Hairpolitan Magazine Vol 2 Oct-Nov 2016

African Esteem means that if you decide for yourself that you are beautiful, you must be. If you decide to be yourself, then that is beauty in its quintessential form and no one can take that truth away from you.

African Esteem means that if you decide for yourself that you are beautiful, you must be. If you decide to be yourself, then that is beauty in its quintessential form and no one can take that truth away from you.


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VOL 2: OCT-NOV <strong>2016</strong><br />

THE<br />

hairpolitan<br />


African<br />

Esteem<br />



EDITOR:<br />

Nepurko Keiwua<br />

nepurko@hairpolitan.com<br />


Akshi Sura<br />

akshi@octopusdesignske.com<br />


Ciku Wamae<br />

ciku@hairpolitan.com<br />

Evie Dondi<br />

evie@hairpolitan.com<br />

Karimi Kagwe<br />

karimi@hairpolitan.com<br />

Nali Wafula Imende<br />

naliaka@hairpolitan.com<br />

Nina Odongo<br />

nina@hairpolitan.com<br />

Wagio Mokaya<br />

wagio@hairpolitan.com<br />


Samuel Githegi<br />

samuel.githegi@gmail.com<br />


Wacuka Thimba<br />

wacuka.thimba@gmail.com<br />


Ezra Monari<br />

sales@hairpolitan.com<br />


Idea Agency Limited<br />

wambui@ideagency.co.ke<br />


talktous@hairpolitan.com<br />

COPYRIGHT © <strong>2016</strong><br />

The <strong>Hairpolitan</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is published for Idea Agency<br />

Limited. All articles, interviews, photographs, artworks<br />

and/or designs of any nature or description appearing in<br />

this publication are exclusively reserved for the<br />

management and team of The <strong>Hairpolitan</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />

The contents and opinions expressed in this publication<br />

do not necessarily represent those of The <strong>Hairpolitan</strong><br />

<strong>Magazine</strong> or of Idea Agency Limited. Therefore<br />

reproduction, in any form, in part of whole, without the<br />

written consent from the publishers is strictly prohibited.<br />

All Rights Reserved. All Advertisement claims in this<br />

publication are the prerogative of the Advertisers and in<br />

no way reflect the views of The <strong>Hairpolitan</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />




