Hearthstone February 2017
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The Official Newsletter for <strong>Hearthstone</strong><br />
Photo of a Willow Tree in <strong>Hearthstone</strong>.<br />
Submitted by <strong>Hearthstone</strong> resident,<br />
Sabrina Gomez, Smiling Sabrina Photography.<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />
School News... 7<br />
Scouts & Sports... 8<br />
Church News & Events... 11<br />
Community Events... 12<br />
Libraries & Parks 17<br />
Volunteer Opportunities... 21<br />
Support Groups... 27<br />
Parenting Groups 35<br />
Classified Ads... 38<br />
Published courtesy of Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, Texas 77095 • 281-463-8649<br />
Advertising: ads@krenekprinting.com • News: news@krenekprinting.com • www.krenekprinting.com<br />
Find us on FACEBOOK for more news & events! Find Businesses easier on our BIZFINDER at www.krenekprinting.com!
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<strong>Hearthstone</strong> HOA, Inc. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7;<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Green, Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4; Avila Ct. Estates,<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Meadows.<br />
President, Terry Gingell 281-703-8184<br />
Vice President, Scooter Cantrell 281-220-9160<br />
Secretary, Virgil Hydes 281-859-0438<br />
Treasurer, Mike Looney 281-550-7010<br />
Bob Allen 281-477-8688<br />
Tina Bailey 281-859-0581<br />
Bob Comeaux 713-876-3852<br />
Planned Community Management (PCMI) 281-870-0585<br />
Box 219223, Houston, Texas 77218 281-870-9170 fax<br />
Manager: Michael Meagher Michael.Meagher@STServices.com<br />
Please contact PCMI regarding Assessment Billing, Deed<br />
Restrictions and Exterior Modifications.<br />
Architectural Control - Bob Allen, Virgil Hydes<br />
Bulletin Board - Tina Bailey<br />
Community Relations - Shirley Knesek-Enloe, Terry Gingell<br />
Communications - Tina Bailey<br />
Security - Scooter Cantrell<br />
Garden Club Kris Patterson 713-202-3766<br />
Children’s Co-op Jennifer Bratten, President 214-674-2411<br />
Jennifer.Bratten@hotmail.com<br />
Swim Team Hugh McKinney 713-822-5490<br />
Bulletin Board R. Michael Looney 281-550-7010<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Country Club 281-463-2201<br />
Horne Elementary School 281-463-5954<br />
Owens Elementary School 281-463-5915<br />
Labay Middle School 281-463-5800<br />
Truitt Middle School 281-856-1100<br />
Cy-Falls High School 281-856-1000<br />
www.cfisd.net<br />
Water District Spencer Rd PUD 281-469-5740<br />
WCA (Waste Corportion of America) 281-368-8397<br />
Fire/Ambulance 911<br />
Harris County Constables 281-463-6666<br />
Sheriff 713-221-6000<br />
Poison Control 800-222-1222<br />
Animal Control 281-999-3191<br />
Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation 713-941-8972<br />
Mosquito Control 713-796-6900<br />
Children’s Protective Svs 713-394-4000<br />
DPS Sex Offenders website http://records.txdps.state.tx.us<br />
Harris Co. Public Health & Envir 713-439-6000<br />
Street Light Repair (give pole #) 713-207-2222<br />
www.centerpointenergy.com/outage<br />
To report gas leaks 713-659-3552<br />
Street Repair 281-463-6300<br />
Published Courtesy of Krenek Printing<br />
7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095<br />
281-463-8649 • www,KrenekPrinting.com<br />
The American Dental Association, along with the ADA Foundation, is pleased to<br />
provide you with the <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> National Children’s Dental Health Month<br />
(NCDHM) slogan, “Choose Tap Water for a Sparkling Smile.” This month-long<br />
national health observance brings together thousands of dedicated dental<br />
professionals, healthcare providers and educators to promote the benefits of<br />
good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers and many others.<br />
Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits<br />
helps children to get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. To<br />
access free online resources that can help you with teaching children about<br />
good oral health, visit ADA.org, click on Public Programs and then National<br />
Children’s Dental Health Month.<br />
Take good care of your child’s baby teeth. They do eventually fall out but<br />
until they do, baby teeth play an important role in helping your child bite and<br />
chew food, and speak clearly. Many of the same treatment and evaluation<br />
options that adults have are also available to kids. These include X-rays, dental<br />
sealants, orthodontic treatment and more.<br />
WIGGLY TEETH - When a child is about 6 years old, his/her teeth will begin to<br />
come loose. Let your child wiggle the tooth until it falls out on its own. This will<br />
minimize the pain and bleeding associate with a lost tooth.<br />
CAVITIES - Cavities can develop when sugar-containing foods are allowed to<br />
stay in the mouth for a long time. Bacteria that live on the teeth feast on these<br />
bits of food and can eat away at tooth enamel. Saliva washes away the acid<br />
between meals, but if your child is always eating, there may not be time for<br />
this acid to get washed away.<br />
Source: www.Colgate.com
FEBRUARY <strong>2017</strong> NEWS<br />
The Holidays have come and<br />
gone once again for another year.<br />
The neighborhood looked lovely<br />
with all of the beautiful lights<br />
throughout <strong>Hearthstone</strong>. I hope<br />
everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends or in whatever<br />
capacity your holiday was spent.<br />
The <strong>Hearthstone</strong> Garden Club meets monthly in the ladies’ locker room at<br />
the Country Club on the 3 rd Tuesday of the month. Our <strong>February</strong> meeting<br />
is <strong>February</strong> 21 st and will feature Susan Wood. Susan is an award-winning<br />
member of the Herb Society of America, with decades of experience and<br />
passion in all kinds of gardening. She is planning to discuss Summer<br />
Survival Gardening Tips - surviving heat, pests, harsh sun in the infamous<br />
Houston Summer Heat.<br />
Join us at our meeting(s) anytime. You do not have to be a “Gardener” to<br />
attend or become a member of the <strong>Hearthstone</strong> Garden Club. Our meetings<br />
are very informative and our speakers may spark some interest. The more<br />
we know about gardening in Houston, the more we know about caring for<br />
our own yards and gardens, even if you have a full or part time gardener.<br />
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It has really been a mild winter compared to past years. We must continue<br />
to watch for drops in the temperatures. Keep your frost cloths handy<br />
for temperatures at or below freezing and cover tender young plants to<br />
protect them. Most plants tolerate a night of cold, but will suffer from<br />
repeated drops in the night time temperatures.<br />
If your yard and gardens are looking a bit sad, no need to worry. Focus on<br />
cool season color such as pansies, violas, snapdragons and dianthus, if<br />
you don’t already have these in your garden from late fall. Continue to care<br />
for them and clean out overgrowth and dead plants. Considering adding<br />
walkways, borders and hardscape now before plant growth gets started.<br />
We can get a clearer view of our gardens at this time, when plants are not<br />
in all their beauty and glory and should take advantage of it.<br />
Plant new rose bushes now, prune established roses. Plant flowering<br />
trees and shrubs and fertilize your established ones with the exception of<br />
Azaleas and Camellias. Do not prune your flowering bushes until after the<br />
spring bloom. Do not prune Crape Myrtles, they can be shaped, but they<br />
do not need to be pruned.<br />
Prune perennials in beds which are overgrown or have suffered cold<br />
weather damage. Wait until the last frost to prune tropical plants like<br />
hibiscus and bougainvilleas. Get green annuals in your beds for gorgeous<br />
Springs flowers like hollyhocks, larkspur, poppies and delphiniums.<br />
Don’t forget to water your plants and watch for signs of drought stress.<br />
Drought stress will result in reduced growth in plants due to depleted<br />
moisture to the roots in the soil. Plants in containers require more water<br />
and dry out quicker than those in the ground. Always water well before<br />
an expected freeze or drop in temperature. We cannot always rely on the<br />
weather to provide enough water at this time of the year.<br />
Don’t forget the birds! Keep your birdbaths clean and full of water. Keep<br />
your feeder full of fresh seed, replace any seed which is damp or old. Our<br />
beautiful birds will certainly appreciate our efforts.<br />
Have a wonderful <strong>February</strong> and Happy Valentine’s Day!<br />
Vickie Macfarlane<br />
Co-3 rd Vice President - President Elect<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Garden Club<br />
4 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
The <strong>Hearthstone</strong> Garden Club Board and members have a busy Spring<br />
schedule. We welcome anyone interested in joining us. Remember, you<br />
do not have to be a gardener or plant guru to attend or join our group.<br />
We have a great deal of fun as we learn and give back to our community<br />
and charities. Please be our guest at one of our meetings, I think you will<br />
find it a great way to relax and meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere.<br />
Feel free to contact me for more information. Vickie Macfarlane - President<br />
Elect: 918-230-7012<br />
Join the garden club for our annual ARBOR DAY Celebration in the<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Park. We will be planting a Japanese Maple tree in the<br />
Friendship Garden of the park this year. We will honor someone special<br />
connected with the garden club as we celebrate life with our tree planting.<br />
What is Arbor Day? Arbor Day is an annual day of observance to celebrate<br />
the role of trees in our lives and promotes tree planting and care. The<br />
tree has appeared throughout history and literature as a “symbol of life.”<br />
Please join us in the park.<br />
Upcoming meetings and trips:<br />
Meetings: <strong>February</strong> 21 st , March 21 st and April 18 th<br />
Trips: April 1 st and April 25 th<br />
The Harris County Constable’s Office, Precinct 5 is now offering a class on<br />
Rape Aggression Defense (RAD). RAD is one of the best women’s self-defense<br />
courses available. It’s a program based on realistic self-defense tactics and<br />
techniques. It is a comprehensive self-defense course for women that<br />
begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while<br />
progressing on to the basics of hands-on defensive training. If you’re<br />
interested in more information and signing up, go to this link:<br />
www.constablepct5.com/2016/06/16/rad-classes-available<br />
Make sure if you or your family goes on vacation to put in a “Vacation<br />
Watch” with our department. That way you’ll know your house is being<br />
watched by our patrol deputies. You can fill out a vacation watch form<br />
online here:<br />
www.constablepct5.com/online-forms<br />
Or you can call our dispatch at 281-463-6666.<br />
The <strong>Hearthstone</strong> HOA coordinates maintenance of all the streetlights<br />
throughout the community. This includes the “cobra head” lights like you<br />
see along many streets and highways, as well as the decorative light poles<br />
along Huffmeister and in some of the neighborhoods.<br />
Cobra head streetlights need to be reported to CenterPoint, using the pole<br />
number, which is the “address” for the light. It is a six digit number facing<br />
the street. You can report streetlights that are not working or staying on<br />
during the day at http://cnp.centerpointenergy.com/outage (Google<br />
streetlight outage) or give us the pole number and we will do it for you.<br />
Outages or problems with decorative streetlights should be reported<br />
to PCMI at 281-870-0585. Please note the exact intersection or closest<br />
address. The association has a contractor doing a monthly nighttime<br />
inspection for lights that are out, but if you see a problem, please report it,<br />
so we can achieve our goal to keep all the lights on all the time.<br />
Trash days are Tuesdays and Fridays with recycling pickup on Fridays. If<br />
you have questions, call 281-368-8397.<br />
Board Meetings are now<br />
bi-monthly, usually on the<br />
3 rd Wednesday at 7:00 PM.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Country Club.<br />
Folks in <strong>Hearthstone</strong> are very<br />
helpful in getting lost pets<br />
reunited with their owners,<br />
but all dog owners should<br />
ensure that there is a tag on<br />
each dog with their name,<br />
address and phone number.<br />
Local pet stores have<br />
machines that make tags like<br />
this while you wait. At least<br />
that would help found dogs<br />
get back home quicker and with less trauma.<br />
PETS<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 5
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Please visit the Association’s website. With a more attractive, easy to use<br />
design, the site contains a lot of useful information, including HOA news,<br />
quick reference numbers, free classifieds and a library of association<br />
forms and documents. If you think of anything you would like added,<br />
please let us know.<br />
The only thing that has not changed is the address. It is still at www.<br />
hearthstonehoa.org.<br />
Just register at the site using “Join our Mailing Lists” on the opening page.<br />
You will be automatically added to the email group.<br />
This group will be used to quickly but sparingly, get information out to<br />
members between newsletters. If you would like these messages sent to<br />
more than one email address, just register again with each address you<br />
want included in the group.<br />
The addresses will not be sold, distributed or used for any purpose other<br />
than association business. Your address will not even be shared among<br />
group members. Messages sent to the group will be limited to those<br />
authorized by the HOA Board of Directors.<br />
If you have already joined the email group, you do not need to do so again.<br />
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1. Call the constable’s office anytime you see a suspicious person and do<br />
not let race, age or gender influence you calling (a suspicious person is<br />
anyone you do not recognize on your street). <br />
2. Call the constable’s office when you see a suspicious vehicle (any vehicle<br />
parked in front of your neighbor’s home or driving around your street that<br />
you don’t recognize).<br />
3. Always keep all your doors and windows locked even when you are at<br />
home.<br />
4. Always keep your overhead garage door in the down position. <br />
5. Remember neighbors looking out for neighbors are how the police<br />
catch the bad guys.<br />
6. Make sure to do a vacation watch whenever you go out of town. <br />
7. If someone comes to your door, always go to the door and acknowledge<br />
that you are there and remember to never open the door for anyone that<br />
you do not know. The bad guys in almost all cases do not want you to be<br />
home. Then always call the constable’s office so that we can check them<br />
out. When they leave your house, they are going to your neighbors. <br />
8. If you have children that stay at home alone, no matter what their age,<br />
they need to go to the door and have a preplanned story for whoever is<br />
there (my dad is working on the computer, he says to come back later).<br />
Then have them call the constable’s office. <br />
9. Never do business with people you don not know and trust. Never open<br />
the door for solicitors. If no one in the neighborhood buys anything from<br />
them, the companies that they work for will quit sending them into your<br />
subdivision. <br />
10. Always lock your vehicles and never leave anything of value in plain<br />
sight (covering up an item with a jacket doesn’t count).<br />
Our dispatch number is 281-463-6666 (please put this number in your cell<br />
phone as 911 constable or A constable so that it is one of the first contacts).<br />
Lieutenant Mitch Hutter<br />
Community Relations and Crime Prevention<br />
Harris County Constables Office Pct. 5<br />
281-704-6825<br />
6 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
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Same phone number since 2001<br />
wallacelpiper@gmail.com<br />
When making any changes to the exterior of your home, please<br />
keep in mind that you must first submit an application and receive<br />
written approval. An application can be obtained by sending a<br />
request to customercare@pcmi-us.com.<br />
The PCMI call center is manned by three people. The main number<br />
is 281-870-0585. The hours are 7 AM to 6 PM Monday through<br />
Thursday and 7 AM to 5 PM on Fridays.<br />
The <strong>Hearthstone</strong> Newsletter can be viewed online at krenekprinting.<br />
com. Go to www.krenekprinting.com, Click on newsletters, Select<br />
Highway 6, Select <strong>Hearthstone</strong> and Click to read.<br />
If you’ve ever considered joining a mom’s group, look no further!<br />
We are located right here in <strong>Hearthstone</strong>! Our group is a great way<br />
to get to know other moms, help children make friends with future<br />
or current classmates and if you are new to the area, give you<br />
insight into the best places to eat, bring the kids, etc. We hope that<br />
you will join us at one of our meetings and/or join us at an event!<br />
Dues are only $30 per year.<br />
Our other activities for the year include pool parties, family parties,<br />
Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, Mom’s Christmas Party and Santa visits<br />
at your home. We are looking into reinstating the Babysitting Swap<br />
for those interested, as well. Contact Jennifer Bratten at Jennifer.<br />
bratten@hotmail.com or 214-674-2411 for more information.<br />
We are looking for great photos to use on the front cover<br />
of your newsletter! Pictures must be high quality (min<br />
300 dpi). No cell phone photos allowed. Email photos<br />
for consideration to lorie@krenekprinting.com with the<br />
name of your subdivision, and any credits that should<br />
be published with your photo (such as a professional<br />
photographer.) Names of children and/or adults shown<br />
on the photo will be included by request only. By<br />
submitting your photo, you are giving permission to use<br />
your photo on the cover or inside your newsletter, as<br />
well as other Krenek Printing publications.<br />
