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<strong>DIS</strong>COVER! | JUNE 25, 2016<br />

12 | Sounds<br />

At a Glance:<br />

WHAT: 10th annual Lake Affect<br />

concert<br />

WHERE: Little Miller’s Bay, Okoboji,<br />

IA<br />

WHEN: noon Saturday, July 2<br />

COST: Free<br />

ONLINE: Damon Dotson’s 10th annual:<br />

Lake Affect on Facebook<br />

Tornadoes:<br />

The Pork Tornadoes are a<br />

powerful party band that have<br />

played all around the Midwest<br />

at bars, festivals and weddings.<br />

Having played more than<br />

300-plus shows in the last five<br />

years, this band has perfected<br />

their live show into an experience<br />

you won’t find anywhere else.<br />

With more than 15 years of musical<br />

experience per member, the<br />

musical talent is off the charts,<br />

lead by singer Mason Greve who<br />

was one of 100 finalists on NBC’s<br />

The Voice in 2014. Playing an<br />

eclectic mix of songs from Justin<br />

Timberlake, Maroon 5, Katy Perry<br />

and Taylor Swift to Kings of Leon,<br />

AC/DC, The Killers and Gavin Degraw,<br />

they are a versatile band.<br />

From The Pork Tornadoes’ Facebook<br />

page.<br />


Lake Affect celebrates 10 years<br />

Damon Dotson’s concert on the water slated <strong>for</strong> July 2<br />

For Damon Dotson, what started<br />

out as a simple idea has now<br />

turned into an annual Fourth of<br />

July event.<br />

Lake Affect, an outdoor concert on<br />

the waters of Little Miller’s Bay in West<br />

Lake Okoboji, will be taking place at<br />

noon Saturday, July 2. This will mark<br />

the 10th year of the unique concert.<br />

Dotson, an Okoboji native, has<br />

been playing music <strong>for</strong> as long as he<br />

can remember. In his adolescence he<br />

<strong>for</strong>med the Damon Dotson Band and<br />

over the years he gradually added five<br />

members, who make up a six-piece<br />

ensemble. Dotson says he always<br />

wanted to find a way to host a large<br />

musical event in the Okoboji area, but<br />

never really knew how to do it.<br />

“Brian Moore, our saxophone<br />

player, and I threw around the idea<br />

while sitting at Captain’s one night,”<br />

says Dotson. “Eventually, we got word<br />

that Tom Clary had expressed interest<br />

in providing us with a stage and that’s<br />

kind of how it all started.”<br />

Organizing Lake Affect is no simple<br />

task. At least six months are needed<br />

<strong>for</strong> planning, booking and putting<br />

it all together. Dotson says that each<br />

year he learns new ways to stay prepared<br />

<strong>for</strong> the following year. The day<br />

after last year’s event he already began<br />

making calls and sending out texts.<br />

“It’s kind of a one-man thing. I am<br />

in charge of all of the booking, of the<br />

sound production, bands, artwork,<br />

koozies, posters, permits, etc. It’s quite<br />

a bit to take on, but I wouldn’t have it<br />

any other way,” says Dotson.<br />

With a decade under Lake Affect’s<br />

belt, this year will certainly be much<br />

different than the first. The first Lake<br />

Affect was held in front of the Gardens.<br />

The bands ran their own sound<br />

equipment and the crowd was very<br />

small. Today, the event is held in Little<br />

Miller’s Bay in West Lake Okoboji,<br />

only a block from where Dotson grew<br />

up. With hundreds of people expected<br />

to attend, whether <strong>for</strong> the first time or<br />

as part of a tradition each year, Dotson<br />

is overwhelmed with the success<br />

of Lake Affect.<br />

“As the 10th year, it has hit me more<br />

this year just how cool it is that local<br />

area Okoboji businesses step up and<br />

be a part of the event,” says Dotson.<br />

“It’s in Okoboji. By Okoboji. For Okoboji.<br />

I’m very thankful to be a part of<br />

that community of great people.”<br />

The 10th Annual Lake Affect packs<br />

an impressive lineup. The Pork Tornadoes,<br />

a cover band that per<strong>for</strong>med at<br />

Lake Affect’s first year, will return <strong>for</strong><br />

the festivities. GB Leoghton also will<br />

join the show.<br />

The fun begins on Saturday, July<br />

2, right at noon in Little Miller’s Bay.<br />

The Pork Tornadoes will play first, followed<br />

by GB Leoghton at 1 p.m. and<br />

Damon Dotson at 2:15 p.m. to round<br />

out the afternoon. The event is free to<br />

the public and local vendors will sell<br />

plenty of delicious food and beverages.<br />

F<br />

Okoboji | Iowa

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