (Factotum CS).<br />
Solas Festival is a charity registered in Scotland, No.SC041434, and a<br />
Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in Scotland, No. SC371181.<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 3
4 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Essential Information<br />
Practical Advice: Staying Safe & Enjoying the Festival<br />
We’re glad to say the first six Solas Festivals have been accident free and we are<br />
very keen to keep things that way. The advice here is offered to help make sure<br />
that happens.<br />
The (Glass Free) Site:<br />
It’s our fourth year at this beautiful site and it is important to us that<br />
the festival is a good experience for the owners of the Bield, who<br />
have been hugely supportive and helpful in welcoming us back to<br />
Blackruthven. We are surrounded by a working farm and a key rule<br />
for Solas Festival (just like Glastonbury!) is NO GLASS ON SITE including the<br />
campsite. After the festival there will be cattle and horses on the areas we are<br />
using and glass is dangerous for both livestock and vehicle tyres. Please use<br />
(recyclable) alternatives.<br />
No Go Areas:<br />
Some areas of the Bield site are out of bounds. They will be clearly marked and<br />
we ask you to ensure that you and your family members respect these limits.<br />
Road Safety:<br />
There is a road between the campsite and the festival village and we ask<br />
everyone, but especially parents of young children, to take great care. Please<br />
make sure to only cross the road at the designated crossing point. The traffic<br />
lights will be stewarded 24hrs a day.<br />
Belongings:<br />
So far Solas Festival sites have been friendly and safe, but we can’t take any<br />
responsibility for items which are lost or stolen. So where possible, leave Monet<br />
originals and diamond tiaras at home. Most of us will bring mobile phones, you<br />
can register your mobile (and any other item with a serial number) on the<br />
Immobilise Database ( It’s quick and free and it’ll make it<br />
easier to reunite you with it in the unlikely event that it’s stolen or the more likely<br />
event that you leave it in the grass somewhere. Please report lost property to the<br />
Information Point at the entrance to the field.<br />
Fire Safety:<br />
Small barbecues are allowed in the designated area behind the campsite, but<br />
please do not light any open fires anywhere on site. Never leave barbecues<br />
unattended and be fire safety conscious when using camping stoves or gas<br />
lamps. Personal generators are not permitted on site.<br />
Free Water:<br />
Tap water in Scotland is both delicious and clean. Free tap water is available to<br />
all festivalgoers from all the bars and food outlets on site as well as from the cold<br />
water taps on the campsite.<br />
Drugs & Alcohol:<br />
We are a family-friendly festival and we have a zero-tolerance policy on illegal<br />
drug-taking. If you are offered illegal drugs on site, please inform a Solas Festival<br />
steward immediately. We will always call the police if illegal drugs are discovered.<br />
Alcohol will be on sale on site, but our priority is to maintain the festival as a safe,<br />
family-friendly and peaceful environment. Excessive drinking will not be<br />
tolerated, nor will under-age drinking, nor behaviour which intimidates or<br />
disturbs other festivalgoers. Anyone in breach of this policy may be asked to<br />
leave the festival. Smoking is now illegal in enclosed public areas. Solas Festival<br />
will enforce a no smoking ban in all enclosed structures.<br />
Keeping Children Safe:<br />
We will make every effort to keep children safe on site, but parents are<br />
responsible for their children at all times. If your child is lost, please tell a Solas<br />
Festival steward immediately. The Box Office can provide you with a plain<br />
wristband for your child’s wrist on which you can write your own mobile number,<br />
allowing Solas Festival staff to contact you if your child becomes separated from<br />
you.<br />
First Aid and Medical Emergencies<br />
Ambulance Scotland first-aiders will be on site over the weekend. Please alert a<br />
steward immediately in the event of an accident or medical emergency.<br />
Don’t Forget:<br />
Don’t forget the essentials like your ticket, a torch, a tent if you’re planning on<br />
camping (don’t forget the poles and tent pegs) and midgie repellent is always<br />
useful on long Scottish summer evenings. There’s no ATM on site, so you’ll need<br />
a bit of cash to buy things from the wonderful traders in our marketplace, to pay<br />
for a Solas Festival T-shirt, and get your tasty food from our catering partners.<br />
You may want a camping stool or a low folding chair – you may be on your feet<br />
dancing like a dervish when the bands are on mainstage, but many of our<br />
sessions are altogether more laid-back and, for some of us, literally laying back<br />
in the grass isn’t quite as easy as it used to be.<br />
Plan Bee!<br />
A wee note about bees on site… The Bield is home to a colony of working bees,<br />
who busily help to pollinate flowers on site. The bees are very friendly and will<br />
leave you alone, but if you have a serious bee sting allergy you’re advised to be<br />
aware you are visiting their habitat.<br />
For Information On Site<br />
There is a notice board at the Information Point which will be updated regularly<br />
for any last-minute programme changes or important announcements. Our<br />
friendly, helpful team at the Information Point or the Box Office are available to<br />
answer any questions. You can also look for updates on our Facebook and Twitter<br />
pages.<br />
Stewards<br />
Our stewarding team is there to help you. Please respect any request they make<br />
and follow any guidance they offer.<br />
Vehicles<br />
The car park is situated across the road from the main festival site, adjacent to<br />
the campsite. No vehicles are permitted anywhere else on site unless they have<br />
been issued with a pass by the festival office.<br />
Disabled access<br />
There is a reserved area for disabled camping where cars may be parked<br />
adjacent to tents. In addition the main stage, chapel, and courtyard are all<br />
accessible. There is also disabled parking on site in the car park beside the<br />
steading.<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 5
Visual Arts<br />
Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design<br />
From textiles and technology, to architecture and fashion, the 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design, shines the<br />
spotlight on Scotland’s greatest assets, icons, and hidden gems. Solas Festival is delighted to be part of the partner programme<br />
and our dynamic visual arts strand has been designed to enliven our festival site and inspire festivalgoers. #IAD2016<br />
Mural. Known for her thick pen drawings and colourful<br />
doodle, Katie Guthrie’s dark sense of humour and<br />
cynical views fuel her drawings, with inspiration taken<br />
from skate and snowboard culture. Watch in wonder<br />
as Katie’s deliciously weird artwork works it’s way across<br />
a wall in the courtyard over the course of the weekend.<br />
Paria Goodarzi is a freelance visual artist and textile designer from Tehran, living and working<br />
in Scotland. Her installation for Solas is Unearthed: an exhibition of a series of works taken<br />
from the artist’s own personal experience and inspired by Iranian culture. Paria embraces a<br />
great passion for colour and forms. Location: The Barn.<br />
Installation Location: The Chapel<br />
Step into the Carpenter’s Chapel and into a different world, beneath the waves. For a country<br />
with over ten thousand miles of coastline, the underwater marine environment is something<br />
of a mystery to most modern Scots. The Deep Sea Light is a sound installation project created<br />
by Nick Turner, using his passion for reflecting the way buildings and spaces work with sound<br />
through convolution reverb, and for the found-sounds of human and natural environments<br />
around us. The result is a marine and coastal sound world that will envelop you in surround<br />
sound as you meet Minke whale, porpoises, harbour seals, sea otters and other creatures.<br />
Re-connect with Scotland’s seafaring past and present, and understand a little more about<br />
the beasts we share this world with. The sound installation will play in the chapel for the<br />
duration of the festival. Live sessions of stories, sounds, songs and sources with Nick Turner<br />
and Mary Ann Kennedy …. Suitable for children and not so grown-up adults.<br />
I don’t know where you are. Location: the Stables<br />
Opening Times: Fri 17.00-19.00, Sat 11.00-14.00, 16.00-18.00<br />
Sun 10.00-13.00, 15.00-17.00<br />
As a member of a family group and as an individual within it<br />
we experience different phases and states of existence over<br />
the duration of our life. The passage of time brings with it the<br />
inevitability of change and our experience of end times, as well<br />
as new beginnings. I don’t know where you are, is a site specific<br />
response to a particular stage in a life journey and the space<br />
we may inhabit whilst making our transition from one state of<br />
being to another. Deliberately ambiguous, the installation<br />
seeks to evoke a sense of place and question our<br />
understanding of ourselves in relation to it.<br />
Dana MacPherson has yet again provided the amazing<br />
decorations for our festival. Be sure and explore her work<br />
around the field and labyrnth as well as in the Hearth.<br />
Scavenger’s Shelter<br />
Spanning cultural divides,<br />
Trickster is one of the oldest<br />
figures in oral history. As a<br />
source of laughter,<br />
learning and renewal,<br />
Trickster tales celebrate the<br />
kind of adaptive and<br />
provocative thinking needed to<br />
enliven the physical and internal<br />
<strong>borders</strong>.<br />
Location: The Field<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 7
EventScotland<br />
8 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Sarah Rose Amal<br />
The den<br />
This year we have more going on than ever before in Solas<br />
Festival’s dedicated hang out space for young<br />
people – The Den.<br />
Harry<br />
Start your weekend in style with a Friday evening<br />
drinks reception featuring champion slam poet and<br />
occasional rap battler Harry Baker – ‘best performer<br />
on earth’ according to Radio One’s Scott Mills. Then sit<br />
back, relax and let us entertain you with an awesome<br />
lineup of intimate backchat sessions from a<br />
handpicked selection of the festival’s finest.<br />
With advice on getting into the music business (and a few rhymes<br />
if you’re lucky) from Louie Bhoy of Hector Bizerk fame and song<br />
writing tips from Declan Welsh: you too could make a tale of your<br />
weekend/chips/cat into sweet sweet, money making music.<br />
Of course, Solas is so much more than just a music festival! Come<br />
and hear author Sue Mayfield read from her latest book Hill of<br />
the Angels plus more poems and ponderings on growing up with<br />
Hollie McNish.<br />
Real life Glasgow Girl Amal Azzudin will share the story of how,<br />
when she was 15, she took on the home office to prevent her<br />
friend from being deported and film buffs Paul and Chris will<br />
impart some cinematic wisdom and a chance to discuss the The<br />
Hunger Games (but you need to watch it first on Friday, 11pm in<br />
The Wee Green Cinema).<br />
Oh yeah, and there’ll also be theatre games with the brilliant<br />
Sarah Rose Graber, football-for- all out on the field, fire in<br />
the firepit and a good stash of snacks, drinks and really big<br />
pillows. It’s your own little slice of yurt shaped paradise…<br />
Did we mention free crisps?<br />
Louie Bhoy<br />
Sue<br />
Declan<br />
NB: the Den is a young person’s space, so parents and<br />
