History of Women Reel Listing
History of Women Reel Listing
History of Women Reel Listing
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Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142.<br />
Letters <strong>of</strong> Abelard and Heloise.<br />
London, Printed for J. Watts. 1743<br />
Item identification number 1; To which is prefix'd a<br />
particular account <strong>of</strong> their lives, amours, and<br />
misfortunes: extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle.<br />
Translated from the French by the late John Hughes,<br />
esq. 7th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
An alphabetical compendium <strong>of</strong> the various sects<br />
which have appeared in the world from the beginning<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Christian æ ra to the present day.<br />
Boston, Printed by B. Edes & sons. 1784<br />
Item identification number 3; with an appendix,<br />
containing a brief account <strong>of</strong> the different schemes <strong>of</strong><br />
religion now embraced among mankind. The whole<br />
collected from the best authors, ancient and modern.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
A summary history <strong>of</strong> New-England, from the<br />
first settlement at Plymouth, to the acceptance <strong>of</strong> the<br />
federal Constitution.<br />
Dedham [Mass.] Printed for the author, by H. Mann<br />
& J. H. Adams. 1799<br />
Item identification number 4; Comprehending a<br />
general sketch <strong>of</strong> the American war.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
[Adams, John], 1750-1814.<br />
Woman.<br />
London, Printed for G. Kearsley. 1790<br />
Item identification number 5; Sketches <strong>of</strong> the history,<br />
genius, disposition accomplishments, employments,<br />
customs and importance <strong>of</strong> the fair sex, in all parts <strong>of</strong><br />
the world. Interspersed with many singular and<br />
entertaining anecdotes. by a friend to the sex.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
An Address to the ladies, shewing how hazardous<br />
matrimony is found to enter upon at this time.<br />
London, Printed by T. and J. W. Pasham. 1767<br />
Item identification number 5.1; by a young batchelor.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Advice from a lady <strong>of</strong> quality to her children, in the<br />
last stage <strong>of</strong> a lingering illness.<br />
Boston, Printed and sold by S. Hall. 1796<br />
Item identification number 6; Translated from the<br />
French by S. Glasse.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
1<br />
Agrippa, von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius,<br />
1486?-1535.<br />
The glory <strong>of</strong> women; or, A treatise declaring the<br />
excellency and preheminence <strong>of</strong> women above men,<br />
which is proved both by scripture, law, reason, and<br />
authority, divine and humane.<br />
London, Printed for Robert Ibbitson. 1652<br />
Item identification number 7; Written first in Latine<br />
by Henricus Cornelius Agrippa ... and now translated<br />
into English for the vertuous and beautifull female<br />
sex <strong>of</strong> the commonwealth <strong>of</strong> England. by Edvv.<br />
Fleetvvood, gent.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Alberti, Marcello, b. 1714.<br />
Istoria della donne scientiate del dotore Marcello<br />
Alberti.<br />
In Napoli, Per Felice Mosca. 1740<br />
Item identification number 8.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Albertus Magnus, Saint, bp. <strong>of</strong> Ratisbon, 1193?-<br />
1280.<br />
Albertus Magnus, de secretis mulierum.<br />
Amstelodami, Apud Henricum et Theod. Boom, A.<br />
1669<br />
Item identification number 10; Item de virtutibus<br />
herbarum, lapidum, et animalium.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Albizzi, Barbera Tigliamochi degl'.<br />
Ascanio errante, poema della Barbera Tigliamochi<br />
degl' Albizi, gentildonna Fiorentina.<br />
In Fiorenza, Nella Stamperia de' Landini. 1640<br />
Item identification number 11.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Archiv Fur Frauenkunde und Konstitutionsforschung.<br />
1914-1921<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 1<br />
Alexander, William, d. 1783.<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> women, from the earliest antiquity,<br />
to the present time; giving some account <strong>of</strong> almost<br />
every interesting particular concerning that sex,<br />
among all nations, ancient and modern.<br />
London, Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell. 1779<br />
Item identification number 12.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
Allacci, Leone, 1586-1669.<br />
Leonis Allatii, de Ioanna Papissa fabula<br />
commentatio.<br />
Romae, Ex Typographia Reu. Cam. Apost. 1630<br />
Item identification number 12.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
[Allestree, Richard], 1619-1681, supposed author.<br />
The ladies calling.<br />
Oxford, Printed at the Theater. 1673<br />
Item identification number 13; In two parts. by the<br />
author <strong>of</strong> The whole duty <strong>of</strong> man, The causes <strong>of</strong> the<br />
decay <strong>of</strong> Christian piety, and The gentlemans calling.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2
The American spectator; or, Matrimonial preceptor.<br />
Boston, Printed by Manning & Loring, for David<br />
West. 1797<br />
Item identification number 14; A collection (with<br />
additions and variations) <strong>of</strong> essays, epistles, precepts,<br />
and examples relating to the married state ... Adapted<br />
to the state <strong>of</strong> society in the American Republic.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
[Amory, Thomas], 1691?-1788.<br />
Memoirs: containing the lives <strong>of</strong> several ladies <strong>of</strong><br />
Great Britain.<br />
London, Printed for John Noon. 1755<br />
Item identification number 15.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
The Amours <strong>of</strong> Messalina, late queen <strong>of</strong> Albion.<br />
London, Printed for J. Lyford. 1689<br />
Item identification number 16; In which are briefly<br />
couch'd, secrets <strong>of</strong> the imposture <strong>of</strong> the Cambrion<br />
prince, the Gothick league and other court intrigues<br />
<strong>of</strong> the four last years reign, not yet made publick. by<br />
a woman <strong>of</strong> quality, a late confident <strong>of</strong> Q. Messalina.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
Ancourt, d', abbé.<br />
The lady's preceptor; or, A letter to a young lady<br />
<strong>of</strong> distinction upon politeness.<br />
London, Printed for J. Watts. 1743<br />
Item identification number 17; Taken from the<br />
French <strong>of</strong> the abbé d'Ancourt, and adapted to the<br />
religion, customs, and manners <strong>of</strong> the English nation.<br />
by a gentleman <strong>of</strong> Cambridge. The second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
Archiv Fur Frauenkunde und Konstitutionsforschung.<br />
1922-1927<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 2<br />
Andreini, Isabella, 1562-1604.<br />
Lettre della signora Isabella Andreini Padovana,<br />
comica gelosa.<br />
Venetia, Alla Minerua. 1647<br />
Item identification number 18.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
Andreini, Isabella, 1562-1604.<br />
Lettre et ragionamenti d'Isabelle Andreini<br />
Padovana.<br />
Turin. 1611<br />
Item identification number 19.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
Andrews, John, 1736-1809.<br />
Remarks on the French and English ladies, in a<br />
series <strong>of</strong> letters; interspersed with various anecdotes,<br />
and additional matter, arising from the subject.<br />
London, Printed for T. Longman, and G. Robinson.<br />
1783<br />
Item identification number 20.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
2<br />
Angelica's Ladies Library; or, Parents and guardians<br />
present.<br />
London, Hamilton. 1794<br />
Item identification number 21; with eight elegant<br />
plates designed by A. Kauffman and H. Bunbury.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
Anjos, Luis dos, d. 1625.<br />
Jardim de Portugal.<br />
Coimbra, N. Carvalho. 1626<br />
Item identification number 22; Em que se da noticia<br />
de alg{~u}as sanctas & outras molheres illustres em<br />
virtude, as quais nascerão, ou viverão, ou estao<br />
sepultadas neste reino & suas cõquistas. Recopilado<br />
novamente.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
Anthony, Susanna, 1726-1791.<br />
The life and character <strong>of</strong> Miss Susanna Anthony.<br />
Printed at Worcester, Mass.; Hartford: Re-printed by<br />
Hudson and Goodwin. 1799<br />
Item identification number 23; consisting chiefly in<br />
extracts from her writings. Compiled by Samuel<br />
Hopkins, D.D.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
Archiv Fur Frauenkunde und Konstitutionsforschung.<br />
1928-1933<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 3<br />
An Apology for Mrs. Antonia Bourignon: in four<br />
parts.<br />
London, D. Brown [etc.]. 1699<br />
Item identification number 24.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 4<br />
L'apotheose du beau-sexe.<br />
A Londres [i.e. Hollande] Chez van der Hoek. 1712<br />
Item identification number 25.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 4<br />
Aragona, Tullia d', 1510-1565.<br />
Dialogo della signora Tullia D'Aragona della<br />
infinita di amore.<br />
Vinegia, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, et Fratelli. 1552<br />
Item identification number 27.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 4<br />
Aragona, Tullia d', 1510-1565.<br />
Rime della S. Tullia de Aragona; et di diversi a<br />
lei, nuouamente corrette et ristampate.<br />
In Vinegia, Appresso G. Giolito de Ferrari. 1560<br />
Item identification number 28.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 4<br />
Association Feminina de Camaguey Revista.<br />
1923-July 1926<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 4
[Arblay, Frances (Burney) (Mme.) d'], 1752-1840.<br />
Camilla: or, A picture <strong>of</strong> youth.<br />
London, T. Payne, T. Cadell, jun., and W. Davies.<br />
1796<br />
Item identification number 29; by the author <strong>of</strong><br />
Evelina, and Cecilia.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 4-5<br />
[Arblay, Frances (Burney) (Mme.) d'], 1752-1840.<br />
Evelina; or, The history <strong>of</strong> a young lady's entrance<br />
into the world.<br />
London, Printed for T. and W. Lowndes. 1783<br />
Item identification number 30; A new ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 5<br />
Archambault (Mlle.).<br />
Dissertation sur la question, lequel de l'homme ou<br />
de la femme est plus capable de constance?.<br />
Paris, Chez La Veuve Pissot et J. Bullot. 1750<br />
Item identification number 31; Ou, La cause des<br />
dames soutenue par Mlle Archambault, de Laval,<br />
BasMaine, contre M***. & M. L. L. R.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 5<br />
La Belle Assemblee (1st series).<br />
1806-1807<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 5<br />
[Arckenholtz, Johan].<br />
Memoires concernant Christine, reine de Suede,<br />
pour servir d'eclaircissement à l'histoire de son regne<br />
et principalement de sa vie privée.<br />
A Amsterdam et à Leipzig, P. Mortier. 1751-60<br />
Item identification number 31.1; suivis de deux<br />
ouvrages de cette savante princesse, qui n'ont jamais<br />
été imprimés.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 6<br />
Aristotle, pseud.<br />
Aristotle's master-piece completed: in two parts.<br />
The first containing the secrets <strong>of</strong> generation in all<br />
parts there<strong>of</strong>.<br />
New York, Printed for the Company <strong>of</strong> flying<br />
stationers. 1798<br />
Item identification number 32; The second part being<br />
a private looking glass for the female sex. Treating <strong>of</strong><br />
the various maladies <strong>of</strong> the womb, and all other<br />
distempers incident to women.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 6<br />
La Belle Assemblee (1st series).<br />
1808-1809<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 6<br />
[Arnauld d'Andilly, Angélique de Saint Jean,<br />
Mother], 1624-1684, comp.<br />
Memoires pour servir à l'histoire de Port-Royal, et<br />
à la vie de la Reverende Mère Marie Angélique de<br />
Sainte Magdeleine Arnauld reformatrice de ce<br />
monastère.<br />
Utrecht. 1742<br />
Item identification number 33.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 7<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
3<br />
L'art de rendre les femmes fidelles: ouvrage imprimé<br />
à Paris en 1717, remis au jour & commenté avec des<br />
anecdotes tant anciennes que modernes.<br />
Geneve, Jean-François Bastien. 1779<br />
Item identification number 34.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 7<br />
Astell, Mary, 1666-1731.<br />
Reflections upon marriage.<br />
London, Printed for R. Wilkin. 1706<br />
Item identification number 37; The third edition. To<br />
which is added a preface, in answer to some<br />
objections.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 7<br />
[Astell, Mary], 1666-1731.<br />
An essay in defence <strong>of</strong> the female sex.<br />
London, Printet for A. Roper, and R. Clavel, and E.<br />
Wilkinson. 1696<br />
Item identification number 35; In which are inserted<br />
the characters <strong>of</strong> a pedant, a squire, a beau, a<br />
vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. in a letter to a<br />
lady. Written by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 7<br />
[Astell, Mary], 1668-1731, supposed author.<br />
A farther essay relating to the female-sex.<br />
London, Printed for A. Roper and E. Wilkinson. 1696<br />
Item identification number 36.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 7<br />
La Belle Assemblee (new series 2nd).<br />
1810-1812<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 7<br />
[Astell, Mary], 1666-1731.<br />
A serious proposal to the ladies, for the<br />
advancement <strong>of</strong> their true and greatest interest.<br />
London, Printed for R. Wilkin. 1695<br />
Item identification number 38; by a lover <strong>of</strong> her sex.<br />
The second edition corrected.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
[Aubin, Nicolas] b. ca. 1655.<br />
Histoire des diables de Loudun; ou, De la<br />
possession des religieuses Ursulines, et de la<br />
condamnation & du suplice d'Urbain Grandier.<br />
Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang. 1693<br />
Item identification number 39.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
Aulnoy, Marie Catherine (Jumelle de Berneville)<br />
comtesse d', d. 1705.<br />
The lady's travels into Spain; or, A genuine<br />
relation <strong>of</strong> the religion, laws, commerce, customs and<br />
manners <strong>of</strong> the country.<br />
London, Printed for T. Davis. 1774<br />
Item identification number 41; Written by the<br />
Countess <strong>of</strong> Danois, in a series <strong>of</strong> letters to a friend at<br />
Paris. A new ed., improved. To which is added, A<br />
description <strong>of</strong> the present King <strong>of</strong> Spain ... &c. ...<br />
[from Mr. Baretti's travels through Spain].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8
Austin, William, 1587-1634.<br />
Haec Homo: Wherein the excellency <strong>of</strong> the<br />
creation <strong>of</strong> women is described: by way <strong>of</strong> an essay.<br />
London, Fussell. 1639<br />
Item identification number 42; [3d ed.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
Authentic trial at large <strong>of</strong> Marie Antoinette.<br />
London, Chapman and co. 1793<br />
Item identification number 42.1; October 15, 1793.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
[Aylmer, John] bp. <strong>of</strong> London, 1521-1594.<br />
An harborovve for faithfvll and trevve svbiectes,<br />
agaynst the late blowne blaste, concerninge the<br />
gouernment <strong>of</strong> vvemen.<br />
[London, Printed by John Day]. [1559]<br />
Item identification number 43; with a breife<br />
exhortation to obedience. Anno M.D. lix ... At<br />
Strasborowe the 26 <strong>of</strong> Aprill.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
Bailey, Nathan, d. 1742.<br />
Dictionarium domesticum, being a new and<br />
compleat houshold dictionary for the use both <strong>of</strong> city<br />
and country.<br />
London, Printed for C. Hitch. 1736<br />
Item identification number 44.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
[Baillie, Joanna], 1762-1851.<br />
A series <strong>of</strong> plays: in which it is attempted to<br />
delineate the stronger passions <strong>of</strong> the mind.<br />
London, T. Cadell and W. Davies. 1798<br />
Item identification number 44.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
La Belle Assemblee (new series 2nd).<br />
1813-1815<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 8<br />
Balemann, Heinrich, fl. 1756.<br />
Dissertatio inavgvralis jvridica de foemina ex<br />
antiqvitatibvs legibvsqve Romanis Germanicis et<br />
praesertim Lvbecensibvs.<br />
Altorfii, Typis Ioh. Georgii Meyeri, acad. typogr.<br />
[1756]<br />
Item identification number 45.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
Ballard, George, 1706-1755.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> several ladies <strong>of</strong> Great Britain who<br />
have been celebrated for their writings or skill in the<br />
learned languages, arts and sciences.<br />
Oxford, Printed by W. Jackson, for the author. 1752<br />
Item identification number 46.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
4<br />
Barbaro, Francesco, ca. 1398-1454.<br />
Prvdentissimi et gravi docvmenti circa la elettion<br />
della moglie; dello eccellente & dottissimo M.<br />
Francesco Barbaro, gentilhvomo venitiano al molto<br />
magnifico et magnanimo M. Lorenzo de Medici,<br />
cittadin florentino: muouamente dal Latino tradotti<br />
per M. Alberto Lollio, Ferrarese.<br />
Ferrari, G. Giolito. 1548<br />
Item identification number 47.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
Barnard, Thomas, 1685-1750.<br />
An historical character relating to the holy and<br />
exemplary life <strong>of</strong> the Right Honorable the Lady<br />
Elizabeth Hastings: to which are added.<br />
Leedes, Printed by J. Lister for J. Swale. 1742<br />
Item identification number 48.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
Baron and feme.<br />
[London] In the Savoy, Printed by E. and R. Nutt,<br />
and R. Gosling (assigns <strong>of</strong> E. Sayer) for T. Waller.<br />
1738<br />
Item identification number 49; A treatise <strong>of</strong> law and<br />
quity, concerning husbands and wives ... The 3d ed.;<br />
in which are added many cases in law and equity,<br />
from the best books <strong>of</strong> reports.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
Barth, Gottfried, 1650-1728.<br />
Ausführlicher Bericht von der Gerade, so wohl<br />
insgeheim, als auch insonderheit von fürstlicher,<br />
gräflicher, auch anderer Herren Standes und derer<br />
von Ritters-Art Wittben fräulichen Gerechtigkeiten<br />
[etc.] Nebst einem doppelten Appendice.<br />
Leipzig, bey T. Fritschen. 1721<br />
Item identification number 50.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
La Belle Assemblee (new series 2nd).<br />
1816-1818<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 9<br />
Bartholin, Thomas, 1616-1680.<br />
Questiones nuptiales auspicatissimis nuptiis,<br />
illustris viri D. Petri Schumacheri.<br />
Hafniae, H. Godiani. 1670<br />
Item identification number 51; consecratae.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10<br />
Bartolini, Baldo, ca. 1408-1490.<br />
De dotibus et dotatis mulieribus et earum iuribus<br />
et puilegiis.<br />
[Perugia, Johann Vydenast]. ca. 1479<br />
Item identification number 52.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10
Baudouin, Benoìt, d. 1632.<br />
B. Balduinus De calceo antiquo, et Jul Nigronus<br />
De caliga veterum.<br />
Lipsiae, Apud Joh. Georg. Loewium. 1733<br />
Item identification number 53; Accesserunt ex Q.<br />
Sept. Fl. Tertulliani, Cl. Salmasi, & Alb. Rvbeni<br />
scriptis plurima ejusdem argumenti. In his scriptores<br />
veteres Quamplurimi explicantur, & emendantur, nec<br />
non res ipsae adjectis aeneis figuris illustrantur.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10<br />
[Beaumont, Francis], 1584-1616.<br />
The woman hater.<br />
London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley. 1648<br />
Item identification number 54; As it hath beene acted<br />
by his Majesties servants with great applause.<br />
Written by John Fletcher Gent.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10<br />
Beauty's triumph; or, the superiority <strong>of</strong> the fair sex<br />
invincibly proved.<br />
London, J. Robinson. 1751<br />
Item identification number 54.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10<br />
[Bedacier, Catherine (Durand)] d. ca. 1712.<br />
Les belles grecques; ou, L'Histoire des plus<br />
fameuses courtisanes de la Grece.<br />
Paris, La veuve de Guillaume Saugrain, & Pierre<br />
Prault. 1712<br />
Item identification number 55; Et dialogues<br />
nouveaux des galantes modernes.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10<br />
La Belle Assemblee (new series 2nd).<br />
1819-1821<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 10<br />
[Bellamy, Daniel] b. 1687.<br />
The young ladies miscellany; or, Youth's innocent<br />
and rational amusement.<br />
London, Printed by E. Say, for the author. 1723<br />
Item identification number 57; Prefixed, a short essay<br />
on the art <strong>of</strong> pronunciation, and the great advantage<br />
arising from an early practice <strong>of</strong> it in publick.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 11<br />
Bellamy, George Anne, 1731?-1788.<br />
An apology for the life <strong>of</strong> George Anne Bellamy,<br />
late <strong>of</strong> Covent Garden Theatre.<br />
London, The author, sold by J. Bell. 1785<br />
Item identification number 56.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 11<br />
[Bellamy, George Anne], 1731?-1788.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> George Anne Bellamy, including all<br />
her intriques; with genuine anecdotes <strong>of</strong> all her public<br />
and private connections.<br />
London, Printed for J. Walker. 1785<br />
Item identification number 57.1; by a gentleman.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 11<br />
La Belle Assemblee (new series 2nd).<br />
1822-1824<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 11<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
5<br />
Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste Morvan de, 1648-1734.<br />
The letters <strong>of</strong> Monsieur l'Abbe de Bellegarde, to a<br />
lady <strong>of</strong> the court <strong>of</strong> France, on some curious and<br />
usefull subjects.<br />
London, Printed for G. Strahan. 1705<br />
Item identification number 58; Done in English. with<br />
a preface, by the translator giving an account <strong>of</strong> the<br />
author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 11<br />
[Bellet, Isaac] d. 1778.<br />
Letters, on the force <strong>of</strong> imagination in pregnant<br />
women.<br />
London, Printed for W. Griffin. 1765<br />
Item identification number 60; Wherein it is proved,<br />
by incontestible arguments, drawn from both reason<br />
and experience, that it is a rediculous prejudice.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 11<br />
La Belle Assemblee (3rd series).<br />
1825-1828<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 12<br />
Bennett, John, curate <strong>of</strong> St. Mary's, Manchester.<br />
Letters to a young lady, on a variety <strong>of</strong> useful and<br />
interesting subjects.<br />
Warrington, Printed by W. Eyres, for the author.<br />
1789<br />
Item identification number 63; Calculated to improve<br />
the heart, to form the manners and enlighten the<br />
understanding.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 12<br />
[Bennett, John, curate <strong>of</strong> St. Mary's, Manchester].<br />
Strictures on female education; chiefly as it relates<br />
to the culture <strong>of</strong> the heart, in four essays.<br />
London, Printed for the author, and sold by T. Cadell<br />
[etc.]. [1787?]<br />
Item identification number 64; by a clergyman <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Church <strong>of</strong> England.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 12<br />
Bentley, Thomas, fl. 1852, comp.<br />
The monvment <strong>of</strong> matrones: conteining seuen<br />
seuerall lamps <strong>of</strong> virginitie, or distinct treatises.<br />
[London] Printed by H. Denham. [1581]<br />
Item identification number 65; compiled ... out <strong>of</strong> the<br />
sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 12<br />
La Belle Assemblee (3rd series).<br />
1829-1832<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13<br />
Beretta, Francesco.<br />
Principj di filos<strong>of</strong>ia cristiana sopra lo stato nuziale<br />
ad uso delle donzelle nobili.<br />
Padova, Giuseppe Comino. 1730<br />
Item identification number 66.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13
Bermúdez, José Manuel, 1764-1830.<br />
Sermon panegirico de la admirable virgen Santa<br />
Rosa de Santa Maria.<br />
Lima, Impr. de los Huérfanos. 1782<br />
Item identification number 67; Predicado en la<br />
solemnidad de una pr<strong>of</strong>esion religiosa que se celebró<br />
en su monasterio de esta ciudad el dia XXX. de<br />
agosto de M. DCC. LXXXI. por el D.D. Joseph<br />
Manuel Bermudez.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13<br />
Bersano, Bartolommeo, 1668-1707.<br />
... Tractatus de viduis earumque privilegiis et<br />
juribus activis et passivis, tum etiam de viduis<br />
secundo nubentibus & poenis ellarum.<br />
Lugduni, Sumptibus Cramer & Perachon. 1699<br />
Item identification number 68.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13<br />
Bertolini, Serafino.<br />
La rosa peruana; ouero, Vita di Santa Rosa, nativa<br />
della citta' di Lima nel regno del Perù, del terz'<br />
Ordine di S. Domenico.<br />
In Pado Padoua, Per Pietro Maria Frambotto. 1671<br />
Item identification number 69; Canonizata dalla<br />
Santità di N.S. Clemente X, adi 12, Aprile<br />
MDCLXXI ... terza impressione.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13<br />
Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.<br />
Tractatio de repvdiis et divortiis: in qva pleræ qve<br />
de causis matrimonialibus (quas vocant) incidentes<br />
controuersiæ ex verbe Dei deciduntur.<br />
Genevæ, Apud Iohannem Vignon. 1610<br />
Item identification number 71; Additur Iuris ciuilis<br />
Romanorum, & veterum his de rebus canonum<br />
examen, ad eiusdem verbi Dei, & æ quitatis norman.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13<br />
Bverwijck, Jan van, 1594-1647.<br />
Ioh. van Bevervviick van de wtnementheyt des<br />
vrouwelicken geslachts.<br />
Tot Dordrecht, Gedruckt by Hendrick van Esch, voor<br />
Jasper Gorissz. 1643<br />
Item identification number 70; Verçiert met<br />
historyen, ende kopere platen; als cock Lat{:y}nsche,<br />
ende Nederlantsche verssen van Mr. Corn. Boy.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 13<br />
Bibliothek der Frauenfrage.<br />
1888-1893<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
Billardon de Sauvigny, Edmé Louis, 1736-1812.<br />
Histoire amoureuse de Pierre Le Long, et de sa<br />
tréshonorée dame Blanche Bazu.<br />
Londres. 1768<br />
Item identification number 72; Nouv. éd. Précédée<br />
d'un discours sur la langue Françoise.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
6<br />
Billon, François de, 16th century.<br />
Le fort inexpvgnable de l'honnevr dv sexe<br />
femenin, construit par Francoys de Billon secrétaire.<br />
Paris, J. d'Allyer. 1555<br />
Item identification number 74.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
Bingham, Caleb, 1757-1817.<br />
The young lady's accidence; or, A short and easy<br />
introduction to English grammar.<br />
Boston, Printed by I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews. 1791<br />
Item identification number 74.1; Designed,<br />
principally, for the use <strong>of</strong> young learners, more<br />
especially those <strong>of</strong> the fair sex, though proper for<br />
either ... 5th ed., corr.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
Biographium faemineum.<br />
London, Printed for S. Crowder, and J. Payne [etc.].<br />
1766<br />
Item identification number 75; The female worthies;<br />
or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the most illustrious ladies, <strong>of</strong> all ages<br />
and nations, who have been eminently distinguished<br />
for their magnanimity, learning, genius, virtue, piety,<br />
and other excellent endowments ... Containing<br />
(exclusive <strong>of</strong> foreigners) the lives <strong>of</strong> above fourscore<br />
British ladies ... Collected from history, and the most<br />
approved biographers, and brought down to the<br />
present time.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
Birgitta, Saint <strong>of</strong> Sweden, d. 1373.<br />
La dichosa peregrina; segundo apocalypse de<br />
Dios.<br />
Lisboa, En la imprenta da Antonio Pedrozo Galram.<br />
1714<br />
Item identification number 76.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
Birgitta, Saint <strong>of</strong> Sweden, d. 1373.<br />
Revelationes.<br />
[Nuremberg, Anton Koberger]. [September 21, 1500]<br />
Item identification number 77; [with prefaces by<br />
Johannes de Turrecremata and Matthias de Suecia.<br />
Edited by Florian Waldauf von Waldenstein].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 14<br />
The Birth CONTROL REVIEW.<br />
Feb. 1917-1926<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
Bland, James, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> physic.<br />
An essay in priase <strong>of</strong> women; or, A looking-glass<br />
for ladies to see their perfections in.<br />
London, printed for the author. 1733<br />
Item identification number 78.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15
Bleecker, Ann Eliza (Schuyler) 1752-1783.<br />
Posthumous works <strong>of</strong> Ann Eliza Bleecker, in<br />
prose and verse.<br />
New York, Printed by T. and J. Swords. 1793<br />
Item identification number 79; To which is added, a<br />
collection <strong>of</strong> essays, prose and poetical, by<br />
Margaretta V. Faugeres.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.<br />
La fiammetta.<br />
In Firenze, Con licenza de'Superiori. 1724<br />
Item identification number 80; Di nuovo ristampata,<br />
e con diligenza ricorretta.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.<br />
Libro di M. Gio.<br />
Vinegia. 1545<br />
Item identification number 81; Boccaccio della donne<br />
illustri, tradotto per Messer Giuseppe Betussi.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
[Boisguillebert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur de], 1646-<br />
1714.<br />
Marie Stuart, reyne d'Escosse.<br />
Paris [L. Billaine]. 1675<br />
Item identification number 82; Nouvelle historique.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
[Bosselman de Bellemont] ed.<br />
Maintenoniana; ou, Choix d'anecdotes<br />
intéressantes.<br />
Amsterdam. 1773<br />
Item identification number 84; tirés des lettres de<br />
Madame de Maintenon.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
Boudier de Villemert, Pierre Joseph, 1716.<br />
Le nouvel ami des femmes; ou, La philosophie du<br />
sexe.<br />
Amsterdam and Paris, Monory. 1779<br />
Item identification number 86.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
[Boudier de Villemert, Pierre Joseph], 1716.<br />
L'ami des femmes.<br />
Paris, Quay des Augustins. 1759<br />
Item identification number 85.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
Bourignon, Antoinette, 1616-1680.<br />
La vie de dam(lle) Antoinette Bourignon.<br />
Amsterdam, Jean Riewerts and Pierre Arents. 1683<br />
Item identification number 87; Ecrite partie par elleméme,<br />
partie par une personne de sa connoissance.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 15<br />
The Birth CONTROL REVIEW.<br />
1927-Jan. 1940<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 16<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
7<br />
Bradley, Martha.<br />
The British housewife; or, The cook,<br />
housekeeper's, and gardiner's companion.<br />
London, Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate.<br />
[1770?]<br />
Item identification number 89; Calculated for the<br />
service both <strong>of</strong> London and the country; and directing<br />
... the providing for, conducting, and managing a<br />
family throughout the year ... Together with the<br />
nature <strong>of</strong> all kinds <strong>of</strong> foods, and the method <strong>of</strong> suiting<br />
them to different constitutions; a bill <strong>of</strong> fare for each<br />
month, the art <strong>of</strong> marketing and chusing fresh<br />
provisions ... The art <strong>of</strong> carving ... with the conduct<br />
<strong>of</strong> a family in respect <strong>of</strong> health; the disorders to<br />
which they are every month liable, and the most<br />
approved remedies.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 16<br />
Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.<br />
The country housewife and lady's director, in the<br />
management <strong>of</strong> a house, and the delights and pr<strong>of</strong>its<br />
<strong>of</strong> a farm.<br />
London, Printed for D. Browne and T. Woodman.<br />
1732<br />
Item identification number 90; Part II including a<br />
great variety <strong>of</strong> the most curious receipts ... To which<br />
is added from a poulterer in St. James's Market, the<br />
manner <strong>of</strong> trussing all sorts <strong>of</strong> poultry.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 16<br />
[Brandes, Georg Friedrich], 1709-1791.<br />
Ueber die Weiber.<br />
Leipzig, bey Weidmanns Erben und Reich. 1787<br />
Item identification number 91.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 16<br />
Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.<br />
The English gentlewoman, drawne out to the full<br />
body: expressing, what habilliments doe best attire<br />
her, what ornaments doe best adorne her, what<br />
complements doe best accomplish her.<br />
London, Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for<br />
Michaell Sparke. 1631<br />
Item identification number 92.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 16<br />
[Brinon, Pierre de].<br />
Le triomphe des dames.<br />
A Rouen, Chez Iean Osmont. 1599<br />
Item identification number 93.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 16<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
Dec. 1851-1854<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Brisson, Barnabé, 1531-1591.<br />
De veteri ritu nvptiarvm & jure connubiorum:<br />
Barnabas Brissonius, Antonius [et] Franciscus<br />
Hotmanus.<br />
Amstelodami Petrvm le Grand. 1662<br />
Item identification number 94.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17
[Brome, Richard] d. 1652.<br />
The city wit; or, The woman wears the breeches: a<br />
comedy.<br />
London, Printed by T. R. for Richard Marriot and<br />
Thomas Dring. 1653<br />
Item identification number 95.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
[Brown, Charles Brockden], 1771-1810.<br />
Alcuin; a dialogue.<br />
New York, Printed by T. & J. Swords. 1798<br />
Item identification number 96.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Bruni, Domenico, 16 cent.<br />
Opera di M. Domenico Brvni da Pistoia intitolata<br />
Difese delle donne, nella quale si contengono le<br />
difese loro, dalle calumnie dategli per gli scrittori, &<br />
insieme le lodi di quelle, nuouamente posta in luce.<br />
In Firenze [Appresso i Giunti]. 1552<br />
Item identification number 97.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Bruys, François, 1708-1738.<br />
The art <strong>of</strong> knowing women; or, The female sex<br />
dissected in a faithful representation <strong>of</strong> their virtues<br />
and vices.<br />
London, Printed for E. Curll & T. Payne. 1732<br />
Item identification number 98; Made English from<br />
the French original, with improvements by Mr.<br />
Mackey. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Buchanan, George, 1506-1582.<br />
A detection <strong>of</strong> the actions <strong>of</strong> Mary Queen <strong>of</strong> Scots<br />
concerning the murder <strong>of</strong> her husband, and her<br />
conspiracie, adulterie and pretended marriage with<br />
the Earl Bothwell.<br />
[London?]. 1651<br />
Item identification number 99; And a defence <strong>of</strong> the<br />
true lords, maintainers <strong>of</strong> the Kings majesties, action<br />
and authoritie.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Bucher, Samuel Friedrich, 1692-1765.<br />
Antiqvitates hebraicae et graecae selectae; sev, De<br />
conclvsis Hebraeorvm ac Graecorvm feminis, vulgo:<br />
Vom verschlossnem Frauenzimmer der Hebraeer und<br />
Griechen.<br />
Budissae, Sumptibus Davidis Richteri; Pirnae, Literis<br />
Ludovicianis. 1717<br />
Item identification number 100; Opera M. Sam.<br />
Frider. Bvcheri.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Bullock, Christopher, 1690?-1724.<br />
Woman is a riddle; a comedy: as it is acted at the<br />
theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields.<br />
London, Printed for A. Bettesworth, W. Mears, and<br />
T. Woodward. 1729<br />
Item identification number 101; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
8<br />
Bunny, Edmund, 1540-1619.<br />
Of divorce for adulterie and marrying againe: that<br />
there is no sufficient warrant so to do.<br />
Oxford, printed by J. Barnes. 1610<br />
Item identification number 103; with a note in the<br />
end, that R. P.[arsons] many yeeres since was<br />
answered.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
[Burnaby, William], 1673?-1706.<br />
The ladies visiting-day.<br />
London, Printed for G. Strahan & B. Lintott. 1708<br />
Item identification number 104; A comedy. As it was<br />
acted at the theatre in Lincoln-Inn-Fields, by Her<br />
Majesties servants. with the addition <strong>of</strong> a new scene.<br />
2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
[Burnet] Gilbert, bp. <strong>of</strong> Salisbury, 1643-1715.<br />
An essay on the memory <strong>of</strong> the late Queen [Mary,<br />
consort to King William III].<br />
London, Printed for R. Chiswell. 1695<br />
Item identification number 105.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Burton, John, 1745 or 6-1806.<br />
Lectures on female education and manners.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1793<br />
Item identification number 106; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17<br />
Bury, Richard de, 1730-1794.<br />
Histoire abrégée des philosophes et des femmes<br />
célèbres.<br />
Paris, Chez Monory, avec approbation & privilege du<br />
roi. 1773<br />
Item identification number 107.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 17-18<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
1855-1857<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 18<br />
[Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, comte de], 1618-1693.<br />
Amours des dames illustres de France, sous le<br />
règne de Louis XIV [Avec une lettre écrite au Duc de<br />
Saint Agnan, par le Comte de Bussy.].<br />
Cologne, P.Marteau. [1709?]<br />
Item identification number 108.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 18<br />
Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, comte de, 1618-1693.<br />
Lettres de messire Roger Rabutin, comte de<br />
Bussy.<br />
Paris, F. Delaulne. 1714-15<br />
Item identification number 109; avec les reponses.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 18-19<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
1858-1860<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 19
Cacouault de la Mimardiere, Elisabeth.<br />
The young ladies mythology; or, Fabulous history<br />
<strong>of</strong> the pagan divinities, digested, on an entire new<br />
plan, French and English.<br />
London. 1782<br />
Item identification number 110.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 19<br />
[Cadogan, William], 1711-1797.<br />
An essay upon nursing.<br />
London, J. Roberts. 1749<br />
Item identification number 111.1; And the<br />
management <strong>of</strong> children from their birth to three<br />
years <strong>of</strong> age. by a physician in a letter to one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
governors <strong>of</strong> the foundling hospital. Pub. by order <strong>of</strong><br />
the general committee for transacting the affairs <strong>of</strong><br />
the said hospital. The third edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 19<br />
Calvi, Carlo.<br />
Ricerche sul divorzio fra' Cristiani.<br />
Pavia, G. Bolzani. 1790<br />
Item identification number 112.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 19<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
1861-1863<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Cambon, Maria Geertruida (Van de Werken) de,<br />
fl. 1750-1786.<br />
Letters and conversations between several young<br />
ladies, on interesting and improving subjects.<br />
London, Printed for J. Mawman [etc.]. [1790?]<br />
Item identification number 113; Translated from the<br />
Dutch, abridged ... and illustrated with copper plates.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Capella, Galeazzo Flavio, 1487-1537.<br />
... Della eccelenza et dignità delle donne.<br />
[Colophon: Stampato in Roma nellano]. [1525]<br />
Item identification number 115.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
[Carstens, Anton Paul Ludwig] d. 1769, comp.<br />
Zeugnisse treuer Liebe nach dem Tode<br />
tugendhafter Frauen, in gebundener deutscher Rede<br />
abgestattet von ihren Ehemännern.<br />
Hannover, Nicolai Försters und Sohns sel. Erben.<br />
1743<br />
Item identification number 117.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
9<br />
Carter, Susannah.<br />
The frugal housewife; or, Complete woman cook;<br />
wherein the art <strong>of</strong> dressing all sorts <strong>of</strong> viande, with<br />
cleanliness, decency, and elegance, is explained in<br />
five hundred approved receipts.<br />
London, Printed for F. Newbery. [1795]<br />
Item identification number 118; Together with the<br />
best methods <strong>of</strong> potting, collaring, preserving, drying,<br />
candying, pickling, and making <strong>of</strong> English wines. To<br />
which are added twelve new prints, exhibiting a<br />
proper arrangement <strong>of</strong> dinners, two courses, for every<br />
month in the year. with various bills <strong>of</strong> fare.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Cartwright, H. (Mrs.) fl. 1777.<br />
Letters on female education, addressed to a<br />
married lady.<br />
London, Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly. 1777<br />
Item identification number 119.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
The Cases <strong>of</strong> polygamy, concubinage, adultery,<br />
divorce, &c. seriously and learnedly discussed.<br />
London, Printed for T. Payne [etc.]. 1732<br />
Item identification number 120; Being a compleat<br />
collection <strong>of</strong> all the remarkable tryals and tracts<br />
which have been written on those important subjects.<br />
by the most eminent hands.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Cats, Jacob, 1577-1660.<br />
Den christelige hustrue, udi hollandske vers<br />
beskreffven aff.<br />
Kiøbenhaffn, Tryckt hos Nicolaum Müller. 1675<br />
Item identification number 123; Jacob Catz, oc<br />
fordansket aff Severin Terckelsen ... Forzieret med<br />
kaaber-plader ... Forlagt oc til trycken befordret aff<br />
Abraham Wüchters oc findis hos hannem til kiøbs.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Caylus, Marie Marguerite le Valois de Vilette de<br />
Murçay, comtesse de, 1673-1729.<br />
Les souvenirs de madame de Caylus, pour servir<br />
de supplément aux Mémoires et lettres de mad. de<br />
Maintenon.<br />
Maestricht, Chez J. E. Dufour et Ph. Roux. 1789<br />
Item identification number 124; Avec des notes de m.<br />
de Voltaire. Nouv. éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Cerfvol, de.<br />
La gamologie; ou, De l'éducation des filles<br />
destinées au mariage; ouvrage dans lequel on traite<br />
de l'excellence de mariage, de son utilité politique &<br />
de sa fin, & des causes qui le rendent heureux ou<br />
malheureux.<br />
Paris, Chez la veuve Duchesne. 1772<br />
Item identification number 125.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20
Cerisiers, René de, 1603-1662.<br />
Historia da por digiosa vida de S. Genoveva,<br />
princeza de Brabante.<br />
Lisboa, Na <strong>of</strong>fic. de Bernardo Antonio. 1751<br />
Item identification number 126.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Chambers, David, Lord Ormond, 1530-1592.<br />
Discovrs de la legitime suvcession femmes avx<br />
possessions de leurs parens: & du gouuernement des<br />
princesses aux empires & royaumes.<br />
Paris, I. Feurier. 1579<br />
Item identification number 128.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 20<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
1864-1866<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
Chambers, David, lord Ormond, 1530-1592.<br />
Histoire abbregee de tovs les roys de France,<br />
Angleterre et Escosse.<br />
Paris, R. Coulombel. 1579<br />
Item identification number 129; contenant aussi vn<br />
brief discours de l'ancienne alliance & mutuel secours<br />
entre la France & l'Escosse.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
[Champcenetz, Louis René Quentin de<br />
Richebourg, marquis de], 1760-1794.<br />
Petit traité de l'amour des femmes pour les sots.<br />
Bagatelle. 1788<br />
Item identification number 130.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
Chapone, Hester (Mulso) 1727-1801.<br />
Letters on the improvement <strong>of</strong> the mind,<br />
addressed to a young lady.<br />
London, Printed by H. Hughs, for J. Walter. 1774<br />
Item identification number 131; 4th edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
Chapt de Rastignac, Armand de, 1727-1792.<br />
