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EPSA Students' Science Publication<br />

Dear friends,<br />


The purpose of the European Pharmaceutical Students' Association (EPSA)<br />

is to bring pharmacy, knowledge and students together. A way of bringing<br />

students' knowledge together, on a scientific level, is this new project which is<br />

a coalition between two departments: Education and Public Relations.<br />

In other words, Students + Science + Publications = EPSA Students' Science<br />

Publication (ESSP). We are proud to finally be able to collect abstracts of<br />

student research projects and compile them in a publication that students<br />

all over Europe can read and gain inspiration from. Additionally, authors get<br />

the opportunity to share their research, hypothesis, ways of tackling scientific<br />

obstacles, results and thoughts on the outcome of each scientific project. This<br />

publication will also contain some personal comments on the authors’ research<br />

experience alongside the abstracts.<br />

In order to ensure quality in the publication, we have been very lucky to be<br />

assisted by professional holds - with the help from Professor and Head of Drug<br />

Transport and Delivery Research Group, Natsa Skalko-Basnet, Department of<br />

Pharmacy (Dep. Phar) and Associate Professor at the Molecular Pharmacology<br />

Research Group (Dep. Phar), Yury Kiselev, both from the University of Tromsoe,<br />

Norway. We want, once again, to thank both of them for the energy put in this<br />

project and also thank all the students who have submitted their abstracts -<br />

because without them, this journal wouldn't exist!<br />

We hope you enjoy reading this publication, and we hereby invite and encourage<br />

you to send in your abstracts for the next editions!<br />

Yours in EPSA,<br />

Science Coordinator and Publications Coordinator 2013/2014<br />

Rebwar Saleh and Mara Lefter<br />


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