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<strong>Issue</strong> <strong>26</strong> – <strong>Dec</strong>ember 2016<br />

06<br />

cover story<br />

the importance of corporate<br />

events<br />

Jonathan Pace tells us just why<br />

TIPICO events are significant, relevant<br />

to the company and employees<br />

14<br />

16<br />

22<br />


Accomplishing the Entrepreneurial Drive<br />

Interview with Nikolai Livori, CEO of Yobetit<br />

christmas narrative Papa Panov’s Special Christmas<br />

A wonderful Christmas tale by Leo Tolstoy<br />

mANAGEMENT Why I love Entrepreneurship<br />

An inspiring story about entrepreneurship by Sir Richard Branson<br />

Newspaper Post

Malta Business Review<br />

FOR SOME,<br />




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Malta Business Review<br />

lta Financial Services Authority.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

10<br />

14<br />

PuBLisher<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Publications Limited<br />

editor<br />

Martin Vella<br />

teChniCaL advisor<br />

Marcelle D’Argy Smith<br />

saLes direCtor<br />

Margaret Brincat<br />

design<br />

Jacqueline Muscat, Gyorgy Vertes<br />

advertising<br />

Call: 9940 6743 or 99<strong>26</strong> 0163/4/6;<br />

Email: margaret@mbrpublications.net<br />

or admin@mbrpublications.net<br />

ContriButors<br />

Jane Addams; Viktor Almquist, Press Officer,<br />

LIBE Press release, Justice and home affairs, EP;<br />

Richard Branson; George Carol; Laura Daly;<br />

Jonathan Pace; Giulia Paravicini; Martin Vella;<br />

James Vella Clark; Leo Tolstoy<br />

sPeCiaL thanks<br />

AirMalta; DOI; EU/EP; Hugo Boss; HSBC;<br />

LinkedIn; Malta Gaming Authority; MPS;<br />

Parallels; PoliticoPro; TIPICO; UKIP; Virgin Group<br />

Digital; WageIndicator; Wikipedia; Yobetit<br />

Print ProduCtion<br />

Printit<br />

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Birkirkara, BKR 9042<br />

teLePhone<br />

+356 2149 7814<br />

6<br />

18<br />

<strong>26</strong><br />


6 The Importance of Corporate Events<br />

Jonathan Pace tells us just why TIPICO events are significant, relevant to the<br />

company and employees<br />


10 Italy Referendum Latest…<br />

From demolition man to demolished- Renzi’s plebiscite gambleECIAL<br />


14 Accomplishing the Entrepreneurial Drive<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Editor goes head-to-head with Nikolai Livori, CEO of Yobetit<br />


18 Good to Great<br />

Exceptional Interview with Nikolay Dobrovolskiy, the vice-president of Parallels<br />


22 Why I love Entrepreneurship<br />

An inspiring story about entrepreneurship by Sir Richard Branson<br />


quote of the month<br />

The people who are crazy enough to think they<br />

can change the world are the ones who do.<br />

Steve Jobs<br />

Disclaimer<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by copyright may<br />

be reproduced or copied and reproduction in whole or part is strictly<br />

prohibited without written permission of the publisher. All content<br />

material available on this publication is duly protected by Maltese<br />

and International Law. No person, organisation, other publisher or<br />

online web content manager should rely, or on any way act upon<br />

any part of the contents of this publication, whether that information<br />

is sourced from the website, magazine or related product without<br />

first obtaining the publisher’s consent. The opinions expressed in the<br />

Malta Business Review are those of the authors or contributors, and<br />

are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher.<br />

your perfect atmosphere<br />

Continental Cars Ltd.<br />


Malta Business Review<br />




24 Chance Favours the Prepared Mind<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Talks with Dr Vincent Micallef and Dr Andy Ellul, Partners<br />

Micallef & Ellul Advocates<br />

<strong>26</strong> Leading Through Innovation<br />

MBIBA Interview with Martin Vella, Managing Director, HALMANN<br />

28 Drive and Motivation<br />

Dean Gera Haircare Ltd pick up Malta’s Best-in-Business Small to<br />

Medium Size Business Award<br />

30 Integrity, Trust and Professionalism<br />

BILOM Group get recognised and rewarded for excellence in<br />

project delivery<br />

34 Committed to making work-life<br />

Balance a reality employees<br />

Interview with Sylvana Brannon, Director, Stem Cells Malta Ltd.<br />

36 The Power of Innovation<br />

David Abela, Managing Director is interviewed by the Malta<br />

Business Review<br />

38 Then. Now. Forever GINAPULA VILLAGE<br />

Matthew Degiorgio, Managing Director, GIANPULA VILLAGE<br />


2016 is drawing to a fast end. And what<br />

a year it has been! It has been one of<br />

the most fastest transient year I have<br />

ever experienced. The Oxford English<br />

Dictionary may have made post-truth its<br />

word of the year, but the events of 2016<br />

were not a rejection of knowledge. Are<br />

we now living in a post-truth, post-factual<br />

society? Is 2016 set to become known<br />

as the year when authorities, and the<br />

evidence they wield, were sent packing?<br />

Admittedly it looks that way. The UK’s<br />

former justice secretary Michael Gove<br />

attempted to play the crowd in the last<br />

days of June’s EU referendum campaigning, with the retort that “people in this<br />

country have had enough of experts.” His contention was widely challenged, as<br />

were the misleading claims about an extra £350m (€410m; $440m) a week for<br />

the NHS that would be saved by exiting the EU, and the wave of immigration<br />

that would be prompted by Turkey’s fictitious EU membership plan. Then the<br />

proponents of these statements triumphed in the referendum. And in <strong>Dec</strong>ember<br />

2015, Donald Trump won the US fact-checking organisation Politifact’s Lie of the<br />

Year, cited among other things for claiming “whites killed by blacks–81%” (it’s<br />

16%); less than a year later he won the presidential election!<br />

Cue much handwringing and demoralisation among people who advocate<br />

for better use of evidence in public life. They fear that we have entered a<br />

world where everyone has their own reality, the truth has little purchase, and<br />

demagogues and soundbite writers rule. But horrifying as it may be to witness<br />

the appeal of people who trade in prejudices and make things up, to see lies and<br />

misinformation exposed but still seemingly embraced, it is wrong to conclude<br />

that the public doesn’t care for truth. We should not rush to this diagnosis for<br />

three reasons.<br />

In the first place, the place of expertise and evidence in recent events was<br />

limited— too small a part of the picture to conclude that people have rejected<br />

them. Many people in public life have learnt this year what clinicians have long<br />

appreciated: that facts can be close to useless if you don’t engage with context<br />

and lived experiences, whether to challenge them or to appreciate them, or<br />

both.<br />

Which brings me to the second reason why evidence advocates should not be<br />

packing their bags. In so far as experts and evidence have played a role in these<br />

debates, it has looked like an alternative to engaging with people. It seemed in<br />

Malta, for example, that pro-debate politicians on the Panama Papers, fearing<br />

they couldn’t manage a sensible discussion about the realities of institutionalised<br />

corruption and the best ways to handle it, instead produced expert statements<br />

about many other issues, other than the issue itself! Certainly, we need public<br />

discussion to account for the facts, for evidence, even for expert opinion when<br />

it’s not over-reaching, and we should insist on it.<br />

28<br />

34<br />

So here is the third and vital reason. Evidence, expertise, truthfulness, facts,<br />

knowledge… these are public goods. We should not forget that other events<br />

this year have been defined by the public’s quest for truth and a cry for more<br />

transparency and justice. Evidence and expertise have too often looked like<br />

counsel to the knowing, rather than what we could be making them: the means<br />

by which the less powerful can call the world to account.<br />

So as the year dithers to its end, I wish all our readers, advertisers, supporters<br />

and partners all the best which Christmas may bring with it, peace, fraternity,<br />

solidarity and a better, prosperous 2017.<br />

Enjoy the read.<br />

36<br />

38<br />

Martin Vella<br />

Malta Business Review’s editorial opinions are decided by its Editor,<br />

and besides reflecting the Editor’s opinion, are written to represent a<br />

fair and impartial representation of facts, events and provide a correct<br />

analysis of local and international news.<br />

Agents for:<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />


The Importance<br />

of Corporate<br />

Events<br />

by Jonathan Pace<br />

Tipico is known to be a pioneer<br />

within the online gaming industry<br />

and is now well renowned for<br />

investing in employees throughout<br />

the year. The company invests in training<br />

and development, benefits, good salaries<br />

and more. However, the company invests<br />

also on corporate events to align the<br />

team behind Tipico & Partners with one<br />

mission and vision, together with fun and<br />

corporate social responsibility events in<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>ember.<br />

Tipico invests time and money to produce<br />

an annual Tipico and Partners Conference,<br />

where colleagues from foreign offices are<br />

also invited to Malta. The objectives behind<br />

the conference are quite a few. Sharpening<br />

the saw (your skills) is always of utmost<br />

importance, coming out with new ideas<br />

and approaches, creating effectiveness<br />

and efficiency at work. Uniting the team<br />

from foreign offices is a sought after<br />

approach for this event. Furthermore, new<br />

tips and tactics are given to employees,<br />

strengthening decision making situations<br />

at work. The conference is also there to<br />

show the progression achieved over the<br />

previous year and to present the plans<br />

for the upcoming year, which continues<br />

to show consistency levels for improved<br />

progression.<br />

Tipico and Partners left the conference<br />

with a fruitful day and was followed<br />

by the Christmas Party in a brand new<br />

venue having Mdina, the old capital<br />

city, as a background setting. The venue<br />

was carefully decorated to detail inside<br />

and out, creating a sense of belonging<br />

to Tipico for everyone. With a twist<br />

approach compared to the day event,<br />

everyone is engaged in a fun way through<br />

entertainment, projections, band, DJs, a<br />

Volkswagen Beetle as a photo booth in the<br />

middle of the dance floor and much more.<br />

This was complemented with mouthwatering<br />

food stations, sweets sections<br />

and fine beverages all night.<br />

The marathon didn’t stop there; it was<br />

then time to give away some of everyone’s<br />

time to community work and collect funds<br />

through corporate social responsibility<br />

events. Over ten CSR events were chosen,<br />

varying from sports related activities,<br />

maintenance works in various places, tree<br />

planting, helping elderly people for the<br />

day among others.<br />

The trip for the employees from foreign<br />

offices and the series of activities for<br />

all ended with two activities; Poker<br />

tournament and Tipico Song Contest.<br />

Following a delicious dinner in a 5 star<br />



Malta Business Review<br />

From top left to right corporate events:<br />

Christmas Party 2016, CSR – ZAK Maintenance, CSR – Bingo, CSR - Football, CSR - Cat Sanctuary, CSR – Tree Planting<br />

venue, everyone was led to their respective<br />

chosen activity. Poker tournament, having<br />

over 200 players, lasted overnight with<br />

attractive prizes for those who lasted,<br />

while the Tipico Song Contest brought out<br />

the natural talent of a few who tend to<br />

keep their voices closed in silence the rest<br />

of the year!<br />

Events are highly important for Tipico as<br />

they are a key factor in improving employee<br />

moral, a critical piece of the marketing<br />

strategy, reaffirm values and transform<br />

employees into agents of its brand. The<br />

team strives to continue improving on<br />

such events, making them more engaging,<br />

worth while, relevant to the company and<br />

employees, together with leaving a nice<br />

brightful memory chipped to everyone’s<br />

mind.<br />

Tipico would like to wish everyone a<br />

wonderful Christmas and a Happy New<br />

Year!<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

debate<br />

The Cost of Division<br />

by Jane Addams<br />

Erodes Trust<br />

Builds Barriers<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>reases Collaboration<br />

Limits Growth<br />

Keeps People Up at Night<br />

Retaliation and revenge are powerful<br />

motivators. We want to right the<br />

real or perceived wrong. Swiss<br />

researchers discovered that the mere<br />

act of contemplating revenge triggered<br />

the portion of our brain that processes<br />

rewards. No wonder there’s the concept<br />

that revenge is sweet. However, giving<br />

in to the negative feelings doesn’t end<br />

the matter. Behavioral scientists have<br />

found that indulging the desire to get<br />

even creates a cycle of retaliation that<br />

perpetuates the downward spiral of<br />

hostility and distrust. Payback doesn’t pay.<br />

Ann Macaskill, professor at Sheffield<br />

Hallam University, explains how we think<br />

about revenge, “When individuals are<br />

attacked in some way that feels unjust, they<br />

go through three psychological stages: a<br />

shock phase, an adjustment phase and<br />

a reaction phase. In the reaction phase,<br />

they will either decide to forgive, hold<br />

a grudge but do nothing, or take or plot<br />

revenge. Those able to forgive rather than<br />

seek revenge are, it would seem, better<br />

developed than most.”<br />

So how can we as leaders be “better<br />

developed” and do the wicked, hard work<br />

of rising above the desire to fight back?<br />

As much as I love the paradoxical “power<br />

of and,” I see the work of supplanting<br />

discord with tolerance and acceptance as<br />

an either/or scenario: either we surrender<br />

to intolerance, or we decide to create<br />

environments where people feel valued.<br />

Intolerance isn’t acceptable; maximising<br />

and leveraging differences is. To accept<br />

that different is merely different, not<br />

wrong, leaders must lead themselves.<br />

Leaders have to be self-aware enough to<br />

making people feel valued, respected, and<br />

part of “we” is a foundational element<br />

<strong>Issue</strong>s grow in magnitude,<br />

year after year and decade<br />

after decade...<br />

Destroying Lives,<br />

Organisations, Communities<br />

& Nations<br />

for building tolerance and acceptance<br />

and for rejecting divisiveness. There’s an<br />

extraordinary snowball effect at play—<br />

people who feel respected are more<br />

likely to show respect, be tolerant, be<br />

willing to participate, and be less willing<br />

to punish or disparage others. Tolerance<br />

is not the absence of prejudice but<br />

rather emphasizes forbearance and not<br />

begrudging other people their own ways.<br />

~Maykel Verkuyten, professor Utrecht<br />

University.<br />

Behavioural scientists point to the<br />

existence of four conditions required for<br />

people to feel that they are treated fairly.<br />

Firstly, People must have the opportunity<br />

for real and meaningful participation.<br />

They want a voice and want to know that<br />

their voice matters. Secondly, believe<br />

the decision making process is fair, open,<br />

and interactive. Stanford professor John<br />

Ousterhout notes, “If a collection of smart<br />

people all look at the same problem with<br />

the same information, and if they have<br />

the same goals, then they are likely to<br />

reach the same conclusion. A decision<br />

with strong consensus is more valuable<br />

than one without consensus: it is more<br />

likely to be right, and it is more likely to<br />

get implemented effectively because<br />

everyone believes in it.” Thirdly, have<br />

no doubt that they will be treated with<br />

dignity, and fourth accept that those in<br />

authority are trustworthy. All we have to<br />

do is appreciate the validity of differing<br />

points of view.<br />

“Peace does not mean an absence of<br />

conflicts; differences will always be there.<br />

Peace means solving these differences<br />

through peaceful means; through<br />

dialogue, education, knowledge; and<br />

through humane ways.” ~Dalai Lama XIV<br />

When leaders are self-aware and do these<br />

four things, we are enabling ourselves—<br />

and others—to transcend finger pointing<br />

and friction, move past the limitations<br />

of who is right and who’s wrong, and to<br />

focus on the greater good. The good we<br />

secure for ourselves is precarious and<br />

uncertain until it is secured for all of us and<br />

incorporated into our common life. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Sources: LinkedIn; Wikipedia<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

Note<br />

Jane Addams (September<br />

6, 1860 – May 21, 1935)<br />

was a pioneer American<br />

settlement activist/<br />

reformer, social worker, public philosopher,<br />

sociologist, author, and leader in women’s<br />

suffrage and world peace. She co-founded,<br />

with Ellen Gates Starr, the first settlement<br />

house in the United States, Chicago’s Hull<br />

House. In an era when presidents such as<br />

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson<br />

identified themselves as reformers and<br />

social activists, Addams was one of the most<br />

prominent reformers of the Progressive Era.<br />

She helped America to address and focus on<br />

issues that were of concern to mothers, such as<br />

the needs of children, local public health, and<br />

world peace.<br />


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Malta Business Review<br />



From demolition man to demolished, by Giulia Paravicini<br />

Matteo Renzi announces his resignation during a press conference<br />

| Andreas Solaro/AFP via Getty Images[Frontex]<br />

Resigning as PM is not enough for some<br />

members of his party.<br />

ROME — After Matteo Renzi announced<br />

his resignation as prime minister of Italy,<br />

following voters’ rejection of his proposed<br />

constitutional changes, many — even<br />

within his own ranks — now wonder if he’s<br />

still fit to lead the center Left.<br />

By calling the referendum, Renzi hoped to<br />

consolidate power and heal a split that’s<br />

bedeviled the Democratic Party (PD) since<br />

its inception in 2007. Instead, he has<br />

further fractured the party, which isn’t<br />

even able to agree on whether he should<br />

keep the reins or resign as chairman.<br />

The outcome of Sunday’s vote, widely seen<br />

as a referendum on Renzi’s government,<br />

suggests that the prime minister and<br />

his party have lost voters to the antiestablishment<br />

5Star Movement as well as<br />

minor parties on both the Right and Left.<br />

Renzi’s opponents won 60 percent of the<br />

vote and 17 out of Italy’s 20 regions. High<br />

voter turnout of more than 68.5 percent<br />

made it an even more conclusive defeat<br />

for the former mayor of Florence.<br />

The Democratic Party of Renzi<br />

Renzi may be paying the price for an original<br />

sin: hijacking the PD as an outsider. Several<br />

party elders, who openly campaigned<br />

against Renzi, are now demanding his<br />

resignation as head of the PD, accusing<br />

him of having fomented divisions.<br />

“First of all Renzi needs to resign as party<br />

secretary and allow the PD to choose<br />

its new leadership,” Luigi Manconi, a<br />

PD senator, told POLITICO. “Then the<br />

Democratic Party will have to rethink<br />

its position and its political and cultural<br />

identity. Because of him, we lost teachers,<br />

blue-collar workers and trade unions<br />

along the way.”<br />

Several critics within the party say Renzi<br />

surrendered core PD values, such as<br />

social justice and defending workingclass<br />

interests, to pursue his own political<br />

agenda. They even have a term for it:<br />

“PDR, the Democratic Party of Renzi.”<br />

“He transformed a referendum into a<br />

plebiscite, and tragically damaged the<br />

party in so doing,” said Paolo Corsini, a PD<br />

member. “But the truth is he lost, not the<br />

party. And so he has to go.”<br />


Italian President Sergio Mattarella on<br />

Monday asked Matteo Renzi to delay<br />

his resignation as prime minister until<br />

the country’s 2017 budget has been<br />

adopted.<br />


European Greens: “Not a vote against<br />

Europe but against Renzi.”<br />

Marine Le Pen said the result was a<br />

rejection of the “absurd politics of<br />

ultra-austerity.” (Renzi argues against<br />

austerity, in fact).<br />

Eurogroup: No sympathy from finance<br />

ministers, who insisted that Italy<br />

isn’t doing enough to meet its deficit<br />

reduction commitments.<br />

Markets: Italy’s ailing Monte dei Paschi<br />

bank is staring down the barrel of a €5<br />

billion “precautionary” recapitalization,<br />

for which it currently lacks an anchor<br />

investor, reports POLITICO’s Morning<br />

Exchange. The bottom line: the bank is<br />

still at risk of failing.<br />



Normally it’s populists who want<br />

radical change and cast themselves as<br />

outsiders. But in Austria, the populist,<br />

far-right Freedom Party has been at<br />

the center of political debate for 60<br />

years. Matthew Karnitschnig on the<br />

increasingly upside-down world of<br />

European politics.<br />

This is a hammer blow to the euro<br />

and the pro-EU establishment<br />

Responding to Italian referendum result<br />

and resignation of Mr Renzi, UKIP MEP<br />

UKIP MEP Nigel Farage<br />

Nigel Farage said:<br />

“This is a hammer blow to the euro and<br />

the pro-EU establishment who have<br />

given the Italian people more poverty,<br />

unemployment and less security<br />

because of mass immigration.<br />

The EU is lurching from one crisis to<br />

another.<br />

Quick elections look necessary so<br />

that the Italian people would have<br />

the opportunity to get rid of their<br />

pro-EU establishment.” <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Creditline: POLITICO SPRL; EU/EP; UKIP<br />


Corporate Interview<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Leading by Example<br />

The Malta Business Review interviews Colin Gregory, Managing Director at Equiom Malta Limited<br />

By Martin Vella<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How do you think Equiom fits in<br />

with Malta’s economic model?<br />

CG: I think Equiom and Malta really<br />

complement each other. Working in an<br />

agile economy has enabled Equiom Malta<br />

to expand beyond trusts, foundations and<br />

corporate services and introduce soughtafter<br />

specialist services including property,<br />

eBusiness, family office, Maltese yacht<br />

leasing, Tax and VAT as well as residency,<br />

immigration and citizenship advisory<br />

services. Malta is an ideal location for<br />

Equiom and has been since we opened<br />

our office in 2012. I’m proud to bring over<br />

20 years’ financial services experience to<br />

the table, enabling me to steer Equiom<br />

Malta forward and drive the growth of<br />

the business.<br />

Our culture is focused on<br />

building long - standing<br />

trusting relationships with<br />

our clients<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Malta has gone from something that<br />

was typically offshore in its nature, where<br />

there was a lot of work done with nonresidents,<br />

to a very modern and vibrant<br />

international finance centre within the<br />

EU. Where do you see further growth in<br />

Malta’s economy and opportunities for<br />

Equiom?<br />

CG: We are constantly identifying areas<br />

of growth for our Malta office and it<br />

certainly helps to operate in such a proenterprise<br />

environment with a progressive<br />

government and approachable regulator<br />

that recognises and supports growing<br />

industries. With Brexit on the horizon,<br />

we anticipate that there will be increased<br />

interest from certain territories that will be<br />

exiting the EU and looking to move some<br />

of their structures to an EU jurisdiction –<br />

and Malta is very well placed to take this<br />

business on.<br />

From an Equiom perspective, we are keen<br />

to further grow the funds and pension areas<br />

of the business. As we expand globally and<br />

add new service lines as a result of our<br />

acquisitive strategy, we are able to introduce<br />

new services and expertise across all our<br />

offices, and this directly benefits clients of<br />

the Malta office.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What does leadership look like<br />

today in the trust and financial services,<br />

where trust (faith) has been so badly<br />

damaged?<br />

CG: Equiom has spent a long time<br />

establishing a reputable position within the<br />

industry. As a business, we have decades of<br />

experience and when you combine a leading<br />

reputation with hard working people, trust<br />

amongst your peers comes naturally. Our<br />

culture is focused on building long-standing<br />

trusting relationships with our clients - this<br />

has always been our approach to business<br />

and it ensures we stand head and shoulders<br />

above our competitors.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What is Equiom’s growth strategy?<br />

