Summer 2017 CSUDH Extended Education Catalog

At California State University, Dominguez Hills, you’ll be able to advance your career and access your future with bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and professional development certificates across a wide range of interests and industries. Whether you want to broaden your skillset, finish a degree or start something completely new, you can reach your educational and professional goals at CSUDH. Choose classes that take place online, on campus, or in a hybrid option. Don’t wait to get started and take charge of your life. Enroll today!

At California State University, Dominguez Hills, you’ll be able to advance your career and access your future with bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and professional development certificates across a wide range of interests and industries.
Whether you want to broaden your skillset, finish a degree or start something completely new, you can reach your educational and professional goals at CSUDH.
Choose classes that take place online, on campus, or in a hybrid option. Don’t wait to get started and take charge of your life.
Enroll today!


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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

All Access<br />

<strong>Extended</strong> <strong>Education</strong>

Welcome to Your Future<br />

At California State University, Dominguez Hills,<br />

you’ll be able to advance your career and access your future<br />

with bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and professional<br />

development certificates across a wide range of interests and<br />

industries.<br />

Whether you want to broaden your skillset, finish a degree or start<br />

something completely new, you can reach your educational and<br />

professional goals at <strong>CSUDH</strong>.<br />

Choose classes that take place online, on campus, or in a hybrid option. Don’t wait to get<br />

started and take charge of your life. Enroll today!<br />

California State University<br />

Dominguez Hills<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong><br />

and<br />

International <strong>Education</strong>

Registration<br />

Who May Register<br />

Most certificate classes offered through the <strong>CSUDH</strong> College<br />

of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> are open to anyone<br />

with a high school diploma or GED. Registration in these courses does not constitute admission<br />

to <strong>CSUDH</strong>.<br />

There are 4 ways to register:<br />

Phone<br />

310-243-3741<br />

Online<br />

If you have taken a class at <strong>CSUDH</strong>, and have a username and password,<br />

you can register at my.csudh.edu.<br />

8<br />

In Person<br />

At the College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong><br />

Registration Office, 1000 E. Victoria St., Carson, CA, located on the<br />

campus south of parking lot 3.<br />

Mail<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> Registration Office<br />

California State University, Dominguez Hills<br />

1000 E. Victoria St.<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />

Payment $<br />

Fees are due at the time of registration into each class. Payments accepted<br />

include Visa, Mastercard, Discover, check or money order.<br />

For more registration information and necessary forms, visit<br />

www4.csudh.edu/ceie/registration<br />

* Although this bulletin was prepared on the basis of the best information available at the time, all information is subject to change<br />

without notice or obligation including instructors, the class offerings and class descriptions, and statement of tuition and fees, up<br />

until the dates when a course begins.<br />


Contents<br />

4 Information Sessions<br />

5 Special <strong>Summer</strong> Courses<br />

05 Organic Chemistry<br />

7 Business & Management<br />

07 Master of Business Administration<br />

(MBA) •• Online<br />

07 Master of Public Administration<br />

(MPA) •• Online<br />

07 Bachelor of Science in Applied Studies<br />

•• Online<br />

08 Construction Project<br />

Management Certificate<br />

08 Entrepreneurship Certificate<br />

08 Global Logistics Certificate<br />

10 Human Resource<br />

Management Certificate<br />

10 Advanced Human Resource<br />

Management Certificate<br />

10 Society for Human Resource Management Certification<br />

Preparation (SHRM)<br />

11 Management and Supervision Certificate<br />

12 Medical Insurance Billing Certificate<br />

12 Meeting and Event Planning Certificate<br />

13 Project Management Certificate<br />

13 Project Management with<br />

Microsoft Project<br />

13 Project Management Professional<br />

(PMP) Examination Preparation<br />

14 Purchasing Certificate •• Online<br />

14 Supply Chain Management<br />

Certificate •• Online<br />

14 Special Major Bachelor of Arts Degree<br />

17 Special Programs &<br />

Opportunities<br />

17 The Center for Training and Development<br />

17 International Training<br />

17 Workforce Investment Board<br />

17 Active Military and Veteran Programs<br />

17 <strong>Extended</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Facilities<br />

18 Communications<br />

18 Grant Writing and<br />

Administration Certificate<br />

18 Social Media Strategies and Content Marketing<br />

Certificate<br />

18 Technical Writing<br />

Certificate •• Online<br />

19 Web Design Certificate<br />

20 <strong>Education</strong><br />

20 Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC)<br />

20 Assistive Technology<br />

Specialist Certificate •• Online<br />

20 Community College Teaching<br />

Certificate •• Online or On Campus<br />

21 Educator Courses Via<br />

Distance Learning •• Online<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

22 Healthcare &<br />

Social Services<br />

22 MS in Health Sciences,<br />

Orthotics and Prosthetics Option<br />

22 Master of Social Work<br />

22 Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate<br />

23 Communication Sciences and Disorders Certificate<br />

24 Humanities<br />

24 Master of Arts<br />

Humanities •• Online<br />

25 Negotiation, Mediation & Legal<br />

25 Master of Arts in<br />

Negotiation, Conflict Resolution<br />

and Peacebuilding •• Online<br />

25 The Paralegal Certificate Course® •• Online<br />

26 Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA)<br />

26 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)<br />

Training<br />

29 Quality Assurance<br />

29 MS Quality Assurance •• Online<br />

29 <strong>CSUDH</strong> Quality Assurance<br />

Certificates and ASQ Certification •• Online<br />

30 Sports & Recreation<br />

30 Personal Fitness<br />

Trainer Certificate<br />

30 Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate •• Online<br />

31 Test & Certification<br />

Preparation<br />

31 Test Preparation Courses<br />

32 <strong>Summer</strong> Youth Programs<br />

32 Video Game Design & Animation<br />

32 Web Design<br />

33 Advanced Video Game Design & Animation<br />

33 Computer Illustration and Special Effects for Video<br />

Games<br />

33 <strong>Summer</strong> Reading Skills Programs for Children and Adults<br />

34 Class Schedule<br />

38 Anytime-Anywhere<br />

39 Distance Learning Programs<br />

40 Open University<br />

41 Registration Form<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2017</strong> •• Table of Contents<br />


Information Sessions<br />

CN<br />

Dept<br />

Cat.<br />

No.<br />

Sec. Session Title Date<br />

Start<br />

Time<br />

End<br />

Time<br />

Day<br />

Location<br />

Facility<br />

Room<br />

Units<br />

23445 NBHR 200 03 HR Management Programs 5/10/17 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Wed <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1213<br />

Web Design Webinar - Online 5/20/17 10 AM 11 AM Sat http://www.facebook.com/<strong>CSUDH</strong>WebCert<br />

30463 NHEX 100 01 Fitness Certification 6/3/17 10 AM 11 AM Sat <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1206<br />

30446 NBHR 200 81 HR Management Certificate 6/3/17 10 AM 11 AM Sat Redondo Beach Beach Cities Room<br />

TBA NPMP 100 01 Project Management Programs 6/20/17 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Tu <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1213<br />

30776 NAOH 100 1 Alcohol & Drug Counseling 7/11/17 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Tues <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1213<br />

30777 NQUA 495 1 Cal/OSHA Quarterly Update (free) 8/11/17 12 PM 3 PM Fri <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1213<br />

30778 OSX 995 1 Cal/OSHA Quarterly Update ($25) 8/11/17 12 PM 3 PM Fri <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1213 0.2 CEUs<br />

TBA NBHR 200 01 HR Management Programs 8/16/17 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Wed <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1218<br />

30766 NECC 101 1 Community College Teaching 8/19/17 1 PM 3 PM Sat <strong>CSUDH</strong> EE1213<br />

Information sessions are free to attend but you must register in advance using the appropriate Course Number (CN).<br />

Save the Date!<br />

Coming<br />

August 26,<br />

information sessions for multiple Programs<br />

Including:<br />

• Construction Project Management<br />

• Project Management<br />

• Web Design<br />

and much more!<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Special <strong>Summer</strong> Courses<br />

Organic Chemistry<br />

Satisfy your Organic Chemistry Requirement in Just 10 Weeks this <strong>Summer</strong>!<br />

This 10-week series of intensive summer classes satisfies the requirement for pre-professional students for two<br />

semesters of organic chemistry. Since 1977, students from colleges all over the US have taken the course and transferred<br />

the credit into their university.<br />

In addition, the classes help prepare students for the MCAT and DAT exams.<br />

For further information, visit: http://www4.csudh.edu/ceie/organic-chemistry<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Sessions at <strong>CSUDH</strong>!<br />

Open to Everyone!<br />

Session I: May 27 - July 7<br />

Session II: July 8 - August 18<br />

Regular Session: May 27 - August 18<br />

Undergraduate classes only $275 per unit!<br />

Lot’s of Online Classes!<br />

Plenty of Parking!<br />

www.csudh.edu/summer<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2017</strong> •• Special <strong>Summer</strong> Courses<br />


“<br />

BS Applied Studies<br />

The program excels in a number of ways, but the curriculum is its strong point.<br />

