JB Life March 2017
The Spring version of JB Life, North Jeolla's quarterly global lifestyle magazine.
The Spring version of JB Life, North Jeolla's quarterly global lifestyle magazine.
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Jeollabuk-do’s International Magazine<br />
January <strong>2017</strong>, Issue #5<br />
Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284<br />
164 Palgwajeong-ro, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, Korea<br />
Tel:(+82) 63-214-5605~6 Fax: (+82) 63-214-5608<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> Editorial Staff:<br />
M.A. Communication & Rhetoric<br />
<strong>JB</strong> LIFE LAYOUT & DESIGN<br />
Anjee is a ten-year resident of Jeonju<br />
and visiting professor at Chonbuk National<br />
University. While living here, she<br />
has traveled to 42 countries as well as<br />
explored and photographed most parts<br />
of the Korean peninsula. She is the English<br />
editor of CBNU’s student magazine<br />
and has worked extensively with<br />
10 Magazine in Seoul.<br />
DAVID VAN MINNEN, Canada,<br />
B.A. Humanities/Classical Languages<br />
<strong>JB</strong> LIFE CHIEF PROOFREADER<br />
David came to Jeonbuk in 2004. In<br />
2006, he created the Jeonju Hub website<br />
to help foreign residents and has<br />
been highly active in outreach since.<br />
After 4 years operating a saloon and<br />
5 running a restaurant, he works as a<br />
corporate English consultant. He lives<br />
with his wife, Jeonju artist Cheon Jeong<br />
Kyeong, and two children.<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> Writers & Artists:<br />
BONNIE CUNNINGHAM, U.S., B.A. Visual Arts, is a<br />
new teacher in Korea. She loves to travel and make<br />
artwork along the way. While she currently focuses<br />
on painting, her background is in film and video.<br />
She is excited to be living here and looks forward<br />
to whatever it lends to her artwork.<br />
DEAN CRAWFORD watches lots of films, meaning<br />
he’s a bit of a geek and spends a lot of time on his<br />
own in dark rooms. After working in the UK film industry<br />
at Hogwarts and the X-Mansion, Dean now<br />
resides in Jeonju where he writes about his two favorite<br />
things, films and food!<br />
HEATHER ALLMAN, a U.S. native, has been living<br />
and teaching English in Jeonju for 1.5 years. With<br />
a background in International Relations and Spanish,<br />
she has a dexterity for language. Writing and<br />
traveling are her two favorites, so she thought,<br />
why not do them both at once?<br />
HEEONE PARK was born and raised in Jeonju until<br />
she was 17. Living in various cities overseas and<br />
now residing in London, she tries to be cosmopolitan<br />
but she is very Korean at heart. She loves all<br />
things that give her inspiration, especially art, music,<br />
and books.<br />
RENEE McMILLAN has been living and teaching in<br />
Jeonju for five years. A recovering actress, Renee<br />
has become addicted to travel and photography.<br />
She enjoys sharing her stories and adventures,<br />
and is excited to work with <strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> in capturing the<br />
beauty of Jeollabukdo.<br />
ROBERT CHATTERTON is a 10-year resident of<br />
Jeonju and a married father of a 16-month-old<br />
baby girl who has been competing in triathlon<br />
since 2009.<br />
DOWON KIM, Korea,<br />
BA Biological Science<br />
<strong>JB</strong> LIFE <strong>JB</strong>CIA LIAISON<br />
Dowon is a member of <strong>JB</strong>CIA and<br />
delivers stories of what is happening<br />
in the center and what the center does<br />
for Jeollabuk-do. She has lived in New<br />
Zealand so she loves meeting new people<br />
from diverse countries. Passionate<br />
about food, cycle, music and dogs. You<br />
can ask about the center through her<br />
e-mail at dwkim411@jbcia.or.kr.<br />
YOUNG-WOO PARK, Korea,<br />
Ph.D. TESOL<br />
<strong>JB</strong> LIFE KOREAN CONSULTANT<br />
Dr. Park has been teaching English for<br />
33 years, with interests in various levels<br />
from young learner to university.<br />
He has worked for several universities<br />
in Jeonju, Gwangju, and Daejeon, and<br />
maintains strong connections with several<br />
Western and Asian universities. He<br />
is especially interested in training university<br />
students for their job searches.<br />
ROBERT SANCRAINTE is an American who currently<br />
teaches English at a school in Jeonju. He is a new<br />
writer for the magazine this month with a passion<br />
for fiction and has contributed this month’s short<br />
story selection.<br />
SARAH HODGKISS, one of our new illustrators, is a<br />
24-year-old British artist who is currently working<br />
as a Kindergarten teacher in Jeonju. If you want to<br />
see more of her work, visit www.facebook.com/<br />
artsydoodling.<br />
STUART SCOTT, a Jeonju resident since 2003,<br />
teaches at JJU. One of his favorite hobbies is studying<br />
history, folklore, and myths. Stuart grew up in<br />
Canada, where he graduated with a degree in history<br />
and political science.<br />
TAYLORE BEATTY is from Kansas City, Missouri<br />
and has lived in Korea off and on since 2012. She<br />
enjoys camping at the Korean national parks and<br />
stuffing her face with vegan food.<br />
VIKKI CHAN is British-born Chinese. She has been<br />
living in Jeonju since 2013. Vikki loves to find out<br />
more about different cultures residing in Korea.<br />
Jeollabuk-do Global Living<br />
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2017</strong> / Issue #6<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do<br />
Center for International Affairs. Our goal is to spread news<br />
to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well as to<br />
carry news of Jeonbuk throughout Korea and abroad. This<br />
magazine publishes once per season.<br />
To get involved, email jeonbuklife@gmail.com<br />
04<br />
06<br />
08<br />
14<br />
22<br />
26<br />
30<br />
38<br />
40<br />
44<br />
48<br />
50<br />
51<br />
- International Center News<br />
- Year of the Rooster<br />
SPORTS<br />
- Tri-umph! Give it a Try?<br />
- Kickin’ It: The Muju Taekwondowon<br />
TOUR<br />
- Gunsan’s Historic Waterfront<br />
- Cuteness Overload: The Teddy Museum<br />
- Making Time for a Gunsan Hoetjip<br />
- ‘Je Ne Sais Quoi’ at You Love Soul Zip<br />
ARTS<br />
- Woodblock Printing: Making its Mark<br />
- From the Heart: Ash Dean’s Poetry<br />
- Olga Kan: Costume Designer<br />
- Catholicism in Jeonbuk<br />
- Being Vegetarian or Vegan<br />
- The Climb<br />
- “The Future is Dark”<br />
<strong>JB</strong> LIFE is published by the <strong>JB</strong>CIA<br />
(Jeonbuk Center for International Affairs)<br />
전라북도 국제교류센터<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 3
Heading into Spring with the<br />
The Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs<br />
(which, incidentally, makes this magazine possible)<br />
is still relatively new in the province. In its short existence<br />
the center has put together a variety of programs linking<br />
international residents, visitors, and locals. Now, as the year<br />
progresses, there are a number of programs to share with Jeonbuk’s<br />
global community.<br />
with expats in other areas to share their living stories and learn<br />
about each area’s modern and contemporary history.<br />
Jeonbuk International Exchange Festival<br />
- This is a festival for expats/residents in Jeonbuk and also expats<br />
from other cities for mutual exchange. <strong>JB</strong>CIA hopes to<br />
improve the expats’ understanding of Korea and produce more<br />
international exchange between Jeonbuk and the world beyond.<br />
* International Exchange Networks<br />
Jeonbuk Consultative Bodies for International Exchange<br />
1) Jeonbuk International Exchange Consultative Council<br />
- Made up of visiting professors and experts who conduct research<br />
on trends in international exchange and provide consultation<br />
on the direction of <strong>JB</strong>CIA’s operation as well as new<br />
exchange areas for Jeonbuk. The council also arranges civilian<br />
exchanges and supporting activities abroad.<br />
2) Jeonbuk 14 Municipal International Exchange Network<br />
- Made up of the 14 municipal offices for international exchange<br />
that are spread across Jeonbuk, this network provides<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA with information about county- and city-level organizations<br />
seeking international exchanges. It works to improve the<br />
support and lay the foundation for more rigorous exchanges..<br />
Vitalization of International Exchange Overseas<br />
1) Youth Exchange Programs with Sister/Friendly U.S. Areas<br />
- These programs include a teenage exchange program through<br />
Skype, pen pals, and visiting each other’s cities every other year<br />
to understand the culture, language, history, etc.<br />
2) Sports Exchange with Sister/Friendly Areas in Japan<br />
