The Good Life – March-April 2014

The areas premier men’s magazine featuring inspirational men in our community. Covering a variety of topics including local heroes, fathers, sports and advice for men.

The areas premier men’s magazine featuring inspirational men in our community. Covering a variety of topics including local heroes, fathers, sports and advice for men.


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<strong>The</strong> staff at Würst Bier Hall won’t<br />

serve their beer in just any pint<br />

glass and call it good. With their<br />

lineup of more than 30 beers on<br />

tap, each one calls for a specific<br />

beer glass to showcase the flavors<br />

and look of the beer the way<br />

the brewer intended it. General<br />

Manager, Andrea Williams, filled<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> in about eight beer<br />

glasses and their purposes behind<br />

the bar.<br />

STEIN<br />

FLUTE<br />


Hefeweizen vase<br />

This stein made of<br />

glass is a dimpled<br />

mug that goes with<br />

the German theme<br />

at the Würst Bier<br />

Hall. This sturdy<br />

and easy to hold<br />

glass is reserved for<br />

traditional German<br />

beers like Bocks or<br />

lagers. <strong>The</strong> heaviest<br />

body beer served in<br />

this style glass may<br />

be a porter.<br />

2<br />

This flute is made<br />

by the brewery<br />

specifically to<br />

serve the Ayinger<br />

Celebrator<br />

Doppelbock beer.<br />

Flutes are reserved<br />

for sweeter and<br />

more delicate<br />

beers. This double<br />

bock is a dark, but<br />

sweeter beer with a<br />

6.7 percent ABV, so<br />

it’s a lower level of<br />

alcohol content for<br />

the style.<br />

This Hefeweizen<br />

vase is made<br />

specifically for the<br />

Hefeweizen style<br />

of beer. <strong>The</strong> tall<br />

and flared shape<br />

is going to release<br />

aroma and keep the<br />

head tight and held<br />

up throughout the<br />

whole beer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tall flared shape<br />

of a pilsner glass<br />

helps maintain<br />

the head while<br />

capturing the colors.<br />

When drinking a<br />

Pilsner, if the thick<br />

dense head slips up<br />

it’s going to taste<br />

better when you’re<br />

drinking it. Even<br />

though a Pilsner is a<br />

more earthy hopped<br />

beer, it ends up<br />

tasting lighter, has a<br />

higher carbonation<br />

and generally is<br />


By: Jessica Jasperson | PHOTOS BY: URBAN TOAD MEDIA<br />

TULIP<br />


Snifter<br />

Lindeman’s beer flute glass<br />

This flute is made<br />

for Lindeman’s<br />

Kriek, which is a<br />

lambic ale. Lambic<br />

ales are fruity, and<br />

this one in particular<br />

is a Belgian cherry<br />

beer. A flute glass<br />

creates an elegance<br />

that showcases<br />

the rose color and<br />

carbonation of<br />

the beer.<br />

This stemmed glass<br />

receives its name<br />

for resembling a<br />

tulip shape. <strong>The</strong> top<br />

of the glass pushes<br />

out to form a lip in<br />

order to capture the<br />

head and amplify<br />

the aroma of a beer.<br />

Double IPAs, Belgian<br />

style tripels and<br />

other aromatic craft<br />

beers are served<br />

perfectly in a<br />

tulip glass.<br />

A chalice will<br />

always have good<br />

weight, thick wall,<br />

hefty base and a<br />

wide bowl to allow<br />

the beer’s entire<br />

aroma to fill the<br />

surrounding area.<br />

Belgian style ales<br />

such as Dubbels and<br />

Quads are served in<br />

a Chalice.<br />

An everyday Snifter<br />

is reserved for<br />

higher ABV beers<br />

that are stronger<br />

in flavor such as<br />

Imperial stouts. <strong>The</strong><br />

smaller glass allows<br />

control over serving<br />

sizes. <strong>The</strong> wider<br />

part of the glass<br />

focuses aromas and<br />

helps with head<br />

retention, which<br />

overall captures and<br />

enhances the aroma<br />

of a craft beer.<br />


INSIDE<br />

THIS<br />

MARCH-APRIL <strong>2014</strong><br />

ISSUE<br />

VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 5<br />


30<br />



Sniper Cuts Military Career Short<br />

06<br />

FATHERS:<br />


You Can Be a <strong>Good</strong> Dad Even in<br />

Tough Situations<br />



09<br />

Four Local Artists Take<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir Work to the Streets



02<br />



Dawn Siewert<br />

dawn@urbantoadmedia.com<br />


Darren Losee<br />

darren@urbantoadmedia.com<br />

08<br />


Stereotypical Dates Illustrate Different Points in <strong>Life</strong><br />


Soo Asheim<br />

Jessica Ballou<br />

Meghan Feir<br />

Paul Hankel<br />

Jessica Jasperson<br />

Alicia Underlee Nelson<br />


18<br />


A Fun and Affordable Way to Build Your Own Street Monster<br />


Urban Toad Media LLP<br />

www.urbantoadmedia.com<br />

/urbantoadmedia<br />


issuu.com/thegoodlifemensmag<br />


Urban Toad Media LLP<br />

624 Main Avenue, Suite 7<br />

Fargo, ND 58103<br />

701-388-4506 | 701-261-9139<br />


22<br />


A Visit and Sit Down with Paradox’s Owner, Richard Early<br />

26<br />


Marksmanship Center Aims at Education, Safety<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine is distributed six<br />

times a year by Urban Toad Media LLP. Material<br />

may not be reproduced without permission. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine accepts no liability<br />

for reader dissatisfaction arising from content<br />

in this publication. <strong>The</strong> opinions expressed, or<br />

advice given, are the views of individual writers or<br />

advertisers and do not necessarily represent the<br />

views or policies of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine.