By Nepurko Keiwua<br />

This month’s issue comes out at a time, when women<br />

the world over feel like they are in a battle for their very<br />

survival. In the recent past, we’ve watched South<br />

Africa’s schoolgirls march in the streets as they strive to<br />

fight for the right to wear their natural hair as they<br />

please. We highlighted this and other issues affecting<br />

women across the globe in an article titled No<br />

Womaning Allowed in the month of August.<br />

Stemming from that, the <strong>Hairpolitan</strong>s decided to title<br />

this issue African Esteem because we feel like our sense<br />

of worth needed a shot in the arm. From an early age,<br />

we must be encouraged to believe in ourselves, to<br />

understand that we are enough, so that when we are<br />

grown, we can appreciate those who welcome those<br />

very qualities in us, as our friends and lovers.<br />

We aim to be the voice that tells the youth, and<br />

particularly, young girls, that the journey towards self<br />

love is imminent and tough but we shall get there, so<br />

just hang in there and keep your chin up. African<br />

Esteem means that if you decide for yourself that you<br />

are beautiful, you must be. If you decide to be yourself,<br />

then that is beauty in its quintessential form and no one<br />

can take that truth away from you.<br />

In this issue’s cover, meet Jeniffer Githae and get to<br />

learn more about her in our COVERGIRL’S 21<br />

QUESTIONS (Page 4). Wagio Mokaya looks into the<br />

resurgence of African Threading hair dos in STYLE<br />

(Page 5 & 6). We then find out how the <strong>Hairpolitan</strong><br />

Debut at the Hair Beauty and Personal Care Expo<br />

<strong>2016</strong> went down in our SPECIAL FEATURE (Page 7).<br />

Connect with Nali W Imende as she chats with Taruri<br />

Gatere, founder of FlawntIt, a body positive<br />

campaign in LIFE (Page 8 & 9). Then examine a<br />

revolutionary hair manipulation comb, made by<br />

Africans for African hair in REVIEW (Page 10 & 11).<br />

Chill out with Karimi Kagwe in RAISE (Page 12-15)<br />

as she chats with two families that are raising girls<br />

and see how they deal with the issue of self-esteem.<br />

The month of <strong>Oct</strong>ober is not only Breast Cancer<br />

Awareness month, but also a month where<br />

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance is<br />

commemorated on the 15th of <strong>Oct</strong>ober. To help<br />

raise awareness on this, Wambui JL sits down with<br />

Wanjiru Kihusa of Still A Mum, to discuss the varied<br />

issues that arise within families after losing a baby in<br />

FEATURE (Page 16-19).<br />

Mumbi Muturi-Muli of Harvest of Sunshine shares<br />

with us her inspiration and aspirations for her hair<br />

and skin care line in INDUSTRY (Page 21-22). While<br />

Nina Odongo, our resident fitness fiend, helps us<br />

understand Body Mass Indexing what it represents<br />

for African women in MOVE (Page 23-24).<br />

Ciku Wamae educates us on proper eyebrow<br />

grooming and care in an effort to confront her own<br />

esteem challenges in KNOW (Page 25-26). Then we<br />

find out how the Awali Afro Fest and Hair, Beauty<br />

and Personal Care Expo went down in ENJOY<br />

(Page 28-31).<br />

In this Issue’s CREATE (Page 32-36) we join Mutua<br />

Matheka in his quest to decipher what it means to be<br />

black in this day. Then Wachirah Gitahi of Movember<br />

KE helps us understand what the movement is about<br />

in GUY (Page 37-38). Lastly, flip to the FICTION<br />

(Page 39-40) section and join an old friend of mine<br />

and your soon-to-be new friend, Beauty as she<br />

navigates her life’s esteem challenges.<br />

This issue is one that has been close to all our hearts<br />

and has been a labour of love for most of our writers<br />

as we sought to understand the challenges and<br />

obstacles we face in our daily lives with regards to<br />

esteem and self worth. It cannot be stressed enough<br />

that no one can take your esteem away unless you<br />

give it away, so fight and hold it firmly in your<br />

grasp because self esteem is exactly that, esteem<br />

of the self.<br />

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WE ASK THE<br />





BETTER!<br />

Cover image Credits<br />

Hair Styling: Dorothy, Amadiva Salon 14 Riverside<br />

Makeup: by Wacuka Thimba Artistry<br />

Clothing: Tatu Waterfall Cardigan by Mambo Pambo<br />

www.mambopambo.com<br />

Jewelry: Zanta Adeyde www.facebook.com/zantabeads<br />

Photography: Samuel Githegi www.thegithegi.com<br />

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21 QUESTIONS<br />

Featuring Jennifer Githae<br />

When I get up each morning I pray and put<br />

my day in God's hands.<br />

I cannot live without books. I always have one<br />

on me.<br />

The scariest day in my life was finding out I<br />

had cancer.<br />

My must have skin product is coconut oil<br />

(extra virgin). It fixes everything!!<br />

My go-to hairstyle is flat twist-outs or just flat<br />

twists. Low manipulation is key.<br />

I get inspired by my family. My parents and<br />

my sisters inspire me every day to be better.<br />

I thought by now in life I would have 4<br />

children.<br />

My hair goals are to have healthy hair. If it<br />

comes with curls even better.<br />

I describe myself as an African Woman who<br />

is learning how to love myself just as I am.<br />

If time and money allowed I would spend a<br />

year in Watamu sipping on madafu (coconut<br />

water) and eating. The beaches and the water<br />

just give me peace.<br />

The habit I really want to break is buying<br />

clothes outside of my budget. It is hard to just<br />

leave a pretty dress.<br />

My favourite local movie is Nairobi Half Life.<br />

Mugambi Nthiga blew my mind away.<br />

For my last birthday I ate cake and chicken. I<br />

wanted to do nothing at all.<br />

My last prank involved planning a surprise<br />

birthday party.<br />

A social media platform I just don't get is<br />

Pinterest. I have tried to understand it but what<br />

is its purpose?<br />

The best compliment I have ever received<br />

was “You have the eyes that can see deep into<br />

my soul.”<br />

My self esteem is high when it comes to<br />

anything that has to do with numbers. Math is<br />

fun!!<br />

One thing I do badly that I wish I did well is<br />

articulating myself clearly when I speak as well<br />

as I do when I write.<br />

A day for me involves looking at books of<br />

account, updating websites, writing reports,<br />

eating and working out.<br />

My blood type is A+<br />

The best advice I ever got is, to be broken to<br />

be made whole again.<br />

STYLE<br />



By Wagio Mokaya<br />

A few years ago, I bought thread for my hair and ended<br />

up seated in between the legs of the lady who was to<br />

style my hair. The aftermath of threading was to be felt<br />

that night, where tossing and turning were to be my<br />

portion; in a bid to find the perfect position to catch<br />

some much deserved sleep. Let’s not even talk about<br />

the headaches that came with it. I remember having to<br />

smear Vaseline on my scalp in a bid to relieve the pain.<br />

I also really disliked how the hair would just stand<br />

upright, no style, no curls, no nothing! Not pretty at all.<br />

If there was a style that worked on lowering one’s self<br />

esteem, it was African Threading.<br />

The African threading technique was primarily used<br />

among West African women. It involved wrapping<br />

sections of one’s hair in black thread from just above<br />

the roots to the ends of the hair. The style was a<br />

symbol of identity not only<br />

to showcase a woman’s<br />

beauty, but also to<br />

promote their culture.<br />

“<br />

Initially, the styles were<br />

very sculpture but recently<br />

we can see a resurgence<br />

of the technique in form of<br />

faux locs where the hair is<br />

wrapped in yarn, synthetic<br />

or human hair creating a<br />

more fluid look.<br />

In the no heat movement,<br />

among Naturalistas,<br />

stretching hair naturally is<br />

king. There are various<br />

ways of stretching the hair<br />

from 2 & 3 Strand Twists,<br />

Bantu Knots and Braid<br />

Outs. African Threading is<br />

a very effective technique<br />

if done correctly as the<br />

method offers a natural<br />

way to stretch hair and<br />


TO SAY WHO<br />

YOU ARE<br />


HAVING<br />

TO SPEAK.<br />

achieve the closest results to blow-dried hair. It’s<br />

been known that blow-drying makes the hair prone<br />

to breakage.<br />

Threading protects the hair tips rom the perils of<br />

split ends and single strand knots; making it easier to<br />

comb and detangle. The method has also been<br />

known to help with rapid hair growth, if repeated<br />

continually as a style.<br />

“<br />

Image Credits: Sculptures for a day<br />

by J. D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere<br />

Source: www.doorofperception.com<br />

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As you prepare to thread your hair, there are things<br />

you need to bear in mind. Your hair needs to be<br />

thoroughly cleaned, detangled and moisturized. It<br />

should also preferably be dry, as wet hair will not<br />

produce the desired effect. The final length of your<br />

style will be determined by how much of the hair you<br />

will pull while wrapping with the thread.<br />


You can use whatever thread you have available but<br />

yarn or sewing thread are preferred. The beauty of<br />

yarn is that you can wind it round the hair once.<br />

However, with sewing thread you may end up<br />

winding it thrice or more times to get the desired<br />

thickness. Various styles can be achieved with the<br />

different threads. For example with long hair, you<br />

can use sewing thread without doubling the size,<br />

and it’s dependent on the style you want to achieve.<br />


As you wrap your hair, a few things to look out for<br />

include wrapping the hair tight, as this will cause<br />

strain & discomfort later. Make sure the base is loose<br />

but the thread area is tight enough so it doesn’t fall<br />

apart when done.<br />


There are many options available when deciding how<br />

to style the threaded hair. You can rock them as a<br />

protective style or tie a head wrap or tuck them<br />

under a wig to keep them covered. Threaded hair<br />

can stay for up to three weeks or even a month.<br />

CARE<br />

Avoid washing the hair while it’s threaded instead<br />

moisturize using L.O.C method once or twice a week.<br />

One can only view this hairstyle with pride. It originated<br />

on the continent of Africa and has morphed into a<br />

multiple way to take care and style one’s natural hair<br />

without damaging it. It will be interesting to see how<br />

African threading will evolve in the years to come as I<br />

am sure there will be many styling techniques that will<br />

mimic the age old technique.<br />



Kenya’s first natural hair and living magazine, The<br />

<strong>Hairpolitan</strong>, made its debut at the Hair, Beauty and<br />

Personal Care Expo that was held at the Sarit Centre<br />

Expo Centre on 19th- 21st August <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

The aim of taking part in the Expo was to give a chance<br />

to attendees to know about the magazine’s existence. It<br />

was also an opportunity for them to meet & greet the<br />

team behind the magazine, to ask questions about the<br />

publication and know of its future in the African market.<br />

The <strong>Hairpolitan</strong> team, made it known that the publication<br />

would be here for those interested in keeping their<br />

natural hair, using natural products on their hair and skin,<br />

eating organically healthy food, and keeping fit among<br />

many other topics within the Natural lifestyle.<br />

The <strong>Hairpolitan</strong> Editor - Nepurko Keiwua, was keen to<br />

express why the magazine was a much needed addition<br />

into the scene, “<strong>Hairpolitan</strong> was borne out of a need to<br />

provide African women a space where they feel secure<br />

sharing their authentic stories of beauty and success. We<br />

are here to ease the process of accessing information,<br />

about natural hair and living, to all that need it.”<br />

A number of visitors to the booth queried if the magazine<br />

would only be online. Wambui JL, <strong>Hairpolitan</strong>’s Creator<br />

said, “It is a considered future business model. However,<br />

in the interim, an online magazine provides quick access<br />

for the consumer and affordability for us as a start up<br />

because currently the cost of printing is prohibitive.”<br />

The booth, decked in the brand’s black and yellow colors,<br />

saw nearly 70 guests interested in subscribing to the<br />

magazine. There was also an interest shown in guest’s<br />

article submission and a number enquired about placing<br />

adverts in the publication.<br />

The team also hosted several renowned personalities in<br />

the Natural Hair world from Nyachomba of Kurly Kichana,<br />

the latest YouTube sensation @ItsWanza, the prolific<br />

Patricia Kihoro and the KipilipiliTZ ladies who traveled all<br />

the way from Tanzania for the Expo.<br />

However, it was not all work and no play, visitors were<br />

encouraged to select party props and take goofy pictures<br />

all of which were shared on the magazine’s Instagram<br />

page www.instagram.com/hairpolitan.<br />

The magazine will be published bi-monthly while running<br />

supporting content on its website. Contributions,<br />

Feedback and Queries are welcome through the email:<br />

talktous@hairpolitan.com<br />

<strong>Hairpolitan</strong> Stand at the HBPC <strong>2016</strong> Expo<br />

<strong>Hairpolitan</strong> Team host AfroliciousKE<br />

Goofing Around: Wachu Wanjaria (KD Admin) with Kawiria Obura.<br />

<strong>Hairpolitan</strong> Team host Nyachomba, Kurly Kichana<br />

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LIFE<br />



By Nali Wafula Imende<br />

I meet Taruri at a bustling café on Kimathi Street; she is<br />

finishing up another meeting. She gives me a warm hug<br />

and offers me a seat. Taruri has the easy confidence of a<br />

woman at peace with herself, her natural hair is done up<br />

in loose twists, her face is make up free and an easy<br />

smile plays on her lips. She is beautiful!<br />

At just 31 Taruri is a trained fashion designer, a life coach,<br />

an amateur vegan chef and the creator of Flawnt It Love.<br />

FlawntIt is an online website that lets people celebrate<br />

their perceived flaws on a safe platform to share and<br />

embrace the things we may feel conscious about. Taruri<br />

decided to start the site as a way to deal with her own<br />

and other people’s insecurities about their bodies.<br />

Taruri says she begun to feel insecure about her body when she was about 14- 15 years old. Her family<br />

was generally health conscious, in a positive way; and though there was a lot of attention on weight she<br />

says she always felt beautiful growing up. “But when I went to high school and started getting a little<br />

hippy- when I look at the pictures now I was so skinny so I didn’t know what I was seeing, but I guess<br />