wee ones aren’t invited. Sorry. It’s just the way it is.<br />
Hollie<br />
We are grateful to The Scottish Methodists for<br />
sponsoring The Den<br />
10 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Friday 17th June<br />
17.00<br />
17.15<br />
17.30<br />
17.45<br />
18.00<br />
18.15<br />
18.30<br />
18.45<br />
19.00<br />
19.15<br />
19.30<br />
19.45<br />
20.00<br />
20.15<br />
20.30<br />
20.45<br />
21.00<br />
21.15<br />
21.30<br />
21.45<br />
22.00<br />
22.15<br />
22.30<br />
22.45<br />
23.00<br />
23.15<br />
23.30<br />
23.45<br />
00.00<br />
19.45 9<br />
Zoe Bestel<br />
20.30 11<br />
Harry Baker<br />
21.05<br />
Declan<br />
13<br />
Welsh Band<br />
15<br />
22.10 16 Harry Baker<br />
Skerryvore<br />
DJ Set<br />
18<br />
Festival Club<br />
16.30 1<br />
Kirsty Potts<br />
17.00<br />
Zoe Bestel 2<br />
17.35<br />
Sean 4<br />
Biggerstaff<br />
18.25 6<br />
Wandering<br />
Sons<br />
5<br />
Film:<br />
Spirited<br />
Away (PG)<br />
10<br />
Take One<br />
Action<br />
Showreel<br />
17<br />
Late night<br />
film:<br />
The Hunger<br />
Games (12A)<br />
Welcome<br />
event 7<br />
Young<br />
people’s 8<br />
welcome<br />
Harry Baker<br />
12<br />
Firepit<br />
and smores<br />
3<br />
Underwater<br />
world<br />
Workshop<br />
Evening<br />
Prayer<br />
14<br />
17.00<br />
17.15<br />
17.30<br />
17.45<br />
18.00<br />
18.15<br />
18.30<br />
18.45<br />
19.00<br />
19.15<br />
19.30<br />
19.45<br />
20.00<br />
20.15<br />
20.30<br />
20.45<br />
21.00<br />
21.15<br />
21.30<br />
21.45<br />
22.00<br />
22.15<br />
22.30<br />
22.45<br />
23.00<br />
23.15<br />
23.30<br />
23.45<br />
00.00<br />
KIRsty potts<br />
Kirsty Potts is a traditional singer from<br />
Aberdeenshire. Kirsty appeared on six albums<br />
with her mother Alison McMorland and Geordie<br />
McIntyre and has recently released her first solo<br />
album, 'Seeds of Life.'<br />
Drawing comparisons with KT Tunstall and Ed<br />
Sheeran, award winning nu-folk singer<br />
songwriter and ukulele fanatic Zoë Bestel is<br />
making a name for herself on the Scottish music<br />
scene. With her first single reaching No. 3 in the<br />
folk chart and her debut album awarded Album<br />
of the Week by the Daily Record, she’s winning<br />
admiration from the press and invitations to<br />
support internationally acclaimed artists.<br />
Solas’s underwater world<br />
A chance to help create our unique underwater<br />
world for the Deep Sea Light installation. Sing<br />
to the seals, decorate our fishy friends and<br />
more. Kids and grown-up kids all welcome.<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
Roots Stage • 16.30<br />
Roots Stage • 17.00<br />
The Chapel • 17.00<br />
sean biggerstaff 4<br />
Best known as a film actor from features<br />
including Whisky Galore, Cashback, and the<br />
Harry Potter films, Sean Biggerstaff is also a<br />
talented musician. His band Wrongnote enjoyed<br />
critical acclaim, described by BBC Six Music as<br />
‘Spiky, edgy, fresh, original’ and by Vic Galloway<br />
as ‘enthralling.’ Sean has since left the band and<br />
will be playing a solo blues set at Solas.<br />
Film - spirited away 5<br />
An award-winning 2001 Japanese anime fantasy<br />
film which tells the story of a sullen ten-year-old<br />
girl who enters the spirit world. After her parents<br />
are transformed into pigs by a witch she has to<br />
find a way to free herself and her parents and<br />
return to the human world. PG cert<br />
wandering sons 6<br />
Wandering Sons are a young Glasgow-based<br />
trio dedicated to exploring, wandering and<br />
playing music at the side of the street. This year,<br />
they will be bringing their own take on<br />
contemporary folk to Solas Festival’s Roots<br />
Stage.<br />
Roots Stage • 17.35<br />
Cinema • 18.00<br />
Roots Stage • 18.25<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 11
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Whether this is your 1st or your 7th time at Solas<br />
we want to welcome you to the festival – come<br />
and join us to hear a bit about the programme<br />
and celebrate the fact that the festival is under<br />
way. Exotic refreshments provided by the<br />
wonderful Tempo Tea Bar.<br />
Start your weekend in style with a Friday<br />
evening drinks reception featuring champion<br />
slam poet and occasional rap battler Harry Baker<br />
– ‘best performer on earth’ according to Radio<br />
One’s Scott Mills.<br />
7<br />
8<br />
The Hearth • 18.30<br />
The Den • 19.00<br />
Led by the Just Peace Partnership.<br />
Harry Baker may be a published poet and former<br />
Slam Champion of the world. But … his heart has<br />
always been with hip hop. Head to the field late on<br />
Friday for some classic boom bap vibes.<br />
14<br />
15<br />
Peace Tent • 21.30<br />
The Hearth • 22.00<br />
See event No.2<br />
9<br />
The Barn • 19.45<br />
16<br />
The Barn • 22.10<br />
take one action: showreel<br />
Take One Action’s pop-up cinema squad will be<br />
running their pedal and solar powered Wee<br />
Green Cinema. TOA have curated a showreel of<br />
critically-acclaimed animation, documentaries,<br />
comedy, drama and experimental shorts focused<br />
on themes of international people-power and<br />
environmental sustainability. Drop in, rest your<br />
legs (or use them to pedal up some power!),<br />
laugh, cry and be inspired to act. All short films<br />
are suitable for all ages.<br />
10<br />
Cinema • 20.00<br />
Now on his 5th visit to Solas, World Poetry Slam<br />
Champion, TED talker, occasional rap battler<br />
and mathematician Harry Baker will knock your<br />
socks off. Harry will be performing poems from<br />
his new book - The Sunshine Kid - which<br />
contains the raw honesty, tongue-in-cheek<br />
humour and blistering wordplay that have won<br />
the hearts and minds of audiences all across the<br />
globe.<br />
Gather at the firepit for biscuits with chocolate<br />
and toasted marshmallows - what’s not to like?<br />
(Parents and wee-ones not invited, sorry).<br />
Declan Welsh is a 23 year old singer songwriter<br />
telling stories about being young in Glasgow.<br />
His songs range from an ode to having a sub<br />
par night out to a call to arms against the<br />
fascists in our midst and everything in between.<br />
The only common thread is catchy tunes and<br />
witty observations on life. In the past year he<br />
has supported The Proclaimers, Glasvegas,<br />
Squeeze, Ocean Colour Scene, Echo and The<br />
Bunnymen, and loads of others. Be warned -<br />
Declan likes to swear a lot!<br />
11<br />
12<br />
13<br />
The Barn • 20.30<br />
The Den • 20.30<br />
The Barn • 21.05<br />
Skerryvore are renowned for their riotous energy and Celtic-Rock fusion of<br />
blazing bagpipes, fiddle and accordions. Hailing from Tiree, the unique sound<br />
of this seven-piece band, created by blending trad music with rock and funk,<br />
breaks new musical ground like the Chilli Pipers, Runrig and Wolfstone before<br />
them. In 2015 the band celebrated their 10th anniversary, launching their<br />
‘Decade’ album. With five albums and several awards under their belts,<br />
including STMA Live Act and Record of the Year Awards 2011, Skerryvore<br />
continue to be in demand, playing to audiences from Chicago to Shanghai.<br />
The film sensation that swept the nation. Spend<br />
the wee hours with Katniss Everdeen in her battle<br />
to survive in the Hunger Games arena. If you’ve<br />
not seen it, expect dystopian science fiction, and<br />
a good dose of violence, with an impressive<br />
female protagonist. If you have seen it – you’ll<br />
probably already love it! Lots to think about here<br />
too – check out the Late Night Film chat on<br />
Saturday morning. Cert 12A<br />
Don't miss the chance to see some of the artists<br />
from over the weekend and some very talented<br />
punters playing into the night.<br />
17<br />
18<br />
Cinema • 23.00<br />
The Barn • 23.30<br />
12 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
The<br />
Barn<br />
Roots<br />
Stage<br />
The<br />
Pictures<br />
The<br />
Hearth<br />
Green<br />
Room<br />
The<br />
Yard<br />
The<br />
Den<br />
The<br />
Chapel<br />
Peace<br />
Tent<br />
The<br />
Shelter<br />
Other<br />
09.00<br />
09.15<br />
09.30<br />
09.45<br />
10.00<br />
10.15<br />
10.30<br />
10.45<br />
11.00<br />
11.15<br />
11.30<br />
11.45<br />
12.00<br />
12.15<br />
12.30<br />
12.45<br />
13.00<br />
13.15<br />
13.30<br />
13.45<br />
14.00<br />
14.15<br />
14.30<br />
14.45<br />
15.00<br />
15.15<br />
15.30<br />
15.45<br />
16.00<br />
16.15<br />
16.30<br />
16.45<br />
17.00<br />
17.15<br />
17.30<br />
17.45<br />
18.00<br />
18.15<br />
18.30<br />
18.45<br />
19.00<br />
19.15<br />
19.30<br />
19.45<br />
20.00<br />
20.15<br />
20.30<br />
20.45<br />
21.00<br />
21.15<br />
21.30<br />
21.45<br />
22.00<br />
22.15<br />
22.30<br />
22.45<br />
23.00<br />
23.15<br />
23.30<br />
23.45<br />
00.00<br />
Pádraig Ó<br />
Tuama:<br />
28<br />
Vampires,<br />
zombies and<br />
gods oh my!<br />
Nick<br />
Thorpe<br />
Year of the<br />
Dad<br />
37<br />
Yoga<br />
11.30 Sean38<br />
Biggerstaff<br />
12.05 Miss<br />
Irene Rose<br />
41<br />
Scottish 46 12.45<br />
Politics Roseanne 49<br />
Panel Reid<br />
13.20<br />
MacGillivray 52<br />
Two<br />
Minute<br />
56 14.05 60<br />
The Jellyman’s<br />
Manifesto Daughter<br />
14.55<br />
Beerjacket 64<br />
15.45 70<br />
Alan<br />
Louie & the<br />
Bisset:<br />
71 Lochbacks<br />
The Moira 16.30<br />
Monologues Carbs 76<br />
Scottish<br />
Travellers 78<br />
19.30<br />
B_dy Prts 87<br />
20.10<br />
Blue Rose<br />
Code<br />
90<br />
21.00<br />
Sam Lee<br />
93<br />
& Friends<br />
22.00 95<br />
Hollie McNish<br />
22.10<br />
Stanley<br />
Odd<br />
96<br />
98<br />
Festival Club<br />
17.15<br />
83a<br />
Be Charlotte<br />
Jazz & 84<br />
Cocktails:<br />
Black Snake<br />
Roots<br />
86<br />
Sirens of Spin<br />
19 20<br />
Film: Home<br />
Debbie Lewer:<br />
On the perils<br />
of being an<br />
artist 29<br />
Alison<br />
Phipps 39<br />
Everyday<br />
Bordering<br />
47<br />
TOA Film:<br />
Open<br />
Bethlehem<br />
& Q&A<br />
with<br />
Sami Awad<br />
Cycle<br />
Palestine 61<br />
Ian<br />
Brennan 66<br />
77<br />
Film:<br />
TOA<br />
Showreel<br />
Film:<br />
Inside<br />
Out<br />
85<br />
88<br />
TOA Film:<br />
You’ve Been<br />
Trumped<br />
97<br />
Film:<br />
The Legend<br />
of Barney<br />
Thomson<br />
Musical 22<br />
Kapers for<br />
kids with Jeremy<br />
Kirsty Kidwell: 24<br />
Whither the<br />
Sarah 30 Kirk<br />
Rose Graber:<br />
Community<br />
Building<br />
Open<br />
Mic<br />
40<br />
A L Kennedy<br />
& Pádraig Ó<br />
Tuama 48<br />
Gospel<br />
Choir<br />
53<br />
Ecodrama:<br />
The<br />
Worm 67<br />
Tenx9 79<br />
Storytelling<br />
Kirstin<br />
Innes<br />
32<br />
Tony<br />
Robertson<br />
42 43<br />
Poacher’s<br />
Pilgrimage<br />
pre-launch<br />
Sue Palmer:<br />
Child’s<br />
Play 54<br />
Hollie<br />
McNish<br />
Essie<br />
Stewart<br />
62<br />
68<br />
80<br />
A L<br />
Kennedy<br />
Bield Rhythm<br />
of Prayer 21<br />
Morning<br />
Prayer 23<br />
Underwater<br />
25<br />
World<br />
Workshop<br />
Hunger 33 Deep 34<br />
Games Sea Light<br />
Film Chat<br />
Backchat: 50<br />
Hollie McNish<br />
Sarah Rose<br />
Graber:<br />
Theatre<br />
Games 63<br />
Backchat: 81<br />
Louie Bhoy<br />
91<br />
Declan on 92 Firepit and<br />
the Decks<br />
Smores<br />
DJ Set feat<br />
Sirens of<br />
Swing<br />
Visit the<br />
animals<br />
57<br />
Verene 69<br />
Nicolas:<br />
The Haves &<br />
Have Nots<br />
Bield Rhythm<br />
of Prayer 82<br />
What’s 26<br />
the Story?<br />
Naming 35 Buddhist 36<br />
and Framing Meditation<br />
Spirit of 44<br />
Conflict<br />
(Conflictus 1)<br />
Moving<br />
Stories<br />
51<br />
58<br />
The Dance<br />
of Democracy<br />
65<br />
Advocating<br />
for Syria<br />
72<br />
Palestine,<br />
poverty and<br />
peace<br />
Alastair 83<br />