You Can Be a <strong>Good</strong> Dad<br />

Even in Tough Situations<br />


A while back, I was talking about<br />

Championship Fathering on a radio<br />

program. I told my stories about the<br />

importance of loving, coaching, and<br />

modeling for your kids, encouraging<br />

other kids, and Enlisting more dads<br />

to join the team.<br />

After the program a dad wrote<br />

to me and said, “How can someone<br />

be a ‘Championship Father’ when<br />

the system and the mother won’t let<br />

him?”<br />

For a growing number of dads<br />

today, this dad’s question is the only<br />

one that matters because they don’t<br />

have access to their kids; they don’t<br />

have opportunities to be the dads<br />

they want to be.<br />

I don’t fully understand how dads<br />

feel when they’re shut out from the<br />

lives of their children, but I do hurt<br />

for them.<br />

In today’s culture it’s easy to lump<br />

all non-custodial dads together. We<br />

talk about custody battles and child<br />

support and we forget that these<br />

are individual dads who love their<br />

children and are fighting for the<br />

chance to be involved fathers. That’s<br />

real, and it’s a tragic consequence of<br />

the divorce culture that we live in.<br />

<strong>The</strong> impact on children is even more<br />

tragic.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se dads already know there<br />

are no easy solutions, but they don’t<br />

give up calling attention to their<br />

challenges and the injustice they feel.<br />

If you can relate to this situation,<br />

I hope you’ll keep reading, because<br />

I want to offer three pieces of<br />

encouragement that can apply to<br />

whatever fathering challenges you<br />

may be facing:<br />

6<br />

First, focus on your long-term<br />

commitment to your child. That will<br />

help to see you through daily ups and<br />

downs or even major roadblocks to<br />

your fathering.<br />

One dad we know was separated<br />

from his three kids by a very bitter<br />

divorce when they were school aged.<br />

Barred from direct contact with<br />

his kids and faced with parental<br />

alienation, he remained steadfast<br />

in his attempts to connect with<br />

his children. His oldest daughter<br />

eventually sought contact and moved<br />

in with him when she was able to do<br />

so independently. Just a few months<br />

ago, after seven years of separation,<br />

his son expressed a desire to connect<br />

and re-establish a relationship.<br />

No one wants to go through<br />

something like that, but some dads<br />

do, and an unwavering, steadfast<br />

commitment will a huge factor in<br />

making the best of it.<br />

Second, find ways to keep<br />

practicing the fundamentals of<br />

Championship Fathering. I do believe<br />

in the validity of the research behind<br />

loving, coaching and modeling, and<br />

I know they can make a difference for<br />

you. Every dad needs to soak these in,<br />

practice them, and make them part of<br />

his skill set. <strong>The</strong>se fundamentals can<br />

be creatively applied to just about<br />

any situation.<br />

Years ago, one dad worked on a<br />

submarine for 90 days at a time, and<br />

he had to cut off all communication.<br />

That was a huge fathering challenge.<br />

So ahead of time, he wrote postcards<br />

to his children for every day of his<br />

trip, then had a friend drop them<br />

in the mail every day. So his kids<br />

had messages just about every day<br />

from their dad, and they felt special<br />

that he thought enough to do that.<br />

He adjusted his fathering for his<br />

situation, and found ways to be<br />

effective despite his challenges.<br />

So what about the dad who<br />

doesn’t have access to his children<br />

because of divorce and his custody<br />

agreement? That dad will have to live<br />

out loving, coaching, and modeling<br />

in different ways from other dads.<br />

For example, if loving the child’s<br />

mother isn’t part of the equation,<br />

that dad can at least work on<br />

respecting her, cooperating with<br />

her, and giving his children access<br />

to other people who are modeling<br />

healthy relationships. Maybe the best<br />

coaching you do is through email<br />

and texts.<br />

If you aren’t able to be an everyday<br />

role model for your kids, keep doing<br />

what’s right in your work and other<br />

areas of your life, and do all you can<br />

to stay positive with your kids. Trust<br />

that your high character and poise<br />

will make a difference in the long run,<br />

and that through the months and<br />

years your children will notice and<br />

appreciate how you carried yourself<br />

despite horrible circumstances.<br />

Those are just a few examples. You<br />

may face a challenge of different a<br />

kind, and you can find ways to make<br />

the principles work. That goes for<br />

active duty dads, stepdads, dads who<br />

travel a lot, dads in prison, and so on.<br />

Loving an infant is much different<br />

from loving a 12-year-old. Coaching a<br />

daughter will likely require a different<br />

approach than that involvement and<br />

insight with a son.

If you want more specific tips<br />

for applying loving, coaching, and<br />

modeling, you’ll find some on our<br />

website.<br />

Finally, I encourage you to get<br />

together with other dads in your<br />

situation.<br />

You may be a divorced dad, a<br />

single dad, an adoptive dad, stepdad,<br />

traveling dad. You may be very busy.<br />

I know there are dads out there like<br />

me that struggle in this area at times,<br />

trying to find a balance. Find a dad<br />

who’s a step or two further along, and<br />

ask him, “What’s working for you?”<br />

“What have you learned?” “What’s<br />

the best way you show consistency<br />

for your children?”<br />

Dad, no matter what, don’t let<br />

frustration get the best of you. Other<br />

dads in your situation have found<br />

ways to stay connected with their<br />

kids. You can do it too.<br />

Action Points for Dads on the Fathering Journey<br />

• Write a letter to your child where you share about a<br />

significant memory from your life and an important lesson you<br />

learned from it.<br />

• In whatever situation you’re in, communicate unconditional<br />

love and blessing to your child — through letters, emails or texts, or<br />

verbally. Say, “I love you for who you are, no matter what happens<br />

or how often we get to catch up with each other.” Tell him often<br />

that he’s special to you.<br />

• When you are with your kids, make as many deposits<br />

into their “emotional bank accounts” as you can, since time apart<br />

gradually drains that account.<br />

• Are you denied access to your children? It may be that you<br />

could see them more by getting involved at their school. (Check out<br />

our WATCH D.O.G.S. program for one great way to do this.)<br />

• Does your child use social networking websites and apps?<br />

Join in and learn about those, and use them as a way to connect,<br />

especially when you’re apart.<br />

• If you’re in a challenging fathering situation, try to maintain<br />

healthy routines with your kids — but also allow some flexibility. Be<br />

very understanding when they don’t handle the challenges in the<br />

same way you do.<br />


By: meghan feir<br />

Just as Frank Sinatra goes through life in the song “It<br />

Was A Very <strong>Good</strong> Year” <strong>–</strong> how he went from being 21 and<br />

