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And why it is still my career path<br />

By: Savannah Garrison<br />

Writing is intimately intertwined in every facet of my life. I wake up and go to work as an intern<br />

technical writer where I assist a logistics team edit manuals and training materials. In the evenings,<br />

I commute to the University of Baltimore where I am an English Professional Writing undergraduate<br />

dually pursuing a Master’s degree in Publications Design. Practically every assignment handed out by my<br />

professors involves writing of various genres, word count, and page length. Although writing is integral<br />

to my life, it has also become the bane of my existence. Why would anyone choose to write as their profession?<br />

My Dream<br />

My life revolves around writing. While writing has ruined my life, it has also changed my life.<br />

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love, and for many other moments. My parents and family members read to me when I was a toddler and<br />

reading which has developed into an infatuation with words in general. I plan on plastering quotes and<br />

and sayings. My passion for writing and reading have culminated into my dream of one day opening and<br />

owning my very own bookstore. When you walk inside the doors, it will be as if you have stepped inside<br />

the pages of a book. I envision that quotations from my favorite authors and stories will decorate the<br />

walls, and every person who walks inside will sense my love for words like a palpable cloud.<br />

Without Words<br />

count requirement, I make it about 150 words in - approximately where I am right now in this post -<br />

before all of the vocabulary I have accumulated run like wild stallions out of my mind, and ideas cease<br />

motif found in two novels, or a lab report. Writer’s block is single handedly the worst aspect of being a<br />

Usually that battle involves nothing intellectual. For me, it can be broken by moving away from my work,<br />

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there.<br />

Sometimes it is. Sometimes it is not. It is truly a gamble, and I do not like taking risks. Author<br />

Neil Gaiman had another suggestion that I have also found useful. “Put it aside for a few days, or longer,<br />

just me) as if you’ve never seen it before. Start at the beginning. Scribble on the manuscript as you go<br />

about it and know what the next few words are. And you do it all one word at a time.”<br />

To Sleep or Not to Sleep<br />

As a night owl, maybe it is my fault that my best work is always produced at night. But I still<br />


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