CG: Equiom has a twin track approach<br />

incorporating growth through acquisition<br />

and solid year-on-year organic growth.<br />

We’ve worked hard to establish a leading<br />

reputation and this is a driving force behind<br />

our organic growth. Acquisitive growth has<br />

seen Equiom expand substantially recently<br />

and we now have a presence in nine<br />

jurisdictions – the British Virgin Islands,<br />

Guernsey, Hong Kong, the Isle of Man,<br />

Jersey, Malta, the State of Qatar, Singapore<br />

and the United Arab Emirates.<br />

Across all these locations, we have people<br />

on the ground with the relevant expertise.<br />

As a business we recognise you’re only ever<br />

as good as your people – and good people<br />

are at the heart of Equiom.<br />

In terms of our global growth goals, we aim<br />

to be operating at the top level of trust and<br />

corporate service providers within all our<br />

jurisdictions and we plan to have an even<br />

split across Asia, Europe, the Isle of Man<br />

and the Channel Islands.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What’s your personal approach to<br />

leadership?<br />

CG: Leading by example is always the<br />

best approach to management. Career<br />

progression is a key focus across the<br />

business and I personally ensure our<br />

Malta staff are given the confidence to<br />

reach their potential. Regular, structured<br />

appraisals allow me to highlight areas of<br />

personal development within the team and<br />

this in turn helps me to create the ideal<br />

environment for individuals to succeed in.<br />

I am also a keen advocate of empowerment<br />

and coaching rather than applying an<br />

authoritarian-style of management.<br />

Empowerment is about trusting employees<br />

to make decisions in certain situations,<br />

which in turn makes employees gain a<br />

stronger sense of ownership and worth<br />

when entrusted to make important<br />

decisions. This results in staff feeling<br />

more productive in their roles, and helps<br />

them grow within the business, ultimately<br />

benefiting our clients. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All rights reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

Note<br />

Colin Gregory is responsible<br />

for the overall operation<br />

and performance of<br />

Equiom (Malta) Limited and for ensuring that<br />

business performance is in line with group<br />

strategy. With a seat on the Equiom (Malta)<br />

Limited Board, Colin has full responsibility<br />

for the business, focusing on building and<br />

maintaining client relationships as well as coordinating<br />

day-to-day office management for<br />

Equiom’s Malta office.<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />

Analysis<br />

Mandatory checks at EU external borders:<br />

deal done by MEPs and ministers<br />

By Special Correspondent<br />

All EU citizens and third country nationals entering or leaving the EU will be checked<br />

against databases, e.g. of lost and stolen documents, under a draft law informally<br />

agreed by MEPs and EU ministers recently.<br />

A Frontex operation at sea. [Frontex]<br />

Background<br />

The draft regulation is a response to the<br />

rise in terrorist threats in Europe, such<br />

as the attacks in Paris, Copenhagen and<br />

Brussels in recent years. It also aims<br />

to combat terrorist “foreign fighters”,<br />

many of whom are EU citizens, irregular<br />

migration and human trafficking.<br />

This initiative to amend the Schengen<br />

Borders Code (SBC) was presented by<br />

the European Commission in <strong>Dec</strong>ember<br />

2015. The amendment will also align<br />

member states’ existing obligations<br />

to do systematic exit checks on third<br />

country nationals, to ensure that they<br />

do not present a threat to public policy<br />

and internal security.<br />

These checks, designed to improve<br />

security inside the EU, would be<br />

mandatory for everyone. A key goal for<br />

Parliament’s negotiators was also to<br />

make it possible to ease the new rules<br />

at airports, should they slow the flow of<br />

traffic there too much.<br />

Parliament’s rapporteur Monica Macovei<br />

(ECR, RO) said: “Terrorism is hate without<br />

limits, and destroying human life is at<br />

the core of hate. Every person has a<br />

right to life and every democracy has the<br />

right to its values. We want security in a<br />

changing world.”<br />

”Crises such as the terrorist threat require<br />

a rapid and coordinated crisis response.<br />

Securing the external borders of the EU<br />

can stop the movement of terrorists,<br />

weapons and substances of mass<br />

destruction. We must do our outmost”,<br />

she added.<br />

The agreement still needs to be formally<br />

endorsed by the full Parliament and<br />

the Council.<br />

EU-wide databases<br />

MEPs and ministers struck a compromise<br />

on using EU-wide databases as much<br />

as possible when doing border checks,<br />

in particular the Schengen Information<br />

System, the Interpol database on stolen<br />

or lost travel documents and other<br />

European databases.<br />

Nevertheless, the agreement still allows<br />

member states to consult national<br />

information systems and Interpol´s other<br />

databases if they wish.<br />

Relaxing checks at airports<br />

The EU Commission proposal says that if<br />

systematic checks cause too lengthy border<br />

delays, sample checks could be introduced<br />

at EU land and sea borders instead.<br />

MEPs managed to include airports too, by<br />

granting national authorities a transitional<br />

period of up to six months to adjust<br />

their air border infrastructure, plus, if<br />

necessary, an additional 18 months under<br />

exceptional circumstances. Thereafter,<br />

the checks should be systematic.<br />

According to the agreed text, member<br />

states wishing to ease airport checks<br />

would have to demonstrate that this<br />

would not lead to risks for internal<br />

security, public policy, international<br />

relations or public health.<br />

Next steps<br />

The informal deal will be put to a<br />

confirmation vote in the Civil Liberties<br />

Committee on a date to be decided later.<br />

If approved in committee, the deal will be<br />

put to a vote by Parliament as a whole and<br />

the Council of Ministers. All dates for these<br />

votes will also be decided later. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Creditline: Viktor Almquist, Press Officer, LIBE Press<br />

release, Justice and home affairs, EP<br />



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Malta Business Review<br />


Accomplishing the Entrepreneurial Drive<br />

By Martin Vella<br />

All businesses are<br />

built on relationships;<br />

of course they have<br />

to be relevant ones with<br />

key stakeholders - providers,<br />

employees, customers, regulatory<br />

bodies - people of power, people<br />

of knowledge like experts. Nikolai<br />

Livori, CEO of Yobetit, believes that<br />

every relationship has value. Let’s<br />

find out why he personally<br />

values knowledge over<br />

power.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: You are known as an<br />

iGaming veteran, how did it all<br />

start?<br />

NL: My education background<br />

is in maths and computer<br />

science, particularly focused<br />

on A.I. After venturing into the<br />

iGaming world over a decade<br />

ago, I have worked with a variety<br />

of well known international<br />

companies eventually leading<br />

to positions in executive management.<br />

Through MathEPIC, I am heavily involved<br />

in start-ups; my own and those of others. I<br />

am working on setting up an ecosystem to<br />

facilitate mentoring, financing and general<br />

early stage support.<br />

I was an employee myself, and was given<br />

opportunities to advance in my career. I<br />

have the support of those that believe in my<br />

ideas. I too believe in people; in investing in<br />

them, their passions and their ideas. I want<br />

to give that same opportunity to others that<br />

show tenacity, passion and entrepreneurial<br />

spirit. That is part of my long-term strategy.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Looking back, are you surprised<br />

by how much sports have been a part of<br />

your life?<br />

NL: The real surprise is probably that I am<br />

not a football and sports fanatic, I don’t<br />

even have a favourite team. I approach the<br />

sports betting industry with the mind-set<br />

of a mathematician; focusing on numbers,<br />

mathematical models, algorithms.<br />

It is a misconception that iGaming and<br />

sports are two sides of the same coin. In<br />

content, you may be betting on sports<br />

events, but the concept of gambling can<br />

be applied to almost anything. Sports<br />

feeds into my business, it fuels its engine<br />

however I could just as easily apply the<br />

models and proprietary technology to<br />

other types of trading industries such as<br />

forex or commodities<br />

Transparency and sharing<br />

your ideas at an early stage<br />

really is key<br />

I also have ties with game development<br />

companies and we do not like to blur the<br />

lines between pure entertainment games<br />

and gambling. As such, I believe that the<br />

term iGaming is misleading and should<br />

be named iGambling. You can find more<br />

information on my LinkedIn.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Would you discuss the importance<br />

of communicating your vision to<br />

the people at Yobetit early on and<br />

having them understand the broader<br />

opportunities?<br />

NL: A vision cannot become reality<br />

without the buy-in from key players and<br />

employees. And I have come to understand<br />

that it is not enough to have a compelling<br />

vision, because oftentimes people have<br />

to buy into the leader before they are<br />

willing to buy into the vision itself. You<br />

must engage with them, have one-on-one<br />

conversations, and listen, to create energy<br />

around the concept. Everyone wants to<br />

belong, they want to contribute and fit<br />

into the bigger picture. Transparency and<br />

sharing your ideas at an early stage really is<br />

key. That way, one can provide just enough<br />



Malta Business Review<br />

boundaries for creativity to thrive and flow<br />

without losing sight of the ultimate goal.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How hard is it to make a longterm<br />

investments when there is so much<br />

pressure for short-term results?<br />

NL: As a Managing Director, I have the<br />

privilege of being able to instill a solid<br />

balance between long-term investments<br />

and short-term results. I am also able<br />

to better direct any efforts that are<br />

undertaken for the ultimate success of the<br />

company. I have seen countless examples<br />

of the bottom line being the only KPI for<br />

success or failure in a business. Racing<br />

against time to produce good short-term<br />

results while losing the overview may<br />

jeopardise the capability for survival in the<br />

longer term. And even more importantly,<br />

without the right people with the right<br />

skills in the right positions, you are not<br />

going to be making profit for long.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: It seems you like to fix and drive<br />

growth. Do you enjoy the process as<br />

you’re building?<br />

NL: Being an entrepreneur is a calling, a<br />

vocation if you will. It can be a blessing and<br />

a curse at times, because there is a sense<br />

of urgency in everything you do. Inactivity<br />

will make you feel restless however it is a<br />

process and one has to set clear goals and<br />

pursue them tirelessly. Seeing a business<br />

come to life, from idea generation to<br />

incorporation, to growth stage is very<br />

satisfying. Once you have started one<br />

company, you will want to start more. You<br />

crave being involved in the early stages.<br />

You are compelled to create again and<br />

again - and so I run and am involved in<br />

multiple projects and businesses, and help<br />

others to realise their entrepreneurial<br />

vision and dreams.<br />

As an entrepreneur, you work for yourself.<br />

You build your businesses around your<br />

strengths and compensate for your<br />

weaknesses by surrounding yourself with<br />

the right people. You chart your own<br />

path and when you have a setback, you<br />

regroup and reimagine. I consider an<br />

entrepreneurial drive a personal asset;<br />

you plan, you strategise, you solve, and<br />

you work with alternatives - your goal is to<br />

always find a way.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you tell us the significance<br />

of market movements within sports<br />

betting?<br />

NL: As a bettor, understanding the<br />

significance of market movements is<br />

a strategy for those hoping to predict<br />

winning outcomes. The flow of money can<br />

be a pretty accurate way of determining an<br />

outcome of a future event. As a business,<br />

our automated engine monitors these<br />

market movements and takes a position in<br />

the market at set intervals. It allows us to<br />

offer surebets as well as highly competitive<br />

Last Minute Bets prices.<br />

I find that the best way<br />

to respond to anything<br />

threatening your business<br />

model or goals is to be open<br />

to new opportunities<br />

There are a number of bookmakers to<br />

watch to understand the betting market<br />

sentiment. We always look to sharp<br />

bookmakers as they operate with high<br />

volumes and low margins, and therefore<br />

their prices are very close to the “fair” or<br />

actual market price. Additionally, they are<br />

the first to move their prices, initiating<br />

general movement within the market.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Would you say there is a<br />

tremendous opportunity for innovation<br />

in iGaming both on the product side and<br />

across the industry?<br />

NL: Although I do believe that there is<br />

tremendous opportunity for innovation<br />

in iGaming, it would seem as if we have<br />

reached a plateau in recent years. Overall,<br />

I feel that there is a sense of complacency<br />

on the part of industry giants, but I am<br />

from the school of thought that we should<br />

always embrace curiosity and question the<br />

status quo. I do appreciate that demand is<br />

the driver, however I feel that efforts and<br />

progress, or lack thereof, is being driven<br />

mainly by industry providers and operators.<br />

If we were to be curious about what<br />

the customers want, they may welcome<br />

something entirely different. Many iGaming<br />

start-ups and fairly new companies embrace<br />

this to a larger extent. Yobetit Surebets is<br />

for me the epitome of wanting to bring<br />

about change and innovate. It enabled<br />

me to bring together mathematics, data<br />

mining and iGaming. The concept of<br />

surebetting is nothing new but it had not<br />

yet been applied in a bookmaking fashion.<br />

This innovative product appeals to a niche<br />

audience, which makes me certain there<br />

are more niches to explore. No one size<br />

fits all, it is a matter of having the courage<br />

to do things a little differently.<br />

Recently, there has been a lot of attention<br />

on the MGA licensing regime from an EU<br />

perspective. It presents both threats and<br />

opportunities, but as an entrepreneur you<br />

need the determination to find alternatives.<br />

I find that the best way to respond to<br />

anything threatening your business model<br />

or goals is to be open to new opportunities.<br />

This particular threat has made me look to<br />

Asia for new ideas and possibilities, as well<br />

as branching out of the industry altogether.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: For somebody who is known to get<br />

deep into the business operations, do<br />

you find it harder to get as engaged as<br />

you would like?<br />

NL: I certainly have a tendency to get deeply<br />

involved into the mathematics, technical<br />

and research parts of the businesses, so I<br />

have to constantly work to find a balance<br />

in my involvement. I engage with the<br />

teams; I am aware of their victories and<br />

their shortcomings. As a leader, one needs<br />

to know when to take charge and when<br />

to follow. Surrounding myself with people<br />

I trust personally and professionally has<br />

taught me to occasionally give up the reins<br />

before it becomes detrimental to business<br />

and health.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What are the key priorities in<br />

your role and how will you measure the<br />

success of your efforts?<br />

NL: The key priority in my role is driving<br />

growth; creating forward movement. There<br />

is no finish line. It is my responsibility to<br />

search for change and improvement, figure<br />

out how to respond to it and use it to create<br />

opportunities for my team and businesses.<br />

I believe that the success of my efforts<br />

is measured by the level of passion and<br />

motivation in my team, and by how people<br />

respond to my businesses or ideas. If they<br />

are either excited or incredulous about it, I<br />

know I am doing something right. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All rights reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

Note<br />

Nikolai Livori is a<br />

successful Maltese<br />

entrepreneur within<br />

the IT, online casual<br />

games and iGaming industries. Through<br />

a solid educational background in<br />

mathematics, computer science and AI, as<br />

well as business acumen, he has dived into<br />

different areas such as game development,<br />

e-learning and iGaming as well as data<br />

mining and gamification for marketing<br />

and innovation purposes. As a director,<br />

investor and mentor, Nikolai is involved<br />

in multiple local and international startups<br />

and ventures.<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />

Christmas Narrative<br />

Papa Panov’s Special<br />

Christmas<br />

By Leo Tolstoy<br />

Over the years, Christmas has inspired many authors to write about its spirit and significance. The spirit<br />

that embodies charity, forgiveness, friendship, unselfish love and generosity. In the stories that follow, you<br />

will find many examples of what makes the Christmas Spirit so unique and special. Though most of these<br />

stories have been written for children, readers of all ages will enjoy these skillfully told tales.<br />

Old Papa Panov, the village<br />

shoemaker, stepped outside<br />

his shop to take one last<br />

look around. The sounds of<br />

happiness, the bright lights and the faint<br />

but delicious smells of Christmas cooking<br />

reminded him of past Christmas times<br />

when his wife had still been alive and his<br />

own children little. Now they had gone.<br />

His usually cheerful face, with the little<br />

laughter wrinkles behind the round steel<br />

spectacles, looked sad now. But he went<br />

back indoors with a firm step, put up the<br />

shutters and set a pot of coffee to heat on<br />

the charcoal stove. Then, with a sigh, he<br />

settled in his big armchair.<br />

Papa Panov did not often read, but tonight<br />

he pulled down the big old family Bible<br />

and, slowly tracing the lines with one<br />

forefinger, he read again the Christmas<br />

story. He read how Mary and Joseph, tired<br />

by their journey to Bethlehem, found no<br />

room for them at the inn, so that Mary’s<br />

little baby was born in the cowshed.<br />

Bless my soul! said Papa<br />

Panov. It’s Christmas Day!<br />

“Oh, dear, oh, dear!” exclaimed Papa<br />

Panov, “if only they had come here! I<br />

would have given them my bed and I could<br />

have covered the baby with my patchwork<br />

quilt to keep him warm.”<br />

He read on about the wise men who had<br />

come to see the baby Jesus, bringing him<br />

splendid gifts.<br />

Papa Panov’s face fell. “I have no gift that I<br />

could give him,” he thought sadly.<br />

Then his face brightened. He put down<br />

the Bible, got up and stretched his long<br />

arms t the shelf high up in his little room.<br />

He took down a small, dusty box and<br />

opened it. Inside was a perfect pair of tiny<br />

leather shoes.<br />

Papa Panov smiled with satisfaction. Yes,<br />

they were as good as he had rememberedthe<br />

best shoes he had ever made. “I should<br />

give him those,” he decided, as he gently<br />

put them away and sat down again.<br />

He was feeling tired now, and the further<br />


Christmas Narrative<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

he read the sleeper he became. The print<br />

began to dance before his eyes so that he<br />

closed them, just for a minute. In no time<br />

at all Papa Panov was fast asleep.<br />

And as he slept he dreamed. He dreamed<br />

that someone was in his room and he<br />

know at once, as one does in dreams, who<br />

the person was. It was Jesus.<br />

“You have been wishing that you could see<br />

me, Papa Panov.” he said kindly, “then look<br />

for me tomorrow. It will be Christmas Day<br />

and I will visit you. But look carefully, for I<br />

shall not tell you who I am.”<br />

When at last Papa Panov awoke, the bells<br />

were ringing out and a thin light was<br />

filtering through the shutters. wHe stood<br />

up and stretched himself for he was rather<br />

stiff. Then his face filled with happiness as<br />

he remembered his dream. This would be<br />

a very special Christmas after all, for Jesus<br />

was coming to visit him. How would he<br />

look? Would he be a little baby, as at that<br />

first Christmas? Would he be a grown man,<br />

a carpenter- or the great King that he is,<br />

God’s Son? He must watch carefully the<br />

whole day through so that he recognized<br />

him however he came.<br />

Papa Panov put on a special pot of coffee<br />

for his Christmas breakfast, took down the<br />

shutters and looked out of the window. The<br />

street was deserted, no one was stirring<br />

yet. No one except the road sweeper. He<br />

looked as miserable and dirty as ever, and<br />

well he might! Whoever wanted to work<br />

on Christmas Day - and in the raw cold and<br />

bitter freezing mist of such a morning?<br />

Papa Panov opened the shop door, letting<br />

in a thin stream of cold air. “Come in!” he<br />

shouted across the street cheerily. “Come<br />

in and have some hot coffee to keep out<br />

the cold!”<br />

The sweeper looked up, scarcely able to<br />

believe his ears. He was only too glad to put<br />

down his broom and come into the warm<br />

room. His old clothes steamed gently in the<br />

heat of the stove and he clasped both red<br />

hands round the comforting warm mug as<br />

he drank.<br />

Papa Panov watched him with satisfaction,<br />

but every now and them his eyes strayed<br />

to the window. It would<br />

never do to miss his<br />

special visitor.<br />

“Expecting someone?”<br />

the sweeper asked at<br />

last. So Papa Panov told<br />

him about his dream.<br />

“Well, I hope he<br />

comes,” the sweeper<br />

said, “you’ve given<br />

me a bit of Christmas<br />

cheer I never expected<br />

to have. I’d say you<br />

deserve to have your<br />

dream come true.” And<br />

he actually smiled.<br />

When he had gone,<br />

Papa Panov put on<br />

cabbage soup for his<br />

dinner, then went<br />

Leo Tolstoy - Yasnaya Polyana estate in May 1908.<br />

to the door again,<br />

by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky<br />

scanning the street.<br />

He saw no one. But he was mistaken.<br />

Someone was coming.<br />

The girl walked so slowly and quietly,<br />

hugging the walls of shops and houses,<br />

Sudden thought flashed through Papa<br />

Panov’s mind. He remembered the little<br />

shoes he had looked at last night. But<br />

he had been keeping those for Jesus. He<br />

that it was a while before he noticed her.<br />

looked again at the cold little feet and<br />

She looked very tired and she was carrying<br />

made up his mind. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

something. As she drew nearer he could<br />

see that it was a baby, wrapped in a thin<br />

shawl. There was such sadness in her face<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

and in the pinched little face of the baby,<br />

Note<br />

that Papa Panov’s heart went out to them.<br />

“Won’t you come in,” he called, stepping<br />

Leo Tolstoy, or Count<br />

outside to meet them. “You both need a<br />

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy<br />

warm by the fire and a rest.”<br />

(September 9 1828 –<br />

November 20 1910), was a Russian writer<br />

The young mother let him shepherd her<br />

widely regarded as among the greatest of<br />

indoors and to the comfort of the armchair.<br />

novelists. Tolstoy’s further talents as essayist,<br />

She gave a big sigh of relief.<br />

dramatist, and educational reformer made<br />

“I’ll warm some milk for the baby,” Papa<br />

Panov said, “I’ve had children of my own-<br />

I can feed her for you.” He took the milk<br />

from the stove and carefully fed the baby<br />

from a spoon, warming her tiny feet by the<br />

stove at the same time.<br />

“She needs shoes,” the cobbler said.<br />

him the most influential member of the<br />

aristocratic Tolstoy family. Papa Panov’s<br />

Special Christmas was originally written<br />

in French by Ruben Saillens, and then<br />

translated into English by Tolstoy. This is a<br />

very thoughtful story, based on the Bible text<br />

‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was<br />

thirsty and you gave me water’ which Jesus<br />

used to make us understand how we should<br />

But the girl replied, “I can’t afford shoes,<br />

serve him by serving each other. The story of<br />

I’ve got no husband to bring home money.<br />

Papa Panov is an excellent way to introduce<br />

I’m on my way to the next village to get<br />

young chldren to the principles of kindness.<br />

work.”<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />

IT Interview of the Month<br />

Good to Great<br />

By George Carol<br />

When you start a new business or create an innovative product, you are very often faced with the choice to move<br />

direction. And if you don’t copy someone’s idea doing something really new and unique, you should rely only on your<br />

own intuition. In his interview for Malta Business Review, Nikolay Dobrovolskiy, the vice-president of Parallels, spoke<br />

about avoiding mistakes while making the first steps.<br />

Thea Saliba, Lawyer & TV Personality Show Host, presenting an award to Nick during MBIBA 2016<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Your company became worldknown<br />

about ten years ago. Can we say<br />

that the appearance of your key product,<br />

Parallels Desktop for Mac, is a simple<br />

luck?<br />

ND: The great American swimmer Michael<br />

Phelps was once asked how many of his<br />

victories were influenced by luck. He<br />

answered that the more he trained, the<br />

more often he was lucky to win. In our case,<br />

everything is the same. Before becoming a<br />

world leader in software production, we<br />

worked on our Parallels Desktop project<br />

for more than five years. Sometimes, there<br />

were cases when the whole Team didn’t<br />

receive any salary for several months.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What is the secret of success?<br />