Accord de la revelation de la raison, contre le<br />
divorce.<br />
Paris, Clousier. 1790<br />
Item identification number 132; Coutumes & loix de<br />
plusieurs anciens peuples sur le divorce, &c.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
Chausse, Jacques, sieur de La Terrière, fl. 1685-<br />
1687.<br />
Traité de l'excellence du mariage; de sa necessité,<br />
et des moyens d'y vivre heureux.<br />
Amsterdam, Chez A. Wolfgangh. 1685<br />
Item identification number 133; Où l'on fait<br />
l'apologie des femmes; contre les calomnies des<br />
hommes. Par Jacques Chaussé.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
[Choisy, François Timoléon, abbé de], 1644-1724.<br />
La Vie de Madame de Miramion.<br />
Paris, Chez Antoine Dezallier. 1707<br />
Item identification number 134.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
10<br />
Chudleigh, Mary (Lee) lady, 1656-1710.<br />
Essays upon several subjects in prose and verse.<br />
London, Printed by T. H. for R. Bonwicke [etc.].<br />
1710<br />
Item identification number 135.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
Cionacci, Francesco, 1633-1714.<br />
Storia della beata Vmiliana de' Cerchi, vedova<br />
fiorentina del Terz' ordine di san Francesco.<br />
Firenze, Per Santi Franchi. 1682<br />
Item identification number 135.1; Distinta in qvattro<br />
parti ... per opera di Francesco Cionacci.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 21<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
1867-1869<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22<br />
Cocchi, Antonio, 1695-1758.<br />
Del matrimonio.<br />
Londra. 1762<br />
Item identification number 137; Coll' aggiunta del<br />
giudizio dato sopra questa operetta da un dottissimo<br />
anonimo.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22<br />
Cockburn, Catharine (Trotter) 1679-1749.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Catharine Cockburn,<br />
theological, moral, dramatic, and poetical.<br />
London, Printed for J. and P. Knapton. 1751<br />
Item identification number 138; with an account <strong>of</strong><br />
the life <strong>of</strong> the author, by Thomas Birch.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22<br />
Code de l'amour; ou, Decisions de Cithere; étrennes<br />
du mois de mai, a l'usage des amans desoeuvre's.<br />
[Paris]. [1777]<br />
Item identification number 139; Par une société de<br />
vieux amoureux ... A Cithere, de l'imprimerie de<br />
Tircis Galant, à l'enseigne du mai.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22<br />
Coghlan, Margaret (Moncrieffe).<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Coghlan, (daughter <strong>of</strong> the late<br />
Major Moncrieffe).<br />
London, Printed for the author, and sold by C. and G.<br />
Kearsley. 1794<br />
Item identification number 140; written by herself,<br />
and dedicated to the British nation; being interspersed<br />
with anecdotes <strong>of</strong> the late American and present<br />
French war, with remarks moral and political.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22<br />
[Coicy, Mme de].<br />
Les femmes comme il convient de les voir; ou,<br />
Apperçu de ce que les femmes ont été, de ce qu'elles<br />
sont, & de ce qu'elles pourroient être.<br />
A Londres, et se trouve à Paris, Chez Balcot. 1785<br />
Item identification number 141.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22
Collaert, Adriaen, d. 1618.<br />
... Solitvdo; sive, Vitae foeminarvm<br />
anachoritarvm ob Adriano Collardo collectae atque<br />
expressae: a Cornelio Kiliano Dufflaeo carmine<br />
elegiaco explanatae.<br />
[Antwerp?]. [1600?]<br />
Item identification number 141.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 22<br />
Le Bon TON.<br />
1870-1890<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Collier, Jane.<br />
An essay on the art <strong>of</strong> ingeniously tormenting;<br />
with proper rules for the exercise <strong>of</strong> that pleasant art.<br />
London, Printed for A. Millar. 1757<br />
Item identification number 142; 2d ed., corr.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Colombi, Odoardo.<br />
Il decreto dell'Assemblea Nazionale di Francia sul<br />
divorzio confrontato colle leggi naturali, divine, e<br />
civili.<br />
Pavia, Eredi di P. Galeazzi. 1795<br />
Item identification number 143.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Colonna, Vittoria, marchesa di Pescara, 1492-<br />
1547.<br />
Le rime spiritvali della illvstrissima Signora<br />
Vittoria Colonna Marchesana di Pescara.<br />
In Vinegia, Apresso Vincenzo Valgrisi. 1546<br />
Item identification number 144; Non piv stampate da<br />
pochissime infvori, le qvali altrove corrotte, et qvi<br />
corrette si leggono.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
The Complete family-piece: and country gentleman,<br />
and farmer's best guide.<br />
London, Printed for C. Rivington, S. Birt [etc.]. 1741<br />
Item identification number 145; In three parts. Part I.<br />
containing a ... collection <strong>of</strong> above one thousand<br />
well-experienced practical family-receipts ... Part II.<br />
containing, I. Full instructions to be observed in<br />
hunting, coursing, setting and shooting ... II.<br />
Cautions, rules and directions to be taken and<br />
observed in fishing, with the manner <strong>of</strong> making and<br />
preserving <strong>of</strong> rods, lines, floats, artificial flies, &c.<br />
and for chusing and preserving several sorts <strong>of</strong><br />
curious baits. III. A full... kalender <strong>of</strong> all work<br />
necessary to be done in the fruit, flower, and kitchen<br />
gardens ... Part III. containing practical rules, and<br />
methods, for the improving <strong>of</strong> land, and managing a<br />
farm in all its branches ... 3d ed. improved.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Conjugal duty: set forth in a collection <strong>of</strong> ingenious<br />
and delightful wedding-sermons.<br />
London, Printed and sold by J. Watson. 1732<br />
Item identification number 145.0; Viz. I. The<br />
merchant-royal; or, Woman a ship, by Robert<br />
Wilkinson. II. The bridal-bush, by H. Cornwallis.<br />
[etc.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
11<br />
A Continuation <strong>of</strong> the review <strong>of</strong> a late treatise<br />
entituled An account <strong>of</strong> the conduct <strong>of</strong> the Dow--r<br />
D____ <strong>of</strong> M____ &c.<br />
London, Printed for J. Roberts. 1742<br />
Item identification number 145.1; In which many<br />
misrepresentations are detected ... especially such as<br />
relate to the reign <strong>of</strong> her late majesty Q. Anne.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
[Cooke, Alexander], 1564-1632.<br />
Johanna papissa toti orbi manifestata.<br />
Oppenheimii, Sumptibus vidua Levini Hulsis. 1616<br />
Item identification number 146; Adversus scripta<br />
Roberti Bellarmini.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Cookson, James, 1752-1835.<br />
Thoughts on polygamy.<br />
Winchester, [Eng.] Printed by J. Wilkes, for the<br />
author. 1782<br />
Item identification number 147; with a description <strong>of</strong><br />
marriage and its obligations ... our national system <strong>of</strong><br />
laws relative thereto ... an examination <strong>of</strong> 26 Geo. II.<br />
ch. 33 ... called the marriage act ... Remarks on<br />
Thelyphthora and its scheme; with some hints for the<br />
prevention <strong>of</strong> prostitution.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Costa, Christovam da, ca. 1540-1599.<br />
Tratado en loor de las mvgeres, y dela castidad,<br />
onestidad, constancia, silencio, y iusticia: con otras<br />
muchas particularidades, y varias historias.<br />
In Venetia, Presso Giacomo Cornetti. 1592<br />
Item identification number 148; Por Christoval<br />
Acosta Affricano.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 23<br />
Le Bulletin CONTINENTAL.<br />
1875-1889<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
Coste, Hilarion de, 1595-1661.<br />
Les eloges et vies des reynes, princesses, dames et<br />
damoiselles illustres en pieté, courage & doctrine, qui<br />
ont fleury de nostre temps, & du temps de nos peres.<br />
Paris, S. Cramoisy. 1630<br />
Item identification number 149; Avec l'explication de<br />
levrs devises, emblemes, hyerogliphes, & symboles.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
[Cotolendi, Charles] d. ca. 1710.<br />
La vie de Madame la duchesse de Montmorency,<br />
Superieure de la Visitation de Ste. Marie de Moulins.<br />
Paris, Calude Barbin. 1684<br />
Item identification number 150.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
Cowley, Hannah (Parkhouse) 1743-1809.<br />
The belle's stratagem, a comedy, as acted at the<br />
Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.<br />
London, T. Cadell. 1782<br />
Item identification number 151; by Mrs. Cowley.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24
Craven, Elizabeth (Berkeley) baroness Craven,<br />
afterwards margravine <strong>of</strong> Ansbach, 1750-1828.<br />
A journey through the Crimea to Constantinople.<br />
London, Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson. 1789<br />
Item identification number 152; In a series <strong>of</strong> letters<br />
... to his Serene Highness <strong>of</strong> margrave <strong>of</strong><br />
Brandebourg, Anspach, and Bareith. Written in the<br />
year MDCCLXXXVI.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
[Crouch, Nathaniel], 1632?-1725?.<br />
Female excellency; or, The ladies glory.<br />
London, Printed for Nath. Crouch. 1688<br />
Item identification number 153; Illustrated in the<br />
worthy lives and memorable actions <strong>of</strong> nine famous<br />
women ... namely, I. Deborah the prophetess. II. The<br />
valiant Judith. III. Queen Esther. IV. The virtuous<br />
Susanna. V. The chast Lucretia. VI. Voadicia queen<br />
<strong>of</strong> Brittain. VII. Mariamne wife to King Herod. VIII.<br />
Clotilda queen <strong>of</strong> France. IX. Andegona princess <strong>of</strong><br />
Spain. The whole adorned with poems and the picture<br />
for each lady. by R. B.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
Culperer, Nicholas, 1616-1654.<br />
A directory for midwives; or, A guide for women,<br />
in their conception, bearing, and suckling their<br />
children.<br />
London, Printed by J. Streater. 1671<br />
Item identification number 154; The first part<br />
contains, 1. The anatomy ... 9. Of nursing children.<br />
To cure all diseases in women, read the second part<br />
<strong>of</strong> this book ... Newly corrected from many gross<br />
errors.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
Dardano, Luigi.<br />
La bella e dotta difesa delle donne in verso, e<br />
prosa, di Messer Luigi Dardano.<br />
In Vinegia [Per Bartholomeo detto l'Imperatore].<br />
1554<br />
Item identification number 155; contra gli accusatori<br />
del sesso loro, con un breue trattato di ammaestrare li<br />
figliuoli.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802.<br />
A plan for the conduct <strong>of</strong> female education, in<br />
boarding schools.<br />
Derby, Printed by J. Drewry, for J. Johnson. 1797<br />
Item identification number 156.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
[Defoe, Daniel], 1661-1731.<br />
Essays upon several projects; or, Effectual ways<br />
for advancing the interest <strong>of</strong> the nation.<br />
London, Printed for Thomas Ballard. 1702<br />
Item identification number 157.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 24<br />
Le Bulletin CONTINENTAL.<br />
1890-1901<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
12<br />
Business Woman's Magazine.<br />
Oct. 1914-Dec. 1915<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
[Defoe, Daniel], 1661-1731.<br />
The family instructor, in three parts.<br />
London, Printed for J. Batley. 1734<br />
Item identification number 158; 11th ed., corr. by the<br />
author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
[Defoe, Daniel], 1661-1731.<br />
Religious courtship: being historical discourses,<br />
on the necessity <strong>of</strong> marrying religious husbands and<br />
wives only.<br />
London, Printed for D. Farmer. 1737<br />
Item identification number 159; with an appendix <strong>of</strong><br />
the necessity <strong>of</strong> taking none but religious servants<br />
and a proposal for the better managing <strong>of</strong> servants.<br />
5th ed., corrected.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
[Delany, Patrick].<br />
Reflections upon polygamy, and the<br />
encouragement given to that practice in the Scriptures<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Old Testament.<br />
London, Printed for C. Rivington [etc.]. 1739<br />
Item identification number 160; by Phileleutherus<br />
Dubliniensis [pseud.] 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
Desjardins, Marie Catherine Hortense, known as<br />
Mme. de Villedieu, d. 1683.<br />
Portrait des foiblesses humaines, par Madame de<br />
Villedieu.<br />
A Lyon, Chez Thomas Amaulry. 1686<br />
Item identification number 162.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
[Dibdin, Charles], 1745-1814.<br />
Hannah Hewit; or, The female Crusoe.<br />
London, Printed for C. Dibdin. [1792]<br />
Item identification number 163; Being the history <strong>of</strong><br />
a woman ... who was cast away in the Grosvenor<br />
East-Indiaman; and became for three years the sole<br />
inhabitant <strong>of</strong> an island, in the South Seas. Supposed<br />
to be written by herself.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
De memorabilibvs et claris mvlieribvs: aliqvot<br />
diversorvm scriptorvm opera.<br />
Parisiis, Ex ædibus Simonis Colinæi. 1521<br />
Item identification number 161.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 25<br />
Christian Lady's Magazine.<br />
1834-1836<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26
Discorsi accademici di varj autori viventi intorno agli<br />
studj delle donne; la maggior parte recitati nell'<br />
Accademia de' Ricovrati di Padova.<br />
In Padova, Nella Stamperia del seminario, presso<br />
Giovanni Manfrè. 1729<br />
Item identification number 163.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26<br />
Discours sur les hommes; ou, Nouvelle apologie des<br />
femmes.<br />
[Paris]. 1755<br />
Item identification number 164; Par Mr. M.***.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26<br />
Dolce, Lodovico, 1508-1568.<br />
Dialogo della institvtion delle donne de Messer<br />
Lodovico Dolce.<br />
In Vinegia, Appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e<br />
fratelli. 1553<br />
Item identification number 166; Da lvi stesso in<br />
qvesta terza impressione rivedvto, e di piv vtili cose<br />
ampliato.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26<br />
Domenichi, Lodovico, 1515-1564.<br />
La nobilta delle donne, di M. Lodovico<br />
Domenichi.<br />
In Vinetia, Appresso G. Giolito di Ferrarii. 1549<br />
Item identification number 167.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26<br />
[Dorrington, Theophilus] d. 1715.<br />
The excellent woman.<br />
London, Printed for J. Wyat. 1695<br />
Item identification number 169; described by her true<br />
characters and their opposites; Being a just and<br />
instructive representation <strong>of</strong> the vertues and vices <strong>of</strong><br />
the sex. And illustrated with the most remarkable<br />
instances in ancient and modern history ... Done out<br />
<strong>of</strong> French, by T. D.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26<br />
[Dreux du Radier, Jean François], 1714-1780.<br />
Mémoires historiques, critiques, et anecdotes des<br />
reines et régentes de France.<br />
Amsterdam. M. Rey. 1776<br />
Item identification number 170; Nouv. éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 26-27<br />
Christian Lady's Magazine.<br />
1837-1839<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 27<br />
Du Barry, Jeanne Bécu, comtesse, 1743-1793.<br />
Précis historique de la vie de Mad. la comtesse Du<br />
Barry avec son portrait.<br />
Paris. 1774<br />
Item identification number 171.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 27<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
13<br />
Du Boccage, Marie Anne (Le Page) Fiquet, 1710-<br />
1802.<br />
Recueil des œvres de Madame Du Boccage.<br />
Lyon, Chez les frères Perisse. 1770<br />
Item identification number 172; Augmenté de<br />
l'Imitation en vers du Poeme d'Abel.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 27-28<br />
Christian Lady's Magazine.<br />
1840-1842<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 28<br />
Du Castel, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1740-1799.<br />
Dissertation sur la communauté normande.<br />
A Rouen, Chez Pierre Seyer. 1770<br />
Item identification number 175; Par Me. Du Castel.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 28<br />
Du Deffand de la Lande, Marie Anne (de Vichy<br />
Chamrond) marquise, 1697-1780.<br />
Lettres.<br />
Paris, Ponthieu. 1824<br />
Item identification number 176; à Horace Walpole ...<br />
1766 à 1780; auxquelles sont jointes des lettres ... à<br />
Voltaire ... 1759 à 1775 ... Nouv. éd. augm. des<br />
extraits des lettres d'Horace Walpole.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 28-29<br />
Christian Lady's Magazine.<br />
1843-1845<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 29<br />
[Dugeut, Jacques Joseph], 1649-1732.<br />
Conduite d'une dame chrétienne pour vivre<br />
saintement dans le monde.<br />
Paris, J. Estienne. 1730<br />
Item identification number 177; 3. éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 29<br />
Du Noyer, Anne Marguerite Petit, 1663-1719.<br />
Lettres historiques et galantes de deux dames de<br />
condition, dont l'une étoit à Paris, & l'autre en<br />
province.<br />
Cologne, P. Marteau. 1733<br />
Item identification number 178; Où l'on voit tout ce<br />
qui s'est passé de plus particulier, depuis le<br />
commencement du siècle jusques à present; la<br />
relation du congrès d'Utrecht; celle de la mort de<br />
Louïs XIV.; les harangues des seigneurs & <strong>of</strong>ficiers<br />
du parlement. Ouvrages curieux, mêlez d'aventures.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 29-30<br />
Christian Lady's Magazine.<br />
1846-1848<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 30<br />
[Dunton, John], 1659-1733.<br />
The challenge, sent by a young lady to Sir Thomas<br />
--- &c. Or, The female war.<br />
London, Printed and sold by E. Whitlock. 1697<br />
Item identification number 179; Wherein the present<br />
dresses and humours, &c. <strong>of</strong> the fair sex are ... attackt<br />
by men <strong>of</strong> quality, and ... defended by Madam<br />
Godfrey, and other ... ladies.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 30
Dupuy La Chapelle, N. fl. 1693-1730.<br />
Dialogues sur les plaisirs, sur les passions, sur le<br />
mérite des femmes, et sur leur sensibilité pour<br />
l'honneur.<br />
A Paris, Chez Jacques Estienne. 1717<br />
Item identification number 180.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 30<br />
Dykes, Oswald, 1670?-1728.<br />
The royal marriage; King Lemuel's lesson.<br />
London, Printed for the author. 1722<br />
Item identification number 181; practically<br />
paraphrased, with remarks, moral and religious upon<br />
the virtues and vices <strong>of</strong> wedlock.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 30<br />
Eberti, Johann Caspar.<br />
Eröffnetes cabinet dess gelehrten frauen-zimmers<br />
darinnen die berühmtesten dieses geschlechtes<br />
umbständlich vorgestellet werden.<br />
Franckfurth, und Leipzig, Bey M. Rohrlachs sel.<br />
Wittib und Erben. 1706<br />
Item identification number 182.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 30<br />
The Female servant's adviser: or, The service<br />
instructor.<br />
London, Printed for Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper.<br />
[1829?]<br />
Item identification number 850.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 30<br />
Damesweekblad Voor Ïndie.<br />
June 1906-1907<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
[Edgeworth, Maria], 1767-1849.<br />
Letters for literary ladies.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1795<br />
Item identification number 183; To which is added,<br />
An essay on the noble science <strong>of</strong> self-justification.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
Elie de Beaumont, Anne Louise (Morin-Dumesnil)<br />
1729-1783.<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> the Marquis de Roselle, in a series<br />
<strong>of</strong> letters.<br />
London, Printed for T. Becket. 1765<br />
Item identification number 185; Translated from the<br />
French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
Elliot, Richard, d. 1788.<br />
A wedding sermon: being the substance <strong>of</strong> a<br />
discourse delivered at Glass-house yard, on May 14,<br />
1775.<br />
London, printed for the author, and sold by J.<br />
Johnson. 1776<br />
Item identification number 186.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
14<br />
Engelhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm.<br />
Dissertation ivridica inavgvralis.<br />
Erfordiae, Stanno-Henrici Rvdolphi Nonne. [1776]<br />
Item identification number 187.1; De raptv sponsae.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
Engelst<strong>of</strong>t, Laurits, 1774-1851.<br />
Forsög til en skildring af qvindekjönnets huuslige<br />
og borgerlige kaar hos skandinaverne för<br />
kristendommens indförelse.<br />
Kiöbenhavn, paa G{:y}ldendals forlag. 1799<br />
Item identification number 188.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
Ercolani, Girolamo, d. 1668.<br />
... Le eroine della solitvdine sacra; ouero, Vite<br />
d'alcune delle piu illustri romite sacre.<br />
Bologna, Per G. Longhi. [1655]<br />
Item identification number 189.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
Essai sur la supériorité intellectuelle de la femme,<br />
dédié par permission à sa Majesté Fréderique Louise,<br />
reine de Prusse, par le Chev. dell'Acqua, Milanois.<br />
Berlin. 1797<br />
Item identification number 190.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
An Essay on marriage.<br />
[London?]. [1749]<br />
Item identification number 191.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 31<br />
Damesweekblad Voor Ïndie.<br />
1908<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
An Essay on woman, in three epistles.<br />
London, Printed for the author and sold by Mr.<br />
Gretton. [1763?]<br />
Item identification number 192.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
An Essay upon the art <strong>of</strong> love, containing an exact<br />
anatomy <strong>of</strong> love and all the other passions which<br />
attend it.<br />
[London]. 1702<br />
Item identification number 193.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
[Essex, John].<br />
The young ladies conduct; or, Rules for education,<br />
under several heads; with instructions upon dress,<br />
both before and after marriage; and advice to young<br />
wives.<br />
London, JOhn Brotherton. 1722<br />
Item identification number 194.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32
The Fashionable Cypriad: in a series <strong>of</strong> elegant and<br />
interesting letters, with correlative anecdotes <strong>of</strong> the<br />
most distinguished characters in Great Britain and<br />
Ireland.<br />
London, Printed for the author, and sold by M. and S.<br />
Bull. 1798-99<br />
Item identification number 195; Part I-II. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
The Fate <strong>of</strong> Corsica; or, The female politician, a<br />
comedy.<br />
London, Printed for E. Rayner. 1732<br />
Item identification number 196; Written by a lady <strong>of</strong><br />
quality.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
Fausto, Sabastiano, da Longiano, 16th century.<br />
Delle nozze, trattato, in cvi si leggono i riti, i<br />
costvmi, gl'institvti, le cerimonie, et le solennita' di<br />
diuersi antichi popoli, ende si sono tratti molti<br />
problemi; & aggiuntiui, i precetti matrimoniali di<br />
Plutarco.<br />
In Venetia, Per Plinio Pietrasanta. 1554<br />
Item identification number 197.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
Favole scelte, tradotte dall'idioma francese nell'<br />
italiano per il signor de Veneroni.<br />
Augspurg, Zu finden bey Abraham Steisslinger.<br />
[1727]<br />
Item identification number 198; e poi da quelle nel<br />
tedesco, per il signore Baldassaro Nickisch.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
Fedele, Cassandra, 1465?-1558.<br />
Clarissimae feminae Cassandrae Fidelis Venetae<br />
Epistolae & orationes posthumæ, nunquam antehac<br />
editæ. Iac. Philippvs Tomasinvs è M. SS. recensuit,<br />
præmissa eius vita argumentis, notisque illustrauit.<br />
Patavii, Prostat apud Francisü Bolzettam. 1636<br />
Item identification number 199.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
Feijoo y Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo, 1675-1764.<br />
An essay on woman; or, Physiological and<br />
historical defence <strong>of</strong> the fair sex.<br />
London, Printed for W. Bingley. [177-?]<br />
Item identification number 200; Tr. from the Spanish<br />
<strong>of</strong> El Theatro Critico.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
The Female advocate; or, An answer to a late satyr<br />
against the pride, lust and inconstancy <strong>of</strong> woman.<br />
London, Printed for J. Taylor. 1707<br />
Item identification number 200.1; Written by a lady<br />
in vindication <strong>of</strong> her sex.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
The Female ae gis; or, The duties <strong>of</strong> women from<br />
childhood to old age, and in most situations <strong>of</strong> life,<br />
exemplified.<br />
London, Printed by S. Low for J. Ginger. 1798<br />
Item identification number 201; Embellished with a<br />
frontispiece.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
15<br />
The Female congress; or, The temple <strong>of</strong> Cotytto; a<br />
mock heroic poem, in four cantos.<br />
London, Printed for T. Davies. 1779<br />
Item identification number 202.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
The Female Dunciad; containing a faithful account <strong>of</strong><br />
the intrigues <strong>of</strong> Alexander Pope.<br />
London, printed for T. Read. 1728<br />
Item identification number 203.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 32<br />
Damesweekblad Voor Ïndie.<br />
1909-Jan. 1910<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
Female friendship; or, The innocent sufferer.<br />
London, Printed for John Bell. 1770<br />
Item identification number 205; A moral novel.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
The Female manufacturers complaint: being the<br />
humble petition <strong>of</strong> Dorothy Distaff, Abigail<br />
Spinning-Wheel, Eleanor <strong>Reel</strong>, &c. spinsters, to the<br />
Lady Rebecca Woollpack.<br />
London, Printed for W. Boreham. 1720<br />
Item identification number 206; with A respectful<br />
epistle to Sir R---- St----1, concerning some<br />
ommissions <strong>of</strong> the utmost importance in his lady's<br />
wardrobe. by Monsieur de Brocade <strong>of</strong> Paris.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
The Female wits: or, The triumvirate <strong>of</strong> poets at<br />
rehearsal.<br />
London, W. Turner [etc.]. 1704<br />
Item identification number 209; A comedy. As it was<br />
acted several days successively with great applause at<br />
the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. by her Majesty's<br />
servants. Written by W. M.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe, abp.,<br />
1651-1715.<br />
The Archbishop <strong>of</strong> Cambray's dissertation on pure<br />
love.<br />
London, Sold by G. Thomson. [1750?]<br />
Item identification number 210; with an account <strong>of</strong><br />
the life and writings <strong>of</strong> the lady, for whose sake the<br />
archbishop was banished from court ... Also two<br />
letters, written by one <strong>of</strong> the lady's maids, during her<br />
confinement in the castle <strong>of</strong> Vincennes.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
Feusking, Johann Heinrich, 1672-1713.<br />
Io. Henr. Feustkingii.<br />
Franckfurt und Leipzig, G. Zimmermann. 1704<br />
Item identification number 212; Gynaeceum<br />
haeretico fanaticum; oder, Historie und Beschreibung<br />
der falschen Prophetinnen, Qvaeckerinnen,<br />
Schwaermerinnen, und andern sectirischen und<br />
begeisterten Weibes-Personen, durch welche die<br />
Kirche Gottes verunruhiget worden; sambt einem<br />
Vorbericht und Anhang entgegen gesetzet denen<br />
Adeptis God<strong>of</strong>redi Arnoldi.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33
Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754.<br />
A full vindication <strong>of</strong> the Dutchess Dowager <strong>of</strong><br />
Marlborough: Both with regard to the account lately<br />
published by her grace, and to her character in<br />
general; against the base and malicious invectives<br />
contained in a late scurrilous pamphlet, entitled<br />
Remarks on the account &c.<br />
London, Printed for J. Roberts. 1742<br />
Item identification number 212.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
[Fielding, Sarah], 1710-1768.<br />
The governess; or, The little female academy.<br />
London, Printed for A. Millar. 1758<br />
Item identification number 213; Calculated for the<br />
entertainment and instruction <strong>of</strong> young ladies in their<br />
education. by the author <strong>of</strong> David Simple. 4th ed.,<br />
rev. and corr.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
[Fielding, Sarah], 1710-1768.<br />
The lives <strong>of</strong> Cleopatra and Octavia.<br />
London, Printed for the author, and sold by Andrew<br />
Millar [etc.]. 1757<br />
Item identification number 214; by the author <strong>of</strong><br />
David Simple.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
Filippi, Marco.<br />
Vita di Santa Caterina vergine, e martire;<br />
composta in ottaua rima.<br />
Venetia, Appresso D. & G.B. Guerra ad instantia di<br />
L. Pegolo. 1578<br />
Item identification number 215; Aggiuntoui di nuouo<br />
gli argomenti & le figure approprate ad ogni canto.<br />
Con vna raccolta di sonetti, e canzoni spiritvali, & di<br />
alcune stanze della Maddelena a Christo del<br />
medesimo autore.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
Fleetwood, William, bp. <strong>of</strong> Ely, 1656-1723.<br />
The relative duties <strong>of</strong> parents and children,<br />
husbands and wives, masters and servants; consider'd<br />
in sixteen practical discourses: with three sermons<br />
upon the case <strong>of</strong> self-murther.<br />
London, Printed for John Hooke. 1716<br />
Item identification number 217; 2d ed. Necessary for<br />
all families.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 33<br />
Daughters <strong>of</strong> America.<br />
1886-1894<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 34<br />
Fordyce, James, 1720-1796.<br />
Sermons to young women.<br />
London, Printed for A. Millar and T. Cadell. 1766<br />
Item identification number 220; 3d ed., corr.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 34<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
16<br />
[Foster, Hannah (Webster)] "Mrs. John Foster,"<br />
1759-1840.<br />
The boarding school; or, Lessons <strong>of</strong> a preceptress<br />
to her pupils: consisting <strong>of</strong> information, instruction,<br />
and advice, calculated to improve the manners, and<br />
form the character <strong>of</strong> young ladies.<br />
Boston, Printed by I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews.<br />
1798<br />
Item identification number 221; To which is added, a<br />
collection <strong>of</strong> letters, written by the pupils, to their<br />
instructor, their friends, and each other. by a lady <strong>of</strong><br />
Massachusetts.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 34<br />
Fouquet, Marie (de Maupeou) vicomtesse de<br />
Vaux, 1590-1681.<br />
Recveil de receptes, où est expliqvée la manière<br />
de guerir à peu de frais toute sorte de maux tant<br />
internes, qu'externes inueterez, & qui ont passé<br />
jusqu'à present pour incurables.<br />
Lyon, J. Certe. 1676<br />
Item identification number 222; Le tout a esté<br />
experimenté par les charitables soins de Madame<br />
Fovqvet.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 34<br />
Fox, Margaret (Askew) Fell, 1614-1702.<br />
A brief collection <strong>of</strong> remarkable passages and<br />
occurrences relating to the birth, education, life,<br />
conversion, travels, services, and deep sufferings <strong>of</strong><br />
that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Lord, Margaret Fell.<br />
London, Printed and sold by J. Sowle. 1710<br />
Item identification number 224.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 34<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
Jan. -Oct. 1894; May 1895-1896<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
[Franklin, Benjamin], 1706-1790.<br />
Reflections on courtship and marriage: in two<br />
letters to a friend.<br />
London, Sold by A. Thomson [etc.]. 1779<br />
Item identification number 225; Wherein a practical<br />
plan is laid down for obtaining and securing conjugal<br />
felicity. To which is annexed, A letter to a very<br />
young lady on her marriage, by Dr. Swift. Together<br />
with two essays on jealousy, by Mr. Addison.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
Free thoughts on seduction, adultery, and divorce.<br />
London, Printed for J. Bell. 1711<br />
Item identification number 226; with reflections on<br />
the gallantry <strong>of</strong> princes, particularly those <strong>of</strong> the<br />
blood-royal <strong>of</strong> England. Occasioned by the late<br />
intrigue between His Royal Highness the Duke <strong>of</strong><br />
Cumberland, and Henrietta, wife <strong>of</strong> the Right<br />
Honourable Richard lord Grosvenor. Also remarks on<br />
the trial at law, between his Lordship and his Royal<br />
Highness, in consequence <strong>of</strong> that illicit amour; with<br />
observations on the depositions since taken, in the<br />
cause depending in Doctors-commons, between Lord<br />
Grosvenor and his Lady. by a civilian.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35
The French convert; being a true relation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
happy conversion <strong>of</strong> a noble French lady, from the<br />
errors and superstitutions <strong>of</strong> popery, to the reformed<br />
religion.<br />
New York, Printed by J. Harrison for J. Reid. 1793<br />
Item identification number 227.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
The Friendly instructor; or, A companion for young<br />
ladies, and young gentlemen: in which their duty to<br />
God and their parents, their carriage to superiors and<br />
inferiors, and several other very useful and<br />
instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and<br />
familiar dialogues.<br />
London, Printed for J. Buckland and J. Waugh. 1764<br />
Item identification number 228; with a<br />
recommendatory preface by P. Doddridge, D. D.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
Fuller, William, 1670-1733.<br />
A brief discovery <strong>of</strong> the true mother <strong>of</strong> the<br />
pretended Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales, known by the name <strong>of</strong><br />
Mary Grey.<br />
London, Printed for the author. 1696<br />
Item identification number 229; To which is added, a<br />
further discovery <strong>of</strong> the late conspiracy against His<br />
Majesties sacred person, and government.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
[Gacon-Dufour, Marie Armande Jeanne], 1753-<br />
1835.<br />
Memoire pour le sexe féminin, contre le sexe<br />
masculin.<br />
Londres, et se trouve à Paris, Chez Royez. 1787<br />
Item identification number 230; Par Madame ***.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
[Galien, de Château-Thierry (Mme.)].<br />
Apologie des dames appuyée sur l'histoire.<br />
Paris, Didot. 1737<br />
Item identification number 231; Par M. de ***.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
Gally, Henry, 1696-1769.<br />
Some considerations upon clandestine marriages.<br />
London, Printed by and for J. Hughs [etc.]. 1750<br />
Item identification number 232.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
[Gauden, John, bp. <strong>of</strong> Worcester], 1605-1662.<br />
A discourse <strong>of</strong> auxiliary beauty; or, Artificial<br />
hansomenesse.<br />
[London] Printed for R: Royston. [1656]<br />
Item identification number 233; In point <strong>of</strong><br />
conscience between two ladies.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
17<br />
Gawler, afterwards Ker [John Bellenden], 1765-<br />
1842.<br />
Trial for adultery: the whole proceedings on the<br />
trial <strong>of</strong> John Bellenger Gawler, Esquire, for criminal<br />
conversation with Lady Valentia, in the Court <strong>of</strong><br />
King's Bench, before Lord Kenyon.<br />
London, J. Downes. 1799<br />
Item identification number 234.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
[Gaya, Louis de].<br />
Coup d'œil anglois sur les ceremonies du mariage.<br />
Genève. 1750<br />
Item identification number 235; Ouvrage trad. sur la<br />
2e édit. de Londres, par Mrs. ***.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
[Geddes, D.].<br />
Appeal to the men <strong>of</strong> Great Britain in behalf <strong>of</strong><br />
women.<br />
[London] Printed for J. Johnson and J. Bell. 1798<br />
Item identification number 236.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Adelaide and Theodore; or, Letters on education:<br />
containing all the principles relative to three different<br />
plans <strong>of</strong> education; to that <strong>of</strong> princes, and to those <strong>of</strong><br />
young persons <strong>of</strong> both sexes.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell. 1788<br />
Item identification number 238; Tr. from the French<br />
<strong>of</strong> M. la comtesse de Genlis. 3d ed., carefully corr.<br />
and amended.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 35-36<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1897-1898<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 36<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Leçons d'une gouvernante à ses élèves; ou,<br />
Fragmens d'un journal, qui a été fait pour l'education<br />
des enfants de monsieur d'Orléans.<br />
Paris, Onfroy, Née de la Rochelle. 1791<br />
Item identification number 238.1; Par Madame de<br />
Sillery-Brulart, gouvernante de M.elle d'Orléans.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 36<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Précis de la conduite de Madame de Genlis depuis<br />
la révolution.<br />
Hambourg, et se trouve à Paris, chez Cerioux. [1796]<br />
Item identification number 239; Suivi d'une lettre à<br />
M. de Chartres, et de Réflexions sur la critique.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 36
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Tales <strong>of</strong> the castle; or, Stories <strong>of</strong> instruction and<br />
delight.<br />
London, Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson. 1793<br />
Item identification number 240; Being Les veillées de<br />
château, written in French by Madame la comtesse de<br />
Genlis ... tr. into English by Thomas Holcr<strong>of</strong>t. 4th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 36-37<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1899-1900<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 37<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
The theater <strong>of</strong> education.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell [etc.]. 1783<br />
Item identification number 241; Translated from the<br />
French. A new edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 37<br />
Gerbais, Jean, 1629-1699.<br />
Traité du pouvoir de l'eglise et des princes sur les<br />
empeschemens du marriage.<br />
Paris, Villery. 1698<br />
Item identification number 242.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 37<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1901-1902<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 38<br />
Gibbons, Thomas, 1720-1785.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> eminently pious women, who were<br />
ornaments to their sex, blessings to their families, and<br />
edifying examples to the church and world.<br />
London, Printed for J. Buckland. 1777<br />
Item identification number 244.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 38<br />
Giles, William.<br />
A treatise on marriage, being serious thoughts on<br />
the original design <strong>of</strong> that sacred institution.<br />
London, Printed by M. Lewis and sold by J.<br />
Buckland [etc.]. 1771<br />
Item identification number 245; To which are added,<br />
strictures on the education <strong>of</strong> children.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 38<br />
Gisborne, Thomas, 1758-1846.<br />
An enquiry into the duties <strong>of</strong> the female sex.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies.<br />
1797<br />
Item identification number 248.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 38<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1903-1904<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 39<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
18<br />
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680.<br />
Sadducimus triumphatus; or, A full and plain<br />
evidence, concerning witches and apparitions. In two<br />
parts, the first treating <strong>of</strong> their possibility, the second<br />
<strong>of</strong> their real existence.<br />
London, A. Bettesworth and J. Batley [etc.]. 1726<br />
Item identification number 249; 4th ed., with<br />
additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 39<br />
Godwin, William, 1756-1836.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the author <strong>of</strong> A vindication <strong>of</strong> the<br />
rights <strong>of</strong> woman.<br />
London, J. Johnson. 1798<br />
Item identification number 250; 2d ed., cor.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 39<br />
Golborne, John.<br />
A friendly apology, in the behalf <strong>of</strong> the womans<br />
excellency: together with some examples <strong>of</strong> womenworthies.<br />
London, H. Mortlock. 1674<br />
Item identification number 251; As also the character<br />
<strong>of</strong> a virtuous and accomplished woman: wherein<br />
ladies <strong>of</strong> pleasure are taxed and admonished.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 39<br />
Gomez, Madeleine Angelique Poisson de, 1684-<br />
1770.<br />
La belle assemblée: being a curious collection <strong>of</strong><br />
some very remarkable incidents which happened to<br />
persons <strong>of</strong> the first quality in France.<br />
London, A. Woodfall [etc.]. 1765<br />
Item identification number 252; 8th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 39<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1905-1906<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
Gool, Jan van, d. 1763.<br />
De nieuwe schouburg der Nederlantsche<br />
kunstschilders en schilderessen: waer in de levens- en<br />
kunstbedryven der tans levende en reets overleedene<br />
schilders, die van Houbraken, noch eenig ander<br />
schryver, zyn aengeteekend, verhaelt worden.<br />
's Gravenhage, Gedrukt voor den autheur. 1750-51<br />
Item identification number 253; Door Johan van<br />
Gool.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1746-1797.<br />
Zum Andenken der Frau von Buchwald.<br />
Gotha, Ettinger. 1790<br />
Item identification number 254.1; Nebst zwey<br />
ungedruckten Briefen des Herrn von Voltaire.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
[Goulin, Jean], 1728-1799.<br />
Der arzt des frauenzimmers, oder die kunst,<br />
dieselben gesund zu erhalten.<br />
Leipzig, J. G. Müller. 1773<br />
Item identification number 254.2; Aus dem<br />
Französischen [von J. G. F.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40
Great Britain. Privy Council.<br />
Plain truths; or, A collection <strong>of</strong> scarce and<br />
valuable tracts.<br />
[London]. [1688]<br />
Item identification number 254.3; Containing, I. The<br />
several declarations and depositions ... concerning the<br />
birth <strong>of</strong> the Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
[Greene, Edward Burnaby] d. 1788.<br />
Whispers for the ear <strong>of</strong> the author <strong>of</strong><br />
Thelyphthora, in favor <strong>of</strong> reason and religion,<br />
aspersed through that work.<br />
London, Printed for H. Payne. 1781<br />
Item identification number 255.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
Gregory, John, 1724-1773.<br />
A father's legacy to his daughters.<br />
London, printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell. 1784<br />
Item identification number 257; A new ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
Grenaille, François de, sieur de Chatouniëres,<br />
1616-1680.<br />
Les plaisirs des dames. Dediez à la reyne de la<br />
Grande Bretaigne.<br />
A Paris, Chez Gervais Clousier, au Palais sur les<br />
degrez de la saincte Chappelle. 1641<br />
Item identification number 258; Par M. de Grenaille<br />
escuyer, sieur de Chatounières.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 40<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1907-1908<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 41<br />
Grubb, Sarah [Tuke], 1756-1790.<br />
Some account <strong>of</strong> the life and religious labours <strong>of</strong><br />
Sarah Grubb.<br />
Dublin, R. Jackson. 1792<br />
Item identification number 259.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 41<br />
Grupen, Christian Ulrich, 1692-1767.<br />
De uxore theotisca, von der teutschen frau.<br />
Göttingen, J. W. Schmidt. 1748<br />
Item identification number 260.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 41<br />
Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus, 1671-1729.<br />
... De emptione vxorvm, dote et morgen gaba ex<br />
ivre Germanico libellvs singvlaris.<br />
Lipsiae, Ex. <strong>of</strong>ficina Langenhemiana. 1777<br />