dating city girls with perfumed hair to being 35 and going<br />

for blue-blooded girls of independent means <strong>–</strong> dates can<br />

change flavor over time. Perhaps one of these intensely<br />

stereotyped stages fit your current situation.<br />

For the half-boy, half-man<br />

Okay, so you’re not quite a kid, but not yet an adult,<br />

in a sense or more. It was hard to choose between playing<br />

video games and hanging out with an attractive woman,<br />

but you decided it was time for a change of pace. A date it<br />

is! (Or is it?)<br />

If one or both of you are bad conversationalists, do an<br />

activity, or go to a movie, like so many conventional dates<br />

of the 20th century. Fill your mouth with popcorn, instead<br />

of words. If you proceed to go on other dates, talking<br />

will be necessary, at some point. If you tend to draw a<br />

blank, ask questions about the other person, even if the<br />

only question that pops into your head is why she chose<br />

blue nail polish and not pink. (Hey, it’s something.) You<br />

should also consider taking her to the Fryn’ Pan Family<br />

Restaurant on Main Avenue anytime after 10 p.m.<br />

Stuck in the middle class with you<br />

Save your money and go to <strong>The</strong> Olive Garden. If it’s<br />

your birthday, go to Paradiso. Wear nice pants, a collared<br />

shirt and comb your hair. Offer to pick her up, especially<br />

if the roads are icy. If she says she can drive herself, okay.<br />

Order chicken alfredo. You’ve tried it before, and it was<br />

pretty good.<br />

As a fine middle-classer, you’re more grounded and<br />

down to earth than some of your counterparts. You don’t<br />

immediately assume people are using you, and you no<br />

8<br />

longer live in your parents’ basement <strong>–</strong> two winning<br />

features that can help you rest easy at night.<br />

My piece of advice for you: Don’t be afraid to try<br />

something out of the ordinary <strong>–</strong> your ordinary. Go out<br />

for some sushi; go on a picnic; pretend you’re more<br />

romantic of a man than you’ve ever considered yourself<br />

to be, which may inspire unique ideas, like composing yet<br />

another variation of the “Roses are red/ Violets are blue”<br />

poem.<br />

<strong>The</strong> man with more than one suit in his closet<br />

If you’re considered “successful” in the eyes of society<br />

because you’re making bank and wear a suit every day to<br />

the office, you should consider bringing this class to the<br />

dating field. Your father taught you that women are only<br />

after one thing <strong>–</strong> your money <strong>–</strong> so, instead of your heart,<br />

wear money on your sleeves. Due to the copious number<br />

of jokes, memes and Ecards found on the Interwebs<br />

dealing with women and wine, it’s probable that many<br />

females (excluding me) would enjoy an expensive bottle<br />

of the substance. If there’s a vineyard anywhere in the<br />

area, take her there. You can pretend you’re 18 percent<br />

Italian, which will increase your appeal.<br />

If you’re a combination of these three groupings,<br />

whatever <strong>–</strong> you’re on your own.<br />

In all seriousness, if you’re interested in someone, go<br />

for it. Ask them on a date. “Just do it,” as Nike would tell<br />

you. Don’t wait for months or years because someone else<br />

will probably come along while you’re still contemplating<br />

if it’s worth the effort and risk of potential pain. Prevent<br />

regret.<br />

If you are unsure of what she would like to do and<br />

where she would like to go, discuss the possibilities with<br />

her. A novel idea, I know.

Four Local Artists Take<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir Work To <strong>The</strong> Streets<br />

By: Alicia Underlee Nelson | PHOTOS BY: URBAN TOAD MEDIA<br />

Some of the most interesting art in the region isn’t hanging on a wall. Although you<br />

can find work by Scotch “Noel” Anderson, Beau Fraase, Eric A. Johnson and Punchgut in<br />

galleries and museums across the Red River Valley, these guys believe in knocking art off its pedestal<br />

and into people’s faces. You’ll find their designs emblazoned on T-shirts, on that gig poster that catches your<br />

eye at the coffee shop, at street fairs and studio tours, in underground art zines, on Etsy, in the pages of<br />

your local paper and even on the dumpster behind your favorite bar. Here’s what makes them tick.<br />



Noel “Scotch” Anderson’s cartoony style (which he said is “sandwiched<br />

somewhere between old Warner Brothers’ animation, Mad magazine, and the<br />

underground comics of the sixties and seventies”) is a gleeful mash-up inspired<br />

by everything he loves <strong>–</strong> B movies, action figures, “straight-to-VHS 80s classics”,<br />

comic books and humor magazines. “Seems the more pop culture garbage I<br />

have to look at, the more I feel the need to create and put out my own special<br />

brand of debauchery into the world,” said Anderson.<br />

And create he has. Anderson’s paintings and pen and ink comics, combined<br />

with his wit and multitasking skills have earned him a career that’s as multifaceted<br />

as he is. When he’s not working on his latest creations in the basement studio<br />

of the Hawley home he shares with his wife and kids, he’s either the air on<br />

Rock 102, regaling readers with his<br />

own unique blend of art and satire on<br />

his website, goofroof.com, or cranking<br />

out clever takes on the headlines<br />

for his gig at <strong>The</strong> Forum. He’s been<br />

a regular contributor to Cracked<br />

Magazine and Hustler in the past and<br />

last year he created his own magazine,<br />

the happily low-tech zine Art Riot,<br />

which he manages with fellow artist<br />

Beau Fraase.<br />

“We felt there was really a need for<br />

an underground art magazine in Fargo<br />

and so we knuckled down and found<br />

some other like-minded artists and<br />

made it happen,” said Anderson. “We<br />

have a really talented arts community<br />

in Fargo and if you can show young<br />

people that that’s something to be<br />

valued, they may take interest in it<br />

themselves and contribute something<br />

to the culture. I think that’s a lot more<br />

important than them being raised<br />

thinking that vapid, soulless, celebrities<br />

like the Kardashians, who contribute<br />

absolutely nothing of artistic value, are<br />

to be emulated.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> pay-off for creating something<br />

new is its own reward, says Anderson.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> good life for me is knowing that my<br />

art is getting seen and that quite possibly<br />

it is putting a smile on somebody’s face,<br />

if even for just a few seconds.”<br />



Graphic designer Beau Fraase’s work is everywhere <strong>–</strong> but you might not know its<br />

his. And he’s okay with that. “Most of it is throw-away, pop culture art that hangs in<br />

barrooms, is printed on T-shirts, or posted on the Internet,” he said. “When it works,<br />

it makes you want to see a band, feel cool in your clothes, or at least gives you a<br />

chuckle.”<br />

Fraase, who’s operated Boneskot Design Co. in Fargo with Scott Syverson since<br />

