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Graphic by Chris Hunter<br />
A rendering of the new gym<br />
From<br />
with the current gymnasium building<br />
the<br />
and tennis courts. The<br />
Ashes<br />
new gym will be located behind the current gym and library.<br />
<strong>MPH</strong> embarks on a $5 million campus renovation<br />
By Suzannah Peckham<br />
Hundreds of white cards will lie<br />
beneath the floor of the new Manlius<br />
Pebble Hill athletic center.<br />
Wishes for Manlius Pebble Hill’s future are<br />
scrawled across the cards — student wishes<br />
for things like better Wi-Fi, more desserts<br />
and windmills for renewable energy. Similar<br />
to ashes from a fire, these cards supply the<br />
foundation for something fresh.<br />
The gym, rising like a phoenix from the<br />
ashes of our wishes, will be the first major<br />
physical change to campus as part of <strong>MPH</strong><br />
Rising, a school-wide initiative with four<br />
parts: improved campus facilities, increased<br />
faculty compensation, increased financial aid,<br />
and continued program innovation.<br />
These wish cards, like the student signatures<br />
scrawled on the beams of the library<br />
when it was built, represent the hopes of the<br />
community for <strong>MPH</strong> as it emerges from the<br />
rubble of its recent financial crisis.<br />
“It’s a way to have a little piece of each<br />
community member be part of the building,”<br />
said Jennifer Neuner, Director of Events and<br />
Communications.<br />
Ground was broken for the gym in December<br />
after several delays; the Town of De-<br />
Witt gave approval for construction of both<br />
the fine arts building and the gym on Nov. 3.<br />
<strong>MPH</strong> plans to finish construction of both in<br />
August. Completion of the gym will allow for<br />
the old gym to be converted into a two-story<br />
visual arts center with administrative offices,<br />
currently in the Farmhouse, on the second<br />
floor. Construction will also follow on a<br />
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,<br />
Mathmatics) park, which will be built over<br />
the course of several years.<br />
winter 2017 | 27