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<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />


Marathon 201 98 Mr. Canada Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15587 (Roberts) Arnold Allison Waterloo F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20001 Aagaard Lindsay Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6001 Aasim Ali Montreal M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20002 Abad Jamilee Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20003 Abadpour Melody Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20004 Abante Gloria toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 202 Abarquez Edgar Saint-Laurent M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6002 Abarra Lirio Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6003 Abas Brandon Toronto M BLUE<br />


Marathon 203 Abbas Zahra Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 204 Abbaz Jalal Bordeaux M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25565 Abbott Allison Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25566 Abbott Lachlan Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25567 Abd El Razek Nadine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 205 Abd Elsalam Walid Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6005 Abdalla Amira Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6006 Abdalla Andrew Mont Royal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20005 Abdel-Baki Rita Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6007 Abdiaman Filsan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20006 Abdo Nadim Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20007 Abdullah Nadine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6008 Abdullayev Elchin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20008 Abdullayeva Sofiya Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20009 Abdurahimov Hurshed Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20010 Abebe Meseret Oakville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6009 Abed Jose pharr M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6010 Abed Mario Mexico City M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6011 Abedi Eldad Newmarket M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25568 Abedzadeh Mansour thornhilll M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20011 Abedzadeh Yasmin Thornhill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25569 Abeleda Christopher Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6012 Abella Jestine Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16317 Abenir Cynthia Scarborough F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20012 Aber Deb Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26126 Abera Yeabsira toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 6013 Abergas Abbygyle North York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6014 Abernaithe Caroline Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6015 Abernethy Kaley Slate River F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 206 Abeygunawardena Vikum Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26127 Abkar Mo Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 6016 Ablaza Jullian Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6017 Abley Andrew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6018 Abolhassani Farbod Kitchener M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20013 Abols Emily Oakville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6019 Abou Fanny Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6020 Abou Ghazal Abdallah Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20014 Aboud Mohamed TORONTO M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6021 AbouElnaga Moe Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20015 Aboulian Heranoush Scarborough F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20016 Aboutalebi Hooman Aroura M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20017 Abraha Amha Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6022 Abraham Arias Whitby M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16318 Abraham Aylin Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15588 Abraham Louise Brampton F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6023 Abraham Murray Fergus M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26128 Abraham Rahwa Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15589 Abraham Ravi Brampton M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26129 Abraham Toby Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20018 Abrahamian Mona Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 207 Abrahamsen Niels Boel Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6024 Abramovich Irena Toronto F PURPLE<br />


Half Marathon 6025 Abramovitch Igor Sharon M GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 6026 Abramowitz Daniel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20019 Abramowitz Ian Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6027 Abrams Steve Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6028 Abramson David westmount M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20020 Abramson David westmount M RED<br />

Marathon 208 Abrazaldo Claire Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15590 Abrecht Rosemarie Mississauga F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 209 Abreu Juan Carlos Santo Domingo M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6029 Abreu Marco Burlington M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26130 Abriel Jennifer Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6030 Abt Sabine Clarksburg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6031 Abuan Dennis Oshawa M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26131 Abubaker Abdurhman Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26132 Abubaker Nejat North York F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6032 Abu-Farah Farah Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15591 Abu-Farah Fathi Mississauga M ORANGE<br />

Marathon 210 Abundes Karla México DF F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20021 Aburto Gaby Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6033 Acal Donna Toronto F GREEN<br />



Marathon 212 Achach Israel merida M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25572 Achram Assad Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6035 Achtemichuk Alex Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 213 ACOSTA RAISA Santo Domingo F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6036 Acri Joanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26133 Acton Marley Toronto F Red<br />

Marathon 214 Adam Jacques Westmount M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6037 Adam Margaret Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6038 Adam-Côté Jerome Montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20022 Adamczyk Anna Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6039 Adams Carli Grimsby F BLUE<br />

Marathon 215 Adams Catherine London F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20023 Adams Cindy Pickering F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25573 Adams Claire JOHNSTONE F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6040 Adams Craig Lakefield M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6041 Adams Deborah Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 216 Adams Dennis Farmers Branch M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25574 ADAMS GRACE JOHNSTONE F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6042 Adams Jane Oakville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26134 Adams Janelle Stouffville F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 15883 Adams Jeff Charlestown M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20024 Adams Jennifer Whitby F BLUE<br />

Marathon 217 Adams Judith Montreal F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20025 Adams Julian Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16319 Adams Kevin Oshawa M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6043 Adams Kyle Oakville M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 218 Adams Laural Burlington F GREEN<br />

Marathon 219 Adams Louis Dallas M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25575 ADAMS MONICA JOHNSTONE F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20026 Adams Nathan Santa Venera M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6044 Adams Patricia Ann toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 220 Adams Ron Buffalo Springs Lake M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6045 Adams Ryan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6046 Adams Sarah Lakefield F GREEN<br />

Marathon 221 Adams Stephane Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6047 Adams Steven Johnstone M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20027 Adams Tom Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26135 Adamyk Jillian Oakville F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16320 Adar Aviv Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20028 Adavelli Archana Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6048 Adderley Cleopatra Nassau F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6049 Addis Sean Kemptville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20029 Addison Mary oakville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20030 Addorisio Brigette Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26136 Adel Frahnaz Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15592 Aden Alicia Peterborough F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6050 Adetunji Rhoda Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 222 Adeux Antoine Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 223 Adey Jonathan Paradise M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6051 Adey Lindsay Paradise F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20031 Adeyi Olabisi Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20032 Adeyi Oyedele Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6052 Adgey Deanna Orangeville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20033 Adhikari Shashwat Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20034 Adhikari Shova Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 224 Adhikary Omendra Thunder Bay M BLUE<br />

Marathon 225 Adhikary Ruchu Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20035 Adia Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15884 Adibhatla Chandrasekhar Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6053 Adigue Arnelle Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6054 Adil Sarosh mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15885 Adirim Daniel Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6055 Adishchev Aleksey Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20036 Aditya Tina Markham F GREEN<br />

Marathon 226 Adkar Samir Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 227 Adlawan Brando North York M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6056 Adleman Alanna Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26137 Adriana Adriana Toronto F Red

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20037 Aegerter Andrea Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16321 Afentakis Costas Kleinburg M Purple<br />

Marathon 228 Afeworki Hagheray Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6057 Affleck Zander Yellowknife M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15886 Afifi Sohair Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20038 Aflaki Kayvan Etobicoke M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20039 Aflaki Sena Etobicoke M RED<br />

Marathon 4679 Afonso Florentino Mississauga M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6058 Afshar Hassan Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 229 Afshari Ghazaleh Burlington F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6059 Agapay Blesilda Burnaby F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6060 Agapay Marc Burnaby M RED<br />

Marathon 230 AGARWAL SEAN Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20040 Agasen Mckeiven Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6061 Agaton Johnathan Peterborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6062 Agbunag Kristine Thornhill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6063 Agg Nicole Ajax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6064 Aggarwal Asha Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6065 Aggarwal Ravi Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6066 Agis-White Lisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6067 Aglipay Mary Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6068 Agnesi Carla Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25467 Agnew Brenda Burlington F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 231 Agombar Nick Clinton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6069 Agostino Giancarlo Greenwood M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6070 Agostino Marco Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20041 Agouri Adam Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20042 Agouri Denise Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20043 Agouri Emily Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6071 Agouri Robert Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6072 Agouri Robert Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20044 Agregan Jacqueline Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20045 Aguano Jim Pickering M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26138 Aguiar Deanna Binbrook F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 6073 Aguilar Pamela Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6074 Aguilar Yorlene Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 232 Aguinaga Henry F. Lima M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20046 Aguinaldo Emilio Vaughan M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6075 Aguirre Rosendo Ciudad de Mexico M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15593 Agustin Mabel Markham F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 233 Aherne Biesbroek Sean Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26139 Ahlin Katie Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 6076 Ah-Long Tamryn Markham F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20047 Ahlstedt Bryson Brooklin M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20048 Ahlstedt Jeff Brooklin M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20049 Ahlstedt Keldyn Brooklin M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20050 Ahlstedt Shayna Brooklin F GREEN<br />

Marathon 234 Ahluwalia Gagan brampton M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20051 Ahmad Barkaat King City M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6077 Ahmed Alauddin Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6078 Ahmed Ali New York M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16322 Ahmed Neshay Fredericton F Purple

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20052 Ahmed Robbie Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6079 Ahmed Sami Maple M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20053 Ahmed Samira Markham F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20054 Ahmed Sara Markham F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16323 Ahmed Shaheeda Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20055 Ahmednur Amir Scarbourgh M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20056 Ahmednur Iman Scarbourgh F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20057 Ahmednur Mohamednur Scarbourgh M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20058 Ahn Byungjun Oakville M BLUE<br />

Marathon 235 Aho Andrea Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6080 Ahola Tess Thunder Bay F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16324 Ahong Daniel Whitby M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26140 Aicklen Charlotte Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26141 Aicklen Paula Oakville F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20059 Aiello Claire Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6081 Ainsco Brian Woodbridge M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20060 Aird Emily Aurora F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20061 Aitas John Pickering M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20062 Aitken Daryl TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16325 Ajamian Vahan Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20063 Ajemian Albert Markham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20064 Ajemian Ari Markham M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 236 Akanda Zakia Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6082 Akazaki Lee Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20065 Akbar Shehzad Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6083 Akera Patrick Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6084 Akinsola Oluwatosin SYDNEY M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6085 Akkerman Evert Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26142 AKKINENI HARITHA Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 15887 Akong Joanne Belmont F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20066 Akselrod Alex Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20067 Akselrod Evelyn Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6086 Aksich Caroline Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25576 Alain Rebecca Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6087 Alain Solange la sarre F GREEN<br />

Marathon 237 Alam Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20068 Alam Ishtiaque Concord M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20069 Alam Kashfia Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26143 Alamagan Zeinab North York F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6088 Alanis Jeanette Monterrey F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6089 Alaniz Wendy Riverside F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20070 ALARIE SHEILA Oshawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20071 Alary-Fortin Mathieu Saint-Lambert M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20072 Alas Alex toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 238 Alas Roberto Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6090 Alati Christina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 239 Alb Adrian Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6091 Alba Ana Carolina Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6092 Albagdadi Alaa Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6093 Al-balushi Jamila Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26144 Albarran Irai Lerma F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6094 albeer hussain M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 240 Albert Patrice st-colomban M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15888 Albert Phillip Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6095 Albert Rachel Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6096 Albertine Matt Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6097 Albertine Rachel Oakville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20073 Alberto Fil Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26145 Albin Austin Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6098 Albion Chris Oakville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20074 Alburquerque Maitane TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6099 Alcaraz Jose Uxbridge M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6100 Alcorta Justin Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16326 Aldamak Abdullah Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26146 Aldeia Isabel Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6101 Alders Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6102 Alders Olaf Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6103 Alderson Joselynn Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6104 Aldridge Angie Huntsville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26147 Aleinikov Anna Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20075 Alejandre James Burlington M RED<br />

Marathon 241 Alert Christopher North York M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20076 Alexander Andrea Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6105 Alexander Carolyn Fergus F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26148 Alexander Donna Toronto F Blue<br />

Marathon 242 Alexander Doug Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20077 Alexander Ethan Ajax M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20078 Alexander Gina Odessa F RED<br />

Marathon 243 Alexander Katie Glasgow F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20079 Alexander Kraig Ajax M RED<br />

Marathon 244 Alexander Michael Uxbridge M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20080 Alexander Najla Milton F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20081 Alexander Robert Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20082 Alexander Samantha Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6106 Alexander Sharon Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20083 Alexander Shirley Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6107 ALEXANDER THOMAS Fergus M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6108 Alexander Tim Odessa M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20084 Alexander Tinika Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 27430 Alexanderson Jaime Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 20085 Alexandria Shannon Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6109 Alexandrina Yulia Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6110 Alexis F Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6111 Alfaro DEBBIE Marciana Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6112 Alfaro Venegas Alexander San Jose M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20086 Alfille Gracianne TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6113 Alford Shay Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20087 Alfred Ashley Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26149 Alfred Dale Concord M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20088 Algate Brenda Pickering F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6114 Algate Naomi toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20089 Algate Nathan North York M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15594 Algate Ron Pickering M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6115 Alguire Nicholas Cornwall M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20090 Alhamad Rami Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20091 Ali Aadil Brampton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20092 Ali Akeel Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6116 Ali Domenic Etobicoke M RED<br />

Marathon 245 Ali Isma Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6117 Ali Junaid toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6118 Ali Khawaja Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20093 Ali Mariam mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20094 Ali Serena Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20095 Ali Shaheed Markham M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20096 Ali Zaina Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Marathon 246 Aliaj Tammy Toronto F PURPLE<br />


Half Marathon 6119 Aligato Leeshel Maple F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16327 Ali-Khan Farrah Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6120 Aliling Earl Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20097 Aliu Oney Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20098 Aljawhary Dana Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25577 Aljemleh Safaa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6121 Al-Khazraji Baraa London F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6122 Allagouma Seybou Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15889 Allaire Anne-Frédérick Boisbriand F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6123 Allaire Michelle Laval F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20099 Allan Barb Aurora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6124 Allan Caitlin Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6125 Allan David Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6126 Allan John Peterborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6127 Allan Ken Thunder Bay M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20100 Allan Linda Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20101 Allan Meredith Aurora F GREEN<br />

Marathon 248 Allan Nancy Breslau F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6128 Allan Patricia Thunder Bay F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20102 Allan Robert Cambridge M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20103 Allan Scott Aurora M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6129 Allard Cheryl Porcupine F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16328 Allard Jason Lockport M Red<br />

Half Marathon 15890 Allard Lisa Whitby F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4566 Allard Matthew Whitby M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6130 Allard Rick Porcupine M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6131 Allary Pier-Luc Montréal M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6132 Allaster Laura Burlington F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20104 Allbon Debby Bowmanville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20105 Allega Domenic Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16329 Allegrini Federica Etobicoke F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26150 Allen Carling Keswick F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 15891 Allen Charlotte Montreal F RED<br />

Marathon 249 Allen David Boulevard M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6133 Allen Jennifer Orillia F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 250 Allen Johnny Chicopee M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6134 Allen Kate Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6135 Allen Kenda EAST YORK F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6136 Allen Mikayla London F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6137 Allen Samantha Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 251 Allen Scott Burlington M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6138 Allen Susan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6139 Allerton Kerry Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6140 Alley Moira Pickering F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 252 Alli Zaheed Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15595 Allick Michelle Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6141 Allison Chris Oro Medonte M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6142 Allison Corey Barrie M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20106 Allison Dianne North York F GREEN<br />

Marathon 253 Allison Gareth Mississuaga M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6143 Allison Neil Aurora M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6144 Allison Nicole Bond Head F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16330 Allistone Nicole arva F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16331 Allistone Nicole Arva F Blue<br />

Marathon 254 Allore Andre Rosemere M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6145 Allouche Ounissa Montréal F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20107 Alloway Heather Haliburton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6146 Almaguer Edmundo McAllen M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6147 ALMARAZ NIEVES ANDREA Mexico F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20108 Almarez Michael pickering M RED<br />

Marathon 255 Almazán Klinckwort Daniel México city M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20109 Almeida Alicia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20110 ALMEIDA EDWARD toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6148 Almeida Stephanie Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20111 Almond Jeffrey London M RED<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25468 Almond Steph London F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20112 Almuete Evelyn Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25578 Alobaid Abdulghani Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25579 Alobaid Almotaz Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25580 Alobaid Kassar Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25581 Alobaid Malak Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25582 Alobaid Nassar Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25583 Alobaid Reem Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 256 Alonso Emma Mexico F YELLOW<br />


5km Run/Walk 20113 Alonsozana Rene Milton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 257 Alonzo Dante Bradford M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 258 Alos Arnaldo Ciudad de México M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6149 Alper Ruth Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6150 Alphonso Shaun Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 259 Alpizar Chacon Gloriana San Jose F RED<br />

Marathon 260 Alquicira Luis Mexico City M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25584 AlSabban Zehour toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25585 Al-Shaikh Abdullatif Waterloo M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20114 Alshiekh Nedal North York M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20115 Alshorafa Sami Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6151 Alsina Vanessa San Juan F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 261 Altamirano Liliana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20116 Altamirano Maria Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20117 Alter Seth North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6152 Althoff Elizabeth Kelowna F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6153 Altman Danielle Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20118 Altman Deena Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26151 Alton Kaylee Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26152 Alton Lisa Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 262 Alton Scott Stouffville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6154 Al-Turk Jana Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6155 Alty Vanessa Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 263 Alvarado Gustavo Santiago de Chile M RED<br />

Marathon 264 Alvares Savio Milton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6156 Alvarez Andrea Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20119 Alvarez Juglans Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 265 Alvarez Kevin Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 27431 ALVAREZ KRISTINA Montreal F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 6157 Alvarez Luisa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16332 Alvarez Manuel Roberto Jamundi M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6158 Alvarez Margaret Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15892 Alvarez Rahuel Milton M GREEN<br />





Half Marathon 6162 Alvaro Giovanna Montreal F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20120 Alvaro Nadia Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20121 Alvaro Susie Caledon F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20122 Alves Stephanie Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 267 Alviso Victor toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6163 ALVOET GERALD Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20123 Aly Moustafa Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15596 Alyssandratos-Amatuzio Julie Mississauga F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 15893 Alzamora Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6164 Amad Hani Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 268 Amadeo Katie Thunder Bay F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6165 Amadouny Melissa Montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6166 Aman Ahmed Oakville M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6167 Amanda Bennett Renfrew F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20124 Amanda Breininger Mount Albert F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25586 Amanuel Fistum Brampton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20125 Amaral Beverly Etobicoke F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20126 Amaral Gilbert London M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6168 Amaral Kelly Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20127 Amaral Lauren Etobicoke F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20128 Amaral Linda London F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20129 Amaral Olivia London F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6169 Amaral Paula ETOBICOKE F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26153 Amaral Rachel London F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6170 Amare Abrah Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6171 Amarelo Ewa Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6172 Amarti Reda Longueuil M RED<br />

Marathon 269 Amateau Bruce henrico M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25587 AMAYA ROBERTO Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6173 Ambler Jessica Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20130 Ambos Emily Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 270 Ambtman Anne Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20131 Amde Lulit Markham F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20132 Ament Donna Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6174 Amis Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16333 Amjad Danyal Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20133 Ammari Nancy Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 271 Amory Hugues Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 272 Amory Theo Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6175 Amos Debra Pickering F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6176 Amos Jeanne Linwood F GREEN<br />

Marathon 273 Amyot Maude Pembroke F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20134 Amyot Michelle Oakville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20135 Amyot Ross Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 274 An Tian You Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6177 Anand Jaspreet Singh Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26154 Anand Jasveen Ajax F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6178 Ananda Rebecca Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20136 Anchelson Monique Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20137 Andani Amir Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25469 Andani Sharmiza Armaan Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6179 Andaya Ramil Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6180 Anders Stephan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15894 Andersen Eric ST-LAZARE M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6181 Anderson Andy Newmarket M RED<br />

Marathon 275 Anderson Blake Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6182 Anderson Brad Ottawa M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26155 Anderson Brade Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 276 Anderson Brian Washington M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6183 Anderson Brian Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20138 Anderson Candace Ottawa F RED<br />

Marathon 277 Anderson Cathy Richmond F BLUE<br />

Marathon 278 Anderson Curtis Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20139 Anderson Dan M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20140 Anderson Elza F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 279 Anderson Eric Washington M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20141 Anderson Erika Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 280 Anderson Giles Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6184 Anderson Jennifer Cambridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6185 Anderson Jill Brooklin F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25588 Anderson John Murray Oakville M GREEN<br />

Marathon 281 Anderson Katie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20142 Anderson Kelly Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16334 Anderson Kerri Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20143 Anderson Kevin Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6186 Anderson Lenna Newmarket F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6187 Anderson Lorna London F BLUE<br />

Marathon 282 Anderson Lynn Midlothian F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6188 Anderson Melanie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 283 Anderson Merry Washington F GREEN<br />

Marathon 284 Anderson Michael Cambridge M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6189 Anderson Richard Mississauga M RED<br />

Marathon 4680 Anderson Ross Toronto M Yellow

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6190 Anderson Scott Sunnyside M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20144 Anderson Sheila Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 285 Anderson Stephen Ottawa M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20145 Anderson Sue Oakville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6191 Anderson DeCoteau Marcia St. Andrews F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 286 Anderton Miho Delta F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20146 Andison Emma Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6192 Andrade Francisco Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15895 Andrade Gorki haledon M BLUE<br />

Marathon 287 Andrade Gustavo Fortaleza, CE M GREEN<br />

Marathon 288 Andrade Jenn London F BLUE<br />

Marathon 289 Andrade Jose Arturo ATIZAPAN DE ZARAGOZA M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15597 Andrade Karina Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20147 Andre Chadd Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6193 Andre Nelson London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6194 Andrechek Scott Fredericton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6195 Andrei Andreea Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6196 Andres Susana Bolton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26156 Andrew Marcus Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6197 Andrew Sherry Woodstock F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6198 Andrews Aneta Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 290 Andrews Duncan Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 291 Andrews Erin Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 4568 Andrews Greg Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6199 Andrews Jessica Outremont F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6200 Andrews Kirsty Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 292 Andrews Linda Kakabeka Falls F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6201 Andrews Medwin toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20148 Andrews Megan Burlington F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20149 Andrews Sheila Uxbridge F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4569 Andrews Steve Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6202 Andrews Tracy Clifford F GREEN<br />

Marathon 293 Andriano Jeremy Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 294 Andringa Cyndie Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 295 Andueza Denaly Merida F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20150 Anees Mona Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6203 Ang Alvin Markham M RED<br />

Marathon 296 Ang Ansherina Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6204 Ang Irene F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26157 Ang Ishaq Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6205 Ang Go Joselle brampton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 297 Ang Houle Armande Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 298 Angeconeb Trudy Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 299 Angel Mar toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 300 Angeli Alejandro M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20151 Angelini Anthony Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20152 Anger Adrian Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20153 Anger Diane Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20154 Anglin Maureen Toronto F GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 16335 Aniceto Leo Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6206 Anie Barb Toronto F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20156 Anile Anthony Vaughan M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20157 Anissimova Veronika Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 301 Anja Jaanus Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6207 Anklewicz Mike Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 302 Annarilli Celestina Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20158 Annarilli Maria Pia Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20159 Annarilli Maria Pia Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 303 Anne-Marie Moreau Drummondville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>0 Annesley David Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6208 Annetts Amanda Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>1 Annikie Taelor Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 304 Ansell Chiara Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6209 Anselm Stephanie Etobicoke F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6210 Antal Kylie Greenwood Village F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26158 Anteneh Blen Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26159 Anteneh Faiven Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6211 Antequera Alejandro Bradford M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>2 Anthony Bill Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6212 Anthony Cody Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6213 Anthony Dina Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>3 Antoine Karlene Woodbridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6214 Antolin Stephen Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6215 Antolini Diana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 305 Anton Gonzalez Mikel Mexico DF M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>4 Antonio Jefferson Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>5 Antoniou Tony Oakville M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>6 Antonova Natalia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>7 Antony Nicholas Whitby M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>8 Antosik Tanya Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25589 Anunciação Mario Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 306 anupol aaron M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6216 Anupol Daniel Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16336 Anura Kabilan Bowmanville M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26160 Anvari Bana Tornto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 307 Anzola Maria Virginia Oakville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk <strong>2016</strong>9 Ao Kevin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6217 Aoyagi Teruaki Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Marathon 308 Aparicio Fernando North York M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6218 Apenko Maryna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 309 Aponte Ericka San Juan F RED<br />

Marathon 310 Aponte Geovanni Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6219 Apostol Radu Markham M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20170 Appadoo Dee Brampton F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6220 Appadurai Rebecca Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20171 Appalraju Yogen Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6221 Appelbe Bill Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20172 APPIAH RICH TORONTO M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6222 Applebaum Michael Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26161 Apse Selga Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26162 Apthorp Owen London M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20173 Aqui Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20174 Aquilina C Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20175 Aquino Brandon Vaughan M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4681 Aquino Emmanuel Brampton M Green<br />

Half Marathon 6223 Aquino Jeanice Cobourg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15598 Arab Rabah Toronto M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26163 Arabian Jerry Pickering M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26164 Arabian Lena Pickering F Purple<br />


Half Marathon 6224 Araneta Leonardo Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 312 Arango David Burlington M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 313 Arango Paula Burlington F BLUE<br />

Marathon 314 ARANGO SERGIO Burlington M BLUE<br />

Marathon 315 Araujo Rafael Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 316 Arbek Shannon Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20176 Arbel Ifah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6225 Arbelaez Julian Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20177 Arbess Josh Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 317 Arbour Anouk Luskville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20178 Arbour Sylvie Pointe-Claire F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6226 Arbuckle Justin Guelph M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20179 Arcangel Jake North York M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26165 Arcangel Ritchelle Toronto F Blue<br />

Marathon 318 Arcara Brian Hopkintom M GREEN<br />

Marathon 319 Arce Chantel Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 320 Arce Gustavo Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20180 Archa Cilla Vaughan F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16337 Archambault Vincent Montreal M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6227 Archard Noel Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6228 Archer Desiree Ajax F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20181 Archer Kristine Vaughan F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20182 Arcieri Donna Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16338 Arcot Mohan Burlington M Green<br />

Half Marathon 15896 Ardeline Katie Lynden F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6229 Ardila Santiago Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20183 Ardill Matthew Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20184 Ardo Hermie Toronto F PURPLE<br />


5km Run/Walk 20185 Arellano Gregorio Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 322 Arenas Rosado Yesica Toronto F GREEN<br />


5km Run/Walk 20186 Arevalo Felixberto Woodbridge M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20187 Arevalo Yvette Faye Woodbridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6231 Argiropoulos Angela Vaughan F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 323 Argueta Abel México City M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6232 Argyle Roanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26166 Arias Mercedes Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 20188 Arias Samanta Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6233 Arjmand Parnian Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20189 Arkin Aaron Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6234 Arksey Michelle Midhurst F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25590 Armagost Ami Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6235 Armali Chantal Sarnia F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20190 Armali Daniel Montreal M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />


Half Marathon 6236 Armitage Guy Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 325 Armstrong Amy Evergreen F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20191 Armstrong Bianca Gormley F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15599 Armstrong Brett Toronto M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20192 Armstrong Chris Gormley M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6237 Armstrong Darian Guelph M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15600 Armstrong Janice Ruscom F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6238 Armstrong Jessica Thornhill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6239 Armstrong John Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6240 Armstrong Kate Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15897 Armstrong Kyle London M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20193 Armstrong Libby Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6241 Armstrong Lori Fergus F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6242 Armstrong Mariceli San Juan F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20194 Armstrong Mark Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6243 Armstrong Melissa Markham F GREEN<br />

Marathon 326 Armstrong Naa Odey Quaye Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16339 Armstrong Raymond Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 327 Armstrong Sandy Lynn F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26167 Armstrong Susan toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 6244 Armstrong Tayleigh Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6245 Armstrong-Harris Maeve London F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6246 Arnachalam Nal Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 328 Arnarson Magnus Reykjavik M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20195 Arnason Margaret Pickering F BLUE<br />

Marathon 329 Arnaud Thierry Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 330 Arnold Adele Stafford F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20196 Arnold Eric Woodbridge M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 331 Arnold Jennifer Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6247 Arnold Kelly London F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20197 Arnold Lorraine Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

Marathon 332 Arnold Paul London M RED<br />

Marathon 333 Arnold Philippe Montreal M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26168 Arnold Raj Toronto M Green<br />

Marathon 334 Arnott Colin Bunny whitby M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16340 Arnuco Arceu Robert Toronto M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 20198 Aronoff Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20199 Arora Bani Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20200 Arora Jeevan Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6248 Arora Manju Burnaby F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6249 Arora Roochi Hamilton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20201 Arora Sanjay Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20202 Arora Sumit Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20203 Arora Yash Ajax M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 335 Arredondo Fernando Miami, FL M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20204 Arriola Ashley Thorold F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6250 Arrowsmith Jill St. George F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6251 Arruda Andrea Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6252 Arruda Christina Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26169 Arruda Kelly Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20205 Arsenault Daniel Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6253 Arsenault Jason Torbay M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 336 Arsenault Lisa Bonaventure F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20206 Arshi Saloomeh Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 337 Arteaga Israel Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26170 Artemakis Andonis toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16341 Artemiw David Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16342 Artini Marco Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20207 Artinian Aimee Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26171 Artinian Haig Markham M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20208 Artinian John Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6254 Arumugam Kajen Pickering M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20209 Arumugam Yajneshvar Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20210 Arvidsson Birgitta Arjang F RED<br />

Marathon 338 Arvidsson Hanna Årjäng F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6255 Aryo Marifi Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25591 Arzumanian Alex Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25592 Arzumanian Natasha Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25593 Arzumanian Parunag Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 340 Asadi Maysam Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 341 ASANO MANAMI toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20211 Asante Michelle Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6256 Ascenzo Andrew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6257 Ascroft Jane Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16343 Asefa1991 Kindi toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20212 Aseo Dave Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25594 Ash Lorna Ajax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6258 Ashamalla Danielle Newmarket F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6259 Ashamalla Monique Pickering F BLUE<br />

Marathon 342 Ashbury Andrew Kingsotn M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6260 Ashbury Jennifer kingston F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20213 Ashby Kate Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20214 Ashford Jane Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6261 Ashford Kristal Lakefield F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6262 Ashton Genevieve Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6263 Ashton Karen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6264 Ashton Katherine Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6265 Ashton Martin Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6266 Ashworth Paul Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20215 Askew Lucy Edinburgh F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26172 Aslam Saher Mississauga F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26173 Aslam Zohaib Mississauga M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16344 Asmar Edward Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6267 Asmellash Tigist Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6268 Asper Daniel Toronto M YELLOW<br />


Marathon 344 Assad Alejandra Garza garcia F RED<br />

Marathon 345 Asselin Guylaine malartic F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6269 Asselin Marco Magog M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6270 Asselin Simon Notre-Dame-des-Prairies M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 346 Assimakopoulos Rob Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 347 Assis Helen São Bernardo do Campo F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 348 Astle Chris Port Elgin M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20216 ASTLEY Corey Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20217 Astley Lynne Toronto, ON F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6271 Aston Alison Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6272 Aston Barb Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 349 Atad Miriam Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6273 Atare Kristine Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6274 Ataya Sara london F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20218 Atef Yekta Maryam Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6275 Athaide Anna-Lisa Whitby F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16345 Athanasakos Stratos Aurora M Green<br />

Half Marathon 6276 Athanasakou Iryna Aurora F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6277 Athayde Jonathan London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15898 Athey Brian Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20219 Atie Sara Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20220 Atkins Angela Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20221 Atkins Avi Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20222 Atkinson Alexandra Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Marathon 350 Atkinson Jonathan Mississauga M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20223 Atkinson Mary Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6278 Atkinson Rob Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6279 Atkinson-Clements Andrew Burnt River M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6280 Atomsa Bonsa Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 351 Attal Maxime Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 352 Attanucci Michael The Woodlands M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 353 Attanucci Vincent The Woodlands M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6281 Attard Lydia Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6282 Attenasio Kathleen Lake Hiawatha F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6283 Attiah Yasmeen Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20224 Attinello Andre Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6284 Atwal Pardeep Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6285 Atwell Kathryn Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6286 Atwill Ryan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26174 Au Abbie Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6287 Au Andrew Scarborough M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20225 Au Bosco Markham M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20226 AU JO JO TORONTO F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20227 Au Julia Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20228 Au Michael Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20229 Au Roger Richmond Hill M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20230 Au Yeung Annie Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26175 AU YEUNG CHRISTIE Markham F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20231 Aube Emily Richards landing F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6288 Aubry Shelley Kitchener F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 354 Aubuchon Stéphanie Montreal F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20232 Auch Annika Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 355 Auchinleck Martha Sudbury F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6289 Auciello Michael Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20233 Auciello Rose Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20234 Auciello Sarina Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6290 Auclair Cheryl Whitby F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 356 Auclair Denis Québec M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 357 Aucoin Luc St-Bruno M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20235 Aucoin Michael Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6291 Audet Luc L'assomption M GREEN<br />

Marathon 358 Audet Sophie Bois-des-Filion F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6292 Audette Vanessa Orleans F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6293 Audoin Fred Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 359 Auerbach Andrew Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20236 Auerbach Jamie Newmarket M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6294 Auerbach Jessica Sarasota F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6295 Aufragne Nicolas Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15601 Augello Cristina Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20237 Augustine Ugshana Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20238 Augusto Marilia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6296 Aulthouse Andrew Belleville M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 360 Aultom Tim Princeton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20239 Aung Thuya Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6297 Aurocco Trevor Hamilton M RED<br />

Marathon 361 Austin Chloe Dartmouth F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6298 Austin Cory Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6299 Austin Roy Barrie M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20240 Austin Ryan Barrie M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20241 Austin Stacey Barrie F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20242 Authier Amber Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6300 Auyeung Karen Vancouver F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6301 Avanigadda Karthik Stouffville M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20243 Avenus Jessica Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20244 Avenus Mitchell north york M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20245 Aversa Nicole Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 362 Avery Kelly New York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6302 Avery Shawn beaverton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6303 Avgeropoulos Christine Thunder Bay F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 363 Avila Gabriela Mexico F RED<br />


5km Run/Walk 25595 Avila Yvonne Toronto F YELLOW<br />




5km Run/Walk 20249 Aviña Palacios Nayeli Mexico City F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20250 Aviña Palacios Zaira Mexico City F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20251 Avinoam Shayna Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6304 Avolio Olivia Aurora F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20252 Avraham Guy thornhill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20253 Avraham Sapphire thornhill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20254 Avrich-Johnson Kathy Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15602 Awad Imad Toronto M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20255 Awang Grace Etobicoke F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20256 Awani Charlotte Woodbridge F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6305 Awrey Karen Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20257 Axler Adeana Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25596 Ayele Amanuel Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15899 Ayer Nori etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6306 Ayllon Christina Hoboken F BLUE<br />

Marathon 365 Ayosso Franck Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6307 Ayotte Andy Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6308 Ayotte Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 366 Ayotte Nancy La Prairie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6309 Ayotte Simon Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6310 Ayotte Stephanie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6311 AYOUB EL IDRISSI Mounia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6312 Ayre Robert Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 367 Ayres Chris Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 368 Ayub Andrea Mexico City F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20258 Ayukawa Courtney Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6313 Azab Mohammad San Francisco M BLUE<br />

Marathon 369 Azarcon Wally Oakville M RED<br />

Marathon 370 Azcona Angel Irapuato M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20259 AZEEZ KERIE Ajaz F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20260 Azem Juliana TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 371 Azerad Itai Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15900 Azeroual Orly Toronto Ontario F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15901 Azevedo Marcos Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20261 Azhar Amira Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20262 Azhar Asma Whitby F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6314 Aziz Arif Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15902 Aziz Emily Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6315 Aziz Kais Oakville M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20263 Aziz Mursal Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6316 Aziz Yahya North york M GREEN<br />

