2016 November December Marina World

The magazine for the marina industry

The magazine for the marina industry


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<strong>Marina</strong><br />

www.marinaworld.com<br />

<strong>World</strong><br />

<strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Issue 98<br />

Essential reading for marina and waterfront developers, planners and operators

SF <strong>Marina</strong> has been building and<br />

installing floating breakwaters and pontoons for<br />

marinas worldwide since 1918. We are committed<br />

to finding the best solution for every site.<br />

The sturdy tugboat pontoons for the operation of<br />

large vessels in a port on the Swedish West Coast are<br />

examples of the capacity of our factory in<br />

Wallhamn. The pontoons are 10 meters wide and<br />

23 m long. They are also designed to accommodate<br />

heavy construction vehicles.<br />

Meet us at Mets in Amsterdam 15-17 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2016</strong> (MYP.05.315)<br />

Postal address: SF <strong>Marina</strong> System AB, Propellergangen 4, 417 64 Goteborg, Sweden<br />

Telephone: + 46 31 779 07 65 e-mail: info@sfmarina.com web: www.sfmarina.com

<strong>Marina</strong><br />

<strong>World</strong><br />

<strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> Vol.17, No.2<br />

19<br />


<strong>World</strong> News 7<br />

Market Focus: Russia 19<br />

Vladislav Vorotnikov examines the problems that<br />

hamper marina development<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Planning & Design 25<br />

Portonovi, Montenegro; Santa Barbara <strong>Marina</strong>,<br />

California; Porto Lotti, Italy; Marasi Business Bay,<br />

Dubai<br />

43<br />

56<br />

Market Update: Greece 43<br />

Eliza Salpisti interviews Stergios Pitsiorlas,<br />

chairman of the Hellenic Republic Asset<br />

Development Fund<br />

Marketing 46<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>life takes its mission to connect boaters<br />

with marinas to the next level<br />

Talking Shop 49<br />

Donatella Zucca talks shop with Michelle Mauduit<br />

and Claude Robert at Les Marines de Cogolin in<br />

St Tropez, France<br />

Fuel Docks 56<br />

John Hogan considers the options for floating fuel<br />

docks<br />

Products & Services 60<br />

Front cover: Sochi Grand <strong>Marina</strong><br />

is the largest in Russia with 290<br />

berths. Built in time for the 2014<br />

Winter Olympics, it is testimony to<br />

the type of marina that can be built<br />

in Russia when it develops a better<br />

understanding of yachting, boat<br />

charter and nautical business. Read<br />

more on p.19<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 3

MEET US AT METS <strong>2016</strong> - STAND MYP.05.105<br />




Regeneration of <strong>Marina</strong> Kornati, Biograd na Moru, Croatia<br />


<strong>Marina</strong><br />

<strong>World</strong><br />



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The big cell<br />

Carol Fulford<br />

Editor<br />


Over the past few weeks, I’ve spent time looking at marina websites after a<br />

website designer told me that it was becoming increasingly important to think<br />

“small screen”. I immediately checked the <strong>Marina</strong> <strong>World</strong> website – home page<br />

is okay – not much need to scroll down.<br />

Wrong thought. Scrolling is now okay. In fact, as more and more people use their<br />

smartphones or tablet devices to explore websites, scrolling is now an acceptable,<br />

even desirable, norm. It makes sense to me. If we’re prepared to rummage in our<br />

bags and pockets to retrieve the device, squint at the tiny screen held in the palm<br />

of our hands and pace up and down trying to get the best signal, where’s the<br />

aggravation is scrolling up and down as well?<br />

Carrying a mobile/cell phone has become as essential to us as carrying a wallet<br />

and for many has replaced both watch and camera. Being “connected” dominates<br />

our lives – for good and bad. WiFi has probably become the most important new<br />

demand from marina customers. As Flagstone Property Group CEO Mehmet<br />

Bayraktar reportedly joked during a seminar panel at the Ft Lauderdale Boat Show<br />

last year, “it’s more important than water for boaters.”<br />

Like all software-based technology, the ‘smartphone’ – now officially accepted as<br />

a new word by the Oxford English Dictionary – is constantly evolving. In the coming<br />

year, according to The Telegraph, we’re looking at seven key technology changes:<br />

• We’ll take better photos as top smartphones add a second camera<br />

• Sound quality will improve – especially for playing music<br />

• Buttons will be ditched in favour of a click that can be felt due to vibration inside<br />

the phone<br />

• Our phones will always be on – displaying information but with barely noticeable<br />

reduction in battery life<br />

• We’ll be buying a greater range of far cheaper virtual reality headsets<br />

• The next big thing could be the ‘smartlet’ – a phone that unfolds into a tablet<br />

• Ultra HD or 4K quality could be on our screens and available for our videos<br />

According to IT ProPortal, there’s even more to consider. Solar or motion based<br />

charging? Modular smartphones that allow users to create their own phone using<br />

clickable components? Roll up phones – the iPad in your pocket? Apple has already<br />

filed patents. Iris recognition for secure payment when buying goods? Forget QR<br />

codes. Use your camera to scan something and you’ll get automatic information. And<br />

more 3D – holograms and projective devices.<br />

But, as Dave Millett at Equinox [IT ProPortal], concludes, “the company that<br />

addresses the frustration of failing batteries may be the ultimate winner.”<br />

The pertinent final though goes to the embedded phone. Like the driverless car,<br />

we could be in for the ‘deviceless’ phone – “the mobile phone of the future will be<br />

implanted in your head,” says Cnet.<br />

However, we upgrade and whatever we choose, smartphone technology will keep<br />

us better connected and help us use our time more efficiently.<br />

I hope there’s an app for that.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 5

Next Generation <strong>Marina</strong>s<br />





IWMC and the MYP<br />

NETHERLANDS: The <strong>2016</strong> ICOMIA <strong>World</strong> <strong>Marina</strong>s Conference (17 th -19 th<br />

<strong>November</strong>) combined with the <strong>Marina</strong> & Yard Pavilion at METSTRADE <strong>2016</strong><br />

(15 th - 17 th <strong>November</strong>) create an exceptional marina hub for the industry.<br />

The MYP, which dovetails with IWMC<br />

on 17 th <strong>November</strong>, plays host to over<br />

60 exhibitors, offering products and<br />

services specific to the yacht harbour<br />

industry.<br />

IWMC will offer unparalleled<br />

networking opportunities. Highlights<br />

include:<br />

• An exciting speaker line-up of over 40<br />

world class marina industry experts<br />

• Keynote speaker and renowned trend<br />

watcher Adjiedj Bakas, who will share<br />

his distinct – somewhat provocative<br />

but always positive – vision on the<br />

world and future developments<br />

• The latest updates on the worldwide<br />

status of the marina market<br />

• Extensive opportunities to talk shop<br />

with fellow marina professionals<br />

• A special business matchmaking<br />

event on Friday 18 th <strong>November</strong><br />

• A Welcome Dinner at Amsterdam’s<br />

famous Harbour Club, including a<br />

beautiful canal boat tour through<br />

Amsterdam by night<br />

• A <strong>Marina</strong> Tour to some of the best<br />

Dutch marinas, including <strong>Marina</strong><br />

Volendam, Enhuizen and Muiderzand<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> <strong>World</strong> is the exclusive Media<br />

Partner for the MYP at METSTRADE<br />

and the Official Magazine for IWMC<br />

<strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Meet the team on the <strong>Marina</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />

stand 05.100 in the MYP.<br />

Your FREE digital issue<br />

Be amongst the first to read every issue of <strong>Marina</strong> <strong>World</strong> by completing your<br />

free of charge registration online at www.marinaworld.com. You will receive<br />

automatic notification when every new issue is ‘live’.<br />

Visit Inside Track on our website<br />

for regularly updated news on<br />

marina projects, events, awards,<br />

campaigns, partnerships – and more.<br />

Major regeneration<br />




VISION<br />


mooted for Noss<br />

UK: Public exhibitions have recently taken place to display proposed plans<br />

for the former Philip & Son shipyard and existing Noss <strong>Marina</strong> site near<br />

Dartmouth, Devon.<br />

South Hams Council originally<br />

resolved to grant permission for the<br />

regeneration of the site in 2010. In 2013<br />

there was a further proposal to scale<br />

down the masterplan but the application<br />

was never submitted and the marina<br />

unfortunately went into administration.<br />

The marina was acquired by Premier<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>s in early <strong>2016</strong> and its future is<br />

now under consideration.<br />

“Our vision for Noss is to transform<br />

it into the UK’s finest marina with a<br />

vibrant commercial community that<br />

will secure the future of the marina for<br />

boaters and bring visitors, employment<br />

and investment opportunities into<br />

the area,” said Pete Bradshaw, chief<br />

executive of Premier <strong>Marina</strong>s.<br />

“Our plans include a new and larger<br />

marina, new berth holder facilities,<br />

a new boatyard with increased<br />

lifting capacity and workshops for<br />

complementary marine services, as<br />

well as a hotel and sensitive residential<br />

development,” he added.<br />

Following the consultation, feedback<br />

is being taken into consideration<br />

before the proposal is finalised and<br />

an application submitted to the district<br />

council for its consideration.<br />

THE WOR<br />


www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


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Artist’s impression of the berthing<br />

arrangement at Caroline Bay <strong>Marina</strong>.<br />

Marinetek builds<br />

megayacht marina for<br />

America’s Cup site<br />

BERMUDA: When the 35 th America’s Cup fleet arrives in Bermuda, a new<br />

destination resort and marina with accommodation for 23 visiting megayachts<br />

and a basin for smaller vessels will be open to visitors eager to follow the<br />

action.<br />

Caroline Bay <strong>Marina</strong> in the Caroline<br />

Bay resort development at Morgan’s<br />

Point will be the hub of a new luxury<br />

residential community designed by<br />

SB Architects as a ‘contemporary<br />

interpretation of British Colonial<br />

architecture’. It will feature landscaped<br />

low to mid-rise waterfront homes and<br />

a 79-room Ritz-Carlton Reserve hotel<br />

with spa and luxury restaurants.<br />

Built on the site of a former US naval<br />

base, the resort is now poised to play<br />

its part in rebranding Bermuda as a<br />

luxury destination. “We are very excited<br />

about the marina coming together<br />

in time for next year’s America’s<br />

Cup event. We will be able to offer<br />

yachtsmen visiting Bermuda for the<br />

races, or any time for that matter, a<br />

magnificent location in the Great Sound<br />

where the races are being held,” said<br />

Craig Christensen, president and CEO<br />

of Morgan’s Point Ltd, the developer<br />

of Caroline Bay. “It was our intention to<br />

ensure that we had a marina suitable<br />

for the type of luxury boats that we will<br />

be attracting to Bermuda during this<br />

very exciting sporting event.”<br />

Designed by waterfront specialists<br />

Edgewater Resources, working closely<br />

with Marinetek North America, Caroline<br />

Bay <strong>Marina</strong> will offer quality berths for<br />

visiting vessels. It will be managed in<br />

luxury style by the on-site Ritz-Carlton,<br />

which will give buyers an opportunity to<br />

purchase one of 83 coveted berths.<br />

“Caroline Bay <strong>Marina</strong> will provide<br />

state of the art, full-service mooring<br />

during the America’s Cup event and<br />

beyond,” noted Ron Schults PE, CEO<br />

of Edgewater Resources. “Marinetek<br />

5300BRK breakwaters were selected<br />

for the project to mitigate southeasterly<br />

waves and provide a safe and<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />

Suppliers &<br />

Services<br />

New edition:<br />

MWS&S 2017/2018<br />

If your company information was<br />

not listed in the <strong>2016</strong>/2017 edition<br />

of MWS&S and you are a provider<br />

of equipment and/or services to<br />

marinas, we invite you to complete<br />

a FREE OF CHARGE company<br />

profile.<br />

Entries can be submitted using the<br />

online form at www.marinaworld.com.<br />

Companies with listings in MWS&S<br />

<strong>2016</strong>/2017 will receive direct contact<br />

in the coming weeks regarding their<br />

entries and do not need to re-enter<br />

information.<br />

comfortable mooring achievement<br />

within the marina. We are honoured<br />

to be involved with such a world class<br />

facility.”<br />

The breakwater pontoons selected<br />

for the turnkey project have side keels<br />

to maximise wave attenuation. They<br />

offer a total of 2,070ft (630.5m) of<br />

outer pontoon space to accommodate<br />

megayachts up to 250ft (76m) in a mix<br />

of alongside and stern-to positions.<br />

The breakwaters also provide interior<br />

mooring for smaller vessels and<br />

safeguard a further slip arrangement<br />

for vessels of 40-80ft (12-24m)<br />

in length built using a Marinetek<br />

aluminium pontoon system. This<br />

system is anchored by steel pipe piles<br />

and features concrete floats and ipe<br />

hardwood decking. “All mooring has<br />

been designed to meet appropriate<br />

hurricane loading regulations,”<br />

confirmed Richard Murray PE,<br />

managing director of Marinetek North<br />

America, Inc.<br />

Marinetek Group chairman and CEO,<br />

Ilkka Seppälä, commented: “It is always<br />

a privilege to build marinas that will play<br />

a part in prestigious race events and<br />

Marinetek rises to the challenge of the<br />

tight time frames that are often in place<br />

for such events. Our multi-local supply<br />

chain and project execution capabilities<br />

are the keys to a smooth delivery in a<br />

remote location.”<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 9

Limassol <strong>Marina</strong>, Cyprus.

