Max And Friends October 2016
Max And Friends, The Magazine. Crazy about dogs? So am I. This is a magazine dedicated to our loyal pets. Here you will find great ideas on pet parenting, latest trends, gift ideas, health and beauty tips for your pet, travel ideas, links to get you there, first aid, fun trivia, puzzles, games and news stories. Oh! And we won't forget about Max's Friends.
Max And Friends, The Magazine. Crazy about dogs? So am I. This is a magazine dedicated to our loyal pets. Here you will find great ideas on pet parenting, latest trends, gift ideas, health and beauty tips for your pet, travel ideas, links to get you there, first aid, fun trivia, puzzles, games and news stories. Oh! And we won't forget about Max's Friends.
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Have a question? Need Help.<br />
Ask A Vet!<br />
Pet Fun Facts<br />
Print Out For Your Kids<br />
Why we fear black cats?<br />
Great Halloween Treats For Your Pet<br />
New Feature.......<br />
In the News
G r e a t<br />
Halloween<br />
Treats<br />
Dog cookies are the perfect treat to give<br />
during the halloween season<br />
to your furring friends. Here is a quick<br />
easy recipe to have.<br />
Simple Flavor Dog Cookie<br />
Your Ingredients<br />
2 ½ cups of regular flour<br />
1 tsp. salt (or less)<br />
1 egg<br />
1 tsp. Beef or chicken Bouillon granules<br />
½ cup hot water<br />
You can add Bacon or chicken broth, eggs, oats,<br />
liver powder, wheat germ, shredded cheese,<br />
bacon bits for additional taste<br />
Directions<br />
Preheat oven to 350 degrees<br />
Dissolve bouillon in hot water<br />
Add remaining ingredients<br />
Knead dough until it forms a ball (approximately<br />
3 minutes)<br />
Roll dough until ½ inch thick<br />
Cut into slices or bone shapes (you can purchase<br />
a bone shaped cookie cutter to make shapes<br />
with)<br />
Place dough pieces on lightly greased cookie<br />
sheet<br />
Cook for 30 minutes<br />
See Page 9 for your cat treat<br />
<strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong> <strong>Friends</strong> <strong>October</strong> <strong>2016</strong>
Tel. (386) 487-8556 or (386)218-5586<br /><br />
Copyright©<strong>2016</strong><br />
<strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong> <strong>Friends</strong><br />
Providence Publishers and<br />
Media Inc.
Table Of Contents<br />
Great Halloween Treats for your Pet............................p2,p9<br />
Pets Fun Facts.........................................................................p5<br />
Kids Corner (Printable Activity)..........................................p7<br />
Why we Fear Black Cats.......................................................p9<br />
In the News...........................................................................p10<br />
Ask A Vet & Ask A Question Link..............................p11,p13<br />
Donate To Stop Animal Abuse........................................p13<br />
Pet Gallary <strong>October</strong> <strong>2016</strong> Showcase..............................p14<br />
Who is <strong>Max</strong>?..........................................................................p15<br />
Pet Of The Month Calendar.......................................p16,p17<br />
The Poor American Blog (Back Cover)..............................p18
Would you believe that…<br />
1. ... it is important to include fat in your cat’s diet? Cats are unable to make the nutrient<br />
on their own, unlike dogs or humans.<br />
2. …cats are America’s preferred choice for pets , with 88 millions living in the<br />
home compared to 74 million dogs? That is a lot of meowing!<br />
3. … there are more than 70 breeds for cats, meaning there’s more than tabby, black, and<br />
Siamese cats?<br />
4. … cats cannot taste sweetness? Scientific American<br />
Website stated due to the lack of the 247 basic pairs of the amino acid that make up<br />
the DNA of the Tas 1r2 gene (protein), cats cannot taste sweetness the same way humans<br />
do.<br />
5. …recent study found that if you neuter your male cat, you<br />
would increase his life by up to<br />
62%?<br />
6. … cats chase their prey with a level head? Humans and dogs bob their heads<br />
up and down.<br />
7. … cats rub against people and it’s not just because of affection? This is their way<br />
of marking their territory, made possible by their scent glands all over their face and<br />
on their paws and tail.<br />
8. … cats hate water because their fur doesn’t insulate well with water? Best not to give<br />
them a<br />
bath as it will be a challenge.<br />
9. … cats’ jaws do not work the same way as a human jaw does? Because their jaws do<br />
not move<br />
sideways, they cannot eat a large food item<br />
.<br />
10. … cats are sensitive to vibration? They can detect an earthquake 10 to<br />
15 minutes before<br />
humans can. This is very useful if you live in earthquake-prone areas.<br />
Sites:<br />
Fact 1:<br />
<strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong> <strong>Friends</strong>
Advertise With Us<br />
Here is How:<br />
Go To Our Website:<br /><br />
Fax Us: 1-877-524-1096<br />
Email Us:<br /><br />
This is Frederick "Freddy" My daughter's bundle of joy.