2006, has been creating for as long as he can remember. “I was the kid in the back of<br />

the class drawing pictures of the teacher to make my friends laugh,” he said.<br />

Now the Fargo resident creates images and branding campaigns for Boneskot<br />

Design Co. customers as well as gigposters, CD designs and other branding elements<br />

for local bands and performers like local favorites October Road and 24SEVEN.<br />

Although his style shifts to accommodate his clients’ needs, combining graphic punch<br />

with a distressed or gritty element for contrast is<br />

a Beau Fraase signature.<br />

He’s already living his own version of the<br />

good life, which is “to make enough of a living<br />

doing what you love so that you don’t have to do<br />

anything else. And being good enough at it so<br />

that others don’t tell you what to create — they<br />

want what you do.”<br />

With a thriving business under his belt,<br />

Fraase is especially excited to introduce local art<br />

fans to emerging artists on the pages of Art Riot.<br />

“I believe supporting your local arts is<br />

important because they are the benchmarks<br />

of local culture. <strong>The</strong>y record (and sometimes<br />

question) the thoughts, feelings, and happenings<br />

of your area for a point in time,” he said. “As a<br />

society we’ve heard the top 40 pop tunes, seen<br />

enough reality show reruns, and bought enough<br />

Tapout shirts — see what’s out there locally.”<br />



Printmaker Eric A. Johnson’s work is instantly recognizable as his. His<br />

prints pulse with energy, motion and Johnson’s characteristic use of vivid<br />

color. Making them requires painstaking attention to detail.<br />

Johnson uses the reductive relief printmaking method, made famous by<br />

Picasso in the 50s. He knows printmaking is a mystery to most non-artists, so<br />

the educator (who is an adjunct professor at NDSU, Mayville State University<br />

and Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Detroit Lakes and<br />

Wadena and also serves an Artist Development Residency at NDSU) is used to<br />

telling people how the process works.<br />

“This method uses one block to print a multicolored image instead of<br />

using one block for each color,” he continued. “<strong>The</strong> first color is printed from<br />

the largest area of the block. After printing a color, the area of the print that is<br />

intended to stay that color must be cut from the block. As the image develops,<br />

the block is reduced with each cutting.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> process requires patience and planning, but the results are worth<br />

the effort. Johnson’s colorful trees and swirling cityscapes are favorites with<br />

national and international buyers and corporate collections, but he also sells<br />

other types of prints and smaller items like magnets and cards on Etsy.com<br />

(under the shop name EAJarts) and at Gallery 4 in downtown Fargo so that<br />

anybody can purchase his work, no matter their budget.<br />

When he’s not teaching or hanging out with his wife Dera and their kids<br />

at home in Hillsboro, ND home, you can find him in his studio space in<br />

the Printmaking Education and Research Studio (or PEARS) at NDSU’s<br />

Renaissance Hall in downtown Fargo.<br />

Johnson is a fierce advocate for the arts and art education and he’s happy<br />

to discuss his work with anyone who’s curious.<br />

“I think for me the ‘good life’ is being able to continue to make art,” said<br />

Johnson. “It’s rewarding for me to see something go from a sketch or marks on<br />

a plate to something that is on the wall in a gallery or in someone’s home in a<br />

frame. It’s almost as much fun for me to see what people think of my work as<br />

it is making it.”<br />



Punchgut<br />

Punchgut cut his teeth on screenprinted gig posters and<br />

they helped make his name. His posters for acts like Lucinda<br />

Williams, Sharon Jones and <strong>The</strong> Dap Kings and Queens of the<br />

Stone Age are collector favorites on his website, punchgut.com,<br />

and they landed him in the pages of “<strong>The</strong> Art of Modern Rock:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Poster Explosion”, which is basically the gigposter hall of<br />