Item identification number 261; Ed. nova.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 41<br />
Guyon, Claude Maria, 1699-1771.<br />
Histoire des Amazons anciennes and modernes,<br />
enrichie de médailles.<br />
Paris, Chez J. Villette. 1740<br />
Item identification number 262.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 41<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
19<br />
Guyon, Jeanne Marie (Bouvier de La Motte)<br />
1648-1717.<br />
The life <strong>of</strong> Lady Guion.<br />
Bristol, Printed by S. Farley. 1772<br />
Item identification number 263; written by herself in<br />
French, now abridged, and translated into English; To<br />
which are added, remarkable accounts <strong>of</strong> the lives <strong>of</strong><br />
worthy persons, whose memories were dear to Lady<br />
Guion.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 41-42<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1909-1910<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 42<br />
Habicht, Melchoir.<br />
Beyspiele von dem einfluss des weiblichen<br />
geschlechts in den alten römischen staat.<br />
Frankfurt und Leipzig. 1792<br />
Item identification number 264.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 42<br />
Halifax, George Savile, 1st marquis <strong>of</strong>, 1633-1695.<br />
Miscellanies, by the late right noble lord marquess<br />
<strong>of</strong> Hallifax.<br />
London, Printed for Matt. Gillyflower. 1700<br />
Item identification number 266; Viz. I. Advice to a<br />
daughter. II. The character <strong>of</strong> a trimmer. III. The<br />
anatomy <strong>of</strong> an equivalent. IV. A letter to a dissenter.<br />
V. Cautions for choice <strong>of</strong> Parliament-men. VI. A<br />
rough draught <strong>of</strong> a new model at sea. VII. Maxims <strong>of</strong><br />
state.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 42<br />
[Halifax, George Savile, 1st marquis <strong>of</strong>], 1633-<br />
1695.<br />
The lady's New-years gift; or, Advice to a<br />
daughter, under these following heads: viz, religion,<br />
husband, house and family, servants, behaviour and<br />
conversation, friendships, censure, vanity and<br />
affection, pride, diversions, dancing.<br />
London, Printed for Matt. Gillyflower and James<br />
Partridge. 1688<br />
Item identification number 265; 3d ed. corr. by the<br />
original.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 42<br />
Hamilton, Alexander, 1739-1802.<br />
A treatise on the management <strong>of</strong> female<br />
complaints, and <strong>of</strong> children in early infancy.<br />
New York, Printed and sold by Samuel Campbell.<br />
1792<br />
Item identification number 267; A new ed., with<br />
large improvements.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 42<br />
Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1758-1816.<br />
Translation <strong>of</strong> the letters <strong>of</strong> a Hindoo rajah;<br />
written previous to, and during the period <strong>of</strong> his<br />
residence in England.<br />
London, Printed for G. G. & J. Robinson. 1796<br />
Item identification number 268; To which is prefixed,<br />
a preliminary dissertation on the history, religion, and<br />
manners, <strong>of</strong> the Hindoos.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 42-43
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1911-1912<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
Hannow, Joachim Eberhard von.<br />
Bonus mulier; sive, centuria juridica practica<br />
quaestionum illustrium: de mulieribus vel uxoribus.<br />
[n.p.]. 1627<br />
Item identification number 269.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
Hansen, Leonard, d. 1685.<br />
Vita mirabilis et mors pretiosa B. Rosae de Maria<br />
Limensis.<br />
Lovanii, H. Nempaei. 1668<br />
Item identification number 270; Ex terio ordine S. P.<br />
Dominici exceppta & collecta per eximium P. F.<br />
Leonardum Hansen.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
The Hardships <strong>of</strong> the English laws in relation to<br />
wives.<br />
London, and Dublin re-printed by and for G.<br />
Faulkner. 1735<br />
Item identification number 271; with an explanation<br />
<strong>of</strong> the original curse <strong>of</strong> subjection passed upon the<br />
woman. In an humble address to the Legislature.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
Hartmann, Anton Theodor, 1774-1838.<br />
Uber die ideale weiblicher schönheit bei den<br />
Morgenländern, ein versuch.<br />
Düsseldorf, J. H. C. Schreiner. 1798<br />
Item identification number 273; Nebst einem anhang<br />
von einigen literarischen, historischen und kritischen<br />
bemerkungen über einzelne angeführte schriftsteller.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
Hastings, Susannah (Willard) Johnson, 1730-1810.<br />
A narrative <strong>of</strong> the captivity <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Johnson.<br />
Walpole, N.H., Printed by D. Carlisle, jun. 1796<br />
Item identification number 273.1; Containing an<br />
account <strong>of</strong> her sufferings during four years with the<br />
Indians and French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
[Hawkins, Lætitia Matilda], 1760-1835.<br />
Letters on the female mind, its powers and<br />
pursuits.<br />
London, Printed for Hookham and Carpenter. 1793<br />
Item identification number 274; Addressed to Miss<br />
H. M. Williams, with particular reference to her<br />
Letters from France.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
Hayes, Alice (Smith) 1657-1720.<br />
A legacy; or, Widow's mite.<br />
London, Printed and sold by Luke Hinde. 1765<br />
Item identification number 275; left by Alice Hayes<br />
to her children and others; Being a brief relation to<br />
her life; with an account <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> her dying<br />
sayings. 3d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
20<br />
[Hayley, William], 1745-1820.<br />
A philosophical, historical, and moral essay on old<br />
maids.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell. 1785<br />
Item identification number 276; by a friend to the<br />
sisterhood.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 43-44<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1913-1914<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
Haywood, Eliza (Fowler) 1693?-1756.<br />
Letters from a lady <strong>of</strong> quality to a chevalier.<br />
London, Printed for William Chetwood. 1721<br />
Item identification number 278; Tr. from the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
[Haywood, Eliza (Fowler)], 1693?-1756.<br />
Epistles for ladies.<br />
London, T. Gardner. 1765<br />
Item identification number 277; by the authors <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Female spectator. 3d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
[Haywood, Eliza (Fowler)], 1693?-1756.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> a certain island adjacent to the<br />
kingdom <strong>of</strong> Utopia.<br />
London, Printed and sold by the booksellers <strong>of</strong><br />
London and Westminster. 1726<br />
Item identification number 279; Written by a<br />
celebrated author <strong>of</strong> that country. Now translated into<br />
Eng. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
[Heale, William], 1581?-1627.<br />
An apologie for vvomen; or, An opposition to Mr.<br />
Dr. G[ager] his assertion.<br />
Oxford, Printed by J. Barnes. 1609<br />
Item identification number 280; Who held ... that it<br />
was lawfull for husbands to beate their wives.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
Hedengrahn, Peter.<br />
Exercitium academicum mulieres philosophantes<br />
leviter adumbrans.<br />
Upsaliae. 1700<br />
Item identification number 282.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
[Hennet, Albin Joseph Ulpien], 1758-1828.<br />
Du divorce.<br />
Paris, Impr. de Monsieur, Chez Desenne. 1789<br />
Item identification number 283.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 44<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1915-1916<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45
Henriquez, Chrisótomo, 1594-1632.<br />
Quinque prudente virgines sive: Beatricis de<br />
Nazareth, Aleydis de Scharenbecka, Idae de Nivellis,<br />
Idae di Lovanio, Idae de Levvis, ordinis Cisterc,<br />
praeclara gesta, exantiqius m. s. erata.<br />
Anterpiae, Ioannem Crobbaert. 1630<br />
Item identification number 284.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45<br />
Herzer, Franz Xavier.<br />
Nachricht von stiftungen zur aussteurung gut<br />
gesitteter und arbeitsamer mädchen und wahrhafte<br />
begebenheiten gut oder über gerathener ehen zur<br />
ueberlegung für ganz reife mädchen.<br />
Donauwörth, Singer. 1792<br />
Item identification number 286.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45<br />
Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641.<br />
Gynaikeion; or, Nine books <strong>of</strong> various history<br />
concerning women.<br />
London, Printed by Adam Islip. 1624<br />
Item identification number 289.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45<br />
[Heywood, Thomas] d. 1641.<br />
The exemplary lives and memorable acts <strong>of</strong> nine<br />
<strong>of</strong> the most worthy women <strong>of</strong> the vvorld: Three<br />
Iewes. Three Gentiles. Three Christians.<br />
London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Richard Royston.<br />
1640<br />
Item identification number 287; Written by the author<br />
<strong>of</strong> the <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong>. [Quotation].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45<br />
[Hill, John], 1716?-1775.<br />
The conduct <strong>of</strong> a married life.<br />
London, Printed for R. Baldwin. 1754<br />
Item identification number 290; Laid down in a series<br />
<strong>of</strong> letters, written by the Honourable Juliana-<br />
Susannah Seymour [pseud.] to a young lady, her<br />
relation, lately married.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45<br />
Hill, Sir Richard, bart., 1732-1808.<br />
The blessings <strong>of</strong> polygamy displayed, in an<br />
affectionate address to the Rev. Martin Madan.<br />
London, J. Matthews [etc.]. 1781<br />
Item identification number 291; occasioned by his<br />
late work, entitled Thelyphthora; or, A treatise on<br />
female ruin.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 45<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1917-1918<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
The <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> a young lady <strong>of</strong> distinction, in a series<br />
<strong>of</strong> letters.<br />
London, Printed for F. Noble and J. Noble. 1754<br />
Item identification number 292; [Tr. from the<br />
French?].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
21<br />
Hojer, Andreas, 1690-1739.<br />
De nuptiis propinquorum jure divino non<br />
prohibitis.<br />
[n.p.]. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 293; Andrea Hoieri.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
[Honoria] pseud.<br />
The female mentor; or, Select conversations.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies.<br />
1798<br />
Item identification number 294; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
Hrotsvit, <strong>of</strong> Gandersheim, b. ca. 935.<br />
Hrosvvithae.<br />
Vitembergae Saxonvm, Apud Christianvm<br />
Schrödtervm. 1707<br />
Item identification number 295; Opera, partim soluto,<br />
partim vincto sermonis genere ab ea conscripta,<br />
duobus abhinc seculis a Conrado Celte formis<br />
primum expressa, nunc denuo, multorum rogatu, ad<br />
usum publicum recognita, et ab inficeto scribendi<br />
more repurgata, cura et studio Henrici Leonardi<br />
Schvrzfleischii, accessit eiusdem praesatio, cum<br />
adiecto indice.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
[Huber, Marie], 1695-1753.<br />
The world unmask'd; or, The philosopher the<br />
greatest cheat; in twenty-four dialogues.<br />
London, Printed for A. Millar. 1736<br />
Item identification number 296; In which true virtue<br />
is distinguished from what usually bears the name or<br />
resemblance <strong>of</strong> it ... To which is added, The state <strong>of</strong><br />
souls separated from their bodies ... in answer to a<br />
treatise, entitled, An enquiry into Origenism ... Tr.<br />
from the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
Hume, Sophia, 1701-1774.<br />
An exhortation to the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> the province<br />
<strong>of</strong> South-Carolina, to bring their deeds to the light <strong>of</strong><br />
Christ, in their own consciences.<br />
London, Printed and sold by Luke Hinde. 1752<br />
Item identification number 297.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
Hunt, John, 1744-1775.<br />
A sermon occasioned by the death <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Sarah<br />
Gill, late consort to Mr. Moses Gill, merchant, and<br />
preached at the South-Church in Boston the Lord's<br />
Day after her decease.<br />
Boston, Printed by Edes & Gill. 1771<br />
Item identification number 298.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46
Hutchinson, Francis, bp. <strong>of</strong> Down and Connor,<br />
1660-1739.<br />
An historical essay concerning witchcraft.<br />
London, Printed for R. Knaplock [etc.]. 1720<br />
Item identification number 299; with observations<br />
upon matters <strong>of</strong> fact; tending to clear the texts <strong>of</strong> the<br />
sacred Scriptures, and confute the vulgar errors about<br />
that point. And also two sermons: one in pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Christian religion; the other concerning good and evil<br />
angels ... 2d ed., with considerable additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 46<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1919<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
L'ingénue; ou, L'encensoir des dames, par la nièce à<br />
mon oncle.<br />
A Genève, et se trouve à Paris, Chez des Ventes de la<br />
Doué. 1770<br />
Item identification number 300.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
Instructions for a young lady, in every sphere and<br />
period <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
Edinburgh, Printed by A. Donaldson. 1773<br />
Item identification number 301.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
[Jackson, Mary Elizabeth].<br />
Botanical dialogues, between Hortensia and her<br />
four children, Charles, Harriet, Juliette and Henry.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1797<br />
Item identification number 302; Designed for the use<br />
<strong>of</strong> schools, by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
Johnson (Madam) comp.<br />
Madam Johnson's present; or, Every young<br />
woman's companion in useful and universal<br />
knowledge.<br />
Dublin, Printed for J. Williams. 1770<br />
Item identification number 303; 4th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
Juncker, Christian, 1668-1714.<br />
Schediasma historicum de ephemeridibus sive<br />
diariis eruditorum, in nobilioribus Europae partibus<br />
hactenus publicatis.<br />
Gleditsch. 1692<br />
Item identification number 305; In appendice<br />
exhibetur Centuria foeminarum eruditione et scriptis<br />
illustrium, ab eôdem collecta. Lipsiae, J. F.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
[Kenrick, William], 1725?-1779, supposed author.<br />
The whole duty <strong>of</strong> a woman; or, A guide to the<br />
female sex, from the age <strong>of</strong> sixteen to sixty, & c.<br />
London, Dean and Munday. [17-?]<br />
Item identification number 305.1; Written by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
22<br />
Kettilby, Mary.<br />
A collection <strong>of</strong> above three hundred receipts in<br />
cookery, physick and surgery; for the use <strong>of</strong> all good<br />
wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses.<br />
London, printed for H. Lintot. 1749<br />
Item identification number 306; by several hands. 7th<br />
ed., to which is added a second part, containing a<br />
great number <strong>of</strong> excellent receipts, for preserving and<br />
conserving <strong>of</strong> sweet-meats, &c. and a new index to<br />
both parts.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
Knox, John, 1505-1572.<br />
The first blast <strong>of</strong> the trumpet against the<br />
monstrous regimen <strong>of</strong> women.<br />
Edinburgh, Printed; and Philadelphia, Reprinted by<br />
Andrew Steuart. 1766<br />
Item identification number 308; To which is added,<br />
the contents <strong>of</strong> the second blast, and a letter from<br />
John Knox to the people <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, anno 1571.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
Kristina, Queen <strong>of</strong> Sweden, 1626-1689.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Christina queen <strong>of</strong> Sweden.<br />
London, Printed for D. Wilson and T. Durham. 1753<br />
Item identification number 309; Containing maxims<br />
and sentences, in twelve centuries; and reflections on<br />
the life and actions <strong>of</strong> Alexander the Great. Now first<br />
translated from the original French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 47<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1920<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 48<br />
La Beaumelle, Laurant Angliviel de, 1726-1773.<br />
Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire de Madame de<br />
Maintenon.<br />
Maestricht, J. E. Dufour et P. Roux. 1789<br />
Item identification number 311.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 48<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1921-1922<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 49<br />
[La Chambre, Pierre Cureau de], 1640-1693.<br />
Panegyrique de la bienheureuse Rose de Sainte<br />
Marie de Lima du Perou, prononcé en l'Eglise des<br />
RR. PP. Dominicains de la rue S. Honoré.<br />
Paris, Impr. d' E. Martin. 1669<br />
Item identification number 312.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 49<br />
[La Croix, Jean Francois de], 18th century.<br />
Dictionnaire historique portatif des femmes<br />
célèbres.<br />
Paris, Chez L. Cellot. 1769<br />
Item identification number 313.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 49
The Ladies Library.<br />
Published by Mr. Steele. London, Printed for Jacob<br />
Tonson and sold by W. Mears. 1714<br />
Item identification number 315; Written by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 49-50<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1923-1924<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 50<br />
The Ladies miscellany.<br />
London, E. Curll. 1718<br />
Item identification number 317; consisting <strong>of</strong> original<br />
poems by the most eminent hands, to which are<br />
added, court-poems on several occasions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 50<br />
The Ladies miscellany; or, Travelling adventures.<br />
London, Printed for and sold by the author, at the<br />
sign <strong>of</strong> the Lock and Key. 1737<br />
Item identification number 318; Done by a society <strong>of</strong><br />
widows.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 50<br />
The Lady's companion.<br />
London, J. Hodges. 1753<br />
Item identification number 320; Containing upwards<br />
<strong>of</strong> three thousand different receipts in every kind <strong>of</strong><br />
cookery; and those the best and most fashionable;<br />
being four times the quantity <strong>of</strong> any book <strong>of</strong> this sort<br />
... To which is added, bills <strong>of</strong> fare for every months in<br />
the year. Also, directions for brewing beers, ales,<br />
&c., making all sorts <strong>of</strong> English wines, cyder, mum,<br />
metheglin, vinegar, verjuice, catchup, &c. with the<br />
receipts <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Stephens for the stone; Dr. Mead for<br />
the bite <strong>of</strong> a mad dog; the recipe, sent from Ireland,<br />
for the gout; Sir Hans Sloane's receipt for sore eyes;<br />
and the receipt for making tar water. 6th ed., with<br />
large additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 50<br />
The Lady's drawing room.<br />
London, printed and sold by M. Cooper, and A.<br />
Dodd. 1744<br />
Item identification number 321; Being a faithfull<br />
picture <strong>of</strong> the great world. In which the various<br />
humours <strong>of</strong> both sexes are display'd. Drawn from the<br />
life and interspers'd with entertaining and affecting<br />
novels.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 50<br />
The Lady's pocket library.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed by R. Folwell, for M. Carye.<br />
1794<br />
Item identification number 323.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 50<br />
The Designer and the Woman's Magazine.<br />
1925-1926<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
23<br />
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine (Pioche de la<br />
Vergne) comtesse de, 1634-1693.<br />
Histoire de Madame Henriette d'Angleterre,<br />
première femme de Philippe de France.<br />
Amsterdam, Chez Michel Charles le Cene. 1720<br />
Item identification number 325.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
[La Fayette, Marie Madeleine (Pioche de La<br />
Vergne) comtesse de], 1634-1693.<br />
The princess <strong>of</strong> Cleve.<br />
London, Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes. 1688<br />
Item identification number 326; The most famous<br />
romance. Written in French by the greatest wits <strong>of</strong><br />
France. Rendered into English by a person <strong>of</strong> quality,<br />
at the request <strong>of</strong> some friends.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
La Motte, Jeanne de Saint-Remy de Valois,<br />
comtesse de, 1756-1791.<br />
The life <strong>of</strong> Jane de St. Remy de Valois, heret<strong>of</strong>ore<br />
countess de La Motte.<br />
Dublin [Printed] for P. Wogan, P. Byrne, J. Moore,<br />
and J. Rice. 1792<br />
Item identification number 329.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
A Lady's religion.<br />
London, Printed for W. Owen. 1748<br />
Item identification number 324; In two letters to the<br />
honourable Lady Howard. by a divine <strong>of</strong> the Church<br />
<strong>of</strong> England. 3d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
The Lady's rhetorick; containing rules for speaking<br />
and writing elegantly.<br />
London, Printed for J. Taylor and A. Bell. 1707<br />
Item identification number 325; In a familiar<br />
discourse directed to an honourable and learned lady<br />
... Done from the French, with some improvements.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Marguenat de<br />
Courcelles, marquise de, 1647-1733.<br />
Oeuvres de Madame la Marquise de Lambert,<br />
rassemblées pour la première fois.<br />
Amsterdam, Campagnie. 1747<br />
Item identification number 327.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Marguenat de<br />
Courcelles, marquise de, 1647-1733.<br />
The philosophy <strong>of</strong> love; or, New reflexions on the<br />
fair sex.<br />
London, Printed by J. Hawkins. 1737<br />
Item identification number 328; Written originally in<br />
French, by the celebrated Marchioness de Lambert ...<br />
Translated into English, by John Lockman.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51
[Landi, Ortensio] ca. 1812-ca. 1553.<br />
Lettere della molto illvstre Sig. la S.ra Donna<br />
Lvcretia Gonzaga da Gazuolo.<br />
Vinegia. 1552<br />
Item identification number 330.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 51<br />
Eliza Cook's Journal.<br />
1849-1851<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 52<br />
[La Porte, Joseph, abbé de], 1713-1779.<br />
Histoire littéraire des femmes françoises; ou,<br />
Lettres historiques et critiques, contenant un précis de<br />
la vie & une analyse raisonnée des ouvrages des<br />
femmes qui se sont distinguées dans la littérature<br />
françoise.<br />
Paris, Lacombe. 1769<br />
Item identification number 332; Par une société de<br />
gens de lettres.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 52<br />
Eliza Cook's Journal.<br />
Jan.-April 1852; 28 April 1853-1854<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 53<br />
[La Roche-Guilhen, Anne de], 1644-1707.<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> female favourites: Of Mary de<br />
Cadilla Livia.<br />
London, Printed for C. Parker. 1772<br />
Item identification number 333; Julia Farnesa ...<br />
Agnes Soreau ... and Nantilda.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 53<br />
[Launoy, Jean de], 1603-1678, ed.<br />
Recveil chronologiqve de diverses ordonnances, et<br />
avtres actes, pieces & extraits concernant les<br />
mariages clandestins.<br />
Paris, E. Martin. 1660<br />
Item identification number 335; Divise en deux<br />
parties.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 53<br />
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794.<br />
Traité élémentaire de chimie, présenté dans un<br />
ordre nouveau et d'après les désouvertes modernes;<br />
avec figures.<br />
Paris, Cuchet. 1793<br />
Item identification number 336; 2. éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 53<br />
The Lavves resolvtions <strong>of</strong> womens rights: or, The<br />
lavves provision for woemen.<br />
London, Printed by the assignes <strong>of</strong> John More, esq.<br />
and are to be sold by John Grove. 1632<br />
Item identification number 337; A methodicall<br />
collection <strong>of</strong> such statutes and customes, with the<br />
cases, opinions, arguments and points <strong>of</strong> learing in<br />
the lavv, as doe properly concerne women. Together<br />
with a compendious table, whereby the chiefe matters<br />
in this booke contained, may be the more readily<br />
found.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 53<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
24<br />
Leake, John, 1729-1792.<br />
Medical instruction towards the prevention and<br />
cure <strong>of</strong> chronic diseases peculiar to women.<br />
London, Baldwin. 1787<br />
Item identification number 338; To which are added,<br />
prescriptions, efficacious forms <strong>of</strong> medicine, in<br />
English, adapted to each disease. 6th ed., with<br />
additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 53<br />
English Woman's Journal.<br />
Mar. 1858-1860<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 54<br />
Le Moyne, Pierre, 1602-1671.<br />
The gallery <strong>of</strong> heroick women.<br />
London, Printed by R. Norton for H. Seile. 1652<br />
Item identification number 341; Written in French by<br />
Peter Le Moyne <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Jesus. Translated<br />
into English by the Marquesse <strong>of</strong> Winchester.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 54<br />
[Lee, Sophia], 1750-1824.<br />
The recess; or, A tale <strong>of</strong> other times.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell. 1786<br />
Item identification number 339; by the author <strong>of</strong> The<br />
chapter <strong>of</strong> accidents ... 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 54<br />
Lehms, Georg Christian, 1684-1717.<br />
Teutschlands galante Poetinnen, mit ihren<br />
sinnreichen und netten Proben: nebst einem Anhang<br />
ausländischer Dames, so sich gleichfalls durch<br />
schöne Poesien bey der curieusen Welt bekannt<br />
gemacht, und einer Vorrede.<br />
Franckfurt am Mayn, Zu finden bey S. T. Hocher.<br />
[1714]-1715<br />
Item identification number 340; Dass das weibliche<br />
Geschlecht so geschikt zum Studieren, als das<br />
männliche.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 54<br />
Lenclos, Anne, Ninon de, 1620-1705.<br />
The memoirs <strong>of</strong> Ninon de L'Enclos: with her<br />
letters to Mons. De St. Evremond, and to the Marquis<br />
de Sevigné.<br />
Dublin, Printed for J. Beatty. 1778<br />
Item identification number 342; Collected and<br />
translated from the French, by Mrs. Griffith.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 54<br />
English Woman's Journal.<br />
1861-Aug. 1863<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55<br />
Le Prince de Beaumont, Marie, 1711-1780.<br />
Anecdotes du quatorsième siècle, pour servir à<br />
l'histoire des femmes illustres de ce tems.<br />
Londres, Imprimé par J. Haberkorn. [1760]<br />
Item identification number 345.1; Par Mme. Le<br />
Prince de Beaumont.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55
Le Prince de Beaumont, Marie, 1711-1780.<br />
The young ladies magazine; or, Dialogues<br />
between a discreet governess and several young<br />
ladies <strong>of</strong> the first rank under her education.<br />
London, Printed for J. Nourse. 1760<br />
Item identification number 346.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55<br />
Lennox, Charlotte (Ramsay) 1720-1804.<br />
The female quixote; or, The adventures <strong>of</strong><br />
Arabella.<br />
London, Printed for A. Millar. 1752<br />
Item identification number 343.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55<br />
Lennox, Charlotte (Ramsay) 1720-1804.<br />
The life <strong>of</strong> Harriot Stuart.<br />
London, Printed for J. Payne, and J. Bouquet. 1751<br />
Item identification number 344.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55<br />
Lenz, Karl Gotthold, 1763-1809.<br />
Geschichte der weiber im heroischen zeitalter.<br />
Hannover, Im Verlage der Helwingschen<br />
H<strong>of</strong>buchhandlung. 1790<br />
Item identification number 345.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55<br />
[Lescene des Maisons, Jacques], 1750-1808.<br />
Contrat conjugal: ou, Loix du mariage, de la<br />
répudiation et du divorce.<br />
Neuchatel, Impr. de la Société typ. 1783<br />
Item identification number 347.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 55<br />
Everyday Housekeeping.<br />
April 1894-1897<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
Lesclache, Louis de, ca. 1620-1671.<br />
Les avantages que les femmes pevvent recevoir de<br />
la philosophie, et.<br />
Paris, Chez l'autheur et Laurent Rondet. 1667<br />
Item identification number 348.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
Leslie, John, bp. <strong>of</strong> Ross, 1527-1596.<br />
De illvstrivm foeminarvm in repvb.<br />
administranda, ac ferendis legibus authoritate,<br />
libellvs, opera Io. Leslæ i.<br />
Rhemis, Excudebat Ioannes Fognæus. 1580<br />
Item identification number 349.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
[Leti, Gregorio], 1630-1701.<br />
Life <strong>of</strong> Donna Olimpia Maldachini who governed<br />
the church during the time <strong>of</strong> Innocent X, which was<br />
from the year 1644 to the year 1655.<br />
London, Printed by W. Godbid. 1667<br />
Item identification number 350; Written in Italian by<br />
the Abbott Gualdi [pseud] and faithfully rendered<br />
into English.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
25<br />
A Letter to Dr. Abraham Johnson, on the subject <strong>of</strong><br />
his new scheme for the propagation <strong>of</strong> the human<br />
species; in which, another method <strong>of</strong> obtaining that<br />
great end, more adequate to the sentiments <strong>of</strong> the<br />
ladies, is proposed; and, the reflections that author<br />
has cast upon the Royal Society <strong>of</strong> London are<br />
answered.<br />
London, Printed for M. Cooper. 1750<br />
Item identification number 351; by a Fellow.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
Letters addressed to two young married ladies, on the<br />
most interesting subjects.<br />
London, Printed for J. Dodsley. 1782<br />
Item identification number 352.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
[Lichtenberger, Johann] fl. 1488.<br />
Pronosticatio queda mirabilis.<br />
[Lugdinum, Joannis Clyn]. [1515]<br />
Item identification number 354; edita per sanct{-a}<br />
Brigidã de Sueuia et sibylllan Cretensem et per<br />
Reynard{~u} heremicolã incipies ab anno dñi.<br />
MCCCLXXXIII duratura ad annum dñi.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
The Life and adventures <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Christian Davies,<br />
commonly called Mother Ross; who [served] in<br />
several campaigns under King William and the late<br />
Duke <strong>of</strong> Marlborough.<br />
London, Printed for C. Welch in Chelsea, and sold at<br />
the printing <strong>of</strong>fice in Baldwin's Gardens. 1740<br />
Item identification number 355.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
The Lives and amours <strong>of</strong> queens and royal<br />
mistresses, with some intrigues <strong>of</strong> popes, extracted<br />
from the histories <strong>of</strong> England, France, Turkey, Spain<br />
and Italy.<br />
London. 1727<br />
Item identification number 356.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
Les Loix de la galanterie.<br />
Paris, Chez Auguste Aubry. 1855<br />
Item identification number 357; (1644).<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
[Lorry, Paul Charles], 1719-1766.<br />
Essai de dissertation; or, Recherches sur le<br />
mariage en sa qualité de contrat et de sacrement.<br />
Paris, Chez Gabriel Martin. 1760<br />
Item identification number 358.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56<br />
Luchet, Jean Pierre Louis de la Roche du Maine,<br />
marquis de, 1740-1792.<br />
La galerie des états-généraux et des dames<br />
françoises.<br />
[Paris]. 1790<br />
Item identification number 360.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 56
Everyday Housekeeping.<br />
1898-1900<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 57<br />
Lupis, Antonio.<br />
L'Eronia Veneta.<br />
Venetia, Curti. 1689<br />
Item identification number 361; Ouero la vita di<br />
Elena Lvcretia Cornaro Piscopia.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 57<br />
[Lyser, Johannes], 1631-1681.<br />
Polygamia triumphatrix, id est discursus politicus<br />
de polygamia auctore Theophilo Aletheo [pseud.],<br />
cum notis Athanasii Vincentii, omnibus antipolygamis<br />
ubique locorum, terrarum, insularum,<br />
pagorum, urbium, modestè & piè opposita.<br />
Londini Scanorum, sumtibus authoris post. annum.<br />
1682<br />
Item identification number 362.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 57<br />
[Madan, Martin], 1726-1790.<br />
Thelyphthora; or, A treatise an on female ruin in<br />
its causes, effects, consequences, prevention, and<br />
remedy, considered on the basis <strong>of</strong> the divine law;<br />
under the following heads, viz. marriage, whoredom,<br />
and fornication, adultery, polygamy, divorce; with<br />
many other incidental matters; particularly including<br />
an examination <strong>of</strong> the principles and tendency <strong>of</strong> stat.<br />
London, J. Dodsley. 1780-81<br />
Item identification number 362.1; 26 Geo. II. c. 33,<br />
commonly called the Marriage act.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 57<br />
Everyday Housekeeping.<br />
1901-1903<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
Maintenon, Françoise d'Aubigné, marquise de,<br />
1635-1719.<br />
The letters <strong>of</strong> Madam de Maintenon, and other<br />
eminent persons in the age <strong>of</strong> Lewis XIV, to which<br />
are added some characters.<br />
Dublin, Printed by George Faulkner. 1753<br />
Item identification number 363; Translated from the<br />
French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
Maintenon, Françoise d'Aubigné, marquise de,<br />
1635-1719.<br />
Loisirs de Madame de Maintenon.<br />
La Haye, Chez D. Monier. 1757<br />
Item identification number 363.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
[Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon<br />
de], 1721-1794.<br />
Mémoire sur le mariage des protestans, en 1785.<br />
[Paris]. [1785]<br />
Item identification number 363.2.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
26<br />
Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733.<br />
The virgin unmask'd; or, Female dialogues<br />
betwixt an elderly maiden lady and her niece, on<br />
several diverting discourses on love, marriage;<br />
memoirs and morals, &c. <strong>of</strong> the times.<br />
London, Printed and sold by G. Strahan [etc.]. 1724<br />
Item identification number 365; Second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
Manley, Mary de la Rivière, 1663-1724.<br />
Mrs. Manley's history <strong>of</strong> her own life and times<br />
published from her original manuscript.<br />
London, Printed for E. Curll, and J. Pemberton. 1725<br />
Item identification number 366; The fourth ed. with a<br />
preface concerning the present publication.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
[Manley, Mary de la Rivière], 1663-1724.<br />
Secret memoirs and manners <strong>of</strong> several persons <strong>of</strong><br />
quality <strong>of</strong> both sexes.<br />
London, Printed for John Morphew and J.<br />
Woodward. 1709<br />
Item identification number 367; From the New<br />
Atlantis, an island in the Mediterranean. Written<br />
originally in Italien.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
[Mann, Herman], 1772-1833.<br />
The female review; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> an American<br />
young lady; whose life and character are peculiarly<br />
distinguished-being a continental soldier, for nearly<br />
three years, in the late American war.<br />
Dedham [Mass.] Printed by Nathaniel and Benjamin<br />
Heaton, for the author. 1797<br />
Item identification number 368; During which time,<br />
she performed the duties <strong>of</strong> every department, into<br />
which she was called, with punctual exactness,<br />
fidelty and honor, and preserved her chastity<br />
inviolate, by the most artful concealment <strong>of</strong> her sex.<br />
with an appendix, containing characteristic traits, by<br />
different hands; her taste for economy, principles <strong>of</strong><br />
domestic education, &c. by a citizen <strong>of</strong><br />
Massachusetts.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
[Manzini, Giovanni Battista], 1599-1664.<br />
Les femmes illvstres, ov les harangves heroiqves,<br />
de Mr de Scudery.<br />
Paris, Par la Compagnie des Libraires du Palais. 1665<br />
Item identification number 368.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
Maréchal, Pierre Sylvain, 1750-1803.<br />
Le jugement dernier des rois, prophétie en un acte,<br />
en prose.<br />
Paris, De l'imp. de C.-F. Patris ... une et indivisible,<br />
An II. [1793?]<br />
Item identification number 369.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58
Maréchal, Pierre Sylvain, 1750-1803.<br />
Le lucrèce français; fragmens d'un poëme.<br />
Paris, l'an VI. [1798]<br />
Item identification number 370; Nouvelle édition,<br />
revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 58<br />
Everyday Housekeeping.<br />
1904-Nov. 1907<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
Marlborough, Sarah (Jennings) Churchill,<br />
duchess <strong>of</strong>, 1660-1744.<br />
An account <strong>of</strong> the conduct <strong>of</strong> the Dowager<br />
Duchess <strong>of</strong> Marlborough, from her first coming to<br />
court, to the year 1710.<br />
London, Printed by J. Bettenham for G. Hawkin.<br />
1742<br />
Item identification number 373; In a letter from<br />
herself to my Lord____.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
Marlborough, Sarah (Jennings) Churchill,<br />
duchess <strong>of</strong>, 1660-1744.<br />
The opinions <strong>of</strong> Sarah, duchess-dowager <strong>of</strong><br />
Marlborough.<br />
[Edinburgh]. 1788<br />
Item identification number 374; Published from<br />
original mss. [by Sir David Dalrymple, lord Hailes].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
Marriage: a satire [with two satires on love and old<br />
age].<br />
London, Printed for J. Roberts. [1728]<br />
Item identification number 375.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
Marriott, Thomas, d. 1766.<br />
Female conduct: being an essay on the art <strong>of</strong><br />
pleasing.<br />
London, Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head.<br />
1759<br />
Item identification number 376; A poem.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
Martin, Claude, 1619-1696, ed.<br />
La vie de la vénérable Mère Marie de<br />
l'Incarnation, premier supérieure des Ursulines de La<br />
Nouvelle France, tirée de ses lettres et de ses ecrits.<br />
Paris, L. Billaine. 1677<br />
Item identification number 377.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
The Matrimonial preceptor; a collection <strong>of</strong> examples<br />
and precepts relating to the married state from the<br />
most celebrated writers, ancient and modern.<br />
[London] Printed by assignment from Thomas Hope<br />
for T. Lownds, T. Field, [etc.]. [1765]<br />
Item identification number 379; 3d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 59<br />
Frauen Spiegel.<br />
1840-1841<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
27<br />
Mazarin, Hortense [Mancini] De La Porte,<br />
Duchess de, 1646-1699.<br />
The memories <strong>of</strong> the Dutchess Mazarine.<br />
[London] R. Bentley. 1690<br />
Item identification number 380.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Mello, Francisco Manuel de, 1608-1668.<br />
The government <strong>of</strong> a wife; or, wholsome and<br />
pleasant advice for married men: In a letter to a<br />
friend.<br />
London, Printed for Jacob Tonson and R. Knaplock.<br />
1697<br />
Item identification number 382; Written in<br />
Portuguese, by Don Francisco Manuel. with some<br />
additions <strong>of</strong> the translator, distinguished from the<br />
translation. There is also added, a letter upon the<br />
same subject, written in Spanish by Don Antonio de<br />
Guevara ... Translated into English by Capt. John<br />
Stevens.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Ménage, Gilles, 1613-1692.<br />
Historia mulierum philosopharum, scriptore Ae<br />
gidio Menagio; accedit ejusdem commentarius<br />
italicus in VII sonettum Francisci Petrarcha, a re non<br />
alienus.<br />
Lugduni, apud Anissonios, Joan. Posuel, & Claudium<br />
Rigaud. 1690<br />
Item identification number 383.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Millar, John, 1735-1801.<br />
Observations concerning the distinction <strong>of</strong> ranks<br />
in society.<br />
London, Printed for J. Murray. 1773<br />
Item identification number 385; The second edition,<br />
greatly enlarged.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Miller, Vincent.<br />
The man-plant; or, Scheme for increasing and<br />
improving the British breed.<br />
London, Printed for M. Cooper. 1752<br />
Item identification number 386.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
[Milton, John], 1608-1674.<br />
The doctrine and discipline <strong>of</strong> divorce: restor'd to<br />
the good <strong>of</strong> both sexes, from the bondage <strong>of</strong> canon<br />
law, and other mistakes, to Christian freedom, guided<br />
by the rule <strong>of</strong> charity.<br />
London, Printed by T. P. and M. S. 1643<br />
Item identification number 386.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
La Miroir des femmes.<br />
A Troyes & se vendent a Paris, Chez la Veuve de<br />
Nicolas Oudot. 1718<br />
Item identification number 387; Première édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60
Möller, Jacob, d. 1693.<br />
Discursus de Cornutis et Hermaphroditis<br />
eorumque jure.<br />
Berolini, apud J. G. Meyerum. 1708<br />
Item identification number 389; Editio tertia.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Montenay, Georgette de, b. 1540.<br />
Emblemes, ov devises chrestiennes.<br />
A La Rochelle, Par Iean Dinet. 1620<br />
Item identification number 392.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Montolieu, Isabelle, i.e. Élisabeth Jeanne Pauline<br />
[Polier] de 1751-1832.<br />
Caroline de Lichtfield.<br />
[Dublin, Luc White]. 1786<br />
Item identification number 393.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 60<br />
Gallery <strong>of</strong> Fashion.<br />
April 1794-May 1801<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 61<br />
Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans,<br />
duchesse de, 1627-1693.<br />
Memoirs de Mademoiselle de Montpensier.<br />
Londres. 1746<br />
Item identification number 394.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 61<br />
General Federation Bulletin.<br />
Nov. 1903-1908<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
[Moore, Edward], 1712-1757.<br />
Fables for the female sex.<br />
London, Printed for R. Francklin. 1744<br />
Item identification number 395.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
Morata, Olympia Fulvia, 1526-1555.<br />
Olympiae Fulviae Moratae foeminae<br />
doctorissimae ac plane divinae oratiories, Dialogi,<br />
Epistolae, Carmina tans Latina quam Graeca.<br />
Balileae, Petrum Pernam. 1562<br />
Item identification number 396.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
Morata, Olympia Fulvia, 1526-1555.<br />
Olympiae Fvlviae Moratae foeminae doctissimae<br />
ac plane divinae opera omnia quae hactenus inueniri<br />
potuerunt: cum eruditorum testimonijs & laudibus.<br />
Basileae, Apvd Petrvm Pernam. 1570<br />
Item identification number 397; Hyppolitae Taurellae<br />
elegia elegantissima. Quibus caelij S.C. selectae<br />
epistolae ac orationes accesserunt.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
28<br />
Murry, Ann.<br />
Mentoria; or, The young ladies instructor in<br />
familiar conversations on moral and entertaining<br />
subjects: calculated to improve young minds in the<br />
essential as well as ornamental parts <strong>of</strong> female<br />
education.<br />
London, Printed for Charles Dilly in the Poultry by L.<br />
Wayland. 1791<br />
Item identification number 399.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
Murry, Ann.<br />
The sequel to Mentoria; or The young ladies<br />
instructor in familiar conversations on a variety <strong>of</strong><br />
interesting subjects in which are introduced lectures<br />
on astronomy and natural philosophy.<br />
London, Printed for C. Dilly in the Poultry. 1799<br />
Item identification number 400.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
Neal, James Armstrong, 1774-1808.<br />
An essay on the education and genius <strong>of</strong> the<br />