- With connected leagues in sports, each country’s representative<br />
organizations visit for competition and exchange skills and<br />
information that are common to a particular sport.<br />
3) Discovering New Friendly and Exchange-worthy Areas<br />
- The center is finding new overseas areas that there were not<br />
active in exchange and advocating agreements to promote and<br />
broaden exchange programs.<br />
Korea Foundation (KF) Public Participation<br />
1) KF Exhibition and Concert<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA is arranging a KF cultural exhibition and concert featuring<br />
well-known overseas artists or performances.<br />
2) KF-Jeonbuk Foreigners Themed Field Trip<br />
The center will select expats in Jeonbuk and arrange meetings<br />
Cooperative International Exchange Projects<br />
1) Supporting Overseas Korean Language Schools<br />
- The <strong>JB</strong>CIA produces and distributes Korean language textbooks<br />
tailor-made by the CBNU Development of Regional<br />
Advancement University Project Consortium to better promote<br />
various aspects of Jeonbuk and also provides stationery for students<br />
taking Korean language courses overseas. The <strong>JB</strong>CIA and<br />
the universities hope to trigger foreigners’ interest in Jeonbuk<br />
and potentially bring more international students to the region.<br />
2) Cultural Choir Exchange with Jeonbuk Foreigners<br />
- The goal of this program is to support the residents and foreigners<br />
who are interested in choir so that they can practice different<br />
styles of songs and perform at the Jeonbuk International<br />
Exchange Festival.<br />
3) Supporting Development of Underdeveloped Countries<br />
- Another goal is broadening business in underdeveloped countries<br />
and selecting those that have interest in the culture and<br />
history of Korea. <strong>JB</strong>CIA will build the Jeonbuk International<br />
Exchange House and cooperate with local organizations to provide<br />
equipment, tools, and traditional goods toward this goal.<br />
*Developing Residents’ Global Competency<br />
Global Talk!Talk!Talk! (Global Skills Seminar Series)<br />
- This series invites experts in world economy, trends, and diplomacy.<br />
Their lectures are open to all people in Jeonbuk. The<br />
seminars are aimed at developing the residents’ global skills<br />
and competencies and widening their horizons.<br />
Building “World Town” Networks<br />
- The <strong>JB</strong>CIA encourages local and foreign residents of the same<br />
town to form a “World Town” international exchange group..<br />
Resembling sister cities, this gives smaller towns opportunities<br />
and support for cultural, art, sports, and food exchanges. It’s<br />
also worthwhile because they are initiated by group members<br />
themselves, not the government.<br />
Supporting Services for Private International Exchange<br />
-The center will work on supporting private organizations<br />
which are struggling with international exchange problems or<br />
establishment of an international exchange organization. The<br />
areas of consulting are law, administration, operation, etc.<br />
Publication of Jeonbuk English Magazine<br />
- The <strong>JB</strong>CIA English Magazine “<strong>JB</strong><strong>Life</strong>” is a full-color print<br />
magazine that provides an in-depth look at issues surrounding<br />
Jeonbuk history, culture, food, and language and tells the<br />
stories of foreign residents and globally minded people living<br />
in the region to spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international<br />
community, as well as to other cities and overseas.<br />
The Young Global Leaders Program<br />
-This basic education program focuses on the theme of global<br />
leadership and international exchange for the younger generation<br />
of Jeonbuk to train them as future global leaders. There<br />
will be field trips to the diplomacy department, ambassador<br />
seminars, and a mock-UN meeting.<br />
On- and Offline International Exchange Library<br />
- This library will offer books and electronic resources dealing<br />
with international exchange that can be used as an educational<br />
space for elementary, middle, high school, and college<br />
students from the region and the general public.<br />
JISU: Jeonbuk International Supporters Unity<br />
- This group’s task is promoting major international events<br />
taking place in Jeonbuk and supervising the volunteers’ activities.<br />
These volunteers are expected to advance the internationalization<br />
of Jeonbuk.<br />
* Support Services for Foreigners<br />
Jeonbuk International Students PR Team<br />
- This group of international foreign university students studying<br />
in various parts of Jeonbuk province takes photos and<br />
videos to introduce the culture, festivals, goods, and lifestyle<br />
of Jeonbuk on social media. One PR Team is selected for<br />
each half of the year and their work is uploaded every week<br />
on the center’s Facebook page. An open exhibition with provincial<br />
dignitaries is held when their activity period closes.<br />
Support Service for Jeonbuk Foreign Communities<br />
- This service seeks to promote activities, events, exhibitions,<br />
and friendship meetings of foreign communities in Jeonbuk<br />
to enhance foreigners’ living convenience and vitalize the<br />
communities. <strong>JB</strong>CIA selects 10 groups in each half of the<br />
year with a maximum budget of 1,000,000won each..<br />
Support Services for Foreigners in Jeonbuk<br />
- This is a new effort offering Korean language education for<br />
foreign workers in the suburbs and giving living tips to improve<br />
their quality of life. The continued models are operating<br />
voluntary groups composed of representative foreign laborers<br />
in Jeonbuk and offering counseling and consulting services<br />
to provide help in the workplace with respect to labor and<br />
employment issues- or even family and personal wellbeing. .<br />
For more information, visit the center at www.jbcia.or.kr.<br />
4<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 5
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Contributing Writer<br />
Happy Year of the Rooster! Chinese<br />
New Year, as it commonly called<br />
throughout the world, has been long<br />
celebrated on the Korean peninsula, too, as Seollal.<br />
In this column we will look at some of the<br />
mythology and history of this celebration.<br />
Like the Western zodiac, the Chinese zodiac<br />
is split into twelve parts. All of the parts in the<br />
Chinese zodiac are labeled with an animal, and,<br />
similarly, most of the Western ones are, too.<br />
Also, both claimed a relationship between activities<br />
in one’s life and personality to the cycle<br />
in which one was born. Unlike that of the early<br />
Greek’s, the Chinese zodiac is not associated<br />
with the constellations. It is also not based solely<br />
on calendar months within a given year but<br />
rather an order of 12 years within a cycle. They<br />
also have monthly animals called inner animals,<br />
daily animals called true animals and hourly animals<br />
called secret animals. So within the yearly<br />
group, you will have inner groups, true groups,<br />
and secret groups. The twelve animals are also<br />
split into four groups called trines. Each of these<br />
4 groups also has specific attributes. As this is<br />
the year of the Rooster, part of the second trine,<br />
we will concentrate on it. Those people born in<br />
these years are great planners. They are hardworking,<br />
modest, industrious, loyal, charitable,<br />
punctual, and good hearted. Not to think these<br />
6<br />
people are perfect, though, as they may also be<br />
self-righteous, vain, judgmental, and petty.<br />
Let’s go back in time and look at the creation<br />
of the Chinese zodiac. Of course, if one accepts<br />
that mythology tells things that cannot be true<br />
and folklore is based on the truth but changed<br />
with successive generations passing the story by<br />
word of mouth, one would define the Chinese<br />
zodiac as a combination of myth and folklore.<br />
The mythology part would be responsible for<br />
explaining how the years were aligned with the<br />
various animals. There are many different explanations<br />
to this question, but the most common<br />
started with the Jade Emperor. The Emperor in<br />
Heaven, as it is also called, declared that the animals<br />
would be aligned with the years in the order<br />
that they arrived in front of him. So the cat<br />
and rat, which were also neighbors and friendly<br />
at the time, arranged to go early together in<br />
the morning. As the cat was prone to sleeping in<br />
late, the rat promised to wake him. However, on<br />
the morning in question, the rat forgot his promise<br />
and went directly to the gathering place,<br />
leaving the cat sound asleep. During his trip, he<br />
met the other animals that could all travel faster<br />