Deadline for submission is the 5th of each month.<br />
The next due date will be <strong>February</strong> 5th for the March<br />
<strong>2017</strong> publications, and March 5th for the April <strong>2017</strong><br />
publications.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 7
If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our<br />
website (www.krenekprinting.com, click submissions and choose Jobseekers) with your name, birthdate (mo. & yr.),<br />
phone number, year you will graduate and the name of your newsletter/subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your<br />
form. Please make sure your email is correct, we send emails in the summer to make sure all the info is still good and that<br />
you want to stay on the list. If we do not hear back from you after 3 tries, we will remove you from the list until we do. Must<br />
have parent(s) permission.<br />
Disclaimer<br />
Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is responsible for those listed on the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and<br />
check out references if you do not personally know those listed. This is just a list of teenagers from the subdivision who wish<br />
to find part time jobs. Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers is between those seeking helpers and the teens<br />
and their parents.<br />
CODE KEY:<br />
- CPR CERT., FAC -<br />
- RED CROSS CERT.,<br />
P - PET CARE ONLY,<br />
H - HOUSE CARE, L -<br />
8 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
School News<br />
Pre-Schools<br />
Copperfield Church’s Weekday Preschool program will begin registering<br />
for the <strong>2017</strong>-2018 school year in <strong>February</strong>. Registration will open to the<br />
general public on Monday, <strong>February</strong> 6 th . For those interested in seeing<br />
the facility, tours will be given at 10:30 AM on <strong>February</strong> 2 nd .<br />
Children ages 12 months through 5 years of age will learn of God’s love<br />
through Bible stories, prayer, Bible activities, arts, crafts, music and<br />
playtime. The 4 and 4/5 year old classes use the ABEKA curriculum and<br />
other sources. You may call us at 281-853-9658 for more information. The<br />
church is located at 8350 Highway 6 North.<br />
Epiphany Lutheran Preschool and School is opening registration<br />
and accepting new students for our <strong>2017</strong>-18 school year beginning<br />
Monday, <strong>February</strong> 13 th . Please call preschool 713-896-1316 or school<br />
713-896-1843 for more information or to schedule a tour. You can<br />
also go to our website at www.epiphanylutheranschool.org for more<br />
information. We are located at 14423 West Rd., Houston 77041.<br />
REGISTRATION FOR <strong>2017</strong>-2018<br />
Bear Creek United Methodist Church School (BCUMCS) has been a<br />
leading preschool in this community for more than 30 years. We offer<br />
a developmentally appropriate program for children in a Christian<br />
environment. Public Registration for BCUMCS will be Wednesday,<br />
<strong>February</strong> 8 th , at 9:15 AM at the school campus (16000 Rippling Water Dr.,<br />
Houston 77084). BCUMCS serves children from Infant/Toddler through<br />
Kindergarten. Options for two day, three day or four day classes are<br />
offered at most age levels. Our Kindergarten class is five days and offers<br />
a special year of magic with small student/teacher ratios, individualized<br />
instruction and many special events and units of study. In addition, we<br />
offer a Transition or Bridge class for children who need an additional<br />
year to grow before entering Kindergarten. Please call the school office<br />
at 281-463-2969 or email BCUMCS at school@bearcreekumc.org for more<br />
information or to schedule a school tour. Additional information can be<br />
found on our website: www.bcumcs.org.<br />
<strong>2017</strong>-2018 Registration<br />
St. Cuthbert Episcopal School’s <strong>2017</strong>-2018 registration will begin on<br />
Tuesday, <strong>February</strong> 7 th at 8 AM and will continue each day during school<br />
hours until all of our classes are filled. We offer 2, 3 or 5 day classes,<br />
including a Bridge/Kindergarten class. St. Cuthbert School enrolls<br />
students ages 18 months through 5 years. School hours are Monday-<br />
Thursday, 9 AM to 2 PM and Friday, 9 AM to 12 noon.<br />
Our Bridge/Kindergarten program is designed for children who are<br />
not quite ready for kindergarten. This class allows children to succeed<br />
at learning with greater ease and confidence, by helping them bridge<br />
academic and developmental gaps. The St. Cuthbert School program<br />
provides a loving, Christian environment offering the children weekly<br />
chapel, as well as music and movement, library and computer classes.<br />
Our curriculum includes Handwriting without Tears, Reading A-Z, Math<br />
and Science. The program is open to all children, regardless of race,<br />
nationality or faith. St. Cuthbert School is accredited by the National<br />
Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC) accredited. For<br />
questions or more information, contact Lynda Houghton or Dana Carr at<br />
281-463-1912 or school@stcuthbert.org.<br />
Cornerstone United Methodist Church Preschool has been serving the<br />
Copperfield area since 1985. Cornerstone is a State Licensed facility<br />
operating five half days a week. We offer programs for children 18<br />
months through five-year-old preschoolers. All children are welcome<br />
regardless of race, sex, religion or nationality. CUMC Preschool will<br />
be offering tours every Wednesday at 10 AM through <strong>February</strong> 8 th .<br />
Join the Preschool directors in the sanctuary where they will answer<br />
questions and discuss our program (curriculum, activities, special<br />
events, schedules, etc.) with interested families in the community.<br />
Families that attend one of our tours can register before our open family<br />
registration. Come and find out how!<br />
Open family registration for those not attending a tour will be held on<br />
Thursday, <strong>February</strong> 9 th at 11 AM in room 106. We are located at 18081<br />
West Road behind CVS at Barker Cypress and West Road. For further<br />
information, please call 281-859-1612.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 9
Private Schools<br />
Texas Christian School Class of 2016, Michael Johnson received a full ride scholarship to Chadron State University where he is a star athlete and student.<br />
Due to his dedication and skill, Michael was named the Eagle of the Week for Chadron State. Chadron wrote that “Johnson had his first career doubledouble<br />
in an Eagle win during Christmas break. The freshman was the key to victory down the stretch, grabbing several defensive rebounds and following<br />
up with free throws to finish with 18 points and 13 rebounds, which were both highs for either team in the game. In the final three minutes, Johnson had<br />
seven of the Eagles’ final 15 points, adding four critical rebounds and one steal during that span.” Texas Christian is proud of the student athlete Michael<br />
has continued to be. Keep shining for the Lord Michael!!! Join us <strong>February</strong> 21 st at 6:30 PM for our Infant-12 th Grade OPEN HOUSE!!!<br />
Congratulations Varsity Cheer for placing 6 th at the TAPPS Cheer Championships in Arlington! Additionally, Kassie Billeck and Kenzie Laird were<br />
awarded 2 nd Team All State. Keelie Laird was awarded 1 st Team All State.<br />
10 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School will host their annual Open<br />
House on Wednesday, <strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2017</strong> for prospective students<br />
and families. Join us between 9 AM-2 PM and 5:30-7:30 PM for guided<br />
tours and registration for the <strong>2017</strong>-2018 school year. St. Elizabeth Ann<br />
Seton Catholic School, TCCED Accredited, serves PreK3-8 th grades. For<br />
more information about our school, please visit www.seascs.org or<br />
call 281-463-1444.<br />
Prospective students are given the chance to experience daily school life<br />
during our Shadow Day. Guests will shadow a current Covenant student<br />
for either half a day (Grades 1-6) or a whole day (Grades 7 and up). Please<br />
join us, we look forward to meeting you! To RSVP or to learn more, please<br />
visit www.covenantacademyhouston.org or call 281-373-2233.<br />
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Cy-Fair ISD<br />
<strong>February</strong> 20 th - Professional Day<br />
The CFISD Mentor Program<br />
is a cooperative effort of<br />
volunteers from businesses,<br />
faith-based and/or nonprofit<br />
organizations, the<br />
community and the school<br />
district designed to encourage<br />
students (elementary through<br />
high school) to finish school<br />
and focus on future education<br />
and career goals. A mentor is a<br />
suitable role model committed<br />
to helping a student with his/<br />
her academic and social<br />
development. Mentors meet with students one-on-one for approximately<br />
30 minutes each week. Currently, over 600 mentors are matched with<br />
students.<br />
To become a mentor, you must attend a training session (REGISTER),<br />
complete a global volunteer/mentor application and consent to a criminal<br />
history record check. Training Sessions - Registration is REQUIRED.<br />
Friday 2/10 Mentor Training 12-1 PM<br />
Thursday 2/23 Mentor Training 9-10 AM<br />
Wednesday 3/8 Mentor Training 12-1 PM<br />
More training sessions will be added throughout the year. If you would like<br />
to schedule mentor training at your place of business, please contact the<br />
Community Engagement department, Leslie Francis, Director of Marketing<br />
and Business Relations at 281-894-3950.<br />
This year’s CFISD Superintendents Fun Run and Festival is scheduled<br />
for <strong>February</strong> 18, <strong>2017</strong>. In 2016, we generated $52,250 for the Cy-Fair<br />
Educational Foundation. If you participated in the 5K, you may view your<br />
race time at www.runhoustontiming.net. Visit the CFISD Facebook page to<br />
view photos from the Third Annual Superintendent’s Fun Run!<br />
Delmy Hernandez<br />
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<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 11
Scouts<br />
Troop 113042<br />
Service Project Baskets<br />
Our Community holiday service project for Cypress Assistance Ministries<br />
provided over 70 baking baskets, 150 handmade holiday cards and 12 bags of<br />
gently used toys, 6 bags of new toys and stocking stuffers and 5 bags of candy<br />
to some of our less fortunate neighbors. Junior troop 16465 collected items for<br />
Operation Christmas ShoeBox. They also collected and delivered donated items<br />
for the library and craft room at Texas Children’s Hospital. Brownie troop 113042<br />
continued the Girl Scout tradition of making new friends when they visited Park<br />
Manor at Cy-Fair. The girls made Christmas ornaments and played bingo with<br />
the nursing home residents.<br />
The annual Girl Scout Cookie sale began on <strong>February</strong> 7 th . We are celebrating 100<br />
years of cookie sales in <strong>2017</strong>. Way back in 1917, Girl Scouts of the Mistletoe troop<br />
in Muskogee, Oklahoma, baked and sold cookies to support service projects in<br />
the first known cookie sale. Cookie sales today fund individual troop activities, as<br />
well as supporting Council camps and programs. Girl Scouts who sell Girl Scout<br />
Cookies are also developing the 5 skills of: goal setting, decision making, money<br />
management, people skills and business ethics. These are skills that will last a<br />
life time and lead to future success. Don’t miss trying our new S’mores cookie! It<br />
starts with a crispy graham cookie which is double dipped in crème icing and a<br />
chocolatey coating. Yummy! Of course, so are all the OTHER great cookies!
Haven’t heard from any Girl Scouts yet? Cookie<br />
booth sales will begin on <strong>February</strong> 17 th at<br />
area businesses. We appreciate the support<br />
of our families, friends and neighbors. Thank<br />
you for buying Girl Scout Cookies!<br />
<strong>February</strong> 22 nd is World Thinking Day, when<br />
we celebrate the birthdays of Lord and Lady<br />
Baden Powell and think of the international<br />
Scouting movement. At our Thinking<br />
Day event, troops will represent different<br />
countries, with food, activities, games,<br />
costumes and more. Ireland, Madagascar,<br />
Australia, Vietnam and Japan are already<br />
stops on this world tour! Troops will also<br />
be bringing their donations of coins for the<br />
Juliette Low World Friendship Fund.<br />
Girl Scouts are busy, active girls. Girl Scouts<br />
builds girls of courage, confidence and<br />
character who make the world a better place.<br />
Girl Scouting is open to all girls ages 5 (must<br />
be in kindergarten) through 18 who are<br />
willing to accept the Girl Scout Promise and<br />
Law. Girls may join at any age and no previous<br />
Scouting experience is required.<br />
Copper Creek Meadows Community<br />
serves girls in the residence areas for the<br />
elementary schools listed below, as well as<br />
the corresponding middle and high schools.<br />
Home schooled and private school students<br />
are always welcome. Our elementary<br />
schools are: Birkes, Fiest, Hairgrove, Horne,<br />
Kirk, Lee, Lieder, Lowery, Metcalf, Owens,<br />
Tipps, Wilson, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,<br />
Texas Christian School and Christian Life<br />
Center. For more information on Copper<br />
Creek Meadows Community, please contact<br />
coppercreekmeadowsgirlscouts@gmail.com.<br />
The website for Girl Scouts of San Jacinto<br />
Council is www.gssjc.org. The Council phone<br />
number is 713-292-0300.<br />
Boy Scout Troop 10 meets every Tuesday<br />
night during the school year at the West<br />
Houston Church of Christ on West Road and<br />
Queenston. Our meetings begin at 7 PM. We<br />
spend our time working on merit badges,<br />
planning for our monthly camp outs and<br />
having fun!! Now is the perfect time to join<br />
us and get started on this fabulous journey! If<br />
you have a son in the 6 th grade or higher that<br />
would like to join in the fun and adventure<br />
please contact us. Our website is www.<br />
troopwebhost.org/Troop10Houston and our<br />
email is Troop10Houston@gmail.com.<br />
For 100 years, Scouting programs have<br />
instilled in youth the values found in the Scout<br />
Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are<br />
just as relevant in helping youth grow to their<br />
full potential as they were in 1910. Scouting<br />
helps youth develop academic skills, selfconfidence,<br />
ethics, leadership skills, outdoor<br />
skills and citizenship skills that influence their<br />
adult lives.<br />
The Boy Scouts of America provides youth<br />
with programs and activities that allow<br />
them to:<br />
• Try new things.<br />
• Provide service to others.<br />
• Build self-confidence.<br />
• Reinforce ethical standards.<br />
Scouting provides youth with a sense that they<br />
are important as individuals while promoting<br />
activities that lead to personal responsibility<br />
and high self-esteem. As a result, when hard<br />
decisions have to be made, peer pressure can<br />
be resisted and the right choices can be made.<br />
Scouting provides a rewarding experience<br />
for boys ages 5 to 21. Scouting through the<br />
local Packs and Troops teach outdoor and life<br />
skills which help our youth Be Prepared. Your<br />
area is serviced by the BSA Sam Houston Area<br />
Counsel - Copperhead District which includes<br />
23 Cub Scout Packs (boys 5 to 10 years old), 13<br />
Troops (boys from 11 to 18 years old) and 10<br />
Venturing units (boys and girls from 14 to 21).<br />
Our Units typically meet weekly.<br />
Many of our units are supported by the<br />
local Elementary Schools including: Birkes,<br />
Copeland, Duryea, Fiest, Hemmingway,<br />
Holmsley, Horne, Jowell, Lowery, Metcalf,<br />
Owens, Postma, Robinson, Sheridan, Tipps,<br />
Walker and Wilson.<br />
Other Community groups include: Autumn<br />
Creek Baptist Church, Beck and Masten<br />
Automotive, Cornerstone United Methodist<br />
Church, Copperfield Church, Crossbridge<br />
Church, Cy-Fair Kiwanis Club, Deerfield Village<br />
HOA, LDS Bear Creek and Copperfield Wards,<br />
Middlegate Village HOA, Peace Community<br />
Church, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic<br />
Church and Thornton Middle School.<br />
Please contact Angelita Guerrero,<br />
Copperhead District Executive (713-756-3389<br />
or email angelita.guerrero@scouting.org) or<br />
to go www.copperhead.shac.org to find join a<br />
Scouting unit near you.<br />
Boy Scouts of America Troop 573 is chartered<br />
through Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church<br />
and meets every Wednesday at 7:30 PM<br />
in the Church Community Center at 11507<br />
Huffmeister Rd. Guests are always welcome<br />
to visit and attend our Troop Meetings.<br />
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the<br />
nation’s largest and most prominent valuesbased<br />
youth development organizations. The<br />
BSA provides a program for young people<br />
that builds character, trains them in the<br />
responsibilities of participating citizenship and<br />
develops personal fitness. Troop 573 is lead by<br />
our Youth Scouts with support from our Adult<br />
Volunteers. In addition to the weekly meetings,<br />
the Scouts in Troop 573 plan and organize<br />
monthly camping trips that focus on a variety of<br />
activities including hiking, fishing, swimming,<br />
canoeing, horseback riding and more.<br />
Troop 573 also provides support for the Cy-<br />
Fair Community by participating in Service<br />
Projects that are organized and executed<br />
by Scouts earning their Eagle Rank. Troop<br />
573’s focus on the Scout has led to a long<br />
list of Eagle Scouts that have found success<br />
in education and careers thanks to their<br />
dedication the Scout Oath and to help people<br />
at all times.<br />
You can learn more about BSA Troop 573<br />
by attending our Troop Meetings, online at<br />
www.troopmasterweb5.com/075636T or on<br />
Facebook at facebook.com/BSATroop573.<br />
Cub Scouts is a fun way to teach boys about<br />
character, respect, responsibility and many<br />
other traits. Pack 164 is a Christian, home<br />
school Cub Scout Pack that services the<br />
Greater West Houston/Katy area. Pack 164<br />
promotes service to God, to country and to<br />
others. If you are interested and your son is in<br />
1 st through 5 th grade, please contact Jack M.<br />
Jones at 281-558-5722.