TDIC appoints marina operator<br />

UAE: Tourism Development & Investment Company (TDIC), the master developer of major tourism, cultural and<br />

residential destinations in Abu Dhabi, has appointed ART Marine as operator of its marinas at the Eastern Mangrove<br />

complex and at Marsa Al Bateen.<br />

The marinas offer boat owners the<br />

opportunity to dock their vessels in<br />

distinct locations that offer access to<br />

high quality facilities and boutique<br />

services. The Eastern Mangroves<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>, located within the Eastern<br />

Mangroves complex, features 30 berths<br />

for yachts of 8-33m (26-108ft). Marsa<br />

Al Bateen has two marinas that dock a<br />

total of 372 boats of 10-30m (33-98ft)<br />

and is also home to the first commercial<br />

drystack in the GCC, with capacity for<br />

138 boats of up to 9m (29ft) in length.<br />

Sufian H. Al Marzooqi, CEO of TDIC,<br />

said he is confident that ART Marine<br />

will further enhance the company’s<br />

marina-based offering in Abu Dhabi.<br />

Gregor Stinner, CEO of ART Marine,<br />

commented: “Above our high levels of<br />

service interaction, our key success is<br />

that we speak the same language as<br />

our clients – not only in terms of the<br />

ten national languages of our team<br />

– but also the understanding of boat<br />

ownership and its trials and tribulations.<br />

In this way, we can communicate<br />

effectively with our members and<br />

It’s much harder<br />

to get back in!<br />


L to r: Sufian H. Al Marzooqi, CEO of TDIC, signs the marina management contract with<br />

ART Marine’s CEO Gregor Stinner.<br />

truly anticipate their needs with ART<br />

Marine’s 360-degree leisure marine<br />

offering, from berthing to service, yacht<br />

sales to chandlery.”<br />

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www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 11

Watch our BerthMaster<br />

Online videos:<br />

vimeo.com/182832650<br />

vimeo.com/186884895<br />

Come visit us and find out more<br />

METS (15-17 <strong>November</strong>)<br />

Stand MYP.05.415<br />

Rolec Global <strong>Marina</strong> Services<br />

The world’s leading marina services specialist<br />

launches the latest system in the BerthMaster range<br />

BerthMaster Online<br />

BerthMaster Online is Rolec’s evolutionary<br />

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as well as pay for their services directly online.<br />

Watch our BerthMaster Online videos:<br />

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tel : ++44 (0)1205 724754<br />

: rolec@rolecserv.co.uk<br />



Lake Cumberland marinas<br />

boost investor portfolio<br />

USA: Suntex <strong>Marina</strong> Investors has<br />

bought Wolf Creek <strong>Marina</strong> on Lake<br />

Cumberland, Kentucky. The purchase<br />

comes on the heels of the recent<br />

addition of State Dock <strong>Marina</strong>, also<br />

on Lake Cumberland, to the Suntex<br />

portfolio.<br />

With the change in ownership, Wolf<br />

Creek will see exciting reinvestments<br />

in the coming months, including new<br />

dock construction and additional<br />

merchandise offerings within its marine<br />

store.<br />

“It is an exciting time for the Suntex<br />

brand,” said Chris Petty, head of<br />

operations for Suntex. “By investing<br />

in Wolf Creek, as well as State Dock,<br />

we are able to enhance the services<br />

offered to visitors of Lake Cumberland.<br />

This popular destination is a pristine<br />

location and we are looking forward<br />

to adding to the already high quality<br />

Wolf Creek <strong>Marina</strong>, the second<br />

Lake Cumberland marina to join<br />

the Suntex portfolio, is up for<br />

further improvement.<br />

experience the facility provides.”<br />

Wolf Creek <strong>Marina</strong>, with 209 slips,<br />

provides a relaxed environment for<br />

guests and is located in a secluded<br />

cove. The property features a fullystocked<br />

marine store, restaurant, bath<br />

houses, fuel pumps, pump-out, water<br />

taxis and a boat rental operation.<br />

Suntex now has a portfolio of 32<br />

marinas.<br />

METS<br />

Stand No<br />

MYP.05.421<br />

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See us at METS

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High praise for Southampton show<br />

UK: The 48 th Southampton Boat Show, held in September, was deemed a great<br />

success, with over 109,000 visitors and in excess of 750 boats on display.<br />

Over 350 of the world’s leading<br />

sailboats and high performance<br />

powerboats were moored up at the<br />

show marina, custom built and installed<br />

by Walcon Marine.<br />

Exhibitors gave positive<br />

feedback, with Sunseeker<br />

reporting over £45 million in<br />

confirmed sales, Princess<br />

Yachts – which displayed<br />

its 30M, the largest yacht at<br />

the show – describing the<br />

event as providing ‘fantastic<br />

opportunities’, and Oyster<br />

Yachts enjoying numerous<br />

sea trials with the Oyster 675,<br />

which made its world debut at<br />

the show.<br />

Adrien Burnand, head of<br />

marketing at MDL <strong>Marina</strong>s, said<br />

the show was most of all fun.<br />

“Once again, the Southampton<br />

Boat Show has proved to be<br />

an excellent event, attracting<br />

many of our berth holders along with<br />

a number of new customers. We have<br />

had really positive feedback on our<br />

re-designed stand and hospitality suite,<br />

welcoming over 4,000 berth holders<br />

and their guests, and we have seen<br />

a record number of enquiries – an<br />

increase on last year!” he commented.<br />

Boats afloat on the Walcon-built floating<br />

marina system at the 48 th Southampton<br />

Boat Show.<br />

Robust high-end<br />

marina services<br />

• Turnkey installations<br />

• Pump-out installations<br />

• Prepaid payment systems<br />

• Remote and smart metering<br />

• Project engineering<br />

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www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 17


Left: Despite huge potential,<br />

there are only a couple of<br />

dozen marinas in the whole of<br />

Russia.<br />

Below: <strong>Marina</strong> infrastructure<br />

in place for a new marina near<br />

Sochi. The facility has not as<br />

yet been named.<br />

Big plans tempered<br />

by rules and rubles<br />

In recent years, Russian authorities have adopted several special-purpose<br />

programmes aimed at the development of a marina industry in Sochi and<br />

other main resorts in Krasnodar Krai and the Crimea with an overall amount of<br />

funding close to US$500 million. This is a record figure for Russia, which has<br />

made little progress in encouraging private investors to put money into the<br />

marina sector. Vladislav Vorotnikov reports<br />

Almost all existing Russian marinas<br />

are located along the south shore of<br />

Kransodar Krai. This shoreline includes<br />

Sochi, Novorosiisk and smaller coastal<br />

towns. Industry opinion has fixed on this<br />

region as having the best conditions<br />

in the country for the development<br />

of yachting. There is excellent tourist<br />

infrastructure, ice-free sea and the<br />

opportunity for international sailing<br />

as the Black Sea has access to the<br />

Mediterranean.<br />

Effect of Olympics<br />

However, even on the Black<br />

Sea coast where there is<br />

such huge potential, the<br />

infrastructure has been<br />

poorly developed.<br />

“Compared to western<br />

countries we are still lagging<br />

behind in all indicators. For<br />

instance, on the Black Sea<br />

coast there are just two<br />

official fuelling stations for<br />

yachts and the distance<br />

between these two points<br />

is 130 miles. It is not possible for small<br />

motor yachts to cover this distance<br />

so the concept of a coastal trip is not<br />

actually possible for them,” commented<br />

Oleg Chernyh, technical director of JSC<br />

DockService-South, a Sochi-based firm<br />

offering yacht servicing and repair.<br />

“In addition, almost all berthing areas<br />

have problems with electricity and fresh<br />

water. So, in general, what we have<br />

on shore is hard to call a marina. It is<br />

rather a place for temporary mooring,<br />

partially protected from the weather.<br />

And most of the facilities are actually<br />

in a deplorable state as they were<br />

basically constructed in the time of<br />

the Soviet Union and have never been<br />

adapted for modern yachts,” he added.<br />

The same opinion is expressed by<br />

Maksim Condratenko, general director<br />

of Imeritinsky Sea Port, where Sochi<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> with its three harbours was<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 19

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Pontoons and constructions on the water


Sochi Grand <strong>Marina</strong> is the<br />

largest in the country with 290<br />

berths.<br />

constructed prior to the<br />

Olympics. According to<br />

him, it is hard to imagine<br />

that a lot of new marinas<br />

in the country could be<br />

constructed or even<br />

modernised in coming<br />

years as yachting in Russia<br />

is at an embryonic stage.<br />

“Russia has no concept<br />

of yachting or the yacht<br />

business,” he said. “Almost<br />

all existing ‘marinas’ in<br />

Soviet times were collective<br />

fish farms. The possibility<br />

for year-round navigation<br />

only exists in the Black<br />

Sea. As a result, the<br />

main market players are<br />

located here and they are<br />

Grand <strong>Marina</strong> in Sochi and<br />

Aleksino Port <strong>Marina</strong> in<br />

Novorossiysk.”<br />

“In Russia, sailing and<br />

the marina business is still<br />

in its infancy in many ways<br />

due to an imperfect legal<br />

framework and legislation.<br />

For example, commercial<br />

management of vessels in<br />

our country is still barely<br />

represented. The psychology of the<br />

boat owner in Russia does not allow<br />

him to make his boat available for<br />

charter. We used to say that it is not<br />

comme il faut [the done thing]. We also<br />

have imperfect insurance legislation in<br />

respect of chartered boats and a large<br />

number of additional paper formalities<br />

and restrictions for this type of activity,”<br />

he added.<br />

It seems that, in general, the<br />

Olympics gave Russia its first impetus<br />

in 20 years to develop something of<br />

a marina business on the Black Sea<br />

coast with Sochi Grand <strong>Marina</strong>. This<br />

marina, which was built just prior to the<br />

Games, has berths for 290 yachts and<br />

plans to increase to 360 by 2020. It is<br />

believed to be the largest marina in the<br />

country.<br />

“For the Olympic Games, stateowned<br />

operator Russian Sea Ports<br />

decided to build a new passenger<br />

port [in Sochi]. Sovcomflot [a Russian<br />

shipping company] invested in the old<br />

port to transform it into a yacht marina.<br />

The quintessence of these events<br />

was the involvement of Burevestnik<br />

Group. It has become the management<br />

company for the project,” explained<br />

Andrey Boiko, Burevestnik Group CEO.<br />

He also indicated that development of<br />

yachting in the country is still slipping<br />

and that this also constrains the marina<br />

business.<br />

“Having the sea [coast] and, in the<br />

case of Russia, having non-developed<br />

yachting infrastructure is to say the<br />

least strange. Local budgets do not<br />

receive the tax benefits and tourist<br />

infrastructure is not developing. The<br />

government has recently started to<br />

pay attention to the fact that Russia<br />

is the third largest country in the<br />

world in terms of ​surface water area<br />

resources and the situation has begun<br />

to change slightly with simplification<br />

of procedures such as customs<br />

regulations for ocean-going yachts,” he<br />

said.<br />

In total, according to official data,<br />

Russia has 23 marinas with a total<br />

of 840 berths along the southern<br />

coast. At least four of them are<br />

currently abandoned<br />

and some marinas<br />

are actually operating<br />

illegally – without relevant<br />

registration and without<br />

paying taxes. The<br />

customer base is weak as<br />

the economic crisis has<br />

significantly reduced the<br />

purchasing power of most<br />

Russian people. They have<br />

been unwilling to purchase<br />

many yachts in recent<br />

years as a result. Despite<br />

this, officials around the<br />

country are dreaming<br />

about huge projects for<br />

the construction of new<br />

marinas.<br />

Money is on its way?<br />

According to the press<br />

office of the Governor of<br />

Krasnodar Krai, despite<br />

the crisis, Russian boat<br />

owners actually spend<br />

EUR200 million every<br />

year for berthing and boat<br />

maintenance at overseas<br />

marinas.<br />

With a target to bring<br />

this money home, in<br />

2012 officials adopted<br />

a programme for the<br />

construction of 11 marinas,<br />

comprising four basic<br />

and seven guest facilities, along the<br />

Black Sea coast at an overall cost of<br />

US$150-200 million. The project is to<br />

be implemented within a PPP (Public<br />

Private Partnership), with the federal<br />

treasury financing up to 50% of the<br />

investment for the construction of the<br />

hydraulic structures. The remaining<br />

money must be provided by private<br />

investors.<br />

“This principle works very well,<br />

for example, in Turkey,” said Vadim<br />

Dyadyuk, CEO of Aleksino Port<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>. “The state is building the most<br />

expensive part of the marina – the<br />

waterworks - and then gives it on<br />

a long-term lease to a commercial<br />

company. This turns out to be a<br />

win-win situation not only for the<br />

private businesses but also for the<br />

state, which has the opportunity to<br />

earn some money from leases.” But<br />

Dyadyuk also suggested that any<br />

investment would be cast to the wind<br />

in the absence of relevant legislative<br />

changes.<br />

“For example, for a Turkish yacht to<br />

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get from Istanbul to Rostov-on-Don, it<br />

is necessary to cross the Black Sea. It<br />

is not possible for a yacht to take the<br />

direct sea route as it has insufficient<br />

fuel for such a distance. The yacht<br />

therefore has to repeatedly enter ports<br />

along the coast to refuel and at each<br />

port foreigners have to enter and leave<br />

the country, filling in specific sets of<br />

documents. Our neighbours in Ukraine<br />

abandoned such a complex system a<br />

long time ago and this led to intensive<br />

growth of the Ukraine marina industry,”<br />

he added.<br />

However, since 2014 implementation<br />

of the entire project seems to have<br />

stopped, although local officials assure<br />

everyone that it is not fully abandoned.<br />

Market participants indicate that,<br />

after the annexation of the Crimea,<br />

the peninsula and southern coast of<br />

Krasnodar Krai is playing a zero-sum<br />

game with government investments.<br />

As a result, one of the main reasons<br />

why implementation of the project<br />

for construction of marinas in Sochi<br />

and nearby towns still slips is that<br />

the Crimean Government previously<br />

declared its intention to undertake<br />

the same initiative with a much higher<br />

overall investment sum of US$243<br />

million.<br />

“The project involves the<br />

construction of four marinas, including<br />

one at Lake Donuzla in Yevpatoriya<br />

for US$96 million for 500 berths and<br />

relevant infrastructure [it should be<br />

the largest in the country]; in Lenevka<br />

Villaga north of Yevpatoriya for US$92<br />

million and 142 berths; in Sudak<br />

for US$36 million for 148 berths;<br />

and another one in Kerch with an<br />

investment of US$19 million and 200<br />

berths. In the latter, however, we are<br />

talking mostly about modernisation<br />

as a marina is already operating,”<br />

explained Sergei Kovelenko,<br />

spokesman for the Infrastructure<br />

Department at the Crimea<br />

Government.<br />

“Direct investment from private<br />

companies is mostly welcome for the<br />

implementation of each project, but we<br />

are able to consider public and private<br />

partnership with the construction of<br />

relevant hydraulic structures. According<br />

to estimates from the Economy<br />

Development Ministry, the payback<br />

period for each project is seven years<br />

and we expect that commissioning<br />

of these marinas should give strong<br />

impetus to the development of yachting<br />

in our region,” he added.<br />

At the same time, the Crimean<br />

and Krasnodar Krai projects - initially<br />

announced in 2014 – have lacked<br />

progress over the past one and<br />

half years. According to market<br />

participants, the development of<br />

the marina business in the Crimea<br />

is potentially interesting, but most<br />

investors refrain from bringing their<br />

money to the peninsula so as not to<br />

be subject to international sanctions.<br />

Special bodies in Ukraine are making<br />

lists of Russian and foreign companies<br />

operating in the Crimea and giving<br />

these lists to European Union<br />

authorities. This means that even the<br />

largest state owned companies, like<br />

Rosatom Corporation, are barred from<br />

any projects in the peninsula.<br />

Given this and the never ending<br />

systemic problems, it is actually hard<br />

to believe that any of the publicised<br />

projects could really get off the ground<br />

within coming years.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 23


CGI (left) shows sky villas with infinity<br />

pools overlooking the marina and<br />

(below) the entire marina layout with a<br />

variety of berth sizes.<br />

A destination to<br />

exceed expectations<br />

If Porto Montenegro put Montenegro on the yachting map, the €650 million<br />

luxury Portonovi Resort Village – under development on the shores of<br />

picturesque Boka Bay – will further reinforce the country’s reputation as a<br />

stunningly beautiful tax-friendly destination for global travellers and nautical<br />

tourists. Carol Fulford visited the site.<br />

Covering 26 hectares (64 acres),<br />

the Portonovi plot is one of the biggest<br />

marina resort development sites in the<br />

Mediterranean and is set to become<br />

a lushly landscaped, highly exclusive<br />

retreat for discerning residents and<br />

visitors. Nearly 300 properties with<br />

spectacular views will sit on a narrow<br />

part of the bay, at the doorstep of<br />

a stretch of fjord-like coastline that<br />

offers quick access to the Adriatic.<br />

The Portonovi <strong>Marina</strong> will feature 220<br />

berths for vessels up to 70m (230ft)<br />

in length in 6.5 hectares (16 acres) of<br />

waterspace. Seasonally, Portonovi will<br />

be able to berth the largest superyachts<br />

afloat on an alongside berth.<br />

Ahmet Erentok, chairman of Azmont<br />

Investments, owner of Portonovi, in a<br />

presentation at the official launch event<br />

held in London in July, commented:<br />

“We are creating a destination that will<br />

exceed expectations, providing some of<br />

today’s most enriching experiences that<br />

will become tomorrow’s benchmarks.”<br />

“From the high level of preregistrations<br />

we have already received,<br />

we have every reason to expect strong<br />

sales from the outset, and we look<br />

forward to welcoming the first residents<br />

to Portonovi next year,” he added.<br />

Creating a marina<br />

Due to open in 2017, Portonovi <strong>Marina</strong><br />

incorporates a number of berths for<br />

small boats owned by resort residents<br />

and a selection of berths for visiting<br />

yachts and superyachts. The marina<br />

has been designed by UK-based<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Projects Ltd, which also<br />

provided marina consultancy<br />

services to Adriatic <strong>Marina</strong>s<br />

throughout the development of<br />

Porto Montenegro. Azmont awarded<br />

the contract to supply all the<br />

floating structures to Marinetek, and<br />

breakwater and pontoon elements<br />

throughout the project will be<br />

anchored by Seaflex. The contract is<br />

one of the most prestigious received<br />

by Marinetek in a decade.<br />

Preparing the site for the marina<br />

basin posed an initial challenge.<br />

“Clearance was very costly as the area<br />

is a former military site with hazardous<br />

waste,” confirmed Jeff Houlgrave,<br />

senior associate for <strong>Marina</strong> Projects.<br />

“Around 80,000m³ (105,000yd 3 ) of<br />

dredging spoil was used to fill a natural<br />

underwater trench, however, and due<br />

to the position of the site no serious<br />

ongoing maintenance dredging will ever<br />

be required,” he added.<br />

Creating a calm marina basin is<br />

paramount, particularly for a marina<br />

resort of this quality. “The biggest<br />

problem is the wash from passing ships<br />

that approach the marina at a near 50°<br />

angle,” Houlgrave explained. A fixed<br />

breakwater surrounding the marina<br />

with a 7m (23ft) deep outer wave<br />

skirt has been installed using panels<br />

manufactured by Serbian company<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 25