McIntosh:<br />
Non-violence<br />
Edge of 89<br />
Darkness<br />
Ceilidh<br />
Evening<br />
Prayer 94<br />
59<br />
Ros Borland:<br />
Enneagram<br />
73<br />
Sanctuary<br />
Space with<br />
Pall Singh<br />
Amy 27<br />
Wilson (2hrs)<br />
31<br />
Glasgow<br />
Hula Hoop<br />
Workshop<br />
Instinctively<br />
Wild: Den<br />
Building<br />
(2 hrs) 45<br />
Nature 55<br />
Crafts (2hrs)<br />
59a<br />
Common<br />
Weal (2hrs)<br />
Amy 75<br />
Wilson (2hrs)<br />
16.00 74<br />
Glasgow<br />
Hula Hoop<br />
Workshop<br />
09.00<br />
09.15<br />
09.30<br />
09.45<br />
10.00<br />
10.15<br />
10.30<br />
10.45<br />
11.00<br />
11.15<br />
11.30<br />
11.45<br />
12.00<br />
12.15<br />
12.30<br />
12.45<br />
13.00<br />
13.15<br />
13.30<br />
13.45<br />
14.00<br />
14.15<br />
14.30<br />
14.45<br />
15.00<br />
15.15<br />
15.30<br />
15.45<br />
16.00<br />
16.15<br />
16.30<br />
16.45<br />
17.00<br />
17.15<br />
17.30<br />
17.45<br />
18.00<br />
18.15<br />
18.30<br />
18.45<br />
19.00<br />
19.15<br />
19.30<br />
19.45<br />
20.00<br />
20.15<br />
20.30<br />
20.45<br />
21.00<br />
21.15<br />
21.30<br />
21.45<br />
22.00<br />
22.15<br />
22.30<br />
22.45<br />
23.00<br />
23.15<br />
23.30<br />
23.45<br />
Music<br />
Performing & Visual Arts<br />
Yoga: mark russell<br />
Fully qualified instructor (and occasional Solas<br />
mainstage compere), Mark Russell, sets you up<br />
for a full festival day with some morning yoga.<br />
Suitable for interested beginners and<br />
experienced enthusiasts alike. Mark has been<br />
practising yoga since 2007 and teaching since<br />
2011. The class will be a gentle hatha vinyasa<br />
flow with pranayama and a short period of<br />
meditation (if it's warm enough).<br />
Film: home<br />
Talks & Ideas Participate All Age<br />
When Oh, a loveable misfit from another planet,<br />
lands on Earth and finds himself on the run from<br />
his own people, he forms an unlikely friendship<br />
with an adventurous girl named Tip who is on<br />
a quest of her own. Through a series of comic<br />
adventures with Tip, Oh comes to understand<br />
that being different and making mistakes is all<br />
part of being human. Cert PG<br />
19<br />
20<br />
Film<br />
Literature Young People Others<br />
Roots • 09.00<br />
Cinema • 09.00<br />
A chance to help create our unique underwater<br />
world for the Deep Sea Light installation. Sing<br />
to the seals, decorate our fishy friends and<br />
more. Kids and grown-up kids all welcome.<br />
A seminar exploring storytelling processes that<br />
are used in community dialogues across<br />
Northern Ireland for the purposes of building<br />
peace in neighbourhoods between old<br />
neighbours and new neighbourhoods.<br />
Amy wilson: workshop<br />
?<br />
Join artist Amy Wilson in her Scavenger’s<br />
Shelter installation, with workshops inspired by<br />
Canadian First Nations Trickster Tales.<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
25<br />
26<br />
27<br />
The Chapel • 10.00<br />
Peace Tent • 10.00<br />
The Field • 10.00<br />
Bield rhythm of prayer<br />
A simple framework of silence and<br />
contemplation, music, listening and responding<br />
to the Word offers a meeting place on the pilgrim<br />
journey. Resources from different streams of<br />
spirituality enrich the prayer and reflects the<br />
ecumenical nature of the Bield.<br />
A fun and funky session using song, music,<br />
moving and making a noise. All welcome but<br />
best for 4 - 10 year olds. An active session!<br />
21<br />
22<br />
The Chapel • 09.00<br />
The Hearth • 09.30<br />
Vampires Zombies and gods oh my! What’s<br />
with all the vampires on the telly in the last 10<br />
years? True Blood, Being Human, The Walking<br />
Dead. They’re everywhere. What is our<br />
fascination with death? The Celtic festival of the<br />
dead at Samhain isn’t marked highly in wider<br />
society but does our contemporary fascination<br />
with zombieland indicate that we have more a<br />
need of these ancient rites of death rather than<br />
less? Pádraig is a poet, a theologian and is leader<br />
of the Corrymeela Community.<br />
28<br />
The Barn • 10.30<br />
Led by the Just Peace Partnership.<br />
23<br />
Peace Tent • 09.30<br />
On the Perils of being an Artist<br />
What does it mean to be a great artist? What<br />
makes a ‘masterpiece’? And why is scandal,<br />
controversy and disagreement never far from<br />
either? A fresh look at some of the highs and<br />
lows of the history of art. Debbie Lewer is Senior<br />
Lecturer in History of Art at the University of<br />
Glasgow. She is also a Solas Board member.<br />
29<br />
Cinema • 10.30<br />
Whither the Kirk. Jeremy is a post-doctoral<br />
researcher at the University of Edinburgh. His<br />
current research covers religious ethics but also<br />
includes a broad range of topics, including<br />
theological perspectives on economics, political<br />
theory, design, the philosophy of technology,<br />
and ecological ethics. In this session, he will<br />
outline the general demographics of<br />
Christianity in Scotland based on the recent<br />
church census.<br />
24<br />
Green Room • 10.00<br />
Sarah rose graber: community building<br />
How do you bring a disparate group of strangers<br />
together? And what strengthens a community?<br />
Community based work is a strong area of focus<br />
for Sarah Rose Graber. In this workshop she will<br />
work with participants to develop their skills as<br />
listeners, finding common goals, and taking action<br />
collectively through creativity. We'll use our voices<br />
and bodies to connect us and build a sense of<br />
belonging.<br />
30<br />
The Hearth • 10.30<br />
14 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
Glasgow Hula Hoop have been running regular<br />
classes in Glasgow and Paisley for over 5 years.<br />
Catering for all ages, with many secret techniques<br />
up their sleeves designed to get anyone hula<br />
hooping, their workshops will be a chance to feel<br />
like a big kid and learn some impressive party tricks<br />
at the same time. Circus skills workshops will include<br />
juggling, plate-spinning, poi and flower-sticks.<br />
31<br />
The Field • 10.30<br />
Nick Thorpe will be representing Scotland’s<br />
Father’s Network. Nick will talk about The Year<br />
of the Dad, and how breaking the patriarchal<br />
idea of women as carers and men as workers<br />
can help everyone. An award-winning writer,<br />
activist and journalist, Nick is a contributor to<br />
the Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, Guardian,<br />
Independent, Scotsman and BBC Radio 4.<br />
37<br />
The Barn • 11.30<br />
Tony grew up in a storytelling family, the son of<br />
the late great Scottish master storyteller<br />
Stanley Robertson. Tony learned from his father<br />
and other relatives (including the likes of<br />
Jeannie Robertson MBE and Lizzie Higgins)<br />
many of the traditional tales of the travelling<br />
people.<br />
Film buffs Paul and Chris will impart some<br />
cinematic wisdom and a chance to discuss the<br />
previous night’s late film. Chris McKenzie is the<br />
pastor of Mosaic Church, a personal trainer, and<br />
a film enthusiast. Paul Gallagher is the<br />
marketing manager for Glasgow Film Theatre<br />
and Glasgow Film Festival, as well as being a film<br />
reviewer for Radio Scotland's Janice Forsyth Show.<br />
Deep sea light session<br />
Join Mary Ann Kennedy and Nick Turner as<br />
they share their passion for the marine<br />
environment through Nick’s unique sound<br />
installation. Against the backdrop of<br />
hydrophonic soundscapes, learn about the<br />
human impact on some of our best-loved<br />
underwater friends, and experience songs and<br />
stories from Scottish tradition. Open to all.<br />
Frames are <strong>borders</strong> are margins and edges that<br />
direct our attention to focus and include at the<br />
same time as they obscure and exclude. A<br />
wayward reflection on the ways that we use this<br />
tactic, artistically, socially and in our relationships.<br />
Led by the Wild Goose Resource Group.<br />
An opportunity to experience the practice of Soto<br />
Zen Buddhism with Robin Baker. This session will<br />
include an introductory talk on Buddhism and<br />
Robin's own experience of it, with an opportunity<br />
to ask questions. The second part of the session<br />
involves a short meditation session led by Robin.<br />
This session is open to the new, the experienced,<br />
and those interested in learning more.<br />
32<br />
33<br />
34<br />
35<br />
36<br />
The Yard • 11.00<br />
The Den • 11.00<br />
The Chapel • 11.00<br />
Peace Tent • 11.00<br />
Shelter • 11.00<br />
Best known as a film actor from features<br />
including Whisky Galore, Cashback, and the<br />
Harry Potter films, Sean Biggerstaff is also a<br />
talented musician. His band Wrongnote enjoyed<br />
critical acclaim, described by BBC Six Music as<br />
‘Spiky, edgy, fresh, original’ and by Vic Galloway<br />
as ‘enthralling,’ Sean has since left the band and<br />
will be playing a solo blues set at Solas.<br />
Everyday Bordering. We are all border guards<br />
now. Alison's talk will reflect on the ways<br />
immigration decision-making has been devolved<br />
into every area of public life requiring medics,<br />
academics, housing providers, administrators,<br />
bankers and others to handle and check<br />
immigration status on a daily basis. Alison Phipps<br />
OBE is Professor of Languages and Intercultural<br />
Studies, and Co-Convener of Glasgow Refugee,<br />
Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet) at the<br />
University of Glasgow.<br />
It's arguable that Solas Festival has one of the<br />
best Open Mic's in the country. Don't miss the<br />
chance to see some of the artists from over the<br />
weekend and some very talented punters<br />
playing into the night. And don't forget it's your<br />
chance to step into the spotlight too.<br />
Miss Irenie Rose is a singer songwriter from the<br />
Isle of Lewis known for her stunning vocals and<br />
ingenious use of loop pedals. She's been<br />
compared to the likes of Joni Mitchell and Carole<br />
King, and her patter is legendary on the west<br />
coast. Irenie was nominated for Best Newcomer<br />
in the 2013 SAMAs and reached the semi-finals<br />
of the BBC2 Young Folk Musician of the Year<br />
awards 2014. She's joined by her new band.<br />
38<br />
39<br />
40<br />
41<br />
Roots Stage • 11.30<br />
Cinema • 11.30<br />
The Hearth • 11.30<br />
Roots • 12.05<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 15
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
42<br />
Green Room • 12.00<br />
46<br />
The Barn • 12.30<br />
The pace of change in Scottish politics seems almost unstoppable, with a resurgent<br />
Scottish conservatism, a seemingly unassailable nationalism, and an ever-moreconfident<br />
Green party. And yet many at heart still feel that Scotland belongs to the<br />
labour movement, if not the Labour party. Four newly elected MSPs - including Andy<br />
Wightman, Pauline McNeill and Adam Tomkins - will be with us to unfankle the<br />
future of Scottish politics. Hosted by Gerry Hassan<br />
Award winning writer and journalist Kirstin Innes will be reading from her<br />
debut novel, Fishnet. A clear-eyed, meticulously researched and controversial<br />
look at the sex industry and the lives of sex workers, Fishnet won the Guardian<br />
Not the Booker prize in 2015. Note: this session is not suitable for children.<br />
A celebration of Alastair McIntosh's new book<br />
'Poacher's Pilgrimage: an Island Journey' in which<br />
the author reflects on a twelve day pilgrimage,<br />
often in appalling conditions, when he returned<br />
to the islands of his childhood. Come and<br />
celebrate with Alastair, have a drink and if you're<br />
lucky there are a few author copies available.<br />
(Conflictus 1)<br />
The role of frames and boundaries in the<br />