female sex.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed by Jacob Johnson & co. 1795<br />
Item identification number 401; To which is added,<br />
an account, <strong>of</strong> the commencement <strong>of</strong> the Youngladies'<br />
academy <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, held the 18th <strong>of</strong><br />
December, 1794; under the direction <strong>of</strong> Mr. John<br />
Poor, A.M. principal.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
Neale, Mary [Peisley], 1717-1757.<br />
Some account <strong>of</strong> the life and religious excercises<br />
<strong>of</strong> Mary Neale, formerly Mary Peisley.<br />
Dublin-Printed: Philadelphia: Re-printed for J.<br />
Crukshank. 1796<br />
Item identification number 402; Principally compiled<br />
from her own writings.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
Necker, Albertine Adrienne (de Saussure) 1766-<br />
1841.<br />
Réflexions sur le divorce.<br />
Lausanne, Chez Durand Ravanel et cie. 1794<br />
Item identification number 403.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
[Nemours, Marie d'Orléans, duchesse de], 1625-<br />
1707.<br />
Memoires de M.L.D.D.N. contenant ce qui s'est<br />
passé de plus particulier en France pendant la guerre<br />
de Paris, jusqu'à la prison du Cardinal de Retz,<br />
arrivée en 1652.<br />
Cologne. 1709<br />
Item identification number 404; Avec les differens<br />
caracteres des personnes, qui ont en part à cette<br />
guerre.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 62<br />
General Federation Bulletin.<br />
1909-1911<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63
Nevizzani, Giovanni, d. 1540.<br />
Sylvae nvptialis libri sex.<br />
Lvgdvni, Apvd Antonivm Vincentivm [Excudebat<br />
Symphorianus Barbierus]. 1556<br />
Item identification number 405; In quibus ex dictis<br />
Moder. materia matrimonij ... discutitur: Vnà cum<br />
remediis ad sedandum factiones Guelphorum &<br />
Giebelinorum. Item modus iudicandi & exequendi<br />
iussa principum. Ad hæ c, de authoritatibus<br />
doctorum, privilegiisque miserabilium personarum.<br />
Quæ omnia ex quæ stione, An nubendum sit, vel non<br />
desumpta sunt. Ioanne Neuzano Astensi ... authore.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
New tea table miscellany; or, Bagatelles for the<br />
amusement <strong>of</strong> the fair sex.<br />
London, Printed and sold by H. Slater. 1753<br />
Item identification number 406; 2d edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
Nobili, Marchese Francesco di.<br />
Il giobbe nell 'inuitta patienza di Santa Rosa di<br />
Santa Maria Limana.<br />
Bologna, Giacomo Monti. 1678<br />
Item identification number 408; Dell'ordine<br />
d'predicatori opera sacroscenica.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
Nolfi, Vincenzo.<br />
Ginipedia; ouero, Avvertimenti civili per donna<br />
nobile; di Vincenzo Nolfi da Fano.<br />
In Bologna, Per gli hh. del Dozza. 1662<br />
Item identification number 410; Da lui accresciuti, e<br />
rimodernati in questa nuoua impressione.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
[Norris, James] fl. 1683, comp.<br />
The accomplish'd lady, or deserving<br />
gentlewoman: being a vindication <strong>of</strong> innocent and<br />
harmless females from the aspersions <strong>of</strong> malicious<br />
men.<br />
London, Printed for James Norris. 1684<br />
Item identification number 412.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
Nott, John.<br />
The cooke's and confectioner's dictionary; or, The<br />
accomplish'd housewife's companion.<br />
London, Printed for C. Rivington. 1723<br />
Item identification number 413; Revised and<br />
recommended by John Nott.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
Obrecht, Johann-Jacobus.<br />
Disputatio inauguralis juridica de successione<br />
conjugum.<br />
Tubingae, Typis Johann-Henrici Reisl. 1684<br />
Item identification number 414.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
The Oeconomy <strong>of</strong> female life.<br />
London, G. Smith. 1751<br />
Item identification number 415; by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 63<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
29<br />
General Federation Bulletin.<br />
1912-1914<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 64<br />
Olivier, Jacques.<br />
Alphabet de l'imperfection et malice des femmes.<br />
Rouen, J. Oursel. 1683<br />
Item identification number 418; Augmenté de<br />
plusieurs histoires.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 64<br />
Orsini, Fulvio, 1529-1600, ed.<br />
Carmina novem illvstrivm feminarvm: Sapphvs,<br />
Myrtidis, Praxillæ, Erinnæ, Corinnæ, Nossidis,<br />
Myrvs, Telesillæ, Anytæ.<br />
Antverpiæ, Ex <strong>of</strong>ficina Christophori Plantini. 1568<br />
Item identification number 419; Et lyricorvm:<br />
Alcmanis, Ibyci, Stesichori, Anacreontis, Alcæi,<br />
Simonidis, Bacchylidis. Elegiæ: Tyrtæi, & Moschi.<br />
Latinu versu à Laurentio Gambara expressa.<br />
Cleanthis, Moschionis, aliorumque fragmenta nunc<br />
primum edita. Ex bibliotheca Fvlvii Vrsini Romani.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 64<br />
Osborn, Sarah (Hagger) Wheaten, 1714-1796.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who<br />
died at Newport, Rhode Island on the second day <strong>of</strong><br />
August, 1796, in the eighty third year <strong>of</strong> her age.<br />
Worcester, Mass., Leonard Worcester. 1799<br />
Item identification number 420; by Samuel Hopkins.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 64<br />
Parsons, Eliza (Phelp) d. 1811.<br />
Woman as she should be; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs.<br />
Menville.<br />
London, Printed for W. Lane, at the Minerva. 1793<br />
Item identification number 422; A novel.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 64<br />
Parsons, Eliza (Phelp) d. 1811.<br />
<strong>Women</strong> as they are.<br />
London, Printed for William Lane at the Minerva-<br />
Press, Leadenhall street. 1796<br />
Item identification number 423; A novel ... by Mrs.<br />
Parsons.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 64-65<br />
General Federation Bulletin.<br />
1915-1916<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
Passi, Giuseppe, 1569-1620.<br />
I donneschi diffetti.<br />
In Venetia, Appresso Iacobo Antonio Somascho.<br />
1599<br />
Item identification number 424; Nuouamente formati,<br />
e posti in luce.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65
Paullini, Christian Franz, 1643-1712.<br />
Das hoch- und wohl-gelahrte Teutsche<br />
Frauenzimer; nochmahls mit mercklichen Zusatz<br />
vorgestellet.<br />
Franckfurth und Leipzig, Bey J. C. Stösseln. 1705<br />
Item identification number 425.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
[Peddle (Mrs.)].<br />
Rudiments <strong>of</strong> taste.<br />
Dublin, Printed for H. Chamberlaine [etc.]. 1790<br />
Item identification number 426; In a series <strong>of</strong> letters,<br />
from a mother to her daughters. by the author <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Life <strong>of</strong> Jacob.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
Petit, Pierre, 1617-1687.<br />
Petri Petiti.<br />
Amstelodami, apud Johannem Wolters & Ysbrandum<br />
Haring. 1687<br />
Item identification number 428; De Amazonibus<br />
dissertatio, quâ an verè extiterint, necne. variis ultro<br />
citroque conjecturis & argumentis disputatur. Multa<br />
etiam ad eam gentem pertinentia, ex antiquis<br />
monumentis eruuntur atque illustrantur. Ed. 2.,<br />
auctior et cor.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
[Peyraud de Beaussol, N.], 1735?-1799.<br />
La vie militaire, politique et privée de Demoiselle<br />
Charles-Geneviéve-Louise-Auguste-Andrée-<br />
Thimothée Eon ou D'Eon de Beaumont.<br />
Paris, Chez Lambert; Onfroi; Valade; Esprit; et chez<br />
l'Auteur. 1779<br />
Item identification number 429; Par M. de la Fortelle<br />
[pseud.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
Philipon de La Madelaine, Louis. 1743-1818.<br />
Vues patriotiques sur l'éducation du peuple, tant<br />
des villes que de la campagne; avec beaucoup de<br />
notes intéressantes.<br />
A Lyon, Chez P. Bruyset-Ponthus. 1783<br />
Item identification number 430; Ouvrage qui peut<br />
être également utile aux autres classes de citoyens.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
Phillips, Teresia Constantia, 1709-1765.<br />
A letter humbly address'd to the Right Honourable<br />
the earl <strong>of</strong> Chesterfield.<br />
London, Printed for the author. 1750<br />
Item identification number 432; by Mrs. Teresia<br />
Constantia Muilman.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 65<br />
General Federation Bulletin.<br />
1917-June 1920<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
30<br />
[Pigott, Charles] d. 1794.<br />
The female jockey club; or, A sketch <strong>of</strong> the<br />
manners <strong>of</strong> the age.<br />
New York, Reprinted for Greenleaf, Fellows, and<br />
Wayland. 1794<br />
Item identification number 433.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66<br />
Pilkington, Mary (Hopkins) 1766-1839.<br />
Biography for girls; or, Moral and instructive<br />
examples for young ladies.<br />
London, Printed for Vernon and Hood. 1799<br />
Item identification number 434.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66<br />
Pilkington, Mary (Hopkins) 1766-1839.<br />
A mirror for the female sex.<br />
Hartford, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin for O.D.<br />
and I. Cooke. 1799<br />
Item identification number 435; Historical beauties<br />
for young ladies, intended to lead the female mind to<br />
the love and practice <strong>of</strong> moral goodness. Designed<br />
principally for the use <strong>of</strong> ladies' schools.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66<br />
Pineau, Severin, d. 1619.<br />
... Notae virginitatis; oder, Wahre Kenn-zeichen<br />
von denen Geheimnissen der Jungferschafft.<br />
Franckfurt und Leipzig, Johann Christoph Stössels<br />
Erben. [1727]<br />
Item identification number 436; Desgleichen<br />
umständliche Nachricht von der Schwängerung<br />
selbsten und neun-monatlichen Geburt ... Samt Petri<br />
Gassendi Tractat von der Scheidewand des Hertzens<br />
... Aus dem Lateinischen ins Teutsche übersetzt von<br />
L. Christoph. Hellwig.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66<br />
Pineau, Severin, d. 1619.<br />
... Opusculum physiologum, anatomicum.<br />
Franc<strong>of</strong>vrti, Ex <strong>of</strong>ficina Zachariæ Palthenij. 1599<br />
Item identification number 437; Tractans analytice<br />
notas primo integritatis & corruptionis virginum,<br />
deinde graviditatem, & partum maturalem mulierum.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66<br />
Pockels, Carl Friedrich, 1757-1814.<br />
Versuch einer Charakteristik des weiblichen<br />
Geschlechts.<br />
Hannover, C. Ritscher. 1797-1802<br />
Item identification number 440; Ein Sittengemählde<br />
des Menschen, des Zeitalters und des geselligen<br />
Lebens. Von Carl Friedrich Pockels.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 66-67<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1901<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 67<br />
[Polwhele, Richard], 1760-1838.<br />
The unsex'd females: a poem, addressed to the<br />
author <strong>of</strong> The pursuits <strong>of</strong> literature.<br />
London, Cadell and Davies. 1798<br />
Item identification number 442.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 67
Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise<br />
de, 1721-1764.<br />
Memoires.<br />
Liege. 1768<br />
Item identification number 443; ecrits par elle-meme.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 67<br />
Portia, pseud.<br />
The polite lady; or, A course <strong>of</strong> female education<br />
in a series <strong>of</strong> letters from a mother to her daughter.<br />
London, printed for Newberry and Carnan. 1769<br />
Item identification number 441; The second edition<br />
corrected.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 67<br />
Postel, Guillaume, 1510-1581.<br />
Les très merveilleuses victoires des femmes du<br />
nouveau monde, et comment elles doibvent à tout le<br />
monde par raison commander, et même à ceulx qui<br />
auront la monarchie du monde vieil, a Madame<br />
Marguerite de France.<br />
Paris, Chez Jehan Rueille, à la Queuë de regnard, rue<br />
Saint Jacques. 1553<br />
Item identification number 445; A la fin est<br />
adjoustée: La doctrine du siècle doré, ou l'evangelike<br />
règne de Jesus, Roy des Roys.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 67<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1901<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 68<br />
[Pothier, Robert Joseph], 1699-1772.<br />
Traite de la communauté, auquel on a joint un<br />
Traité de la puissance du mari sur la personne & les<br />
biens de la femme.<br />
Paris, Frères Debure [etc., etc.]. 1774<br />
Item identification number 446; Par l'auteur de Traité<br />
des obligations.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 68<br />
[Pothier, Robert Joseph], 1699-1772.<br />
Traité du contrat de mariage, par l'auteur du Traité<br />
des obligations.<br />
Paris, Debure père, Orleans, Chez la veuve Rouzeau-<br />
Montaut. 1771<br />
Item identification number 447.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 68<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1902<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
[Pothier, Robert Joseph], 1699-1772.<br />
Traité du douaire, par l'auteur du Traité des<br />
obligations.<br />
Paris, Debure, père [etc., etc.]. 1770<br />
Item identification number 448.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
31<br />
[Pothier, Robert Joseph], 1699-1772.<br />
Traité du droit d'habitation, pour servir<br />
d'appendice au Traité du douaire: Traité des<br />
donations entre mari et femme; et du don mutuel.<br />
Paris, Les freres Debure [etc., etc.]. 1776<br />
Item identification number 449; Par l'auteur du Traité<br />
des obligations.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
Poulain de La Barre, François, 1647-1723.<br />
De l'education des dames.<br />
Paris, Chez Jean du Puis. 1674<br />
Item identification number 450.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
Poulain de La Barre, François, 1647-1723.<br />
De l'egalité des devx sexes, discovrs physiqve et<br />
moral, où l'on voit l'importance de se defaire des<br />
préjugez.<br />
Paris, Jean Dupuis. 1673<br />
Item identification number 451.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
Poulain de La Barre, François, 1647-1723.<br />
De l'excellence des hommes, contre l'égalité des<br />
sexes.<br />
Paris, Chez Antoine Dezallier. 1679<br />
Item identification number 452.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
Pozzo, Modesta, 1555-1592.<br />
Tredici canti del floridoro di Mad.<br />
Venice. 1531<br />
Item identification number 452.1; Moderata Fonte<br />
alli Sereniss Gran Dvca et gran Dvchessa Di<br />
Thoscara con priviligio.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
Premontval, Madame De.<br />
Le Mecaniste philosophe.<br />
Hague, Chez Pierre van Cleef. 1750<br />
Item identification number 453; Memoire contenant<br />
plusieurs particularités de la vie & des ouvrages du<br />
Sr. Jean Pigeon, mathématicien, membre de la societé<br />
des arts, auteur des premieres spheres mouvantes, qui<br />
ayent été faites en France, selon l'hypothese de<br />
Copernic.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 69<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1902<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Premoy, Geneviéve, 1660-1704.<br />
Histoire de la dragone, contenant les actions<br />
militaires & les avantures de Geneviéve Prémoy,<br />
sous le nom du Chevalier Baltazar.<br />
Brusselles, Chez George de Backer. 1703<br />
Item identification number 454.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70
The Present state <strong>of</strong> matrimony in the metropolis <strong>of</strong><br />
Great Britain.<br />
[London] Printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in<br />
Pater-noster row. 1749<br />
Item identification number 455.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
[Pringy, Mme. de].<br />
Les differens caractères des femmes du siècle.<br />
Paris, Chez la veuve de C. Coignard [etc.]. 1694<br />
Item identification number 457; Avec la description<br />
de l'amour propre. Contenant six caractères & six<br />
perfections.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Proba, Valeria Falconia, 4th century.<br />
Probæ Falconiæ, vatis clarissimae a divo<br />
Hieronymo comprobatae centones, de fidei nostræ<br />
mysteriis e Maronis carminibus excerptum<br />
opusculum.<br />
Parisiis, Franciscum Stephanum. 1543<br />
Item identification number 458.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Prost de Royer, Antoine François.<br />
De l'administration des femmes.<br />
Genève, Paris, et Lyon. 1782<br />
Item identification number 459.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Puisieux, Madeleine (d'Arsant) de, 1720-1798.<br />
[Collected works].<br />
A Londres. 1755<br />
Item identification number 461.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Puisieux, Madeleine (d'Arsant) de, 1720-1798.<br />
Reflexions et avis sur les défauts et les ridicules a<br />
la mode.<br />
A Paris, Chez la v. Brunet. 1761<br />
Item identification number 462; Pour servir de suite<br />
aux conseils à une amie. Par Madame De Puisieux.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
The Queen <strong>of</strong> Hungary's declaration, in which is<br />
contained, A Plan for adjusting the claims <strong>of</strong> the<br />
powers at war, and settling the public tranquility <strong>of</strong><br />
Europe.<br />
London, Printed for M. Cooper. 1744<br />
Item identification number 463.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Radcliffe, Mary Ann.<br />
The female advocate: or, An attempt to recover<br />
the rights <strong>of</strong> women from male usurpation.<br />
London, Printed for Vernor and Hood. 1799<br />
Item identification number 464.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
32<br />
[Ralph, James], 1705?-1762.<br />
The other side <strong>of</strong> the question; or, An attempt to<br />
rescue the characters <strong>of</strong> the two royal sisters Q. Mary<br />
and Q. Anne out <strong>of</strong> the hands <strong>of</strong> the d---s d---- <strong>of</strong>.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cooper at the Globe. 1742<br />
Item identification number 466; by a woman <strong>of</strong><br />
quality.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
Razzi, Girolano, in religion Silvano, fl. 1560.<br />
La vita, o vero Azzioni della Contessa Matelda,<br />
scritta da Don Silvano Razzi, camald.<br />
In Firenze, Appresso Bartolommeo Sermartelli. 1587<br />
Item identification number 467.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 70<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1903<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 71<br />
Reeve, Clara, 1729-1807.<br />
Destination; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> a private family.<br />
Dublin, T. Burnside. 1799<br />
Item identification number 468.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 71<br />
Reiss, Joannes Josephus.<br />
Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de successione<br />
conjugum juxta jus Romanum, Germanicum et in<br />
specie Franconicum.<br />
[Würtemburg?]. [1774]<br />
Item identification number 469; In auditorio juridico<br />
dix X. Junii anno M.DCC.LXXIV.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 71<br />
Remarks on Mrs. Muilman's letter to the Right<br />
Honourable the Earl <strong>of</strong> Chesterfield.<br />
London, Printed for William Owen and James Leake.<br />
1750<br />
Item identification number 469.1; In a letter to Mrs.<br />
Muilman. by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 71<br />
Restif de La Bettonne, Nicolas Edme, 1734-1806.<br />
Les gynographes; ou, Idées de deux honnêtesfemmes<br />
sur un projet de reglement proposé à toute<br />
l'Europe, pour mettre les femmes à leur place, &<br />
opérer le bonheur des deux sexes: avec des notes<br />
historiques et justificatives, suivies des noms des<br />
femmes célèbres; recuellis [!] par N.E. Rétif de La<br />
Bretonne.<br />
A La-Haie, Chés Gosse & Pinet; [etc., etc.]. 1777<br />
Item identification number 471.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 71<br />
[Restif de La Bretonne, Nicholas Edme], 1734-<br />
1806.<br />
Les Françaises; ou, XXXIV exemples choisis dans<br />
les moeurs actuelles, propres à diriger les filles, les<br />
femmes, les epouses & les mères.<br />
A Neufchâtel, et se trouve à Paris, Chés Guillot,<br />
libraire de Monsieur. 1786<br />
Item identification number 470.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 71
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1903<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 72<br />
[Restif de La Bretonne, Nicholas Edme], 1734-<br />
1806.<br />
Les Parisiennes; or, XL caractères generaux pris<br />
dans les moeurs actuelles, propres à servir à<br />
l'instruction des personnes-du-sexe: tirés des<br />
memoires du nouveau Lycée-des-moeurs.<br />
Neufchâtel, Guillot. 1787<br />
Item identification number 472.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 72<br />
A Review <strong>of</strong> a late treatise entituled An account <strong>of</strong><br />
the conduct <strong>of</strong> the Dowager D____<strong>of</strong> M____, &c.<br />
London, Printed for J. Roberts. 1742<br />
Item identification number 472.1; In which many<br />
misrepresentations are detected ... especially such as<br />
relate to the reigns <strong>of</strong> K. William and Q. Mary.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 72<br />
[Reynolds, Henry Revell].<br />
An address to the ladies, from a young man.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell, junior, and W. Davies.<br />
1796<br />
Item identification number 473; The Second edition,<br />
with considerable alterations.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 72<br />
Riccoboni, Marie Jeanne (de Heurles Laboras de<br />
Mézières) 1713-1792.<br />
Oeuvres de Madame Riccoboni.<br />
Paris, Chez Humblot. 1781-1783<br />
Item identification number 474.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 72-73<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1904<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 73<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74<br />
[Rivers, George] fl. 1639.<br />
The heroinæ: Or, The lives <strong>of</strong> Arria, Paulina,<br />
Lucretia, Dido, Theutilla, Cypriana, Aretaphila.<br />
London, Printed by R. Bishop, for John Colby. 1639<br />
Item identification number 475.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74<br />
Robinson, Mary (Darby) 1758-1800.<br />
Mrs. Mary Robinson.<br />
London, The Grolier society. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 476; with the lives <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Duchesses <strong>of</strong> Gordon and Devonshire by Grace and<br />
Philip Wharton.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
33<br />
Roland de la Platière, Marie Jeanne (Philipon)<br />
1754-1793.<br />
An appeal to impartial posterity.<br />
New York, Printed by R. Wilson and A. Van Hook.<br />
1798<br />
Item identification number 477; or A collection <strong>of</strong><br />
tradts written by her during her confinement in the<br />
prisons <strong>of</strong> the Abbey and St. Pelagie, in Paris in four<br />
parts, tr. from the French. 1st American ed. corr.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74<br />
Rolland d'Erceville, Barthélemy Gabriel, 1734-<br />
1794.<br />
Recherches sur les prérogatives des dames chez<br />
les Gaulois, sur les cours d'amour, ainsi que sur les<br />
priviléges qu'en France les mères nobles<br />
transmettoient autrefois à leurs descendans, quioque<br />
issus de pères roturiers, où l'on expose les vestiges<br />
qui restent de ces anciens usages.<br />
A Paris, Chez Nyon l'aìné. 1787<br />
Item identification number 478; Par M. le président<br />
Rolland.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74<br />
Roth, Gottfried Christian.<br />
Gottfr. Christ. Rothii de imagvncvlis germanorvm<br />
magicis, qvas alrvnas vocant, commentatio.<br />
Helmstadii, Apud Christ. Fris. Weygandvm. 1737<br />
Item identification number 479; Feminarvm apvd<br />
germanos veteres sacrarvm institvta et cvltvm<br />
religiosvm simvm explicans.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74<br />
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778.<br />
Eloisa; or, A series <strong>of</strong> original letters collected and<br />
published by J. J. Rousseau.<br />
London, T. Becket. 1776<br />
Item identification number 481; Tr. from the French<br />
... New ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 74-75<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1905<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 75<br />
Roussel, Pierre, 1742-1802.<br />
Systeme physique et moral de la femme; ou,<br />
Tableau philosophique de la constitution de l'état<br />
organique, du tempérment, des moeurs, et des<br />
fonctions propres au sexe.<br />
Paris, Vincent. 1775<br />
Item identification number 482.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 75<br />
Rowe, Elizabeth, [Singer], 1674-1737.<br />
Poems on several occasions to which is prefixed<br />
on account <strong>of</strong> the life and writings <strong>of</strong> the author.<br />
London, Printed for D. Midwinter. 1759<br />
Item identification number 483.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 75
Rustaing de Saint-Jory, Louis, d. 1752.<br />
Les femmes militaires.<br />
Paris, C. Simon. 1735<br />
Item identification number 484; Relation historique<br />
d'une isle nouvellement découverte.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 75<br />
Ryckel, Josephus Geldolphus A.<br />
Vitæ S. Gertrvdis, abbatissæ Nivellensis.<br />
Lovanii, Typis C. Coenestenii. 1632<br />
Item identification number 485.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 75<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1905<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 76<br />
Sainte-Marthe, Scévole de, 1536-1623.<br />
Paedotrophia; or, The art <strong>of</strong> nursing and rearing<br />
children.<br />
London, Printed for the author, by J. Nichols. 1797<br />
Item identification number 486; A poem, in three<br />
books. Tr. from the Latin.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 76<br />
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1797.<br />
A critical essay concerning marriage.<br />
London, Printed for C. Rivington. 1724<br />
Item identification number 487.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 76<br />
Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf, 1774-1811.<br />
Elements <strong>of</strong> morality, for the use <strong>of</strong> children; with<br />
an introductory address to parents.<br />
London, Printed by J. Crowder, for J. Johnson. 1791<br />
Item identification number 488; Translated from the<br />
German <strong>of</strong> the Rev. C. G. Salzmann.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 76<br />
Sappho.<br />
Sapphus, poetriae lesbiae, fragmenta et elogia,<br />
quot-quot in auctoribus antiquis Graecis et Latinis<br />
reperiuntur cum virorum doctorum notis integris,<br />
cura et studio Jo. Christiani Wolfii.<br />
Londini, Apud Abrahamum Vandenhoeck. 1733<br />
Item identification number 489; Qui vitam Sapphonis<br />
& indices adjecit.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 76<br />
Sappho.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus<br />
and Musaeus.<br />
London, Printed for J. Walker, J. Wallis, and J.<br />
Binns, Leeds, MDDCLXXXIX [i.e.]. [1789]<br />
Item identification number 490; Translated from the<br />
original Greek. by Francis Fawkes, M. A. The second<br />
edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 76<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1906<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
34<br />
The Sarah-Ad; or, A flight for fame.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cooper. 1742<br />
Item identification number 490.1; A burlesque poem<br />
in three canto's, in hudibrastic verse. Founded on An<br />
account <strong>of</strong> the conduct <strong>of</strong> the Dowager Du____ss <strong>of</strong><br />
M____gh.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
Sarrocchi, Margherita, d. 1618.<br />
La scanderbeide, poema heroico.<br />
Roma, Lepido Facij. 1606<br />
Item identification number 491.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
Schenck, Jacob, 1508.<br />
Auslegung des Spruchs S. Pauls zu den Colossern<br />
am dritten Capitel.<br />
Wittenberg. [Getruckt durch Joseph Klug]. 1540<br />
Item identification number 492; Ir. Weiber seid<br />
vnterthan ewren Mennern & c. Ir Menner liebet ewre<br />
Weiber &c. Geschrieben durch ... D. Jacobum<br />
Schenck.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
Scherer, Georg, 1540-1605.<br />
Trattato del molto R.P. Georgio Scherer theologo<br />
della campagnia di Ieso & Predicatore del Sermo<br />
Arciduca Ernesto d'Austria &c.<br />
Vienna, Nassingero. 1586<br />
Item identification number 493; Nel Quale con<br />
verissime raggioni prova non esser vero, che gia sia<br />
stato in Roma una Donna Pontifice. Dalla Allemana<br />
nella volgar lingua italiana tradotto per Nicolo Pierio.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
Schurman, Anna Maria van, 1607-1678.<br />
Eucleria seu melioris partis electio.<br />
Cornelius van der Meulen. 1673<br />
Item identification number 494; Tractatus Brevem<br />
Vitae ejus Delineationem exhibens. Alton AE ad<br />
Albim.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
Schurman, Anna Maria van, 1607-1678.<br />
Nobiliss.<br />
Batavor, Ex Officinâ Elseviriorum. 1650<br />
Item identification number 495; virginis Annæ Mariæ<br />
a Schurman opuscula: Hebræ, Græca, Latina, Gallica:<br />
prosaica & metrica. Editio secunda ... Lvgd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
[Scott, Sarah (Robinson)], 1723-1795.<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> Cornelia.<br />
London, Printed for A. Millar. 1750<br />
Item identification number 497.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
Scudéry, Madeleine de, 1607-1701.<br />
Les conversations sur divers sujets.<br />
Amsterdam, D. du Fresne. 1686<br />
Item identification number 499; Cinquiesme édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77
[Scudéry, Madeleine de], 1607-1701.<br />
Anecdotes de la cour d'Alphonse, onzieme du<br />
nom, roi de Castille par Madamme de V***.<br />
Amsterdam et Paris, Chez Hochereau. 1756<br />
Item identification number 498.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
[Scudéry, Madeleine de], 1607-1701.<br />
The female orators; or, The courage and constancy<br />
<strong>of</strong> divers famous queens, and illustrious women, set<br />
forth in their eloquent orations, and noble resolutions:<br />
worthy the perusal and imitation <strong>of</strong> the female sex.<br />
London, Printed, and are sold by T. Tebb [etc.]. 1714<br />
Item identification number 500; English'd from the<br />
French edition <strong>of</strong> Monsieur de Scudéry.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 77<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1906<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 78<br />
[Scudéry, Madeleine de], 1607-1701.<br />
Ibrahim; or, The illustrious Bassa.<br />
London, Printed by J. R. and are to be sold by Peter<br />
Parker and Thomas Guy. 1674<br />
Item identification number 501; Written in French by<br />
Monsieur de Scudéry, and now Englished by Henry<br />
Cogan, gent.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 78<br />
[Scudéry, Madeleine de], 1607-1701.<br />
Lettres amovrevses de divers avthevrs de ce<br />
temps.<br />
Paris, Chez Avgvstin, Covrbe'. 1641<br />
Item identification number 502.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 78<br />
[Scudéry, Madeleine de], 1607-1701.<br />
A triumphant arch erected and consecrated to the<br />
glory <strong>of</strong> the feminine sexe.<br />
London, Printed for W. Hope, and H. Herringman.<br />
1656<br />
Item identification number 503; by Monsieur de<br />
Scudéry: Englished by I. B., gent.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 78<br />
[Scudéry, Madeleine de], 1607-1701.<br />
Vierzig durchläuchtige Frauen; oder, Deroselben<br />
vierzig heroische Reden.<br />
Naumburg, In verlegung Martin Müllers; Jena,<br />
Gedrukkt bey Georg Sengenwalden. 1654<br />
Item identification number 503.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 78<br />
Seally, John.<br />
The lady's encyclopedia; or, A concise analysis <strong>of</strong><br />
the belles lettres, the fine arts, and the sciences.<br />
London, Printed for J. Murray and W. Creech. 1788<br />
Item identification number 504; Illustrated with fifty<br />
engr. heads, and sixteen maps &c.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 78<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1907<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
35<br />
Le Secretaire des demoiselles; contenant des billets<br />
galans, avec leurs re'ponses.<br />
La Haye, Chez Jacob van Ellinkhuysen. 1704<br />
Item identification number 505.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
Serviez, Jacques Roergas de, 1679-1727.<br />
The Roman empresses; or, The history <strong>of</strong> the lives<br />
and secret intrigues <strong>of</strong> the wives <strong>of</strong> the twelve<br />
Caesars.<br />
London, Printed for R. Dodsley. 1752<br />
Item identification number 506; Translated by the<br />
Hon. bysse Molesworth.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
Sévigné, Marie (de Rabutin-Chantal) marquise de,<br />
1626-1696.<br />
Sevigniana; ou, Recueil de pensées ingénieuses.<br />
Grignan. 1756<br />
Item identification number 509.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
Seward, Anna, 1742-1809.<br />
Monody on Major Andrè.<br />
Lichfield, Printed and sold by J. Jackson, for the<br />
author [etc.]. 1781<br />
Item identification number 510; To which are added<br />
letters addressed to her by Major Andrè, in the year<br />
1769. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
Sforza Rossi, Isabella, 1470-1524.<br />
Della vera tranqvillita dell'animo.<br />
Venice, Aldvs (with device). 1544<br />
Item identification number 511.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
Shadwell, Thomas, 1642?-1692.<br />
The woman-captain.<br />
London, Printed for Samuel Carr. 1680<br />
Item identification number 512; a comedy acted by<br />
His Royal Highnesses servants.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
[Simiane, Pauline (Adhémar de Monteil de<br />
Grignon)], 1674-1737.<br />
Porte-feuille de Madame ***.<br />
Paris, Chez Christophe Ballard. 1715<br />
Item identification number 514.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 79<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1907<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
[Slade, Mary].<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> the female shipwright.<br />
London, printed and sold by M. Lewis. 1773<br />
Item identification number 515.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80
Smith, Hugh, 1736?-1789.<br />
Letters to married women on nursing and the<br />
management <strong>of</strong> children.<br />
London, Printed for C. and G. Kearsley. 1792<br />
Item identification number 516; 6th ed., rev. and<br />
considerably enl.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Society for the Relief <strong>of</strong> Poor Widows with Small<br />
Children. New York.<br />
Constitution <strong>of</strong> the ladies society, established in<br />
New-York, for the relief <strong>of</strong> poor widows with small<br />
children.<br />
New York, Printed by J. Oram. 1799<br />
Item identification number 518.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Society <strong>of</strong> Antiquaries <strong>of</strong> London.<br />
A collection <strong>of</strong> ordinances and regulations for the<br />
government <strong>of</strong> the royal household, made in divers<br />
reigns.<br />
London, J. Nichols. 1790<br />
Item identification number 519; From King Edward<br />
III, to King William and Queen Mary. Also, receipts<br />
in ancient cookery.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Sophia, pseud.<br />
Woman not inferior to man; or, A short and<br />
modest vindication <strong>of</strong> the natural right <strong>of</strong> the fair-sex<br />
to a perfect equality <strong>of</strong> power, dignity, and esteem,<br />
with the men.<br />
London, Printed for John Hawkins. 1739<br />
Item identification number 520; by Sophia, a person<br />
<strong>of</strong> quality.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Sophia, pseud.<br />
Woman's superior excellence over man; or, A<br />
reply to the author <strong>of</strong> a late treatise, entitled, Man<br />
superior to woman.<br />
London, Printed for J. Hawkins. 1740<br />
Item identification number 521; In which, the<br />
excessive weakness <strong>of</strong> that gentleman's answer to<br />
Woman not inferior to man is exposed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Sophie; ou, Lettres de deux amies receuillies &<br />
publiées par un citoyen de Genève.<br />
[Jean Louis Mollet] Genève, Chez Du Villard fils &<br />
Nouffer. 1779<br />
Item identification number 522.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Sowernam, Ester.<br />
Ester hath hang'd Haman; or, An ansvver to a<br />
lewd pamphlet, entituled, The arraignment <strong>of</strong> women.<br />
London, Printed for Nicholas Bourne. 1617<br />
Item identification number 523; with the arraignment<br />
<strong>of</strong> lewd, idle, froward, and vnconstant men, and<br />
hvsbands.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
36<br />
Spanheim, Friedrich de, 1632-1701.<br />
Histoire de la papesse Jeanne, fidelement tirée de<br />
la dissertation latine de M. de Spanheim.<br />
Cologne, Chez *****. 1695<br />
Item identification number 524.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
[Spence, Joseph], 1699-1768.<br />
Crito;or, A dialogue on beauty.<br />
London, Printed for R. Dodsley. 1752<br />
Item identification number 525; by Sir Harry<br />
Beaumont [pseud.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
Squire, Jane.<br />
A proposal to determine our longitude.<br />
London, Printed for the author. 1743<br />
Item identification number 526; 2nd ed., in English<br />
only.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 80<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1908<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 81<br />
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker)<br />
baronne de, 1766-1817.<br />
Letters on the works and character <strong>of</strong> J. J.<br />
Rousseau.<br />
London, Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson. 1789<br />
Item identification number 527; To which are added<br />
a letter from the Countess Alexandre de Vassy to the<br />
Baroness de Stael, with the Baroness's answer, and an<br />
account <strong>of</strong> the last moments <strong>of</strong> Rousseau. Translated<br />
from the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 81<br />
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker)<br />
baronne de, 1766-1817.<br />
Mémoires de Madame De Stael écrits par ellemême.<br />
Londres. 1755<br />
Item identification number 529.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 81<br />
Steele, Elizabeth, pseud.?.<br />
The memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, late <strong>of</strong><br />
Drury Lane Theatre.<br />
London, Printed for the author. 1787<br />
Item identification number 530.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 81<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1908<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82<br />
Stewart, James, hair-dresser.<br />
Plocacosmos; or, The whole art <strong>of</strong> hair dressing;<br />
wherein is contained ample rules for the young<br />
artizan, more particularly for ladies women, valets,<br />
&c. &c. as well as directions for persons to dress<br />
their own hair.<br />
London, Printed for the author. 1782<br />
Item identification number 531.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82
Stirredge, Elizabeth Tayler.<br />
Strength in weakness manifest: In the life, various<br />
trials, and Christian testimony <strong>of</strong> the faithful servant<br />
and handmaid <strong>of</strong> the Lord, Elizabeth Stirridge--<br />
Showing her pious care and counsel to her children,<br />
and according to their desire, made public Second<br />
edition.<br />
London, T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde. 1746<br />
Item identification number 532.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82<br />
Stretch, L.M.<br />
The beauties <strong>of</strong> history; or, Pictures <strong>of</strong> virtue and<br />
vice, drawn from real life; designed for the<br />
instruction and entertainment <strong>of</strong> youth.<br />
London, Printed for E. & C. Dilly. 1777<br />
Item identification number 533; 3d ed., rev., cor., &<br />
enl.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82<br />
Stuart, Gilbert, 1742-1786.<br />
A view <strong>of</strong> society in Europe, in its progress from<br />
rudeness to refinement; or, Inquiries concerning the<br />
history <strong>of</strong> law, government, and manners.<br />
Edinburgh, J. Robertson. 1792<br />
Item identification number 534; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82<br />
Swanwick, John, d. 1798.<br />
Thoughts on education, addressed to the visitors<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Young ladies' academy in Philadelphia,<br />
October 31, 1787.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed for Thomas Dobson. 1787<br />
Item identification number 535; At the close <strong>of</strong> the<br />
quarterly examination, by John Swanwick, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
visitors ... To which is added; a prayer, delivered on<br />
the same occasion, by Samuel Magaw, D.D.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82<br />
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772.<br />
The delights <strong>of</strong> wisdom concerning conjugial<br />
love: after which follows the pleasure <strong>of</strong> insanity,<br />
concerning scortatory love.<br />
London, R. Hindmarsh. 1794<br />
Item identification number 536; Translated from the<br />
Latin.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 82<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1909<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Swinburne, Henry, 1560?-1623.<br />
A treatise <strong>of</strong> spousals, or matrimonial contracts;<br />
wherein all the questions relating to that subject are<br />
ingeniously debated and resolved.<br />
London, Printed by S. Roycr<strong>of</strong>t for Robert Clavell.<br />
1686<br />
Item identification number 538.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
37<br />
Tanner, Anodyne.<br />
The life <strong>of</strong> the late celebrated Mrs. Elizabeth<br />
Wisebourn; vulgarly call'd Mother Wyburn,<br />
containing secret memoirs <strong>of</strong> several ladies <strong>of</strong> the<br />
first Q____y who held an assembly at her house;<br />
together with her last will and testament.<br />
London, A. Moore. [172-?]<br />
Item identification number 538.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715.<br />
A present for the ladies: being an historical<br />
account <strong>of</strong> several illustrious persons <strong>of</strong> the female<br />
sex.<br />
London, Printed for F. Saunders. 1693<br />
Item identification number 539; To which is added,<br />
the character <strong>of</strong> an accomplish'd virgin, wife, and<br />
widow, in verse. Written by N. Tate ... 2d ed., cor.,<br />
with additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Tencin, Claudine Alexandrine Guérin de, 1682-<br />
1749.<br />
Les malheurs de l'amour.<br />
Paris, publié par Gustave Havard. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 540.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Therein, [Charles].<br />
De la condition des femmes dans les républiques.<br />
Paris, Chez Laran [etc.] an VII. [1799]<br />
Item identification number 541.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Thicknesse, Ann (Ford), 1737-1824.<br />
Sketches <strong>of</strong> the lives and writings <strong>of</strong> the ladies <strong>of</strong><br />
France.<br />
London, printed for Dodsley and W. Brown. 1780<br />
Item identification number 542.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Thomas, Antoine Leonard, 1732-1785.<br />
Essay on the character, manners, and genius <strong>of</strong><br />
women in different ages.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed and sold by R. Aitken. 1774<br />
Item identification number 543; Enl. from the French<br />
<strong>of</strong> M. Thomas by Mr. Russell.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
Thura, Albert Lauridsen, 1700-1740.<br />
Alberti Thura, Laur. fil. pastoris leirskoviensis in<br />
Cimbria, gynaeceum Daniae litteratum, feminis<br />
Danorum, eruditione vel scriptis claris conspicuum;<br />
praemissa praefatione de feminarum variarum apud<br />
Danos in litteras et --tteratos munificentia, et adjecto<br />
ad calcem, una cum appendice, duplici indice<br />
personarum.<br />
Altona, apud Jonam Korte. 1732<br />
Item identification number 545.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 83<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1909<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84
A Second dissertation on the liberty <strong>of</strong> preaching<br />
granted to women by the people called Quakers: in<br />
answer to a late dissertation on that subject.<br />
Dublin, Printed by I. Jackson. 1739<br />
Item identification number 555; Wherein Robert<br />
Barclay's arguments for the justification <strong>of</strong> that<br />
practice are supported ... with an appendix<br />
concerning singing. by ***** *****. And an<br />
admonitory postscript to the preachers <strong>of</strong> both sexes.<br />
by Bernardus Utopiensis.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
[Tixier, Jean, seigneur de Ravisy] d. 1524, ed.<br />
De memorbilibvs et claris mvlieversorvm: aliqvot<br />
diversorvm scriptorvm opera.<br />
Parisiis, Ex aedibus Simonis Colinaei. 1521<br />
Item identification number 545.1; Authore Joanne<br />