because I was an early bloomer<br />

people would make comments like<br />

“Oh My God your hips! And I was<br />

just like what are these things and<br />

where did they come from.” To<br />

divert attention from her<br />

blossoming body, Taruri began to<br />

wear baggy clothing.<br />

“I noticed my cellulite when I was 12<br />

or 13 and I thought, oh dimples,<br />

because you know dimples are<br />

cute.” But as she got older she<br />

remembers her older sister<br />

mentioning how cellulite is<br />

disgusting and when she asked her<br />

sister what it was, she replied, “You<br />

know those dimples!” I just thought<br />

“Oh my god.”<br />

8<br />

“It was one of the scariest things I’ve done in my life<br />

because on social media, you know, you want to paint<br />

the best picture of your life, capture the best moments,<br />

even if you take pictures you want filters so...the fact<br />

that it was so raw and my insecurity was just there.<br />

Halfway through my shoot I started crying like, ‘I can’t<br />

do this.’”<br />

Taruri laughs and admits that she was so anxious the<br />

night before the shoot she downed some shots. “I think<br />

it was a journey through my own insecurities with my<br />

physical body, coupled with seeing the frustration other<br />

people had with their physical flaws that made me<br />

realise this was such a universal issue. I also realised it<br />

would be more powerful if I shared it and also drew in<br />

other people to tell their stories”<br />

After the first picture of her was posted as a teaser,<br />

Taruri was inundated with requests from people curious<br />

about what she was doing and eager to take part. “With<br />

my head cut off, you couldn’t even tell it was me, we<br />

wrote a short description along the lines of, ‘Have you<br />

ever struggled with your flaws?’ We did not even write<br />

anything calling people to join us, but so many people<br />

responded asking to be a part of it.” she says.<br />

Thanks to the powerful reaction, the picture garnered<br />

Taruri realised that this was something that was bigger<br />

than just one story and it snowballed from there. “I get<br />

messages even now, every week someone is like can I<br />

take part in this? The Facebook page is always full of<br />

messages saying thank you for telling this story or I<br />

identify with this person because I’ve gone through the<br />

same thing”<br />

“<br />




WHO YOU ARE.<br />

Taruri Gatere<br />

Images of Taruri Gatere<br />

by Teddy Mitchener Photography<br />

“<br />

What was even more powerful for Taruri, were<br />

the people in her own life who were going<br />

through struggles that she knew nothing about<br />

but were now able to open up to her. “There is<br />

one person who told me she is now able to wear<br />

sleeveless things for the first time in her life<br />

because she always felt insecure about her arms<br />

since she was a kid…I mean that really made me<br />

feel so happy.”<br />

Taruri says the new awareness made<br />

her avoid activities like swimming, “I<br />

even wore bikers with a swimming<br />

costume.” But after a while, she<br />

became tired of hiding and decided<br />

to be brave “…even though I didn’t<br />

feel brave inside and still wondered<br />

if people were staring, I decided to<br />

just wear a swimming costume. I<br />

pushed myself but would still feel<br />

insecure about it.”<br />

For Taruri, body acceptance has<br />

been a journey “I feel a lot more<br />

confident now but there are still<br />

days when I feel… I just look in the<br />

mirror and feel urgh.” Her shift<br />

happened in 2010 - 2011 and she<br />

remembers just feeling so tired of<br />

constantly thinking about her body,<br />

worrying about what she is wearing,<br />

what people are thinking. “And<br />

what happened was, because of all these insecurities I had actually started developing an eating<br />

disorder, In fact, I was anorexic for a while in high school but I stopped then it came back again.<br />

It was on and off.”<br />

Taruri says she could feel the effect it was having on her body and she could foresee her health failing<br />

her in the future. “I was exhausted and that’s when the concept of FlawntIt came to me but it was more<br />

of a personal thing, I wasn’t even thinking of telling other people’s stories.”<br />

For young girls going through body image issues, Taruri shares some advice: “Your physical body is not<br />

the sum total of who you are, it is a vehicle that carries a spirit and a soul, there is so much emphasis put<br />

on how you look (especially as women), it is so ridiculous, there is so much more that we are capable of,<br />

there is so much more that we are than our physical body.”<br />


REVIEW<br />


Interview with Ruth Sebagereka<br />

On our natural hair journey, most of us take for granted one of<br />

the most essential tools that helps us manage the curls & kinks<br />

in our hair - the comb. The very act of combing our hair brings<br />

up mixed feelings for different people. For some, it’s the bane<br />

of their washday regime and for others; it’s a relaxing process<br />

that they quite enjoy. Natural hair newbies often end up using<br />

the wrong methods to comb their hair that leaves them<br />

frustrated to the point of thinking natural hair is not for them.<br />

Some Naturalistas have taken comfort in ditching the tool all<br />

together and using their fingers to detangle their hair.<br />

We all have nostalgic memories of the Afropick comb that we<br />

all used growing up. It was made of thin metal prongs and<br />

plastic handles with the raised power fist atop it. This comb<br />

originated form the US in the 1960s when keeping an Afro<br />

hairstyle was a symbolism of support for black empowerment.<br />

Combs served a more significant role in ancient Africa- among<br />

the Akan of Ghana; combs were given as gifts especially to<br />

women but could be given to men as well.<br />

“<br />





“<br />

The handles were decorated with motifs that had a<br />

message. For example, husbands would give wives<br />

combs that symbolized fertility in the hopes of the<br />

woman bringing forth healthy children. The Yaka<br />

people, from the Democratic Republic of Congo,<br />

wore combs that had elaborately designed<br />

headrests and human figures symbolizing the<br />

wearers’ status and group affiliation.<br />

Ancient combs were made from natural materials<br />

such as wood, bamboo, ivory or bone. The material<br />

used, determined if the comb was for daily use or<br />

for prestige purposes. Sometimes one comb served<br />

both utilitarian and decorative purposes. In modern<br />

times, our combs are purely utilitarian and most are<br />

made mostly from plastic with a majority imported<br />

from countries, such as China, that don’t understand<br />

the nature of our hair. It’s a little bit sad that we are<br />

not interested in understanding and creating a tool<br />

that would work for our own hair. This is all set to<br />

change, so must not lose hope.<br />

Introducing Ruth Sebagereka, a bonafide Naturalista<br />

and a groundbreaking innovator of the Truthcomb.<br />

While on her natural hair journey, and in a bid to get<br />

her hair to a manageable state, it dawned on her<br />

that God did not give her hair she could not handle.<br />

She therefore decided to investigate the hair care<br />

and management regimes that she was undertaking.<br />

Ruth discovered that if all remained constant, the<br />

comb and/or combing technique, was the only thing<br />

remaining that needed adjusting.<br />

She calls her invention the Truthcomb because she<br />

wants us to know the truth about our hair.<br />

“The Truthcomb promises to take care of your curly<br />

hair in the way which is best aligned to bring out the<br />

beauty of your curly hair,” says Ruth. “We want our<br />

customers to feel physically beautiful. We want to<br />

tell them the truth about the hair- that they were<br />

created with such beautiful hair, it’s transcendent.”<br />

Truthcomb Model 001<br />

Ruth Sebagereka - Truthcomb Inventor<br />

The comb is the first of its kind globally that does<br />

what it does. It works on the premise that African<br />

hair grows parallel to the scalp, “This is a<br />

fundamental premise that needs to be preserved<br />

when grooming.” Ruth clarifies. The comb travels<br />

horizontally through the hair as it is stacked in layers<br />

and also staggered which helps smooth down the<br />

cuticles along each individual hair strand. The trick<br />

to using the Truthcomb is the ratio of comb to hair;<br />

you are required to section and groom only a little<br />

bit of hair at a time.<br />

Truthcomb Model 001 has 273 bristles with 7 layers.<br />

It is anti-static and has a light detachable handle.<br />

Over time, one can change the head of the comb to<br />

suit their hair needs, as the comb will work for all<br />

lengths and types of hair. The company plans to<br />

launch only the short hair model for now. The comb<br />

will be initially available online and shall target all<br />

curly hair markets in the world.<br />

Ruth aims to contribute to the innovation and<br />

manufacturing sector in Africa. She is working with<br />

various stakeholders. She confesses that she has not<br />

created the Truthcomb alone and is grateful to all<br />

those who have supported her and have helped in<br />

many miraculous ways. “So we are fundamentally<br />

committed to traveling this journey of innovation<br />

with others,” she affirms.<br />

Her challenge to potential innovators is to see how<br />

to “have a firm foundation upon which to effect<br />

change in current day Africa. That is, to present<br />

the historical precedence of excellence so as to<br />

achieve excellence in our own times. If we believe<br />

in our historical greatness- we can then do great<br />

things. But first, I must live it!”<br />

Ruth Sebagereka<br />

10<br />


RAISE<br />



By Karimi Kagwe<br />


I got to meet Amina Jasho who works in Communications<br />

for an international NGO in addition to being a mother to<br />

a seven-year-old beautiful girl. We both ran in the same<br />

“natural hair circles‘’ on Facebook and have a lot of<br />

mutual friends. I have always admired Amina’s beauty,<br />

vivacious personality and luscious hair. She emphatically<br />

believes that parents do play a role in developing a child’s<br />

self-esteem.<br />

We are living in a world where our esteem as Africans<br />

and as women has been trodden upon and beaten<br />

down to such low levels that we end up missing our<br />

worth and value altogether. Esteem is a topic that is<br />

quite close to my heart. I am glad to have a space<br />

where things that affect me as a woman can be raised.<br />

I have always felt like there is no motivation to love my skin.<br />

I was born in an era that celebrates light skinned and<br />

Caucasian women. Hair had to be straight like in the<br />

pictures we see in<br />

magazines and on<br />

television. Our<br />

“<br />

bodies had to be<br />

skinny, our African<br />

hips looked down<br />

upon until the<br />

Beyoncé’s and the<br />

J. Lo’s of the world<br />

made it popular to<br />

have some little<br />

meat on their<br />

bones. There have<br />

always been so<br />

many rules to attain<br />

the “Western<br />

Standards ‘of<br />

beauty. But how did<br />

we get there? How<br />

can our girls be<br />

brought up to love<br />

the skin that they<br />

were born in?<br />





Jeri Muchura<br />

As a parent I wanted to figure this one out. I went<br />

searching for answers and this led me to do interviews<br />

with parents raising girls.<br />

“We (parents) are who and what our children want to<br />

become when they grow up. Based on this knowledge we<br />

have to give them something to emulate. My daughter<br />

has never suffered low self-esteem because I consider<br />

myself a confident woman with a lot to offer; this is<br />

something that my child will be able to pick up’’<br />

Because we still live in a largely patriarchal society, Amina<br />

believes most daughters look up to, and believe what their<br />

fathers’ final word on anything is. A good example, a girl<br />

always remembers if her father criticised her<br />

dress sense, how she sat and how she looks.<br />

In future, this may form a perspective on how<br />

she sees herself. Amina reiterates that a<br />

father has to affirm the child to let her know<br />

that she is beautiful.<br />

“<br />

Amina’s and Imaan’s Images courtesy<br />

of Boy on the ledge (BOTL)<br />

I have come across certain sections of the<br />

media that play a role in promoting<br />

unhealthy images and messages that affect<br />

our young girls. I was curious to learn if<br />

Amina restricted access to these channels for<br />

her daughter. She responded by saying that<br />

her daughter only watches child friendly<br />

channels under supervision. Furthermore, all<br />

computers in their home have strict parental<br />

control settings that restrict access to social<br />

medial networks.<br />

I also asked Amina whether she feels that<br />

there is pressure for women and girls to<br />

conform to Western beauty standards.<br />

“Yes, I feel the pressure every day when I<br />

go to the shop and can’t find jeans that fit my shape. I<br />

feel it when I diet to get thinner, (but I’m) not sure why?<br />

I also feel it when my daughter is happier when her hair<br />

is straight and, as she calls it, soft. I fear she will ask me<br />

to relax her hair when she is older because she really<br />

likes the straight hair look. It’s a challenge when this<br />

happens.”<br />

She continues to say that the differences between light<br />

and dark skinned girls is a topic of discussion that arises<br />

a lot in her home. This is because her daughter Imaan is<br />

darker than she is. She suspects that Imaan questions<br />

their differences due to what she has watched on TV.<br />

“For some people, being black and beautiful isn’t<br />

enough. We like to lighten our skin or straighten our<br />

hair or contour our faces so that we can look like the<br />

Kim Kardashians of this world.<br />

”I am afraid, sometimes being told by your parent that you’re beautiful will not be enough because the media, the<br />

