blue water woman--fall 2016--final--09-27-2016--hi rez
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laura lyON<br />
saving the earth<br />
frEE<br />
<strong>fall</strong> <strong>2016</strong>
Mothers are givers by nature.<br />
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Manager: John W. Kendrick<br />
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Manager: Thomas K. Simpson
Get married<br />
on us!<br />
Planning to get married<br />
after the new year?<br />
interested in a quirky,<br />
fun and small public wedding?<br />
Blue Water Woman magazine will help<br />
walk you down the aisle of love<br />
on Saturday, January 7, 2017<br />
at mcmorran Place<br />
at our first-ever Bridal Show!<br />
enter our essay contest and explain<br />
why you would like to make January 7<br />
your anniversary date!<br />
Wedding package will include:*<br />
• Gift certificate toward a wedding dress valued at $250<br />
• Tuxedo rental gift certificate valued at $100<br />
• Two plain gold wedding bands valued at $100/ea<br />
• Floral package valued at $500<br />
• A photography package valued at $500<br />
• Custom-designed invitation package valued at $200<br />
• Wedding on stage at mcmorran Place theatre<br />
• Wedding officiant<br />
Visit for detailed entry information.<br />
* All prizes/wedding items will be obtained from vendors selected by Blue Water Woman magazine; no exceptions.<br />
Blue Water Woman retains the right to accept or reject any and all contest entries for any reason whatsoever.<br />
Wedding reception not included.
Karen harris 5<br />
catherine duffy houghton 6<br />
keiryn ajayi-obe 8<br />
laura lyon 10<br />
from the editor<br />
Happy Fifth Anniversary to us!<br />
With t<strong>hi</strong>s issue, Blue Water Woman officially turns five years old.<br />
To celebrate, I have “rebranded/redesigned” the magazine, primarily in font and<br />
color. I hope you enjoy the refresh and, of course, the same great stories that are<br />
exclusively written about women in our Blue<br />
Water Area.<br />
The photos on t<strong>hi</strong>s page are a few of my<br />
favorite -- or they are pictures of some of my<br />
favorite people -- from Blue Water Woman<br />
parties and awards ceremonies that have taken<br />
place over the past five years. I am thankful to<br />
everyone pictured (and lots more people who are<br />
not shown here) for all of their love and support<br />
over the past five years...whether it was serving<br />
as my Vanna W<strong>hi</strong>te during an awards program<br />
or helping tear down after a networking party,<br />
everyt<strong>hi</strong>ng you’ve done for me matters and is<br />
appreciated.<br />
Most of all, I would like to thank the 265+<br />
women in the Blue Water Area who allowed me<br />
to feature them in some way in t<strong>hi</strong>s publication<br />
over the past five years. You all inspire and amaze<br />
me. Thank you for allowing me to share your<br />
stories.<br />
advertise<br />
in Blue Water Woman!<br />
it works!<br />
just ask our advertisers!<br />
The ad deadline for the next issue<br />
of Blue Water Woman is November 1, <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
Prices start at just $125 for a business card sized ad!<br />
Our most popular ad size is a quarter page at just $250;<br />
sign a one-year contract and it becomes just $225 a quarter!<br />
What a deal!<br />
For more information, contact Patti Samar<br />
at 810-987-1256 or email her at<br />
volume 6, number 3 spring <strong>2016</strong><br />
Blue Water Woman is published quarterly by The Write Company,<br />
511 La Salle Blvd., Port Huron, MI 48060. Circulation 5,000.<br />
Editor & Publisher:<br />
Patti Samar, owner, The Write Company<br />
Advertising:<br />
Patti Samar at 810-987-1256 or<br />
Questions, comments or story ideas?<br />
Call Blue Water Woman at 810-987-1256<br />
Mission:<br />
Blue Water Woman is the premiere publication<br />
for women living, working and playing in the Blue Water Area of Mic<strong>hi</strong>gan.<br />
Its stories and features are written and designed<br />
to be inspriational, motivational and encouraging.<br /><br />