Coursework is challenging, yet purposefully chosen to impart skills needed to<br />

succeed in today’s dynamic business world. Delivered by some truly outstanding<br />

instructors, the APS program assures a meaningful course of study with<br />

real-world applicability.”<br />

•• John N.<br />

graduates earn<br />

million more than high<br />

school graduates over<br />

$1MCollege<br />

their lifetime.<br />

•• Georgetown University<br />

Center on <strong>Education</strong> and<br />

the Workforce<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Business & Management<br />

Master of Business Administration (MBA) •• Online 8<br />

Our online MBA program provides a solid foundation in business management and equips graduates with the skills needed<br />

for effective team building, quantitative and qualitative decision-making and creative problem solving. Courses in the<br />

program cover essential areas of expertise required in today’s competitive business environment, including accounting,<br />

economics, finance, management and marketing.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/mba/<br />

Master of Public Administration (MPA) •• Online 8<br />

Our online MPA program prepares students for careers as professional managers of public sector or non-profit<br />

organizations, as well as careers in research, consulting and teaching. The program’s four areas of concentration include<br />

public management, criminal justice policy and administration, healthcare policy and administration, and nonprofit<br />

management.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/mpa<br />

Bachelor of Science in Applied Studies •• Online 8<br />

Our online Bachelor of Science in Applied Studies is a degree completion program that blends business and liberal arts<br />

courses, and integrates transferable skills. Students with an associate’s degree or 60 units of applicable coursework can<br />

complete their final two years in the Applied Studies program and receive a Bachelor of Science degree. The program is<br />

especially useful for community college graduates with backgrounds or degrees in technical fields for which there<br />

is no apparent bachelor’s program.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/applied-studies-bs<br />

50 %<br />

On average, MBA graduates are likely<br />

to earn about 50 percent more than<br />

they did before receiving their degree.<br />

•• Payscale.com<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Business & Management<br />


Construction Project Management Certificate<br />

Our Construction Project Management program is designed for construction personnel, contractors, architects,<br />

engineers, property owners, developers, real estate professionals, city planning personnel, building managers, and<br />

those who want to develop and expand their managerial skills in construction. Students gain practical knowledge in<br />

plan reading, estimating, construction accounting, construction safety, real estate acquisition financing, field project<br />

management, construction law, and bidding and scheduling. The certificate consists of eight courses that can be<br />

completed in as little as six months.<br />

Courses:<br />

CMX 903 - Plan Reading<br />

CMX 902 - Estimation<br />

CMX 904 - Construction Accounting<br />

CMX 905 - Financing Real Estate Acquisitions<br />

CMX 920 - Field Project Management<br />

CMX 921 - Real Estate Law (Law for Construction)<br />

CMX 925 - Bidding & Scheduling<br />

CMX 926 - Construction Safety<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Construction<br />

Entrepreneurship Certificate<br />

In this intensive certificate program, students will learn the fundamentals of<br />

entrepreneurship, gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a start-up<br />

or expand an existing business. The certificate is offered jointly by the South Bay<br />

Entrepreneurial Center (SBEC) Academy and <strong>CSUDH</strong> College of <strong>Extended</strong> and<br />

International <strong>Education</strong>. The program is designed to be completed in two months.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Entrepreneurship/index<br />

Global Logistics Certificate<br />

Our Global Logistics program provides training for operational staff in freight forwarding companies, small-to mediumsized<br />

shipping department supervisors and export/import office staff. The curriculum is focused on operational logistics,<br />

and includes courses such as Introduction to Logistics, Importing and Exporting, Global Logistics, Transportation<br />

Management/Physical Distribution, and Financial Instruments of International Trade and Hazardous Materials, all of which<br />

can be completed in as little as four months.<br />

Courses:<br />

GLX 900 – Introduction to Logistics<br />

GLX 901 – Importing and Exporting<br />

GLX 902 – Global Logistics<br />

GLX 903 – Transportation Management/Physical Distribution<br />

GLX 904 – Financial Instruments of International Trade<br />

GLX 905 – Hazardous Materials<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Global-Logistics<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

“<br />

Construction<br />

I appreciate the quality teaching at <strong>CSUDH</strong>. I recently received a promotion to Facilities<br />

Project Manager-1 with LAUSD, which was a direct benefit of the experience and<br />

information I received through your Construction Project Management Certificate<br />

program.”<br />

•• Dan C. / Facilities Project Manager<br />

LAUSD Maintenance and Operations Projects Unit<br />

21.9 %<br />

It is estimated that employment in<br />

the area of logistics may increase by<br />

21.9 percent between 2012 and 2022.<br />

•• Bureau of Labor Statistics<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Business & Management<br />


Human Resources<br />

Human Resource Management Certificate<br />

Our Human Resource Management program provides the knowledge and practical skills for career enhancement and job<br />

advancement in the field, and exceeds the requirements for PHR (Professional in Human Resources) and SPHR (Senior<br />

Professional in Human Resources) re-certification. The program consists of four courses that can be completed in as<br />

little as four months. Students will learn how to:<br />

Students will learn how to develop and administer practical HR systems, measure and benchmark HR success, avoid<br />

costly mistakes when hiring and dealing with HR issues, and develop strategies for reducing corporate risk and liability<br />

through effective HR practices.<br />

Courses:<br />

HRX 901 - Establishing Human Resource Systems<br />

HRX 903 - Total Rewards<br />

HRX 905 - Labor and Employment Law<br />

HRX 907 - Communication Dynamics<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Human-Resource-Management<br />

Advanced Human Resource Management Certificate<br />

Intended for the seasoned human resource professional, this program emphasizes a detailed understanding of the<br />

processes, systems and practical “how-to” knowledge for administering HR programs and moving into strategic<br />

positions on the company management team. Students will learn about strategic partnerships, the impact of laws,<br />

regulations and court cases, the global/international environment, corporate culture, strategic project models, analytical<br />

and measurement models, safety and security practices, workplace privacy practices, union and non-union environments,<br />

and negotiation techniques ethics and investigations. The certificate consists of three courses that can be completed in<br />

as little as three months.<br />

Courses:<br />

HRX 951 - Strategic HR Management<br />

HRX 953 - Benchmarks and Trends<br />

HRX 955 - Human Resource Practices<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Advanced-HR<br />

Society for Human Resource Management Certification Preparation (SHRM)<br />

Establish yourself as a globally recognized human resource expert by earning the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-<br />

CP) and SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP), the new standard in HR certification. Ensure you’re prepared<br />

with our SHRM preparation program, designed for SHRM credential candidates. This intensive, 12-week/36-hour<br />

program combines expert instruction with the SHRM Learning System® so students can learn more quickly, retain more<br />

knowledge and track for success on the exam.<br />

The College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> is an SHRM Preferred Provider.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/SHRM<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Management and Supervision Certificate<br />

This program is designed for individuals who have recently been promoted to managerial and supervisory positions.<br />

Participants learn management skills and techniques that will allow them to be successful managers and supervisors in<br />

today’s dynamic marketplace. The two-course/two-month program exposes students to the myriad laws and regulations<br />

that can directly impact their work as supervisors, managers and agents of their employer—and increase their value to their<br />

organization.<br />

Courses:<br />

MGX 921 - Management & Supervision: Organizational Role<br />

MGX 923 - Management & Supervision: Team Management<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Management-Supervision<br />

“<br />

Human<br />

Resources<br />

Even though I’ve been in this industry for 30 years, I wanted<br />

to brush up on my H/R. The instructors really know their<br />

stuff and are passionate about what they’re doing. They<br />

made the classes fun and interesting, and I’m sure they’re<br />

making a huge impact on many lives.”<br />

•• Eva D. / Regional Employee Relations Specialist<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Business & Management: Human Resources / Management & Supervision<br />


Medical Insurance Billing Certificate<br />

Our Medical Insurance Billing program provides students with an in-depth understanding of the complex procedures<br />

involved in the medical insurance billing industry. Students will gain practical knowledge of medical insurance billing<br />

practices and enhance their understanding of the skills required to operate efficiently in today’s medical offices, hospitals,<br />

clinics and medical supply companies. The eight courses in the program can be completed in four to six months.<br />

Courses:<br />

INBMB 111 - Insurance and Third Party Payers<br />

NBMB 112 - Office & Insurance Problem Solving<br />

NBMB 113 - Regulatory Requirements – HIPAA, Compliance & Ethics<br />

NBMB 114 - Inpatient / Outpatient Facility Billing<br />

NBMB 115 - Medical Terminology<br />

NBMB 116 - ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding<br />

NBMB 117 - CPT Procedure Coding<br />

NBMB 118 - Medical Insurance Computer Billing and Applied Billing Techniques<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Medical-Insurance-Billing<br />

Meeting and Event Planning Certificate<br />

Meeting and event planning is a rapidly growing, multi-billion-dollar global industry.<br />

