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<strong>Rajah</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

www.rajahshrine.org<br />

Vol. 74 <strong>December</strong> 2016 - January 2017 No. 1<br />

S<br />

eason’s Greetings<br />

from<br />

Illustrious Sir<br />

Lawrence Bortz III<br />

and<br />

Lady Barbara


Generous friends like you help us bring an exciting Circus to the families in this area.<br />

Advertising in our Circus Program helps <strong>Rajah</strong> Shriners AND<br />

You will benefit from the exposure to the thousands of people who attend.<br />

Sponsor a Bicycle and You will be listed in the program and also announced at the shows.<br />

65 bicycles were given away last year!<br />

Advertising sizes and costs:<br />

Full Page $125.00 Fourth of Page $ 50.00<br />

Half of Page $ 70.00 Eighth of Page $ 30.00<br />

Bicycle Sponsorship $100.00<br />

(Business Card Size)<br />

Complete this form and mail it, along with your ad and payment to:<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Circus, P.O. Box 40, Blandon, PA 19510<br />

Ads can be emailed to: Steffanie@rajahshrine.org<br />



Please call <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine office at (610) 916-9000<br />

WEBSITE: www.rajahshrine.org<br />

SHORT VIDEO ON OUR CIRCUS: http://tinyurl.com/<strong>Rajah</strong>ShrinersCircus<br />

Proceeds are for the benefit of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine and are not deductible as charitable contributions. However, they are 100% deductible as advertising expense.<br />






Company Name ______________________________________________________ Ad Size: __________<br />

Contact Person ______________________________________________________ Bike Sponsor: __________<br />

Address: ______________________________________________________ Donation Only: __________<br />

City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________<br />

Telephone #: ______________________________________________________ Total Amount: __________<br />

VISA MasterCard Discover American Express<br />

Card Number: _______________________________________ Ex Date __________________ V-Code ___________<br />

Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Shriner or Club/Unit Affiliation AND Telephone Number<br />

Thank you for your support in our 55th year of the <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Circus.<br />


The Potentate’s Message<br />

Es The Selamu Potentate’s Aleikum Message<br />

Es Selamu Aleikum<br />

The Potentate’s Message<br />

Nobles, Ladies and Friends:<br />

Seasons Greetings Everyone:<br />

Nobles, Ladies and Friends:<br />

Es Selamu Aleikum<br />

For those of you that remember, we started the year on a fast track, and ironically<br />

we will end Nobles, the year Ladies almost and the Friends: same way. How so? A gazillion Christmas parties to<br />

try to attend. Aside from all of the <strong>December</strong> frivolity and festivity, Lady Barbara and<br />

I would like to say, Thank You for all the gracious hospitality shown to us at your Unit<br />

and Club meetings, plus every affair that we attended. We would like to applaud all<br />

of the Nobles and their Ladies for all of your hard work on every project <strong>Rajah</strong> had<br />

this year.<br />

You made being your Potentate and First Lady an absolute pleasure for us. Thank<br />

you again for this privilege. My only hope and wanted desire is that I have honored<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> and respected that for which this fraternity was built.<br />

I believe that <strong>Rajah</strong> is an excellent tool to make good men better. I commend you all for doing this day in and day out. We have<br />

to work together in building our membership, to maintain our fraternity and keep the name Shriners on top of our hospitals. We<br />

still have an opportunity to turn more brothers into Shriners at our Full Dress Ceremonial, <strong>December</strong> 10. We have one last push to<br />

continue to increase our membership this year for <strong>Rajah</strong>. Lets go for it!<br />

Lady Barbara and I can not find enough words to thank our Chief Aide, Bryan Snyder, and his Lady, Judithanne, for all they<br />

have done for us and how tastefully they handled everything, along with the committee heads and the rest of their committees, and<br />

of course the rest of our Aides and their Ladies<br />

Again thank you all so very much. I hope all of you feel the way we do, that Shriners are the greatest friends one could have.<br />

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and good luck to incoming Potentate Dave Evans and Lady Sarah.<br />

And The Beat Goes On 4 R Kids!<br />

Yours in the faith,<br />

Lawrence S. Bortz, III<br />

Illustrious Potentate<br />


Attest:<br />

ALIEKUM Joe Hagan<br />


ES SELAM<br />

Recorder<br />

ES SELAM<br />

Attest:<br />

Attest:<br />

Joe Hagan Joe Hagan<br />

Recorder Recorder<br />




4<br />

Shriners International<br />

Published February, April, June,<br />

August, October, <strong>December</strong><br />

P.O. Box 40, Blandon, PA 19510<br />

Telephone: 610-916-9000<br />

Fax: 610-916-9100<br />

www.rajahshrine.org<br />

EDITOR<br />

Sam Ellis<br />

2409 Treeline Drive<br />

Easton, PA 18040-7925<br />

Phone: 610-390-6188<br />

Email: sellis4947@aol.com<br />



Maximum article size is 450<br />

words.<br />

Copy deadline for the next<br />

issue of the <strong>Rajah</strong> <strong>News</strong> is<br />

January 10, 2017<br />

Octo<br />


E-mail or Mail your article<br />

to Sam Ellis (Address Above)<br />













RONALD F. RAPP, P.P.<br />







Every Thursday Evening at the <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Complex<br />

Doors Open at 5:00 - Bingo Starts at 6:30<br />

Open Every To The Thursday Public • Smoke Evening Free at • the Refreshments <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Available Complex for Purchase<br />

Proceeds benefit Doors <strong>Rajah</strong> Open Shrine at and 5:00 are - Bingo not deductible Starts at 6:30 as charitable donations.<br />

• Open To The Public • Smoke Free •<br />

• Refreshments Available for Purchase •<br />

THE<br />

Proceeds<br />


benefit <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine and<br />

STUDY<br />

are not deductible as charitable donations.<br />

Rev. David Newhart<br />

This time of Christmas is one that is filled with all sorts of traditions that are<br />

religious in nature, privately personal and family in nature. In my family we would<br />

go to Christmas Eve services usually at 11 PM and then return home for a touch<br />

of Christmas. If we were good in church, we could open one gift that night. Then<br />

first thing, around 7 AM Christmas Day, we’d meet to eat breakfast. Afterwards,<br />

when our father was ready, we would go to the living room and open presents<br />

one person at a time so we could see what everyone got. Then we’d head back to<br />

church for Christmas Day services. Around one o’clock we would have our family<br />

meal and then in the afternoon it was off to my grandparents.<br />

I mention all this because this is part of who we are as a people. All these<br />

traditions are common among us Christians, things that we long remember. This<br />

is a time of family gatherings for most people. And it’s always a time to remember<br />

who we are as a family.<br />

I hope you will take a moment after reading this to sit and remember all those<br />

traditions that are part of your family history. I’m sure you’ll remember a lot of those<br />

things that happened and recall the part that you played in making them happen.<br />