© Blue Water Woman is the property<br />
of Patti Samar of The Write Company<br />
The Write Company is a writing, grap<strong>hi</strong>c design<br />
and marketing consultation firm.<br />
View our online portfolio at:<br />
Patti Samar<br />
Editor & Publisher<br />
Blue Water Woman<br />
2 FALL <strong>2016</strong>
IntroducIng:<br />
A blog-style dIgItAl publIcAtIon<br />
About the greAt women<br />
of the greAt lAkes regIon.<br />
Come follow their stories & subscribe (for free!) today.<br />
to recommend A womAn<br />
As A story subject, contAct:<br />
Patti Samar<br /><br />
FALL <strong>2016</strong> 3
haPPy fifTh aNNiVErsary,<br />
bluE WaTEr WOMaN!<br />
aNd, PrOudly iNTrOduCiNg...<br />
grEaTlaKEsWOMaN.COM<br />
haPPy aNNiVErsary TO us!<br />
Blue Water Woman magazine is so very pleased to be able to<br />
celebrate t<strong>hi</strong>s milestone anniversary with all of you: our faithful<br />
readers and advertisers.<br />
When we began t<strong>hi</strong>s journey together in 2011, we had no idea if<br />
anyone would even want to read about <strong>blue</strong> Water area women<br />
or if t<strong>hi</strong>s could be a viable business venture.<br />
We should never have underestimated anyone’s interest in the<br />
very awesome and cool women of t<strong>hi</strong>s community.<br />
Over the past five years we have featured more than 265 Blue<br />
Water area women in the pages of our publication and we are so<br />
proud of each and every one of them.<br />
<strong>blue</strong> <strong>water</strong><br />
Woman<br />
people places passions professions<br />
she will stay if...<br />
korissa kramer<br />
Our NEXT big T<strong>hi</strong>Ng: grEaTlaKEsWOMaN.COM<br />
and, we are especially proud to introduce to you our next “big<br />
t<strong>hi</strong>ng”:!<br /> will not be a printed publication, but rather a digital<br />
publication that can be read online in a blog form. stories on the blog, much like<br />
those in Blue Water Woman, will feature women from across the eight states that<br />
touch our five Great Lakes. Sign up as a (free!) subscriber and we will send the stories<br />
directly to your inbox!<br />
sharE yOur sTOry idEas<br />
so, if you know of a great, every day <strong>woman</strong> doing great t<strong>hi</strong>ngs in her community<br />
and she lives in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Mic<strong>hi</strong>gan, illinois, indiana, O<strong>hi</strong>o,<br />
Pennsylvania or New york, please let us know about her! We would love to write a<br />
feature story about her on our blog.<br />
and, keep your story ideas coming for Blue Water Woman, too! We are especially<br />
interested in writing about women who would not normally be featured in the local<br />
media, who are just going about their lives doing great t<strong>hi</strong>ngs.<br />
you know...women just like you.<br />
ThaNK yOu so much for the past five years...looking forward to the next five!<br />
Patti Samar<br />
Editor/Publisher<br />
game love<br />
jessica guyor<br />
free<br />
<strong>fall</strong> 2011<br />
VOl. 1, issuE 1,<br />
KOrissa (KraMEr)WilKiNs<br />
4 <strong>fall</strong> <strong>2016</strong> bluEWaTErWOMaN.COM
coming<br />
home<br />
by Patti Samar<br />
S<br />
Karen harris, CEO<br />
Visiting Nurse Association<br />
and Blue Water Hospice<br />
To Karen Harris of Port Huron, life is all about home, family and<br />
giving back to the community.<br />
Harris, the c<strong>hi</strong>ef executive officer of the Visiting Nurse Association<br />
and Blue Water Hospice, feels right at home at work, where she took<br />
the reins earlier t<strong>hi</strong>s year. Her impact on the nonprofit healthcare<br />
organization – where she previously served as c<strong>hi</strong>ef operating officer<br />
– has been felt in a positive way since she began her tenure there in<br />
early 2015.<br />
“The mission drives the vision and that drives our strategic plan,”<br />
she said. “I’m very driven by the mission of t<strong>hi</strong>s organization. All of<br />
that has <strong>fall</strong>en into place. Our patient volumes are <strong>hi</strong>gher than they<br />
