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<strong>DIS</strong>COVER! | JUNE 25, 2016<br />

18 | Community<br />


Celebrate Independence Day<br />

Visit Village Northwest Unlimited <strong>for</strong> all the festivities<br />

At a Glance:<br />

WHAT: Village Northwest Unlimited<br />

Independence Day Celebration<br />

WHERE: 330 Village Circle, Sheldon,<br />

IA<br />

WHEN: Friday, July 1, starting at 5<br />

p.m.<br />

COST: Some activities require tickets<br />

available <strong>for</strong> 50 cents apiece<br />

CONTACT: 712-324-5416<br />

ONLINE: www.villagenorthwest.org<br />

Schedule:<br />

5-9 p.m. - Food booths open -<br />

Hy-Vee, Kelly’s Catering, Pizza<br />

Ranch, Subway<br />

6-9 p.m. - Carnival games, balloon<br />

artist*, fire truck rides*,<br />

petting zoo*, pony rides*, horse<br />

drawn wagon rides*, kiddie train,<br />

kiddie Ferris wheel, inflatables,<br />

laser tag, 9-square*, and more . . .<br />

*free activities<br />

6 p.m. - Amazing Race - free<br />

event - registration suggested<br />

7-7:45 p.m. - Kelsey K on the<br />

outdoor stage<br />

8:45-9:30 p.m. - Kelsey K on the<br />

outdoor stage<br />

9:50 p.m. - Fireworks at dusk<br />

- Kelsey K singing the National<br />

Anthem<br />

Village Northwest Unlimited is<br />

ready to unveil another summer<br />

celebration in Sheldon. Its annual<br />

Independence Day Celebration<br />

will kick off at 5 p.m. Friday, July 1.<br />

The Village grounds will be trans<strong>for</strong>med<br />

once again into a carnival of<br />

fun and festivities with games, inflatables,<br />

music and food all evening<br />

long.<br />

It all leads up to one of the region’s<br />

finest fireworks shows just after sunset.<br />

A few new activities have been<br />

added to the offerings to broaden the<br />

event’s appeal to different age groups.<br />

Laser tag will be available with inflatable<br />

bunkers across a course the<br />

size of a basketball court while other<br />

inflatables such as the “wrecking ball”<br />

are designed <strong>for</strong> older kids.<br />

“The new activities along with a<br />

younger country and pop musician<br />

we think will have wide appeal,” said<br />

Village director of development Lisa<br />

Johnson. “The whole event is a kind<br />

of a way to say ‘thank you’ to the community<br />

<strong>for</strong> their support throughout<br />

the year.”<br />

That musician will once again be<br />

Kelsey K from Moville, IA, who enjoyed<br />

per<strong>for</strong>ming so much last year<br />

that she wanted to come back just<br />

as much as the Village was excited to<br />

welcome her to the stage once again.<br />

“She was great and we had a lot of<br />

good feedback from people about her<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance,” Johnson said. “She was<br />

really friendly with the crowd and just<br />

so personable with anyone interested<br />

in talking or asking <strong>for</strong> autographs.”<br />

In addition to the music and the inflatables,<br />

there will be several carnival<br />

games, the Amazing Race scavenger<br />

hunt competition and fire truck rides<br />

with firemen from Ashton, Matlock,<br />

Sanborn and Sheldon.<br />

Some activities are free and some<br />

require tickets that visitors can purchase<br />

<strong>for</strong> 50 cents apiece.<br />

Those interested in the Amazing<br />

Race are encourage to preregister.<br />

Proceeds from the tickets and the<br />

food vendors go back to the Village to<br />

help fund next year’s celebration.<br />

“People have been coming to this<br />

celebration since they were kids and<br />

now they’re bringing their own. It’s<br />

become a family tradition, something<br />

that’s fun and successful because of<br />

that family feel,” Johnson said. “It’s<br />

right here in Sheldon with fireworks<br />

that people talk about being as good<br />

or better than anywhere else.”<br />

Join in the fun and festivities as Village<br />

Northwest Unlimited celebrates<br />

another Independence Day weekend<br />

in Sheldon. F<br />

Sheldon | Iowa

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