internet and the silly boy you met at college say you are not beautiful enough; that you would be, if you<br />

straightened your hair or got a boob job. It makes me so sad.’’<br />

“Yes I have. I got married really young and got divorced soon after. This was not good for my confidence or<br />

self-esteem. I was broken emotionally during this period and it took a long time for me to acknowledge the fact<br />

that none of it was my fault. It took a toll on me, I got thin, I was always sad. If anyone knows me I love to laugh<br />

but not back then.”<br />

She was able to get through this dark time with a lot of prayer and advice from her parents. Despite the fact that<br />

she is a Muslim, she points out that her good friend Pastor Pete also provided her with wise counsel, “He always<br />

told me to look forward and never behind. Dealing with it was hard but now I believe I can never be broken by a<br />

situation again’’.<br />

It is evident that Amina has triumphed through what many would call a hard and painful season. I asked her to<br />

share additional advice with parents raising girls and how they can help their daughters overcome low<br />

self-esteem,‘’Encourage your child even when they fail at something. In addition, never ever say to them, that<br />

dress makes you look fat or makes you look slutty or makes you look older. Instead explain your reasons as to why<br />

they shouldn’t dress in a certain way and always remind your child that her body is a temple that is precious just<br />

for her.’’<br />

12 13


I continue my conversation with good friends of mine - Mark and<br />

Jeri Muchura. Mark and Jeri always like to say they have been<br />

married for four years, but humorously add that they have been<br />

together for ten.<br />

Mark describes himself as ‘a living, breathing, eating, sleeping<br />

minion of the creative fraternity, currently working as Head of<br />

Creative Services for a leading firm in Lavington. Jeri is a work<br />

from home mom and an award-winning photographer who loves<br />

to showcase Kenyan stories through her images.<br />

The lovely couple have two beautiful daughters with the most<br />

amazing and unique names; Tuviyah Kadessa Muchura who is<br />

seven years old while their second born, Yisraella Taji Muchura is<br />

5 years old.<br />

I asked them if they believe that parents play a role in<br />

developing a child’s self-esteem. Jeri agreed by saying, “The<br />

biggest influence in a child's life is their parents. Children are<br />

fertile ground and every word and action by the parents is a<br />

seed that will take root and produce a harvest, which can be<br />

either good or bad.”<br />

Jeri added that her daughters love<br />

princesses because they are whimsical<br />

and love to play pretend, this however<br />

poses a challenge because they mostly<br />

portray fair skinned girls with long,<br />

blond hair in the lead roles. “Trying to<br />

explain to my 7 and 5 year olds that<br />

their hair doesn’t grow long and flowing<br />

like Rapunzel's or Elsa’s is<br />

heart-breaking because they do not<br />

understand why their kinky hair isn’t as<br />

what they see on TV. We work hard to<br />

raise them with a healthy love of self in<br />

light of the animations and kids movies<br />

that are out nowadays. Thankfully, the<br />

number of animations featuring brown<br />

girls and boys are increasing and<br />

helping them identify with girls with hair<br />

and skin tones like theirs.”<br />

One of the ways the Muchuras are<br />

raising their girls to love themselves is<br />

the way they style their hair. The couple<br />

experiment a lot with their hair and<br />

have raised their girls to wear<br />

dreadlocks, giving them the freedom to<br />

style their hair as they want. Mark<br />

emphasizes on this by adding, “In my<br />

view children should only wear natural<br />

hair styles. I believe they will grow to<br />

appreciate themselves a lot more<br />

because of it.”<br />

She also clarified, “It is our responsibility as parents to prepare<br />

our children for life and this means giving them the right tools at<br />

a very young age. One way we do this is by taking an active role<br />

in their day-to-day lives and ensuring the different types of<br />

media they are exposed to promote healthy messages to young<br />

girls. Mark loves cartoons and watches them religiously together<br />

with his girls as a way to bond with them and ensure they aren’t<br />

exposed to concepts that are unsuitable for their young minds.”<br />

I was curious to know what the<br />

response has been from the community<br />

to their children wearing dreadlocks.<br />

Jeri responded by saying that she was<br />

worried how their school would take it<br />

but she has received no resistance on<br />

that end. Both confirmed that overall,<br />

all feedback has been positive and they<br />

are glad that the girls get to hear<br />

positivity coming from other people<br />

other than their parents as this helps<br />

build their confidence.<br />

As I end my quest I asked both of them<br />

how they would advise other parents to<br />

help their children overcome low<br />

self-esteem. Both their answers<br />

emphasized the need for every parent<br />

to encourage their children. Jeri<br />

concludes by saying, “Encourage your<br />

daughters to speak, take the time to<br />

listen to their little hearts, observe and<br />

really see them, celebrate them as they<br />

achieve what seems insurmountable to<br />

them. Let them know that you love<br />

them, that you are in their corner and<br />

that you are cheering them on.<br />

Then watch them blossom.”<br />

Image of Jeri & March Muchua<br />

(Previous Page) by Michael Magoha<br />

Image of the Muchura Girls by<br />

Photos by Jeri<br />

14<br />



“<br />



BORN IS A<br />


Wanjiru Kihusa<br />

“<br />


By Wambui JL<br />

Images courtesy of Wanjiru Kihusa<br />

“The modern day woman is resilient yet we don’t highlight and celebrate that enough,” says Wanjiru Kihusa when<br />

I ask her how she can best describe today’s African woman outside of what the western media and traditional<br />

African society defines her to be. In Wanjiru’s view, African women have long been subjected to a myriad of<br />

hardships but they manage to get up, go to work, raise families, support communities, build nations and still<br />

stand strong.<br />

As I listen to her talk across the table, with her hand gently place on mine, I wonder if Wanjiru is aware that she’s<br />

actually describing herself. A few minutes into our meeting she was sharing the story of how she lost two of her<br />

pregnancies within 6 months of each other. The first one was well into the gestation at 20weeks (5months) in<br />

<strong>Nov</strong>ember of 2013 due to a Listeria infection, while the second one early on at 7 weeks in March of 2014 for<br />

unknown reasons.<br />

Since her experiences, Wanjiru took a break from baby making, quit her 8-5 IT job, focused on her marriage and<br />

started a fast growing support network for women who suffered pregnancy and infant loss like she had. She called<br />

it Still A Mum, a name that was truly inspired because as a society we don’t have a name for a woman who has<br />

lost a child. “The statement ‘You are still a Mum’ is very powerful and reassuring to the bereaved; and we aim to<br />

acknowledge and celebrate that the woman made and carried life before losing the child.” Wanjiru says.<br />

Still A Mum was launched in <strong>Oct</strong>ober 2015 after months of discussing the topic of child loss on her online<br />

platforms. The space supports those whose lives have been touched by the tragic death of a baby through<br />

pregnancy loss, stillbirth or in the first few months of life up to 3 years. “This is not to say that we won’t support<br />

parents who have lost older children,” Wanjiru reaffirms, “The aim of Still A Mum is to create awareness on<br />

anything regarding child loss and give correct information which in turn helps those around give proper support.”<br />