have been in at least four years and our hospice home is consistently<br />
full for the first time since it opened.<br />
“And I’m very proud of our staff because our quality scores and our<br />
service scores are the <strong>hi</strong>ghest in the area.”<br />
Staff is like family to Harris. “Staff turnover is stable and we’ve<br />
built a great team here and everyt<strong>hi</strong>ng is just <strong>fall</strong>ing into place.”<br />
The opportunity to become a CEO at t<strong>hi</strong>s point in her career<br />
– Harris began her career as a registered nurse before going on to earn<br />
a bachelor of science degree in nursing and a master’s degree in health<br />
care administration – just felt like the right fit after working for many<br />
years in a hospital setting, ending her hospital career after serving as<br />
both associate vice president of operations and c<strong>hi</strong>ef nursing officer.<br />
Prior to her employment at VNA/BWH, Harris had served on the<br />
organization’s board of directors for five years.<br />
“I just knew it was a good and compassionate organization,” she<br />
said. “It’s been a good move for me. We have a good team. It’s a small<br />
organization and everybody cares about each other. I’m from a small<br />
town and so it feels like I’m home again.”<br />
That small town Harris called home growing up is also known as<br />
Capac. A member of the <strong>hi</strong>gh school cheerleading squad, she married<br />
her <strong>hi</strong>gh school boyfriend who was captain of the football team.<br />
“I graduated with 97 others and I still keep in touch with about half<br />
of them,” she said.<br />
Her hometown roots and her family life are still the most important<br />
parts of her life, said Harris.<br />
“Family is what is important and we both feel that way,” she said<br />
of her husband. “We center everyt<strong>hi</strong>ng all around our family. I’m not<br />
really your typical career <strong>woman</strong>. Everyt<strong>hi</strong>ng is about our kids and<br />
our grandkids.”<br />
During her off time, Harris spends a tremendous amount of time<br />
with her six grandc<strong>hi</strong>ldren, even dropping them off and picking them<br />
up from school many days. It keeps her grounded and reminds her of<br />
what she values in life.<br />
W<strong>hi</strong>le family activities occupy a lot her free time, Harris also enjoys<br />
traveling with her husband and they have been able to make a number<br />
of international trips. “We like cruising,” she said.<br />
Harris also believes it is important to give back to the community<br />
and she and her husband support causes that are important to them.<br />
“We feel it is important to give back,” she said, noting that some<br />
of that ties back into her work life and her desire to help people. “I<br />
just want to do good t<strong>hi</strong>ngs for the community and the community’s<br />
health. I’m less competitive at t<strong>hi</strong>s point in my career. I’m not trying<br />
to be t<strong>hi</strong>s extraordinary CEO. I just want to do good t<strong>hi</strong>ngs. I just<br />
want to be proud of what we’re doing as an organization.”<br />
FALL <strong>2016</strong> 5
Catherine<br />
duffy houghton<br />
Community Activist & P<strong>hi</strong>lanthropist<br />
Living a meaningful life<br />
by Patti Samar<br />
Catherine Duffy Houghton, 98, of Fort Gratiot, began her self-proclaimed<br />
“love affair” with trains when she took her first ride on one at the age of just<br />
two years old.<br />
Fate s<strong>hi</strong>ned a bright light down on her when she grew up and married a<br />
man whose family owned a railroad.<br />
“I was just batty about trains,” she said, “and here comes t<strong>hi</strong>s guy with<br />
trains! I was so excited I was with a family that owned a railroad. What<br />
more could you wish for?”<br />
That man was George Duffy, whose family owned the 19-mile long Port<br />
Huron & Detroit Railroad, and Duffy Houghton felt truly blessed to be<br />
<strong>hi</strong>s wife for 45 years. Together, they had three now-grown c<strong>hi</strong>ldren: George<br />