Sports<br />
Attention parents with boys and girls<br />
between the ages of 3-14! Are you ready<br />
to have some fun playing the sport you<br />
love? N Zone Sports is now registering<br />
for Flag Football, Soccer and Cheer.<br />
The league will meet at Smith Middle<br />
School. Space is limited to the first<br />
200 in each sport, please visit www.<br />
nzonesports.com/cypress to register.<br />
We believe that sports should be FUN!<br />
We make competitive sports fun to the<br />
“Nth” degree. For more information,<br />
please call 832-529-4103 or visit www.<br />
nzonesports.com/cypress.<br />
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The Northwest Flyers Youth Track Club will celebrate its 30 th Anniversary Season by hosting its annual free<br />
Registration/Orientation breakfast on Saturday, <strong>February</strong> 4, <strong>2017</strong>, for all boys and girls who are interested<br />
in joining for the <strong>2017</strong> track season. The breakfast starts promptly at 8:30 AM at the Cypress Creek Christian<br />
Community Center Forum located at 6823 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, TX, 77379. The event is an opportunity<br />
for youth athletes to register for the <strong>2017</strong> spring/summer track season and to meet the Northwest Flyers<br />
coaches, staff and other new and returning athletes. The event will be highlighted by a special presentation<br />
from a member of the USA Track &Field Olympic organization (USATF). All athletes and parents who wish to<br />
join the Northwest Flyers must attend the orientation.<br />
The Northwest Flyers Track Club is a youth (ages 6 -18) track club, affiliated with USA Track & Field (USATF),<br />
that provides a full program of sanctioned “track” events such as sprints, hurdles, middle distance, distance<br />
and relays and sanctioned “field” events such as long jump, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, shot put,<br />
discus and javelin. For additional information on the Northwest Flyers Track Club, please visit the team<br />
website at www.northwestflyers.org; contact Linette Roach at linette.roach@sbcglobal.net or “Like” the club<br />
on Facebook.<br />
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14 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
CyFair/Magnolia/Tomball/Spring/Klein<br />
Registration for Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer (FFPS) is open for boys and girls<br />
ages 4 to 18 for the SPRING Season. Games start on April 8, <strong>2017</strong>. FFPS is<br />
a non-profit youth soccer program dedicated to providing a positive youth<br />
sports experience for all children. Founded in 1986 in Katy, Texas, FFPS has<br />
grown to 22 leagues and 16,000 players throughout the Greater Houston<br />
area. FFPS offers children a fun and fair experience, including one practice<br />
per week, a full uniform and trophy for every player, equal playing time<br />
and play every position, co-ed/balanced teams, positive coaching and<br />
more. No tryouts are required.<br />
Online Registration schedule and fees (sign up early and save):<br />
Jan. 11 th through Feb. 6 th : $107<br />
Feb. 11 th through Mar. 2 nd : $112<br />
Mar. 3 rd through Mar. 23 rd : $117<br />
Mar. 24 th through Full: $122<br />
Go to www.FFPS.org to sign up. Registration fee includes a full uniform<br />
(jersey, shorts and socks), trophy, trained positive coaches, nice fields and<br />
background checks on all volunteers. Coaches will call players to schedule<br />
practice by April 4 th . Practice times and location will be determined by<br />
the coach and team. The schedule includes eight games, played locally<br />
on Saturdays, April 8 th to May 27 th . Our Cy-Fair North league plays at<br />
Matzke Elementary (13102 Jones Rd.). Our Cy-Fair South league plays at<br />
Cook Middle School (9111 Wheatland Dr.). Our Cy-Fair West league plays<br />
at Horne Elementary (14950 W Little York). Our Tomball League plays at<br />
Tomball Alternative Education Center (1302 Keefer Road). Our Magnolia<br />
League pays at Magnolia Elementary (31900 Nichols Sawmill Road) Our<br />
Spring/Klein League plays at Wells Middle School (4033 Gladeridge Dr.).<br />
For more information, map of all locations or to sign up, visit www.FFPS.<br />
org or call 1-800-828-PLAY (7529).<br />
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One Team, One Dream, It’s the Dawn of a New Era… A Team will Rise! Come<br />
be a part of champions in the making swimming their way to success. Get<br />
a jump start on summer swim league, increase fitness and skill levels<br />
for competition and have fun. Programs available from the beginner<br />
future stars to full competitive and swimming primarily at Cy-Lakes High<br />
School in the evenings. Call or text 713-419-0716 or email poseidon@<br />
clubtridentaquatics.com to set up a time for an in water evaluation<br />
session. Check out www.clubtridentaquatics.com for more details or like<br />
us on Facebook at clubtridentaquatics.<br />
NOW OPEN FOR SPRING <strong>2017</strong><br />
The Junior Hurricanes Soccer League (JHSL) is led by professional United<br />
States Soccer Federation (USSF) licensed staff and is designed for boys & girls<br />
who want to play and have fun in a safe and developmentally appropriate<br />
environment. The JHSL program is being offered at multiple locations and<br />
in conjunction with CFSA at the Schiel Road Complex. To learn more about<br />
each location and to register please visit www.albionhurricanes.org. Email<br />
us at jhsl@albionhurricanes.org for more information or questions.<br />
A new ladies golf group is now forming at Cypress Lakes Golf Club. No<br />
handicaps required. This will be a casual ladies golf outing to improve your<br />
game and make some new friends. Play will be on Thursday mornings at<br />
9. For information please email ladiesgolf4fun@gmail.com or call Cypress<br />
Lakes Golf Club at 281-304-8515.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 15
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Houston Shooting Stars welcomes ladies, men and<br />
youth to join in, play and learn netball, Tuesday nights<br />
at The British School of Houston. We are also looking<br />
for interested players, adults and youth to play in a<br />
new Katy Netball club. No experience necessary. For<br />
more information, go to our facebook page, Houston<br />
Shooting Stars Netball Club or www.netballamerica.<br />
com or contact houstonnetball@netballamerica.com<br />
for further information.<br />
Cy-Fair Sports Association is having registration for<br />
baseball, football, cheerleading and soccer. Please see our<br />
website for more information www.cy-fairsports.org.<br />
Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new<br />
members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday<br />
morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is<br />
to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and<br />
have fun while improving golfing skills. For more<br />
information, contact Sue Crookson at 281-392-4913<br />
scrookson@houston.rr.com or Yana Dommert at 281-<br />
394-2481 yana@entouch.net.<br />
Cypress Running Club is based in Coles Crossing,<br />
just north of 290 off of Barker Cypress. We welcome<br />
runners of all abilities. We offer a Couch-to-5k training<br />
plan for those new to running, as well as training<br />
plans for half and full marathons. Come meet lots of<br />
other Cypress residents and find some new running<br />
buddies. Distance runs are on Saturday mornings<br />
and start at Sampson Elementary, right off of Coles<br />
Crossing Dr. For more information and to sign up,<br />
please visit http://cypressrunningclub.com and find<br />
us on Facebook.<br />
Church News & Events<br />
14423 West Road, 713-896-1773<br />
www.elcsh.org<br />
Epiphany Lutheran Church is hosting a Valentine’s Parents Night Out on Friday, <strong>February</strong><br />
10 th , 6:30-10 PM for children ages 3 years old (must be potty-trained) through 5 th grade. The<br />
children will eat dinner, play games, create valentine crafts and watch a movie. You can<br />
register online at www.elcsh.org on the Children’s Ministry page. Registration is only $15 per<br />
child and is open through Thursday, <strong>February</strong> 9 th . Celebrate Valentine’s Day while we watch<br />
your kids! For more information, contact Beth Hixon, Director of Children’s Ministry.<br />
Take a break from cooking dinner on Tuesday, <strong>February</strong> 28 th ! Join us at Epiphany Lutheran<br />
Church for our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. Dinner is served from 5-7 PM. Enjoy<br />
some Mardi Gras music while you eat dinner! Children will create an Alleluia Banner, Mardi-Gras<br />
masks and Crowns and end the evening with a Parade and sing-a-long as we bury our Alleluias<br />
in preparation for Lent. Shrove Tuesday is a day of celebration as well as penitence, because<br />
it’s the last day before Lent. Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday<br />
came about as the last chance to indulge yourself and to use up the foods that weren’t allowed<br />
in Lent. Giving up foods: but not wasting them. In the old days there were many foods that<br />
observant Christians would not eat during Lent: foods such as meat and fish, fats, eggs and<br />
milky foods. So that no food was wasted, families would have a feast on the shriving Tuesday<br />
and eat up all the foods that wouldn’t last the forty days of Lent without spoiling. The need<br />
to eat up the fats gave rise to the French name Mardi Gras; meaning fat Tuesday. Pancakes<br />
became associated with Shrove Tuesday as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats<br />
and milk in the house with just the addition of flour.<br />
17020 West Road • www.stcuthbert.org<br />
You are invited to St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on<br />
<strong>February</strong> 28 th from 5:30-7 PM. We will eat pancakes and play bingo! Shrove Tuesday<br />
originated during the Middle Ages. Food items like meats, fats, eggs, milk and fish were<br />
regarded as restricted during Lent. To keep such food from being wasted, many families<br />
would have big feasts on Shrove Tuesday. The English tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove<br />
16 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
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Tuesday came about as a way to use as much milk, fats and eggs as<br />
possible before Ash Wednesday began. In France, the consumption<br />
of all fats and fatty foods on this day coined the name “Fat Tuesday”<br />
or Mardi Gras.<br />
You are also invited to the Ash Wednesday services at St. Cuthbert<br />
Episcopal church on March 1 st at 6:30 AM, 4:30 PM and 7 PM. All<br />
services have Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes. The<br />
4:30 PM service is designed for children and their families. Ash<br />
Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, which is<br />
dedicated to reflection, prayer and fasting in preparation for Easter.<br />
Lenten Study: Forty Days in the Force<br />
Join St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church on Wednesday nights March 8 th<br />
through April 5 th , from 6:30-7:30 PM for our Lenten series, Forty Days<br />
in the Force. All ages are invited to participate. We will explore the<br />
many spiritual themes that weave throughout the Star Wars films.<br />
From the Force to the dark side, the issues presented in the films<br />
have a moral and spiritual complexity that, if paid attention to, can<br />
help us better understand our place in the world and our relation<br />
to others and to God. Through Forty Days in the Force we hope to<br />
see the challenges and victories in our everyday Christian life. There<br />
will always be a teacher and a student and there will always be evil,<br />
but thanks to God and his Son, there will always be good and we<br />
will always have a purpose. Nursery will be provided for infants<br />
and toddlers. Star Wars activities will be provided for preschoolers.<br />
Those ages 6 through 106 will explore the force together.<br />
All men, especially those of Nigerian heritage, are invited to<br />
the MEN, INC (Men in Christ) group. MEN, INC is geared towards<br />
reigniting the physical and spiritual leadership roles young men<br />
play in their families and communities. This group will have their<br />
inaugural meeting on Saturday, <strong>February</strong> 4 th from 10 AM-12 noon.<br />
They will meet on the first Saturday of every month over brunch,<br />
using structured studies and discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.<br />
Please contact Sally Mahon at sally@stcuthbert.org or 281-463-<br />
7330 for more information and location.<br />
The Family of Faith Lutheran Church, 16710 FM 529 Road, Houston, Texas<br />
77095. For more information, please call the church office at 281-855-2950. You<br />
may also visit our website at www.tfof.org.<br />
AFTER SCHOOL CARE CLUB FOF, a Before & After School Program, is a ministry<br />
of Church and Preschool providing before/after school care for ages K-6 th grade.<br />
CFISD bus service to those in the Holmsley Elementary School attendance zone.<br />
Hours available are 6:30 AM to bus pick up time and again from bus drop off to<br />
6:30 PM. Upon arrival, After-School Children recite the Lord’s Prayer and ask<br />
God’s blessings before their afternoon snack provided by Club FOF. For those<br />
who wish to do their homework after school, study time is provided in the<br />
homework room. Children also have outdoor play in our spacious playground,<br />
as well as indoor activities in our full sized gym. Secured clock in/out system for<br />
safety. Now enrolling for spring.<br />
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
Lifepath Church is now enrolling for Club T3, our After-School Program for<br />
grades K-5 th . Club T3 will be every Mon-Fri, 4-6 PM, following the CyFair School<br />
District Calendar. This is a Faith based program designed to Train, Teach and<br />
Tutor students with academic enrichment opportunities that include tutoring,<br />
daily devotions, reading clubs, running, b-ball, dance, music, gardening,<br />
providing healthy snacks and much more. Cost is $40 a month (subsidized by<br />
our Mission’s Ministry). Register online at www.lifepathhouston.com/afterschool-programs.<br />
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
Neighbors of the community gather to meet and greet, share in the word and<br />
fellowship Wednesdays at 7 PM at the Richard & Meg Weekly Community Center<br />
8440 Greenhouse Rd. Visit www.cypresstxchurch.org or call 713-302-7325 for<br />
more information.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 17
18081 West Road, 281-859-4141, cornerstoneumc.org<br />
Cornerstone United Methodist Church is located at 18081 West Rd.,<br />
Houston, 77095. You’ll find us behind CVS and ASI Gymnastics! Questions?<br />
Contact Erica Knight at family@cornerstoneumc.org or call the church<br />
office at 281-859-4141.<br />
Cornerstone will once again be offering their “Cover-to-Cover: Read the<br />
Bible in a Year” Bible study. This will be the second year for the church to<br />
offer this study designed to read and study the Holy Bible from Genesis<br />
1 to Revelation 22 in a year. The class will meet at 5 PM every Sunday<br />
evening continuing through August <strong>2017</strong>. A nursery is provided at no<br />
cost. Week-to-week drop-ins are welcome and the weekly readings will be<br />
published in the weekly Sunday bulletin, the monthly church newsletter<br />
and weekly on the church’s Facebook page. Those completing the study<br />
will receive a certification of completion and a recognition pin for their<br />
achievement. Everyone is invited to attend.<br />
The women’s group will begin a bible study, A Compassionate Call To<br />
Counter Culture. We live in days marked by a rapidly changing moral<br />
landscape. Debates rage. Emotions run high. But the stakes are even higher<br />
than we might think. What if the real issue is the glory of God? How are we<br />
to respond? In this small group Bible study, best selling author David Platt<br />
calls the church to a contrite, compassionate and courageous response to<br />