Ravisio Textore.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
Tolomeo, Angelo Caludio.<br />
Laude delle donne Bolognese.<br />
[Colophon: Bologna, Impresso per Iustiniano da<br />
Rubera]. [1514]<br />
Item identification number 546.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
Torshell, Samuel, 1604-1650.<br />
The womans glorie; a treatise asserting the due<br />
honour <strong>of</strong> that sexe, and directing wherein that<br />
honour consists.<br />
London, Printed by G. M. for J. Bellamie. 1645<br />
Item identification number 546.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
[Towers, Joseph], 1737-1799.<br />
Dialogues concerning the ladies.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell. 1785<br />
Item identification number 547; To which is added,<br />
An essay on the antient Amazons.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
A Treatise <strong>of</strong> feme coverts; or, The lady's law.<br />
[London] Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling<br />
for B. Lintot. 1732<br />
Item identification number 549; Containing all the<br />
laws and statutes relating to women ... To which are<br />
added, Judge Hide's very remarkable argument ... In<br />
the case <strong>of</strong> Manby and Scot, whether and in what<br />
cases the husband is bound by the contract <strong>of</strong> his<br />
wife: and select precedents <strong>of</strong> conveyances in all<br />
cases concerning feme coverts.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
A Treatise on dress.<br />
New-Haven, Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green.<br />
1783<br />
Item identification number 550; Intended as a<br />
friendly and seasonable warning to the daughters <strong>of</strong><br />
America.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
38<br />
Trotto, Bernardo, d. 1595.<br />
Dialoghi del matrimonio, e vita vedouile.<br />
In Turino [Apresso Francesco Dolce]. 1578<br />
Item identification number 551.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
[Tuke, Thomas] d. 1657.<br />
Discovrse against painting and tincturing <strong>of</strong><br />
women.<br />
London, Imprinted for Edward Marchant. 1616<br />
Item identification number 552.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
Ubaldini, Petruccio, d. ca. 1600.<br />
Le vite delle donne illvstri.<br />
Londra, Appresso Giouanni Volfio. 1591<br />
Item identification number 553; Del regno<br />
d'Ihghilterra, & del regno di Scotia & di quelle, che<br />
d'altri paesi ne i due detti regni sono stato maritate.<br />
Doue si contengono tutte le cose degne di memoria<br />
da esse, ò da altri per i rispetti loro state operate,<br />
tanto di fuori, quanto di dentro de i due regni. Scritte<br />
in lingua Italiana da Petruccio Vbaldino cittadin<br />
Fiorentino.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
Unzer, Johann Christoph, 1747-1809.<br />
Cvr feminis Evropaeis et illvstribvs prae aliis<br />
gentibvs et rvsticis partvs sint laboriosiores.<br />
Goettingae, Ex <strong>of</strong>ficina I. I. H. Schvlzii, Jvn. [1771]<br />
Item identification number 554; Dissertatio<br />
inavgvralis medica.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
[Varet, Alexandre Louis], 1632-1676.<br />
The nunn's complaint against the fryars, being the<br />
charge given into the court <strong>of</strong> France by the nunns <strong>of</strong><br />
St. Katherine, near Provins, in France, against the<br />
fathers Cordeliers, their confessours.<br />
London, Printed by E. H. and Robert Pawlett. 1676<br />
Item identification number 556.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
Vasse, Cornélie Wouters, baronne de, 1737-1802.<br />
L'art de corriger et de rendre les hommes<br />
constans.<br />
Paris, Chez Royez. 1879<br />
Item identification number 557; Seconde édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
Vauts, Moses à, pseud. ?.<br />
The husband's authority unvail'd: wherein it is<br />
moderately discussed whether it be fit or lawfull for a<br />
good man to beat his bad wife.<br />
London, Printed by T. N. for R. Bost{.o}ck. 1650<br />
Item identification number 558; Some mysteries <strong>of</strong><br />
iniquity are likewise unmasked, and a little unfolded<br />
... From an inner cloyster <strong>of</strong> the temple, by Moses à<br />
Vauts, a faithful votary, and a free denizen <strong>of</strong> the<br />
common-wealth <strong>of</strong> Israel.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84
Villars, Marie [Gigault de Bellefonds] marquise<br />
de, 1624-1706.<br />
Lettres de Madame la marquise de Villars,<br />
ambassadrice en Espagne, dans le tems du mariage de<br />
Charles II, roi d'Espagne, avec la princesse Marie-<br />
Louise d'Orléans.<br />
A Amsterdam et a Paris, chez M. Lambert. 1759<br />
Item identification number 560.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 84<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1910<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
[Villefore, Joseph Francois Bourgoin de], 1652-<br />
1737.<br />
La vie de Madame la duchesse de Longueville.<br />
[Paris]. 1738<br />
Item identification number 561.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
The Virgin's nosegay; or, The duties <strong>of</strong> Christian<br />
virgins: digested into succinct chapters and stated<br />
under three principal heads: viz.<br />
London, Printed, and Belfast, Re-printed, by F. Joy.<br />
1744<br />
Item identification number 563; I. Truths, which they<br />
are indispensably obliged to know. II. Vices, which<br />
they ought to avoid. III. Virtues, which <strong>of</strong> necessity<br />
they ought to practice, in order to be happy in this<br />
world and blessed for all eternity. To which is added,<br />
Advice to a new married lady ... by F ...... L......, esq.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-1540.<br />
A very frvtefvl and pleasant booke called the<br />
instruction <strong>of</strong> a christen woman, made firste in<br />
latyne.<br />
Londini, [Imprinted by Henry Wykes]. 1557<br />
Item identification number 566; by the right famous<br />
clerke mayster Lewes Uiues, and tourned out <strong>of</strong><br />
latyne into Englishe by Rycharde Hyrde.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
[Vives, Juan Luis], 1492-1540.<br />
Giovan Lodovico Vives da Valenza de l'vfficio<br />
del marito, come si debba portare uerso la moglie.<br />
In Vinegia, Apresso Vincenzo Vaugris. 1546<br />
Item identification number 565; De l'istitvtione de la<br />
femina Christiana, uergine, maritata, ò uedoua. De lo<br />
ammaestrare i fancivlli ne le arti liberali. Opera<br />
ueramente non pur diletteuole: ma ancho utilissima à<br />
ciascuna maniera di persone.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
39<br />
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778.<br />
The dispute between Mademoiselle Clairon, a<br />
celebrated actress at Paris, and the fathers <strong>of</strong> the<br />
church, occasioned by the excommunication<br />
denounced in France against all dramatic writers,<br />
actors, singers, dancers, etc.<br />
London, Printed for J. Dodsley. 1768<br />
Item identification number 567; said to be written by<br />
M. De Voltaire. Printed and published at Paris, and<br />
condemned to be burnt in the Race de Greve by the<br />
common hangman. Translated from the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
Wakefield, Priscilla (Bell) 1751-1832.<br />
Reflections on the present condition <strong>of</strong> the female<br />
sex; with suggestions for its improvement.<br />
London, J. Johnson [etc.]. 1798<br />
Item identification number 569.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85<br />
Walker, Mary, lady.<br />
Letters from the Duchess de Crui and others, on<br />
subjects moral and entertaining, wherein the<br />
character <strong>of</strong> the female sex, with their rank,<br />
importance, and consequence, is stated, and their<br />
relative duties in life are enforced.<br />
London, Printed for Robson [etc.]. 1777<br />
Item identification number 571; 2d ed., cor.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 85-86<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1910<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Walsh, William, 1663-1708.<br />
A dialogue concerning women, being a defence <strong>of</strong><br />
the sex.<br />
London, Printed for R. Bentley and J. Tonson. 1691<br />
Item identification number 571.1; Written to<br />
Eugenia.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Ward, Edward, 1667-1731.<br />
Female policy detected; or, The arts <strong>of</strong> a designing<br />
woman laid open.<br />
London, R. Ware [etc.]. 1755<br />
Item identification number 572; with a poetical<br />
description <strong>of</strong> a maid, wife, and widow, by E. W.,<br />
author <strong>of</strong> the London-Spy ... To which is added The<br />
bachelor's estimate <strong>of</strong> the expences <strong>of</strong> the married<br />
life.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Warner, Richard, 1763-1857.<br />
Antiquitates culinariae; or, Curious tracts relating<br />
to the culinary affairs <strong>of</strong> the Old English, with a<br />
preliminary discourse, notes, and illus.<br />
London, R. Blamire. 1791<br />
Item identification number 573.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86
Weppling, Johannes Bernhardus.<br />
Dissertatio academica sistens spicilegium<br />
tumultuarium de sexu seqviori eruditionis fama<br />
corusco vulgo Gott hochund wohl-gelahrten<br />
frauenspersonen quam indulgente ampliss.<br />
Rostochii, Literis Wepplingiania. [1707]<br />
Item identification number 575; philosophorum<br />
ordine, in celeberrima universitate patria, pr{^ae}side<br />
viro pr{^ae}cellentissimo at que pr{^ae}clarissimo<br />
Dn. M. Herm. Christoph.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Wheatley, Phillis, afterwards Phillis Peters, 1753?-<br />
1784.<br />
Poems on various subjects, religious and moral.<br />
London, A. Bell. 1773<br />
Item identification number 576; by negro servant to<br />
Mr. John Wheatley, <strong>of</strong> Boston, in New England.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Whipping-Tom; or, A rod for a proud lady, bundled<br />
up in four feeling discourses, both serious and merry.<br />
London, Printed for Sam. Briscoe. 1722<br />
Item identification number 577; In order to touch the<br />
fair sex to the quick. I. Of the foppish mode <strong>of</strong> taking<br />
snuff. II. Of the expensive use <strong>of</strong> drinking tea. III. Of<br />
their ridiculous walking in red cloaks, like soldiers.<br />
IV. Of their immodest wearing <strong>of</strong> hoop-petticoats ...<br />
To which is added, A new satyr, for the use <strong>of</strong> the<br />
female voluntiers in Hyde-Park. The 3rd ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
[Whitehead, William], 1715-1785.<br />
The goat's beard.<br />
London, Printed for J. Dodsley. 1777<br />
Item identification number 578; A fable ... The third<br />
edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Whitford, Helena (Wells).<br />
Letters on subjects <strong>of</strong> importance to the happiness<br />
<strong>of</strong> young females.<br />
London, Printed for L. Peacock, The Juvenile Library<br />
and W. Creech, Edinburgh. [1799?]<br />
Item identification number 579; addresses by a<br />
governess to her pupils ..v.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
The Whole duty <strong>of</strong> a woman; or An infallible guide<br />
to the fair sex.<br />
London, Printed for T. Read. 1737<br />
Item identification number 581; Containing rules,<br />
directions, and observations, for their conduct and<br />
behaviour through all ages ... with directions how to<br />
obtain all useful and fashionable accomplishments<br />
suitable to the sex. In which are comprised all parts<br />
<strong>of</strong> good housewifry, particularly rules and receipts in<br />
every kind <strong>of</strong> cookery.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
Winslow, Hubbard, 1799-1864.<br />
Woman as she should be.<br />
Boston, T. H. Carter, Philadelphia, H. Perkins. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1225.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
40<br />
Young, Samuel, 1789-1850.<br />
Suggestions on the best mode <strong>of</strong> promoting<br />
civilization and improvement; or, The influence <strong>of</strong><br />
woman on the social state, a lecture.<br />
Albany, H<strong>of</strong>fman and White. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1228.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 86<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1911<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
Wilkes, Wetenhall, d. 1751.<br />
A letter <strong>of</strong> genteel and moral advice to a young<br />
lady.<br />
London, C. Hitch. 1748<br />
Item identification number 582; 5 ed. Carefully rev.,<br />
corr., and enl., by the author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
Wilkinson, Robert, fl. 1607.<br />
The merchant royal; or, Woman a ship.<br />
London, Printed and sold by J. Roberts. 1736<br />
Item identification number 583; A sermon preached<br />
at White-Hall, before the King's Majesty; at the<br />
nuptials <strong>of</strong> an honourable lord and his lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
[Williams Helen Maria], 1762-1827.<br />
An ode on the peace.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell. 1783<br />
Item identification number 587; by the author <strong>of</strong><br />
Edwin & Eltruda.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827.<br />
Edwin and Eltruda.<br />
London, T. Cadell. 1782<br />
Item identification number 584; A legendary tale. by<br />
a young lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827.<br />
Letters written in France in the summer <strong>of</strong> 1790 to<br />
a friend in England, containing various anecdotes<br />
relative to the French Revolution and memoires <strong>of</strong> M.<br />
and Madame du F____.<br />
Dublin, Printed for G. Burnet [etc.]. 1791<br />
Item identification number 585.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827.<br />
Nouveau voyage en Suisse, contenant une<br />
peinture de ce pays, de ses moeurs et de ses<br />
gouvernemens actuels; Avec quelques traits de<br />
comparaison entre les usages de la Suisse et ceux de<br />
Paris moderne.<br />
Traduit de l'anglais par J. B. Say. Paris, Charles<br />
Pougens. 1798<br />
Item identification number 586.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87
[Williams, Helen Maria], 1762-1827.<br />
A residence in France during the years, 1792,<br />
1793, 1794, and 1795; described in a series <strong>of</strong> letters<br />
from an English lady: (Maria Williams) with general<br />
and incidental remarks on the French character and<br />
manners.<br />
London, Printed for T. N. Longman. 1797<br />
Item identification number 588.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
Wolf, Johann Christian, 1689-1770.<br />
Mvliervm graecarvm qvae oratione prosa vsae<br />
svnt fragmenta et elogia Graeca et Latine cvm<br />
virorvm doctorvm notis et indicibvs.<br />
Hambvrgi, Apud Abrahamvm Vandenhoeck. 1735<br />
Item identification number 589; Accedit catalogvs<br />
foeminarvm ... illvstrivm.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 87<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1911<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
Wolf, Johann Christian, 1689-1770, ed.<br />
Poetriarvm octo, Erinnae, Myrus, Myrtidis,<br />
Corinnae, Telesillae, Praxillae, Nossidis, Anytae,<br />
fragmenta et elogio.<br />
Hambvrgi, Apud Abrahamvm Vandenhoeck. 1734<br />
Item identification number 590; Graece et Latine ...<br />
Accedit Gottfridi Olearii. Dissertatio de poetriis<br />
graecis.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
An historical and moral view <strong>of</strong> the origin and<br />
progress <strong>of</strong> the French Revolution; and the effect it<br />
has produced in Europe.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1794<br />
Item identification number 591; Volume the first.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
Letters written during a short residence in<br />
Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1796<br />
Item identification number 592.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
Marie; or, The wrongs <strong>of</strong> woman.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed by James Carey. 1799<br />
Item identification number 593; A posthumous<br />
fragment.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
Mary; A fiction.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1788<br />
Item identification number 594; [1st ed.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
41<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
Original stories from real life; with conversations,<br />
calculated to regulate the affections, and form the<br />
mind to truth and goodness.<br />
London, J. Johnson. 1791<br />
Item identification number 595.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
[Wollstonecraft, Mary], 1759-1797.<br />
Posthumous works <strong>of</strong> the author <strong>of</strong> A vindication<br />
<strong>of</strong> the rights <strong>of</strong> woman.<br />
London, J. Johnson [etc.]. 1798<br />
Item identification number 596.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 88<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1912<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
Mrs. Wollstonecraft's thoughts on the education <strong>of</strong><br />
daughters.<br />
Dublin, Printed by W. Sleater. 1788<br />
Item identification number 597; with reflections on<br />
female conduct, in the more important duties <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
To which is added Fenolon [sic.] Archbishop <strong>of</strong><br />
Cambray's instructions to a governess, and an address<br />
to mothers.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
A vindication <strong>of</strong> the rights <strong>of</strong> men, in a letter to<br />
the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; occasioned by<br />
his refledtions on the revolution in France.<br />
London, J. Johnson. 1790<br />
Item identification number 598; [1st ed.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
A vindication <strong>of</strong> the rights <strong>of</strong> woman: with<br />
strictures on political and moral subjects.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1792<br />
Item identification number 599.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
Wolseley, Charles (Sir) 1630?-1714.<br />
The case <strong>of</strong> divorce and re-marriage thereupon<br />
discussed by a Reverent Prelate <strong>of</strong> the Church <strong>of</strong><br />
England and a private gentleman.<br />
London, Printed for Nevill Simmons. 1673<br />
Item identification number 600; Occasioned by the<br />
late act <strong>of</strong> Parliament for the divorce <strong>of</strong> the Lord<br />
Rosse.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
The Woman <strong>of</strong> fashion; or, The history <strong>of</strong> Lady<br />
Diana Dormer.<br />
London, Printed for J. Wilkie. 1767<br />
Item identification number 601.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89
The Woman <strong>of</strong> taste.<br />
London, Printed for J. Batley. 1733<br />
Item identification number 602; Occasioned by a late<br />
poem, entitled, The man <strong>of</strong> taste, by a friend <strong>of</strong> the<br />
author's. In two epistles, from Clelia in town to Sapho<br />
in the country.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
The Woman turn'd bully.<br />
London, Printed by J. C. for T. Dring. 1675<br />
Item identification number 603; A comedy. Acted at<br />
the Duke's theatre ... Licensed, July the 5th, 1675.<br />
Roger L'Estrange.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
<strong>Women</strong> invited to war; or, A friendly address to the<br />
honourable women <strong>of</strong> the United States.<br />
Boston, Printed by Edes & Son. 1787<br />
Item identification number 606; by a daughter <strong>of</strong><br />
America.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 89<br />
An Account <strong>of</strong> the convincement and call to the<br />
ministry <strong>of</strong> Margaret Lucas.<br />
Stanford Printed by Daniel Laurence for Henry and<br />
John F. Hull. 1803<br />
Item identification number 615; Late <strong>of</strong> Leek, in<br />
Staffordshire. Stanford [New York].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
An abridgment <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> New-England, for<br />
the use <strong>of</strong> young persons.<br />
Boston, Printed for the author by Homans & West.<br />
1805<br />
Item identification number 616.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
The truth and excellence <strong>of</strong> the Christian religion<br />
exhibited in two parts.<br />
Boston, Printed by David Carlisle for John West.<br />
1804<br />
Item identification number 617; Part I containing<br />
sketches <strong>of</strong> the lives <strong>of</strong> eminent laymen, who have<br />
written in defence <strong>of</strong> the Christian religion. Part II<br />
containing extracts from their writings.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
A view <strong>of</strong> religions.<br />
Boston, Printed by and for Manning & Loring. 1801<br />
Item identification number 618; 3d ed., with large<br />
additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1912<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
42<br />
Woodward, Josiah, 1660-1712.<br />
An account <strong>of</strong> the societies for reformation <strong>of</strong><br />
manners, in London and Westminster, and other parts<br />
<strong>of</strong> the kingdom.<br />
London, Printed for B. Aylmer. 1699<br />
Item identification number 608; with a persuasive to<br />
persons <strong>of</strong> all ranks, to be zealous and diligent in<br />
promoting the execution <strong>of</strong> the laws against<br />
prophaneness and debauchery, for the affecting a<br />
national reformation.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670.<br />
The gentlewomans companion; or, A guide to the<br />
female sex: containing directions <strong>of</strong> behaviour, in all<br />
places, companies, relations, and conditions.<br />
London, Printed by A. Maxwell for D. Newman.<br />
1673<br />
Item identification number 609; Whereunto is added<br />
a guide for cook-maids, dairy-maids.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Wright, George, fl. 1776.<br />
The lady's miscellany; or, Pleasing essays, poems,<br />
stories, and examples, for the instruction and<br />
entertainment <strong>of</strong> the female sex in general, in every<br />
station <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
Boston, From the press in Union-Street, for William<br />
T. Clap, sold by him. Thomas and Andrews, E.<br />
Larkin [etc.]. 1797<br />
Item identification number 610.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Wyhe, G.J. van.<br />
Dissertatio juridica inauguralis de conditione<br />
feminarum in jure romano.<br />
Harderovici, E. Tyh<strong>of</strong>f. [1802]<br />
Item identification number 611; 28 Junii 1802.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Yearsley, Anne, 1756.<br />
Poems, on several occasions.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell. 1785<br />
Item identification number 612; by Ann Yearsley, a<br />
milkwoman <strong>of</strong> Bristol.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Young Ladies Academy <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.<br />
The rise and progress <strong>of</strong> The Young-Ladies'<br />
Academy <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia: containing an account <strong>of</strong> a<br />
number <strong>of</strong> public examinations & commencements;<br />
the charter and bye-laws; likewise a number <strong>of</strong><br />
orations delivered by the young ladies, and several by<br />
the trustees <strong>of</strong> said institution.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed by Stewart & Cochran. 1794<br />
Item identification number 614.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 90<br />
Aikin, John, 1747-1822.<br />
Letters to a young lady, on a course <strong>of</strong> English<br />
poetry.<br />
Boston, Published by Munroe & Francis, and by<br />
Thomas & Whipple. 1806<br />
Item identification number 620.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91
Bembo, Pietro, cardinal, 1470-1547.<br />
Gli Asolani [libre tre, ne'quali si ragiona d'amore,<br />
cólla vita di Bembo] del cardinale M. Pietro Bembo.<br />
Milano Società tipografica de' classici italiani. 1808<br />
Item identification number 622.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
[Bernier (Mme.) (Villers)].<br />
Discours qui a remporté le prix à la Société des<br />
sciences et des arts du département du Lot, séante à<br />
Montauban le 30 prairial an XI, sur cette question:<br />
Quel est pour les femmes le genre d'éducation le plus<br />
propre à faire le bonheur des hommes en société?.<br />
Paris, chez Bossange, Masson et Besson. 1804<br />
Item identification number 623; 2 éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
Betham, Mary Matilda, 1776-1852.<br />
A biographical dictionary <strong>of</strong> celebrated women <strong>of</strong><br />
every age and country.<br />
London, B. Crosby & co. 1804<br />
Item identification number 624.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
[Bevan, Joseph Gurney], 1753-1814, ed.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life and travels in the service <strong>of</strong><br />
the Gospel <strong>of</strong> Sarah Stephenson.<br />
Philadelphia, Kimber, Conrad. 1807<br />
Item identification number 625.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, vicomte de,<br />
1754-1840.<br />
Du divorce, considéré au XIXe siècle,<br />
relativement à l'état domestique et à l'état public de<br />
société.<br />
Paris, Le Clere. 1805<br />
Item identification number 626; Seconde édition,<br />
revue, corrigée et augmentée.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
Branagan, Thomas, b. 1774.<br />
The excellency <strong>of</strong> the female character vindicated;<br />
being an investigation relative to the cause and<br />
effects <strong>of</strong> the encroachments <strong>of</strong> men upon the rights<br />
<strong>of</strong> women, and the too frequent degradation and<br />
consequent misfortunes <strong>of</strong> the fair sex.<br />
Philadelphia, Printed by J. Rakestraw. 1808<br />
Item identification number 627; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1913<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 91<br />
Brandes, Ernst, 1758-1810.<br />
Betrachtungen uber das weibliche geschlecht und<br />
dessen ausbildung in dem geseligen leben.<br />
Hannover, G. Hahn. 1802<br />
Item identification number 628.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 92<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
43<br />
Briquet, Marguérite Ursule Fortunée (Bernier)<br />
1782-1825.<br />
Dictionnaire historique, littéraire et<br />
bibliographique des Fran aises, et des étrangères<br />
naturalisées en France, connues par leurs écrits, ou<br />
par la protection qu'elles ont accordée aux gens de<br />
lettres, dupuis l'établissement de la monarchie jusqu'à<br />
Nos jours.<br />
Paris, De l'imprimerie de Gillé. 1804<br />
Item identification number 629.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 92<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1913<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 92<br />
Carter, Elizabeth, 1717-1806.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, with<br />
a new edition <strong>of</strong> her poems, including some which<br />
have never appeared before.<br />
London, Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington. 1808<br />
Item identification number 631; some miscellaneous<br />
essays in prose, together with her notes on the Bible,<br />
and answers to objections concerning the Christian<br />
religion. by the Rev. Montagu Pennington, M.A. ...<br />
The second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 92-93<br />
Chapone, Hester (Mulso) 1727-1801.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Chapone: now first collected.<br />
Boston, W. Wells and T. B. Wait and co. 1809<br />
Item identification number 632; To which is prefixed,<br />
an account <strong>of</strong> her life and character, drawn up by her<br />
own family.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93<br />
[Corp, Harriet].<br />
An antidote to the miseries <strong>of</strong> human life, in the<br />
history <strong>of</strong> the widow Placid and her daughter<br />
Rachael.<br />
New York, T. & J. Swords. 1808<br />
Item identification number 633; The first American,<br />
from the second London ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93<br />
[Crassons, J.F.P].<br />
Apologie des femmes.<br />
Paris, Chez Delaunay. 1806<br />
Item identification number 634; Poëme.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93<br />
Crim.<br />
London. [180-]<br />
Item identification number 635; con Actions and<br />
trials and other legal proceedings relating to marriage<br />
before the passing <strong>of</strong> the present divorce act.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93<br />
[De Britaine, William].<br />
Human prudence; or, The art by which a man and<br />
a woman may be advanced to fortune, to permanent<br />
honor, and to real grandeur.<br />
Dedham, Mass., Mann. 1806<br />
Item identification number 636.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93
Dictionnaire instructif, pour apprenrre [!] facilement<br />
tout ce qui se pratique dans la science de l'<strong>of</strong>fice.<br />
Paris, Chez Servière, an XI. (1803)<br />
Item identification number 637.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1914<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 93<br />
Du Broca, Louis.<br />
Interesting anecdotes <strong>of</strong> the heroic conduct <strong>of</strong><br />
women, previous to, and during the French<br />
Revolution.<br />
Baltimore, Printed for Samuel Butler, by Fryer &<br />
Clark. 1804<br />
Item identification number 637.1; Tr. from the<br />
French <strong>of</strong> M. Du Broca, and other writers <strong>of</strong><br />
authenticity. 1st American ed., enl. nearly one half by<br />
additions to the copy published in London.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 94<br />
[Duff, William], 1732-1815.<br />
Letters on the intellectual and moral character <strong>of</strong><br />
women. On the station for which they are destined:<br />
and on the characters they are qualified to sustain:<br />
and on the duties they are required to discharge, both<br />
in private and social life.<br />
Aberdeen, Printed by J. Chalmers and co., for the<br />
author. 1807<br />
Item identification number 638; Addressed to the<br />
ladies <strong>of</strong> Great Britain. by the author <strong>of</strong> "An essay on<br />
original genius".<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 94<br />
Eccentric biography; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> remarkable<br />
female characters, ancient and modern.<br />
London, Printed by J. Cundee, Sold by T. Hurst;<br />
[etc., etc.]. 1803<br />
Item identification number 639; Alphabetically<br />
arranged. Forming a pleasing mirror <strong>of</strong> reflection to<br />
the female mind.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 94<br />
Edgeworth, Maria, 1767-1849.<br />
Practical education.<br />
London, J. Johnson. 1798<br />
Item identification number 639.1; by Richard Lovell<br />
Edgeworth.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 94<br />
Edgeworth, Maria, 1767-1849.<br />
Tales <strong>of</strong> fashionable life.<br />
Georgetown, Joseph Milligan. 1809<br />
Item identification number 640; First American<br />
edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 94<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1914<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 94<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
44<br />
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 1744-1817.<br />
Essay on Irish bulls.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson. 1802<br />
Item identification number 641; by Maria Edgeworth,<br />
author <strong>of</strong> Castle Rackrent, &c.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
Ehrenberg, Friedrich, 1776-1852.<br />
Reden an Gebildete aus dem weiblichen<br />
Geschlecte, Elberfeld, H. Büschler, 1804.<br />
Item identification number 642.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
Emerson, Eleanor (Read) 1777-1806.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Eleanor Emerson, containing a<br />
brief sketch <strong>of</strong> her life, with some <strong>of</strong> her writings.<br />
Boston, printed by Lincoln & Edmands. 1809<br />
Item identification number 642.1; To which is added,<br />
the Rev. Mr. Worcester's sermon, occasioned by her<br />
death. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
The Female friend; or, The duties <strong>of</strong> Christian<br />
virgins; to which is added, advice to a young married<br />
lady.<br />
Baltimore, Printed by H. S. Keatinge. 1809<br />
Item identification number 644; by F ....L......., esq.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe, abp.,<br />
1651-1715.<br />
Fenelon's treatise on the education <strong>of</strong> daughters:<br />
tr. from the French, and adapted to English readers,<br />
with an original chapter, "On religious studies".<br />
Albany, Backus and Whiting. 1806<br />
Item identification number 646; by the Rev. T. F.<br />
Dibdin.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
Fiske, Nathan, 1733-1799.<br />
The moral monitor; or, a collection <strong>of</strong> essays on<br />
various subjects.<br />
Worcester, Mass., Isaiah Thomas, Jr. 1801<br />
Item identification number 647; Accommodated to<br />
the state <strong>of</strong> society in the United States <strong>of</strong> America.<br />
Displaying the importance and enforcing the<br />
observance <strong>of</strong> individual and social virtue.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
Foley, Thomas Philip, 1758-1835.<br />
The answer <strong>of</strong> the Rev. Thomas P. Foley, to the<br />
world.<br />
Stourbridge, Printed at the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> J. Heming. 1805<br />
Item identification number 647.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
[Foley, Thomas Philip], 1758-1835.<br />
The controversy between Joanna Southcott and<br />
Elias Carpenter, one <strong>of</strong> her judges, made public.<br />
[London] S. Rousseau. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 647.2.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1915<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 95<br />
Fraser, Donald, 1775?-1820, comp.<br />
The mental flower garden; or, An instructive and<br />
entertaining companion for the fair sex.<br />
New York, Printed by Southwick & Hardcastle. 1807<br />
Item identification number 648.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
Gacon-Dufour, Marie Armande Jeanne, 1753-<br />
1835.<br />
Contre le project de loi de*** M***, portant<br />
défense d'apprendre à lire aux femmes, par une<br />
femme que ne se pique pas d'être femme de lettres.<br />
Paris, Chez Ouvrier et Barba. 1801<br />
Item identification number 649.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
Galerie des dames françaises distinguées dans les<br />
lettres et les arts; ancienne monarchie; empire;<br />
restauration; époque actuelle.<br />
Paris, Dussillon. [18--?]<br />
Item identification number 649.1; Collection de 40<br />
portraits, gravés ai burin par nos meilleurs artistes ...<br />
accompagnés de notices littéraires et historiques.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
A General index to the writings <strong>of</strong> Joanna Southcott,<br />
the prophetess.<br />
London, W. Marchant, printer. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 649.2.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1915<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
Gioja, Melchiorre, 1767-1829.<br />
Teoria civile e penale del divorzio, ossia necessità<br />
cause, nuova maniera d'organizzarlo.<br />
Milano, Pirotta e Maspero. 1803<br />
Item identification number 650; Seguita dall'analisi<br />
della legge Francese 30 Ventoso anno XI. relativa<br />
allo stresso argomento.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
Grant, Anne (MacVicar) 1755-1838.<br />
Letters from the mountains; being the real<br />
correspondence <strong>of</strong> a lady between the years 1773-<br />
1807.<br />
London, Printed by Luke Hansard & sons, for<br />
Longman [etc.]. 1807<br />
Item identification number 651.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
45<br />
[Guénard, Elisabeth] baronne de Méré, 1751-<br />
1829.<br />
Histoire de Madame Elisabeth de France, soeur de<br />
Louis XVI, avec des détails sur ce qui s'est passé<br />
dans l'intérieur des châteaux de Versailles et des<br />
Tuileries; et ce que lui est arrivé de plus remarquable<br />
pendant sa détention au Temple, auxquels on a joint<br />
un grand nombre de lettres écrites par elle-même.<br />
Paris, Lerouge. 1802<br />
Item identification number 653.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 96<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1916<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 97<br />
Guyon, Jeanne Marie (Bouvier de La Motte)<br />
1648-1717.<br />
The exemplary life <strong>of</strong> the pious Lady Guion.<br />
Bristol, Printed by J. Mill. 1806<br />
Item identification number 654; translated from her<br />
own account in the original French; to which is added<br />
a new translation <strong>of</strong> her Short and easy method <strong>of</strong><br />
prayer, by Thomas Digby Brooke. Which treatise was<br />
the first rise <strong>of</strong> her severe persecutions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 97<br />
[Hamilton, Anne, lady], 1766-1846.<br />
The epics <strong>of</strong> the ton; or, The glories <strong>of</strong> the great<br />
world: a poem, in two books, with notes and<br />
illustrations.<br />
London, Printed by and for C. and R. Baldwin. 1807<br />
Item identification number 655; The second edition,<br />
with considerable additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 97<br />
Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1758-1816.<br />
Letters on the elementary principles <strong>of</strong> education.<br />
London, C. and J. Robinson. 1803<br />
Item identification number 657; 3d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 97<br />
Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1758-1816.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the Life <strong>of</strong> Agrippina, the wife <strong>of</strong><br />
Germanicus.<br />
Bath, Printed by R. Cruttwell for G. and J. Robinson.<br />
1804<br />
Item identification number 658.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 97<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1916<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 98<br />
Hamilton, Emma.<br />
Education; or, A journal <strong>of</strong> errors.<br />
London, J. Harris. 1809<br />
Item identification number 659.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 98
Hanway, Jonas, 1712-1786.<br />
Advice from farmer Trueman, to his daughter<br />
Mary.<br />
Ponterfract, Printed, by B. Boothroyd. 1805<br />
Item identification number 660; A new edition. with<br />
corrections and attempts towards further<br />
improvements.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 98<br />
Hartmann, Anton Theodor, 1774-1838.<br />
Die Hebräerin am putztische und als braut.<br />
Von A. Th. Hartmann. Amsterdam, Im Kunst- und<br />
industrie-comptoir. 1809-10<br />
Item identification number 661; Vorbereitet, durch<br />
eine uebersicht der wichtigsten erfindungen in dem<br />
reiche der moden bei den Hebräerinnen, von den<br />
rohesten anfängen bis zur üppigsten pracht.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 98<br />
Hatfield, S.<br />
Letters on the importance <strong>of</strong> the female sex, with<br />
observations on their manners, and on education.<br />
London, Printed by J. Adlard. 1803<br />
Item identification number 663.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 98<br />
Hayley, William, 1745-1820.<br />
The triumphs <strong>of</strong> temper, a poem: in six cantos.<br />
Chichester, Printed by J. Seagrave for T. Cadell and<br />
W. Davies, London. 1807<br />
Item identification number 665; 13th ed., corr.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 98<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1917<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 99<br />
Hays, Mary, 1759 or 60-1843.<br />
Female biography; or Memoirs <strong>of</strong> illustrious and<br />
celebrated women, <strong>of</strong> all ages and countries.<br />
London, Richard Phillips. 1803<br />
Item identification number 666; Alphabetically<br />
arranged.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 99<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1917<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
... A history <strong>of</strong> the witches <strong>of</strong> Renfrewshire, who<br />
were burned on the gallowgreen <strong>of</strong> Paisley.<br />
Paisley, Printed by J. Neilson for John Millar. 1809<br />
Item identification number 668; Published by the<br />
editor <strong>of</strong> the Paisley repository.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Jennings, Samuel Kennedy, 1771-1854.<br />
The married lady's companion; or, Poor man's<br />
friend.<br />
New York, L. Dow. 1808<br />
Item identification number 669; 2d ed., revised, corr.<br />
and enl.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
46<br />
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 1724-1803.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Frederick and Margaret Klopstock.<br />
Bath, Printed by R. Cruttwell. 1809<br />
Item identification number 670; Tr. from the German<br />
by the author <strong>of</strong> "Fragments in prose and verse." 2d<br />
ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
[Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo], 1783-1838.<br />
Letters <strong>of</strong> Shahcoolen [pseud.] a Hindu<br />
philosopher, residing in Philadelphia; to his friend El<br />
Hassan, an inhabitant <strong>of</strong> Delhi.<br />
Boston, Printed by Russell and Cutler. 1802<br />
Item identification number 671.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Knowlton, Charles, 1800-1850.<br />
Fruits <strong>of</strong> philosophy; or, The private companion <strong>of</strong><br />
young married people.<br />
London, J. Watson. [18--]<br />
Item identification number 672; Reprinted from the<br />
American ed. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Ladies and gentlemen's pocket companion <strong>of</strong><br />
etiquette and manners, with the rules <strong>of</strong> polite<br />
society, to which is added hints on dress, courtship,<br />
etc.<br />
New York. [18--?]<br />
Item identification number 675; by an American.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Langhorne, John, 1735-1779.<br />
The correspondence <strong>of</strong> Theodosius and<br />
Constantia, before and after her taking the veil.<br />
London, Printed by C. Squire for M. Jones. 1807<br />
Item identification number 677; with the life <strong>of</strong> the<br />
author. Jones's edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Legouve, Gabriel Marie Jean Baptiste, 1764-1812.<br />
Le mérite des femmes.<br />
Paris, Impr. de P. Didot l'ainé chez Louis, An IX.<br />
[1801]<br />
Item identification number 678; Poëme. 2. éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Levezow, Konrad, i.e. Jakob Andreas Konrad,<br />
1770-1835.<br />
Leben und Kunst der Frau Margarete Luise<br />
Schick, gebornen Hamel, Königl.<br />
Berlin, Duncker und Humblot. 1809<br />
Item identification number 679; Preuss.<br />
Kammersängerin und Mitgliedes des Nationaltheaters<br />
zu Berlin.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
Lichtenau, Wilhelmine (Enke) gräfin von, 1752-<br />
1820.<br />
Mémoires.<br />
Londres, Colburn. 1809<br />
Item identification number 680; écrits par elle-même;<br />
contenant des anecdotes secretes sur la cour de<br />
Prusse et suivis de lettres ... Traduit de l'Allemand.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100
[Llorente, Juan Antonio], 1756-1823.<br />
Coleccion diplomática de varios papeles antiguos<br />
y modernos sobre dispensas matrimoniales y otros<br />
puntos de disciplina eclesiástica.<br />
Madrid, Impr. de Ibarra. 1809<br />
Item identification number 682.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
[Maréchal, Pierre Sylvain], 1750-1803.<br />
Projet d'une loi portant défense d'apprendre a lire<br />
aux femmes; par S** -M** [pseud.].<br />
Paris, Chez Massé, editeur. 1801<br />
Item identification number 684.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
The Young woman's companion & instructor, in<br />
grammer, writing, arithmetic, geography, drawing,<br />
book-keeping, chronology, history, letter-writing,<br />
cooking, carving, pickling, preserving, brewing, wine<br />
making, &c. &c.<br />
Manchester, J. Aston. 1806<br />
Item identification number 723.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 100<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Dec. 1918<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 101<br />
Meiners, Christopher, 1747-1810.<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> the female sex; comprising a view <strong>of</strong><br />
the habits, manners, and influence <strong>of</strong> women, among<br />
all nations, from the earliest ages to the present time.<br />
London, Printed for H. Colburn. 1808<br />
Item identification number 686; Tr. from the German<br />
<strong>of</strong> C. Meiners ... by Frederic Shoberl.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 101<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> female philosophers, in two volumes.<br />
London, printed for Henry Colburn. 1808<br />
Item identification number 687; by a modern<br />
philosopher <strong>of</strong> the other sex.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 101<br />
Moir, John.<br />
Female tuition; or, An address to mothers, on the<br />
education <strong>of</strong> daughters.<br />
London, Printed for Messrs. Murray and Highley<br />
[etc.]. [1800?]<br />
Item identification number 688; A new edition,<br />
greatly improved, and embellished with an elegant<br />
