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Premiere<br />

Table of Contents<br />

4 Editor’s Note<br />

6 What is Reading<br />

7 Find It<br />

8 The Complete Reading Act<br />

9 Reading Comprehension<br />

10 Characteristics of Reading Process<br />

12 Enhance Interest in Reading<br />

13 Crossword<br />

14 Benefits of Reading<br />

15 Building Good Habit<br />

17 Reading Creativity<br />

18 What is Writing<br />

19 Decode<br />

20 Cook It Yourself<br />

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Reading &<br />

Writing<br />

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Premiere<br />

Editor’s Note<br />

Is reading hard for you? Does reading easily bore you and doesn't<br />

catch your interest? We welcome you in this new issue of Premiere to help<br />

you with that!<br />

In this generation, it is sad<br />

to think that we hardly find young<br />

people holding a book and find<br />

reading enjoyable and fun. They<br />

prefer spending their time into<br />

technology, games and electronic<br />

media. But we cannot blame them because<br />

reading requires effort, concentration and attention. In exchange,<br />

it will make your brain work, gain knowledge and experience<br />

what you are reading. Technology, on the other hand, tends to<br />

be a lethargic activity. Hence, they're missing out the fun and<br />

wonderful experience of reading.<br />

This<br />

We have a lots of fun articles in store for you in this<br />

issue. Check out the steps and tips to enhance interest<br />

in reading, how to build goods reading habit, and<br />

benefits of reading. We also have fun mind games inside<br />

about reading. If you're planning to buy<br />

books and do not know what to buy, we have<br />

a list of Top 10 Best-Selling Novels of All<br />

Time to guide you!<br />

Our goal is to help and encourage not<br />

only young people, but of all ages to go and<br />

start reading. You'll be hooked in reading as you<br />

start turning the pages.<br />

Into This<br />

Premiere<br />

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What is Reading?<br />

Premiere<br />

The ability to read effectively is one of the most<br />

important skills you can acquire if you are to cope<br />

with your work as well as in various out-of-school<br />

activities.<br />

Reading is related in various ways to other<br />

languages such as: listening, speaking, and<br />

writing. Reading competence will help you be<br />

informed, entertained, stimulated, and comforted.<br />

It is the transaction with text. The reader brings meaning to<br />

a text in order to create meaning from it (Galda, 1993).<br />

To read is to comprehend the meaning of something written<br />

or printed by looking at and interpreting or printed characters-<br />

Hank<br />

Premiere<br />

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Find It!<br />

C O M P R E H E N D<br />

A W E G A U G N A L<br />

R D O L I T E R A L<br />

R R B R L I C N I W<br />

H N E U D R H T G C<br />

G S F C N E E E F P<br />

I M G N I D A E R E<br />

H B O O K P I H W R<br />

E Y I E A N E C O C<br />

E Y E S T R A I N E<br />

S P E U K S C M O P<br />

N W R I T E E D V T<br />

A D H R I B Y G E I<br />

I N T E P R E T L O<br />

A N A L Y S I S D N<br />

Interpret<br />

Eye-Strain<br />

Write<br />

Comprehend<br />

Recipe<br />

Reading<br />

Novel<br />

Perception<br />

Use<br />

Literal<br />

Analysis<br />

Book<br />

Language<br />

Word<br />

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The Complete<br />

Reading Act<br />

Perception<br />

The ability to<br />

recognize the word read<br />

and the letters that made<br />

up the word.<br />

Understanding<br />

Is the ability to tell<br />

what the word stands<br />

for, in relation to the<br />

other word or context.<br />

Interpretation<br />

Is the ability to react to<br />

the new knowledge which<br />

the words convey in<br />

relation to past<br />

experiences.<br />

Use<br />

Is the ability to apply<br />

what is read in<br />

appropriate situations.<br />

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Reading Comprehension<br />

Reading Comprehension is the ability to easily and efficiently read text for<br />

meaning. It is the last step of the reading process taught to children, after they’ve<br />

learned phonics, fluency, and vocabulary. In of identifying the sources of reading<br />