Why have you succeeded in making a<br />

world-class project, while hundreds of<br />

thousands of other programmers have<br />

not?<br />

ND: In my opinion, the main components<br />

of any successful startup are a clear vision,<br />

a good team and a focus on the product.<br />

Initially I got a feeling that<br />

there would be no deal<br />

while we were talking to<br />

Philip Schiller<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you think that others don’t<br />

have them?<br />

ND: Quite often I see the picture of a<br />

young team or a startup being united by<br />

an interesting idea. People begin to do<br />

something, but one or two years later<br />

they abandon it without achieving results<br />

and start a new project. Then the story<br />

repeats itself. Finally, 10-15 years later,<br />

those people find themselves in the same<br />

situation as the one they started with.<br />

Time, efforts and energy are lost, but the<br />

result is absent. If you believe in your idea,<br />

you shouldn’t give up after the first failure.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How important is the idea?<br />

ND: In my opinion, people overestimate<br />

the importance of their ideas. Some people<br />

think that everyone wants to steal their<br />

invented unique know-how. But it is much<br />

more important to implement the idea<br />

than just to invent it. Did social networks<br />

exist before Facebook? Yes, of course. Still,<br />

only Mark Zuckerberg managed to make<br />

his project really global, uniting billions of<br />

people on the planet.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How important for your success<br />

was your meeting with Steve Jobs?<br />

ND: Such meetings can be categorized<br />

as amazing ones. We met him at Apple<br />

headquarters in 2007. Being already<br />

known around the world, we wanted to<br />


IT Interview of the Month<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

The Parallels Team led by Nick during Malta’s Best in Business Awards 2016<br />

put Parallels Desktop into the Apple’s<br />

business channel. Initially I got a feeling<br />

that there would be no deal while we were<br />

talking to Philip Schiller (Apple’s senior vice<br />

president of Worldwide Marketing) and<br />

Bertrand Serlet (The “Father” of macOS<br />

and Senior Vice President of Software<br />

Engineering at Apple). They gave very<br />

vague answers to our direct questions.<br />

Suddenly, Steve Jobs walked in. He asked<br />

us to introduce ourselves and tell him<br />

about our ideas. Further, he asked several<br />

clarifying questions and told his reports<br />

to do it. After that our conversation<br />

continued in an absolutely different way.<br />

By the way, our products are still available<br />

in all Apple shops and corporate channel<br />

worldwide.<br />

the main components of any<br />

successful startup are a clear<br />

vision, a good team and a<br />

focus on the product<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Let us return to the topic of<br />

choosing the right path and successful<br />

development. What is more important<br />

for the company, presence of a captain<br />

like Steve Jobs or the ability to make<br />

right decisions collectively?<br />

ND: A lot of things depend on corporate<br />

culture specifics. In Parallels, many issues<br />

are resolved in the team. We are used to<br />

being interested in everyone’s opinion.<br />

The employees are greatly involved in<br />

achieving common results. Generally, we<br />

are like a big family. Of course, if we have<br />

no consensus, it is necessary to make the<br />

decision personally, but usually everyone<br />

is motivated by the opportunity to be a<br />

part of our common future.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: But it is impossible to create<br />

a common vision for the company<br />

consisting of hundreds and even<br />

thousands of people, isn’t it?<br />

ND: In fact, it is possible. In the case of<br />

Parallels, we know that the programs<br />

created by us must meet our users’ needs.<br />

Our products must be intuitively clear,<br />

simple and convenient. It is no accident<br />

that one of the key metrics for us is NPS<br />

(Net Promoter Score). The probability of<br />

our users recommending our software<br />

determines the correctness of our chosen<br />

way and the future development of our<br />

company. We understand that if we do<br />

not hear and listen to the users, our future<br />

will be foggy. Another component of our<br />

development is constant improvement.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What do you mean? It is impossible<br />

to re-invent the bicycle, isn’t it?<br />

ND: Did you see electric motorized<br />

bicycles? Gyroscooters? Tesla cars? You<br />

may agree that their basic functions are<br />

the same, but the technologies used in<br />

each of them made revolutionary steps<br />

forward. I consider the history of Nokia,<br />

Polaroid and Siemens Mobile. These giants<br />

seemed to be inviolable, but they lost<br />

their superiority within several years. For<br />

this reason, Parallels constantly develops,<br />

looks for perspective niches, creates new<br />

products and technological solutions. For<br />

us, it is not enough to be just good, we<br />

strive to become a great company. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All rights reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

Parallels is a global leader in crossplatform<br />

solutions which make it<br />

possible and simple for customers<br />

to use and access the applications<br />

and files they need on any device or<br />

operating system. We help customers<br />

take advantage of the best technology<br />

out there, whether it’s Windows,<br />

Mac, iOS, AndroidTM or the cloud.<br />

Parallels solves complex engineering<br />

and user experience problems by<br />

making it simple and cost-effective for<br />

businesses and individual customers<br />

to use applications wherever they<br />

may be local, remote, in the private<br />

datacenter or in the cloud.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

igaming<br />

The MGA Publishes its Interim Performance<br />

Report for the Gaming Industry for the<br />

Period January to June 2016<br />

By Malta Gaming Authority<br />

The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has<br />

published its interim performance report<br />

for the period January to June 2016. The<br />

report reviews the performance of the<br />

gaming industry under the governance<br />

of MGA in terms of economic value<br />

added, employment, number of licensed<br />

operators and tax revenue together with<br />

developments in demand trends and<br />

in the supply capabilities of operators.<br />

The report includes an introductory<br />

section highlighting the key performance<br />

indicators for the first half of 2016 as well<br />

as a medium term outlook into the future<br />

followed by a detailed report explaining<br />

key statistics for land-based and remote<br />

gaming sectors. Some key indicators<br />

include:<br />

»»<br />

During the period under review, the<br />

gaming industry directly contributed<br />

12.0% of the total economic value<br />

added generated in the Maltese<br />

economy with employment in the<br />

gaming industry rising by 31% year<br />

on year. Furthermore, Gross Value<br />

Added for the first six months of 2016<br />

increased by 11.9% compared to Jan<br />

to Jun 2015,<br />

»»<br />

Land-based activities generated over<br />

250 new jobs when compared to<br />

the second half of 2015 whilst new<br />

jobs in the remote gaming business<br />

increased by eight times as much,<br />

»»<br />

Tax revenues amounted to €28<br />

million during the first half of 2016,<br />

which represented 4.6% of the total<br />

indirect tax intake of the Maltese<br />

Government,<br />

»»<br />

As at the end of June 2016, there<br />

were 250 registered remote gaming<br />

operators, holding 490 licences<br />

collectively,<br />

»»<br />

The Authority developed a regulatory<br />

framework for games of skill,<br />

»»<br />

MGA continued to work with the<br />

Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit<br />

(FIAU) on the implementation of<br />

the new 4th Anti Money Laundering<br />

Directive set to come into force next<br />

year,<br />

»»<br />

Remote gaming regulations<br />

were amended to strengthen<br />

consumer protection and promote<br />

administrative simplification,<br />

»»<br />

MGA continued with the work on a<br />

regulatory overhaul which should<br />

strengthen and future-proof the<br />

gaming industry in Malta (to be<br />

brought into force in 2017),<br />

»»<br />

The gaming industry in Malta is<br />

expected to continue growing<br />

robustly in 2017.<br />

The MGA will publish a full year industry<br />

performance report in May 2017 when it<br />

publishes its Annual Report for the financial<br />

year ending 31 <strong>Dec</strong>ember 2016. <strong>MBR</strong><br />


Malta Business Review<br />

What has established our global<br />

reputation in the gaming industry?<br />

At the Malta Gaming Authority, our regulatory philosophy, organisational principles<br />

and culture are focused on player protection. Malta’s transparent legal framework and<br />

experience in regulating gaming has developed into a world class eco-system providing<br />

effective, innovative and efficient regulation.<br />

Our regulatory framework provides assurances both locally and internationally<br />

that fairness and transparency are at the core of everything that we do.<br />

To this effect, our licensees are associated with the highest<br />

levels of integrity and efficiency.<br />

Proudly recognised as a world class authority in terms of<br />

innovation, governance and diligence.<br />


Building SCM02-03, Level 4, SmartCity Malta, Ricasoli SCM 1001, Malta<br />

T +356 2546 9000 E info.mga@mga.org.mt<br />

www.mga.org.mt<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

Why I love entrepreneurship<br />

By Sir Richard Branson<br />

Image from Virgin StartUp<br />

The greatest thing about entrepreneurship<br />

is that it’s open to everyone. It doesn’t<br />

matter where you went to school or<br />

who your parents are, it all boils down to<br />

having a good idea and being resourceful<br />

enough to turn it into a reality.<br />

I was thrilled to receive the letter below<br />

from Mohsin Muhammed – one of the<br />

first people in Scotland to receive a loan<br />

through Virgin StartUp. When Mo moved<br />

to the UK at age nine, has was unable to<br />

speak English. Nine years later he was<br />

diagnosed with dyslexia. But he didn’t let<br />

that stop him from pursuing his dreams<br />

to start a business, and what’s more,<br />

become a doctor.<br />

A Dyslexic Teenager’s Dream<br />

Imagine you moved to Scotland from a<br />

deprived country when you are 9 years old,<br />

you do not know any English apart from:<br />

A is for Apple and B is Banana… Well,<br />

that was me in late 2004.<br />

Fast forward to June 2013, I<br />

found out that I am dyslexic.<br />

When I heard this “bad<br />

news”, I thought, this<br />

was the end of my<br />

world. I can never<br />

conquer the highest<br />

mountains. I can<br />

never become a<br />

doctor. I can never<br />

make money in<br />

life. I can never live<br />

a life that I want to<br />

live! These were<br />

just a few negative<br />

thoughts that<br />

went through my<br />

head back then.<br />

But things started<br />

to change when I<br />

was introduced to<br />

dyslexic celebrities who<br />

have changed the world.<br />

One of the celebrities that<br />

stood out to me was Sir Richard<br />

Branson. Why? I studied Business<br />

Management in high school and I<br />

struggled to understand the difference<br />

between Gross Profit and Net Profit; so who<br />

helped me understand the difference? It<br />

was Sir Richard Branson, another dyslexic.<br />

He too struggled to understand this ‘simple<br />

concept’ until someone told him in a<br />

meeting. ‘Gross Profit is all the fish in the sea<br />

and Net Profit is all the fish that you catch in<br />

the net and take home with you.’ -something<br />

along these lines. It worked for me!<br />

I could dream again! Since then, I have learnt<br />

a lot from Sir Richard Branson by reading his<br />

books. My favourite book is ‘Screw it, Let’s<br />

do it.’ Sir Richard Branson is my favourite<br />

teacher. The only teacher that taught me<br />

anything is possible and that business is not<br />

rocket science. With him acting as a mentor<br />

through books, I managed to achieve a lot<br />

for a dyslexic - please read the following: I<br />

have managed to get into medical school<br />

against all the odds - I received 7 refusals<br />

before starting at University of Glasgow. I will<br />

be starting my 3rd year of MBChB this year,<br />

September 2016. Apart from medicine, I have<br />

a huge interest in business. I want to change<br />

lives! I want to deliver happiness! How am I<br />

planning on doing this? Well at the moment<br />

through Happiness Delivered Ltd. This year,<br />

this company is launching LoveSweets.com.<br />

LoveSweets is an online sweet subscription<br />

service company. The only way this company<br />

is able to launch is because of Virgin StartUp.<br />

Sir Richard Branson and everything that he<br />

has setup came to help me once again in my<br />

life.<br />

He’s helped me get into medical school. He’s<br />

helped me start a business. Even if it was<br />

indirectly. The very most that I would like to<br />

request is 2 minutes to pass on my sincere<br />

gratitude to him. I have bought a ticket to an<br />

event where I can be given the opportunity<br />

to meet him. Which event? Virgin Disruptors<br />

2016 on the 3rd October 2016. I have paid<br />

for this using my money that I had saved up<br />

for my trip to France. In addition, I will have<br />

to miss 6 very important lectures to be there.<br />

I can always catch-up on my lectures and can<br />

always make more money to fund a trip to<br />

France but I may never get the opportunity<br />

to meet my mentor in person ever again.<br />

So what am I requesting for? My Virgin<br />

StartUp Mentor Mr David Christie has<br />

helped me a lot in starting this business and<br />

now I am requesting him to help me find<br />

someone who can arrange even 30 seconds<br />

so that I can meet Sir Richard Branson on the<br />

3rd October 2016 at the event. I will try my<br />

best to catch his attention on the day but<br />

if that does not work, I must at least try to<br />

arrange a Plan B for such a great opportunity.<br />

And I could not think of anything better than<br />

asking for help from Mr David Christie. To<br />

whoever is reading this, I hope you see how<br />

much meeting Sir Richard Branson to thank<br />

him would mean to me. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Image from Virgin StartUp<br />

Creditline: Virgin Group Digital, All rights reserved.<br />


Special Feature: mbiba 2016<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Malta's Best-in-Business<br />

Awards 2016<br />

Castello Dei Baroni, Friday, 25th November, 2016<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Chance Favours<br />

the Prepared Mind<br />

By Martin Vella<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> talks with Dr Andy Ellul and Dr Vincent Micallef, founding partners of Micallef & Ellul<br />

Advocates, considered as one of Malta’s leading multi-disciplinary firms, winners of Malta's<br />

Best-in-Business Law Firm of the Year Award<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What is the secret to the success of<br />

Micallef & Ellul Advocates?<br />

VM: Micallef & Ellul Advocates believes<br />

that the values of commitment, reliability<br />

and excellence form the basis upon which<br />

every success story is built. However,<br />

whilst keeping these values at its core,<br />

the firm believes that the key to success<br />

in its profession is client satisfaction.<br />

This is fully achieved by listening and<br />

comprehending to the clients’ needs<br />

so as to find the best possible tailormade<br />

solution. It is precisely that<br />

customer satisfaction which attracts<br />

more clients. Clients retain and<br />

recommend the firm’s services, thus<br />

becoming the firm’s ambassadors in this<br />

increasingly competitive industry. From its<br />

inception, the firm realised that placing its<br />

clients at the centre of its activities was<br />

significant for its establishment in the legal<br />

community as we know it today.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How do you define what your<br />

focus is today?<br />

AL: Our focus at Micallef & Ellul Advocates<br />

is very much based on the prevalent<br />

modern ideology that being successful<br />

does no longer depend on the size of<br />

human or physical resources, but is all<br />

about having a solid and reliable network<br />

which delivers. The firm’s aim is not to<br />

compete with other law firms on the basis<br />

of employing more and more resources.<br />

On the contrary, the firm is focused on<br />

remaining a boutique law-firm albeit with<br />

a difference, that is by expanding the<br />

practice through extensive outsourcing<br />

and networking arrangements with the<br />

right individuals. With this in mind, the<br />

firm has started to promote its legal<br />

services abroad, such as in Dubai, Lebanon,<br />

Jordan, China and South Africa. The quest<br />

to constantly seek alternative channels<br />

of doing business and the ability to seize<br />

the opportunity when it presents itself,<br />

reflects itself in the internationalisation of<br />

new services being offered by the firm.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Does Micallef & Ellul Advocates<br />

have a specific sector expertise or do<br />

you have broad expertise across all<br />

sectors when it comes to delivering legal<br />

solutions and advice?<br />

AL: Whilst understanding that nowadays<br />

law firms may be better off when<br />

specialising in a particular field of law,<br />

thereby enhancing the competitive<br />

advantages applicable to that specific field,<br />

Micallef & Ellul Advocates has purposely<br />

chosen to position the firm as a boutique<br />

law firm in such a way as to create value to<br />

its clientele - thus differentiating the level<br />

of service from that of other larger and<br />

longer established law firms.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you consider the recent<br />

prestigious award as ‘Malta's Best-in-<br />

Business Law Firm of the Year Award’<br />

as a recognition of the Micallef & Ellul<br />

Advocates business model?<br />

VM: The firm’s professional approach<br />

together with the values it upholds,<br />

coupled with the constant drive to further<br />

improve its already reputable standards,<br />

makes Micallef & Ellul Advocates a lawfirm<br />

worthy of the recognition it received.<br />

This recognition will undoubtedly serve<br />

as a further incentive towards the firm’s<br />

strategic direction, that to become one of<br />

the island’s premier legal and consultancy<br />

firms. We intend to continue doing what<br />

we do best, like we did 10 years ago when<br />

planning for where we are today! The<br />

‘Malta’s Best-in- Business Law Firm of the<br />

Year Award 2016’ was definitely a moral<br />

boost to all of us. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All rights reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

The Management and team of Micallef & Ellul Advocates at the<br />

Malta Best-in-Business Awards<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

Established in 2007, Micallef & Ellul<br />

Advocates is a multi-disciplinary law-firm<br />

based in Malta. It operates from Valletta,<br />

Malta’s Capital City, and the firm’s mission<br />

is to provide its clients with pristine service.<br />

The practise ranges from Consultancy<br />

services to Litigation, and each of the firm’s<br />

department is manned by Legal Consultants<br />

of the highest calibre. The firm prides itself<br />

in having a number of reputable local and<br />

international partners. Its mission is to<br />

remain as a boutique law-firm and not to<br />

compete with other law firms on the basis<br />

of employing more and more resources.<br />

On the contrary, the firm aims to continue<br />

enhancing its practice through extensive<br />

outsourcing and networking arrangements<br />

with the right people.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Leading Through<br />

Innovation<br />

By George Carol<br />

Malta’ s Best-in-Business Outstanding Industry Contributor Award is bestowed to companies who have<br />

contributed significantly to the local industry over a period of years through dedicated work and to driving<br />

the industry forward. This year this award went to HALMANN Vella, recognised for their leadership and<br />

participation in multiple projects, including the award winning design and green management concepts.<br />

The HALMANN VELLA Team<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you share your feelings<br />

after having been bestowed as Malta’s<br />

Best-in-Business Outstanding Industry<br />

Contributor Award 2016?<br />

MV: Winning an award, which recognises<br />

how far we have come since the company’s<br />

inception over 60 years ago, is a great<br />

feeling isn’t it?! It is an honour to be<br />

commended by local business experts for<br />

business excellence. Business growth, whilst<br />

maintaining the spirit of a family business<br />

and not losing focus of the customer, has<br />

always been our goal, and still is.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What are the main factors that<br />

have made the difference to convince<br />

the judges to give you such a prestigious<br />

award?<br />

MV: I believe that Halmann Vella stood out<br />

in terms of a number of factors. One being<br />

innovation, an aspect on which we place a<br />

lot of value. We constantly invest in new<br />

machinery, in order to be able to innovate<br />

both in terms of production processes<br />

as well as in the final product. This<br />

enables us to fulfill our brand promise<br />

of quality. We also seek to import the<br />

most innovative surfacing materials, most<br />

notably engineered surfaces such as<br />

Dekton and Silestone.<br />

Halmann Vella stands out also as a<br />

company that puts a strong emphasis<br />

on sustainability and Corporate Social<br />

responsibility. In 2014, a 400kWH solar<br />

panel system was installed in one of<br />

the company’s factories. This system<br />

contributes to an average annual reduction<br />

of 52 tons of Co2. The company is currently<br />

finalising another additional installation<br />

of a 480kwH solar panel system. Water<br />

which is also an important factor in the<br />

production process. Systems installed in<br />

both our factories make it possible to filter<br />

and reuse at least 200,000 litres of water<br />

per day. Halmann Vella also supports<br />

a number of charitable institutions as<br />

well as local heritage. For instance the<br />

company has made great efforts to revive<br />

the art of patterned tiles whilst preserving<br />

the traditional method of production. In<br />

conjunction with the Deaf Association<br />

Malta, we now employ three people with<br />

hearing impairment within our Patterned<br />

Tiles Production team, whilst also making<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Ms Miriam Theuma, CEO at Agenzija Zghazagh presenting the award to Mr Martin Vella, GM, Halmann Vella<br />

a donation per tile sold to the Deaf<br />

Association Malta.<br />

All of this wouldn’t be possible without<br />

our employees and the collective<br />

entrepreneurial spirit which is fostered<br />

and encouraged throughout the company.<br />

In the past decade the company has gone<br />

through a process of change and growth<br />

and thanks to this collective spirit, we have<br />

managed to maintain the flexibility of a<br />

small company whilst being able to handle<br />

opportunities, projects and production of a<br />

much larger scale and growth.<br />

Halmann Vella stands out<br />

also as a company that<br />

puts a strong emphasis on<br />

sustainability and Corporate<br />

Social responsibility<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How inspiring is it to see what you<br />

have accomplished together with the<br />

HALMANN team?<br />

MV: It is very inspiring. It is definitely a<br />

motivator to continue aiming towards more<br />

ambitious accomplishments together.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How important do you consider<br />

such awards are and what significance<br />

do they have vis-à-vis business growth in<br />

Malta?<br />

MV: In an increasingly competitive<br />

market, awards are a great way showcase<br />

business success and stand out against<br />

the competition. They increase awareness<br />

and market leadership. Winning awards<br />

also provides a number of opportunities<br />

for marketing and publicity and is a vote<br />

of confidence to our employees. Awards<br />

also increase confidence in the local<br />

business community.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What sets you apart from<br />

competition?<br />

MV: We provide our customers added<br />

value, through the quality of our products<br />

and our service. We are innovative and a<br />

socially responsible company. We pride<br />

ourselves on surfacing Malta’s most<br />

beautiful spaces, and some of Malta’s<br />

most iconic buildings and commercial<br />

establishments are a true testament of<br />

the quality of our products. Amongst our<br />

most notorious projects, one can mention<br />

Renzo Piano’s Valletta City Gate, Smart<br />

City, the Portomaso Project, Life Sciences<br />

Malta, and the Tigne Project.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you think that being an<br />

authentic leader has helped you in your<br />

aspirations leading to this prestigious<br />

award which the judges bestowed?<br />

MV: Whilst good leadership is important,<br />

as stated earlier, this award would not<br />

be possible without the joint effort of all<br />

our team.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you consider this award as a<br />

recognition of the HALMANN business<br />

model?<br />

MV: This award is a true testament to<br />

our business model which drives our<br />

company’s success. Our business started<br />

as a small family run business by two<br />

brothers and has since then grown<br />

to employ over 200 employees. Yet<br />

very little has changed in our business<br />

philosophy…our business and our people<br />

are our family, and together we strive to<br />

innovate and keep on meeting the needs<br />

of our customers.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you give us your feedback<br />

on the organisation, and how you will<br />

remember Malta’s Best Business Awards<br />

2016<br />

MV: I am very glad to have been part of<br />

this year’s award ceremony. The event<br />

was well organised and it was a wonderful<br />

evening for all of our team. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All rights reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