frontispiece.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 101<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Dec. 1919<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 102<br />
Montagu, Elizabeth (Robinson) 1720-1800.<br />
The letters <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu with some<br />
<strong>of</strong> the letters <strong>of</strong> her correspondents.<br />
London, Published by Matthew Montagu, Printed for<br />
T. Cadell and W. Davies, by W. Bulmer. 1809-1813<br />
Item identification number 688.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 102<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
47<br />
Montagu, Mary (Pierrepont) Wortley, lady, 1689-<br />
1762.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> the Right Honourable Lady Mary<br />
Wortley Montagu.<br />
London, R. Phillips. 1803<br />
Item identification number 689; Including her<br />
correspondence, poems, and essays ... [1st ed., edited<br />
by J. Dallaway].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 102-103<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Dec. 1920<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 103<br />
Moreau de la Sarthe, Jacques Louis, 1771-1826.<br />
Histoire naturelle de la femme, suivi d'un traité<br />
d'hygiène appliquée à son régime physique et moral<br />
aux différentes époques de la vie ... t.<br />
Paris, L. Duprat, Letellier et comp. 1803<br />
Item identification number 689.1; 1, Iere section.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 103<br />
Obsolete ideas.<br />
Sherborne, Printed for the author, by J. Langdon.<br />
1805<br />
Item identification number 691; In six letters,<br />
addressed to Maria, by a friend.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 103<br />
Osborn, Sarah (Hagger) Wheaten, 1714-1796.<br />
Familiar letters.<br />
Newport, Newport Mercury. 1807<br />
Item identification number 692; written by Mrs.<br />
Sarah Osborn and Miss Susanna Anthony, late <strong>of</strong><br />
Newport, Rhode-Island.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 103<br />
Peirce, Charles, comp.<br />
The Portsmouth miscellany; or, Lady's library<br />
improved: designed as a reading book, for the use <strong>of</strong><br />
young ladies' academies.<br />
Portsmouth, N.H., Peirce, Hill & Peirce, printers.<br />
1804<br />
Item identification number 693; Prepared and<br />
published by Charles Peirce.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 103<br />
Pilkington, Mary (Hopkins) 1766-1839.<br />
Mentorial tales, for the instruction <strong>of</strong> young ladies<br />
just leaving school and entering upon the theatre <strong>of</strong><br />
life.<br />
Philadelphia, Published by J. Johnson. 1803<br />
Item identification number 694.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 103<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Dec. 1921<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104
Raffald, Elizabeth W.<br />
The experienced English housekeeper.<br />
London, R. & W. Dean. 1807<br />
Item identification number 695; For the use and ease<br />
<strong>of</strong> ladies, housekeepers, cooks, etc. Written purely<br />
from practice, dedicated to the Hon. Lady Elizabeth<br />
Warburton, whom the author lately served as<br />
housekeeper. Consisting <strong>of</strong> several hundred original<br />
receipts, most <strong>of</strong> which never appeared in print ... A<br />
new ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
Riddell, Maria (Woodley) 1772?-1808.<br />
Voyages to the Madeira, and leeward Caribbean<br />
isles, with sketches <strong>of</strong> the natural history <strong>of</strong> these<br />
islands.<br />
Salem, Printed by N. Coverly. 1802<br />
Item identification number 696.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
Roberts, Daniel.<br />
Observations relative to the divine mission <strong>of</strong><br />
Joanna Southcott; with a detail <strong>of</strong> the preceedings <strong>of</strong><br />
the people called Quakers, against a member, for his<br />
belief.<br />
Glocester, Printed by D. Walker. 1807<br />
Item identification number 696.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
Rolandson, Mary (White).<br />
A narrative <strong>of</strong> the captivity, sufferings, and<br />
removes, <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, who was taken<br />
prisoner by the Indians.<br />
[Leominster, Mass.] Printed for Chapman Whitcomb.<br />
[ca. 1800]<br />
Item identification number 696.2; Written by her own<br />
hand.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
Rowson, Susanna (Haswell) 1762-1824.<br />
Charlotte Temple, a tale <strong>of</strong> truth.<br />
Harrisburgh, Penn., Printed for Matthew Carey <strong>of</strong><br />
Philadelphia, by John Wyeth. 1802<br />
Item identification number 697; 5th American ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
Russell, Lady Rachel [Wriothesley] Vaughan,<br />
1636-1723.<br />
Letters <strong>of</strong> Lady Rachel Russell; from the<br />
manuscript in the library at Wooburn [!] abbey.<br />
London, J. Mawman. 1801<br />
Item identification number 698; To which are<br />
prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character <strong>of</strong><br />
Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, &c.; and<br />
the trial <strong>of</strong> Lord William Russell for high treason,<br />
extracted from the State trials ... Embellished with<br />
three elegant engravings. The 6th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
48<br />
Segur, Alexandre Joseph Pierre, vicomte de, 1756-<br />
1805.<br />
<strong>Women</strong>: their condition and influence in society.<br />
London, Printed by C. Whittingham, for T. N.<br />
Longman and O. Rees. 1803<br />
Item identification number 699; Tr. from the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 104<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Dec. 1922<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 105<br />
Sévigné, Marie (de Rabutin-Chantal) marquise de,<br />
1626-1696.<br />
Letters from the marchioness de Sévigné to her<br />
daughter the countess de Grignan.<br />
London, Printed for J. Sewell [etc.]. 1801<br />
Item identification number 700; Tr. from the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 105<br />
Seward, Anna, 1742-1809.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> Dr. Darwin, chiefly during<br />
his residence at Lichfield, with anecdotes <strong>of</strong> his<br />
friends, and criticisms on his writings.<br />
London, Printed for J. Johnson, by T. Bensley. 1804<br />
Item identification number 701.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 105<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1923<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Sharp, William, 1855-1905.<br />
An answer to the world, for putting in print a book<br />
in 1804, called Copies and parts <strong>of</strong> copies <strong>of</strong> letters<br />
and communications, written from Joanna Southcott,<br />
and transmitted by Miss Townley to Mr. W. Sharp in<br />
London.<br />
London, Printed by S. Rousseau. 1806<br />
Item identification number 701.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing<br />
the Comforts <strong>of</strong> the Poor. London.<br />
Extracts from an account <strong>of</strong> the ladies society for<br />
the education and employment <strong>of</strong> the female poor.<br />
London, Bulmer. 1804<br />
Item identification number 703.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
A continuation <strong>of</strong> prophecies.<br />
Exeter, Printed by G. Floyde. [1802]<br />
Item identification number 704.7; from the year<br />
1792, to the present time; March, 1802.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The continuation <strong>of</strong> the prophecies <strong>of</strong> Joanna<br />
Southcott.<br />
London, E. Spragg. [1803]<br />
Item identification number 704.8.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Copies and parts <strong>of</strong> copies <strong>of</strong> letters and<br />
communications, written from Joanna Southcott.<br />
[London] S. Rousseau. [1804]<br />
Item identification number 704.9; transmitted by<br />
Miss Townley to Mr. W. Sharp in London.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Divine and spiritual communications.<br />
London, Printed by S. Rousseau. 1803<br />
Item identification number 704.11; on the prayers <strong>of</strong><br />
the church <strong>of</strong> England; the conduct <strong>of</strong> the clergy, and<br />
Calvinistic Methodists, with other particulars.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Joanna Southcott's answer to five charges in the<br />
Leeds Mercury.<br />
London, Printed by A. Seale. [1805]<br />
Item identification number 704.15.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Joanna Southcott's answer to Garrett's book,<br />
entitled "Demonocracy detected...".<br />
London, Printed by A. Seale. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 704.16.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The kingdom <strong>of</strong> Christ is at hand.<br />
London, Printed by A. Seale. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 704.17.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Letters, and communications <strong>of</strong> Joanna Southcott,<br />
the prophetess <strong>of</strong> Exeter: lately written to Jane<br />
Townley.<br />
Stourbridge, Printed by J. Heming. 1804<br />
Item identification number 704.18.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The long-wished-for revolution announced to be<br />
at hand in a book lately published by L. Mayer,<br />
when, as he says, "God will cleanse the earth by his<br />
judgments, and when all dominions shall serve the<br />
most High,".<br />
London, Printed by S. Rousseau. 1806<br />
Item identification number 704.20.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
49<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Mr. Joseph Southcott, the brother <strong>of</strong> Joanna<br />
Southcott, will not come forward as Dinah's brethren<br />
did; that they shall not deal with his sister, as they<br />
would with a harlot; for so they are now dealing with<br />
her.<br />
London, Printed by Rousseau. 1804<br />
Item identification number 704.21; And he will prove<br />
to the world where the adultery is committed, by men<br />
who are uncircumcised in heart and life; and now he<br />
will expend all that he has in the world, if required, in<br />
the honest defence <strong>of</strong> her character - till he has slain<br />
the uncircumcised Philistines, and entirely freed his<br />
sister from the reproaches <strong>of</strong> their adultery.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Prophecies.<br />
[London, E. Spragg]. [1803]<br />
Item identification number 704.23; A warning to the<br />
whole world, from the sealed prophecies <strong>of</strong> Joanna<br />
Southcott, and other communications given since the<br />
writings were opened on the 12th <strong>of</strong> January, 1803.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The second book <strong>of</strong> the sealed prophecies.<br />
[London] S. Rousseau. [1805]<br />
Item identification number 704.24; An address to the<br />
public, written in 1796. Taken from the sealed<br />
writings <strong>of</strong> Joanna Southcott, February 20, the fast<br />
day, 1805.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Sound an alarm in my holy mountain.<br />
Leeds, E. Baines, Printer. [1804]<br />
Item identification number 704.26.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
An account <strong>of</strong> the trials on bills <strong>of</strong> exchange,<br />
wherein the deceit <strong>of</strong> Mr. John King and his<br />
confederates, under the pretence <strong>of</strong> lending money, is<br />
exposed, and their arts brought to light.<br />
[London], Printed by S. Rousseau. [1807]<br />
Item identification number 704.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The answer <strong>of</strong> the lord to the powers <strong>of</strong> darkness.<br />
[London, E. Spragg]. [1802]<br />
Item identification number 704.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
An answer to a sermon published and preached by<br />
Mr. Smith, on Tuesday evening, March 15, 1808, at<br />
Beersheba chapel.<br />
[London] W. Marchant. [1808]<br />
Item identification number 704.3.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
Answer to Mr. Brohters's book, published in Sept.,<br />
1806, and observations on his former writings; also a<br />
letter sent to Mr. Huntington.<br />
[London] Printed by S. Rousseau. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 704.2.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
A caution and instruction to the sealed, that they<br />
may know for what they are sealed.<br />
[London] Printed by W. Marchant. [1807]<br />
Item identification number 704.4.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
A communication given to Joanna, in answer to<br />
Mr. Brothers' last book, published the end <strong>of</strong> this<br />
year, 1802.<br />
[London, E. Spragg]. [1802]<br />
Item identification number 704.5.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
A communication sent in a letter to the Reverend<br />
Mr. P. in 1797, with an explanation thereon now<br />
given.<br />
London, W. Marchant, printer. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 704.6.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
A dispute between the woman and the powers <strong>of</strong><br />
darkness.<br />
London, Printed by E. Spragg. [1802]<br />
Item identification number 704.10; August 3, 1802.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
An explanation <strong>of</strong> the parables published in 1804.<br />
[London] S. Rousseau. [1806]<br />
Item identification number 704.12.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
From this publication the readers may discern<br />
what is hastening upon the land, as they are daily<br />
provoking the Lord to anger, by false doctrine, as<br />
well as the crying sins <strong>of</strong> the nation.<br />
[London] W. Marchant, printer. [1808]<br />
Item identification number 704.13.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The full assurance that the kingdom <strong>of</strong> Christ is at<br />
hand from the signs <strong>of</strong> the times.<br />
[London] S. Rousseau, printer. [1806]<br />
Item identification number 704.14.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
50<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
Letters, &c.<br />
London, Printed by E. Spragg. [1801]<br />
Item identification number 704.19; To the REv.<br />
Stanhope Bruce.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
On the prayers for the Fast day, May, 1804.<br />
London, Printed by S. Rousseau. 1804<br />
Item identification number 704.22.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The second book <strong>of</strong> visions.<br />
[London], E. Spragg. [1803]<br />
Item identification number 704.25.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 106<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1923<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The strange effects <strong>of</strong> faith; with remarkable<br />
prophecies (made in 1792 &c.) <strong>of</strong> things which are to<br />
come: also, some account <strong>of</strong> my life.<br />
London, Re-printed by A. Seale. [1801-1802]<br />
Item identification number 704.27; The second<br />
edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The trial <strong>of</strong> Joanna Southcott, during seven days,<br />
which commenced on the fifth, and ended on the<br />
eleventh, <strong>of</strong> December, 1804.<br />
London, Printed by S. Rousseau. 1804<br />
Item identification number 704.28; At the Neckinger<br />
House, Bermondsey, near London.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The true explanation <strong>of</strong> the Bible.<br />
London, S. Rousseau. 1804-1810<br />
Item identification number 704.29; revealed by<br />
divine communications to Joanna Southcott.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
A warning to the world.<br />
[London, Printed by S. Rousseau]. [1804]<br />
Item identification number 704.31; Joanna<br />
Southcott's prophecies.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
A word to the wise; or A call to the nation.<br />
Stourbridge, J. Heming, printer. [1803]<br />
Item identification number 704.32.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
A true picture <strong>of</strong> the world, and a looking-glass<br />
for all men.<br />
[London, Galabin & Marchant, printers]. [n.d.]<br />
Item identification number 704.30.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
[Spence, Joseph], 1699-1768.<br />
Le miroir des bellesfemmes; ou, L'art de reveler<br />
par les graces les charmes de la beauté: traduit<br />
librement du Criton anglais, et publié avec des<br />
augmentations.<br />
A Paris, Chez Dubroca, libraire an XI. 1803<br />
Item identification number 706; Par D***.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
Steele, Anne, 1717-1778.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Anne Steele.<br />
Boston, Printed and published by Munroe, Francis<br />
and Parker. 1808<br />
Item identification number 707; Comprehending<br />
poems on subjects chiefly devotional: and<br />
miscellaneous pieces in prose and verse: heret<strong>of</strong>ore<br />
published under the title <strong>of</strong> Theodosia.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107<br />
[Stewarton].<br />
The female revolutionary Plutarch, containing<br />
biographical, historical and revolutionary sketches,<br />
characters and anecdotes.<br />
London, Printed for J. Murray, by T. Gillet. 1806<br />
Item identification number 708.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 107-108<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1924<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 108<br />
[Surville, Joseph Etienne, marquis de], 1755-1798.<br />
Poésies de Marguerite-Eleonore Clotilde de<br />
Vallon-Chalys, depuis Madame De Surville, poëte<br />
français du Xve siècle; publiées par Ch.<br />
Vanderbourg.<br />
Paris, Chez Henrichs. 1803<br />
Item identification number 710.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 108<br />
[Swetnam, Joseph] fl. 1617.<br />
The araignment <strong>of</strong> lewde, idle, forword, and<br />
vnconstant women; or, The vanitie <strong>of</strong> them, choose<br />
you whether.<br />
London, Printed for Thomas Archer, [Reprinted:<br />
London, J. Smeeton]. 1615; [1807]<br />
Item identification number 711; with a<br />
commendacion <strong>of</strong> the wise, vertuous, and honest<br />
women. Pleasant for married men, pr<strong>of</strong>itable for<br />
young men, and hurtfull to none.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 108<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
51<br />
[Toselli].<br />
Le triomphe des femmes, discours académique,<br />
dedié au beau sexe.<br />
Milan, De l'imprimerie Française et Italienne, A. S.<br />
Zeno. 1801<br />
Item identification number 713.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 108<br />
Trimmer, Sarah (Kirby), 1741-1810.<br />
The economy <strong>of</strong> charity; or, An address to ladies;<br />
adapted to the present state <strong>of</strong> charitable institutions<br />
in England: with a particular view to the cultivation<br />
<strong>of</strong> religious principles, among the lower orders <strong>of</strong><br />
people.<br />
London, J. Johnson and F. and C. Rivington [etc.].<br />
1801<br />
Item identification number 714.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 108<br />
Wakefield, Priscilla (Bell) 1751-1832.<br />
Variety; or, Selections and essays, consisting <strong>of</strong><br />
anecdotes, curious facts, interesting narratives, with<br />
occasional reflections.<br />
London printed. Philadelphia, Published by J. P.<br />
Parke; Brown & Merritt, printers. 1809<br />
Item identification number 715.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 108<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1924<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 109<br />
Warren, Mercy (Otis) 1728-1814.<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> the rise, progress and termination <strong>of</strong> the<br />
American Revolution: interspersed with biographical,<br />
political and moral observations.<br />
Boston, Printed by Manning and Loring for E.<br />
Larkin. 1805<br />
Item identification number 716.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 109<br />
West, Jane, 1758-1852.<br />
Letters to a young lady, in which the duties and<br />
character <strong>of</strong> women are considered, chiefly with a<br />
reference to prevailing opinions.<br />
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme. 1806<br />
Item identification number 717.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 109<br />
[Whitford, Helena (Wells)].<br />
Thoughts and remarks on establishing an<br />
institution for the support and education <strong>of</strong><br />
unportioned respectable females.<br />
London, Longman [etc., etc.]. 1809<br />
Item identification number 718.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 109<br />
The Wife; interspersed with a variety <strong>of</strong> anecdotes<br />
and observations, and containing advice and<br />
directions for all conditions <strong>of</strong> the marriage state.<br />
Boston, A. Newell. 1806<br />
Item identification number 719; 1st. American ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 109
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
A narrative <strong>of</strong> the controversy between the Rev.<br />
Jedidiah Morse, D.D. and the author.<br />
Boston: Sold by Cummings and Hilliard, Bradford<br />
and Read, and Isaiah Thomas, jun., John Eliot,<br />
printer. 1814<br />
Item identification number 724.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 110<br />
Aikin, Lucy, 1781-1864.<br />
Epistles on women, exemplifying their character<br />
and condition in various ages and nations.<br />
Boston, Published by W. Wells and T. B. Wait and<br />
co., T. B. Wait, & co. printers. 1810<br />
Item identification number 725; with miscellaneous<br />
poems.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 110<br />
Aikin, Lucy, 1781-1864.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the court <strong>of</strong> Queen Elizabeth.<br />
London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme,<br />
and Brown. 1818<br />
Item identification number 726.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 110<br />
Algarotti, Francesco, comte, 1712-1764.<br />
Le congrès de Cythère, suivi de la lettre de Léonce<br />
à Erotique; traduit de l'Italien, et accompagné de<br />
notes, avec le texte en regard.<br />
Paris, A. Egron. 1815<br />
Item identification number 727; Dédié aux aimables<br />
Parisiennes. Par Mme, d'A... de B... [d'Astanières de<br />
Boisserolle].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 110<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Jun. 1925<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 110<br />
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797.<br />
A defence <strong>of</strong> the character and conduct <strong>of</strong> the late<br />
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, founded on principles<br />
<strong>of</strong> nature and reason, as applied to the peculiar<br />
circumstances <strong>of</strong> her case; in a series <strong>of</strong> letters to a<br />
lady.<br />
London, Printed for J. Wallis. 1803<br />
Item identification number 721.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 110<br />
The American lady's preceptor: a compilation <strong>of</strong><br />
observations, essays and poetical effusions designed<br />
to direct the female mind in a course <strong>of</strong> pleasing and<br />
instructive reading.<br />
Baltimore, E. J. Coale; Philadelphia, J. F. Watson,<br />
Benjamin Edes, printer. 1811<br />
Item identification number 728; 2d. ed., rev., cor. and<br />
enl.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 111<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
52<br />
Appleton, Elizabeth.<br />
Private education; or, A practical plan for the<br />
studies <strong>of</strong> young ladies.<br />
London, Printed for H. Colburn. 1816<br />
Item identification number 730; with an address to<br />
parents, private governesses, and young ladies. 2nd<br />
ed., rev.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 111<br />
Azais, Pierre Hyacinthe, 1766-1845.<br />
Des compensations dans les destinées humaines.<br />
Paris, De l'imprimerie de LeBlanc. 1810<br />
Item identification number 731.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 111<br />
Barbauld, Anna Letitia (Aikin) 1743-1825.<br />
The female speaker; or, Miscellaneous pieces, in<br />
prose and verse, selected from the best writers, and<br />
adapted to the use <strong>of</strong> young women.<br />
London, Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy<br />
[etc.]. 1816<br />
Item identification number 732; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 111<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jul.-Dec. 1925<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 111<br />
Bellegarde, Jean Baptiste Morvan de, 1648-1734.<br />
Politeness <strong>of</strong> manners and behaviour in<br />
fashionable society.<br />
Paris [Printed by Charles]. 1817<br />
Item identification number 733; From the French <strong>of</strong><br />
the Abbé de Bellegarde ... Third edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112<br />
Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy, 1778-1827.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton.<br />
London, Longman. 1818<br />
Item identification number 734; with a selection from<br />
her unpublished correspondence and other<br />
unpublished writings.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112<br />
[Bomhard, Christian i.e. Martin Christian<br />
Friedrich von], 1785-1862.<br />
Symposion.<br />
Bamberg, C. F. Kunz'ichen Buchhandlung. 1815<br />
Item identification number 736; Von der würde der<br />
weiblichen natur und bestimmung.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112<br />
[Bouilly, Jean Nicolas], 1763-1842.<br />
Instructive narratives from real life; or, A father's<br />
advice to his daughter.<br />
London, Printed for H. Colburn [etc.]. 1814<br />
Item identification number 738; by the author <strong>of</strong> A<br />
father's tales to his daughter. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112<br />
[Bourne, George], 1760-1845.<br />
Marriage indissoluble and divorce unscriptural.<br />
Harrisonburg [Va.], Davidson & Bourne. 1813<br />
Item identification number 739.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112
[Brown, Thomas], 1778-1820.<br />
The paradise <strong>of</strong> coquettes, a poem in nine parts.<br />
London, Printed for John Murray, by W. Bulmer and<br />
co. 1814<br />
Item identification number 741.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112<br />
The Gentlewoman and Modern Life.<br />
Jan.-Aug. 1926<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 112<br />
Burder, Samuel, 1773-1837.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> eminently pious women <strong>of</strong> the British<br />
Empire.<br />
London, printed by J. Moyes for Ogles [etc.]. 1815<br />
Item identification number 742; A new ed.,<br />
embellished with eighteen portraits, corr. and enl.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 113<br />
Burlingham, Maria-Ann, pseud.<br />
The mother-in-law; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Madam de<br />
Morville.<br />
Boston, Published by A. Bowen. 1817<br />
Item identification number 743; Now first published.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 113<br />
Choiseul-Meuse, Félicité, comtesse de.<br />
Récréations morales et amusantes, à l'usage des<br />
jeunes demoiselles qui entrent dans le monde.<br />
Paris, Eymery. 1817<br />
Item identification number 745; Seconde éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 113<br />
[Comber, Thomas], 1765-1835.<br />
Adultery analyzed: an inquiry into the causes <strong>of</strong><br />
the prevalence <strong>of</strong> that vice in these kingdoms, at the<br />
present day.<br />
London, J. J. Stockdale. 1810<br />
Item identification number 746; Dedicated to a<br />
married couple <strong>of</strong> fashionable notoriety. by Philippus<br />
Philaretes A. C. C... [pseud.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 113<br />
Hausfrau.<br />
Sept. 1904-1907<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 113<br />
Crocker, Hannah (Mather) 1752-1829.<br />
Observations on the real rights <strong>of</strong> women, with<br />
their appropriate duties, agreeable to Scripture,<br />
reason and common sense.<br />
Boston, Printed for the author. 1818<br />
Item identification number 747.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 114<br />
D'arusmont, Frances (Wright) 1795-1852.<br />
Altorf, a tragedy.<br />
Philadelphia, Published by M. Carey & son. 1819<br />
Item identification number 749; First represented in<br />
the theatre <strong>of</strong> New-York, Feb. 19, 1819.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 114<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
53<br />
Dufrenoy, Adélaide Gillette (Billet) 1765-1825.<br />
Biographie des jeunes demoiselles; ou, Vies des<br />
femmes célèbres, depuis les Hêbreux jusqu'a nos<br />
jours.<br />
Paris, D'Alexis Eymery. 1816<br />
Item identification number 750.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 114<br />
Ewald, Johann Ludwig, 1747-1822.<br />
Eheliche verhältnisse und eheliches leben, in<br />
briefen von Joh. Ludwig Ewald.<br />
Leipzig, H. Büschler. 1810<br />
Item identification number 751; Fortsetzung von den<br />
beiden schriften für mädchen, gattinen und mütter<br />
sowohl, als für junglinge, gatten und väter. Band: 1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 114<br />
The Female instructor; or, Young woman's<br />
companion: being a guide to all the accomplishments<br />
which adorn the female character.<br />
Liverpool, Nuttall, Fisher, and Dixon. [1811?]<br />
Item identification number 753; with many pleasing<br />
examples <strong>of</strong> illustrious females. To which are added,<br />
useful medicinal receipts, and a concise system <strong>of</strong><br />
cookery.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 114<br />
Hausfrau.<br />
1908-1910<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 114<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
La Duchesse de la Vallière.<br />
Paris, Maradan. 1813<br />
Item identification number 755; Neuvième édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
De l'influence des femmes sur la littérature<br />
française, comme protectrices des lettres et comme<br />
auteurs; ou, Préçis de l'histoire des femmes françaises<br />
les plus célèbres.<br />
Paris, Maradan. 1811<br />
Item identification number 754.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Graham, Isabella (Marshall) 1742-1814.<br />
The power <strong>of</strong> faith exemplified in the life and<br />
writings <strong>of</strong> the late Mrs. Isabella Graham.<br />
New-York, J. Seymour. 1816<br />
Item identification number 757.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115
Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847.<br />
Notes on a visit made to some <strong>of</strong> the prisons in<br />
Scotland and the north <strong>of</strong> England, in company with<br />
Elizabeth Fry; with some general observations on the<br />
subject <strong>of</strong> prison discipline.<br />
London, Printed for A. Constable and co., Edinburgh;<br />
[etc.]. 1819<br />
Item identification number 758; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Hale, William, silk merchant.<br />
Considerations on the causes and the prevalence<br />
<strong>of</strong> female prostitution; and on the most practicable<br />
and efficient means <strong>of</strong> abating and preventing that,<br />
and all other crimes, against the virtue and safety <strong>of</strong><br />
the community.<br />
London, Printed by E. Justins. 1812<br />
Item identification number 759.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Hausfrau.<br />
1911-1913<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Head, Thomasen (Mrs.).<br />
The pious mother; or, Evidences for heaven,<br />
written in the year 1650.<br />
Charlestown, Printed by W. S. & H. Spear. 1811<br />
Item identification number 760; Published from the<br />
original ms. by James Franks.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Huntington, Joshua, 1786-1819.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Abigail Waters; who<br />
died in Boston, November 22d, 1816, in the 95th year<br />
<strong>of</strong> her age.<br />
Boston, S. T. Armstrong. 1817<br />
Item identification number 761; To which is prefixed<br />
the sermon preached on occasion <strong>of</strong> her death. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Hyde, Nancy Maria, 1792-1816.<br />
The writings <strong>of</strong> Nancy Maria Hyde, <strong>of</strong> Norwich,<br />
Conn., connected with a sketch <strong>of</strong> her life.<br />
Norwich, R. Hubbard. 1816<br />
Item identification number 762.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Johnson, Robert Wallace.<br />
The nurse's guide, and family assistant; containing<br />
friendly cautions to those who are in health: with<br />
ample directions to nurses and others, who attend the<br />
sick, women in child-bed, etc.<br />
Philadelphia, Published by Anthony Finley. 1819<br />
Item identification number 763; 2nd Am. ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 115<br />
Hausfrau.<br />
1914-1916<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 116<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
54<br />
Kinnersley, Thomas, comp.<br />
The matrimonal miscellany, and Mirror <strong>of</strong> human<br />
nature; containing essays on happiness and various<br />
subjects connected with conjugal felicity, comprising<br />
also several new moral and interesting tales.<br />
London, T. Kinnersley. 1818<br />
Item identification number 766; Vol. 1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 116<br />
La Rochejaquelein, Marie Louise Victoire (de<br />
Donnissan), marquise de, 1772-1857.<br />
Mémoires de Madame la marquise de La<br />
Rochejaquelein, écrits par elle-même, et rédigés par<br />
M. le Baron de Barante.<br />
Bordeaux, Racle. 1815<br />
Item identification number 767.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 116<br />
The Life <strong>of</strong> Joanna Southcott, the prophetess.<br />
London, John Fairburn. 1814<br />
Item identification number 769; containing an<br />
impartial account <strong>of</strong> her wonderful and astonishing<br />
writings, her miraculous conception, the coming <strong>of</strong><br />
Shilc and <strong>of</strong> the numerous presents sent to her<br />
preparatory to her accouchement, particularly the<br />
superb crib made by Mr. Seddon.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 116<br />
Livingston, John Henry, 1746-1825.<br />
A dissertatión on the marriage <strong>of</strong> a man with his<br />
sister in law.<br />
New-Brunswick, Deare & Myer. 1816<br />
Item identification number 770.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 116<br />
[Marcet, Jane Haldimand)], 1769-1858.<br />
Conversations on political economy; in which the<br />
elements <strong>of</strong> that science are familiarly explained by<br />
the author <strong>of</strong> "Conversations on chymistry.".<br />
Philadelphia, M. Thomas. 1817<br />
Item identification number 772.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 116<br />
Hausfrau.<br />
1917-1918; 1928<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117<br />
Marshall (Mrs.).<br />
A sketch <strong>of</strong> my friend's family, intended to<br />
suggest some practical hints on religion and domestic<br />
manners.<br />
Boston, Published by Charles Ewer. 1819<br />
Item identification number 773; 3rd ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117<br />
Martin, Maria.<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> the captivity and sufferings <strong>of</strong> Maria<br />
Martin, who was six years a slave in Algiers; two <strong>of</strong><br />
which she was confined in a dismal dungeon, loaded<br />
with irons.<br />
New Haven, Sidney's Press. 1812<br />
Item identification number 773.1; to which is added,<br />
a concise history <strong>of</strong> Algiers, with the manners and<br />
customs <strong>of</strong> the people.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117
Mason, John Mitchell, 1770-1829.<br />
Christian mourning: a sermon, occasioned by the<br />
death <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Isabella Graham: and preached on the<br />
evening <strong>of</strong> Sabbath, the 14th Aug. 1814.<br />
New York, Published by Whiting and Watson, J.<br />
Seymour, printer. 1814<br />
Item identification number 774.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117<br />
The Maternal physician; a treatise on the nurture and<br />
management <strong>of</strong> infants, from the birth until two years<br />
old.<br />
New York, Issac Riley. 1811<br />
Item identification number 775; Being the result <strong>of</strong><br />
sixteen years' experience in the nursery. Illustrated by<br />
extracts from the most approved medical authors. by<br />
an American matron.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117<br />
[Maturin, Charles Robert], 1782-1824.<br />
<strong>Women</strong>; or, Pour et contre.<br />
Edinburgh, Printed by J. Ballantyne and co., for A.<br />
Constable and co.; London, Longman, Hurst, Rees,<br />
Orme and Brown. 1818<br />
Item identification number 776; A tale by the author<br />
<strong>of</strong> "Bertram," &c.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117<br />
Moore, John Hamilton, d. 1807.<br />
The young gentleman and lady's montior, and<br />
English teacher's assistant; being a collection <strong>of</strong><br />
select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated<br />
to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity <strong>of</strong><br />
manners: improve the understanding; rectify the will;<br />
purify the passions; direct the minds <strong>of</strong> youth to the<br />
pursuit <strong>of</strong> proper objects; and to facilitate their<br />
reading, writing, and speaking the English language,<br />
with elegance and propriety.<br />
New York, Evert Duyckinck. 1813<br />
Item identification number 777.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117<br />
More, Hannah, 1745-1833.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Hannah More, including several<br />
pieces never before published.<br />
Philadelphia, Published by Edward Earle, J.<br />
Maxwell, printer. 1813-1815<br />
Item identification number 778.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 117-118<br />
The Home-Maker.<br />
1888-1890<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 118<br />
The Home-Maker.<br />
1891-1893<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
55<br />
Newell, Harriet (Atwood) "Mrs. Samuel Newell,"<br />
1793-1812.<br />
A sermon preached at Haverhill, Mass., in<br />
remembrance <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Harriet Newell, wife <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Rev. Samuel Newell, missionary to India.<br />
Boston, Printed by Samuel T. Armstrong. 1814<br />
Item identification number 779; Who died at the isle<br />
<strong>of</strong> France, Nov. 30, 1812, aged 19 years. To which<br />
are added Memoirs <strong>of</strong> her life. by Leonard Woods.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Nougarède de Fayet [André Jean Simon] baron,<br />
1765-1845.<br />
Lois du mariage et du divorce, depuis leur origine<br />
dans le droit romain.<br />
Paris, Le Normant. 1816<br />
Item identification number 780; Deuxième édition,<br />
revue et corrigée.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Opie, Amelia (Alderson) 1769-1853.<br />
The father and daughter, a tale.<br />
Georgetown, Washington, William Cooper and<br />
Joseph Milligan. 1912<br />
Item identification number 781.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Owen, Roger.<br />
Traethawd ar y cyflwr priodasol.<br />
Aberystwyth, S. Williams. 1813<br />
Item identification number 781.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Pandolfini, Agnolo, 1365?-1446.<br />
Trattato del governo della famiglia; di Agnolo<br />
Pandolfini; ora a più chiara lezione ridotto e con<br />
brevi note illustrato da A.F. Stella.<br />
Milano, Stamperia reale. 1811<br />
Item identification number 782; Ediz approvata ad<br />
uso delle Scuole di lingua e di morale.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Parker, Emma.<br />
Important trifles: chiefly appropriate to females on<br />
their entrance into society.<br />
London, Printed for T. Egerton, Military Library,<br />
Whitehall. 1817<br />
Item identification number 783.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Prudden, Nehemiah, 1749-1815.<br />
To marry a wife's sister, not inconsistent with the<br />
Divine law, to which is added, some remarks on Dr.<br />
Trumbull's late appeal to the public.<br />
Hartford, Peter B. Gleason and Co. Printers. May,<br />
1811<br />
Item identification number 785; Pastor <strong>of</strong> the Church<br />
in Enfield.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119
[Pugh, Edward] d. 1813.<br />
The life <strong>of</strong> Joanna Southcott: illustrative <strong>of</strong> her<br />
supposed mission; her erroneous opinions and<br />
delusive prophecies.<br />
London, A. Oddy. 1814<br />
Item identification number 785.1; by D. Hughson,<br />
LL.D. [pseud.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Radcliffe, Mary Ann.<br />
The memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Mary Ann Radcliffe; in<br />
familiar letters to her female friend.<br />
Edinburgh, Printed for the author and sold by<br />
Manners & Miller; [etc., etc.]. 1810<br />
Item identification number 786.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 119<br />
Household Monthly.<br />
Oct. 1858-Mar. 1860<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
Ramsay, Martha (Laurens) 1759-1811.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life.<br />
Boston, S. T. Armstrong. 1812<br />
Item identification number 787; with an appendix<br />
containing extracts from her diary, letters, and other<br />
private papers, and also from letters written to her, by<br />
her father, Henry Laurens, 1771-1776. by David<br />
Ramsay. 3d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
Reeve, Tapping, 1744-1823.<br />
The law <strong>of</strong> baron and femme; <strong>of</strong> parent and child;<br />
<strong>of</strong> guardian and ward; <strong>of</strong> master and servant; and <strong>of</strong><br />
the powers <strong>of</strong> courts <strong>of</strong> chancery.<br />
New Haven, Printed by Oliver Steele. 1816<br />
Item identification number 788; with an essay on the<br />
terms, heir, heirs, and heirs <strong>of</strong> the body.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
[Rosini, Giovanni], 1776-1855.<br />
Elogio di Theresa Pelli Fabroni.<br />
Pisa, Co'caratteri di Firmino Didot. 1814<br />
Item identification number 789; Seconda edizione.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
Rossi, Giovanni Gherardo de.<br />
Vita Angelica Kauffmann, pittrice.<br />
Firenze, A. Spese di Molini. 1810<br />
Item identification number 790.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
Rowson, Susanna (Haswell) 1762-1824.<br />
Rebecca, or, The fille de chambre, a novel.<br />
Boston, R. P. & C. Williams. 1814<br />
Item identification number 791; 2nd Am. ed. Cor. &<br />
rev. by the author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
56<br />
[Rundell, Maria Eliza (Ketelby)], 1745-1828.<br />
A new system <strong>of</strong> domestic cookery, formed upon<br />
principles <strong>of</strong> economy: and adapted to the use <strong>of</strong><br />
private families throughout the United States.<br />
New York, Published by R. McDermut & D. D.<br />
Arden. 1814<br />
Item identification number 792; by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
Russell, Lady Rachel (Wriothesley) Vaughan,<br />
1636-1723.<br />
Some account <strong>of</strong> the life Rachael Wriothesley<br />
Lady Russell.<br />
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown<br />
[etc.]. 1819<br />
Item identification number 793; by the editor <strong>of</strong><br />
Madame du Deffand's letters; Followed by a series <strong>of</strong><br />
letters from Lady Russell to her husband, William<br />
Lord Russell, from 1672-1682; together with some<br />
miscellaneous letters to and from Lady Russell. To<br />
which are added, eleven letters from Dorothy Sidney<br />
Countess <strong>of</strong> Sunderland, to George Saville Marquis<br />
<strong>of</strong> Hallifax in the year 1680. Published from the<br />
originals in the possession<strong>of</strong> His Grace the Duke <strong>of</strong><br />
Devonshire.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120<br />
Seward, Anna, 1742-1809.<br />
Letters <strong>of</strong> Anna Seward written between the years<br />
1784-1807.<br />
Edinburgh, Constable; London [etc., etc.]. 1811<br />
Item identification number 794.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 120-121<br />
Kvennabladid.<br />
1895-1920<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 121<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (1st series).<br />
1832-1834<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
Seward, Anna, 1742-1809.<br />
The poetical works <strong>of</strong> Anna Seward; with extracts<br />
from her literary correspondence.<br />
Edinburgh, Ballantyne and co.; London, Longman,<br />
Hurst, Rees, and Orme. 1810<br />
Item identification number 795; Ed. by Walter Scott.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
Sigourney, Lydia Howard (Huntley) 1791-1865.<br />
Moral pieces, in prose and verse.<br />
Hartford, Sheldon & Goodwin, printers. 1815<br />
Item identification number 796.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
Smart, Martin, comp.<br />
The female class-book; or, Three-hundred and<br />
sixty five reading lessons.<br />
London, Printed for Lackington, Allen, and Co.<br />
[etc.]. 1813<br />
Item identification number 797; selected principally<br />
from female writers, or on subjects <strong>of</strong> female<br />
education and manners.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122
Smith, Elizabeth, 1776-1806.<br />