fame.<br />

He hasn’t left screenprinting behind, but these days the<br />

Fargo artist is flirting with other media, from pencil sketches,<br />

stickers and T-shirts to spray paint applied to interesting pieces<br />

of salvaged wood and tin that catch his eye. He even painted a<br />

dumpster as part of a public art installation last fall.<br />

His inspiration is similarly eclectic. “Inspiration can come<br />

from everything and anything,” said Punchgut. “A clip from<br />

a movie, a line from a song, a shadow on a passing train or<br />

a middle finger from a passing car….anything can spark an<br />

image. I try and take notes on my phone as soon as they pop<br />

into my head because they can quickly be replaced by taco<br />

daydreams.”<br />

No matter the media, Punchgut’s work almost always<br />

combines dreaminess and darkness. Even his most quiet and<br />

reflective pieces — the ones inspired by his children or the<br />

North Fargo neighborhood where he works and lives with his<br />

family — aren’t immune to this effect, so even his images of<br />

softly falling snow or an ocean of prairie sky have a just a hint<br />

of menace about them.<br />

This dichotomy is essential to Punchgut’s work and to his<br />

definition of the good life. “I always try and break things down<br />

to the basics, have more good times than bad times with people<br />

you love. That’s really all it is. Enjoy what you do with people<br />

you enjoy,” he said, shrugging off the philosophical question<br />

with characteristic Punchgut aplomb. “I’m a simpleton.”<br />

One of the simple pleasures he recommends is to support<br />

local artists. “We have our house filled with great local pieces<br />

that brighten my day,” he said. “So it’s important to support<br />

local artists so you can show your out-of-state friends they are<br />

not sooooo cool and we DO NOT buy art from gas stations.”<br />

Words to live by.<br />



movement began in the mid to<br />

late 1950’s. It was a movement<br />

based off of one question:<br />

How could someone build a<br />

fast, customized car, without having<br />

to come up with lots of cash in order<br />

to do so? <strong>The</strong> answer: by building<br />

a car from, basically, whatever was<br />

laying around the shop, scrap yard or,<br />

even, the side of the road.<br />

According to Mark Schefter, a<br />

local rat rodder who began building<br />

rat rods in 1975, “You put whatever<br />

you have together. For example, one<br />

of my first rides had lawn chairs for<br />

18<br />

seats.” In other words, it’s not about<br />

the cost, it’s about having fun with<br />

the creative process and coming up<br />

with the wildest ideas you can.<br />

In a show of true American<br />

ingenuity and resourcefulness, car<br />

lovers began simply piecing together<br />

cars from parts that they could find<br />

almost anywhere or by building the<br />

needed parts themselves. <strong>The</strong> result<br />

was the creation of a whole new<br />

genre of cars called rat rods.<br />

<strong>The</strong> name, ‘rat rods,’ means<br />

pretty much just what it sounds<br />

like. Custom built cars that are built<br />

without aesthetics in mind. <strong>The</strong><br />

engine may be from a truck, while<br />

the frame may come from a salvaged<br />

street racer from the 1970’s. It’s about<br />

total customization, without the<br />

constraints of cost and social norms.<br />

Rat rodding has gained more and<br />

more of a following over the years.<br />

With the cost of buying, driving and<br />

maintaining a car continuing to go<br />

up, car enthusiasts with the desire<br />

to build their own cars continue to<br />

look for cheaper ways of doing so.<br />

Building a rat rod is becoming one of<br />

the most popular options.

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> stopped by the<br />

shop of Mark Schefter and some<br />

other local rat rodders to see just<br />

what building a rat rod was all about.<br />

We came up with five reasons that<br />

you need to check this hobby out.<br />

#1. It’s a Chance to be Creative<br />

and ‘Manly’, at the same time.<br />

Let’s be clear, building a rat ride<br />

is just about the furthest things from<br />

knitting or pottery that you can do.<br />

It’s about busting out the blowtorch<br />

and making your vision of a<br />

completely custom car a reality. “You<br />

can put together your car however<br />

you want,” said Haybale, who’s been<br />

building rods since 1971. “You don’t<br />

have to be politically correct. You just<br />

mix and match parts, make sure your<br />

cars safe, and you’re all set.”<br />

According to the guys, rat rodding<br />

isn’t just confined to car, either.<br />

Motorcycles and trucks are just as easy<br />

to cheaply customize as car. “That’s<br />

getting to be a big thing too, now.”<br />

Said Kenny J, a rat rod enthusiast<br />

since the late 1950’s. “I’ve seen some<br />

bobbers being made out of 350<br />

Hondas and lots of things. When you<br />

go to these car shows, you’ll see some<br />

pretty wild stuff.”<br />

Rat Rod cars typically consist of<br />

a frame and spare parts, most likely<br />

salvaged from a scrap yard or car<br />

auction. All you need, according to<br />

the guys, is a few dollars for the parts,<br />

some tools and creativity. Rat rods<br />

have been made using parts from<br />

tractors, busses, decommissioned<br />

race cars and even lawnmower parts.<br />

#2. It’s not as Expensive as You<br />

Think.<br />

One of the most glaring<br />

differences between building a rat rod<br />

and what most people would consider<br />

more ‘traditional’ car restorations is<br />

the cost. Instead of plunking down<br />


20<br />

hundreds, sometimes thousands of<br />

dollars for club dues, car parts and a<br />

paint job, all a one needs in order to<br />

make their own rat rod is a car frame,<br />

tools and an imagination. According<br />

to Kenny J, “<strong>The</strong>re’s no washing your<br />

car, or maintenance. You can mix and<br />

match [parts] and, as long as it’s safe,<br />

you’re good to go!” Kenny J has been<br />

customizing rat rods since 1958.<br />

“It’s something we’ve always enjoyed<br />

doing.”<br />

#3. It’s Not a Car Club.<br />

“We aren’t a club,” said Schefter.<br />

Instead, the term ‘rat rods,’ serves<br />

more as a theme or backdrop for<br />

anyone who wants to build a car from<br />

outside the traditional process of<br />

custom car building. Over the years,<br />

rat rodders have, sort of, found each<br />

other and built their cars together.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re aren’t any club meetings,<br />

monthly newsletters or charity rides.<br />

Instead, there’s a, “loose consortium,”<br />

of guys who want to build an awesome<br />

custom car, on a budget.<br />

#4. Rat Rods are Unique and offer<br />

Owners the Chance to Express<br />


“<strong>The</strong> weirdest thing is, we will go<br />

to a car show and there could be a<br />

million dollar car sitting there, and<br />

people won’t even pay attention to<br />

it. <strong>The</strong>y wanna see the $600 rat rod,<br />

because it’s special and they’ve never<br />

seen anything like it.” said Schefter.<br />

America’s eye has, traditionally,<br />

been drawn to the flashier side of<br />

things. <strong>The</strong> biggest houses, the nicest<br />

clothes, the most expensive cars,<br />

and the newest gadget always seem<br />

to get the most attention. That is…<br />

except in the case of rat rods. In this<br />

case, spectators are drawn to the<br />

uniqueness, ingenuity and creativity<br />

used to, literally, weld, bolt and piece<br />

a fully functional car together using<br />

old spare parts.<br />

#5. Building a Rat Rod is a Passion<br />

Project, with No Time Limit.<br />

According to the local rat<br />

rodders we talked to, you can take<br />

a year or two to build your ride, or<br />

if you had to, you could piece one<br />

together in a few weeks. It’s about<br />

building your car, how you want it,<br />

at your pace.<br />

As time goes on and the cost<br />

of everyday hobbies continues<br />

to go up, people will continue to<br />

find cheap and easy ways to do the<br />

things that they love. Rat rodding<br />

is a perfect example this. You don’t<br />

need money, membership, or a<br />

leather jacket saying that your part<br />

of something. Living the good life<br />

according to Mark, Kenny J, and<br />

Haybale, means doing what they<br />

love. And what they love to do<br />

is build sweet custom rides on a<br />

shoestring budget and at their pace.<br />

So, since a rat rod is built out of<br />

a collection of spare parts, one could<br />

think of it as the ultimate ‘collector’<br />

car. Do ya see what I did there?....<br />


W<br />

hen Richard Early<br />

started Paradox<br />

Comics in 1993, he had<br />

no idea his once-small<br />

game and comic book store, tucked<br />

away off Broadway, would turn into<br />

a local ‘Mecca’ for local comic fans<br />

and gamers. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> stopped<br />

by Paradox, located at 26 Roberts<br />

Street North, in Fargo, to check things<br />

out and to see how Early turned his<br />

passion for comics into a successful<br />

business.<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> (GL): How did you get into<br />