Great Halloween<br />
Treats....<br />
Continues..............................................<br />
Salmon Tiny Bites<br />
6 ounce can of Salmon<br />
1/4 cup water drained from Salmon<br />
3 Tablespoons of cooked egg white, chopped<br />
1/4 cup cornmeal<br />
1/2 cup whole wheat flour<br />
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine<br />
Salmon, egg white and water. Add cornmeal<br />
and flour and blend to form a dough. Knead<br />
into a ball and roll to 1/4 inch thick. Cut into<br />
one-inch sized pieces. Bake at 350 F for 20<br />
minutes. Makes 12 cookies.<br />
Why People Fear Black<br />
Cats<br />
The CFA (Cat Fancier's Association) recognizes<br />
22 cat breeds that can have solid black coats.<br />
One of the most famous is the Bombay Breed,<br />
which is a solid black coat, golden eyes<br />
(yellow irises).<br />
In general, cats have weak color vision. They<br />
do compensate it with an acute sense of<br />
smell. Their claws help their balance,<br />
therefore; it is not recommended to declaw<br />
them.<br />
Due to their agility, movement, and flexibility<br />
cats have earned the phrase of having nine<br />
lives. Fishermen believe having a black cat<br />
will ensure a safe passage home.<br />
It is said. "If you see a black cat walking your<br />
way, good luck will come to you."<br />
Here is how it plays out:<br />
Europe<br />
Black cats are good luck.<br />
Fishermen use them for safe passage.<br />
Women used them for protection.<br />
<strong>October</strong> 27th celebrates "Cat Day" by the Cat's<br />
Protection in<br />
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and<br />
Norther Ireland.<br />
United States<br />
Black cats are bad luck.<br />
Black cats are associated with witchcraft.<br />
Many believe seeing a black cat evil will surely<br />
come your way.<br />
The good news is, only 10% of the US.<br />
population believe black cats are evil, versus<br />
the 90% who believes they are lucky charms.<br />
Just the same, some shelters will suspend or<br />
limit the adoptions of black cats around<br />
Halloween for the fear the cats will be<br />
tortured or used as a "living decoration for<br />
their display".<br />
Let us know, what you think?