“Sandy” Duffy, Jr.; Michaele “Mino” Duffy Kramer; and Katherine<br />
“Kathy” Duffy, all of whom still live in the Blue Water Area. Duffy<br />
Houghton’s marriage to George and, subsequently, after <strong>hi</strong>s death to<br />
Englishman Herbert Houghton, took Duffy Houghton on a fun-filled and<br />
meaningful life path that saw significant life changes for women and left her<br />
with a global view of the world that one can only obtain after almost 10<br />
decades on the planet.<br />
A Midwestern gal who was born in Cleveland, O<strong>hi</strong>o, Duffy Houghton<br />
eventually settled in suburban Detroit, where she completed <strong>hi</strong>gh school at<br />
the notable Kingswood School Cranbrook, on the campus of what is now<br />
known primarily as Cranbrook Schools in Bloomfield Hills. W<strong>hi</strong>le there,<br />
she took ceramics classes from the renowned Marshall Fredericks, who later<br />
went on to sculpt many famous public art pieces, including the “Spirit of<br />
Detroit” and the Night and Day sculptures in front of McMorran Place in<br />
Port Huron. She continued her friends<strong>hi</strong>p with <strong>hi</strong>m until <strong>hi</strong>s death a number<br />
of years ago.<br />
Following <strong>hi</strong>gh school, she attended Sarah Lawrence College, a school of<br />
the arts for women, near Bronxville, New York, in Westchester County. The<br />
following year, she attended Connecticut College.<br />
Following her collegiate years, Duffy Houghton eventually followed her<br />
parents when they moved to Port Huron. Here, she worked in the office of<br />
the local American Red Cross chapter as a secretary until her marriage to<br />
6 FALL <strong>2016</strong><br />
George Duffy.<br />
Throughout her first marriage, Duffy Houghton was a wife, mother and<br />
involved community citizen, volunteering with projects for her c<strong>hi</strong>ldren and<br />
causes that were dear to her. To t<strong>hi</strong>s day she very carefully follows local, state<br />
and national politics and during the 1960s she was very involved with the<br />
Republican party.<br />
“I was president of the Republican Women’s Club,” she said, noting<br />
that her c<strong>hi</strong>ldren recall, from a young age, being dragged along to local<br />
Republican headquarters to stuff and stamp envelopes during campaign<br />
seasons. Today, Duffy Houghton feels disappointed in a Republican party<br />
that she doesn’t recognize.<br />
She recalled hosting former Mic<strong>hi</strong>gan Governor George Romney in her<br />
home and she called former Governor William Milliken a “gentleman.” She<br />
chuckled when recalling her “Obama” sticker on her car years ago. “Can you<br />
imagine? The former president of the Republican Women’s Club?”<br />
Duffy Houghton closely follows current events and there are issues that<br />
are near and dear to her heart and she is generous in her support of those<br />
good causes.<br />
“It’s hugely important to me (to give back),” she said. “There is so much<br />
that needs doing and these organizations just don’t have the money needed<br />
to do it all.”<br />
Issues of greatest importance to her include the environment, Planned<br />
Parenthood and, as an accomplished artist herself, the arts.<br />
“The world’s population is a great big huge problem,” she said. “It touches<br />
our <strong>water</strong> systems, it touches our school systems and many other facets of<br />
life.” She is fascinated with what she has read about stem cell research and<br />
she considers it a personal responsibility to have a global view of the world.<br />
She noted that young people need to be encouraged to look creatively at<br />
the world and its problems and to be creative in their thoughts and actions.<br />
“All older people should feel the way I do because we have somet<strong>hi</strong>ng to<br />
compare our world view to,” she said. “There was more love than hate in the<br />
past. People tend to be more selfish now and you feel kind of vulnerable now.<br />
It doesn’t have to be that way.”