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Working on the pontoon infrastructure in<br />

the Portonovi marina basin.<br />

Aquamont. Aquamont has also<br />

undertaken the huge job of installing a<br />

series of 523 interconnected piles that<br />

support the fixed piers. Due to the deep<br />

water, a number of the piles are over<br />

55m (180ft) long.<br />

Responding to <strong>Marina</strong> Projects’<br />

challenging specification for floating<br />

equipment, Marinetek used a wide<br />

variety of pontoon and breakwater<br />

types. Finger pontoons were<br />

incorporated in berths up to 15m<br />

(49ft) and ‘Super Yacht’ pontoons and<br />

all-concrete ‘Heavy Duty’ pontoons<br />

used for the main piers. These are<br />

connected by semi-flexible rubber<br />

shock absorbers and steel screws for<br />

minimal maintenance and long service<br />

life.<br />

Marinetek has designed and<br />

manufactured a floating wave<br />

attenuator to protect the marina<br />

from north-easterly winds. This outer<br />

breakwater is 180m (590ft) long<br />

and has been constructed using<br />

Marinetek’s giant 20m (65ft) long<br />

x 5m (16ft) wide type M5300BRK<br />

breakwater units with side keels.<br />

Manufacture has been a marker event<br />

for Croatia-based Marinetek NCP. “This<br />

breakwater pontoon has been proven<br />

at marinas such as Aker Brygge in<br />

Oslo, Norway and Palm Harbor in<br />

Florida, USA but has never been used<br />

in the Mediterranean before,” said<br />

Marinetek NCP managing director<br />

Boris Miškic. “One of the modules for<br />

Portonovi was also the thousandth<br />

pontoon to be built at our factory in<br />

Šibenik,” he added proudly.<br />

Coordinating experts<br />

Such a demanding upscale project<br />

requires a bevy of experts and excellent<br />

lines of communication. Coordination<br />

is key. <strong>Marina</strong> Projects, as specialist<br />

marina consultant, has taken a<br />

proactive role in the design coordination<br />

and delivery of the marina and<br />

integration with the shoreline elements,<br />

working with Harper Downie Architects<br />

(master planners and architects of the<br />

Lower Village and Fisherman’s Wharf),<br />

Alpina, MLC, Landmark Landscape<br />

Architects and CallisonRTKL (architects<br />

of the Middle Village, Upper Village<br />

and <strong>Marina</strong> Apartments) as well as<br />

the main contractor for Portonovi,<br />

Italian construction company Impresa<br />

Pizzarotti & Cie.<br />

“We’ve been responsible for liaising<br />

with the project team, the engineering<br />

contractor and client members as<br />

required to manage the programme<br />

and deliver the final product,” noted<br />

Houlgrave, who has spent a high<br />

proportion of his time over the past<br />

two years on the Portonovi site. “The<br />

government regulated the number<br />

of berths for the size of the site and<br />

its position and we then developed a<br />

berth mix to maximise the opportunity<br />

and meet client objectives,” he said.<br />

“Our experience in designing Porto<br />

Montenegro over the past eight years<br />

and our understanding of Montenegrin<br />

regulations have been real benefits,” he<br />

added.<br />

The marina elements have also<br />

become designer elements. “There<br />

have been several special design<br />

extras,” Houlgrave confirmed. “The<br />

fixed pier, for example, has a specially<br />

designed bulbous overhand to soften<br />

the edge. The stone for this was mixed<br />

and moulded and manufactured in<br />

Bosnia. Although it seems a small<br />

thing, it was an engineering challenge<br />

and is a good example of the minor<br />

details that lift the quality of the site.”<br />

Pre-cast planters, the mixed stone<br />

designs for roads and walkways, and<br />

lighting systems are further examples.<br />

“We want a unified lighting scheme<br />

and will work with a pedestal company<br />

to develop a light that, if financially<br />

feasible, will continue the ambience we<br />

intend to create.”<br />

Special design elements, such as this<br />

bulbous overhang, lift the quality of the site.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 27


Green space is perhaps even<br />

more important than lit space and is<br />

incorporated wherever possible. The<br />

marina operations building, for example<br />

- reduced in revised plans from twoto<br />

one-storey - has part-green roof<br />

terracing (ideal for small functions). Full<br />

drainage to capture rainwater run-off<br />

throughout the site will be used to<br />

sustain a lush planting scheme. “The<br />

landscaping is going to make all the<br />

difference to this project,” Houlgrave<br />

asserted.<br />

Realising the resort<br />

Portonovi is designed as an elegant<br />

Montenegrin village that reflects local<br />

Dalmatian architecture with a hint<br />

of city style. It is built primarily on<br />

land reclaimed from the sea by<br />

the Montenegrin Navy 100 years<br />

ago and sits between steeply<br />

sloping mountains and the water’s<br />

edge. In a vibrant use of mixed<br />

space, the village will incorporate<br />

290 residential properties, from<br />

luxurious spacious townhouses<br />

and apartments to stylish villas in<br />

landscaped gardens, penthouse<br />

apartments and sky villas with<br />

infinity pools overlooking the<br />

marina.<br />

Property buyers are offered<br />

a selection of layout options<br />

by renowned architects Harper<br />

Downie and CallisonRTKL. Harrods<br />

Interiors has completed an entirely<br />

bespoke interior design scheme for<br />

the show apartment in the Lower<br />

Village. Clients can select elements,<br />

from furniture to wall coverings, or an<br />

entire scheme. Due for completion<br />

in the second half of 2017, available<br />

properties are now being offered in<br />

the Lower Village and in the <strong>Marina</strong><br />

Apartments.<br />

Portonovi will also be home to<br />

Europe’s first One&Only resort<br />

(One&Only Portonovi). Opening in<br />

2018, it will feature around 140 ultraluxury<br />

guest rooms, suites and villas,<br />

an Espace Chenot Health Wellness<br />

Spa, restaurants with awardwinning<br />

chefs, and world-renowned<br />

boutiques. Additional upscale<br />

designer boutiques will also be<br />

positioned to overlook the marina.<br />

Curving around the edge of<br />

Portonovi village, Portonovi <strong>Marina</strong><br />

perfectly connects the overall<br />

sense of landside luxury with the<br />

clear waters of the bay and its<br />

offering to berth holders of vessels<br />

of all sizes will be supported by the<br />

Portonovi Yacht Club; a membersonly<br />

facility that will be the focal<br />

point of the marina. Created by<br />

Andrew Winch of award-winning<br />

British studio Winch Design, a<br />

highly recognised name in the<br />

yachting industry and a luxury<br />

designer brand, the club building<br />

takes the natural environment as<br />

its design theme and will be an<br />

extraordinary icon that glides out<br />

from the pier into the water.<br />

Delivering a destination<br />

As the closest Montenegrin port to<br />

the Adriatic and with perfect access<br />

to airports in Dubrovnik and Tivat,<br />

the owners believe that Portonovi will<br />

“quickly become an unrivalled yearround<br />

destination.”<br />

The marina will soft open next year<br />

in readiness for a major opening<br />

ceremony in 2018. <strong>Marina</strong> Projects is<br />

providing the client team with advice<br />

on operational matters that will extend<br />

through the business planning process,<br />

during the marina commissioning and<br />

at hand-over stage.<br />

Above & right: Artist’s impressions of<br />

the Lower Village, due for completion<br />

in the second half of 2017.<br />

28<br />

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Multi-year phasing plan regenerates<br />

Santa Barbara <strong>Marina</strong> by Robert Wilkes<br />

Large rebuilding projects are usually done in phases, but Santa Barbara’s<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> One Replacement Project takes this simple concept to an all new level.<br />

The $14 million rebuild was originally planned in ten phases over 20 years,<br />

but as financial and operational goals were met, city managers were able to<br />

consolidate the project into eight phases over nine years.<br />

An incremental approach<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> One encompasses over 500<br />

of the 1,139 slips in Santa Barbara<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>. Karl Treiberg, waterfront<br />

facilities manager for the City of Santa<br />

Barbara, explained why the decadelong<br />

approach. “If we borrowed $14<br />

million all at once,” he said, “the debt<br />

service would have required large<br />

slip-rate increases. The incremental<br />

approach allowed the city to hold<br />

rates in line with minimal annual<br />

increases in slip fees.”<br />

To finance the project, Santa<br />

Barbara secured a series of<br />

loans from California’s Harbors<br />

and Watercraft Revolving Fund<br />

administered by the State Parks<br />

Division of Boating and Waterways.<br />

The City of Santa Barbara funded<br />

the design and created a “shovel<br />

ready” project which helped<br />

expedite the loan application<br />

process and secure funds. The<br />

state committed the funds and<br />

the city drew from the funds as<br />

needed. “It was similar to a home<br />

equity line of credit,” said Treiberg.<br />

“We only serviced the debt on<br />

funds borrowed for each individual<br />

phase of the project. The savings were<br />

significant. The city will construct Phase<br />

7 this fall and complete the project with<br />

Phase 8 this winter.”<br />

Contractor selection<br />

Bellingham Marine was selected to<br />

manufacture and install docks in the<br />

first bid package, including Phase 1,<br />

the marginal walk. The second and third<br />


Ryan Pennell<br />

Looking down the marginal walkway or<br />

‘spine’ of Santa Barbara <strong>Marina</strong>.<br />

bid packages (for phases 2 through<br />

to 4 and for phases 5 through to 8,<br />

respectively) were also awarded to<br />

Bellingham Marine, this time as prime<br />

contractor. Bellingham Marine’s Unifloat<br />

floating concrete pontoons are installed<br />

throughout <strong>Marina</strong> One to maintain a<br />

consistent appearance and to simplify<br />

operations and maintenance. The<br />

docks are manufactured in Bellingham’s<br />

Dixon, CA, facility.<br />

An escalation clause<br />

Each of the three bid packages was<br />

awarded through a low-bidder selection<br />

process. Because some phases<br />

spanned four years, city managers<br />

included an escalation clause in the<br />

bid package that set aside money to be<br />

paid to the contractors to account for<br />

inflation. The amounts were calculated<br />

using the Construction Cost Index<br />

published annually in Engineering<br />

News-Record (ENR).<br />

The ENR Index is a trusted measure<br />

of inflation in labour and materials and<br />

is specified by region. The escalation<br />

clause relieved uncertainty for the<br />

bidder and allowed Santa Barbara<br />

to receive true low bids not adjusted<br />

upward by estimates for inflation. In<br />

the actual event, a downturn in the<br />

California economy kept inflation low<br />

and the city did not use all the funds set<br />

aside in the escalation clause.<br />

Phasing plan for the marina rebuild project.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 31


A unique system of<br />

slip transfers<br />

Santa Barbara <strong>Marina</strong>, with slips from<br />

20ft to 125ft (6m to 40m), thrives in<br />

one of California’s most desirable<br />

places to live. The marina is always<br />

100% full, and there is a long waiting<br />

list. The tenants regard themselves as<br />

owners, not renters, of slips, and they<br />

have a homeowner’s pride of place and<br />

interest in the operation of the marina.<br />

When <strong>Marina</strong> One opened in<br />

1975, Santa Barbara <strong>Marina</strong> issued<br />

transferable permits to vessel owners.<br />

The permit holders pay rental fees as<br />

in any other marina. The terms of the<br />

permit allow them to transfer not just a<br />

boat but also the slip upon sale of their<br />

vessel. Holders possess the permit for<br />

as long as they want and can transfer it<br />

whenever they want to. This anomalous<br />

system has created a unique situation.<br />

Slip permits are transferable and<br />

valuable. They can sell for $30,000<br />

to $100,000 or more depending on<br />

slip size and slip market conditions.<br />

The harbour administration charges a<br />

transfer fee generating much needed<br />

revenue for harbour operations. Despite<br />

the fees, slip transfers are common<br />

while vacancies are normally zero. Late<br />

payment of rental fees is rare; lease<br />

holders would not jeopardise their<br />

valuable asset.<br />

But not everyone is happy. Waiting<br />

lists for slips are long and move slowly.<br />

The city council has had objections<br />

about families passing the slips down<br />

to their children, perpetuating family<br />

Docks on the main walkway are<br />

wide and uncluttered.<br />

Ryan Pennell<br />

ownership. The council has decided a<br />

spouse can inherit but not children.<br />

Knowing that their tenants view their<br />

slip much as homeowners view their<br />

homes, city managers are especially<br />

considerate of their needs.<br />

The marina backbone<br />

Imagine a spinal transplant while<br />

the patient is awake. “Phase 1 was<br />

the backbone of the marina,” said<br />

Eric Noegel, manager of project<br />

development, Southwest Division of<br />

Bellingham Marine. “We installed a<br />

new land-side electrical service, a<br />

new gangway, and then began the<br />

replacement of the 1,180ft (360m)<br />

marginal walk. The owner wanted<br />

virtually no disruption of the tenants<br />

and wanted the utilities to remain in<br />

service to the greatest extent possible.<br />

It was challenging work and the most<br />

Ryan Pennell<br />

Karl Treiberg, waterfront facilities manager<br />

for City of Santa Barbara, has been<br />

instrumental in organising the eight-phase<br />

rebuild plan.<br />

complex phasing I’ve ever been<br />

involved in.”<br />

The city team had a general plan for<br />

replacing the marginal walk, or “spine,”<br />

and asked Bellingham Marine to figure<br />

out how to do it. The solution involved<br />

building the new dock alongside the<br />

old. New dock modules extended out<br />

from the gangway until they intersected<br />

a main walk, then workers removed a<br />

section of the main walkway to make<br />

a space for the new marginal walk to<br />

pass through. Temporary steel ramps<br />

were installed to bridge the structures.<br />

John Wratten, Bellingham Marine’s<br />

project manager, explained: “We had<br />

to maintain customer access 100% of<br />

the time. The sewer could not be down<br />

at all. It served two floating restrooms<br />

in the marina. The most impressive<br />

part of the job was the one-day shift<br />

from the old marginal walk to the new<br />

in 14 hours. One by one, we peeled<br />

out a module of the old dock and slid<br />

in a new one. Then we connected<br />

all utilities. Tenants could walk out to<br />

the boats while this was going on. At<br />

no time were marina operations shut<br />

down.”<br />

All utilities were installed in the new<br />

marginal walk and transformers were<br />

placed in readiness for later installation<br />

on main walkways. Following the<br />

installation of the marginal walk, work to<br />

complete the rebuild was done in short<br />

phases. “Rather than displace large<br />

numbers of boats at the same time,”<br />

said Treiberg, “we phased the project so<br />

32<br />

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only 30 to 60 boats were affected. The<br />