comic books and collecting?<br />

Richard Early (RE): I’ve been into<br />

comic books since I was about 5 years<br />

old. I also got into lots of different<br />

role playing games and things in high<br />

school. <strong>The</strong>n, in the early eighties,<br />

the industry was booming and it,<br />

eventually, became something I<br />

stumbled into doing as a job.<br />

GL: Do you have a favorite comic book<br />

character or hero?<br />


RE: When I was growing up, <strong>The</strong> X-Men were the ultimate comics. This was<br />

even before <strong>The</strong> X-Men were a huge franchise. When I started reading them,<br />

there was actually only one X-Men comic book series being published.<br />

Early went on to explain that the Marvel comics are often the most<br />

appealing to younger readers, due to their realism, while DC Universe<br />

is more of a fantasy universe and more popular with teenage and adult<br />

readers.<br />

GL: Has there always been a strong fan base of comic book and gaming fans in this area?<br />

RE: When I opened in 1993, I was, unofficially, the sixth comic book shop in Fargo-Moorhead. Now, there<br />

are only two shops, but we do pretty well. Most readers, nowadays, are reading comics as a hobby and<br />

they want to collect them as well.<br />

Early described a fan base that has subtlety flourished, due in part to the rise in popularity of gaming,<br />

fantasy role playing, board games and graphic novels. Popular card games such as Magic the Gathering<br />

and graphic novels such as the blockbuster hit <strong>The</strong> Walking Dead have<br />

helped stores like Paradox<br />

Comics thrive over the years.<br />

Along with these factors come<br />

the influence of Hollywood<br />

and its blockbuster superhero<br />

franchises.<br />

GL: How has Hollywood impacted<br />

the world of comic books and<br />

gaming?<br />

RE: We’re in an interesting<br />

phase right now. We are in the<br />

midst of about a fifteen year<br />

run of movies based off of<br />

comic books. Hollywood has<br />

definitely helped sustain<br />

excitement in existing fans.<br />


I just don’t know how many [fans] these movies<br />

have created.<br />

Early posed the question of whether or not<br />

blockbuster Hollywood franchises, rather than<br />

serve as a conduit to comics, possible serve as an<br />

alternative to reading them instead.<br />

GL: Name a few Hollywood movies that you,<br />

personally, thought were terrible.<br />

RE: (laughs) Well Elektra was REALLY bad! I’d also<br />

have to throw Spiderman 3, X-Men 3 and Wolverine:<br />

Origins in there too.<br />

GL: Can you tell us the name of a popular series of<br />

comics that our readers may have never heard of?<br />

RE: That would have to be Saga by Brian K. Vaughan<br />

and illustrated by Fiona Staples. It’s currently<br />

outselling every Marvel and DC comic I’ve got on<br />

the shelves right now!<br />

GL: Lastly, have any comics ever sold for over a<br />

million dollars?<br />

RE: <strong>The</strong>re definitely has been ones that have,<br />

especially in the last three or four years. <strong>The</strong><br />

most interesting phenomenon now is that 1960’s<br />

comics are starting to really<br />

go up in value. People are<br />

collecting comics with the first<br />

appearances of Spiderman<br />

or Wolverine, for examples.<br />

<strong>The</strong> values of those comics are<br />

skyrocketing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next time you find yourself<br />

downtown and looking for<br />

something to do, be sure to make<br />

a stop at Paradox and check out<br />

their selections of today’s most<br />

popular games and comics.<br />

Whether you’re looking for a new<br />

hobby or looking to add to your<br />

collections, Richard Early and<br />

his staff at Paradox Comics-N-<br />

Games has you covered.<br />


For those wanting to check out Paradox Comics,<br />

they open at 10am Monday through Saturday,<br />

and are open from 12pm until 5pm on Sundays.<br />

Also, be sure to check out their weekly gaming<br />

sessions, held in in-store and in their new Event<br />

Center located on the premises. Paradox also<br />

hosts a monthly Tabletop Night, which is held<br />

on the first Saturday of every month.<br />

Lastly, be on the lookout for the Paradox<br />

Comics booth at both of the yearly comic and<br />

gaming conventions, Comic Con and Valley Con,<br />

held at the Doublewood Inn, in Fargo. For more<br />

information on Paradox and these conventions,<br />

visit their websites or Facebook pages.<br />



Growing up in the Midwest, shooting sports is a<br />

pretty common hobby. Dave Gaboury has been involved<br />

with shooting sports his whole life, but when the local<br />

law enforcement center decided its indoor range was no<br />

longer available to local club shooters, incentive arose for<br />

a public center where anyone could come and practice<br />

shooting.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are a few outdoor shootings ranges in the area,<br />

but winter typically poses a problem, which is one reason<br />

Gaboury joined as a member right when the Red River<br />

Regional Marksmanship Center opened in the fall of<br />

2009. <strong>The</strong>n he started as a volunteer working at the front<br />

desk before he was certified to be a range safety officer.<br />

Later, he became a board member for the facility.<br />

<strong>The</strong> center’s indoor pistol range has 15 50-foot<br />

shooting lanes with a moveable target. A range safety<br />

officer is always on duty to answer questions, provide<br />

tips and help with any safety concerns that may arise.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are safety rules posted throughout the facility that<br />

everyone must follow.<br />

26<br />

Gaboury said the feedback for the facility has been<br />

overwhelming positive since the facility opened.<br />

“People are amazed we have a facility of<br />

this type in the Fargo/Moorhead/West Fargo<br />

metro area since we have a lower population<br />

center than a lot of ranges,” Dave Gaboury<br />

said. “It takes a certain population size to be<br />

able to successfully run a business like this.”<br />

Everyone must check in at the front desk, where<br />

volunteers will determine if the person is a member or not<br />

and if he or she has entered the facility before. If not, they<br />

will receive a safety briefing about gun safety and the rules<br />

of the center before entering the pistol range. Everyone<br />

must wear eye and ear protection, but they<br />

don’t have to be a member to shoot at the<br />

facility; anyone can walk in, pay<br />

a daily shooting<br />

fee, sign



a liability waiver and receive a safety briefing before<br />

practicing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> center is a volunteer-run organization that<br />