Marathon 372 Azorin Jade Montreal F GREEN<br />

Marathon 373 Azpiroz Jennifer Mexico City F BLUE<br />

Marathon 374 AZSES Yemile Mexico City F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15903 Azzopardi Tony Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26176 Baartman Brice Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 375 Baba Justyna Woodstock F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26177 Babbs Kathleen Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6317 Babcock Tim toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20264 Babicki Elizabeth Angus F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20265 Babicki-Farrugia Kinga Bradford F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6318 Babier Aaron Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 376 Babij Steve Sudbury M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20266 Babikian Diane Jenkintown F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15904 Babin Marc toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 377 Babington Bret london M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6319 Babinski Dominic Thornhill M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20267 Babochian Alice Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20268 Babudri Jocelyn Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20269 Babuta Shiv Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6320 Bâby Jehan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6321 Bacalso Hermogenes Oshawa M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6322 Bacalso Judy Lou Oshawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25597 Bacani Gabriel Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6323 Bacani Joseph Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6324 Baccarella Julian Woodbridge M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6325 Baccarella Lina Woodbridge F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20270 Baccilieri Frank King City M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20271 Baccilieri Melissa King City F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20272 Baccilieri Sabrina King City F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20273 Baccilieri Silvana King City F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20274 Bacher Jay toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20275 Bacher Tommy Thornhill M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20276 Baciu Liana Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 378 Bacon Lalage Knowlton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6326 Badami Angela Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20277 Badaro Nayara Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20278 Badaro Tatiane Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15905 Bader Eric thorbhill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6327 Badri Diana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6328 Badurina Ashley Courtice F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6329 Badyal Jessica Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6330 Bae Steven Kingston M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6331 Baechler Maxwell Ottawa M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26178 Baez Patricio Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20279 Baez Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20280 Bafia Steve Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6332 Bag Lalitendu Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 379 Bagal Stacy Sarasota M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25598 Bagdonaite Jurgita Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 4570 Baggaley Daniel Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 380 Baggs David Orleans M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6333 Baghla Ravi Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6334 Bagley Neil Milton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6335 Bagnall Lorri hamilton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6336 Bagol Craig Brampton M GREEN<br />

Marathon 381 Bahen Julia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6337 Bahensky Robert Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6338 Bai Jane London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6339 Bai Jonathan Etobicoke M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20281 Bai Julie toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6340 Bai Shawn Hamilton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6341 Bai Xian Markham M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6342 Baici Charlotte Stratford F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6343 Baigrie Connor Oakville M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6344 Bailey Andrea Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6345 Bailey Bill Lakefield M GREEN<br />

Marathon 382 Bailey Brendan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6346 Bailey Brett toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6347 Bailey Chris Kingston M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25599 Bailey Colleen Mono F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6348 Bailey Jeff Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6349 Bailey Nicole Guelph F RED<br />

Marathon 383 Bailey Richard Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6350 Bailey Steve Kitchener M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6351 Bailey-Flynn Alyson Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6352 Baillargeon Marie-Claude Saint-Sauveur F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6353 Baillargeon Marie-Claude Montreal F RED<br />

Marathon 384 Baillargeon Rene montreal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6354 Baillie Andrea Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16346 Baillie Ryan Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 15906 Bailon Meisel Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6355 Bailon Miel Marie Scarborough F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26179 Bain Alexander Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26180 Bain Caroline Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20282 Bain Christine Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26181 Bain David Toronto M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26182 Bain Graham Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6356 Bain Ian Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20283 Bain Matthew Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 385 Bain Ross Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20284 Bain Ryan Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20285 Bain Steven Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26183 Bain Stewart Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20286 Bain Tricia McDougall F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20287 Bain Tricia Parry Sound F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6357 Bain Victoria Outremont F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20288 Bains Gurjit Brampton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16347 Bains Harjot Brampton M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6358 Bajac Mark Kitchener M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20289 Bajaj Sunil AJAX M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6359 Bajorek Paulina Brampton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 386 Bak Steve Grand Rapids M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20290 Bakar Abdoul Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 387 Baker Cheryl Dixon F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6360 Baker Craig toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6361 Baker Curtis Embro M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6362 Baker Jacqueline Embro F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20291 Baker Jeff Welland M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6363 Baker Jill Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20292 Baker Joanne Cheltenham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26184 Baker Justin Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20293 Baker Laura Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6364 Baker Matthew Embro M BLUE<br />

Marathon 388 Baker Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6365 BAKER TANYA TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25470 Bakhamian Linda Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20294 Bakhamian Mihran Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20295 Bakhamian Seta Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6366 Bakker Julia Goderich F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6367 Baks Tyler Barrie M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17089 Baksh Lydia Wasaga Beach F Orange<br />

5km Run/Walk 20296 Baksh Shelly Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16348 Bal Sukhwinder Caledon M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20297 Balaam Kristina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6368 Balaam Toni toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20298 Balaban Jeff Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20299 Balachandran Rajanandhini Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26185 Baladad Mae Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20300 Balanon Janine Whitby F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20301 Balashi-Iancovitz Jona Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6369 Balazsovits Katrina F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6370 Balcerzak Izabella Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6371 Balcom Angela Strathroy F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6372 Baldassare Olivia Kelowna F RED<br />

Marathon 389 Baldassarra Cam Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 390 Baldassarra Giana Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20302 Baldasti Luke Caledon M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20303 Baldasti Rick Caledon M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6373 Balders Michael Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6374 Baldock Colleen Tilbury F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6375 Baldwin Amanda Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20304 Baldwin Cheryl Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6376 Baldwin Jennifer Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20305 Baldwin Maureen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6377 Baldwin Melinda scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26186 Baldwin Michael Lakefield M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6378 Baldwin Ryan Georgetown M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20306 Balgobin Dawn Toronto F RED<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25471 Baljir Nara Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6379 Ball Chantal Montreal F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26187 Ball Chris Kingston M Yellow<br />

Marathon 391 Ball Elizabeth Oakville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6380 Ball Mark Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6381 Ball Michael Oakville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20307 Ball Stephanie Whitby F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20308 Ball Stephen Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20309 Ball Sue Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

Marathon 392 Ball Warren Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6382 Ballantyne-Choo Nicole Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20310 Ballast Rachel Wasaga Beach F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6383 Ballast Rosanne Tweed F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6384 Ballen Hyacinth toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20311 Ballon Amy Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20312 Balogun Stephen BRAMPTON M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6385 Balser Erin Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 393 Baltus Robin Lévis M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20313 Bam Polina Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6386 Bambek David Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 4682 Bamber William Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 25600 Bambico Marc toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20314 Bamford Craig Picckering F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26188 Banaag Paolo Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16349 Bancroft Belinda Harrowsmith F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 15907 Bancroft Christine Oakville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20315 Bandell Edie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 394 Banderk Brian Calgary M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6387 Bandewar Nitin Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6388 Bandukwala Kamal Mississauga M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20316 Banerjee Anu Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6389 Banerjee Paromita Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6390 Banerjee Rupak Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15908 Banerjee Tapas Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6391 Banfield Ali Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 395 Bangs Lauree Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20317 Banham Helen TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20318 Banik Sue Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Marathon 396 Banisetty Prakash Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6392 Bankay Michael scarborough M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6393 Banks Jacob Kemptville M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26189 Banks Megan Etobicoke F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6394 Banks Switzer Sheila Uxbridge F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26190 Banman Christina Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6395 Bannan Stephanie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6396 Banner Jessica TORONTO F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16350 Bannon Kane Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16351 Bannon Katie Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20319 Bansal Simon Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6397 Bantasan Julie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20320 Banton Renee Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6398 Banyai Benjamin Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15909 Banzen Yana Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26191 Bao Cindy Markham F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6399 Bao Tian Tian (Phoebe) Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 397 Baquedano Yolanda merida F RED<br />

Marathon 398 Bar Adrian Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6400 Bar Katrina Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26192 Barajas Nancy Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16352 Barak Dan Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 399 Barale Jean-Sébastien Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 400 Baralt Jose Caguas M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 401 Baran Joachim Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 402 Barandich Sergey mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16353 Baranov Oleg Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6401 Baranowsky David Oshawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6402 Baranowsky Orin Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 403 BARASHI ILAN Caracas M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25601 Barba Honey Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6403 Barbeau Annie Montréal F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 404 Barber Chad Barrie M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6404 Barber Katie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6405 Barber Liane Ajax F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6406 Barber Lindsay Cambridge F GREEN<br />

Marathon 405 Barberena Luis Miguel Queretaro M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6407 Barbisan Brittany Peterborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16354 Bardin Claire Montréal F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6408 Bardy Valerie Bradford F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6409 Bardyn Katie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20321 Bare Ana Vaughan F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20322 Bare Rafael Vaughan M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20323 Bareno Christian Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 406 Barhoumi Badr Brossard M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20324 Barikage Alphonse Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 407 Barker Alex Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20325 Barker Andrew Sutton M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20326 Barker James Toronto M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6410 Barker Jamie Keswick F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6411 Barker John Bowmanville M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20327 Barker Jordan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26193 BARKER SAVANNAH TORONTO F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6412 Barker Stella Simcoe F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6413 Barker Stephanie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16355 Barkey Jacob Huntsville M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6414 Barkey Katelin Huntsville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6415 Barkhatov Serge M BLUE<br />

Marathon 408 Barkley Chris Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6416 Barks Jacki McDougall F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6417 Barley Lisa Oakville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17090 Barm Harpreet Brantford M Orange<br />

Half Marathon 6418 Barnabi Francesco Carrying Place M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6419 Barnabi Lynn Carrying Place F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20328 Barnes Cate Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6420 Barneto André Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6421 Barnett Brooke Bracebridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16356 Barnett Dean Newmarket M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6422 Barnett Steven Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6423 Barney Darlene Woodville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6424 Barnuevo Franco Shelby Twp M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6425 Barnuevo Geraldine Shelby Twp F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20329 Baron Christine Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15603 Baron Emmanuel Montreal M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6426 Baron Marcelle San Jose F GREEN<br />

Marathon 409 Baron Nicholas Pickering M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6427 Barone Paul Woodbridge M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 410 Barr Adelyn North Augusta F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25602 Barr Edie Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6428 Barr Jason Wasaga Beach M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20330 BARRAGAN ANDRES Queretaro M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20331 Barranca Domenico North York M RED<br />

Marathon 411 Barranco Richard Pembroke Pines M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6429 Barrand Michael Woodstock M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6430 Barrera Beatriz Ciudad de México F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 412 Barrera Carlos Toluca M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20332 Barrett Al Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6431 Barrett Andrew Thornhill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6432 Barrett Darci Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6433 Barrett Jason Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6434 Barrett Jayne weymouth F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26194 Barrett Jessie Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 6435 Barrett Jodie White Lake F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20333 Barrett Lelieth Markham F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6436 Barrett Sarah Woodbridge F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4571 Barrett Stephen Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6437 Barrette Jean montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20334 Barrick Cathy Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6438 Barrington Georgia Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20335 Barrington Heather Markham F GREEN<br />

Marathon 413 Barrington Kelly Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20336 Barro Andrea Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20337 Barro Leah etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6439 Barros Augusto Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 414 Barros Stephanie Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6440 Barrow Cheryl Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20338 Barrozo Lester Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20339 Barry David Oakville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20340 Barry John Beaconsfield M BLUE<br />

Marathon 415 Barry Jonathan Mount Pearl M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16357 Barry Justin bowmanville M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20341 Barry Linda Beaconsfield M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6441 Barry Lynn kanata F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16358 Barry Margaret Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20342 Barson Jen Guelph F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20343 Bartel Jon Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6442 Barter Justin St. John's M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6443 Barth Ben Thornhill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6444 Barth Sara Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6445 Bartholomew Mike Guelph M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6446 Bartja Gregg Collingwood M BLUE<br />

Marathon 416 Bartja Murray Listowel M BLUE<br />

Marathon 417 Bartkiw Donna Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6447 Bartlett Schyler East York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6448 Bartlett Schyler East York F BLUE<br />

Marathon 418 Bartlett Will Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20344 Bartley Becky Barrie F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26195 Bartley Lesma Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6449 Bartley Sarah Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 419 Bartolome Larry Stouffville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6450 Bartolucci Gillian Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6451 Barton Chris Markham M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20345 Barton Jennifer Courtice F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15910 Barton Kyle Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6452 Barton Stephanie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6453 Bartos Jennifer Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6454 Bartos Peter Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20346 Bartosik Ben Uxbridge M YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 26115 Bartosik Tori Uxbridge F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 420 Bas Alvarez Jose Manuel Mexico City M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6455 Basavapatna Subramu Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6456 Basiga Byron Campbellford M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 421 Basiliadis Julie Prescott F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16359 Basinger Craig Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 422 Baskaran Aaraniy Markham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6457 Baskerville Andrew Kitchener M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6458 Baskette Marsha Sarnia F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20347 Bass Michele Richmond Hill F RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17091 Bassett Elayne Toronto F Orange<br />

5km Run/Walk 20348 Bassett Kathryn Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20349 Bastianelli Honor Bowmanville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6459 Bastien Claudia Sudbury F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6460 Bastos Vanessa Richmond hill F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 423 Basulto Marcial Merida M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6461 Basurto Daniela Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6462 Batalevich Diana Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6463 Bate Devon Kitchener M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6464 Bateman Trevor Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6465 Bates David Rogers M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6466 Bates Emily Rogers F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15911 Bates Jacqueline NEW YORK F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6467 Bathory Derrick Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15912 Bathory Steven richmond hill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20350 Batmunkh Junaa Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20351 Batmunkh Shinee Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6468 Batson Morgan Kingston F GREEN<br />

Marathon 424 Battaglia Adam Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon Walk 4547 Battaglia Agatha Brampton F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6469 Battaglia Michael Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16360 Battaglini Mike Aurora M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20352 Batterink Jane Port Perry M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20353 Batterink John Port Perry M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15604 Battersby Helen Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26196 Battershield Julian north york M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6470 Battista Matthew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6471 Battista Vanessa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 425 Batty Maria Guelph F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20354 Batty Rosie London F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26197 BATULAYAN WILMA RICHMOND HILL F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6472 Baturin David Stoney Creek M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6473 Baturin Emily Stoney Creek F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6474 Baturin Krysten Stoney Creek F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 426 Bauch Dean Winnipeg M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6475 Baudry Cécile toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6476 Bauer Emily Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6477 Bauer Hilary Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6478 Bauer Karlyn Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 427 Baugh Catherine Columbia F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6479 Baum Josh Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6480 Baum Kathryn Blaze Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 428 Baumgartner Natasha Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6481 Baun John Buffalo M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6482 Baun Mary Buffalo F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6483 Bautista Manuel montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6484 Bax Karen London F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6485 Bax Tina London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6486 Bax-Campbell Maddison London F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20355 Baxter Jamie Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20356 Baybayan Alyssa Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 429 Bayer Evan Calgary M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6487 Bayes Joanne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15913 Bayes Sally Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20357 Bayley Scott Newmarket M RED<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25472 Bayne Kate Newmarket F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20358 Bazdar Sanja Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20359 Bazios Katherine Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Marathon 430 Baziuk Natasha Belleville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6488 Bazylak Aimy Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26198 Bazzo Helen King City F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6489 Beach Megan Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 431 Beach Steve Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Marathon 432 Beach Steven Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6490 Beairsto Lisa Pickering F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16361 Beakbane Jessica Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20360 Beakbane Stephanie Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15914 Beale Colin Scarborough M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6491 Beales Amanda Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 433 Beall Chris Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Marathon 434 Bean Chris Sault Ste. Marie M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6492 Beard Lauren Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6493 Beard Samara Port Perry F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20361 Beard Tesla Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 435 Bears Leigh New London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16362 Beasley Hellen Goderich F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20362 Beasley Ken Brantford M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20363 Beasley Laura Brantford F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6494 Beasley Steve Goderich M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6495 Beaton Caroline Dollard des Ormeaux F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16363 Beaton Michelle toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20364 Beaton Michelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20365 Beatt Sandra Alliston F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20366 Beatt Sandra Alliston F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6496 Beattie Amanda Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6497 Beattie Robert Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4683 Beattie Shannon Port perry F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20367 Beattie Steve Glen Williams M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6498 Beatty Bonnie Parry Sound F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6499 Beatty Brook Brampton M GREEN<br />

Marathon 436 Beatty Mary Galway F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6500 Beatty Nicole Halifax F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4572 Beaty Austin Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Marathon 437 Beaty Philip Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6501 Beauchamp Julie Saint-Jerome F BLUE<br />

Marathon 438 Beauchamp Michael Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Marathon 439 Beauchamp Michel Rockland M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6502 Beauchamp Michelle Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16364 Beauchamp Stephane Boucherville M Yellow<br />

Marathon 440 Beauchamp Sylvain Boucherville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6503 Beauchemin Eric La Sarre M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20368 Beauchesne Christian Saint-Lambert M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20369 Beauchesne Jennifer Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6504 Beauchesne Valerie Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6505 Beaudette Kenny Sherbrooke M RED<br />

Marathon 441 Beaudin Chantal Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6506 Beaudin Guy Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 442 Beaudoin Aaron Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6507 Beaudoin Amélie Drummondville F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6508 Beaudoin Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6509 Beaudoin Daniel Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6510 Beaudoin Desneiges Landrienne F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6511 Beaudoin Michèle Trécesson F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6512 Beaudoin Trevor Orangeville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6513 Beaudry Adriane Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6514 Beaudry Daniel Bracebridge M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20370 Beaudry Isabelle Joliette F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6515 Beaudry Suzanne St.Bruno F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6516 Beaugé Guylène Montréal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6517 Beaulieu Bruce Ajax M RED<br />

Marathon 443 Beaulieu Christian Varennes M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6518 Beaulieu Erin Guelph F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 444 Beaulieu Guy Cantley M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6519 Beaulieu Janine CAMBRIDGE F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6520 Beaulieu Joelle Azilda F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6521 Beaulieu Michou Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 445 Beaulieu Nancy Rockland F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6522 Beaulieu Ron Lac Masson M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6523 Beaulne Michel Lynden M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15915 Beaumier Isabelle Montréal F RED<br />

Marathon 446 Beaumont Neil toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6524 Beaupre Dominique Varennes F BLUE<br />

Marathon 447 Beauregad Susan St-Hyacinthe F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6525 Beauregard Annie St-Mathias sur Richelieu F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6526 Beauregard Maddie Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20371 Beauregard-Lepage Kim La Sarre F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6527 Beauséjour Annie Lachine F GREEN<br />

Marathon 448 Beauvais Ben Whitby ON M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6528 Beaver Lucas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6529 Beazer Jermaine North York M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25603 Becarevic Amira Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16365 Becarevic Vlado MISSISSAUGA M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20372 Becbec Rhume Jay Brampton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6530 Bechard Melanie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16366 Bechard Nicholas Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20373 Beck Caroline Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20374 Beck Donna Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6531 Beck Jesse Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6532 Beck Lorenz Bern M RED<br />

Marathon 449 Becker Allan Richmond Hill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16367 Becker Jodie Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15605 Becker Melissa Lehrte F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6533 Beckett Tina Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6534 Beckles Ian Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6535 Beckles Zona Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6536 Becotte Genevieve Quebec F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20375 Becukic Emira Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 450 Bedard Erin Georgetown F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20376 Bedard Jeremy Fergus M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6537 Bedard Nicolas Quebec M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6538 Bedard Philippe Toronto M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 451 Bédard Jean-Paul Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 452 Bédard Philippe Saint-Sauveur M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26199 Beddoe Shannon Toronto F Green<br />

Marathon 453 Bedford Leigh Ajax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16368 Bedford Yvonne Mississauga F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6539 Bedi Sarika Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6540 Bedjera Sabrina ajax F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26200 Bedrossian Harout Scarborough M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6541 Beebe Geneviève Montreal F GREEN<br />

Marathon 454 Beech Colin Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6542 Beer Michele-Marie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16369 Beers Tammy Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20377 Beesley Chris Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6543 Beggs Jason Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20378 Beggs Jo-Anne Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20379 Beghian Cristina Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 455 Begin Danny Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6544 Begley Jeff St-Donat M GREEN<br />

Marathon 456 BeGora Michael Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Marathon 457 Begue Andres Kenner M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6545 Behara Amanda Georgetown F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6546 Behara Jean Georgetown M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20380 Behbahani Yassaman Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6547 Behring Heather Windsor F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6548 Beier Chris Ajax M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 458 Beier Gail Ajax F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20381 Beilschmidt Melissa Toronto F RED<br />


Marathon 460 Beirne John Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6549 Beitel Karen Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20382 Beith Steven toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20383 Beitner Cindy Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20384 Beitner Cindy North York F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20385 Bekarian Lenna Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20386 Bekarian Maral Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20387 Bekarian Taline Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20388 Bekarian Zohrab Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6550 Bekele Tsegaye Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20389 Bekhyt Cathy Cambridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20390 Bekmezian Ani Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20391 Bekmezian Megheti Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20392 Bekmezian Nareh Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20393 Bekmezian Raffy Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6551 Belaieff Antoine Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6552 Belair Johanne Blainville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6553 Beland Anne-Catherine Lachine F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6554 Beland Maxime Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6555 Beland Sebastien Barrie M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20394 Belanger Andrew Waterloo M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4684 Belanger Charles-Henri Val d'Or M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 6556 Belanger Emilie amos F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6557 Belanger Genevieve Austin F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6558 Belanger Jillian Essex F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6559 Belanger Mat Milton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6560 Belanger Matthieu Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 461 Belanger Maurice Montréal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6561 Belanger Mike Essex M BLUE<br />

Marathon 462 Bélanger Christine Mont St-Hilaire F GREEN<br />

Marathon 463 Bélanger Nicole Laval F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6562 Bélanger-Bishinga Philippe Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6563 Bélanger-Douet Milène St-Vincent-de-Paul, Laval F BLUE<br />

Marathon 464 Belcher Jon Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6564 Belcourt Deborah Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20395 Beldham Bailey North York F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 465 Belhumeur Laurence montreal F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26201 Beliavsky Olena Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26202 Beliavsky Sussanna Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6565 Belisle Frederic Saint-Laurent M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6566 Belisle Lynn Markstay F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6567 Belisle Nathalie Boucherville F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 466 Belisle Sebastien La Sarre M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26203 Beliveau Ryan London M Green<br />

Marathon 467 Bell Adrian Scarborough M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26204 Bell Andrew Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 468 Bell Danya Nashua F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6568 Bell Erin Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 469 Bell Jaime Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6569 Bell Jen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15916 Bell Kari Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6570 Bell Katherine Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6571 Bell Kirsten Markham F BLUE<br />

Marathon 470 Bell Kurtis Saint-Lambert M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15606 Bell Marlee Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6572 Bell Melissa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6573 Bell Rich toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 471 Bell Rob Oshawa M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20396 Bell Rosie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6574 Bell Stephen mississauga M RED<br />

Marathon 472 Bellamy Andrew Mississauga M RED<br />

Marathon 473 Belleau Frederic Montréal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6575 Bellefeuille Natalie Montreal F BLUE<br />

Marathon 474 Bellemare Joelle Boucherville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6576 Bellemare Valerie Chelsea F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6577 Bellerose Joanie Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6578 Bellerose Pascal Montréal M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26205 Bellerose Yvette Brampton F Yellow<br />

Marathon 475 Belleville Daniel Montréal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20397 Bellman Aviva Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 476 Bello Salas Axayacatl mexico DF M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 477 Bellomo Matthew Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 478 Bellon Aldo Laval M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6579 Belmonte Gina Brampton F GREEN<br />

Marathon 479 Beltempo Alyssa Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6580 Beltijar Patrick Toronto M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6581 Beltran Helberth Aurora M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6582 Belvedere Dan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6583 Belyea Genevieve Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6584 Bembridge Mary Anne Stouffville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6585 Bemis Ashley Dundas F GREEN<br />

Marathon 480 Benak Thomas Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6586 Benallick Paul Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6587 Benaroya Anne Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6588 Ben-Ary Galit North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15917 Benayon Elisa Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6589 Benchetrit George Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15918 Bendavid Naomi Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6590 Bender Carter BOLTON M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 481 Bender James Hanover M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15919 Bender Laura Baden F GREEN<br />

Marathon 482 Bender Matthew Hanover M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25604 Bender Mike Baden M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6591 Bendixen Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6592 Beneby-Maycock Lynette Nassau F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6593 Benedict Cortney Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 483 Benedict Dilan MISSISSAUGA M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20398 Benedicto Marianne Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 484 Benedictson Morgan F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20399 Benham Tara Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6594 Benhima Sakina Montreal F BLUE<br />

Marathon 485 Benia Eliana toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20400 Benivolski Rose Aurora F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20401 Benivolski Stas Newmarket M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26206 Benivolski Yuula Aurora F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26207 Benjamin Aaron Burlington M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16370 Benjamin Abi Etobicoke F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20402 Ben-Knaz Revital Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 486 Bennacer Erik Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20403 Bennett Brianne Courtice F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6595 Bennett Eve Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6596 Bennett Jeff Guelph M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20404 Bennett Jon Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20405 Bennett Jordan toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20406 Bennett Marina Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6597 Bennett Michael King City M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6598 Bennett Mike Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20407 Bennett Nancy King City F GREEN<br />

Marathon 487 Bennett Patrick Munich M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6599 Bennett Rob Whitby M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25605 Bennett Selena Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15607 Bennett Tara Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6600 Bennett Tracy Brighton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6601 Bennie Rikki Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 488 Benninger Dave Hanover M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6602 Benoit Candy Fayetteville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6603 Benoit Lauren RR #1 Kirkton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16371 Benoit Olivier Boucherville M Green

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 489 Benouanas Hamid Hébertville-Station M GREEN<br />

Marathon 490 Benson Adrien Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 491 Benson Bryan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6604 Benson Darren Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 492 Bensouda Mounia Houston F GREEN<br />

Marathon 493 Bensouda Nadia toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25606 Bent Leslie Ann Oakville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6605 Bent Mary Ann Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6606 Bent Sarah kingston F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15920 Bente Laura Thornhill F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20408 Bentham Sylvia Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6607 Bentley Christopher Angus M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6608 Bentley David Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26208 Bentley Jenna TOronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20409 Benton Danielle Hamilton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26209 Benvenuto Pauline Maple F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26210 Benvenuto Robert Maple M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 25607 BER BRITTANY TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 494 Berard Guillaume Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26211 Berardi Gabrielle Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 25608 Berardone Frank Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6609 Bercovici Steve Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6610 Berdugo Sara Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6611 Berea Victor Vaughan M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6612 Berg Elliott Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 495 Bergamini Michael Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 496 Berganza Luis Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6613 Bergen Justin Caledon M BLUE<br />

Marathon 497 Berger Wayne Oakville M BLUE<br />

Marathon 498 Bergeron Francois Val-d'Or M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6614 Bergeron Julie Notre-dame-du-nord F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20410 Bergeron Kaitlyn Newmarket F GREEN<br />

Marathon 499 Bergeron Melanie Malartic F GREEN<br />

Marathon 500 Berges Anyarlene Santo Domingo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16372 Bergin James Kingston M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6615 Berglund Catherine Barrie F GREEN<br />

Marathon 501 Berlanga Marcelo Monterrey M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20411 Berling Janice Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20412 Berlin-Romalis Deb Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4685 Berman Debrah Thornhill F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20413 Berman Michelle Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6616 Bermudo Tess Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6617 Bernal Brian Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6618 Bernal Marge North York F BLUE<br />

Marathon 502 Bernard Carl Kitchener M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6619 Bernard Dorothy Maple F BLUE<br />

Marathon 503 BERNARD KENDA Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25609 Bernardez Aileen Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20414 Bernardino Rhommel Ajax M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20415 Bernardino Sarah Dane Ajax F BLUE<br />

Marathon 504 Bernier Angie Timmins F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6620 Bernier Annie Oakville F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 505 Bernier Audrey Terrebonne F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6621 Bernier David Timmins M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6622 Bernier Genevieve Montreal F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6623 Bernier Johanne Montreal F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6624 Bernier Lina Sherbrooke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6625 Bernier Rebecca Mount Albert F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20416 Bernier-Tanguay Laurence Sherbrooke F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20417 Bernstein Alan Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26212 Bernstein Stacey Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6626 Berntson Emily Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16373 Beros Tom Woodbridge M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26213 Berresford Brian Richmond Hill M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20418 BERRON PATRICIA Mexico F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6627 Berrys Marilyn Ramara F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20419 Berthelot Sébastien Sherbrooke M RED<br />

Marathon 506 Berthiaume Rachel Saint-Lambert F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15608 Bertoia Mike Toronto M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6628 Bertram MacKenzie Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 507 Bertrand Sebastien Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6629 Bérubé Bernard Blainville M RED<br />

Marathon 508 Besler Sam toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 509 Bessay Francois Uxbridge M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26214 Besso Corey Pickering F Yellow<br />

Marathon 510 Best Avery Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6630 Best Diana Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6631 Best Queenie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6632 Best Richard Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6633 Best Shawnel Bridgetown F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6634 Betancourt Jeniffer San Juan F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16374 Betancourt Lourdes Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20420 Betancourt Gil Alexandra Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6635 Betel Adam Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6636 Bethke Leah Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20421 Betournay Jonathan Terrebonne M RED<br />

Marathon 511 Bettaibi Mehdi Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20422 Betteridge Deanne Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 512 Betteridge Emily Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20423 Betteridge Michael Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20424 Betteridge Noah Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20425 Betteridge Reese Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6637 Betts Erin toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6638 Betts Kim Kingston F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20426 Beutler Linda East China F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6639 Bevilacqua John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6640 Bevilacqua Nico Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6641 Bevilacqua Robert king city M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6642 Beyer Marshall Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20427 Bhabha Ahmed toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20428 Bhabha Fatima Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20429 Bhabha Humerah Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20430 Bhabha Shireen Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20431 Bhabha Yasmin Thornhill F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16375 Bhagar Jeff toronto M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 6643 Bhagwandat Seeta Brampton F PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25473 Bhalla Anand Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20432 Bhalla Kriti Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6644 Bhalla Mandeep Cheektowaga M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20433 Bhalla Sumati Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20434 Bhalla Vidhu Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20435 Bhamani Karim Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6645 Bhandal Jaspal brampton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20436 Bhandari Ankit Mississauga M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20437 Bhandari Arpit Mississauga M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20438 Bhandari Harleen Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20439 Bhandari Jyoti Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20440 Bhandari Mahendra Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6646 Bhang Chris mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15609 Bhanji Alloudin Toronto M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20441 Bharat Babita Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25610 Bharat Chantelle Scarborough F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6647 Bhardwaj Jatin Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20442 Bhardwaj Radha Aurora F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20443 Bhardwaj Tara Aurora F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20444 Bharrat-Sookdeo Indera Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Marathon 513 Bhat Parvathi Ajax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6648 Bhatia Kam Ajax M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20445 Bhatia Safiah Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6649 Bhatia Shalinder Brampton M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20446 Bhatla Deven Windsor M RED<br />

Marathon 514 Bhatnagar Alexandra Concord F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6650 Bhatnagar Alexandra Maple F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6651 Bhatnagar Saurabh Maple M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26215 Bhattacharya Srijoy Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20447 Bhattacharyya Vivek Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20448 Bhatti Harmeet Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20449 Bhayana Mahima Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6652 Bhayani Lokesh Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20450 Bhesania Adil Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20451 Bhim Natasha brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20452 Bhingaradia Haresh Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26216 Bhoi Laura Vaughan F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6653 Bhola Jeffrey North York M GREEN<br />

Marathon 515 Bhullar Harleen Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16376 Biagini Chris toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16377 Biagini Samantha toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6654 Bialkowski David Parry Sound M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6655 Bialkowski Marianne Parry Sound F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25611 Bianchi Alexia Roma Belleville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25612 Bianchi Andria Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6656 Bianchi Cesidia Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20453 Bianchi Diego Belleville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25613 Bianchi Lisa-Marie Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25614 Bianchi Maya BELLEVILLE F BLUE<br />

Marathon 516 Biback Kimberly Vaughan F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6657 Bibak Taraneh Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6658 Bibby Christopher Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20454 Bibby Jennifer Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 517 Bibeau Karine St-Lazare F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6659 Bichel Bruce Sudbury M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6660 Bicho Joseph TORONTO M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6661 Bidal-St-Aubin Matthieu Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6662 Bidwell Michelle Barrie F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20455 Bidzios George Brampton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6663 Bielaskie Ray Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 518 Bien Paul Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6664 Bienczyk Monika Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 519 Biewald Jennie Ottawa F RED<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25474 Bigayan Myra Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6665 Bigelli Carrie Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6666 Biggar Louise Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6667 Biggin Colin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6668 Biggs Greg Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6669 Biggs Jennifer Windsor F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6670 Bihari SameerKhan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6671 Bijman Bri Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 520 Bijould Ariane verdun F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20456 Bilbaisi Dima Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 521 Bilechuk Justin Toronto M BLUE<br />


Half Marathon Walk 15610 Bilenki Eric Thunder Bay M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15611 Bilenki Kyle Toronto M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20458 Bilenki Maryann THUNDER BAY F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 522 Biletskyi Sergii Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 523 Bilimoria Bhavin Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6672 Bilinsky Katherine Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 524 Bilkhu Pravneet Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 525 Billette Patrick Longueuil M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6673 Billo Greg Kitchener M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6674 Billo Katie Kitchener F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20459 Billon Nicolas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6675 Billou Aurore Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6676 Billowits Erin Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Marathon 526 Bilodeau Bibi Iqaluit F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6677 Bilodeau Darryl Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6678 Bilodeau Guy St-Félix M RED<br />

Marathon 527 Bilodeau Patrick Gatineau M RED<br />

Marathon 528 Bilodeau Pierre Montreal M GREEN<br />

Marathon 529 Biloski Terri St Thomas F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26217 Bilton Amy Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 530 Binda Philippe Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6679 Binding Andrew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6680 Binding Carmen Vancouver F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20460 Bindlish Rajiv Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6681 Bindman Neil Westmount M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26218 Bingham Angela Maple F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26219 Bingham Geoff Maple M Green

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 26220 Bingham Mark Maple M Green<br />

Half Marathon 6682 Binkley Lauren Clifford F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16378 Binns Meredith Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6683 Binstock Randi Gurnee F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6684 Bir Reetika Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6685 Birch Dan Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20461 Birch Kevin Etobicoke, Ontario M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16379 Birch Patrick Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20462 Birch Patti Etobicoke, Ontario F GREEN<br />