comprehension, a categorizing scheme reveals four (4) important components or<br />

levels of comprehension.<br />

Application and<br />

Creation<br />

Apply<br />

knowledge gained<br />

in a related<br />

situation; share<br />

appreciation or<br />

knowledge gained<br />

in activities: oral<br />

interpretation,<br />

dramatics, writing<br />

original selections,<br />

etc.<br />

Critical Analysis<br />

Identify ideas<br />

stated and implied<br />

which lead to<br />

conclusions and<br />

judgements.<br />

Interpretative<br />

Understand ideas<br />

from implicit<br />

information in text<br />

inferential.<br />

Literal<br />

Gets facts or ideas<br />

from explicit or<br />

stated information.<br />

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Premiere<br />

Characteristics of<br />

Reading Process<br />

Reading is a complex process.<br />

One’s reading performance is affected by a number of<br />

correlates so that it is not easy to explain why an individual’s<br />

reading performance may be satisfactory or unsatisfactory.<br />

Reading is a two-way process.<br />

Reading is communication between author and reader.<br />

Communication gap between author and reader results to poor<br />

comprehension. When that gap is bridged, better communication<br />

takes place.<br />

Reading is largely visual process.<br />

Normally, good eyesight is required for good reading.<br />

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Premiere<br />

Reading is an active process. It is a thinking process.<br />

A reader usually reacts physically, emotionally, or intellectually with<br />

what he reads.<br />

Reading makes use of linguistic.<br />

A system which enables readers to be more effective users of written<br />

language. A reader who has some knowledge of the syntax, orthography, and<br />

morphology (formation of words) of a language can interact more effectively<br />

with the printed form of that language.<br />

“Effective reading is partly dependent on the reader’s prior knowledge or<br />

background experiences” -Romero<br />

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Premiere<br />

“Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.” This was said by Mary<br />

Schmich, an American Journalist.<br />

By simply reading, we gain knowledge and it helps us improve our skills.<br />

Hence, it plays an important role in our growth and where we can go. But sadly,<br />

not everyone likes to read and for some people reading is a hard task.<br />

You should not miss the amazing experience of reading! So, here are few<br />

steps and tips to get started.<br />

1.<br />

4. Take a<br />

break.<br />

If you start<br />

getting<br />

bored, take<br />

a break.<br />

Reading<br />

should be<br />

fun, don’t<br />

force it.<br />

It will help you gain interest<br />

in reading.<br />

3. Find a place<br />

where you<br />

can<br />

concentrate.<br />

6. Share your<br />

experience.<br />

2. Read page<br />

carefully.<br />

Don’t force<br />

yourself to<br />

read<br />

faster.<br />

Enjoy what<br />

you’re<br />

reading.<br />

5. Highlight your<br />

favorite part.<br />

Note: These steps and<br />

tips will help you<br />

cultivate love in<br />

reading. You might be<br />

surprised one day,<br />

you’ve became a<br />

bibliophile!<br />

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Crossword<br />

10.<br />

1. 8.<br />

7.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

2.<br />

4. 9.<br />

3.<br />

Across<br />

1. Is greatly renown in humans nowadays.<br />

2. Is a skill like driving, typing, or preparing a good meal.<br />

3. Latin word of Creative.<br />

4. Means formation of words.<br />

5. Iris known as _____.<br />

Down<br />

6. It dilates when we try to focus our eyes.<br />

7. Effective users of written _____.<br />

8. The most important skill you can acquire.<br />

10. Apply what is read in appropriate situations.<br />

UP<br />

9. A reader who has some knowledge of the syntax, ________.<br />

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Premiere<br />

Benefits of Reading<br />

Reading plays an important part in our daily living.<br />

Through it, we learn or gather information. However not<br />

everyone does it on a regular basis. Therefore you can start<br />

practicing having a good reading habit after reading this<br />

from now.<br />

Experts say that when you stay mentally stimulated<br />

(where in the brain continuously works) it lessens the<br />

tendency to have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.<br />

Putting your brain at work through reading is like<br />

exercising the brain. Just like what the other parts of the<br />

body do.<br />

Stress is renown in humans nowadays. But then, this<br />

can lessen the progress of human at work. Reading is an<br />

effective stress relaxant. Being carried away by a story<br />

puts the reader’s mind in imagining. Which, therefore,<br />

puts you in a relaxing state of mind.<br />

Reading can also help you to be confident and<br />

understand any kinds of terms if it comes to<br />

reading, at the same time it’ll help you to widen<br />

your vocabulary.<br />

Try surrounding yourself with the quietness as you read. Sit back, relax, and<br />