the most controversial issues in our culture.<br />
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Follow me on Angie’s List<br />
e<br />
y<br />
This is a 6-week study and will cover the subjects of: Culture; Wealth;<br />
Human Life; Sexuality; Race and Faith. Please join us on Tuesday<br />
mornings at 9:30 AM, at Christ Covenant Church, 17000 Longenbaugh,<br />
Houston, TX, 77095, 281-463-6600. To register for the series, please go to<br />
www.christcov.net.<br />
BIBLE STUDY: Each Sunday morning at 8:30 AM and 11 AM, adult students<br />
of the Bible investigate a new book of the Bible. All are invited.<br />
THE EARLY BIRD BIBLE STUDY - The community is invited to join every<br />
Wednesday morning at 6:30 AM at Panera Bread (at 6 and FM 529).<br />
The Tuesday Evening Ladies’ Bible Study at Living Word Lutheran Church<br />
is informal, but with an emphasis on the Word of God. We invite you to<br />
join us. Weekly attendance is not mandatory. Come with your Bible when<br />
you are able to and please invite your friends and neighbors for some<br />
great study, sharing and fellowship. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 PM<br />
on Tuesday evenings in the Micah Room in the Administrative Building.<br />
Living Word is located at 3700 S Mason Road in Katy (the corner of Mason<br />
Road and Westheimer Parkway).<br />
A private Facebook page will be used to communicate information and<br />
facilitate discussion. If you would like to be added to the group, please<br />
email Selina at selinapon@gmail.com with your preferred email and<br />
phone number.<br />
Located at 17020 West Road, Houston, 77095, at the corner of West Road<br />
and Queenston. Website at stcuthbert.org.<br />
ST. C SENIORS - The St. C Seniors are a great group of fun loving people!<br />
The group meets for Bible study and good-natured discussion every<br />
Thursday afternoon at 1 PM at the church. All are welcome; you don’t<br />
have to be a senior citizen to attend.<br />
18 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
MORNINGS - Christian Formation classes for<br />
children, youth and adults at St. Cuthbert<br />
Episcopal Church are held every Sunday<br />
morning from 9:10-10 AM. The Nursery is<br />
open from 7:50 AM-12:30 PM.<br />
Adults: John: The Gospel of Light and Life<br />
- During the season of Lent, the adults will<br />
explore The Gospel of John. This gospel is<br />
filled with rich images and profound truths,<br />
but John notes that his aim in writing the<br />
gospel is that readers will not only believe in<br />
Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in<br />
his name.”<br />
Youth: Current Events - The Youth class,<br />
grades 6 through 12, connects world events<br />
with the Bible, faith and everyday life. They<br />
examine relevant faith and life issues using the<br />
latest music, movies, news and current events.<br />
Older Children: Building Faith Brick by<br />
Brick - Those in third through fifth grades<br />
learn the same lessons as the younger<br />
children, then will re-create the Bible stories<br />
using Legos.<br />
Younger Children: Activate Faith - Children,<br />
ages three through second grade, engage<br />
in a program called Activate Faith. This is a<br />
comprehensive, Bible-based program.<br />
GAME DAY - The first Friday of the month - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM<br />
BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday - 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM<br />
DAY TRIPS - Monthly - Schedule differs. For more info., www.copperfieldchurch.com or call 281-856-2273.<br />
WALKING GROUP (aka Holy Strollers) - 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.<br />
Come join our group! We are an active, fun-loving bunch. Once you come for a visit and get to know<br />
us, you’ll want to be a part of our Senior Adult Group. You do not have to be a member of Copperfield<br />
Church to be a part of our Senior Adult Group.<br />
Did you know that on the second Friday of each month Bear Creek United Methodist Church<br />
provides a caring, Christian atmosphere for your loved one? The program, scheduled from 10 AM to<br />
1:30 PM. This gathering provides free time for caregivers and includes crafts, chair exercises, word<br />
games, entertainment, lunch and more. Caregivers are also welcome to stay and join the fun. For<br />
more information or to register, please call the church office at 281-463-2330. Bear Creek United<br />
Methodist Church is located at 16000 Rippling Water Drive, near North Hwy. 6 and Kieth Harrow.<br />
Epiphany Bingo has been conducting bingo games on the west side since <strong>February</strong> 14, 1986. Epiphany<br />
conducts their bingo games every Friday night except holidays. THERE IS NO SMOKING ALLOWED<br />
DURING ALL BINGO GAMES. They have a jackpot game of $750. Maximum prize giveaways of $2,500,<br />
allowed by law, are given away every Bingo Night! They have security, lighted parking, big screen<br />
color monitor, computerized bingo equipment, snack bar and large cash prizes. Profits are used for<br />
charitable outreach programs, building expansion, and payment towards debt. Epiphany Catholic<br />
Church conducts its bingo games at the Church Community Center, 1530 Norwalk Dr. (between Fry<br />
and Mason Roads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision) off Highland Knolls every Friday<br />
night. Early bird games begin at 7:30 PM and regular games at 8:00 PM. For more information, call<br />
the bingo hall number 281-578-3905. During Bingo nights, you may also call the Community Center<br />
number, 281-578-5078. Come, have some fun, bring your friends and neighbors, win some money and<br />
make some new friends.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 19
Community<br />
Events<br />
Runs & Walks<br />
Are you a runner who enjoys family-friendly races? Are you an alumnus of<br />
a parochial school? Do your children, grandchildren or children of friends<br />
attend a parochial school? Do you like to have fun with 10,000+ plus<br />
people? If you answered yes to any of these questions or even if you didn’t,<br />
the <strong>2017</strong> Steps for Students 5k Race/Walk is for you. Steps for Students<br />
is a 5k USA Track and Field Association sanctioned race which benefits<br />
Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Held every<br />
year in <strong>February</strong>, Steps for Students has grown to include over 10,000<br />
participants, filling the streets around the Co-Cathedral with runners,<br />
walkers, families, kids and adults. Each Catholic school in the Archdiocese<br />
has its own team which you can join or donate to. Race Day begins with a<br />
sunrise Mass at the Co-Cathedral followed by the race itself. In <strong>2017</strong>, the<br />
race will take a new, East-West direction under I69, but it will still begin<br />
and end at the Co-Cathedral. Afterward, you can enjoy the Post Race Party<br />
in the nearby Race Day Village. All donations and registration fees (minus<br />
a $3 fee) go directly to your designated school, where they can be used<br />
to help fund scholarships, improve<br />
the campus, add to the educational<br />
experience of the students or whatever<br />
is needed or desired. If running and<br />
getting up early is not your thing, there<br />
is even a Snooze option. You can also<br />
sponsor your favorite runner or school<br />
by simply making a donation.<br />
The date for the <strong>2017</strong> Steps for<br />
Students 5k Race/Walk is Saturday,<br />
<strong>February</strong> 18, <strong>2017</strong>. The sunrise Mass<br />
begins at 6:30 AM with the race itself beginning at 8 AM. Registration is<br />
currently underway, but the last day to register at the low price of $15<br />
(which includes a t-shirt) is <strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2017</strong>. After that, registration<br />
increases to $25, so register early. Steps for Students is a great way to<br />
get out, get some exercise, see our beautiful city with your own eyes and<br />
make some new friends, all the while supporting Catholic education and<br />
the wonderful opportunities it provides to students of all backgrounds<br />
and faiths. For more information about Steps for Students go to http://<br />
steps4students.org/. To register directly for the race, go to http://<br />
steps4students.racepartner.com/Fundraising16.<br />
Volunteers have been planning this year’s “Running for Hearts” annual 5K<br />
Family Fun Run and Walk. This fun-filled event will take place on March 25,<br />
<strong>2017</strong> and features a timed 5K trail run, a one mile family fun walk (strollers<br />
welcome), children’s activities, local vendors and more. Participants<br />
will receive a swag bag, a race day t-shirt and are invited to an after-race<br />
celebration featuring a DJ, food and a few surprises. Prizes for participants<br />
include race winners and fund raising winners.<br />
Northside Christian Church (20250 Kuykendahl in Spring) is hosting<br />
this year’s fundraiser, with proceeds going to support Shield Bearer<br />
Counseling Centers. Registration is available at shieldbearer.org/5K. Prerace<br />
day entrance fees are $25 per participant. Children under 13 are $10.<br />
Vendor and sponsor opportunities are available by contacting events@<br />
shieldbearer.org or calling 281-894-7222.<br />
For more information about Shield Bearer, a Houston based non-profit<br />
and lead agency in the movement to strengthen individuals, couples<br />
and families, visit shieldbearer.org, call 281-894-7222 or attend a free<br />
Community Breakfast on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 AM at 12340<br />
Jones Rd, Ste 290 in Houston.<br />
20 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Fundraisers<br />
On <strong>February</strong> 11, <strong>2017</strong>, the Cy-Fair Educational Foundation (CFEF) will<br />
hold its 9 th Annual Salute to Our Heroes Gala at the Omni Hotel Houston<br />
at Westside. For the 2 nd year in a row, Joe Myers Ford Lincoln has<br />
generously underwritten this gala that honors the brave men and women<br />
who have served to protect our freedom and liberty. Cypress Fairbanks<br />
Medical Center Hospital has been a Major General Sponsor for Salute to<br />
Our Heroes since 2011. This year’s Brigadier General Sponsors include<br />
Hightower Electric Company, Memorial Hermann Cypress, North Cypress<br />
Medical Center and Station & Ayers Insurance Services & Consulting. The<br />
evening will include a Missing Man Table and Honors Ceremony to honor<br />
our missing loved ones (or missing comrades in arms, for veterans) and<br />
entertainment by the Aggienizers, Barber Shop Quartet from Texas A&M’s<br />
Singing Cadets.<br />
CFEF was established in 1970 as a non-profit to raise money to fund a<br />
scholarship for high school graduates in the area. Over the past 46 years,<br />
the Foundation has grown tremendously through the efforts of the Board<br />
of Trustees and the generosity of the Cy-Fair Community. The Foundation<br />
has awarded more than $7 million in scholarships to 1,400 graduating<br />
seniors. CFEF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all contributions are tax<br />
deductible, as allowed by the law.<br />
Sponsorships and tickets are available for Salute to Our Heroes. Tickets:<br />
$100 individual; $50 veterans. For more information please contact<br />
marie@thecfef.org or visit our website at www.TheCFEF.org.<br />
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<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 21
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<strong>February</strong> 25, <strong>2017</strong><br />
The Ballard House is a non-profit that provides a “home away from home”<br />
for patients and their families who have traveled to the Houston area<br />
to receive treatment for a life threatening illness. Most of our guests are<br />
battling cancer or are waiting or recovering from a transplant. We don’t<br />
charge the families anything, nor do we take government or insurance<br />
funding, only private donations. Therefore, we hold fundraisers to<br />
support our mission. On <strong>February</strong> 25, <strong>2017</strong>, we’re having a Sporting Clays<br />
Tournament at Westside Sporting Grounds. If you’d like more information<br />
on The Ballard House, you can visit our website: www.theballardhouse.org.<br />
Annual Community<br />
JOB FAIR<br />
Lone Star College CyFair<br />
Conference Center<br />
9191 Barker Cypress Road<br />
Cypress, TX 77433<br />
Free Event<br />
To sign up, visit:<br />
https://annualcommunityjobfair.event<br />
brite.com<br />
Hosted By<br />
The Word of God Christian<br />
Fellowship Church<br />
&<br />
Workforce Solutions<br />
Blood Drive<br />
St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church will be hosting a Blood Drive on Sunday,<br />
<strong>February</strong> 12 th beginning at 8:30 AM. A mobile unit will be in the parking<br />
lot until 12:30 PM. To donate, you must be a least 17 years of age, at least<br />
110 lbs. and in good general health. In our previous blood drive we had<br />
20 donors, some of them first timers. That means 60 lives were saved! It<br />
only takes about 15 minutes, so please stop by. Save a life - donate blood.<br />
St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road (at Queenston). For more<br />
information, visit us at www.st.cuthbert.org.<br />
Theatre, Arts & Music<br />
10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070<br />
January 27 th -<strong>February</strong> 19 th : “The Odd Couple” by Neil Simon<br />
Stageworks Theatre is located at 10760 Grant Road, Houston, Texas<br />
77070. Website: www.stageworkshouston.org.<br />
All Shows at Studio 101, 1824 Spring Street #101, Houston TX 77007<br />
THE JOHNS by: Mary Bonnett<br />
<strong>February</strong> 2 nd -4 th : 8 PM<br />
MORE INFO/RESERVATIONS: www.mildredsumbrella.com, info@<br />
mildredsumbrella.coM or 832-463-0409.<br />
Led by new Artistic Director Dr. Kevin Klotz, The Houston Choral Society<br />
announces its vibrant and engaging 2016-<strong>2017</strong> season.<br />
• Americana: Saturday, March 11 th , 7:30 PM<br />
• Music Fit for a King: Saturday, May 6 th , 7:30 PM<br />
Season tickets are available online at www.houstonchoral.org. The<br />
Houston Choral Society performs at The Foundry United Methodist Church,<br />
located in northwest Houston at 8350 Jones Road, Houston, TX 77065 with<br />
easy access from Highway 290. For general or audition information, please<br />
visit the HCS website at www.houstonchoral.org.<br />
22 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Misc. Events<br />
When: Tuesday, <strong>February</strong> 7, <strong>2017</strong>, 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Fee: $30 (For material cost)<br />
Location: 13311 Hargrave Rd., Houston, TX 77070<br />
Cathy will show you how to design a flower arrangement for you or that<br />
special someone, just in time for Valentine’s Day. RSVP by <strong>February</strong> 6 th :<br />
832-416-1003 or diver40@msn.com.<br />
This program is held on the second Saturday of each month at the<br />
Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary. Arrive anytime between 9 and 11:30<br />
AM. The program ends at 12 noon. A guided nature walk will begin at 10<br />
AM. No reservations required. Donations are encouraged. This is a “whole<br />
family” program; parents or other adult guardians should participate with<br />
their children. Upcoming programs include <strong>February</strong> program on Meet<br />
Edith(Noah the Pig).<br />
The Titmouse Club is a nature program for children ages 2 ½ to 5 sponsored<br />
by the Houston Audubon Docent Guild. The program is offered every<br />
Tuesday and Wednesday morning, 10 to 11 AM, from mid-September<br />
until mid-May at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary, 440 Wilchester<br />
Boulevard. Each week features a different nature theme and may include<br />
nature talks, stories, hands-on activities and walks in the woods. For more<br />
information, go to www.houstonaudubon.org and look under Audubon<br />
Docents. The cost is $5 per child per session or a 5-session card can be<br />
purchased for $20. The child must be accompanied by an adult during the<br />