5km Run/Walk 20463 Birchall Dawn Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16380 Bird Ben Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 532 Bird Dale Burnt River M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 533 Bird Danielle Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25615 Birdi Simar Milton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20464 Birhanu Zena Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6686 Birk Rhea Fordwich F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6687 Birker Cheryl ottawa F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20465 Birla Jayna Cambridge F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6688 Birosz Angelika Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26221 Birru Kidest Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20466 Birt Catherine Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20467 Birt Derek Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20468 Bishop Eleanor Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 534 Bishop Jessica Haliburton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6689 Bishop Matthew Thornhill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16381 Bishop Matthew Port sydney M Green<br />

Half Marathon 6690 Bishop Norma Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 535 Biskup Suzanne Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6691 Bisnaire Samantha Blue Moutains F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6692 Bisset Sandi Orillia on F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6693 Bisson Anne-marie Boston F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16382 Bisson Jean-Guy Rouyn-Noranda M Green<br />

Marathon 536 Bita Luisa Newmarket F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 537 Bitar Sergio Lo Barnechea M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6694 Bite Samantha Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6695 Bittencourt Ricardo Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 538 Bitton Michael Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6696 Bjørn Lars De Place Copenhagen M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6697 Blach Nicholas Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6698 Blachford Chris Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6699 Black David North York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6700 Black Dylan Bradford M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6701 Black Heather Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6702 Black Kenzie Brooklin F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6703 Black Meg Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26222 Black Roslyn Etobicoke F Red<br />

Half Marathon 6704 Black SarahRose Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 539 Black Stephanie Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6705 Black Toms Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20469 Blackbourne Sheldon Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20470 Blackburn Eric Uxbridge M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20471 Blackburn Gail Uxbridge F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6706 Blackburn Jill Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 540 Blackell Mark Nanaimo M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6707 Blackman Catherine Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20472 Blackman Talisa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6708 Blackrose Andre Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6709 Blackwell Andy Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6710 Blackwell Kim Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6711 Blackwell Nadine Cambridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20473 Blackwell Sara Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20474 Blackwell Scott toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6712 Blackwood George St. John's M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20475 Blackwood Jason Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6713 Blackwood Peter Scarborough M BLUE<br />

Marathon 541 Blades Shavaughn Nassau F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16383 BLAGGAN SILKY Mississauga F Green<br />

Marathon 542 Blagojevic Igor toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 543 Blahey Anthony Sudbury M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6714 Blaik Kathleen Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6715 Blaikie Pamela Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6716 Blaikie Zacharjasz Pamela Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26223 Blaine Carolyn Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20476 Blair Deborah North York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6717 Blair Leanne Barrie F BLUE<br />

Marathon 544 Blair Matt Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 4573 Blair Steve Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6718 Blais Fallon Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 545 Blais Jerome Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 546 Blais Nancy La Sarre F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20477 Blake Alex Newmarket M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6719 Blake James Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20478 Blake Linda Kitchener F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16384 Blake Michelle Mississauga F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26224 Blake Natalie Barrie F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26225 Blake Natalie Barrie F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6720 Blanchard Laurent TORONTO M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15612 Blanchard Maxime Toronto M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6721 Blanchard Tracy Beaverton F GREEN<br />

Marathon 547 Blanchet Annie Notre-Dame-de-l'ile-Perrot F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6722 Blanchette Gabriel M. Montreal M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6723 Blanchette Martin Rouyn-Noranda M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6724 Blanco Erving Hialeah M BLUE<br />

Marathon 548 Blanco Jesus Monterrey M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26226 Blanco Scarleth Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20479 Blanning Rosie Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6725 Blasco Fernando Oakville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6726 Blasco Patrick Oakville M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20480 Blasi Elisa Vaughan F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6727 Blasko Katie Barrie F BLUE<br />

Marathon Walk 4866 Blass Manuel Terrebonne M Orange<br />

Half Marathon 6728 Blasutti Geoffrey Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20481 Blaszko Lauren Ancaster F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20482 Blaszko Lauren Ancaster F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6729 Blattner Michelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6730 Blau Zachary LAKEWOOD M BLUE<br />

Marathon 549 Blausey Daniel Bronx M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20483 Blayney Susan Fenelon Falls F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6731 Bleser Nicholas Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 550 Bless Brittany Buffalo F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6732 Blier Sarah Kitchener F GREEN<br />

Marathon 551 Blight Gail Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6733 Blimkie Erica Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20484 Blin Carine Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20485 Blinick Elke Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6734 Blinn Andrew TORONTO M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6735 Blinn Louis Calgary M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6736 Blinn Patricia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6737 Blissett Hope Guelph F GREEN<br />

Marathon 552 Blissett Russell Kitchener M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20486 Bloch Giselle Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20487 Blomme Dan Oshawa M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20488 Blomme Simon Oshawa M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6738 Blondeau Louis Kitchener M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 553 Blondin Jesse Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4574 Blondon Nils Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6739 Blot Florent Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 554 Blue Jenn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6740 Blum Rachel Jarvis F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6741 Blundell Lisa Inglewood F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 555 Blundell Petra Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6742 Blunt Kate Houston F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6743 Blunt Paul Georgetown M BLUE<br />

Marathon 556 Blydo Vance Cochrane M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20489 Bo Nguyet Que Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20490 Boampong Duke London M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6744 Board Gage Brampton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6745 Bobawsky Adam Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6746 Bobiash Ariane Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6747 Bobiash Cat Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6748 Boccia Erica Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20491 Bociek Dagmara Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20492 Bock Christina Ajax F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26227 Bocking Sandra Stouffville F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6749 Bodels Colin Drexel Hill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6750 Bodendorfer Sarah Cambridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6751 Bodera Logan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6752 Bodie Greg Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16385 Bodley Janet Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6753 Bodnar Lauren Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25616 Bodnaruk Bohdan Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20493 Bodner Jennifer Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20494 Bodrug Julie Bloomfield F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 557 Boer Corrie atwood F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6754 Boersen Olivia Stratford F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20495 Boersma Corrie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6755 Boesveld Luke Waterdown M GREEN<br />

Marathon 558 BOETTCHER MARTIN Mainz M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6756 Boetto Jonathan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6757 Boetto Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6758 Bogart Elisabeth Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6759 Bogart Michaela Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6760 Bogdon Natalie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6761 Boge Tanya Brampton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20496 Boggs Celia Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6762 Boggs Joan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6763 Bogle Susan WHITEHORSE F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26228 Bogza Mihai Kleinburg M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6764 Bohdanov Denys Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 559 Bohemier Marc-Andre Saint-Jerome M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6765 Boholy Krystal milton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 560 Boies Kathleen Chicoutimi F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 561 Boilard Jason Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6766 Boire Jason Rockland M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6767 Boire Shawn Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6768 Boisjoli Mark Montréal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6769 Boislard Annie Longueuil F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6770 Boisvert Caprice Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6771 Boisvert Isabelle Levis F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6772 Boitier Thierry Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20497 Boivin Andrew Milton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25617 Boivin Bruce Owen Sound M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25618 Boivin Ethan Owen Sound M RED<br />

Marathon 562 Boivin Germain montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20498 Boivin Judy Milton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 16303 Bokalo Helen Mississauga F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20499 Bokma Ernie Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 563 Bokma Jordan Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20500 Bokma Nancy Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20501 Boland James Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20502 Boland Neil Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon Walk 4548 Boland Rosanna Vaughan F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20503 Boland Ryan Bowmanivlle M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20504 Bolden Shaun Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6773 Boldt Stacey Guelph F GREEN<br />

Marathon 564 Bolduc Jonathan Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6774 Bolger Charlotte Ottawa F RED<br />

Marathon 565 Bolinaga Jesus Santo Domingo M BLUE<br />

Marathon 566 Bolingot Joshua Scarborough M BLUE<br />

Marathon 567 Bolio Carlos Mérida M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26229 Bolivar Matt Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6775 Bolland Thomas magog M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20505 Bolton Michael Aurora M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6776 Bolullo Olivier Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20506 Bomberry B.J. Hamilton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20507 Bomberry Katelyn Hamilton F GREEN<br />

Marathon 568 Bomberry Lawrence Brantford M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20508 Bomberry Victoria Hamilton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6777 Bonadie Mara Kleinburg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6778 BONANNO Daniella T F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6779 Bonares Michael Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6780 Bonato Anthony Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20509 Bonazew Beverley Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6781 Bonciani Alessandro Etobicoke M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6782 Bond Amanda Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20510 BOND GEOFF TORONTO M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20511 BOND JULIA TORONTO F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20512 BOND MEREDITH TORONTO F BLUE<br />

Marathon 569 bond rich M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20513 Bond Ryan Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20514 Bond Vanesa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6783 Bondarchuk Andrew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6784 Bondy Meghan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16386 Bondy Rob Sharon M Yellow<br />

Marathon 570 Bone John great yarmouth M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26230 Bone Mark Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16387 Bone Mike Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6785 Bones Kristen Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6786 Bonesso Michelle Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 571 Bonetti Roberto Laval M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6787 Bong Samuel Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6788 Bongard Jared Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6789 Bongard Vincent Aurora M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16388 Boni Luca Etobicoke M Green<br />

Marathon 572 Bonia Greg Conception Bay South M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 573 Bonifácio Da Silva Alexandre São Paulo M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6790 Bonilla Luisa Fernanda Hod Hasharon F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20515 Bonk Agnes Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6791 Bonk Peter Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 574 Bonk Stephanie Richmond Hill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6792 Bonneau Renee Pickering F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25619 Bonner Erin Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6793 Bonomini Iracema Santa Rita do Sapucai F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 575 Bonomo Nereo Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6794 Bonsma Madeleine Wellandport F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 576 Booi Jesse North Vancouver M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16389 Booker Catherine Toronto F Green<br />

Marathon 577 Bookey Howard Calgary M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6795 Boomer Justine Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6796 Boomgaardt Katie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6797 Boone Kristine Waterloo F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6798 Boop Betti Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20516 Bootan Tara Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 578 Booth Graham Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6799 Booth John Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6800 Booth Mike Winnipeg M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16390 Borden Kortnee Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 579 Borden Robert OTTAWA M RED<br />


<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 581 Bordynuik Lauren Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6801 Borel Edouard Montréal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20517 Boreland Charlene Scarborough F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20518 Borg Gen Guelph F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6802 Borg Michelle Waterloo F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6803 Borg Valerie burlington F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16391 Borgers Christopher Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 25620 Borges Anna Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6804 Borges Carolyn Drayton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6805 Borges Christina Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6806 Borges Jennifer Caledon F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 582 Borges Maureen Mono F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6807 Borges-Fragoso Diane Alliston F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20519 Borgida Ayelet Toronto F PURPLE<br />


5km Run/Walk 20520 Borlack David Thornhill M RED<br />

Marathon 583 Borris Robert Drummondville M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26231 Borsella Nat Toronto F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26232 Borsuk-Gudz Mariana Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6809 Bortolazzo Olivia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26233 Bortolusso Ali Susanna Etobicoke F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6810 BOSCARIOL Sandra Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6811 Bosch Chris Oakville M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6812 Bose Jyoti Vaughan M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26234 Bosenius Angela Mississauga F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26235 Bosenius Emily Mississauga F Red<br />

Marathon Walk 4549 Boshoff Shasa Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16392 Bosic Branko georgetown M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16393 Bosic Mirjana georgetown F Green<br />

Marathon 584 Bossé Christiane Ottawa F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26236 Bossin Karen Richmond Hill F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6813 Bossy Anthony Verdun M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6814 Bostock Jacqueline Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26237 Boswell Dwight Mississauga M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6815 Boswell Graham Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20521 Botcher Richard Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6816 Botelho Ana Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6817 Botelho Jennifer Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6818 Botelho Rick Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20522 Botero Carolina Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6819 Bott Joel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16394 Botta Gaetano Mississauga M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20523 Botterell Abeti London M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20524 Bottomley Christine Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15613 Boucaud Susan Toronto , F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 585 Bouchard Carole La Sarre F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6820 Bouchard Eric Trois-Rivieres M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6821 Bouchard Hélêne L'Anse-St-Jean F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6822 Bouchard Michelle Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 586 Bouchard Patrick Stanstead M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20525 Boucher Anne Gatineau F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20526 Boucher Emily Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 587 Boucher Eric Les cedres M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16395 Boucher Garth Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6823 Boucher Jean-Simon Montreal M RED<br />

Marathon 588 Boucher Julie Kingston F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6824 Boucher Karine Oakville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 589 Boucher Melanie Montréal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6825 Boucher Yves Laval M RED<br />

Marathon 590 Boudreau David Newmarket M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6826 Boudreau Donna trenton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6827 Boudreau JoeFlow Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 591 Boudreau Rick Timberlea M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6828 Boudreault Benjamin York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6829 Boudreault Mélanie Longueuil F BLUE<br />

Marathon 592 Bouffard Nathalie St-Jean sur Richelieu F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15921 Boughner Kimberly Fingal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6830 Bougie Olga Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20527 Boulahfa Yasmine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6831 Boulanger Anne-Rachelle Unionville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6832 Boulanger Francois Unionville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6833 Boulanger Natasha BEAMSVILLE F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6834 Boulding Sheena Coldwater F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6835 Boulet Claudine Montreal F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6836 Boulianne Julie St-Bruno F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6837 Boulton Brian Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 593 Boundy Paul Calgary M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6838 Bounsong Phet Laval F GREEN<br />

Marathon 594 Bouraleh Qani Orangeville F GREEN<br />

Marathon 595 Bourbonnais Miguel St-Bruno M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6839 Bourdeau Andrew Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20528 Bourdeau Annette Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6840 Bourdeau Gilles Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6841 Bourgeois Amanda Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16396 Bourgeois Jean Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6842 Bourget Veronique Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16397 Bourikos John Richmond Hill M Green<br />

Marathon 596 Bourne Brent Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6843 Bourne Karrinna Belle river F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6844 Bourne Stuart Kingston M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6845 Bourque Francois Montreal M GREEN<br />

Marathon 597 Bourque Sylvio Grande-Digue M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6846 Bourret Nicolas Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20529 Bousamra Brittany Brampton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6847 Bousfield Dan Nobleton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6848 Boushel Skyler Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20530 Boutakis Stefania Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6849 Bouthillier Manon Blainville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6850 Boutin Adrien Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6851 Boutin Kathleen Drummondville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6852 Boutin Mathieu Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25475 Boutis Paula Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6853 Bouvet Léonie Québec F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6854 Bouwer Neil Ottawa M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6855 Bouwer Susan Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26238 Bovaird Dylaine Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6856 Boville Cassandra Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 598 Bovo Loic Montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20531 Bowden Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25621 Bowen Emma Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25622 Bowen Marley Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6857 Bower Caitlin brooklyn F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 599 Bower Geoff toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6858 Bower Geoff toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6859 Bowers Kim Keswick F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16398 Bowers Kristen toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 15922 Bowes Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26239 Bowins Colin Orangeville M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16399 Bowles Steve Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 15923 Bowley Graham Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15924 Bowman Brian Etobicoke M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20532 Bowman Tory Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6860 Bowness Karen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6861 Bowry Richard Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20533 Bowser Esther Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20534 Bowser Julia Oakville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20535 Boyadjian Garine North York F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6862 Boyce Jeremy Brampton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15925 Boyce Mark Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 600 Boyd Andrew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16400 Boyd Brian Oro Medonte M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6863 Boyd Douglas Bolton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6864 Boyd Jill Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6865 Boyd Kathleen Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6866 Boyd Michael Stittsville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6867 Boyd Shannon Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6868 Boyd Shawn Kitchener M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20536 Boyko Denise St. Catharines F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6869 Boylan Ursula Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15614 Boyle Ann Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26240 Boyle Nick Mississauga M Yellow<br />

Marathon 601 Boyle Penelope Beaconsfield F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20537 Boyne Cynthia Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6870 Boz Karen Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20538 Bozionelos Alexandra Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6871 Bozios John toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6872 Bozios Katy toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 602 Braak David Hamilton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6873 Brabant Joël montréal M RED<br />

Marathon 603 Brabant Pascal montreal M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6874 Brabant Paul-Émile Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15926 Bracegirdle James Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26241 Bracken Juli Etobicoke F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6875 Bracken Kylie Whitby F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6876 Bradbeer David Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6877 Bradbeer Will Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6878 Bradbury Nicole Aurora F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6879 Brade Sara Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6880 Braden Doug Calgary M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6881 Bradford Liam Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20539 Bradley Dennis Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 604 Bradley Joanne Bunny Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 605 Bradley Sarah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6882 Bradley Stefanie Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25476 Bradshaw Laura Largs F PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25477 Bradshaw Laura Largs F PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25478 Bradshaw Laura Largs F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26242 Bradshaw Niamh Largs F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6883 Bradshaw Norrie Largs M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6884 Brady Denise Port Elgin F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 606 Brady Jennifer Wyoming F GREEN<br />

Marathon 607 Brady Lisa Grandville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6885 Brady Mark Etobicoke M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 608 Brady Paul Montreal M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6886 Brady Tim Burlington M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15927 Braga Adriano Oshawa M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6887 Braga Matthew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6888 Brahimi Entela Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6889 BRAICH KESAR BRAMPTON M BLUE<br />


Half Marathon 6891 Brain Katrina Sault Ste. Marie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15928 Braithwaite Helen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6892 Brake Dave Newmarket M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20540 Brambilla Carolyn Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20541 Brambilla Martino Brampton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6893 Brame Benoit Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 609 Bramley Callum Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16401 Bramma Kristina Brooklin F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6894 Branchaud Danielle Montréal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6895 Brand Erin Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6896 Brandie Gavin London M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15615 Brandwagt John Calgary M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15616 Branson Monica Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6897 Branston Alex Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6898 Brant Cherie Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20542 Brant Miranda Mississauga F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6899 Branton-Brown Dave Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6900 BRAR GURDEV BRAMPTON M BLUE<br />




5km Run/Walk 26243 Brass Caitlin Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15617 Brass Maggi Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 15929 Brassard Eric gatineau M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20543 Brasseur Felicity Whitby F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20544 Brasseur Katie Whitby F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20545 Brat Alex Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20546 Brat Mitchell Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20547 Bratina Sandi Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6904 Braude Allen Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15930 Braun Jeffrey Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6905 Braun-Mendes Heidi Madison F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 610 Brausewetter Kathy Georgetown F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6906 Bray Michael Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 611 Brayne Scott Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 612 Bray-Stone Jordan Pincourt M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6907 Braz Juan mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20548 Braz Rasmussen Anna mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 613 Brazeau Gerald North Bay M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6908 Brazeau Kayla Courtice F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20549 Brazeau Maureen North Bay F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6909 Brazil Charlene Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 614 Braznell Ezra Pointe-Claire M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6910 Breech Michael Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6911 Breeze Heather Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16402 Bregstein Marcel Toronto M Blue<br />

Marathon 615 Brejak Emma Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20550 Brenman Arielle thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6912 Brennan Brian Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6913 Brennan Mollie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 616 Brennan Sarah Brantford F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 617 Brennand Jake Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6914 Brent Shaye Cobourg F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 618 Brenzavich David Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20551 Brereton Donna Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26244 Brereton James Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20552 Bresciani Joanne Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Marathon 619 Breslin Theresa Ferndale F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16403 Bret Patrice toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 6915 Brett Kathryn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6916 Brett-Evans Elene Mississauga F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16404 Brettingham Larry toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6917 Brettingham Lisa Manotick F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6918 Brevet Philippe Deux-Montagnes M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6919 Brewer Chris Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6920 Brewer Hazel Guelph F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6921 Brewer Kim Markham F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15931 Brewer Tom Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20553 Briand William Saint-Laurent M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6922 Briard Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20554 Brickman Marlene Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20555 Bridel Caitlin Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6923 Bridges Scott Ann Arbor M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6924 Bridgewater Judson St Jean sur Richelieu M BLUE<br />

Marathon 620 Brierley Kyla Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6925 Brietenstein Jason Baden M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6926 Brietenstein Monica baden F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16405 Brieva Antonio Maple M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6927 Brigden Tiffanie kanata F BLUE<br />

Marathon 621 Briggs Devon Kitchener M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 6928 Briggs Faith Brooklyn F RED<br />

Marathon 622 Briggs Jonny Kingston M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 623 Briggs Trevor Brooklyn M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20556 Brightling Linda Pickering F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20557 Brightling Nicole Pickering F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6929 Brigis Tom Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20558 Brillinger Amber Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6930 Brillon Mark Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6931 Brimmell Casey Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6932 Brindamour Charles Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6933 Brindle Taryn St. Catharines F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6934 Bringino Shiela Orleans F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6935 Brinklow Angela Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6936 Brinklow Brian Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20559 Brinkman Jennifer Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6937 Brinksman Ian Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6938 Brinksman Nick Sarnia M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 624 Brinston Fred Oshawa M RED<br />

Marathon 625 Brioux Paul Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20560 Brisard Henri-R Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6939 Briscoe Leanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 626 Brisebois Dominique Gatineau F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6940 Brisebois Noëmie Montreal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6941 Brisimitzis Alice Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 627 Brissaud Nicolas Terrebonne M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 628 Brissette-Lalonde Catherine Ottawa M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6942 Brisson Allain Orangeville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6943 Brisson Dominique Montreal F BLUE<br />

Marathon 629 Britanico Jennette North York F GREEN<br />

Marathon 630 Britt Meredith Boston F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20561 BRITT SEAMUS BOSTON M RED<br />

Marathon 631 Britton Julia Ottawa F RED<br />

Marathon 632 Brkljac Alex Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15618 Broad Dianne toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15619 Broad Ron Orleans M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6944 Broadbridge Jennifer Yellowknife F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6945 Broadworth Sarah Guelph F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 633 Brochu Karl Saint-Lazare M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6946 Brochu Philippe Québec M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15620 Brock Karen Kitchener F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6947 Brock Ruthann Kitchener< On F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6948 Brock Ruthann Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6949 Brockie Craig Burlington M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6950 Broda Michelle toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 634 Broderick Lil Kitchener F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20562 Brodhagen Amy Stratford F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20563 Brodhagen Rick Stratford M GREEN<br />

Marathon 635 Brodie Bobby Novar M RED<br />

Marathon 4686 Brodie Mike Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20564 Brodie-Brown Jennifer Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 636 Broekaert Alain HALLE M GREEN<br />

Marathon 637 Bronicheski Cayla Oakville F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 638 Bronsema William Kanata M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25623 Bronson Jennifer Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6951 Brook Marie Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20565 Brookes Adam Newmarket M GREEN<br />

Marathon 639 Brookes Charlotte Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25624 Brookes Heather Newmarket F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6952 Brooks Alan Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6953 Brooks Ange Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15621 Brooks Cynthia Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16406 Brooks David Guelph M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6954 Brooks Doug Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15622 Brooks Elissa Brookfield F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6955 Brooks Ginny Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 16304 Brooks Jessie Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16407 Brooks Laurel Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6956 Brooks Matt whitby M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15623 Brooks Paulette Brookfield F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15624 Brooks Phil Brookfield M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20566 Brooks RAchel toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6957 Brooks Sarah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15625 Brooks Sarah North York F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 6958 Brooks-Nugent Tamara Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6959 Broomfield Mickiah Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6960 Brophy James London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6961 Brophy Veronique London F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20567 Brosas Laarnie Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26245 Brott David Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 6962 Brottes Claire Montreal F RED<br />

Marathon 4687 Brou Marguerite Montreal F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6963 Brough David Markham M GREEN<br />

Marathon 640 Broughton Sean Surbiton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4688 Broughton Sean Surbiton M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 6964 Brouillet Jordan Etobicoke M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6965 Brouillet Serge St-Charles-Borromée M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16408 Brouillette Denis Garson M Green<br />

Half Marathon 6966 Brousseau Audrey-Anne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 641 Brousseau Mélissa Plaisance F BLUE<br />

Marathon 642 Brousseau Mike Calgary M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20568 Brown Abigail Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 643 Brown Adam Terrace M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6967 Brown Alexandra Port Perry F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20569 Brown ALexia Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6968 Brown Allen East Amherst M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6969 Brown Allison St Catharines F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6970 Brown Amanda Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6971 Brown Anik Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6972 Brown Anthony Port Perry M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6973 Brown Anton Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

Marathon 644 Brown Bruce Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26246 Brown Carlene Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20570 Brown Claudius Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25625 Brown Cory Hanover M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 645 Brown David Edmonton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20571 Brown Dawson Pickering M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6974 Brown Debbie Halifax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6975 Brown Diane Woodbridge F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6976 Brown Eric annan M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20572 Brown Gillian Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16409 Brown Graeme Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 4575 Brown Greg Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 646 Brown Hal Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 647 Brown Holly F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6977 Brown Jackie Bonfield F GREEN<br />

Marathon 648 Brown Jaime Guelph F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6978 Brown Jane Guelph F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6979 Brown Jeffrey North Bay M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20573 Brown Jennifer Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6980 Brown Jocelyn TORONTO F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6981 Brown Julie Westmount F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25626 Brown Justin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6982 Brown Kathleen Peterborough F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26247 Brown Kayla Caledon East F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26248 Brown Kemar Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6983 Brown Kevin Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 649 Brown Kim Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16410 Brown Lara Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 6984 Brown Laura Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6985 Brown Laurie Newmarket F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26249 Brown Laurie Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 6986 Brown Lisa Bracebridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15626 Brown Lisa Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16411 Brown Liz Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16412 Brown Lois Thornhill F Blue<br />

Marathon 650 Brown Lorna Doncaster F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 6987 Brown Lorna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15932 Brown Maria Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15933 Brown Mark Clarenceville M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20574 Brown Marla Etobicoke F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6988 Brown Mary Milton F BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25479 Brown MaryAnn Kingsville F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 651 Brown Michael Toronto M GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 15934 Brown Michael Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6989 Brown Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6990 Brown Monica Kingston F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6991 Brown Nana Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6992 Brown Nicole Peterborough F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25627 Brown Onika Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Marathon 653 Brown Paul Doncaster M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 654 Brown Rebecca London F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20575 Brown Richard Kingsville M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20576 Brown Richard Burlington M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20577 Brown Rosemary Newmarket F RED<br />

Half Marathon 6993 Brown Shawn Courtice M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 655 Brown Spencer Orangeville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6994 Brown Stephanie Edmonton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20578 Brown Stephanie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 656 Brown Steven Orangeville M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 657 Brown Tanya Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20579 Brown Taylor Pickering F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 658 Brown Tenille Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20580 Brown Tim Mississauga M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20581 Brown Tim TORONTO M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 659 Brown Viktoria Port Perry F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20582 Brown Yvonne Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 6995 Brown Zachary Burlington M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 6996 Brown Zoe Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6997 Browne Andrew Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 6998 Browne Danielle St John's F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26250 Browne Eimhear Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 660 Browning Neil teddington M RED<br />

Half Marathon 6999 Brozic Whitney Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7000 Bru Lana SCOTTSDALE F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20583 Brubacher David georgetown M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20584 Brubacher Kara Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20585 Brubacher Michael georgetown M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 661 Bruce David Pickering M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26251 Bruce Janna Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7001 Bruce Jeremy Toron M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26252 Bruce Kayla Pickering F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7002 Bruch Amberlea Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7003 Brucha Gudrun Bad Klosterlausnitz F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20586 Brucha Kevin Jena M RED<br />

Marathon 662 Brucha Michael Bad Klosterlausnitz M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20587 Brucha Thomas Weimar M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7004 Bruckmann Justin Oshawa M BLUE<br />


Half Marathon 7005 Bruder Catherine Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7006 Bruijns Leona Kitchener F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20588 Brull Jakob Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7007 Brull Natalie Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20589 Brum Jessyka toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20590 Brum Nilton toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7008 Bruncke Lee Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 663 Bruneau Alain St-Hyacinthe M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20591 Brunelle Fiona Aylmer F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4577 Brunelle Gina Grimsby F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20592 Brunelle Hannah Aylmer F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7009 Brunelle Jonathan Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 664 Brunelle Michael Aylmer M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15935 Brunet Guillaume Montreal M GREEN<br />

Marathon 665 Brunet Phil Ottawa M RED<br />

Marathon 666 Brunet Véronique Rockland F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7010 Bruni Gina Whitby F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20593 Bruno Emily Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20594 Bruno Eric Toronto M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20595 Bruno Hannah Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20596 Bruno Jacquelyn Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20597 Bruno Madison Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20598 Bruno Susan Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16413 BRUNSDEN TIM TORONTO M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7011 Brusselers Kaitlin Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7012 Bryan Lisa Courtice F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7013 Bryan Ross Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 667 Bryant Joleen Spruce Grove F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26253 Bryant Neil Whitby M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20599 Bryant Paige Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20600 Bryant Ruby Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7014 Bryce Eric Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7015 Bryck Kelly Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7016 Brydon Heather Winnipeg F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15627 Brydson Bruce Brampton M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20601 Bryon Faith Maple F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20602 Bryon Jake Maple M BLUE<br />

Marathon 668 Bryson Dennis London M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26254 Brzezicki Barb Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7017 Brzezinski Jack Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20603 Brzozowski Dagmara Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16414 Bsat Mohamad Belleville M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20604 Bublavy Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7018 Bucaille Jean toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16415 Buchan Michael toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20605 Buchanan Claire Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7019 Buchanan John Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7020 Buchanan Ryan barrie M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7021 Buchanan Todd Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20606 Buchegger Eric Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 669 Buchik Pat Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 670 Buchinger Steven Burlington M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7022 Buchmann Rebecca Seymour F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7023 Buchsbaum Diana richmond hill F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 671 Bucker Daniela Buenos Aires F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26255 Buckingham David Milton M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20607 Buckingham Martin Markham M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25628 Buckingham Nina Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20608 Buckley Janette Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7024 Buckley Phil Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7025 Buckley Sam Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7026 Buckner Deanna Yellowknife F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17092 Buckworth Margaret Richmond Hill F Orange<br />

Half Marathon 7027 Buco John Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7028 Buday Marian Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20609 Budd George Douro Dummer M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20610 Budhu John Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7029 Budzinski Kalithea F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 672 Buengel Dirk New York M RED<br />

Marathon 673 Bueno Alfredo Santiago M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20611 Bugarin Devin Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20612 Bugayong Samuel Whitby M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20613 Bugden Jessica Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7030 Bugeja Deborah Queensville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7031 Bugiardini Jeannie Burlington F RED<br />

Marathon 674 Bugnon Jean-LUc Lévis M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7032 Buis Kaitlyn Burlington F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20614 Buising Justin Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20615 Buist Magda Caledonia F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7033 Buitenhuis Mark Port Sydney M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7034 Buitenhuis Melanie Port Sydney F GREEN<br />

Marathon 675 Bujnak Marek Svidník M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 676 Bujnak Stefan Svidník M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20616 Bujnakova Emilia Svidnik F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7035 Bujold Amelie sept-iles F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20617 Bukhari Anam Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20618 Bukhman Nadine Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15936 Buklis Marc Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20619 Buksner Doreen thornhill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20620 Bukuroshi Esmeralda Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 677 Bulandres Jose Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16416 Bulbuck Jaclyn Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15628 Bulhosen Bernardo mississagua M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7036 Bull Matt Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15937 Bulla Viviana Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7037 Bullen Willis Port Sydney M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7038 Bullock Anthony Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 678 Bullough Brent Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20621 Bulmer Erika Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7039 Bunce Darren Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20622 Bunce Lindsay Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7040 Bundus Joanna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 679 Bunker Albert Newmarket M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 680 BUNNETT JOHN North York M GREEN<br />

Marathon 4578 Bunston Stanley Guelph M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7041 Bura Zora Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7042 Burbank Niles Aurora M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 681 Burbano Joan Richmond Hill F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 682 Burbano Rene Richmond Hill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7043 Burch Ellen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16417 Burchell Lisa McKinney F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7044 Burden Anne Brantford F GREEN<br />

Marathon 683 Burdick Rachel Ottawa F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26256 Burdon Brooke St-Lazare F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7045 Bureau Catherine Ottawa F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7046 Burey Trystenne North York F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 684 Burfoot Tim Walsall M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20623 Burford Ben Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 685 Burge Nancy Kingston F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20624 Burgener Brian Richmond HIll M RED<br />

Marathon 686 Burger Alex Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7047 Burger Charles Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 687 Burger Phil Kemptville M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 688 Burger Robert Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7048 Burgess Barry Thornhill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7049 Burgess Chris Oakville M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20625 Burgess Craig Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7050 Burgess Debbie Oakville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7051 Burgess Karen Leamington F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7052 Burgess Mark Sutton Coldfield M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20626 Burgin Courtney Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7053 Burgos Steven Bedford M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7054 Burke Adam Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26257 Burke Aimee Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7055 Burke Aisling Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7056 Burke Andrea waterloo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7057 Burke Brian Aurora M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7058 Burke Geoff Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7059 Burke Grayson Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7060 Burke Marina Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20627 Burke Michael Richmond Hill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16418 Burke Tyson Hamilton M Green<br />

Marathon 689 Burke-Trebell Jessica Oshawa F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25629 Burkholder Jon Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7061 Burleigh Krista Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20628 Burley Hunter Erie M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7062 Burman Alex Hamilton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7063 Burmester Kurt North York M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 690 Burn Colin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7064 Burn Courtney Toronto F BLUE<br />


Half Marathon 7066 Burniston Sydney toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7067 Burns Adam Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7068 Burns Andrew Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7069 Burns Ashley Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7070 Burns Bridget Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7071 Burns Cailinn Waterloo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7072 Burns Emily Guelph F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20629 Burns Jessica Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 691 Burns Karen Whitby F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7073 Burns Kathryn Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7074 Burns Katie Kitchener F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7075 Burns Kerry Orangeville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 692 Burns Mary Goodwood F GREEN<br />

Marathon 693 Burns Michael Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20630 Burns Michael Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4579 Burns Susan Brampton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20631 Burns Tammy Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7076 Burnside Jay Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7077 Burns-Shillington Heather Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7078 Burobina Anastasia Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26258 Burrill Peter Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7079 Burrison Alison Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 694 Burrison Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20632 Burrison Reid Toronto M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20633 Burrows Colin toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26259 BURROWS JIM LONDON M Red<br />

Marathon 695 Burston Helen Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20634 Burstyn Dorothea Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7080 Burt Audrey Candiac F RED<br />

Marathon 696 Burt Ian Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7081 BURTON CARL TORONTO M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15629 Burton Dena little current F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20635 Burton Dorothy espanola F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7082 Burton Ivan Renfrew M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7083 Burton James London M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20636 Burton Sarah Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15938 Buruk Judith Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20637 Busanelli Likitha Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7084 Busanelli Lohit Brampton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20638 Busanelli Swathi Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7085 Buschman Brendon Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7086 Bush Amber st. catharines F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20639 Bush Dana Scarborough F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20640 Bush Gareth Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 697 Bush Wesley Ancaster M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7087 Businskas Tom Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7088 Busk Erika Kingston F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7089 Buske Travis rochester M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 698 Busst David Tamworth,Staffordshire M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7090 Busst Ryan Tamworth,Staffordshire M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25630 Bustard Andrew Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4689 Bustillos Lizzy Mississauga F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20641 Busuttil Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16419 But Raymond Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20642 Butala Emily Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7091 Butany-DeSouza Indy Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7092 Butcher Aimee Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15939 Butcher Bryan Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20643 Butcher Robyn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7093 Butland Ken Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20644 Butler Alison Milton F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20645 Butler Amy Riverside F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15630 Butler David Point Edward M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16420 Butler Jerry Scarborough M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7094 Butler Kendra St.Thomas F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20646 Butt Bryce Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7095 Butt Caroline Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7096 Butterwick Marcie London F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20647 Buttigieg Sarah Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16421 Buttinger Natalie Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 699 Butty Benjamin Oakville M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15631 Buxton-Forman Greg Burlington M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15632 Buxton-Forman Shelley Burlington F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7097 Buynak Mican Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26260 Buzek Kathleen Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 4690 Buziak Michelle Courtice F Green