next nearest marina is 24 miles (39km)<br />

from here, so we couldn’t send them<br />

elsewhere. We scheduled the work<br />

in the middle of winter when ample<br />

transient moorage was available.”<br />

With the completion of each section,<br />

electrical transformer stations that had<br />

been in readiness on the marginal walk<br />

were moved to their final locations on<br />

the main walks. Bellingham Marine’s<br />

Electrical Division provided temporary<br />

jumper connections so electric utilities<br />

could be quickly reconnected as the<br />

project gradually unfolded.<br />

The rebuild was “like for like.” Existing<br />

slip sizes were considered appropriate<br />

for Santa Barbara’s unique market, and<br />

city planners wanted to avoid complex<br />

environmental permitting. No new piling<br />

was needed, with the exception of four<br />

piles driven for the addition of four slips<br />

during Phase 2.<br />

Three generations of<br />

marina technology<br />

“Here in our marina you can see<br />

dock design evolution for the last 40<br />

years,” said Treiberg. “<strong>Marina</strong> One<br />

was completed in 1975 with external<br />

Ryan Pennell<br />

Located in one of the most desirable places to live in California, Santa Barbara <strong>Marina</strong> is<br />

always at full occupancy and there is a long waiting list for slips.<br />

utilities exposed to salt and weather.<br />

Our 1998 extension had utilities in the<br />

docks. Access was difficult and we<br />

were unable to detect leaks. Our new<br />

docks feature electrical utility runs<br />

under the decks with access panels,<br />

and domestic water, fire water and<br />

sewer on the side where we access<br />

them and detect leaks.” Santa Barbara’s<br />

phasing plan surely required foresight<br />

and patience, but it accomplished the<br />

city’s objectives. “We realised significant<br />

savings,” added Treiberg, “and our<br />

tenants are extremely pleased with<br />

the way the project was managed and<br />

executed.”<br />

Robert Wilkes writes about the marina<br />

industry from Bellevue, Washington,<br />

USA.<br />

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www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 35

on the water and everywhere<br />


La Paz, Mexico, 5 October,<br />

A hurricane state of emergency is declared by the Mexican authorities<br />

More than 8,000 references over 5 continents


" In Lower California,<br />

marinas are exposed<br />

regularly to tropical storms"<br />

Crédits photos : © Jérôme Frenay / © CAPÉRAÀ OBSCURA PRODUCTION<br />

Tropical storm « Norbert », which started life last week in the Eastern<br />

Pacific, has gathered force in the last few hours. On the Saffir-Simpson<br />

hurricane scale, it should reach the Mexican area of Lower California<br />

(the La Paz area) on Friday evening, by which time it will certainly have<br />

grown in strength to category 3 (out of 5 categories), with gusts of<br />

wind reaching over 210 km/h, according to the National Hurricane<br />

Center in Miami.<br />

Each component of the pontoons, as well as the <strong>Marina</strong> anchoring,<br />

must be absolutely perfect to resist extreme climatic conditions.<br />

Our <strong>Marina</strong> has already weathered several hurricanes, without any<br />

damage to the equipment supplied by Poralu.<br />

We are absolutely satisfied with their reliability.<br />

Andres Barrera Peralta<br />

Manager, <strong>Marina</strong> Escale Nautique<br />

Meet us at METS, Stand MYP 05.401<br />


Martini <strong>Marina</strong>s<br />

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15/17 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

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Switzerland T. +41 91 9945545 info@interbox.ch<br />

Croatia T. +385 1 6530103 stp@stp-croatia.com<br />

Greece T. +30 23 10692899 makis@zaggas-group.gr<br />

Netherlands / Belgium T. +31 6 46140603<br />

info@aquamore.info<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> da Glória, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)<br />


<br />

<br />



Porto Lotti adds<br />

floating superyacht pier<br />

When it completed in 1996, Porto Lotti was the first marina in the Gulf of La<br />

Spezia in northern Italy and opened up the local region to yachtsmen from near<br />

and far. To mark its 20th anniversary, the marina is in the process of adding new<br />

superyacht berthing at a custom designed floating breakwater pier.<br />

No stranger to the superyacht sector<br />

as it already counts 40 superyacht<br />

berths in its mix of 560, Porto Lotti is<br />

investing in the extension to help meet<br />

continuous requests for larger berths<br />

and provide a transit dock for vessels<br />

up to 180m (590ft); one of very few in<br />

the area.<br />

The new pier, built by SF <strong>Marina</strong><br />

and anchored by Seaflex, also has 14<br />

permanent berths for vessels up to 80m<br />

(262ft) and is suitably complemented by<br />

excellent facilities and power supplies<br />

up to 800A 220/380V. An area has been<br />

reserved for tenders although these can<br />

be stored ashore or remain afloat. Eight<br />

of the 14 berths have been built and<br />

are now operational and the remainder<br />

are due to be completed over the next<br />

two years. All are available on a short-,<br />

medium- or long-term rental basis and<br />

include a “sophisticated package of<br />

services”.<br />

Continued success<br />

Porto Lotti owes its success to the<br />

vision and determined commitment<br />

of entrepreneur Luciano Lotti who<br />

created the leisure hub on the site of<br />

an industrial ship breaking yard. The<br />

project was launched in 1985 and<br />

work began in 1990. Six years later,<br />

the marina’s concrete docks were in<br />

place and success was immediate as<br />

big names in the worlds of finance,<br />

business, sport and show business<br />

moored up their yachts.<br />

The entire project was privately<br />

funded and the marina has benefited<br />

from continuous investment – and<br />

continued success. This is also due<br />

to its special geographical location.<br />

Surrounded by an area rich in art,<br />

history and tradition, with a good yearround<br />

climate,<br />

it is a short<br />

drive from the<br />

popular tourist<br />

destinations of<br />

Cinque Terre<br />

and the timeless<br />

beauty of<br />

Tuscany.<br />

The new<br />

superyacht pier<br />

(above) adds<br />

valuable extra<br />

berthing at Porto<br />

Lotti (right).<br />

Full facilities<br />

Porto Lotti’s exclusive amenities and<br />

the attention given to captains and<br />

crew, who receive special privileges,<br />

make it an ideal superyacht destination.<br />

Leisure facilities include a restaurant,<br />

bar, beauty salon, swimming pool,<br />

tennis courts, cinema and marketplace.<br />

It also has a congress room, heliport,<br />

bank, landside fuel station and 100m<br />

(328ft) long fuel dock.<br />

In a reflection of its commercial<br />

shipping roots, the marina offers<br />

extensive services for vessel<br />

maintenance and has a 160 tonne<br />

boat hoist. Services range from towing<br />

to carpentry, and the yard has years<br />

of experience in painting, using all<br />

modern equipment and methods. It<br />

also refits vintage vessels and rebuilds,<br />

modernises or modifies interiors to<br />

all specifications. Open and covered<br />

storage is available for vessels up to<br />

40m (131ft) in length.<br />

The marina is undoubtedly geared up<br />

for visitors and 20% of its berths are for<br />

transient yachts that usually stay for 30<br />

to 40 days. The bulk of the berths (80%)<br />

are occupied by annual berth holders.<br />

All benefit from the marina’s policy on<br />

privacy and security, described by a<br />

marina spokesman as offering “efficient<br />

but discreet control”. The marina and<br />

its secure berths are monitored 24/7 by<br />

marina staff and a camera surveillance<br />

system. Land access to the port – both<br />

entry and exit – is controlled at a gated<br />

reception. Private guard services can<br />

be provided upon request.<br />

As a testimony to the quality of<br />

its services and its environmental<br />

practices, Porto Lotti is a five-star<br />

facility, as certified under the MaRina<br />

Excellence classification from Registro<br />

Italiano Navale.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 39


Marasi Business Bay:<br />

“Major future landmark”<br />

Few cities can beat Dubai’s dynamic pace of development. With the Dubai<br />

Water Canal project fast taking shape and expected to be complete by the<br />

end of the year, Dubai Holdings has now unveiled plans for Marasi Business<br />

Bay, the first port of call along the canal. When complete, it will be a low-rise,<br />

sprawling mega-hub connecting the Dubai Water Canal to the Persian Gulf via<br />

the popular tourist spots of Safa Park and Jumeirah.<br />

The ambitious development includes<br />

plans for five marinas, lined with<br />

palm trees, to be built along the canal<br />

waterfront. The longest promenade<br />

in the United Arab Emirates (UAE),<br />

almost 12km (7.4 miles) long and<br />

up to 15m (49ft) wide, will be built to<br />

connect three main areas: a yacht<br />

club, park and pier. Marasi Bay will be<br />

home to luxury water homes, a myriad<br />

of retail options, floating restaurants<br />

and leisure facilities. Touted as Dubai’s<br />

“major future landmark”, it is expected<br />

to be the region’s first ever purposebuilt<br />

yachting destination.<br />

water features and a dedicated events<br />

space with amphitheatre, outdoor<br />

cinema and weekly markets.<br />

The first phase will also focus on<br />

construction of the park and yacht<br />

club, which includes development of<br />

the five marinas. These will have a<br />

total of 1,500 berths and offer onshore<br />

boutique shopping and a range of<br />

leisure facilities. There will be provisions<br />

for visiting boats, and permanent<br />

berths will be available for owners of<br />

both superyachts and smaller boats.<br />

No timeline has been confirmed for<br />

the completion of each phase, but the<br />

first is expected to be largely complete<br />

by the end of next year. All works are<br />

expected to be finished by 2023.<br />

Later phases will build what Dubai<br />

Holdings claims are the region’s first<br />

water homes, which will all have boat<br />

access. U+A Architects, an international<br />

design firm with offices in Canada and<br />

the UAE will build approximately 150 of<br />

these luxury homes, with sizes starting<br />

from 139m² (1,500ft²). To be managed<br />

by Dubai Properties, units will come in<br />

two- and three-bedroom options.<br />

A central location<br />

Located just a short walk from<br />

downtown Dubai and the central<br />

Sheikh Zayed road – home to most<br />

of the city’s skyscrapers – the bay is<br />

well-placed to welcome visiting boats.<br />

Local attractions include the Deira Twin<br />

Towers, the Dubai Creek Tower and<br />

Dubai Museum.<br />

Abdulla M Lahej, CEO of Dubai<br />

Properties, said: “The Business Bay<br />

landscape will be redefined with the<br />

opening of [the] promenade and Dubai<br />

Water Canal.<br />

“The AED1bn (US$272 million)<br />

Marasi Business Bay mixed-use<br />

destination, as it weaves its way into<br />

the fabric of the city, will become<br />

synonymous with what Dubai has to<br />

offer ahead of the <strong>World</strong> Expo 2020,<br />

and in line with the Dubai Plan 2021, to<br />

create a smart and sustainable city with<br />

happy people.”<br />

CGIs of water homes and marina berths, as<br />

designed by international design firm U+A.<br />

Early completions<br />

Work is already well under way, with<br />

the construction and opening of the<br />

promenade set to complete by the<br />

end of the year, as part of the first<br />

phase. Set to be significantly longer<br />

than the promenade offered at Dubai<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>, it will feature a range of local<br />

and international businesses. Around<br />

250,000m² (28,997yd²) of open space<br />

will include parks and the waterfront.<br />

It will be lined by over 100 shops and<br />

outlets and the overall park area will be<br />

divided into 16 separate parks, boasting<br />

40<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

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Stergios Pitsiorlas: “I profoundly believe<br />

that Greece is currently faced with a great<br />

opportunity to become a very important<br />

country in the field of sea transport as well<br />

as in the maritime industry.”<br />

Privatisation boosts<br />

prospects for foreign<br />

investors<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> <strong>World</strong>’s Greek correspondent, Eliza Salpisti, interviews Stergios<br />

