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adequate delivery of health-care solutions to prevent or manage<br />

complications. An access to antenatal care in pregnancy, skilled<br />

care during childbirth, and care and support in the weeks<br />

after childbirth should be provided to all women. The review<br />

discussed all childbirth and postnatal interventions which have<br />

an impact on reducing maternal, neonatal mortality and which<br />

are suitable for delivery in LMICs. The implementations of<br />

discussed interventions promise a much needed improvement<br />

is maternal and neonatal outcomes around the world. However,<br />

some of these interventions must be prioritized over others<br />

depending on the clinical indications and keeping in view the<br />

limited resources in developing countries. Timely provision of<br />

these interventions holds unparalleled significance, particularly<br />

those that are delivered during and immediately after childbirth,<br />

in places where majority of the births occur, at home.<br />

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