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7098 Byers Catherine Kingston F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7099 Byers Nicole Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7100 Byl John Ancaster M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7101 Byles Allison Elliot Lake F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7102 Bynoe Kristen Tottenham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7103 Bynum Michael San Diego M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 700 Byrd Franklin Richardson M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7104 Byrd Katrina Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7105 Byrne Claire Georgetown F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16422 Byrne Colin Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 701 Byrne Derek Kitchener M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20648 Byrne Kelly Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7106 Byrne Niall Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 702 Byrne Rich Hackensack M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7107 Byrne Stan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 703 Byrnes Byrnesy Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15633 Byrnes Colleen Oshawa F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7108 Byrnes Mike OSHAWA M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20649 C Jo Anne M'Chigeeng F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16423 C T Etobicoke F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7109 Caagbay Dorothy Maple F PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25480 CAAGBAY JOHN TORONTO M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7110 Cabacungan Chris Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7111 Caballero Bella Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 704 Caballero Cheryl Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7112 Cabato Marigene Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7113 Cable Jessica Cobourg F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7114 Cabral Alexandra london F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20650 Cabral Brian Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20651 Cabral Jeanette Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7115 Cacao Francis Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7116 Caceres Juan Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20652 Cachia Jerry Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20653 Cachia Julie Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Marathon 705 Cadavez Chris Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 706 Cade Carolyn North Saanich F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26261 Cade Shannon etobicoke F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7117 CADENAS CRISTINA Santo Domingo F GREEN<br />

Marathon 707 Cadieux Daniel st-constant M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7118 Cadieux Donna Elmira F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7119 Cadieux Rob Elmira M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16424 Cadotte-Trudell Cathy Chatham F Green<br />

Half Marathon 16425 Caetano Ana North York F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7120 Cahen Michael Rio de janeiro M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7121 Cahill Martina mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 708 Cai Andy North York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7122 Cai Chloe Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20654 Cai Kio St.Catharines F GREEN<br />

Marathon 709 Caiea Claudia North York F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20655 Cailes Amanda Mount Forest F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7123 Cain Mallory Pickering F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26262 Cain Roxanne whitby F Blue

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20656 Cain Uli Pickering F GREEN<br />

Marathon 710 Cairney Monique Ridgeville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7124 Cairns James Hamilton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7125 Cairns Stephen Bracebridge M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15940 Caisido Kristine Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7126 Caissie Carly mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7127 Calabrese Lorenzo M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20657 Calabro Mary Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 711 Calamity Lady Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 712 Calandra Carl Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4691 Calandro Gabriela Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 713 Calara Alfredo Ajax M GREEN<br />

Marathon 714 Calara Mary Jane Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 715 Caldarone Lindsay Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7128 Calderon Gerard Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Marathon 716 calderon jason M RED<br />

Marathon 4692 Calderon Pablo Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7129 Calderon Roberto Beckenham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20658 Calderon Waldo Brampton M RED<br />

Marathon 717 Calderone Sergio Oshawa M RED<br />

Marathon 718 Calderoni Flores Paola mexico F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16426 Caldwell BART Germantown M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7130 Caldwell Brenna Regina F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20659 Caldwell Jessica Desbarats F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20660 Caldwell Kim Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7131 Caldwell Veronica Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20661 Calhoun Clinton Whitby M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20662 Calhoun Maureen Whitby F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7132 Calhoun Scott Apple valley M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20663 Calhoun Todd Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7133 Caliston Barbara Kitchener F BLUE<br />

Marathon 719 Caliston Eric Kitchener M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7134 Calla Isidora Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7135 Callaghan Lisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20664 Callaghan Peter Barrie M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7136 Callahan Jimmers Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7137 Callan Patrick Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7138 Callender Tami Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7139 CALPE CARLOS TORONTO M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25631 Calva Carolina Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7140 Calvano Nathalie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7141 Calvano Valerie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20665 Calver Ronelle Saskatoon F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7142 Calvillo Juan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7143 Calzado Luis Longueuil M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20666 Camaganacan Chona Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 720 Camarda Rina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20667 Camato Mae Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20668 Camber-Manna Sonja Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16427 Camerlain Anthony Saint-Lambert M Red<br />

Marathon 721 Camero Emilio México city M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7144 Cameron Alicia Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 722 Cameron Andrea Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15941 Cameron Brittany Halifax F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26263 Cameron Garry Pickering M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7145 Cameron Heather Fergus F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7146 Cameron Karen toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26264 Cameron Karen Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7147 Cameron Melanie Kingston F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7148 Cameron Melissa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 723 Cameron Scott Ajax M GREEN<br />

Marathon 724 Camilletti Lou Bangor M BLUE<br />

Marathon 725 Camilo Raul santo domingo M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7149 Cammaert-wilken Stacey cambridge F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 726 Camp David Stouffville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7150 Campanaro Tony Barrie M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20669 Campanella Michael Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

Marathon 727 Campanelli Vince Etobicoke M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20670 Campbell Alesha Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 728 Campbell Ali Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Marathon 729 Campbell Benjamin Lachute M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7151 Campbell Bill Whitby M GREEN<br />

Marathon 4693 CAMPBELL BRENT MARKHAM M Green<br />

Marathon Walk 4550 Campbell Brian Waterloo M ORANGE<br />

Marathon 730 Campbell Chelsea Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20671 Campbell Christine Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16428 Campbell Courtney Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7152 Campbell Curtis bowmanville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7153 Campbell Darcy Victoria Harbour F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7154 Campbell Donald Windsor M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7155 Campbell Ellen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7156 Campbell Jeff toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 731 Campbell Jeffrey Hong Kong M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7157 Campbell Jennifer Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7158 Campbell Jennifer Kitchener F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25632 Campbell Karen Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7159 Campbell Mandy London F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20672 Campbell Matt Peterborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7160 Campbell Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7161 Campbell Robert Mount Brydges M GREEN<br />

Marathon 732 Campbell Ryan Aurora M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20673 Campbell Samantha Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20674 Campbell Sara Scarborough F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7162 Campbell Sarah georgian bluffs F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7163 Campbell Tim Burford M RED<br />

Marathon 4694 Campbell Travis Lincoln M Red<br />

Marathon 733 Campbell William North York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7164 Campeau Adam Essex M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7165 Campeau Jodie Essex F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7166 Campey John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 734 Campey Guzman Copper Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20675 Campion Bridget Cobourg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15942 Campitelli Katriina Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20676 Campo Mary Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7167 Campos Marco Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7168 Campos Rogerio Belo Horizonte M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7169 Camps Lyndsey Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20677 Canales Cassandra Brampton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20678 Canales Sara Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 735 Canali Heather Acton F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 736 Canavan Heather Pickering F GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 7170 Caneco John Georgetown M BLUE<br />

Marathon 738 Canet Christophe quebec M RED<br />

Marathon 739 Canham Andy Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 740 Canning Nicholas Brampton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4695 Cannon Jake Buffalo M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7171 Cannon-Sherlock Tristan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7172 Canovas Serrano Yaiza Murcia F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7173 Cansick Connie Belleville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7174 Cant Leslie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7175 CANTEENWALLA Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7176 Cantin Florence Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7177 Canton Kimberly East Toronto (The Danforth East) F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7178 Cantor Claudia Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7179 Canzio Leigh Burlington F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7180 Cao Alex Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7181 Cao Jaimi Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7182 Cao Jenny Li Yi Markham F GREEN<br />

Marathon 741 Cao Michael Oakville M GREEN<br />

Marathon 742 Cao Paul Unionville M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26265 Cao Thomas Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7183 Cao Wendy Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15943 Cao Xingtan Montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20679 Cao Yu Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26266 Cao Zhekai Richmond Hill M Green<br />

Marathon 743 Caouette Francis Ste-Therese M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25633 Capada Maria Theresa North York F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7184 Cape Deborah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7185 Capitani Tanya Montreal F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26267 Capobianco Melanie Uxbridge F Purple<br />

Marathon 744 Capoccia Mathew Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7186 Capone Angelina Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7187 Capone Izzie Orangeville F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7188 Caporale Catherine Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7189 Caporiccio Dino Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20680 Capote Edith Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26268 Capote Mariu Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7190 Cappell Elliott Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20681 Cappuccitti Jenna Maple F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20682 Cappuccitti Venza Maple F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7191 Caprara Jayne Kitchener F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7192 Capron Patrick Stratford M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7193 Capuano Bruno Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20683 Capuyan Andres Mississauga M RED<br />

Marathon 745 Caraballo Aura Santo Domingo F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7194 Carabin Danielle Point Edward F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7195 Caracas Flavio Daniel Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16429 Caradus Glen Peterborough M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7196 CARAMBELAS Leonidas MISSISSAUGA M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7197 Caranci Justin North Bay M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7198 Caravello Adrian Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20684 Carbajal Jimenez Maria Aurora F BLUE<br />

Marathon 746 Carbon Bruce Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20685 Carbon Bryce Galvin Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26269 Carboni Lorenzo Markham M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20686 Carbray Karen Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20687 Carbray William Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 747 Carden Ronald Wheaton M RED<br />






Marathon 752 Cardenas Luis Toronto M BLUE<br />





Half Marathon 7203 Cardenas Stephanie MISSISSAUGA F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20688 Cardillo Olenka Milton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 754 Cardin Patrick Quebec M RED<br />

Marathon 755 Cardin Sylvie Mont-Royal F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26270 Cardinal Andrew Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 756 Cardinal Catherine Montréal F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7204 Cardoso Hannah Cambridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7205 Cardoso Susana Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20689 Cardoza Annette Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7206 Carew Adam North York M BLUE<br />

Marathon 757 Carey Mark Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 758 Caria Martin Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20690 Carier Michael Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 759 Cariglia Bob Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7207 Carione Guy Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7208 Carkner Janice Winchester F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20691 Carlen Ben Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7209 Carlesimo Michelle Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7210 Carlesso Deny Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7211 Carlesso Luigi Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25481 Carlesso Pierina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25482 Carlesso Samantha Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 760 Carli Carlos Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20692 Carlin Lindsay Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20693 Carlino Cathie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7212 Carlos Arnelson Brampton M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 761 Carlson Erika Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 762 Carlson Mark calgary M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 763 Carlyle Carri Oshawa F RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7213 Carmichael Dani Port Hope F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7214 Carmichael Mallory Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26271 Carmichael Nathaniel Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26272 Carmichael Patrice Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26273 Carmichael Rob Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7215 Carmichael Stefanie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7216 Carneiro Fernando Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20694 Carneletto Kayla St Catharines F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7217 Carnell Eric Kincardine M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4696 Carnevale Michael toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7218 Caron Isabelle Gatineau F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20695 Caron Jean-Bernard Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 764 Caron Jean-francois lachine M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7219 Caron Marco Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7220 Carpenter Nathan Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7221 Carpenter Robert London M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20696 Carpenteri Janine Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7222 Carpentier Annie Georgetown F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7223 Carpentier Manon Blainville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7224 Carr Brian Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7225 Carr Don MILTON M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7226 Carr Gabrielle Montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7227 Carr Jonathan Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7228 Carr Leah Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7229 Carr Marina Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7230 Carr Nicholas Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7231 Carr Paul Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7232 Carr Ryan Uxbridge M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7233 Carranza David toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16430 Carranza Josselyn toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7234 Carranza Juan toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7235 Carranza Leonel toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20697 Carranza Tania Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15944 Carraro John Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20698 Carrasco Carmen Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7236 Carreau Brigitte Saint-hyacinthe F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7237 Carreau Marie-Josée Rouyn-Noranda F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 765 Carrero Fernanda Mexico City F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20699 Carrescia Julia Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26274 Carretas Karleen Mississauga F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7238 Carrier Jeremy Waterdown M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7239 Carriere Louis Philippe Lorraine M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20700 Carriere Neal Mount Forest M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20701 Carriero Olivia Windsor F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7240 Carrique Lauren Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7241 Carrique Patrick kitchener M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7242 Carroll Desmond Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7243 Carroll John Etobicoke M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7244 Carroll Krista Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20702 Carroll Samara Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16431 Carruthers Taron Minett F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20703 Carr-White Chris toronto M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 15945 Carson Bobbie Caledon F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 766 Carstensen-Foxe Trevor Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7245 Carswell Jessica London F BLUE<br />

Marathon 767 Carswell Matt Lucan M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7246 Carswell Steven London M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26275 CARTAGINESE MELISSA TORONTO F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7247 Carter Christina Hamilton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16432 Carter George Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7248 Carter Jake Newmarket M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7249 Carter Karen Buffalo F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20704 Carter Linton Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26276 Carter Madison Pickering F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20705 Carter Natalie Aurora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7250 Carter Sarah toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7251 Carter Stephanie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7252 Carthy Sarah Peterborough F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7253 Cartledge Kerry Anne Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20706 Caruana-Simm Ellie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 768 Carvajal Johancy Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7254 Carvajal Sanabria Hazel Heredia F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17093 Carvalho Andreia Maple F Orange<br />

5km Run/Walk 26277 Carvalho Archie Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20707 Carvalho Armanda Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20708 Carvalho Helena Brampton F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7255 Carvalho Jose Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20709 Carvalho Maureen ETOBICOKE F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7256 Carvalho Nelson Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17094 Carvalho Stanley Maple M Orange<br />

5km Run/Walk 20710 Carvalho Tiago Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 769 Carver James Newmarket M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7257 Casady Ilana Hopkinton F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7258 Casady James Hopkinton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26278 Casagrande Stella Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16433 Casallas Ricardo Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7259 Cascagnette Fiona Victoria Harbour F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7260 Cascanette Marci Whitby F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26279 Casciaro Francesco Pickering M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20711 Case Janice Burlington F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20712 Casella Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20713 Casella Sergio Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20714 Casement Mary Stirling F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20715 Casement Morgan Stirling F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20716 Casement Richard Stirling M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20717 Casement Taylor Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7261 Casey Al Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7262 Casey Benjiman Fredericksburg M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7263 Casher Tess Whitehorse F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20718 Casier Karel St. Thomas M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7264 Casimiro Shaileen toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7265 Casipe Debbie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7266 Casper Kristin Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7267 Cass Kerianne Markham F RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7268 Cass Susan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 770 Cassan David Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 771 Cassan Jérôme Saint Charles Borromée M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16434 Cassano Rizzuti Josie Ancaster F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20719 Cassarscalia Sandy Bolton F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20720 Casselman Leandre Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7269 Casseres Nicki toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7270 Cassidy Anita Burlington F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7271 Casson David New York M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7272 Cassone Carla Stratford F GREEN<br />

Marathon 772 Castanheiro Monika Whitby F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20721 Castelino Elvis Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 773 Castellano Danny Ridge M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 774 Castellanos JC Oakville M BLUE<br />

Marathon 775 Castello Claudio Campinas M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7273 Castilla Sagrario Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25634 Castillejos Vhil Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26280 Castillo Alba North York F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7274 Castillo Angelica London F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15946 Castillo Cecilia Utterson F BLUE<br />

Marathon 776 Castillo Julio Saint Laurent M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20722 Castillo Martha Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 777 Castillo Xavier Phoenix M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20723 Castillo Yenny Saint Laurent F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16435 Castonguay Raymond Mississauga M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16436 Castonguay Robin Mississauga M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26281 Castor Jocelyn Richmond Hill F Yellow<br />

Marathon 778 Castro Ferdinand Thornhill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7275 Castro Jener Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26282 Castro Katherine Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15634 Castro Maria Woodbridge F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7276 Caswell Christian Barrie M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7277 Caswell Lori Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7278 Catala Ugo Verdun M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20724 Catalasan-Maglanque Jaine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 779 Catenazzi Oriana Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7279 Caterini Gaylene Binbrook F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20725 Caterini Marc Binbrook M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20726 Cathcart Denise Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7280 Cation Sara Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 780 Catoni Juan pompano beach M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7281 Catsburg James Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20727 Catsioulis Julie Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 781 Catton Leandra LONDON F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20728 Cauchi Helen orillia F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7282 Caunan Sharon STOUFFVILLE F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7283 Cavacuiti Chris Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7284 Cavacuiti Emma Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25635 Caveen Anne-Marie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 782 Cayat Sheryl North York Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 783 Cazalis Vincent Montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26283 Cebula Daniel Toronto M Yellow

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 15947 Ceccanese Jacob Maple M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7285 Ceccarelli Derek Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15948 Cecconi Richard Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7286 Cece Daniel Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 784 Cecillon Cindy Greely F BLUE<br />

Marathon 785 Cédric Lambert Granby M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 786 Cedrone Lanny Brampton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25636 Cee Ziggy Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26284 Ceerenzia David Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7287 Cela Marget Reykjavik F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20729 CELAJ DARLA Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20730 Celaj Julia Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20731 CELAJ MIRELA TORONTO F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20732 CELAJ RAYLA TORONTO F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7288 Celetti Meghan Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20733 Celone Angela Long sault F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20734 Celone Brent Long sault M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7289 Ceniti Amanda Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7290 Ceniti Salvatore Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26285 Ceranto Andre Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7291 Cercel Simona Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 787 Cerdan Joanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20735 Cerdan Jonathan Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 788 Cerecedo Ernestina pachuca F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7292 Cerilli Andrew Courtice M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7293 Cerilli Wendy Burlington F GREEN<br />

Marathon 789 Cerna Francisco Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7294 Cerny Marcelle Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 790 Ceroni Carolyn Burlington F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7295 Cerpa Cisneros Monica Monterrey F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26286 Cerra Carley Etobicoke F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7296 Cerri Laurence Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 791 Cervantes Guillen Jose Luis Metepec M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7297 Cesvet Gabrielle Montreal F BLUE<br />


Marathon 793 Cetina Ana Daniela San Pedro Garza García F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 794 Cevaer Sara Burt F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20736 CHA JUN-SANG Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 795 Cha Philip North York M GREEN<br />

Marathon 796 Chabee Celine Montreal F BLUE<br />

Marathon 797 Chabee Nicolas Montreal M BLUE<br />

Marathon 798 Chabot Frédéric Montreal M RED<br />

Marathon 799 Chabot Jacob Thornhill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20737 Chabot Lynne Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 800 Chabot Marc Tingwick M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20738 Chabot Sarah Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20739 Chace Shannon Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20740 Chachaj Jennifer Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 801 Chachamovich Eduardo Cote St-Luc M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7298 Chacko Jane Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 802 Chacon Silvana Thornhill F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 803 Chacon Pereira Rosibel San Jose F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 804 Chacra Tyler oakville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7299 Chada Ravikiran Brampton M RED<br />

Marathon 805 Chadi Victor Hugo Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20741 CHAE YOU SUNG Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 806 Chahal Jay Brampton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20742 Chahal Simrun Thunder Bay M GREEN<br />

Marathon 807 Chahal Surat Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20743 Chai Irene TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20744 Chai WeiSynn Etobicoke F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7300 Chaiet Les Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20745 Chaimiti Lucy Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7301 Chaine Yves Blainville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26287 Chaiton Lilah Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7302 Chak Andrew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7303 Chak Eng F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20746 Chak Gary Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20747 Chakraborti Antara vaughan F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20748 Chakraborti Asim Vaughan M GREEN<br />

Marathon 808 Chalecky Trent Cambridge M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7304 Chalhoub George Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7305 Chalklin Kathryn Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7306 Chalklin Lesley Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7307 Challacombe John Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 809 Challinor Mark London M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20749 Challinor Ryan Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7308 Chalmers Chad Wilkinsburg M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20750 Chalmers Janis Orangeville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20751 Chalmers Sophie Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7309 Chamandy Lisa montreal F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7310 Chamberlain Carly Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20752 Chamberlain Jennifer Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 810 Chambers Laura Cambridge F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7311 Chambers Rebecca Osgoode F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25637 Chambers Robert Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16437 Chambers Sean Toronto M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26288 Chamlers Krisitn Orangeville F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20753 Champagne Nicole Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 811 Champagne Pierre Grand-Mere M GREEN<br />

Marathon 812 Champagne Réal Anjou M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7312 Chan Adrienne Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25638 Chan Alan Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7313 Chan Alec Richmond Hill M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20754 Chan Alex Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7314 Chan Andy Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7315 Chan Angelina Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7316 Chan Anna Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20755 Chan Anna Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20756 Chan Anna Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25639 Chan Anson Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25640 Chan Ashlyn Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20757 Chan Beatrice Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20758 Chan Benjamin Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20759 Chan Bernard CW Vaughan M RED<br />

Marathon 813 Chan Billy Markham M GREEN<br />

Marathon 814 Chan Bonny Milton F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20760 Chan Bonny Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7317 Chan Boris Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 815 CHAN BRIAN North York M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20761 Chan Brianna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7318 Chan Bryan Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20762 Chan Candace Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7319 Chan Catherine Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7320 Chan Catherine S Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7321 Chan Charles Markham M RED<br />

Marathon 816 Chan Chris Vancouver M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7322 Chan Chris Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20763 Chan Chris Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4697 Chan Cindy toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20764 Chan Claudia Hamilton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20765 Chan Claudia Toronto F YELLOW<br />


5km Run/Walk 26289 Chan Colvin Scarborough M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20767 Chan Cynthia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20768 Chan Cynthia W.B Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7323 Chan Daniel Chi Wai Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7324 Chan Derek Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7325 Chan Duncan Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7326 Chan Edwin Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20769 Chan Elysia Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 16438 Chan Florence Richmond Hill F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20770 Chan Florence MARKHAM F GREEN<br />

Marathon 817 Chan Fred toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20771 CHAN GARY NORTH YORK M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7327 Chan Gilbert Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20772 Chan Hilary Markham F GREEN<br />

Marathon 818 CHAN Ho Chuen Alfred Hong Kong M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20773 Chan James Thornhill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7328 Chan Jason Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20774 Chan Jason Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7329 Chan Joanna Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7330 Chan Joey Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Marathon 819 Chan Kari Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20775 Chan Karl K.k. Mississauga01 M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7331 Chan Kathryn Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20776 Chan Kin Tong Brampton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20777 Chan Kirsty Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20778 Chan Lai Ping Melbourne F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20779 Chan Lester Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16439 Chan Lilian Mississauga F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7332 Chan Lindsay Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 820 Chan Marco Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7333 Chan Marcus Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

Marathon 821 Chan Martha Toronto F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 822 Chan Martha Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 823 Chan Matthew Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26290 Chan Matthew Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7334 Chan Michael Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16440 Chan Mickey Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20780 Chan Monica Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7335 Chan Natalie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20781 Chan Ondi Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7336 Chan Patrick Scarborough M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20782 Chan Paul Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20783 Chan Peter Yiu Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20784 Chan Philip Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20785 Chan Puff toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20786 Chan Rebecca toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20787 Chan Rosa Vaughan F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 824 Chan Ryan Richmond Hill M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20788 Chan Sandra Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 825 Chan Selina Sin Man Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20789 Chan Simon Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20790 Chan Stephanie Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20791 Chan Teresa Richmond Hill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7337 Chan Tony Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20792 CHAN TRACI MARKHAM F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 826 Chan Tracy Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20793 Chan Tsz Fung Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20794 Chan Virginia Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20795 Chan Wendy Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 827 Chan William Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7338 Chan Wing Yan Thornhill F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20796 Chan Yee Shun Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7339 Chan Yuk-Wing Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7340 Chana Randy Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 828 Chance Alyssa Pittsburgh F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7341 Chance John Pittsburgh M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7342 Chand Pankaj Waterloo M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20797 Chandak Tarini Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 27432 Chandarana Anuj North York M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 20798 Chandarana Nina North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16441 Chandler Gillian toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7343 Chandler Jaime North York F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20799 Chandrakumar Sugeevan Markham M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7344 Chandrakumaran Thadsha Brampton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20800 CHANDRAN SHARATH Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 829 Chandran Vigneshwaran Reading M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7345 Chandrasekar Thenappan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 830 Chang Alan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7346 Chang Alex Whitby M BLUE<br />

Marathon 831 Chang Alfonso New York M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 832 Chang Christina New York F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20801 Chang Demi North York F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20802 Chang Fay Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7347 Chang Irene Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20803 Chang Irving Markham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20804 Chang Lee Newmarket F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26291 Chang Leon Mississauga M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7348 CHANG LUKE Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7349 Chang Nicholas North York M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7350 Chang Robert Markham M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26292 Chang Tina Brampton F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7351 Chang Wei-fang Wesley Markham M GREEN<br />

Marathon 833 Chang Hunter Luke Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20805 Chant Peter Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20806 Chao Irene Markham F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7352 Chapdelaine Hugo Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7353 Chapdelaine Sylvie Tingwick F BLUE<br />

Marathon 834 Chapman Daniel Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26293 Chapman Graham Toronto M Yellow<br />


Half Marathon 7354 Chapman Jon Beeton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7355 Chapman Julie Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7356 Chapman Kevin Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20807 Chapman Kim Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 836 Chapman Laura Thorold F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26294 Chapman Luke Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26295 Chapman Matthew Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7357 Chapman Mike Hamilton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 837 Chapman Nancy STOUFFVILLe F BLUE<br />

Marathon 838 Chapman Peter Ottawa M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15635 Chapman Sue Ottawa F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26296 Chapman Tess Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7358 Chapman Carroll Dana Halton Hills F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7359 Chappell Tegan Rockland F BLUE<br />

Marathon 839 Chaput Marc Boucherville M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 840 Chaput Michael pierrefonds M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15949 Charania T Waterloo F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7360 Charbonneau Alexander Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7361 Charbonneau Christian Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7362 Charbonneau Denise Osgoode F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7363 Charbonneau Karine Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7364 Charbonneau Kristopher Pickering M BLUE<br />

Marathon 841 Charbonneau Melanie F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20808 Charchalis David Etobicoke M BLUE<br />

Marathon 842 Charest Allain Gatineau M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16442 Charest Guillaume Saint-Hubert M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7365 Charest Mathieu North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7366 Charette Katherine Guelph F GREEN<br />

Marathon 843 Charette Lise Beloeil F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 844 Charette Melanie Boucherville F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 845 Charland Joanie montréal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7367 Charlebois Alex Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7368 Charlebois Brianne Timmins F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7369 Charlebois Marc Timmins M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7370 Charlebois Véronique Blainville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7371 Charles Bianca Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20809 Charles Christopher Whitby M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7372 Charles Joshua Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20810 Charles Kimberly Whitby F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25642 Charles Natashia Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15950 Charles Ron Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7373 Charles Susan toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7374 Charlish Megan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7375 Charlton Joan Collingwood F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20811 Charlton Lisa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7376 Charlton Robert Collingwood M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7377 Charpentier Ashley Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20812 Charrette Nathalie Drummondville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20813 Charron Lynn Windsor F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7378 Charters Cameron Woodbridge M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16443 Charters Jason Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7379 Charters Shaye Brantford F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 846 Chartier Dominic Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 847 Chartrand Katherine Mont-Royal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16444 Chartrand Michelle Oakville F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 25643 Charuk Alex Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16445 Chase Cole Hamilton M Yellow<br />

Marathon 848 Chase Lynda Bartlett F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20814 Chasi Jason Whitby M BLUE<br />

Marathon 849 Chasovskykh Art Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7380 Chasowy Kaitlin Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26297 Chasson Julia Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26298 Chasson Martin toronto M Green<br />

Marathon 850 Chatenay Heather Calgary F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20815 Chattaway Susan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7381 Chatterjee Jeet Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7382 Chatur Zaaid Richmond hill M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7383 Chau Amanda Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7384 Chau Collin Hamilton M BLUE<br />


Half Marathon 7385 Chau Erik Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20816 CHAU Ho Lun Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 852 Chau John Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7386 Chau Joyee Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25644 Chau Nancy North York F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26299 Chau Philip Toronto M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7387 CHAU SARAH TORONTO F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7388 Chau Susan Anh Vaj Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7389 Chau William Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7390 Chaudary Isra Brampton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20817 CHAUDHARI ASHISH Markham M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26300 Chaudhary Mohit Toronto M Green<br />

Marathon 853 Chauhan Nita Hamilton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20818 Chauhan Shipra Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20819 Chauncey Aerin vancouver F BLUE<br />

Marathon 854 Chaupiz William Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7391 Chauret Nathalie Outremont F GREEN<br />

Marathon 855 Chauvette Nancy Sainte-julie F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7392 Chauvin Nathalie Burlington F GREEN<br />

Marathon 856 Chauvin Nick Scarborough M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20820 Chavez Jorge Carlos Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25645 Chavez Linda Long Beach F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7393 Chavez Valeria mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 857 Chavez Vanessa Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 858 Chavez Munguia Rodrigo Mexico M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7394 Chawla Adarsh Brampton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7395 Chawla Madan Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7396 Chawla Tanuj Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7397 Cheadle Sam Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20821 Cheater Melissa London F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 859 Checo Jose Etobicoke M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20822 Cheema Avijot WOODBRIDGE M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20823 Cheesman Jim Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Marathon 860 Chellingworth Christine Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16446 Chen Angela Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7398 Chen Annie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7399 Chen Annie Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7400 Chen Austin Maple M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7401 Chen Bingfeng Etobicoke M BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 26116 Chen Catherine Markham F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 861 Chen Cherry MARKHAM F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20824 Chen Elaine North York F GREEN<br />

Marathon 862 Chen Eliana Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7402 CHEN FENG Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 863 Chen Gang Mississauga M RED<br />

Marathon 864 CHEN Gaozhi RICHMOND HILL M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7403 Chen Gary Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20825 Chen Grant Stouffville M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15636 Chen Huitian Etobicoke M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25646 Chen Ingrid North York F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26301 Chen Jennifer Richmond Hill F Green<br />

Marathon 865 Chen Jesse Kincardine M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17095 Chen Jianmin Toronto M Orange<br />

5km Run/Walk 20826 Chen John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20827 Chen Joseph Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20828 Chen June Markham F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20829 Chen Katharine Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20830 Chen Kelly richmond hill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26302 Chen Kevin Richmond holl M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7404 Chen Lisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7405 Chen Lucy Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7406 Chen Maggie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20831 Chen Michelle Markham F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 866 Chen Mickey Newmarket M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26303 Chen Ruo Nan Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7407 Chen Ryan Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16447 Chen Scott Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20832 Chen Shuhua Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7408 Chen Shuo Kingston M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20833 Chen Simon Toronto M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16448 Chen Steve Markham M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7409 Chen Walter Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25647 CHEN WAYNE TORONTO M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7410 Chen Wendy Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20834 Chen Will Richmond Hill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7411 chen Xi Waterloo M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7412 Chen Xiao Hang (Kathy) London F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26304 Chen Yang Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7413 Chen Yi-Ching (Alice) Waterloo F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20835 Chen Yuen Wah Markham F BLUE<br />

Marathon 4698 Chen Zhong Thornhill M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7414 Chenard Jason Sudbury M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4699 Chenery Paul Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16449 Cheng Amy Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7415 Cheng Angela Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20836 Cheng Antonio Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20837 Cheng Ben Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20838 Cheng Bernadette Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7416 Cheng Candice Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20839 Cheng Cathy Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26305 Cheng Charlie Richmond Hill M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16450 Cheng Christina Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26306 Cheng Dennis Brooklin M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7417 Cheng Elliot Etobicoke M RED<br />

Marathon 867 Cheng Eric Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26307 Cheng Esther Richmond Hill F Green<br />

Marathon 868 Cheng Fred Wilmette M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7418 Cheng Houston Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20840 Cheng Jennifer Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26308 Cheng Lena Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26309 Cheng Linda Brooklin F Red<br />

Marathon 869 CHENG LUCHI Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26310 Cheng May W M Mississauga F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 20841 Cheng Michele toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 870 Cheng Pui Chi Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7419 Cheng Ryon (Wai Ching) markham M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20842 Cheng Shao Yi Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 871 Cheng Xianghu Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7420 Cheng Yin MISSISSAUGA F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 872 Cheng Zoey Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 873 Chengfang Ruan richmond hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26311 Chenier Camille Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7421 Chenosky Tyler Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7422 Cheong Erick Markham M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7423 Cheong Wilson Toronto M PURPLE<br />


Half Marathon 15951 Chernecki Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16451 Cherniawski Peter Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 874 Chernysh Max Scarborough M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16452 Cherry Gayle orangeville F Yellow<br />

Marathon 875 Cherubini Angela Aurora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7424 Cherwenka Steven Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7425 Chesney Brittany Innerkip F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7426 Chessman Kelly Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7427 Chessman Mary Burlington F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7428 Chessman Rebecca Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 876 Chetrat Zack Burlington M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7429 Chetrit Thomas Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7430 Cheung Alyssa Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20843 Cheung Bridget Markham F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 877 Cheung Christy Thornhill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7431 Cheung Danny Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7432 Cheung Derek Markham M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20844 Cheung Didi North York F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20845 Cheung Elaine Stouffville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20846 Cheung Elim Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 878 Cheung Eric Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15952 Cheung Gary Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26312 Cheung Gregory East York M Blue<br />

Marathon 879 Cheung Jason Scarborough M BLUE<br />


5km Run/Walk 20847 Cheung Kevin Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20848 Cheung Leah East York F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26313 Cheung Linda Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7434 Cheung Louise North York F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25649 Cheung Lucia Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20849 Cheung Madeleine East York F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20850 Cheung Ming-Tat Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 880 Cheung Patricia Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20851 Cheung Ricky Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7435 CHEUNG ROBERT TORONTO M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7436 Cheung Sandra Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 881 Cheung Siu Chun Hong Kong F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 882 Cheung Tim Unionville M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20852 Cheung Una Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26314 Cheung Valerie Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7437 Cheung Vincent Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 883 Cheung Virgil Stouffville M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20853 Cheung Zachary Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7438 Cheung Zee Hua Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7439 Chevalier Richard Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7440 Chevrier Jonah Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20854 Chew Davinia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7441 Chew Kyle toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7442 Cheyne Ian Port Sydney M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20855 Chhabra Anand Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20856 Chhabra Prabhsimran Brampton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15637 Chhoker Awtar Brampton M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20857 Chi Monica Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7443 Chiang Pui King Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 884 Chiaramonte Hayley Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7444 Chiasson Dominique Stoneham et Tewkesbury F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 885 Chiasson Frédéric Verdun M RED<br />

