Sarah Hampton to Irish government for public 2017.02.12

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From: <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Hamp<strong>to</strong>n</strong><br />

(email on original only)<br />

To:<br />

Taoiseach Enda Kenny<br />

Department of the Taoiseach<br />

Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street<br />

Dublin 2 D02 R583, Ireland<br />

Minister <strong>for</strong> Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan TD<br />

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade<br />

Iveagh House, 80 St Stephen’s Green<br />

Dublin 2, D02 VY53, Ireland<br />

Tánaiste and Minister <strong>for</strong> Justice and Equality, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald TD<br />

Minister’s Office, Department of Justice and Equality<br />

51 St Stephens Green<br />

Dublin 2, D02 HK52, Ireland<br />

sent by email: webmaster@taoiseach.gov.ie, charles.flanagan@oir.ie, minister@justice.ie<br />

please confirm receipt of this email<br />

cc <strong>to</strong> various TD's/Members of Parliament<br />

cc <strong>to</strong> 370 <strong>Irish</strong> and UK journalists<br />

12 th February 2017<br />

Dear Taoiseach Enda Kenny,<br />

Dear Minister <strong>for</strong> Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan TD<br />

Dear Tánaiste and Minister <strong>for</strong> Justice and Equality, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald TD<br />

My name is <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Hamp<strong>to</strong>n</strong>, you may have first heard my name when I was quoted on the<br />

Parliament floor by TD Paul Murphy on 8 February 2017. 1 In 2005 I was on holiday on<br />

Ireland when I met Mark Kennedy. I subsequently went on<strong>to</strong> have a one year relationship<br />

with the man I then knew as ‘Mark S<strong>to</strong>ne’ without any idea of his true identity. In 2010 I<br />

found out that he was a British undercover police officer working in Ireland as a member<br />

National Public Order Intelligence Unit.<br />

Finding out that Mark was an undercover police officer brought about a deep depression that<br />

seemed impossible <strong>to</strong> navigate, there were times I have almost given up completely. The<br />

process of seeking justice on this case has felt at times belittling, intimidating and downright<br />

scary. I felt I had been raped, I never consented <strong>to</strong> sleeping with a police officer. 2<br />

On the 3 rd February 2017 I received a written full apology from the Metropolitan Police<br />

Service (MPS). 3 Assistant Commissioner Fiona Taylor wrote me <strong>to</strong> acknowledged the pain<br />

and stress I have endured as the result of the deceitful relationship. The MPS Assistant<br />

1 htps://twiter.com/paulmurphyaaa/status/829329682352992256<br />

2 <strong>Sarah</strong>'s complete statement: htps://policespiesou<strong>to</strong>fives.org.uk/sarahs-statement/<br />

3 htp://www.yumpu.com/xx/document/view/56826058/leter-from-ac-taylor-<strong>to</strong>-bindmans-llp-19jan17

Commissioner stated,<br />

“The relationship between you and Mark Kennedy was abusive, deceitful, manipulative and<br />

wrong.” ”The relationship should never have happened.” “I recognise that what happened in<br />

your case was an abuse of police power that resulted in a violation of your human rights, a<br />

breach of your privacy and trust, and the source of significant trauma <strong>to</strong> you.”<br />

I note the Parliamentary Answer that TD Clare Daly received from the Tánaiste, 8 th February<br />

2017, stating “should anything emerge from the findings of the UK's Undercover Policing<br />

Inquiry (UCPI) that would be relevant <strong>to</strong> policing in this jurisdiction I will consider it fully<br />

and take any action that may be required.”<br />

However at this point the UCPI excludes Ireland completely, so this Parliamentary Answer is<br />

illogical and does not satisfy my concerns in the least. We don’t need <strong>to</strong> wait <strong>for</strong> the findings<br />

of the UK undercover policing inquiry <strong>to</strong> know that there are significant grounds <strong>for</strong> taking<br />

action on this matter. I am a US citizen, I was on holiday in Ireland when our relationship<br />

began, and despite the British MPS apology I have received, I have many unanswered<br />

questions regarding Ireland. I want <strong>to</strong> know if <strong>Irish</strong> authorities knew what Mark Kennedy was<br />

doing, and I want details about his operations in Ireland.<br />

- Did you allow him <strong>to</strong> develop intimate relationships with women in your jurisdiction?<br />

- Was he operating with the full permission of the <strong>Irish</strong> authorities?<br />

- Do you have police files on me?<br />

- To what extent has my right <strong>to</strong> privacy been invaded by the <strong>Irish</strong> authorities?<br />

It is my belief that Police and <strong>government</strong> are supposed <strong>to</strong> be here <strong>to</strong> serve the people and<br />

they need <strong>to</strong> be held responsible when they themselves have even admitted <strong>to</strong> being negligent<br />

and violating human rights. I believe that by not taking action on this matter you are<br />

perpetuating the trauma I have experienced and that my human rights are continuing <strong>to</strong> be<br />

violated.<br />

Further I find it shocking that via my solici<strong>to</strong>r Darragh Mackin of KRW Law I have in<strong>for</strong>med<br />

the Minister of Justice about such issues via legal letters dated 17 May 2016 and again on 20<br />

December 2016, 4 yet <strong>to</strong> date I have received no reply although both letters were even<br />

reported in the media. 5<br />

On 8 February the Taoiseach stated in Parliament that he would have his Minister <strong>for</strong> Foreign<br />

Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan TD, raise the issue with British officials within the<br />

coming week. I firmly request that you take action <strong>to</strong> insist <strong>to</strong> British officials that the UCPI<br />

be extended <strong>to</strong> include the activities of undercover activities in the Re<strong>public</strong> of Ireland.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

<strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Hamp<strong>to</strong>n</strong><br />

Core Participant in the UK Undercover Policing Inquiry 6<br />

4 Actvists demand report on Britsh police spy: htp://www.thetmes.co.uk/artcle/actvists-demand-repor<strong>to</strong>n-britsh-police-spy-c9x3fzf9k<br />

5 Inquiry urged in<strong>to</strong> undercover Britsh agent Mark Kennedy: htp://www.irishtmes.com/news/crime-andlaw/inquiry-urged-in<strong>to</strong>-undercover-britsh-agent-mark-kennedy-1.2686064<br />

6 htps://www.ucpi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/161215-list-of-core-partcipants-v15.pdf

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