than him. In order not to be left behind, he got<br />
the ox to carry him. He promised to sing for the<br />
ox in return. Finally, the ox and rat approached<br />
the designated place first, as the ox was focused<br />
on only one thing. The ox, thinking it would be<br />
the first animal and thus represent the first year,<br />
was surprised when the rat quickly slid in front<br />
of it to become the lucky first animal in the<br />
Chinese zodiac. The other animals followed<br />
and the cat is not represented today because<br />
it slept in. When the cat realized what happened,<br />
he was angry with the rat, and that is<br />
why they are still enemies today.<br />
Another version of the same story has it that<br />
they were given to the twelve most important<br />
animals in China at that time. However,<br />
a long time ago, it is claimed that there were<br />
no cats in China and that is why it is not represented.<br />
The same twelve animals are also<br />
linked to the Chinese agricultural calendar.<br />
On it, though, the Tiger is the first animal, as<br />
it is supposed to be the first animal of spring.<br />
These periods match very closely with the<br />
Western zodiac as they are based on months,<br />
not years.<br />
This year is the Year of the Rooster. The<br />
rooster is to be a combination of the five<br />
virtues of wisdom, valor, courage, benevolence,<br />
and reliability. The wisdom is shown<br />
by the crown or comb on its head. Valor is<br />
shown by its spurs. Courage is represented by<br />
its willingness to fight its enemies. Benevolence<br />
comes from its willingness to share its<br />
food, and, finally, reliability is revealed by its<br />
crowing every morning at the same time with<br />
unchanging regularity. These five virtues<br />
made the rooster an animal worth emulating.<br />
Roosters thus were depicted on many day-today<br />
items as the rooster was part of everyday<br />
life. If you are a Rooster, <strong>2017</strong> will be an unlucky<br />
year for you. It will not be a good year<br />
for your career. It will have misfortunes, unexpected<br />
loss of assets, emotional problems<br />
with your lovers, and changing moods caused<br />
by too much pressure. You should be ready<br />
for great changes in your life. <strong>2017</strong> is also not<br />
a good year for your health.<br />
illustration by<br />
Sarah Hodgkiss<br />
If you were born in 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,<br />
1993, or 2005 then you were born in the Year<br />
of the Rooster. Of course, the Chinese New<br />
Year does not start on January first, so some<br />
of you born before the Chinese New Year in<br />
January or February may have a different<br />
year, as will those born in the early part of<br />
the new year in the years following the above<br />
years. Roosters should consider their lucky<br />
numbers to be 5, 7 and 8. Lucky colors are<br />
gold, brown, and yellow.<br />
This year, the new year started on January<br />
28th. This will be the 4714th year. Surprisingly<br />
enough, most people claim not to believe<br />
in these ancient superstitions about either<br />
the Greek or Chinese zodiac. However, over<br />
99 percent of people will know what sign or<br />
what animal they were born under. These are<br />
amazingly high percentages for something<br />
we don’t believe in, don’t you think?<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 7
SPORTS<br />
A Guide to Triathlons by Robert Chatterton<br />
I remind myself of why I do this. I’m nervous.<br />
I don’t want to start too fast. Pace yourself. OH,<br />
SA, SAM, EE, IL…….OMG! Scratch all that!<br />
Pretty sure I just swam over someone. Salt water<br />
tastes like #$%$! Where’s all my oxygen? I<br />
remind myself of why I do this. OMGWTF! This<br />
is annoying. Keep calm. I remind myself of why<br />
I do this. At last, I’m free. Where are the buoys?<br />
Remember to sight the buoys every four strokes.<br />
More salt water. Two hundred meters down, only<br />
just one thousand three hundred to go. I remind<br />
myself of why I do this.<br />
Back some twenty odd years ago now, I was<br />
chatting with a builder mate of mine and he<br />
was telling me about a client of his and his<br />
unusual hobby. At that time, I’d only vaguely heard<br />
of triathlon as it was so way out in leftfield from my<br />
experience. A sport in its infancy if you compare it<br />
to the mainstream. Now, I’m from England, so the<br />
mainstream was football (soccer), rugby, and cricket<br />
back then. Fast forward some twenty-odd years or so<br />
later and I consider myself an experienced triathlete<br />
in many respects but also a relative novice in others,<br />
as you never stop learning. But what is triathlon?<br />
Triathlon is a sport consisting of three disciplines:<br />
ternet, I was pleased to find that there was and is a<br />
growing triathlon scene in South Korea.<br />
Two hundred meters to go! Sight the exit. Relax.<br />
I remind myself of why I do this. Almost<br />
there, relax. Hallelujah! Dry land! Unzip to<br />
waist. Keep moving. Get out the way! Find my<br />
bike. Look at the bike rack. Who’s out? Who’s<br />
still in? It doesn’t matter. Race your race, strip<br />
off, wetsuit and swim cap and goggles in the<br />
bag. Relax., Helmet on, sunglasses on, number<br />
belt on. Let’s go! Got to drink! Relax! I remind<br />
myself of why I do this.<br />
So where do you start? Well! You’re going to<br />
need a bike, a wetsuit, and a pair of running shoes<br />
as bare prerequisites before you start. All of which<br />
cost money. How much you are willing to spend<br />
is obviously dependent upon your disposable income.<br />
An entry-level triathlon road bike can cost<br />
as little as a $1000. A good wetsuit can be found<br />
at the more modest price of around $250. And a<br />
pair of decent running shoes at around $60. Now,<br />
on a teacher’s wage that is understandably quite a<br />
financial outlay for something you may not be sure<br />
you’re going to like. Compound that with the fact<br />
that race entries are priced at anything between<br />
$50 and $250 and your newly found enthusiasm<br />
may well be curtailed. Not to mention bike shoes,<br />
triathlon running shorts and top, hydration bottles,<br />
running gels, the list goes on. Sadly, this is<br />
a financial reality. That’s not to say you can’t be<br />
smart about how you spend your money and realistic<br />
about your competitive aspirations. Common<br />
sense might lead you to research the used market<br />
in South Korea, especially when it comes to buying<br />
a bike or a wetsuit. If you’re a novice, then<br />
buying a $5000 carbon fiber state-of-the-art speed<br />
machine may not be the way to go. However, with<br />
a little saving and some discerning spending, you<br />
can purchase the necessary equipment and begin<br />
your triathlon odyssey.<br />
Not another bloody hill! Remember to drink!<br />
Take on that gel! Pace yourself! You’ve done<br />
the training. OMG! 10 km to go. I remind myself<br />
of why I do this.<br />
In the six years that I have been competing in<br />
South Korea, the triathlon scene has grown significantly.<br />
When I first started the showcase Olympic<br />
distance ITU (International Triathlon Union)<br />
race at in Tongyeong, Gyeongsannamdo, the event<br />
would attract around 700 competitors from all age<br />
groups. In 2016, the number was closer to<br />
swimming, cycling, and running, and in that order.<br />
I’ve often thought about what the reverse would entail.<br />
I’m pretty sure it would involve the emergency<br />
services. Race distances vary from the sprint distance<br />
of around 400m (swimming), 20km (cycling), 5km<br />
(running), to the Ironman distance of 3.9km, 180.1km,<br />
and 42.2km (a marathon). Most races in South Korea<br />
are held at the Olympic distance of 1500m, 40km,<br />
and 10km. I’ve completed or attempted to complete<br />
all of these distances, and they all offer up different<br />
challenges which the body and mind must cope with.<br />
Now, I’d like it to be known that I started competing<br />
in triathlons with a background of some competitive<br />
cross-country running when I was in secondary<br />
school and some competitive swimming as a member<br />
of my local swimming club, for which the pool was<br />
only open during the summer months, back when I<br />
was in primary school. The time from then up until my<br />
late thirties had been punctuated by season after season<br />
of local Saturday-afternoon and Sunday-morning<br />
football, alcohol, and cigarettes. My time in South<br />
Korea had been pretty much the same kind of deal,<br />
albeit with cheaper cigarettes. Turning forty years of<br />
age and looking for a challenge, I thought about the<br />
conversation I’d had with my mate some 20 years<br />
previous. Aided by the fantastic resource of the ing<br />
SPORTS<br />
2000. The Ironman brand now hosts three 70.3 distance<br />