FACT BOX<br />

Infant Mortality:<br />

The passing of a child<br />

before their first<br />

birthday.<br />

Spontaneous<br />

Abortion:<br />

The official medical<br />

term for miscarriage<br />

defined as the death<br />

of the fetus before<br />

20weeks (5months).<br />

Fetal Demise:<br />

The official medical<br />

term for stillbirth,<br />

defined as when the<br />

baby dies after 20<br />

weeks.<br />


Pregnancy and childbirth have a huge effect<br />

on women and their families; and when a<br />

child dies it is indeed devastating. It does not<br />

matter how long the child spent in their<br />

mother’s womb, or in their families’ arms as<br />

that baby will have already made an impact<br />

and will always be greatly missed. Parents<br />

will naturally feel grief and guilt thereafter<br />

and they should be given emotional support<br />

by being reassured their actions were not the<br />

cause. “Grief is the price we pay for love.<br />

Losing a baby who was not born is a legitimate<br />

loss. Never rush someone who is<br />

grieving. Grief has no formula and is actually<br />

very complex.” A quote via her Twitter<br />

handle @wanjirukihusa.<br />

Interestingly in the year of running Still A<br />

Mum, Wanjiru has found that there is no real<br />

platform in the country that discusses the<br />

importance of grieving loss in general, let<br />

alone pregnancy and infant loss. She has<br />

frequently found herself discussing general<br />

loss and grieving on discussion panels, only<br />

get to mention child loss as a sub-type.<br />


Wanjiru admits, that despite the aversion towards formal<br />

counseling in the country, it is very necessary for it to be<br />

made available. “Death of any kind triggers mental<br />

health issues,” she says. The intended key outcome for<br />

the Still A Mum’s support network is for every parent and<br />

family member to know that someone still cares enough<br />

to remember and recognize their child’s life.<br />

They currently carry out two (2) forms of the much<br />

needed counseling sessions. There are physical groups of<br />

ten (10) that meet for five (5) mandatory sessions under a<br />

trained counselor at Norwich Union in Nairobi’s CBD. A<br />

nominal fee of KES 200/= is charged for the venue but it<br />

is not compulsory. The aim with the small number is to<br />

ensure that everyone gets a chance to talk and share<br />

their story. There are also well-moderated Whatsapp<br />

groups made up of 20 people, where members discuss a<br />

new topic in relation to child loss every three days.<br />

In the pipeline are men only groups and/or activities,<br />

where bereaved fathers can also find an outlet to discuss<br />

their loss. “Let’s not forget the fathers, they need our<br />

love and support too,” she encourages her followers<br />

during a live Twitter chat session.<br />

16 17


Our African psyche is tuned to believe that<br />

womanhood equals motherhood and the later is “A<br />

duty to other people,” Wanjiru observes. In societies’<br />

eyes women are seen to have let down their spouses,<br />

families and society by not being able to carry a baby<br />

to term, something that she personally felt. Such<br />

verdicts tend to have far reaching negative effects<br />

especially on a woman’s self esteem.<br />

FACT BOX:<br />

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Statistics in Kenya:<br />

10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will<br />

end in miscarriage.<br />

1 in every 10 women will have a miscarriage (best<br />

case) or 1 in every 4 women will get a miscarriage<br />

(worst case).<br />

An estimated 4.2 million miscarriages are<br />

reported every year in Africa.<br />

1 in 100 women will experience recurrent<br />

miscarriages (three or more successive<br />

miscarriages).<br />

In Kenya, there are no conclusive nationwide<br />

statistics and even those kept by hospitals do not<br />

include women who had a miscarriage at home.<br />

Source: Still A Mum<br />

Wanjiru shares that peri-urban and rural women who<br />

have had miscarriages have been accused of having<br />

procured an abortion or having taken part in<br />

witchcraft because in some instances it is difficult to<br />

explain what exactly a miscarriage is or what caused it<br />

in local dialects. Meanwhile, in a more urban setting<br />

the blame has been directed at the woman’s business<br />

or career where the spouse feels that if the mother<br />

didn’t work as long or hard the baby would have<br />

been saved.<br />

Whichever way blame will be naturally apportioned<br />

during grief but Wanjiru advises that it be said at the<br />

right time, in the right tone and perhaps with a<br />

professional so that it is more of an expression rather<br />

than an accusation.<br />


Wanjiru explains that partner/spousal support is key<br />

and without it being present depression could be<br />

triggered. This kind of support manifests itself in<br />

three ways, there is the typical one where the partner<br />

up and leaves, citing inability to handle the loss,<br />

which typically happens with unmarried couples.<br />

However, in rare instances there are unmarried<br />

couples that did not plan for the pregnancy but end<br />

up staying together, getting married and having other<br />

children. The final one is within the confines of<br />

marriage where the couple stays together and<br />

supports each other through the storm.<br />


Through her own experience, Wanjiru found that<br />

friends and family really helped her heal by showing<br />

up and being physically there for her and her family.<br />

She talks of one couple that knew her and her<br />

husband from campus. They came to their home,<br />

cooked them dinner and talked for hours on<br />

everything but the baby that had passed. “It made<br />

me feel normal,” remembers Wanjiru.<br />

She challenges especially the older female family<br />

members of the bereaved to treat the mother “…as if<br />

she brought the child home.” In her opinion a<br />

bereaved mother should be supported in the same<br />

way as a mother who has just given birth to a child by<br />

provided with nutritious food, being helped to<br />

maintain the home and keeping her company.<br />


As Still A Mum approaches their one-year<br />

anniversary they have made great strides in their<br />

intended purpose. Together with other worldwide<br />

communities they will be commemorating the<br />

Pregnancy and Infant Loss day for the 2nd time<br />

since their inception. The one-week of awareness<br />

that starts on the 9th of <strong>Oct</strong>ober will culminate<br />

with a tree planting ceremony at Karura Forest on<br />

Saturday 15th <strong>Oct</strong>ober to remember all babies<br />

that have been lost.<br />

On sale will be pink and blue Pregnancy and Infant<br />

Loss ribbons that one can wear during the<br />

awareness week to help support a family that has<br />

lost a child. The aim is to provide families with an<br />

activity and place to remember the lost child<br />

fondly in years to come.<br />

Still A Mum<br />

Phone: +254 (0) 723 220 063<br />

or +254 (0) 792 918 023<br />

Email: wanjiru@stillamum.com<br />

or helpline@stillamum.com<br />

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Still A Mum<br />

Instagram: www.instagram.com/stillamum<br />

Twitter: @StillAMumKE<br />

Website: www.stillamum.com<br />

18<br />




BY US FOR US<br />

Interview with Mumbi Muturi-Muli<br />

Kenyan consumers spent more than $100 million (KES<br />

10B) on hair care alone, reported CNN earlier this year<br />

(Parke, Phoebe. Heads up! Africa's billion dollar hair<br />

care industry. www.edition.cnn.com, 5th February<br />

<strong>2016</strong>). This is all thanks to the growing middle class,<br />

which has experienced a growth in discretionary<br />

income, especially for women. Evidently Hair in Kenya is<br />

big business and the companies that were leading in<br />

market share in 2015 included HACO Tiger Brands (EA),<br />

L'Oréal (EA), PZ Cussons (EA) and Revlon (SA)<br />

(Euromonitor, June <strong>2016</strong>).<br />

The hair care niche has also experienced tremendous<br />

growth in the last 5 years and especially the cottage<br />

industry that serves up homemade products made for<br />

African natural hair. Mumbi Muturi-Muli is a savvy<br />

entrepreneur who saw an opportunity and took<br />

advantage of it to bring us, Harvest of Sunshine.<br />

The company was launched in 2012 with an aim of<br />

creating high quality natural hair and skin products that<br />

utilize African indigenous ingredients such as Baobab<br />

Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Shea Butter and Ghana’s<br />