program. Upcoming programs include:<br />
<strong>February</strong> 7 th & 8 th : Down in the Dirt<br />
<strong>February</strong> 14 th & 15 th : Animal Valentines<br />
<strong>February</strong> 21 st & 22 nd : What Do Animals Eat?<br />
Nature Explorers Club is designed for school-age children (ages 6-10, K-5 th )<br />
who are interested in investigating the natural world. Each month we will<br />
explore a different ecology topic, focusing on our own native plants and<br />
animals. We will make a craft to take home, go on a nature hike, dip-net<br />
for fish and tadpoles in the ponds and get to know the plants and animals<br />
of the Bayou City! Fee/reservations are required. Reserve your child’s spot<br />
at www.houstonaudubon.org. For more information contact Bethany<br />
Foshee, Docent Programs Coordinator, bfoshee@houstonaudubon.org or<br />
713-464-4900.<br />
®<br />
Upcoming programs include:<br />
<strong>February</strong> 16 th : Wildlife Valentines<br />
We Make Your Home Beautiful<br />
Houston Audubon Docent Guild sponsors 4 owl prowls for the 2016-17<br />
season. Owl prowls begin with a lively program on owls including an<br />
opportunity to meet live, rehabilitated owls followed by a walk in the<br />
woods in search of wild owls. For more information, to reserve and pay<br />
online go to www.houstonaudubon.org. Owl Prowl dates are <strong>February</strong><br />
10, <strong>2017</strong>. Owl Prowls start at 7 PM, end at 9 PM and begin in the log cabin<br />
at the Edith L Moore Nature Sanctuary. The fee is $12 for adults and $8<br />
for children (ages 6-17). All prowlers must be at least 6 years of age and<br />
there must be at least one adult present for each two children. Dress for<br />
walking in the woods and the weather. Please park in the Memorial Drive<br />
United Methodist Church west parking lot at 12955 Memorial Drive or the<br />
Sanctuary’s small lot at 440 Wilchester. Pre-registration is required and<br />
there is a maximum number of participants for each prowl.<br />
24 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
HOUSTON AREA EVENTS FEBRUARY <strong>2017</strong><br />
<strong>February</strong> 10 th -12 th - GoGames360 Houston <strong>2017</strong> - 40 hours of gaming!<br />
Come play hundreds of video games, board games & physical games!<br />
Kids from 3 years to 100 years’ welcome. Games from around the world:<br />
Laser & Archery Tag, Obstacle Course, Board Games, Lego Gallery, Dancea-thon,<br />
Ping Pong, Hamsterball Soccer, plus Video Game and Board Game<br />
Tournaments. For more information, visit www.gogames360.com.<br />
<strong>February</strong> 11 th -12 th - Houston Gun Collectors Association Gun and Antique<br />
Show. Attendance at the gun show will treat our guests to firearms and<br />
knives from prior to Revolutionary War era through western times to our<br />
modern era. The members display portions of their collections to educate<br />
and invite questions from the public. The show will be held at NRG park from<br />
9 AM to 5 PM. Admission is $10 for adults 18+ ($2 off coupons available on<br />
www.hgca.org), children 10 yrs-17 yrs $5 and children under 12 years is free.<br />
Through <strong>February</strong> 12 th - Ice at Discovery Green - Each winter, the park’s<br />
model boat basin is transformed into an outdoor ice rink using renewable<br />
energy and water recycled from Kinder Lake. The 7,716 square-foot ice<br />
skating surface, the largest in the Southwest, is kept at a frosty 22º F just<br />
for you! Come and enjoy winter-time skating under the Texas sky, with<br />
the majestic Houston skyline as the backdrop. The rink will be open daily,<br />
including holidays. Admission is $14 per person, which includes tax and skate<br />
rental. Fast passes are available online for $30/ticket. For more information<br />
and special events schedule, visit www.discoverygreen.com/ice.<br />
<strong>February</strong> 17 th - 28 th - Mardi Gras Galveston - Mardi Gras! Galveston is the<br />
third largest Mardi Gras celebration in the United States, attracting more<br />
than 300,000 attendees annually. The two-week celebration is best known<br />
for its lavish parades held on the streets of the city’s historic downtown<br />
and beachfront. The <strong>2017</strong> event is scheduled to be the biggest Mardi Gras!<br />
Galveston celebration yet with 26 parades and dozens of concerts, balcony<br />
parties, DJ laser shows, masked balls and more. For more information, visit<br />
www.mardigrasgalveston.com.<br />
<strong>February</strong> 26 th - Houston’s Kosher Chili Cookoff - Join the Houston<br />
community for a fun-filled day of festivities and a kosher chili competition<br />
during the 7 th Annual Houston Kosher Chili Cookoff. The event will be<br />
held on Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 26, <strong>2017</strong>, from 12 PM to 4 PM at the Evelyn<br />
Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of Houston. The Kosher Chili Cookoff<br />
is the largest kosher food event in Houston and celebrates the fellowship of<br />
the Jewish community with a day of food, live entertainment, contests and<br />
family friendly activities while raising funds for non-profit organizations in<br />
the Houston Jewish Community. Adults $10, children (4-12) $6 and children<br />
under 4 are free.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 25
281-345-7700<br />
www.foxlandscapingonline.com<br />
13707 West Road<br />
(West Rd. at Eldridge)<br />
Owned & Operated by Certified Groomers<br />
Professional Pet Styling<br />
for Dogs & Cats<br />
Check out our Doggie Daycare.<br />
While you’re away,<br />
let your dog come and play.<br />
Boarding Available for all<br />
of your pets. Cats, dogs<br />
and small animals.<br />
• Commercial<br />
• Residential<br />
• Landscaping<br />
• Maintenance<br />
• Irrigation<br />
• Irrigation Repairs<br />
( Lic#8242)<br />
Libraries &<br />
Community Centers<br />
8440 Greenhouse Rd., Cypress, TX 77433<br />
Phone: 713-274-3161 • WeekleyCC@hctx.net<br />
Harris County Precinct Three Commissioner Steve Radack has opened the much anticipated<br />
Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center. Located at 8440 Greenhouse Road, the center is<br />
now open to the general public for a variety of programs and activities. The approximately<br />
21,000 square foot building will serve the community as a center for all ages. Classes and<br />
programs can be viewed at www.pct3.hctx.net. Whether you are looking for a place to exercise,<br />
attend a community event, learn new crafts, play games or just to meet new friends, Weekley<br />
Community Center is sure to be a place for all!<br />
• LAUGHTER YOGA - every Tuesday, 1-2 PM. Laughter Yoga is the latest health craze sweeping<br />
the world where anyone can laugh without reason. It is truly a life changing experience for<br />
millions. Please call to register.<br />
832-237-2060<br />
www.petstylingbysherry.com<br />
Javier Martinez<br />
Home Painting & Repair<br />
• Interior/Exterior Painting & Repair<br />
• Wood & Drywall Repair<br />
• Hardi-Plank Installments & Repair<br />
• Gutter Repair & Replacement<br />
• Paint or Varnish Cabinets<br />
• Sheetrock Repairs<br />
• Varnish or Stain Finishes<br />
• Mildewcide Power Washing<br />
(Siding, Brick, Driveway,<br />
Decks, Fences, Etc.)<br />
• Install Tile<br />
• Replace Showers & Countertops<br />
All Work Is Guaranteed • References Upon Request<br />
Payment Upon Completion<br />
Only the best materials available are used!<br />
Your choice of paint!<br />
Free Estimate<br />
713-294-6006 • 281-935-7012<br />
javiermartinez2380@gmail.com<br />
Current ongoing classes are as follows:<br />
• Zumba: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30 PM<br />
• Bootcamp: Mondays & Wednesdays 9:45 to 10:30 AM<br />
• Yoga: Every Friday 8:30-9:30 AM<br />
• Tai Chi: Wednesdays 6:30 PM-7:30 PM<br />
• Knitting and Crocheting:: Monday 10-11 AM<br />
(Note: This will be a social group not an instructional class. Just bring your current project to work on<br />
and maybe get some pointers from your new friends.)<br />
• Dominoes: Tuesdays 8:30 AM-12 PM<br />
• Jenga: Wednesdays 10 AM<br />
Please note that all classes are free to the public unless supplies are needed for a particular class.<br />
9191 Barker-Cypress Road, Cypress, TX 77433 • 281-290-3210<br />
HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 7 AM-10 PM, Friday-Saturday, 8 AM-6 PM and Sunday,<br />
1 PM-6 PM.<br />
• FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY - The LSC-CyFair Friends Bookstore accepts gently used books<br />
year-round, offering them to the public for a set donation amount. The store is open six days<br />
a week and staffed by volunteers. Proceeds support library programs. Help support our<br />
community library.<br />
• CYFAIR LIBRARY BRANCH BLOG PAGE at http://hcpl.net/location/cy-fair-college-library, for<br />
news and events about the library and college and in the community.<br />
• FACEBOOK at LSC-CyFair Branch Library.<br />
• WEEKLY EVENTS & PROGRAMS EMAIL REMINDER, the Library eUpdate: subscribe<br />
at LoneStar.edu/library/16099.<br />
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please contact the library or visit the website for upto-date<br />
information.<br />
26 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
LRNC 131<br />
• COMMON THREAD: Knitting, Crocheting and Needlework Group<br />
Tuesdays: 9-10:30 AM, LRNC 116.<br />
• COMPUTER WORKSHOPS, LRNC 105 - Call for info.<br />
• eBooks Appointments now available. Make an appointment at LoneStar.<br />
edu/library/15938.<br />
• ESL TALK TIME - Registration Spring <strong>2017</strong><br />
All new students must register and take a placement test on one of the following<br />
dates in LRNC 131. Please allow approximately 45 minutes for the test.<br />
• SPANISH CONVERSATION CLUB, LRNC 215 - Mondays, 1-3 PM<br />
• JOB & CAREER WORKSHOPS - Spring sessions resume <strong>February</strong> 7 th .<br />
See the full schedule of Adult Programs and Activities at LoneStar.edu/<br />
library/cyfair-adults-LoneStar.edu/library/cyfair-adults-services or call<br />
281-290-3214/3218.<br />
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please contact the library or visit<br />
the website for up-to-date information.<br />
• BOOK CLUB: (Registration required), Mondays, Teen Room, 7-8 PM<br />
2/13: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain<br />
• BOOK CLUB: (Registration required), Teen Room, Fridays, 1-2 PM<br />
2/17: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain<br />
• SCREEN - PLAY: Tweens & Teens only (ages 10 - 18) 5-6 PM: Games, 6 PM:<br />
Movie - Teen Room.<br />
2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10: Contact the library or visit the Teen website for<br />
film titles.<br />
See the full schedule of Teen’s Programs and Activities at LoneStar.edu/<br />
library/cyfair-children-services.<br />
• Mondays: BABY TIME (6-24 months) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Tuesdays: Toddler Time (2-3 1/2 years) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Wednesdays: Preschool Time (3-6 years) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Thursdays: Spanish Time/Tiempo de cuentos (2-6 years) - 11 AM<br />
• BABY PAJAMA TIME: 1 st Tuesday, 6 PM (up to 24 months)<br />
• FAMILY STORYTIME: 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday, 6:30 PM (ages 3-6 years)<br />
• THURSDAY EVENING ACTIVITIES, 5 PM: For children of all ages. Limited<br />
to 40 children.<br />
• FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Thursdays at 6:30 PM. For children of all ages.<br />
Limited to 40 children.<br />
See the full schedule of Children’s Programs and Activities at LoneStar.edu/<br />
library/cyfair-children-services. All programs are free and open to the public.<br />
Commissioner Steve Radack, Harris County Precinct Three<br />
The Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center is located at 16600 Pine Forest<br />
Lane, 77084; one block south of the intersection of HWY. 6 and Clay Road. All<br />
classes/programs are FREE for Harris County residents aged 55+. Must register<br />
in person with photo ID in order to participate in the program and attend all<br />
future classes. You may register Monday-Friday from 8 AM - 3 PM. If you have<br />
questions or need directions please call us at 713-274-3250.<br />
Custom built is our specialty!<br />
Golf Cars • Utility Vehicles • Sales • Service • Parts<br />
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Welcomed<br />
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Available<br />
Gary Conway, “Your golf car guy”<br />
713-GOLF-CAR<br />
Cell 713-703-3818 • 281-702-3000<br />
gconway@wallercountygolfcars.com<br />
HardiePlank Siding & Exterior Painting<br />
Energy Efficient Replacement Windows<br />
Re-Roofing -- Patio Covers & Pergolas<br />
$500 OFF *<br />
HardiePlank and Window Replacement<br />
*Minimum purchase required<br />
Hardie ColorPlus from<br />
Advanced Home Exteriors<br />
is recommended by<br />
Tom Tynan, HomeShow Radio<br />
Financing Available<br />
Call Today for Your Free Estimate!<br />
832-363-3772<br />
Volunteer Opportunities are available; please call to speak to us about<br />
teaching your own cooking, language or other class.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 27
• Fences/Decks<br />
• Kitchen/Bathroom<br />
• Patio Covers/Arbors<br />
Dr. Agnes Kiss D.C.<br />
Over 35 years of experience in the field<br />
combining European tradition with<br />
state of the art American technology.<br />
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• Laser Therapy<br />
14620 F.M. 529<br />
Dennis R. Shaffer<br />
Family Business Owner<br />
dennis@shaffer.cc<br />
713.416.7981<br />
A Full Service Home Remodeling Company<br />
• Home Repairs Int/Ext<br />
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Serving your community for over 20 Years!<br />
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Appointments Available<br />
Most Insurance<br />
and Credit Cards Accepted<br />
281-855-0224<br />
drkiss2@yahoo.com<br />
<strong>2017</strong> FEBRUARY SCHEDULE<br />
Ongoing -<br />
- Spanish, French, Computer, Email, IPad, IPhone, Genealogy and<br />
Watercolor Classes are available year-round.<br />
- Senior Boot Camp. Meets on all Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from<br />
9-10 AM.<br />
- Laughter Yoga. Meets every Wednesday; Laughter is a positive energy<br />
which improves health, mood and encourages the body to fight disease. It<br />
is a powerful antidote for depression, high blood pressure and stress and<br />
helps the immune system, 10:30-11:30 AM.<br />
- Zumba Classes for seniors Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 AM.<br />
- Dance Classes meet on Mondays from 10:15-11:15 AM and on<br />
Wednesdays from 11 AM-Noon.<br />
- Line Dancing every Monday at 1 PM and 2 PM and Wednesday and<br />
Friday at 2:30.<br />
- Yoga every Friday at 1 PM.<br />
- Yoga Fridays, 1 PM.<br />
- Midweek Fitness and Health Class, Tuesdays and Thursdays. For<br />
beginners or those with some physical limitations. 2:30-3:30 PM<br />
- Bollywood and Bhangra Dance with Simi. Mondays and Fridays, 8-9 AM<br />
- Learn to Play Mahjong. Every Wednesday, 1-3 PM<br />
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS. The session begins Monday, <strong>February</strong><br />
20 th or Tuesday, <strong>February</strong> 21 st . This is a 4-week class, twice a week.<br />
You may choose to come on Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays &<br />
Thursdays. Classes are from 9-11 AM or 1-3 PM. Please reserve your seat<br />
by calling 713-274-3250.<br />
<strong>February</strong> 10 th :<br />
Learn How to Make a Cold and Flu Bomb with Essential Oils. 10-11 AM<br />
African Diaspora Mortuary Studies. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 14 th :<br />
Doctor Louise Hayes Presents “Health and Healing.” 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
General Arthritis and Other Topics in Rheumatology. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 15 th :<br />
“Foot Fungus, Pain and Care.” Bring your questions! 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Fundamentals of Windows 10. 1-3 PM<br />
Credit and Reverse Mortgage Information. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 16 th :<br />