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FALL <strong>2016</strong> 7
Making<br />
a difference<br />
by Patti Samar<br />
keiryn ojayi-obe<br />
EnglishTeacher<br />
Port Huron High School<br />
8 FALL <strong>2016</strong><br />
Keiryn Ajayi-Obe knows what a difference a teacher can make in the<br />
life of a struggling student because she was once that struggling student<br />
– and now she is that teacher.<br />
Ajayi-Obe, 35, who teaches English at Port Huron High School,<br />
knew from a young age that she wanted to work with words because<br />
she loved reading and writing so much.<br />
“I told my mom when I was in <strong>hi</strong>gh school that I wish someone<br />
would pay me to read and write and so I became a teacher,” she said.<br />
But overall, Ajayi-Obe struggled academically with various<br />
subjects in school. She felt discouraged at times and didn’t always feel<br />
encouraged by teachers in those subjects in w<strong>hi</strong>ch she struggled.<br />
“But then I had a really phenomenal teacher in <strong>hi</strong>gh school and she<br />
didn’t hold me back,” she said. “It was really important to me at that<br />
time to have someone who believed in me. She let me choose what I<br />
wanted to write about.<br />
“I had some struggles academically, but she didn’t see me that way.<br />
She just saw that I could learn. She totally believed in me. Without her,<br />
I would have just accepted what all of my other teachers thought. The<br />
issue was, I just didn’t learn the way other kids learned.<br />
“Now, as a teacher, I realize how easy it is to forget what each kid<br />
needs.”<br />
Ajayi-Obe also came from a supportive home environment and had<br />
parents who believed in her abilities to overcome her obstacles, as well,<br />
but now, as a teacher, she sees that is not always the case.<br />
“I had a great c<strong>hi</strong>ldhood and my parents were very involved in my life<br />
and they had a lot of rules and a lot of structure,” she said. “Now, the<br />
stories I hear from some of my students are heartbreaking and they are<br />
hard to hear.”<br />
She noted that when students struggle with their home environment,<br />
it can affect their school work, but she works with them, reminding<br />
herself of her own academic struggles.<br />
“I find what works best is to just keep at them and tell them they can<br />
do it,” she said. “I don’t want to tell them what they can and can’t do,<br />
but I won’t sugarcoat it for them. And I won’t tell them they can’t do<br />
somet<strong>hi</strong>ng I can see they are determined to do.<br />
“I also just really try to support those who don’t have a great home<br />
life…it’s important for them to know there’s someone who cares<br />
about them. When you are a teacher, you are a parent from 7:30 in the<br />
morning to 2:30 in the afternoon. Even the kids who come from good<br />
homes still need a mom in the building from 7:30 to 2:30.”<br />
Actually, Ajayi-Obe is a mom outside of her work hours, as well.<br />
She and her husband are the parents to two young c<strong>hi</strong>ldren, aged two<br />
years and nine months. And w<strong>hi</strong>le she loves being a mother, Ajayi-Obe<br />
doesn’t let that define her entire life outside of work.<br />
“I’m not just a mom,” she said. “There are other parts of my life that<br />
are important to me and that’s okay.” In her spare time, she likes to<br />
read and travel and can tick off a long list of travel destinations around<br />
the world where she has already touched ground.<br />
“Also, I have a close knit group of friends so when I feel like my sense<br />
of reality is off, I can call on those friends. It’s nice to have a group<br />
of friends who can go through all the life changes with you. And I’m<br />
a Christian, so for me, God is first in my life and so even when it gets<br />
tough, I know that it will eventually get better.”
FALL <strong>2016</strong> 9
laura lyon<br />
Fiber Artist/Owner<br />
“Beatrice” of Lexington<br />
saving the earth<br />
by Patti Samar<br />
Fiber artist Laura Lyon is helping save the earth by rescuing one piece of<br />
junk at a time.<br />
And she is doing it in a bright and suns<strong>hi</strong>ny place also known as<br />
“Beatrice,” her retail shop located in the heart of downtown Lexington.<br />
Beatrice is full of items handmade by artists who use recycled materials<br />
in their artwork. Lyon, who creates her own line of custom- made sweater<br />
coats from recycled sweaters and fabrics, ex<strong>hi</strong>bits and sells her work in her<br />
shop as well.<br />
“Not<strong>hi</strong>ng in my shop says ‘Made in Mexico’ or ‘Made in C<strong>hi</strong>na’,” she said.<br />
“There is a mixture of one-of-a-kind art.”<br />
Beatrice opened in March of t<strong>hi</strong>s year and it came to be after a leap of<br />
faith for Lyon.<br />
“I’d never worked in retail so there was some fear in the belly,” she said<br />
with a chuckle. “But we’ve done very well here.”<br />
A resident of St. Clair County, she chose to locate her shop in Lexington<br />
because she felt it would be supported there. “You don’t really find another<br />
store like ours in Lexington,” she said. “T<strong>hi</strong>s community supports the arts<br />