Perhaps you will take the time this Christmas to think of those who are not as<br />

well off as we Christians. The less fortunate of this world often do not have the<br />

opportunity to have a huge meal and visit grandparents or to open gifts around<br />

a Christmas tree with brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers. When I was<br />

working in a Reading church, I began to go to the homeless shelter on a variety<br />

of occasions when my church provided the meal. Then I also decided to go to the<br />

shelters on holidays like Christmas and Easter. These visits became part of my<br />

tradition to celebrate the love of God with those who have very little to celebrate.<br />

These people really appreciated our efforts. I often talked to the people, especially<br />

Ensinger Printing Service<br />

At Ensinger Printing, we’re proud to<br />

have taken over publication of the<br />


<strong>Rajah</strong> <strong>News</strong> after years of working<br />

the mothers with children. We<br />

brought gifts for the children<br />

and saw their faces light up<br />

with God’s love. What a way<br />

with Saul Printing. to start a new tradition for<br />

Mini-Ceremonials shall be at the discretion<br />

Call us for all your printing needs. Christmas or any time. May<br />

Potentate. To schedule, please contact the recorder at<br />

717-484-4451 God be with you and yours<br />

610-916-9000.<br />

info@ensingerprinting.com during this festival season.


Hello Nobles,<br />

Joe Hagan<br />

We are quickly coming to year’s end. There will be<br />

plenty of Christmas Parties and Ladies Nights for the next<br />

few weeks. There is a Stated Meeting on <strong>December</strong> 7,<br />

2016 which will include the Election of Officers for 2017.<br />

Our full-dress Ceremonial will be on Saturday, <strong>December</strong><br />

10, 2016, and your Lady is invited to come with you.<br />

The doors will open at 7:30 AM for the Ceremonial<br />

and registration of candidates will begin at 8:30AM. The<br />

Ceremony will begin at 9:45 AM. When the morning<br />

activities are over we will have lunch, then the Second<br />

Section, “Cold Sands,” and finish with the Holiday<br />

Raffle Drawing.<br />

Ceremonial - <strong>December</strong> 10<br />

DUES!!!! Our total membership as of November 9,<br />

2016 is 2,910 and as of this date 158 Nobles have not paid their 2016 dues. Please<br />

check your dues card to see if you are current. Those owing their 2016 dues on <strong>December</strong> 31, 2016 will be suspended<br />

from the rolls of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine. If you are having difficulty with finances or health, please contact the office.<br />

Shriners International has mailed all the dues notices for 2017. If you get mail from Shriners International please<br />

open it and check the contents, it could be your dues notice.<br />

We’ve had a great year. The Circus was down a little, Shrine Night at the Phillies was very good, the Pote’s Picnic<br />

was enjoyed by all, the Pretzel Bowl was a great day and the Sportsmen’s Raffle was a huge success. Thanks to all the<br />

Nobles who participated in and supported these projects. If you would like to be involved in any of these activities<br />

just contact the office.<br />

Our Hospital Service Nobles made 37 trips to the Shrine Hospital, Philadelphia Unit, during September and<br />

October. Thank you for your dedication to the children and our GREAT philanthropy.<br />

If you know of any Nobles that are in the hospital, sick at home or shut in, please contact the office and give us<br />

their names.<br />

The Annual meeting will be held on January 11, 2017 at 7:00PM at the <strong>Rajah</strong> Complex. You are required to wear<br />

your Fez and you need a current<br />

dues card. If you have paid your<br />



FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2016 &<br />

MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2016<br />


MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 2017<br />


Thank you, <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Office<br />

dues and haven’t received your<br />

2017 dues card or sticker, you will<br />

still be admitted.<br />

The Mass Installation will be on<br />

January 14, 2017, at the Leesport<br />

Farmers Market. The doors will<br />

open at 1:00PM, Mass Installation<br />

at 2:00PM, dinner at 3:00PM.<br />

Lady Joyce and I wish each<br />

Noble, Lady and their families<br />

a very Merry Christmas and a<br />

Happy and Prosperous New Year.<br />




WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2016 - 7:00 P.M.<br />

Please be advised that a stated meeting and Election of 2017 Officers of the<br />

Nobility of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine will be held at 7:00 PM, Wednesday, <strong>December</strong> 7,<br />

2016 in the Banquet Hall at the <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Complex, 221 Orchard Road,<br />

Reading, PA.<br />

The business of the meeting will be to present to the body, discuss and vote, if<br />

necessary, on the following items:<br />

• To vote on candidates for creation, affiliation and restoration.<br />

• Any other business that may lawfully come before the body.<br />

• Hold Election of 2017 Officers<br />

Illustrious Sir Lawrence S. Bortz, III, Potentate<br />

ATTEST: Joseph J. Hagan, Sr., Recorder <strong>Rajah</strong><br />


Jon Swartz<br />

Greetings from Donor Relations. As usual, it was a busy year for our nobles, their<br />

ladies, families and friends who help us raise funds for Shriners’ Hospital and for our<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> Transportation Fund. My thanks and appreciation go out to all who help with<br />

our fundraising events, especially our multiple crusades throughout the year. Without<br />

your help, we would not have raised $12,164.68 from our hospital crusades in 2016.<br />

As the years go forward, we have less available help to collect these funds<br />

and to let the world know who we are and what we do as Shriners and Shrine<br />

supporters. The new banners and stands are terrific! To all our incoming members<br />

and our less-active existing members, please consider helping with our crusades.<br />

You do not have be a member of any club or unit to help, just inquire with any<br />

club or unit President or Secretary to be a part of their efforts at the assigned<br />

location. The rewards are endless.<br />

In addition to the efforts in our crusades, many clubs and units provide generous<br />

contributions to our hospital and our transportation fund during the formal ceremonial.<br />

To those clubs and units, I offer a resounding “THANK YOU.” <strong>Rajah</strong> Temple is one of the busiest transporters of<br />

patients to our Philadelphia hospital. Our Philadelphia hospital is one of the most successful and productive hospitals<br />

in our network. Thus, your contributions are being used responsibly with great appreciation by our many patients and<br />

their families.<br />

My best to all for a happy and healthy holiday season and for a successful 2017.<br />


HOSPITAL SERVICES - Contributing<br />

Hospital Service Unit <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Chapter Ends the 2016 year on a season high.<br />

Under the leadership of Ill. Sir Lawrence S. Bortz, III, 60 hours of<br />

cable television programs from Shriners Hospital<br />

in the City of Brotherly Love have been seen in the<br />

greater Lehigh Valley area, Philadelphia, Boston,<br />

New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C.. No<br />

other Shrine Chapter can make that statement.<br />

Thanks to RCN TV Cable Network, Station<br />

Manager Rick Geho, Bob Gery, producer of<br />

Community Spotlight, and Dan Mowdy, the host<br />

of Community Spotlight, for their support. In fact,<br />

a contribution was made to Shriners Hospital in<br />

tribute to Bob Gery, who recently passed away at<br />

the age of 62. He was a good friend to <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine<br />