Excel II. For graduates of Excel I. Please reserve your seat. 9-11:30 AM or<br />
1-3:30 PM<br />
Caregiver Class “Better Choices, Better Health.” 10-11 AM<br />
The PEARLS Program for Depression. Please reserve your seat in. 10-11 AM<br />
“The Amazing Rescue of Apollo 13.” 1-2 PM<br />
NEW! Importance of Estate Planning. 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 17 th :<br />
“I Love Lucy” episode. 11 AM<br />
Classic Cinema Presents 1933’s “42 Street” starring Warner Baxter and<br />
Ginger Rogers. Please bring snacks or lunch for intermission. 11:30 AM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 21 st :<br />
Medicare and Hospice and How They Work. 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Prepare to Defend Yourself: How to Age Gracefully & Escape with Your<br />
Dignity! 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 22 nd :<br />
Time Matters: A Women’s Outlook on Retirement. 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Basic Trouble Shooting of Your Computer. 1-2:30 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 23 rd :<br />
“Hearing Loss” with Baylor College of Medicine Otolaryngology. 10-11 AM<br />
Art Show. 1-2:30 PM<br />
Healthy Changes Hypnosis Weight Loss. 1-2 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 24 th :<br />
iPad Workshop. Bring your iPad. Reserve your seat in advance. 9-11:30 AM<br />
or 1-3:30 PM<br />
<strong>February</strong> 28 th :<br />
Doctor Louise Hayes PHD Presents “Release Pain.” 10:30-11:30 AM<br />
Core Strength Part 2 presented by a Kinesiology professor. 1-2 PM<br />
28 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Volunteer Opportunities<br />
When you volunteer you are giving to your community,<br />
but did you realize volunteering also benefits you as an<br />
individual? CAM volunteers often let us know the fun<br />
they are having, the friends they have made and the<br />
fulfillment they receive from helping others.<br />
Cypress Assistance Ministries is a local non-profit<br />
organization serving the Cy-Fair area for over 25 years.<br />
CAM offers assistance to those in need by providing<br />
financial assistance, food, clothing, employment<br />
assistance as well as GED & ESL classes. A huge part<br />
of this organization is its volunteers. Currently we are<br />
in need of volunteers in many different areas of the<br />
ministry. If you would like more information on how to<br />
become involved, please contact Tara Rauch at 281-955-<br />
7684 or tarar@cypressassistance.org. We look forward<br />
to hearing from you!<br />
For a description of the services provided at Cypress<br />
Assistance Ministries, Food Pantry requests and a<br />
detailed description of volunteer opportunities, please<br />
see our web site, www.cypressassistance.org.<br />
Enjoy a rewarding volunteer experience with wildlife. Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation<br />
Coalition, Inc. is a non-profit organization, which serves as an emergency care and<br />
rehabilitation facility for orphaned, ill and injured native Texas wildlife. Volunteers<br />
are welcome in the areas of assisting in the daily functions of the center, assisting<br />
with public education programs and wildlife rehabilitation. Located at 10801<br />
Hammerly, Suite 200, the facility is open seven days a week to help wildlife in need.<br />
TWRC has a mentor program in place to assist volunteers with “hands on” training<br />
for those interested in becoming permitted rehabilitators. We invite you to join our<br />
organization in saving Texas wildlife – one animal at a time. Call the center at 713-<br />
468-8972 x158 for more information or visit us at www.twrc-houston.org.<br />
The Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department provides fire, rescue and EMS services to<br />
156 square miles of Northwest Harris County for the residents of Harris County<br />
Emergency Service District #9. By operating from 12 community based volunteer fire<br />
stations we are able to quickly and efficiently respond to help our neighbors in times<br />
of emergency.<br />
For more information on the Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department or on how you can<br />
join the other 350 volunteers of our Department and be one of Cy-Fair’s bravest, call<br />
us at 281-656-3840 or visit us on the web at www.cyfairvfd.org.<br />
• Sheetrock<br />
• Texture<br />
• Carpentry<br />
Member<br />
• Crown Molding<br />
• Siding<br />
• Kitchen Remodeling<br />
• Bathroom Remodeling<br />
• Insured & Bonded<br />
832-499-0930<br />
Gold Star<br />
Law Offices Of<br />
candace L. Kunz-freed, PLLc<br />
9545 Katy Freeway, Ste. 390 • Houston, TX 77024<br />
281.217.0013 FAX: 713.467.9191<br />
Do You Have An Estate Plan?<br />
A well-designed and up to date estate plan can<br />
provide peace of mind for you and your family.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 29
Houston Area Project Linus, a nonprofit organization that provides new,<br />
handmade blankets for children who are seriously ill or traumatized, can<br />
use the following items you might be discarding:<br />
• Fabric - cotton, cotton blends, flannel and fleece<br />
• Yarn<br />
• Crochet thread<br />
• Narrow ribbon<br />
Cleaning Houston Since 1993 • Service With A Personal Touch<br />
Affordable • Supplies Furnished<br />
Same Crew • Same Day<br />
281-855-9212<br />
$<br />
15<br />
Off<br />
First Time Cleaning<br />
With coupon. Not valid on empty<br />
or one time cleanings or with<br />
any other offers.<br />
www.westsidemaids.com<br />
Insured & Bonded • References Available<br />
If you have any of these items to donate or for information about Project<br />
Linus, please call Karen Hagin, Cinco Ranch resident and Project Linus<br />
blanketeer, at 281-693-7150 or Sally Burns, Houston Area Project Linus<br />
Coordinator, at 281-492-2679. More information about Project Linus can<br />
be found at www.projectlinus.org.<br />
Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary, 10655<br />
Steepletop Drive, is in need of additional volunteers. They have a great<br />
need for volunteers to work in the gift shop and information desk. If<br />
interested, please contact the hospital at 281-897-3186 and ask for the<br />
volunteer desk.<br />
How would you feel if you saved a kid’s life? StandUp For Kids is an all<br />
volunteer organization dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk and<br />
homeless kids through volunteer outreach efforts. Our volunteers search<br />
the streets in order to find, stabilize and otherwise help homeless and<br />
street kids improve their lives. Every day throughout the US thirteen kids<br />
die on the streets from abuse, disease and suicide. According to recent<br />
statistics Houston has up to 2,500 kids living on the streets at any given<br />
time. Texas has the highest rate of homeless youth in the U.S.<br />
StandUp For Kids needs supplies for our Houston program, which provides<br />
food, clothing, counseling and a safe environment for the homeless<br />
youth of Houston. If you or your organization would like to hold a food<br />
or clothing drive for StandUp For Kids please contact me at HeatherE@<br />
standupforkids.org to learn more about StandUp For Kids or how you can<br />
help visit our website at www.standupforkids.org.<br />
The single greatest need, for homeless and street kids is our continuous<br />
caring and real support. We must convince them that we care, we want<br />
them back and we want to help them get off the streets.<br />
Adopt A US Soldier is a non-profit organization that seeks volunteers and<br />
donors to help show the brave men and women fighting for our freedom<br />
that their sacrifices will not go unnoticed. It connects supportive civilians<br />
with deployed soldiers and offers a channel by which to communicate<br />
encouragement and express gratitude to those serving in the United States<br />
Armed Forces. Adopt A US Soldier is sustained by its volunteer workforce<br />
located across the United States.<br />
After a supporter asked a soldier what they needed, his response was as<br />
follows: “No requests, just don’t want to be forgotten.” -LCPL O.J.T. III<br />
When registering for Adopt A US Soldier your involvement can range<br />
from writing letters and sending postcards, to mailing care packages<br />
full of items a soldier may need or want. Handwritten letters are<br />
most important and meaningful to soldiers. Adopt A US Soldier<br />
encourages civilians to adopt a soldier to show your support for<br />
those that are making sacrifices for our country. If interested, please<br />
go to www.adoptaussoldier.org to register.<br />
30 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Hero and Friend partners with business, government and other groups<br />
to enable veterans to become gainfully employed and/or partner with<br />
those with disabilities. This includes job skills training, job identification,<br />
placement, certification as job skills trainers, tutoring, special courses<br />
and related services. Strategic services are also provided to companies,<br />
investors and joint venture allies. Hero and Friend has a management<br />
team, a Board of Directors and professional advisors. We need volunteers<br />
and sponsors. Would you like to contribute? Please consider a partnering<br />
contribution. Contact us if you would like more information, 281-653-2510.<br />
Junior Achievement is a non-profit organization devoted to inspiring<br />
and preparing young students to succeed in a global economy. In<br />
partnership with businesses and educators, Junior Achievement brings<br />
the real world to schools, opening student minds to their true potential.<br />
Junior Achievement programs, taught by local business professionals,<br />
community volunteers and parents, build a bridge between school<br />
learning and young people’s future success in their work world and real<br />
lives by offering hands-on activities that further explore the topics of free<br />
enterprise, financial literacy and entrepreneurship.<br />
Contact the Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas office today, 713-682-<br />
4500 or www.jahouston.org, to find out about opportunities near you.<br />
&<br />
Over 30 Years Experience<br />
PUSH<br />
& BONDED<br />
• Carpentry • Sheetrock - Texture • Pressure Washing<br />
• Siding - HardiPlank ® • Refinish - Staining<br />
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• Broken Springs<br />
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• Replace Rollers<br />
• Damaged Sections<br />
• Repair/Replace Door Operator<br />
• Repair or Replace Gate Operator<br />
14518 Hempstead Hwy. #4-W<br />
281-345-9800 Cell: 281-650-2825<br />
Estimates@CustomPaintingHouston.com<br />
www.custompaintinghouston.com<br />
$<br />
525 $<br />
695<br />
Family<br />
Owned &<br />
Operated<br />
Since 1994<br />
16’x7’<br />
2-8’x7’<br />
Includes take down & haul off door,<br />
replace tracks, springs & hardware.<br />
Call for an appointment<br />
713-690-3667<br />
www.pushbuttongaragedoors.net<br />
Special CHEERS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to<br />
providing Occupational Therapy to children with special needs of all ages<br />
living in and around the greater Houston area. Our facility is unique in that<br />
we utilize animals, including horses, dogs, goats, pigs, lambs and rabbits<br />
as an integral part of each child’s therapy treatment plan. Being a nonprofit<br />
organization, we are constantly looking for extra help around the<br />
farm. Therefore, Special CHEERS would like to welcome all high school<br />
and college-aged students interested in working with both children and<br />
animals to volunteer after school, on the weekends or seasonally (i.e.,<br />
summer camp). Please call our administrative assistant, Ms. Denise<br />
Pace, at 713-983-0075, for more information. A background check will be<br />
required of all individuals applying for a volunteer position at our facility.<br />
When foster children reach age 18, they are considered independent.<br />
That’s difficult for kids who have been wards of the state, with necessities<br />
arranged by caseworkers with state funds. Now they’ll have to figure out<br />
how to organize themselves and make their money last a whole month.<br />
Fortunately, Child protective Services offers them a program to help<br />
prepare for independence: Preparation for Adult Living (PAL). The year-long<br />
course culminates in an all-day workshop hosted by the National Council<br />
for Jewish Women (NCJW). The course is held at Junior Achievement’s<br />
BizTown, using computer kiosks sponsored by local businesses.<br />
Want to help with PAL or other NCJW programs that help change lives<br />
with hands-on community service? Contact info@ncjwhouston.org or see<br />
www.ncjwhouston.org.<br />
DREAM Dachshund Rescue, Education & Adoption Mission is a Houstonbased<br />
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing abandoned<br />
Dachshunds and finding new homes for Dachshunds whose owners can no<br />
longer care for them. Our committed volunteers, working closely with local<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 31
veterinarians, provide our Dachshunds with quality medical care and loving<br />
foster homes until they are adopted into carefully screened, forever homes.<br />
DREAM is currently looking for caring volunteers to provide temporary<br />
foster care for our many rescued Dachshunds-in-need, currently awaiting<br />
adoption. Prior to their adoption, DREAM continues to pay for all<br />
medical care and monthly heart worm prevention. There is no long-term<br />
commitment required. Food, water, shelter and a soft place to rest is all<br />
you need to provide. The “love” just comes naturally.<br />
Rated A+<br />
20 Years in Business<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> Resident<br />
References Available<br />
Wolverine<br />
Roofing & Siding<br />
• New Installations and Repairs<br />
• Hand-Nailed Shingles<br />
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• Professional Workmanship<br />
713-849-3514<br />
www.wolverineroofingandsiding.com<br />
Jones Road Tree Service, LLC<br />
tree company of cy-fair<br />
Jones Road Tree Service LLC excels in arboriculture and we treat our clients and their trees with integrity,<br />
care and dignity. We provide professional tree services for residential, commercial and municipal needs.<br />
Our services include:<br />
• Tree Pruning<br />
• Tree Removal<br />
• Tree Healthcare<br />
• Tree Planting<br />
• Tree Preservation<br />
• Stump Grinding<br />
Emergency Service<br />
• Fully Insured Workers’<br />
Compensation Insurance<br />
Member of:<br />
$75 OFF<br />
Must present ad at time of<br />
consultation. Min/ $400 service.<br />
Expires 3/15/17<br />
Call 281-469-0458 today<br />
$150 OFF<br />
Must present ad at time of<br />
consultation. Min/ $1000 service.<br />
Expires 3/15/17<br />
Always a FREE<br />
consultation<br />
If you have a little room in your heart and in your home (and your family pets<br />
are up-to-date on their vaccines and monthly heart worm preventative),<br />
then you are who we are looking for! There is no feeling in the world like<br />
the unconditional love you’ll receive from a rescued Dachshund, plus the<br />
friendships you’ll make when you join the DREAM Team! The more foster<br />
homes we have, the more Dachshunds we can save. Please help save a life<br />
and consider fostering today!<br />
Questions? Please send us an email to: Contact-Us@DreamDachs.org and a<br />
volunteer will respond to you right away with all the information you need!<br />
Ready to Foster? Please visit our website at: www.dreamdachs.org and<br />
click on the FOSTER tab to fill out our online Foster Application.<br />
Your way to transform a life in need… Teach someone to read! Just a few<br />
hours a week can make all the difference for someone in your community!<br />
Literacy Advance is Houston’s largest and oldest 100% volunteersupported<br />
literacy organization - and we need your help! We’re calling<br />
all passionate volunteers to help adults learn to read, write and speak<br />
English. All classes are free because they are taught by caring people<br />
