Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir

Fundamental Food Microbiology, Third Edition - Fuad Fathir


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12. Hugenholtz, J., Sybesma, W., Groot, M.N., Wisselink, W., Ladero, V., Burgess, K.,<br />

van Sinderen, D., Pirard, J-C., Eggink, G., Smid, E.J., Savoy, G., Sesma, F., Jansen,<br />

T., Hols, P., and Kleerebezen, M., Metabolic engineering of lactic acid bacteria for<br />

the production of nutraceuticals. Ant. van Leeuwen., 82, 217, 2002.<br />

13. Steidler, L., Fiers, W., and Remaut, E., Expression of human and murine interleukins<br />

in Lactococcus lactis, in Lactic Acid Bacteria: Current Advances in Metabolism,<br />

Genetics and Applications, Bozoglu, T.F. and Ray, B., Eds., Springer-Verlag, New<br />

York, 1996, p. 63.<br />

14. Steidler, L., In situ delivery of cytokines by genetically engineered Lactococcus lactis,<br />

Ant. van Leeuwen., 82, 323, 2002.<br />

15. Ray, B. and Miller, K.W., Pediocins (Pediococcus species), in Natural <strong>Food</strong> Antimicrobial<br />

Systems, Naidu, A.S., Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000.<br />

16. Klaenhammer, T. et al., Discovering lactic acid bacteria by genomics [a summary<br />

report of studies by the 35 authors], Ant. van Leeuwen., 82, 29, 2002.<br />

17. Bolotin, A., Wincker, P., Mauger, S., Jaillon, O., Malarme, K., Weissenback, J.,<br />

Ehrlich, S.D., and Sorokin, A., The complete genome sequence of the lactic acid<br />

bacterium Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis IL 1403, Geno. Res., 11, 731, 2001.<br />

18. Campo, N., Dias, M.J., Daveran-Mingot, M-L., Ritzenthaler, P., and LeBourgeois,<br />

P., Genome plasticity in Lactococcus lactis. Ant. van Leeuwen., 82, 123, 2002.<br />

19. Guedon, E., Jamet, E., and Renault, P., Gene regulation in Lactococcus lactis: the<br />

gap between predicted and characterized regulators. Ant. van Leeuwen., 82, 93, 2002.<br />

20. Desiere, F., Lucchini, S., Canchaya, C., Ventura, M., and Brüssow, H., Comparative<br />

genomic of phages and prophages in lactic acid bacteria, Ant. van Leeuwen., 88, 73,<br />

2002.<br />

21. Davidson, B.E., Llanos, R.M., Cancilla, M.R., and Hiller, A.J., Current research on<br />

the genetics of lactic acid production in lactic acid bacteria. Int. Dairy J., 5, 763, 1995.<br />


1. Discuss the important characteristics of plasmids in lactic acid bacteria.<br />

2. Discuss the characteristic differences between large and small plasmids in lactic<br />

acid bacteria.<br />

3. List five commercially important phenotypes that are plasmid linked in lactic acid<br />

bacteria and discuss their importance in relation to plasmid stability.<br />

4. Define and list the advantages and disadvantages of the following methods used<br />

in gene transfer: transduction, transfection, transformation, and protoplast fusion<br />

in lactic acid bacteria.<br />

5. Describe the process involved in conjugal transfer of DNA in lactic acid bacteria.<br />

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?<br />

6. Describe the technique involved in electrotransformation of DNA in lactic acid<br />

bacteria. Discuss the advantages of transferring DNA by this method over the<br />

other methods in lactic acid bacteria.<br />

7. Define the following terms and briefly discuss their importance in lactic acid<br />

bacteria: cryptic plasmid, plasmid replication, electrotransformation, IS-elements,<br />

and transposons.<br />

8. Define the term metabolic targeting. With a proper example, explain how metabolic<br />

targeting in lactic acid bacteria can be used to produce diacetyl, L(+) lactic<br />

acid, and folic acid in strains that have low ability to produce them.

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