In this program, students will learn how to become a meeting and event planner<br />

for an organization or as an independent business owner. The program helps train students interested in careers as a<br />

meeting planner/coordinator, event director, wedding planner, special event planner, destination management planner,<br />

corporate planner or association planner. Students will also learn about fundraising/development, hotel sales, convention<br />

service management, and entertainment production, including lighting, audio/visual, sound and catering. There are nine,<br />

one-day courses that can be completed in two months.<br />

Courses:<br />

MEX 901 - Introduction and Fundamentals of Meeting Planning<br />

MEX 904 - Site Selection and Inspections<br />

MEX 905 - Financial Management for Event Planning<br />

MEX 902 - Special Event Management<br />

MEX 903 - Negotiations and Contracts<br />

MEX 907 - Audio/Visual and Technology Today<br />

MEX 906 - Food and Beverage Management/Room Set Ups<br />

MEX 908 - Planning Global and Incentive Meetings<br />

MEX 910 - Marketing and Promotion for Event Planning<br />

MEX 909 - Wedding Planning<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Meeting-Event-Planning<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Project Management<br />

Project Management Certificate<br />

In our Project Management program, students gain the management skills required to bring projects in on time and within<br />

budget. The curriculum covers the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge<br />

(PMBOK), which serves as the fundamental knowledge base for project management. In addition, this 66-hour program<br />

exceeds the education requirement needed to sit for PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP) and Certified<br />

Associate in Project Management (CAPM) examinations. These examinations provide an entry into the project management<br />

profession for those who do not have prior work experience in the field. This five-course/five-month program also offers<br />

66 professional development units for PMI certification maintenance.<br />

Courses:<br />

PMX 900 - Introduction & Overview of Project Management<br />

PMX 901 - Project Human Resource and Procurement Management<br />

PMX 902 - Project Quality and Communications Management<br />

PMX 903 - Project Risk and Scope Management<br />

PMX 904 - Project Time and Cost Management<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Project-Management<br />

Project Management with Microsoft Project<br />

This one-month course is designed to give experienced project managers an understanding of and confidence using<br />

Microsoft Project 2013. Through individual, hands-on participation in the software’s features and functions, the course<br />

focuses on CPM scheduling, with brief references to Critical Chain and Agile project management methodologies as they<br />

relate to Microsoft Project 2013. Students will learn how to create schedules, develop cost-loaded baselines, track progress<br />

and produce meaningful reports for stakeholders, as well as customize the software<br />

to their preferences.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Microsoft-Project<br />

Project Management Professional (PMP) Examination Preparation<br />

This one-month test preparation course was developed for professionals who are currently working in the field of<br />

project management and are interested in taking the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. Passing the PMP<br />

is a challenge and requires 60 to 80 hours of practice. This course provides direction and strategies for successful<br />

completion of the test.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Project-Management-PMP<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Business & Management: Medical Billing / Meeting & Event Planning<br />


Supply Chain Management<br />

Purchasing Certificate •• Online8<br />

Our Purchasing program is for individuals who want to gain a broad education in the principles of purchasing and<br />

procurement management. Those in the field and those entering the field will benefit from this practical training taught<br />

by leading Purchasing professionals. Topics covered include cost-price analysis, negotiation, public sector procurement,<br />

legal and regulatory considerations, specification, standardization, supply, ethical issues, partnering, total quality<br />

procurement and logistics. This five-course program can be completed in as little as one year.<br />

Courses;<br />

PRX 200-41 - Purchasing Fundamentals (Foundation Course)<br />

PRX 310-41 - Cost-Price Analysis and Negotiation<br />

PRX 330-41 - Public Sector Procurement<br />

PRX 340-41 - Advanced Purchasing Concepts<br />

PIX 351-41 - Basics of Supply Chain Management<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Purchasing<br />

Supply Chain Management Certificate •• Online 8<br />

Students in this program will gain a broad education in the principles of supply chain management. Those already in<br />

the field and those entering the field will benefit from practical training in classes presented by leading supply chain<br />

management professionals. Course topics include: supply chain management, detailed scheduling and planning, material<br />

requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, inventory management, supplier planning, procurement,<br />

operations execution and control, production processes, quality incentives, inventory control, master planning of<br />

resources, forecasting, master scheduling, strategic management of resources and integrating operating processes into<br />

the strategic plan. This five-course program can be completed in as little as one year.<br />

Courses:<br />

PIX 351 - Supply Chain Fundamentals<br />

PIX 353 - Supply Chain Scheduling<br />

PIX 355 - Supply Chain Operations<br />

PIX 357 - Supply Chain Planning<br />

PIX 359 - Supply Chain Strategies<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Supply-Chain-Management<br />

Special Major Bachelor of Arts Degree<br />

Students who have completed the Supply Chain Management Certificate Program at California State University,<br />

Dominguez Hills are invited to apply the credits earned toward a bachelor’s degree through our unique Special Major<br />

degree program. Working with an advisory committee to design a path that best suits their individual and career objectives,<br />

students can integrate their studies in Supply Chain Management with at least two other disciplines to obtain their<br />

bachelor’s degree.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/programs-schedules/<br />

degree-programs-bachelors/production-inventory-control-ba<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

“<br />

Supply Chain Management<br />

I hadn’t taken a class in 30 years, but your <strong>CSUDH</strong> instructors<br />

gave me the self-confidence to finish<br />

my degree. I can’t thank you enough.”<br />

•• Diane T. / Northrop Grumman Employee and<br />

Purchasing Certificate Student<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Business & Management: Project Management / Supply Chain Management<br />


“<br />

Meeting<br />

and Event Planning<br />

I really love the classes and the professors I’ve had so far. Taking the Site Selection<br />

Class at the Loews Hollywood was a great, hands-on experience. I’m very grateful<br />

for everything I’ve learned to date and am looking forward to taking the remaining<br />

classes to complete the program!”<br />

•• Karen T. / Meeting and Event Planning Certificate Student<br />

“<br />

Project<br />

Management<br />

I have been a design engineer for more than 35 years, and I was sincerely impressed<br />

by the experience and dedication of my professor in the Project Management<br />

Certificate Program. He not only explained project management techniques and<br />

methods, he also helped us practice for the CAPM and PMP exams. Your PMX<br />

program is the best for the price in Los Angeles and Orange counties!”<br />

•• Chris K.A., P.E. / Principal Instrumentation & Controls Engineer, WorleyParsons<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Special Programs & Opportunities<br />

The Center for Training and Development<br />

The Center for Training and Development works closely with the business community to develop custom-designed<br />

training programs that help meet the demands of the fast-paced workplaces of the new millennium.<br />

For more information, call 310-243-3737 or email kmcnutt@csudh.edu.<br />

International Training<br />

Professional training and degree programs are available on the <strong>CSUDH</strong> campus, outside of the U.S., or via distance<br />

learning.<br />

For more information, call 310-243-3972, email intltraining@csudh.edu or visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie-intl/intl-trainingprograms<br />

Workforce Development Board<br />

FREE Training for a New Career<br />

More than 40 programs at <strong>CSUDH</strong>’s College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> are approved by the Workforce<br />

Development Board, which means you could qualify to earn a professional certificate for free!<br />

For more information, visit https://www.servicelocator.org/workforcecontacts.asp .<br />

Active Military and Veteran Programs<br />

<strong>CSUDH</strong> extends military-friendly advanced credit policies to active personnel, veterans, active and retired reservists,<br />

and active and retired members of the National Guard. Students may be awarded up to 90 semester credits toward their<br />

degree.<br />

For your convenience, we offer 100% online bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, certificates and individual courses.<br />

For more information, email ceemilitary@csudh.edu, call 310-243-2189 or visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie-military.<br />

<strong>Extended</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Facilities<br />

The College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> facilities are available for group rental for classes, seminars, video<br />

conferencing, television/film production and other events.<br />

Facilities<br />

• 10 classrooms • Administrative and registration offices • Lecture Hall<br />

• Wifi • Executive Conference Room • Video/Presenter Camera/<br />

• Warming Kitchen<br />

Projection Capability<br />

For pricing, scheduling, and catering information:<br />

Contact Teresa Stevens at 310-243-2012/tstevens@csudh.edu<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Special Programs & Opportunitiest<br />


Communications<br />

Grant Writing and Administration Certificate<br />

Grants are critical to the success of any nonprofit organization. In this program, students learn how to find grant funding<br />

resources, write successful grant proposals and manage projects and performance reporting. Topics covered include<br />

grant writing, grant proposals, the application process, methodology, evaluation, assessment, timelines, performance<br />

reporting, direct funding, in-kind contributions, foundations, principal investigators, leadership development officers,<br />

forums, conferences and networking. The program’s three courses can be completed in as little as two months.<br />

Courses:<br />

TEX 914 - Pre-Award Grant Administration<br />

TEX 917 - Evaluation and Grant Implementation<br />

TEX 919 - Post-Award Grant Administration<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Grant-Writing/<br />

Social Media Strategies and Content Marketing Certificate<br />

This five course, two month program prepares students to create a social media campaign. Courses are designed<br />

to prepare participants for positions that require knowledge of converging media, including social media director,<br />

advertising, promotions, or marketing manager, craft and fine artists, editors, graphic designers, producers and directors,<br />

public relations specialists, reporters, correspondents, and broadcast news analysts, writers and authors.<br />

