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Financial statement impact - Before <strong>and</strong> after IFRS <strong>16</strong><br />

Balance sheet impact*<br />

IAS 17 IFRS <strong>16</strong><br />

Finance <strong>leases</strong> Operating <strong>leases</strong> All <strong>leases</strong><br />

Assets<br />

Liabilities $$$$ $$$$<br />

Off balance sheet rights /<br />

obligations<br />

$$$$<br />

* IASB – IFRS <strong>16</strong> Effects analysis<br />

Income statement impact*<br />

IAS 17<br />

IFRS<strong>16</strong><br />

Finance <strong>leases</strong> Operating <strong>leases</strong> All <strong>leases</strong><br />

Revenue $$$$ $$$$ $$$$<br />

Operating costs (excluding<br />

depreciation <strong>and</strong><br />

amortisation)<br />

Single lease expense<br />

EBITDA<br />

Depreciation <strong>and</strong><br />

amortisation<br />

Operating pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

Depreciation<br />

Depreciation<br />

Finance costs Interest Interest<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>it before tax<br />

* IASB – IFRS <strong>16</strong> Effects analysis<br />

Leases | A <strong>summary</strong> <strong>of</strong> IFRS <strong>16</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>its</strong> <strong>effects</strong> | May 20<strong>16</strong> 11

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