races in Gurye, Chungju, and Busan, respectively.<br />
North Jeolla province has an Olympic distance<br />
and half-ironman distance race held every year in<br />
Gunsan, along the Saemangeum Seawall. There are<br />
races held in every province, including Jeju Island if<br />
you fancy combining a vacation with your new hobby.<br />
Slow down. Unclip your shoes. Don’t fall over. I<br />
can’t feel my legs!. Keep moving. Find your box.<br />
Rack the bike. Take off helmet. Slip on shoes. Go!<br />
OMG! I can’t feel my legs!. Only 10kms to go…<br />
on foot. I remind myself of why I do this.<br />
Do you have to be the fastest swimmer? No. Do you<br />
have to be the fastest cyclist? No. Do you have to be<br />
the fastest runner? No. And therein is the beauty and<br />
challenge of triathlon. A Michael Phelps-esque swim<br />
may be impressive to begin with, but if you find yourself<br />
having that feeling that you’re going backwards<br />
on both the cycle and run, then you have something<br />
to work on. Likewise, a Lance Armstrong-esque bike<br />
leg (hopefully, drug free) can see you race through<br />
the field. And if you happen to run like Mo Farah,<br />
then you may find yourself dreaming big. The challenge<br />
of triathlon is to try to be competent at all three.<br />
2km down. 8km to go. I can feel my legs again.<br />
Take on some water and a gel. Maintain pace.<br />
Not too fast. Save something. I remind myself of<br />
why I do this .<br />
You may be wondering how you can be competitive<br />
in triathlon, especially if you’re entering middle<br />
age as I am. Triathlon is structured so that while<br />
there may be 2000 or so fellow enthusiasts, you are<br />
only essentially competing against those in your age<br />
group. For example, 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-<br />
44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69, and most impressively,<br />
70 years of age and above; both male and<br />
female, respectively.<br />
Okay, 2km to go. My legs hurt. I can feel myself<br />
slowing down. Take on some water. Okay, time to<br />
gut it out. You can’t quit now! I remind myself of<br />
why I do this.<br />
Motivation can be both intrinsic and extrinsic depending<br />
on the individual. And these may differ for<br />
sure. But what can’t be denied are the mental and<br />
physical health benefits obtained through training for<br />
and competing in a triathlon. Self-efficacy, camaraderie,<br />
the satisfaction of overcoming a challenge as well<br />
as the more obvious weight loss and healthier living<br />
are amongst the myriad of motivations for triathletes.<br />
Triathlon in South Korea has a strong social club<br />
structure with most cities having triathlon clubs who<br />
turn out for races in personalized team kits. There is<br />
even a triathlon club catering for to English speakers<br />
in Seoul (Seoul Synergy). Race site websites have begun<br />
to cater for to English speakers more readily with<br />
registration for races having an English option.<br />
I can see the finish! Look over shoulder. Nobody’s<br />
there. Relax. Smile. Hide your discomfort.<br />
You did it! Break the tape. Water! I need water. I<br />
remind myself of why I do this.<br />
Finishing a triathlon is an achievement. If you’ve<br />
managed to post a personal best or have been lucky<br />
enough to get on the podium in your age group,<br />
you’ll probably find motivating yourself very easy.<br />
Conversely, if your race fell apart and you slowed to<br />
a standstill or didn’t finish, you’ve always learned<br />
something about yourself. And often this motivates<br />
you to do better the next time out. It’s addictive.<br />
I remind myself of why I do this.<br />
RIGHT: Graphic by Bonnie Cunningham<br />
PREVIOUS PAGE: Photos courtesy of<br />
Robert Chatterton.<br />
Brass Tacks<br />
How would I go about entering a race?<br />
● The sites www.triathlon.or.kr or www.koreatri.or.kr<br />
are the two prominent race organizations in<br />
South Korea. They post their races for the season mid<br />
to late January each year. Other organizations operating<br />
within South Korea are www.ironman.com as<br />
well as www.challenge-family.com . For a comprehensive<br />
look at all races being held in South Korea<br />
go to www.kts.pe.kr .<br />
How would I get to races without a car?<br />
● For my first five years of competing in South Korea<br />
I did so without a car and used public buses to get<br />
to and from race venues with my bicycle and other<br />
equipment. Most races are situated within or close to<br />
cities and small towns, especially near the sea. Removing<br />
the front wheel of your bicycle and stowing<br />
it away in the undercarriage of the bus is more than<br />
sufficient to get you to and from races. You may find<br />
yourself having to ride a short distance from the bus<br />
terminal to the race venue (in my experience no more<br />
than 10km) if buses are inconvenient.<br />
How much will it cost to get started?<br />
● I would say in the region of $2000 for a bike,<br />
wetsuit, running gear, etc. Buying an expensive bike<br />
and using a bus to transport it would not be prudent.<br />
However, I have yet to experience any significant<br />
damage apart from the odd scratch here or there that<br />
wasn’t of my own making. Wetsuits are unfortunately<br />
mandatory as a safety precaution, especially in sea<br />
swims. However, some races allow MTB’s, but you<br />
should check before entering. Duathlons (run, bike)<br />
and aquathons (swim, run) are alternative events to<br />
try out before making that leap.<br />
How could I do it cheaper?<br />
● The Korean Triathlon service www.kts.pe.kr<br />
has a page where users post second-hand equipment<br />
for sale. Craigslist is another option. Or Facebook<br />
groups such as Seoul Synergy-Multisports Talk, the<br />
Han River Riders, and Cycling in Korea have members<br />
posting equipment for sale.<br />
Where would I buy equipment online?<br />
● Buying from overseas on major purchases such<br />
as a bike will almost certainly incur an import tax.<br />
This may well be a false economy that will eat into<br />
any saving you may make rather than buying in<br />
Korea. www.hellotri.co.kr is a reasonable online resource.<br />
How would I train for a triathlon?<br />
● Most cities have municipally run pools for use.<br />
50 meters is ideal. Open water swimming is ill advised<br />
unless with an organized group for safety reasons.<br />
Most cities will have triathlon clubs that you<br />
may be able to join who organize open water swim<br />
sessions, training runs, and cycle sessions. The sites<br />
www.kts.pe.kr, www.triathlon.or.kr, and www.koreatri.or.kr<br />
will list clubs and their contact information.<br />
In Jeolla province, Gunsan Multisport Club<br />
is a predominately English- speaking club associated<br />
with the U.S Air Force base. Seoul Synergy –<br />
Multisports Talk members organize cycle sessions,<br />
training runs, and open water swim sessions ( in the<br />
Han River). Other Korean clubs in Jeolla province<br />
can be found in Wanju, Gochang, and Iksan -- see<br />
the above websites for information.<br />
10<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 11
SPORTS<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Contributing Writer<br />
Wondering where to visit in Jeollabuk-do,<br />
somewhere new, refreshing and energetic?<br />
Looking for a very Korean experience?<br />
Well, here’s a bit of advice from a local.<br />
I had a chance to visit the Muju Taekwondo-won last<br />
December as a videographer at their workshop with<br />
the Jeollabuk-do Foreign Students Public Relations<br />
Team. Since I was previously unaware of the place<br />
even though I was born and raised in Jeollabuk-do,<br />
I thought that it would be great to share my journey<br />
and introduce this must-visit cultural heritage of Jeollabuk-do,<br />
and also mention an event that is going to<br />
be held there this June that should not be missed by<br />
anyone.<br />
With an aim to establish itself as part of the cultural<br />
heritage of Taekwondo, the Muju Taekwondo-won<br />
opened in 2014. Its mission is to cultivate the spirit of<br />
Taekwondo through physical training for professional<br />
practitioners and offer the best venue for the sport.<br />
When I first walked into the entrance, I was mesmerized<br />
by the view and the scale of the park. I would<br />
say it is reason enough to visit simply to appreciate<br />
the beauty of the landscape and the architecture. The<br />
park was designed and planned by world renowned<br />
architects Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi (and<br />
implemented by Samoo).<br />
Walking around, appreciating the view, I could see<br />
how the designers have blurred the distinction between<br />
building and site, establishing a sustainable setting<br />
by letting architecture, landscape, and water collaborate<br />