Pitsiorlas, chairman of HRADF and the mind behind the development of<br />

Greece’s assets.<br />

Eliza Salpisti (ES): Please tell us<br />

about the Hellenic Republic Asset<br />

Development Fund (HRADF) and its<br />

role in the Greek economy.<br />

Stergios Pitsiorlas (SP): HRADF<br />

is currently materialising a specific<br />

privatisation programme, which<br />

is part of an overall agreement<br />

concluded between the country and<br />

its lenders. The main objective is to<br />

obtain revenues, which will service<br />

the country’s debt while, at the same<br />

time, changing the Greek economy’s<br />

structure and reducing the role of the<br />

state. I personally attach particular<br />

importance to the dynamics created by<br />

the privatisation programme as well as<br />

to the opening of great prospects for<br />

attracting foreign investment to Greece.<br />

ES: How does HRADF attract<br />

international capital to the country?<br />

SP: An outstanding example is the<br />

concession of the country’s two<br />

big ports. The geographic position<br />

of Greece enables the country to<br />

become an important hub in the<br />

entire network of global intermodal<br />

transport. This is actually the reason<br />

why such a big Chinese interest was<br />

expressed in the port of Piraeus and<br />

why such international interest was<br />

expressed in the port of Thessaloniki.<br />

The concession of these ports to big<br />

international companies also paves the<br />

way for the upgrading of the role of the<br />

railways and the creation of important<br />

logistic centres etc. The same applies<br />

in the energy sector, the tourism sector<br />

and so on. The materialisation of the<br />

privatisation programme allows Greece<br />

to take full advantage of its strengths,<br />

cooperate with big global players in<br />

various sectors and fields, and create<br />

new and important prospects which will<br />

revitalise major sectors of its economy<br />

and integrate the country into the<br />

international scene.<br />

ES: How is HRADF associated with<br />

Greece’s tourist ports infrastructure?<br />

SP: HRADF’s portfolio includes tourist<br />

ports and marinas. Therefore, the fund<br />

has a direct involvement in the whole<br />

issue. In my opinion, the problem<br />

related to marinas is still a major one<br />

for Greece. Our country has every<br />

prerequisite and great potential to<br />

become the centre of maritime tourism<br />

in the Mediterranean, but must rapidly<br />

obtain the infrastructure needed for<br />

such a goal to be made possible. In<br />

these frames, HRADF will undertake<br />

key initiatives. The privatisation of<br />

Privatisation of Alimos <strong>Marina</strong> is<br />

HRADF’s first goal.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 43


important tourist infrastructure will<br />

create new and great potential for<br />

tourism development. Examples include<br />

Cosco’s objective to turn the port of<br />

Piraeus into a cruise home port in the<br />

Mediterranean and the privatisation of<br />

key marine tourism infrastructure.<br />

ES: Describe the privatisation model<br />

for HRADF’s tourist ports portfolio and<br />

how you associate it with Greece’s<br />

significant prospects for becoming an<br />

international centre of marine tourism.<br />

SP: The first goal is the privatisation of<br />

the marina in Alimos, Athens. We have<br />

already hired advisors and the tender<br />

processes will be initiated towards the<br />

end of this year. The second goal is to<br />

announce, in collaboration with the Port<br />

Authorities of Corfu and Igoumenitsa,<br />

tenders for the construction and<br />

management of important marinas in<br />

the said areas. I believe that for that<br />

region as well, important steps will be<br />

made by the end of this year. Pylos<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> in Messinia will follow. The<br />

third goal is related to a significant<br />

number of marinas in the North Aegean<br />

region: the tender for the concession<br />

of the marina in Kalamaria, in the<br />

wider area of Thessaloniki, will be<br />

launched immediately, while we are in<br />

consultation with the Port Authorities<br />

of Kavala and Alexandroupolis as well<br />

as with the respective municipalities<br />

regarding the construction of big<br />

marinas in the two cities. Finally, we<br />

are collaborating with the municipality<br />

of Mykonos and soon we will have<br />

a clear proposal/perspective for the<br />

ports and marinas in the island. In my<br />

view, this programme can result in an<br />

initial but considerable improvement<br />

of the general picture and pave the<br />

way for other more ambitious projects/<br />

plans. I have to say that the years of<br />

<strong>2016</strong> and 2017 will be very crucial for<br />

sea tourism since the foundations for<br />

a major upgrade of marine tourism<br />

infrastructure will be laid and there will<br />

be extensive planning for the use of<br />

marinas, tourist ports and the old parts<br />

of the country’s major ports.<br />

ES: What is the status of ‘The<br />

Hellinikon’ project in the Athenian<br />

Riviera - one of the most successful of<br />

HRADF’s recent achievements?<br />

SP: Following the signature of the<br />

Memorandum of Understanding for<br />

‘The Hellinikon’ project, the amended<br />

agreement was ratified by Parliament<br />

in September. After the ratification, the<br />

procedures related to the licensing<br />

1. Piraeus 2. Thessaloniki 3. Alimos, Athens 4. Corfu 5. Igoumenitsa<br />

6. Pylos <strong>Marina</strong>, Messinia 7. Kalamaria, 8. Thessaloniki 9. Kavala,<br />

10. Alexandroupolis 11. Mykonos, 12. Athenian Riviera<br />

of the project will be initiated. The<br />

objective is for the project to be initiated<br />

in 2017. It will be the largest urban<br />

renewal project to be implemented<br />

throughout Europe in coming years<br />

and it will decisively contribute to the<br />

development of the Greek economy as<br />

well as to the emergence of Athens as<br />

an international tourist destination.<br />

ES: The investment approval time<br />

is a decisive factor for attracting<br />

investment interest. Does HRADF<br />

intend to cooperate with the respective<br />

authorities in an effort to reduce<br />

investment approval time for tourist port<br />

projects? Are there any plans for fast<br />

track investments, especially in the form<br />

of tourist port networks?<br />

SP: The institutional framework for<br />

fast track licensing of investment<br />

strategies exists and it will be utilised.<br />

But the collapse of licensing times for<br />

investment projects remains a main<br />

challenge. I am aware that the Ministry<br />

of Economy is working intensively in<br />

this direction and there will soon be<br />

results.<br />

ES: Given your love of the sea and<br />

as a sailor, please share with us<br />

your vision for the development and<br />

support of Greece’s nautical athletics<br />

associations (yachting clubs) as a<br />

driving force for the development of our<br />

country’s nautical tradition and as a key<br />

component for marine tourism and for<br />

successful marina operation.<br />

SP: The development of watersports<br />

cannot be treated as a typical objective<br />

for Greece when compared to other<br />

objectives. The sea and seamanship<br />

are the soul of Greece. They are the<br />

womb of Greek culture and will always<br />

be the way for Greeks and Greece to<br />

develop and grow. Seeing things this<br />

way, I believe that in the context of any<br />

planning related to the development<br />

of watersports, adequate space must<br />

always be provided for the development<br />

of watersports as well as for the<br />

maritime education of all Greeks, if<br />

possible, from an even earlier age.<br />

ES: Please share with us your message<br />

to the global marina industry for<br />

Greece’s potential.<br />

SP: I profoundly believe that Greece is<br />

currently faced with a great opportunity<br />

to become a very important country<br />

in the field of sea transport as well as<br />

in the maritime industry. A plan and<br />

alliances are required but, above all,<br />

what is required is the utilisation of the<br />

country’s comparative advantages,<br />

the most important being the human<br />

resources available.<br />

44<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

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Connecting boaters<br />

with marinas – the<br />

integrated approach<br />

When Joy McPeters – an avid boater - founded <strong>Marina</strong>life nearly 17 years ago,<br />

her mission was to connect boaters with marinas. After years of building,<br />

honing, revising and perfecting the <strong>Marina</strong>life formula, amassing a database of<br />

over 9,000 marinas and helping tens of thousands of boaters to make the very<br />

best of their boating experience, the <strong>Marina</strong>life team believes it’s time for a<br />

new website and more comprehensive services.<br />

“Our main vision stays the same<br />

– empowering boaters,” McPeters<br />

explains. “But we took a step back<br />

and thought about all of the tools and<br />

resources a boater would ever need to<br />

plan an overnight voyage, to find the<br />

best fuel prices, to make online slip<br />

reservations.”<br />

In early 2017, a bigger and better<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>life.com will go live, offering<br />

boaters better search facilities and a<br />

wealth of extra information, and giving<br />

partner marinas unique marketing<br />

opportunities.<br />

“Google assumes you don’t know<br />

where you want to go and this is<br />

the model we’re adopting,” she<br />

reveals. “We’re offering information,<br />

reviews, boater stories and itinerary<br />

samples before it comes to making a<br />

reservation. We’re looking at it as a full<br />

circle and adding a concierge service<br />

for anything people can’t find.”<br />

Key to the website revision is<br />

enhancing the search bar, making it<br />

very comprehensive and thus able to<br />

bring in better results. “You can refine<br />

your search very specifically and<br />

access a ‘whole experience’, learn<br />

about everything that’s going on. It’s<br />

going to be a travel service.”<br />

Like many changes and<br />

improvements in the company’s 17-year<br />

journey, the new thinking is customer<br />

led. <strong>Marina</strong>life frequently researches<br />

and uncovers the information boaters<br />

care about and want to find. Top of<br />

the list are the ‘Popular Destinations’<br />

– detailed information in an A-Z of<br />

specific locations in the USA, Mexico,<br />

Canada and the Caribbean – and the<br />

‘Cruising with Members’ reviews.<br />

“These reviews are direct<br />

feedback as they’re written by actual<br />

boaters,” McPeters asserts, “and<br />

they’re extremely popular as are the<br />

destination articles. But images are<br />

really key. We’re going to include more<br />

video footage – for individual marinas<br />

46<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>


and for destinations in general – to<br />

significantly upgrade the visual aspect<br />

of the website.”<br />

The extra coverage will impact<br />

positively on listed marinas. “We have<br />

partner marinas and will continue<br />

to expand on these. We really see<br />

ourselves as an extension to a marina<br />

as we can help to bridge gaps whether<br />

for annual, seasonal or transient slip<br />

occupancy,” she continues, moving on<br />

to outline the new online opportunities.<br />

“We’ve always had an integrated<br />

approach for our advertising packages<br />

when it comes to <strong>Marina</strong>life magazine<br />

and the website but we are now looking<br />

at digital-only packages as well. These<br />

will be really robust and cover a number<br />

of unique offerings – sponsoring<br />

destination pages in video or banner<br />

ad format for example. We will have<br />

a specific area on our home page for<br />

video promotions and companies will<br />

be able to upload 15 second adverts.<br />

Companies will also be able to sponsor<br />

cruise itineraries.”<br />

A fluid format is envisioned. “We<br />

want advertising that looks like it’s<br />

part of the site, that integrates really<br />

well with the page. And we’re looking<br />

at more sponsored content and<br />

advertorials.”<br />

Covering all opportunities,<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>life has an active blog and<br />

growing social media community, and<br />

McPeters reports consistent growth<br />

with the quarterly <strong>Marina</strong>life lifestyle<br />

Joy McPeters, founder of <strong>Marina</strong>life, is<br />

poised to relaunch the website to offer<br />

boaters and marinas a more comprehensive<br />

resource.<br />

magazine.“We’re continuing to work to<br />

give boaters the best possible resource<br />

and help marinas, not only fill slips,<br />

but sell the boating experience. An<br />

integrated approach seems to make<br />

most sense.”<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 47


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Les Marines de Cogolin:<br />

the complementary port of St Tropez<br />

Together with Port Grimaud, Les Marines de Cogolin marina has turned the bay of St Tropez in the south of France into<br />

a paradise for boaters. Upon discovering that further improvements are on the cards, Donatella Zucca invited Michelle<br />

Mauduit, president of the owners’ association, and port director, Claude Robert, to talk shop.<br />

Despite being located just 3km<br />

(1.86 miles) from iconic St Tropez and<br />

adjacent to the lakeside town of Port<br />

Grimaud – one of the most visited<br />

places in France – the tourist harbour<br />

of Les Marines de Cogolin has not<br />

been overshadowed. Surrounded by<br />

the scenic Meures hills and the natural<br />

beauty of Provence, the marina started<br />

to take shape in 1968 when an idea to<br />

transform a marsh into a boating oasis<br />

was backed by a Rothschild financial<br />

deal.<br />

on site<br />

The developers obtained a<br />

concession for 50 years and the right to<br />

sell shares for this term. This agreement<br />

should have expired in 2019 but has<br />

been revised to end in 2018 because<br />

the entire area including the marina is<br />

being targeted for redevelopment. The<br />

project aims to attract larger boats.<br />

When the concession expires, the<br />

marina will become the responsibility<br />

of the Municipality of Cogolin, which<br />

will manage it for 35 years directly or<br />

indirectly. The existing management<br />

Left: The marina at Les Marines de<br />

Cogolin is divided into three basins and<br />

offers a total of 1,600 berths. Above l to r:<br />

Michelle Mauduit, president of SAPP, with<br />

Claude Robert, port director since 2004.<br />

arrangement could be retained or<br />

changed; all is under discussion.<br />

Current berth holders will be able to<br />

continue to rent berths for specific<br />

periods or buy leases for 15, 25 or 35<br />

years.<br />

From the outset, Les Marines de<br />

Cogolin has been a marina in all<br />

respects except for where its river<br />

frontage borders the lakeside village.<br />

The development has grown up around<br />

a ‘sea’ of water that is on average<br />

4m (13ft) deep and divided into three<br />

basins that offer a total of 1,600 berths.<br />

Access to the berths and the varied<br />

residences, is via an 85m (279ft)<br />

wide channel protected by two dams<br />

measuring 600m (1,968ft) and 400m<br />

(1,312ft) wide.<br />

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www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 49



marina world-lc-<strong>2016</strong>1019.indd 1 19-10-16 18:12


Les Marines may be less well known<br />

than its neighbours but is one of the<br />

largest and best equipped ports on the<br />

French Mediterranean coast. Affiliated<br />

to the Fédération Française des Ports<br />

de Plaisance (FFPP) and a member of<br />

the Union des Ports de Plaisance de la<br />

Région PACA, the marina concession is<br />

owned by the Société Anonyme du Port<br />

de Plaisance (SAPP), which manages<br />

common areas and services on behalf<br />

of the Trade Union Association Marine<br />

Cogolin (ASMC). The Municipality<br />

of Cogolin plays an important role in<br />

governing marina activities.<br />

Like any good marina, Les<br />

Marines has various environmental<br />

accreditations – like Ports Propres and<br />

Pavillon Bleu – and has good on-site<br />

services and amenities that include full<br />

refit and maintenance services at the<br />

Monaco Marine shipyard, which has<br />

28,000m² (301,389ft²) of space, and a<br />

large fuel dock.<br />

Les Marines has to date passed<br />

successfully through economic crises,<br />

changes in boating habits and boat<br />

owner demands and looks forward<br />

to fresh challenges. The concession<br />

arrangement will in no way disrupt the<br />

current management system, which<br />

operates as follows:<br />

Donatella Zucca (DZ): How do you<br />

manage the water space?<br />

Michelle Mauduit (MM): Our<br />

company is private and comprises<br />

1200 shareholders but its title does<br />

not automatically give a right to water<br />

space. In order to have this, you have<br />

to sign a contract for a berth, the size of<br />

which varies according to the number<br />

of shares.<br />

DZ: You can have a berth without<br />

owning an apartment?<br />

MM: Yes. The port was developed with<br />

an obligation to offer public berths. We<br />

manage 400 berths for this purpose.<br />

The Municipality of Cogolin will<br />

resume management of these when<br />

the concession expires and plans to<br />

increase the size of the berths within<br />

the same water area.<br />

DZ: Your business is positive?<br />

MM: Yes it is, and always has been.<br />

And the key to the success, above<br />

all, is the space. Ours is an open site<br />

with plenty of room for visitors to our<br />

restaurants and shops. Manoeuvring<br />

boats is easy because we have an<br />

extremely generous water plan.<br />

Facilities are also adequate and are<br />

good value for money. Our rates<br />

include car parking, Wi-Fi, weather<br />

information and pump-out.<br />

DZ: The municipality plays an important<br />

role in all decision making?<br />

MM: A protection authority called<br />

the Conseil Portuaire, chaired by<br />

the Mayor of Cogolin, meets once<br />

a year. Everything concerning our<br />

activities including company accounts<br />

and determination of berthing fees<br />

is examined in comparison with all<br />

marinas along the entire Mediterranean<br />

coast.<br />

DZ: Can boat owners sub-let their<br />

berths?<br />

MM: It is tolerated at the moment but<br />

is really against regulations. There are<br />

people who rent out to help cover their<br />

costs but they should do it via the port<br />

authority, which charges a fee but can<br />

help find customers. Renting public<br />

berths is forbidden.<br />

DZ: I see that you now have maxiyachts<br />

and their crews at the marina. This was<br />

not the case a few years ago. Are you<br />

organised to welcome them?<br />

Above & left: Villas provide privacy in a<br />

scenic, lushly landscaped Mediterranean<br />

haven.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 51


Global <strong>Marina</strong> Institute - UK Office<br />

UK T:+44 (0) 1784 223630<br />

training@britishmarine.co.uk www.britishmarine.co.uk<br />

See Global <strong>Marina</strong> Institute - Australia Office.<br />

International <strong>Marina</strong> Institute<br />

USA T:+1 401 247 0314<br />

info@marinaassociation.org www.marinaassociation.org<br />

Founded in the mid 1980s to promote professional education, training and<br />

certification, the IMI runs many courses, seminars and classes including<br />

the highly respected Certified <strong>Marina</strong> Management (CMM) programme.<br />

