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food<br />

Good Eats<br />

Three quick and easy vegan breakfasts<br />

By Julia Mettler-Grove<br />

Ending all consumption of animal meat and byproducts may sound extreme to some.<br />

But for me, veganism is a key part of my identity. I have tweaked my diet over the past<br />

17 years, transitioning from an omnivore, to a pescatarian, to a vegetarian, and, finally,<br />

to a vegan, diet. This change impacted how I felt at every meal, giving me a sense of integrity,<br />

mindfulness, empowerment and compassion — not to mention improved sleep and energy<br />

level<br />

Ṁy interest in health has been especially helpful in smoothly transitioning my diet through<br />

being well-informed. That interest flourished a year and a<br />

half ago, when I started a health and wellness blog<br />

called Avocados & Adventures.<br />

To provide you all with some easy, delicious<br />

and healthful dishes — which happen to be<br />

vegan — below are three recipes: Chia Seed<br />

Pudding, Steel Cut Oatmeal and Scrambled<br />

Tofu. Before you think, “I don’t like<br />

tofu,” or, “What is a chia seed?” I urge you<br />

to approach these recipes with a sense of<br />

adventure. And if adventure isn’t enough to<br />

entice you, all three contain a variety of micro-<br />

and macronutrients that will give you<br />

an energy boost, keep your blood sugar stable,<br />

and leave your mind and body feeling<br />

refreshed and ready to power through the<br />

day ahead.<br />

Steel Cut<br />

Oats<br />

About the Author: Julia Mettler-Grove’s blog<br />

Avocados & Adventures is updated weekly. Visit it at<br />

www.avocadosandadventures.squarespace.com.<br />

Ingredients:<br />

Start to Finish:<br />

25 minutes (5 minutes active)<br />

Servings: 4<br />

-4 cups water (and/or non-dairy milk)<br />

-1 cup uncooked steel-cut oats<br />

-2 large bananas, mashed<br />

-Pinch of salt<br />

-Toppings (ex. fruit, cinnamon, nut<br />

butter, flax seeds, coconut flakes, maple<br />

syrup, vanilla, coconut oil, nutmeg)<br />

Recipe:<br />

In a medium-sized pot, bring the<br />

liquid to a boil. Add in steel-cut<br />

oats and salt; reduce heat to low. Stir<br />

in the mashed banana. Simmer on<br />

low, uncovered, for 20-25 minutes,<br />

stirring occasionally. When the oats<br />

are creamy and tender, remove from<br />

heat, serve, add toppings, and enjoy!<br />


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