in a series of ascending terraces and bridges<br />
that preserve the topography of the site. Being there, I<br />
could really grasp the intention of the design that was<br />
inspired by the philosophy of Taekwondo: preparation<br />
of the body, inspiration of the mind, and completion<br />
of the spirit.<br />
After having a tour of the park, we headed down to<br />
the T1 Theatre to watch a Taekwondo performance.<br />
The choreography and the dramatic storyline were<br />
easy to comprehend without explanation, with popular<br />
songs that most of the audience would know,<br />
which makes it an enjoyable performance to watch<br />
for audiences of all ages. Of course there were technical<br />
demonstrations of taekwondo, such as smashing<br />
pine boards with round kicks as well as backward<br />
somersaulting and backflips to add to the splendor of<br />
the performance.<br />
Afterwards, there was a taekwondo learning session.<br />
This would be fun for those who have wanted<br />
to try taekwondo but have not had a chance. Foreign<br />
students from our team joined in at the same time,<br />
learning the spirit of respect for the master, the basics<br />
of kicking (chagi), and hand strikes along with<br />
the music.<br />
Although we had to leave early for another shoot<br />
at Muju’s Meoru Wine Cave, we noticed that there<br />
were many other programs Muju Taekwondo Park<br />
had to offer, such as a museum where you can learn<br />
about the history of taekwondo. Forty-five training<br />
and hands-on experience programs are offered under<br />
the themes of experience, training, rest, and interest.<br />
The programs are open to anyone who is interested<br />
in training the mind and the body through taekwondo,<br />
including local and international Taekwondo<br />
practitioners, business groups, students, and the<br />
general public.<br />
And now, about the major event: The World Taekwondo<br />
Championship is to be held right here at<br />
Muju Taekwondo-won from June 22nd-30th, <strong>2017</strong>.<br />
Home to the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation, the<br />
World Taekwondo Headquarters, the World Taekwondo<br />
Foundation, and the Korean Taekwondo<br />
Federation, the park will host about 2,000 athletes<br />
from thirty-one different countries. Many cultural<br />
events, exhibitions, and performances will be held<br />
alongside, so I would highly recommend that you<br />
keep an eye on it.<br />
Since the park offers program packages that cater<br />
to international visitors, a trip to Muju Taekwondo-won<br />
will make a perfect day trip from Jeonju,<br />
with Muju Meoru Wine Cave nearby, not to mention<br />
the breathtaking scenery on the way.<br />
Whether you are a taekwondo fan or not, Muju<br />
Taekwondo-won will offer a rare glimpse of the artistry<br />
and spirit of taekwondo, allowing you to see its<br />
beauty and teaching you how to appreciate the art<br />
of it.<br />
For further information on the Muju Taekwondo-won<br />
and World Taekwondo Championship to be<br />
held in June, please visit:<br />
http://www.tkdwon.kr/kr/ &<br />
http://www.<strong>2017</strong>worldtaekwondo.com/eng/.<br />
Photos of the Muju Taekwondowon<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Contributing Writer<br />
Gunsan, a port city located approximately<br />
forty minutes north of Jeonju,<br />
is probably best known for the Gunsan<br />
Air Base located there, and as a departure<br />
point for exploring the nearby islands. However,<br />
Gunsan has a long and vibrant history<br />
which includes pirates, heroic battles at sea,<br />
and the struggle against Japanese colonial rule.<br />
Gunsan’s rich history may be explored along<br />
the seaside in two locations: the Gunsan Modern<br />
History Museum, and the Jinpo Maritime<br />
Theme Park.<br />
The first stop in discovering the history of<br />
Gunsan should be the Gunsan Modern History<br />
Museum. The museum was completed and<br />
opened in 2011, and offers three floors of exhibitions<br />
in a modern and well-designed open<br />
space. When first entering the building, you<br />
will find a huge and impressive replica of Eocheongdo<br />
Lighthouse, which also serves as a<br />
photo stop for most visitors. The first floor contains<br />
the Ocean Distribution History Hall and<br />
the Theme Park for Children. The Ocean Distribution<br />
History Hall exhibits and explains the<br />
history of sea trade and its importance to the<br />
region. The Theme Park for Children provides<br />
an opportunity for children to experience the<br />
life of a sea trade worker through games and<br />
interactive displays. There is also a large wooden<br />
sailing ship in the main hall that visitors are<br />
allowed to board and “man.”<br />
The second floor of the museum is dedicated<br />
to the history of the Okgu Farmers, and details<br />
their struggles during the colonization by the<br />
Japanese. Gunsan opened its ports in 1899 and<br />
established a settlement where foreigners could<br />
live and trade freely. This area was designated<br />
a joint settlement in hopes of preventing Japan<br />
from occupying the lands, however the area<br />
soon fell under Japanese control. The second<br />
level provides a great deal of history surround-<br />
g<br />
LEFT: The outside of the historic Wibong Warship at Jinpo Maritine Theme Park. RIGHT [from top]:<br />
A simulated scene inside the Maritime museum; the inside of a larger plane in the Maritime Park; the<br />
outside of the plane on display. [Shots [Photos courtesy by RENEE of Gimje MCMILLAN] Public Relations]<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 15<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 15<br />
LEFT:<br />
A tank at the Maritime<br />
Theme Park.<br />
[Photo by<br />
RIGHT:<br />
“Titanic Fun” outside the<br />
Wibong Warship.<br />
[Photo by<br />
The main exhibits are located in the Wibong.<br />
The first floor details the tremendous victory over<br />
a Japanese pirate fleet by The Naval Command<br />
of Goryeo. According to Goryeosa (The History<br />
of Goryeo), a large pirate fleet consisting of<br />
around 500 ships attacked Jinpo and pillaged<br />
the surrounding area. The pirates carted bags of<br />
rice looted from private households back to their<br />
boats, reportedly dropping so much along the way<br />
that they left behind a layer of rice 30 centimeters<br />
thick. The Naval Command of Goryeo, headed by<br />
Na Se, Sim Deok-bu and Choe Mu-seon defeated<br />
the pirates in Jinpo, using cannons developed by<br />
Choe Mu-seon. It was the first sea battle in the<br />
history of the world in which cannons were used.<br />
The Wibong Warship details further famous sea<br />
battles in the area and the world, as well as the<br />
development of weapons used at sea. The second<br />
floor allows visitors to explore the tight quarters,<br />
and gain a deeper understanding of the day-to-day<br />
lives of sailors stationed on warships. You may<br />
explore the sleeping quarters, toilets, and mess<br />
hall, which demonstrates the food rations sailors<br />
are typically served. There are also many interactive<br />
videos that you may choose to watch, as well<br />
as a 4D Theater.<br />
A visit to the Gunsan Modern History Museum<br />
and the Jinpo Maritime Theme park is a great way<br />
to spend the day. Each experience offers a unique<br />
and detailed glimpse into the origins and history<br />
of Gunsan. You are sure to gain a deeper understanding<br />
and appreciation for the area.<br />
Practical Information:<br />
The Gunsan Modern History Museum is open<br />
from 9:00 to 6:00pm <strong>March</strong>-October, and 9:00<br />
to 5:00pm November through February. The Jinpo<br />
Maritime Theme Park is open 9:00 to 7:00pm<br />
in the summer season, and from 9:00 to 6:00pm<br />
in the winter season. The Jinpo Maritime Theme<br />
Park is closed on Mondays.<br />
ing the rebellion of the Gunsan area farmers<br />
in an attempt to fight back against the Japanese<br />
forces that controlled them. This became<br />
the largest farmers’ rebellion in South Korea’s<br />
history, and the museum does a wonderful job<br />
in providing information and documenting the<br />
events of the rebellion.<br />
The Modern <strong>Life</strong> Hall is located on the third<br />
floor, and has a reconstruction of a Gunsan<br />
town block during the 1930’s under Japanese<br />
rule. Visitors can take a stroll back through<br />
time, and peer into several model buildings<br />
from this era. Everyone is invited to participate<br />
in activities including weighing rice, and<br />
trying your hand at ink printing. There is also<br />
a photo shop where you may try on traditional<br />
costumes of the era and have your photograph<br />
taken.<br />
Conveniently located only a couple of blocks<br />
from the Gunsan Modern History Museum you<br />
will find the Jinpo Maritime Theme Park. The Jinpo<br />
Maritime Theme Park derives its name from<br />