Chapter and Shriners Hospital for Children.<br />

Thanks to Administrator Ed Myers, FACHE,<br />

for his program outlining how Shriners help albino<br />

children from Africa who lost their arms and legs<br />

through illegal operations by witch doctors who then sold the body parts on the open market. Albino children are now<br />

receiving quality care at Shriners Hospital in Philadelphia.<br />

Another program featured William Roman, R.T., C.T., radiology manager, who oversees the new EOS 2D/3D imaging<br />

system. William explained that this system captures 3D whole body images of a standing or sitting patient in a single<br />

scan with outstanding imaging quality while using the lowest dose of radiation possible. The radiation dose from EOS is<br />

an eighth of a normal image. The two low-dose EOS images can then be processed on the sterEOS station, which allows<br />

3-D bone modeling of the patient in a weight-bearing position.<br />

EOS Imaging System<br />

Miss Joy Young, Assistant Public Relations at Shriners Hospital, presented an over-all<br />

view of good things occurring at Shriners Hospital.<br />

Appearing on RCN on <strong>December</strong> 15th, Michele T. Cimino, MSN, RN, Clinical Education<br />

Coordinator, along with Janet Cairone, RN, BSN, Nurse Manager Surgical Services, will<br />

present an overall view of our education system in conjunction with our advanced surgical<br />

procedures in any one of our three operating rooms at Shriners Hospital.<br />

Congratulations to Paul Shaw, who is in his ninth year as ambassador to Shriners<br />

Hospital, for his dedication in helping children and raising money with a handful of<br />

volunteers and bringing our vintage hospital service float up to date, which was the lead<br />

float in the MASA Parade.<br />

Your attendance at the next meeting would be appreciated by Paul. Be proud of<br />

your float. Our journey continues<br />


Mini-Ceremonials shall be at the discretion of the<br />

Potentate. To schedule, please contact the recorder at<br />

610-916-9000<br />

Bob Bainbridge<br />

to promote helping children at<br />

Shriners Hospital.<br />

Happy Holidays to all members<br />

of the Hospital Service Unit.<br />


8<br />

Ladies’ Luncheon

ANGLERS Dick Snell<br />

With the season ending for most of our anglers except for the ice fishermen, we are now relegated<br />

to watching outdoor channels while Old Man Winter does his thing. We’ve had a lot of fun times while fishing and<br />

participating in activities that benefit our hospitals and kids.<br />

Our activities for the winter will not go dormant as we have plenty to keep us involved. Upcoming events include<br />

our continued involvement with bingo, our Christmas party on Dec. 14th, our involvement in a Veterans Day parade,<br />

and another dinner meeting in February with the Ladies where Illustrious Ron Klee will address what it takes to have<br />

the circus be the success it has been for our Shrine.<br />

Unfortunately, we have lost a great friend last month with the passing of Jim Pehlman. Jim took a leadership role<br />

in organizing many of the activities throughout the year. He was our balloon man for the circus, procurer of meats<br />

and catering services for our dinners, the hot dog man at our fish fry and many other behind the scenes things that<br />

most of us never saw. Jim was a charter member of the club and served many years as its treasurer. His wife Jeanie<br />

was often the organizer of many of Jim’s endeavors and as a club we encourage her to continue to be involved and<br />

we send her our condolences.<br />

Sauerkraut will be hitting its peak with the holidays fast approaching so if you need yours in time contact Marv<br />

Miller (570-386-3080) or me (610-824-3200) to place your order. We will make whatever arrangements are necessary<br />

to see you get your order.<br />

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registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. 85582 03/16<br />

This is my last newsletter, as the gavel is being<br />

passed to Ron Szapacs as the 2017 president. I would<br />

sincerely like to thank everyone who supported our efforts<br />

throughout the last three years, making my job a lot easier.<br />

Your commitment to serving the club, and thereby serving<br />

the kids, makes it an honor to be part of this club and the<br />

shrine.<br />

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!<br />

RAJAH Shrine Concert Band<br />

Annual<br />

“Daily Number Calendar” Sale<br />

For Donation of Only $20.00 Each<br />

January 1, 2017 to <strong>December</strong> 31, 2017<br />

(Based on the 3 digit daily numbers<br />

of PA Lottery Number at 7 PM only)<br />

367 chances to win $20 - $300<br />

Contact Joe D. McCarthy<br />

301 East 5 th Street, Bernville, PA 19506<br />

Telephone: 610-488-1382<br />



Richard Jessop<br />

Nobles,<br />

Happy second birthday to us, the Noble Riders. How time passes. It was two years ago on 12/13/14<br />

that we received our Charter.<br />

In that Charter we were born not with a primary function of being a fundraising organization<br />

but rather as an awareness group. We want to bring attention to <strong>Rajah</strong> and drive membership of<br />

individuals with a common interest of motorcycles and our Masonic/Shrine principles. It has been<br />

successful, as we have specifically had members join <strong>Rajah</strong> so that they may join the Noble Riders, giving more members<br />

to make light the work of the Unit and of <strong>Rajah</strong>.<br />

Although fundraising is not our primary function, it is an important part of our Unit. We continue indirect support of<br />

the hospital through our support of other <strong>Rajah</strong> groups and external organizations such as our annual participation in the<br />

Christmas in July Run for the Shriners Hospitals for Children – Philadelphia and, of course, of our own annual Poker<br />

Run which allows us to make a direct contribution to the Hospital. We want to thank everyone who worked the event<br />

and showed up to support the event. It means a great deal to us and a great deal to our Hospital.<br />

As another fundraiser, we still have our lapel pins that we are selling for $5.00. Please contact any member of<br />

the Noble Riders.<br />

With our formal riding season now over, we will still be meeting and, of course, making ready<br />

for next year’s event calendar. To all our Noble Riders, please plan on attending the January 22nd<br />

meeting. We will make the motion to complete our obligation to the Charter members and we would<br />

like as many of our members as possible to be in attendance.<br />

We hope that everyone here had a safe and fun Thanksgiving Holiday and we wish everyone a very happy and safe<br />