Halmann Vella is locally synonymous with<br />

the supply and production of natural stone<br />

products . These include marble and granite,<br />

terrazzo, travertine and Maltese traditional<br />

patterned tiles. It also supplies other surfacing<br />

products such as ceramics, parquet and<br />

quartz. The company has also been involved<br />

in the supply of material and/or general<br />

contracting services in a number of large<br />

projects such as Renzo Piano’s Valletta city<br />

gate, BOV’s House of Four Winds, Verdala<br />

Palace, Smart City Malta, Skyparks, the Tigne<br />

and Portomaso Projects and a number of<br />

hotels such as Hilton, Fortina and Radisson<br />

Golden Sands.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />


Drive and<br />

Motivation<br />

By Martin Vella<br />

Glitz and glam came to Castello dei Baroni during Malta’s Best in Business Awards 2016. Dean Gera<br />

Haircare Ltd once again celebrated the very best in successful hair care salon business by picking up Malta's<br />

Best-in-Business Small to Medium Size Business Award<br />

Kevin Portelli, Marketing Manager, M.A & A Ltd presenting<br />

Malta’s Best-in-Business Small to Medium Size Business Award to Dean Gera<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How do you define the role as an<br />

artist or a hair care/fashion leader today?<br />

DG: Being a leader in any industry is a<br />

challenge. When striving to be a leader<br />

in a field as fast paced as fashion it is<br />

important to keep one's team motivated<br />

to be creative in order to be at the top of<br />

its game.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: When you created DEAN GERA<br />

HAIRCARE Ltd, the need for innovation<br />

and renewal. What initiatives have you<br />

taken and new ventures which you can<br />

mention?<br />

DG: I created Dean Gera Hair Care with<br />

the intention of creating a brand where<br />

people knew exactly what to expect before<br />

even walking into a salon. I did not want<br />

to put a face behind the business set-up.<br />

I wanted each member of the team to<br />

adopt the Dean Gera Hair Care philosophy<br />

in order to provide clients with a similar<br />

experience each time they entered a<br />

salon, even when visiting different Dean<br />

Gera Hair Care salons.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What are the core issues that<br />

motivate you and can you define the<br />

team characteristics of at DEAN GERA<br />

HAIRCARE Ltd?<br />

DG: My main motivation is for the company<br />

and the brand to grow. We have created a<br />

platform whereby employees can build a<br />

career rather that just have a 9 to 5 job.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What is your strategy to attract and<br />

retain talent?<br />

DG: Our main strategy is investing<br />

heavily in all forms of training for all<br />

team members, including technical and<br />

management training. Furthermore, our<br />

remuneration is well-structured, including<br />

commission, bonuses and profit sharing.<br />

The harder one works, the greater the<br />

benefits reaped, both for the individual<br />

and for the company.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What would you highlight as<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

The Dean Gera Haircare Ltd Management Team<br />

DEAN GERA HAIRCARE Ltd’s biggest<br />

achievement during 2016?<br />

DG: Our greatest achievements this year<br />

were the opening of a fifth hair salon<br />

in Paola and the takeover of another,<br />

in Ibragg, which brings our current<br />

total number of salons to six. We also<br />

expanded and refurbished our Valletta<br />

establishment, including our head office,<br />

board room and The Spa Room.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you think that being an<br />

authentic leader has helped you in your<br />

aspirations leading to this prestigious<br />

award which the judges bestowed DGHC<br />

as Small to Malta’s Best in Business Small<br />

to Medium Size (SME) Business Award?<br />

DG: Yes, I believe the platform we have<br />

created is quite unique in a country as<br />

small as Malta. Seeing what we have<br />

accomplished so far is something that we,<br />

as a company, are very proud of.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How inspiring is it to see what<br />

you have accomplished with DEAN<br />

GERA HAIRCARE Ltd and how will such<br />

accomplishments have a positive fallout<br />

on you, as well as DEAN GERA HAIRCARE<br />

Ltd’s?<br />

DG: I have always been an optimist and I<br />

had always hoped the brand would move<br />

in the direction that it has. The results<br />

we have achieved keep me motivated<br />

and hungry for future growth. As long as<br />

our foundations remain solid I foresee<br />

ongoing growth of our brand. If you are a<br />

young business without much marketing<br />

spend, then entering awards can be a<br />

cost-effective way of generating positive<br />

marketing and PR, because you’re thrown<br />

into the spotlight. It also offers a seal of<br />

approval. Potential customers can look at<br />

that and think ‘I’m happy to do business<br />

with this company because they have that<br />

recognition. Experience has shown that<br />

an award gives massive credence to our<br />

business, particularly when talking to new<br />

customers and vendors that have not dealt<br />

directly with us in the past. With existing<br />

partners, it reinforces the fact they have<br />

made the right choice to work with us.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you consider this award as a<br />

recognition of the DEAN GERA HAIRCARE<br />

Ltd’s business model?<br />

DG: Yes, it is very satisfying to have been<br />

recognised as a business and not just as<br />

hairdressers. Awards are one of the most<br />

powerful and cost-effective marketing<br />

tools and winning a prestigious Best<br />

Business Award will help one’s business<br />

organisation to stand out from the crowd,<br />

send a positive message to your existing<br />

customers and attract new business.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Would you support future<br />

entrepreneurial events and awards, and<br />

why? What would you do differently?<br />

DG: I would support them as I think that<br />

opportunities such as these, whereby<br />

companies can be recognised for their<br />

achievements, are important to increase<br />

the drive and motivation of all staff<br />

members. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All rights reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

The first Dean Gera salon was launched in<br />

2007. Today, the company has established<br />

itself as the industry leader. With its<br />

headquarters and training academy situated<br />

in Malta’s capital city, Dean Gera operates<br />

through 6 salons and a day spa and boasts a<br />

team of over 40 individuals. The company’s<br />

strategy is built on the foundations of<br />

teamwork and always delivering the fivestar<br />

Dean Gera experience from all salons.<br />

In order to achieve its long-term vision for<br />

the brand to expand overseas and ensure its<br />

successful implementation, three strategic<br />

priorities have been identified: Train –<br />

Inspire – Outperform.<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />


Integrity, Trust,<br />

Professionalism<br />

By Martin Vella<br />

BILOM Group get recognised and rewarded for excellence in project delivery<br />

Marina Lomakina, Arts & Culture Representative from the Russian Federation handing the<br />

BILOM GROUP representatives with Malta’s Best-in-Business Building and Construction Award<br />

BILOM GROUP has won the award for<br />

Malta’s Best-in-Business Building<br />

and Construction Award during<br />

Malta’s Best in Business Awards. The<br />

prestigious accolade seeks to highlight<br />

an organisation which has identified a<br />

requirement for an innovative building<br />

and construction concepts, combined<br />

with green-tech products successfully<br />

brought in to the market.<br />

The awards recognise organisations<br />

that demonstrate enterprise-wide<br />

success through employee learning<br />

and development. BILOM GROUP was<br />

the only construction and real estate<br />

company to receive this year's award.<br />

"This award demonstrates the<br />

commitment of our organization to<br />

employee development and continuous<br />

performance improvement, which puts<br />

us in a better position to serve our<br />

customers," said Mr. Michael Bugeja,<br />

Managing Director of BILOM GROUP.<br />

For the 2016 Best in Business Awards,<br />

four companies were considered and<br />

shortlisted for the final list. These<br />

organisations submitted quantitative<br />

and qualitative information to the Board<br />

about their achievements, CSR, business<br />

strategies, best practice and business<br />

development practices and progress.<br />

Applications were assessed in a blind<br />

review by members of the judges panel<br />

and Board of advisory committee, a<br />

select group of experts in their respective<br />

fields. The purpose of the competition<br />

is to honour construction projects<br />

that are distinguished for the quality,<br />

organisation and timeliness of the work,<br />

use of technology, and influence on the<br />

Maltese economy.<br />

All companies excelled in creating<br />

innovative, vibrant learning cultures<br />

that clearly aligned with strategic<br />

business goals," said Jean Paul Abela,<br />

judges-elect representative and Investor<br />

Relations Officer, Bank of Valetta. "They<br />

proved their commitment to workplace<br />

learning and development by doing so<br />

in an economic climate that saw limited<br />

resources, reductions in budget cuts, and<br />

business growth."<br />

BILOM GROUP focuses<br />

on the following pillars: the<br />

passion for excellence, the<br />

drive to innovate and the<br />

hard work that accompanies<br />

every successful enterprise<br />

The Awards, held for the second<br />

successive year, honour achievements<br />

of dynamic corporate companies, SMEs<br />

and entrepreneurs in Malta. Nominees<br />

included up-and-coming businesses and<br />

blue-chip local companies, operating<br />

in various sectors, including IT,<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

The BILOM GROUP Management Team<br />

Banking, Finance, iGaming, Insurance,<br />

Aviation, Manufacturing, Buidling and<br />

Construction, real estate, architecture,<br />

legal, financial, banking, commercial<br />

and Maritime. The companies were<br />

identified, selected and chosen based on<br />

experience, reputation, integrity, quality<br />

and trust by a judging panel that was<br />

tasked with reviewing and giving a score<br />

to all submissions.<br />

The award was presented during a<br />

reception held in at Castello dei Baroni,<br />

Wardija. In recognising BILOM GROUP,<br />

the advisory committee cited the quality<br />

of BILOM GROUP as leaders in the real<br />

estate market, presently engaged in<br />

various large projects sited at prime<br />

locations on the island, proving year after<br />

year a spirit of innovation, dedication to<br />

our customers, a willingness to improve<br />

day after day and its approach to<br />

developing emerging leaders.<br />

"It has been a consistent team effort,<br />

starting with the vision and resources<br />

provided by our senior leadership and<br />

culminating with our employees who<br />

embraced learning and apply it back on<br />

the job," Mr. Bugeja said. He said that as<br />

the company builds up on this success,<br />

“BILOM GROUP focuses on the following<br />

pillars: the passion for excellence, the<br />

drive to innovate and the hard work<br />

that accompanies every successful<br />

enterprise.”<br />

BILOM GROUP has built up an<br />

impressive portfolio of buy-tolet<br />

properties and are active in the<br />

upmarket real estate properties. The<br />

company's full time staff is known for<br />

professionalism, confidentiality, integrity<br />

and commitment. “While all of the<br />

expmployees have widely divergent<br />

backgrounds, all of them are highly<br />

experienced knowing not only their<br />

jobs, but also having a knowledge of the<br />

territory and demographics. People come<br />

to work at BILOM GROUP for its reputation<br />

but stay here for the high level of work<br />

ethic and the same reasons customers<br />

keep coming back: appreciation, deep<br />

embedded professionalism and integrity,<br />

special and detailed attention to each<br />

demand,” commented Mr. Bugeja.<br />

BILOM GROUP strive to exceed the<br />

needs of their customers, satisfy the<br />

investment aspect of the properties and<br />

provide the highest standard of quality.<br />

The company’s goal is to continue work<br />

for our customers at the high standards<br />

we set for ourselves, personalising their<br />

services for each customer, adding new<br />

departments and services as the market<br />

changes and grows. Their quest for<br />

excellence continues. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

BILOM GROUP was founded in 1995 in<br />

Malta and has expanded to become one of the<br />

largest privately owned, property negotiators<br />

on the Island. Bilom Group provides a fully<br />

service in any property deals including<br />

project projections, valuations of property,<br />

real estate consultancy, letting and sale of<br />

properties. BILOM GROUP has emerged<br />

over the last years of existence as one of the<br />

leaders in the real estate market, presently<br />

engaged in various large projects.<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

Note<br />

All winners can request feedback from the<br />

judges about why they won for use in press<br />

releases, marketing material, brochures,<br />

advertisements, on their website etc. This<br />

service is included in the entry fee so there is<br />

no additional cost.<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />


Motivation, Safety<br />

and Job Satisfaction<br />

by George Carol<br />

At The Resin & Membrane Centre, the Management have dedicated themselves to cultivate a business atmosphere to take<br />

care of their employees, suppliers, and customers as if they were their own family. One stand-out employee is a gentleman<br />

by the name of Antoine Bonello, who is the director of the Resin & Membrane Centre. I had the opportunity to sit down with<br />

Antoine and ask him a few questions regarding the company’s recent success during Malta’s Best in Business Awards and his<br />

experience with The Resin & Membrane Centre.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How does it feel to be awarded<br />

the judges top accolade as Malta’s Best<br />

in Business Best Product / Service Range<br />

Award?<br />

AB: We at the Resin and Membrane Centre<br />

are synonymous with waterproofing for<br />

quite some time, our awards usually<br />

consists in customer satisfaction and<br />

their recommendations, which is the best<br />

possible certificate of quality. The Award<br />

received at the Malta’s Best in Business<br />

means lot to us. It is the tangible proof<br />

of our hard work and dedication. This<br />

confirms that our expertise and high quality<br />

workmanship combined with our NAICI<br />

product line are proving a success and are<br />

settling a standard which is way too high<br />

for our competitors to achieve. The Award<br />

also confirms that NAICI products are the<br />

result of constant innovation and research,<br />

this was proved with the Fibro Guaina S<br />

Reflex thermal insulation waterproofing<br />

membrane, and besides waterproofing it<br />

now also stops heat intake inside buildings<br />

by 92%. Our Motto is We Are Quality and<br />

we always make sure that every project is<br />

carried out at its best.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How did you come up with your<br />

business idea?<br />

AB: It all got started a while ago at a<br />

charity dinner in Italy, during which I met<br />

a prominent producer of waterproofing<br />

materials, that is NAICI. I did not put much<br />

weight on it at the time but slowly slowly<br />

I became convinced that his high quality<br />

products are tailor made for the Maltese<br />

climate. Waterproofing started when men<br />

started to dwell in houses, I don't consider<br />

our line business as an original concept. It<br />

is a need that we started to service after<br />

eventually a lot of market research was<br />

carried out. This together with proper<br />

product application and training held<br />

abroad. Learning and research is our<br />

forte; we make sure that the most modern<br />

materials are brought over and their<br />

implementation is properly mastered.<br />

We do this very gladly because we love<br />

our work and we know the customer will<br />

benefit the most.<br />

MB: What market need is your business<br />

addressing and what were your goals in<br />

starting the company?<br />

AB: Our business addresses a vast type<br />

of exigencies from small homes with<br />

infiltrations problems to large factory<br />

roofs. We did not set any particular<br />

goals when we started our activity; our<br />

policy was and will remain quality over<br />

quantity. People nowadays are fed up of<br />

cheap plastic based materials that can last<br />

only a year or two leading to repetitive<br />

unwanted yearly routine expenses. Many<br />

people are now opting for a permanent<br />

solution that is also pro-environment. Our<br />

award winner the Thermal Fibro S Reflex<br />

is outclassing all existing solutions; it is<br />

resistant to UV rays, Stagnation and traffic.<br />

Its request for installation almost doubled,<br />

over 50,000 sq m was surfaced by us with<br />

this material alone and this excludes the<br />

material supplied from our showroom for<br />

the DIY sector.<br />

The only thing we outsource<br />

is knowledge and for this we<br />

constantly bring over prominent<br />

foreign experts in the business<br />

to train our personnel<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Have you outsourced any portion<br />

of your business? Has that worked for<br />

your business and can you tell us what<br />

are your main areas of focus?<br />

AB: The only thing we outsource is<br />

knowledge and for this we constantly bring<br />

over prominent foreign experts in the<br />

business to train our personnel. We take<br />

nothing for granted we like to do things at<br />

best. Many customers call us to redo their<br />

roof repairs following bad interventions by<br />

unqualified, inexperienced and presumed<br />

self-thought installers; this saddens us<br />

a lot. Unfortunately this happens all the<br />

time in our sector of works and there<br />

is no control by the authorities on the<br />

matter. Our personnel are all members of<br />

the Malta Professional Waterproofing and<br />

Resin Flooring Association, this to assure<br />

our customers of quality and competence.<br />

All this made us best in the trade. Unlike<br />

others we are not the jack of all trades, we<br />

just do and focus only on waterproofing.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Social marketing is consistently<br />

being written about in the small business<br />

space. Has it worked generating business<br />

for you?<br />

AB: Social marketing is of utmost<br />

importance especially for us who always<br />

introduce new waterproofing products and<br />

implementation concepts. In Malta were<br />

everyone knows each other the word of<br />

mouth is still considered the best possible<br />

publicity, a satisfied customer usually end<br />

up praising your works with all his family<br />

members and friends, This rolling effect<br />

eventually generates a continued business<br />

and product awareness that helps us when<br />

implementing our work. Our constant<br />

developments and the will to always<br />

implement modern application modalities<br />

are continuously creating a concept that is<br />

being envied by many.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What have you done that has been<br />

very effective in helping to grow the<br />

business?<br />

AB: We have a showroom where people<br />

can find qualified personnel who can trust<br />

and listen to their waterproofing needs,<br />

and advise them with the best possible<br />

solution. The one product fits all is just<br />

but a fairy tale, especially when it comes<br />

to waterproofing, with so much constant<br />

change in the building industry you need<br />

to make sure that you are buying the right<br />

product for the right solution. We also do<br />

site inspections and help our customers<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Antoine Bonello receiving the award for Malta’s Best in Business Best Product / Service Range Award<br />

from Martin Vella, <strong>MBR</strong> Publications Ltd’s Managing Director<br />

implement the product should they opt<br />

for the DIY. We do this free of charge just<br />

to make sure that works are carried out<br />

accordingly.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you share your experiences<br />

and feedback regarding the gala awards?<br />

AB: The Gala Dinner proved to be a<br />

platform for the young and not so young<br />

entrepreneurs that are proud of their<br />

work and achievements in Business. It also<br />

proved to be an evening to share ideas and<br />

make new acquaintances. Personally, I am<br />

happy that our company was nominated<br />

and eventually won Best Product and<br />

Service Range. In the end everyone had<br />

his own opinions about the winners which<br />

gave subject to discussion and created a<br />

lovely evening for everyone to enjoy.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How important do you consider<br />

such awards are and why would these<br />

be significant if you had to keep in mind<br />

that such awards recognise leaders who<br />

contribute toward the growth of their<br />

business and our economy?<br />

AB: Winning an award does not mean that<br />

you made it to the top. For us this award<br />

is the result of team work and as such it<br />

should be seen in this context; there is<br />

no I in a winning team. This award was<br />

achieved thanks to every single person<br />

that works with our company. We need<br />

to keep focused and stay with both feet<br />

on the ground; we need to work harder<br />

to help our company in setting higher<br />

quality standards for the benefit of our<br />

customers. It is no secret that everyone at<br />

the Resin and Membrane Centre is proud<br />

of this recognition for our hard work.<br />

This proves that we are working in the<br />

right direction towards a steady growth.<br />

We will keep directing our resources in<br />

purchasing the latest machineries, but<br />

most of all in increasing our workforce,<br />

making sure it receives the best possible<br />

product training, motivation, safety and<br />

job satisfaction. We now know for sure<br />

that ever more reputable people and<br />

companies are speaking very highly of us<br />

and our work. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

The Resin and Membrane Centre are<br />

leaders in waterproofing and resin floorings<br />

solutions. We use NAICI professional<br />

materials to ensure that all our projects are<br />

carried out at its best. RMC also caters for the<br />

DIY at our showroom in B’Kara.<br />

RMC are also Certified Installers by the Malta<br />

Professional Waterproofing Association.<br />

Quality, product knowledge and high<br />

standards is what distinguishes us from the<br />

rest.<br />

This year we have introduced the<br />

Thermal Waterproofing Membrane. This<br />

revolutionary membrane reduces heat<br />

intake inside buildings by 91%, therefore<br />

less usage of cooling and heating devices<br />

Our products are VOC low and CE Certified<br />

and can be used safely anywhere. Visit www.<br />

theresincentre.com or Facebook to see our<br />

impressive portfolio of products and works.<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />


Committed to making worklife<br />

balance a reality for<br />

its employees<br />

by George Carol<br />

Interview with Sylvana Brannon, Director, Stem Cells Malta Ltd., who have been demonstrating exemplary<br />

vision and leadership in Maltese biotechnology The company creates organ cells from skin cells, revolutionising<br />

the production, growth and manufacture of newborn umbilical cords<br />

Antoine Bonello, Marketing Manager, The Resin & Membrane Centre<br />

presenting the award to Sylvana Brannon<br />

Of all the awards that were<br />

presented on the day, this was<br />

the one I mostly wanted to win. At<br />

Stem Cells Malta we have been offering a<br />

very innovative service to our clients, in<br />

the form of banking stem cells from their<br />

newborns’ umbilical cords as a form of<br />

life insurance. However, our innovation<br />

extends to our relationship with those I<br />

consider our most important customers<br />

of all – our employees.<br />

There is a lot of talk about creating familyfriendly<br />

measures to help working mothers<br />

achieve a satisfactory work-life balance<br />

and increase their contribution to the<br />

local economy. However I feel that a lot<br />

of local employers are scared of offering<br />

such measures to their employees. A<br />

talented woman has much to offer the<br />

economy, even more so by virtue of being<br />

a multitasking mother, as this in itself<br />

presents a healthy role model to the future<br />

generation of both men and women.<br />

At Stem Cells Malta, we encourage team<br />

members to create their own work<br />

schedules and methods, after agreeing on<br />

the tasks and priorities as a team. Then,<br />

no proposal for alternate work methods<br />

or schedules is impossible, and the words<br />

“no we can’t let you work that way” are<br />

never uttered. Instead, we offer our team<br />

members the tools they need in order<br />

to make the alternative options work for<br />

them. A happy employee is a productive<br />

employee, and the best ambassador for<br />

the company.<br />

It can be challenging for all of us to<br />

consider the creative options that<br />

women come up with to enable them<br />

to chase their career goals without<br />

neglecting their most important job of all<br />

– that of raising the future generation of<br />

productive members of society. Whether<br />

it is taking breastfeeding or expressing<br />

breaks, or bring their baby to work, or<br />

wear their baby all day at work in a sling,<br />

or turn a corner of the office into a play<br />

area, or contribute to childcare costs,<br />

or work remotely, or work at 2am, or<br />

on weekends, or take time from their<br />

own sick leave instead of vacation leave<br />

to care for a sick child – we have never<br />

been a company to wait for legislations<br />

and committees and billboards in<br />

order to introduce such measures. We<br />

have always been on the forefront of<br />

promoting family-friendly measures, and<br />

have learned a lot from the process.<br />

The best decisions in the company have<br />

always been the ones taken as a team,<br />

involving all members no matter how<br />

“small” they consider their role in the<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