spirituality of conflict. Some of the Just Peace<br />
partners (plus other friends) are getting ready to<br />
launch an online resource that reads the Sunday<br />
gospels in light of conflict and vice versa. Join us<br />
as we discuss a spirituality that is appropriate to<br />
situations of conflict.<br />
Instinctively Wild: den building<br />
The immensely popular Instinctively Wild gang<br />
return to Solas with an array of<br />
environmentally-themed craft and play<br />
sessions for families across the weekend. Meet<br />
at their gazebo for some den building.<br />
43<br />
44<br />
45<br />
The Yard • 12.00<br />
Peace Tent • 12.00<br />
The Field • 12.00<br />
Toa: open bethlehem<br />
Sami Awad, Executive Director of Holy Land Trust<br />
in Bethlehem will introduce Leila Sansour’s feature<br />
documentary Open Bethlehem followed by a Q&A<br />
about the realities of living under Israeli<br />
occupation. "One of the most remarkable and<br />
moving documentaries I have seen, about this<br />
unreported story. The tragedy of the Palestinians<br />
encapsulated in the life of one family and one town<br />
– Bethlehem. See the film, then go to Bethlehem and<br />
see for yourself.”Jon Snow, Channel 4 News . Cert PG<br />
Scepticism and Agnosticism. AL Kennedy is<br />
one of the UK’s most acclaimed writers with over<br />
15 books to her name including multi-award<br />
winning titles such as ‘Day’, ‘Night Geometry’ and<br />
‘So I Am Glad’. She is also a comedian, a<br />
registered minister and an agnostic. Pádraig has<br />
become the festival's resident poet, collaborator<br />
and theologian. Join in their conversation about<br />
scepticism, agnosticism, and what can be learnt<br />
from not knowing.<br />
Roseanne is a 23 year old singer-songwriter<br />
from Edinburgh. Bursting onto the scene in the<br />
last few years, Roseanne has been gathering<br />
award nominations and radio plays and wowing<br />
audiences and artists around Scotland. 'An<br />
outstanding songwriter' (Steve Earle)<br />
'Her singing and song craft displays a talent and<br />
maturity awesomely beyond her years'- (Sue<br />
Wilson, The Scotsman)<br />
47<br />
48<br />
49<br />
Cinema • 12.30<br />
The Hearth • 12.30<br />
Roots • 12.45<br />
16 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
Hollie McNish shares thoughts and poems on<br />
growing up. Be warned, there might be some<br />
swearing too. Hollie likes swearing.<br />
50<br />
The Den • 13.00<br />
56<br />
The Barn • 14.00<br />
Life's journey often takes us to places we don't<br />
usually expect: sometimes these journeys are<br />
beyond our control. Join us to hear and reflect<br />
on real life experiences and stories of people<br />
whose journey led them to Scotland. Led by<br />
Church of Scotland<br />
51<br />
Peace Tent • 13.00<br />
macgillivray<br />
MacGillivray is the Highland name of Scottish<br />
writer, performance artist and musician Kirsten<br />
Norrie. Her fifth album ‘Once Upon A Dirty Ear’<br />
was released on Hundred Acre Recordings in<br />
July 2015. MacGillivray has performed<br />
internationally, been aired on BBC Radio 3 Late<br />
Junction, The Verb and Radio Wales and worked<br />
with The Fall, Thurston Moore and Arlo Guthrie.<br />
She’s also our <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders cover star!<br />
Solas regulars will know that Brian McGlynn's<br />
Gospel Singing workshops are something of a<br />
phenomenon at our little festival - we've had to<br />
move him to a bigger venue each year!<br />
Enthusiasts claim it's a natural high; come and<br />
discover the joy of singing of some Gospel<br />
classics for yourself.<br />
Child’s Play. Active, creative, outdoor play has<br />
been the birthright of human children since our<br />
species began. It has no <strong>borders</strong>, no limits. But over<br />
recent decades, barriers to free play have emerged.<br />
Come and hear about Upstart Scotland – a new<br />
campaign to challenge the twin forces of cool and<br />
school, and provide Scotland’s children with time<br />
and space to play. Hosted by Nick Thorpe.<br />
52<br />
53<br />
54<br />
Roots • 13.20<br />
The Hearth • 13.30<br />
The Yard • 13.30<br />
Two Minute Manifesto is a monthly mix of ideas, music, poetry, performance<br />
and political commentary, usually based around a live monthly show at the<br />
Traverse Theatre, but for one day only branching out and bringing the party<br />
to Solas. If you only had two minutes to persuade an audience to back your<br />
idea for changing Scotland, what would it be? Free public transport? A tax on<br />
images of Margaret Thatcher? A Jimmy Shand impersonator in every classroom?<br />
From the sublime to the ridiculous, the provocative to the pragmatic, ideas<br />
are the beating heart of a society. Here, we invite you to take their pulse. For<br />
each show presenters David Greig and Sarah Beattie Smith are joined by a<br />
hand- picked selection of interesting folk, for shows where ideas, politics and<br />
culture combine in a heady mix. Guests include political commentator<br />
Christopher Sliver and playwright Sara Shaarawi who each get two minutes<br />
to present their single most important idea for creating a better world.<br />
57<br />
Meet at The Chapel for a trip to Southton<br />
Smallholding, home to chickens; miniature pigs<br />
Bubble and Squeak; Clyde and Garcia the alpacas;<br />
Rosemary and Peppermint the sheep; Bandit the<br />
goat and several geese. Learn about how they and<br />
the Smallholding help out with The Bield’s<br />
therapeutic work.<br />
Join Duncan Morrow of the Corrymeela<br />
Community to think about democracy as a<br />
belonging place for all<br />
58<br />
The Chapel • 14.00<br />
Peace Tent • 14.00<br />
Beautifully garnished mud pies, hand-made bird's<br />
nests filled with colourful eggs, wishing trees and<br />
dream-catchers - making things is always fun, but<br />
especially when we're outdoors. We'll be using twigs,<br />
grass, wool, clay, paint, beads, ribbons, chalks, and<br />
other little 'found' objects to make all sorts of things,<br />
and then create a bit of colour and fun around the<br />
Solas site with them. This is a supervised but informal<br />
drop-in workshop suitable for all ages (with a grownup<br />
in tow for under-8's). There may be a certain<br />
amount of 'good mess' so don't wear your best<br />
clothes!<br />
55<br />
The Field • 13.30<br />
Join Ros Borland to explore the Enneagram.<br />
Based on an ancient Sufi tradition, it can be<br />
used to help us recognise and acknowledge our<br />
areas of giftedness and limitation. By enabling<br />
us to appreciate more fully the ways we differ<br />
as individuals, it can also help us find ways of<br />
relating to one another with greater<br />
understanding and compassion. Ros will be<br />
leading 2 sessions over the weekend.<br />
59<br />
The Shelter • 14.00<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 17
Music<br />
Performing & Visual Arts<br />
Talks & Ideas Participate All Age<br />
Common weal<br />
Common Weal is a 'think and do tank'<br />
campaigning for social and economic equality<br />
in Scotland. Visit the Common Weal gazebo to<br />
explore localism and local democracy. Where<br />
does your local area begin and where does it<br />
end? Where is home and where is not? How do<br />
you identify yourself?<br />
The Jellyman’s Daughter are an acoustic duo<br />
from Edinburgh. Interweaving vocal harmonies<br />
are complimented by an intriguing mix of cello<br />
and acoustic guitar. Their self-titled debut<br />
album combines gypsy jazz, classical strings, as<br />
well as some unmistakable bluegrass banjo<br />
picking. “Their sound is fresh, personal and well<br />
worth a listen” (Folk Radio UK).<br />
Film<br />
Literature Young People Others<br />
59a<br />
60<br />
The Field • 14.00<br />
Roots • 14.05<br />
Frances Guy is an Edinburgh lass who has spent<br />
most of her working life in the Middle East. She<br />
is currently Head of Middle East Region at<br />
Christian Aid, prior to which she worked for 2<br />
years in Iraq with UNWomen as well as having<br />
served with the British Diplomatic Service as<br />
Ambassador to Lebanon and Yemen. She will<br />
speak about the importance of helping Syrian<br />
civil society organisations and the challenges<br />
that poses. Led by Christian Aid.<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
65<br />
66<br />
Peace Tent • 15.00<br />
Cinema •15.30<br />
Ann Bryce worked as a nurse in East Jerusalem<br />
in the 1980s. Last year, along with her husband<br />
-Solas Festival Chair Graham Bryce - she<br />
returned to Palestine to cycle across the West<br />
Bank and raise money for Medical Aid for<br />
Palestine. Together with MAP trustee Pauline<br />
McNeill MSP, they will tell us about their<br />
experiences and the work that MAP does.<br />
61<br />
Cinema • 14.30<br />
We do love our slam poetry champions here at<br />
Solas. Hollie McNish, UK Poetry Slam Champion<br />
and world number 3, is with us for the first time.<br />
Videos of Hollie’s poems have gone viral with<br />
over 4 million views. Her latest book, Nobody<br />
Told Me, is a collection of poetry and diary<br />
entries that she kept from the moment she<br />
discovered she was pregnant six years ago until<br />
her daughter was three. Be warned - Hollie<br />
likes to swear a lot.<br />
Theatre Games. Playing can often be the best<br />
way to activate your creativity! In this session<br />
participants will work together through a series<br />
of creative drama games that use improvisation,<br />
found objects, word play, and expressive<br />
physicality. This will be a low risk opportunity to<br />
laugh and play while stretching your imagination!<br />
Beerjacket is Glasgow alt-folk singer-songwriter,<br />
Peter Kelly. Tender voice, insightful lyrics and<br />
melodies that stick around for weeks are<br />
signature to his sound. Last time Beerjacket was<br />
at Solas, the Herald said it was simply 'infectious<br />
Elvis-Costello-goes-busking joy.'<br />
18 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders<br />
62<br />
63<br />
64<br />
The Yard • 14.30<br />
The Den • 14.30<br />
Roots • 14.55<br />
A global musical explorer and champion of social justice through music,<br />
Californian-born Ian Brennan is one of the most respected world music<br />
producers working today. As well as multiple Grammy nominations what sets<br />
Ian apart is his absolute commitment to the musicians he works with. Ian will<br />
discuss his ‘in-the-field’ recordings, bringing indigenous artists to a wider<br />
audience, and his latest book: ‘How Music Dies (or Lives): Field-recording and<br />
the Battle for Democracy in the Arts’<br />
Underneath your feet in the muddy brown soil<br />
squirms the world’s best kept secret…a<br />
wonderful, magical creature called the Worm.<br />
Eco-Drama invites you to join Wilma and William,<br />
two nature lovers, on a journey underground as<br />
they discover a family of friendly, musical worms<br />
and their colourful miniature world. With laughout-loud<br />
songs, The Worm is a fun filled musical<br />
tale guaranteed to make everyone giggle, wiggle<br />
and love the squirmy wonders beneath our feet.<br />
Gaelic storyteller Essie tells legends, Celtic stories<br />
and epics, humorous tales and anecdotes that<br />
have been handed down from her grandfather.<br />
Born into a Sutherland travelling family, Essie is the<br />
granddaughter of one of the greatest Gaelic<br />
storytellers of them all - Allidh Dall Stewart (Blind<br />
Alexander). After growing up hearing her<br />
grandfather's stories, Essie has only recently started<br />
to tell them herself. Hosted by Sam Lee.<br />
67<br />
68<br />
The Hearth • 15.30<br />
The Yard • 15.30
Music<br />
Performing & Visual Arts<br />
Talks & Ideas Participate All Age<br />
Verene nicolas: The haves & the have nots<br />
Verene Nicolas is a trainer, facilitator and<br />