Merry Christmas.<br />

Please remember, if you know any Nobles or any<br />

Brothers who ride, let them know of us as we are always<br />

looking for new members. For any questions or membership<br />

applications, please contact Noble President, Thomas V.<br />

Happy<br />

Conlon Sr. PP - tomtom1959@aol.com (610.780.4020) or<br />

Noble CMO, Richard W. Jessop - richardjessop@hotmail.<br />

com (347.410.0177).<br />

Remember, we are on Facebook so please like our<br />

Holidays<br />

page (and have your family and friends do so as well).<br />

http://www.facebook.com/nobleridersofthemysticshrine.<br />


Dave Evans<br />

Greetings from the <strong>Rajah</strong> Motor Corps,<br />

We’ve been busy parading this Fall and now it’s time to<br />

put away the rigs for the winter.<br />

But, before we do, we have a major event coming up.<br />

The horses have all been in training and are ready for the<br />

combined Motor Corps and Oriental Band Horse Races on<br />

February 11. SAVE THE DATE!!!<br />

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Bryan Snyder<br />

Unit Director Concert Band, Potentate’s Chief Aide<br />

The <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Concert Band Unit is a brotherhood of nobles, committed to our families, engaged in continuous<br />

personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. By uniting our shared values and Godgiven<br />

gifts, we build together a desire to have fun, to do good work and uplift each other for a lifetime.<br />

The <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Concert Band made its debut on October 14, 1896 under the directorship of the late Monroe A.<br />

Althouse. Today, Bandmaster Dale Schimpf conducts our band to play so children in need can play.<br />

The <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Concert Band Unit consists of the following musical groups: Concert Band, Parade Band, Dance<br />

Band (Nobelaires), Dixieland Band, German Band, and Brass Ensembles. For more information on our band schedule, and<br />

finding out if we can play for you, visit the www.<strong>Rajah</strong>Shrine.org website or contact Joe D. McCarthy, President, 610-488-<br />

1382 and Bryan D. Snyder, Unit Director, 610-589-2022. You are invited to come join our unit, as instrumentalist or not.<br />

The 2017 Lottery Calendars are available for $20. See any band member to purchase one. The next Pop’s Concert is<br />

Sunday, May 7th. Reminder to put that date in your calendar for a fun afternoon of music.<br />

Words can never fully express how much someone means to us, language can still provide comfort, solace, hope and even<br />

inspiration following the death of a brother. We are deeply sadden by the loss of many brothers in our band this year and we<br />

hope to carry forth the memory and the love that these great men had shared in our lives. Ray Rentschler, Robert Hornberger,<br />

David Wagner, Donald Schimmel and Donald Brown are now playing in the heavenly band. God bless these nobles.<br />

Thank you to the band officers for a productive 2016 year. Thank you to the bandsmen for all the donations of time and<br />

talent. Thanks, Chuck Runkle, Assistant Bandmaster, Band VP and Past President of MASBA for a great job at MASA, in<br />

Virginia Beach.<br />

It is the most beautiful<br />

time of the year once again.<br />

Pray, play, sing and make<br />

merry. Christmas is finally<br />

here. Merry Christmas to<br />

you and your family. Have a<br />

prosperous New Year!<br />

34th Annual Mass Installation of Officers<br />

Of All Units & Clubs<br />

Saturday, January 14, 2017<br />

Leesport Farmers Market • 312 Gernant’s Church Rd<br />

Leesport, Pennsylvania 19533<br />

The event begins at 1:00 PM • Installation begins at 2 PM<br />

A Hot Buffet Dinner Will Follow the Ceremony<br />

Non-Officers and their Ladies are welcome to attend at a cost of $10.00 per person<br />

Reservations must be made with your Unit or Club<br />

If you not belong to a Unit or Club Call <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Office 610-916-9000<br />

Deadline for Reservations – Friday <strong>December</strong> 30th, 2016<br />


Ladies'<br />

Jewelry &<br />

Fashion<br />

Show<br />


Lady Tess Shank<br />

(Top Left)<br />

Lady Gail Remo<br />

(Bottom Left)<br />

Lady Ferne Engle<br />

(Top Right)<br />

Lady Debbie Bowers<br />

(Bottom Center)<br />

Lady Joan Rapp<br />

(Bottom Center)<br />

Lady Sandy Coldren<br />

(Bottom Right)<br />



Larry Christman<br />

Greetings from the <strong>Rajah</strong> String Band. I’ll recap our summer and fall schedule, as<br />

our article did not make the last printing. After a long stay in the hospital and rehab, it was good to see<br />

Bill Sassman at the Pote’s Picnic. With a little help from his friends, he was up on the float and playing<br />

his banjo. Since then, Bill has had some major setbacks and is back in rehab, but is doing well.<br />

We took second place trophy at Shenandoah Parade for non-school band.<br />

Next, off to VA Beach for MASA. We had great weather with no rain. One of the highlights was when<br />

we went down Atlantic Avenue on the float with our Ladies working the crowd. Saturday’s parade was<br />

great and the String Band received the First Place Presidents Award (pictured). Congratulations to all our<br />

Bands and the Chanters on their awards. If you ever get to hear the Chanters sing the National Anthem,<br />

you’re in for a treat.<br />

A great thing happened at the Topton Parade. While the float stopped for a train, a family with a small<br />

baby, was hovering over a storm sewer. They had dropped their cell phone through the grate, and our very<br />

own driver, Chris, helped remove the grate, and a young man jumped in to retrieve the phone, all before the train passed by and<br />

the parade began to move once more. Thank you, Chris for the random act of kindness. Thanks, also to the Hamburg Fish &<br />

Game for feeding all the Shriner participants in the King Frost Parade.<br />

As you can see, we had a very busy year, playing in 15 parades. Our last parade is in Myerstown, where Lois and Butch host<br />

lunch. Thank you for your hospitality! We are thankful for all the musicians and their Ladies for their dedication throughout the<br />

year.<br />

There is an open invitation for all musicians to play in our string band. Rehearsals are the second Wednesday of each month<br />

at 6 PM at the Complex. In closing we remember this . . .<br />

With the support of our Ladies, our purpose is that we might play our instruments so that someday a child may walk and play<br />

again.<br />

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,<br />


Roger Reis<br />

Fellow Nobles –<br />

The Lehigh Shrine Club dinner meeting on October 6 was attended by 28 Nobles and Ladies. Dinner was soup, salad, and<br />

haddock, which was enjoyed by all. The Krazy Kamel degree was bestowed upon Noble Robert Zakos. This is a fun event<br />

usually given on an annual basis.<br />

Our Club recently realized that it was necessary to redesign our six Wishing Wells due to wording that is no longer acceptable<br />

by Imperial Shrine. Thank you to Noble Paul A Lizun for agreeing to take on this time-consuming project and to his niece,<br />

Karen Ford, who provided the beautiful art work and materials to make the required corrections.<br />

Our November meeting at the Brass Rail was on Wednesday, the 2nd. There were 42 Nobles and Ladies present to enjoy the<br />

soup, salad, pot roast dinner and Boston cream pie for dessert.<br />

We held our Annual Raffle drawing for $1200.00, awarded in 17 cash prizes. Following the Club’s tradition, established over<br />

the past 10 years, none of the tickets my Lady and I bought were drawn.<br />

As per our By-Laws, the Nomination Committee presented a list of Nobles who are willing to serve our Club as Officers in<br />