The Stem Cells Malta team at the Malta Best-in-Business Awards 2016<br />

company to be. I am only one person<br />

and one brain, with my perceptions, my<br />

set of skills, my limitations. When this is<br />

combined with the skills and experience<br />

of my team, the results are much more<br />

creative and effective than when I try<br />

to make decisions by myself. As their<br />

leader, I feel it is my responsibility to<br />

carry the burden of any decisions taken<br />

as a team should these decisions not give<br />

the desired result – and then to change<br />

plans accordingly. Otherwise they will<br />

not be eager to contribute ideas in the<br />

future, and that will be of no benefit to<br />

the company as a whole, or to the team<br />

members individually.<br />

Such awards give recognition to the often<br />

unnoticed efforts being done daily in<br />

small companies. I do not do what I do in<br />

order to be rewarded for it, as my reward<br />

comes daily from being surrounded by a<br />

happy, productive group of people who<br />

look forward to coming to work every day<br />

and are ready to go to hospital at 11pm<br />

on their son’s birthday to deliver a kit to<br />

a mother in labour. However, it gives me<br />

great satisfaction to be recognised in this<br />

way, and I felt very proud picking up the<br />

award on behalf of my team! The event<br />

was very professional and classy, and it<br />

was easy to see the hard work invested in<br />

it by the organisers. I was really pleased<br />

to be accompanied by people who really<br />

matter to me and who support me daily –<br />

the women on my team who put up with<br />

my moods, disappointments, challenges,<br />

struggles, and outrageous ideas on a<br />

daily basis; their partners who support<br />

their wives and their career aspirations;<br />

my dad who brought me up to believe<br />

that nothing is impossible and who has<br />

supported me through every day of 45<br />

years; and my partner who gets to listen<br />

to my frustrations and always has words<br />

of wisdom and clarity to offer me and<br />

bring me back to earth.<br />

I believe that if you do what you love, you<br />

will do it with passion and hence cannot<br />

fail. It is important to recognise your<br />

limitations and give up control in those<br />

areas to others who are more competent<br />

there. The words “I cannot” and “I don’t<br />

know how” have to be eliminated from<br />

the vocabulary and replaced with “I can<br />

learn”. Mutual respect is crucial, and<br />

there should be zero tolerance for gossip<br />

and bad vibes about team members. A<br />

person’s skill and ability to effectively<br />

contribute to a team is not measured<br />

by a CV or a degree. Taking the time to<br />

get to know a team member personally,<br />

no matter her background or previous<br />

experience, will definitely uncover areas<br />

of expertise that cannot be outlined in a<br />

CV or in any University qualification. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

Stem Cells Malta is Malta’s premier stem<br />

cell bank, celebrating 10 years since storing<br />

the first samples of umbilical cord blood<br />

stem cells from Maltese babies, in its UK<br />

laboratory. Since then, Stem Cells Malta<br />

has maintained its position as Malta’s leader<br />

in private stem cell storage, focused on<br />

bringing the life-saving potential of stem<br />

cells from cord blood and teeth to families<br />

nationwide. Since its’ inception, Stem Cells<br />

Malta has worked relentlessly to increase<br />

the acceptance and awareness of the value<br />

of stem cell storage. The company continues<br />

its programme of educating and informing<br />

the public, to help ensure that all expectant<br />

parents are aware of the options available<br />

to them and the opportunity to store their<br />

child’s stem cells.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

The Power of<br />

Innovation<br />

by George Carol<br />

David Abela, Managing Director of<br />

Eurobridge Shipping Services Ltd<br />

is interviewed by Malta Business<br />

Review following the company’s<br />

recent accolade as Malta’s Best-in-<br />

Business Outstanding Industry<br />

Contributor during Malta’s Best in<br />

Business Awards 2016<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Would you discuss your vision in<br />

creating EuroBridge Shipping Ltd and the<br />

opportunity that you see for the growth<br />

of the company?<br />

DA: I would differentiate between the<br />

company pre-April and the one post-April<br />

2014. During that month, I realised that<br />

the model on which the company was<br />

operating was leading us nowhere, with<br />

the probability that within a few years, or<br />

perhaps even months, it would have to<br />

close its doors. At that juncture, I realised<br />

that we needed to change and adapt<br />

drastically. Therefore, we rebranded with<br />

an innovative model never seen before in<br />

Malta. We adopted it and my vision is to<br />

continue making sure that we remain to<br />

have a competitive edge in our extremely<br />

cutthroat market, whilst offering the best<br />

Kevin Portelli, Marketing Manager, M.A.&A. Services Ltd<br />

presenting the award to EuroBridge Staff<br />

one-to-one service afforded to all our<br />

valued customers.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Would you provide an overview<br />

of EuroBridge Shipping Ltd strategy and<br />

what differentiates EuroBridge Shipping<br />

Ltd in the market?<br />

DA: Our strategy is a very simple one.<br />

We always make sure that at the time<br />

our customers receive their goods after<br />

rewarding us with their transport; they will<br />

have absolutely no doubt that there will<br />

only be one forwarder they will be using<br />

in the future: Eurobridge Shipping Limited!<br />

The difference between our competitors<br />

and Eurbridge Shipping Ltd is that we<br />

have direct communication channels<br />

between both the consignee in Malta<br />

and the supplier abroad, thus reducing<br />

greatly the risk of misunderstandings and<br />

time-wasting, and the result is a fast turnaround.<br />

Of course, we had to invest greatly<br />

in personnel but this gets compensated by<br />

the reduction in cost of operating with<br />

foreign outsourced partners.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Would you provide an overview of<br />

EuroBridge Shipping Ltd’s portfolio?<br />

DA: The firm was setup in 1995 to cater<br />

for imports from Italy but nowadays<br />

it has a network covering all Europe<br />

with collaborations with transport<br />

powerhouses such as Rhenus Logistics<br />

and DSV. Nowadays, it owns and manages<br />

22 trailers of both curtain-sider and box<br />

type, and we can transport all type of<br />

ambient cargo. Our clients vary from<br />

Pharmaceutical companies to Food and<br />

Beverage Importers, and moving all types<br />

of cargo from furniture to electronic<br />

goods.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How difficult has it been to gain<br />

brand awareness for you and does it<br />

mainly come via word of mouth?<br />

DA: Although the company has been<br />

operating for 21 years, we were largely<br />

unknown and the few who knew about us,<br />

knew us as being competitive from Italy<br />

but not much else. Over the last couple of<br />

years, we have promoted our company and<br />

the services we offer more and more to<br />

bring more awareness about our company.<br />

Our location on a secondary street in<br />

Marsa has not helped, but thanks to great<br />

word of mouth, combined together with<br />

heavier presence in publications such as<br />

the Malta Business Review, and the social<br />

media we are making great advances. The<br />

transformation will be complete as soon as<br />

we move into our new offices on a main<br />

road in Qormi early next year.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What have been the keys to the<br />

firm’s success that have allowed it to<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

The EuroBridge team at the Malta Best-in-Business Awards 2016<br />

remain so strong and respected over the<br />

years?<br />

DA: I always say it has been a mixture<br />

of hard-work and vision from my side<br />

together with the level and dedication of<br />

our employees that brought us where we<br />

are today. It has not always been an easy<br />

ride but thanks to the backing of my family,<br />

I remained steadfast in making sure to be a<br />

success in business and have managed to<br />

translate this determination to my staff who<br />

remained loyal and stuck with me through<br />

thick and thin.<br />

The most prestigious award<br />

we can get is always a nice<br />

‘thank you’ or compliment<br />

from one of our customers,<br />

but these kinds of awards are<br />

special and make us feel we<br />

are finally making a statement<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How do you define the practice<br />

area strengths of EuroBridge Shipping Ltd<br />

and how have you maintained the firm’s<br />

competitive advantage?<br />

DA: Our strength is definitely the fact<br />

that we treat every single customer in<br />

an individual way. It is a procedure in our<br />

company not to have one where customer<br />

care is concerned since we know everybody<br />

and every company has different needs<br />

and requests so we adapt every single<br />

time to them. This policy together with<br />

our continual monitoring of the shipments’<br />

journey to Malta have helped us greatly in<br />

developing our business to what it is today.<br />

Furthermore, we are always on the look out<br />

to try new technological advances to make<br />

us more efficient, but at the same time more<br />

economic in our ways. We simply never<br />

think we have arrived at our destination and<br />

keep on innovating.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you consider the recent<br />

prestigious award as Malta's Best-in-<br />

Business Outstanding Industry Contributor<br />

as a recognition of the EuroBridge Shipping<br />

Ltd business model?<br />

DA: Of course we do! This is our first proper<br />

award we have won and we are extremely<br />

proud of it! Hopefully there will be more<br />

to come in the coming years. The most<br />

prestigious award we can get is always a<br />

nice ‘thank you’ or compliment from one<br />

of our customers, but these kinds of awards<br />

are special and make us feel we are finally<br />

making a statement in the local business<br />

environment, as it is handed by our peers<br />

who are aware of the improvements we<br />

have made over the years.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you give us your feedback on the<br />

organisation, and how you will remember<br />

Malta’s Best Business Awards 2016?<br />

DA: Unfortunately, I could not attend the<br />

awards ceremony as I was abroad but we<br />

had almost all the staff attend in my stead!<br />

One could see that they were very excited<br />

about the evening and were preparing fully<br />

for it. The feedback I got from them was<br />

that they enjoyed it thoroughly and would<br />

not hesitate to attend again! Since we were<br />

nominated for four awards and we won the<br />

last one for which we were nominated, they<br />

got very tense and as soon as our name was<br />

announced, they all jumped out of their<br />

seats with joy and relief! I sincerely hope<br />

that we will be nominated again next year,<br />

so I may attend this time! <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

Established in 1995, EuroBridge is nowadays<br />

one of the leading Trailer Operators in<br />

Malta owning no less than 22 trailers. Their<br />

services include door-to-door Groupage, Full<br />

Trailer & Container, Airfreight and Courier.<br />

They also act as Insurance intermediaries for<br />

customers who want to insure their cargo<br />

during transport. With a dedicated staff of 13<br />

and ever increasing, they will soon be moving<br />

into a state-of-the-art office that will help<br />

them give an even better customer-service<br />

than ever before. EuroBridge is also looking<br />

into expanding its services to be able to offer<br />

a total logistical solution for the Maltese<br />

market and beyond.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Then. Now. Forever<br />

Gianpula Village!<br />

Matthew Degiorgio, Managing Director, GIANPULA VILLAGE, talks to<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> after being awarded Malta's Best Entertainment of the Year Award,<br />

telling us that Malta’s Best in Business Awards offer a new platform which<br />

recognises and awards the talents and inspirations which are not often<br />

acknowledged by mainstream media and Awarding platforms.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you tell us about your reaction<br />

after winning Malta’s Best Entertainmnet<br />

Entrepreneur of the Year Award and<br />

what does this mean to you?<br />

MD: Obviously it was very rewarding to win<br />

Malta's Best Entertainment Entrepreneur<br />

of the Year Award. It was great to receive<br />

recognition for strategic planning,<br />

pioneering and every day hard work that<br />

goes into making Gianpula Village the<br />

success that it is. This is a collective effort,<br />

lead by myself, but with a committed team<br />

Matthew Degiorgio, Managing Director Gianpula Village, awarded<br />

Malta’s Best Entertainment of the Year Award<br />

by George Carol<br />

behind me, so recognition to everyone<br />

who contributed to making Gianpula<br />

Village an outstanding success.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What motivated and inspired you<br />

to participate in Malta’s Best in Business<br />

Awards and what’s your feedback on the<br />

awards?<br />

MD: 2016 has seen significant changes<br />

at Gianpula, as well as key areas of<br />

development. In 2016 Gianpula realised<br />

it's vision to become a complete<br />

entertainment village, providing night<br />

clubs, and day clubs, to cater for every<br />

individual. The Gianpula Village brand<br />

became synonymous with quality<br />

entertainment for all ages and tastes.<br />

Also in 2016 Gianpula Village launched it's<br />

Corporate Events Business. This includes<br />

two new venues: The Club House, which<br />

is a purposely converted 16th century<br />

hunting lodge - now an outstanding events<br />

venue, and The Vaults; a spectacular<br />

subterranean venue like no other in Malta.<br />

These venues, along with a committed<br />

team, offer events packages tailored to the<br />

client's needs.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What has been your biggest<br />

challenges so far in your line of duty and<br />

how did you overcome these challenges?<br />

MD: Recent challenges have seen Gianpula<br />

face a change in its long term management<br />

structure. Whilst this impacted the<br />

business significantly, this also provided<br />

the opportunity for management team<br />

members to step up, as part of their career<br />

development, and assume new roles and<br />

responsibilities.<br />

In addition to this, 2016 saw three of the<br />

key players in the industry move on to new<br />

venues, again, this required adaption - and<br />

provided the opportunity for new, fresh<br />

and younger talent to take a leading role in<br />

the entertainment industry.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: To what do you most attribute<br />

your success after being awarded as<br />

Best Entertainment Company of the Year<br />

Award? What would say are the five<br />

key elements for starting and running a<br />

successful business?<br />

MD: First and foremost, the success<br />

of Gianpula can be attributed to an<br />

outstanding management structure,<br />

supported with 100% backing from my<br />

partner over the past five years, who<br />

had understood the requirements and<br />

restrictions of running an entertainment<br />

business .<br />

The five key elements which have proven<br />

to be vital in creating and developing<br />

Gianpula Village are:<br />

• A long-term understanding of the<br />

Business and Marketplace<br />

• A Solid Management Structure<br />

• Leading the field, not following others<br />

• Adapting constantly to the market<br />

trends<br />

• Seeking new opportunities<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: In one word, what characterises<br />

your life as an entrepreneur?<br />

MD: Vision <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Growth &<br />

Success<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Interviews<br />

MYC Managing<br />

Director, Simon<br />

Attard, following<br />

the company’s recent<br />

achievement on being<br />

awarded Malta’s Best<br />

in Business Strategic<br />

Design & Creative Award<br />

by George Carol<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What has been central to<br />

your strategy for success?<br />

SA: MYC opened its doors in 2012.<br />

The direction was to provide a<br />

service in online marketing and<br />

communications. It was a tough start<br />

becasue back in 2012, most businesses<br />

where still realising the importance of<br />

GOOD ONLINE EXPOSURE. This has led<br />

me to setup different departments.<br />

I have soon established a great<br />

relationship with printing partners in all<br />

around Italy, invested in all the equipment<br />

and Human resources required to<br />

provide more communication services<br />

other than online. Four years later, we<br />

are a team of six, capable of providing<br />

all requirements in relationship with,<br />

Marketing strategies, online Marketing<br />

such as Social Media content and<br />

advertising, Google advertising and SEO,<br />

Web Development and hosting services,<br />

Printing, Photography and Audio visual<br />

Services, event organising and designing<br />

- setting up of stands in various fairs.<br />

Our business philosophy is<br />

based around our clients, and<br />

the way we provide a service<br />

All of this leads me to the answer to<br />

your question. I say that the most<br />

crucial capability towards a successful<br />

business, especially in it's early stages,<br />

is to have the courage to see threats<br />

as opportunities and not to be afraid<br />

to take drastic measures. Being on the<br />

lookout for opportunities, aiming for<br />

growth, and believing in oneself are<br />

crucial, especially in the early stages of<br />

a business.<br />

Mr John Paul Abela, Bank of Valletta Investor Relations Officer, presenting the<br />

Malta’s Best in Business Strategic Design & Creative Award to Mr Simon Attard,<br />

MYC Managing Director<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Can you tell us about your reaction<br />

after winning Malta’s Best in Business<br />

Strategic Design & Creative Award and<br />

what does this mean to you?<br />

SA: I was already happy to have MYC<br />

acknowledged for it's work by being<br />

nominated. Though winning an award<br />

means that our clients actually see and<br />

appreciate what we do and how we<br />

execute our work. We are a growing<br />

business amongst many established<br />

ones, making ours quite an interesting<br />

adventure.<br />

Yes, winning a prestigious award,<br />

motivates us to keep improving on<br />

what we specialise on, that is providing<br />

successful campaigns, and amazing<br />

branding projects to our clients.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Do you have a business<br />

philosophy?<br />

SA: Our business philosophy is based<br />

around our clients, and the way we<br />

provide a service. We take pride in giving<br />

immediate response to our client's<br />

requests. Whether we are designing a<br />

corporate brochure, a logo, a mobile<br />

friendly website, or handling the launch<br />

of a business, a brand or any other<br />

campaign, we guarantee to take full<br />

responsibility of each and every little<br />

detail, assuring the outcome of any other<br />

successful story, well handled by MYC<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What is the main driving factor<br />

which motivates your team at work?<br />

SA: I am extremely blessed for being<br />

surrounded by a group of passionate<br />

individuals. I can confirm that the<br />

greatest motivation we are all driven by is<br />

seeing our work in action, but most of all,<br />

seeing our clients smile and sharing the<br />

same enthusiasm towards the project.<br />

We cultivate strategic and creative<br />

ideas so that our clients communicate<br />

successfully, and differently from their<br />

competitors. Every successful project is<br />

our ultimate satisfaction.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: To what do you most attribute<br />

your success?<br />

SA: My team, Absolutely. There is only<br />

so much one can do on his/her own.<br />

But how much can one do when a team<br />

shares one vision, that is growth and<br />

success?<br />

MYC is consists of six experienced people<br />

and I owe every day, every project to their<br />

dedication. Thank you guys!<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Clear Vision, Energy &<br />

Perseverance<br />

by Martin Vella<br />

Martin Vella meets entrepreneur in marketing, fashion and travel blogger Grazielle Camilleri to learn more about her<br />

after being bestowed with the Best Start-Up Company of the Year award during Malta's Best in Business Awards<br />

held at Castello dei Baroni on Friday 25th November, 2016 for her marketing business Grazielle Camilleri.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Describe how your work and<br />

personality have helped your start-up<br />

company transcend the boundaries of<br />

your primary field of work, and has it<br />

opened new areas in online and web<br />

development?<br />

GC: I’m a very approachable person. With<br />

a positive energy and can-do attitude, with<br />

the help from my team, month after month,<br />

we achieve great results online. I’ve always<br />

been interested in sales and marketing and<br />

I’ve worked passionately for over a decade<br />

with leading hospitality, and retail sectors in<br />

Malta and in London so launching my own<br />

Marketing and PR business a few years ago,<br />

focusing on online marketing, social media<br />

and a fashion blog seemed like a natural<br />

career step for me to do. Online marketing<br />

has increased drastically in the past decade<br />

and I have decided to focus my expertise<br />

into that sector. Nowadays, everyone is<br />

online, constantly on their phones and<br />

laptops and that is where I want to be too.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Is Thought Leadership Marketing a<br />

key component of your entrepreneurial<br />

success?<br />

GC: Gone are the days when marketing<br />

meant putting out some advertisements<br />

and hiring a copywriter to rave about how<br />

great your brand is. By publishing articles,<br />

videos, research, or any other form of<br />

original content regularly, potential clients<br />

and members of your industry may begin<br />

associating your brand with insight and<br />

authority. When the time comes to hire a<br />

company, yours will be at the top of their<br />

mind. That’s why many entrepreneurs are<br />

interested in the new value of thought<br />

leadership which is about providing genuine<br />

eye-catching content to your customers.<br />

The idea is that people are more willing to<br />

invest in you if they are confident that you<br />

really know your stuff.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: What is the key ingredient to being<br />

a successful entrepreneur?<br />

GC: There are so many keys to be successful.<br />

Clear vision, energy and perseverance are<br />

my top three.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: How do you motivate people to<br />

build and create something, and to share<br />

in the success?<br />

GC: I am a firm believer in the power of<br />

great team work. It is with the combined<br />

talent of selected individuals in each project<br />

that results are achieved. I continuously<br />

encourage persons who work with me to<br />

feel involved and important, no matter<br />

what job they are employed to do. Even<br />

though I lead the team, I value everyone’s<br />

opinions and ideas. I always make it a point<br />

to congratulate them all for work done and<br />

they share the success with me.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong>: Is it important to have awards such<br />

as Malta’s Best in Business Awards to<br />

recognise business achievement and what<br />

is your feedback of this year’s event?<br />

GC: Highlighting excellence through Awards<br />

is important to any business or service.<br />

How often do we find ourselves looking<br />

for third party endorsements before we<br />

purchase something new? An award<br />

from TripAdvisor for example, can have a<br />

positive impact on a hotel or restaurant<br />

and bring new business. It is crucial for any<br />

organisation, in Business or the Arts to gain<br />

recognition for its products and services.<br />

Winning an award at any stage of your<br />

business, be it a start-up or an established<br />

firm with hundreds of employees, allows<br />

you to distinguish your company from<br />

competitors and ensure that as many<br />

potential customers as possible are aware<br />

of your titles.<br />

I really enjoyed the event at Castello dei<br />

Baroni. As I have written in my blog, it was a<br />

well-organised, prestigious event and I was<br />

so pleased to have been a part of it. Thank<br />

you! <strong>MBR</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved / Copyright 2016<br />

Madame Anchelique Caruana presenting the award of<br />

Best Start-Up Company of the Year to Grazielle Camilleri<br />


Special Feature: Malta’s Best in Business Awards<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