community organiser. In this session she will<br />
look at privilege, exploring the power it gives<br />
us (or not), and how structures reflect this<br />
power imbalance.<br />
With members of Be Charlotte, Pronto Mama<br />
and Hector Bizerk, new a capella group Louie<br />
and the Lochbacks are something of a<br />
supergroup. Their bright harmonies, and Louie<br />
Bhoy’s sharp and visceral verse is bringing<br />
something new to Scottish poetry, and<br />
providing an exciting and more contemplative<br />
counterpoint to Louie’s work as the front man<br />
of Hector Bizerk.<br />
Film<br />
Literature Young People Others<br />
69<br />
70<br />
The Yard • 15.00<br />
Roots • 15.45<br />
Local boys CARBS are a musical union between<br />
loop-loving singer-songwriters Jonnie Common<br />
and Jamie Scott. Witty wordplay, hip-hop<br />
influences and retro samples place Carbs<br />
somewhere between The Beta Band and The<br />
Beastie Boys. They recently released their debut<br />
album, Joyous Material Failure.<br />
Film: Take one action showreel<br />
See event No.10<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
76<br />
77<br />
78<br />
Roots • 16.30<br />
Cinema • 16.30<br />
The Barn • 17.00<br />
Alan Bissett will be performing The Moira<br />
Monologues, based on the stories and<br />
characters Alan encountered growing up in the<br />
Hallglen area of Falkirk. Meet Moira Bell, cleaner,<br />
single mother, and the hardest woman in<br />
Falkirk. Whether defending her wee dog Pepe<br />
from the local rottweiler, attempting to seduce<br />
a teacher, or belting out Diana Ross for the<br />
Scotia karaoke night, Moira is hilarious,<br />
hypnotic, frightening and heart-warming<br />
company. Note: this session contains adult<br />
content and language.<br />
Palestine, Poverty and Peace 72<br />
Framing a positive future. A workshop on the<br />
situation in Palestine and possible responses,<br />
including engagement and disinvestment. Led<br />
by Val Brown from Christian Aid, in<br />
conversation with Peter Macdonald from the<br />
Iona Community.<br />
A safe place where you’ll be captivated by the<br />
peaceful atmosphere of the Shelter with its<br />
beautiful eastern decor, haunting Indian music,<br />
and the diversity of the cultural mix. This session<br />
will allow your imagination to meditate and<br />
explore the wisdom of the mystic saint and<br />
peacemaker, Sadhu Sundar Singh. The Sadhu is<br />
one of the most fascinating and enigmatic spiritual<br />
guides of the 20th century whose message of<br />
peace, justice and equality awaits rediscovery.<br />
See event No.31<br />
See event No.27<br />
71<br />
73<br />
74<br />
75<br />
The Barn • 16.00<br />
Peace Tent • 16.00<br />
The Shelter • 16.00<br />
The Field • 16.00<br />
The Field • 16.00<br />
This session will see Gaelic storyteller Essie Stewart and Scots singer and storyteller<br />
Tony Robertson joined by the English folk singer Sam Lee who himself had an<br />
extraordinary four year apprenticeship with Stanley Robertson – Tony’s father -<br />
learning the songs of the Scottish traveller tradition. Each of them in their own way<br />
has a deep connection to Scottish traditional singing and storytelling and this<br />
promises to be an extra special hour, sharing songs and stories that have been<br />
passed down for generations. Don't miss this unique Solas session.<br />
Tenx9 is a storytelling night from Belfast where<br />
9 people have up to 10 minutes each to tell a<br />
real story from their lives. In keeping with our<br />
<strong>Beyond</strong> Borders theme, the stories will be about<br />
'Home". Led by Pádraig Ó Tuama.<br />
AL Kennedy will be reading from her new book.<br />
Poignant, deeply funny and beautifully written,<br />
Serious Sweet is about two decent, damaged<br />
people trying to make moral choices in an immoral<br />
world: ready to sacrifice what's left of themselves<br />
for honesty, and for a chance at tenderness. As Jon<br />
and Meg navigate the sweet and serious heart of<br />
London – passing through 24 hours that will<br />
change them both for ever – they tell a very<br />
unusual, unbearably moving love story.<br />
79<br />
80<br />
The Hearth • 17.00<br />
The Yard • 17.00<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 19
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
In this intimate backchat session, Louie Bhoy -<br />
of Hector Bizerk and new outfit, Louie and the<br />
Lochbacks- will share some hard-gained<br />
wisdom on getting involved in the music<br />
industry. A great opportunity to get useful<br />
advice from one of the biggest names in<br />
Scottish hip hop.<br />
See event No.21<br />
Violence, non-violence & the spiritual path.<br />
Scholar, activist, writer and broadcaster Alastair<br />
McIntosh discusses non-violence. Alastair guest<br />
lectures to the UK Defence Academy who hinge<br />
their case on Christian 'Just War' theory. But is<br />
it really 'Christian'? Does Christianity need a<br />
revamp to rise to its own higher calling? In<br />
discussion with Doug Gay.<br />
81<br />
82<br />
83<br />
The Den • 17.00<br />
The Chapel • 17.00<br />
Peace Tent • 17.00<br />
Glasgow duo Bdy_Prts are an alliance of two of<br />
Scotland’s most talented female musicians. Jill<br />
O’Sullivan and Jenny Reeve combine quirky<br />
synth pop with a bohemian electro prowess<br />
that has seen them grow a home-grown cult<br />
following. Having already graced the BBC stage<br />
at T in the Park and performed on Vic Galloway’s<br />
Radio Show their debut album is hotly<br />
anticipated for release in 2016<br />
Toa: you’ve been trumped<br />
Funny, inspiring and shocking in equal<br />
measure, this gripping feature doc charts the<br />
arrival and conquest of Donald Trump's golf<br />
course and hotel development project in an<br />
area of Special Scientific interest on Scotland's<br />
Aberdeenshire coast. TOA presents this David<br />
and Goliath story for the 21st Century, as Trump<br />
marches towards the US Presidency. Cert PG<br />
87<br />
88<br />
The Barn • 19.30<br />
Cinema • 20.00<br />
18-year old Charlotte Brimner is a rising star.<br />
Her mix of vocals, live instruments, loops and<br />
beats and rap forms a unique basis for her skilfully-constructed<br />
songwriting, which tells the<br />
stories of the people and places around her.<br />
Definitely one to watch.<br />
83a<br />
Roots • 17.15<br />
A session of self-entertainment (and hopefully<br />
not self-abuse) featuring songs & stories of hope<br />
& despair, life & death, light & darkness. Hosted<br />
by the Wild Goose Resource Group<br />
89<br />
Peace Tent • 20.00<br />
Jazz & cocktails / black snake roots<br />
So, it's actually Blues and Bevvies this year, with<br />
some laid back tunes from Glasgow bluesters<br />
Black Snake Roots to enjoy in the sunshine<br />
on Saturday afternoon. Soulful singing and<br />
sweet guitar licks.<br />
Film: inside out<br />
Growing up can be a bumpy road and it's no<br />
exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her<br />
Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San<br />
Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her<br />
emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness.<br />
The emotions live in Headquarters, the control<br />
centre inside Riley's mind. As Riley and her emotions<br />
struggle to adjust, turmoil ensues at HQ. Cert U<br />
The Sirens of Spin are a dazzling hula hoop<br />
troupe based in Glasgow, with acts full of<br />
humour, high energy and hordes of hula hoops.<br />
With years of circus skills and performance<br />
experience between them, expect sparkles,<br />
smiles and more tricks than you ever knew could<br />
be done with a hula hoop.<br />
84 Roots • 18.00<br />
85 Cinema • 18.30<br />
86 Roots • 19.15<br />
In the last few years Blue Rose Code has<br />
emerged as one of Scotland's stand out<br />
songwriters. BBC Radio 3 broadcaster Mary-Ann<br />
Kennedy said recently, “Blue Rose Code is one<br />
of those rare artists whose work makes you sit<br />
up and listen”. Their second record, 'The Ballads<br />
Of Peckham Rye', was nominated for the<br />
prestigious Scottish Album Of The Year Awards<br />
in 2014.<br />
See event No.12<br />
You've heard Declan on the main stage, now<br />
hang out into the evening on the field and hear<br />
him on the decks with his eclectic mix of the<br />
best post-punk, protest songs, and new<br />
Scottish music going. The Sirens of Swing will<br />
also give us a short performance with their<br />
neon hoops - get there in between bands at<br />
around 21.45<br />
90 The Barn • 20.10<br />
91 The Den • 20.30<br />
92 The Hearth • 21.00<br />
20 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
93 The Barn • 21.05<br />
Film: the legend of barney thomson<br />
Barney Thomson, awkward, diffident Glasgow<br />
barber, lives a life of desperate mediocrity. But<br />
his uninteresting life is about to go from 0 to 60<br />
in five seconds as he enters the grotesque and<br />
comically absurd world of the serial killer with the<br />
help of his mother, Cemolina. Robert Carlisle and<br />
Emma Thomson star in this wonderfully dark and<br />
macabre Scottish comedy. Cert 15<br />
Saturday 18th June<br />
97<br />
Cinema • 23.00<br />
98<br />
The Barn • 23.30<br />
Mercury Prize nominee Sam Lee has blazed a trail as an outstanding folk singer<br />
and song collector. His music transcends national boundaries to encompass<br />
Bollywood beats, Polynesian textures and radical reinterpretations of the<br />
British folk tradition. Sam’s latest album The Fade in Time was chosen by leading<br />
magazines fRoots and Songlines as their best album of 2015.<br />
'Sam is the most accomplished and authentic interpreters of traditional English<br />
song to emerge in years.' fRoots<br />
Led by the Just Peace Partnership.<br />
Blink and you’ll miss it - five minutes only from<br />
Slam champion Hollie McNish. Note: this<br />
session may contain adult content and<br />
language.<br />
94<br />
95<br />
Peace Tent • 21.30<br />
The Barn • 22.00<br />
Little fawn puppet theatre<br />
A magical performance space for both children<br />
and adults, a 1968 Cheltenham Fawn caravan<br />
transformed into a purpose built puppet<br />
theatre. The miniature auditorium seats just 14.<br />
Performance throughout the day, check times<br />
in the Little Fawn notice board at the caravan<br />
itself.<br />
Feature Comforts<br />
A character, who appears with no facial<br />
features, slowly enters the world of us all, as<br />
sound and sight and smell emerge. and dreams<br />
are awoken from their sleep.<br />
Sleep Crawling<br />
Found objects confuse and cajole as an odd<br />
baby mannequin interacts with a children’s<br />
musical toy. The world isn’t round it’s twisted<br />
and bent.<br />
All Weekend<br />
96 The Barn • 22.10<br />
Edinburgh six-piece Stanley Odd deliver alternative Scottish hip hop with wit,<br />
grit, conscience and outstanding live musicianship. Rapper Dave Hook’s agile<br />
wordplay is scored by the soulfully burnished tones of fellow vocalist Veronika<br />
Electronika. Their music speaks from the heart in a proudly home-grown yet<br />
universal language of resistance, challenge and affirmation. They are Solas<br />
Festival favourites for a reason.<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 21
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
09.00<br />
09.15<br />
09.30<br />
09.45<br />
10.00<br />
10.15<br />
10.30<br />
10.45<br />
11.00<br />
11.15<br />
11.30<br />
11.45<br />
12.00<br />
12.15<br />
12.30<br />
12.45<br />
13.00<br />
13.15<br />
13.30<br />
13.45<br />
14.00<br />
14.15<br />
14.30<br />
14.45<br />
15.00<br />
15.15<br />
15.30<br />
15.45<br />
16.00<br />
16.15<br />
16.30<br />
16.45<br />
17.00<br />
17.15<br />
17.30<br />
17.45<br />
18.00<br />
18.15<br />
18.30<br />
18.45<br />
19.00<br />
19.15<br />
19.30<br />
19.45<br />
20.00<br />
20.15<br />
20.30<br />
20.45<br />
21.00<br />
21.15<br />
21.30<br />
21.45<br />