enjoy.<br />

Premiere<br />

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Building Good Reading Habits<br />

Reading is a best weapon<br />

in anything and reading<br />

can be a habit. In some<br />

point it also depends on the<br />

individual if he wants to,<br />

our not. But in this<br />

generation many young<br />

adults or youth are lacking<br />

in reading.<br />

1. Read as much as you are<br />

able. Remember if you can<br />

read you can stock<br />

knowledge.<br />

2. Build more interest. A simple words that you may encounter in<br />

your daily life can be a help to enhance. Also it can may be helps you<br />

towards to a more words that can build your interests.<br />

3. Memorize some context.<br />

4. Keep on reading!<br />

5. Be familiar to a word. If you can build your interest, familiarize<br />

the word. You can re-read some of those.<br />

6. Find some books or stories you are into. This can also help you to<br />

enhance interest in reading. Reading books can also help you to build<br />

a good reading habits.To know if we are having a good habit, here are<br />

some examples.<br />

1. If you notice that your skills in reading are improving.<br />

When you are reading for the main idea of each paragraph, along<br />

with its supporting reasons.<br />

2. If you notice that reading is been habitual and it is connecting to<br />

your everyday daily life.<br />

3. If you notice that you started to read not just the main ideas but also the<br />

whole content.<br />

4. If you notice that you always volunteer as a reader.<br />

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Enjoy Reading<br />

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eative comes from the Latin creatus, meaning ‘to<br />

bring into existence’.<br />

reative reading refers to any kinds of activity engaged by<br />

the reader whose imagination helps him or her produce<br />

something new out of a selection or reading material. It is<br />

for fun and leisure. It is intelligent reading involving the<br />

ability the read beyond the printed<br />

page, recreating new experience<br />

for self and for an audience.<br />

Thus, ideas and feelings<br />

gathered from a reading<br />

material become a springboard<br />

for other ideas and activities.<br />

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What Is Writing?<br />

Premiere<br />

Writing is hard work for almost everyone it is<br />

difficult to do the intense and active that clear<br />

writing demands.<br />

It is frustrating to discover how much a challenge it is<br />

to transfer though and feelings to the sheet of paper,<br />

but writing is not an automatic process we will not<br />

get something or nothing and we should not expect to<br />

competent writing results only from plain hard work,<br />

from determination sweat and head on battle.<br />

Writing is a skill like driving, typing or preparing a<br />

good meal. Like any skill, it can be learned, if you<br />

decide that you are going to learn and then really<br />

work at it. Reading and writing is important for one<br />

person to know to wide more their knowledge.<br />

Premiere<br />

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Decode!<br />

Decode the secret message in the cryptogram below.<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

18 27 4 56 8 10 35 3 26 28 11 45 12 15 31 25 77 88 72<br />

O G A<br />

18 9 93512 7 2 31 4 5 12 9 15 3<br />

T<br />

22 9 22 8 4 15 26 2 31 4 4512 4<br />

I<br />

25 2 26 7 12 22 9 22 8 4 23 2 26 27<br />

M<br />

56 3 2 7 8 22 22 9 22 8 4 2 23 5 7 2 26 5 22 2 9 26<br />

5 26 27 3 2 56 4 22 9 4 31 4 45 88 22 8 2 26 7<br />

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Premiere<br />

Cook It<br />

Yourself!<br />

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Never Judge<br />

A Book By<br />

Its Cover<br />

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Read<br />

In Life<br />

Write<br />

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