In The News...................<br />
Harambe The Gorilla<br />
On May 31st, <strong>2016</strong>, Cincinnati Zoo Officials had to make the<br />
hardest decision to kill their beloved 17 years old Harambe The<br />
Gorilla, in order to save a young, frighten 4-year-old. Who had<br />
fallen mysteriously from the spectator fence and landed in the<br />
gorilla's natural habitat.<br />
Tons of videos have captured the events to that gruesome day.<br />
Millions of people have spoken in reference to the event that<br />
leads to Harambe's death. Many feel it was a hasty decision,and<br />
his death was unjustified.<br />
Other feel it was the right call, but the Mother needed to be<br />
charged with negligence on her part. Instead, law enforcement<br />
officials exonerated her. Nevertheless, an endangered species<br />
was sacrificed to save the life of a child. An animal was killed to<br />
save a human. In the end, it was a terrible accident,and a parent's<br />
worst nightmare... a tragedy that will be engraved in everyone's<br />
life for years to come.<br />
A Florida Company has reached a<br />
milestone in developing the first<br />
synthetic dog.<br />
This revolutionary concept will help<br />
veterinarian's practice more<br />
effectively their trade instead of the<br />
traditional gruesome method of<br />
using live dogs that were scheduled<br />
to be euthanized.<br />
Synthetic Dog Helping Veterinarian<br />
Yulin Dog Festival<br />
The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is a tradition<br />
that has been going on for 400 hundred<br />
years. In the 90’s, our culture became<br />
aware of this horrendous festival, all in<br />
thanks to the Internet.<br />
Again in June the festival will begin once<br />
more. It is held in the providence of Yulin,<br />
China and fourteen other towns in Asia.<br />
Thousands of dogs and cats, will suffer the<br />
pain of being beaten, mutilated, skined<br />
alive, and cooked alive(with the pretense;<br />
the meat will be more tender...) An<br />
horrendously display of brutality.<br />
Dogs and cats will be taken from homes<br />
and villages or have been simply<br />
harvesting for this yearly event.<br />
Presented by The Poor
Do you have a great story to tell about<br />
your pet?<br />
Or just a cute adorable picture you want<br />
to share in our magazine gallery?<br />
emai us at:<br />
media_office@providencepublishers<br />
and<br />
Amazon Prime
Donate<br />
Fotolia<br />
Ask a Vet<br />
Ask A Question
Pet Photo<br />
Gallery<br />
<strong>October</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />
Send us your cute pet pictures.Your Pet can be a star! Email us your<br />
WHO IS MAX?<br />
by Ana Rui<br />
Hello Readers,<br />
Welcome to <strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong> <strong>Friends</strong>-The Magazine.<br />
Since our introduction of <strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong> <strong>Friends</strong> in<br />
September <strong>2016</strong>, we have received tons of letters<br />
asking;<br />
Who is <strong>Max</strong>?<br />
How old is he?<br />
What is his breed?<br />
How did he get selected to be our star model?<br />
Does he has a girlfriend?<br />
What is his favorite color?<br />
Well, you get the picture........<br />
So instead of answering all the letters individually,<br />
we decided to do a bio for <strong>Max</strong>.<br />
<strong>Max</strong>'s Bio<br />
<strong>Max</strong> is an American Boxer. He is 24 month old.<br />
Born on May 12, making him a Taurus. He<br />
loves car rides, enjoys a good crispy french<br />
fries. He loves to lounge in the couch and play<br />
with his favorite toys. One of his favorite toys<br />
is a piece of wood. (see picture)<br />
likes.<br />
Unfortunately, <strong>Max</strong> at the present moment is<br />
single. So ladies, if you are interested, he<br />
welcomes you to drop him an email. If you like,<br />
he will send you an autographed picture,<br />
thanking you for purchasing his magazine.<br />
(All our proceed, will be donate but not limited<br />
to these organizations - PETA, World Life Fund,<br />
ASPCA, etc.)<br />
If you have an organization and would like for<br />
us to check it out, please email us with the<br />
name.<br />
<strong>Max</strong> got elected to be our star model by default.<br />
<strong>Max</strong> is sort of a celebrity at his youngest (human)<br />
sister's Christian School. We felt this would be a<br />
perfect opportunity to help other animals that are<br />
not as fortunate as <strong>Max</strong>.<br />
The idea was presented, and we all came on board.<br />
So there you have it.<br />
Thank you, and welcome again to <strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong><br />
<strong>Friends</strong>.<br />
His favorite color, as far as can tell is purple.<br />
Why, we do not know, but that is the color he
<strong>Max</strong> <strong>And</strong> <strong>Friends</strong><br />