doesn’t have a retail gun shop on the property. While<br />

some ranges rent firearms and sell ammunition to<br />

patrons, shooters here need to bring their own firearms<br />

and ammunition. Since the building can’t profit from<br />

income generated in a retail gun shop, volunteers are<br />

very important. <strong>The</strong> center partners with retail stores<br />

in the Fargo-Moorhead area that sell guns and supplies<br />

with the use of shoot cards that entitle someone who<br />

just bought guns or accessories to stop by the center to<br />

shoot once for free.<br />

“It’s great for local retailers because they can tell<br />

people there is a range to try out the gun they just<br />

bought, here’s a card and it helps them close the sale,”<br />

Gaboury said. “It’s great for us, too, because then we<br />

get another shooter in the door and they can see the<br />

facility, and if they like it, they may consider buying a<br />

membership.”<br />


<strong>The</strong> facility also has a classroom with an air gun<br />

range, which has a maximum distance of 10 meters. <strong>The</strong><br />

classroom is used by the North Dakota State University<br />

marksmanship team, as well as kids enrolled in the<br />

junior air rifle or junior air pistol programs and other<br />

shooting sports enthusiasts.<br />

External instructors teach a variety of courses<br />

that cover topics like concealed carry laws, hunters’<br />

education, classes for beginners and more. In both<br />

Minnesota and North Dakota, an individual must have<br />

a permit to carry a concealed weapon, so the class details<br />

that process, as well as the laws for other states a person<br />

may be interested in.<br />

Classes for beginners detail the appropriate way to<br />

handle firearms, shoot properly, clean them and the<br />

other basics. <strong>The</strong>re are also classes for kids who are just<br />

starting to learn about and shoot firearms called the<br />

junior air rifle and junior air pistol programs. <strong>The</strong> Boy<br />

Scouts, for example, have some merit badges<br />

related to shooting sports. Some 4-H<br />

groups come to the center to<br />

learn and practice from<br />

time to time as well.<br />

An underground<br />

rifle range now<br />

being built on<br />


the property with its own lobby is expected to open this<br />

spring. Shooters will be able to shoot any caliber rifles a<br />

full 100 meters underground, so many more training and<br />

practice opportunities will be available than the center<br />

currently is able to offer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rifle range will have six 100-meter lanes. <strong>The</strong><br />