22.00<br />
22.15<br />
22.30<br />
22.45<br />
23.00<br />
23.15<br />
23.30<br />
23.45<br />
00.00<br />
Helen<br />
Minnis:<br />
104<br />
Weans and<br />
Brains<br />
112<br />
Between<br />
the Staves<br />
Fischy<br />
Music<br />
Workshop<br />
119<br />
127<br />
Fischy Concert<br />
Colours<br />
of Life<br />
Gospel<br />
Choir<br />
128<br />
151<br />
Liz<br />
Lochhead<br />
Yoga<br />
99<br />
105<br />
BBC Radio<br />
Scotland<br />
live from<br />
Solas Festival<br />
13.00 Rona<br />
Wilkie &<br />
Marit Falt<br />
13.45 135<br />
Alastair Sarah Hayes<br />
136<br />
McIntosh<br />
& Andy 14.30<br />
Wightman Andrew 141<br />
Waslylyk<br />
Pádraig Ó156<br />
Tuama: 17.15<br />
The Republic<br />
of Heaven<br />
19.30<br />
Liz Lochhead<br />
& The Hazey<br />
Janes<br />
20.30<br />
Pygmies<br />
143<br />
15.20 149<br />
Honey and<br />
the Herbs<br />
162<br />
163<br />
21.30 164<br />
A New<br />
International<br />
16.15<br />
Sorren<br />
154<br />
MacLean &<br />
Hannah Fisher<br />
Sultans of<br />
String<br />
18.45<br />
Karine<br />
Polwart<br />
129<br />
159<br />
161<br />
100<br />
08.30<br />
Film: Wall-E<br />
(U)<br />
111 Sir<br />
Sarah Rose<br />
Graber:<br />
Serendipity<br />
120<br />
TOA Film:<br />
Hamish<br />
Hamish 132<br />
Henderson<br />
Discussion<br />
Film:<br />
137<br />
TOA<br />
Showreel<br />
152<br />
Hamde<br />
Abu Rhama<br />
157<br />
Film: TOA<br />
Kids<br />
Showreel<br />
110<br />
Moustache<br />
Bristleby<br />
<strong>Beyond</strong><br />
121<br />
Borders<br />
133<br />
Refuweegee<br />
We will rise140<br />
Sir 148<br />
Moustache<br />
Bristleby<br />
Karine 155<br />
Polwart<br />
Singing<br />
Workshop<br />
Open<br />
Mic<br />
160<br />
Jeremy 113<br />
Kidwell:<br />
Sami 114<br />
Awad:<br />
Spiritual Solas goes to<br />
Landscapes Bethlehem<br />
Sarah Rose<br />
Graber: 122<br />
Theatre for<br />
Social Change<br />
And The 123<br />
Band<br />
Plays On<br />
Sue 130<br />
Mayfield<br />
Inderjit 138<br />
Bhogal:<br />
City of<br />
Sanctuary<br />
Backchat: 118<br />
Sue Mayfield<br />
Backchat: 126<br />
Declan Welsh<br />
Verene 144 Backchat: 145<br />
Nicolas: AmalAzzudin<br />
Structure<br />
Blindness<br />
Bield Rhythm<br />
of Prayer 101<br />
Verene 106<br />
Nicolas:<br />
Childless:<br />
A Testimony<br />
Geordie<br />
115<br />
McIntyre &<br />
Alison<br />
McMorland<br />
Gaelic-<br />
134<br />
Scandi<br />
Singing<br />
Workshop<br />
Bield Rhythm<br />
of Prayer 158<br />
Morning<br />
Prayer 102<br />
Marginal 107<br />
Community<br />
The Road 116<br />
to<br />
Reconciliation<br />
Spirit of 124<br />
Conflict<br />
(Conflictus 2)<br />
Mind 131<br />
Your Mind<br />
Building 139<br />
Bridges -<br />
with Pipe<br />
Cleaners<br />
There’s 146<br />
More Than<br />
One Good<br />
Samaritan<br />
Spirit of 153<br />
Conflict<br />
(Conflictus 3)<br />
Sanctuary103<br />
Space with<br />
Pall Singh<br />
150<br />
Ros Borland:<br />
Enneagram<br />
10.00 109<br />
Instinctively<br />
Wild: Badge<br />
Making (2 hrs)<br />
<strong>Beyond</strong> the<br />
Gallery<br />
Meet 108<br />
the Artists<br />
117<br />
Adventure<br />
Circus Perth<br />
I Belong<br />
There<br />
142<br />
Nature<br />
Crafts (2hrs)<br />
147<br />
09.00<br />
09.15<br />
09.30<br />
09.45<br />
10.00<br />
10.15<br />
10.30<br />
10.45<br />
11.00<br />
11.15<br />
11.30<br />
11.45<br />
12.00<br />
12.15<br />
12.30<br />
12.45<br />
13.00<br />
13.15<br />
13.30<br />
13.45<br />
14.00<br />
14.15<br />
14.30<br />
14.45<br />
15.00<br />
15.15<br />
15.30<br />
15.45<br />
16.00<br />
16.15<br />
16.30<br />
16.45<br />
17.00<br />
17.15<br />
17.30<br />
17.45<br />
18.00<br />
18.15<br />
18.30<br />
18.45<br />
19.00<br />
19.15<br />
19.30<br />
19.45<br />
20.00<br />
20.15<br />
20.30<br />
20.45<br />
21.00<br />
21.15<br />
21.30<br />
21.45<br />
22.00<br />
22.15<br />
22.30<br />
22.45<br />
23.00<br />
23.15<br />
23.30<br />
23.45<br />
Music<br />
Performing & Visual Arts<br />
Talks & Ideas Participate All Age<br />
Film<br />
Literature Young People Others<br />
Yoga: mark russell<br />
See event No.19<br />
Film: Wall-E 100<br />
In the year 2110 WALL-E is the last robot on earth,<br />
a vigilante waste disposal unit with only a pet<br />
cockroach for a pal. But when he inadvertently<br />
stumbles upon the key to the planet’s future, this<br />
little robot has to go on a big adventure – to<br />
space! – where the fate of humanity rests in his<br />
hands. A great film for all ages. Cert U<br />
Bield rhythm of prayer<br />
See event No.21<br />
See event No.23<br />
99<br />
101<br />
102<br />
Roots • 09.00<br />
Cinema • 08.30<br />
The Chapel • 09.00<br />
Peace Tent • 09.30<br />
Verene Nicolas: Childless - A Testimony<br />
Verene Nicolas will share her story of child loss<br />
and childlessness, touching on issues of grief,<br />
empowerment, meaning and community.<br />
Women of all ages, mothers or not, are welcome<br />
to join, listen and share. Note: this is a womenonly<br />
session.<br />
Marginal community<br />
A reflection on the rules, limits and freedoms of<br />
community life and practice, with the Iona<br />
Community<br />
106<br />
107<br />
The Chapel • 10.00<br />
Peace Tent • 10.00<br />
See event No.73<br />
Helen minnis: weans and brains<br />
Professor Helen Minnis works with vulnerable<br />
children and their families, trying to understand<br />
their difficulties and help children maximise<br />
their potential. 'Weans and Brains' focuses on<br />
the remarkable nature of the developing brain<br />
and how it both shapes and is shaped by the<br />
child’s experience.<br />
Bbc radio scotland live from solas<br />
103<br />
104<br />
105<br />
The Shelter • 09.30<br />
The Barn • 10.00<br />
Roots • 10.00<br />
<strong>Beyond</strong> the Gallery: Meet the Artists<br />
A chance to take a closer look at two of Solas’s<br />
specially commissioned artworks with their<br />
creators. Meet mural painter Katie Guthrie of<br />
Hell Yeah! and installation artist Debbie<br />
Budenberg and hear them talk about their<br />
work on this informal Solas walkabout. Led by<br />
Debbie Lewer, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art at<br />
the University of Glasgow<br />
Instinctively Wild: badge making<br />
The immensely popular Instinctively Wild gang<br />
return to Solas with an array of<br />
environmentally-themed craft and play<br />
sessions for families across the weekend. Meet<br />
at their gazebo for some willow badge-making.<br />
108<br />
109<br />
The Chapel • 10.00<br />
The Field • 10.00<br />
Sunday Morning with Ricky Ross. A special live broadcast for BBC Scotland<br />
from the Solas field. Two hours of music and chat from an ethical and faith<br />
perspective bringing some of the best of the festival together for a session that will<br />
cover land, immigration and rock and roll. Guest spots, live music and interviews<br />
will come from Pádraig Ó Tuama, Declan Welsh, Hollie McNish, Alastair<br />
McIntosh, The Jellyman’s Daughter, Alison Phipps and Blue Rose Code.<br />
Sir Moustache Bristleby & the Ed-Splorers 110 The Hearth • 10.30<br />
Sir Moustache Bristleby and The Ed-Splorers are<br />
a troupe of adventurers telling exciting tales of<br />
exploration for young audiences through<br />
storytelling, puppetry, physical theatre and<br />
song. Though they may be a little bit lost, there’s<br />
nothing these three love more than a captive<br />
audience and each has a more thrilling tale than<br />
the last! 'One of the most successful fringe acts<br />
we’ve had since I came to Imaginate' – Fiona<br />
Ferguson, Imaginate Creative Development<br />
Director.<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 23
Music<br />
Performing & Visual Arts<br />
Talks & Ideas Participate All Age<br />
Sarah Rose Graber: Serendipity<br />
Film<br />
Literature Young People Others<br />
Sarah Rose is a longstanding friend of Solas – she was instrumental in our 2014<br />
playwriting competition. We’re excited to host Serendipity, her latest show,<br />
created as part of an artist exchange with Aberdeen Performing Arts: is good<br />
fortune just about luck or is it a state of mind?<br />
111<br />
Cinema • 10.45<br />
The Road to Reconciliation<br />
We live in an increasingly divided world: nation<br />
from nation, race from race, class from class. The<br />
divisions within and between different faiths,<br />
sometimes resulting in violence, receives an<br />
increasing amount of media attention. This<br />
session explores the walls of division asking the<br />
question - "What is the road to reconciliation in<br />
taking down the walls?" Led by Hugh Donald,<br />
Director of Place for Hope, whose desire to be a<br />
reconciled reconciler being rooted in his<br />
Christian faith; and Abdul Rahim, a trained<br />
mediator, whose work is focused on societal<br />
conflicts and the role of faith in conflict.<br />
116<br />
Peace Tent • 11.00<br />
Between the Staves<br />
Wee songs from Scotland and the world in a<br />
contagious communal sing with the Wild Goose<br />
Resource Group in 1, 2, 3 and maybe even 4 parts<br />
(for non-experts and the musically infected alike).<br />
112<br />
The Barn • 11.00<br />
Adventure Circus Perth 117 The Field • 11.00<br />
Adventure Circus Perth are bringing aerial and<br />
circus skill workshops to the festival, especially<br />
for children and beginners. Join in with this<br />
award-winning circus school.<br />
Jeremy Kidwell 113<br />
Spiritual landscapes workshop. Climate<br />
scientists and science communicators have<br />
recently affirmed the importance of "lay<br />
knowledges" in generating awareness of<br />
climate change. In this workshop, theology<br />
researcher Jeremy Kidwell will share examples<br />
of ways that personal experience and<br />
knowledge of environmental change can<br />
intersect. Participants will have an opportunity<br />
to become “citizen scientists” and generate<br />
their own narratives about climate change.<br />
Sami Awad: Solas goes to Bethlehem<br />
Sami Awad, Executive Director of Holy Land<br />
Trust in Bethlehem, will be inviting us to come<br />
and see Palestine as Solas joins with Holy Land<br />
Trust’s UK partner Amos Trust, in running a joint<br />
trip to the Holy Land in 2017. Come and find out<br />
what it would mean to visit the communities<br />
they work in and see their projects in action –<br />
building solidarity and lasting friendships<br />
Geordie McIntyre & Alison McMorland<br />
Alison McMorland and Geordie McIntyre are<br />
well kent figues in the world of Scottish Folk<br />
Music - recording albums, collecting music and<br />
writing about Scottish traditional music since<br />
the 70s. Last year they contributed to our<br />
traveller programme with a brilliant talk and<br />
performance. This year they will be sharing<br />
their great knowledge and experience of the<br />
life and work of Hamish Henderson.<br />
114<br />
115<br />
Green Room • 11.00<br />
The Yard • 11.00<br />
The Chapel • 11.00<br />
Backchat: Sue Mayfield 118 The Den • 11.30<br />
Sue Mayfield reads from her new novel aimed<br />
at young adults, Hill of the Angels. Set in<br />
1640s Yorkshire the book tells the story of two<br />
teenage girls at the outbreak of The Civil War,<br />
exploring the destructive impact of violence<br />
and the enduring power of friendship and<br />
beauty.<br />
Fischy Music workshop 119 The Barn • 12.00<br />
Festival favourites Fischy Music are back again.<br />
Suzanne Butler (event leader) has been at the<br />
core of Fischy’s work since 2001, and has an<br />
unshakeable belief in the power of music and<br />
in children’s ability to access the profound<br />
given freedom to move, laugh, think, and ask<br />
weird questions! This workshop is for children<br />
(no unaccompanied children under 8 years).<br />
Toa: hamish<br />
From an English orphanage and the draughty<br />
corridors of Cambridge to overseeing the<br />
capitulation of the Italian army in WWII and<br />