A ‘Whole Job’ Approach<br />

by Martin Vella<br />

“This a sought after accolade of<br />

achievement, an endorsement of<br />

your hard-work, determination<br />

and enterprise in business,”<br />

exclaimed a beaming Karl Ebejer,<br />

Managing Director of ME<br />

Architects after being awarded<br />

with Malta’s Best in Business Best<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility<br />

and also Most Socially &<br />

Environmentally Responsible<br />

Company of the Year at the MBIB<br />

Awards 2016.<br />

“Winning an award that recognises your<br />

business offers exceptional marketing and<br />

PR opportunities, as well as increases your<br />

credibility and standing in the eyes of your<br />

peers and your customers,” told us Mr<br />

Ebejer.<br />

So it’s celebration time for Karl and all<br />

the team at the ME Architects offices on<br />

winning the Best in Business awards for<br />

Malta’s Best in Business Best Corporate<br />

Social Responsibility and also Most Socially<br />

& Environmentally Responsible Company<br />

of the Year at the recent prestigious awards<br />

gala dinner, hosted by the <strong>MBR</strong> Publications<br />

Limited and the Malta Business Review at<br />

Castelo dei Baroni, over a clear November<br />

sky filled with stars and glitz!<br />

This year’s Malta’s Best in Business Awards,<br />

hosted by Thea Saliba and Colin Fitz, were<br />

well organised, with floral arrangements<br />

over each immaculately dressed dining<br />

table in fine banquet style. The awards<br />

ceremony, sponsored by the M.A.&A.<br />

Services Ltd, as well as The Convenience<br />

Shop and Western Union, is beyond any<br />

doubt Malta’s largest and premier events<br />

in the business calendar. It was sold-out<br />

weeks in advance and attracted more than<br />

390 guests.<br />

“It was a fantastic night and very well<br />

run event. Atitudes toward the impact of<br />

design on profit are changing. Business<br />

corporations and entrepreneurs are<br />

beginning to recognise the benefits of a<br />

thoughtful, well-executed workplace or<br />

business environment. Today, business<br />

excellence is a growing movement, as<br />

indicated by the range of this year's nine<br />

winning companies,” commented Mr<br />

Ebejer.<br />

“I am so pleased to be here tonight<br />

celebrating the successes of the business<br />

community in the Malta, after going<br />

through a lot in learning how to become<br />

more socially responsible. ME Architects are<br />

delighted to receive these great awards - a<br />

certificate for our hard work and sacrifices.<br />

I know a lot of businesses say that customer<br />

service is important but we really do pride<br />

ourselves on listening to the client and<br />

providing a first class service within Malta<br />

and beyond”<br />

“Congratulations to all the finalists and<br />

winners on the night including Best in<br />

Business Company of the Year Vodafone,<br />

and to all the other colleagues in our<br />

business and architectural community. This<br />

has been a fantastic night and well done to<br />

the organisers <strong>MBR</strong> Publications Ltd.”<br />

“We have a unique offering and after all<br />

the hard work the team put in to ensure<br />

we provide a ‘whole job’ approach to<br />

our customers to win this award is just<br />

wonderful. One of our main project<br />

with regards to CSR, which gave us a<br />

lot of satisfaction was the design and<br />

refurbishment we did at Caritas.” said Karl.<br />

“We offer a complete service from design,<br />

to build to installation and to support and<br />

to receive this accolade from the judges we<br />

are proud to enjoy as this is a great boost to<br />

everything we do.”<br />

“Tonight’s Awards were a celebration of local<br />

companies in Malta who we can champion<br />

together for the wide range of goods,<br />

services and products that are available in<br />

our country,” Karl concluded. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />



Malta backs the outcomes of MED FORUM 2016 on the eve<br />

of assuming the EU Presidency<br />

• The outcomes of last month’s “landmark forum” for Mediterranean Dialogue (23-25 October 2016) reaffirm the centrality<br />

of the ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION as a credible long-term institutional player in the face of unprecedented regional<br />

challenges.<br />

• MED FORUM participants’ survey, carried out in November 2016, provides evidence that the Forum has been a catalyst<br />

for youth and civil society mobilisation underway for intercultural action, and confirms an “appetite” and commitment<br />

for enlarging north, south partnerships to counteract conflict, extremism, unemployment, and the public discourse on<br />

migration and a refugee crisis.<br />

• The Forum has been a “defining event and process” for the forthcoming Maltese Presidency of the EU which is backing<br />

a series of actions initiated by the Anna Lindh Foundation and partners to scale-up and widen the participation of<br />

intercultural action across the societies of Europe and the southern Mediterranean region, and to shift the policy discourse<br />

“beyond extremism” to addressing long-term underlying causes.<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malta,<br />

Dr George W. Vella, has backed the<br />

outcomes of last month’s landmark<br />

Anna Lindh Foundation MED FORUM. Dr<br />

Vella was speaking in the last days at a special<br />

event in Valletta to present the FORUM<br />

outcomes, exactly one month on from the<br />

regional gathering and on the eve of Malta<br />

assuming the Presidency of the European<br />

Council.<br />

“Med Forum has truly been a watershed<br />

moment in bringing the Anna Lindh<br />

Foundation and its mandate for intercultural<br />

dialogue to the centre of the political<br />

debate on how to address common<br />

challenges of security and migration across<br />

the Mediterranean,” stated Minister Vella.<br />

“We have witnessed first-hand how the<br />

Anna Lindh Foundation represents today<br />

a true north, south partnership, and the<br />

Foundation has demonstrated on the global<br />

stage its unique capacity as a credible,<br />

serious and committed actor with a defined<br />

long-term strategy and unique mandate for<br />

dialogue action.”<br />

Minister Vella also underlined that last<br />

month’s MED FORUM, which resulted from<br />

18 months of preparation undertaken by<br />

the Foundation and partners, was conceived<br />

from the outset as a far-reaching process<br />

to bring cultural relations and peopleto-people<br />

cooperation to the heart of<br />

the policy rethink on how to effectively<br />

construct relations between Europe and its<br />

southern Mediterranean neighbourhood<br />

and has been a “defining event for the future<br />

Presidency”.<br />

These remarks were echoed by the Executive<br />

Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation,<br />

Ambassador Hatem Atallah, who presented<br />

the outcomes of MED FORUM alongside<br />

Minister Vella at the Ministry for Foreign<br />

Affairs in Valletta. “The Forum marks a<br />

turning point for the Anna Lindh Foundation.<br />

There is today a global consensus for the<br />

centrality of intercultural dialogue to address<br />

common challenges of conflict, extremism,<br />

unemployment, and certain media and<br />

political narratives on migration and a<br />

refugee crisis. There is equal consensus for<br />

the long-term approach for working through<br />

a grand coalition of partnerships, investing<br />

in a new generation of actors, and shifting<br />

strategic focus to new domains such as<br />

cities, media and enterprise.”<br />

Ambassador Atallah also highlighted the<br />

global reach of MED FORUM, evidenced<br />

by the high-level institutional backing<br />

now secured including the UN Secretary-<br />

General and EU High-Representative for<br />

Foreign Affairs, and the unprecedented<br />

communication impact of the process<br />

to date, with MED FORUM LIVE globally<br />

trending during the main three-day global<br />

gathering in Valletta and evidence of an<br />

emerging media movement.<br />

Advancing the policy outputs of MED FORUM<br />

already began on 28th October in Marseille<br />

with a group of youth sector leaders from<br />

the Forum presenting the conclusions<br />

to Foreign Affairs Ministers at the “5+5<br />

Dialogue” which backed the expansion of<br />

Young Mediterranean Voices. Next, on the<br />

8th <strong>Dec</strong>ember, the League of Arab States<br />

will host the next of the inter-institutional<br />

steering group meetings with the ALF and<br />

partners, the EU, League of Arab States,<br />

Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat,<br />

MEDAC and the Maltese Ministry for Foreign<br />

Affairs.<br />

Among the key conclusions of MED FORUM<br />

presented in Valletta:<br />

Taking a long-term approach and investing<br />

in a generation. Investing in a generation of<br />

intercultural actors is the only viable, longterm<br />

root to promote mutual understanding<br />

and prevent conflict and radicalisation.<br />

Shifting strategic focus to intercultural<br />

cities and reaching communities. The<br />



Malta Business Review<br />

establishment of a “Mediterranean Capital<br />

for Dialogue” was recommended as a first<br />

operational step to increase visibility and<br />

bring together existing city-to-city networks<br />

around an intercultural dialogue agenda<br />

Reach impact and growth through<br />

enabling partnerships. MED FORUM called<br />

for sustainable and effective partnerships.<br />

According to the Forum participants’ survey,<br />

carried out in November 2016, 57.3% of the<br />

delegates are in the process of establishing<br />

collaborations through partnerships<br />

with other Forum delegates, and 60.6%<br />

recommend the Anna Lindh Foundation to<br />

focus its activities on partnerships and policy<br />

advocacy.<br />

Media is a crucial sector for the Anna<br />

Lindh Foundation. Preliminary results from<br />

the latest Euro-Med survey on intercultural<br />

trends and perceptions highlight there<br />

is scope to invest in more research and<br />

analysis, dialogue, exchanges and mentoring<br />

of journalists to counter negative media<br />

narratives.<br />

Young Med Voices can be a catalyst for<br />

a real north-south partnership. Building<br />

on “Young Arab Voices”, it is the first time<br />

such a Pan-Arab programme extends to<br />

Europe, reshaping the traditional Euro-Med<br />

dynamics, as highlighted by the EU High-<br />

Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica<br />

Mogherini: “This is not only a geographical<br />

expansion, but opening up new channels for<br />

youth-led agency.”<br />

Mobility remains the central challenge,<br />

right and opportunity. At the heart of<br />

the Forum debate was how to ensure an<br />

exponential increase of opportunities for<br />

young people to communicate exchange<br />

and collaborate across all kinds of borders –<br />

physical or cultural.<br />

Dialogue requires competences and<br />

a capabilities approach. There are<br />

competencies required to ensure dialogue<br />

is effective. A capabilities approach offers<br />

a valuable analytical lens for exploring the<br />

challenge and complexity of intercultural<br />

dialogue in contemporary settings.<br />

Key actions underway through MED FORUM<br />

which could be advanced through the<br />

Maltese EU Presidency and beyond:<br />

Shifting the policy and media narrative<br />

“beyond extremism”<br />

• Policy Outreach. The Anna Lindh<br />

Foundation will now partner with the<br />

United Nations on the inter-agency<br />

steering group for the Progress Study<br />

on UN Resolution 2250 (Youth, Peace<br />

and Security) which will provide a global<br />

platform for public policy outreach.<br />

• Major debates with next-generation. The<br />

analysis of the latest intercultural trends<br />

report commissioned by the Anna Lindh<br />

Foundation will be the basis for launching<br />

through the Maltese Presidency a series<br />

of major debates with next-generation<br />

influencers as well as policy-makers,<br />

thinkers and decision-makers in the<br />

current ‘authority’ generation.<br />

• Youth-led Campaigns. The trends data<br />

presented in Valletta provides evidence<br />

that investment in youth-led initiative<br />

is the most effective way to challenge<br />

extremist narratives. The strategic<br />

partnership with Facebook launched<br />

at MED FORUM, along with newly<br />

established media partnerships, will be<br />

the basis for launching a region-wide<br />

programme of “innovation labs” aimed at<br />

empowering youth sector leaders with the<br />

tools to run large-scale communications<br />

campaigns.<br />

Launching a new era of young<br />

Mediterranean voices<br />

• Youth Platform. The launch of “Young<br />

Mediterranean Voices” at MED FORUM<br />

2016 represented a major milestone. The<br />

programme has now received financial<br />

backing by the European Commission, the<br />

World Bank Group and Member States<br />

such as the Finnish Government, and<br />

will be roll-out from January 2017. It will<br />

provide a platform for enhanced youth<br />

debate and dialogue action.<br />

• Mogherini Dialogue. As announced in<br />

Valletta, the EU’s High-Representative<br />

for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,<br />

Federica Mogherini, will invite to Brussels<br />

in the first quarter of 2017 delegates<br />

from Young Mediterranean Voices. The<br />

purpose of the meeting will be “to start<br />

a conversation, and to bring about real<br />

change” with a focus on policies which can<br />

be advanced at the regional level.<br />

Working through a new partnership with<br />

media<br />

• Media analysis. The latest survey on<br />

intercultural trends points at a new line of<br />

activity with senior media executives and<br />

policy makers, which could initiate policy<br />

changes required to significantly influence<br />

the media narratives when reporting on<br />

the ‘other’. In this regard, the milestone<br />

10th edition of the Anna Lindh Foundation<br />

Journalist Award, to be organised in 2017,<br />

will put a strong emphasis on media<br />

coverage of issues related to migration<br />

and the refugee crisis.<br />

• Partnerships for media networks. MED<br />

FORUM secured a commitment among<br />

large scale media networks to enhanced<br />

cooperation, support media advocacy and<br />

invest in areas of mentoring. Among them:<br />

COPEAM, the European Broadcasting<br />

Union (EBU), ASBU and the Euro-Med<br />

Media Network (EMMN).<br />

Ensuring the Mediterranean legacy<br />

• MED FORUM has been a catalyst for<br />

embedding institutional partnerships in<br />

Malta for the Anna Lindh Foundation. For<br />

example, leading to a new cooperation<br />

agreement between the Foundation<br />

and the Mediterranean Academy for<br />

Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC) aimed at<br />

reaffirming the MED FORUM connections<br />

between youth, civil society, institutions<br />

and policy-makers. Joint action in 2017<br />

will lay the ground for an annual event in<br />

Malta.<br />

• City recognition. One of the large-scale<br />

initiatives proposed through MED<br />

FORUM has been the establishment of<br />

a first Dialogue Award for Cities through<br />

the new collaboration with Valletta<br />

2018 Foundation with the aim of raising<br />

visibility and embedding best practices on<br />

intercultural dialogue. The criteria for this<br />

award scheme will be pioneered as a basis<br />

for a regional programme.<br />

• Estonian Presidency. Discussions are being<br />

initiated with the Estonian authorities<br />

and Anna Lindh Foundation’s civil society<br />

network regarding the preparation of<br />

the Presidency of the European Council<br />

to follow Malta in the second semester<br />

of 2017 to ensure the “Mediterranean<br />

legacy”. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Source: Department of Information, Malta<br />

Corporate<br />

Brief<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

MED FORUM 2016 gathered 640 delegates from 50+<br />

countries, including representatives of civil society<br />

organisations, youth leaders, media networks, and<br />

policy-makers. The Forum followed an 18-month<br />

strategy and programming process initiated in April<br />

2015 by the Anna Lindh Foundation and Ministry<br />

for Foreign Affairs of Malta, in partnership with the<br />

main regional institutions working for dialogue in the<br />

Mediterranean. The main aim of the strategy was to<br />

reaffirm the centrality of intercultural dialogue in the<br />

face of unprecedented regional challenges. This is a<br />

direct response to the call of the EU Foreign Affairs<br />

chief Federica Mogherini and institutions for collective<br />

action. The reach and impact of MED FORUM was<br />

significantly higher compared to the previous editions,<br />

with more than 15% increase in requests for self-financed<br />

delegates (1224 CSOs from 42 countries competed to<br />

participate in the initial call). The media outreach (MED<br />

FORUM LIVE) reached an unprecedented level of<br />

people and communities world-wide: #MedForum2016<br />

was a global trending topic during the three main days<br />

of the Forum, with 2,805,141 Twitter accounts reached<br />

and 12,375,744 impressions (potential reads). The event<br />

formed on a unique participatory process involving,<br />

on the one side, the 4500+ local branches of the Anna<br />

Lindh Foundation, representing civil society, cities and<br />

local authorities, cultural bodies, artistic and youth<br />

organisations, media networks; and, on the other side,<br />

an inter-institutional steering group involving for the<br />

first time together, the Foundation’s Secretariat and its<br />

partners, the EU Central and External Action services,<br />

the League of Arab States headquarters, the UfM-<br />

Secretariat, MEDAC, and the Maltese Ministry for<br />

Foreign Affairs (MFA).<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />



celebrates the 5th year anniversary of the first BOSS store in Malta<br />

luxury ready-to-wear and<br />

non- apparel. Today, we<br />

are happy to reconfirm<br />

the IMOCA 60. We wish Alex and his team<br />

best of luck as he is currently racing in the<br />

Vendeé Globe.<br />

that our strategy has been<br />

“We are proud of our partnership with<br />

successful. We strive to<br />

HUGO BOSS. A German engineered fashion<br />

distinguish ourselves, by<br />

house, professional in all aspects of the<br />

focusing on a heightened<br />

customer experience.<br />

business, from the product itself, through<br />

When you offer high-end<br />

brands you are dealing<br />

its Marketing, and Visual Merchandising”<br />

concludes Michelle Farrugia.<br />

Michelle Farrugia, Managing Director Fashion Retail Division<br />

with a more sophisticated<br />

VFGroup with colleagues and models<br />

HUGO BOSS is one of the world market<br />

O<br />

clientele. In luxury retail, leaders in the premium fashion and<br />

n <strong>Dec</strong>ember 8th 2016, HUGO BOSS<br />

you are serving a more luxury segment of the apparel<br />

celebrated its five year<br />

presence in Malta with the first BOSS<br />

store. Esteemed clients enjoyed an<br />

exclusive private dinner, prepared<br />

by the renowned executive chef<br />

Joe Vella. More than 100 invited<br />

guests, consisting of BOSS clients,<br />

market. It focuses on developing<br />

and marketing luxury men’s and<br />

women’s fashion. Headquartered<br />

in Metzingen with a presence<br />

in 124 countries, the company<br />

generated with almost 14,000<br />

media representatives, Maltese<br />

employees net sales of EUR 2.8<br />

celebrities as well as international<br />

& local models, attended the gala<br />

dinner at the new Hilton Malta<br />

Hotel. The dining experience was<br />

Boyana & Lauren welcoming guests at the Oceana Hilton<br />

Malta at the Hugo Boss 5th Anniversary dinner<br />

billion in fiscal year 2015, making<br />

it one of the most profitable<br />

listed apparel manufacturers in<br />

the world. The fascinating brand<br />

accompanied by international London<br />

sophisticated market. I take great pride<br />

world of HUGO BOSS comprises the<br />

based blues singer Jenessa Qua.<br />

VF Group represents the two BOSS stores<br />

in the store ambience and<br />

service that our clients<br />

collections of BOSS and HUGO.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

in Malta, located on Ross Street, St. Julian’s experience, when they<br />

and the Departures lounge at Malta<br />

International Airport. The launch of BOSS<br />

in Malta was an important milestone for<br />

the local fashion industry with the store<br />

becoming another successful ambassador<br />

for VF Group’s portfolio of maisons and<br />

fashion houses.<br />

shop in our stores. This<br />

level of service, is second<br />

to none and can only be<br />

experienced in stores”.<br />

“In the past five years<br />

we organized a series of<br />

events for our clients. One<br />

“Five years ago we had a vision of placing of the most memorable<br />

Malta on the international map of luxury one for the local sailing<br />

HUGO BOSS Staff – Carl, Michael, Tony and Claudio<br />

goods”, said Michelle Farrugia, Managing<br />

Director of VF Group. “We decided to<br />

invest in a location which was new to<br />

enthusiasts, was hosting Alex Thomson<br />

and his team, when in 2013, he competed<br />

at the Rolex Middle Sea Race, on board<br />

If you have any questions, please contact:<br />

VF Group: VFGMALTA, Tiziana Gauci,<br />

Marketing, tizianagauci@vfgmalta.com<br />


EUPATI<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Malta to hold conference on<br />

rare diseases next March, as<br />

part of the EU Presidency 2017<br />

Speaking during a seminar on innovative<br />

medicines and patient involvement<br />

organised by the Bioethics Research<br />

Programme in collaboration with the<br />

Malta Health Network and the European<br />

patients’ Academy (EUPATI), Minister for<br />

Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil<br />

Liberties Helena Dalli spoke of the difficulties<br />

that small countries encounter when it<br />

comes to prompt access to innovative<br />

medicines. In particular, this is due to their<br />

small unattractive markets.<br />

Minister Dalli remarked that this concern<br />

is being discussed throughout Europe as a<br />

major issue that impacts on the public health<br />

of patients and warrants immediate action.<br />

She stressed the importance of accessibility<br />

to medicines and noted that patients should<br />

be treated equally beyond the realm of sex,<br />

race, orientation and beliefs.<br />

Minister Dalli announced that during the<br />

EU Presidency 2017 next March, Malta will<br />

be hosting a conference on rare diseases<br />

by EURORDIS which is the European<br />

Organisation for Rare Diseases. This has<br />

been possible thanks to an initiative taken<br />

by the spouse of the Prime Minister, Mrs<br />

Michelle Muscat, the patron of EURORDIS.<br />

Dr Dalli explained that through assistance<br />

of the Malta Medicines Authority, this<br />

conference brings together important<br />

entities such as the Innovative Medicines<br />

Initiative (IMI) and the Committee for<br />

Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP) to<br />

discuss rare diseases. <strong>MBR</strong><br />




Photo - DOI - Jason Borg<br />

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www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />


eie educational group<br />

eie Educational Group<br />

Commited to Providing the Best<br />

Education Learning Experience<br />

Learning a language or obtaining an<br />

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Educational Group provide students with<br />

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Educational Group, you will have a fantastic<br />

studying experience. eie encourage social<br />

interaction trough regular, fun and varied<br />

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learning experience.<br />

eie Educational Group, was established in<br />

January 2000 and their success is built on a<br />

long-standing commitment to the specific<br />

needs of local and international students.<br />

eie constantly expands its worldwide<br />

networks, partners with established<br />

renowned organisations, invests in its<br />

facilities and in social commitments. The<br />

eie Educational Group is redefining the<br />

landscape of modern education.<br />

The eie Educational Group aims to<br />

develop the appropriate competencies<br />

and knowledge needed in planning,<br />

evaluation, research and development<br />

tasks in education and related fields in the<br />

midst of societal changes, both on local<br />

and global levels. This network gives eie<br />

the key to be competitive and to share<br />

the collective experience and continuous<br />

professional development with their<br />

cilients.<br />

In a fast moving world, challenges are<br />

demanding and change is constant.<br />

Tomorrow’s future depends on today’s<br />

knowledge.<br />

Through its companies, the eie Educational<br />

Group is able to offer the following<br />

services:<br />

• Academic programmes - Certificate,<br />

Diploma, Bachelor, Master degrees<br />

in various subjects for young and<br />

mature adults are offered through<br />

eie Institute of Education (Licensed<br />

by the NCFHE as an institute of<br />

Further and Higher Education –<br />

License Number 2005-TC-001);<br />

• Training programmes - Business<br />

courses, thematic seminars for<br />

business excecutives offered<br />

trough eie Mangement Centre;<br />

• English Language courses - English<br />

courses at Beginner, Elementary,<br />

Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate,<br />

Upper-Intermediate, Business<br />

English and Advanced levels are<br />

offered through eie Languages<br />

Centre (Licensed by the EFL<br />

Monitoring Board – License<br />

Number 282/MB42)<br />

• Student Accommodation - Provision<br />

of quality accommodation around<br />

Malta ideal for students offered<br />

through eie Residences<br />

• Internships – Organisation of<br />

Work placement and Internships<br />

for international students offered<br />

through eie internships. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

eie Mission<br />

To enhance the level of Academic<br />

training and Tuition of both pre and<br />

post graduate levels by:<br />

• Contributing actively towards the<br />

propagation of equal opportunities<br />

for all.<br />

• Continually engaging in the pursuit of<br />

excellence.<br />

• Continually investing in its own<br />

people.<br />

• Striving to afford the best service to<br />

all our clients.<br />

• Establishing itself as a leader in the<br />

international education field.<br />

• Contributing towards the social<br />

welfare of the community.<br />

For more information about eie’s degree<br />

programmes, English language courses<br />

or other business related courses you can<br />

e-mail at info@eie-group.com, phone on<br />

+35621332804/5<br />


iGAMING<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

eie educational group<br />


The eie educational group<br />

is an acknowledged leader in international education<br />

We specialise in providing<br />

* Higher Educational courses - eie Institute of Education (NCFHE License Number 2005 - TC - 001)<br />

