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Table 1 Characteristics of the included reviews on childbirth and postnatal interventions<br />

Reviews Objective Type of Studies<br />

included (number)<br />

Hotnett 2013<br />

[10]<br />

Smail 2010<br />

[16]<br />

Cotter 2001<br />

[21]<br />

Soltani 2010<br />

[22]<br />

McDonald<br />

2004 [25]<br />

Begley 2011<br />

[24]<br />

McDonald<br />

2013 [26]<br />

Pena-Marti<br />

2007 [27]<br />

Gulmezoglu<br />

2012 [30]<br />

Hussain<br />

2011 [31]<br />

Hofmeyr<br />

2013 [33]<br />

Tuncalp<br />

2012 [34]<br />

Mousa 2007<br />

[35]<br />

Lopez 2010<br />

[39]<br />

Dodd 2004<br />

[45]<br />

To assess the effects of continuous, one-to-one intrapartum<br />

support compared with usual care.<br />

To assess the effects of prophylactic antibiotics compared with no<br />

prophylactic antibiotics on infectious complications in women<br />

undergoing cesarean section.<br />

To examine the effect of oxytocin given prophylactically in the<br />

third stage of labour on maternal and neonatal outcomes.<br />

To assess the effect of the timing of administration of<br />

prophylactic uterotonics (before compared to after placental<br />

delivery) on the outcomes related to the third stage of labour.<br />

To compare the effects of ergometrine-oxytocin with oxytocin in<br />

reducing the risk of PPH (blood loss of at least 500 ml) and other<br />

maternal and neonatal outcomes.<br />

To compare the effectiveness of active versus expectant<br />

management of the third stage of labour.<br />

To determine the effects of early cord clamping compared with<br />

late cord clamping after birth on maternal and neonatal<br />

outcomes<br />

To determine the efficacy of fundal pressure versus controlled<br />

cord traction as part of the active management of the third stage<br />

of labour.<br />

To evaluate the benefits and harms of a policy of labour<br />

induction at term or post-term compared to awaiting<br />

spontaneous labour or later induction of labour.<br />

The purpose of this review was to study the possible impact of<br />

induction of labour (IOL) for post-term pregnancies compared to<br />

expectant management on stillbirths.<br />

To determine the effectiveness of uterine massage after birth and<br />

before or after delivery of the placenta, or both, to reduce<br />

postpartum blood loss and associated morbidity and mortality.<br />

To assess the effects of prophylactic prostaglandin use in the third<br />

stage of labour.<br />

To assess the effectiveness and safety of pharmacological, surgical<br />

and radiological interventions used for the treatment of primary<br />

PPH<br />

Assess the effects of educational interventions for postpartum<br />

mothers about contraceptive use<br />

To assess the clinical effects of treatments for postpartum<br />

anaemia, including oral, intravenous or subcutaneous iron/folate<br />

supplementation and erythropoietin administration, and blood<br />

transfusion.<br />

Cochrane/<br />

non-<br />

Cochrane<br />

56 neonatal <strong>INTENSIVE</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> Vol. 29 No. 4 • Fall 2016<br />

Pooled<br />

Data<br />

(Y/N)<br />

Outcomes reported<br />

RCTs: 21 Cochrane Yes spontaneous vaginal birth, intrapartum analgesia, dissatisfaction,<br />

caesarean, instrumental vaginal birth, regional analgesia<br />

RCTs and qRCTs: 86 Cochrane Yes febrile morbidity, wound infection, endometritis and serious<br />

maternal infectious complications<br />

RCTs: 14 Cochrane Yes Blood loss, removal of placenta, blood pressure<br />

RCTs: 3 Cochrane Yes postpartum haemorrhage, retained placenta, length of third stage<br />

of labour, postpartum blood loss, changes in haemoglobin, blood<br />

transfusion; the use of additional uterotonics the incidence of<br />

maternal hypotension and the incidence of severe postpartum<br />

haemorrhage<br />

RCTs: 6 Cochrane Yes blood loss of at least 500 m<br />

RCTs and qRCTs: 5 Cochrane Yes maternal primary haemorrhage, maternal haemoglobin<br />

RCTs:15 Cochrane Yes postpartum haemorrhage<br />

RCTs: 0 Cochrane No None<br />

RCTs: 19 Cochrane Yes perinatal deaths, cesarean sections<br />

Studies: 25<br />

RCTs: 14<br />

Non-<br />

Cochrane<br />

Table 1 Characteristics of the included reviews on childbirth and postnatal interventions (Continued)<br />