Courses:<br />

JMX 901 - Introduction to Convergence Media, Marketing & Advertising<br />

JMX 902 - Images, Graphics, Platforms and Content<br />

JMX 903 - Journalism, Publishing, Entertainment and eCommerce<br />

JMX 904 - Politics, Social Cause Marketing and Community Building<br />

JMX 905 - How to Make Anything Go Viral<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Convergence-Media<br />

Technical Writing Certificate •• Online 8<br />

Our Technical Writing program introduces students to the many aspects of contemporary technical writing practices<br />

and helps them develop the skills and confidence to communicate complex technical concepts simply and effectively.<br />

Students can take individual courses or the entire series. Concepts covered include understanding the steps for<br />

successful technical writing, determining the purpose and objectives of the project at hand, collaborative writing, how<br />

to write a procedures manual, and how to design the most common technical documents. The program consists of three<br />

courses that can be completed in as little as six months.<br />

Courses:<br />

NWTW 101 - Fundamentals of Technical Writing<br />

NWTW 102 - Advanced Technical Communications<br />

NWTW 103 - Information Design<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Technical-Writing<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

“<br />

Web<br />

Design<br />

My instructor’s enthusiasm and patience was outstanding.<br />

Her presentations were dynamic, and she kept students<br />

motivated and engaged by encouraging their participation.<br />

Students went from zero understanding to ‘getting it’<br />

very rapidly.”<br />

•• Fariba B. / Web Design Certificate Student<br />

Web Design Certificate<br />

This five-course, two-month certificate program provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills<br />

necessary for effective web design. In this series of courses, students will learn the fundamentals of HTML and web<br />

site development. They will also gain valuable experience with specific web development and graphic tools, including:<br />

Dreamweaver, a web design and coding application, Fireworks, a web graphic design and image optimization tool, and<br />

Flash, a web animation and multimedia application. Courses are designed to prepare students for positions that include:<br />

Web Design / Integrator, Web Developer, Web Programmer, and Content Manager<br />

Courses:<br />

CIX 912-01 - Building a Better Web Site<br />

CIX 913-01 - Intermediate HTML Publishing<br />

CIX 914-01 - Advanced HTML Publishing<br />

CIX 902-01 - Using Dreamweaver<br />

CIX 935-01 - Using Flash<br />

CIX 936-01 - Using Fireworks<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Web-Design/<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Communications<br />


<strong>Education</strong><br />

Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC)<br />

The new credential program requires collaboration with a certified coach, professional learning outlined in an Individual<br />

Induction Plan (IIP), and demonstration of competence in all six of the California Professional Standard for <strong>Education</strong>al<br />

Leaders (CPSEL).<br />

For further information, visit: www4.csudh.edu/slp/programs-admissions/tier-ii<br />

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program<br />

Charter and Autonomous School Leadership (CASLA)<br />

As a part of the School Leadership Program, current school leaders enhance their instructional leadership skills to<br />

improve student achievement in their schools.Aspiring school leaders earn their Preliminary Administrative Service<br />

Credential, Master’s degree and/or certificate to lead charter and autonomous schools.<br />

For further information, visit: www4.csudh.edu/slp/programs-admissions/tier-i<br />

Assistive Technology Specialist Certificate •• Online 8<br />

This program prepares students to implement federal and state laws requiring school personnel to be prepared to<br />

offer assistive technology services to disabled persons. All courses meet California Speech-Language Pathology<br />

and Audiology Board requirements for professional development hours for license renewal. The program is useful for<br />

educational administrators, teachers, special education teachers, occupational and physical therapists, speech and<br />

language, rehabilitation and resource specialists, and psychologists. This five-course program can be completed in a year<br />

and a half.<br />

Courses:<br />

SPE 530 - Introduction to Assistive Technology<br />

SPE 531 - Basic Assistive Technology<br />

SPE 532 - Advanced Assistive Technology<br />

SPE 533 - Administration of Assistive Technology Services<br />

SPE 537 - Capstone Course in Assistive Technology<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Assistive-Technology<br />

Community College Teaching Certificate •• Online 8 or On Campus<br />

This graduate-level program provides a course of study for those seeking a career in community college teaching.<br />

The program is taught online in the spring and on campus in the fall, and can be completed in two terms.<br />

Courses:<br />

GED 548 - Effective College Teaching<br />

GED 549 - The Community College<br />

GED 594 - College Teaching Internship<br />

For further information, visit: www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Community-College-Teaching<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Educator Courses Via Distance Learning •• Online 8<br />

These online courses augment an educator’s classroom skills. Topics covered include managing disruptive behavior,<br />

attention deficit disorder (ADD), violence in schools, drugs and alcohol use and abuse, learning disabilities, autism and<br />

Asperger’s disorder, special needs students, behavior assessments, high achievers, aggressive behavior in the classroom,<br />

child abuse (including neglected children), traumatized children, assessing student learning, teaching diversity, reading<br />

fundamentals, infant and toddler mental health, family-centered services from birth to five, early childhood program<br />

planning, early childhood observation and assessment, and early childhood typical and atypical development.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Educator-Online/<br />

“<br />

<strong>Education</strong><br />

I want to thank you for such a great and informative class.<br />

I was just offered my first teaching job in the Interior Design department at Palomar College and,<br />

because of this class, I feel confident I can handle all the paperwork and details<br />

that come with the job. Thanks so much!”<br />

•• Joan G. / Community College Teaching Certificate Student<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• <strong>Education</strong><br />


Healthcare & Social Services<br />

MS in Health Sciences, Orthotics and Prosthetics Option<br />

Orthotists and prosthetists combine a unique blend of clinical and technical skills<br />

that help patients who have neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders and/<br />

or patients who have a partial or total absence of a limb to lead more active and<br />

independent lives. Students in the program learn the principles of biomechanics,<br />

pathomechanics, gait analysis, kinesiology, anatomy and physiology, and patient<br />

assessment, treatment and education.<br />

For more information visit www4.csudh.edu/health-sciences/oandp/msop-option<br />

Master of Social Work<br />

Our MSW program prepares students for social work practice, inclusive of issues<br />

of culture, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, class and gender differences, religion, and the effects of bias, prejudice<br />

and institutionalized racism. Graduates will be prepared to be employed in the social work profession at the local, state<br />

and national levels.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/social-work<br />

Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate<br />

Our Alcohol and Drug Counseling program, which is widely recognized by alcohol treatment centers, prepares students<br />

for entry into the substance abuse counseling field. Abuse of many kinds of substances is covered, including alcohol,<br />

cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and PCP. Also covered are process addictions (such as eating disorders, gambling<br />

and sex addictions) and domestic violence. All courses provide extension credit. Students who successfully complete<br />

the certificate are eligible to apply for the CATC Basic Credential through California Association for Alcohol/<br />

Drug Educators (CAADE) and for the RADT-I Credential through California Consortium of Addiction Programs and<br />

Professionals (CCAPP). The 11-course program can be completed in under two years.<br />

Courses:<br />

ADX 300 - Introduction to Alcoholism<br />

ADX 301 - Introduction to Counseling<br />

ADX 302 - Counseling the Individual<br />

ADX 303 - Perspectives on Drug Abuse: Counseling the Substance Abuser<br />

ADX 304 - Group Counseling Techniques<br />

ADX 306 - Family Dynamics<br />

ADX 351 - Seminar in CounselingFieldwork I<br />

ADX 352 - Counseling Fieldwork I<br />

ADX 353 - Seminar in Counseling Fieldwork II<br />

ADX 354 - Counseling Fieldwork II<br />

ADX 309 - Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Domestic Violence<br />

ADX 311 - Process Addiction<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Alcohol-Drug-Counseling<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

1of 2<br />

The <strong>CSUDH</strong> Master’s in Orthotics and Prosthetics is one<br />

of only two programs in California—and 12 across the<br />

country—accredited by NCOPE (National Commission<br />

on Orthotic and Prosthetic <strong>Education</strong>).<br />

•• NCOPE<br />

Communication Sciences and Disorders Certificate<br />

This pre-professional program offers students the prerequisite knowledge required<br />

for a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist. With this certificate, students will be prepared to enter MA/MS programs<br />

in Communication Sciences and Disorders or to meet clinical and state licensure requirements to become a Speech-<br />

Language Pathology Assistant. The program affords students the opportunity to observe certificated, licensed and<br />

credentialed speech and language pathologists in clinical and school settings. Through this program, students can also<br />

earn a certificate in Audiometry, or students can take the Audiometry course independent of the certificate.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/human-development/csd/<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Healthcare & Social Services<br />


Humanities<br />

Master of Arts Humanities •• Online 8<br />

The Humanities Master of Arts program offers advanced, interdisciplinary<br />

study of the humanities: history, literature, art, philosophy and music. The<br />

curriculum addresses the needs of those interested in deepening their<br />

knowledge of the humanities in innovative, practical and global contexts.<br />

For more information, visit www.csudh.edu/hux<br />

“<br />

Humanities<br />

MA<br />

The Master’s Degree in Humanities has broadened my<br />

perspective and my ability to make sense of information.<br />

I now enjoy things like listening to music or reading the<br />

news even more than before—and you can’t put a price<br />

on perspective.”<br />

•• Andrew C. / MA Humanities Graduate<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Negotiation, Mediation & Legal<br />