MDL <strong>Marina</strong> Consultancy<br />

UK T:+44 (0) 23 8045 7155<br />

F:+44 (0) 23 8045 7154<br />

consultancy@mdlmarinas.co.uk<br />

www.mdlconsultancy.com<br />

MDL <strong>Marina</strong> Consultancy offers a full service providing specialist<br />

marina business advice and solutions to clients worldwide. Its aim is<br />

always to create vibrant and profitable leisure destinations with long term<br />

commercial viability.<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Industries Association (MIA)<br />

Australia T:+61 2 9439 5806 F:+61 2 9439 3983<br />

info@marinas.net.au www.marinas.net.au<br />

MIA is the industry association for the marina industries in Australia<br />

and the Asia Pacific region. MIA conducts marina training, professional<br />

certification, International Clean <strong>Marina</strong> and Gold Anchor accreditation,<br />

research and promotion.<br />

The <strong>Marina</strong> Manual<br />

(Arrol Consultancy)<br />

UAE T:+971 50 784 6470 <strong>World</strong><br />

consult@arrol.com<br />

www.arrol.com<br />

The world’s only A-Z reference and training document on how to<br />

administer, manage and operate a marina efficiently, safely and profitably.<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Matters SL<br />

Spain T:+34 667 494 858 marinamatters@siches.com<br />

Design and operation of yacht harbours and marinas, general consultancy<br />

on marinas, design of marina elements, operations assessments, operations<br />

manual creation and marketing.<br />

Marine Business Advisors<br />

USA T:+1 561 346 9580<br />

jimb@marineba.com www.marineba.com<br />

Boatyard, marina and marine business advisory firm specialising in<br />

providing operational, financial, marketing, organisational and business<br />

guidance domestically and abroad. 30 years as owner, operator and<br />

executive of major yacht businesses.<br />

Mymic, LLC<br />

USA T:+1 757 391 9200 F:+1 757 391 9098<br />

robert.smith@mymic.net www.mymic.net<br />

Mymic’s marina safety awareness training was developed with the goal<br />

of reducing accidents and injuries among marina personnel. The training<br />

tool leverages the benefits of game-based training by allowing trainees to<br />

interact with a virtual marina where they identify and learn about areas of<br />

a marina that can be hazardous.<br />

PIANC<br />

Belgium T:+32 3 553 71 61 F:+32 2 553 71 55<br />

info@pianc.org www.pianc.org<br />

PIANC - the global association for waterborne transport infrastructure<br />

- is a professional forum established in 1885. It is a leading partner<br />

for governmental and private sectors in the design, development and<br />

maintenance of ports, waterways and coastal areas. PIANC awards the<br />

annual Jack Nichol <strong>Marina</strong> Design Award (MEDA).<br />

Spinnaker International Pte Ltd<br />

Singapore T:+65 68751819<br />

ahoy@spinnaker.com.sg www.spinnaker.com.sg<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> management and consulting (business strategy, marketing,<br />

feasibility study) in emerging boating markets. Gold Anchor Scheme<br />

representative and assessor for Asian markets.<br />

The Yacht Harbour Association<br />

UK T:+44 (0) 1784 223817<br />

lgordon@britishmarine.co.uk www.tyha.co.uk<br />

Gold Anchor marina classification scheme - promoting quality assured<br />

berthing in over 160 marinas in 28 countries. The Gold Anchor Award<br />

Scheme is an independent assessment of services and facilities against the<br />

TYHA publication ‘A Code of Practice’ and industry best practice. TYHA<br />

mentors marinas to achieve the highest rating.<br />

36<br />


Baltic Floating Structures<br />

Latvia T:+371 67214054 F:+371 67214100<br />

rostislav@balticfs.eu www.balticfs.eu<br />

Production, delivery and installation (turnkey) of heavy duty concrete<br />

pontoons; various floating structures (e.g. floating hotels, restaurants,<br />

swimming pools, offices, nightclubs, houses, breakwaters, port equipment<br />

etc). Floating fuel stations for boats, cars, helicopters and planes.<br />

Dura Composites Ltd<br />

UK T:+44 (0) 1255 423601<br />

F:+44 (0) 1255 435426<br />

enquiries@duracomposites.com<br />

www.duracomposites.com<br />

A leading UK supplier of anti-slip glass fibre grating<br />

or eco-friendly timber composite planks ideal for new or replacement<br />

pontoons, fingers or for gangway decking. All products come with a<br />

warranty of up to 25 years.<br />

E2SOL LLC<br />

USA T:+1 401 4892273<br />

info@e2sol.com www.e2sol.com<br />

E2SOL provides renewable energy technologies, develops custom project<br />

solutions and offers products designed to maximise energy consumption<br />

efficiencies. E2SOL offers its services to the commercial, industrial,<br />

marine and recreational vehicles’ renewable energy markets.<br />

EMP Industries<br />

USA T:+1 727 821 7867<br />

F:+1 727 821 7869<br />

empsales@empind.net<br />

www.bestmarinepumps.com<br />

Manufacturer and distributor of SaniSailor pump-outs and AquaClean<br />

recycling boatwash systems. Products feature industrial grade equipment<br />

for superior dependability and low maintenance. EMP works with<br />

customers to develop project specific solutions through the company’s<br />

Best Marine Solutions division.<br />

Visit www.marinaworld.com<br />

to complete your FREE company editorial entry.<br />

Ecotank<br />

France T:+33 658676646 www.azuretrend.com/en<br />

Ecotank is a manufacturer of fixed and mobile equipment for the<br />

ecologically sound management of effluents (waste water, oily water etc.).<br />

Clients include marinas, shipyards and sailing professionals around the<br />

world.<br />

Contact juliahallam@marinaworld.co.uk for<br />

advertising options which all include an enhanced<br />

editorial entry with company logo inclusion.<br />

Edson International<br />

USA T:+1 508 995 9711 F:+1 508 995 5021<br />

pumps@edsonintl.com www.edsonpumps.com<br />

Established in 1859, Edson is a manufacturer of pump-out systems and<br />

washdown containment pumps. Pump models include peristaltic, single<br />

diaphragm, electric double diaphragm and vacuum pumps. Edson offers<br />

a wide range of accessories including hoses, fittings, nozzles, stands,<br />

enclosures etc.<br />

Five Aluminium Boat & Engineering Pte Ltd<br />

Singapore T:+65 6862 8233 F:+65 6861 0733<br />

edmund@fiveab.com.sg www.fiveab.com.sg<br />

Builders of rubbish/flotsam collection boats, weed cutters and mini<br />

dredgers.<br />

Kebony AS<br />

Norway T:+47 06125<br />

info@kebony.com www.kebony.com<br />

Kebony is a highly durable, sustainable wood with the aesthetics<br />

and performance of the best tropical hardwood. It requires minimum<br />

maintenance and brings low life cycle costs.<br />

LeeStrom GmbH<br />

Germany T:+44 (0) 776899 2105<br />

info@leestrom.eu www.leestrom.eu<br />

A world leader in marina sanitation systems. Supplies, designs and<br />

manufactures pump-out systems, pumping equipment and fire-fighting<br />

solutions. The company uses the highest quality materials, which are<br />

designed to handle sanitation waste material and the harsh marina<br />

environment.<br />

Liverpool Water Witch<br />

UK T:+44 (0)151 207 4874<br />

info@waterwitch.com www.waterwitch.com<br />

Builders of road transportable waterway clean-up and specialist marina<br />

maintenance workboats, barges, dredgers and self-propelled pontoons.<br />

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The site offers different types of residential<br />

options, including the chance to live close<br />

to maxiyacht moorings.<br />

MM: We are not used to large yachts.<br />

We are mainly a marina for medium<br />

sized boats owned primarily by<br />

Europeans and some Russians. We<br />

have only recently had large boats in<br />

our berths and in this sense we find<br />

we are the complementary port of St<br />

Tropez, which as you know has limited<br />

space and is in great demand. I must<br />

say, however, that the crews of big<br />

boats are happy to stay here as the<br />

atmosphere and all the amenities are<br />

good. The customers are demanding<br />

but this is to be expected; they spend<br />

a lot even if not as much as they would<br />

spend in St Tropez.<br />

Claude Robert (CR): I can add more.<br />

The crews prefer to stay here. Life<br />

is quiet. They do not have to pay for<br />

parking and get stuck in traffic like in St<br />

Tropez. Here, they can reach St Tropez<br />

in a few minutes by motorboat or if they<br />

prefer by bike along the bike path. All<br />

services, restaurants, clubs etc., are<br />

to hand and if the owners want to stay<br />

for a few nights in St Tropez in order<br />

to be seen in front of Sénéquier, it is<br />

easy to satisfy them. Around 40% of the<br />

boats at Les Marines de Cogolin spend<br />

the winter here. We have an on-site<br />

swimming pool, three tennis courts and<br />

a boat shuttle service to St Tropez.<br />

DZ: But every year you have to invest in<br />

order to keep pace with the times?<br />

MM: Yes. We upgrade infrastructure<br />

and maintain the marina and the<br />

berths. Given that in the future we<br />

will have to respond to more demand<br />

from maxiyachts we have to create<br />

appropriate space. This year, for<br />

example, we have added two 50m<br />

(164ft) berths when our average vessel<br />

is 12 to 15m (39 to 49ft). This means<br />

extra work on electricity supplies,<br />

fuel stations and environmental<br />

infrastructure.<br />

DZ (to CR): You have been a director<br />

of the marina since 2004. How has the<br />

clientele changed over the years?<br />

CR: The yachts are small ships with<br />

increasingly demanding customers,<br />

particularly when it comes to<br />

hospitality. Our success is closely<br />

tied to maintaining good standards.<br />

Directing a port is a little like running<br />

a hotel – there’s the management and<br />

the 24 hour reception. You’re on call<br />

even in the middle of the night just like<br />

in a starred hotel. With regard to the<br />

customers, I have to admit that small<br />

boat owners are suffering and often<br />

prefer to rent rather than buy. This is<br />

often done by internet – like Uber for<br />

taxis and private house rentals for<br />

homes – rather than via traditional<br />

brokers or agencies.<br />

DZ: What are the customers that use<br />

these new rental systems like?<br />

CR: More demanding. They expect top<br />

service, tend to make comparisons<br />

and generally are less in tune with the<br />

environment than boat owners.<br />

DZ: The internet has advantages for<br />

you, however? In terms of marketing<br />

and communication do you also<br />

use new technologies and social<br />

networking?<br />

CR: In 2008 we started to very<br />

gradually introduce Wi-Fi installations<br />

in response to demand. Requests have<br />

increased year on year, even for small<br />

boats, and this has forced us to change<br />

the system and switch to fibre optic. In<br />

terms of social networking, we know<br />

that sites like Facebook represent an<br />

important communication channel but<br />

we still don’t know to what extent this is<br />

positive.<br />

Gangway with a sea view.<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 55


At Birkenhead Point <strong>Marina</strong> in Sydney, the<br />

operators invested in a large, very heavy<br />

fuel dock and run a useful kiosk on the site.<br />

Practical, commercial<br />

and social<br />

The growing popularity of power boats over sail has been evident for a long<br />

time and has led to the increased importance of fuel logistics. Long gone<br />

are the days when a few jerry cans or a 44 gallon drum in the back of the van<br />

would transfer enough fuel for a quick fishing trip. John Hogan considers the<br />

options for floating fuel docks and gives recent examples built by Superior<br />

Jetties.<br />

As boats have increased in size,<br />

more horsepower is required to propel<br />

them at acceptable speeds. Today,<br />

many boaters will require 500 to 1,000<br />

litres or more when refuelling, and<br />

waterside facilities need to be able<br />

to provide this service simply and<br />

quickly at any time of the day or night.<br />

Increasing numbers of marinas are<br />

therefore providing floating fuel docks.<br />

The simplest and most economical<br />

option is an in-ground tank, similar to<br />

that used by a vehicle service station.<br />

A cantilevered arm holds the fuel pipe<br />

that hangs over a revetment wall,<br />

allowing for fuel to be transferred. In<br />

this way, the electronics for the on/off<br />

switch are on the dock but little else.<br />

Examples of this in eastern Australia<br />

are at Southport Yacht Club and Iluka<br />

ferry terminal where deep water close<br />

to shore is essential. If the marina<br />

needs to relocate the dock to a more<br />

serviceable area for ease of use or for<br />

water depth, all of the facilities need<br />

to be relocated to the water with the<br />

exception of the tanks.<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> developers and operators<br />

need to anticipate future needs<br />

and build in adequate conduits to<br />

allow for fuel, water, electricity and<br />

communications. The two most<br />

common methods are either open<br />

trenches with a heavy cover plate, or<br />

cast-in fixed PVC conduits that allow<br />

each service to be in an isolated sealed<br />

delivery tube. There are pros and<br />

cons for the open top unit. It is easier<br />

to access and is easier to install but<br />

the downside is that all services are in<br />

the same trench and, as the top deck<br />

has more concrete, it is top heavy thus<br />

raising the centre of gravity. The trench<br />

is also more open to the elements<br />

so water rats and other vermin can<br />

consider this as a home.<br />

For these reasons, a PVC conduit for<br />

each service is a better solution.<br />

For the Royal Papua Yacht Club in<br />

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea,<br />

Superior designed and manufactured<br />

a 30m x 2.5m (98ft x 8ft) five sided<br />

concrete pontoon, using its Super<br />

Elite system. The new fuel dock gives<br />

members and visitors round the clock<br />

access to high quality fuel at a central<br />

location.<br />

The optimum solution is for a<br />

carefully planned design to provide<br />

individual PVC conduits in 50, 90<br />

or 150mm (2, 3.5 or 6in) diameters<br />

for each service. The tubes can be<br />

stacked into the mould or pontoon<br />

flotation unit during manufacture and<br />

the concrete pour then makes them an<br />

integral part of each unit. Where the<br />

All you see are fuel pumps with on/off<br />

switches on the docks at Southport Yacht<br />

Club in Queensland.<br />

56<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

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1 Great St Helen's<br />

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The facility at Marmong Point <strong>Marina</strong> in New South Wales is neat and uncluttered and offers<br />

