Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir


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lactic acid in large amounts (mainly some Lactobacillus spp.) are commercially used<br />

for this purpose. At present, genetic studies are being conducted to develop strains<br />

by inactivating the D-lactate dehydrogenase system in species that have both the L<br />

and D systems and produce large amounts of a mixture of L(+)- and D(–)-lactic acid.<br />

Some of the species that produce L(+)-lactic acid (>90% or more) are Lactococcus<br />

lactis ssp. lactis and cremoris, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus. amylovorus,<br />

Lab. amylophilus, Lab. casei spp. casei, Lab. casei spp. rhamnosus, and Lab.<br />

divergens. Some of the common species used in food fermentation, namely Pediococcus<br />

acidilactici, Ped. pentosaceus, Lab. delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus and helvaticus,<br />

Lab. acidophilus, Lab. reuteri, and Lab. plantarum, produce a mixture of D(–)and<br />

L(+)-lactic acids, with 20 to 70% being L(+)-lactic acid. 2<br />

E. Heterolactic Fermentation of Carbohydrates<br />

Hexoses are metabolized to produce a mixture of lactic acid, CO 2, and acetate or<br />

ethanol by heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (Table 11.1). Species from genera<br />

Leuconostoc and Group III Lactobacillus lack fructose diphosphoaldolase (of EMP<br />

pathway), but have glucose phosphate dehydrogenase and xylulose phosphoketolase<br />

enzymes, which enable them to metabolize hexoses through phosphogluconatephosphoketolase<br />

pathway (or hexose monophosphate shunt) to generate energy. 3–8<br />

This pathway has an initial oxidative phase followed by a nonoxidative phase<br />

(Figure 11.3). In the oxidative phase, glucose following phosphorylation is oxidized<br />

to 6-phosphogluconate by glucose phosphate dehydrogenase and then decarboxylated<br />

to produce one CO 2 molecule and a 5C compound, ribulose-5-phosphate. In<br />

the nonoxidative phase, the 5C compound is converted to xylulose-5-phosphate,<br />

which, through hydrolysis, produces one glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and one acetyl<br />

phosphate. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is subsequently converted to lactate. Acetyl<br />

phosphate can be oxidized to yield acetate, or reduced to yield ethanol (depending<br />

on the O–R potential of the environment). Species differ in their abilities to produce<br />

ethanol, acetate, or a mixture of both. The end products are excreted into the<br />

environment.<br />

F. Metabolism of Pentoses<br />

The species in genera Leuconostoc and Group III Lactobacillus can ferment different<br />

pentose sugars by the pentose-phosphate pathway to produce ATP, lactate, and<br />

acetate, because they have the phosphoketolase enzyme. In Group II Lactobacillus,<br />

this enzyme is inducible and is produced only when a pentose is present in the<br />

environment. Although Ped. pentosaceus, Ped. acidilactici, and Lac. lactis can<br />

metabolize some pentoses, the pathways are not clearly known. 4–6,8<br />

The metabolizable pentoses by the Leuconostoc and Lactobacillus (Group II and<br />

Group III) are first converted to xylulose-5-phosphate by several different ways.<br />

Xylulose-5-phosphate is then metabolized to produce lactate and acetate or ethanol<br />

by the mechanisms described in the nonoxidizing portion of metabolism of hexoses<br />

by heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (Figure 11.3). No CO 2 is produced from<br />

the metabolism of pentoses through this pathway.<br />


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