2017. We are very fortunate to have another slate of capable members prepared to step-up and volunteer. The Election will be<br />

held at our Christmas Party on <strong>December</strong> 21st at the Columbian Home located at 15th & Greenleaf Streets in Allentown.<br />

Don’t forget the Mass Installation to be held on Saturday, January 14, 2017, to meet and greet our newly elected Potentate and<br />

the other Officers of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine. This is always a great event and the chance to meet old friends and make a few new ones.<br />

Nobles, the Lehigh Shrine Club wishes all of you, your Ladies and families, the very Best Wishes for Happy, Healthy, Joyous<br />

and Safe Holidays. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!<br />

Remember to attend and support your Clubs and Units. Without an active membership, we will cease to exist!<br />

As always, it’s GREAT to be a Shriner!<br />


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We pulled off a great party and started our year with a very favorable spotlight. Everyone played a<br />

vital part in bringing Larry’s and Barbara’s dream into a reality. It seemed we would never get it done, but in four<br />

hours it was all over. Those memories of installation will last a lifetime.<br />

We started the year on the right track but I realized that our work was not completed but just getting started. We<br />

had plenty of work ahead of us and I felt very anxious. The Aides and the Ladies of the Aides set the tone for the year<br />

by being a successful team. The team continued to build upon our first success, then again and again throughout the<br />

year. With all the last-minute snags, constant changes of plans, lack of information and frustrations, we worried that<br />

something would fall through the cracks, but everyone anticipated every contingency. And now it’s the end of the year<br />

and I wish to express my appreciation to our team for their unfailing attention to details.<br />

Throughout this year, several noble participants commented on how well we had organized various events. I must<br />

agree and kudos to everyone for a job well done! It’s not easy to do the bull work, but together we had the horsepower<br />

and a lot of BTUs with love. We are fortunate and thankful that Larry and Barbara agreed to pick us and that they<br />

had full confidence in our abilities to organize a well-managed machine. We also have proven to be unselfish and<br />

have taken good notes and organized our experiences into documents. The plan shall be to pass this knowledge to the<br />

next group of Aides. Again, we were fortunate to have had everyone donate their time and talents on many occasions.<br />

When one could not make it, others were there to support each other.<br />

On behalf of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine, I express my heartfelt thanks to the 2016 Aides, Terry L. Hulziser and Lady Ruth Ann,<br />

Marv E. Hill and Lady Debbie, Lee D. Brisan and Lady Beverly, Bruce D. Dengler and Lady Marian, Thomas J.<br />

Dietrich and Lady Donna, Curtis P. Rentschler and Lady Pat. Also, a special thank you to my Lady Judithanne.<br />

Behind every successful man is a good woman.<br />

Top (Left to Right):<br />

Bryan & Judithanne Snyder<br />

Terry Hulsizer & Ruth Ann Seyler<br />

Marvin Hill & Debbie Bowers<br />

Bottom (Left to Right):<br />

Tom Dietrich, Jr. & Donna Davis<br />

Bruce & Marian Dengler<br />

Curtis & Pat Rentschler<br />

Lee & Beverly Brisan<br />


Bryan Snyder<br />


Greetings Nobles!<br />


It’s a very exciting time of the year with the nomination of officers at hand.<br />

These are the nobles who are up for the elected positons in the legion of Honor. For Commander: Bryan Stoudt,<br />

1st Vice: William Eveland, PC, 2nd Vice: Michael Quinn. 3rd Vice is an open position. Finance Officer: Ill. Sir Jere<br />

Lesher, PP, PC., and for Adjutant yours truly Dennis Hagan. Captain: Scott Miller, PC, PMC. Color Sgt. is open. QM:<br />

Curt Rentschler, Asst. QM: Wade Kunkle and for Trustees: Barry Weisser, PC, PMC, William Eveland PC and Scott<br />

Miller, PC PMC.<br />

So, Nobles if you’re looking to further your participation in our unit, 3rd Vice Commander and Color Sgt. are open.<br />

Please give some thought to getting in line.<br />

Participation in our parades is at a long time low. We’ve missed several parades due to lack of interest. Please let<br />

us know at the meetings if you can participate.<br />

We had three out of town Commander’s Balls and all were well attended by our <strong>Rajah</strong> Legion. They were Nur,<br />

Zem Zem and Syria. We have one ball left this year and its Jaffa in Altoona on <strong>December</strong> 10th.<br />

We are always looking for help on the Legion Night to work Bingo. We do need your help on the fourth Thursday<br />

of each month. Come on out and have some fun. See one of the officers at our meetings.<br />

Our Christmas Party with the Caravaners and the Clowns is coming up on <strong>December</strong> 18th. Please check your mail<br />

for your flyer. There will be a visit from Santa with gifts for each couple. The menu consists of ham, turkey, scalloped<br />

potatoes, green beans, milk, soda, coffee, water, and of course Camels Milk. There also will be great door prizes and<br />

a beautiful item to be raffled off. I have no idea what it is yet..but it will be beautiful! We’re asking something of the<br />

ladies, too. Those ladies with the initials A to M, would you please bring an appetizer? And the ladies with initials N<br />

to Z, please bring a dessert.<br />

We’ll need a full color guard for Mass Installation. Please contact our Captain, PC, PCM Scott Miller to get on the<br />

list. This is a popular assignment so I’m sure he’ll take the first seven volunteers and one alternate.<br />

“My kids say I’m too nosey..at least that’s what it says in their diaries.”<br />

Dennis Hagan<br />

Adjutant, PC, PMC<br />


The <strong>Rajah</strong> Temple Fraternal Endowment Fund was established on <strong>December</strong> 7, 1982 by the late<br />

Illustrious Sir Arthur L. Bustard, Past Potentate. The purpose was to establish a perpetual fund to be used for the sole<br />

purpose of assisting in the preservation, improvement, operation and maintenance of the facilities used by <strong>Rajah</strong> as<br />

its headquarters and for the use of its members.<br />

Starting with an initial investment of five thousand dollars, the fund grew with donations from nobles, clubs and<br />

units of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine. After thirty-four years of donations and prudent investments, the fund now has a value of more<br />

than $1,160,000.00. During the past eighteen years, the Fraternal Endowment Fund contributed $238,351.54 for<br />

repairs and improvements to the building and grounds of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine.<br />

Contributions to the Fraternal Endowment Fund are encouraged and most welcome. The future of maintaining our<br />

facilities for the next generation of Shriners depends upon the financial help we receive from our present members.<br />

Please send your contributions to the <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine office at P.O. Box 40, Blandon, PA 19510-0040.<br />