Fragments in prose and verse.<br />
Burlington, N.J., D. Allison. 1811<br />
Item identification number 798; with some account <strong>of</strong><br />
her life and character, by H. M. Bowdler.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
An answer to Thomas Paine's third part <strong>of</strong> the Age<br />
<strong>of</strong> Reason.<br />
London, Printed by Marchant and Galabin. [1812]<br />
Item identification number 798.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The book <strong>of</strong> wonders, marvellous and true.<br />
London, Printed at Marchant and Galabin. 1813<br />
Item identification number 798.2.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
A continuation <strong>of</strong> the controversy with the<br />
worldly wise.<br />
London, Printed by Galabin & Marchant. [1811]<br />
Item identification number 798.3.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 122<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (1st series).<br />
1835-1838<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
The controversy <strong>of</strong> the spirit with the worldly<br />
wise, as given through Joanna Southcott.<br />
London, Printed by Galabin & Marchant. 1811<br />
Item identification number 798.4.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Copies <strong>of</strong> letters sent to the clergy <strong>of</strong> Exeter, from<br />
1796 to 1800, with communications and prophecies.<br />
London, Printed by Marchant and Galabin. 1813<br />
Item identification number 798.5.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1814.<br />
Prophecies announcing the birth <strong>of</strong> the Prince <strong>of</strong><br />
peace.<br />
London, W. Marchant, printer. [1814]<br />
Item identification number 798.8.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The fifth book <strong>of</strong> wonders, announcing the event<br />
having taken place, which was promised in the fourth<br />
book should be in May.<br />
London, Printed by W. Marchant. 1814<br />
Item identification number 798.6; with a further<br />
explanation <strong>of</strong> the four former books.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
57<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The fourth book <strong>of</strong> wonders, being the answer <strong>of</strong><br />
the Lord to the Hebrews.<br />
London, Printed by W. Marchant. 1814<br />
Item identification number 798.7.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The second book <strong>of</strong> wonders, more marvelous<br />
than the first.<br />
London, Printed by Marchant and Galabin. 1813<br />
Item identification number 798.9.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
The third book <strong>of</strong> wonders, announcing the<br />
coming <strong>of</strong> Shiloh; with a call to the Hebrews.<br />
London, Printed by W. Marchant. 1814<br />
Item identification number 798.10.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
[Southcott, Joanna], 1750-1814.<br />
Wisdom excelleth the weapons <strong>of</strong> war, and herein<br />
is shewn that judgments are the strange works <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Lord, but mercy his darling attribute.<br />
[London] Printed by W. Marchant. 1814<br />
Item identification number 798.11.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Sproat, Nancy.<br />
Family lectures.<br />
Boston, Printed by Samuel T. Armstrong. 1819<br />
Item identification number 799.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Talbot, Catharine, 1721-1770.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> the late Miss Catharine Talbot.<br />
London, Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington, by Law<br />
and Gilbert. 1812<br />
Item identification number 800; The eighth ed. First<br />
published by the late Mrs. Elizabeth Carter; and now<br />
republished with some papers: together with notes<br />
and illustrations, and some account <strong>of</strong> her life, by the<br />
Rev. Montagu Pennington, M.A.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Taylor, Ann (Martin) 1757-1830.<br />
Correspondence between a mother and her<br />
daughter at school.<br />
London, Taylor and Hessey. 1817<br />
Item identification number 801; by Mrs. Taylor and<br />
Jane Taylor.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Thayer, Caroline Matilda (Warren) d. 1844.<br />
Religion, recommended to youth in a series <strong>of</strong><br />
letters addressed to a young lady.<br />
New York, Soule and Mason. 1819<br />
Item identification number 802; To which are added<br />
Poems on various occassions. 3rd edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123
La Vie de la vénérable soeur Marguerite Bourgeois,<br />
dite du Saint Sacrement, institutrice, fondatrice, et<br />
première supérieure des filles séculières de la<br />
Congrégation Notre-Dame, établie à Ville-Marie,<br />
dans l'isle de Montréal, en Canada, tirée de mémoires<br />
certains, et la plupart originaux.<br />
Ville-Marie, W. Gray. 1818<br />
Item identification number 804.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Wakefield, Priscilla (Bell) 1751-1832.<br />
Excursions in North America, described in letters<br />
from a gentleman and his young companion, to their<br />
friends in England.<br />
London, Darton, Harvey, and Darton. 1810<br />
Item identification number 805; The Second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 123<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
Letters on the gospels.<br />
Cambridge [Mass.], Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf.<br />
1824<br />
Item identification number 811.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
Adolphus, John, 1768-1845.<br />
The royal exile; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the public and<br />
private life <strong>of</strong> her majesty, Caroline, Queen consort<br />
<strong>of</strong> Great Britain.<br />
London, Published by Jones and co. 1821<br />
Item identification number 812; 19th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (2nd series).<br />
1839-1843<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
Willard, Emma (Hart) 1787-1870.<br />
An address to the public; (particularly) to the<br />
members <strong>of</strong> the legislature <strong>of</strong> New-York, proposing a<br />
plan for improving female education.<br />
Albany, Printed by I. W. Clark. 1819<br />
Item identification number 805.2.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827.<br />
Letters on the events which have passed in France<br />
since the restoration in 1815.<br />
London, Baldwin, Cradock & Joy. 1819<br />
Item identification number 806.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
Williams, Helen Maria, 1762-1827.<br />
A narrative <strong>of</strong> the events which have taken place<br />
in France, from the landing <strong>of</strong> Napoleon Bonaparte<br />
on the 1st <strong>of</strong> March, 1815, till the restoration <strong>of</strong> Louis<br />
XVIII, with an account <strong>of</strong> the present state <strong>of</strong> society<br />
and public opinion.<br />
London, John Murray. 1815<br />
Item identification number 807.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
58<br />
Winkfield, Unca Eliza, 1621?.<br />
The female American; or, The extraordinary<br />
adventures <strong>of</strong> Unca Eliza Winkfield.<br />
Vergennes, Vt., published by J. Shedd and co.,<br />
Wright & Sibley, printers. 1814<br />
Item identification number 808; Compiled by herself.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
Woodbury, Fanny, 1791-1814.<br />
Writings <strong>of</strong> Miss Fanny Woodbury who died at<br />
Beverley, Nov. 15, 1814, aged 25 years.<br />
Boston, S. T. Armstrong. 1815<br />
Item identification number 809; Selected and edited<br />
by Joseph Emerson.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
Woodland, Miss, fl. 1804.<br />
A tale <strong>of</strong> warning; or, The victims <strong>of</strong> indolence.<br />
London, B. Tobart and Co. 1810<br />
Item identification number 810; Intended for the use<br />
<strong>of</strong> young ladies.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 124<br />
[Adolphus, John, 1768-1845].<br />
Voyages and travels <strong>of</strong> her Majesty, Caroline,<br />
Queen <strong>of</strong> Great Britain.<br />
London, Printed for and published by Jones & co.<br />
1821<br />
Item identification number 812.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 125<br />
Adrian, Johann Valentin, 1793-1864.<br />
Die priesterinnen der griechen.<br />
Frankfurt am Main, J. D. Sauerländer. 1822<br />
Item identification number 813.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 125<br />
Aikin, Lucy, 1781-1864.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the court <strong>of</strong> King James the First.<br />
Boston, Wells and Lilly. 1822<br />
Item identification number 815.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 125<br />
[Amory, Thomas], 1691?-1788.<br />
The spirit <strong>of</strong> Buncle; or, The surprising adventures<br />
<strong>of</strong> that original and extraordinary character John<br />
Buncle, Esq.<br />
London, C. Stocking. 1823<br />
Item identification number 816.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 125<br />
Asser, Lodewijk, 1802-1850.<br />
De matrimonio, secundum novum codicem<br />
Belgicum.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, H. W. Hazenberg. 1823<br />
Item identification number 818.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 125<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (3rd series).<br />
1844-1846<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 125
Barbauld, Anna Letitia (Aikin) 1743-1825.<br />
The works <strong>of</strong> Anna Letitia Barbauld.<br />
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and<br />
Green. 1825<br />
Item identification number 819.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
[Bayle-Mouillard, Elizabeth Félicie (Canard)],<br />
1796-1865.<br />
Manuel complet d'économie domestique.<br />
Paris, Roret. 1829<br />
Item identification number 819.1; Par Mme. Celnart.<br />
2d éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878.<br />
Suggestions respecting improvements in<br />
education, presented to the trustees <strong>of</strong> the Hartford<br />
female seminary, and published at their request.<br />
Hartford, Packard & Butler. 1829<br />
Item identification number 820.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 1778-1823.<br />
Narrative <strong>of</strong> the oeprations and recent discoveries<br />
within the pyramids, temples, tombs, and<br />
excavations, in Egypt and Nubia: and <strong>of</strong> a journey to<br />
the coast <strong>of</strong> the Red Sea in search <strong>of</strong> the ancient<br />
Berenice; and another to the oasis <strong>of</strong> Jupiter Ammon.<br />
London, John Murray. 1821<br />
Item identification number 821; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
[Bentley, John].<br />
Essays relative to the habits, character and moral<br />
improvement <strong>of</strong> the Hindoos.<br />
London, Printed for Kingsbury, Parbury & Allen.<br />
1823<br />
Item identification number 822.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
Bermúdez, José Manuel, 1764-1830.<br />
Vida de la gloriosa virgen dominicana Santa Rosa<br />
de Sta. Maria, natural de Lima y patrona principal de<br />
las Américas.<br />
Lima, Imprenta de las huérfanos. 1827<br />
Item identification number 823.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (3rd series).<br />
1847-1849<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 126<br />
Balubeen, Martinus-Peterus.<br />
De nuptiis.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, L. Herdingh. 1822<br />
Item identification number 827.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
59<br />
Bingham, Peregrine, 1788-1864.<br />
The law <strong>of</strong> infancy and coverture.<br />
Exeter, G. Lamson. 1824<br />
Item identification number 825; 1st American from<br />
the last London ed., improved by notes and<br />
references to American decisions. by a member <strong>of</strong> the<br />
New Hampshire bar.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Biret, Aimé Charles Louis Modeste, 1767-1839.<br />
Traité du contrat de mariage.<br />
Paris, A. Bertrand. 1825<br />
Item identification number 826.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Brooke, Frances (Moore) 1724?-1789.<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> Lady Julia Mandeville.<br />
London, Printed by C. Whittingham for C. Arnold.<br />
1824<br />
Item identification number 828; Nature and art, by<br />
Mrs. Inchbald.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Buren, Hendrik Jacobus van, 1799-1888.<br />
Dissertatio juridica inauguralis ad titulos sextum<br />
septimum et octavum libri primi novi codicis regni<br />
Belgici.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, apud viduam M. Cyfveer. 1824<br />
Item identification number 829.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Campan, Jeanne Louis Henriette (Genest) 1752-<br />
1822.<br />
The private journal <strong>of</strong> Madame Campan,<br />
comprising original anecdotes <strong>of</strong> the French Court;<br />
selections from the correspondence, thoughts on<br />
education &c. &c.<br />
London, Printed for H. Colburn. 1825<br />
Item identification number 830; Ed. by M. Maigne.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Campbell, Hugh, LL.D.<br />
The love letters <strong>of</strong> Mary queen <strong>of</strong> Scots, to James<br />
earl <strong>of</strong> Bothwell; with her love sonnets and marriage<br />
contracts, (being the long-missing originals from the<br />
gilt casket).<br />
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and<br />
Green. 1825<br />
Item identification number 831; Explained by state<br />
papers, and the writings <strong>of</strong> Buchanan, Goodall,<br />
Robertson, Hume ... Forming a complete history <strong>of</strong><br />
the origin <strong>of</strong> the Scottish queen's woes and trials,<br />
before Queen Elizabeth. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Canonici Fachini, Ginevra.<br />
Prospetto biografico delle donne italiane rinomate<br />
in letteratura dal secolo decimoquarto fino a'giorni<br />
nostri di Ginevra Canonici Fachini con una risposta a<br />
Lady Morgan risguardante alcune accuse da lei date<br />
alle donne italiane nella sua opera l'Italie.<br />
Venezia, Dalla tipografia di Alvisopoli. 1824<br />
Item identification number 832.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (3rd series).<br />
1850-1852<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 127<br />
Carre, Narcisse-Epaminondas, 1794-1878.<br />
Nouveau code des femmes, manuel complet.<br />
Paris, J.-P. Roret. 1829<br />
Item identification number 833; 3e édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
[Carron, Guy Toussaint Julien], 1760-1821.<br />
Vie des dames françaises qui one été les plus<br />
célèbres dans le XVIIe siècle par leur piété et leur<br />
dévouement pour les pauvres; précédées de trois<br />
dialogues et trois lettres sur les services qui les<br />
femmes peuvent rendre à la religion dans l'exercice<br />
des bonnes oeuvres.<br />
Louvain, Chez Vanlinthout et Vandenzande. 1826<br />
Item identification number 834.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
Cary, Virginia (Randolph) 1786-1852.<br />
Letters on female character addressed to a young<br />
lady on the death <strong>of</strong> her mother.<br />
Richmond, Va., A. Works. 1828<br />
Item identification number 835.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
Changing scenes, containing a description <strong>of</strong> men<br />
and manners <strong>of</strong> the present day.<br />
New York, Printed for the author. 1825<br />
Item identification number 836; by a lady <strong>of</strong> New<br />
York.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
[Child, Lydia Maria (Francis)], 1802-1880.<br />
The first settlers <strong>of</strong> New-England; or, Conquest <strong>of</strong><br />
the Pequods, Narragansets and Pokanokets.<br />
Boston, Printed for the author, by Munroe and<br />
Francis. 1829<br />
Item identification number 837; As related by a<br />
mother to her children. by a lady <strong>of</strong> Massachusetts.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
Cobbett, William, 1763-1835.<br />
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young<br />
women, in the middle and higher ranks <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
London, Published by the author, printed by B.<br />
Bensley, Andover. 1829<br />
Item identification number 838; In a series <strong>of</strong> letters,<br />
addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a<br />
father, a citizen or a subject.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (4th series).<br />
July 1852-1855<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
Ladies' Floral Cabinet and Pictorial Home<br />
Companion.<br />
July 1852-1855<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 128<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
60<br />
Craven, Elizabeth (Berkeley) baroness Craven,<br />
afterwards margravine <strong>of</strong> Ansbach, 1750-1828.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the margravine <strong>of</strong> Anspach.<br />
London, Henry Colburn. 1826<br />
Item identification number 839.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
D'arusmont, Frances (Wright) 1795-1852.<br />
Course <strong>of</strong> popular lectures.<br />
New York, Office <strong>of</strong> the Free Enquirer. 1829<br />
Item identification number 840; as delivered by<br />
Frances Wright; with three addresses on various<br />
public occasions, and a reply to the charges against<br />
the French reformers <strong>of</strong> 1789. Second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
D'arusmont, Frances (Wright) 1795-1852.<br />
A few days in Athens.<br />
New York, E. Bliss and E. White. 1825<br />
Item identification number 841; Being the translation<br />
<strong>of</strong> a Greek manuscript discovered in Herculaneum<br />
[Part I.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
[D'arusmont, Frances (Wright)], 1795-1852.<br />
Views <strong>of</strong> society and manners in America; in a<br />
series <strong>of</strong> letters from that country to a friend in<br />
England, during the years 1818, 1819, and 1820.<br />
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.<br />
1821<br />
Item identification number 842; by an Englishwoman.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
Delbeek, Ganns Carolus.<br />
... Observationes ad titulum codicis civilis de<br />
nuptiis.<br />
Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1829<br />
Item identification number 843.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
[Dix, Dorothea Lynde], 1802-1887, comp.<br />
The garland <strong>of</strong> flora.<br />
Boston, S. G. Goodrich and Co., and Carter and<br />
Hendee. 1829<br />
Item identification number 844.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (4th series).<br />
1856-1858<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
Ladies' Floral Cabinet and Pictorial Home<br />
Companion.<br />
1856-1858<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 129<br />
Dudley, Mary, 1750-1823.<br />
The life <strong>of</strong> Mary Dudley.<br />
Philadelphia, B. and T. Kite. 1825<br />
Item identification number 845; and extracts from her<br />
letters. with an appendix containing some account ...<br />
<strong>of</strong> her daughter, Hannah Dudley.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130
Dyce, Alexander, 1798-1869.<br />
Specimens <strong>of</strong> British poetesses; selected and<br />
chronologically arranged.<br />
London, T. Rodd. 1825<br />
Item identification number 847.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Dymond, Ann, 1768-1816.<br />
Some account <strong>of</strong> Ann Dymond, late <strong>of</strong> Exeter.<br />
York [Eng.] W. Alexander. 1820<br />
Item identification number 848.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Elliott, Mary (Belson) 1794.<br />
Female biography; or, Virtue and talent<br />
exemplified in the characters <strong>of</strong> eminent British<br />
females.<br />
London, William Darton. 1822<br />
Item identification number 849.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Emerson, Joseph, 1777-1833.<br />
Female education.<br />
Boston, S. T. Armstrong; New York [etc., etc.]. 1822<br />
Item identification number 850; A discourse,<br />
delivered at the dedication <strong>of</strong> the Seminary hall in<br />
Saugus, Jan. 15, 1822, to which is added, The little<br />
reckoner, consisting principally to arithmetical<br />
questions for infants minds.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Les Femmes poètes; ou, Choix de poésies légères<br />
composées par des dames.<br />
Paris, Eymery, Fruger et cie [etc.]. 1829<br />
Item identification number 851.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Garnett, James Mercer, 1770-1843.<br />
Seven lectures on female education, inscribed to<br />
Mrs. Garnett's pupils.<br />
Richmond, Printed by T. W. White. 1824<br />
Item identification number 852.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
The Ladies' Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Fashion (4th series).<br />
1859-1861<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Ladies' Floral Cabinet and Pictorial Home<br />
Companion.<br />
1859-1861<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Mémoires inédits de madame la comtesse de<br />
Genlis, sur le dix-huitième siècle et la révolution<br />
française, depuis 1756 jusqu'à nos jours.<br />
Bruxelles, P. J. de Mat. 1825<br />
Item identification number 853.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 130-131<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
61<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Six tales, moral and religious.<br />
London, Printed for J. Souter, at the school library.<br />
1822<br />
Item identification number 854; Tr. and altered from<br />
the French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 132<br />
Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité Ducrest de Saint Aubin,<br />
comtesse de, afterwards marquise de Sillery, 1746-<br />
1830.<br />
Les veillées du château; ou, Cours de morale à<br />
l'usage des enfants.<br />
A Paris, Chez Lecointe et Durey. 1826<br />
Item identification number 855.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 132<br />
Gilbert, Ann (Taylor) 1782-1866.<br />
Practical hints to young females on the duties <strong>of</strong> a<br />
wife, a mother, and a mistress <strong>of</strong> a family.<br />
Boston, Wells and Lilly. 1820<br />
Item identification number 856.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 132<br />
Grande biographie dramatique; ou Silhouette des<br />
acteurs, actrices, chanteurs, chanteuses, danseurs,<br />
danseuses etc. de Paris et des departmens.<br />
Paris, Marchands de nouveautés. 1824<br />
Item identification number 857.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 132<br />
Great Britain. India Office.<br />
Papers relating to East India affairs: viz. Hindoo<br />
widows and voluntary immolations.<br />
[London?]. 1821<br />
Item identification number 858; Ordered, by the<br />
House <strong>of</strong> commons, to be printed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 132<br />
Greyffenswert, Bonifacius Cornelius Schneiders<br />
van.<br />
Dissertatio juridica inauguralis, de separatione<br />
bonorum e jure Francico, uxorum ratione,<br />
indemnitatis remedio.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, L. Herdingh et Filium. 1829<br />
Item identification number 860.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133<br />
Guichard, Auguste Chales, b. 1760.<br />
Le code des femmes: ou, Récite et entretiens.<br />
Paris, Chez l'auteur. 1823<br />
Item identification number 861.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133<br />
Hamilton, Augusta, lady.<br />
Marriage rites, customs, and ceremonies, <strong>of</strong> all<br />
nations <strong>of</strong> the universe.<br />
London, Printed for Chapple and son, Andrews, J.<br />
Bumpus, and E. Barrett. 1822<br />
Item identification number 862.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133
Hays, Mary, 1759 or 60-1843.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> queens, illustrious and celebrated.<br />
London, Printed for T. and J. Allman. 1821<br />
Item identification number 863.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133<br />
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne) 1793-1835.<br />
Records <strong>of</strong> women; with other poems.<br />
Boston, Hilliard, Gray, Little & Wilkins. 1828<br />
Item identification number 864.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133<br />
Henderson, William Augustus.<br />
Modern domestic cookery, and useful receipt<br />
book, adapted for families in the middling and<br />
genteel ranks <strong>of</strong> life.<br />
New York, T. Kinnersley. 1829<br />
Item identification number 865; enl. and improved by<br />
D. Hughson, with specifications <strong>of</strong> approved patent<br />
medicines, extracted from the records <strong>of</strong> the Patent<br />
Office, London, consisting <strong>of</strong> all the most serviceable<br />
preparations for domestic purposes, forming a library<br />
<strong>of</strong> domestic knowledge, and useful economy.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
Nov. 1896-1897<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 133<br />
Hennequin, Joseph François Gabriel, 1775-1842,<br />
comp.<br />
Trésor des dames; ou, Choix de pensées, maximes<br />
et réflexions, extraites des ouvrages des femmes qui<br />
se sont fait un nom dans le monde ou dans la<br />
litterature.<br />
Paris, P. Ledoux. 1829<br />
Item identification number 866; Seconde éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von, 1741-1796.<br />
Ueber die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Weiber.<br />
Berlin, G. Reimer. 1828<br />
Item identification number 867.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von, 1741-1796.<br />
Ueber die Ehe. Nach der füften vermehrten<br />
Auflage.<br />
Berlin, G. Reimer. 1828<br />
Item identification number 867.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
[Hoare, Louisa (Gurney)].<br />
Hints for the improvement <strong>of</strong> early education and<br />
nursery discipline.<br />
Salem, J. R. Buffon. 1826<br />
Item identification number 868; Last American from<br />
the 5th London ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
62<br />
Hudson, David.<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jemima Wilkinson, a preacheress <strong>of</strong> the<br />
eighteenth century; containing an authentic narrative<br />
<strong>of</strong> her life and character, and <strong>of</strong> the rise, progress and<br />
conclusion <strong>of</strong> her ministry.<br />
Geneva, N.Y., S. P. Hull. 1821<br />
Item identification number 869.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
Huntington, Susan (Mansfield) 1791-1823.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the late Mrs. Susan Huntington, <strong>of</strong><br />
Boston, Mass., consisting principally <strong>of</strong> extracts from<br />
her journal and letters; with the Sermon occassioned<br />
by her death.<br />
Boston, Crocker & Brewster. 1826<br />
Item identification number 870; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
James, John Angell, 1785-1859.<br />
The family monitor; or, A help to domestic<br />
happiness.<br />
Concord, New Hampshire, Published by Charles<br />
Hoag. 1829<br />
Item identification number 871; 3d American ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
Jewsbury, Maria Jane, 1800-1833.<br />
Letters.<br />
Boston, Perkins & Marvin. 1829<br />
Item identification number 872; addressed to her<br />
young friends. To which is added, Legh Richmond's<br />
advice to his daughters.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
Jewsbury, Maria Jane, 1800-1833.<br />
Letters to the young.<br />
London, J. Hatchard and Son. 1828<br />
Item identification number 873.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1898-1899<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 134<br />
[Johnstone, Christian Isobel], 1781-1857.<br />
The cook and housewife's manual, containing the<br />
most approved modern receipts for making soups,<br />
gravies, sauces, regouts, and all made-disches; and<br />
for pies, puddings, pickles, and preserves; also, for<br />
baking, brewing, making home-made wines, cordials,<br />
&c.<br />
Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd. 1828<br />
Item identification number 874; 3d ed., in which are<br />
given, a compendum <strong>of</strong> French cookery, a new<br />
system <strong>of</strong> fashionable confectionary, a selection <strong>of</strong><br />
cheap dishes, and above 200 additional receipts. by<br />
Mrs. Margaret Dods [pseud.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 135<br />
A Key to knowledge; or, Things in common use,<br />
simply and shortly explained in a series <strong>of</strong> dialogues.<br />
Baltimore, E. J. Coale. 1824<br />
Item identification number 875; Written by a mother.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 135
Knowles, James Davis, 1798-1838.<br />
Memoir <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Ann H. Judson, late missionary to<br />
Burmah.<br />
Boston, Lincoln & Edmands. 1829<br />
Item identification number 876; Including a history<br />
<strong>of</strong> the American Baptist mission in the Burman<br />
empire. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 135<br />
Labé, Louise Charly, called, 1526-1566.<br />
Evvres de Lovïze Labé, lionnoize.<br />
Lion, Dvrand et Perrin. 1824<br />
Item identification number 879.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 135<br />
Lachaise, Claude, 1797.<br />
Hygiène physiologique de la femme; ou, De la<br />
femme considérée dans son système physique et<br />
moral, sous le rapport de son éducation et des soins<br />
que réclame sa santé à tous les époques de sa vie.<br />
Paris, Chez M. Marvis. 1825<br />
Item identification number 880; Par C. Lachaise.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 135<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1900<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 135<br />
La Flaneur, Guillaume.<br />
Petite biographie dramatique, silhouettes des<br />
acteurs, actrices.<br />
Paris, Lemonnier. 1821<br />
Item identification number 882; des théâtre.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
The Ladies' companion, containing first, politeness <strong>of</strong><br />
manners and behaviour, second, Fenelon on<br />
education, third, Miss More's essays, fourth, Dean<br />
Swift's letter to a young newly married, fifth, Moore's<br />
fables for the female sex.<br />
Brookfield, Printed for the proprietor. 1826<br />
Item identification number 881; Carefully selected<br />
and revised by a lady in the county <strong>of</strong> Worcester,<br />
Mass. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1901<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
Le Fanu, Alicia, fl. 1812-1826.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life and writings <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Frances<br />
Sheridan.<br />
London, G. and W. B. Whittaker. 1824<br />
Item identification number 885.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
Lee, Anna Maria.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> eminent female writers <strong>of</strong> all ages and<br />
countries.<br />
Philadelphia, J. Grigg. 1827<br />
Item identification number 884.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
63<br />
A Legacy <strong>of</strong> affection, advice, and instruction from a<br />
retired governess to the present pupils <strong>of</strong> an<br />
establishment for female education which she<br />
conducted for upwards <strong>of</strong> forty years.<br />
London, Printed for Poole and Edwards. 1827<br />
Item identification number 886.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
Levati, Ambrogio, 1788-1841.<br />
Dizionario biografico cronologico diviso per<br />
classi degli uomini illustri di tutti i tempi e di tutte le<br />
nazioni.<br />
Milano, N. Bettoni. 1821-22<br />
Item identification number 887.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
The Life and death <strong>of</strong> two young ladies contrasted.<br />
New-York, N. Bangs and T. Mason, for the<br />
Methodist Episcopal Church. 1824<br />
Item identification number 888; by a lady. To which<br />
is added, a short account <strong>of</strong> the life and death <strong>of</strong><br />
R....A....., late <strong>of</strong> Talbot, Maryland.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
Lipman, Samuel Phillipus, 1802-1871.<br />
... De jure nuptiarum romano atque hodierno.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, J. W. van Leeuwan. 1822<br />
Item identification number 889.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 136<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1902<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
Mallés de Beaulieu (Mme.) d. 1825.<br />
Le La Bruyère des jeunes demoisselles; ou,<br />
Principaux caractères des jeunes personnes.<br />
Paris, P. Blanchard. [1823]<br />
Item identification number 891; Ouvrage utile et<br />
amusant. IIe édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
Marshall, Mary, b. 1780.<br />
A portraiture <strong>of</strong> Shakerism, exhibiting a general<br />
view <strong>of</strong> their character and conduct from the first<br />
appearance <strong>of</strong> Ann Lee down to the present time.<br />
[Concord, N.H.] Printed for the author. 1822<br />
Item identification number 892; by Mary M. Dyer.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
Martini, Lorenzo, 1785-1844.<br />
Alcune vite di donne celebri.<br />
Milano, A. Fontana. 1829<br />
Item identification number 893.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
The Matrimonial preceptor; or, Instructive hints to<br />
those who are like to be married.<br />
New Haven, N. Whiting. 1829<br />
Item identification number 894; Gathered from the<br />
works <strong>of</strong> the most classic authors.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137
[Monglave, Eugène i.e. Francois Eugène Garay<br />
de,], 1796-1873.<br />
Biographie des dames de la cour et du faubourg<br />
Saint-Germain par un valet-de-chambre congédié.<br />
Paris, Chez les marchands de nouveautés. 1826<br />
Item identification number 897.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
Moore, Frances, 1789 or 90-1881.<br />
Historical life <strong>of</strong> Joanna <strong>of</strong> Sicily, queen <strong>of</strong> Naples<br />
and countess <strong>of</strong> Provence, with correlative details <strong>of</strong><br />
the literature and manners <strong>of</strong> Italy and Provence in<br />
the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.<br />
London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy. 1824<br />
Item identification number 899.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
Moore, Theophilus.<br />
Marriage customs and ceremonies, and modes <strong>of</strong><br />
courtship, <strong>of</strong> the various nations <strong>of</strong> the universe:<br />
selected from the most approved authors, with<br />
remarks on the condition <strong>of</strong> women, Penn's maxims,<br />
and counsel to the single and married, &c.<br />
Georgetown, S.C., T. C. Fay. 1825<br />
Item identification number 900.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
More, Hannah, 1745-1833.<br />
Sacred dramas, chiefly intended for young<br />
persons: The subjects taken from the Bible.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell, Strand. 1829<br />
Item identification number 900.1; To which is added,<br />
Sensibility: an epistle. 24th ed., with additions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 137<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1903<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 138<br />
Morgan, Hector Davies, 1785-1850.<br />
The doctrine and law <strong>of</strong> marriage, adultery and<br />
divorce.<br />
Oxford, Printed by W. Baxter for J. Parker [etc.].<br />
1825<br />
Item identification number 901; the reciprocal duties<br />
<strong>of</strong> husbands and wives.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 138<br />
Morton, Sarah Wentworth (Apthorp) 1759-1846.<br />
My mind and its thoughts, in sketches, fragments,<br />
and essays.<br />
Boston, Wells and Lilly. 1823<br />
Item identification number 902.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 138<br />
Mott, Abigail (Field) 1766-1851.<br />
Observations <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> female<br />
education, and maternal instruction with their<br />
beneficial influence on society.<br />
New York, Printed and sold by M. Day. 1825<br />
Item identification number 902.1; by a mother.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 138<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
64<br />
Necker, Albertine Adrienne (de Saussure) 1766-<br />
1841.<br />
Sketch <strong>of</strong> the life, character and writings <strong>of</strong><br />
Baroness de Staël-Holstein.<br />
London, Printed for Treuttel and Würtz. 1820<br />
Item identification number 902.2; Tr. from the<br />
French.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 138<br />
A New system <strong>of</strong> practical domestic economy,<br />
founded on modern discoveries and the private<br />
communications <strong>of</strong> persons <strong>of</strong> experience.<br />
London, H. Colburn. 1827<br />
Item identification number 903; A new ed., revised,<br />
and enl., with estimates <strong>of</strong> household expenses,<br />
adapted to families <strong>of</strong> every description.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 138<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1904<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
Palin, Ralph.<br />
Observations on the influence <strong>of</strong> habits and<br />
manners, national and domestic, upon the health and<br />
organization <strong>of</strong> the human race, and particularly.<br />
London, Printed for T. Hookham jun., & co. 1822<br />
Item identification number 904; as it relates to the<br />
present state <strong>of</strong> English females.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
Parker, Lucretia.<br />
Piratical barbarity; or, The female captive.<br />
New York, Printed by S. Walker for G. G. Parker.<br />
[1825]<br />
Item identification number 905; Comprising the<br />
particulars <strong>of</strong> the capture <strong>of</strong> the English sloop Eliza-<br />
Ann, on her passage from St. Johns, to Antigua, and<br />
the horrid massacre <strong>of</strong> the unfortunate crew by the<br />
pirates, March 12, 1825, and <strong>of</strong> the unparalleled<br />
sufferings <strong>of</strong> Miss Lucretia Parker.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
Parkes, Frances (Byerley).<br />
Domestic duties; or, Instructions to young married<br />
ladies, on the management <strong>of</strong> their households, and<br />
the regulation <strong>of</strong> their conduct in the various relations<br />
and duties <strong>of</strong> married life.<br />
New York, Printed by J. & J. Harper. 1829<br />
Item identification number 906; by Mrs. William<br />
Parkes.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
[Peignot, Gabriel], 1797-1849.<br />
Histoire d'Hélène Gillet; ou, Relation d'un<br />
événement extraordinaire et tragique.<br />
Dijon, Victor Lagier. 1829<br />
Item identification number 907.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
Perchè in Roma le donne sono più belle, più attive e<br />
più perspicaci degli uomini? memoria de G.d'A.<br />
Pesaro, A. Nobili. 1825<br />
Item identification number 908.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139
Polwhele, Richard, 1760-1838.<br />
An essay on marriage, adultery and divorce.<br />
London, J. Nichols & Son. 1823<br />
Item identification number 909; and, an essay on the<br />
state <strong>of</strong> the soul between death and the resurrection.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
[Ponce, Nicolas], 1746-1831?.<br />
La lavater historique des femmes célèbres, des<br />
temps anciens et modernes; par leurs talents, leur<br />
courage, ou leurs vertus.<br />
Paris, Chez Ladvocat [etc.]. 1822<br />
Item identification number 910.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
Poynter, Thomas.<br />
A concise view <strong>of</strong> the doctrine and practice <strong>of</strong> the<br />
ecclesiastical courts in Doctor's commons, on various<br />
points relative to the subject <strong>of</strong> marriage and divorce.<br />
London, Printed for J. & W. T. Clarke, law<br />
booksellers and publishers. 1824<br />
Item identification number 911; Second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139<br />
Prudhomme, Louis Marie, 1752-1830, comp.<br />
Répertoire universel, historique, biographique des<br />
femmes célèbres, mortes ou vivantes.<br />
Paris. 1826<br />
Item identification number 912; par une Société de<br />
gens de lettres.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 139-140<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1905<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 140<br />
Reiger, Henricus.<br />
Specimen historico-politicum de vi et efficacitate<br />
foeminarum in res politicas, earumque juribus civicis.<br />
Groningae, W. van Boekeren. 1829<br />
Item identification number 913.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 140<br />
Remarks on female education adapted particularly to<br />
the regulation <strong>of</strong> schools.<br />
London, Holdsworth. 1823<br />
Item identification number 914.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 140<br />
Rémusat, Claire Elisabeth Jeanne Gravier de<br />
Vergennes, comtesse de, 1780-1821.<br />
Essai sur l'éducation des femmes.<br />
Paris, Ladvocat. 1825<br />
Item identification number 915.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 140<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1906<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
65<br />
Renneville, Sophie de Senneterre de, 1772-1822.<br />
Galerie des geunes vierges; ou, Modèle des vertus<br />
qui assurent le bonheur des femmes.<br />
Paris, Chez Thiériot et Belin. 1821<br />
Item identification number 917; Seconde édition,<br />
augmentée de plusieurs vies édifiantes.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
Richmond, Legh, 1772-1827.<br />
The dairyman's daughter; The young cottager; and<br />
The African servant.<br />
New York, American tract society. [182-?]<br />
Item identification number 917.1; Authentic<br />
narratives - abridged ... with a brief sketch <strong>of</strong> the life<br />
<strong>of</strong> the author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
Riedesel, Friederike Charlotte Luise (von Massow)<br />
freifrau von, 1746-1808.<br />
Item identification number 918.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
[Roberts, Mary, 1788-1864].<br />
Select female biography, comprising memoirs <strong>of</strong><br />
eminent British ladies.<br />
London, Harvey & Darton. [1829]<br />
Item identification number 920.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
Roberts, Robert, servant.<br />
The house-servant's directory; or, A monitor for<br />
private families: comprising hints on the arrangement<br />
and performance <strong>of</strong> servant's work.<br />
Boston, Munroe and Francis; New York, C. S.<br />
Francis. 1828<br />
Item identification number 921; and upwards <strong>of</strong> 100<br />
useful receipts, chiefly comp. for the use <strong>of</strong> house<br />
servants. [2d ed.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
Rowley, William, 1585?-1642?.<br />
A woman never vext; or, The widow <strong>of</strong> Cornhill;<br />
a comedy in five acts.<br />
London, T. Dolby. [1824]<br />
Item identification number 923; with alterations and<br />
additions by J. R. Planché.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
Royall, Anne (Newport) 1769-1854.<br />
The black book; or, A continuation <strong>of</strong> travels in<br />
the United States.<br />
Washington, Printed for the author. 1828<br />
Item identification number 924.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 141<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1907<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 142<br />
[Royall, Anne (Newport)], 1769-1854.<br />
Sketches <strong>of</strong> history, life and manners in the United<br />
States.<br />
New Haven, Printed for the author. 1826<br />
Item identification number 925; by a traveler.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 142
Saint-Elme, Elzelina Tolstoy van Aylde-Jonghe,<br />
known as Ida, 1775-1845.<br />
Mémoires d'une contemporaine; ou, Souvenirs<br />
d'une femme sur les principaux personnages de la<br />
République, du Consolat, de l'Empire, etc.<br />
Paris, Ladvocat. 1827-1828<br />
Item identification number 926.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 142-143<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1908<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
[Savage, Sarah], 1785-1837.<br />
Advice to a young woman at service: in a letter<br />
from a friend.<br />
Boston, Printed for the Trustees <strong>of</strong> the Publishing<br />
Fund by J. B. Russell. 1823<br />
Item identification number 926.1; by the author <strong>of</strong><br />
James Talbot.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
[Scargill, William Pitt], 1787-1836.<br />
Blue-stocking hall.<br />
London, H. Colburn. 1827<br />
Item identification number 927.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
Schimmelpenninck, Gerardus.<br />
Specimen juridicum inaugurale de eo, quatenus<br />
feminarum conditio cum jure Romano, tum jure<br />
hodierno melior sit, quam illa marium.<br />
Amstelaedami, C. Weddepohl. [1829]<br />
Item identification number 928.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne (Galton) 1778-<br />
1856.<br />
Manual <strong>of</strong> la mère Agnès; or, A gift from an<br />
abbess to her nuns.<br />
Bristol, Printed by Wright & Bagnall. 1829<br />
Item identification number 929.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
[Sedgwick, Susan Ann Livingston (Ridley)], 1789-<br />
1867.<br />
The morals <strong>of</strong> pleasure.<br />
Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey. 1829<br />
Item identification number 930; Illustrated by stories,<br />
designed for young persons. by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