and we’re excited to be here.”<br />
Lyon earned a bachelor’s degree in grap<strong>hi</strong>c design in 1991, but ended up<br />
working in the sales industry for many years. Her first job out of college was<br />
as a sales representative for the Port Huron Times Herald and that led to a<br />
long career in newspaper advertising sales.<br />
“I have an art degree and even though I worked for corporate America, I<br />
always stayed in the arts by attending fiber workshops,” she said.<br />
When she left the paper in 2005, she had earned the title of advertising<br />
sales manager. She said early on in her career she felt she was using her<br />
grap<strong>hi</strong>c design skills at the newspaper by helping clients with their ad design,<br />
but eventually she saw the industry changing and felt it was time to pursue<br />
other interests.<br />
She dabbled in other working environments for a number of years before<br />
10 FALL <strong>2016</strong><br />
deciding it was time to go back to her artistic roots and begin creating and<br />
working for herself.<br />
Her idea for creating sweater coats came after she received sweaters from<br />
a family member who had passed away. She wanted to create somet<strong>hi</strong>ng to<br />
help keep alive the memory of her loved one in a new and useful way.<br />
Though she makes good use of her art degree when selecting various<br />
fabrics and colors to coordinate in one of her sweater coats, Lyon didn’t grow<br />
up knowing how to sew and to t<strong>hi</strong>s day, she creates the coats free-style.<br />
“I don’t sew with patterns,” she said. “I just see and cut and sew. I love the<br />
fiber arts and the design was just a continual process of experimenting.”<br />
After creating her first few coats, friends and family encouraged her to sell<br />
them on the art show circuit and she found herself frequently down in the<br />
Detroit area.<br />
“People thought they were cool and I ended up in Detroit at art shows,”<br />
she said, noting that the more she sold, the more she knew she was onto<br />
somet<strong>hi</strong>ng.<br />
“Another reason for opening my own shop in Lexington was I got tired<br />
of being on the road to the art shows,” she said. Being in one place – she<br />
has a workshop in the back of her shop where she now creates her artwork<br />
– allows her to sell her items in a stable environment.<br />
Lyon feels good when she is able to give back to the community and she<br />
has been able to get involved in a number of arts-oriented volunteer projects<br />
in both St. Clair and Sanilac counties.<br />
Additionally, she has been able to offer other artists who create upcycled<br />
art the opportunity to sell their items in her shop, as well. And, she said,<br />
customers are digging the whole concept.<br />
“It makes them feel like they are being good to our earth,” she said.<br />
“Instead of junking up our landfills, we are saving the earth one piece of<br />
junk at a time.”
who will be named...<br />
Blue Water Woman<br />
Easy<br />
nomination<br />
process!<br />
?<br />
of the Year?<br />
Nominations now being accepted<br />
for Blue Water Woman of the Year!<br />
The Blue Water Woman of the Year Awards will honor women who reside in the<br />
Blue Water Area of Mic<strong>hi</strong>gan who demonstrate excellence and ac<strong>hi</strong>evement<br />
in one or more of the following areas:<br />
• Volunteerism<br />
• Mentoring other women<br />
• Professional ac<strong>hi</strong>evement<br />
• Blue Water Young Woman of the Year (21 and under)<br />
• Overall Honor: Blue Water Woman of the Year<br />
Award Process:<br />
Nominators MUST complete the nomination form and rules available at<br /><br />
A distinguished panel of judges from the Upper Peninsula selects award recipients.<br />
Honoring the Award Recipients:<br />
Those selected for awards will be notified by Blue Water Woman at the end of January/early February<br />
2017. All will be featured in a story in the Spring (February/March) 2017 issue of the magazine. All<br />
will be honored at a public reception (open to men and women) in February 2017.<br />
Nominator Requirements:<br />
Nominators must be committed to selling a minimum of 20 adult tickets to the awards reception.<br />
Receiving an award is no fun without a cheering section!<br />
Deadline for Submissions:<br />
Submissions must be received by email or snail mail no later than Friday, January 7, 2017.<br />
Submissions must be emailed to:<br />
Use your smart phone<br />
to visit our website<br />
and view the<br />
nomination form:<br />
Sponsored by:<br />
Blue Water Woman reserves the right to refuse nominations for consideration without cause. All decisions are <strong>final</strong> and subject<br />
to approval by Blue Water Woman. Why? Because we said so. ;)
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<br />
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<br />
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• <br />
• <br />
<br />
Copywriting & Design.<br />
Brand Identity/Logo.<br />
Marketing Consultation.<br />
Patti Samar<br />
Owner. Editor/Publisher<br />
Blue Water Woman<br /> 810.987.1256<br /><br />
<br />
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