Marathon 886 Chiasson John Collingwood M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7445 Chiasson Mathieu saint-bruno M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15953 Chiasson Paul Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15638 Chiba Branson Julie Barrie F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 887 Chica Hernando Bogota M GREEN<br />

Marathon 888 Chicoine Andree Sainte-Julie F PURPLE<br />


Half Marathon 7446 Chidley-Hill John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25650 Chiew Wilfrid North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7447 Chiew Wui Kit Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7448 Chik Jeffrey Richmond hill M GREEN<br />

Marathon 890 Childers Michael Oak Park M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20858 Chillson Sheila Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Marathon 891 Chin Carolyn San Diego F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7449 Chin Chee Wah Thornhill M GREEN<br />

Marathon 892 Chin Chi Yuen Mathew Kowloon M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26315 Chin Kathleen Brossard F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7450 Chin Kimberly Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20859 Chin Monique Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16453 Chin Sarah Markham F Blue<br />

Marathon 893 CHIN SENG MON F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16454 Ching Amy Niagara Falls F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26316 Ching Joshua Markham M Yellow<br />

Marathon 4700 Chino Hatsuyo Mary Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 15954 Chinthalapudi Srinivas Ajax M YELLOW<br />


5km with Baby Stroller 25483 CHIPIZUBOVA IRINA TORONTO F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4580 Chipman John Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7451 Chirila Alexandra London F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26317 Chisholm Clara Oakville F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26318 Chisholm Jake Oakville M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7452 Chisholm Leanne Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 894 Chisolm Joseph South Orange M GREEN<br />

Marathon 895 Chiu Christopher Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16455 Chiu Hubert Markham M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7453 Chiu Ken Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7454 Chiu Rosalyn Oakville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7455 Chiu Sally Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 896 Chiu Steven Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7456 Chiu Tony SCARBOROUGH M GREEN<br />

Marathon 897 Chiu Vivian Markham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7457 Chiu Forrest Ivey Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7458 Chiupka Janet Thunder Bay F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20861 Chiusolo Samantha Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7459 Chiusolo Scott Oshawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7460 Chmiel Martin Kitchener M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7461 CHMIL TARAS TORONTO M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7462 Chmura Philip guelph M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7463 Cho Becky Brantford F BLUE<br />

Marathon 898 Cho Cynthia Maple F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20862 Cho David Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7464 Cho Eddie North York M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26319 Cho George Cho North York M Green

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20863 Cho Inyoung North York F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20864 Cho Judy Vaughan F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7465 Cho June Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7466 Cho Kim Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26320 Cho Linda Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7467 Cho Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26321 Cho Ryan Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 899 Cho Thomas Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20865 Chodon Sonam toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 900 Choe Mok toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7468 Choe Peter Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20866 Choedon Dawa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7469 Chogri-Carmichael Mercedes Georgetown F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20867 Chohan Jazz Brampton M YELLOW<br />


5km Run/Walk 20868 Choi Aiden Thornhill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7471 Choi Denise Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20869 CHOI HAMILTON Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20870 Choi Hawkins Richmond Hill M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20871 Choi Jay Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26322 Choi Joseph Kunwoo Markham M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26323 Choi Jungeun North York F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7472 Choi Lisa London F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20872 Choi Mary Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20873 Choi Nayoung North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7473 Choi Sally Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20874 Choi Suki Maple F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20875 Choi Sunny Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Marathon 901 Choi Vincent Thornhill M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20876 Choi Yuna TORONTO F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20877 Choi Yuri toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20878 Choijilsuren Batmunkh Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7474 Choiniere Tommy Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7475 Choinière Annie Delson F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7476 Chong Alex Port Elgin M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7477 Chong Anita Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7478 Chong Beverly Ontario F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20879 Chong Daniel Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20880 Chong Elaine Mississauga F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20881 Chong Flora Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7479 Chong Gordon Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7480 Chong Jill Oakville F GREEN<br />

Marathon 902 Chong Max Burlington M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20882 Chong Mike Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7481 Chong-Hon Greg Brooklin M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7482 Choo Karen Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25484 Choo Sue Ann Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20883 Choong Kiran Brampton F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20884 Chophel Rigzin Toronto M PURPLE<br />


5km Run/Walk 20885 CHOPRA RAOUL DUNDAS M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7484 Chopra Tanya Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7485 Chornenky Andrew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20886 Chorney Dana whitby F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20887 Chorney Jessica whitby F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26324 Chou Michelle Richmond Hill F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26325 Chou William Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20888 Chou Winnie Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20889 Chouhan Kishan Pickering M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26326 Chouhan Manpreet Brampton F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26327 Chouhan Naginderpal Brampton F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26328 Chouhan Simarjit Brampton M Blue<br />

Marathon 903 Chouinard Marc-Olivier Montreal M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7486 Chouinard-Audet Marie L'assomption F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25651 Chow Alice Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 904 Chow Alicia Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20890 Chow Alvin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20891 Chow Alvin Port Coquitlam M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20892 Chow Anita Wai Yan Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20893 Chow Aris Markham F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20894 Chow August North York M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16456 CHOW CHRIS TORONTO M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20895 Chow Colette Thornhill F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 905 Chow Edith Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7487 Chow Gillian F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25652 Chow Gordon Scarborough M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20896 Chow Grace North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7488 Chow Joseph Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7489 Chow Kam Markham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20897 Chow Kwong Choi North York M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7490 Chow Louis North York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7491 Chow May Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20898 Chow Nicholas Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20899 Chow Sandy Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 906 Chow Simon Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7492 Chow Stephen Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20900 CHOW STEPHEN TORONTO M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7493 Chow William Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20901 Chowdhury Ashik Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7494 Chowdhury Mohammed Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7495 Choy Andbuty Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7496 Choy Yee Ying Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20902 Chrisanthopoulos Gus Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25653 Christaki Catherine Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7497 Christakis Monique Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26329 Christeas Peter Thornhill M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16457 Christeas Ted Thornhill M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26330 Christeas Ted Thornhill M Red<br />

Marathon 907 Christensen Lily San Rafael F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7498 Christiaans Ben Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 908 Christiaens Maarten Deinze M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7499 Christian Holly Fort St. John F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7500 Christian Jenny Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7501 Christian JULIA Kincardine F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7502 Christian Marcail Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 909 Christian Relance Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 910 Christie Allison F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7503 Christie Anthony St. Michael M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20903 Christie Margaret St Michael F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7504 Christopoulos Constantine Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7505 Chrumka Kate Beaconsfield F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7506 Chrysafidis Katherine Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7507 Chu Brandt Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20904 Chu Charlotte North York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7508 Chu Elsa Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20905 Chu Fanny Markham F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20906 Chu Katie North York F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26331 Chu Kelly Markham F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7509 Chu Kevin Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7510 Chu Sandra Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20907 Chu William Vaughan M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7511 Chu Pacer Anna Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7512 Chua Constance Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20908 Chua Divina Gracia Scarborough F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20909 Chua Donna Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7513 Chua Gregory Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7514 Chua Vivo Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26332 Chuakay Christopher Toronto M Purple<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 27433 Chuakay Jadelynn Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7515 Chubb Peggy Norman Wells F BLUE<br />

Marathon 911 Chubbs Brad Petawawa M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20910 Chuen Cheong Eric Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20911 Chu-Fook Joanne Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7516 CHUGH ACHIN toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7517 Chugh Shaan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7518 Chui Dekel Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20912 Chui Ian Waterloo M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7519 Chuipka Marnie Lachine F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7520 Chuipka Michael Vaudreuil-Dorion M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20913 Chujor Goya Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7521 Chum Sokunkiry Burlington F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20914 Chun Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 912 Chung Andrew Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7522 Chung Duane Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7523 Chung Esther Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 913 Chung Isaac Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 914 Chung Joe Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7524 Chung Juliana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7525 Chung Karen Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20915 Chung Melissa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7526 Chung Rosalie TORONTO F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7527 Chung Seung North York M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20916 Chung Soojin Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20917 Chung Trevor Pickering M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20918 Chung Trisha Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 915 Chung Wilson Markham M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 916 Church Joe Harrisburg M GREEN<br />

Marathon 917 Churchill Kayla St. John's F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26333 Chynn Pamela Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 25654 Chynoweth Jacqui Port Hope F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7528 Chyzzy Barb Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

Marathon 918 Ciak Bart Waterloo M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20919 Ciampini Giulia Markham F GREEN<br />

Marathon 919 Ciappara Alex Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7529 Ciarlariello Justina Lasalle F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7530 Ciasnocha Heather Kleinburg F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20920 Ciavarella Isabella Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20921 Ciavarella Matteo Woodbridge M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20922 Ciavarella Matthew Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20923 Ciavarella Sabina Woodbridge F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26334 Cicci Branek Brantford M Blue<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 27434 Cicci David Brantford M Purple<br />

Marathon 920 Ciccone Mario V Timmins M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7531 Ciccone Mike Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20924 Cicconi Domenica Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7532 Cierpik Izabella Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7533 Ciffolillo Melinda Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7534 Ciftcioglu Paige Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7535 Cilla Annalisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20925 Cimicata Sarah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7536 Cimolai Tomas Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16458 Cinat Peter Mississauga M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7537 Cinelli Paul Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7538 Ciocan Ovidiu Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20926 Ciona Sandy Oakville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25655 Cipolla Carmen Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7539 Ciprick David Calgary M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25656 Cirillo Alison Toronto F YELLOW<br />


Half Marathon 15955 Ciufo Dustin Stoney Creek M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7540 Clancy Alicia Hampton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20927 Clancy Bradford Troy M GREEN<br />

Marathon 922 Clancy Dave guelph M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7541 Clancy Patrick Hamilton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20928 Clapperton Jenny Cobourg F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20929 Clara Sally Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20930 Clare Ramsay Burlington F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7542 Claridge Marni Orangeville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7543 Claridge Scott Orangeville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7544 Clariond Michelle San Pedro garza Garcia F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7545 Clark Adam St.Marys M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7546 Clark Aleksandra Aurora F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16459 Clark Cameron Toronto M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 25657 Clark Chelsea Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7547 Clark Dave Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7548 Clark Dean Etobicoke M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7549 Clark Doug London M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7550 Clark Emily Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20931 Clark Erika Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7551 Clark Farrah Whitby F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7552 Clark Glynis roswell F GREEN<br />

Marathon 923 Clark Greg Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20932 Clark Greg Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25658 Clark Holly Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

Marathon Walk 4551 Clark Jeannie Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20933 Clark Jennifer Orono F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7553 Clark Julie North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7554 Clark Kimberly Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20934 Clark Mandi Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7555 Clark Melanie St.Marys F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20935 Clark Patti London F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7556 Clark Peter Mille-Isles M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 924 Clark Renee Centennial F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 925 Clark Sean London M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7557 Clark Sharon orangeville F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7558 Clark Stephen Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 926 Clark Travis Hampton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 927 Clarke Andrew Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7559 Clarke Chris Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7560 Clarke Emilie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7561 Clarke Hannah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 928 Clarke Jonathan Etobicoke M RED<br />

Marathon 929 Clarke Kat Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7562 Clarke Kathy Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7563 Clarke Kimberley London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7564 Clarke Kirsten Midhurst F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7565 Clarke Laura London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7566 Clarke Megan Beeton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7567 Clarke Melinda Peterborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7568 Clarke Nina St Michael F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20936 Clarke Renee Scarborough F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20937 Clarke Sade Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7569 Clarke Sarah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7570 Clarke Sherry Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7571 Clarke Stuart T M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20938 Clarke Tim Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7572 Clarke Trevor Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15956 Clarke-Ames Joel Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 930 Clarke-Louie Fred Fort Erie M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20939 Clarkin Pamela Hannon F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7573 Clarkin Stephen Whitby M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20940 Clarkin Susan Stoney Creek F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26335 Clarkson Peter TORONTO M Red<br />

Marathon 931 CLARO REYES LUIS GUILLERMO Queretaro Qro M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7574 Clayton Charlie Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20941 Clayton Lynda Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7575 Clayton Nicole London F GREEN<br />

Marathon 932 Clearsky Shawn Bowmanville M RED<br />

Marathon 933 Cleary Ryan Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25485 CLELAND DREW TORONTO M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />


5km Run/Walk 20943 Cleland Justine Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20944 Cleland-Zarb Lucia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7576 Clelland Mary Jane Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15639 Clement Alison toronto F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 934 Clements Joanne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7577 Clements Jonathan Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7578 Clements Kristin Barrie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7579 Clements Sarah Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20945 Clemo Michele Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7580 Clench Debbie Ajax F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20946 Cleofe Riel Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7581 Clermont Natacha Blainville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20947 Cleveland Adam Burlington M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20948 Cleveland Blair Burlington M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20949 Clever Nadine Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26336 Clibbon Jennifer toronto F Green<br />


Half Marathon 7582 Clifford Susanne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16460 Clifford-Rashotte Matthew Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7583 Clift Darren Whitby M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7584 Clift Fraser Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 936 Clift Gary Kitchener M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15957 Clift Hayley Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7585 Clift Nicola Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7586 Climaco Luis Edgar Georgetown M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20950 Clingen Hayden Etobicoke M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7587 Clinker Robin Thunder Bay F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7588 Clouter Tony Whitby M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20951 Cloutier Annie Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7589 Clowater Sarah Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 937 Clubb J.R. Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7590 Clubbe Ryan Port Elgin M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16461 Cluet Angela Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15640 Clunas Al Markham M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26337 Clute Owen Toronto M Green<br />

Marathon 938 Cmelak Kevin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16462 Co Kristine toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 20952 Coady Matt Arnprior M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7591 Coakley Annalee Calgary F BLUE<br />

Marathon 939 Coakley Jennifer Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7592 Coakley Niki Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7593 Coates Amanda Aurora F GREEN<br />

Marathon 940 Coates Bradley Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7594 Coates Joshua Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7595 Coates Samantha Oakville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20953 Cobb Sarah Salt Springs F YELLOW<br />


Marathon 942 Cober Tom Schomberg M RED<br />

Marathon 943 Cobham Mark Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7596 Coburn Andrew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7597 Coca Claudia Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 4701 Coccimiglio Ryan Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 20954 Cochrane Jennifer Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20955 Cochrane Paul Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16463 Cochrane Ralph Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7598 Cochrane Shane Pontypool M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20956 Cockburn Christy Peterborough F RED<br />

Marathon Walk 4552 Cockburn Lynn Hamilton F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 944 Cocosila Simon Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 945 Codaire Antoine Montreal M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15641 Code Crystal kitchener F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16464 Codner Lance Campbellville M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7599 Cody Christine Malden F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20957 Cody Susan San Clemente F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 946 Co'Dyre Derek New Lowell M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7600 Coe John Severn bridge M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7601 Coelho Jennifer Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7602 COELHO NUNO TORONTO M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7603 Coetzee Gary Thornhill M RED<br />

Marathon 947 Coetzee Nadia Thornhill F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16465 Coffey Len Kenilworth M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16466 Coffey Shirley Arthur F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7604 Coffey Trish newcastle F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7605 Cogan Rhona Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 948 Cohen Alan Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16467 Cohen Albert toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 20958 Cohen Benjamin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7606 Cohen Jason Thornhill M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7607 Cohen Meg Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20959 Cohen Myrna North York F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20960 Cohen Sandy M North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7608 Cohen-Henry Emily Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20961 Cohoe Kaitlyn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20962 Coimbra Jenny Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 949 Cojo Denisa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7609 Colacci Liana Richmond Hill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7610 Colaco Madeleine Montreal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15642 Colaco Tyler Mississauga M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7611 Colalillo Elyse Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7612 Colalillo Pat Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7613 Colantonio Natalie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7614 Colapinto Antonia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7615 Colarusso Samantha Arlington F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20963 Colas François Whitby M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7616 Colbert Holly Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7617 Colbert Hugh Guelph M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25659 Colbourne Joanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25660 Colbourne Kent Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25661 Colbourne Miranda Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4581 Colby Graham Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7618 Cole Avril Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20964 Cole Judith Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 950 Cole Matthew Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 951 Cole Mike London M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20965 Cole Robert Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7619 Cole Sarah Richmond hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7620 Cole Sarah Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7621 Cole Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7622 Coleiro Jo Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20966 Colella Marisa Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7623 Coleman Aidan Corner Brook M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7624 Coleman Ashley KITCHENER F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7625 Coleman Denise Waterloo F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7626 Coleman Elizabeth Whitby F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16468 Coleman Greg Barrie M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7627 Coleman Melissa Peterborough F BLUE<br />

Marathon 952 Coleman Paul Ontario M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20967 Coleman Simon Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20968 Colero Harley toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15958 Coles Roger Brampton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26338 Coletta Adam Toronto M Yellow<br />

Marathon 953 Colín Mendoza Angélica CDMX F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25662 Coll Megan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7628 Collavoli Julie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15959 Colle Mike Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 954 Colley Krista toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 955 Colley Pierce Guelph M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 956 Colley Todd Guelph M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7629 Collict Melissa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 957 Collin Anne-Renée Ste-Marthe sur le Lac F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20969 Collings Heidi Fenwick F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26339 Collings Kerry Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 20970 Collings Theo Fenwick M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7630 Collingwood Karen Cambridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7631 Collins Blair Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7632 Collins Charles Woodbridge M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7633 Collins Connie Cambridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7634 Collins Daisy Kitchener F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20971 Collins Darla Caledon F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7635 Collins Darren Victoria Harbour M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26340 Collins Jennifer Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7636 Collins Jess Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7637 Collins Joanne Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 958 Collins Kathy Cherry Hills Village F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7638 Collins Kevin Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7639 Collins Laura Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7640 Collins Lindsay Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 959 Collins Michael Cherry Hills Village M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20972 Collins Rick Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20973 Collins Yasmin Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16469 Collura Tracy Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7641 Collver David Barrie M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7642 Colmenares Manuel Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20974 Colomb Mike Milton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7643 Colombani Gabriel Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7644 Colosimo Doris Thunder Bay F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16470 Colp Laura Brampton F Red<br />

Half Marathon 16471 Colp Nicole Brampton F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7645 Colphon Matthew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7646 Colquhoun Andrew Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7647 Colquhoun Michael Midhurst M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25663 Colton Mary Newmarket F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26341 Colton Pat Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 25664 Colton Sean Newmarket M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20975 Colucci Rita Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7648 Colussi Philip Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7649 Colville Rebecca Sunderland F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7650 Colyar Julia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 960 Comandatore Tiffany Cardiff F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7651 Comar John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 961 Combdon Jef St. John's M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7652 Combdon Joanne St. John's F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15643 Combrink Belinda Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7653 Comeau Brigitte Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7654 Comeau Emilie St. John's F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 962 Comeau Harold Drummondville M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 963 Comeau Philippe St-Mathias sur Richelieu M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7655 Comeau Tracey Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20976 Comer Anne Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 964 Comerford Jordan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15960 Comerton Louis Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 965 Comfort Ann London F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 966 Compean Gabriela New York F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7656 Complin Aron Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7657 Compton Louise Oakville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20977 Comrie Michele Cambridge F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 967 Conaglen Paul Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20978 Conant Stephanie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26342 Conant Stephanie Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7658 Conant Tom Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7659 Concannon Gar Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7660 Conceicao Manuela Caledonia F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 968 Conceicao Paulo Caledonia M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26343 Condon Cathy Guelph F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7661 Condon Nathan Minneapolis M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7662 Condon Nicole Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7663 Condon Tracy F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7664 Condron Neal Brockville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20979 Conejo Carlos Etobicoke M RED<br />

Marathon 969 Congiu Davide Caracas M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16472 Conidi John Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15644 Conley Jasmine Barrie F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20980 Conley Stephanie Barrie F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7665 Conley Vanessa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 970 Conlin Elizabeth Minneapolis F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7666 Conlon John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 971 Connell John Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 20981 Connell Mike Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7667 Connell Stacey Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7668 Connely Krysten Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 972 Connely Louise Edmundston F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26344 Connolly John toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26345 Connolly John Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26346 Connolly Mickey Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7669 Connolly Patricia Montreal F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26347 Connolly Patricia Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7670 Connor Kate Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7671 Connors Alan Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7672 Connors Sherry Kanata F RED<br />

Marathon 973 Connors Vanessa Courtice F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7673 Conrad Dan Port Elgin M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7674 Conrad Dee Lahave F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20982 Conrad Monica newmarket F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20983 Conrad Theresa Newmarket F GREEN<br />

Marathon 974 Conron Jeff Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7675 Conron Melanie Kingston F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20984 Considine Linda Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25665 Consolacion Merck Scarborough M RED<br />

Marathon 975 Constantin Mat M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15961 Constantinescu Natalia Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7676 Conte Kennard Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25666 Contois Nicole Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7677 Contramaestre Alejandro Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7678 Contreras Rodriguez Carlos Amado Mexico M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7679 Contreras Rodriguez Giovanni Mexico M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7680 Convery Lorelle Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 976 Convey Steve Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20985 Conway Caroline Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7681 Conway Heather St. John's F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7682 Conway Jan Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20986 Conway. Robert Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7683 Cook Amanda Barrie F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20987 Cook Jessica Pickering F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20988 Cook Krista Grimsby F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7684 Cook Kristy Brampton F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20989 Cook Marie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7685 Cook Marla Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 977 Cook Michelle Newmarket F BLUE<br />

Marathon 978 Cook Peter Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7686 Cook Sarah Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20990 Cook Stephanie Concord F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20991 Cook Taylor Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20992 Cook Wayne Pickering M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7687 Cooke Jim Lakeshore M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7688 Cooke Lisa Wasaga Beach F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7689 Cooke Sue London F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7690 Cooke Ty St. Catharines M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 979 Cookson Tommy Bowmanville M RED<br />

Marathon 980 Coombes Robin F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 981 Coombs Blair Scarborough M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20993 Coombs Douglas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 982 Coombs Jeff Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26348 Coombs Kerith Ajax M Red<br />

Marathon 983 Cooney Andrew Windsor M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7691 Cooney Denise Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7692 Cooney Paul Innisfil M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26349 Cooney Warren Toronto M Blue<br />

Marathon 984 Coope James Castle Rock M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7693 Cooper Dave Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7694 Cooper David Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20994 Cooper Geoffrey Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 985 Cooper Jason Port Perry M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 20995 Cooper Jen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7695 Cooper Johann Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15962 Cooper Karen St. John's F GREEN<br />

Marathon 986 Cooper Karyn Orillia F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15645 Cooper Patti Ajax F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 20996 Cooper Rachel Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7696 Cooper Rod Ajax M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 20997 Cope Ann Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 20998 Cope Ann Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26350 Copeland Abigail Toronto F Blue<br />

Marathon 987 Copeland Josh Mono M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 988 Copeland Juan Hidalgo M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 989 Copeland Luis Saint Louis M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 990 Copeland Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26351 Copp Susan Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 20999 Coppen James Cambridge M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7697 Corbett Andrew Schomberg M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21000 Corbett Raeleen scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 991 CORBRIDGE RICHARD Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7698 CORBY LAURA TORONTO F GREEN<br />

Marathon 992 Corchis Rob Chatham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15963 Corcoran DONAL Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15964 Corcoran James Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21001 Cordeiro Paula Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 993 Cordero Javier Huixquilican M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7699 Cordick Kevin Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7700 Cordingley Mike Sarnia M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21002 Cordoba Alfred Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21003 Cordoba Freida Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16473 Cordova Mauricio Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7701 Cordova Lima Leticia Peterborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7702 Cordua Brandon Barrie M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7703 Core Sarah Hamilton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7704 Corelli Daryl Georgetown M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16474 Corelli John Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7705 Corelli Taylor Sault Ste Marie F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7706 Corey Alex Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7707 Corey Devin Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21004 Corkum Alan Georgetown M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 25667 Corlett Dave Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 994 Cormack Breda Edmonton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25668 Cormack Lindsay Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 4582 Cormack Maya toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7708 Cormack Shawn toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7709 Cormier Amelie Montreal F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 995 Cormier Cynthia Ingersoll F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7710 Cormier Donny Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7711 Cormier Eric Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7712 Cormier Guy Montreal M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 996 Cormier Karine Longueuil F RED<br />

Marathon 997 Cormier Mike Allison M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7713 Cormier Tamara Hamilton F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4702 Cormier Yan brampton M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26352 Cornelisse Mette Rockwood F Purple<br />

Marathon 998 Cornelisse Randy Hanover M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26353 Cornelisse Sophia Rockwood F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7714 Cornell Alison Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7715 Cornell Kathryn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 999 Corner Gardiner Jennifer Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21005 Cornfield Noah Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21006 Cornfield Sari Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7716 Cornies Ed Wheatley M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21007 Cornish Laura Aurora F RED<br />

Marathon 1000 Corona Sergio Puebla M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21008 Corrado Erin Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7717 Corre Victor Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7718 Correa Astrid Burlington F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21009 Correa Juan Binbrook M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21010 Correa Maria Binbrook F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21011 Correa Stephanie Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7719 Correia Antonio Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21012 Correia Christopher Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7720 Correia Julia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1001 Corrigan Jason Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21013 Corriveau Jean-Claude Québec M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7721 Corriveau Josee Quebec F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7722 Corsini Jimmy Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7723 Corso John Selwyn M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26354 Corson Sonya London F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21014 Corson Sue Huntsville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21015 Corson Tim Huntsville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7724 Corstorphine Shannon guelph F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1002 Cortes Morquecho Gina Monterrey nuevo León F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7725 Cortese Fabio North york M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7726 Cortese Mike Burlington M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16475 Cosentino Peter Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7727 Cosgrove Brendan Pickering M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21016 Cosgrove John Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7728 Cosgrove Shannon Pickering F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21017 Cosgrove Tyler Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1003 Cosi Cris Toronto M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16476 Cosman Steve Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15646 Cossaro Marilena Woodbridge F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1004 Cossette Jeremy Gatineau M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1005 Cossette Louis Gatineau M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26355 Cossetto Tyler Newmarket M Red<br />

Marathon 4703 Costa Carlos Montréal M Red<br />

Half Marathon 15965 Costa Cintia Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7729 Costa Eduardo Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4583 Costa Flavio Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21018 COSTA HELDER TORONTO F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15966 Costa Lisa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26356 Costa Da Silva Fernanda São Paulo F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7730 Costa Queiroga Barros Gabriel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25669 Costabile Selena Thornhill F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26357 Costanzo Carlo Campbellville M Red<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25486 Costanzo Joe Milton M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21019 Costanzo Matt St. Catharines M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25670 Costello Jack Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7731 Costelloe Denis tralee co kerry M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7732 Costelloe Liz Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7733 Costen Laura Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7734 Costigan Julianne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4704 Cota Gabriel mississagua M Yellow<br />

Marathon 1006 Cote Brad Brampton M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7735 Cote Frankie Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7736 Cote Guillaume Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7737 Cote Melissa Kapuskasing F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1007 Cote Patrick Verdun M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16477 Cote Patrick Montreal M Red<br />

Marathon 1008 Cote Paul Hearst M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1009 COTE Roberto Blainville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15967 Cote Valerie Oshawa F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1010 Coté Isabelle blainville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7738 Côte Julie Montreal F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7739 Côté André Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7740 Côté Anna Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1011 Côté Chantal Montréal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7741 Côté Karine montreal F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1012 Côté Patrick Calgary M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7742 Côté Priscilla terrebonne F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7743 Côtes Ghislain Rouyn-Noranda M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21020 Cotic Nicky Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21021 Cottar Shamsheer Maple M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15647 Cottell Joan Halifax F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7744 Cotton Sean Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21022 Cottrell Richard Oakville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21023 Coughlan Emily Alliston F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7745 Coughlin Annie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7746 Couldrey Brandon Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7747 Coulombe France Fabre F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7748 Coulombe Michele Blainville F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7749 Coulombe Nicolas Montréal M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7750 Coulson Alex Waterloo F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26358 Coulson James Milton M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26359 Coulson Jody Milton M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26360 Coulson Liz Milton F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7751 Coulter Dave Kingston M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7752 Coulter Karin Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21024 Coulter Sawyer Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21025 Coulter Zachary Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26361 Courchene Andrew Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7753 Courcy Roch Gatineau M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26362 Couris-Vaute Chantal Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1013 Coursolle Tyler St Thomas M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7754 Courtepatte Amy Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1014 Courtney Jeremiah Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7755 Courville Bernard Pierrefonds M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21026 Cousineau Annie Montréal F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26363 Cousineau Jacquie Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1015 Coutinho Roland North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7756 COUTINHO TELMARIO porto velho M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7757 Couto Adrienne Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7758 Couto Diane oakville M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7759 Couto Liz Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7760 Couto Nicholas Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7761 Couto Rui Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21027 Coutts Erica Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16478 Coutts Lauren Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7762 Coutts Melissa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15648 Coutts Nina Brampton F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1016 Couture Andréanne Gatineau F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7763 Couture Ariane Montréal F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21028 Couture Debbie Strathroy ON F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26364 Couture Dorine Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7764 Couture Jean La Prairie M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1017 Couture Marc montrél M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7765 Couture Roger Gatineau M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1018 Couture Yvonne sherbrooke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7766 Covelli Marina East York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15649 Covre Rosanna Maple F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7767 Cowal Sarah Pickering F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7768 Cowan Cassidy Strathroy F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15968 Cowan Des Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7769 Cowan Jeff Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1019 Cowan Matthew Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7770 Cowan Maura Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7771 Cowan Terry Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7772 Cowan Tyler Strathroy M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7773 Coward Georgia Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1020 Cowell Matthew Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7774 Cowie Sarah Aurora F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7775 Cowl Taylor Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7776 Cowman Brianna Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26365 Cowper Bruce Seattle M Yellow

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7777 Cox Chris Paradise M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7778 Cox Gerard St James M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7779 Cox Gina St James F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1021 Cox Jason Barrie M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7780 Cox Keeley Paradise F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7781 Cox Lauren Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7782 Cox Maureen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7783 Cox Nathan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1022 Cox Robb Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7784 Cox Troy Huntsville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7785 Coyle Aileen Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21029 Coyle Janet Mono F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7786 Coyle Mackenzie Whitby F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26366 Coyle Sarah Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1023 Coyle-Asbil Hannah Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26367 Coyne Denis Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 1024 Coyne Steve Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21030 Cozza Cathy Pickering F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21031 Cozza Cathy Pickering F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21032 Cozza Claudia Stouffville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21033 Cozza Rita Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1025 C-Panfili Jessica Saint-Paul F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7787 Crabtree Joanna Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15969 Crabtree Rob Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7788 Crabtree Susannah Ottawa F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7789 Craddock Anne Barrie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7790 Craen Rosemary London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7791 Craft Paul Uxbridge M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25671 Cragg Nick Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21034 Craig Alison Whitby F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7792 Craig Amy hamilton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1026 Craig Brian Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21035 Craig Ed Ajax M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21036 Craig Hunter Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16479 Craig Jordan Ottawa M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21037 Craig Jordan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7793 Craig Kyla Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21038 Craig Maggie Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21039 Craig Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21040 Craig Shaylynn Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7794 Craine Joshua toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7795 Craine Spencer Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7796 Cramton Derek Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7797 Cranfield Jennifer Guelph F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7798 Cranin Jesse Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1027 Cranley Daniel Hamilton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4705 Cranston Krista Chatham F Red<br />

Half Marathon 7799 Cranston Mary Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7800 Cranston Taylor Newmarket F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25672 Crasto Benjamin Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15970 Crasto Ruth Oakville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7801 Crate Damon Toronto M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7802 Craven Gemma Brooklyn F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1028 Cravioto Cristina Mexico City F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7803 Cravit Madeline Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7804 Crawford Christine Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25673 Crawford Colin Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25674 Crawford Colin Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7805 Crawford Donald Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21041 Crawford Jennifer Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7806 Crawford Katie Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1029 Crawford Mike Elizabethtown M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16480 Crawford Rob Aurora M Green<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15650 Crawford Shelby Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26368 Crawford Tim Oshawa M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7807 Crawford-Ritchie Jamie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21042 Crawhall-Stein Lucas Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7808 Crayper Natalie Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16481 Creador Jonathan James Woodbridge M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7809 Creighton Brendan Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21043 Creighton Edward Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7810 Creighton Sean Mississauga M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21044 Cremins Tom Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4584 Crepeau Mike North Bay M RED<br />

Marathon 1030 Creskey Sarah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1031 Crespo Waldemar Gurabo M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1032 Cress Sean Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7811 Crete Genevieve Oshawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7812 Crevier Michelle Dundas F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7813 Crew Kim Chatham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26369 Crewson Julia Mississauga F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7814 Cribbey Barrett Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7815 Crichton Ronald Etobicoke M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26370 Crigger Joelle Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7816 Crihan Nicolae Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21045 Crilly Joe Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1033 Crinson Stacey Maple F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7817 Cripps Rebecca Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7818 Cripwell Kalinda Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7819 Crisostomo Luis Milton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21046 Crisp Heather Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7820 Cristiano Corrado Woodbridge M RED<br />

Marathon 1034 Cristofaro Keli thunder bay F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7821 Crittenden Daniel Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1035 Croall John Lymm M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1036 Croall Louise Lymm F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21047 Croan Kayla Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7822 Crockett Michele Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26371 Croitoru Haniel Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7823 Croll Cara Durham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7824 Crome Andrew Newmarket M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7825 Crome Hollie Newmarket F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7826 Croney Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7827 Cronin Kirby Toronto M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16482 Cronk Jill Mississauga F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21048 Cronkwright Dave Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7828 Crooks Colin Brampton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21049 Cropper Yvonne Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7829 Cross Andrea Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7830 Cross David Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7831 Cross Emma Milton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7832 Cross Troy Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1037 Crosschild Celeste Saskatoon F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7833 Crossman Susan Pickering F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7834 Croteau Josee Boisbriand F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21050 Crothers Jocelyn North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7835 Crouch George Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7836 Crouse Bruce Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21051 Crouse Eric Mount Albert M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21052 Crouse Kenny Aurora M RED<br />


Marathon 1039 Crowe Jennifer St. John's F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1040 Crowson Angie Downers Grove F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7837 Crucero Alpha Orleans F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21053 Cruickshanks Sandra Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21054 Cruikshank Aileen Burlington F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21055 Crupi Maria Nobleton F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1041 Cruz Adriana San Pedro Garza Garcia F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25675 Cruz Allison Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7838 Cruz Ana Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21056 Cruz Anna Marie Last Pinas F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16483 Cruz Dempsey Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21057 Csathy Tina Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25676 Csercsa Angelica Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21058 Csoke Amy Pickering F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7839 Csumrik Laura Barrie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7840 Cuaresma Stephanie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7841 Cuaresma-Canlas Rachelle Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21059 Cubitt Anisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7842 Cubitt Ben Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21060 Cubitt Stella Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1042 Cucuzza Marisa Bloomfield F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7843 Cuddy Rowan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7844 Cudmore Alice Oakville F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1043 CUELLAR PAOLA San Pedro Garza Garcia F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1044 Cuellar Rosendo San Pedro Garza Garcia M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7845 Cueto Maria Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1045 Cuevas Armando Irapuato M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1046 Cuevas Eduardo Oakville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21061 Cuffe Elizabeth Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21062 Cui Jingming North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16484 Cuk Alexandra Maple F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 25677 Cukilo Sara Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25678 Culangan Erwin Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1047 Culleton Tracy Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7846 Culligan Jeff Toronto M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7847 Cullis Stephen Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21063 Culnan Therese Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7848 Culp Beth Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1048 Culp Graham Scarborough M RED<br />

