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Clubmark is a Sport England initiative that provides a ‘kitemark’ of<br />
quality for sports clubs. Its purpose is to identify and acknowledge<br />
those clubs that have shown that they are properly and efficiently<br />
managed, that provide a safe environment for young players to<br />
learn and enjoy their sport, and that have a high standard of equity<br />
and ethics towards all members. Clubs that have gained Sport England<br />
Clubmark status are therefore nationally recognised as being<br />
run in a safe, effective and child-friendly manner.<br />
<strong>GPRCC</strong> was one of the first clubs to receive clubmark accreditation<br />
in 2004. Achieved re-accreditation in 2008 and 2014.<br />
Alvin Martin presents Jamal Francis the Peters Cup for his 137 & 3-43 vs Wickford<br />
<strong>GPRCC</strong> <strong>HANDBOOK</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.indd 17 16/05/<strong>2016</strong> 17:17:42