hours have yet to be determined, and Gaboury said they<br />

have the flexibility to set them differently than the pistol<br />

range. He said many people are anxiously waiting for the<br />

rifle range to open.<br />

He also said the most important responsibility of a<br />

gun owner involves safety, such as knowing your state’s<br />

gun laws, handling a gun properly, making sure the gun<br />

is pointed in a safe direction, keeping your finger off the<br />

trigger until the gun is pointed at the target and you’re<br />

ready to fire, knowing what is behind the target before<br />

shooting and more.<br />

“As a range, our goal is to facilitate shooting sports in<br />

the Fargo-Moorhead area,” Gaboury said. “<strong>The</strong> addition<br />

of our new rifle range will be a big win for local shooters.”<br />




In 1996 Bryan Kutter was still<br />

in high school when he made<br />

the career decision that ten<br />

years later placed him in the<br />

sites of a sniper. One bullet<br />

changed Staff Sergeant Bryan Kutter<br />

physically for the remainder of his life<br />

and ultimately determined the end of<br />

a long planned and hoped for twenty<br />

year career.<br />

With a waiver approved and<br />

signed by his parents, Bryan joined<br />

the Minnesota Army National Guard<br />

when he was going into his senior<br />

year of high school. Joining his<br />

company for weekend trainings and<br />

drills, Bryan graduated from Fergus<br />

Falls High in 1997 and for the next<br />

several years between continuous<br />

training with the Army National<br />

Guard and deployments to Bosnia<br />

and Kosovo in 2002-2003 he worked<br />

for Menards, where he met a pretty coworker<br />

named Amanda who became<br />

his wife in 2005, three weeks prior to<br />

shipping out for a six month training<br />

in Mississippi followed by what<br />

he expected to be a sixteen month<br />

deployment to Iraq.<br />




photo submitted by: Bryan Kutter<br />

photo submitted by: Bryan Kutter<br />

As a gunner on a Bradly Vehicle, Staff Sergeant Kutter was with his<br />

battalion in Iraq only seventy-five days into their mission of clearing<br />

areas of IED’s and securing a village from insurgents when he was<br />

taking the place of Commander Eric Marts seat up-top, purveying the<br />

area behind what the military refer to as the “Pope Glass.” Call it bad<br />

timing or just bad luck, but as he stood behind the Pope Glass with<br />

his arms folded, watching the action and movement below he heard<br />

and recognized the sound as the sniper’s bullet rang out from inside a<br />

Mosque hitting SSG Kutter in the left elbow, traveled up and through<br />


photoS submitted by: Bryan Kutter<br />

his arm into his neck and finally<br />

exiting inside the collar of his body<br />

armour. Suddenly the excruciating<br />

agony of being hit combined with<br />

the gush of blood bursting from his<br />

arm hit within nano seconds.<br />

Kutter’s screams of torment<br />

brought his driver up from the<br />

second tier of the Bradley and<br />

within seconds Gunner Mike<br />

Felt pulled Kutter down into the<br />

bottom tier while attempting to<br />

stop the profuse bleeding with<br />

pressure and tourniquets as he<br />

32<br />

called the Medevac’s for more<br />

help. One tourniquet broke, but<br />

Gunner Felt managed to apply<br />

the second tourniquet, then their<br />

Bradley driver drove to an outpost<br />

about a mile away. Amazingly<br />

with unimaginable proficiency<br />

SSG Kutter was lifted aboard a<br />

helicopter within 14 minutes to<br />

fly him to Camp Taqaddum, Iraq,<br />

where his medical team attached an<br />

external fixator (metal bar) in order<br />

to keep Kutter’s arm stable. From<br />

Taqaddum he went on to Balad<br />

(Iraq) then into Germany where<br />

he stayed for three nights and two<br />

days.<br />

Staff Sergeant Bryan Kutter’s<br />

long journey of pain, surgeries,<br />

physical and occupational therapies<br />

for the next several months were just<br />

beginning. After Germany, Kutter<br />

was flown to Andrews Air Force<br />

Base in Washington, D.C., then on<br />

to Augusta, Georgia’s Ft. Gordon’s<br />

Eisenhower Army Medical Center to<br />

face more surgeries and months of<br />



Not wanting to frighten Amanda<br />

any more than necessary, Kutter<br />

practiced how to ‘understate’ his<br />

condition yet let her know he needed<br />

her with him. <strong>The</strong>re is a seven hour<br />

difference between Minnesota and<br />

where SSG Kutter was able to call<br />

Amanda from and knowing that<br />

he would awaken her at that hour<br />

of the morning, SSG Kutter tried<br />

to sound as “up-beat as possible”<br />

in order to not send Amanda into<br />

a frantic worrying frenzy. Amanda<br />

was happy to hear the voice of her<br />

far away groom as she shook off her<br />

sleepy fog. As Kutter calmly said,<br />

“Well, there’s<br />

good news and<br />

some bad news.”<br />

Now fully awake, Amanda asked for<br />

the bad news first. “ I’ve been shot”<br />

Kutter said still trying not to alarm<br />

Amanda any more than he knew<br />

she already would be. Amanda sat<br />

listening then finally asked “what’s<br />

the good news?” And just as Kutter<br />

began to tell her “I’m coming home,”<br />

the phones went dead on both<br />

ends. While it was only a matter of<br />

minutes before their satellite feed<br />

was reengaged and they were able to<br />

hear one another again, for Amanda<br />

it seemed an eternity! Once back on<br />

the line Bryan was able to finish his<br />

sentence and said “I’m coming home.”<br />


photo submitted by: Bryan Kutter<br />

34<br />

Amanda Kutter, Bryan’s mother<br />

(Tamrie Kohoutek of Detroit Lakes,<br />

MN.,) and Bryan’s father, (Keith<br />

Kutter of Breckenridge, MN.,) all<br />

flew to Ft. Gordon to be with Bryan.<br />

Amanda was the first to arrive very<br />

late the same night that Kutter was<br />

flown to Eisenhower Medical at Ft.<br />

Gordon. It was after the surgery<br />

two days later that Bryan’s parents<br />

arrived. As an only child not being<br />

with him was extremely stressful<br />

coupled with Kutter’s medical team<br />

still were not able to determine<br />

definitively whether they would be<br />

able to save his arm or not. At this<br />

point, all anyone could tell them<br />

was that they were doing all they<br />

could. And after the first surgery<br />

at Ft. Gordon, the doctors inserted<br />

two plates, one pin and some 25<br />

screws into his arm.<br />

As the second surgery required<br />

more blood to be transfused into<br />

Kutter, he started to feel the worst<br />

he had felt since the beginning<br />

when he had been shot. At one<br />

point Kutter said “for the first time<br />

I thought I just might die.” As the<br />

medical experts prepared Kutter<br />

for his second surgery, this one to<br />

graft skin from his leg to the gaping<br />

wound on his bi-cep, Kutter was<br />

getting the last of five extra pints<br />

of blood needed for the surgery.<br />

He began to react violently with<br />

jerks and gasps. <strong>The</strong> medical team<br />

began checking all the lines hooked<br />

to Kutter one by one. Whatever<br />

was going on inside him was not<br />

getting better, only worse. Finally<br />

after several questions and checks<br />

with rechecks were going on a<br />

doctor in the surgical room simply<br />

said “when all else fails, return<br />

to the original path.” And with<br />

that the doctor grabbed the blood<br />

transfusion line being pumped into<br />

Kutter and unplugged it. Within<br />

mere minutes, Bryan Kutter felt his<br />

life had been saved yet again. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

found the blood Kutter was having<br />

pumped into him for the surgery<br />

had bacteria in it that was causing<br />

him to basically shut down.

Some five months later, after being in an activeduty<br />

rehab unit at the Augusta Veterans Hospital<br />

and also in an out-patient wing at Eisenhower,<br />

Kutter was sent back home, to Minnesota. In<br />

August, Bryan and Amanda spent their very first<br />

wedding anniversary together when Amanda flew<br />

back to Ft. Gordon to be with Bryan.<br />


In November of 2006, Bryan was able to transfer<br />

home through the Army Community Based Health<br />

Care Initiative. During his continued rehab, Bryan<br />

went through Merit Care in Fargo (aka Sanford).<br />

Kutter’s last surgery was in 2007. Bryan was awarded<br />

the Purple Heart for and Bronze Star Metal for his<br />

service in combat.<br />

Today Brian Kutter is retired from the Army<br />

with an Honorable Medical Disability and while he<br />

would never want to go through any of his ordeal<br />

ever again, when asked if he misses the Army, he<br />

doesn’t hesitate to answer “yes. I miss my friends in<br />

the service and I think the mission we were on had<br />

merit.” When asked about the injuries he sustained<br />

and how they have affected him, Bryan says due<br />

to the limitations and obvious disability of his left<br />

arm he’s not as physical as he once was. Basketball,<br />

a sport he played often and loved he is not able<br />

to push to the competitive level he<br />

once could. Golf is another sport<br />

he enjoyed but he rarely plays<br />

anymore nor does he go hunting<br />

as he did prior to the deployment<br />

to Iraq.<br />

Yet, even with his disability,<br />

Bryan understands that he escaped<br />

what could have been a much<br />

worse fate in Iraq and has learned<br />

to appreciate a much calmer and<br />

sane lifestyle.<br />

photo submitted by: Bryan Kutter<br />

Living the good life for<br />

Bryan today is enjoying<br />

the extra time he has to<br />

spend with Amanda and<br />

their two children,<br />

Avery and Madison.<br />

Bryan Kutter is a sales<br />

representative for Cross Insulation<br />

and Construction and enjoys being<br />

able to “just enjoy each day with<br />

my family.”<br />



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