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EPSA Students' Science Publication<br />
1. Why did you select this topic for your research / master thesis?<br />
Analytical chemistry is my favorite field of pharmacy. I have had the<br />
opportunity to use analytical instruments such as high performance liquid<br />
chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) since 2nd year of<br />
studies.<br />
2. How do you feel you have coped with the challenges that research brings?<br />
The topic is quite complex, but I have had a great opportunity to learn and<br />
work with Ass. Prof. Ljilja Torović. She is an expert in this field and one of<br />
the greatest professors in our faculty. I think I just scratched the surface of<br />
analytical chemistry and I am seeking for more knowledge.<br />
3. What personal skills have you developed as a researcher during your<br />
research period?<br />
I learned the importance of correct time management, patience and<br />
hardworking.<br />
4. If you had the opportunities, would you specialize more in the field?<br />
Yes, I have been interested in PhD and I hope to continue doing this type of<br />
research in the future.<br />
5. Any other comments you want to share with other students?<br />
Once again, I would like to thank Ass. Prof. Ljilja Torović for all the help she<br />
provided me during the research.<br />
More information:<br /><br />