African Black Soap.<br />

We sat with Mumbi to understand more about her<br />

company, the ingredients that go into her products and<br />

how she felt it feeds into the growing African<br />

self-esteem.<br />

What do you think the standard of African beauty is<br />

today?<br />

I think beauty for African women has changed<br />

drastically in the last 4 years. We are no longer held<br />

hostage by the western ideals of beauty. This has<br />

happened so quickly that now I get a feeling that there<br />

is really no standard.<br />

“<br />

WE ARE NO<br />




OF BEAUTY.<br />

Mumbi Muturi-Muli<br />

“<br />

Images Courtesy of Harvest of Sunshine.<br />

The new standard is what we see in the mirror and what<br />

we choose for ourselves. We are more appreciative of<br />

all the forms that the body and face take and no longer<br />

subscribe to any definitive standard. This is a freedom<br />

that we have not enjoyed in the past as African women.<br />

20 21

Why do you feel that your ethos of “fresh,<br />

natural ingredients grown on the African<br />

continent” is important to you as a brand?<br />

I know that we have enough resources in Africa to<br />

support all the ingredients that we need for our skin<br />

and hair. Africans have been harvesting and using<br />

these butters and oils for longer than our memories<br />

would allow and it works. It works for us because in<br />

a sense they were created for us as Africans.<br />

What challenges do you face when sourcing<br />

locally grown ingredients?<br />

I have been very lucky to get a supplier that has<br />

cold-pressed oils that have not gone through a<br />

process that reduces or altogether eliminates their<br />

benefits. The only challenge I get is when I am<br />

formulating something new. I find that the cost of<br />

experimenting with new oils can be prohibitive.<br />

Do all your products contain 100% African grown<br />

ingredients?<br />

No they do not. We have to use other ingredients<br />

because our products are water-based. However,<br />

we strive to use a minimum amount of the<br />

preservatives, emulsifiers, emollients and fragrances<br />

in the safest and most effective quantities.<br />

Which ingredients do you import and why can’t<br />

you find them locally?<br />

We use a parabens and formaldehyde free<br />

preservative that is not locally available. I do not<br />

know why we do not manufacture these products in<br />

Kenya but I suspect that there is no business need<br />

for it as we are able to import them. Once the need<br />

to create products that are as natural as can be<br />

increases across the continent, we might start<br />

getting local manufacturers of these ingredients.<br />

Parabens and formaldehyde are commonly used as<br />

preservatives in most skin and hair care products<br />

but most large cancer research funds define them<br />

as carcinogenic factors.<br />

What exactly is Yangu Oil and how did you come<br />

across it?<br />

One of the first big African oils that I heard of was<br />

Argan oil from Morocco; it was touted as the Holy<br />

Grail of oils. However, it was very expensive. So I<br />

started to think that there must be other oils that<br />

were available locally.<br />

It was while on a trip to Ghana that I discovered<br />

that there was Baobab oil in Kenya and I started<br />

talking to producers to find out what other hidden<br />

gems we had. That is how I came across Yangu<br />

(Cape Chestnut) oil. I also came across Macadamia<br />

nut oil and many others that we use in our products.<br />

Yangu oil has been used in Africa for many years<br />

and we somehow never got a hold of or lost this<br />

knowledge. I am so happy that we have<br />

re-discovered it. It is high in essential fatty acid<br />

content of palmitic acid, stearic acid, and oleic<br />

acid, and has a high antioxidant value. So it is<br />

great for both your skin and you hair and early<br />

research is indicating that it might be able to<br />

penetrate the hair shaft like coconut and avocado oils.<br />

What is your signature product?<br />

It seems that the customers are the ones deciding<br />

what the signature product is for them. Everyone<br />

has different needs and regimes for their hair and<br />

skin therefore they get to decide what works best<br />

for them.<br />

What products are currently in formulation and<br />

what can we look forward to?<br />

I am currently working on something for our<br />

Locstars. I think, that we need to change the<br />

mentality behind the way that we take care of our<br />

locs by moving away from the hard gels; and find a<br />

way to moisturize and nourish the hair instead.<br />

I am also looking into a facial care line and with all<br />

the lovely oils that we have here, our delicate facial<br />

skin would benefit greatly from a lotion that will be<br />

gentle enough to be used on our faces.<br />

MOVE<br />



By Nina Odongo<br />

For anyone who’s ever taken the slightest interest in their weight, they may have come across the much-debated<br />

Body Mass Index (BMI). As a personal trainer, many of my clients complain that trying to stay within BMI chart<br />

healthy weight ranges puts them at a weight that is not only hard to achieve and maintain over a certain age, but<br />

also, one that leaves them looking and feeling unnaturally thin.<br />

On the flip side, if you walk into a doctor’s office or gym, or even just calculate your BMI online and are consistently<br />

classed as overweight, it can have serious effects on your esteem and leave you questioning your worth. Standard<br />

BMI charts are unrealistic for a large number of African women simply because they don’t take into account the<br />

whole story.<br />

Your Body Mass Index is a measure that works out how healthy your weight is in relation to your height and age.<br />

BMI charts take this a step further and calculate an ideal weight range for people by height. For decades, health<br />

professionals, insurance companies and the World Health Organisation have used BMI charts as a tool for<br />

measuring whether people were underweight, overweight or obese. More recently, weight loss companies have<br />

jumped on the bandwagon, using BMI charts to market products and services geared at getting people closer to<br />

their supposed ideal weight.<br />

That’s all very well, you’re thinking, but what’s it got to do with African women?<br />

22<br />







WOMEN.<br />

Nina Odongo<br />

Well, the problem with traditional BMI charts is that<br />

they were created with people of European ancestry<br />

in mind. Although African women come in all shapes<br />

and sizes, from tall and slender, to curvy and<br />

voluptuous; on average, black women’s body fat<br />

distribution differs from that of Caucasian women.<br />

Put simply, and without generalising too much, we<br />

carry our weight differently. For example, we have<br />

less visceral fat, which is the dangerous type of fat.<br />

The fat that hangs out deep in our belly cavity,<br />

surrounding our internal organs, so we can’t see it<br />

or feel it. Another differentiator is that African<br />

women have a lower waist to hip ratio.<br />

And herein lies the problem.<br />

“<br />

Images courtesy of Body by Nina<br />

While it has gradually come to be recognised that<br />

BMI charts are inaccurate for Asian women and<br />

people with a lot of muscle, it has only recently<br />

become a point of conversation whether or not<br />

black women are in fact negatively prejudiced by<br />

traditional BMI charts.<br />

It is not uncommon for many African women to<br />

weigh more and therefore have a high BMI, often<br />

putting them firmly in the overweight to obese<br />

category and yet still be healthier than white<br />

women of the same BMI. This is because, even<br />

with a high BMI, because we have less dangerous<br />

fat, we are still less at risk to diseases such as type<br />

2 diabetes and high cholesterol than our<br />

Caucasian counterparts.<br />

This is not carte blanche to toss out the scales,<br />

hang up your running shoes, and reach for the<br />

BBQ ribs and extra large red wine. As a matter of<br />

fact, this may be one of the greatest, indirect<br />

failings of the BMI chart as far as African women<br />

are concerned. If the targets are completely<br />

unattainable, most women won’t even try. They<br />

lose the race because they didn’t even start it.<br />

Your ‘Oh well, I love myself the way I am’ attitude<br />

may be brimming with self-confidence but it is a<br />

double-edged sword. By all means, love your thick<br />

thighs, embrace your bootyliciousness, adore your<br />

dimples and flaunt your killer curves. Teach your<br />

girls to love themselves unconditionally.<br />

But! Does that mean weight problems don’t exist<br />

among black African women? Of course they do.<br />

Is there such a thing as too thick? Indubitably.<br />

Black women with a waist circumference of 39 and<br />

above and a BMI (that word again!) of 33 and<br />

above are still at risk of the same diseases as their<br />

Caucasian counterparts.<br />

So what’s the happy balance? If we are to toss out<br />

the BMI chart for black women, what guidelines<br />

do we follow to keep us on the straight and<br />

narrow? The answer is simple: Be kind to yourself,<br />

it’s literally what’s on the inside that counts.<br />

KNOW<br />



By Ciku Wamae<br />

I’ve been obsessed with eyebrows from an early age. It all stemmed from the girl who sat in front of me would turn<br />

and start laughing at my lack of eyebrows whenever she was bored. This spurred me to try and get normal looking<br />

eyebrows, by trying to shape them, grow them or even just fill them in.<br />

The first thing I notice about many people, after the state of their skin, is their eyebrows or lack thereof. So, you can<br />

imagine how keenly I have been following the current brow trend - dubbed the Instabrow, because it’s been highly<br />

popularised by social media. Women all over are all sporting the same shape of brow but the only thing that differs is<br />

the intensity of colour. The brows range from giant caterpillars to works of such geometric precision that they deserve<br />

a spot at the Tate Modern.<br />


It cannot be stressed enough that not everyone looks good with the Instabrow. The minute we are focusing on your<br />

brows and ignoring the rest of your face it might be time to think up another trend. Eyebrows are meant to finish your<br />

look – not take over your whole face and make you look like Nike have bought advertising space on your forehead.<br />

What brow shape suits you is really down to your facial features. The beauty world breaks down our faces into the 6<br />

basic shapes below along with the brow that suits each shape.<br />

24 25


Armed with the above knowledge, let’s delve into a basic but must know guide on how to create the perfect<br />

brow for you.<br />

You need a straight object to help you create the lines and a makeup pen such as a brow liner to help you mark<br />

the various spots.<br />

A: Is ideally where brows should start for most people. However, if you have wide set eyes, i.e your eyes<br />

appear to be far apart, then your brows should start slightly to the left of line A – just on the outer<br />

sides of the balls of your nose as this will help them appear closer together. This starting point to the<br />

left of A is also great if you have a large forehead as it will give the illusion of it being smaller than it<br />

actually is.<br />

B and C: Help you figure out where your arch should be. If you want a high arch then aim for the highest<br />

point of your brow to be out the outer edge of your iris. If you prefer a modest arch then move the line to<br />

the left of B such that it crosses the middle of your iris.<br />

D: Indicates where the length of the brow should cease. Very few people can get a way with brows past<br />

this point.<br />

E: The end tip of the brow should not dip lower than the beginning end otherwise your brows look<br />

wonky. It should sit on the same level or slightly higher to achieve the eyebrow lift effect.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />


Once you have mapped out the shape your brows it is now time to make them look polished. For people blessed<br />

with thick eyebrows, brushing them and trimming and or tweezing/threading any stray hairs or hairs that are too<br />

long is enough to give a finished look.<br />

For those of us with sparse, barely-there brows, products like brow pencils, powders and gels come to our<br />

rescue. To avoid looking like a clown, choose the right shade of product to use. A very light hand is needed when<br />

applying these products otherwise you will end up looking overly made up.<br />

Based on those tips, you can see that each one of us should have our own unique brows and not the Instabrow<br />

that is currently the rage.<br />

26<br />


ENJOY<br />



Words and images courtesy of Curly Cheeks<br />

(www.curlycheeks.com)<br />

Kinky, curly, straight or soft; do you have a tendency of putting a<br />

label on your natural hair and hope to find the right regimen or<br />

products that will make you achieve the perfect curls? Have you<br />

ever gone to a hair salon and ended up frustrated with the manner<br />

in which they handled your hair? Are you tired of the daily routine<br />

when it comes to natural hair and contemplated getting Sisterlocs?<br />

Do you find it overwhelming to take care of your daughter’s hair or<br />

trying to get them to appreciate the beauty of natural hair at an<br />

early age? These were a few of the queries that were addressed on<br />

the 30th July <strong>2016</strong> at the Afro Hair Festival hosted by Awali<br />