Master of Arts in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding •• Online 8<br />

Our online master’s degree program in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding teaches participants<br />

valuable conflict resolution and conflict management skills that can be directly applied to police work, counseling,<br />

education, human resources management, labor relations, litigation, business negotiations, supervision and<br />

administration.<br />

Other career applications include alternative dispute resolution (ADR),<br />

mediation, negotiation, arbitration, public policy, social work, teaching,<br />

inter-cultural and community conflicts, corporate contracts and purchasing.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ncrp-ma<br />

The Paralegal Certificate Course® •• Online 8<br />

Students enrolled in this intensive, nationally acclaimed program are trained<br />

to assist trial attorneys, interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law and assist in preparing<br />

cases for courtroom litigation. The instruction is practice-oriented and relates to those areas of the law in which<br />

legal assistants are most in demand. This four-month program is designed to satisfy the requirements of California<br />

Business Professionals Code §6450.<br />

The program helps students acquire new and marketable job skills and increase their organization’s efficiency,<br />

productivity, and billable hours. Successful completion of the core and advanced certificates provides students with the<br />

recognition that they have achieved the level of professional knowledge and competency necessary to work within the<br />

legal field.<br />

Courses::<br />

Paralegal Certificate Course: Core<br />

Paralegal Certificate: Advanced<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Paralegal<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Humanities / Negotiation, Mediation & Legal<br />


Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA)<br />

OSHA Training Institute <strong>Education</strong> Center at <strong>CSUDH</strong><br />

CSU Dominguez Hills is the only Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Training Institute <strong>Education</strong> Center<br />

(OSHA OTIEC) in the Los Angeles area, and the only California State University with the designation. We are proud to<br />

support OSHA’s mission of educating employers and workers on how to avoid workplace injuries and maintain a safe<br />

work environment.<br />

The center offers individual OSHA courses and certificates that are open to the public as well as customized training for<br />

organizations.<br />

Certificates available include:<br />

• Advanced Safety & Health<br />

• Healthcare Safety<br />

• Refinery Safety Technician<br />

• Certified Safety and Health Official<br />

• Public Sector Safety & Health Fundamentals– Construction<br />

• Public Sector Safety & Health Fundamentals– General Industry<br />

• Occupational Safety and Health for Managers and Supervisors<br />

Quarterly Updates<br />

The Cal/OSHA quarterly updates provide an overview of the latest developments and most frequently cited violations in<br />

California. Our team of experts and guest speakers will provide valuable information to help you stay in compliance.<br />

Who Should Attend: Safety professionals, supervisors, human resource managers and personnel responsible for<br />

overseeing safety in the workplace. The updates are a great opportunity to network with other safety professionals.<br />

For more information, visit www.csudh.edu/osha<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

20 %<br />

Companies that implement effective safety and health programs<br />

can expect reductions<br />

of 20 percent or greater in their injury<br />

and illness rates and a return of $4 to $6<br />

for every $1 invested.<br />

•• OSHA’s Office of Regulatory Analysis<br />

1of 26<br />

The OSHA Training Institute <strong>Education</strong> Center at California State<br />

University, Dominguez Hills, is one of just 26 in the entire country—<br />

and it’s the only Los Angeles-based center.<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA)<br />


Among MS Quality Assurance students at <strong>CSUDH</strong> College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong>:<br />

62 %<br />

after graduation<br />

earned a salary increase or promotion<br />

89 %<br />

91 %<br />

92 %<br />

considered the courses relevant to<br />

industry demands<br />

felt the degree would be helpful to<br />

their career advancement<br />

gained knowledge and skills required<br />

for their job<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Quality Assurance<br />

MS Quality Assurance •• Online 8<br />

The demand for individuals with industry-specific technical, management<br />

and team-based problem-solving skills is increasing. Our Master of Science<br />

in Quality Assurance prepares professionals in quality, engineering, science,<br />

management, healthcare, government and service with multiple career options.<br />

Topics covered include Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, ISO<br />

9000, reliability, benchmarking, process improvement, quality control, human<br />

factors in quality assurance, measurement and testing techniques, quality<br />

project management, productivity, quality function management and customer<br />

satisfaction. Participants can choose either a manufacturing or service and<br />

healthcare emphasis.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/qa-ms<br />

Quality Assurance Certificates and ASQ Certification •• Online 8<br />

<strong>CSUDH</strong> offers Certificates of Completion for students who complete three graduate-level courses from the MS Quality<br />

Assurance program and the appropriate capstone course. No university admission is required. The non-credit capstone<br />

courses in each certificate (with the exception of the Service Quality Certificate) are also designed to aid the Quality<br />

Practitioner pass the ASQ professional certification examination. This certification is a recognized professional<br />

accomplishment bound to enhance career marketability. These courses are offered in cooperation with the Los<br />

Angeles Section 0700 of the American Society for Quality (ASQ).<br />

Certificates<br />

• Certificate of Completion in Quality Auditing<br />

• Certificate of Completion in Quality Engineering<br />

• Certificate of Completion in Quality Management<br />

• Certificate of Completion in Reliability Engineering<br />

• Certificate of Completion in Six Sigma Black Belt<br />

• Certificate in Service Quality Assurance<br />

• Certificate of Completion in Software Quality Engineering<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/qa-ms/certificates<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Quality Assurance<br />


Sports & Recreation<br />

Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate<br />

This program provides you with all the information you need to become a Certified Personal Trainer. Taught over<br />

an eight-week period consisting of 16 hours of lectures, topics include anatomy, exercise physiology, nutrition,<br />

musculoskeletal injuries and health screening. The program also includes 16 hours of “hands-on” practical training that<br />

prepares you to work individually with clients.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Personal-Fitness-Trainer<br />

Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate •• Online 8<br />

If you are involved in sports or fitness as an athlete, trainer, coach, fitness instructor or health professional, and want to<br />

develop optimal performance, create effective teams, and enhance physical/mental well-being, this certificate<br />

will benefit you. Take one course or all five senior-level courses to acquire the tools to perform your job more effectively<br />

or expand your present skill set. Parent coaches will learn how to build cooperative teams. High school coaches can use<br />

these courses towards a teaching credential. Fitness instructors can increase their employability. Athletes can advance<br />

their careers. This five-course program can be completed in as little as one year.<br />

Courses:<br />

PSY 480 Sport Psychology<br />

PSY 481 Applied Sport and Fitness Psychology<br />

PSY 482 Psychology of Coaching and Team-Building<br />

PSY 483 Contemporary Issues in Sport and Fitness Psychology<br />

PSY 486S Internship in Sport and Fitness Psychology<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Sport-Psychology<br />

13 % With<br />

obesity on the rise, employment of fitness trainers and instructors<br />

is expected to grow 13 percent from 2012 to 2022.<br />

•• Bureau of Labor Statistics<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Test & Certification Preparation<br />

Test Preparation Courses<br />

Academic test and professional certification courses are available for the following programs:<br />

• California Basic <strong>Education</strong>al Skills Test (CBEST)<br />

• California Subjects Exams for Teachers (CSET)<br />

• Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)<br />

• Graduate Record Examination (GRE)<br />

• Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification<br />

• American Society for Quality Certification<br />

• Society for Human Resource Management (SRHM) Certification<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie/TestPrep<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Sports & Recreation / Test & Certification Preparation<br />


Youth Programs<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Tech Camps for Kids!<br />

For students ages 10-17.<br />

All camps are taught by industry professionals.<br />

Each camp meets in EE-1202 on Monday-Thursday from 9:30am to 4pm (with a break for lunch).<br />

The price for each camp is $279 and includes all necessary materials for in-class use.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Camp in Video Game Design & Animation June 26-29 and July 10-13<br />

Learn to design characters, develop a story line, basic motion and effects, and the step-by-step process for creating<br />

compelling digital illustrations. From Alpha channels to masking and layers, to color and special effects, students will<br />

also use acquired design skills to create compelling illustration for logos, movie posters and CDs. Young artists will be<br />

introduced to Abode Photoshop, the software used by leading industry professionals.<br />

Special Guest<br />

Eric Teitelbaum, co-creator of the “Pink Panther Comic Strip”, will be a guest presenter and conduct a special<br />

demonstration and in-class workshop on how to design original characters. Students will get a firsthand look at how<br />

characters are created...and why they are so important in visual interpretation of story lines. Students will also get a<br />

chance to put pen to paper and design one of their own.<br />

Website Design for Kids July 17-20<br />

Learn basic page building techniques for creating professional quality websites — perfect for family or school projects.<br />

From storyboards, digital art and page building to navigation, design and page linking, students will gain mastery of<br />

digital techniques for designing websites, step-by-step. By the end of the class, students will actually post their pages to<br />

the web.<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

<strong>Summer</strong> Camp in Advanced Video Game Design and Animation July 24-27<br />

Explore the advanced features of Adobe Flash/Animate and advanced game motion graphics in creating levels of<br />

interactivity for game development. Students will develop advanced skills in story boarding, project layout and character<br />

design while using the special effects features of Flash for creating interactive game motion graphics. Prerequisite:<br />