* English Language courses - eie Languages Centre (EFL License Number 282/MB42)<br />

* Executive and Business courses - eie Management Centre<br />

* Internship services - eie Internships<br />

* Student Accommodation - eie Residences<br />

* International Educational services - eie International<br />

eie educational group,<br />

Tel: +356 21 332804/5 info@eie-group.com<br />

www.eieEducationalGroup.com<br />

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Malta Business Review<br />


Long overdue<br />

dental treatment!<br />

Extra-oral after treatment<br />

Intra-oral after treatment<br />

Extra-oral before treatment<br />

Intra-oral before treatment<br />

The importance of your smile cannot be<br />

underestimated. Your smile is the first thing<br />

that people will pick up leaving a lasting<br />

impression on strangers and friends alike.<br />

It also plays a key role in your confidence<br />

and self-esteem. Minimally invasive<br />

procedures make a huge difference.<br />

Procedures of this nature include:<br />

1. Ceramic inlays: Conversion of metal<br />

fillings and/or old stained fillings to<br />

porcelain inlays/onlays<br />

2. Tooth straightening: Braces or<br />

ceramic veneers may easily adjust the<br />

position of teeth. Adjustments include<br />

rotations, bringing teeth out, pushing<br />

teeth in, widening or narrowing of<br />

teeth.<br />

3. Tooth whitening: Laser tooth whitening<br />

together with home maintenance kit<br />

may drastically improve the colour of<br />

your teeth.<br />

4. Replacing missing teeth with fixed or<br />

removable prostheses<br />

Planning:<br />

Patient contact: Following a detailed<br />

consultation including a radiographic<br />

examination potential clients receive<br />

options for treatments including<br />

advantages/disadvantages, timeframes<br />

and costs.<br />

Stage 1<br />

Patient arrives at clinic and is<br />

interviewed. Reconfirmation of<br />

treatment plan and execution of initial<br />

treatment phase (3-4hours)<br />

• Periodontal/gum treatment planning<br />

• Implant planning<br />

• Tooth preparation for crowns and/or<br />

veneers<br />

• Safe removal of amalgam fillings<br />

using safe protocol as indicated by<br />

the international academy of oral<br />

medicine and toxicology<br />

A Case Study<br />

• Digital impression taken with CAD-<br />

CAM technique (Computer-aided<br />

design/manufacturing)<br />

• Laser tooth whitening of remaining<br />

untouched teeth and immediate<br />

fabrication of night white trays given to<br />

patient to use for 1-4days for increased<br />

whitening.<br />

• Smile design using CAD-CAM software<br />

Stage 2<br />

Smile design approved by patient<br />

• Confirmation of new tooth shade<br />

following laser and overnight tooth<br />

whitening<br />

• Milling of veneers, inlays and onlays<br />

• Final touches to veneers<br />

• Try-in and fitting of new dental<br />

restorations.<br />

Stage 3<br />

Preparation and execution of dental<br />

implantation. Implants are placed<br />

then left undisturbed until complete<br />

healing and integration with the bone<br />

(2-4months). These would then be<br />

restored with new implant crowns/<br />

bridges.<br />

Review and set-up of maintenance plan<br />

This is the conventional sequence<br />

of events when dealing with a smile<br />

makeover. Technicians work hand in<br />

hand with clinicians ensuring that the<br />

expected planned results are achieved<br />

with no delay or mix-up.<br />

Improving your smile is one of the greatest<br />

investments that you can make. With<br />

today’s technology and complete focus<br />

of the clinical team, many treatment<br />

modalities may be completed with relative<br />

ease and great satisfaction. The high<br />

caliber world-recognized dental materials<br />

come with guarantees, as does the clinical<br />

work delivered by clinics, which cater for<br />

such clients. Ask your dentist! <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Dr Jean Paul Demajo<br />

Dental and Implant Surgeon, Trained in<br />

London working in private practice in Malta<br />

Patient complaints: colour, tooth position, small volume of tooth visible on smiling.<br />

Age: 39years old<br />

Treatment plan includes:<br />

• 14 ceramic veneers and crowns<br />

• Removal of pathological benign cyst<br />

• Simultaneous laser tooth whitening and home whitening maintenance kit.<br />

• Placement and restoration of 4 dental implants and 5 implant retained teeth.<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Publications Ltd<br />

initiative to donate to<br />

Puttinu Cares<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Publications Limited Managing<br />

Director Martin Vella presented to Puttinu<br />

Cares representatives a donation of over<br />

€1,800 raised during the Company’s<br />

prestigious event Malta’s Best in Business<br />

Awards, following an initiative conceived<br />

by Mr. Vella himself to help the Children’s<br />

Cancer Foundation, as part of <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Publication Limited’s CSR philosophy. Mr.<br />

Vella also confirmed that <strong>MBR</strong> Publications<br />

Limited will be developing a Mobile App<br />

for Puttinu Cares in order to help the<br />

organisation in its promotion of events<br />

and initiatives.<br />

Mr. Vella stated that <strong>MBR</strong> Publications<br />

Limited will continue offering its support<br />

to Puttinu Cares, “The Company and its<br />

employees firmly believe in Puttinu Cares’<br />

right cause and we are confident that<br />

through the development and inclusion<br />

into our new mobile application, the<br />

general public will be able to get closer to<br />

Puttinu Cares and better understand its<br />

important role in our society”.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Publications Managing Director Martin Vella handing over cheque to Dr Andrew <strong>Dec</strong>elis<br />

Dr. Andrew <strong>Dec</strong>elis, Director, on behalf of<br />

Puttinu Cares thanked <strong>MBR</strong> Publications<br />

Limited for their initiative and all those<br />

companies who contributed with their<br />

donation and continuous support during<br />

Malta’s Best in Business Awards. Mr <strong>Dec</strong>elis<br />

said, “Puttinu Cares Foundation funding<br />

relies mainly on the annual Football<br />

Marathon and also on the generosity of<br />

its benefactors and the public donations<br />

it receives to live up to its mission. All<br />

income received by the Puttinu Cares<br />

Foundation and all expenditure incurred<br />

is annually audited and submitted to the<br />

Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations.<br />

Puttinu Cares Foundation funding relies<br />

mainly on the annual Football Marathon<br />

and also on the generosity of its<br />

benefactors and the public donations it<br />

receives to live up to its mission.”<br />

<strong>MBR</strong> Publications Limited supplemented<br />

its donation by additional funds raised<br />

this year through various other activities<br />

organised by the Company. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Publications Limited has been supporting<br />

various organisations among which are<br />

L-Istrina and the Malta Community Chest<br />

Fund for the past five years. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Web: www.daikin.com.mt Email: info@maa.com.mt Tel: 2385 0400<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />


Sustainable development of tourism is<br />

not a choice for us but a clear necessity<br />

partnership. This model will ensure drastic<br />

cost savings through economies of scale,<br />

procurement benefits and extensive<br />

network synergies that will allow our airline<br />

to become competitive and stronger in<br />

both the short and long term in today’s<br />

highly aggressive aviation landscape. This<br />

will also ensure that our airline will become<br />

an even more important strategic asset for<br />

our tourism industry. I must be clear here<br />

- I am definitely not interested in applying<br />

quick fixes that simply postpone the<br />

problems. I want a solution that ensures<br />

the long term viability of our national<br />

airline for the good of its employees and<br />

the tourism sector. Even if this process<br />

may take somewhat longer than expected<br />

given the many complexities involved, I am<br />

very clearly resolute in pursuing this path”.<br />

Photo - DOI - Stephen Busutill<br />

While addressing the BOV-Deloitte Tourism<br />

Performance Seminar organised by the<br />

Malta Hotels, Restaurants Associations<br />

MHRA, the Minister For Tourism Edward<br />

Zammit Lewis said that Malta has been<br />

enjoying an uninterrupted period of yearon-year<br />

growth in tourism since 2010, and<br />

he is pleased to note that the current year<br />

will be yet again the seventh consecutive<br />

year of record growth for our tourism<br />

sector. Tourist volumes, expenditure<br />

as well as overnight stays, increased.<br />

The tourism season have extended and<br />

achieved a growth from a healthy mix of<br />

core, secondary and totally new source<br />

markets.<br />

Minister Zammit Lewis pointed out that in<br />

his speech in Parliament last month for the<br />

Budget Estimates, he declared his clear<br />

objective to attain and surpass the two<br />

million tourist arrival mark for 2017. This<br />

important milestone for the tourism sector<br />

would mean that during the term of this<br />

legislature alone, we would have managed<br />

to increase the number of visitors by<br />

half a million, with all the derived direct<br />

and indirect economic benefits on a<br />

national scale. The Minister for Tourism<br />

emphasized that this growth is not<br />

happening by chance. It is the fruit of hard<br />

work and effective cooperation of all the<br />

public and private stakeholders involved<br />

and therefore expressed his gratitude and<br />

appreciation to all stakeholders as this<br />

success is clearly owned by everyone.<br />

Minister Zammit Lewis pointed out that<br />

during this legislature, the Government<br />

have implemented key measures that<br />

have enhanced the competitiveness of<br />

this sector, particularly the 2014 reduction<br />

in utility tariffs that without doubt has<br />

contributed to improve the sector’s<br />

competitiveness and profitability. The<br />

same can be said for the height limitation<br />

adjustment policy, which was long awaited<br />

by the private sector.<br />

The Minister for Tourism said that clearly,<br />

air connectivity remains one of our<br />

foremost strategic priorities. Over the past<br />

months the Government worked together<br />

with all stakeholders to further increasing<br />

connectivity particularly during the less<br />

popular winter months. “The islands’<br />

connectivity and the topic of Air Malta<br />

clearly go hand in hand. We believe that<br />

Malta and Gozo can only maintain these<br />

tourism flows if we ensure a sustainable<br />

and competitive national airline”, stated<br />

the Minister.<br />

“Within a global and European airline<br />

industry that is constantly consolidating,<br />

we believe that Air Malta cannot survive<br />

alone and requires an effective strategic<br />

During his speech the Minister for<br />

Tourism said that if tourism is to continue<br />

supporting Malta’s development on<br />

the current scale, we need to continue<br />

pursuing the issue of seasonality. Minister<br />

Zammit Lewis insisted that Malta and<br />

Gozo cannot afford to permit more<br />

development merely to satisfy the peak<br />

summer demand, but ensure better<br />

and more utilisation of already existing<br />

resources within the leaner months. As a<br />

matter of fact the Minister was pleased to<br />

note that the Government’s persistence<br />

and work in this regard is clearly paying off,<br />

as today Malta is one of the least seasonal<br />

destinations within the Mediterranean.<br />

In his concluding remarks the Minister for<br />

Tourism said he will ensure that during<br />

our forthcoming term of Presidency of the<br />

Council of the European Union, tourism<br />

will feature prominently on the EU agenda.<br />

The Minister announced that UNWTO<br />

Secretary-General Dr Taleb Rifai will visit<br />

Malta in May 2017 for two important<br />

events that the Ministry for Tourism and<br />

UNWTO will be organising.<br />

Finally, the Minister for Tourism thanked<br />

MHRA, for recognising the need to conduct<br />

a periodical evaluation of the performance<br />

of the local hospitality sector, and for<br />

investing resources in the provision of<br />

such critical intelligence that will surely<br />

contribute to the continued success of this<br />

important sector. <strong>MBR</strong><br />



fff news snippets<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Malta News<br />

Malta Stock Exchange announces<br />

the formation of a Blockchain<br />

Committee<br />

The Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) have<br />

announced the creation of a Blockchain<br />

committee and think tank to assist in<br />

the formulation of a strategy geared<br />

towards addressing the emerging<br />

technology. The Committee will consist of members<br />

of the MSE, its Chairman and CEO as well as a range<br />

Changes to VAT obligations for non-EU<br />

vessels in EU Water<br />

European Commission predicts<br />

Malta’s GDP as the highest in the<br />

Eurozone<br />

of outsider experts. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

In May 2016, the EU made significant changes to<br />

the law which governs the VAT Obligations of non- In the last five years, Malta’s economy has<br />

EU private vessels in EU waters. Prior to this date, gone from strength to strength. Last year<br />

a non-EU private vessel would stay for 18 months in EU waters without paying any EU Import VAT, but could saw a GDP growth rate of 6.2% and this<br />

then opt to extend the stay by bonding the vessel. Now the rules have changed and it is no longer possible year, credit agency Standard and Poor’s<br />

to bond the vessel to extend the 18month no-VAT period. Once this 18 month period is complete, she must upgraded its rating from BBB+ to A-, the<br />

either pay EU Import VAT or exit EU waters. If neither of these conditions is met, EU VAT will be applicable with first change in over 20 years <strong>MBR</strong><br />

no exceptions. To find out more about how this could impact you, please contact tfenech@fff-legal.com <strong>MBR</strong><br />

From January, tenants will<br />

Maltese Parliament<br />

not longer require a landlord’s<br />

Should a Court be able to prevent the identity of a<br />

unanimously approves permission to change their utility tariff<br />

convicted criminal from being made public?<br />

Cohabitation Bill<br />

After a six-year struggle, it has been announced that as<br />

One of the most high-profile cases in 2016 involved a sports<br />

In today’s constantly of January 2017 both Maltese and EU tenants will no<br />

coach of a girls-only volleyball team who admitted to having<br />

evolving society it’s longer have to obtain the permission of their landlord<br />

spied on his students by placing a camera in their changing<br />

important to acknowledge in order to change their home electricity tariff.<br />

room. An extremely controversial and anger-provoking parts<br />

of the case included the fact that the perpetrator, who both<br />

the fluidity of people’s<br />

admitted the offence and was sentenced for it, has been able to<br />

personal relationships<br />

benefit from anonymity as the courts have placed a ban on the<br />

whilst recognising that the decision not to get married or partake in a civil partnership<br />

publication of his name <strong>MBR</strong><br />

shouldn’t negatively impact those individuals, instead there should be legislation in<br />

place to protect their interests. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Study shows that IP is boosting the European economy<br />

The European Patent Office and the EU Intellectual Property Office has<br />

released the<br />

results of OECD announces 1000 bilateral crossborder<br />

agreements to help combat tax<br />

their second<br />

study which<br />

evasion<br />

explores the<br />

contribution In a world where<br />

of intellectual cross-border activities<br />

property and globalised<br />

rights (IPRs) business has become<br />

to the EU the status quo, it<br />

economy. <strong>MBR</strong> is imperative that<br />

countries respective<br />

tax authorities<br />

work together to ensure that the right<br />

amounts of tax are being paid to the right<br />

jurisdictions. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Is Brexit Unconstitutional?<br />

On June23rd 2016, members of the<br />

British public voted in favour of Britain<br />

leaving the European Union and this<br />

unexpected and controversial result has<br />

led to months of political upheaval marked<br />

by the resignation of Prime Minister<br />

David Cameron, the resignation of over<br />

fifty parliamentary members, and cries<br />

of foul play and dishonest campaigning<br />

techniques on both sides. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Firm News<br />

Fenech Farrugia Fiott at the<br />

annual ABL Conference in<br />

Miami<br />

ABL delegates from across the<br />

world gathered again for the<br />

34th General Assembly Meeting<br />

in Miami, Florida in November.<br />

Representing FFF Legal was<br />

Senior Associate Austin Sammut<br />

and Associate Neil Chetcuti.<br />

They attended a series of talks,<br />

seminars and debates as well as networking<br />

events where they had an opportunity to<br />

build working relationships with firms from<br />

all over the world. FFF Legal is the exclusive<br />

Malta member of the ABL Global network<br />

which brings together over 900 lawyers<br />

from 34 different jurisdictions.<br />

Uber drivers win a<br />

landmark case to be<br />

considered as employees<br />

EU and Beyond<br />

What legal issues present themselves<br />

if an individual is cryogenically<br />

preserved?<br />

One of the most unusual items in today’s<br />

news is the tale of a 14-year-old girl who has<br />

won the right to have her body cryogenically<br />

preserved after her death. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Last week a UK employment tribunal ruled against the American worldwide<br />

online transportation network company Uber Technologies Inc. in what could<br />

be a landmark decision, affording drivers working for the tech company the<br />

right to be classified as employees rather than self-employed contractors. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

Fenech Farrugia Fiott- Proud sponsors fo the world-famous<br />

RC44 Valletta Cup<br />

FFF Legal was on site at the Grand Excelsior Hotel for a press conference<br />

heralding the start of the prestigious RC44 Valletta Cup. The racing series<br />

is celebrating it’s 10- year anniversary and its second appearance in Malta<br />

and FFF Legal are proud to be sponsors and partners of this year’s event.<br />

FFF Legal Contributes to the Malta Chapter of the Transport Finance Law<br />

Review<br />

Fenech Farrugia Fiott Legal are proud to announce the<br />

publication of the Malta chapter in the prestigious publication-<br />

The Transport Finance Law Review. The publication is<br />

international in scope and is designed to provide industry<br />

insights to transport finance in each of the key jurisdictions<br />

in which ships, rolling stock and aircraft are financed. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Courtesy: Fenech Farrugia Fiott Legal<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

HIV/AIDS<br />

WORLD<br />

AIDS DAY<br />

World Aids Day is celebrated<br />

globally on the 1st of<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>ember of each year. This<br />

worldwide event raises awareness about<br />

HIV, promotes prevention measures,<br />

encourages testing, and supports people<br />

living with HIV.<br />

As one of the Maltese Presidency of<br />

the European Union of the Council’s<br />

initiatives, a technical meeting will<br />

be held between 30-31 January to<br />

bring together leading experts on HIV<br />

prevention and control from across the<br />

EU to discuss how Europe can improve its<br />

response to HIV and achieve the targets<br />

outlined in the Sustainable Development<br />

Goals, that is, the actions agreed upon<br />

at the UN high-level meeting on HIV/<br />

AIDS, and those adopted in the Global<br />

Health Sector Strategy at the World<br />

Health Assembly. The experts will discuss<br />

practical evidence-based interventions<br />

and strategies, share achievements and<br />

examples of good practices, and identify<br />

solutions to common challenges. The<br />

priority areas on which EU Member<br />

States agree that they should scale<br />

up their efforts will be discussed, and<br />

the proceedings of the meeting will<br />

be translated in a technical Malta<br />

<strong>Dec</strong>laration.<br />

Since the beginning of the epidemic, more<br />

than 70 million people have been infected<br />

with the HIV virus, and about 35 million<br />

people have died of HIV. Globally, 36.7<br />

million [34.0–39.8 million] people were<br />

living with HIV at the end of 2015. Almost<br />

30,000 newly diagnosed HIV infections<br />

were reported by the 31 European Union<br />

and European Economic Area (EU/EEA)<br />

countries in 2015. Although there have<br />

been impressive results in reducing the<br />

number of AIDS diagnoses during the<br />

last decade, the burden of HIV infection<br />

remains unacceptably high in Europe.<br />

In Malta, over a 10 year period, from<br />

2004 till October 2014, 300 new cases of<br />

HIV were identified. In 2015, there were<br />

61 new cases, and in 2016 till the end<br />

of October there were 58 new patients;<br />

these include 56 cases of HIV and 2<br />

cases of AIDS. Prevention efforts focus<br />

on the promotion of safer sexual health<br />

practices and training of professionals to<br />

support people in prevention, including<br />

encouraging youths to act as peer leaders.<br />

Testing is encouraged, including at<br />

community and GU clinics. People affected<br />

with HIV are offered free treatment by<br />

specialists at the HIV clinic. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Creditline: Ministry for Health/DOI<br />


ict: software<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Parallels became a key Partner of The Faculty<br />

of ICT at the University of Malta By Dmitry Smirkin<br />

Parallels, an international IT-Company,<br />

became a Gold Partner of the Faculty of<br />

Information & Communication Technology<br />

(FICT) of the University of Malta (UM). The<br />

Company would like to help the academic<br />

development of students within FICT<br />

through the provision of the best tools to<br />

software developers.<br />

Co-founder and Vice president of Parallels<br />

Mr. Nick Dobrovolskiy met with Professor<br />

Ernest Cachia, Dean of the Faculty of ICT,<br />

and Head of the Department of Computer<br />

Information Systems.<br />

development like Parallels Desktop for Mac<br />

that they can improve their potential and<br />

join our global Team. Our developers in<br />

different locations create the state-of-theart<br />

modern and functional software for<br />

personal and business use. We currently<br />

collaborate with leading Universities in<br />

Estonia and Russia and are very pleased<br />

to have UM as our new partner.» - Nick<br />

Dobrovolskiy, Vice President of Parallels.<br />

«The Faculty of ICT gladly welcomes<br />

investment in its students’ potential and<br />

thanks its partners for their interest, trust<br />

and support. This sort of positive initiative<br />

can only help strengthen the ties between<br />

the Faculty and industry as well as serve<br />

as a motivator for the nation’s future ICT<br />

professionals. In this respect, on behalf<br />

of the Faculty of ICT of the University of<br />

Malta, I thank our partner Parallels for<br />

their valid contribution. » – Ernest Cachia,<br />

Dean, Faculty of ICT. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Parallels Company donated 60 Licenses<br />

of Parallels Desktop for Mac Professional<br />

Edition to the UM for everyday use by<br />

staff and students. The UM and Parallels<br />

also discussed long term partnership and<br />

mutual cooperation potential.<br />

«We are an innovative and ambitious<br />

Company with a Development Center<br />

in Malta and a technically strong local<br />

team. Our aim is to provide Maltese<br />

students with the best tools for software<br />

About Parallels<br />

Parallels* is the global leader in cross-platform solutions which make it possible and simple for customers<br />

to use and access the applications and files they need on any device or operating system. We help<br />

customers take advantage of the best technology out there, whether it’s Windows, Mac, iOS, Android or<br />

the cloud. Parallels solves complex engineering and user experience problems by making it simple and<br />

cost-effective for businesses and individual customers to use applications wherever they may be—local,<br />

remote, in the private datacenter or in the cloud. Visit www.parallels.com/about for more information.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />


Best clauses from Collective Agreements to help<br />

vulnerable workers throughout the EU<br />

In volatile European labour markets<br />

where flexibility is in high demand, special<br />

attention must be given to the most<br />

vulnerable workers in precarious jobs.<br />

This is the major recommendation from<br />

an expert meeting at the University of<br />

Amsterdam, which concluded a two-year<br />

project focusing on gender pay gaps in the<br />

EU and innovative means to reduce those<br />

gaps.<br />

Vulnerable workers are more than average<br />

female, and/or belong to ethnic minorities<br />

and migrant groups, the experts concluded.<br />

These groups lack career perspectives,<br />

job security and affordable child care<br />

arrangements. Many find temporary work<br />

only through employment agencies and<br />

are confined to low skilled menial jobs in<br />

retail, cleaning and care in particular. Their<br />

wages are lower end. Exhausting working<br />

hours leave them little time to recover, let<br />

alone to study after work. Moreover they<br />

are confronted with structural pay gaps<br />

that contribute to the perpetuation of<br />

their plight. The pay gap does not stop at<br />

the male/female divide, the experts found,<br />

but confronts all those disenfranchised in<br />

their working lives.<br />

Secondary working conditions<br />

reveal gender gaps too<br />

Part of the research carried out by<br />

the project-team was to conduct an<br />

unprecedented analysis from surveydata<br />

on secondary working conditions.<br />

The data was collected by means of the<br />

permanent online survey fielded by the<br />

WageIndicator Foundation through its<br />

national websites in all participating<br />

EU-member states. The data collection<br />

allowed for an in depth analysis of topics<br />

such as company benefits, allowances,<br />

emoluments, compensation, facilitated<br />

participation in child care and pension<br />

schemes and the like. The focus of this<br />

analysis was on gender, i.e. are the national<br />

gender pay gaps found reflected in the<br />

secondary working conditions prevailing<br />

in the country? The overall outcome<br />

was that the secondary conditions to a<br />

large extent mirror the gender pay gaps<br />

found in each labour market. There are a<br />

few exceptions to this rule however, i.e.<br />

Slovenia and Poland in particular, where<br />

women have seen fit over last decades<br />

to come alongside their male colleagues<br />

in terms of these additional sources of<br />

income, both moneywise and otherwise.<br />

Best practices from companies<br />

across borders<br />

One of the remedies found by the<br />

experts was that trade union negotiators<br />

throughout Europe could exchange clauses<br />

from the Collective Agreements which<br />

they conclude with employers. Such cross<br />

breeding of best practices might improve<br />

the efficacy of their work in defence of<br />

those most vulnerable groups in particular.<br />

One such outstanding best practice would<br />

be to include in each Collective Agreement<br />

a monitoring clause on the implementation<br />

of specific measures on contracts, pay,<br />

promotion, information, job certification<br />

and co-responsibility for child care. A<br />

monitoring plan for the implementation<br />

of such clauses, jointly supervised by trade<br />

union and the company human resources<br />

department, is a proven 'best practice' in<br />

some sectors already. The final report of<br />

the Gender Pay Gap-project includes a list<br />

of more 'best practice'-clauses from across<br />

EU-member states.<br />

Database to facilitate borrowing<br />

of best clauses<br />

WageIndicator, participant in the Gender<br />

Pay Gap-project of which the main results<br />

are presented here, over the last few years<br />

initiated and elaborated a database of<br />

Collective Agreements. Currently it contains<br />

annotated, i.e. easily retrievable clauses<br />

from some 700 Collective Agreements and<br />

a wide variety of sectors and countries.<br />

The database is freely accessible through<br />

its national websites and therefore easy<br />

to consult by negotiators from both<br />

employers and employees organisations.<br />

In it the clauses and best practices may be<br />

found referred to above. It is WageIndicator<br />

policy to continue broadening, enriching<br />

and detailing this Collective Agreement<br />

database for the free use of all to whom it<br />

may be of concern. WageIndicator invites<br />

all parties concerned to contribute the<br />

agreements they conclude to its database.<br />

The expert group consisted of University<br />

of Amsterdam, Wageindicator, Dutch<br />

Confederation of Trade Unions (FNV), CCOO<br />

Servicos Spain, MSZOZ Hungary. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

More information about Gender Pay Gap in Malta<br />

http://www.mywage.org/malta/home/salary/<br />

genderpay-gap-in-malta<br />

Creditline: WageIndicator.org or<br />

WageIndicator.org/genderpaygap<br />


corporate business<br />

Malta Business Review<br />

Sheila Dean named in eprivateclient’s<br />

‘50 Most Influential 2017’<br />

By Laura Daly<br />

Sheila Dean, Equiom’s Global Chief<br />

Executive Officer has been named in<br />

eprivateclient’s ‘50 Most Influential 2017’<br />

list, which recognises the private client<br />

industry’s top practitioners.<br />

Released by eprivateclient, a wellrespected<br />

news service, the annual listing<br />

highlights people who are leading from<br />

the front within the private client industry,<br />

delivering innovative services in order<br />

to meet the varied and ever-changing<br />

demands of high net worth individuals.<br />

This is the third time Sheila has featured<br />

in eprivateclient’s 50 Most Influential list,<br />

having previously appeared in 2013 and<br />

2016.<br />

Sheila said of the news: ‘To be recognised<br />

for the third time is fantastic and I accept<br />

this honour on behalf of the entire<br />

Equiom family. We’ve been on an amazing<br />

journey so far and as we approach our ten<br />

year anniversary, I couldn’t be prouder<br />

of everything we’ve achieved. My whole<br />

career has been within the private client<br />

industry so I fully understand just how<br />

competitive and fast paced it is.<br />

‘The business has grown a lot recently,<br />

having completed four acquisitions this<br />

year alone so I appreciate this accolade<br />

more than ever because of how hard<br />

we’ve worked to expand our services<br />

without losing focus of our core offering<br />

in our existing jurisdictions. As always, it’s<br />

a pleasure to be in such great company<br />

alongside some of the industry’s key<br />

personalities.’<br />

Individual nominations were submitted to<br />

eprivateclient before 20 October and the<br />

list of finalists was agreed by a panel of<br />

judges. Sheila is also currently shortlisted<br />

in two categories for the Citywealth<br />

Powerwomen Awards 2017.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

Sheila Dean, Global CEO of Equiom<br />

Sanya Health & Wellness EcoSpa<br />

Official Launch<br />

Sanya to open and change the<br />

landscape of holistic health services<br />

in Malta.<br />

At Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar, Sanya, will<br />

be officially opening and changing the<br />

landscape of the holistic health and<br />

wellness scene in Malta. Sanya offers<br />

a variety of services that support and<br />

encourage a healthy and nourishing<br />

lifestyle. Sanya focuses on the benefits<br />

of eating clean organic food, practising<br />

yoga, pilates & meditation, using natural<br />

medicine for ailments and health related<br />

problems, and taking the time to stop the<br />

flow of stress, unwind and relax in-order to<br />

improve your quality of life.<br />

At the launch the public are invited to view<br />

the Sanya facilities and learn more about<br />

their philosophies and offerings. It will<br />

be the last chance to take advantage of<br />

their introductory offer of 20% off all spa<br />

memberships and massage treatments.<br />

Many of the practitioners and instructors<br />

will be there to answer questions and<br />

explain more about their work. The<br />

Sanya Organic Juice Bar will be serving a<br />

selection of healthy organic refreshments.<br />

Free and abundant parking is available<br />

at the facility’s car park at all times when<br />

visiting Sanya.<br />

Sanya's ecoSpa includes a beautiful indoor<br />

heated pool, jacuzzis, saunas, eucalyptus<br />

steam rooms & thermal showers. Focusing<br />

on 100% natural local products made<br />

by Soap Cafe, Sanya's beauty therapists<br />

offer massages and treatments that<br />

are designed to relax you and nourish<br />

your body and skin. Malta's first 100%<br />

organic juice bar serves a variety of juices,<br />

smoothies & snacks, including a delicious<br />

specialty organic coffee.<br />

The clinic's holistic practitioners use<br />

natural functional techniques and<br />

medicine to treat and support a variety<br />

of health issues. You can practice yoga,<br />

meditation & pilates at Sanya's Yoga hub,<br />

where many different styles of classes are<br />

held in one of the biggest yoga studios<br />

in Malta. As well as the Spa, Clinic, Juice<br />

bar and Hub, the space contains many<br />

peaceful relaxation areas including a cosy<br />

lounge with a library full of inspirational<br />

books on health and wellness. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Sanya ecoSpa can be found at the Hilltop<br />

Gardens, Triq L-Inkwina, Naxxar, NXR<strong>26</strong>41.<br />

Website: www.sanyamalta.com<br />

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sanyamalta<br />

Phone: +356 21436936<br />

Email: hello@sanyamalta.com<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />


Air Malta to Appoint New<br />

Chief Commercial Officer<br />

Air Malta is seeking to appoint a<br />

new Chief Commercial Officer<br />

to continue on the path of<br />

innovative commercial developments<br />

launched by Ursula Silling, Air Malta’s<br />

Chief Commercial Officer. She was<br />

engaged by the airline specifically to<br />

lead this transformation and through<br />

her direction, in the last 18 months, Air<br />

Malta has become a more dynamic,<br />

commercially driven and customerfocused<br />

airline.<br />

Ms Silling will be leaving her post at<br />

the end of the month but will however<br />

continue supporting the airline in the<br />

interim period and with future projects.<br />

She joined Air Malta in February 2015 for<br />

a definite period until March 2016 but<br />

her contract was extended to ensure the<br />

realisation of a number of key projects.<br />

“Ursula has brought radical change in<br />

the thinking and the running of the<br />

Commercial Division. Through her<br />

resourcefulness she has spearheaded the<br />

digital transformation of the airline with<br />

projects like the re-design of the website<br />

with its mobile friendly features, fronted<br />

the airline’s digital communication and<br />

promotional initiatives, and directed<br />

customer-focused investments in new<br />

technology within commercial. She has<br />

also been instrumental in reducing costs<br />

by finetuning Air Malta’s route network in<br />

conjunction with the airline’s fleet plan<br />

initiative,” said Joseph Galea, Air Malta’s<br />

Acting CEO.<br />

“Last year she has also driven a radical<br />

transformation of Air Malta’s product<br />

offering with the launch of the new<br />

product range that gives customers a<br />

choice of three tiers in Economy and three<br />

tiers in Business class. This was a very<br />

important development and a significant<br />

milestone for Air Malta,” added Mr Galea.<br />

Before joining Air Malta Ms Silling has<br />

worked with both low cost and network<br />

airlines, IT systems providers and tour<br />

operators in different countries and held<br />

senior executive management positions<br />

with Lufthansa, British Airways, Virgin<br />

Express, Brussels Airlines, the TUI group<br />

and Aerosvit Ukrainian Airlines.<br />

“I feel privileged to have worked and<br />

assisted the airline as Chief Commercial<br />

Officer in these challenging times and ever<br />

changing aviation environment. In these<br />

last few years we have accomplished so<br />

much by being innovative, resourceful<br />

and flexible whilst reducing our costs.<br />

With the launch of our “We Care More”<br />

campaign we have actively demonstrated<br />

our commitment to put the customer<br />

at the heart of everything we do. I am<br />

proud of the accomplishments of the<br />

whole team and look forward to continue<br />

working with them to achieve further<br />

milestones,” commented Ms Silling.<br />

The process to recruit a new Chief<br />

Commercial Officer has started and Ms<br />

Silling is supporting the airline in the<br />

process. In the interim period acting<br />

Chief Executive Officer Joseph Galea,<br />

who was the Deputy Chief Commercial<br />

Officer until his recent appointment,<br />

will be overseeing the running of the<br />

Commercial Division.<br />

Creditline: AirMalta<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

Ursula Silling, Air Malta’s Chief Commercial Officer<br />



Malta Business Review<br />

Malta Digital Cluster Launched at Malta<br />

Life Sciences Park<br />

By James Vella Clark<br />

The Malta Digital Cluster was launched<br />

at the Malta Life Sciences Park by Life<br />

Sciences CEO Ing. Joseph Sammut and<br />

Edwin Ward, Chairman of Paragon<br />

Europe. The role of the cluster is to<br />

create collaboration between academia,<br />

researchers, private sector entities and the<br />

public sector to take advantage of growth<br />

and new opportunities in digital.<br />

The Malta Digital Cluster is being housed<br />

at the Malta Life Sciences Park and will<br />

become a member of the European<br />

Cluster Collaboration Platform. Members<br />

of the Malta Digital Cluster will gain the<br />

opportunity to join the EU ecosystem of<br />

digital clusters to network, share best<br />

practice in a European and global context,<br />

find partners and financing, as well as to<br />

identify funding programmes, research<br />

funding opportunities and EU-funded<br />

projects in which the cluster members can<br />

participate.<br />

The Malta Digital Cluster was introduced<br />

by Malta Life Sciences Park CEO Ing. Joseph<br />

Sammut. Ing Sammut explained how the<br />

Digital Hub is contributing to attracting<br />

foreign direct investment and bringing<br />

new kinds of digital businesses to Malta.<br />

Mr Edwin Ward added that this is an<br />

opportunity to make Malta’s digital<br />

business more competitive for cluster<br />

members to collaborate and to grow the<br />

digital industry further.<br />

Mr. Ward outlined some of the larger EUfunding<br />

programmes such as Horizon2020<br />

(H2020) which have a wide variety of<br />

funds available for digital projects such as<br />

ICT, IoT, cybersecurity, big-data, cloud and<br />

storage . Significant funds are also available<br />

for applications development and ICT<br />

projects. Within Big-Data alone more than<br />

€2.5BN has just been released via H2020<br />

to cover data visualisation software and<br />

devices, data analysis infrastructure, data<br />

processing infrastructure, data storage<br />

infrastructure as well as transport and<br />

network infrastructure. A further €2.5BN<br />

has just been made available for Research<br />

Infrastructures under the Excellent Science<br />

programme.<br />

The Malta Digital Cluster will be networked<br />

with international partners from blue-chip<br />

digital companies, leading universities and<br />

digital clusters elsewhere in the EU and<br />

beyond. There are many international<br />

donors, the EU, NATO, the World Bank, for<br />

example, who require service provision.<br />

The Malta Digital Cluster will represent<br />

and introduce Malta’s platform to these<br />

donors on service provision in tenders and<br />

contracts.<br />

<strong>MBR</strong><br />

For further information visit http://projects.<br />

paragoneurope.eu/digitalcluster.php or call<br />

+356 9920 7677<br />

Creditline: Corporate Identities<br />

FIMBank welcomes Fitch<br />

Ratings upgrade<br />

Fitch Ratings has upgraded Malta-based<br />

FIMBank's Long-Term <strong>Issue</strong>r Default Rating<br />

(IDR) to 'BB', from 'BB-', and its Support<br />

Rating to '3' from '5'. In its report, the<br />

rating agency also confirms the outlook<br />

for the Bank as being ‘Stable’. The agency’s<br />

report highlights the fact that the upgrade<br />

takes into account the demonstrated<br />

record of capital and funding support<br />

provided to FIMBank by Kuwaiti-based<br />

Burgan Bank, and its sister bank, Bahrainbased<br />

United Gulf Bank, as well as the<br />

increased management and operational<br />

integration of FIMBank with Burgan Bank.<br />

Commenting on the news of FIMBank’s<br />

upgrade by Fitch Ratings, Group CEO<br />

Murali Subramanian explained that<br />

“Strong and demonstrated parental<br />

support as required, for the funding and<br />

capitalisation of FIMBank, is the main<br />

reason Fitch have cited for this ratings<br />

upgrade. While we welcome this decision,<br />

we believe the best is yet to come. We<br />

have unrelenting focus on delivering the<br />

kind of performance which is expected to<br />

progressively render ever stronger returns<br />

to our shareholders. It vindicates our<br />

strategy based on a series of organisational<br />

restructuring, operational review, and cost<br />

controlmeasures,whichwe have been<br />

implementing over the past 18months”.<br />

He added that “As a result of this strategy,<br />

2016 has been a turnaround year for the<br />

Group, and this is also reflected in the<br />

improved profitability of our operations.<br />

Moreover, legacy misadventures of prior<br />

years are being dealt with firmly, and will<br />

be fully behind us in 2017”.<br />

Noting the dynamic process of<br />

transformation being undertaken at<br />

FIMBank, and its anticipated positive<br />

effect on the Bank’s profitability, the Fitch<br />

Ratings report concludes by stating that<br />

“a successful restructuring of FIMBank<br />

and a strong recovery in its financial<br />

metrics could result in FIMBank's VR being<br />

upgraded”. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

For more information about FIMBank plc, visit<br />

www.fimbank.com.<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />


Malta Business Review<br />

newsmakers<br />

People in Malta and Australia benefit from the warm relations between<br />

the two countries<br />

Commissioner to Malta, Jane Lambert, at the<br />

Party Headquarters.<br />

Australia is, for many in Malta, a second home,<br />

and it feels like a natural extension of our<br />

family. Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil<br />

said so as he welcomed the Australian High<br />

Simon Busuttil said that the warm relations<br />

between Malta and Australia need to translate<br />

into concrete benefits for the people of both<br />

nations. These relations have also to be<br />

considered in the context of the European<br />

Union. Simon Busuttil said that a Free Trade<br />

Agreement between the EU and Australia would<br />

open new opportunities across all levels of<br />

society not just the wealthy.<br />

The Leader of the Nationalist Party said that<br />

it was a great pleasure to meet Jane Lambert<br />

who, in the past four years has witnessed a<br />

change in government as well as the first results<br />

of the current administration. Simon Busuttil<br />

congratulated the High Commissioner on her<br />

fruitful work and her commitment to strengthen<br />

the relations between the two countries.<br />

Jane Lambert, on her part, expressed her<br />

pleasure in meeting Simon Busuttil again<br />

and agreed with him that the Malta and<br />

Australia enjoy a special relationship. The High<br />

Commissioner said that she is particularly<br />

encouraged to see linkages develop among<br />

young generations of both countries especially<br />

in the areas of sport, science, and human rights.<br />

Jane Lambert ended by thanking Simon Busuttil<br />

for his support to an EU-Australia Free Trade<br />

Agreement and for his positive work since<br />

becoming leader of the Nationalist Party. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Maltese and German Finance<br />

Ministers meet in Berlin<br />

Yesterday, Minister for Finance Edward<br />

Scicluna held bilateral talks with German<br />

Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang<br />

Schäuble in Berlin as part of the preparations<br />

for the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the<br />

Council of the European Union.<br />

Minister Scicluna and Minister Schäuble<br />

discussed areas of common interest including<br />

the Capital Markets Union, taxation,<br />

budgetary issues, and the future of the<br />

Monetary Union in the context of improving<br />

fiscal and economic performance by the<br />

eurozone within the current international<br />

context.<br />

Earlier, Minister Scicluna delivered a lecture<br />

Minister Helena Dalli wins the Hero<br />

of the Year at this year’s European<br />

Diversity Award<br />

Dr Helena Dalli, Minister for Social Dialogue,<br />

Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties won the<br />

prestigious Hero of the Year Award during the<br />

6th edition of the European Diversity Award<br />

that was held in London last night. Among<br />

those nominated in the various categories were<br />

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, and<br />

Italian Undersecretary of State Ivan Scalfarotto.<br />

The ceremony which took place in the London<br />

Museum of Natural History, was attended by over<br />

500 participants working in the field of equality<br />

and diversity across Europe, and amongst<br />

others Minister Dalli received congratulations<br />

from officials from the Office of the UN High<br />

Commissioner on Human Rights and the Council<br />

of Europe.<br />

The award is given to politicians, journalists,<br />

athletes, companies and publishing houses that<br />

act as trailblazers in the enhancement of equality<br />

in European society.<br />

In her acceptance speech Minister Dalli said that<br />

we must work hard so that the advancements<br />

made will not get undone, referring to the<br />

particular point in time we are living in where<br />

threats to equality are increasing. She also<br />

pointed out that democracy must never become<br />

a tyranny of the majority and attention to<br />

entitled ‘Malta: A Mediterranean Success<br />

Model in the Euro-Zone’ at the Europäische<br />

Bewegung Deutschland, in Berlin. The<br />

audience included members of the<br />

diplomatic corps, officials from the Bundestag<br />

(the German Parliament), officials from the<br />

German Foreign Office (including Malta Desk<br />

officer and Head of Unit on Finance policy),<br />

as well as representatives of the German<br />

Chamber of Industry of Commerce and the<br />

Association and the Association of German<br />

Banks (BdB).<br />

The Minister also met with a number of<br />

political and financial correspondents of<br />

well-known publications such as Politico, Die<br />

Welt, Bild, and Bild am Sonntag at the Berlin<br />

headquarters of Axel Springer SE, which is<br />

the largest publishing house in Europe.<br />

Minister Scicluna was accompanied by the<br />

The Nationalist Party’s proposals<br />

are designed to help start-ups<br />

The Nationalist Party is set to support business<br />

start-ups with innovative policies. Party<br />

Leader Simon Busuttil said so during a visit to<br />

Creolabs, a start-up in Microsoft Innovation<br />

Centre at Skyparks Business Centre.<br />

Simon Busuttil said the Party wants to<br />

encourage start-ups with financial guarantees<br />

and low-interest rates on loans in order to<br />

help entrepreneurs develop their business<br />

ventures.<br />

The Nationalist Party Leader presented the<br />

recently-launched Policy for Retailers to<br />

Panayiotis Ioannou, Country Manager for<br />

Microsoft Malta, and Joseph Woods, Director<br />

of Creolabs. He said that the proposal to offer<br />

a reduced income tax rate of just 10% for<br />

small businesses is aimed also for start-ups.<br />

minorities should be high on the agenda of every<br />

government.<br />

On the national level, finishing touches on the<br />

Equality Bill and a Human Rights and Equality<br />

Commission Bill aimed at mainstreaming<br />

equality for all persons in all spheres of life are<br />

now underway – after a wide consultation<br />

process - with the intent of presenting the Bills to<br />

Parliament shortly. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Photos Credit: MSDC<br />



Maltese Ambassador to the Federal Republic<br />

of Germany Albert Friggieri, Permanent<br />

Secretary Alfred Camilleri, and Chief of Staff<br />

Tania Brown. <strong>MBR</strong><br />

Credit/Photos: MFIN/DOI<br />

Simon Busuttil was accompanied by<br />

Spokesperson for Small Businesses, Retail and<br />

Self-Employed Robert Arrigo, Spokesperson<br />

for Financial Services, IT and Gaming Kristy<br />

Debono, and new candidates Alex Mangion<br />

and Amanda Abela. <strong>MBR</strong><br />


Malta Business Review<br />


159, Il-Gebla, Labour Avenue, Naxxar. Malta<br />

223, Republic Street, Valletta. Malta<br />

Tel: 00356 23 88 00 <strong>26</strong><br />

Mob: 00356 79 00 82 87 | 00356 79 44 60 72<br />

6, Chemin du Repos, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland<br />

Tel: +44 796 15 50 68<br />

www.maltabusinessreview.net<br />

www.simonestates.com | info@simonestates.com | Facebook: SIMON Estates | Skype: simon.estates<br />


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