French 2004<br />

[46]<br />

Kesho Bora<br />

2009 [47]<br />

McCall 2010<br />

[49]<br />

Dyson 2005<br />

[52]<br />

Lewin 2010<br />

[53]<br />

Lassi 2010<br />

[54]<br />

Imdad 2011<br />

[55]<br />

Debes 2013<br />

[56]<br />

Lumbiganon<br />

2011 [57]<br />

Imdad 2013<br />

[62]<br />

Zupan 2004<br />

[60]<br />

Ziino 2002<br />

[67]<br />

Lee 2011 [68]<br />

Ungerer<br />

2004 [69]<br />

The effect of different antibiotic regimens for the treatment of<br />

postpartum endometritis on failure of therapy and complications<br />

was systematically reviewed.<br />

Triple-antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis during pregnancy and<br />

breastfeeding compared to short-ARV prophylaxis to prevent<br />

mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 (PMTCT): the Kesho Bora<br />

randomized controlled clinical trial in five sites in Burkina Faso,<br />

Kenya<br />

To assess efficacy and safety of interventions designed for<br />

prevention of hypothermia in preterm and/or low birthweight<br />

infants applied within ten minutes after birth in the delivery suite<br />

compared with routine thermal care.<br />

To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions which aim to<br />

encourage women to breastfeed in terms of changes in the<br />

number of women who start to breastfeed.<br />

To assess the effects of LHW interventions in primary and<br />

community health care on maternal and child health and the<br />

management of infectious diseases.<br />

To assess the effectiveness of community-based intervention<br />

packages in reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and<br />

mortality; and improving neonatal outcomes.<br />

To assess the effectiveness of breastfeeding promotion<br />

interventions on breastfeeding rates in early infancy.<br />

To review the evidence for early breastfeeding initiation practices<br />

and to estimate the associationbetween timing and neonatal<br />

outcomes.<br />

To evaluate the effectiveness of antenatal BF education for<br />

increasing BF initiation and duration.<br />

To evaluate the effects of application of chlorhexidineto the<br />

umbilical cord to children born in low income countries on cord<br />

infection (omphalitis) and neonatal mortality.<br />

To assess the effects of topical cord care in preventing cord<br />

infection, illness and death.<br />

To determine if the administration of epinephrine to apparently<br />

stillborn and extremely bradycardic newborns reduces mortality<br />

and morbidity<br />

To estimate the mortality effect of immediate newborn<br />

assessment and stimulation, and basic resuscitation on neonatal<br />

deaths due to term intrapartum-related events or preterm birth,<br />

for facility and home births.<br />

To assess the effect of prophylactic versus selective antibiotic<br />

treatment for asymptomatic term neonates born to mothers with<br />

risk factors for neonatal infection.<br />

Yes<br />

Stillbirths<br />

RCTs: 2 Cochrane No Blood loss<br />

RCTs: 72 Cochrane Yes severe PPH, blood transfusion<br />

RCTs: 3 Cochrane Yes maternal mortality, hysterectomy, use of uterotonics, blood<br />

transfusion, or evacuation of retained products, maternal pyrexia<br />

RCTs: 8 Cochrane Yes effect on contraceptive use<br />

RCTs: 6 Cochrane Yes lactation at discharge from hospital<br />

RCTs: 47 Cochrane Yes treatment failures<br />

1 study in five different<br />

location<br />

Non<br />

Cochrane<br />

No<br />

Extended triple ARV regimen consisting of the anti-HIV drugs<br />

zidovudine, lamivudine andlopinavir/ritonavir, from the last<br />

trimester of pregnancy and continued during breastfeeding up to<br />

the age of six months.<br />

RCTs: 6 Cochrane Yes heat losses in infants < 28 weeks’ gestation, risk of death within<br />

hospital stay<br />

RCTs: 7 Cochrane Yes increasing breastfeeding initiation rates<br />

RCTs: 82 Cochrane Yes increasing breastfeeding initiation rates<br />

RCTs and qRCTs: 18 Cochrane Yes Maternal mortality, neonatal mortality, perinatal morality, stillbirths,<br />

newborn care practices<br />

RCTs and qRCTs: 53<br />

prospective studies,<br />

includingRCTs, and<br />

cohort studies = 18<br />

Non-<br />

Cochrane<br />

Non-<br />

Cochrane<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

EBF at 4-6 weeks postpartum<br />

All-cause neonatal mortality, infection-related neonatal mortality<br />

RCTs: 17 Cochrane No BF educational interventions were not significantly better than a<br />

single intervention<br />

3 RCTs Non-<br />

Cochrane<br />

Yes<br />

All cause neonatal mortality, omphalitis<br />

RCTs and qRCTs: 21 Cochrane Yes colonization with antibiotics<br />

RCTs: 0 Cochrane No -<br />

RTs: 2<br />

qRCT: 2<br />

Observational studies:<br />

20<br />

Non-<br />

Cochrane<br />

Yes<br />

preterm birth<br />

RCTs: 2 Cochrane No -<br />

http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/content/11/S1/S3<br />


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