Introduction to Computer Video Game Design or consent of instructor<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Camp in Computer Illustration & Special Effects for Video Games July 31-August 3<br />

Learn to use Adobe Photoshop software to give your video game designs a professional polish—Learn to design game<br />

characters with expression and personality and create backgrounds and scenery that seem to come to life! From<br />

digital sketching and character development to creating 3-D scenery and visual effects you’ll soon breathe life into<br />

your creations through the magic of Photoshop. Prerequisite: Introduction to Computer Video Game Design or consent<br />

of instructor<br />

To enroll, call 310-243-3741<br />

For further information on <strong>Summer</strong> Camps, email learn@csudh.edu or visit<br />

http://www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Video-Game-Design<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Reading Skills Programs for Children and Adults<br />

Eight different reading skills programs are taught by instructors from the Institute of Reading Development.<br />

Programs are available from ages 4 through college students, as well as adults.<br />

For information, call 800-964-8888<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• <strong>Summer</strong> Youth Programs<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> Class Schedule<br />

CN<br />

Dept<br />

Cat<br />

No<br />

Sec<br />

Course Title<br />

Units<br />

(Type)<br />

Start<br />

Date<br />

End<br />

Date<br />

No.<br />

Mtgs<br />

Total<br />

Hrs<br />

Start Time End Time Day Location Fee<br />

Business<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

30906 BPX 900 35 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 4.4 CEUs 6/24/17 8/12/17 5 44 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Sat EE1217 $800<br />

Construction Project Management<br />

30409 CMX 925 01 Bidding & Scheduling 1.8 CEUs 5/23/17 6/27/17 6 18 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Tues EE1218 $252<br />

30434 CMX 903 01 Plan Reading 1.2 CEUs 6/3/17 6/24/17 4 12 8:30 AM 11:30 AM Sat EE1221 $200<br />

30435 CMX 902 01 Estimating 1.8 CEUs 7/8/17 8/12/17 6 18 8:30 AM 11:30 AM Sat EE1205 $252<br />

41447 CMX 905 01 Financing Real Estate Acquisitions .6 CEUs 9/9/17 9/9/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1222 $105<br />

41448 CMX 926 01 Construction Safety 1.8 CEUs 9/13/17 10/18/17 6 18 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Wed EE1222 $252<br />

41449 CMX 904 01 Construction Accounting 1.2 CEUs 9/16/17 9/30/17 3 12 8:30 AM 12:30 PM Sat. EE1222 $175<br />

41450 CMX 921 01 Law for Construction 1.8 CEUs 9/21/17 10/26/17 6 18 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Thurs EE1222 $252<br />

Human Resource Management<br />

Courses at <strong>CSUDH</strong><br />

30448 HRX 901 01 Establishing Human Resource Systems 1.2 CEUs 5/25/17 6/15/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Thr EE1218 $293<br />

30450 HRX 903 01 Total Rewards 1.2 CEUs 6/22/17 7/13/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Thr EE1218 $293<br />

30452 HRX 905 01 Labor & Employment Law 1.2 CEUs 7/20/17 8/10/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Thr EE1222 $293<br />

30454 HRX 907 01 Communication Dynamics .9 CEUs 8/17/17 8/31/17 3 9 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Thr EE1218 $220<br />

Courses at Beach Cities<br />

30449 HRX 901 82 Establishing Human Resource Systems 1.2 CEUs 6/17/17 6/24/17 2 12 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat BCHCL8 $293<br />

30451 HRX 903 82 Total Rewards 1.2 CEUs 7/8/17 7/15/17 2 12 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat BCHCL8 $293<br />

30453 HRX 905 82 Labor & Employment Law 1.2 CEUs 7/22/17 7/29/17 2 12 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat BCHCL8 $293<br />

30455 HRX 907 82 Communication Dynamics .9 CEUs 8/5/17 8/12/17 2 9 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat BCHCL8 $220<br />

Advanced Human Resources<br />

30447 HRX 951 01 Strategic HR Management 1.8 CEUs 5/23/17 6/27/17 6 18 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Tues EE1206 $415<br />

30456 HRX 953 01 Benchmarks and Trends 1.2 CEUs 7/11/17 8/1/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Tues EE1206 $299<br />

30457 HRX 955 01 HR Practices 1.2 CEUs 8/8/17 8/29/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Tues EE1206 $299<br />

Management & Supervision<br />

30458 MGX 921 01 MGT & Sup. Organizational Role 1.2 CEUs 6/14/17 7/5/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Wed EE1205 $285<br />

30459 MGX 923 01 MGT & Sup. Team Management 1.2 CEUs 7/12/17 8/2/17 4 12 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Wed EE1205 $285<br />

Medical Insurance Billing<br />

23053 NBMB 114 01 Inpatient/Outpatient Facility Billing N/C 5/6/17 5/6/17 1 5 8:30 AM 2:00 PM Sat SAC 1106 $90<br />

23056 NBMB 118 01 Med. Ins. Computer Bill & Applied Techs N/C 5/13/17 5/13/17 1 5 8:30 AM 2:00 PM Sat EE1202 $90<br />

30462 NBMB 111 01 Insurance & Third Party Payers N/C 7/8/17 8/5/17 5 25 8:30 AM 2:00 PM Sat EE1222 $333<br />

43017 NBMB 115 01 Medical Terminology N/C 8/26/17 9/9/17 2 10 8:30 AM 2:00 PM Sat EE1206 $130<br />

no class on 9/2/17<br />

43018 NBMB 113 01 Reg. Requirements-HIPAA, Compl, Ethics N/C 8/12/17 8/19/17 2 10 8:30 AM 2:00 PM Sat EE1206 $137<br />

43019 NBMB 116 01 ICD-10 N/C 9/16/17 9/30/17 3 15 8:30 AM 2:00 PM Sat EE1206 $206<br />

Meeting and Event Planning<br />

30480 MEX 901 01 Intro & Fundamentals of Meeting Planning .6 CEU 6/3/17 6/3/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1217 $125<br />

30481 MEX 902 01 Special Event Management .6 CEU 6/10/17 6/10/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1206 $125<br />

30482 MEX 903 01 Negotiations and Contracts .6 CEU 6/24/17 6/24/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1206 $125<br />

30483 MEX 904 01 Site Selection and Inspection .6 CEU 6/17/17 6/17/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. off Campus $125<br />

30484 MEX 905 01 Financial Management .6 CEU 7/22/17 7/22/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1222 $125<br />

30485 MEX 906 01 Food and Beverage Mgt Room Set Up .6 CEU 7/15/17 7/15/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1222 $125<br />

30486 MEX 907 01 Audio Visual and Technology Today .6 CEU 7/8/17 7/8/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1213 $125<br />

30487 MEX 908 01 Planning Global & Incntv Meetings .6 CEU 7/29/17 7/29/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1222 $125<br />

30488 MEX 910 01 Marketing .6 CEU 8/5/17 8/5/17 1 6 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat EE1206 $125<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

CN<br />

Dept<br />

Cat<br />

No<br />

Sec<br />

Course Title<br />

Units<br />

(Type)<br />

Start<br />

Date<br />

End<br />

Date<br />

No.<br />

Mtgs<br />

Total<br />

Hrs<br />

Start Time End Time Day Location Fee<br />

Project Management<br />

Courses at <strong>CSUDH</strong><br />

22817 PMX 900 02 Intro & Overview of PM .6 CEUs 4/10/17 4/13/17 2 6 6:00 PM 9:00 PM M/Th EE1222 $135<br />

22819 PMX 901 02 Project HR / Procurement Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 4/17/17 5/1/17 5 15 6:00 PM 9:00 PM M/Th EE1222 $309<br />

22821 PMX 902 02 Project Quality / Communication Mgt 1.5 CEUs 5/4/17 5/18/17 5 15 6:00 PM 9:00 PM M/Th EE1222 $309<br />

30413 PMX 903 01 Project Risk and Scope Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 5/22/17 6/8/17 5 15 6:00 PM 9:00 PM. M/Th EE1222 $309<br />

30414 PMX 904 01 Project Time & Cost Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 6/12/17 6/26/17 5 15 6:00 PM 9:00 PM M/Th EE1222 $309<br />

30415 PMX 904 02 Project Time & Cost Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 6/3/17 6/24/17 5 15 9:00 AM 12:00 PM Sat EE1222 $309<br />

Class meets 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM on 6/24/17<br />

TBA PMX 900 01 Intro & Overview of PM .6 CEUs 7/8/17 7/15/17 2 6 9:00 AM 12:00 PM Sat EE1218 $135<br />

TBA PMX 901 01 Project HR / Procurement Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 7/22/17 8/19/17 5 15 9:00 AM 12:00 PM Sat EE1218 $309<br />

Courses at Beach Cities<br />

30417 PMX 903 83 Project Risk and Scope Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 5/17/17 6/14/17 5 15 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Wed BCHCL8 $309<br />

30418 PMX 904 82 Project Time & Cost Mgt. 1.5 CEUs 6/21/17 7/19/17 5 15 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Wed BCHCL8 $309<br />