just like you willing to volunteer a few hours a week. We’d love to match<br />
you with a person in need. Ola read her first book at age 49, thanks<br />
to a tutor just like you. Prior teaching experience is welcome but not<br />
necessary. Training and ongoing support is provided and we have<br />
locations across the city. Other volunteer opportunities are available<br />
as well, to find out more please contact Maxine Stefano, Volunteer<br />
Manager, at tutor@literacyadvance.org or at 713-266-8777 ext.16.<br />
Loving Arms Pet Placement has an assortment of wonderful dogs and cats<br />
hoping for their forever homes. We have all different types of small to<br />
large dogs, mixed breeds and many wonderful cats to choose from.<br />
We are a foster-based rescue for dogs and cats. If you are not ready to<br />
commit to adopting a dog or cat permanently, the animals also need<br />
foster families. Besides providing food, water and a safe place to sleep,<br />
foster families socialize the animals so they are people friendly. Include<br />
the animal in your daily home life inside your home. Get to know them as<br />
individuals so you can share personality traits, likes/dislikes, anecdotes.<br />
Treat the animal like your own and train him/her, if possible.<br />
Although you may feel sadness when your foster animal is adopted,<br />
please know that your efforts helped to prepare the cat or dog for his/<br />
her forever home.<br />
Visit Loving Arms Pet Placement website at www.lovingarmspetplacement.<br />
com or visit us at Petsmart on Highway 6 and FM 529 each Saturday from<br />
11 AM until 5 PM.<br />
32 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Case for Smiles needs volunteers,<br />
sewing elves, to help make bright,<br />
cheery pillowcases for kids with<br />
cancer in area hospitals. Our motto<br />
is “helping kids feel better to<br />
heal better.” Our website is www.<br />
caseforsmiles.org and if interested<br />
in helping, please contact Theresa<br />
Puckett at theresaforsmiles@<br />
comcast.net.<br />
Make a difference in your community! This web site is for volunteers looking<br />
for service projects at faith-based, non-profit, community, governmental<br />
organizations and for organizations seeking volunteers from churches,<br />
schools, sports, scouts and youth groups. Register to volunteer on www.<br />
justserve.org and use your zip code to locate or to post a service project.<br />
This is a free community outreach website for all faiths to work together<br />
to relieve suffering and enhance the quality of life. This will not include<br />
proselyting or political canvassing - it is to JUST SERVE! Contact Nancy<br />
Johnson clarkrj56@sbcglobal.net.<br />
CY-HOPE<br />
Cy-Hope brings HOPE to all students so they will grow up to be well<br />
educated and productive citizens, making a lasting and positive impact<br />
on the community. Our vision at Cy-Hope is to rally our entire community:<br />
businesses, education, churches, civic organizations, hospitals and individual<br />
volunteers to advance the goal of making life better for kids in Cy-Fair. You can<br />
visit our website, www.cy-hope.org or call 713-466-HOPE to find out about our<br />
upcoming events, make a donation, become a partner or volunteer.<br />
Have you ever wanted to make a difference in people’s lives? By volunteering<br />
at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Hospital, you can! As a volunteer,<br />
you’ll have a profound impact on every area of our hospital, serving as<br />
a vital resource to our patients, families, visitors and employees. Cy-Fair<br />
Hospital offers a variety of volunteer opportunities that accommodate all<br />
schedules, including those of working adults, students and retirees. We’re<br />
always looking for more people ready to help. For more information,<br />
you can call 281-897-3186 or visit us online www.cyfairhospital.com/forfamily-visitors/volunteer-with-us.<br />
STAY ACTIVE. STAY ENGAGED. A new place for seniors to learn, located at<br />
16600 Pine Forest Lane, near Texas 6 and Clay Road. Free classes available<br />
to Harris County residents 55 and older on subjects ranging from basic<br />
computer skills to digital photography to astronomy, photo editing and<br />
memory enhancement. We need you in our classrooms! Get free volunteer<br />
training. Teach your own computer class. Contact us now at 713-274-3250<br />
or email us: glaziersec@hctx.net. Operated by Harris County Precinct<br />
Three Commissioner Steve Radack.<br />
T<br />
K<br />
C<br />
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Interior & Exterior Painting • Storm Damage Repair<br />
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• Change Linens & Towels<br />
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“Dust if you must, but why not have us.”<br />
Daniel Burgess<br />
832-378-2337<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 33
• Additions<br />
• Patios<br />
• Remodeling<br />
• Roofs<br />
• Painting<br />
• Siding<br />
• Cabinets<br />
• Wood Flooring<br />
• Ceramic Tile<br />
• Laminate<br />
• Carpeting<br />
• Countertops<br />
• Faux Painting<br />
• Radiant Barrier<br />
• Commercial Build-Outs<br />
We Create Beautiful Smiles!<br />
New Insurance<br />
Benefits Begin<br />
This Year!<br />
S. M. Shirazi, D.D.S.<br />
23+ Years Experience<br />
Cosmetic & Family Dentistry<br />
For Adults & Children<br />
$<br />
95 ($300 Value - Upper & Lower)<br />
Community Groups<br />
Heritage Groups<br />
• BRITISH GROUP - a small group of Brits who meet in the Copperfield/<br />
Cypress/Katy area. If you are interested in joining us for coffee/lunch etc.,<br />
please email bearcreekbrits@gmail.com.<br />
• NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN - meets on the third Tuesday of<br />
the month at 7:30 PM. For info, call Leda 713-572-9924 or mkarchmer@<br />
sbcglobal.net.<br />
• BEAR CREEK GENEALOGY SOCIETY - meets the 2 nd Thursday of each<br />
month, September-May, from 1 PM - 2 PM, at the Bear Creek Park<br />
Community Center, 3055 Bear Creek Dr. Houston TX 77084. Contact: Gary<br />
at 832-408-5519, email getober@hotmail.com or Tom at 832-754-2875 or<br />
twoltz@comcast.net.<br />
Saturdays except April, 12 Noon, The Briar Club, 2603 Timmons Lane,<br />
www.srttexas.org.<br />
see our WWII Aircraft and tour our WWII Museum on the first and third<br />
Saturdays of each month from 10 AM to 3 PM, located at the West<br />
Houston Airport just east of Barker Cypress on Groschke Rd. For more info,<br />
www.westhoustonsqdn.org.<br />
• CIVIL WAR REENACTING - Enlist with Company C, “The Palmer Guards,” of<br />
the First Texas - call 281-579-3417 or visit www.texas-brigade.org. Select<br />
1 st Texas and then Co C.<br />
info., please contact Lori Walters at 281- 491-2673.<br />
• CYPRESS, TEXAS NSCAR SOCIETY - For info, visit www.nscar.org or contact<br />
Melinda Sims, Organizing Senior Society President, 281-856-2536 or email<br />
melinda@mazzaroth.net.<br />
- meets 3 rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Richard and Meg<br />
Weekley Community Center, 8440 Greenhouse Rd., Cypress, Tx 77433. For<br />
more info, email Melinda Sims at melinda@mazzaroth.net.<br />
37 Years Experience<br />
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$99 Exam / X-Rays / Cleaning<br />
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Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 2/28/17.<br />
Payment Plans Available<br />
5630 North Eldridge<br />
713-466-3700<br />
www.shirazi-dds.com<br />
• AMERICAN LEGION POST 324 - meets every second Sunday of the<br />
month. For more info, please contact Jimmy Baughman at 281-256-6824.<br />
• UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY, Varina Howell Davis Chapter<br />
2143 - meets the 3 rd Saturday, September thru May at St. Jerome’s<br />
Catholic Church (Hollister & Kempwood) at 2 PM. For more info, Cynthia<br />
Hardy 281-851-0525 or cintex08@hotmail.com.<br />
Community &<br />
Commerce Groups<br />
• CY-FAIR REPUBLICAN WOMEN, 2 nd Tuesdays, at <strong>Hearthstone</strong> Country<br />
Club, 7615 Ameswood, Houston, TX 77095, starting at 10:30 AM, website<br />
at www.cfrw.net.<br />
• CY-FAIR AREA DEMOCRATIC CLUB, 1 st Wednesdays, at Romero’s Las<br />
Brazas Restaurant, 15703 Longenbaugh at Highway 6, starting at 6 PM.<br />
• CYPRESS-TOMBALL DEMOCRATS, third Tuesday of every month. For<br />
more info, contact Cris Hernandez at cytomdems@yahoo.com.<br />
• HOUSTON CY-FAIR LIONS CLUB, 2 nd and 4 th Tuesdays, 7 PM, at the Lion’s Den<br />
inside Bane Park, at West Little York near Gessner. We have a catered meal<br />
each meeting. Bud Casey, 281-469-5555 or Sandra Martin 281-550-2798.<br />
Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant at 7540 Highway 6 North. Paula Allen - 281-<br />
855-9664.<br />
at 281-463-4296 for info. On having flags set up, take down and store flags<br />
for the major flag holidays.<br />
• CY-FAIR ROTARY CLUB - meets each Monday, at 12 noon, at Carl’s Bar-<br />
B-Que located at 21920 Highway 290 West, in Cypress, Texas. For further<br />
information, contact Justin Lindstrom at 281-493-1141.<br />
• CY-FAIR KIWANIS CLUB, <strong>Hearthstone</strong> Country Club, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM<br />
(cost of lunch is $10). John Carroll, 281-463-0373; George Crowl, 832-467-<br />
1998 or Peggy Presnell, 281-304-7127 for more info and meeting dates.<br />
• TALK-OF-THE-TOWN TOASTMASTERS, Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, DeVry<br />
University (Room 1160), 11125 Equity Drive, Houston TX, 77041. Use Clay<br />
Road exit off West Beltway 8, Eddie, 713-408-6751, eddiemerla@yahoo.<br />
com or Thilippe Letellier, 713-857-8595.<br />
34 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Visit our website for inspirational ideas<br />
www.CustomPatioStructures.com<br />
• FOUNDRY TOASTMASTERS, Thursdays, 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM, Foundry<br />
United Methodist Church, 8350 Jones Road, 713-466-3400.<br />
• PARK 10 TALKERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB, every Thursday, 11:45 AM,<br />
NACE, 1440 South Creek Drive, 281-228-6287 or www.toastmasters.org.<br />
• EASY RISERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB, Tuesdays, 7-8 AM, Fulbright Tower,<br />
1301 McKinney, downtown Houston, conference room 2739! Ed Young:<br />
edyoung2@hotmail.com.<br />
• CY-FAIR SUPERSPEAKERS, meets every Monday at 6:45 to 8:00 PM at the Prairie<br />
View A&M University Northwest Houston Center, 9449 Grant Road, Houston, TX<br />
77070. For more info, www.cyfairsuperspeakers.org or call 832-523-4808.<br />
• SPEAKERS CONNECTION, meets at 9110 Rodney Ray Blvd., “The Castle”<br />
in Rolling Fork Subdivision. For more info, contact either Alfredo Barriga at<br />
281-374-7834 or Jude Wiggins 713-466-3400 or visit our website at http://<br />
speakersconnection.org.<br />
• LONESTAT INTERNATIONAL TOASTMASTERS, meets on the 1 st , 3 rd and 5 th<br />
Fridays of the month at the Egg and I restaurant located in the corner of<br />
Eldridge pkwy and FM 1960 (12426 FM 1960, Houston, TX, 77065). Meeting<br />
time is noon to 1 PM. For more info, vpm-1774612@toastmastersclubs.org<br />
or http://lonestarinternational.toastmastersclubs.org.<br />
PROFESSIONALS, fourth Tuesday of each month at Embassy Suites<br />
Huston - Energy Corridor at 11730 Katy Freeway (N. side of I10 - Kirkwood<br />
Exit). (Caroline Champness CPS/CAP caroline.champness@bp.com).<br />
• BUSINESS NETWORKING GROUP, Tuesdays, 7 AM, Holiday Inn, Hwy. 6<br />
and I-10. 713-515-2998.<br />
• CY-FAIR EXPRESS NETWORK - held from 11:30 AM to 1 PM, the fourth<br />
Thursdays of the month, at Sterling National Golf Club, 16500 Houston<br />
National Blvd., Houston, Texas 77095. For cost and reservation info, www.<br />
cyfen.org or contact Melanie Hugele at 281-989-3190.<br />
• 290 CYPRESS BUSINESS NETWORKING GROUP - Meets every Thursday,<br />
at Cypress Station Grill (located at 26010 Hempstead Road - on the corner<br />
of Hempstead Road and Spring Cypress), at 7:30 AM.<br />
• ABWA WEST HOUSTON NETWORK - meets the fourth Thursday of each<br />
month, 11:30 AM-1 PM, at the Marriott Energy Corrridor. For more info or<br />
to RSVP, visit our website at www.whenabwa.org.<br />
• HOUSTON ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS - National Country Club, at 11:30<br />
AM, located at 16500 Houston National Golf Club, in Stonegate subdivision.<br />
Contact Gayla Skates for additional information gaylaskates@yahoo.com.<br />
• C.A.P.S. HELPING AREA SENIORS, The Fifty Plus group meets Thursdays,<br />
9:30 AM, 281-469-0730.<br />
• BEAR CREEK AARP, 3 rd Thursdays, 12 PM for pot luck luncheon, Bear Creek<br />
Community Center, Bear Creek Drive and Patterson Road, 281-550-6359.<br />
• AARP CY-FAIR CHAPTER #4543, 3 rd Tuesdays, 9:30AM, Village on the Park,<br />
12012 Steepleway Blvd, Paul Morgan at 281-807-9118.<br />
Contact info: Mary Bianche, 281-746-2742. Accepting charter members.<br />
- Call for a pre-assessment or to learn more at 713-291-1567 or visit our<br />
website at: www.vaughngage.org.<br />
• CWC - meets the first Thursday of most months at the Richard and<br />
Meg Weekley Center located at 840 Greenhouse Rd, Cypress, TX 77433.<br />
Our meetings begin with social time and refreshments at 6:15 PM<br />
immediately followed by a program at 6:30 PM. For more info, visit www.<br />
cyfairwomensclub.org.<br />
• METRO FREE RIDE-MATCHING SERVICE - Visit our website www.ridemetro.<br />
org/ridepro. Click on the register button to create an account to enter your<br />
home address, your work address, your schedule and your contact info.<br />
(Don’t worry, your exact home address is hidden).<br />
• COMMUTE SOLUTIONS, programs like STAR Vanpool, Flexible<br />
Work Schedules, transit information and NuRide visit www.<br />
commutesolutionshouston.org or call 832-681-2589.<br />
• LA-FUNDACION.NET - is a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Nonprofit Foundation<br />
whose mission is to provide Technology and Education to those being left<br />
behind by the Info. Age. For more info, call 713-460-5544, write to info@<br />
la-fundacion.net or visit our web page at www.la-fundacion.net.<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 35
• Plants to set: Alyssum, Calendula, Canterbury Bells, Carnations, Columbine,<br />
Cornflower, Daisies, Delphinium, Hollyhock, Larkspur, Lobelia, Nicotiana, Pansy,<br />
Petunia, Phlox (Louisiana), Shrimp Plant, Snapdragon, Stock and Verbena.<br />
• Plant beets, broccoli (plants), brussel sprouts (plants), cabbage (plants), carrots,<br />
cauliflower (plants), celery, chinese cabbage (plants), chives collards (plants),<br />
endive, kale, lettuce (leaf and head), mustard, onions (plants), parsley, garden peas,<br />
radishes, rutabagas, spinach, tomato (seeds) and turnips.<br />
• Finish all transplanting, get everything in the ground for a good spring spurt of growth.<br />
Transplant balled and burlap, container-grown, bare-root deciduous evergreen trees,<br />
shrubs, roses and vines while still dormant.<br />
• Finish pruning roses. Weed and cultivate lightly all beds. Replenish mulch as needed.<br />
• Control early spring insects like thrips on glads and aphids on young tender growth.<br />
Spray with Malathion, Diazinon or Orthene.<br />
• At the end of <strong>February</strong>: peach, apple and pear fruit must be thinned to insure quality<br />
production at harvest.<br />
• Give groundcovers a haircut. They will spread faster.<br />
• Divide daylilies, daisies and other perennials now.<br />
• BEAR CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER - 281-859-1566, www.pct3.hctx.net.<br />
• BP PARTNERS - Local organization for the spouses and partners of<br />
BP employees. Monthly activities. For membership info., visit www.<br />
bppartnershouston.com.<br />
• CYPRESS CREEK EMS (CCEMS), offers American Heart Association (AHA)<br />
CPR courses at its Education Center located at 7111 Five Forks, Spring,<br />
Texas. To schedule a course for formal AHA certification call CCEMS at<br />
281-378-0800.<br />
17111-A Kieth Harrow Drive. Located across from the Glencairn Community<br />
Center. Hours Mon-Tues, 9 AM-2:30 PM and Sat. 10 AM - 4 PM. For more information,<br />
contact Sally Lehnert at slap@sbcglobal.net or visit www.hnwcc.org.<br />