Naturals Founder Shirley Bee to cater to natural hair bloggers,<br />

stylists and enthusiasts at Jacaranda Hotel in Nairobi.<br />

Despite the chilly weather outside, it was nice to see beautiful<br />

women showing off their beautiful manes, protective styles and<br />

bold hair colors at the event. The event kicked off at noon with<br />

some neo soul music from DJ Andre playing in the background<br />

while the lovely emcee for the day, Angela from Malkia’s Lush<br />

welcomed the guests who slowly started streaming in. With an<br />

interactive panel discussion, the audience had the opportunity to<br />

openly talk about the challenges they’ve faced over the years when<br />

it comes to dealing with natural hair.<br />

4C Hair Chick and Angela (Malkia Lush)<br />

Shirley Bee (Awali Natural), Tricia (Tricia’s Naturals),<br />

Angela and Vikky Wambui (Napspiration)<br />

Founder of Awali Naturals - Shirley Bee<br />

Hair Bloggers - Liberated Junkie<br />

and New Now and Next Natural<br />

Kurly Diaries Admins, Wachu Wanjaria,<br />

Josephine Wabuu and Ess Kay<br />

Ladies in Red - Betty Muthoni, Roselyn Njeri<br />

and Vikki Wambui (Napsiration)<br />

Roselyn Munah's - Wash and Go hairstyle<br />

Saul Juma's Live Hair Demonstrations<br />

After a short brunch, the audience was able to participate in hair<br />

talks and got a chance to interact with hair bloggers, such as<br />

Nyachomba Kariuki from Kurly Kichana, who shared their own<br />

personal hair journeys. My highlight of the day was the Little Curls<br />

workshop, where Nina Odongo from My Big Fat Afro, shared her<br />

experience on how to take care of our little one’s hair with child<br />

friendly products that are locally available. The children were also<br />

well taken care of under the watchful eye of Cheeky Monkey, where<br />

they got to engage in various fun activities while the discussions<br />

were going on.<br />

Beauty apparels from Malkia Lush on display<br />

Hair Stylists - Saul Juma, Dennis Wa Gladys<br />

and Dgonie<br />

Mumbi Muturi - Harvest of Sunshine.<br />

Engaging the audience<br />

Sisterlocs Re-tightening expert Tabby (Topstylist Salon)<br />

and Crotchet Braider Makanye<br />

There was so much to learn from Awali’s Afro Hair Festival; from the<br />

products ingredients workshop by Mumbi Muturi Muli from Harvest<br />

of Sunshine, to the live hair demonstrations by the amazing natural<br />

hair stylists who attended the festival and the inspiring talk by<br />

Kirigo Kabuga – a certified Sisterlocks Master Hair Stylist and<br />

natural hair coach; the attendees left with a little bit of information<br />

on how to handle our natural hair and embrace our kinks and curls<br />

regardless of our hair texture.<br />

Braids styled by Dgonie<br />

Josephine Wabuu (Admin Kurly Diaries)<br />

sharing her hair experience<br />

Nyachomba Kariuki (Kurly Kichana), Dennis and<br />

Vikky Wambui (Napspiration)<br />

Straw set hair demonstrations done at the festival<br />

Awali’s Afro Hair Festival Brunch, was a prelude to the main festival<br />

that is scheduled to take place on the 26th of <strong>Nov</strong>ember this year,<br />

in order to bring the natural hair community in Kenya together, as<br />

well as a chance to get to interact and network with the key players<br />

in the natural hair community.<br />

Cheeky Monkey Activities<br />

Kirigo Kabua (Studio 28), Wambui JL (<strong>Hairpolitan</strong>)<br />

and Nina Odongo (Body by Nina)<br />

Nyachomba's Hair (Kurly Kichana)<br />

Vikki Ngaruiya's Twist out hairstyle<br />

28 29

ENJOY<br />



EXPO <strong>2016</strong><br />

By Mary Kagone, Sales & Relationship<br />

Manager, Beauty Bee Co. Ltd<br />

The event that was!<br />

A dentist explains on Oral Health<br />

Makeup Competition Judges<br />

Battle of the Barbers moderator Michael Gitonga<br />

Panelists at the Style with Natural Hair Segment<br />

sponsored by Marini Naturals<br />

The Hair Beauty and Personal Care Expo <strong>2016</strong> is an initiative organized<br />

by Beauty Bee Company Ltd whose entry to consumers was absolutely<br />

free. The event focused on creating a forum for consumers to learn<br />

from experts and leading resources in the industry on matters Hair,<br />

Beauty and Personal wellness. This was achieved through organizing<br />

and executing interactive sessions where matters Hair, Beauty and<br />

Personal wellness were raised, discussed and solutions to problems<br />

were provided.<br />

Today’s consumer is confronted with the challenge of not being able to<br />

recognize harmful products and is never sure whether they are<br />

purchasing the correct product as a solution to their needs. We had<br />

experts on Hair trichology, Natural hair, Nails and Nail care,<br />

Dermatologists, Stylists, Dentists and many more.<br />

Panelists Irene Njoroge and Dr. Pancholi<br />

moderated by Patricia Kihoro<br />

The Pz Cussons Stand<br />

Top 40 Under 40 2015 finalists Rose Ntongondu<br />

hosts visitors at her stand<br />

Battle of the Barbers Sponsored by Phillips<br />

The event also created a springboard for upcoming talents in the<br />

Industry through creative competitions where they got an opportunity<br />

to showcase their work and get recognition, reward and new<br />

opportunities. Competitions on make-up application and barbering<br />

were some of the activities that took place during the event.<br />

The event, which is held once every year, this being its second edition<br />

after the inaugural event in 2015, managed to create a market place for<br />

consumers where they were able to meet and interact with various<br />

brands. The Expo was able to bring together over 40 exhibitors in Hair,<br />

Beauty and Personal care industry under one roof for a period of three<br />

days that the event took place.<br />

The Marini Naturals Stand<br />

Panelits at the Hair Clinic panelists Segment<br />

sponsored by Hair Hub Trichology Centre<br />

Audience enjoying a panel session<br />

The Lintons Beauty Stand<br />

A measure of success was achieved during the three-day event, which<br />

created a buzz in the industry as majority of the participants managed<br />

to reach the targeted objective. Great Team effort, hard work, great<br />

supportive partners and articulated planning were some of the factors<br />

that led to this success. We open our doors again next year with the<br />

same mindset of providing a platform that would be beneficial to all the<br />

stakeholders in Hair, Beauty and Personal Care industry.<br />

Makeup Competition Contestant<br />

The Aliyana stand<br />

Visitors shopping at the Expo<br />

Naturalistas in the Audience<br />

30<br />

The Lanolin Professional Hair Stand Salon<br />

The Kitoko Makeup Stand<br />

Nail Pampering at the Pam Nail Polish Stand<br />

The T444Z Stand<br />


CREATE<br />



Focus on Mutua Matheka's GRVTY Project<br />

In the world of creating inspiring images, that change our view of how we see our country and<br />

world around us, Mutua Matheka is king. He’s the creative eye behind #IAmACityChanger and<br />

part of the #OneTouchLive ensemble whose latest project was at Vipingo Ridge located in<br />

Kenya’s coastal region.<br />

Mutua recently shared images he conceptualized for a 2015 project for an exhibition with his<br />

colleagues at Prokraft Africa. The exhibition project was and continues to be right up this issue’s<br />

alley on discussing the role of being black in this day and age.<br />

We asked him what he perceived the role of his images would be towards building our<br />

self-esteem as modern day Africans on the continent.<br />

“To me, GRVTY is my way of relating with my ideas of blackness. I really honestly want us<br />

as black people to see and truly believe in our beauty, intelligence and place in this<br />

world. Nairobi is my muse; I want people in Africa to see their cities represented visually<br />

in a beautiful way that validates us. I hope we may find our place of pride in this modern<br />