We encourage our nobles to consider the <strong>Rajah</strong> Fraternal Endowment in their estate planning.<br />


18<br />


Greg Lewis, PP<br />

As we look back on 2016 we have many blessings to be thankful for, and, as we look ahead, there are many<br />

blessings yet to come. The members of the Provost Guard would like to thank everyone that came out and supported us at our<br />

annual Spaghetti Dinner in October, and, having served fewer patrons than the year before, we are still encouraged and hope that<br />

you will put the date of Saturday, October 14, 2017 on your calendar for another big event in <strong>Rajah</strong>.<br />

President Dennis Loch would also like to thank the <strong>Rajah</strong> members and all the guests that came to the Sportsman’s Raffle and<br />

obeyed our parking regulations in putting all our participants in the parking lot without any major mishaps.<br />

During the year, we have many of our members on duty and working in various capacities at several of the events of <strong>Rajah</strong><br />

and look forward to having more members participating at these functions as we fully support our Potentate and officers. We’ll<br />

also be at the Election and Stated meeting on Wednesday, <strong>December</strong> 7 and many of us will be participating in the new member<br />

ceremonial and memorial service on Saturday, <strong>December</strong> 10th.<br />

As this year fades in our memory banks, we must tip our FEZ to our President Dennis Loch and all our officers for a job well<br />

done and many of us look forward to serving another year in our respective offices.<br />

And all of this goes without saying, but I will: We must thank our Potentate, the Illustrious Sir Larry Bortz and his lady,<br />

Barbara, for their support and leadership in 2016. Although it is only one term as Potentate, we all know that Ill. Sir Larry will be<br />

around for a long time to come playing in the bands and supporting <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine as a devoted Past Potentate and active member.<br />

We would also like wish our Chief Rabban Dave Evans and his lady Sarah, lots of luck in the coming year and to let them<br />

know that the Provost Guard will be here to help in any manner whatsoever to make his year a huge success!<br />

Now that the end of the year is upon us we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and<br />

have a Happy and Healthy New Year.<br />


Greg Lewis, PP<br />

Even though we were not able to stage our annual Afternoon of Music in 2016, we still had a very busy year<br />

and are looking forward to presenting a terrific program in 2017, as we continue the tradition of our Afternoon of Music. The<br />

time and date will be announced early next year, so watch your in-box for the exciting news!<br />

Speaking of busy, is was another year of parades, concerts and competitions with the <strong>Rajah</strong> Chanters not sitting idly by,<br />

but always striving to make our unit a tighter organization by also getting together at parties, picnics and after our singing<br />

engagements.<br />

Although most of you only hear the finished product, many hours of rehearsal go into perfecting just one song. And to<br />

think we have at least 200 songs in our repertoire that we can sing at any one time. Also, add to the mix the two dozen or more<br />

Christmas selections that we have available to us and you can see it takes a lot of rehearsing and dedication to be a member of<br />

this very active unit of <strong>Rajah</strong>.<br />

We are extremely proud to have two of the finest musicians as our music leaders; our accompanist and co-director, Noble<br />

Bruce Rohrbach and Noble Brian Harman as our musical lead and music director. These are just two very hard working<br />

members of the Chanters, that along with our 25-30 active members, are always willing to entertain and go the extra mile to<br />

make each and every one of our appearances a command performance.<br />

But, through it all, not one of us would trade a minute for the pleasure and honor of being able to sing for an audience of<br />

appreciative music lovers.<br />

As this year comes to an end, we must hand over the baton of leadership to another member of the Chanters, Ill. Sir Ed<br />

Engle, PP, currently First Vice President, but first we must give a great big THANK YOU to our 2016 President Les Worley for<br />

the outstanding job he did in leading us this year. Les proved that being a leader is a job you have to work at every day and he<br />

did a great job of leading us through the year filled with excitement and challenges. Thanks also to his lady, Jane, for her support<br />

and sacrifices of Les’ companionship during the year.<br />

But, most of all, every member of the <strong>Rajah</strong> Chanters and our ladies, would like to wish all of you a VERY MERRY<br />


Forks of the Delaware TIN LIZZIES<br />

Sam Ellis<br />

It has been a terrific year for <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine and the Tin Lizzies. We’re looking forward to an even better 2017.<br />

We thank Henry Faust for a great job as president and for his re-election to the post in 2017. The rest of our 2017 officer lineup<br />

includes Bruce Johnson as First Vice President, Ron Barron - Treasurer, Sam Ellis - Secretary, Garrett Newhartz - Parade<br />

Director, and Larry Silfies - Assistant Parade Director.<br />

The club welcomed seven new members in 2016: Ralph Bryant, Szabolcs Tekete, Chris Yeager, Wayne Smith, Harry Wagner,<br />

Sam Beam, Dave DeTurk. All of the new members stated their desire to drive in parades. In fact, most of them will have by the<br />

end of the year. Pictured here are three new members who participated in the Slatington Parade.<br />

Chris Dave Sam<br />

Looking back on the year, we participated in 22 parades as well as MASA. Thanks to Parade Director Garrett Newhartz for<br />

all his hard work and to all the Club’s Nobles who drove our little model T replicas in all kinds of weather throughout the area.<br />

The Tin Lizzies take a winter break from baking and selling shoofly pies in November and <strong>December</strong>. It’s been a successful<br />

project to date and we want to thank all of the nobles and ladies who work so hard at baking and packaging the pies. This month<br />

we’re featuring Lee and Joyce Marsh. Lee joined the Tin Lizzies two years ago from Lodge 440 in Slatington. He is retired from<br />

PP&L after 38 years where he was a leader of electrical maintenance. Joyce<br />

retired from TAMA Manufacturing where she was a secretary. The pie bakes<br />

are our club’s main fundraiser and the Marshes are a welcome addition to the<br />

“work force.”<br />

Joyce & Lee<br />

As a Club our nobles and ladies are happy to support all of <strong>Rajah</strong>’s major<br />

fund-raising events including a few of our own. On October 21-22, Ladies<br />

Sally Johnson and Patricia Faust sold shoofly pies at the Sieples Farm Corn<br />

Maze in Bath, while the nobles participated in parades. The ladies worked<br />

through some nasty weather and had a very successful two-day sale. Terrific<br />

job, ladies!<br />

As the year draws to a close the Tin Lizzies would like to congratulate<br />

Illustrious Sir Lawrence Bortz III and his Lady Barbara for a wonderful 2016.<br />

We also want to thank Chief Aide Bryan Snyder and Lady Judithanne for their<br />

outstanding support of the Potentate<br />

and the Aides throughout the year. We<br />

look forward to the upcoming year as<br />

Chief Rabban Dave Evans transitions<br />

into the office of the <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine<br />