penning the most celebrated Scottish ballad in<br />
contemporary folk music -'Freedom Come Aa Ye',<br />
this is Hamish Henderson’s life as told by those<br />
who knew him best and loved him most. TOA are<br />
delighted to be able to follow the screening by a<br />
discussion with Tony Robertson, Essie Stewart<br />
and producer Alasdair MacCuish. Cert PG<br />
120<br />
Cinema • 12.00<br />
24 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
<strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>borders</strong> 121<br />
The Hearth • 12.00<br />
(Conflictus 2)<br />
The role of prayer in conflict situations. Some of<br />
the Just Peace partners (plus other friends) are<br />
getting ready to launch an online resource that<br />
reads the Sunday gospels in light of conflict and<br />
vice versa. Join us as we discuss a spirituality that<br />
is appropriate to situations of conflict in our lives<br />
and world today.<br />
124<br />
Peace Tent • 12.00<br />
Amy wilson: workshop<br />
See event No.27<br />
125<br />
The Field • 12.00<br />
Photo: Hamde Abu Rahme<br />
This special <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders session, hosted by Alison Phipps from the<br />
Glasgow Refugee and Migrant Network (GRAMNet), will explore the refugee<br />
experience through some of its artists. Alison will be joined by key campaigners<br />
such as Inderjit Bhogal, founder of City of Sanctuary; Glasgow Girl Amal<br />
Azzudin, famous for fighting dawn raids by the Home Office; Palestinian poet<br />
Iyad Hayatleh, who grew up in the currently besieged Yarmouk Refugee camp<br />
in Syria; Ghanaian musician Gameli Tordzro, the Artistic Director of Pan African<br />
Arts Scotland; and Oday Al Khalidi, Syrian refugee and actor, whose journey<br />
from Africa to Lesbos to Calais and to the UK is the embodiment of the images<br />
we see almost daily on our TV screens. It will be a real showcase of the diversity,<br />
energy and challanges of refugees in Scotland and a unique chance to listen<br />
to refugee voices tell their own stories.<br />
Sarah Rose Graber 122<br />
Theatre for Social Change. How can theatre<br />
arts be used to create change globally?<br />
Circumnavigator scholar, Sarah Rose Graber,<br />
travelled around the world to find out. Using<br />
techniques from August Boal's forum theatre -<br />
shifting perspectives, storytelling, non-verbal<br />
performance, and metaphor - this workshop will<br />
empower participants to use the arts as a way<br />
to engage in larger conversations about making<br />
the world a better place.<br />
And the Band Plays On<br />
Join Nick Turner and Mary Ann Kennedy as<br />
they discuss their commission as Associate<br />
Sound Artists during the ambitious<br />
refurbishment of the world-famous Aberdeen<br />
Music Hall. A uniquely Scottish building from<br />
commission, to art nouveau murals, to the very<br />
granite used to build the hall, the Watercolour<br />
Music team’s challenge is to take the classic<br />
Victorian music venue’s energy, history and<br />
potential, and explore new ways of connecting<br />
the hall with audiences during the silent months<br />
of its renovation. Hear how the unique<br />
soundscape drum-kit that has evolved will work<br />
its way into a special Solas collaboration.<br />
123<br />
Green Room • 12.00<br />
The Yard • 12.00<br />
Backchat: declan welsh 126 The Den • 12.30<br />
After the popularity of his backchat session last<br />
year, Declan Welsh returns with more thoughts<br />
and tips on songwriting for young people<br />
Fischy mini concert 127 The Barn • 12.45<br />
A mini-concert for families with Solas favourites<br />
Fischy Music.<br />
Colours of Life<br />
Colours of Life formed in 1999 as a<br />
collaboration between the Maryhill Integration<br />
Network and Albscott, an organisation that<br />
supports the Albanian community in Scotland.<br />
The group specialises in fusion dance<br />
performances of traditional folk dances from<br />
across the globe. This session will include a<br />
flamenco and salsa dance workshop, facilitated<br />
by choreographer Mari Carmen Nieto<br />
Montoya, and a short dance performance.<br />
Rona Wilkie & Marit Fält<br />
Rona Wilkie is a fiddle player and Gaelic singer<br />
from the Highlands and winner of the 2012 BBC<br />
Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year.<br />
Marit Fält is a hugely dynamic and inventive<br />
låtmandola and cittern player from Norway<br />
whose family’s Swedish heritage has exposed her<br />
to a broad range of Nordic musical styles. Rona<br />
and Marit won the coveted Danny Kyle award at<br />
Celtic Connections in 2012; their work together<br />
blends traditional tunes, songs and influences to<br />
create a unique and exceptional musical<br />
conversation between their Scandinavian and<br />
Scottish roots. They’ve performed at Solas in<br />
previous years so if you’re a festival regular you’ll<br />
know that they’re not to be missed.<br />
128<br />
129<br />
The Barn • 13.00<br />
Roots • 13.00<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 25
Music<br />
Performing & Visual Arts<br />
Talks & Ideas Participate All Age<br />
Film<br />
Literature Young People Others<br />
Sue mayfield<br />
Author Sue Mayfield reads from her new youngadult<br />
novel Hill of the Angels. Set in<br />
1640s Yorkshire the book tells the story of two<br />
teenage girls at the outbreak of The Civil War,<br />
exploring the destructive impact of violence<br />
and the enduring power of friendship and<br />
beauty. Despite taking place 400 years ago, the<br />
story’s themes of religious intolerance,<br />
radicalisation and the desecration of sacred<br />
sites have a chilling contemporary ring.<br />
Mind your Mind<br />
Hearing insights on mental and physical<br />
wellbeing during times of conflict. Enabled by<br />
the Corrymeela Community<br />
Hamish Henderson discussion<br />
We are very lucky to be able to follow the<br />
screening of Hamish by a discussion with<br />
Geordie McIntyre, Alison McMorland and<br />
producer Alasdair MacCuish. See event No.120.<br />
130<br />
131<br />
132<br />
The Yard • 13.00<br />
Peace Tent • 13.00<br />
Cinema • 13.15<br />
Alastair McIntosh & Andy Wightman<br />
What is Land Reform for? Land reform has<br />
been on the agenda in Scotland for more than<br />
a century, and the current government seems<br />
to be making moves. But will they go far<br />
enough, and why does it matter? Land<br />
activitists Andy Wightman and Alistair McIntosh<br />
will be discussing who owns Scotland and why<br />
we should care.<br />
take one action: all age showreel<br />
See event No.10<br />
Inderjit Bhogal: City of Sanctuary<br />
Inderjit Singh Bhogal will talk about the City of<br />
Sanctuary movement, which he founded - a<br />
network of local groups in towns and cities across<br />
the UK, providing shelter and hospitality for refugees<br />
and asylum seekers. Inderjit is a theologian and<br />
Methodist minister, who’s passionate commitment<br />
to racial justice, refugee and asylum seekers’ rights<br />
and interfaith dialogue was recognised by the award<br />
of on OBE in 2005.<br />
136<br />
137<br />
138<br />
The Barn • 14.00<br />
Cinema • 14.00<br />
The Yard • 14.00<br />
Refuweegee<br />
Refuweegee is a new initiative welcoming<br />
refugees and asylum seekers to Glasgow in a<br />
unique way, with welcome packs that include<br />
‘letters fae the locals’, and return envelopes so that<br />
recipients can respond with their own words and<br />
stories. These letters have become the source of<br />
inspiration for a new songwriting project, put<br />
together by Lucy Cathcart Froden (aka raukarna)<br />
and featuring a number of Glaswegian or Glasgowbased<br />
musicians. Come and hear more from<br />
Rufuweegee founder, Selina Hales, and hear<br />
some of the songs from the resultant album, Flight.<br />
Gaelic-Scandi Singing workshop<br />
Rona and Marit's work together blends traditional<br />
tunes, songs and influences to create a unique and<br />
exceptional musical conversation between their<br />
Scandinavian and Scottish roots. This workshop<br />
will introduce you to the Gaelic-Scandi mix that<br />
makes them unique - beginners welcome<br />
133<br />
134<br />
The Hearth • 13.30<br />
The Chapel • 13.30<br />
Building Bridges: with pipe cleaners<br />
Pipe cleaners, wooden beads, words printed on<br />
small bits of paper – these are some of the tools<br />
Maddy Parkes uses to explore spirituality, religion<br />
and faith with patients during their stay in hospital.<br />
Find out how and explore the big human issues,<br />
such as hope, suffering and meaning, which are<br />
important for patients in hospital and can be<br />
adapted for use in any context. Building bridges<br />
between people from different religious traditions,<br />
and reconciling anger and suffering with peace<br />
and hope are the key aims of these activities. Led<br />
by the Progressive Christian Network<br />
We Will Rise<br />
We Will Rise campaign against detention from<br />
within the immigration system, they organise<br />
regular demonstrations at Dungavel and will be<br />
on site sharing information about incarceration in<br />
the asylum system.<br />
139<br />
140<br />
Peace Tent • 14.00<br />
The Hearth • 14.15<br />
Sarah hayes<br />
Sarah Hayes is a singer, instrumentalist and<br />
composer of dazzling versatility. Best known for<br />
her work with Admiral Fallow, she leads a busy<br />
musical life performing with Wildings, Alistair<br />
Anderson & Northlands, Inge Thomson, Hamish<br />
Napier, Sara Kazmi and more. Sarah’s debut album<br />
Woven – a studio reimagining of her Celtic<br />
Connections New Voices commission – has<br />
received widespread acclaim since its release in<br />
November 2015.<br />
135<br />
Roots • 13.45<br />
Andrew Wasylik<br />
Andrew Wasylyk is the alias of Scottish writer,<br />
producer and multi-instrumentalist, Andrew<br />
Mitchell. Cinematic nostalgia, elements of<br />
baroque pop and the influence of classic 1970s<br />
songwriters come together in a diverse<br />
collection of ten songs which comprise debut<br />
album Soroky. Familiar to you from touring and<br />
recording with Idlewild and The Hazey Janes,<br />
this might be Andrew's darker side.<br />
141<br />
Roots • 14.30<br />
26 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
I Belong There<br />
142 The Field • 14.30<br />
There’s more than one Good Samaritan<br />
Exploring stories of neighbours in the biblical<br />
texts with the Corrymeela Community<br />
146<br />
Peace Tent • 15.00<br />
See event No.55<br />
147<br />
The Field • 15.00<br />
'The fighting starts, without humanity, the countdown begins, you say<br />
goodbye to the people you love and the place you call home. This is my story<br />
and I have to tell it. I Belong There is a play about war, survival and hope. A<br />
series of happenings will take place this afternoon across the festival<br />
challenging issues of complicity, responsiveness and what it means to be a<br />
Syrian in the UK today. It will rethink our own histories and give platform to<br />
stories that can’t and shouldn't be ignored. Performed by Oday Alkhalidi, a<br />
Syrian artist who arrived in the UK from Calais one and a half years ago. Oday<br />
is an active campaigner and a powerful and provocative spokesperson for<br />
Syria. This solo piece was created with Rhiannon White (Common Wealth)<br />
with support from Waleslab, a National Theatre Wales’ artist development<br />
initative.<br />
Sir Moustache Bristleby & the Ed-Splorers 148 The Hearth • 15.15<br />
See event No.110<br />
Honey & The Herbs<br />
Part of the Glasgow music scene for almost a<br />
decade, Honey and the Herbs enchant audiences<br />
with their very own of blend of vocal harmonies<br />
and unique songwriting. They describe their<br />
sound as ‘omni-pop in the making’. “The<br />
combination of the virtuosic guitarist, the mellow<br />
