Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir


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1. Axelsson, L.T., Lactic acid bacteria: classification and physiology, in Lactic Acid<br />

Bacteria, 2nd ed., Salminen, S. and von Wright, A., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York,<br />

1998, p. 1.<br />

2. Sneath, P.H.A., Eds., Bergey's Manual of Systemic Bacteriology, Vol. 2, Williams &<br />

Wilkins, Baltimore, 1986, pp. 1209, 1418.<br />

3. Lengeler, J.W., Drews, G., and Schlegel, H.G., Eds., Biology of Prokaryotes, Blackwell<br />

Science, New York, 2000, pp. 59, 68.<br />

4. Knadler, O., Carbohydrate metabolism in lactic acid bacteria, Ant. van Leeuwen., 49,<br />

209, 1983.<br />

5. Thompson, J., Lactic acid bacteria: novel system for in vivo studies of sugar transport<br />

and metabolism of Gram-positive bacteria, Biochimie., 70, 325, 1988.<br />

6. Poolman, B., Tansporters and their roles in LAB cell physiology, Ant. van Leeuwen.,<br />

82, 147, 2002.<br />

7. Ray, B. and Sandine, W.E., Acetic, propionic and lactic acids of starter culture bacteria<br />

as biopreservatives, in <strong>Food</strong> Biopreservatives of Microbial Origin, Ray, B. and Daeschel,<br />

M.A., Eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992, p. 103.<br />

8. Cogan, T.M. and Jordan, K.N., Metabolism of Leuconostoc bacteria, J. Dairy Sci.,<br />

77, 2704, 1994.<br />

9. Hugenholtz, J., Sybesma, W., Groot, M.N., Wisselink, W., Ladero, V., Burgess, K.,<br />

Van Sinderen, D., Piard, J-C., Eggink, G., Smid, E.J., Savoy, G., Sesma, F., Jansen,<br />

T., Hols, P., and Kleerebezmen, M., Metabolic engineering of lactic acid bacteria for<br />

the production of nutraceuticals, Ant. van Leeuwen., 82, 217, 2002.<br />

10. Hettinga, D.H. and Reinbold, G.W., The propionic-acid bacteria: a review, II. Metabolism,<br />

J. Milk <strong>Food</strong> Technol., 35, 358, 1972.<br />

11. Thomas, T.D. and Pritchard, G.G., Proteolytic enzymes of dairy starter cultures,<br />

FEMS Microbiol. Rev., 46, 245, 1987.<br />

12. Kunj, E.R.S., Mierau, I., Hagting, A., Poolman, B., and Konings, W.N., The proteolytic<br />

systems of lactic acid bacteria, Ant. van Leeuwen., 70, 187, 1996.<br />


1. Name two species of yeasts and briefly discuss the use of each in the production<br />

of fermented foods and food additives.<br />

2. List three mold species and indicate their specific uses in food bioprocessing.<br />

3. List the main carbohydrates, proteinaceous and NPN compounds, and lipids in<br />

food systems that starter-culture bacteria have at their disposal to metabolize.<br />

4. Discuss how lactic acid bacteria, while growing in milk, are able to transport<br />

lactose.<br />

5. What are the different types of food carbohydrates transported inside the lactic<br />

acid bacterial cells? Explain the functions of b-galactosidase and phospho-bgalactosidase.<br />

6. Define homolactic and heterolactic fermentation of carbohydrates by lactic acid<br />

bacteria. Give three examples of lactic acid bacteria in each fermentation group.<br />

7. List the end products (including energy generation) of homolactic and heterolactic<br />

fermentation when glucose is used as a substrate. Which enzymes play crucial<br />

roles in each pathway?

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