Potentate for 2017<br />

Finally, from all of the officers,<br />

Nobles and Ladies of the Forks of the<br />

Delaware Tin Lizzies, we wish you all<br />

a very Merry Christmas and a Happy<br />

Healthy New Year.<br />


20<br />

Yes, it’s true. The Oriental Band is still alive and kicking. After a<br />

few “technical difficulties,” we have an article in the <strong>Rajah</strong> <strong>News</strong> again.<br />

I will try my best to bring us up to speed for the past few months.<br />

Bear with me.<br />

The Black Camel visited two of our most senior members over<br />

the summer. Noble John Marcin, Jr., the most senior member of our<br />

Band, with 50 years of service, passed away in July. John, along with<br />

my late father George, escorted me to the old <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine on 6th<br />

Street in 1975 and made sure I was well taken care of for the second<br />

section. I, along with many members of the Band, have some great<br />

memories of John. He will be sorely missed.<br />

A few days later, Noble Harry Huhn, Jr., father of our President<br />

Jay Huhn, passed away unexpectedly. Noble Harry had 35 years<br />

with the Band. Another “unforgettable” member, Noble Harry,<br />

with his “Harryisms,” always put a smile on your face. Our most<br />

sincere, belated, condolences go out to his Lady Jeanne and family.<br />

On a positive note, the Band represented <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine in<br />

the Goodwill Fire Company's 90th<br />

Anniversary Fireman's Parade in Trexlertown. How long can a parade be in Trexlertown you may<br />

ask? Not long at all. The hot, tired, Nobles in the parade retreated to John and Sharon Grumbein's afterward for replenishment<br />

of vital fluids. It was a great day!<br />

In September, we made the annual pilgrimage to the MASA convention in Virginia Beach. On Friday morning, Noble<br />

Wayne Grumbein and Donald Heimbecker were elected to the offices of President and 3rd Vice President of the Mid-Atlantic<br />

Shrine Oriental Band Association respectively. Illustrious Sir Larry Bortz did the honor of installing all the officers of<br />

the Association. It should be noted that Noble Wayne is now the third generation to become<br />

President of the Association along with his late grandfather<br />

George and father John. The Band is very proud to have<br />

Wayne and Don serving in the Association.<br />

The Band entered competition in the MASA Parade on<br />

Saturday and came away with a surprise second place finish. I<br />

guess we weren't that bad after all.<br />

We have now just completed the Halloween parade season.<br />

Yes, it's finally over. The Band did a good job of representing<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine in the Lehigh Valley. The “Camel” put on over<br />

400 miles and is now resting comfortably in its stall at the<br />

Complex. Thank you to all who unselfishly gave of themselves<br />

to participate in the parades!<br />

It's not too early to advertise for the Motor Corps/Oriental<br />

Band annual “Night at the Races” to be held Saturday, February<br />

11, 2017 at the Complex. Be sure to get your tickets early, as<br />

this is usually a sellout. Contact John Grumbein, 610-395-6578<br />

or jkgrumbein@aol.com for<br />

more information.<br />

The Holiday Season is<br />

now closing in upon us. From<br />

the <strong>Rajah</strong> Oriental Band and<br />

its officers, we wish you a<br />

very Merry Christmas and a<br />

very happy, safe and peaceful<br />

New Year.<br />


Wayne Grumbein elected president MASOBA<br />

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Sam Beam<br />

John Grumbein<br />





HOURS: MON., WED., THUR., & FRI. 9-5 • TUES. 9-7 • SAT. 9-1

Order your 2017 Shrine Shirts<br />

––––– NOBLE’S SHIRTS –––––<br />

Noble’s shirts are strong blue, cotton/polyester, Port Authority, oxford/button-down<br />

includes logo and name on right side of chest. These shirts run a little small.<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine logo will be on the left side of chest.<br />

Short Sleeves: Sizes XS–XL: $38.50, 2X–3X: $44.50, 4X–5X: $48.50<br />

Long Sleeves: Sizes XS–XL: $41.50, 2X–3X: $46.50, 4X–5X: $50.50<br />

Indicate the number of shirts desired next to the size<br />

Small_____/ Medium____/ Large_____ / XLarge_____/ 2XL_______/ 3XL_______/ 4XL______/ 5XL_____<br />

Circle choice: short sleeve<br />

OR<br />

long sleeve<br />

Noble’s shirts are cobalt blue, cotton/polyester, short sleeve, moisture-wicking polo<br />

includes logo and name on right side of chest. These shirts run big.<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine logo will be on the left side of chest.<br />

Sizes XS–5X: $51.50<br />

Indicate the number of shirts desired next to the size<br />

Small_____/ Medium____/ Large_____ / XLarge_____/ 2XL_______/ 3XL_______/ 4XL______/ 5XL_____<br />

––––– LADIES SHIRTS –––––<br />

Lady’s shirts are maui blue, cotton/polyester, short sleeve polo, includes logo and name on right side of chest.<br />

Lady will appear in front of your name. Example: Lady Sarah<br />

Sizes XS–XL: $25.50, 2X: $26.50, 3X: $30.50, 4X: $32.50<br />

Indicate the number of shirts desired next to the size<br />

XSmall____/ Small_____/ Medium____/ Large_____ / XLarge_____/ 2XL_______/ 3XL_______/ 4XL_____<br />

$6.50<br />




Wednesday, January 11, 2017 – 7:00 PM<br />

Please be advised that the Annual Meeting of the Nobility of <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine<br />

will be held at 7:00 PM, Wednesday, January 11, 2017 in the<br />

Banquet Hall, <strong>Rajah</strong> Complex.<br />

The business of the meeting will be to present to the body, discuss and<br />

vote, if necessary,<br />

On the following items:<br />

1. Installation of Temple Officers.<br />

2. And, any other business that may lawfully come before the body.<br />

Lawrence S. Bortz, III<br />

Illustrious Potentate<br />

Attest: Joseph J. Hagan, Sr., Recorder<br />


When a Potentate’s term of office expires, all appointments made by him during his<br />

administration TERMINATE, according to the Imperial Code.<br />

Such appointments include ALL appointed Officers, Potentate’s Aides, members of<br />

Committees and their Chairman, Special Appointees, Directors, Assistant Directors, and all<br />

members of the Potentate’s Staff.<br />

Some uniformed Nobles have mistakenly believed or assumed their appointments<br />

to be permanent, NOT SO! Each Potentate when installed in office must make his own<br />

appointments including Divan appointments.<br />

The Potentate has the power and authority under Imperial Shrine Law to replace<br />

every appointee: or he may, if he believes it to be in the best interest of the Shrine to retain<br />

all appointees by reappointment.<br />

Traditionally, for the sake of efficiency, many Nobles of demonstrated ability are<br />

continued in office or appointment by reappointment. But this is at the will and pleasure of<br />

the incoming Potentate.<br />

In no case is he, or can he be bound by his predecessor. By the same token in no<br />

case can any Potentate bind his successor.<br />

If it is the will and pleasure of the incoming Potentate that the Noble is to continue<br />

in his office or position by reappointment he will be notified by the Potentate to that effect.<br />