brass and beautiful four part harmonies created<br />
a chilled vibe that everyone enjoyed – it is like a<br />
slice of heaven.” – Gigsoup<br />
See event No.59<br />
Liz lochhead<br />
149<br />
150<br />
151<br />
Roots • 15.20<br />
The Shelter • 15.30<br />
The Barn • 16.00<br />
See event No.53<br />
Verene nicolas: structure blindness<br />
Stucture Blindness and the Road to Change.<br />
Verene Nicolas facilitates a philosophical<br />
conversation about real lives, workplaces and<br />
communities and how to transition from<br />
control and command to genuine collaboration<br />
in our organisations, families and communities.<br />
143<br />
144<br />
The Barn • 15.00<br />
The Yard • 15.00<br />
Backchat: Amal Azzudin 145 The Den • 15.00<br />
When Amal was 15, her friend and classmate,<br />
Agnesa Murselaj, was removed from her home<br />
in a dawn raid by immigration authorities. Amal<br />
got together with six friends to lobby for her<br />
release. This backchat session is a chance to<br />
chat with Amal about that experience, and<br />
some of the other amazing things she’s done<br />
in the 10 years since then…<br />
Liz Lochhead's first full collection of poetry in ten years promises to be a real<br />
poetry event in Scotland. With poems covering subjects of loss, love and art<br />
as well as pop music and sex in old age. Liz was recently awarded the Queen's<br />
Gold Medal for poetry, was Scotland's Makar, and is bringing her new book<br />
and her new album to Solas Festival.<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 27
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Hamde Abu Rhama<br />
152 The Pictures • 16.00<br />
Karine Polwart: singing workshop<br />
Four-times winner at The BBC Radio 2 Folk<br />
Awards, Karine Polwart is one of Scotland's<br />
leading folk artists with albums hallmarked by<br />
stunning vocal harmonies. Don't miss this rare<br />
chance to sing with her.<br />
155<br />
The Hearth • 16.30<br />
Photo: Hamde Abu Rahme<br />
Hamde is a prize-winning Palestinian photographer. He took up photography<br />
following the death of his cousin, who was shot dead by the Israeli Occupation<br />
Force during a peaceful demonstration in his home village of Bil’in, near<br />
Ramallah. Hamde’s response has been to document the struggles of everyday<br />
life in his occupied homeland, risking injury and harassment to create a series<br />
of powerful and moving images, some of which are collected in his book, Roots<br />
Run Deep – Life in Occupied Palestine. His attempt to show his work in Scotland<br />
last year was blocked when his visa was refused by the British Government<br />
only four days before he was due to travel. Hamde will give an illustrated talk<br />
about his work in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and hold a Q&A about<br />
life as a photo-journalist on the front line. Note: Hamde's visa was refused and<br />
then granted only this week. We hope that he will be with us, but if that proves<br />
impossible Phil Chetwyn will speak about a recent trip to Gaza earlier this year<br />
and an exhibition at the forthcoming Edinburgh Festival entitled "Gaza -<br />
Photography under Siege".<br />
Pádraig Ó Tuama 156<br />
The Republic of Heaven — Philip Pullman’s<br />
religion. Philip Pullman’s extraordinary trilogy of<br />
novels in the Northern Lights series both used and<br />
undid genres of religion. Speaking about the<br />
Republic of Heaven, the death of God, multiple<br />
universe theories and the journey into hell, he took<br />
narratives from ancient texts and retold them in a<br />
way that enriched contemporary conversations<br />
about meaningful living. This session will explore<br />
the characters and messages of Pullman's<br />
work. Pádraig is a poet, a theologian and is leader<br />
of the Corrymeela Community.<br />
Take one action: kids showreel<br />
TOA have curated a reel of short films especially<br />
for young audiences combining animation,<br />
gentle documentaries and fiction. A great day to<br />
wind down after a busy weekend.<br />
157<br />
The Barn • 17.00<br />
Cinema • 17.00<br />
Spirit of Participation (Conflictus 3)<br />
Participation as an alternative to conflict. Some<br />
of the Just Peace partners (plus other friends)<br />
are getting ready to launch an online resource<br />
that reads the Sunday gospels in light of conflict<br />
and vice versa. Join us as we discuss a spirituality<br />
that is appropriate to situations of conflict in our<br />
lives and world today.<br />
Sorren Maclean & Hannah Fisher<br />
Indie-folk duo Hannah Fisher and Sorren<br />
Maclean play a mix of original and contemporary<br />
songs and tunes, blending rich vocal harmonies<br />
with bluegrass influenced fiddle tunes. When not<br />
writing, recording and performing together,<br />
both Hannah and Sorren tour extensively with<br />
Idlewild, Roddy Woomble, King Creosote and<br />
Karen Matheson. Both have released solo records<br />
in the past couple of years and have had success<br />
sharing a stage with the likes of Ricki-Lee Jones<br />
and Turin Brakes. They’ll be performing new<br />
material from their forthcoming duo album.<br />
153<br />
154<br />
Peace Tent • 16.00<br />
Roots • 16.15<br />
Bield rhythm of prayer<br />
See event No.21<br />
Sultans of String<br />
2015 JUNO nominees and SiriusXM winners (as<br />
well as coming all the way from Canada),<br />
Sultans of String create 'energetic and exciting<br />
music from a band with talent to burn!'<br />
according to Maverick Magazine. Thrilling their<br />
audiences with Celtic reels, flamenco, Gypsyjazz,<br />
Arabic, Cuban and South Asian rhythms,<br />
the group celebrates musical fusion and human<br />
creativity with warmth and virtuosity. World<br />
rhythms excite audiences to their feet with the<br />
irresistible need to dance.<br />
See event No.40<br />
158<br />
159<br />
160<br />
The Chapel • 17.00<br />
Roots • 17.15<br />
The Hearth • 17.30<br />
28 / SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders
Music Talks & Ideas Participate All Age Film<br />
Performing & Visual Arts Literature Young People Others<br />
Karine polwart<br />
161 Roots • 18.45<br />
Karine Polwart’s songs combine folk influences and myth with themes as<br />
diverse as Donald Trump’s corporate megalomania, Charles Darwin’s family<br />
life and the complexities of modern parenthood. Four-times winner at The<br />
BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards, twice for Best Original Song, her most recent album<br />
Traces (produced by Iain Cook of Chvrches) - was shortlisted for both the<br />
Scottish Album of the Year Award and BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards Album of the<br />
Year. We are delighted to welcome her back to Solas.<br />
Liz Lochhead & the Hazey Janes<br />
Having recently hung up her Laurels as Scots<br />
Makar, Liz Lochhead is busier than ever, with a<br />
new book, a new play at the Lyceum, the<br />
Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry, and now her<br />
first album. These lush musical settings range<br />
from noir to jazz, through pop, harmonies and<br />
a tribute to the one and only Michael Marra. Liz<br />
Lochhead is launching her album with Steve<br />
Kettley and the Hazey Janes at Solas Festival.<br />
162<br />
The Barn • 19.30<br />
Pygmies<br />
Pygmies are Edinburgh’s finest jazz, funk, blues,<br />
afro, Latin, ska-jazz band. Comprising three<br />
saxophonists: Steve Kettley on tenor and<br />
soprano, Barney Barnett on baritone and Andy<br />
Johnstone on alto, they're guaranteed to bring<br />
the noise and get the party started. Playing<br />
mainly original tunes, they'll throw in the<br />
occasional number by the likes of Abdullah<br />
Ibrahim, the Brecker Brothers, Oscar Hernandez,<br />
The Skatalites and … Lionel Bart (yes really!).<br />
A New International<br />
Regular favourites at Rally and Broad, A New<br />
International’s sound is influenced by cinematic<br />
strings, circus lights, carnival and cabaret, music<br />
hall, gypsy, chanson and folk. Lush, poetic,<br />
bittersweet romanticism is at the heart of their<br />
music with a nod to folk traditions from across<br />
Europe. “Sumptuous European balladeering<br />
translated into an urban Scottish setting” – The<br />
List. What a great way to play us out!<br />
163<br />
164<br />
The Barn • 20.30<br />
The Barn • 21.30<br />
McINTOSH<br />
Join Alastair for some<br />
drinks and a<br />
pre-launch reading<br />
from his new book<br />
Event 43<br />
SOLAS 2016 - <strong>Beyond</strong> Borders / 29
Solas Festival<br />
16 Lennox Ave,<br />
Glasgow, G14 9HG<br />
Charity No. SC041434,<br />
Company Registration No.<br />
SC371181<br />
Solas festival<br />
needs you<br />
Saints make Solas Festival possible. They<br />
are the loyal band of supporters across<br />
Scotland (and beyond) who have pledged<br />
to give money regularly to support the<br />
work of the festival. Giving anything from<br />
£5 to £50 a month and usually allowing us<br />
to claim GIFT AID on it, they provide the<br />
base income which keeps us afloat,<br />
especially during the long winter months.<br />
Thanks to the support of Solas Saints we<br />
have been able to make the festival<br />
accessible to an ever widening audience.<br />
Saints donations have enabled us to offer<br />
hospitality and transport to over 40<br />
refugees from all over Scotland who are<br />
attending the festival this year. This is<br />
both an honour and a privilege. We have<br />
also been able to support young<br />
volunteers to take part and learn valuable<br />
skills. But we’d like to do even more…<br />
I would like to make a regular donation of £ monthly / quarterly /<br />
annually commencing<br />
Gift Aid declaration – for past, present & future donations<br />
Name of charity or Community Amateur Sports Club____________<br />
Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made<br />
today in the past 4 years in the future<br />
Please tick all boxes you wish to apply.<br />
Donor’s details<br />
Title ------------- First name or initial(s) -----------------------------------------<br />
Surname ------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Full home address -----------------------------------------------------------------<br />
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Postcode ---------------------------------- Date -----------------------------------<br />
In coming years, we hope to be able to<br />
continue to support people who may not<br />
otherwise have the opportunity to be part<br />
of the Solas community. We can only do<br />
this with the backing of people who have<br />
a little extra to contribute.<br />
If you’ve had a really great weekend and<br />
you have a little to spare please think<br />
about signing up to become a saint - you<br />
can now do it online via our website.<br />
I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital<br />
Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to<br />
the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports<br />
Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year.<br />
I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I<br />
understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up<br />
to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or<br />
after 6 April 2008.<br />
Email address-—–––-–-----–-–-–-–-----–-–-–-–-–-–-----–-—-––––––––<br />
Signature ----------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Please notify the charity or CASC if you:<br />
• Want to cancel this declaration<br />
• Change your name or home address<br />
• No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.<br />
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to<br />
receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your<br />
Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return or ask HM<br />
Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
See you at solas 2017, june 23-25 - early bird tickets go on sale on monday