Sharp, T.<br />
The heavenly sisters; or, Biographical sketches <strong>of</strong><br />
the lives <strong>of</strong> thirty eminently pious females, partly<br />
extracted from the works <strong>of</strong> Gibbons, Germont, and<br />
others, and partly original: designed for the use <strong>of</strong><br />
females in general, and particularly recommended for<br />
the use <strong>of</strong> ladies' schools.<br />
New Haven, N. Whiting. 1822<br />
Item identification number 932; To which is added, A<br />
memoir <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Abigail, wife <strong>of</strong> the late Pres.<br />
Adams, and A sketch <strong>of</strong> the active life <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Sarah<br />
H<strong>of</strong>fman.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
66<br />
Sherwood, Mary Martha (Butt) "Mrs. Henry<br />
Sherwood," 1775-1851.<br />
The lady <strong>of</strong> the manor.<br />
Wellington Salon [London] Printed by and for F.<br />
Houlston and son. 1823-28<br />
Item identification number 933; Being a series <strong>of</strong><br />
conversations on the subject <strong>of</strong> confirmation.<br />
Intended for the use <strong>of</strong> the middle and higher ranks <strong>of</strong><br />
young females.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 143-144<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1909<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 144<br />
[Sigourney, Lydia Howard (Huntley)], 1791-1865.<br />
Traits <strong>of</strong> the aborigines <strong>of</strong> America, a poem.<br />
Cambridge [Mass.] Hillard and Metcalf, printers.<br />
1822<br />
Item identification number 934.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 144<br />
Simonnin, Antoine Jean Baptiste, 1780-1856.<br />
Le mérite des femmes travesti.<br />
Paris, Chez F. Louis. 1825<br />
Item identification number 935; Poëme burlesque.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 144<br />
Smith, Jane.<br />
Adminitory epistles, from a governess to her late<br />
pupils.<br />
Birmingham, Printed by R. Peart. 1824<br />
Item identification number 936.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 144<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1910<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 145<br />
Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker)<br />
baronne de, 1766-1817.<br />
Oeuvres complètes de Mme. La Baronne de Staël,<br />
publiées par son fils; précédées d'une notice sur le<br />
caractère et les écrits de Mme. de Staél, par Madame<br />
Necker de Saussure.<br />
Paris, Treuttel et Würtz. 1820<br />
Item identification number 938.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 145-148<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1911<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 146<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1912<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 147<br />
Lady's Realm.<br />
1913<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 148<br />
The Ladies Weekly Miscellany.<br />
1802-1808<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149
Styrum, August, graf von Limburg.<br />
Dissertatio juridica inauguralis, de separatione<br />
thori et mensae.<br />
Batavia, Herdingh et Filium. 1823<br />
Item identification number 939.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
Suffolk, Henrietta (Hobart) Howard, countess <strong>of</strong><br />
1688?-1767.<br />
Letters to and from Henrietta, countess <strong>of</strong> Suffolk.<br />
London, J. Murray. 1824<br />
Item identification number 940; with historical,<br />
biographical, and explanatory notes [by John Wilson<br />
Crocker].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
Tales <strong>of</strong> the fireside.<br />
Boston, Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins. 1827<br />
Item identification number 941; by a lady <strong>of</strong> Boston.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
Taylor, Jane, 1783-1824.<br />
Memoirs and poetical remains <strong>of</strong> the late Jane<br />
Taylor.<br />
London, B. J. Holdsworth. 1826<br />
Item identification number 942; by Isaac Taylor. 2d<br />
ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
Tebbs, Henry Virtue.<br />
Essay on the "Scripture doctrines <strong>of</strong> adultery and<br />
divorce, and on the criminal character and<br />
punishment <strong>of</strong> adultery, by the ancient laws <strong>of</strong><br />
England and other countries".<br />
London, F. C. and J. Rivington [etc.]. 1822<br />
Item identification number 943.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
Thompson, William, 1785?-1833.<br />
Appeal <strong>of</strong> one half the human race, women,<br />
against the pretensions <strong>of</strong> the other half, men, to<br />
retain them in political, and thence in civil and<br />
domestic, slavery; in reply to a paragraph <strong>of</strong> Mr.<br />
Mill's celebrated "Article on government.".<br />
London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Owne,<br />
Brown and Green [etc.]. 1825<br />
Item identification number 945.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
Ticozzi, Stefano, 1762-1836.<br />
Memorie di Bianca Cappello, gran-duchessa di<br />
Toscani raccolte ed illustrate da Stefano Ticozzi.<br />
Firenze, Preszo Vincenzo Batelli. 1827<br />
Item identification number 945.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 149<br />
The Ladies Weekly Miscellany.<br />
1809-1812<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
67<br />
La Toletta delle dame; ossia, trattato intorno alla<br />
bellezza, che contiene delle riflessioni intorno alla<br />
natura della bellezza, alle cause fisiche e morali che<br />
la alterano, ai mezzi di conservarla sino a un'età<br />
avanzata, a ciò che appo noi la constituisce e alla cura<br />
che aver si deve di ogni parte del corpo; indi un<br />
quadro storico delle mode di Francia, e consigli di un<br />
buon-gustajo per la toletta delle dame.<br />
Traduzione libera dal Francese, di G de C a. Milano,<br />
Coi tipi di Batelli e Fanfani. 1822<br />
Item identification number 946.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
Venette, Nicolas, 1633-1698.<br />
Pintura del amor conyugal, considerado en el<br />
estado del matrimonio; por el señor Venette.<br />
Paris, Tournachon-Molin. 1826<br />
Item identification number 947; obra traducida del<br />
frances, segun la 55a edicion, aumentada con notas<br />
del traductor. Por Don L........, doctor de la<br />
universidad de Alcala.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
Virey, Julien Joseph, 1775-1846.<br />
De la femme, sous ses rapports physiologique,<br />
moral et littéraire.<br />
Bruxelle, A. Wahlen; Leipzig [etc.]. 1826<br />
Item identification number 948.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
Voiart, Élise, 1786-1866.<br />
Lettres sur la toilette des dames.<br />
Paris, Audot. 1822<br />
Item identification number 950.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
[Vulpius, Christian August], 1762-1827.<br />
Umherschweifungen in den Labirinthen<br />
schwarmerischer und mystischer Frauen; und<br />
Herzenserleichterungen eines Beobachters der<br />
exzenterischen Frauenwelt [Two lines from<br />
Quevedo].<br />
Leipzig, Rein'sche Buchhandlung. 1825<br />
Item identification number 951.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
Wannaar, Constantius Fidelis Amandus.<br />
Responsio ad quaestionem.<br />
[n.p.]. [1820]<br />
Item identification number 952; quaeritur capitis de<br />
divortiis ... principes orbis terrarum populi.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
[Watterson, George], 1783-1854.<br />
The L.<br />
Washington, Printed and published by Davis and<br />
Force. 1822<br />
Item identification number 952.1; family <strong>of</strong><br />
Washington; or, A winter in the metropolis.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150
Williams, J.B.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the life and character <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Sarah<br />
Savage.<br />
London, Holdsworth and Ball. 1828<br />
Item identification number 953; To which are added<br />
memoirs <strong>of</strong> her sister, Mrs. Hulton. The fourth<br />
edition, corrected and enlarged.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 150<br />
Abbot, Gorham Dummer, 1807-1874.<br />
The family at home; or, Familiar illustrations <strong>of</strong><br />
the various domestic duties.<br />
Boston, Carter, Hendee & Co. 1834<br />
Item identification number 956.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 151<br />
Lily <strong>of</strong> the Valley.<br />
1851-1859<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 151<br />
Wilson, Harriette, 1786-1846.<br />
Harriette Wilson's memoirs <strong>of</strong> herself and others.<br />
London, Douglas. 1825<br />
Item identification number 954.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 151<br />
Wisner, Benjamin Blydenburg, 1794-1835, ed.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> the late Mrs. Susan Huntington, <strong>of</strong><br />
Boston, Mass. consisting principally <strong>of</strong> extracts from<br />
her journal and letters; with the sermon occasioned<br />
by her death.<br />
Boston, Published by Crocker & Brewster. 1826<br />
Item identification number 954.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 151<br />
The Young lady's book: a manual <strong>of</strong> elegant<br />
recreations, exercises, and pursuits.<br />
Boston, A. Bowen, and Carter & Hendee;<br />
Philadelphia, Carey & Lea. [1830]<br />
Item identification number 55.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 151<br />
[Youngs, Benjamin Seth], 1773.<br />
The testimony <strong>of</strong> Christ's second appearing,<br />
containing a general statement <strong>of</strong> all things pertaining<br />
to the faith and practice <strong>of</strong> the Church <strong>of</strong> God in this<br />
later day.<br />
Ohio, B. Fisher and A. Burnett. 1823<br />
Item identification number 955.1; published by the<br />
order <strong>of</strong> the Ministry in union with the Church; 3d<br />
ed., corr. and improved. Union Village.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 151<br />
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot, 1805-1877.<br />
The mother at home; or, The principles <strong>of</strong><br />
maternal duty familiarly illustrated.<br />
New York, American Tract Society. [1833]<br />
Item identification number 957.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
68<br />
Abrantes, Laure Saint-Martin (Permon) Junot,<br />
duchesse d', 1784-1838.<br />
Les Femmes Célèbres de tous les pays.<br />
Paris, Chez l'Editeur. 1839<br />
Item identification number 958; Leur caractère.<br />
Nouvelle édition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
Adams, Hannah, 1755-1832.<br />
A memoir <strong>of</strong> Miss Hannah Adams.<br />
Boston, Gray and Bowen. 1832<br />
Item identification number 959; with additional<br />
notices by a friend.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859.<br />
The young house-keeper.<br />
Boston, G. W. Light; New York. 1839<br />
Item identification number 960; 4th sterotype ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859.<br />
The young mother; or, Management <strong>of</strong> children in<br />
regard to health.<br />
Boston, Light & Stearns. 1836<br />
Item identification number 961.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
Alcott, William Andrus, 1798-1859.<br />
The young wife; or, Duties <strong>of</strong> woman in the<br />
marriage relation.<br />
Boston, J. W. Light. 1837<br />
Item identification number 962; Stereotype edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
Madame.<br />
Oct. 1903-Mar. 1906<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 152<br />
Allart de Meritens, Hortense, 1801-1879.<br />
La femme et la démocratie de nos temps.<br />
Paris, Delaunay [etc.]. 1836<br />
Item identification number 963.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
American Anti-Slavery Society.<br />
American slavery as it is: testimony <strong>of</strong> a thousand<br />
witnesses.<br />
New York, American Anti-Slavery Society. 1839<br />
Item identification number 964.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
The American housewife: containing the most<br />
valuable and original receipts in all the various<br />
branches <strong>of</strong> cookery; and written in a minute and<br />
methodical manner together with a collection <strong>of</strong><br />
miscellaneous receipts, and directions relative to<br />
housewifery.<br />
New York, Collins, Keese & Co. 1839<br />
Item identification number 965; by an experienced<br />
lady. Also the whole art <strong>of</strong> carving.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153
[Ames, Julius Rubens].<br />
"Liberty.".<br />
[N.Y. American anti-slavery society]. 1837<br />
Item identification number 966; The image and<br />
superscription on every coin issued by the United<br />
States <strong>of</strong> America. Proclaim liberty throughout all the<br />
land unto all the inhabitants there<strong>of</strong>.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
Anderson, Christopher, 1782-1852.<br />
Book for parents.<br />
Boston, Perkins, Marvin & co., New York [etc., etc.].<br />
1834<br />
Item identification number 967; The genius and<br />
design <strong>of</strong> the domestic constitution, with its<br />
untransferable obligations and peculiar advantages.<br />
From the Edinburgh edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
Anderson, Rufus, 1796-1880.<br />
Memoir <strong>of</strong> Catharine Brown, a Christian Indian <strong>of</strong><br />
the Cherokee nation.<br />
Philadelphia, American Sunday School Union. 1832<br />
Item identification number 967.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
Anti-Slavery Convention <strong>of</strong> American <strong>Women</strong>, 1st<br />
New York, 1837.<br />
Appeal to the women <strong>of</strong> the nominally free states.<br />
Boston, Isaac Knapp. 1838<br />
Item identification number 968; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
The Art <strong>of</strong> dress; or, Guide to the toilette: with<br />
directions for adapting the various parts <strong>of</strong> the female<br />
costume to the complexion and figure, hints on<br />
cosmetics, & c.<br />
London, C. Tilt. 1839<br />
Item identification number 969; Embellished with<br />
engravings from designs by Frank Howard, esq.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
Atkinson, James, 1780-1852.<br />
Customs and manners <strong>of</strong> the women <strong>of</strong> Persia and<br />
their domestic superstitions.<br />
London, Oriental translation fund <strong>of</strong> Great Britain<br />
and Ireland. 1832<br />
Item identification number 970; tr. from the original<br />
Persian ms. [Kitábi Kulsúm Naneh).<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
Bacon, David Francis, 1813-1866, ed.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> eminently pious women <strong>of</strong> Britain<br />
and America.<br />
New Haven, D. McLeod. 1833<br />
Item identification number 971.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
The New Lady's Magazine.<br />
1786-1789<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 153<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
69<br />
[Bacon, Delia Salter], 1811-1859.<br />
Tales <strong>of</strong> the Puritans.<br />
New Haven, A. H. Maltby. 1831<br />
Item identification number 972; The regicides.--The<br />
fair Pilgrim.--Castine.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Bailey, Ebenezer, 1795-1839.<br />
The young ladies' class book; a selection <strong>of</strong><br />
lessions for reading, in prose and verse.<br />
Boston, Lincoln, Edmands and co., New York [etc.,<br />
etc.]. 1832<br />
Item identification number 973.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Bailey, Rufus William, 1793-1863.<br />
The family preacher; or, Domestic duties<br />
illustrated and enforced in eight discourses.<br />
New York, J. S. Taylor. 1837<br />
Item identification number 974.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Baird, Robert, 1798-1863.<br />
Transplanted flowers; or, Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs.<br />
Rumpff, daughter <strong>of</strong> John Jacob Astor, esq., and the<br />
Duchess de Broglie, daughter <strong>of</strong> Madame de Staël.<br />
New York, J. S. Taylor. 1839<br />
Item identification number 975; with an appendix.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Bayle-Mouillard, Elizabeth Félicie (Canard),<br />
1796-1865.<br />
Manuel des dames; ou, L'Art de l'élégance, sous le<br />
rapport de la toilette, des honneurs de la maison, des<br />
plaisirs, des occupations agréables: par Mme. Celnart<br />
[pseud.].<br />
Paris, Roret. 1833<br />
Item identification number 976.1; Seconde éd.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
[Bayle-Mouillard, Elizabeth Félicie (Canard)],<br />
1796-1865.<br />
The gentleman and lady's book <strong>of</strong> politeness and<br />
propriety <strong>of</strong> deportment, dedicated to the youth <strong>of</strong><br />
both sexes.<br />
Boston, Allen and Ticknor. 1833<br />
Item identification number 976; by Mme. Calnart<br />
[pseud.]; Translated from the 6th Paris ed., enl. and<br />
improved. 2d American ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Bean, James.<br />
The Christian minister's affectionate advice to a<br />
new married couple.<br />
Boston, Christian Register Office. 1832<br />
Item identification number 978.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878.<br />
An essay on slavery and abolitionism, with<br />
reference to the duty <strong>of</strong> American females.<br />
Philadelphia, H. Perkins; Boston, Perkins & Marvin.<br />
1837<br />
Item identification number 979.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154
Les Belles femmes de Paris, par des hommes de<br />
lettres et des hommes du monde.<br />
Paris, Au Bureau. 1839-40<br />
Item identification number 980.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Bernard, William Bayle, 1807-1875.<br />
Woman's faith: a drama, in three eras.<br />
London, John Miller. 1835<br />
Item identification number 981.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Binkes, Rudolphus.<br />
De auctoritate, juribus et obligationibus<br />
cognatorum collateralium e jure Neerlando collato<br />
cum jure Francico.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, J. W. van Leeuwen. 1838<br />
Item identification number 982.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Birch, Edward.<br />
The trial <strong>of</strong> Birch v. Neale, for criminal<br />
conversation; in the Court <strong>of</strong> common pleas, June 25,<br />
1835, before the Lord Chief Justice Tindal.<br />
London, The auther. [1835]<br />
Item identification number 983; From the notes <strong>of</strong> a<br />
short-hand writer; with explanatory remarks by the<br />
defendant, and extracts from the brief, as laid before<br />
counsel on 6th Feb., 1835.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
The New Lady's Magazine.<br />
1790-1792<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 154<br />
Blessington, Marguerite (Power) Farmer<br />
Gardiner, countess <strong>of</strong>, 1789-1849.<br />
The idler <strong>of</strong> Italy.<br />
Philadelphia, Carey & Hart. 1839<br />
Item identification number 984.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 155<br />
Blessington, Marguerite (Power) Farmer<br />
Gardiner, countess <strong>of</strong>, 1789-1849.<br />
A journal <strong>of</strong> conversations with Lord Byron.<br />
Boston, G. W. Cottrell. 1859<br />
Item identification number 985; with a sketch <strong>of</strong> the<br />
life <strong>of</strong> the author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 155<br />
Boaden, James, 1762-1839.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Inchbald.<br />
London, Richard Bentley. 1833<br />
Item identification number 986; Including her<br />
familiar correspondence with the most distinguished<br />
persons <strong>of</strong> her time. To which are added The<br />
massacre and A case <strong>of</strong> conscience.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 155<br />
Boaden, James, 1762-1839.<br />
Mrs. Jordan.<br />
New York, Athenaeum Press. [1830]<br />
Item identification number 987.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 155<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
70<br />
The New Lady's Magazine.<br />
1793-1795<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 155<br />
Bridges, Charles, 1794-1869.<br />
A memoir <strong>of</strong> Miss Mary Jane Graham.<br />
Philadelphia, Key and Biddle. 1834<br />
Item identification number 989.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156<br />
Buckstone, John Baldwin, 1802-1879.<br />
Isabelle; or, Woman's life; a drama in three acts.<br />
London, W. Strange. 1835<br />
Item identification number 990.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156<br />
Bulmer, Agnes [Collinson], 1775-1836.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Elizabeth Mortimer: with<br />
selections from her correspondence.<br />
London, J. Mason. 1836<br />
Item identification number 991; Second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156<br />
Bureaud-Ri<strong>of</strong>rey, Antoine Martin.<br />
Education physique des jeunes filles; ou, Hygiene<br />
de la femme avant le mariage.<br />
Paris, Librarie des sciences medicales; Londres, Chez<br />
Dulau et ce. 1835<br />
Item identification number 992.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156<br />
Burke, John, 1787-1848.<br />
The portrait gallery <strong>of</strong> distinguished females,<br />
including beauties <strong>of</strong> the courts <strong>of</strong> George IV, and<br />
William IV, with memoirs.<br />
London, Bull. 1833<br />
Item identification number 993.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156<br />
People's and Howitt's Journal.<br />
1846-1849<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156<br />
Busch, Dietrich Wilhelm Heinrich, 1788-1858.<br />
Das geschlechtsleben des weibes in<br />
physiologischer, pathologischer und therapeutischer<br />
hinsicht.<br />
Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus. 1839-1843<br />
Item identification number 993.1.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 156-157<br />
Butler, Charles, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.<br />
The American lady.<br />
Philadelphia, Hogan & Thompson. 1836<br />
Item identification number 994; by Charles Butler,<br />
esq.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 157
[Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron].<br />
Les dames de Byron; or, Portraits <strong>of</strong> the principal<br />
female characters in Lord Byron's poems.<br />
London, C. Tilt. 1836<br />
Item identification number 995; Engraved from<br />
original paintings by eminent artists. Under the<br />
superintendence <strong>of</strong> W. and E. Finden.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 157<br />
Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839.<br />
Philosophy <strong>of</strong> common sense.<br />
Philadelphia [E.L. Carey & A. Hart]. 1838<br />
Item identification number 996; Practical rules for the<br />
promotion <strong>of</strong> domestic happiness: containing rules<br />
for the married; essay on the relations <strong>of</strong> masters, and<br />
mistresses, and domestics; rules for moral education;<br />
essay on fashions, and on the pernicious effects <strong>of</strong> the<br />
use <strong>of</strong> corsets; with various other fugitive articles.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 157<br />
People's and Howitt's Journal.<br />
1849-June 1851<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 157<br />
Anti-Slavery Convention <strong>of</strong> American <strong>Women</strong>, 1st<br />
New York, 1837.<br />
An appeal to the women <strong>of</strong> the nominally free<br />
states.<br />
New York, W. S. Dorr. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1003; issued by antislavery<br />
convention <strong>of</strong> American women, held by<br />
adjournments from the 9th to the 12th <strong>of</strong> May, 1837.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Chapman, Priscilla.<br />
Hindoo female education.<br />
London, R. B. Seeley and W. Burnside. 1839<br />
Item identification number 998.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Chevalier, Michel, 1806-1879.<br />
Society, manners and politics in the United States;<br />
being a series <strong>of</strong> letters on North America.<br />
Boston, Weeks, Jordan and co. 1839<br />
Item identification number 999; Translated from the<br />
third Paris ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
Anti-slavery catechism.<br />
Newburyport, C. Whipple. 1839 [c1835]<br />
Item identification number 1001; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
An appeal in favor <strong>of</strong> that class <strong>of</strong> Americans<br />
called Africans.<br />
Boston, Allen and Ticknor. 1833<br />
Item identification number 1002.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
71<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The biographies <strong>of</strong> Lady Russell, and Madame<br />
Guyon.<br />
Boston, Carter, Hendee & co. 1832<br />
Item identification number 1004.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The biographies <strong>of</strong> Madame de Staël, and<br />
Madame Roland.<br />
Boston, Carter and Hendee. 1832<br />
Item identification number 1005.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The coronal.<br />
Boston, Carter & Hendee. 1832<br />
Item identification number 1006; A collection <strong>of</strong><br />
miscellaneous pieces, written at various times.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The family nurse; or, Companion <strong>of</strong> the frugal<br />
housewife.<br />
Boston, C. J. Hendee. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1008; Rev. by a member<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Massachusetts medical society.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
Good wives.<br />
Boston, Carter, Hendee and co. 1833<br />
Item identification number 1010.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1828-1831<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 158<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The frugal housewife.<br />
Boston, Carter, Hendee and Babcock. 1831<br />
Item identification number 1009; dedicated to those<br />
who are not ashamed <strong>of</strong> economy, by the author <strong>of</strong><br />
Hobomok; 6th ed., corr, and arranged by the author.<br />
To which are added, Hints to persons <strong>of</strong> moderate<br />
fortune. First published in the Massachusetts journal.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The history <strong>of</strong> the condition <strong>of</strong> women, in various<br />
ages and nations.<br />
Boston, J. Allen & co. 1835<br />
Item identification number 1011.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The little girls own book.<br />
Glasgow, John Reid & co. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1012; with additional<br />
sports and games, by Miss Leslie. New edition,<br />
considerably enl. and imp.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
The mother's book.<br />
Boston, Published by Carter and Hendee. 1831<br />
Item identification number 1013; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
On the management and education <strong>of</strong> children:<br />
being Mrs. Child's "Mother's book" rev., and adapted<br />
to the use <strong>of</strong> English parents and teachers.<br />
London, J. W. Parker. 1835<br />
Item identification number 1015.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.<br />
Philothea, a romance.<br />
Boston, Otis, Broaders & co.; New York, George<br />
Dearborn. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1016.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880, ed.<br />
The oasis.<br />
Boston, Benjamin C. Bacon. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1014; Edited by Mrs<br />
Child ... [First ed.].<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872.<br />
Memorials <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Hemans, with illustrations <strong>of</strong><br />
her literary character from her private<br />
correspondence.<br />
New York and London, Saunders and Otley. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1017.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1832-1835<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 159<br />
[Cochelet, Louise, "Mme. Parquin,"] fl. 1809,<br />
supposed author.<br />
Lives <strong>of</strong> celebrated women.<br />
[London, Printed by S. Bentley]. [1833]<br />
Item identification number 1018.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Collins, Elizabeth (Ballinger) Mason, 1775-1831.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Elizabeth Collins, <strong>of</strong> Upper Evesham,<br />
New Jersey, a minister <strong>of</strong> the gospel <strong>of</strong> Christ, in the<br />
society <strong>of</strong> Friends.<br />
Philadelphia, Nathan Kite. 1833<br />
Item identification number 1019.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Combe, George, 1788-1858.<br />
Lectures on popular education.<br />
Boston, Marsh, Capen & Lyon. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1020.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
72<br />
A Concise view <strong>of</strong> the origin and progress <strong>of</strong> the<br />
British ladies' society for promoting the reformation<br />
<strong>of</strong> female prisoners.<br />
London [Printed by Samuel Bentley]. [1839]<br />
Item identification number 1021.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Conversations as between parents and children,<br />
designed for the instruction <strong>of</strong> youth.<br />
Philadelphia, W. Brown. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1022; 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Cooper, Mary (Hanson) 1786-1812.<br />
Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Mary Cooper <strong>of</strong> London.<br />
New York, Published by B. Waugh and T. Mason,<br />
for the Methodist Episcopal Church, J. Collord,<br />
Printer. 1832<br />
Item identification number 1023; extracted from her<br />
diary and epistolary correspondence by Adam Clarke.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Copley, Esther Hewlett.<br />
Cottage comforts, with hints for promoting them,<br />
gleaned from experience: enlivened with authentic<br />
anecdotes, 12th ed.<br />
London, Published by Simpkin and Marshall. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1024.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Cornish, Thomas Hartree, comp.<br />
The historical picture <strong>of</strong> woman; or, The volume<br />
<strong>of</strong> affections: in which are displayed her prudence,<br />
magnanimity, and fortitude. In a series <strong>of</strong> prose and<br />
poetical selections, from the most celebrated writers.<br />
London, Printed for Thomas Tegg and son. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1025.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Corona dei sette dolori di Maria Vergine, e<br />
meditazioni sopra ciascun dolore in particolare con<br />
altri divoti esercizj.<br />
Torino, Per Giacinto Marietti. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1026.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1836; April-Dec. 1837; 1838-1839<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 160<br />
Cox, Francis Augustus, 1783-1853.<br />
Female scripture biography, including an essay on<br />
what Christianity has done for women.<br />
Boston, Lincoln & Edmands. 1831<br />
Item identification number 1028.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
Coxe, Margaret, b. 1800.<br />
The young lady's companion.<br />
Columbus, I. N. Whiting. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1029.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161
Créquy, Rénée Caroline (de Froulay) marquise<br />
de, 1714-1803.<br />
Recollections <strong>of</strong> the eighteenth century, from<br />
1710 to 1800.<br />
London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and<br />
Longman; Paris, English and American library. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1030; Tr. from the French<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Marchioness de Créquy.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
The Dangers <strong>of</strong> evil counsel; or, A voice from the<br />
grave <strong>of</strong> Lady Flora Hastings; to her most gracious<br />
majesty, the queen.<br />
London, Printed for T. Cadell and W. Blackwood and<br />
sons, Edinburgh by Richard Watts. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1032; Second edition with<br />
alterations and additions, in consequence <strong>of</strong> the<br />
recent publication <strong>of</strong> important documents.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
D'arusmont, Frances (Wright) 1795-1852.<br />
Course <strong>of</strong> popular lectures, historical and political.<br />
Philadelphia. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1034; being introductory<br />
to a course on the nature and object <strong>of</strong> America's<br />
political institutions.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
The Daughter's own book; or, Practical hints from a<br />
father to his daughter.<br />
Boston, Lilly, Wait, Colman, and Holden. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1035.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
Day, Martha, 1813-1833.<br />
The literary remains <strong>of</strong> Martha Day.<br />
New Haven, H. Howe. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1036; with Rev. Dr.<br />
Fitch's Address at her funeral: and, Sketches <strong>of</strong> her<br />
character.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
Delacoux, Alexis, 1792-1860.<br />
Biographie des sages-femmes célèbres, anciennes,<br />
modernes et contemporaines, avec 20 portraits.<br />
Paris, Chez Trinquart, et chez l'auteur. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1037.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1840-1843<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 161<br />
Demarson, Madame.<br />
Guide de la ménagère.<br />
Bruxelles, Chez l'éditeur, imprimeur. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1038; Manuel complet de<br />
la maitresse de maison.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
The Dens <strong>of</strong> London exposed.<br />
London, Printed for & published by the author. 1835<br />
Item identification number 1039.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
73<br />
[Derenzy, Margaret (Graves)] d. 1829.<br />
A whisper to a newly-married pair, from a<br />
widowed wife.<br />
Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart. 1833<br />
Item identification number 1040; 5th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
Dewees, William Potts, 1768-1841.<br />
A treatise on the physical and medical treatment<br />
<strong>of</strong> children.<br />
Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Blanchard. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1041; 7th ed., with corr.,<br />
&c.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
The Discussion; or, The character, education,<br />
perogatives and moral influence <strong>of</strong> woman.<br />
Boston, Little & Brown. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1042.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
Domestic happiness portrayed; or, A repository for<br />
those who are, and those who are not married.<br />
New York, C. Hubbell. 1835<br />
Item identification number 1043; by the most classic<br />
authors, ancient and modern, viz: Addison, Steele,<br />
Johnson, Knox, Newton, and others, who have<br />
discussed with a gay or grave pen, the present and<br />
future happiness <strong>of</strong> mankind ... Including two prize<br />
essays, together with several articles written<br />
expressly for this work.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1844-1847<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 162<br />
Dubern, Jules.<br />
Histoire des reines et régentes de France et des<br />
favorites des rois.<br />
Paris, A.Pougin [etc.]. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1044.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
Dwight, Sereno Edward, 1786-1850.<br />
The Hebrew wife, or the law <strong>of</strong> marriage<br />
examined in relation to the lawfulness <strong>of</strong> polygamy<br />
and to the extent <strong>of</strong> the law <strong>of</strong> incest.<br />
New York, Leavitt, Lord. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1045.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
Ellis, Sarah (Stickney) 1812-1872.<br />
The women <strong>of</strong> England, their social duties, and<br />
domestic habits.<br />
London, Fisher, son, and co. [1839?]<br />
Item identification number 1046; 15th ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163
Ellis, William, 1794-1872.<br />
Memoir <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Mary Mercy Ellis, wife <strong>of</strong> Rev.<br />
William Ellis.<br />
Boston, Crocker & Brewster; New York, Leavitt,<br />
Lord & co. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1047; including ... the<br />
details <strong>of</strong> missionary life. with an introductory essay<br />
on the marriage <strong>of</strong> missionaries, by Rev. R.<br />
Anderson.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
[Enfantin, Barthélemy Prosper], 1796-1864.<br />
Religion saint-simonienne.<br />
Paris, Impr. D'Everat. 1832<br />
Item identification number 1047.1; La prophétie.<br />
Articles extraits du Globe du 19 février au 20 avril<br />
1832. Ménilmontant, le 1. juin 1832.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
Everts, Gerhardus.<br />
Dissertatio historico juridica inauguralis de bonis,<br />
quae tam active, quam passive legali inter conjuges<br />
bonorum communione comprehenduntur, jure<br />
francico antiquo et hodierno.<br />
Lugduni Batavorum, J. C. Cyfveer. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1048.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
[Fales, Sally Kirby (Padelford)], 1780-1858.<br />
Familiar letters on subjects interesting to the<br />
minds and hearts <strong>of</strong> females.<br />
Boston, Crocker & Brewster. 1834<br />
Item identification number 1049; by a lady.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
A Familiar compendium <strong>of</strong> the law <strong>of</strong> husband and<br />
wife.<br />
London, Whittaker, Treacher, and co. 1831<br />
Item identification number 1050; To which is added<br />
... the laws relating to breach <strong>of</strong> promise <strong>of</strong> marriage.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1848-1851<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 163<br />
[Farrar, Eliza Ware (Rotch)] "Mrs. John Farrar,"<br />
1791-1870.<br />
The young lady's friend.<br />
Boston, American stationers' company. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1051; by a lady. Improved<br />
stereotype ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Follen, Eliza Lee (Cabot) 1787-1860.<br />
Sketches <strong>of</strong> married life.<br />
Boston, Hilliard Gray & Co. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1053; Revised edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
74<br />
Freeling, Arthur.<br />
The young bride's book; being hints for regulating<br />
the conduct <strong>of</strong> married women.<br />
London, H. Washbourne. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1054; with a few axioms.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Gay, Sophie (Nichault de Lavalette) 1776-1852.<br />
Salons célèbres.<br />
Paris, Dumont. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1055.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Gilman, Caroline (Howard) 1794-1888.<br />
Recollections <strong>of</strong> a southern natron.<br />
New York, Harper & brothers. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1057.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Gilman, Caroline (Howard) 1794-1888.<br />
Tales and ballads.<br />
Boston, W. Crosby & co. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1058.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.<br />
Goëthe's correspondence with a child.<br />
[Bettina Brentano] London, Longman, Orme, Brown,<br />
Green, and Longmans. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1059.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1852-1855<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 164<br />
Disputatio perjucunda, qua anonymus probare nititur,<br />
Mulieres homines non esse; cui opposita est Simonis<br />
Gedicci, Defensio sexus muliebris, qua singula<br />
anonymi argumenta distinctis thesibus proposita<br />
viriliter enervantur.<br />
Parisiis. 1693<br />
Item identification number 165.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
[Gore, Catherine Grace Frances (Moody)], 1799-<br />
1861.<br />
The diary <strong>of</strong> a désennuyée.<br />
Philadelphia, E. L. Carey and A. Hart. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1060.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
[Gore, Catherine Grace Frances (Moody)], 1799-<br />
1861.<br />
<strong>Women</strong> as they are; or, The manners <strong>of</strong> the day.<br />
London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley. 1830<br />
Item identification number 1062; Second edition.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
Goudoever, G. Willem Van.<br />
Specimen juridicum inaugurale de divortio<br />
secundum codicem civilem Neerlandicum.<br />
Trajecti ad Rhenum, L. E. Bosch. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1063.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165
Graham, Isabella (Marshall) 1742-1814.<br />
The unpublished letters and correspondence from<br />
the year 1767 to 1814; exhibing her religious<br />
character in the different relations <strong>of</strong> life, selected<br />
and arranged by her daughter, Mrs. Bethune.<br />
New York, J. S. Taylor. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1065.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
Griffinho<strong>of</strong>e, Arthur, pseud.<br />
Memoires <strong>of</strong> the life, public and private<br />
adventures <strong>of</strong> Madame Vestris.<br />
London. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1066.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
[Griffith, Mary] d. 1877.<br />
Our neighborhood; or, Letters on horticulture and<br />
natural phenomena: interspersed with opinions on<br />
domestic and moral economy.<br />
New York, E. Bliss. 1831<br />
Item identification number 1067.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1856-1859<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 165<br />
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879.<br />
Appeal to the Christian women <strong>of</strong> the South.<br />
[New York]. 1836<br />
Item identification number 1068; Rev. and cor.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879.<br />
Letters to Catherine E. Beecher in reply to an<br />
essay on slavery and abolitionism, addressed to A. E.<br />
Grimké.<br />
Boston, Printed by I. Knapp. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1069; Rev. by the author.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
[Grimké, Sarah Moore], 1792-1873.<br />
Letters on the equality <strong>of</strong> the sexes and the<br />
condition <strong>of</strong> woman, addressed to Mary S. Parker,<br />
president <strong>of</strong> the Boston female anti-slavery society.<br />
Boston, I. Knapp. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1070.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Grund, Francis Joseph, 1805-1863.<br />
The Americans in their moral, social and political<br />
relations.<br />
Boston, Marsh, Capen and Lyon. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1071.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879.<br />
Flora's interpreter; or, The American book <strong>of</strong><br />
flowers and sentiments.<br />
Boston, T. H. Webb & co. [c1833]<br />
Item identification number 1072; 14th ed., improved.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Reel</strong> <strong>Listing</strong><br />
75<br />
Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879.<br />
The good housekeeper; or, The way to live well<br />
and to be well while we live.<br />
Boston, Weeks, Jordan. 1839<br />
Item identification number 1073; Containing<br />
directions for choosing and preparing food, in regard<br />
to health, economy and taste. 2d ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879.<br />
Sketches <strong>of</strong> American character.<br />
Philadelphia, H. Perkins; Boston, B. Bradley. 1838<br />
Item identification number 1076; 6th stereotype ed.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879, comp.<br />
The ladies' wreath, a selection from the female<br />
poetic writers <strong>of</strong> England and America, with original<br />
notices and notes.<br />
Boston, Marsh, Capen & Lyon. 1837<br />
Item identification number 1074; Prepared especially<br />
for young ladies. A gift-book for all seasons.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Halkerston, Peter, 1833.<br />
A digest on the law <strong>of</strong> Scotland relating to<br />
marriage.<br />
Edinburgh, The author. 1831<br />
Item identification number 1078.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Hall, Samuel Read, 1795-1877.<br />
Lectures to female teachers on school-keeping.<br />
Boston, Richardson, Lord & Holbrook. 1832<br />
Item identification number 1079.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Petit Courrier des Dames.<br />
1860-1863<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 166<br />
Hallett, Benjamin F., 1797-1862.<br />
Trial <strong>of</strong> Rev. Mr. Avery: A full report <strong>of</strong> the trial<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ephraim K. Avery, charged with the murder <strong>of</strong><br />
Sarah M. Cornell -- before the Supreme Court <strong>of</strong><br />
Rhode Island at a special term in Newport, held in<br />
May 1833 with the arguments <strong>of</strong> counsel.<br />
Boston. 1833<br />
Item identification number 1080; Reported by<br />
Benjamin F. Hallett.<br />
<strong>Reel</strong>: 167<br />
Halsted, Caroline Amelia, d. 1851.<br />
Life <strong>of</strong> Margaret Beaufort, Countess <strong>of</strong> Richmond<br />
and Derby.<br />
London, Smith, Elder