• D.R.E.A.M. BIG FOUNDATION - A faith based mentoring and civic program<br />
geared toward assisting girls ages 10-17 with skills to last a lifetime. Meet<br />
the first and third Saturday of every month. Visit www.dreambighouston.<br />
com for more information.<br />
Craft & Hobby Groups<br />
• HARRIS COUNTY MASTER GARDENER - Generally meet on the first<br />
Tuesday of the month. For more info, call 281-855-5600 or visit http://<br />
harris,agrilife.org/hort.<br />
• SPRING BRANCH AFRICAN VIOLET CLUB - meets the second Saturday of<br />
each month, (Jan. through Nov.), at 10:30 AM at the Copperfield Baptist<br />
Church, 8350 Highway 6 North, Houston, Texas 77095. Call 713-462-4257 to<br />
confirm meeting date and time. For more info: www.orgsites.com/tx/sbavc.<br />
• CYPRESS CREEK LAKES GARDEN CLUB - a nonprofit group, meets the<br />
second Monday (September-May), from 7-9 PM. For more information,<br />
see blog spot at www.cypresscreeklakesgc.blogspot.com or email<br />
cclgc1@gmail.com.<br />
• THE BLUEBONNET STENCILERS OF TEXAS, 1 st Mondays, 6:30 - 9 PM, Tracy<br />
Gee Community Center, 3599 Westcenter, email blmrducks@sbcglobal.net.<br />
• PRIDE OF TEXAS DECORATIVE ARTISTS, 2 nd Thursdays, 6:30 PM, Bear<br />
Creek Community Center (Patterson Rd. in Bear Creek Park), 281-492-0246.<br />
• WEST HOUSTON QUILT GUILD, 3 rd Wednesdays, 7 PM, Bear Creek<br />
Community Center, 3055 Bear Creek Dr. Houston, TX 77084. For more info,<br />
check our website at www.whqg.org.<br />
• THE TRI-COUNTY QUILT GUILD - meets the 1 st Tuesday of every month,<br />
at 7 PM till 9 PM, at Fairfield Baptist Church off 290 and Muescke Rd. Check<br />
out the website for more information www.tricountyquiltguild.org.<br />
• BUNCO FOR FUN, looking for players to formulate a Bunco Club. For info,<br />
call 281-682-1750 or send an email to taylil3511@yahoo.com.<br />
• MONTHLY BUNCO GROUP, meets once a month and the cost is only $5.<br />
If you’re interested in joining or want more information you may email<br />
dpoole2002@yahoo.com or call 281-859-5577.<br />
• MAH JONGG PLAYERS NEEDED - We love to play days, evenings or weekends<br />
(western version with card). Contact me for details: sniss1957@gmail.com.<br />
• ANYONE UP FOR PLAYING PINOCHLE? For info, please call Lillian @ 281-<br />
682-1750 or email taylil3511@yahoo.com.<br />
• WORKING SINGLE WOMAN - Looking for single women 45+ for a singles<br />
group. If you are interested, please email me at sgsingles@hotmail.com.<br />
• SHIMMER FLUTE CHOIR invites all flute players over the age of 18 to join<br />
us every other week at Foundry United Methodist Church, Sundays 1-3<br />
PM. Contact the director, Donna Pattison at ShimmerFluteChoir@gmail.<br />
com or 713-240-8933.<br />
Copperfield Church in Room C-1, 8350 Highway 6 North, Houston, Texas<br />
77095. Young adults, adults and seniors at every writing level are welcome<br />
to join us at our monthly meetings. For more information, contact:<br />
magnolia7787@gmail.com.<br />
• PRIDE OF TEXAS DECORATIVE ARTISTS - Meet the second Thursday,<br />
monthly 6:30 PM at Houston Community Center at Bear Creek, 3055 Bear<br />
Creek Drive, Houston 77084. Contact Janet at jjcpaints@yahoo.com or<br />
Lisa at lwilson@casualty.com.<br />
• TOMBALL ART LEAGUE MEETING - TAL meets monthly (some exceptions)<br />
on the 2 nd Saturday, 9:30 AM, Amegy Bank, 2 nd floor (Hwy 249 @ Medical<br />
Complex Dr., Tomball). For more info: www.thetomballartleague.com.<br />
• CYPRESS SYMPHONIC BAND - rehearses at the Richard & Meg Weekley<br />
Community Center, 8440 Greenhouse Road, Cypress, TX 77433 from 7:15 to<br />
8:45 PM Tuesday evenings. Visit http://cypresssymphonicband.org or contact<br />
Leslie Parish at leslie@cypresssymphonicband.org for more information.<br />
• U PLAY ACOUSTIC? - Do you play guitar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin or dobro?<br />
Check out Katy Jam Buddies on our website, www.katyjambuddies.com.<br />
Join us for a fun and a great atmosphere to improve your playing skills<br />
with others. Call Phil at 713-504-6466.<br />
36 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> | <strong>Hearthstone</strong>
Like What You See?<br />
Enjoy reading your<br />
newsletter?<br />
You could make this on National Banana Bread Day <strong>February</strong> 23 rd !<br />
1/2 cup butter, melted<br />
1 cup white sugar<br />
2 eggs<br />
1 teaspoon vanilla extract<br />
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour<br />
1 teaspoon baking soda<br />
1/2 teaspoon salt<br />
1/2 cup sour cream<br />
1/2 cup chopped walnuts<br />
2 medium bananas, sliced<br />
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan. In a large<br />
bowl, stir together the melted butter and sugar. Add the eggs and vanilla, mix well.<br />
Combine the flour, baking soda and salt, stir into the butter mixture until smooth.<br />
Finally, fold in the sour cream, walnuts and bananas. Spread evenly into the prepared<br />
pan. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted<br />
into the center of the loaf comes out clean. Cool loaf in the pan for 10 minutes before<br />
removing to a wire rack to cool completely. Source: allrecipes.com<br />
Looking for a local<br />
business or service?<br />
Contact:<br />
www.krenekprinting.com<br />
281-463-8649<br />
Please support the businesses<br />
within this newsletter. It is<br />
because of their support that<br />
you receive this paper at<br />
no charge to you or your HOA.<br />
You could make this on National Carrot Cake Day <strong>February</strong> 3 rd !<br />
2 cups all-purpose flour<br />
2 teaspoons baking soda<br />
1 teaspoon baking powder<br />
1 teaspoon salt<br />
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon<br />
1 3/4 cups white sugar<br />
1 cup vegetable oil<br />
3 eggs<br />
1 teaspoon vanilla extract<br />
2 cups shredded carrots<br />
1 cup flaked coconut<br />
1 cup chopped walnuts<br />
1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained<br />
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese<br />
1/4 cup butter, softened<br />
2 cups confectioners’ sugar<br />
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan. Mix<br />
flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Make a well in the center and<br />
add sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla. Mix with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in carrots,<br />
coconut, walnuts and pineapple. Pour into 9x13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for<br />
about 45 minutes. Don’t panic, the center will sink a little. Allow to cool. To make the<br />
frosting: Cream the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add the confectioners<br />
sugar and beat until creamy. Source: allrecipes.com<br />
Share your community news<br />
with us. Non-profit, scouts,<br />
school, dated events, etc.<br />
send to news@krenekprinting.com<br />
Want your ad to be placed in<br />
this newsletter and mailed to<br />
the homeowners every month?<br />
For more information, pricing<br />
or to view newsletters online<br />
please visit<br />
www.krenekprinting.com<br />
or email<br />
ads@krenekprinting.com<br />
<strong>Hearthstone</strong> | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2017</strong> 37
Classified Ads<br />
To place a Classified Ad, go to the Krenek Printing website at www.krenekprinting.com. Hover your mouse<br />
over Submissions and choose Classifieds. Select which area (Hwy 6, Katy or Both) you would like to see<br />
your ad appear. Then select the Category for your ad. Your ad will be calculated, and you may make your<br />
payment online. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 281-463-8649.<br />
FOR SALE<br />
Bud dry neon sign, $700; Metal detector used once with a<br />
lot of extras, $175. Call 832-606-9482.<br />
Black and white marble kitchen table, good<br />
condition, $500, paid $1000; U-shape office desk<br />
with credenza, $250; Silver mirror 2’ X 3’, $30.<br />
Contact kelmizo58@gmail.com.<br />
King bed frame and headboard, side by side<br />
refrigerator, window mini blinds, plantation shutters,<br />
granite counter top, wood cabinet doors and drawers.<br />
281-463-8692.<br />
Eagle residential storage & service lift, good<br />
condition, works great, asking $2,500. Contact Jim<br />
on phone 713-412-9942.<br />
Brand new, never worn 3” heel Capezio closed toe<br />
T-strap character shoe with brace, black, size 7, $150.<br />
Regular price without brace, $250. 713-459-7792.<br />
Forest Park Cemetery Westheimer - Six cemetery<br />
spaces w/monument privileges. Section 502, Lot<br />
610. List price $6,995 each, will sell for $5,250 each,<br />
negotiable. 713-366-6699.<br />
HealthRider Exerplay 200 stationary bike c/sims<br />
card, $150; small treadmill, $50. Both like new, call<br />
281-705-4883.<br />
Janssen upright piano, beautiful condition, needs<br />
tuning, $775. Call Paul at 713-256-9068.<br />
Sunfish sailboat, 14 ft., complete and in very good<br />
shape, sail and mast garaged, $750; Canadel dining<br />
set, dark cherry color with leaf and lazy susan, 4<br />
custom upholstered chairs. Paid $5,500, asking $1,700,<br />
beautiful; TKO Medicine ball rack with 5 balls, perfect<br />
shape, $100 (sold new $274). Call 832-298-7657.<br />
Strasburg children’s flower girl dresses, NWT,<br />
discontinued, in white (size 3) and ivory (size 3), new<br />
$109.99, selling for $50. They all have loops for a sash.<br />
Also, have 2 with embellishments, ivory (sizes 4, 6),<br />
matching ivory sash included, new $136.99, selling for<br />
$75. 281-770-6928 or jaclynchale@gmail.com.<br />
Register Tapes Unlimited is looking for Inside Sales/Telemarketing<br />
reps to work in our corporate office call center in the Houston/Katy<br />
area. We have a contract with over 10,000 major grocery chains in 47<br />
states and Western Canada. Heavy Cold Calling to Business Owners<br />
to set appointments for top producing outside reps, $10/Hour plus<br />
unlimited Comm. & Bonuses. Our tm’s avg $15-$30/hour w/ comm.<br />
Full Time M-F. No Late nights or weekends, great environment. You<br />
will be eligible for Medical/Dental/Vision & Life insurance after 60<br />
days, 401k after 1 year. No experience needed: www.rtui.com. To<br />
apply, send resume to jamelyn.brown@rtui.com.<br />
Looking for people to work in the field services, crew workers<br />
and helpers to work on servicing irrigation systems for growing<br />
Irrigation Company, no experience needed, will train. Must have<br />
own transportation and clean driver’s license. Growth opportunity,<br />
Northwest Houston area. Email: sprinklerworkers@gmail.com.<br />
Plumbers or Apprentices for repair. Bilingual preferred. Please call<br />
281-256-2239.<br />
Housekeepers needed. Great hours for moms with school age<br />
children. 281-861-0394.<br />
Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be<br />
state licensed. 281-550-0900.<br />
Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker, experienced<br />
preferred, knowledge of Dentrix software and bilingual a plus.<br />
Must be state licensed; Front desk receptionist, bilingual preferred.<br />
Fax resume to: 281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500.<br />
Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice.<br />
Have experience, references & contact info. ready,<br />
beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@<br />
westhoustonelectric.com.<br />
PETS<br />
Lab mix female, FREE, 14 months, beautiful gold, smart,<br />
loving, spayed, all shots. Web photo http://goo.gl/dDCsaM.<br />
Call 832-455-5909.<br />
2 - one/half acre connecting lots (total one acre) on Grand Harbour<br />
Island on Lake Conroe in Montgomery, Texas. Excellent location on<br />
water. Will sell together or separate. $175,000 each. 281-858-4422.
Female roommate wanted to share a 4 bedroom<br />
home in Copperfield. Home has 2 living areas, 2<br />
outside decks and a fire pit. Renter will have a private<br />
bathroom. Owner has a small yorkie. Reasonable<br />
rate with all utilities paid. 832-656-2230.<br />
South Padre Island Vacation Home for rent. Three<br />
bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths and located 100 steps from<br />
the sand. Home schoolers and empty nesters call<br />
for fabulous “off season” rates. Summer rates with<br />
private yard and pool is $450 plus tax per night or<br />
without pool $300. Pets considered at $15 a night<br />
per pet. Call Sharon 832-275-2515.<br />
Vacation condominium, sleeps 6, 1 bedroom,<br />
2 bathrooms, no pets allowed. Miramar Beach,<br />
Florida 32550, Book:850-270-5227 or http://<br />
bookings.destin-palms.com/Unit/Details/121435.<br />
Galveston Seawall Condo, beautiful ocean view,<br />
full kitchen, sleeps 4-6, $500/weekend, Nottingham<br />
family owned. Completely renovated, NOT in rental<br />
pool. No pets. So close and so much fun, Galveston!<br />
Stacie 713-302-5222.<br />
Vacation home for rent in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.<br />
3 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bath, beach, pool, tennis, golf,<br />
Mayan Ruins. For more info Google VRBO 136406 or<br />
call, 281-236-2107 or 713-896-1234.<br />
Timeshare: Rent a lovely condo for a full week in<br />
Hawaii! I have two weeks reserved in Maui, resort<br />
name is Kauhale Makai. The <strong>2017</strong> dates are March<br />
27th - April 3rd and April 4th - April 10th. Sleeps<br />
4, one bedroom, fully stocked kitchen. The resort<br />
charges $200 per day if not with time share. What<br />
else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $895 per week.<br />
For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427.<br />
Las Vegas Timeshare: On the Strip near the<br />
airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living.<br />
Jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s, 2 Phones, 2 pools outside<br />
building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in<br />
room, 4 days, $465 or 7 days, $595. No added<br />
fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409.<br />
Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation<br />
home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully<br />
furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful<br />
views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near<br />
Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or<br />
go to www.frioman.com for more information.<br />
NOVENA<br />
Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a<br />
Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials<br />
of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5<br />
Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena<br />
to appear in. - Krenek Printing.<br />
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout<br />
the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude,<br />
worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say<br />
Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must<br />
be promised. Thank you St. Jude - JM<br />
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their<br />
authors and do not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its<br />
employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated<br />
in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility<br />
for the advertising content with in this publication. All warranties and<br />
representations make in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser<br />
and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser.<br />
The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or<br />
failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such<br />
advertising.<br />
Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication<br />
the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical<br />
mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of<br />
misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the<br />
publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss<br />
of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to<br />
publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.<br />
Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO.<br />
7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX, 77095<br />
281-463-8649 • news@krenekprinting.com
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