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fan of writing. I didn’t enjoy the preparation of writing an essay such as searching for articles and apply<br />
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out with friends and partying till morning. I was living in a dorm, which meant I had all the freedom I<br />
want to put the work in. Like many individuals in the world, they want plenty of success but don’t like the<br />
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ful individuals have failed, but learned from their experiences.<br />
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Life is a Feeling Process<br />
you. One thing that I’ve helped me overcome failure was being honest to myself by accepting them. My<br />
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ence others like myself to get interested in writing. All these life lessons made me excited and motivated<br />
to enter my second year.<br />
In my second year, I changed my major to communication. I couldn’t wait to start a new major<br />
my time on bettering myself. Since all of my classes were full year, I focused on the early steps of writing<br />
an essay like I learned during the summer. If we had full creative control on essays, I started with brainstorming<br />
my idea by using Google scholar and the university’s library. Once I found my idea, I would go<br />
to my school’s library or database to get information for my topic idea. During the year, I started to enjoy<br />
reading books, something I wasn’t used to. My older sister who loves books always told me “if you don’t<br />
read book, you’re dumb.” At the time, I thought she was just expressing her own love to books to me but<br />
she was actually right. She always argued that books make you a better communicator, writer, and thinker.<br />
By reading books, I would learn from masters like Robert Greene by emulating him then through him,<br />
me. My grades improved tremendously, which helped myself, get enrolled at the University of Baltimore.<br />
Everything I learned from York University and writing encouraged myself to take my talents to the University<br />
of Baltimore. Going to the University of Baltimore meant fresh start and Iooked forward to the<br />
challenge.<br />
New School, New Skills<br />
Coming to the University of Baltimore, I remained a digital communication major with a focus in<br />
to utilize the writing lab throughout the semester. From the jump, I felt at home. I enjoyed having the<br />
the University of Baltimore, this school taught me the most about myself as a student and a person.<br />