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dents well to avoid current resume and cover letter mistakes. Find creative ways to utilize your resources<br />

stellar resumes, here are a few highlighted tips as well as couple of missteps to bypass when putting your<br />

best foot forward.<br />

1. Word Match<br />

nothingness. An article on Big Interview stated Applicant tracking systems reject 75 percent of candidates.<br />

Failing to include key terms in your resume and cover letter may result in your resume going<br />

un-noticed. Your resume should contain the same keywords as your desired job listing. If not, you may<br />

man hands.<br />

-<br />

2. Eliminate errors and misspellings<br />

Grammatical errors are the #1 resume killer according to Brad<br />

Hoover, CEO of Grammarly, an online proofreading service. Remembering to spellcheck and proofread<br />

seeking process. However, for better results, have your documents reviewed by someone else. E.g., a career<br />

advisor, professor, co-worker, friend, or family member. Having someone else scan your documents<br />

ensure you are ready to submit, free of common blunders that could cost you an interview.<br />

Cover letters/Cover e-mails should never have abbreviations or emoticons. Using all capital letters and<br />

text language like “lol, WTH, and Idk” have no place in professional correspondence.<br />

3. Get to the point<br />

Your resume is your “branding” document— you get to determine how far back it goes. However,<br />

it’s essential to remember to limit your record to 1-2 pages. Don’t waste precious space telling your<br />

readers about every job you’ve ever had. Focus on the relevant information. You can still demonstrate a<br />

lengthy work history with useful formatting techniques like bullets points and short paragraphs. Illustrate<br />

you rallied your editing team to elicit 75% more journal submissions than last year. “Consider your re-<br />

4. View from the other side<br />

Like most candidates, your resume may go through the applicant tracking system before it lands<br />

on someone’s desk, and if you’re fortunate, it will eventually get viewed by a hiring manager. If that hap-<br />


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