Purchasing<br />

30441 PRX 200 41 Purchasing Fundamentals 3 EXT 4/3/17 7/1/17 Online - Distance Learning $585<br />

30442 PRX 340 41 Advance Purchasing Concepts 3 EXT 4/3/17 7/1/17 Online - Distance Learning $585<br />

30443 PRX 330 41 Public Sector Procurement 3 EXT 4/3/17 7/1/17 Online - Distance Learning $585<br />

Supply Chain Management<br />

30444 PIX 351 41 Supply Chain Fundamentals 3 EXT 4/3/17 7/1/17 Online - Distance Learning $585<br />

30445 PIX 353 41 Supply Chain Scheduling 3 EXT 4/3/17 7/1/17 Online - Distance Learning $585<br />

Communcations<br />

Grant Writing<br />

23030 TEX 914 36 Pre Award Grant Administration 2.0 CEUs 4/6/17 4/20/17 3 20 6:30 PM. 9:30 PM Th EE1206 $176<br />

23032 TEX 917 36 Evaluation & Grant Implementation 2.0 CEUs 5/4/17 5/18/17 3 20 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Th EE1206 6176<br />

23034 TEX 919 36 Post Award Grant Administration 2.0 CEUs 6/1/17 6/15/17 3 20 6:30 PM 9:30 PM Th EE1206 $176<br />

30680 TEX 914 35 Pre Award Grant Administration 2.0 CEUs 6/13/17 6/27/17 3 20 6:30 PM 9:30 PM T EE1222 $176<br />

30683 TEX 917 35 Evaluation/Grant Implementation 2.0 CEUs 7/11/17 7/25/17 3 20 6:30 PM 9:30 PM T EE1221 $176<br />

30684 TEX 919 35 Post Award Grant Administration 2.0 CEUs 8/8/17 8/22/17 3 20 6:30 PM 9:30 PM T EE1218 $176<br />

Technical Writing<br />

30460 NWTW 101 41 Fundamentals of Technical Writing N/C 5/30/17 7/29/17 Online - Distance Learning $489<br />

30461 NWTW 102 41 Advanced Technical Communications N/C 5/30/17 7/29/17 Online - Distance Learning $489<br />

41466 NWTW 102 41 Advanced Technical Communications N/C 8/7/17 10/7/17 Online - Distance Learning $489<br />

41467 NWTW 103 41 Information Design N/C 8/7/17 10/7/17 Online - Distance Learning $489<br />

Web Design<br />

30474 CIX 912 01 Introduction to HTML Publishing .9 CEU 6/2/17 6/3/17 2 9 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Fri. EE1202 $199<br />

9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat<br />

30475 CIX 913 01 Intermediate HTML Publishing .9 CEU 6/9/17 6/10/17 2 9 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Fri. EE1202 $199<br />

9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat<br />

30476 CIX 914 01 Advanced HTML Publishing .9 CEU 6/16/17 6/17/17 2 9 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Fri. EE1202 $199<br />

9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat<br />

30477 CIX 902 01 Using Dreamweaver 1.8 CEU 7/7/17 7/15/17 4 18 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Fri. EE1202 $389<br />

9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat<br />

30478 CIX 936 01 Using Fireworks 1.2 CEU 7/29/17 8/12/17 2 12 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1202 $269<br />

(No class 8/5)<br />

30479 CIX 935 01 Using Flash 1.2 CEU 8/19/17 8/26/17 2 12 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Sat. EE1202 $269<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2017</strong> •• Class Schedule<br />


CN<br />

Dept<br />

Cat<br />

No<br />

Sec<br />

Course Title<br />

Units<br />

(Type)<br />

Start<br />

Date<br />

End<br />

Date<br />

No.<br />

Mtgs<br />

Total<br />

Hrs<br />

Start Time End Time Day Location Fee<br />

<strong>Education</strong><br />

Assistive Technology<br />

30427 SPE 530 41 Intro to Assistive Tech 3 4/3/17 6/10/17 Online - Distance Learning $840<br />

30428 SPE 532 41 Advanced Assistive Technology 3 4/3/17 6/10/17 Online - Distance Learning $840<br />

30429 SPE 533 41 Admin Assist Tech Serv 3 4/3/17 6/10/17 Online - Distance Learning $840<br />

30430 SPE 537 42 Capstone in Assist Tech 3 4/3/17 6/10/17 Online - Distance Learning $840<br />

Community College Teaching<br />

30655 GED 548 41 Effective College Teaching 3 5/30/17 7/22/17 Online - Distance Learning $840<br />

Healthcare & Social Services<br />

Communication Sciences and Disorders<br />

30656 CSD 441 01 Speech Science 3 5/6/17 6/24/17 9:00am 3:30pm Sat EE 1205 $789<br />

30657 CSD 442 01 Neurology and Neurogenic Disorders 3 7/8/17 8/26/17 9:00am 3:30pm Sat EE 1217 $789<br />

30658 CSD 356 01 Clinical Methods and Procedures 3 5/3/17 6/28/17 5:30pm 8:30pm Wed EE 1217 $789<br />

30659 CSD 343 01 Speech and Language Development 3 7/5/17 8/23/17 5:30pm 8:30pm Wed EE 1217 $789<br />

Negotiation, Mediation & Legal<br />

Paralegal Certificate<br />

30465 NBLG 201 41 Paralegal-Core N/C 3/6/17 6/16/17 Online - Distance Learning $1289<br />

30467 NBLG 202 41 Paralegal-Advanced N/C 3/6/17 6/16/17 Online - Distance Learning $1800<br />

30466 NBLG 201 42 Paralegal-Core N/C 5/1/17 8/11/17 Online - Distance Learning $1290<br />

30468 NBLG 202 42 Paralegal-Advanced N/C 5/1/17 8/11/17 Online - Distance Learning $1800<br />

Sports & Recreation<br />

Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate<br />

30464 NHEX 110 01 Fitness Certification 6/17/17 8/19/17 9:00 AM 2:00 PM Sat. EE1218 $699<br />

No Class 7/1/17. Class on 8/12/17 meets in EE-1205. Class meets 9-11AM in a gym for hands-on experience.<br />

Sports and Fitness Psychology Certificate<br />

30431 PSY 480 41 Sport Psychology 3 6/5/17 8/1/17 Online - Distance Learning $280<br />

30432 PSY 481 41 Applied Sport and Fitness Psychology 3 6/13/17 8/10/17 Online - Distance Learning $280<br />

30433 PSY 486S 41 Internship 3 5/15/17 8/25/17 Online - Distance Learning $280<br />

Test Preparation<br />

Test Preparation Courses<br />

30410 NXCB 101 01 CBEST N/C 6/10/17 6/24/17 3 18 9:00AM 3:00pm Sat EE1210 $335<br />

30411 NXGM 101 01 GMAT N/C 6/25/17 7/23/17 4 24 9:00AM 3:00PM Sun EE1210 $470<br />

No Class 7/2/17<br />

30412 NXGR 101 01 GRE N/C 7/8/17 7/29/17 4 24 9:00AM 3:00PM Sat EE1210 $470<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

CN<br />

Dept<br />

Cat<br />

No<br />

Sec<br />

Course Title<br />

Units<br />

(Type)<br />

Start<br />

Date<br />

End<br />

Date<br />

No.<br />

Mtgs<br />

Total<br />

Hrs<br />

Start Time End Time Day Location Fee<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Youth Programs<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Camps in Video Game and Web Design<br />

30469 NCGD 132 01 <strong>Summer</strong> Camp in Video Game Design and Animation 6/26/17 6/29/17 4 24 9:30 AM 4:00 PM EE1202 $279<br />

Meets: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.<br />

30470 NCGD 132 02 <strong>Summer</strong> Camp in Video Game Design and Animation 7/10/17 7/13/17 4 24 9:30 AM 4:00 PM EE1202 $279<br />

Meets: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.<br />

30471 NCGD 135 01 Web Site Design for Kids 7/17/17 7/20/17 4 24 9:30 AM 4:00 PM EE1202 $279<br />

Meets: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.<br />

30472 NCGD 134 01 <strong>Summer</strong> Camp: Ad Video Game Design & Animation 7/24/17 7/27/17 4 24 9:30 AM 4:00 PM EE1202 $279<br />

Meets: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.<br />

30473 NCGD 495 01 <strong>Summer</strong> Camp:Computer Illustration & Special Effects 7/31/17 8/3/17 4 24 9:30 AM 4:00 PM EE1202 $279<br />

for Video Games<br />

Meets: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.<br />

Special <strong>Summer</strong> Courses<br />

Organic Chemistry<br />

30696 CHE 300 35 Organic Chemistry I 3 5/30/17 6/29/17 9 10:00 AM 12:15 PM SCC 655 $840<br />

Meets: M W on campus; Tu Th online<br />

30696 CHE 300 35 Organic Chemistry I 3 6/28/17 6/28/17 1 1:00 PM 4:00 PM W SCC 655<br />

30697 CHE 302 35 Organic Chemistry II 3 7/3/17 8/3/17 9 10:00 AM 12:15 PM SCC 655 $840<br />

Meets: M W on campus; Tu Th online<br />

30697 CHE 302 35 Organic Chemistry II 3 8/2/17 8/2/17 1 1:00 PM 4:00 PM W SCC 655<br />

30688 CHE 301L 71 Org Chem Lab I 1 5/31/17 6/28/17 9 1:00 PM 5:00 PM MW NSM C-351 $455<br />

30689 CHE 301L 72 Org Chem Lab I 1 5/30/17 6/29/17 9 1:00 PM 5:00 PM T Th NSM C-351 $455<br />

30690 CHE 301L 73 Org Chem Lab I 1 6/3/17 7/1/17 5 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sat NSM C-351 $455<br />