the fishing village originally located in the area,<br />
and was opened in 2008 in honor of the victory<br />
of Jinpo in naval combat against the Japanese<br />
in 1380. The theme park showcases 16 retired<br />
military craft from the army, navy, and air force,<br />
including retired tanks, military aircraft and warships.<br />
Visitors are allowed to venture inside several<br />
of the decommissioned ships, with the most<br />
impressive being the Wibong Warship which was<br />
used during WWII and the Vietnam War.<br />
16<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 17
18<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Co-Editor<br />
I<br />
know what you’re thinking. The words<br />
“teddy bear museum” either prompted a<br />
spontaneous “awww” as you swooned with<br />
visions of cuteness or a cringe while thinking<br />
“please don’t make me.” While it’s true that the<br />
museum in question would no doubt satisfy the<br />
cute-seekers of that first group, though, you may<br />
find that it offers a surprising variety of entertainment<br />
for even the skeptics.<br />
Teddy bear museums in general have multiplied<br />
in Korea over the years, following the success<br />
of Jeju’s famed tourist spot. Seoul and Yeosu<br />
have their own teddy collections, along with<br />
others. Here in Jeonbuk, though, the Gunsan<br />
Teddy Bear Museum brings a surprisingly intensive<br />
teddy-themed experience close to home.<br />
The most important thing to know is that this<br />
isn’t just some collection of musty, historic teddy<br />
bears sitting on shelves, as the Western concept<br />
of museum might conjure up. Actually, it’s not<br />
that at all. The main part of the museum is a<br />
collection of highly varied, moving dioramas.<br />
Mixed in are bits of history and culture, plushy<br />
selfie opportunities, and, at the end, a very quirky<br />
art museum with a twist. There are even teddy<br />
bear photo booths outside the entrance where<br />
you can digitally design a bear-based portrait.<br />
And of course, as with most any spot in Korea,<br />
there’s an easy place to buy a churro and coffee, a<br />
spot to relax alongside the building’s impressive<br />
teddy-adorned façade.<br />
Overall, the largest section of the museum seeks<br />
to take visitors on a themed “trip.” The premise<br />
of the journey through the museum is that our<br />
hero, Teddy (of course), is searching for his missing<br />
girlfriend, Tesun. It seems that “Tesun entered<br />
a time warp and set out on a trip to cities all<br />
around the world” (per the museum’s signs). But<br />
fear not! Teddy and his friends evidently have a<br />
“time travel yacht” to use to find her!<br />
With this narrative as a backbone, the main<br />
part of the museum showcases Teddy and his<br />
friends inside rich cultural dioramas… full of<br />
teddy bears. They travel from continent to continent<br />
and also through time, touching on major<br />
cultural events and customs. Tesun, evidently a<br />
beach bum, starts her come-find-me journey at<br />
modern-day Haeundae Beach. From there the<br />
viewers tour winding hallways through Chinese<br />
opera, Japanese cherry blossoms, African safaris<br />
and Brazilian Carnival. Teddy and<br />
Tesun appear to enjoy themselves on the journey,<br />
too. Sometimes they appear as lounging<br />
or photo-snapping tourists or sometimes indulging<br />
as players in romantic, picturesque fantasies<br />
dressed in the garb of the day. Throughout the<br />
displays, it can sometimes be fun to try to spot<br />
them. Occasionally something quirky appears in<br />
the dioramas as well, like a bear riding a flying<br />
kangaroo, so there’s a lot to occupy everyone and<br />
plenty of details to look for.<br />
The main journey ends when you return to Korea,<br />
passing through a teddy bear-manned “immigration,”<br />
and see dioramas of history and life<br />
exclusive to Gunsan.<br />
If this overly cute cultural journey wasn’t<br />
enough, visitors also have a chance to see some<br />
variations of famous works of art in the last part<br />
of the museum. Replicas of famous sculptures<br />
like The Thinker are displayed prominently with<br />
the original bodies but teddy bear heads, and 2D<br />
artworks like Klimt’s “Kiss” have been reproduced<br />
with 3D teddy bear noggins in place of the<br />
heads as well. All of this lastly exits into the<br />
gift shop, where teddy bears galore are on offer<br />
to commemorate the experience.<br />
The museum itself is housed in what was a<br />
well-known church in Gunsan, with much of that<br />
structure still intact. If you go, be sure to look<br />
for the teddy bear forms that have taken over the<br />
stained-glass windows and statues outside.<br />
All in all, every eccentric part of the venue<br />
comes together to fit its cute, all-encompassing<br />
intentions, making the experience enjoyable for<br />
almost anyone on the spectrum, whether tourist,<br />
dating couple, or family with kids.<br />
PRACTICAL INFORMATION: Regular admission<br />
for adults is 10,000 won, with a range of<br />
discounts for age and situation. You’ll find the<br />
museum regularly open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.,<br />
or until 8 p.m. in the summer months. For a map<br />
to the location (not far from the historic Gunsan<br />
seaside), visit the museum’s website: http://<br />
www.teddybearmuseum.com/museums/gunsan.<br />
A stone's throw away...<br />
Just a few minutes’ walk from the Teddy<br />
Bear Museum, one can find a number<br />
of Gunsan attractions. Famous<br />
food sites abound, and you should indeed try<br />
some, but for now we’ll focus on two important<br />
Japanese-themed hotspots.<br />
First, while the site is somewhat sparse, it’s<br />
worth checking out the Hirotsu House, otherwise<br />
known as the famed “Japanese House.”<br />
Hirotsu was a linen salesman who built this<br />
house in a wealthy part of Gunsan during the<br />
Japanese occupation, and it still stands today.<br />
Now it functions as a filming site, with several<br />
major Korean movie’s under its belt, as<br />
well as a beloved selfie-taking playground for<br />
Korean tourists. Other than being a stunning<br />
backdrop, the house and courtyards serve as<br />
a good setting to learn about the typical Japanese<br />
architecture of the time.<br />
A similar site worth visiting is Dongguksa,<br />
a temple nestled down a side street in front of<br />
towering bamboo. While in many ways similar<br />
to your average Korean temple, Dongguksa<br />
has a definite point of distinction: it is, in<br />
fact, the only functioning temple of Japanese<br />
style in Korea. Started by a Japanese monk<br />
in the early 1900s, the temple was returned to<br />
Korean control in 1945, after 36 years.<br />
The visual influences of Japanese Buddhism<br />
remain. While most Korean temples<br />
overflow with aqua greens and reds on their<br />
eaves and elaborate patterns on doors and<br />
side panels, Dongguksa, an Edo-style temple,<br />
is notably simple in nature. There are<br />
two main buildings, fashioned with wood exteriors<br />
and very little ornamentation. A bell<br />
tower stands on the edge of the site whose<br />
bell was forged in Kyoto.<br />
But perhaps the most impressive aspect of<br />
this temple is a Korean addition. A modest<br />
statue of a girl was erected in ther corner of<br />
the grounds, a reminder of the women taken<br />
as sex slaves by Japanese troops. It is clearly<br />
well loved by temple visitors -- there’s a<br />
good chance you’ll see a shower of gifts at<br />
the statue’s feet, from snacks to hot packs to<br />
toys, and in the winter, you’re likely to even<br />
see her dressed in knitted caps or scarves to<br />
keep warm.<br />
After getting your dose of “cute” at the<br />
Teddy Bear Museum, these two attractions<br />
are a good way to come back to reality by<br />
taking in the solemn beauty and history of<br />
Gunsan’s Japanese era.<br />
20<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 21
By Heather Allman<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Contributor<br />
Hoetjip, 회집, pronounced roughly as<br />
“hway-chip,” is a restaurant whose main<br />
dish presents itself abundantly in most<br />
Korean towns or cities on the water, while restaurants<br />
can also be found scattered throughout landlocked<br />
areas as well. “Hoe” (hway) itself is any sort<br />
of raw dish, but is primarily used in regards to raw<br />
fish. Situated on the west coast of Korea on the south<br />
bank of the Geum River, just upstream from its exit<br />
to the Yellow Sea, Gunsan is known for its seaport,<br />
which brings along with it a strong industrial trade<br />
industry as well as an abundance of delicious seafood.<br />
Gunsan is known as one of the best places in<br />
Korea to find a hoetjip, with restaurants from Seoul<br />
to Busan named “Gunsan Hoetjip” after the city and<br />
its local delicacy.<br />
