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A season of two halves is the best way to describe 2015. If our 1st, 2nd<br />
and 3rd XI performed in the first half of the season as they did in the<br />
second half of the season then all sides would have had a chance of<br />
promotion. That said the 1st XI finished a respectful 4th in the league,<br />
2nd XI finished 3rd in the league and the 3rd XI 5th in the league.<br />
The 2nd XI season went to the last game of the season but they missed<br />
promotion due to other results not going there way. The Club entered<br />
a 4th XI in the league this year and thanks to their captain and club<br />
stalwart Les Hall they managed to fulfil their fixtures and allowed<br />
some promising youngsters to gain valuable league cricket experience.<br />
Our first year in the Essex Sunday League proved to be a success and<br />
the Club finished second to Gorsebrook. We look forward to playing<br />
in the Premier League in <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
The clubs focus is on Colts Cricket and development of players at all<br />
levels. We are committed to giving our colts and adult cricketers the<br />
best coaching and committed to developing Gallows Corner to have<br />
the best facilities and to making it the place to play cricket in the local<br />
area.<br />
We put in place a new head coach and together with his supporting<br />
coaches they provide a high level of coaching which the players and<br />
the Club are already seeing the benefits of. Hopefully this will transfer<br />
into success at all levels in <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
<strong>GPRCC</strong> <strong>HANDBOOK</strong> <strong>2016</strong>.indd 5 16/05/<strong>2016</strong> 17:17:40