generous waterside manoeuvring space.<br />

bridge occurs between each pontoon<br />

in any waler system, the spaces are<br />

usually less than 100mm (4in) so this is<br />

easily covered.<br />

Superior’s regional partner in the<br />

UAE, <strong>Marina</strong>s Performance LLC,<br />

recently completed the first phase of<br />

an essential piece of infrastructure for<br />

floating fuel stations in four locations.<br />

The main pontoons were constructed<br />

using Super Elite modules, equipped<br />

with cast-in ducting for fuel system, fuel<br />

pumps, fuel canopy, operator kiosk,<br />

stainless steel cleats and gangways.<br />

The product is ideal for this application<br />

as it is sturdy, stable and has a 25 year<br />

design life. It allows massive fuel/diesel<br />

lines and other MEP items such as<br />

the kiosk and canopy structures to be<br />

easily fitted.<br />

A fuel dock needs to be designed<br />

for heavier use than a normal berth.<br />

This means that the mass of the<br />

structure should be substantial as, with<br />

frequent use from varying skill levels<br />

in the skipper population, there will<br />

undoubtedly be unintended impacts.<br />

The mass of the dock is important; at<br />

Birkenhead Point <strong>Marina</strong> in Sydney the<br />

operators invested in a 66m x 6m (216ft<br />

x 20ft) unit with over 1,000 tonnes of<br />

concrete.<br />

The Gold Coast City <strong>Marina</strong> fuel dock<br />

at Coomera in Queensland is 60m x<br />

3.5m (197ft x 11ft) with an open trench<br />

system to serve multiple customers<br />

simultaneously. Queuing and waiting<br />

with a stiff breeze in a confined<br />

space is less than ideal and should<br />

Heavy duty pumps, installed<br />

alongside deep water, service ferries at Iluka.<br />

be avoided wherever possible. A fuel<br />

dock of 40m (131ft) or longer will allow<br />

for simultaneous mooring of multiple<br />

average size boats.<br />

Fendering is an essential part of the<br />

fuel dock. As the highest duty cycle<br />

area of the entire marina, the operator<br />

must invest in good quality soft touch<br />

fenders for protection of both the fuel<br />

dock and the vessels.<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>s in the USA provide<br />

exceptional service at fuel docks where<br />

dock hands will assist the skipper to tie<br />

up and refuel – generally appreciation<br />

for this service is a tip from the skipper.<br />

However, in Australia we usually need<br />

to make do on our own. A single handed<br />

skipper will appreciate the provision of a<br />

high quality closed cell foam cylindrical<br />

fender of at least 200mm (8in) diameter<br />

with a solid carpet chaser over it. When<br />

lines are also added on the fuel dock,<br />

at 6m (20ft) centres and neatly coiled,<br />

boaters are truly happy as they are<br />

obviously dealing with a professional<br />

organisation.<br />

The simple investment in a quality fuel<br />

dock is one of the most important things<br />

marina owners can do to show their<br />

customers that they care and appreciate<br />

your business. As an avid boatie, I hate<br />

having to find and attach my own fender<br />

and lines, especially when running<br />

single handed, so a good fuel dock will<br />

get my business every time.<br />

All in all, the fuel dock is an essential<br />

meeting point for marina operators and<br />

their customers. It should be viewed<br />

as a focal point and an opportunity<br />

to connect and display high levels of<br />

customer service. The boater can be<br />

sold chandlery from the store adjacent<br />

to the fuel dock and, as the product<br />

is immediately available, the margins<br />

will be handsome and everyone<br />

understands why.<br />

The advent of 24-hour swipe card<br />

technology should not be used as an<br />

excuse to remove all humans from<br />

the marina. Many of us poor boaties<br />

are crying out for help with assistance<br />

for every little thing. Where to anchor<br />

tonight? Where is the next best marina<br />

to stop at? Who has the best fuel price<br />

on the trip north? Where can I get my<br />

water pump repaired?<br />

We all need to recognise that just<br />

as the village marketplace was the<br />

central meeting place for us in bygone<br />

days, the fuel dock is the meeting<br />

point in a modern marina. Enjoy<br />

the social interaction, the beauty of<br />

the surroundings, the service and<br />

camaraderie, and the transition from<br />

land to water.<br />

John Hogan is CEO of Superior Jetties,<br />

Australia, and can be contacted on<br />

email: jhogan@superiorjetties.com<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 59


Ocean City lift plan<br />

Sunset <strong>Marina</strong>, a full-service resort in Ocean City,<br />

Maryland, USA, has recently upgraded its Ocean City<br />

Fishing Center (OCFC) facility with boat lifts.<br />

Phase 1 of the project<br />

involved installation of ten lifts<br />

and an additional 18 are due<br />

to be fitted over the winter<br />

season.<br />

OCFC hosts numerous<br />

large offshore boats, many<br />

with quad 350s and oversized<br />

fuel tanks. To support this<br />

type of vessel, the lifts need<br />

to be strong and durable, and<br />

able to adapt to a wide range<br />

of hull shapes. As an efficient<br />

layout was required, OCFC<br />

turned to local company<br />

Ocean City Boat Lifts &<br />

Marine Construction to put<br />

together a plan.<br />

The company proposed<br />

four-post lifts manufactured<br />

Tesla charge points<br />

at MDL marinas<br />

MDL <strong>Marina</strong>s has become the first UK marina operator to offer<br />

electric vehicle charging points for the Tesla range of vehicles.<br />

Charging units have been<br />

installed at Ocean Village <strong>Marina</strong><br />

in Southampton, Cobb’s Quay<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> in Poole, Queen Anne’s<br />

Battery in Plymouth and Hamble<br />

Point <strong>Marina</strong> alongside universal<br />

electric charging points. The<br />

company expects to install more<br />

at other marinas over the coming<br />

months.<br />

Adrien Burnard, head of<br />

marketing at MDL <strong>Marina</strong>s,<br />

commented: “We are always<br />

striving to find new ways to add<br />

value to our customer experience<br />

and recognise the increased<br />

demand for electric vehicles and<br />

charging points. Many of our<br />

customers spend a lot of their<br />

pleasure time with us and so we<br />

wanted to ensure we made this<br />

time as convenient as possible by<br />

installing the charging points for<br />

them.”<br />

“We are very pleased to provide<br />

this service for Tesla owners as<br />

by Golden Boat Lifts.<br />

The solution, which differs<br />

from the norm of six taller<br />

posts and top rails, looks<br />

good and makes best use<br />

of space. Randy Warden,<br />

Ocean City Boat Lifts coowner,<br />

described the design<br />

as a “game-changer” for<br />

marinas. “We were able to<br />

cut the length and number of<br />

pilings needed by over 50%,”<br />

he said.<br />

The contractor also<br />

installed an elevated catwalk<br />

system that makes it easy<br />

to board the boats. Warden<br />

and Golden Boat Lifts are in<br />

the process of patenting this<br />

innovation.<br />

well as other EV owners,” he<br />

added. “It’s a fantastic brand and<br />

a number of our customers have<br />

models from the range. However,<br />

we recognise the growing<br />

market for electric cars and the<br />

diverse range of models that<br />

are available and so have also<br />

installed universal charging units<br />

to ensure we are offering choice<br />

and catering for our customers’<br />

needs.”<br />

Golden’s four-post lift is its<br />

biggest seller. Low in profile,<br />

it can support vessels of<br />

4,500 to 28,000lbs (2,041 to<br />

12,700kg) and is powered by<br />

a durable Sea-Drive double<br />

reduction worm gear drive.<br />

OCFC features over 160<br />

slips and has the largest<br />

charter fleet in the area.<br />

Contact Golden Boat Lifts in<br />

FL, USA on email:<br />

sales@goldenboatlifts.com<br />

Aqualuma US<br />

merges with<br />

Tides Marine<br />

The Florida-based US division of Aqualuma has<br />

merged with Tides Marine. Former Aqualuma<br />

US vice president of sales and marketing,<br />

Alexandra Bader, has been named president<br />

of the new Aqualuma division within Tides<br />

Marine. A Tides Marine subsidiary, Tides Marine<br />

International, is the European distributor for the<br />

Aqualuma product range.<br />

“I’m very excited to<br />

be working with Tides<br />

Marine,” Alexandra<br />

Bader said. “There is a<br />

lot of synergy with our<br />

respective customer<br />

bases and I expect<br />

a smooth transition<br />

of operations and<br />

customer service to be<br />

completed very quickly,”<br />

she added.<br />

Aqualuma products<br />

will continue to be<br />

manufactured at<br />

Aqualuma’s facility<br />

in Australia. “The<br />

merger of our US<br />

division with Tides<br />

Marine, with whom<br />

we have had a longstanding<br />

relationship,<br />

is a winning fit for<br />

both companies and,<br />

most importantly, our<br />

customers across the<br />

USA,” said Aqualuma<br />

director Grant Amor.<br />

Contact Aqualuma in<br />

FL, USA on email:<br />

alex@aqualuma.com<br />

60<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

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Spanish<br />

marina<br />

keeps its<br />

stars<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Ibiza (right) has<br />

retained its 5 Blue Stars,<br />

first awarded in 2013, by<br />

meeting the revised marina<br />

certification criteria set out<br />

by the International Marine<br />

Certification Institute<br />

(IMCI).<br />

Located on Ibiza’s ‘golden<br />

mile’ with the best views of<br />

the old town (a world heritage<br />

site), <strong>Marina</strong> Ibiza has<br />

become a serious destination<br />

for large yachts. It boasts<br />

modern installations, offers<br />

an exclusive entertainment<br />

programme and the marina<br />

team provides top level<br />

customer service.<br />

The marina is also<br />

known for its high quality<br />

security and safety, efficient<br />

environmental policy,<br />

dedicated concierge service,<br />

onboard catering and<br />

provisioning.<br />

Contact IMCI in Belgium to find out more about the Blue Stars<br />

programme. Email: info@imci.org<br />

62<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>


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Santa Cruz marina invests in<br />

custom dredger<br />

The winter of 2015/16 was an unusually harsh one for the Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor in Santa Cruz, California. Four<br />

years of drought were followed by an El Niño season that brought storm water run-off, high tides, high surf and swells –<br />

rapidly creating a complete shoaling of the federal entrance channel to the harbour and blocking all boats from entering<br />

or leaving.<br />

‘Twin Lakes’, a custom-built dredger with a hull-mounted pump, is now in<br />

service at Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor.<br />

The dredger ‘Seabright’ that has<br />

served the harbour for 30 years<br />

laboured to keep up and frequent<br />

breakdowns only compounded<br />

the problem. The arrival of ‘Twin<br />

Lakes’, a new dredger from DSC<br />

Dredge, in June this year will<br />

ensure that any work this coming<br />

winter will go more smoothly.<br />

“In the Santa Cruz Harbor, the<br />

inlet can sand in with just one<br />

storm, closing off the harbour<br />

and creating the worst<br />

conditions imaginable for<br />

dredging,” said Charles<br />

Johnson, director of<br />

domestic sales for DSC<br />

Dredge. “The channel<br />

should have a depth<br />

of 20 feet [6m] at low<br />

tide. There were times<br />

this winter when the<br />

depth was only a foot<br />

or a foot and a half. The<br />

Seabright, which was<br />

also built by DSC 30<br />

years ago, was struggling<br />

to keep the channel<br />

clear, but it really was at<br />

the end of its useful life.”<br />

The ‘Twin Lakes’ is a<br />

custom-built 16ft x 16ft<br />

(4.8m x 4.8m) dredger<br />

with a hull-mounted<br />

pump. It features a PLC<br />

operating system with<br />

colour touch-screen<br />

controls, GPS, electroproportional<br />

hydraulic<br />

circuits, high-capacity<br />

service water system and<br />

an inline direct marinestyle<br />

transmission for<br />

dredge pump gear ratio<br />

reduction. A planetary<br />

winch provides the<br />

swing operation. A<br />

magnetic flow meter<br />

shows the operator<br />

the velocity of the<br />

material being moved,<br />

providing information<br />

on the dredger’s<br />

efficiency. With two<br />

engines – a Caterpillar<br />

C32 dredge pump<br />

marine diesel engine<br />

and a Caterpillar C18<br />

marine diesel-powered<br />

electric generator – the<br />

dredger fully complies<br />

with federal EPA and<br />

California CARB<br />

environmental standards.<br />

Contact DSC Dredge in LA, USA on email:<br />

dredge@dscdredge.com<br />

Elastocoast stabilises damaged riprap<br />

Newly developed aggregate binder BASF Elastocoast has been used to stabilise riprap at Georgetown Yacht Basin in<br />

Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. This is the first installation of the product at a North American marina.<br />

Elastocoast produces a<br />

strongly bonded, porous,<br />

monolithic structure<br />

that protects shorelines<br />

against erosion by<br />

managing sediment. It is<br />

an ecologically compatible<br />

solution that is resistant to<br />

weathering and has been<br />

proven to last over time.<br />

Wave action had<br />

destabilised the riprap<br />

at Georgetown, leading<br />

to a build up of large<br />

rocks at the bottom of<br />

the navigation channel<br />

and consequent damage<br />

to vessels as they move<br />

towards the boat hoist.<br />

To address the problem,<br />

the marina re-graded<br />

the riprap and Pervious<br />

Paving Contractors applied<br />

Elastocoast.<br />

Kevin McBee, president of<br />

Pervious Paving, described<br />

the project as a “showcase<br />

for how the chemistry<br />

behind Elastocoast can<br />

change the way shoreline<br />

erosion is managed.”<br />

“The installation at<br />

Georgetown went very well,”<br />

he said. “We were able to<br />

minimise construction time<br />

and waste by applying<br />

the Elastocoast bonded<br />

material over the existing<br />

riprap. The system offers<br />

many benefits to the<br />

contractor, owner and<br />

environment.”<br />

Pierre Couture, business<br />

development manager<br />

at BASF, commented:<br />

“Elastocoast offers a new<br />

approach to effectively<br />

protect shorelines and<br />

coastal areas. This project<br />

demonstrates BASF’s<br />

commitment to find a<br />

sustainable way to protect<br />

the land near waterways.”<br />

Contact BASF Corporation<br />

in NJ, USA on email:<br />

elastocoast@basf.com<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 65


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Strong sales in<br />

Quantum’s first year<br />

Since launching its Quantum service pedestal a year ago, Rolec has sold over<br />

2,000 units worldwide.<br />

The first installation was made at<br />

Haslar <strong>Marina</strong> in Gosport, UK where<br />

150 of the anodised aluminium<br />

pedestals were key to a £1.5 million<br />

refurbishment project.<br />

“We were thrilled to be the first<br />

marina in the UK to roll out the new<br />

Quantums,” said Haslar’s marina<br />

manager Ben Lippiett. “We are<br />

really pleased with how well built<br />

they are. They are colour coded<br />

and feature LED lighting – special<br />

downward facing anti-light polluting<br />

louvres, which help to provide deck<br />

illumination,” he added.<br />

Quantums are also now installed<br />

at many other marina sites, including:<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Nou Fontana, Alicante, Spain<br />