Marathon 1049 Culp James Port Perry M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1050 Cumetti Claudio Dollard-des-Ormeaux M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1051 Cumming Don C. Ottawa M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21064 Cumming Emily Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7849 Cumming George toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1052 Cummings Ali Sudbury F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7850 Cummings Patricia Waterloo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7851 Cummins Gary Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1053 Cummiskey Jana Marietta F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7852 Cunan Ellery St. Catharines M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1054 Cunha Matheus antigonish M RED<br />

Marathon 1055 Cunnane Matt Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26372 Cunningham Judah Pickering M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21065 Cunningham Mila Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21066 Cunningham Sophie cobourg F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21067 Cuomo Lina willowdale F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7853 Curalli Vito WOODBRIDGE M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15971 Curbelo Cesar Daniel richmond hill M RED<br />

Marathon 1056 Curcuruto Antonio Ville Mont Royal M RED<br />

Marathon 1057 Curley Daniel Ottawa M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21068 Currah David Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1058 Currah Katarina Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7854 Curran Brian Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4706 CURRELL ANN MISSISSAUGA F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7855 Currie Bryn Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7856 Currie Jane Georgetown F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16485 Currie Philip Mississauga M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21069 Currie Ronald Edward Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7857 Currie Sarah Lindsay F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7858 Currie Taylor Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7859 Currie Wendie North Bay F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7860 Curti Danielle Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7861 Curtin Aisling Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1059 Curtin Thomas Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21070 Curtis Greta Val Caron F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7862 Curtis John Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16486 Curtis Mark Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7863 Curtis Nancy Manitowaning F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7864 Curtis Nick Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1060 Curtis Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7865 Curtis-Ferrera Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7866 Curtis-Whyte Melanie Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7867 Curto Lee Richmond hill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7868 Curto Olivia Richmond hill F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26373 Cusato John Aurora M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21071 Cushing Anthony Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1061 Cusson Benoît Verdun M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21072 Cusson Heather Midland F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7869 Cuthbertson Dawn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7870 Cuthbertson Jamie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7871 Cuthbertson Kathryn Courtice F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26374 Cuthbertson Pauline Brampton F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1062 Cuthbertson Scott J North York M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1063 Cutler Gemma Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7872 Cutler Geoff Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7873 Cutter Jill Orangeville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7874 Cutts Mark Orillia M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21073 Cuyegkeng Corazon Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21074 Cuyegkeng Leon Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7875 Cygal Alexandra Caledon F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7876 Cyr Claude Town of Mount Royal M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1064 Cyr Jean-Martin St-Lazare M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7877 Cyr Luc Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7878 Cyr Marie-Catherine Gatineau F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1065 Cyr Terry Ottawa M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1066 Cyrenne Claude lasalle M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7879 Czechowski Lee Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1067 Czepiel Richard Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7880 Czepiel Stephanie Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21075 Czikk John London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7881 D Anna Laval F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21076 D Samantha Whitby F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1068 Da Cruz Santos Amilton Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25679 Da Luz Dianne Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25680 Da Luz Jake Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7882 Da Ponte Mike Newmarket M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26375 Da Silva Angelina Woodbridge F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7883 Da Silva Hannah Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7884 Da Silva Isabel Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7885 Da Silva Michael Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26376 Da Silva Tania Woodbridge F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1069 Da Silva Victor Gloucester M GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 7886 DAAG SHERYL F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16487 Dabankah Kwaku Oakville M Red<br />

Marathon 1070 Dabbah Daniel Mexico M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7887 Dabelic Mario Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7888 Dabell Liz Chapel Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1071 Dabu Caroline Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21077 DaCosta Danielle Ajax F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1072 Daebernitz Sven Berlin M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21078 Dag Dilek Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21079 Dagdag Abegail Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1073 Dagenais Tom thorold ontario M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7889 Dagher Ralf ottawa M RED<br />

Marathon 1074 Dagostino Chantal Skead F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1075 Daher Amanda Uxbridge F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7890 Dahlgren Emma Lund F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7891 Dahmen Holli Scottsdale F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7892 Dai Harry Richmond Hill M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 26378 Dai Yi Richmond Hill F Blue<br />

Marathon 1076 Daigle François St-Flavien M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21080 Daigle Frank Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7893 Daignault Stephanie Outremont F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7894 Dailey Kris Nepean M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7895 Daka Alifasi Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1077 Dakai Carol Grand River F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21081 Dako Andrea Milton F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21082 DAKO DANIEL Milton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26379 Dalal AJ Brampton M Green<br />

Half Marathon 7896 Dalcourt Carole Manhattan Beach F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1078 Dalcourt Nathalie Montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7897 Dale Briannah Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7898 Dale Laurelly Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26380 Dale Lisa Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7899 Dale Lois Keewatin F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1079 Dale Sandy Ottawa M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21083 Dale-Harris Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7900 Daley Aileen Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21084 Daley Allyshia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7901 Daley Katie Sault Ste. Marie F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7902 D'Alfonso Alex Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7903 Dalgleish Murray West Hill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7904 Dalicandro Ellen F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1080 Dalicandro Jennifer Burlington F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7905 Dallaire Karine Montreal F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7906 Dallaire Laurent Québec M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7907 Dallas Mary Lou Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21085 Dallas Stephen Brampton M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1081 Dalmasy Diana santo domingo F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15972 Dalpé Valérie montreal F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1082 Dalrymple Joelle Winnipeg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7908 Dalton Barry Milton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26381 Dalton Bruce Etobicoke M Yellow<br />

Marathon 1083 Dalton Patrick St. John's M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1084 Dalton Timothy Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7909 Daly Cian Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1085 Daly Gareth York M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7910 Daly Karen Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7911 Daly Lorne Calgary M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21086 Daly Lorne calgary M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7912 Dam Mikael Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1086 Dam Tom NORTH YORK M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21087 D'Amato Luisa Kitchener F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7913 Damen Keri Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21088 Damene Almaz BRAMPTON F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26382 Damian Oana toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7914 Damiani Samantha Barrie F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21089 Damiano Diane Pickering F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21090 D'Amico Vito Aurora M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21091 Damji Alysha Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21092 Damji Anita Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21093 Damji Shamim Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1087 Danagher Dan Manotick M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1088 Danby Neil Peterborough M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7915 Dandridge Rachel Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7916 Danells Christopher Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1089 Dang Chinh Puslinch M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7917 D'Angela Glenda Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26383 Daniel Eliana Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26384 Daniel Faith Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 15973 Daniel Nicole Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16488 Daniel Roxanne Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1090 Danielak Jakub Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7918 Daniell Neil Whitby M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7919 Daniels Brenda Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16489 Daniels Cale Oakville M Yellow<br />

Marathon 1091 Daniels Joshua Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21094 Daniels Sue Brantford F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4707 Daniels Trevor Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21095 Danilewitz Debra Thornhill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7920 Daniliuc Victor Vaughan M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7921 D'Anjou Martin Lévis M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7922 Danks Brad Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7923 Dann Bob Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7924 Danoun Samira Montréal F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1092 Dantas Ema Glen Williams F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21096 Dantas Nicole Glen Williams F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21097 Danyliuk Emma Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7925 Danyluk Andrea Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21098 Danyluk Sue Toronto, F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26385 Danyshyn Clayton Stouffville M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26386 Danyshyn Cory Stouffville M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26387 Danyshyn Scott Stouffville M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16490 Daoud Nour london F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7926 Daoust Karine Montréal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7927 Daoust Marie-Joseée montréal F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1093 Daoust Philippe Gatineau M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21099 DaPonte Nathan London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7928 Darakjian David Concord M YELLOW<br />


Marathon 1095 Darbyshire Anca Ottawa F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21100 D'Arceuil Marilee Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1096 D'Argensio Lynda Montreal F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26388 Darling Alex Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 7929 Darling Andrew Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7930 Darling Cheryl Lindsay F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7931 Darling Cheryl Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7932 Darling Karen Whitby F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15974 Darling Maggie Cobourg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7933 Darling Rachel Oshawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7934 Darling Susanne Peterborough F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7935 Darlington Alan Guelph M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7936 Darlington Gerarda Guelph F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1097 Darmin Alexei Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21101 Darnell Jeff Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21102 Darnell Kieran Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25681 Daroczi Timea Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7937 Darragh Christine waterloo F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7938 Darroch Jessie Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21103 D'Ascenzo Jacklyn Vaughan F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1098 Dasi Rafael Mexico City M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7939 Dasilva Jenny Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25682 Daskalo Michal Thornhill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21104 Dastur Danny Markham M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7940 Datars Eric Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7941 Datars Shkolnik Elizabeth Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1099 Datoff Brandan Penticton M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15651 Daufenbach Lesley Guelph F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7942 Daugherty Amber Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21105 Daulby Lisa Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16491 Dauphinee Simon Oakville M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7943 Daveau Jeremy Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1100 Davenport Eva St. John's F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4708 Davenport Larry Whitmore Lake M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 7944 Davero Nick Waterdown M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7945 David Chan Markham M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21106 David Daniel thornhill M PURPLE<br />


5km with Baby Stroller 25487 David Melissa thornhill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7946 Davids Alain Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7947 Davids Larry Rochester M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7948 Davidson Bruce misssissauga M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1101 Davidson Christa Orillia F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7949 Davidson Deanna Delhi F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7950 Davidson James Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21107 Davidson Laura Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21108 Davidson Leslie Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7951 Davidson Lisa Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25684 Davidson Marnie TORONTO F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21109 Davidson Meghan Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1102 Davidson Patricia Dallas F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15975 Davidson Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7952 Davidson Stuart North Bay M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21110 Davies Aimee Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7953 Davies Alexandra Newmarket F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1103 Davies Christopher Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1104 Davies Deanna Elginburg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7954 Davies Glenn Newcastle M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21111 Davies Jade Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 15976 Davies Jane Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21112 Davies Jeff Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21113 Davies Jen Uxbridge F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7955 Davies Karen Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21114 Davies Max Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7956 Davies Nicole Keswick F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 7957 Davies Rachel Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7958 Davies Rachel Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7959 Davies Robert Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7960 Davies Roslynn Barrie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7961 Davies Valerie Newcastle F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7962 Davies-Complin Lisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1105 Davila Jorge Garza Garcia NL M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21115 Davila Stephanie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1106 Davis Brad Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21116 Davis Brian Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 27435 Davis Cliff Holland River M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26389 Davis Jackie Holland River F Purple<br />

Marathon 1107 Davis Jason Sherbrooke M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7963 Davis Jen Caledon F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1108 Davis Jesse Barrie M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7964 Davis Kelly Markham F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21117 Davis Kimberly Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16492 Davis Lee mississauga M Blue<br />

Marathon 1109 Davis Mary Pat Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21118 Davis Orly Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7965 Davis Richard Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1110 Davis Rita Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1111 Davis Ryan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15652 Davis Sandra Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21119 Davis Susan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7966 Davis Tanya Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7967 Davis Taylor Vancouver F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26390 DAVIS XAVIER Holland River M Purple<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25488 Davis Yardena Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16493 Davis-Henderson Jill Hamilton F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7968 DavisMiller Diane Arva F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21120 Davison Becca New Hamburg F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7969 Davison Hannah Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7970 Davison Kirsten Ancaster F GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25489 Davison Mandy courtice F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21121 Davison Renee courtice F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26391 Davitjan Marianne Thornhill F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7971 Davletova Aimerim Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1112 Dawe Catherine Aurora F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7972 Dawe Gina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21122 Dawe Janice Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7973 Dawg Kate Deep River F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21123 Dawkins Nicole Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1113 Dawsom Julie Oakville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7974 Dawson Bill Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1114 Dawson Frances Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26392 Dawson Jan Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 25685 Dawson Kerri Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7975 Dawson Kim Ennismore F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21124 Dawson Penn Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7976 Dawson Peter Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1115 Dawson Steve Markham M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21125 Day Alex Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15653 Day Bryan toronto M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7977 Day Daphne Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21126 Day Naseem Brampton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1116 Day Tim Amaranth M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7978 Day Tom Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26393 Dayaon Gabriel Woodbridge M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21127 Daye David Kitchener M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26394 Dayes Monique Mississauga F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21128 Dayian Lucine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21129 Dayno Judy Pickering F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21130 Dayno Matthew Pickering M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7979 Dayno Ted Pickering M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21131 D'Cruz Dawn Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7980 De Anda Maria San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon F RED<br />

Half Marathon 7981 De Barra Maggie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21132 De Bellefeuille Sylvie Saint-Laurent F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7982 De Belleville Diane MONTRÉAL F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15654 De Benaze Xavier Toronto M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 7983 De Brouwer Michelle Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21133 De Caprio Cila Vaughan F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21134 De Caprio Rosanna Vaughan F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7984 De Carlo Kathryn Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7985 De Carvalho Filho Vincent Curitiba M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1117 De Clercq Timothy Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7986 De Courcy Tod Fredericton M GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 15977 De Filippo Anna Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21135 De Finney John Markham M RED<br />

Marathon 1119 De Francesco Elise Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7987 De Freitas Anne Glencoe F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 7988 De Freitas Karina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 7989 De Freitas Lauren Toronto F BLUE<br />


Half Marathon 7990 De Garston Charles Tunbridge Wells M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26395 De Graaff Cindy Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 7991 De Groote Trudy Brantford F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1121 De Guire Danielle Magog F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21136 De Guzman Michelle Milton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7992 De Guzman Pauline Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21137 De Guzman Reynaldo Milton M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1122 De Jager Cornelius Whitby M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26396 De Jesus Monette brampton F Green<br />

Half Marathon 7993 De Jong Bethany Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16494 De Jong Kaitlin Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 7994 De Jong Ralph Sarnia M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7995 De Jong Shari Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1123 De Jonge Felicia Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21138 De Juan Rochelle Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7996 De La Chevrotière Denis Rouyn-Noranda M RED<br />

Marathon 1124 De La Garza Francisco San Pedro Garza Garcia M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 7997 De La Puente Paula Quito F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1125 De La Rosa Hector London M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1126 De La Torre Juan Pablo Mexico M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1127 De Lange Mark Guelph M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15978 De Lasa Martin Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 7998 De Leeuw Cecilia Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 7999 De Leon Jimmy Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8000 De Leon Khristine Mae New York F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1128 De Lima Philip Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8001 De Longhi Christina Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8002 De Lorimier Alex Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21139 De Los Reyes Rene Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25490 De Luca Allison Orangeville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8003 De Luca Maryann Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21140 De Luca Rob Orangeville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8004 De Luna Lester Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8005 De Marco Domenico Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21141 De Mers Melissa Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8006 De Oliveira Mary Barrie F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1129 De Pinto Louise Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8007 De Roos Adam Aurora M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8008 De Roos Eric Aurora M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8009 De Roos John Aurora M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8010 De Sousa Alexandra Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21142 De Sousa Brenda Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1130 De Sousa Jennifer Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8011 De Sousa Costa Chris North York M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21143 De Souza Denise Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21144 De Souza Diane Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1131 De Souza Henry Brockville M YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25491 De Unanue Nieves Puebla F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8012 De Vega Armand toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21145 De Vera Rani Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8013 De Villena Benjamin Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1132 De Vito Matteo Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21146 De Vos Katie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1133 De Vries Hannah Vancouver F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1134 De Vries Jetse den haag M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1135 De Waard Erik Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1136 De Wilde Dirk Saint-Lambert M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8014 Deall Stewart Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8015 Dean Adam Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8016 Dean Cori Bradford F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16495 Dean Donald Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 4709 Dean Jahrobee Mississaug M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21147 Dean Mark Bradford M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16496 Deane Carmel Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8017 Deane Frances Pickering F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21148 DeAngelis-Mullin Sandra Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8018 Deans Eliska Orangeville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21149 De'Ath Catherine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21150 Deavey Kimberly Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1137 Deb Sujay Toronto M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8019 Debachy Friederike Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1138 DeBacker Will Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1139 Debardi1 Stephen montreal M RED<br />

Marathon Walk 4553 DeBartolo Rosa Brampton F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1140 Debelder Julie Beersel F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21151 DeBoer Erin Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8020 DeBona Marina Woodbridge F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1141 Debono Allan Brooklin M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8021 DeBortoli Karen Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8022 Debrot Anik Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8023 DeBues Rowan Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8024 DeCiantis Ciro Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1142 Decker Dale bowmanville M RED<br />

Marathon 1143 Decker Rebecca Kenmore F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21152 Deckers Laurie Amaranth F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8025 Deckert Jackie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8026 Deckert Kat Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8027 DeCoste Dahlia Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8028 Dedekam Elise Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8029 Dedman Tanya Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1144 Dee Hans Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16497 Deegan Adam Mississauga M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21153 Deering Erin Newmarket F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8030 Deffett Mathew Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8031 DeFina Fred Barrie M RED<br />

Marathon 1145 DeFinney Alana Sault Ste Marie F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1146 DeForge Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16498 Defreitas Stuart Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21154 DeFry Samantha Markham F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1147 Degani Ammar Pittsford M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16499 DeGroot Jerry Rockwood M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8032 DeGroot Marla Kitchener F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8033 Deherian Michelle Markham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8034 Dehghani Danial Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21155 Dehghanpour Azadeh Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8035 DeHoop Jacie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8036 Deike Shelagh Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21156 Dekel Hagit Vaughan F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8037 Dekker Kyle Kitchener M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21157 Dekoe Rachelle Welland F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1148 DeKoning Chris Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1149 Del Azar Jimena Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16500 Del Bono Alexander Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16501 Del Bono Rob Oakville M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16502 Del Brocco Alana Newmarket F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1150 Del Campo Barajas Themy Otterburn Park M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8038 Del Castillo Gail Pickering F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1151 Del Castillo Gerry Pickering M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21158 Del Castillo Gideon Pickering M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8039 Del Castillo Theresa Pickering F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8040 Del Degan Joseph ETOBICOKE M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1152 Del Giudice Michael Ottawa M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 4710 Del Mistro Enzo Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8041 Del Mundo Rob North York M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1153 Del Valle Christian Ottawa M RED<br />

Marathon 1154 Dela Cruz Dominic Kitchener M GREEN<br />


5km Run/Walk 21159 Dela Cruz Steven Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21160 Dela Cruz Trisha Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8043 Delage Isabel Chicoutimi F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8044 Delamarre Camille St-Ferréol-les-Neiges F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8045 Delamarre Karine Nepean F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8046 Delamarre Michel St-Ferréol-les-Neiges M RED<br />

Marathon 1155 Delamere Jane Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21161 Delano Amy Owen Sound F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8047 Delano Kevin Owen Sound M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4585 Delaplace Christophe COLOMBES M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8048 Delaunay Jean-Baptiste Paris M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8049 DelCardo Robert Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4711 Delen Marie North York F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 21162 Delgadillo Alejandra Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21163 Delgadillo Shanna Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8050 Delgado Hismenia Montreal F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8051 Delgado Lourdes San Juan F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1156 Delgado Mario Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1157 Delgado Tarazona Noelia Montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8052 Delhaise André Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8053 Delia Tony Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8054 D'Elia-Cristino Sandra Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21164 DELIAKIS JOHN TORONTO M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8055 Delisle Justine Cambridge F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21165 DeLisle Richard Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21166 Delisser Ingrid Whitby F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1158 Dell Craig Burlington M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8056 Della Sala Kristine Bardonia F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8057 Della-Spina Marco Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16503 Delli Fraine Patrizio Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21167 Dell'Orso Carm Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8058 Delo Joe Woodbridge M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1159 Delorme Marjorie Montréal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8059 Delorme Mark London M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1160 Delos Reyes Jun north york M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1161 Delos Reyes Ruby north york F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21168 Deloughery Hannah Toronto, ON F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4712 Delovino Eva bradford F Purple<br />

Marathon 1162 Deluce Mallory Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8060 Delutis Greg Kitchener M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8061 Demanuele Daniel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21169 DeMarco Casey London F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8062 DeMarco Dave Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26397 DeMarco Wendy Toronto F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21170 Demareski Carey Bowmanville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21171 DeMaria Kristin Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1163 Demasi Kristin Toronto F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8063 Demata Pedro Brampton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21172 DeMelo Anna Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16504 Demelo Firmo Brampton M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8064 DeMelo Julia Mississauaga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16505 Demelo Teresa Brampton F Blue<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25492 DeMercado Ashley Stouffville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8065 DeMerchant Shane Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21173 Demerjian Stephanie Whitby F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21174 Demers Alexy Gatineau M RED<br />

Marathon 1164 Demers Lucie St-Hubert F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1165 Demers Robert (DB) Montreal M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1166 Demers Veronique toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1167 Demers Yves Laprairie M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8066 Demetillo Jennifer Cambridge F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1168 Demetillo Jonathan Cambridge M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25686 Demetillo Ria Ashley Cambridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8067 Demick Jo-Anne Parry sound F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4713 Demirdjian Raffy Toronto M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26398 Demmelash Kassaye Toronto F Red<br />

Marathon 1169 Demneri Arian Maple M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21175 Demneri Jon Maple M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8068 Demneri Netila Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8069 Denaburg Jeff Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1170 Deneault Eric St-Chrysostome M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8070 Deng Cindy Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8071 Deng Jenny TORONTO F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8072 Deng Victoria Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8073 Denhartog Aaron Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8074 Denhartog Paul Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8075 Denis Christine Val Caron F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8076 Denison Luke Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21176 Denkova Anna toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26399 Denley Heather Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 25687 Denley Max Hamilton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1171 Dennier Ana Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1172 Dennier Dave Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15979 Dennis Amy Toronto F GREEN<br />



Half Marathon 15980 Dennison Bruce Barrie M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1173 Dennison Mark Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1174 Denny Karl Midhurst M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1175 Denny Shawn st michael M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15981 Densmore Trina Cambridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21177 Dent Andrea Hamilton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8079 Denyes Tammatha Frankford F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21178 Deol Sonia Brampton F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26400 DePasquale Barbara Caledonia F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8080 Déprés Tremblay Bianca Sainte-Thérèse- de-Blainville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21179 Der Jas Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21180 Der Haroutiounian Manuel Markham M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21181 Der Haroutiounian Taleen Markham F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8081 DERAS Mercy Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8082 Deraspe Claude Repentigny M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21182 Derby Brennan Whitby F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21183 Derby Brent Whitby M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21184 Derby Owen Whitby M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21185 Derby Victoria Whitby F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21186 Derderian Alik Narod Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21187 Derderian Sosseh Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8083 Derencinovic Lisa toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1176 Deriger Benoit Ste-Julienne M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26401 Derksen Kary Chatham F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8084 Derlago Kelly Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26402 Derohan Araz Markham F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26403 Derohan Jora Markham M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26404 Derohan Maral Markham F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26405 Derohan Melina Markham F Purple<br />

Marathon 1177 DeRose Danny Stouffville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25688 Derr Dylan Pickering M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25689 Derr Ken Pickering M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8085 Derricott Matthew Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8086 Desabrais Natalie Red earth creek F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8087 Desai Ismail Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8088 Desai Jeremy Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8089 Desai Ray Oakville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8090 Desai Shilpi Pickering F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8091 Desaulniers Jean-Paul Whitby M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8092 Descarries François Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16506 Deschamps Claude Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 15982 Deschamps Genevieve Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8093 Deschâtelets Pierre Lorraine M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1178 Descheneaux Alain Westmount M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1179 Deschênes Isabelle Saint-Hubert F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1180 Desentis Patricia México city F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1181 Deshaies Annie Sherbrooke F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8094 Desimini Natalie Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8095 Desjardins Anick Quebec F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8096 Desjardins Monika Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1182 Desjardins Sherry Midland F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1183 Desjardins Sophie F Montréal F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4714 DesLauriers Lucie Laval F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21188 Desloges Johanne Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8097 Desnoyers Luc gatineau M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1184 Desormeaux Kyle Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8098 Desormeaux Michel Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8099 Désormeaux Joannie Mascouche F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21189 DeSouza Cleve Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1185 DeSouza Lyndsey Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15983 Despatie-Gagnon Andrée-Anne Blainville F BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25493 Despres Noella Garineau F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8100 DesRochers Annie Amos F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8101 Desrochers Josee Montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8102 Desrochers Josee Montréal F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8103 Desrochers Marie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8104 Desrochers Simon Val-d'Or M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8105 Desrosiers Annie sept-iles F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8106 Desrosiers Marie-Annick Hamilton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8107 Detlor Christina Selby F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8108 Dettman Jessica Clifford F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8109 Dettman Judy Clifford F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8110 Dettman Marty Oakville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16507 Detwiler Rob Burlington M Yellow<br />

Marathon 1186 Deuerlein Ann Niagara on the lake F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21190 Deukmedjian Hagop Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21191 Deukmedjian Shant Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21192 Deutscher Patrick Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21193 Devald Marie Kettleby F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8111 Deveau Michel Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8112 Devendran Prevain Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8113 Devenport Scott Stouffville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26406 Devera Ruth mississauga F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8114 Devereaux Renee Oakville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25690 DeVerteuil Sponsor Of Sr. Jacquie Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21194 Devine Karen Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1187 Devine Rita east york F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8115 Devine Shannon Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8116 Devine Susan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16508 Devlin Angie Etobicoke F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8117 Devlin Clare Guelph F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8118 Devlin Joe Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21195 Devonish Daryl Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8119 Devotta Kimberly Brampton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15655 DeWaard Helen Midland F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1188 Dewan Rachel Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1189 Dewdney Dylan Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8120 DeWeerd Justin Branchton M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8121 Dewhurst Leah Kingsville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8122 Dewit Brent Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8123 Dewit Lisa Oshawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1190 Dey Evan Vancouver M YELLOW<br />


Half Marathon 8124 Deziel Serge Montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21196 DeZorzi Danielle North York F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8125 Dhaliah Devi Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8126 Dhaliah Dharmen Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25691 Dhaliwal Avneet Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8127 Dhaliwal Maghar Brampton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21197 Dhaliwal Nave Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21198 Dhaliwal Navjot toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21199 Dhami Annu Brampton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21200 Dhanipersad Frances Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21201 Dhanker Anshul Markham M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21202 Dhanker Eesha Markham F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8128 Dhanker Munish Markham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21203 Dhanker Shweta Markham F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1192 Dharamsi Alia toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21204 Dhatt Gurdeep WOODBRIDGE F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8129 Dhatt Harpreet WOODBRIDGE M YELLOW<br />


Half Marathon 8130 Dhawan Amanda Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8131 Dhawan Sameer Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25692 Dhillon Amari Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26407 Dhillon Gurkarishma Richmond Hill F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8132 Dhillon Harsimran Etobicoke M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15984 Dhillon Hirdapaul mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15985 Dhillon Inderpal Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15986 Dhillon Jagjit Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 16305 Dhillon Kanwaljit Mississauga F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21206 Dhillon Mandy Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25693 Dhillon Rick Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8133 Dhingra Nitin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21207 Dhir Amit Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16509 Dhir Raj Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21208 Dhiraj Nav Milton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25694 Dholakiya Dharmendra Markham M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25695 Dholakiya Nandan Markham M RED<br />

Marathon 4586 Dhoofar Sonia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8134 Dhull Dheeraj Brampton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21209 Di Bacco Mike Mount Brydges M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8135 Di Bacco Shannon Mount Brydges F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8136 Di Blasio Jeffrey Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1193 Di Cara Nino Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1194 Di Carlo Daniel Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8137 Di Carlo Diandra Windsor F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21210 Di Costanzo Olivia King City F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21211 Di Giovanni David Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21212 Di Girolamo Laura Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25696 Di Martino Vanessa Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21213 Di Meo Jessica Maple F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8138 Di Nardo Lucy Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21214 Di Noro Daniel Oakville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8139 Di Palma Amy Moffat F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21215 Di Palma Nick Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21216 Di Palma Rose Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21217 Di Palma Sophia woodbridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8140 Di Paolo Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16510 Di Pierdomenico Kaitlin Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8141 Di Pietro Francesca Brampton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26408 Di Ruscio-Young Pina Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8142 Di Tecco John Toronto M YELLOW<br />


Half Marathon 8143 Di Tirro Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1196 Di Tomaso Bruno Maple M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21218 Diala Jason Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8144 Diamond Eamonn Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8145 Diamond Jenni Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25494 Diamond Rebecca Maple F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />


Half Marathon 8146 Diao Jinyu Whitby M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8147 Diapena Madjo TORONTO M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21220 Dias Britannia Scarborough F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21221 Dias Rosanna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8148 Dias Tanya Bonfield F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26409 Dias Lancsarics Rosana Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1197 Diaz Andres Ajax M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25697 Diaz Daniel Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1198 Diaz Javier Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8149 Diaz Juan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1199 Diaz Ro Brampton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8150 Diaz Rodolfo North York M RED<br />

Marathon 1200 Diaz Saul Rosalio North York M RED<br />

Marathon 1201 Diaz Arellano Curts Mauricio Ciudad de Mexico M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8151 Díaz Macías Yolanda Mexico City F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1202 Diaz Solis Carlos Felipe Mexico M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8152 Dibe Hana Thornhill F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1203 DiCarlo Gino Windsor M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8153 Dick Aaron houston M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1204 Dick Ann Houston F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21222 Dick Barbi Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8154 Dick Marleigh Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21223 Dickau Sandra Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21224 Dickie Jared Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26410 Dickinson Adam Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16511 Dickinson Andrew Kingston M Purple<br />

Marathon 1205 Dickinson Marley Mount Albert M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8155 Dickinson Megan Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26411 Dickinson Tim Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 8156 Dicks Andrew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8157 Dicks Jenna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1206 Didcock Nigel Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1207 Dido Colin Mississauga M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8158 Diebold Rachael Walkerton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8159 Diederichsen Paul London M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1208 Diener Jazz Montreal F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1209 Diener Tania Regina F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8160 Diep Luke Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21225 Diep Shirley Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1210 Dieplam Alexander Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1211 Dier Ashley Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1212 Dietrich Amy Brooklyn F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21226 Dietrich Rosie Cambridge F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21227 Dietze Claudia Herdecke F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8161 Dietze Ralf Herdecke M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21228 DiFresca Alexandra Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8162 Digal Tanmoyananda Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8163 Digby Elyse Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8164 Digby John Brampton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16512 DiGiacomo John Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21229 DiGiovanni Lindsay Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21230 Dignan Ronalda Stratford F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1213 Dignard Caroline Outremont F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8165 Dignard Niki Windsor F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21231 Dik Jennifer Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21232 Dika Rosine Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1214 Dilella Michelle ancaster F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8166 Dillabough Devin Udora M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8167 Dillabough Rachel Udora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8168 Diller Eric Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21233 Dillon Andrea Toronto F YELLOW<br />


Marathon 1215 Dillon James Peterborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8170 Dillon Linda Maddox Cove F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8171 Dillon Nicholas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21234 Dilts Austin Pickering M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1216 Dilts Brian Barrie M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25698 Dilts Corie LEFROY F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16513 Dimacali Mark Scarborough M Yellow<br />

Marathon 1217 Dimaculangan Ramon Scarborough M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16514 Dimanche Christine Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon Walk 16306 Dimand Laura Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8172 Dimarco Stefanie Selwyn F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8173 Dimarco Tony Selwyn M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8174 DiMarino Joe Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8175 Dimitrakopoulos John Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1218 Dimitrijevic Dejan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26412 Dimitrovski Michael Etobicoke M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21235 DiMonte Stephen Vaughan M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8176 Dimopoulos William mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8177 Dimperio Ivana Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21236 Din Lisa Waterloo F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8178 Din Rabia Mississauga F PURPLE<br />


Marathon 4715 Dinç Uğur TORONTO M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8179 Dineen-Porter Nox Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8180 Dines Heather Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21237 Ding Jack Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1220 DING JINZHI shaoxing F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 16307 Ding Scarlet Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8181 Dinglasan Rachel Brampton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8182 Dinh Rene Quebec M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21238 Dinh Sindy mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21239 Dininio Sarah Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8183 Dinner Joy Markham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8184 Dion Nathalie St-Lambert F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21240 Dion Richard beeton M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1221 Dion Roy Emilie Montréal F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21241 Dionisio Aimee Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21242 Dionisio Max North York M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8185 Dionisio Ricardo M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16515 Dionne Chris Toronto M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8186 Dionne Michelle Toronto F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8187 Diores Mario scarborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8188 Diores Zenaida scarborough F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21243 Diotte Isabelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8189 DiPanfilo Teresa Maple F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21244 Dipardo Rose Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8190 DiPierdomenico Filomena Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8191 Dippmann Delphine Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8192 DiPrimio Matt Lakewood M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8193 DiPrisco Jane Markham F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21245 DIPucchio Alfie Scarborough M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21246 DiPucchio Daphne Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8194 Dirstein Robert Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21247 Dishoian Narod Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8195 Divinagracia Kevin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1222 Divry Christophe Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8196 Dixit Prabuddh Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1223 Dixon Doug Minden M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8197 Dixon Katherine Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1224 Dixon Kimberly Pickering F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8198 Dixon Kristopher Ottawa M RED<br />

Marathon 1225 Dixon LIndsay Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8199 Dixon Mitch Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21248 Dixon Shane Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1226 Dixon Stefan Scarborough M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8200 Djapa Ana Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25699 Djogo Katarina Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21249 Djurakov Tina Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8201 Dlamini Lamile Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8202 Dmitriew Meghan Thunder Bay F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8203 D'Murrah D'Murrah Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21250 Do Anna mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25700 Do Gia Toan Markham M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1227 Do Henri Brossard M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8204 Do Jason Markham M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1228 Do Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8205 Do Sandra Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8206 Doan Laptin Markham M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8207 Doan Robert Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21251 Dobbs Alana Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8208 Dobie Rick Stoney Creek M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21252 Dobrea Vivian Ajax F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21253 Dobri Anja Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26413 Dobri Ben Port Hope M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16516 Dobrowolski Xander Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8209 Dobson Deanna Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8210 Docherty Kait Hillsdale F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4716 Dockman Ryan Thornhill M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26414 Dodge Emily Garson F Red<br />

