Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir


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Group II, depending on the carbohydrates and the amounts available, either produce<br />

mainly lactic acid, or a mixture of lactic, acetic, and formic acids, ethanol, and CO 2.<br />

Group III species ferment carbohydrates to a mixture of lactate, acetate, ethanol,<br />

and CO 2.<br />

The three Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies are used in the fermentation of<br />

dairy products, such as some cheeses and yogurt. They grow well at 45ºC and ferment<br />

lactose to produce large amounts of D(–) lactic acid. b-galactosidase in these subspecies<br />

is constitutive. Lab. acidophilus and Lab. reuteri are considered beneficial<br />

intestinal microbes (probiotic) and present in the small intestine. Lab. acidophilus<br />

is used to produce fermented dairy products and also either added to pasteurized<br />

milk or made into tablets and capsules for consumption as probiotics. It metabolizes<br />

lactose, and produces large amounts of D(–)-lactic acid. However, in Lab. acidophilus,<br />

b-galactosidase is generally inducible. Lab. helveticus is used to make some<br />

cheeses and ferment lactose to lactic acid (DL). Lab. casei ssp. casei is used in some<br />

fermented dairy products. It ferments lactose and produces L(+)-lactic acid. Some<br />

strains are also used as probiotic bacteria. Strains of Lab. casei ssp. rhamnosus (also<br />

called Lab. rhamnosus) are now used as a probiotic bacterium. Some strains of Lab.<br />

johnsonii are also used in probiotics. Lab. plantarum is used in vegetable and meat<br />

fermentation. It produces DL-lactic acid. Lab. curvatus and Lab. sake can grow at<br />

low temperatures (2 to 4ºC) and ferment vegetable and meat products. Lab. sake is<br />

used to ferment sake wine. Lab. kefir is important in the fermentation of kefir, an<br />

ethnic fermented sour milk. Lab. sanfrancisco is associated with other microorganisms<br />

in the fermentation of San Francisco sourdough bread. Lab. viridescens, Lab.<br />

curvatus, and Lab sake are associated with spoilage of refrigerated meat products. 2,4<br />

F. Oenococcus<br />

Oen. oeni, previously designated as Leu. oeni, has the general characteristics of<br />

Leuconostoc spp. It is found in the winery environment. It is sometimes used to<br />

accelerate malolactic fermentation in wine. The cells transport malate in wine and<br />

metabolize it to lactic acid and CO 2. This process reduces the acidity of wine.<br />

A. Bifidobacterium<br />

\<br />


They are morphologically similar to some Lactobacillus spp. and were previously<br />

included in the genus Lactobacillus. The cells are Gram-positive, rods of various<br />

shapes and sizes, present as single cells or in chain of different sizes. They are<br />

nonsporeforming, nonmotile, and anaerobic, although some can tolerate O 2 in the<br />

presence of CO 2. The species grow optimally at 37 to 41ºC, with a growth temperature<br />

range of 25 to 45ºC. They usually do not grow at a pH above 8.0 or below<br />

4.5. They ferment glucose to produce lactic and acetic acid in a 2:3 molar ratio<br />

without producing CO 2, and also ferment lactose, galactose, and some pentoses. 2

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