continent. Pride in who we are and not necessarily culture or tradition.<br />

Who we are - as Africans in Africa.”<br />

“<br />

In my mind, visually,<br />

I wanted this project<br />

to be a stark contrast<br />

of black and white.<br />

“<br />

“I hope we may find<br />

our place of pride.<br />

In this modern<br />

Continent.<br />

“<br />

32 33

“<br />

I started to think of the many ways we see<br />

whiteness/lightness (of skin) as the answer or<br />

at least as a way out; flawed beauty standards<br />

leading to skin lightening and bleaching.<br />

If she saw whiteness as the way out, how far<br />

would she go to be white?<br />

“<br />

“<br />

I got the blackest model I knew, Gabu; as well<br />

as the most expressive model I knew, Thogi.<br />

I wanted a certain element of hardness with<br />

Gabu and softness with Thogi.<br />

“<br />

34<br />


GUYS<br />

Project: GRVTY<br />

Theme: Black<br />

Task: Interpret Black whichever way you want to<br />

Concept, Photography & Edit: Mutua Matheka<br />

Assistant: Mwas<br />

Models: Winnie Muthoga a.k.a Thogi & Gabu Fords<br />

a.k.a Gabu<br />

Make Up/Body Paint: Sinita of Cultured Ego<br />

Email: culturedego@gmail.com<br />



Interview with Wachirah Gitahi<br />

For more on the project visit Mutua’s website<br />

www.mutuamatheka.co.ke<br />

“<br />

I thought about what blackness is perceived<br />

as in a white world vs. in my everyday world.<br />

“<br />

Gentlemen get ready to put down your<br />

razors - Movember is here! What is that<br />

you may ask?<br />

“The world Movember is a portmanteau<br />

of the Australian-English diminutive word<br />

for Moustache “Mo” and <strong>Nov</strong>ember;<br />

also known as No-Shave <strong>Nov</strong>ember.”<br />

(Wikipedia). It’s a month long awareness<br />

initiative that focuses on the cancers that<br />

affect men such as Testicular, Prostrate<br />

and Pancreatic.<br />

It is believed that the movement was<br />

started in Australia by a group of<br />

young men, who thought it would be a<br />

good idea to grow their moustaches<br />

for charity throughout the month of<br />

<strong>Nov</strong>ember. The story spread across the<br />

world and eventually became the<br />

movement it is now.<br />

“<br />




CALLED<br />


Wachirah Gitahi<br />

“<br />

The mechanics are simple: On the 1st<br />

of <strong>Nov</strong>ember men are urged to shave<br />

their moustaches and beards, then<br />

document the growth on their social<br />

media platforms throughout the rest of<br />

the month.<br />

Movember KE, lead by Wachirah<br />

Gitahi, was started in 2012 as an<br />

experiment. Over the years, it has<br />

steadily gotten a following and<br />

Kenyans have begun holding necessary<br />

conversations on men’s health. The<br />

local team has, till now, been purely<br />

sharing men’s health information on<br />

their social media platforms but this<br />

year they are planning to take things a<br />

notch higher.<br />

Images Courtesy of Movember KE<br />

36 37

“Movember aims to change the face of men’s health<br />

in Kenya. Men really do not talk about their<br />

problems. But with this movement we hope to start<br />

a conversation through a fun twist to get them to<br />

start talking. We believe it will change the state of<br />

men’s health not only in Kenya but in the whole<br />

world.” Wachirah explains.<br />

He also adds that beyond cancer there are many<br />

other topics such as depression, healthy living and<br />

fitness that they would like to discuss in the month’s<br />

awareness activities. “We also want to raise<br />

awareness on childhood cancer and cancers<br />

affecting women specifically,” he adds.<br />

Within the Movember stable, there is one gentleman<br />

by the name Torsten “One Nut” Koehler, a South<br />

African who has this year celebrated 21 years of<br />

being cancer free. Lucky for him, the cancer was<br />

detected early, so he was able to beat it. Torsten is<br />

the founder and face of Love Thy Nuts (SA) and the<br />

Movember team is in talks with him to bring over the<br />

Kenyan chapter.<br />

Wachirah acknowledges that Kenyan men find it<br />

difficult to seek help in regards to their health. “Men<br />

tend to seek professional help much later on when<br />

things have worsened. Growing up as a man, we are<br />

taught from a very early age to not fear anything but<br />

to ‘Take it like a man’.”<br />

In a bid to understand further, I ask him what facial<br />

hair means to his self-esteem. Wachirah wisecracks,<br />

“Nothing says manly like facial hair!” but further<br />

explains that, “Some view their beards and facial<br />

hair as a source of self-esteem. But others, who are<br />

able to grow it but opt to shave it, may not share<br />

this feeling. However, among circles those who<br />

cannot grow facial hair get their fair share of ridicule<br />

from those who can grow.”<br />

With <strong>Hairpolitan</strong>’s readership being predominantly<br />

women, I ask him how we can help the Movember<br />

campaign this year. Wachirah informs us that women<br />

are welcome to support their MoBros during this<br />

time; and in true Movember speak, the women who<br />

are supportive are fondly called MoSistas.<br />

“These inspirational women are committed to raising<br />

awareness of men's health issues and much needed<br />

funds for men's health along the way; and we<br />

acknowledge the MoSistahood and celebrate their<br />

role as purveyors of fine moustaches and beards,”<br />

he says. There you have it ladies, become a MoSista,<br />

support your man, father, brother and friend in a bid<br />

to raise awareness on men’s health issues this<br />

<strong>Nov</strong>ember and beyond.<br />

"Ill-health of body or of mind, is defeat. Health alone<br />

is victory. Let all men, if they can manage it, contrive<br />

to be healthy!" Thomas Carlyle.<br />

Gee K – Outreach, Movember KE<br />

Ayub Kiptanui - Organizing Secretary, Movember KE<br />




By Nepurko Keiwua<br />

Beauty looked up at the dusty clock peeping from among the peeling flour wrappers<br />

that served as wallpaper in her small makeshift house. She and Darkness a.k.a Danielo,<br />

or the man she fondly remembered as her boyfriend had had a falling out<br />

of sorts.<br />

During the Gono Debacle in Liet Wan, Village Beauty had firmly but finally closed the<br />

door to her love temple. She just couldn’t sure that Danielo wasn’t dipping his Marietta<br />

Biscuit into strange cups of tea in Liet Wan; so she decided to abstain and save herself the<br />

trauma of the Wan crab walk and cranberry juice sipping.<br />

38<br />


Big D, as she fondly referred to her lover, had not taken<br />

this cooling of relations well at all. He immediately<br />

started hanging out with her former best friend Ako. This<br />

current turn of events had driven Beauty to madness; she<br />

started to really question her worth. Beauty looked at her<br />

sad reflection in the mirror - Mama had always told her<br />

she was beautiful but now, she wasn’t so sure anymore.<br />

She looked at her prominent forehead, small almond<br />

eyes, deeply dark skin tone and buckteeth with deep<br />

sadness. In a fit of fury, she had chopped her long,<br />

long hair and now looking at the mirror she just felt<br />

ugly as she thought about Ako. She kept on thinking<br />

how beautiful the man-stealing hussy was, with creamy<br />

luscious light skin, her long curly hair and very pretty,<br />

kissable lips.<br />

“Next to her, I’ve always looked<br />

like a damn ugly duckling,” she<br />

thought to herself as she<br />

replaced her sad smile with the<br />

detested and oft contested duck<br />

face that every one in Wan<br />

Central liked to favor, when they<br />

went to get their picture taken<br />

by Kagaira, the village<br />

photographer.<br />

“<br />

Beauty sighed deeply and got<br />

ready for work in the stoic<br />

silence she favored every<br />

morning; she filled her mabati<br />

(metal) cup with Kahawa (coffee)<br />

Alphacoffee, Qenha’s finest AA<br />

Village Beauty<br />

coffee grown for export, and<br />

paired it with a stale slice of<br />

bread. Working at the posho<br />

(flour mill) meant that she got to<br />

make off with any and all extras she could find,<br />

including cast off flour and stale loaves of broad. When<br />

she was done with breakfast, she scrambled to get<br />

dressed and cover her ugliness.<br />

WE ARE<br />

WHAT<br />

WE CHOOSE.<br />

As she turned the key in the lock to her front door, she<br />

sensed someone behind her and turned swiftly, quickly<br />

expecting to chase off one of the neighborhood kids but<br />

she found herself nose to nose with Ako.<br />

Man stealer Extraordinaire. Ako gave her a piercing gaze<br />

and moved to block her way. Beauty’s shoulders slumped.<br />

“As if this couldn’t get any worse? I’ve got to deal with<br />

this ho in my way” Beauty thought to herself and<br />

inwardly rolled her eyes before plastering a plastic<br />

smile on her face and hugging Ako the Man Stealer<br />

tight and close with a big, “Heeeeey”.<br />

“Oh, hi B.” Ako replied as she hugged Beauty so tight<br />

she almost broke her bones. Because that’s what she<br />

really wanted to do. Ako had always been jealous of B<br />

since they first encountered each other at the Friday<br />

Soko (Market). Ako, you see, didn’t have the privilege<br />

of working a clerical job like Beauty did at the posho.<br />

She ended up working at the<br />

mzungus’ (white people’s)<br />

houses in the Ren for peanuts<br />

but deep down in her heart she<br />

was unhappy, and Beauty<br />

represented the thorn in her<br />

side.<br />

“<br />

Ako had come across a quote<br />

on one of the back issue<br />

magazines her employer liked<br />

to give away to the mali kwa<br />

mali (trade in) guys who<br />

prowled the neighbourhoods in<br />

the Ren.<br />

It was by some Chinese -<br />

American actress called<br />

Margaret Cho and she felt it<br />

described her arch-nemesis<br />

Beauty to a T.<br />

“I am so beautiful, sometimes people weep when they<br />

see me. And it has nothing to do with what I look like<br />

really, it is just that I gave myself the power to say that<br />

I am beautiful, and if I could do that, maybe there is<br />

hope for them too. And the great divide between the<br />

beautiful and the ugly will cease to be. Because we are<br />

all what we choose.”<br />

archiesoasis<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

For baked treats made<br />

with love,<br />

from scratch!<br />

0723 935571<br />

<br />

<br />

40 41



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