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ERS International Congress 2016<br />


SUNDAY 04 SEPTEMBER, 2016<br />

PA1604<br />

PA1605<br />

PA1606<br />

PA1607<br />

PA1608<br />

PA1609<br />

PA1611<br />

Lung clearance index in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans<br />

Martin Rosewich (Bad Homburg, Germany), Martin Rosewich, Felix Michel, Nebiyat Filate-Belachew, Ralf Schubert,<br />

Stefan Zielen<br />

Active tuberculosis among adolescents in a high endemic area<br />

Elena Dantes (CONSTANTA, Romania), Elena Dantes, Claudia L. Toma, Cristian Oancea, Ligia Puiu, Petronela Ariadna<br />

Fildan<br />

Comparing respiratory virus burden among infants across emergency care and in-patient settings<br />

Adrian Trenholme (Auckland, New Zealand), Adrian Trenholme, Shirley Lawrence, Cameron Grant, Namrata Prasad,<br />

Claire Newbern, Angela Todd, Tim Wood, Sue Huang<br />

Multidisciplinary interventions to improve narrow spectrum antibiotic use in pediatric community acquired<br />

pneumonia<br />

Mustafa Ghulam (MULTAN, Pakistan), Mustafa Ghulam<br />

Cytokine and chemokine profile in a cohort of children with community acquired pneumonia<br />

Joseph L Mathew (Chandigarh, India), Joseph L. Mathew, Sofia Ygberg, Sunit Singhi, Vikas Gautam, Shanie<br />

Saghafian–Hedengren, Anna Nilsson<br />

Change in the management of pneumonia with pleural effusion in children following implementation of a new<br />

decision tree<br />

Isabelle Rochat (LAUSANNE, Switzerland), Isabelle Rochat, Cristina Felice Civitillo, Pierre-Alex Crisinel<br />

Technology depended children. Quality of life, days of hospitalization and cost effect from a home care program<br />

Elisavet- Anna Chrysochoou (Thessaloniki, Greece), Elisavet-Anna Chrysochoou, Fotios Kirvassilis, Elpis Hatziagorou,<br />

John Tsanakas<br />

PA1612<br />

The effectiveness of AMBU-bag to recruit ribcage volume in spinal muscle atrophy<br />

Antonella LoMauro (Milan, Italy), Antonella Lo Mauro, Chiara Mastella, Giovanni Baranello, Andrea Aliverti<br />

Room ICC Capital Suite 9 Session 253 14:45 - 16:45<br />

Poster Discussion: Kaleidoscope of respiratory nursing<br />

Chairs : Sheree M.S. Smith (Sydney, NSW, Australia), Janelle Yorke (Manchester, United Kingdom)<br />

PA1613<br />

Nurses’ knowledge and abilities gaps concerning health care of COPD patients: Window for improvement<br />

Ilda De Godoy (Botucatu, Brazil), Ilda De Godoy, Duelene Ludmila Nogueira, Irma Godoy<br />

PA1614<br />

PA1615<br />

PA1616<br />

PA1617<br />

PA1618<br />

PA1619<br />

PA1620<br />

PA1621<br />

Impact of therapeutic education program for COPD patients on preventing readmissions (APRENDEEPOC)<br />

Carme Hernandez Carcereny (Barcelona, Spain), Carme Hernandez Carcereny, Nuria Seijas, Ana Folch, Mariana Roman,<br />

Isabel Orts, Jesus Aibar, Cristina Esquinas, Loreto Macia<br />

Development of pre-admission information for referrals with suspected interstitial lung disease to a specialist unit<br />

Charlotte Hogben (London, United Kingdom), Charlotte Hogben, E. Renzoni, A.U. Wells, M. Kokosi, F. Chua, T.M.<br />

Maher, A.M. Russell<br />

Experiences of training-adherence in a 12 weeks home-based IMT program for individuals with COPD<br />

Dorthe Sorensen (Randers NØ, Denmark), Dorthe Soerensen, Marie Ernst Christensen<br />

Respiratory nurse specialists prioritise experiences of living with COPD differently from patients with COPD and<br />

their carers<br />

Samantha Prigmore (Tooting, United Kingdom), Samantha Prigmore, Ann Caress, June Warden, Janelle Yorke<br />

Feasibility of web-based protocol in a 12 weeks home-based IMT program for individuals with COPD<br />

Dorthe Sorensen (Randers NØ, Denmark), Dorthe Soerensen, Helle Svenningsen<br />

Home care and benefit in days of hospitalization, cost and quality of life for children with cystic fibrosis<br />

Elpida Hatziagorou (Thessaloniki, Greece), Elpida Hatziagorou, Elianna Chrysochoou, Fotis Kirvassilis, Dafni<br />

Papanikolaou, Despoina Terzi, Lemonia Nousia, John Tsanakas<br />

Preferences for end-of-life care in patients with COPD<br />

Carmen Houben (Horn, Netherlands), Carmen Houben, Martijn Spruit, Emiel Wouters, Herman-Jan Pennings, Jacques<br />

Creemers, Geertjan Wesseling, Vivian Kampen-van den Boogaart, Daisy Janssen<br />

Impact of the Wessex AsThma CoHort (WATCH) study on recruitment to research<br />

Yvette Thirlwall (Southampton, United Kingdom), Yvette Thirlwall, Fernando Gonzalez, Clair Barber, Kerry Gove, Kamran<br />

Tariq, Paddy Dennison, Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy<br />

112 26.08.2016

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