(200 berths); Port of Tangier Ville,<br />

Morocco (1,000 berths); Carrickfergus<br />

Waterfront, Northern Ireland, UK (350<br />

berths); and Amwaj <strong>Marina</strong>, Bahrain<br />

(over 180 berths). The Carrickfergus<br />

order also included 24 red Quantum<br />

Sealift<br />

buy-out<br />

SOS stations featuring life buoys, fire<br />

extinguishers, first aid kits and LED<br />

illumination.<br />

Rolec managing director, Kieron<br />

Alsop, commented: “We are delighted<br />

that the first year sales figures for our<br />

Quantum range show how well these<br />

new pedestals have been embraced by<br />

marinas around the world.”<br />

“The Quantum fuses high quality<br />

with the affordability of an entry level<br />

unit, making the pedestals extremely<br />

cost-effective,” he added. “We are<br />

particularly proud to have created an<br />

innovative yet economical pedestal<br />

which provides a powerful blend of<br />

versatility and design. The Quantum’s<br />

extruded anodised aluminium frame<br />

also makes it extremely strong, further<br />

emphasising its perfect combination of<br />

qualities.”<br />

Contact Rolec Services in the UK on<br />

email: rolec@rolecserv.co.uk<br />


One of 150 Quantum pedestals<br />

installed at Haslar <strong>Marina</strong>.<br />

Quantums are:<br />

• Manufactured in compliance with<br />

BS7671 wiring regulations and to the<br />

IP65 category 1 weather proof rating<br />

(BS EN 60529)<br />

• Flame retardant to UL94 flame rating<br />

at V2<br />

• UV stabilised<br />

• CE certified<br />

• Corrosion resistant<br />

• Built with full utility segregation<br />

The management team at Sealift2<br />

International Ltd has purchased the<br />

Sealift2 marine services business<br />

at Haslar <strong>Marina</strong>, UK and its parent<br />

company Welcome Inn Investments NV.<br />

Welcome Inn owned the intellectual<br />

property and patents on the fast boat<br />

lifting technology used in the Sealift2<br />

dock; a lift, clean and re-launch product<br />

that is like a car wash for boats.<br />

“The management buy-out will<br />

enable us to expand our operations<br />

internationally, with a new focus on<br />

licensing our fast boat lifting technology<br />

for local manufacture,” confirmed<br />

Richard Bayley, managing director and<br />

majority shareholder. The boat servicing<br />

operations at Haslar will operate under<br />

The new Sealift3 floating dry dock at Cardiff <strong>Marina</strong>, UK.<br />

a new UK company, Sealift3 Ltd, and<br />

sales of docks and licensing will be<br />

handled by Welcome Inn Investments<br />

trading as Sealift3. All existing staff,<br />

suppliers and customers of Sealift2<br />

International will be transferred to<br />

Sealift3 Ltd and Sealift2 International<br />

will cease trading.<br />

The first Sealift2 dock was launched<br />

in 2006 and operated in Cowes, Isle<br />

of Wight, UK. Since then, docks have<br />

been installed in Dubai and at other<br />

UK sites in Gosport, Brixham and,<br />

most recently, Cardiff.<br />

Contact Sealift 3 Ltd in the UK on<br />

email: richard.bayley@sealift3.com<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 67


Fuel dock mooring is safe and green<br />

During the summer months, DualDocker installed a mooring system for a fuel station at 490-berth Marselisborg Havn,<br />

12km (7.4 miles) from the centre of Aarhus in Denmark. The brief covered a series of important criteria following risk<br />

assessments.<br />

“Traditional mooring solutions,<br />

such as chains, piles or rigid distance<br />

holders were seen to have considerable<br />

disadvantages,” explained harbour<br />

master Thomas Fog. “We were<br />

concerned about the high undamped<br />

force impact and the station’s stability<br />

at changing water levels.”<br />

The fuel station had to accommodate<br />

a 16,000 litre (3,519 gallon) fuel pump<br />

(to serve two vessels) on a dock able to<br />

safely withstand wind speed up to 30m/<br />

sec (98ft/sec), current of 1m/sec (3.2ft/<br />

sec) and a water level variation of 2m<br />

(6.5ft).<br />

DualDocker installed four of its 5T<br />

arms in a V arrangement. Each arm<br />

measures 4.2m (13.7ft) and offers<br />

smooth purely mechanical damping of<br />

450mm (17.7in) per arm.<br />

The design was approved as it has<br />

zero impact on the seabed, is safe,<br />

easy to maintain and has long life<br />

expectancy.<br />

“We now have a perfectly working<br />

filling station for two vessels and we<br />

are very happy with the solution,” Fog<br />

enthused.<br />

Exploring inner space<br />

As ‘copter’ drones have become more popular and more affordable, when we think of<br />

drones we automatically think ‘up’. But innovative Canadian<br />

company SheerTech offers a new direction – with the<br />

Starfish tethered robot drone.<br />

Starfish is a nifty device that could prove<br />

invaluable for the underwater diving<br />

and boating community and as an<br />

essential inspection and retrieval aid<br />

for the marina operator.<br />

The underwater ‘drone’ connects<br />

its human operator on the surface to<br />

a 300ft (91m) umbilical cord designed<br />

for hauling objects to the surface. Four<br />

12-volt thruster motors are used to<br />

manoeuvre underwater. Water depths can<br />

be viewed via the onboard video camera<br />

and the grappling claw used to secure<br />

items weighing up to 300lbs (136kg) before the<br />

operator pulls the Starfish to the surface.<br />

The product is the result of 12 months’ development and<br />

enjoyed a successful kick start campaign last year. It is now<br />

on sale for the competitive price of around US$3,195.<br />

Contact SheerTech in ON, Canada on<br />

email: design@sheertech.ca<br />

Contact DualDocker in Austria on email:<br />

doris.czech@dualdocker.com<br />

New<br />

on the<br />

Web<br />

MDL <strong>Marina</strong> Consultancy<br />

has launched a new<br />

website showcasing the<br />

company’s expertise<br />

and the many high<br />

profile projects it has<br />

undertaken to date.<br />

Designed following<br />

extensive customer<br />

research to ensure it offers<br />

the best possible user<br />

experience, the site is easy<br />

to navigate with engaging<br />

content and interactive<br />

features.<br />

Take a look at<br />

www.mdlconsultancy.com<br />

68 www.marinaworld.com<br />

<strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

Firsts for Global Anchors<br />

Abell Point <strong>Marina</strong> in Airlie Beach, Queensland, became the first Global Gold Anchor<br />

accredited marina in the world in September. The 507-berth facility, which caters for vessels<br />

of 12-60m (39-197ft), is a tourist hub for visitors to the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier<br />

Reef. It earned the highest accolade of 5 Gold Anchors.<br />

There are over 250 Gold<br />

Anchor marinas globally<br />

that have been accredited<br />

by either The Yacht Harbour<br />

Association (TYHA) of the UK<br />

or the Australia-based <strong>Marina</strong><br />

Industries Association (MIA).<br />

As the accreditation systems<br />

have now merged, these<br />

marinas will gradually move<br />

across to the new scheme<br />

and be joined by many others<br />

that are attracted by the<br />

advantages of one global<br />

scheme.<br />

Upon presentation of<br />

the award, MIA president<br />

Andrew Chapman CMM<br />

commented: “After two years<br />

of cooperative development,<br />

the Global Gold Anchor<br />

scheme is up and away. Over<br />

coming weeks and months<br />

I will be presenting Global<br />

Gold Anchor accreditation to<br />

marinas across Australasia.<br />

This first presentation to<br />

Abell Point <strong>Marina</strong> is very<br />

appropriate given its high<br />

profile, strong customer focus<br />

and commitment to continual<br />

improvement.”<br />

The presentation to Abell<br />

Point was swiftly followed<br />

by a 4 Anchor award to<br />

Horizon City <strong>Marina</strong>, the first<br />

marina in Taiwan to earn<br />

Above l to r: Paul Darrouzet, owner of Abell Point<br />

<strong>Marina</strong>, accepts the first Global Gold Anchor<br />

award from Colin Bransgrove. Right: Andrew<br />

Chapman (left) welcomes Horizon Bay, Taiwan, as<br />

a Gold Anchor award marina.<br />


accreditation, and two further<br />

awards to marinas in China.<br />

Horizon City is a 25 berth<br />

facility for boats of 12-60m<br />

(39-197ft) located in Central<br />

Kaohsiung.<br />

The Chinese 5 Gold<br />

Anchor<br />

awards<br />

were given<br />

to 150-berth<br />

Yalong Bay<br />

Yacht Club<br />

in Sanya – a<br />

first-time<br />

Gold Anchor<br />

recipient – and the exclusive<br />

110-berth Shanshui Taihu<br />

Club and <strong>Marina</strong> in Wuxi.<br />

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www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 69


Index to Advertisers<br />

Bellingham Marine, USA 6, 7<br />

Best Marine Solutions, USA 71<br />

Boatlift, Italy 61<br />

Camper &<br />

Nicholsons <strong>Marina</strong>s, UK 10<br />

Conolift<br />

by Kropf Industrial, Canada 54<br />

D-Marin, Turkey 33<br />

Den Hartog, USA 62<br />

Dura Composites, UK 35<br />

Eaton <strong>Marina</strong><br />

Power & Lighting, USA 14 & 15<br />

Gigieffe, Italy 24<br />

Golden Boat Lifts, USA 64<br />

Grupo Lindley, Portugal 38<br />

Halo Maritime Defense, USA 66<br />

Harbour Assist, UK 45<br />

Helix Mooring Systems, USA 26<br />

Hiscox, UK 48<br />

ICOMIA WMC <strong>2016</strong>, Netherlands 29<br />

IMBC 2017, USA 58<br />

IMCI, Belgium 66<br />

Ingemar, Italy 20<br />

Inland & Coastal <strong>Marina</strong>s, Ireland 58<br />

JLD International, Netherlands 50<br />

M-Tech, Australia 18<br />

MDL <strong>Marina</strong> Consultancy, UK 34<br />

MWS&S, UK 52 & 53<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Master by IRM, Slovenia 54<br />

<strong>Marina</strong> Projects, UK 30<br />

Marine Travelift, USA 72<br />

Marinetek, Finland 4<br />

Markel International, UK 41<br />

Martini Alfredo, Italy 42<br />

Moffatt & Nichol, USA 11<br />

Orsta Breakwater, Netherlands 49<br />

PMS Dock Marine Systems,<br />

Turkey 50<br />

Pacsoft, New Zealand 26<br />

Pile Ring, New Zealand 54<br />

Plus Marine, Italy 42<br />

Poralu Marine, France 36 & 37<br />

Rolec Services, UK 12<br />

Rollins Electrical, UK 22<br />

Roodberg - a brand of Frisian<br />

Industries, Netherlands 69<br />

Rototec, Italy 38<br />

SF <strong>Marina</strong> System, Sweden 2<br />

Seaflex, Sweden 8<br />

Seijsener, Netherlands 17<br />

Strongwell, USA 66<br />

Successful Software, Greece 64<br />

Superior Group, Australia 16<br />

Titan Deck/Voyager<br />

Industries, USA 26<br />

Twinwood by Soprefa, Portugal 48<br />

Walcon Marine, UK 13<br />

Wickens Engineering, UK 64<br />

Wigging Lift Co, USA 63<br />

Wise Handling, UK 57<br />

Managing utilities<br />

by mobile phone<br />

Rolec has launched BerthMaster Online, a marina management system that<br />

allows boat owners to manage and pay for their electricity and water services<br />

by mobile phone. The system is now fully operational at Dean & Reddyhoff’s<br />

600-berth Haslar <strong>Marina</strong>, Gosport, UK – the recipient of the first batch of<br />

Quantum dockside pedestals.<br />

A natural progression from the<br />

proven BerthMaster system, it offers<br />

new levels of control for both marina<br />

operator and berth holder.<br />

Rolec managing director, Kieron<br />

Alsop, explained the thinking.<br />

“We pioneered the introduction<br />

of computer managed electricity<br />

and water services at marinas<br />

worldwide with the development<br />

and introduction of the original<br />

BerthMaster system almost 20<br />

years ago,” he said.<br />

“During this time, the BerthMaster<br />

system has become the world’s<br />

leading marina services management<br />

solution – with tens of thousands of<br />

berths worldwide successfully operating<br />

on the system,” he added.<br />

Although the marina operator<br />

continues to have overall control of the<br />

marina’s services, boat owners can use<br />

their mobile phones to:<br />

• Remotely switch on/off their own<br />

electricity and water services,<br />

eliminating the need to visit the<br />

marina office.<br />

• Have 24/7 access to their own<br />

electricity and water accounts from<br />

any location in the world.<br />

• Pay in advance or on account for<br />

electricity and water services via<br />

the BerthMaster Online <strong>World</strong>pay<br />

platform.<br />

• Receive email/text alerts in the<br />

event of an unauthorised electrical<br />

disconnection.<br />

Describing the new product as<br />

“slick”, Michael Prideaux, managing<br />

director of Dean & Reddyhoff said “it<br />

has transformed both the customer<br />

experience and the operational side at<br />

Haslar <strong>Marina</strong>.”<br />

Contact Rolec Services in the UK on<br />

email: rolec@rolecserv.co.uk<br />

International marina guidelines<br />

The two-part publication Guidelines for <strong>Marina</strong> Design, authored by the<br />

PIANC RecCom Working Group 149, is now available.<br />

The objective of the report<br />

is to provide information and<br />

recommendations on good practice,<br />

and the emphasis – unlike most other<br />

guidelines of its kind – is international<br />

in focus.<br />

PIANC hopes the report will<br />

become a reference for marina<br />

designers and other practitioners<br />

involved in marina development and<br />

operations. It summarises available<br />

technical literature, including the<br />

most recent advances in the field, as<br />

well as practical lessons learnt from<br />

the experiences of the contributors,<br />

who are professionals in the fields of<br />

marina planning, design, engineering,<br />

environmental services, construction<br />

and management activities.<br />

Part 1 (45 pages - €52) covers:<br />

recommended design approach;<br />

surveys and investigations; and<br />

vessel characteristics. Part 2 (94<br />

pages – €108) covers marina<br />

protection and coastal aspects.<br />

The publications are available at<br />

www.pianc.org<br />

70<br />

www.marinaworld.com - <strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2016</strong>

Look for NEW technology and<br />

innovations from BMS at this fall’s<br />

marina events!<br />

Go to www.bestmarinesolutions.com<br />

for details on all specials.<br />

SaniSailor<br />


AquaClean<br />


<br />

<br />

PumpWatcher Remote Monitoring.<br />

Clean <strong>Marina</strong> rebate of $1,000 until 12/<strong>2016</strong><br />

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NEW and Improved Patented Technology.<br />

Advanced Separation Module. Low Cost Boat<br />

Wash Compliance!<br />

Clean <strong>Marina</strong> Fall <strong>2016</strong> Rebate Available.<br />

<br />

Call for details.<br />

<br />

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<br />

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Fall <strong>2016</strong> Special. Buy Fast Attack this fall<br />

and get special pricing on fire-fighting foam.<br />

Toll Free 855.355.3625<br />

International 01.727.821.7867<br />

BMS is advancing its SMART <strong>Marina</strong> group<br />

of solutions with the addition of R-marina's<br />

WiFi and Smart Solutions.<br />

Fall Special: Get R-marina Smart and get<br />

FREE PumpWatcher<br />

Wi-Fi CCTV Cameras Access Control<br />

Dynamic Display Screens<br />

Electricity and Water Metering<br />

Automation Intercom Smart Lighting<br />

Find your solutions at:<br />

www.bestmarinesolutions.com<br />


Trusted Name, Proven Value<br />

Get total control with our<br />

New Forklift Lineup.<br />

Higher capacities now available.<br />

The NEW expanded capacity lineup of Hydro M-Drive forklifts comes from our<br />

long line of the industry’s highest performing boat handling equipment. Equipped<br />

with the exclusive Marine Travelift Hydro M-Drive, our forklifts make it easier to<br />

navigate your yard while hauling the boats you need to lift. The dual action<br />

pedal provides operators with complete drive control to easily handle loads<br />

of different sizes.<br />

Contact our sales team for introductory pricing on the forklift that will take<br />

on the demands of your yard.<br />


• Smoother acceleration<br />

and deceleration<br />

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• Effi cient dual action pedal<br />

• More control over uneven<br />

surfaces<br />

marinetravelift.com<br />

+1.920.743.6202 / sales@marinetravelift.com<br />

©<strong>2016</strong> Marine Travelift

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