Should any Noble not holding appointment by the current Potentate wear a Fez<br />

carrying any title such as “Aide” or any other designation he does so in violation of the code.<br />

Some Nobles seek to perpetuate an appointment fictitiously by adding to the lettering<br />

on the Fez the year or years of their appointment. This is a violation of Imperial Law.<br />

The offending may be informed; but “…Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”<br />



Whitehall<br />

Died: October 19, 2016<br />


Chester Springs<br />

Died: July 13, 2016<br />


Allentown<br />

Died: September 29, 2016<br />


New Jersey<br />

Died: September 23, 2016<br />


Rothsville<br />

Died: June 13, 2016<br />


Whitehall<br />

Died: June 26, 2016<br />

Obituaries<br />


East Petersburg<br />

Died: July 3, 2016<br />


Pine Grove<br />

Died: September 28, 2016<br />


Marietta<br />

Died: June 27, 2016<br />


Reading<br />

Died: October 30, 2016<br />


Pottstown<br />

Died: August 12, 2016<br />


Manheim<br />

Died: July 20, 2016<br />


Bethlehem<br />

Died: November 6, 2016<br />


Breinigsville<br />

Died: September 27, 2016<br />


Temple<br />

Died: November 2, 2016<br />


Myerstown<br />

Died: September 15, 2016<br />


Douglassville<br />

Died: April 26, 2015<br />


Lehighton<br />

Died: September 17, 2016<br />


Reading<br />

Died: September 20, 2016<br />


Kenhorst<br />

Died: October 21, 2016<br />

The last known address in our<br />

records is listed below. If anyone<br />

knows the whereabouts of the<br />

following Nobles, please contact<br />

Joseph J. Hagan, Sr., Recorder or<br />

Anne-Marie at the Administration<br />

Office, 610-916-9000.<br />


P.O. Box 72<br />

Bossardville Road<br />

Sciota, PA 18354<br />


320 Park Road<br />

Wyomissing, PA 19610<br />


2055 Thibodo Road, Ste G<br />

Vista, CA 92081-7991<br />

ERIK L. WOLF<br />

27 Maple Avenue<br />

Manheim, Pa 17545<br />

Lost<br />

In<br />

The<br />

Desert<br />


<strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine<br />

P.O. Box 40 , Blandon, PA 19510<br />

Vol 74 Dec. 2016 - Jan. 2017 No. 1<br />

<strong>December</strong><br />

January<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />

22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />

29 30 31<br />

Sun Mon Tue Wed Th u Fri Sat<br />

November<br />

January<br />

1 2 3<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

S M T W T F S BINGO <strong>Rajah</strong> Shrine Legion of Honor<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Anglers) Club Morning Meeting<br />

6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

Christmas Party<br />

Chanters Ladies<br />

13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />

w/ Past Masters<br />

Night<br />

20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

27 28 29 30<br />

22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />

29 30 31<br />

Car Club -<br />

Christmas Dinner<br />

Concert<br />

Band/String Band<br />

Christmas Party<br />

Legion Of Honor<br />

Christmas Party<br />

Christmas Day<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

Board of<br />

Lanc. S.C. Schuylkill S.C. CEREMONIAL<br />

Directors<br />

Christmas Party Christmas Party<br />

Bethlehem S.C.<br />

<strong>Rajah</strong> Ladies<br />

Director’s Staff<br />

Chanters<br />

Reception<br />

Committee<br />

Christmas Party<br />

Oriental Band<br />

Stated Meeting<br />

& Elections<br />

7 P.M.<br />

BINGO<br />

(Anglers)<br />

Lancaster O.B.<br />

11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

Chanters Carbon S.C. Anglers BINGO Tin Lizzies Lebanon<br />

Dance Band Brandywine S.C.<br />

Christmas Party (Chanters) Christmas Party S.C. Morning<br />

Christmas<br />

Service<br />

Ladies Nite/<br />

Christmas Party<br />

BINGO<br />

(Legion of<br />

Honor)<br />

Office Closed<br />

Carbon S.C.<br />

Christmas Party<br />



18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

Lebanon S.C. Provost Guard Mounted Patrol Tin Lizzies<br />

Chanters<br />

Ladies Night<br />

Christmas Party<br />

Motor Corps<br />

Clowns<br />

Lehigh S.C.<br />

Christmas Party<br />

w/ Ladies<br />

Christmas Eve<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31<br />

BINGO<br />

Office Closed<br />

New Year’s Eve<br />


from the <strong>Rajah</strong> Office<br />

DECEMBER 2016<br />

<strong>December</strong> 2016<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

January 2017<br />

February<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />

12 13 14 15 16 17 18<br />

19 20 21 22 23 24 25<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31<br />

26 27 28<br />



––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––<br />

Stated Meeting & Elections –<br />

<strong>December</strong> 7<br />

Ceremonial – <strong>December</strong> 10<br />

Office Closed –<br />

<strong>December</strong> 23 and 26, January 2<br />

Annual Meeting – January 11<br />

Mass Installation – January 14<br />

Sun Mon Tue Wed Th u Fri Sat<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Chanters Oriental Band Anglers BINGO <strong>Rajah</strong> S.C.<br />

New Year’s Day<br />

Bethlehem S.C.<br />

Office Closed<br />

String Band<br />

Lehigh S.C.<br />

Cedars<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

Concert Band Board of Carbon S.C. ANNUAL BINGO<br />

MASS<br />

Directors<br />



Lancaster O.B.<br />

7 P.M.<br />

1:OO P.M.<br />


Legion of Honor<br />

Chanters<br />

Dance Band<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />

Chanters Provost Guard Mounted BINGO UNIT/CLUB<br />

Motor Corps Brandywine S.C.<br />

Patrol<br />


Gun Club<br />

SEMINAR -<br />

6 P.M.<br />

Cedars<br />

Martin Luther<br />

King Day<br />

22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />

Noble Riders Lebanon S.C. Schulkill S.C. North Penn S.C. Tin Lizzies UNIT/CLUB<br />

Concert Band Chanters<br />

Membership BINGO<br />


Meeting 6:30 PM<br />

SEMINAR -<br />

Clowns<br />

6 P.M.<br />

Units/Clubs Mtg.<br />

7:30 P.M.<br />

(SNOW DATE)<br />

Cedars<br />

29 30 31 <strong>December</strong> 2016<br />

Chanters Cedars<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31<br />

JANUARY 2017<br />

February<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />

12 13 14 15 16 17 18<br />

19 20 21 22 23 24 25<br />

26 27 28

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