Prior to traveling to Gunsan, my knowledge of the<br />
hoetjip was, let’s say, undercooked. While I did my<br />
research pinpointing areas and suggested restaurants<br />
to try, I was unsure of exactly what I would be eating.<br />
I have found that an important part of living in Korea<br />
and trying new foods is the adventure that comes<br />
along with it. Each time I try something new, I’m not<br />
only eating a meal, I’m deepening my understanding<br />
of Korea’s rich and flavorful culture.<br />
In my limited amount of research, I learned that<br />
most of the restaurants in Gunsan were simply named<br />
something like “Hoetjip” and were all situated next<br />
to one another along the seawall on the port. I chose<br />
Kunsan Seafood Restaurant for a couple of reasons.<br />
It had a significant (enough) online presence (albeit<br />
a bit limited in English) and it seemed to be one of<br />
the largest restaurants in the area. While I do love the<br />
authenticity of a mom-and-pop type place, because<br />
I was traveling to Gunsan with the sole purpose of<br />
trying a certain type of food, I wanted to have a good<br />
idea of where I was going. A fresh seafood lunch in<br />
an eight story restaurant on the water sounded worth<br />
the time and effort to me.<br />
As the taxi neared the seawall, snow lightly fell<br />
from the grey afternoon sky. I questioned whether<br />
or not this was a setting in which I wanted to sit near<br />
the water and eat raw fish. It tends to be something<br />
I might imagine myself enjoying on a hot summer’s<br />
day or on vacation on a tropical island. As the taxi<br />
rode along the long wall, hoetjip restaurants lined the<br />
narrow street on our left, only the open river full of<br />
boats and ships on our right. We soon arrived at Kunsan<br />
Seafood Restaurant, directly situated across from<br />
a large arched bridge.<br />
Walking inside the building, it was more reminiscent<br />
of a fish market than anything else. After being<br />
escorted to an elevator and instructed to take it to the<br />
fourth floor, the doors opened to a warm, eloquent atmosphere.<br />
Deep wood tones stretched from the floor<br />
to the ceiling, with low and natural lights providing a<br />
sense of calm and serenity. We were led to a private<br />
room, our table adjacent to a large window<br />
g<br />
22 Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 23
overlooking the bridge and the river. The table<br />
sat low, and assuming that we would be sitting<br />
on the floor, we were pleasently surprised when<br />
we realized that there was space for our legs underneath<br />
the table.<br />
After speaking to one of my friends later on,<br />
she informed me that almost all hoetjip restaurants<br />
are built with the same style. Low tables<br />
with deep open spaces beneath to rest one’s legs<br />
are traditional for the meal. It is enjoyed by family<br />
and friends alike, and many Korean businesspeople<br />
take clients to hoetjip restaurants for both<br />
the quality of the food and the longevity of the<br />
meal. For Korean nationals, a hoetjip meal is to<br />
be wholly and slowly appreciated.<br />
The menu was typical of most Korean restaurants,<br />
about four pages long, split into sections<br />
of main courses, soups, side dishes, and beverages.<br />
The sections offered little explanation, most<br />
bearing simple names and prices. The fish, or<br />
hoe, section was split into sets, named Hwareo<br />
hoe (sliced raw fish), Modum hoe (assorted sliced<br />
raw fish), and Sekkosi (bone-in sliced raw fish).<br />
Feeling adventurous, we opted for the Modum<br />
hoe set (for 2) for KRW 80,000. Unsure of what<br />
was to come, we sat back and enjoyed the view<br />
of the Gunsan seaport. As the food arrived, the<br />
snow cleared and the sun came up, making for a<br />
beautiful winter afternoon.<br />
Our table was first set with eight dishes, including<br />
salad, kimchi, pumpkin, raw oysters, sea<br />
urchin, garlic, and corn. While the abundance of<br />
color and various seafood dishes was aesthetically<br />
pleasing, we were a bit confused as to whether<br />
or not this would be the extent of our meal. Veterans<br />
to the Korean restaurant scene, we assumed<br />
that these were our introductory side dishes, so<br />
we stayed patient and enjoyed what was in front<br />
of us.<br />
As time progressed, so did the amount of dishes<br />
on our table. Little by little, what seemed<br />
to be too large of a table for two was quickly<br />
filled from side to side. More food than we could<br />
have imagined stretched (in some cases, literally)<br />
to the edges of our table. Raw tuna, two kinds<br />
of kimchi, sannakji (live octopus), several kinds<br />
of fish (fried, raw, and steamed), sushi, prawns,<br />
clams, porridge, sashimi, and baked oysters (just<br />
to name a few), were brought to us one by one. We<br />
were both astonished and pleased—for the food,<br />
and the fact that we had arrived hungry. After almost<br />
an hour of slowly consuming and savoring<br />
our bounty of “side dishes,” the actual “hoe” arrived.<br />
This raw dish was served on thin wooden boards<br />
in a box, sat atop ice. Four cuts of fish lined the<br />
boards, all white in color, except for one which<br />
was light grey. While each cut of fish tasted different,<br />
they were all very light in flavor. The fish was<br />
extremely soft and fresh, the cold temperature just<br />
right. Paired nicely with soy sauce or delicious on<br />
its own, the hoe was complimented well by our<br />
remaining side dishes.<br />
After we had finished the main dish, we were<br />
full and satisfied. The meal, however, was still<br />
not over, as we were given maeun tang (spicy fish<br />
stew). The stew flawlessly concluded the meal,<br />
especially on such a cold winter’s day. While we<br />
had eaten many cold kinds of fish and seafood,<br />
the stew left us feeling warm and content. For the<br />
amount of food, service, and location, I believe<br />
that the food was well worth the price.<br />
Hoetjip is not just a meal, it is an experience.<br />
While the raw fish is the star of the show, the copious<br />
amount of dishes that come with the fish are<br />
equally important. A hoetjip is unique and admirably<br />
represents the art of Korean dining. My doubts<br />
of enjoying raw fish mid-winter were easily subdued<br />
by the warmth and variety of the foods we<br />
ate that day. Going to a hoetjip can undoubtedly<br />
be enjoyed at any time of year.<br />
Contact Information:<br />
Kunsan Seafood Restaurant / 군산횟집<br />
1-76 Geum-dong, Gunsan / 군산시 금동 1-76<br />
Phone: 63-442-1114<br />
Website: kunsanseafood.co.kr<br />
24<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 25
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> Contributing Writer<br />
Jeonju has undoubtedly changed a great deal since<br />
I first set foot in this town, and over the last couple<br />
of years the city has grown at a rapid rate. Long<br />
gone are the days of feeling blessed to have an Outback<br />
Steakhouse in Gaeksa or counting down the days until<br />
the grand opening of a TGIFriday’s. Jeonju is not only<br />
the culinary capital for Korean food, but it is now a<br />
hotbed for authentic cuisine from all around the world.<br />
26<br />
Where once foreigners faced a huge problem trying to<br />
hunt down authentic Western food, the biggest dilemma<br />
expats face today is choosing between curry, paella, enchiladas,<br />
or even escargot .<br />
Nestled in Jeonju’s bustling downtown area, You Love<br />
Soul Zip is the newest location to offer foodies authentic<br />
foreign flavors. The restaurant is run by Lucy Oyi, a<br />
Jeonju native who moved to France as an 18 year old,<br />
spending twelve years studying and modeling, all while<br />
learning about food from her friends and new-found<br />
French family. She has recently returned to her home-<br />
town to share knowledge of French cuisine and<br />
her desire to provide a place for everyone to enjoy,<br />
whether they like to eat, drink, or party. Despite<br />
the restaurant being open for only two months,<br />
she has been exceptionally busy, but found the<br />
time to sit down with me to talk about her passion<br />
for food, France, and her journey from Asia to Europe<br />
and back again.<br />
First of all, why did you decide to go to<br />
France?<br />
“I decided to go France for several reasons. There<br />
was some conflict with my parents about my future<br />
so I knew I had to travel and separate myself<br />
from my family for a while. I decided to go to<br />
France as a student because I wanted to learn the<br />
language. Then I decided to study Sociology. I really<br />
enjoyed my life in France. I thought it would<br />
be hard because I was there as a foreigner but<br />
that meant I didn’t have to try and be anything I<br />
wasn’t. I could just be me.”<br />
LEFT: The baked camembert [Photo by<br />
Anjee DiSanto]; ABOVE: Lucy behind the bar.<br />