30691 CHE 301L 74 Org Chem Lab I 1 6/2/17 6/30/17 5 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Fri NSM C-351 $455<br />

30692 CHE 303L 71 Org Chem Lab II 1 7/8/17 8/5/17 5 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sat NSM C-351 $455<br />

30693 CHE 303L 72 Org Chem Lab II 1 7/3/17 8/2/17 5 1:00 PM 5:00 PM M W NSM C-351 $455<br />

30694 CHE 303L 73 Org Chem Lab II 1 7/6/17 8/3/17 9 1:00 PM 5:00 PM T Th NSM C-351 $455<br />

30695 CHE 303L 74 Org Chem Lab II 1 7/7/17 8/4/17 9 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Fri NSM C-351 $455<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2017</strong> •• Class Schedule<br />


Anytime-Anywhere<br />

<strong>CSUDH</strong> is one of the Top Online Universities in the US<br />

• AffordableCollegesOnline.org named CSU Dominguez Hills No. 1 on its “Most Affordable Online Colleges” list<br />

(2013).<br />

• Great Value Colleges has ranked CSU Dominguez Hills’ online Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) No. 1 out of 30<br />

affordable RN to BSN online degree programs (2015).<br />

• <strong>CSUDH</strong>’s online Master of Arts in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding was named No. 2 on the<br />

GetEducated.com’s “Best Buy: Online Master’s in Psychology and Human Services” list (2014).<br />

• OnlineMBAReport.com ranked CSU Dominguez Hills’ MBA program 3rd among the top 25 online MBA programs<br />

on the West Coast (2014).<br />

• Best Masters Programs has ranked CSU Dominguez Hills’ Master of Science in Quality Assurance 5th among the<br />

50 most affordable online master’s degree programs (2015).<br />

• Nonprofitcollegesonline.com ranked CSU Dominguez Hills’ online MBA 8th in its top 50 schools for online<br />

Master’s of Business degree programs in its Students Before Profits Awards (2014-15).<br />

<strong>CSUDH</strong> has one of the largest distance learning programs in the CSU system, with more than 4,000 students enrolled in<br />

distance learning programs in all 50 states and in more than 60 countries. We offer nine bachelor’s and master’s degree<br />

programs in a variety of academic areas, such as quality assurance, humanities and nursing, and MBA and MPA programs.<br />

We also offer seven online certificate programs for students looking to earn a specific, career-focused credential in a<br />

flexible environment.<br />

<strong>CSUDH</strong> utilizes two types of distance learning delivery systems: Blackboard and TV/Internet broadcasting.<br />

• Blackboard classes leverage the Learning Management System (LMS) to facilitate assignment submission, exam<br />

completion and student/professor interaction.<br />

• TV/Internet classes occur live on the school’s website and run on a set schedule. <strong>CSUDH</strong> also archives footage on its<br />

YouTube channel.<br />

For more information, visit www4.csudh.edu/ceie-odl<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS

Distance Learning<br />

<strong>CSUDH</strong> Online Programs and Courses<br />

For information, visit http://www4.csudh.edu/ceie-odl<br />

Masters Degree Programs<br />

• M.A. Humanities External Degree (HUX)<br />

• M.A. Negotiation, Conflict Resolution (NCRP)<br />

• Master of Business Administration (MBA)<br />

• Master of Public Administration (MPA)<br />

• M.S. Nursing (MSN) (students can also take up to 9 units without being formally accepted into the program)<br />

• M.S. Quality Assurance (MSQA) (students can also take up to 9 units without being formally accepted into the<br />

program)<br />

Bachelors Degree Programs<br />

• B.S. Applied Studies (students can also take up to 24 units without being formally accepted into the program)<br />

• B.S. Nursing (BSN) (students can also take up to 24 units without being formally accepted into the program)<br />

Certificate Programs<br />

Students may enroll in individual courses or the entire certificate.<br />

• Assistive Technology Certificate<br />

• Community College Teaching Certificate<br />

• Paralegal Certificate<br />

• Purchasing Certificate<br />

• Quality Certificates and ASQ Certification (NBQA)<br />

• Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate<br />

• Supply Chain Management Certificate<br />

• Technical Writing Certificate<br />

Individual Courses<br />

Individual online courses are available at <strong>CSUDH</strong> through a number of programs. To enroll, call 310-243-3741.<br />

Open Enrollment Live TV/Online Courses<br />

(look for the courses that say “Open Enrollment”) (http://www4.csudh.edu/ceie-odl/dhtv-schedule)<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Sessions<br />

(look for courses with section numbers 41,42 or 43) (www.csudh.edu/summer)<br />

Spring Intersession<br />

(look for courses with section numbers 41,42 or 43) (www.csudh.edu/springin)<br />

Winter Session<br />

(look for courses with section numbers 41,42 or 43) (www.csudh.edu/winter)<br />

Online Professional Development Courses for Educators<br />

(http://www4.csudh.edu/ceie/Educator-Online)<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Anytime-Anywhere / Open University<br />


Open University<br />

Access that can change your life<br />

Open University is an easy way for you to participate in regular university<br />

classes at CSU Dominguez Hills. You can take <strong>CSUDH</strong> credit courses without<br />

being admitted to the university, which means no transcripts, application<br />

or other documentation is necessary. And you can apply the credits you earn<br />

to a degree in the future, if you choose. Hundreds of courses are available,<br />

so start learning today!<br />

How can Open University change your life?<br />

• Enhance your professional skills<br />

• Test out a new career choice<br />

• Follow your educational aspirations<br />

• Improve your grade point average if your first attempt at college was not successful<br />

• If you’re a high school student who has completed their junior year by June,<br />

challenge yourself with university-level courses. Registration form and fees must be accompanied by written support<br />

from your principal or counselor.<br />

• Accumulate credits that you can apply toward your degree once you are<br />

admitted to the university<br />

• Complete requirements for a degree you began at another university<br />

Open University is available during the fall and spring semesters, and non-<strong>CSUDH</strong><br />

students may also take courses through <strong>CSUDH</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Sessions, <strong>CSUDH</strong><br />

Winter Session and Spring Intersession.<br />

For more information: www.csudh.edu/open<br />

To register: 877-GO-HILLS<br />

For questions: learn@csudh.edu/310-243-2075<br />

College of <strong>Extended</strong> and International <strong>Education</strong> •• www.csudh.edu/ee •• 877-GO-HILLS



Date of Application_____________________Student ID:_______________________Birth date:___________________________<br />

month / day / year<br />

Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Last First M.I.<br />

Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Street City State Zip<br />

Telephone:_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Daytime Evening Fax Cell<br />

New Address? yes * no * Enrolled at <strong>CSUDH</strong> previously? yes * no *<br />

male * female * Date last enrolled_________Term (e.g. <strong>Summer</strong> '17)<br />

Employer:_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Company Name<br />

Email<br />




Total Fee Submitted $_________________<br />

* Check/Money Order, made payable to <strong>CSUDH</strong> EXTENSION.<br />


______________________________________ _______________________________<br />



Refunds are not automatic; you must file appropriate forms in the <strong>Extended</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Office<br />

in order to receive a refund. Refunds take a minimum of six to eight weeks for processing.<br />

Refunds are granted in accordance with the State refund schedule. If a course is cancelled,<br />

the entire fee will be refunded. If you withdraw after the first class and before 25 percent of<br />

the course has elapsed, 65 percent of the total fee will be refunded. After 25 percent of the<br />

course time has elapsed, no refund will be made; however a drop form must still be filed. Stop<br />

payments on checks are NOT an acceptable withdrawal from the course(s) and will result in a<br />

financial penalty.<br />

For more information call the College of <strong>Extended</strong> & International <strong>Education</strong>: (310) 243-3741.<br />



Sum Fall Spr (circle one)<br />

Year____________<br />

Date____________<br />

Total Fees____________<br />

Entered by ____Initial______<br />

SUMMER <strong>2017</strong> •• Registration Form<br />


College of <strong>Extended</strong> and<br />

International <strong>Education</strong><br />

California State University<br />

Dominguez Hills<br />

1000 E. Victoria St.<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />

We offer:<br />

• Affordable certificate and degree programs<br />

• Professional development programs respected by leading employers<br />

• A wide selection of professional development programs and in-demand degrees<br />

• Convenient class schedules: evening, weekend and online classes that fit busy schedules<br />

• Interactive learning environments inside and out of the classroom<br />

• Instructors that are experienced, working professionals<br />

• Customized training and education for organizations<br />

• A convenient location off the 405, 110 and 91 freeways<br />

• An inviting and vibrant campus community<br />

• Payment options

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