Half Marathon 8211 Dodson Philip Mississauga M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8212 Doering Alyssa Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8213 Doerr Madison kincardine F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1229 Doerr Paul Nepean M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1230 Dogra Arun Richmond Hill M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21254 Doherty Agnes Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8214 Doherty Allison Port Perry F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1231 Doherty Brigitte Arthur F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8215 Doherty Carmel Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8216 Doherty Melissa Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21255 Doherty Patti Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8217 Doi Lauren Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8218 Doig Jacqueline Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8219 Doig Kel Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8220 Dokas Lyndsay Guelph F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8221 Dolan Holly guelph F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8222 Dolbec Meigan Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1232 Dolejsi Dave Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21256 Doma Sacha Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8223 Domer Emily Syracuse F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21257 Domereckyj Heather Perth F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8224 Domingo Chris Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15987 Domingo Maria Victoria Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8225 Domingo Nestor Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8226 Domingues Carly Strathroy F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8227 Domingues Pedro toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15988 Dominguez Agustin Ajax M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26415 Dominguez Alejandra Rochchester Hills F Blue<br />

Marathon 1233 Dominguez Daniel Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8228 Domjancic Bernadette Ancaster F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8229 Domonsky Lindsay Barrie F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8230 Donahue Kelsey Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1234 Donahue Maria winnipeg F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21258 Donald Juliet Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21259 Donald LeeAnn Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8231 Donald Ruth Halifax F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8232 Donaldson Haley Centennial F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1235 Donaldson Myriam Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21260 Donaldson Neil Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8233 Donaldson Nick ilderton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1236 Donaldson Sean Brampton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21261 Donaldson Sondra Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21262 Donan Noemy North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8234 Donat Julie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8235 Donato Chris Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8236 Donder Marta Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21263 Dones Mark Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8237 Dong JianGuo Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21264 Dong Lorraine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1237 Dong Rui toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8238 Dong Rui Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8239 Dongas Roula Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26416 Donne Lucy Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8240 Donne Michele Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26417 Donne Phil Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21265 Donnell Jenny Thornhill F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1238 Donnelly Andrew Sunderland M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1239 Donnelly Brett Vancouver M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8241 Donnelly Brett Caledon East M BLUE<br />


Marathon 1240 Donnelly Hannah Medfield F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21267 Donnelly John Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1241 Donnelly Marie Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8242 Donnelly Shannon Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8243 Donoghue Alice Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1242 Donoghue Brenna Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8244 Donohoe Mark Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21268 Donovan Erika Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26418 Donovan Laurie Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8245 Donovan Leeanne North York F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8246 Donovan Leeanne North York F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21269 Donovan Mary Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8247 Donovan Siobhan Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21270 Donovan Allan Julie Cambridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8248 Doobay Victoria Chicago F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21271 Doody Michelle Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1243 Doody Perry Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21272 Doody Siobhan Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8249 Doole Blythe Etobicoke F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21273 Doornbosch Hal Richmond Hill M RED<br />

Marathon 1244 Doppelt Torin Milton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8250 Doradea Karla Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16517 Dorado Castro Lucia Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8251 Doran Joseph Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21274 D'Orazio Claudio Richmond Hill M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21275 Dore Michelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8252 Doré Sylvain Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1245 Dorf Michaela Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21276 Dorjee Guru Etobicoke M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1246 Dorken David Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8253 Dornack Pat Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1247 Dornak Marian Bratislava M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8254 Dornan Mark Montréal M RED<br />

Marathon 1248 Dornan Wilson Aberdeen M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26419 D'Ornellas Desiree Pickering F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8255 Dorogan Richard Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21277 Doroszko-Saage Olga Cambridge F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26420 Dorrington Bryce Toronto M Purple<br />

Marathon 1249 Dorward Evan Whitecourt M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21278 Dos Remedios Tara North York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 15989 Dos Santos Isabelle saint-hyacinthe F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8256 Dosanjh Raj Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8257 Dosen Tom Oakville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8258 Doshi Upasana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21279 Doswell Bella Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8259 Dotey Paul Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8260 Dotig Marlon Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8261 Dotson Sharon Tecumseh F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21280 Doty Jonathan South Jordan M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8262 Doubi Malika Montréal F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1250 Doucet Isabelle Ste-Marthe-Sur-Le-Lac F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1251 Doucet Karolyne Repentigny F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8263 Doucet Luke Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8264 Doucette Joel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1252 Doucette Laura Howie Center F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8265 Doucher Carol-Ann Aurora F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21281 Doucher Claire Aurora F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21282 Doucher Helen Aurora F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21283 Doucher Tom Aurora M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15990 Dougherty Charles Monreal M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26421 Douglas Clarke Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8266 Douglas Danielle Ajax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8267 Douglas Jenny Richmond Hill F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1253 Douglas John Sault Ste Marie M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15991 Douglas Katie toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8268 Douglas Matthew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1254 Douglas Megan Sault Ste. Marie F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8269 Douglas Nancy Grand Bank F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21284 Douglas Sean Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8270 Douglas Stephen Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8271 Douglas Todd Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8272 Douglass Mandy Westmount F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21285 Dounets Irena Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8273 Douros Dayna Buffalo F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1255 Dovali Lorena Boston F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8274 Dow Brittany Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1256 Dow Jonathan orillia M RED<br />

Marathon 1257 Doward Jody toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26422 Dowdall Joanna Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8275 Dower Danelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21286 Dowlati Yekta Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21287 Downes Kevin Scarborough M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21288 Downey Jocelyn Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8276 Downey Lynne Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8277 Downing Janet East York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16518 Downing Janet East York F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21289 Dowsley Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21290 Doyle Elizabeth Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8278 Doyle Janine Whitby F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8279 Doyle John Burlington M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8280 Doyle Kirsten Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21291 Doyle Lindsay Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1258 Doyle Mikaila Kincardine F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8281 Doyle Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21292 Doyle Nick Ajax M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8282 Doyle Patrick Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4717 Doyle Peter TORONTO M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8283 Doyle Samantha Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21293 Doyle Toby Ajax M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 15992 Doyon Simon Otterburn parkl M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8284 Doyon-Nadeau Margaret Trenton F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1259 Dragicevic Anna Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8285 Dragicevic Nancy Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8286 Dragif Joanna Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26423 DRAGNIC ROSEMARY Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 26424 Drago Alejandro Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 4587 Drainville Josée St-Charles-Borromée F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8287 Drainville Tina Gander F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21294 Drake Cheryl Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1260 Drake Michael Oshawa M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8288 Drake Rachel Markham F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21295 Drakos Alex Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8289 Drapack Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21296 DRAPER IVY Carleton Place F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8290 Draper Nathan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4588 Dregalo George Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26425 Dreifus Kathleen Cary F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8291 Dreisinger Ainsley Waterloo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8292 Dreisziger Jessica Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21297 Dremos Nicholas Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8293 Drennan Meghan Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16519 Dresser Libbey Wheatley F Green<br />

Marathon 1261 Dridi Tim Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8294 Driedzic Lauren Aurora F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1262 Drinkwater Joanna Oshawa F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21298 Drinnan Bill Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15656 Drinnan Majda Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1263 Driscoll Ann Florence F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21299 Driscoll David Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8295 Driscoll Richard Hanmer M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8296 Drizhepolov Vladimir Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8297 Drohan Mackenzie Richmond Hill F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21300 Drome Jen Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21301 Droog Valerie Mount Forest F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26426 Drope Lexi Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8298 Dror Anat Thornhill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21302 Drossis Anita North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8299 Drossos Andrea Uxbridge F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1264 Drouain Cyril Croix M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21303 Drouillard Lauren Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8300 Drouin Jérôme verdun M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8301 Drouin Louise Saint Bruno F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4589 Drouin Vincent Terrebonne M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15657 Drudi Laura Montreal F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8302 Drumm Carol Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21304 Drummond Megan Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21305 Drummond Natricia Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21306 Drysdale Robin Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26427 Dsa Denver Mississauga M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8303 Dsa Mangala richmond hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21307 D'Sa Janice Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8304 DSouza Divya Toronto F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21308 DSouza Tabitha Maple F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26428 D'Souza Genevieve Toronto F Blue<br />


5km Run/Walk 21309 D'souza Stephanie Branpton F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21310 D'Souza Thelma Thornhill F GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 8306 Du Longyuan Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21311 Du Samantha Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8307 Du Toit Sorina Oakville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8308 Duan Maggie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1266 Duan Yiyang toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21312 Duarte Ivone Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8309 Duarte Marilyn Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1267 Dubaere Matthias Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1268 Dubbs Garry Lititz M RED<br />

Marathon 1269 Dube Carole St Bruno de Montarville F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1270 Dube Danielle Ottawa F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21313 Dube Danielle Oshawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8310 DUBE EVANS MONTREAL M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21314 Dube Genevieve Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8311 Dube Lauren Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8312 Dube Nicole Kingsville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1271 Dube Paul Ottawa M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21315 Dube Rosalyn Oshawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26429 Dubé Linda Terrebonne F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 25701 Dubeau Steven Oakville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26430 Dubey Abhishek Mississauga M Blue<br />

Marathon 1272 Duboc Thomas Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1273 Dubois-Duplessis Sandra Ste-Marguerite-du-lac-Masson F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1274 Dubreuil Guylaine Gatineau F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8313 DUBREUIL HELENE montreal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8314 Dubrofsky Lisa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8315 Dubrovsky Alex Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8316 Ducharme Chris Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1275 Ducharme Jennifer La corne F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8317 Duchesne Andrea Sudbury F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8318 Ducie Melanie Peterborough F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8319 Duck Jody Oro-Medonte F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1276 Duck Paul Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1277 Ducker Jim Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25495 Dudar Jillian Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8320 Dueck Steven Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21316 Duff Kirstene North York F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8321 Duffield Ryan Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1278 Duffy Brigitte London F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21317 Duffy Catherine Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21318 Duffy Gillian Lepreau F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8322 Duffy Patrick Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1279 Duffy Susan Sarnia F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26431 Dufour Catherine Toronto F Red<br />

Marathon 1280 Dufresne Louis-Daniel QUEBEC M RED<br />

Marathon 1281 Dufresne Philippe Laval M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8323 Dufresne Rachel Oakville F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1282 Dufresne Rosalie Longueuil F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1283 Dugard Jesse Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8324 Dugas Gilles-Andre Montreal M RED<br />

Marathon 1284 Duggan Andrew Orleans M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21319 Duggan Hannah Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21320 Duggan Marianne Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1285 Duguay Jacque Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1286 Duhez Aurelien hellemmes M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1287 Dujmovic Sue Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1288 Duke Jennifer Barrie F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8325 Duke Kevin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8326 Duke Laurie Toronto F GREEN<br />


5km Run/Walk 21322 Dulude Lisa Kanata F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8327 Duma Jelena Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26432 Dumcum Sam Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 1289 Dumont Francis Percé M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8328 Dumont Lynne Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1290 Dumouchel Charles Oakville M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1291 Dumoulin Chantale St-Bruno F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8329 Dumoulin Louis Boisbriand M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8330 Dunbar Rebecca renfrew F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8331 Dunbar Tony Brockville M RED<br />

Marathon 1292 Dunbavin Dean Burlington M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8332 Duncan Christopher Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8333 Duncan Claire Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1293 Duncan Jayne Calgary F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8334 Duncan Kaili Barrie F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8335 Duncan Kattrin Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8336 Duncan Kaylee Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8337 Duncan Lindsay Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8338 Duncan Stephanie Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8339 Duncan Susan North York F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1294 Dundas Barbara Ottawa F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8340 Dundas Charles Scarborough M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8341 Dundas Jovita Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16520 Dune Charles North York M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 21323 Dungo Lilian Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8342 Dunham Joseph Stouffville M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21324 Dunkley Brad Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21325 Dunkley Graham Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21326 Dunkley Ross Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21327 Dunkley Sara Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26433 Dunlap Alder Toronto F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21328 Dunlop Ashley Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8343 Dunlop William Ingersoll M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21329 Dunn Heather Dundas F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21330 Dunn Monika Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8344 Dunn Nicholas Windsor M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8345 Dunn Vikki Peterborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8346 Dunne Stephanie Ottawa F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1295 Dunnell Michael Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21331 Dunnett Clifford Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21332 Dunnett Katherine Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8347 Dunning Joe Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21333 Dunning Julie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8348 Dunphy Brian Stephenville Crossing M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8349 Dunphy Pete Lakewood M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21334 Dunstan Monique Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21335 Dunstan Rosalind Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21336 Dunsworth Carol Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8350 Duong Alvin Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21337 Duong Frank Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8351 Duong Joe Midhurst M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8352 Duong Loan toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8353 Duong Shirley Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8354 Dupéré Lynn Gatineau F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1296 Duperré Alyssa Gloucester F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1297 Dupin Guillaume Montreal M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8355 Duplacey Derron Brampton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21338 Duplacey Derron Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8356 Dupras Anne-Marie montreal F RED<br />

Marathon 1298 Dupuis Daniel Laval M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8357 Dupuis Michele Saint-Bonaventure F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8358 Dupuis Sophie Lac Baker F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8359 Dupupet Marcel Oakville M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21339 Duquette Natasha Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8360 Durai Arjun Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1299 Duran Ella Teresa Monterrey F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1300 Duran Gabriel Santiago M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1301 Duran Murrieta Rodolfo Pinecrest M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21340 Durant Cherry Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1302 Durante Domenic Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21341 Durham Mathieu la sarre M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21342 Durham Ronald la sarre M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8361 Durif Fabien Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8362 Durnin Shane Exeter M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21343 Durno Caitlin Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8363 Durno Carol Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21344 Durno Shelagh Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8364 Durocher Paul Ottawa M RED<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25496 Durrani Shabnum Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26434 Durrell Ryan Brooklin M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21345 Durrell Susan Ottawa F RED<br />

Marathon 1303 D'Urzo Frank Bolton M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8365 DuSautoy Jason Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8366 Dusome Denise TORONTO F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1304 Dussault Stéphan Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16521 Dussureault Martine st-charles-borromee F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8367 Dutchak Kendall Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8368 Dutcyvich Samantha Vancouver F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1305 Dutot Christopher Madison Heights M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8369 Dutrisac Roland Azilda M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8370 Duval Michel Quebec M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8371 Duval Renee New Liskeard F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8372 Duval Robbie Williamstown F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8373 Duval Sue Alexandria F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26435 Duvvuri Srinivas Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 8374 Duy Sobora Montréal M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21346 Dvorsky Norma Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1306 Dwyer Dennis Waterloo M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21347 Dwyer Jermila Cambridge F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21348 Dwyer Latoya Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1307 Dyce Greg Kitchener M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21349 Dyck Abe Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8375 Dyck Maddie Leamington F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8376 Dye Colin Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21350 Dyer Alana Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1308 Dyer Jason Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8377 Dykstra Gloria Hamilton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8378 Dykstra Steve Hamilton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8379 Dysievick Lori South Park F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8380 Dzelatovic Ana Toront F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15993 E Kitdapawn Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8381 E. Ahangar Mehrraz Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8382 Eadie Gwendolyn Dundas F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8383 Eady Jordan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8384 Eagan Laura Everett F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25702 Eagleson Jill Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8385 Eapen Arun Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8386 Ear David paris M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8387 Earle Lindsay Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8388 Earls Janna Guelph F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8389 Earls Matthew Guelph M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1309 Easdon Craig Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8390 Easson Steve Markham M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8391 Eastabrook Kimberly Cambridge F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1310 Eastman Erin Mount Albert F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8392 Eastman Sybil Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1311 Eastmure Brennan Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8393 Easton Michelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21351 Easton-Watley Susan Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8394 Eaton Chris Kitchener M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8395 Eaton Clayton Princeton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8396 Eaton Fredi TORONTO M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8397 Eaton Hilary Ajax F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21352 Eaton Meredith Toronto F RED<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 26117 Eaton Russell Ceilidh Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21353 Ebedes Allan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25703 Eberschlag Juliana Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25704 Eberschlag Sophia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8398 Ebisuzaki Lawrence Peterborough M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21354 Ebrahimi Hooman Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21355 Ebue Jacquelyn Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25497 Ebuen Tammy Woodbridge F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21356 Ebuen Vincent Woodbridge M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15994 Eccles Andrea Woodbridge F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25705 Echakowitz Jodi Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25706 Echakowitz Julian Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25707 Echakowitz Kyle Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25708 Echakowitz Nicole Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8399 Echeverri Sergio Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8400 Eckert Mikey Seaforth M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8401 Ecklund Jess Brooklin F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25709 Eddington Molly TORONTO F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21357 Eddy Nicole Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15658 Eddy Paulette Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1312 Edelenbos Sylvia toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21358 Edgar Alison Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8402 Edgar David St. Catharines M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8403 Edgar Tom Ancaster M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26436 Edgerton Tom Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 8404 Edgeworth David Kitchener M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8405 Edmonds Robert Mono M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8406 Edmonson Kevin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1313 Edmonstone Jean Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8407 Edmunds Megan Hamilton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21359 Edwards Brendan Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8408 Edwards Bruce Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8409 Edwards Dan ham M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8410 Edwards Kate Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 4590 Edwards Sarah Nepean F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1314 Edwards Star burlington F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8411 Edwards-Almendares Anna Bowmanville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21360 Efendy Efendy Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1315 Efimova Maria Richmond Hill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8412 Egan Ali Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21361 Egbert Dunstan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21362 Egberts Bethanie Georgetown F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21363 Egger Anne toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21364 Egorova Olga Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26437 Eic Marijana Toronto F Red<br />

Marathon 1316 Eikelboom David Whitehorse M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8413 Eikenberry Adam Orleans M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8414 Einarsdóttir Sóley Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8415 Einarson Brandon Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8416 Eino Dina Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26438 Eisen Jake Toronto M Purple<br />

Marathon 1317 Eisen Michael Nepean M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8417 Eisenstein Zack Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21365 Eisner Candice Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8418 Eizenga Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21366 Ekhlas Smith Waheeda Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21367 El Ayoubi Hania Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21368 Elahi Steven Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25710 Elangko Athavan Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21369 Elanko Jaianesha North York F RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21370 El-Baba Aseel toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26439 Elbancol Melanio Jr. Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 1318 Eldred Christopher Wasaga Beach M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8419 Eldridge Matt Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8420 Elenskaya Galina Unionville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15995 Elfassy Patrick MONTREAL M RED<br />

Marathon 1319 El-Fayomi Eman Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8421 Elgamal Ruth London F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8422 El-Guebaly Jenny London F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1320 El-Guebaly Samy Bedford M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8423 Elguezabal Castillo Alma Yolanda Monterrey n.l. F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21371 El-Habboub Abdullah Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21372 Elhanafey Sarah Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8424 El-hussein Farah Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 15996 Elia Jonathan London M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21373 Elia Melina Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1321 Eliadis Mike Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8425 Elias Basem Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8426 Elie Marie-Claude Mount-Royal F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21374 Elion-Jourard Shira Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26440 Elise Rachel Thornhill F Blue<br />

Marathon 1322 El-Jaby Samy Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8427 Elkami Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8428 Elkington Hannah Oshawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8429 Ellenberger Amanda Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21375 Ellenberger Brandon Etobicoke M RED<br />

Marathon 1323 Eller Wilma Fonthill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8430 Ellerker Derek Hamilton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8431 Ellero-Dionne Loran Waterloo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8432 Elliott Allison Alliston F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8433 Elliott Bob Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21376 Elliott Jessica Manitowaning F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8434 Elliott Justin Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16522 Elliott Karen Barrie F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8435 Elliott Kate Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8436 Elliott Kyle Niagara Falls M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8437 Elliott Kyle Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8438 Elliott Lauren Ottawa F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8439 Elliott Meaghan Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16523 Elliott Nancy Georgetown F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8440 Elliott Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1324 Elliott Steve Barrie M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15659 Elliott Thalia Whitby F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8441 Ellis Alton Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8442 Ellis Brittany Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1325 Ellis Kevin Highlands Ranch M RED<br />

Marathon 1326 Ellis Mary Kincardine F RED<br />

Marathon 1327 Ellis Mayumi Pickering F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21377 Ellison Anabelle Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21378 Ellison Kevin Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16524 Ellison Patrick Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16525 Ellwood Susan toronto F Yellow

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8443 Elmaagacli Bekir Kleinburg M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1328 Elmasry Carmen Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8444 Elmi Maryam Richmond Hill F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8445 Elnagdi Esraa North York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8446 Elsaidy Dina Milton F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8447 Else Patricia Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8448 Elskamp Rebecca Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1329 Elson Chelsea Denver F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8449 Elson Jace Denver M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8450 Emberley Dean St. John's M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21379 Embree Amy Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1330 Embury Daniel Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8451 Emdin Fiona Picton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15660 Emefe Richelle Bowmanville F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8452 Emerson James Ajax M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1331 Emerson Jim Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8453 Emerson Megan Orangeville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16526 Emery James Toronto M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 21380 Emery Jeanette Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8454 Emery Mark Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1332 Emke Michael Chesley M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21381 Emmanuel Teresa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1333 Emmenegger Urban Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8455 Emoff Ray Brantford M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8456 Emond Ashley Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8457 Emond Stephane Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1334 Emond Stéphane Contrecoeur M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8458 Empey Mike Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4591 Enaloei Mohammad toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21382 Encabo Cris Marie Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21383 Enchin Frances Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8459 Ender-Amir Renee Richmond hill F GREEN<br />

Marathon 4718 Endicott Eric Toronto M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21384 Endo Hoshi toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16527 Endt Sebastian Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8460 Enestrom Carolina Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8461 Eng Kevin Waterloo M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4719 Eng Linda Oakville F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21385 Engel BOB TORONTO F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21386 Engel Graham Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25498 Engel Lisa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8462 Engelhardt Erika Angus F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8463 Engelking Brad Seguin M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21387 ENGELS Becky VERDUN F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21388 England Derek Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8464 England Lindsey East York F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21389 England Max Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8465 England Mercedes Guelph F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8466 Engstrom Nancy St. Catharines F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1335 Ennis Colin London M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1336 Ennis Jane Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8467 Ennis Natalie Toronto F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1337 Ennis Suzanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8468 Enns Andrew Stratford M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21390 Enrich Yann Montréal M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1338 Ensing Derek Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 15997 Entwistle Christine Brampton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21391 Enyolu Esther Pickering F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8469 Epp Tova Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8470 Erb Tyson Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8471 Er-Chua Gloria Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1339 Erdogan Umit Emre Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8472 Erenberg Max Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8473 Erenkol Ceyda Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8474 Erhardt Courtenay Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1340 Erheim Alex Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1341 Erheim Amer toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8475 Eric Isabelle Montreal F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1342 Erickson Rob Chelmsford M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15661 Erickson Rodora Chelmsford F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1343 Ericson Stephanie Chicago F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21392 Eriksson Richard Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8476 Erin Brittany Pembroke F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21393 Erispe Vincent Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1344 Erlich Sabina Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8477 Ermel Stephan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21394 Erne Uschi Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8478 Ernesaks Anita Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1345 Ernjakovic Milan Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21395 Ernst Christine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1346 Ernst Kristen Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21396 Ernst Michele aurora F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21397 Ernstberger Marlo Oshawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15662 Errington Betty Milton F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8479 Erven Chad Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8480 Erven Heather Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21398 Erwin Laura Pickering F RED<br />

Marathon 1347 Esaki Martin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16528 Escall Jester Toronto M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8481 Escamilla Monica McAllen F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1348 Escobar Paula santiago F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1349 Escobedo Beatriz México city F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1350 Escorcia Kelly Centennial F RED<br />

Marathon 1351 Escorcia Simon Centennial M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8482 Escott Matt Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26441 Escribano Maria Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21399 Esguerra Ida Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1352 Eskandar Jay-k Montreal M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8483 Esken Krista Richmond Hill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8484 Esken Martin Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21400 Esmas Joane Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4720 Espinal German Ottawa M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8485 Espinosa Diego Oakville M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1353 Espinosa Gonzalo TRENTON M RED

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />


Marathon 1355 espinoza luis Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21401 Espiritu Miraquel North York F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1356 Esponda Rodrigo Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21402 Esposito Ava Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21403 Esposito Michelle Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1357 Esquivel Gabriela Mexico F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1358 Esquivel Isabel Toluca F RED<br />


5km Run/Walk 26442 Esquivel Stephanie Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21404 Essaji Yasmin Hamilton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16529 Essam Steve toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8486 Esser Adrian Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21405 Esson Frank Bradford M RED<br />

Marathon 1360 Estevez Arlene Santiago F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25711 Estey Thomas Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1361 Estrada Alberto San pedro M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21406 Estrada Claudia Toronto F YELLOW<br />


Marathon 1363 Estrada Tania Mexico F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21407 Estrela Sayonara Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1364 Estrella Narvaez Carlos De La Cruz Merida M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21408 Etches Amanda Dundas F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1365 Ethier Brad Kingston M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8487 Etlin-Stein Hannah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1366 Etmanski Dianne Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25712 Etter Cheryl Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21409 Ettritch Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1367 Eubanks Jennifer Glenview F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8488 Euler Ken Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8489 Evangelista Emily North York F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8490 Evangelista Raymond Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16530 Evans Carol Aurora F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8491 Evans Chris Barrie M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8492 Evans Christopher Orangeville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26443 Evans David Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16531 Evans Deborah Toronto F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 21410 Evans Faye Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 15998 Evans Felix Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8493 Evans Gillian Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8494 Evans Heather Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21411 Evans Jacqueline Barrie F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8495 Evans James waterloo M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8496 Evans Kate Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8497 Evans Kay-Ann Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8498 Evans Keely Huntsville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8499 Evans Kimberley Orangeville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1368 Evans Lyndsey Ajax F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1369 Evans Mark London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8500 Evans Philip North York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8501 Evans Rob Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8502 Evans Russell Kingston M GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21412 Evans Sandy MISSISSAUGA F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21413 Evans Stephen Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8503 Evans Thomas Pickering M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1370 Evans Vanessa Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21414 Eveleigh William Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8504 Everets-McCuen Justin Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26444 Everett Llasheema Ajax F Green<br />


5km Run/Walk 21415 Evers Courtney Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8505 Eves Claire Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8506 Evgrafov Eugene Moscow M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21416 Ewachow Dana Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25713 Ewachow McKenzie Whitby M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21417 Ewart Ron Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21418 Ewing Lori Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21419 Exell Donald Brampton M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1372 Exner Stacey Rochester F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8507 Eydt Samantha Aurora F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8508 Eykens Ashley Elliot Lake F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8509 Ezer Laurence Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8510 F. Regan Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26445 Fabay Nicole Scarborough F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 16532 Fabbri Nathalie Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21420 Fabe Jennifer Brantford F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8511 Faber Jennifer AMHERSTBURG F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8512 Fabis Carolyn Murrysville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8513 Fabis Tom Murrysville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8514 Fabreguettes Benoit Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8515 Fabricius Stosh Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21421 FABRIZIO JULIA MAPLE F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8516 Fabro Samantha Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21422 Facey Anne Petersburg F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21423 Facey Mitchell Petersburg M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21424 Facey Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8517 Fackler Jasmin Schwabmuenchen F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8518 Fafard Hugo Terrebonne M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8519 Faganely Lucas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21425 Fagbemi Nadiatou Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8520 Fage Bruce Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8521 Fahey Aaron Chelsea M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8522 Fahimi Mehrdad Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16533 Fahraeus Elsa Mitchell F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8523 Fahy Aodhnait Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21426 Faiella Jessica King City F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21427 Faiella Marissa King City F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26446 Faion Walter Oakville M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8524 Fair Ken Orlando M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1373 Fair Kenneth Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1374 Fair Kenny Birmingham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21428 Fair Maureen Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1375 Fairchild Doug Barrie M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8525 Fairley Linda North York F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 15999 Fairservice Ken Markham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21429 Faisal Fatin Nazira Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1376 Fajardo Ana atizapan F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21430 Fajardo Laura Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1377 Fajardo Miguel Atizapan M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8526 Fajardo Sussan Ajax F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16534 Fajardo Val Andrei Niagara Falls M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8527 Falardeau David Ajax M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1378 Falardeau Gregory Rockland M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21431 Falardeau Hélène Boucherville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8528 Falardeau Jean-François Gatineau M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8529 Falardeau Marc London M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8530 Falco Andrea Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8531 Falconer Charles Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16000 Falconi Paul palisade park M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21432 Falkenstein Oriane toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8532 Fall Chanel SAULT STE. MARIE F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8533 Fall Rick Sault Str. Marie M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25714 Fallis Bill Etobicoke M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15663 Fallis Carolyn Etobicoke F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8534 Fallis Sam Thornhill M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8535 Fallis Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15664 Fallows Mark Cambridhe M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15665 Fallows Renee Cambridhe F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16535 Falovo Jason TORONTO M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8536 Fan Dixon Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26447 Fan Emily Toronto F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26448 Fan Xinting Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 25715 Fanaras John Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8537 Fancy Amber Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4592 Fando Serguei Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8538 Fang Alyssa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16536 Fang Angela Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon Walk 16308 Fang Daisy North York F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26449 Fang Helen Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 16537 Fang Lucas North York M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8539 Fang Mello Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1379 Fang Yu Richmond Hill M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21433 Farahani Hooman Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8540 Faramawy Hussein Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1380 Farand-Taylor Chloe Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8541 Farano Sarah Oakville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8542 Faraoni David Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1381 Farassoglou Costas Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1382 Farassoglou Savvas Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25716 Farber Jessica Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8543 Farber Scott Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1383 Farewell Kevin Nutley M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21434 Farewell Stephanie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8544 Farfan Sandra Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8545 Farha Linda Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21435 Faria Derek Burlington M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8546 Faria Katherine Richmond hill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8547 Faria Tristan Kitchener M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8548 Faris Duane Ottawa M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21436 Faris Robert Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8549 Farkas David Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4721 Farkhondeh Massy Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21437 Farley Lyn-Marie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4722 Farley Matt Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8550 Farlow Ali Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8551 Farlow Monica PETERBOROUGH F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8552 Farmer April Ottawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21438 Farnam Hassan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25717 Farnand Carolyn Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1384 Farney Ed Lowville M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8553 Farooq Hamza Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 4723 Farquhar Donald London M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8554 Farquhar Nicole Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1385 Farquharson Emerset Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8555 Farr Kim Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21439 Farra Dalia Oakville F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1386 Farrar Glenn Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16001 Farrell John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21440 Farrell Martha Belleville F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8556 Farrell Shantaya Ajax F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8557 Farrell Todd Schomberg M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8558 Farrem Patrick Rothesay M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26450 Farrokhi Farhat Toronto M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26451 Farrow Samantha Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 8559 Farsoun Dima Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8560 Farsoun Suha Toronot F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8561 Farvacque Denis Montréal M RED<br />

Marathon 1387 Fasola Mariel Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8562 Fata Gina Thunder Bay F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21441 Fata Laura Richmond Hill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8563 Fata Stephanie Markham F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8564 Fata Summer Thunder Bay F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21442 Fatima Ifath Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21443 Fatima Maria Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15666 Fatogun Teni Burlington F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21444 Fatona Liz Scarborough F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8565 Faucher Caroline Boucherville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1388 Faucher Gabriel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1389 Faucher Julie La Prairie F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8566 Faucher Louis-Vincent St-Vincent-de-Paul, Laval M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8567 Faughnan Danny toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21445 Faulkner Allison Aurora F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8568 Faulkner Kayleigh Burlington F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21446 Faustino Luisa Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21447 Faustino Megan Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8569 Fauteux Vicky Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21448 Favalaro Sarah Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1390 Favaro Matty Oakville M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8570 Fawcett Kim Lakehurst F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21449 Fawcett Sara King City F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21450 Fawns Chris Newmarket M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21451 Fawns Dawn Newmarket F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21452 Fawns Evan Newmarket M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8571 Fayad Nemer Edmonton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8572 Fayyaz Syeda Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1391 Fazekas Tamás Tiszasziget M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16538 Fazio John Oakville M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21453 Fazio Lila Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21454 Fazio Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25718 Fear Kim St. David's F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8573 Fearnall Gary Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16539 Fearnall Marli Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8574 Feasby Tanis Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16002 Featherstonhaugh Maxine Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1392 Fecteau-Boutin Simon Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1393 Fecteau-Boutin Vincent Québec M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21455 FEDAK JENNIFER TORONTO F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21456 FEDAK LYNDEN TORONTO F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8575 Fedchun Kate Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1394 Fedele Simona Bolton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1395 Fedorenko Igor Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21457 Fedosoff Brad Etobicoke M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21458 Fedosoff Isobel Oakville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8576 Fedosoff Jennifer Etobicoke F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21459 Fedosoff Noah Etobicoke M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8577 Fedryk Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8578 Fedunchuk Barbara Oakville F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21460 Fedy Dylan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8579 Fee Danny Scarborough M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1396 Feeney John Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8580 Feferman Ben Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8581 Feherty Brian Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8582 Fehr Helen Aylmer F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1397 Fehr Jake Winnipeg M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15667 Feith Shelagh Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8583 Fejtek Emily Newmarket F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8584 Feld Amanda Richmond Hill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8585 Feldman Alex Thornhill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21461 Feldman Amalya Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8586 Feldman Samantha Burlington F GREEN<br />


Half Marathon 16540 Felendzer Alex Mississauga M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16003 Felice Marino Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8587 Felix Hope Markham F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8588 Felix Sandra Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1399 Felix Tyrone Brampton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21462 Felizardo Malaika Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21463 Felizardo Malaika Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21464 Fell Alexandra Oakville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21465 Fell Rebecca Oakville F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1400 Feller Kurtis Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8589 Fellin Michael Unionville M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21466 Fellman Lara Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16541 Feltmate TC Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8590 Fenech Melissa London F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8591 Fenelon Paige Thunder Bay F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8592 Feng Caitlyn Markham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8593 Feng Charlie Ottawa M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1401 Feng Jimmy markham M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8594 Feng Vincent Markham M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17096 Feng Yuwei Toronto F Orange<br />

Half Marathon 16542 Fenkell Louis Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16543 Fenn Catie Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21467 Fenn Gary Peterborough M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21468 Fenn Michelle Peterborough F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1402 Fenn Noel Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8595 Fenton Thomas Mississauga M RED<br />

Marathon 1403 Fenty Adrian Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21469 Fenty Shivonne Scarborough F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21470 Fenwick Devan Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8596 Feo Natassha Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8597 Ferdman Samantha Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8598 Ferencz Klaudia Budapest F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25719 Ferguson Brodie Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8599 Ferguson Caitlin Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21471 Ferguson Finlay Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26452 Ferguson Jasmine toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8600 Ferguson Jerry Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8601 Ferguson John Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21472 Ferguson Kelly-lee Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8602 Ferguson Matt Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8603 Ferguson Michael Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16544 Ferguson Sarah Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8604 Ferguson Tammi Thornhill F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16545 Ferguson Tracey Concord F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 21473 Ferguson Tracey Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon Walk 4554 Fergusson Pamela Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21474 Feris Kanza Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1404 Ferland Martine contrecoeur F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26453 Fermanian Levon North York M Red<br />


5km Run/Walk 21476 Fernandes Colleen Georgetown F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26454 Fernandes Conrad Mississauga M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21477 Fernandes Daniel Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21478 Fernandes Glenn Brampton M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8605 Fernandes Gordon Markham M RED<br />


5km Run/Walk 21479 Fernandes Lisa Etobicoke F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21480 Fernandes Lisa Guelph F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8606 Fernandes Roy Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15668 Fernandes Silvia Etobicoke F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8607 Fernandez Danielle Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 25720 Fernandez Diane-Marie Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8608 Fernandez Dolores Woodbridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8609 Fernandez Gabriel toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4593 Fernandez Lauren Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8610 Fernandez Lina Woodbridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8611 Fernandez Michael Richmond Hill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21481 Fernandez Nicolas Brampton M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21482 Fernandez Tamara Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8612 Fernandez Tony Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1406 Fernandez De Castro Mariana san pedro garza garcia F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16546 Fernandez Dengo Marcela Santa Ana F Red<br />



Marathon 1409 Fernandez-Gonzalez Rodrigo Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21483 Fernando Mirjana Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8613 Ferrall Jared Guelph M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8614 Ferrara Saverio Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21484 Ferrara Tanya Brampton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21485 Ferrari David Timmins M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8615 Ferraz Mario Otterburn park M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1410 Ferreira Alirio Montréal M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8616 Ferreira Ana toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8617 Ferreira Deborah Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25721 Ferreira Gustavo Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4594 Ferreira Marlene Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8618 Ferreira Michael Mississauga M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26455 Ferreira Miguel Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8619 Ferreira Nelson Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8620 Ferreira Patricia waterloo F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1411 Ferreira Thaiza Fortaleza, CE F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21486 Ferrer Derek Pittsburgh M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1412 Ferrer Gerald Pittsburgh M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8621 Ferretti Antonietta Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21487 Ferriman Alex York M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1413 Ferrin Louis oakville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8622 Ferris David Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21488 Ferris Lisa Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8623 Ferron Catherine Montréal F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21489 Ferron Chris Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21490 Ferron Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16547 Ferrone Carmine Oakville M Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 21491 Ferry Sheryl Brampton F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21492 Fershaloff Olga Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26456 Ferstman Carmelita Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1414 Ferwerda Annika Guelph F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21493 Fesseha Brikti Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1415 Fessenden Steve Little Current M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16548 Festa-Bianchet Simon Ottawa M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21494 Festin Sara Mississauga F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21495 Festin Theresa Scarborough F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21496 Fettes Craig Ottawa M RED<br />

Marathon 1416 Fewer Tina St. John's F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16549 Fewson Sarah Markham F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26457 Feyissa Dereje Etobicoke M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21497 Fialho Dina Kleinburg F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21498 Fialho JP Kleinburg M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16004 Fice Christopher Oshawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8624 Fick Nigel Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17097 Fidaali Lubaina Toronto F Orange<br />

Marathon 1417 Fidalgo Celia Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26458 Fiddler Conrod Toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 8625 Fidelino AJ markham M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21499 Fidler Kristen Brampton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8626 Fieder Alexandra Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1418 Fieder Andrew Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26459 Fieffe Prevost Eva toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8627 Field Amanda Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8628 Field Deanna Valley F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21500 Field Heather Oakvile F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1419 Field Marva Orange F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21501 Fielding Rachel Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1420 Fielding Whitney Buffalo F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8629 Fifield Genny St. John's F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8630 Figley Sarah Saskatoon F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21502 Figliuzzi Antonietta Woodbridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21503 Figliuzzi Carmela Etobicoke F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21504 Figueira Rosanne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8631 Figueiredo Antonio Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25722 Figueiredo Ben Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8632 Figueroa Patricia New York F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1421 Figueroa Gonzalez Aletse Mexico F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1422 Figuerres Marty Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1423 Fikre Daniel Pickeriing M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26460 Fikrie Azeb Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8633 Filakovic Betsa Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21505 Filan Alex ETOBICOKE F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21506 Filan Christian ETOBICOKE M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21507 Filan Gary ETOBICOKE M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21508 Filan Sue ETOBICOKE F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21509 Filice Rachel Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8634 Filin Marina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1424 Filion Susan Brockville F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8635 Filipcic Emily Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21510 Filipe Marisa Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8636 Filipe Nuno Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8637 Filipopoulos Tanya Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8638 Filipowitsch Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8639 Fillery Paul Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8640 Filletti Ryan Orangeville M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8641 Fillion Jean-Francois Gatineau M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8642 Fillion Marie-Helene Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8643 Finan Emer Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8644 Finch Kerry F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8645 Finck Cyrielle guelph F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8646 Findlay Dale Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8647 Findlay Kathryn Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15669 Findlay Lynn Burlington F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16550 Fine Miriam Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21511 Fine Zoe Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21512 Fine Zoe Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8648 Fineblit Josh Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21513 Finkelstein Abbie Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21514 Finkelstein Adam Mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21515 Finkelstein Jon Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8649 Finlay Emma Owen Sound F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8650 Finlay Ian Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1425 Finlay Sean Kitchener M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21516 Finlayson Zaniffa Woodbridge F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16005 Finley Becky Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1426 Finley David Mississauga M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8651 Finley Melissa North York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8652 Finn Gabriella Markham F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1427 Finn Matthew Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8653 Finney Jake Athabasca M RED<br />

Marathon 1428 Finney Patrick Grapevine M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8654 Finnigan Ross London M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21517 Finucan Chad William Thomas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16006 Fiore Helena Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1429 Fiorini Donna Woodbridge F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21518 Fiorini Laura Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8655 Fiorito Mario Amherstburg M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8656 Firestone Adam Maple M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1430 Firsten Jamie toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26461 Fischer Alex Peterborough M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8657 Fischer Beth Mildmay F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21519 Fischer David Oro-Medonte M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4595 Fischer Jonathon Oakville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8658 Fischer Krista Oro-Medonte F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21520 Fischer Tess Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1431 Fiset Stephanie Montréal F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26462 Fish Jeremy Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8659 Fish Suzanne Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26463 Fishaye Emy Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8660 Fishbein Bryan Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8661 Fisher Amy toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21521 Fisher Amy Caledon F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16551 Fisher Anna Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8662 Fisher Carissa Huntsville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26464 Fisher Carolyn Stouffville F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8663 Fisher Charles Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1432 Fisher Jacqueline New York F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8664 Fisher Jane Port Hope F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8665 Fisher Jill Oakville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8666 Fisher Jim toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8667 Fisher Lesley Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8668 Fisher Lilian Oshawa F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8669 Fisher martin M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1433 Fisher Steve Stoney Creek M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8670 Fiske Cameron Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8671 Fiss Hillary Leamington F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8672 Fitchett Andrew Cobourg M RED<br />

Marathon 1434 Fitchett Jay Peterborough M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8673 Fitzgerald Jacob Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21522 Fitzgerald Lindsay Burlington F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21523 Fitzgerald Lisa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8674 Fitzgerald Niki Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21524 Fitzgerald Reed Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1435 Fitzgerald Scott St. John's M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21525 Fitzpatrick Ben Newmarket M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8675 fitzpatrick carrie F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8676 Fitzpatrick Erica Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8677 Fitzpatrick Erin Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21526 Fitzpatrick Laura Newmarket F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8678 Fitzpatrick Mike Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21527 Fitzpatrick Scott Newmarket M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8679 Fitzsimmons Kelly Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8680 Flagler Melissa Selwyn F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8681 Flaherty Alicia Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16552 Flaherty Eamonn toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 16007 Flaherty Kelly Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1436 Flanagan Carolyn Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8682 Flanagan Jamie Kitchener F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25723 Flanagan-White Jo-Anne Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16553 Flanders Daniel toronto M Green<br />

Half Marathon 16008 Flanders Jonathan Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16009 Flanders Tamar Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8683 Fleck Trevor Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8684 Fleetwood Anne Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21528 Fleischer Kathryn Oakville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1437 Fleming Alison Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21529 Fleming Cameron Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8685 Fleming Mark Parry Sound M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8686 Fleming Michael Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8687 Fleming Patty TORONTO F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8688 Flessa Joseph Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8689 Fletcher Steffanie BRANTFORD F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8690 Fletcher Wendie Oshawa F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21530 FLEURY Virginie ANNECY F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16554 Flinn Ryan Quispamsis M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21531 Flinn Stephanie Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8691 Flisar Michelle London F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21532 Florence Gélinas Saint-Mathieu-d'Harricana F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26465 Florence Michelle Toronto F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1438 Florencia Palencia Martha queretaro F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8692 Flores Edgar London M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8693 Flores Edler Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8694 Flores Fernando Lerma M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25724 FLORES GABRIELA toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 4724 Flores Jose Angel Toluca M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26466 Flores María Fernanda Lerma F Yellow<br />

Marathon 1439 Flores Tito Dallas M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8695 Flor-Henry Sophie Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8696 Florindo Michael mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16555 Floros Stacy Markham F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8697 Flow Prosha Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26467 Flowers Janis Mississauga F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8698 Flowers Kneesha Pickering F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1440 Fluet Vincent La Sarre M RED<br />

Marathon 1441 Flush Vanessa Montreal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8699 Flynn Amanda Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1442 Flynn Ben etobicoke M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8700 Flynn Dane King City M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8701 Flynn Danielle King City F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8702 Flynn Doug King City M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8703 Flynn Lauren Barrie F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8704 Flynn Michael Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25725 Flynn Olivia Flanders F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21533 Flynn Patrick ajax M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21534 Flynn Sandra Flanders F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21535 Flynn Steven Flanders M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21536 Fogel Josh toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21537 Foglton Kathryn Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1443 Fojtik Michael Richmond M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1444 Fok Dominic Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21538 FOK NANCY Stouffville F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1445 Foley Ciaran Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26468 Foley Jennifer Bewdley F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 25726 Foley Kevin Hamilton M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1446 Foley Lilibeth Shaftsbury F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8705 Foley Lisa Bowmanville F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8706 Foley Megan Woodbridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8707 Foley Sean Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1447 Foley Sheila Ste Marthe Sur Le Lac F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1448 Foley-Grimes Joanne Ottawa F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21539 Folinsbee Sue Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21540 Foliot Robert Pickering M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1449 Follis Julie Thunder Bay F RED<br />

Marathon 1450 Follows David Ottawa M BLUE<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 26118 Folts Jolane Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25727 Folts Solomon Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21541 Fong Angela markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21542 Fong Bernice Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21543 FONG CALVIN MARKHAM M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1451 Fong Cindy Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21544 Fong Clarisse Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21545 Fong Justin Markham M RED<br />

Marathon 1452 Fong Katie Mississauga F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21546 Fong Margaret Markham F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1453 Fong Mike Oakville M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8708 Fong Raymond Markham M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21547 Fong Sally markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21548 Fontaine Alyssa Malartic F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8709 Fontaine Randy Ottawa M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8710 Fontaine Thomas Montreal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8711 Fontana Stephen Milton M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8712 Foo Jane Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8713 Foo-Fat Alain Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1454 Foote John Mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21549 Foote Kathy Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1455 Foran Kelly Pembroke F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21550 Foran Vanessa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8714 Forberg Sue Thornhill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8715 Forbes Erin Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8716 Forbes Jane Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8717 Ford Andrea Sudbury F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16010 Ford Dwayne Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21551 Ford Ebony Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8718 Ford Kelsey Whitby F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8719 Ford Lori Nobleton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8720 Ford Richard Sudbury M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8721 Ford Shay St Thomas F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8722 Ford Teresa St Thomas F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1456 Forde Devon Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8723 Foreman Ron Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8724 Forestell Jodi Buckhorn F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8725 Forget Amelie Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 1457 Forget Jonathan Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1458 Forget Marc Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8726 FORGET PATRICK Terrebonne M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8727 Forget Sherri Pincourt F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8728 Forget Suzie montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8729 Forget-Richard Veronique montreal F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8730 Forgione Nicole Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16556 Forint Peter Pickering M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8731 Forman Ashira Thornhill F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8732 Forman Lisa Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21552 Forni Silvia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1459 Foroutan Farid Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8733 Forrest Michelle Oshawa F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21553 Forrest Stephanie East York F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21554 Forrester Raquelle Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21555 Forster Don Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21556 Forster Ethan Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21557 Forster Hayden Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21558 Forster Jana Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8734 Forster Noah Dundas M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21559 Forster Sael Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8735 Forster Tanner Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8736 Forsyth Bruce North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8737 Forsyth Nicholas North Bay M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8738 Forsyth Samantha Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8739 Forsyth Sara Toronto F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8740 Forsyth Shari Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8741 Forsythe Lois trenton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21560 Fortana Phillip Bolton M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8742 Forth Michael Bracebridge M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8743 Fortier Eric Timmins M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8744 Fortier Francis St-Eustache M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21561 Fortier Johanne Kitchener F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1460 Fortier Louis Montreal M RED<br />

Marathon 1461 Fortier Simon Rosemere M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21562 Fortier-Lazure Arielle Ottawa F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8745 Fortig Rebecca Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8746 Fortin Chris Ashburn M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1462 Fortin Dan Pickering M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1463 Fortin George Montreal M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21563 Fortin Jeri Pickering F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1464 Fortin Marc Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1465 Fortin Nathalie Saint-Lambert F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8747 Fortin Nicole Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1466 Fortin Sylvie montreal F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15670 Fortin Valerie Brampton F ORANGE<br />

Marathon 4725 Fortin William Repentigny M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21564 Fortin-Courville Corinne St-Lambert F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1467 Fortner Scott Milton M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8748 Fortuna Brigida Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8749 Fortune Jessica Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8750 Forward-Davis Sheila Ottawa F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21565 Forzley Alexa Nepean F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21566 Forzley Olivia Nepean F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8751 Forzley Samer Nepean M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21567 Forzley Sandra Nepean F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8752 Fosse Anskar Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8753 Foster Cynthia Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21568 Foster Devon Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8754 Foster T.J. Guelph M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21569 Foster McKiernon Valerie Grand Valley F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8755 Foster-Joseph Laura Thunder Bay F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1468 Fotiadis Dana Pembroke F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1469 Fotuhi Omid Pittsburgh M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21570 Foulon Alicia Hensall F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21571 Found Karen Vaughan F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21572 Founk Karen Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8756 Fountain Duke Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26469 Fountain Eva Scarborough F Green<br />

Marathon 1470 Fountain Matthew Weston M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1471 Fountikova Marina Aurora F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8757 Fournier Dani Toronto F RED<br />

Marathon 4726 Fournier Robert Toronto M Green<br />

Marathon 1472 Fournier Roxy Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8758 Fournier Stephanie Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21573 Fournier Boulianne Catherine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8759 Fournier Taylor Jeannine Brantford F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8760 Fousteris Perry toronto M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21574 Fowler Brandon Stouffville M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21575 Fowler Ellen Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8761 Fowler Emily Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8762 Fowler Jacob Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21576 Fowler Jennifer Stouffville F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21577 Fowler Stu Stouffville M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16557 Fowler Tamara Ajax F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8763 Fownes Caroline Kitchener F RED<br />

Marathon 1473 Fox Alison Newmarket F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8764 Fox Candice Erie F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26470 Fox Emily Toronto F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 25728 Fox Greg Milton M RED<br />

Marathon 1474 Fox Jenn Leamington F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21578 Fox John Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21579 Fox Laura Oakville F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8765 Fox Lindsay Coldwater F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8766 Fox Neil Whitby M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21580 Fox Olivia toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8767 Fox Zuzana Newmarket F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16558 Foxe Paul Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8768 Fox-Rossi Lori Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1475 Foy Ghislain Pointe-Claire M RED<br />

Marathon 1476 Foy Sean Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21581 Fracassi Allegra Thornhill F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1477 Frackiewicz Justyna Kitchener F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21582 Fracz Amanda Peterborough F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21583 Fradkin Leslie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21584 Fragale Vivian Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8769 Fragoso Alvaro Alliston M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1478 Fraile Lucio SANTIAGO M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8770 Frak Angelica Stoney Creek F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8771 Fralick Jennifer Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15671 Frame Joshua Toronto M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8772 France Kelly Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1479 Franch Cynthia Mexico F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21585 Francis Amy Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8773 Francis Anne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21586 Francis Karen Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21587 Francis Lya Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26471 Francis Nick Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21588 Francis Steve Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21589 Francisconi Carolina Toronto F YELLOW<br />


Marathon 1481 Franco Lorraine Brampton F PURPLE<br />


Half Marathon 8775 Franco Paulo Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8776 Francomb Alan Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21590 Franey Daniel Markham M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21591 Franey Isaac Markham M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4727 Frank Daniel Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8777 Frank Karl Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8778 Frank Laura Winnipeg F PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 26472 Frank Samantha Ancaster F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16559 Frankel Debbie North York F Blue<br />

Marathon 1482 Frankland Lisa Marie Burlington F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21592 Franklin Betty Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8779 Franklin David Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8780 Franklin David White Rock M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8781 Franklin Robert Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8782 Franks Sebastian Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 4596 Fransen Kirsti Oakville F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8783 Fransson Johan ETOBICOKE M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8784 Frantz Tim Pointe-Claire M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8785 Franzen Isabella Thunder Bay F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8786 Franzisi Heather Keswick F RED<br />

Marathon 1483 Frappier Julie Mascouche F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8787 Fraser Adam Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16560 Fraser Benjamin Toronto M Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21593 Fraser Charmaine Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1484 Fraser Christopher Markham M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8788 Fraser David Windsor M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21594 Fraser Ginny Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8789 Fraser Jamie Orillia F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21595 Fraser Kathleen Hamilton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16561 Fraser Liz Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16562 Fraser Luke Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15672 FRASER MARGARET Petrolia F ORANGE<br />


Half Marathon 16563 Fraser Mike Toronto M Red<br />

Marathon 1485 Fraser Rob toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8791 Fraser Scott toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 4728 Frazer Mitch Toronto M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 26473 Frederick Cassandra Keswick F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26474 Frederick Roy Keswick M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 25729 Frederiks Jessica Hamilton F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25730 Frederiks Ryan Hamilton M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21596 Frederiksen Linda Barrie F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21597 Frederiksen Michael Barrie M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8792 Free Laurie Vaughan F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8793 Free Linn Vaughan M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1486 Free Mitch St. George M RED<br />

Marathon 1487 Freedman Ben London M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1488 Freedman Patricia Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16011 Freeland Chrystia Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8794 Freeland Kristyn Bolton F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1489 Freeland Michael Joel Bolton M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21598 Freeman Aaron Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21599 Freeman Allison Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8795 Freeman Amy London F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21600 Freeman Brittany Whitby F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21601 Freeman Harvey Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8796 Freeman Nate Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1490 Freemantle James Newmarket M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8797 Freill Cheryl Etobicoke F BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1491 Freiman Matthew San Francisco M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21602 Freire Goncalo Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8798 Freitag Tosha Burlington F RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15673 Frenay Véronique Toronto F ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21603 French Cameron Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8799 French Darlene Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21604 French Kate Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21605 French Meg Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8800 French Michael Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8801 French Ryan Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21606 French Sophia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8802 French Susan Calgary F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8803 Frenette-Corniellis Marcel Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8804 Freudenreich Monica Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1492 Freundorfer Anton Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1493 Frew Ian Oakville M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16564 Frid Nicholas London M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21607 Fridman Adina Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21608 Fridman Daniel Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21609 Fridman Richard Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8805 Frieberg Deborah Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21610 Fried Devorah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1494 Friedberg Eric Thornhill M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21611 Friedman KATHY Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21612 Friedman Zoey Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8806 Friel Amy Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25731 Friel Fiona Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26475 Friese Heidi Toronto F Blue<br />

Marathon 1495 Friesen Danie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1496 Friesen Erik Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8807 Friesen Miriam Kitchener F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8808 Friesen Tracey Vancouver F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1497 Frigo-Spong Louise Aurora F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25732 Friio Nick toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25733 Friio Rosemary windsor F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16012 Frisch Claudia Toronto F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1498 Frizzle Kristina Burlington F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8809 Froese Ken Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8810 Froese Kristin St Thomas F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8811 Froese Steve St Thomas M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1499 Frohlich Jason Montreal M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8812 Frolick Jasmine Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1500 Fromstein Daniel Whitby M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1501 Fronc Irene Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1502 Fronda Zola Fiorella Brampton F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8813 Frook Jennifer Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16565 Frost David Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8814 Frost Katie Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1503 Frost Lydia Guelph F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8815 Frost Megan Caledon F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1504 Frost Nadine Ottawa F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21613 Frost Stephen Caledon M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1505 Frostig Ronnie atlanta M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1506 Frotan Masood Burlington F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16013 Frydrych Eric Thornhill M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21614 Frye Bonnie Ajax F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21615 Frye Jim Ajax M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8816 Fryer Ian Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8817 Fu Esther Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8818 Fu Faye Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1507 Fu Kierston Gatineau F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1508 Fu Peter Richmond Hill M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21616 Fu Rosalind Mississauga F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8819 Fu Yizhi Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26476 Fuchigami Haruna North York F Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26477 Fuchigami Tatsuhiko North York M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26478 Fuchigami Tomohiko North York M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 26479 Fuchigami Yaeko North York F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8820 Fudge Jess Peterborough F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8821 Fudurich Kathryn Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8822 Fuentes Dunia Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21617 Fuentes Lauren Oshawa F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8823 Fuentes Pino Dania Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8824 Fuhrmann Angela Kitchener F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1509 Fujii Alana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1510 Fujii Yasumasa Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1511 Fujino Kathi Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8825 Fujita Mark Pickering M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1512 Fujita Timothy Markham M YELLOW<br />

Marathon Walk 4555 Fukada Takayuki Mississauga M ORANGE<br />

Marathon 1513 Fukuoka Tracy Naperville F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1514 Fukuyama Koshiro Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16566 Fullan Josh Toronto M Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21618 Fuller Lorraine Oshawa F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1515 Fuller Mark Oshawa M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8826 Fuller Tracy Calgary F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1516 Fullerton Amy Rachel Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21619 Fullerton Anne Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1517 Fullgraf Mike Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16567 Fulop Judit Toronto F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 16568 Fulop Kathleen Ajax F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8827 Fulop Mary Ann Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 26480 Fulton Frederique Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8828 Fulton Theresa Bowmanville F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21620 Fumanti Daisy West seneca F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8829 Fumanti Michael West seneca M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21621 Fumarolo Maria Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26481 Fumia Doreen Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21622 Fung Alexa Arva F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1518 Fung Allen Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21623 Fung Bianca Markham F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8830 Fung Boniface North York M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21624 Fung Cego Ajax M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21625 Fung Gloria Richmond Hill F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 16569 Fung Harry Thornhill M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21626 Fung Justin Nok-Him Markham M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21627 Fung Katelyn Arva F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26482 Fung Kenneth Ottawa M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8831 Fung Kevin Arva M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21628 Fung Lilian Scarborough F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21629 Fung Louis Markham M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8832 Fung Mandy Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21630 Fung Patrick Markham M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21631 Fung Ping Yee Markham F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21632 Fung Prisca Markham F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8833 Fung Renee toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8834 Fung Samantha Arva F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21633 Fung Simon Markham M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21634 Fung Teddy Markham M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1519 Fung Thomas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1520 Funk James Saskatoon M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26483 Furan Sarah Toronto F Red<br />

Half Marathon 8835 Furgiuele Josie Aurora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8836 Furgiuele Timothy Aurora M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1521 Furgoch Darrell Pembroke M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15674 Furman Jason Toronto M ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 16570 Fyffe-roberts Maxine Mississauga F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8837 Fyfle Katrina Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1522 Gabay Danielle Mississauga F RED<br />

Half Marathon 16571 Gabias Stephanie Montreal F Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8838 Gabionza Menchu Richmond Hill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21635 Gablan Ronald Chris Scarborough M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1523 Gaboriault Amy South Burlington F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8839 Gabriel Adrienne Thornhill F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25734 Gabriel Jason Chatham M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 25735 Gabriel Tara Chatham F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8840 Gabrielian Vartan Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26484 Gabrielli Lisa Mississauga F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16014 Gabriels Henry Egbert M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1524 Gadde Brian Ottawa M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8841 Gadon Victoria Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21636 Gadoua Jennifer kitchener F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8842 Gaerlan Caila Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25736 Gaetan Curtis Milton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 25737 Gaetan Mitchell Milton M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1525 Gaffney Thomas Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4597 Gage Laura Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21637 Gaghadar Anthony MISSISSAUGA M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21638 Gaghadar Carol Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21639 Gaghadar Michael MISSISSAUGA M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21640 Gaghadar Rohan Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21641 Gaghadar Susan MISSISSAUGA F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21642 Gagliano Emily Thornhill F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8843 Gagliardi Anthony Kleinburg M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1526 Gaglione Patrick Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8844 Gagne Linda New Liskeard F GREEN

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Marathon 1527 Gagne Sidney Waterloo F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1528 Gagné Alex Trenton M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8845 Gagne-Fleming Manon SCARBOROUGH F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1529 Gagner Sophie Sherbrokoe F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1530 Gagnon Annie Saint-Mathieu-d'Harricana F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8846 Gagnon Chantal St-bruno F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8847 Gagnon Dominique Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1531 Gagnon Elise Lévis F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1532 Gagnon Isabelle Dorval F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8848 Gagnon Jerome Montreal M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8849 Gagnon Martin Montréal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8850 Gagnon Mélanie La Sarre F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16015 Gagnon Sebastien L'assomption M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21643 Gago Claudia Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8851 Gagol Kristi Mississauga F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21644 Gaic Barbara Aurora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8852 Gaines Paige Redondo Beach F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21645 Gaisin Tina Thornhill F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21646 Gaitanos Kostas Gaithersburg M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4598 Gaizauskas Ivar Brampton M GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21647 Gajardo Loreto Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8853 Gajasan John Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1533 Gal Ari New York M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 16572 Galamiyev Dimitry Toronto M Red<br />

Half Marathon 8854 Galanis Nick Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 16573 Galarneau Dany Donnacona M Red<br />

5km Run/Walk 21648 Galasso Louise Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8855 Galati Rick Thunder Bay M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8856 Galbraith Lesley Oakville F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21649 Galbraith Stephen St. Catharines M RED<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15675 Gale Jennifer Toronto F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8857 Galeano Cardona Valentina Oshawa F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8858 Galgotia Aditya Calgary M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8859 Galgotia Aparna Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16574 Galicia Mathew BOlton M Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8860 Galimidi Uri Toronto M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8861 Galipeau Anne-Marie St-Eustache F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8862 Galipeault Tamara Etobicoke F PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1534 Gallagher Barb Deep River F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8863 Gallagher Caitlin London F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8864 Gallagher Ed Scarborough M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8865 Gallagher Kevin Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8866 Gallagher Stephen mississauga M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21650 Gallagher Yasmin Scarborough F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21651 Gallant Hannah Mississauga F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8867 Gallant Lara Sault Ste. Marie F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8868 Gallant Lyndsey Toronto F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1535 Gallant Tyler Sault Ste Marie M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 25738 Gallant Valerie toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8869 Gallardo Gerry M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8870 Gallately Melissa Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8871 Gallaway Eric Kingston M YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8872 Gallaway Jennifer Kingston F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 26485 Gallay Daniella Toronto F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 16575 Gallay Stephen On M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 21652 Galley Sarah Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26486 Gallienne Catriona Toronto F Blue<br />

5km Run/Walk 21653 Gallinger Jacob Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8873 Gallinger Lesley Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8874 Gallo Adriana Niagara Falls F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8875 Gallo Madonna Maynooth F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26487 Gallo Nicki Toronto F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 21654 Gallo Stephanie Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8876 Gallop Jack Wilmington M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8877 Gallop Jeff Wilmington M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8878 Gallop Tammy Schomberg F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8879 Galloway Krista Kitchener F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8880 Galluzzo Joe Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21655 Galora Robert mississauga M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21656 Galos Ron Oakville M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8881 Galszechy Denise Toronto F GREEN<br />


5km Run/Walk 26488 GALVEZ CHERYL RICHMOND HILL F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26489 GALVEZ JASON RICHMOND HILL M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 26490 GALVEZ KRISELLE RICHMOND HILL F Green<br />

Marathon 1537 Galway Michael Victoria M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21657 Gamble Nicole TORONTO F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1538 Gamble Patti Ottawa F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1539 Gamble Steve Kanata M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8882 Gamboa Alfredo Burlington M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16576 Gamboa Corazon Toronto F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 16577 Gamboa John Mississauga M Blue<br />

Half Marathon 8883 Game Carlos Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1540 Gamil Abigail F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8884 Gamit Eleanor Scarborough F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16578 Gammel Linsey Toronto F Green<br />

Half Marathon 8885 Gammon Jody Orillia F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8886 Gamna Brenden Newmarket M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21658 Gan Catherine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1541 Gan Seng Tiong Singapore M RED<br />


5km Run/Walk 26491 Ganceña Ezekiel Toronto M Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8887 Gandawali Sachieko Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8888 Gandham Siva Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21660 Gandhi Nisha Brampton F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8889 Ganesan Srinivasan Mississauga M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8890 Gangaram Cari Waterdown F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21661 Ganguly Mia woodbridge F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21662 Ganguly Milan woodbridge M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21663 Ganguly Raya woodbridge F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21664 Ganguly Saniya woodbridge F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21665 Ganguly Vaishali woodbridge F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8891 Ganji Mitra Mississauga F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8892 Gans Jennifer Toronto F YELLOW

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

5km Run/Walk 21666 Gans Judy Toronto F GREEN<br />


Half Marathon Walk 15676 Gantlett Jenny london F ORANGE<br />

Half Marathon 8894 Gantous Paul Montreal M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8895 Ganzevoort Michele Beamsville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8896 Gao Amy Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8897 Gao Elton Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8898 Gao Jie Guelph M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 26492 Gao John Toronto M Blue<br />

Marathon 1542 Gao Longfei North york M RED<br />

Marathon 1543 Gao Norman Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8899 Gao Rose Toronto F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 16579 Gao Wei North York M Green<br />

Half Marathon 8900 Gappasova Olga Oakville F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8901 Garard Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8902 Garavito Enrique Toronto M PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21667 Garaygay Melena Scarborough F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8903 Garbe Cody North York M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1544 Garbharran Dinesh Woodbridge M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8904 Garbutt Chris Toronto M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8905 Garbutt Kathryn Stayner F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1545 Garcia Alejandra Monterrey F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8906 Garcia Ana Santiago F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21668 Garcia Bianca Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1546 Garcia Carlos Santo Domingo M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21669 Garcia Carlos Toronto M GREEN<br />


5km Run/Walk 21670 Garcia Delia Vaughan F BLUE<br />


Half Marathon 16580 Garcia Isidoro Toronto M Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 25739 GARCIA ISOLINA Toronto F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21671 Garcia Janice Mississauga F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21672 Garcia Kristopher Toronto M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8908 Garcia Lisandra San Juan F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21673 Garcia Maria Oakville F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1548 Garcia Rico Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8909 Garcia Rodrigo Mexico M PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8910 Garcia Salvadora Montréal F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21674 Garcia Sherman North York M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8911 Garcia Victor Toronto M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21675 Garcia Zack Toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 1549 García José Rodrigo Caracas M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8912 García Lorena Monterrey, Nuevo León F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1550 Garcia Granero Alejandro houston M GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8913 Garcia Yturria Ricardo Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8914 Garcia-Bailo Bibiana Toronto F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21676 Garcia-Herreros Susana Etobicoke F GREEN<br />

Marathon 1551 Garcia-Ocampo Karla Aurora F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon Walk 17098 Gardam John Manotick M Orange<br />

Half Marathon 8915 Gardam Mary Manotick F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21677 Gardi Mike Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8916 Gardiman Daniel Richmond Hill M BLUE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (<strong>search</strong> <strong>using</strong> <strong>CTRL</strong> + F)<br />

List sorted alphabetical by last name - Participant Transfers, Distance Changes and Corral Changes will now have to be made at the Expo<br />

Half Marathon 8917 Gardiman Jonathan Toronto M BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 25740 Gardiner Britta Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8918 Gardiner Gavin Toronto M YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 26493 Gardiner Josie Oakville F Purple<br />

5km Run/Walk 26494 Gardiner Lori Keswick F Yellow<br />

5km Run/Walk 25741 Gardiner Victoria Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 16016 Gardner Alister Bromont M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8919 Gardner Heather Toronto F YELLOW<br />

5km Run/Walk 21678 Gardner Joanna Newmarket F PURPLE<br />

Half Marathon 8920 Gardner Lindsey Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4729 Gareau-Montsion Elise Montreal F Purple<br />

Half Marathon 8921 Garel Juliette Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1552 Garg David Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1553 Gariepy Stephane Oka M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 4730 Gariépy Sarah Montreal F Yellow<br />

Half Marathon 8922 Garingo Mario Toronto M GREEN<br />

5km with Baby Stroller 25499 Garito Peter Markham M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 1554 Garneau Isabelle St-Augustin F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1555 Garneau Marie-Eve Montreal F RED<br />

Marathon 4599 Garneau Pierre Mont-Royal M RED<br />

Half Marathon 8923 Garneau Stéphanie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8924 Garner Jillian Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon Walk 15677 Garnes Cecil toronto M ORANGE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21679 Garnes Petra Toronto F BLUE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21680 Garnett Elaine Oshawa F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8925 Garnett Glenn Toronto M GREEN<br />

Marathon 1556 Garnett Tina Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8926 Garnier Sarah Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8927 Garnier Sébastien Thouaré sur LOIRE M RED<br />

Marathon 1557 Garofalo Robert Toronto M RED<br />

Marathon 1558 Garofalo Vienna Stoney Creek F GREEN<br />

5km Run/Walk 21681 Garratt Amber Toronto F GREEN<br />

Half Marathon 8928 Garretto Katherine Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1559 Garry Andrea Toronto F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16581 Garvey Don North York M Blue<br />

Marathon 1560 Garza Marisol San pedro F BLUE<br />

Marathon 1561 Garza De Davila Marcela San pedro Garza Garcia F YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1562 Garzon Pablo toronto M BLUE<br />

Marathon 4600 Gascon Jacques Montreal M RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21682 Gascon Valerie Montreal F BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 16582 Gashabi Julia Toronto F Green<br />

5km Run/Walk 25742 Gashgarian Rob Brantford M PURPLE<br />

Marathon 4601 Gaspar Monica Compton F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8929 Gaspari William Richmond Hill M YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8930 Gass Julie Toronto F YELLOW<br />

Half Marathon 8931 Gaston Kara Toronto F RED<br />

5km Run/Walk 21683 Gasz Zsuzsanna Toronto F RED<br />

Half Marathon 8932 Gataullin Renat Toronto M BLUE<br />

Half Marathon 8933 Gates Tanya Hamilton F PURPLE<br />

5km Run/Walk 21684 Gatsis Katie North York F GREN<br />

Half Marathon 8934 Gatt Andrew Toronto M YELLOW<br />

Marathon 1563 gatt kyle Toronto M PURPLE

<strong>STWM</strong> <strong>2016</strong> - <strong>BIB</strong> <strong>NUMBER</strong> <strong>CONFIRMATION</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> (&l