[Photo by Dean Crawford]<br />
Tell me about your background in<br />
modeling. How did you get started?<br />
“I was a party girl and my motto in life was simply<br />
‘have fun.’ I was trying to make my life better<br />
by studying, but after several years in school<br />
I decided to have fun and meet lots of people. I<br />
partied almost every night and one of my fellow<br />
party goers was a photographer. They suggested<br />
I be a model for their photo shoot. At first I was<br />
modeling for free with amateur photographers.<br />
But they showed their photos to some modeling<br />
agencies and suddenly the agency ‘VIP MOD-<br />
ELS’ contacted me with an interest in becoming<br />
a model.”<br />
What did you think about modeling as a<br />
job?<br />
“Well, I think it helps a lot for having self-confidence.<br />
In Korea, I see many people wearing the<br />
same things: the same accessories, the same hair,<br />
the same makeup. But in the modeling world,<br />
even for amateurs, we have to be a unique person.<br />
In other words, we have to accept our<br />
g<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 27
differences, whether it’s our different charms or our<br />
different body shapes which help us understand that<br />
there is beauty in our uniqueness. Even though our ultra<br />
superficial society makes its own specific reference<br />
as to what it thinks beauty is, there is another side of<br />
modeling where we can find the beauty in everyone.<br />
So I’d suggest for many people to try a photo shoot or<br />
modeling. It’s a very good experience.“<br />
What did you like about France?<br />
“I like the calm. French people say often ‘c’est la vie’<br />
or ‘c’est pas grave’ (essentially “don’t worry about<br />
it”). They know there’s something powerful watching<br />
over us so they understand other people’s ‘malheur’<br />
(adversity) or pain. I think they are very good in comprehending<br />
the true nature of human beings.<br />
What got you into food?<br />
“I like sharing. Whether it be sharing cultures, sharing<br />
food, sharing the good times and I think food<br />
makes this ‘sharing’ a reality.”<br />
So what do you like about French food?<br />
“Oooh, I love the natural flavor of French food. In<br />
France, we say ‘5 fruits ou legume par jour,’ so they<br />
have very balanced meals. And the presentation of<br />
French food is beautiful.<br />
“I like that French people truly respect their chefs and<br />
their food.”<br />
What is your favorite French food?<br />
“I like ratatouille because it’s a unique dish that tastes<br />
fresh. We make ratatouille at my place with an authentic<br />
recipe from one of my French friends who is a<br />
chef. We cook it in the oven but at a low temperature.<br />
It takes a long time but it is delicious and worth the<br />
wait.”<br />
What is your experience in food?<br />
“In France, I worked at several different restaurants.<br />
I’m not a qualified chef, but I learned about French<br />
cuisine from my good friends who are chefs, and I<br />
also learned from my friend’s family and my neighbors<br />
. I learned about French food from everywhere<br />
I could. Making food is a skill, but I also think that<br />
good food comes from the heart. At my place, I work<br />
front-of-house, so it’s my philosophy to personally<br />
serve my clients and make sure they have a good<br />
time.”<br />
How did you choose your menu, and what are<br />
your favorite items?<br />
“I chose what I thought Koreans would like. As<br />
for my favorite items, I would say the Beouf Bourguignon.<br />
It’s a French beef stew which takes about<br />
4 hours of cooking. We make it with a wine sauce<br />
and serve it with couscous. It’s a true taste of France.<br />
I also love Salade Lyonnaise. It’s very common salad<br />
from Lyon, which is where I lived. It comes with<br />
bacon and poached eggs. It’s a real French tradition.<br />
And I also love a Monaco! It’s very famous beerbased<br />
cocktail from France.”<br />
LEFT: One of the restaurants simple yet thoughtful<br />
hors d’oeuvres. RIGHT: An assortment of the<br />
European fare. [Photo by DEAN CRAWFORD]<br />
How do you try to keep your restaurant<br />
authentically European?<br />
“I try to introduce what I experienced first hand in Europe.<br />
For example, I try my hardest to find good wine<br />
for a reasonable price that compliments the food.<br />
Drinking wine for a reasonable price is definitely part<br />
of French culture!”<br />
What makes your restaurant different from<br />
others in Jeonju?<br />
“I want my customers to enjoy our food using all five<br />
senses. Hearing good music is a part of the experience,<br />
as is our interior design, but also seeing a good<br />
presentation on the plate is a big part of that experience,<br />
also. I’d like our customers to have a great time,<br />
so I don’t only think about the food, but so I also think<br />
about the perfect combination of what drink best<br />
complements their meal. I’d like to say our restaurant<br />
is not only a place to come eat food, but I’d like<br />
to make this place like a ‘cafe – brasserie’ in France.<br />
Which is a place where you can meet new people and<br />
share different cultures over wine! If you come to<br />
my place, you will have great food with great service.<br />
We treat both our clients and our food with the respect<br />
they deserve.”<br />
With its varied menu ranging from escargot to<br />
pomme frites, and its classy interior design beaming<br />
images of France from the projector whilst the<br />
sounds of Charles Trénet resonate from the speakers,<br />
You Love Soul Zip is a unique experience in Jeonju.<br />
Some of the dishes maybe considered pricey, but it<br />
is worth that little bit extra when you taste the quality<br />
of the food. And whilst the food is fantastic, Lucy<br />
provides that certain je ne sais quoi, meaning that if<br />
you haven’t been to You Love Soul Zip yet, you have<br />
just found your new favorite place to eat in Gaeksa.<br />
Je vous en prie.<br />
For more information and directions,<br />
find You Love Soul Zip on Facebook at<br />
the username @YouLoveSoulZip.<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 29
ARTS<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Co-Editor<br />
When you get acquainted with any traditional<br />
Korean form of art, it quickly becomes<br />
apparent that there is more than meets the<br />
eye. Even simple details have meaning and symbolism,<br />
and processes that seem straightforward may be<br />
incredibly, endearingly complicated.<br />
Such is also the case with Korean woodblock printing.<br />
This art form is the focus of the new Wanpanbon<br />
Culture Center in Jeonju’s Hanok Village, and Coordinator<br />
Seungbin Jo is a treasure trove of knowledge on<br />
this practice that he is eager to spread.<br />
One of the first bits of knowledge necessary to understand<br />
Korean woodblock printing is that the woodblocks<br />
are not used like stamps. There’s a good chance<br />
that when you envision the process, you imagine working<br />
with a wooden plate coated with ink and pressed<br />
onto paper. Actually, in the printing of Korean pages,<br />
it’s the opposite: the woodblock is typically coated with<br />
fine ink, after which hanji is pressed and rubbed on top<br />
to receive the impression. This actually produces two<br />
pages – since the paper cannot be printed on both sides,<br />
a double-wide page is produced and then folded in half<br />
to make a front-back page.<br />
Here are just a few of the many other details that go<br />
into the thinking behind Korean woodblock printing<br />
and book production:<br />
● Traditional books from other Asian cultures are also<br />
bound with string, but often using only four holes: Korean<br />
printed books used five. This number is highly<br />
30<br />
symbolic in Korean culture, reflecting five elements of<br />
life and personality.<br />
● The ink used for printing with Korean woodblocks,<br />
often pine sap-based, is specially designed for that type<br />
of block. After using the woodblock the first time, the<br />
entire piece is covered in the black ink, which serves<br />
as a laminate to protect it from then on. Western inks<br />
would actually ruin the woodblock!<br />
● Even the brushes are specially designed for certain<br />
tasks. The brush to spread the ink uses pig hair, coarse<br />
and stiff enough to get the goo into all the nooks and<br />
crannies of complex letters. The brush used to press<br />
the hanji onto the woodblock itself, though, is a combination<br />
of human hair and wax, making just the right<br />
pressure to create the needed impression.<br />
● Not all woodblocks are even meant to be used with<br />
ink. Some are carved with complex patterns and symbols<br />
intended to create the texture of book covers. With<br />
these, designs are rubbed onto a thicker paper or material<br />
to create an embossing effect. (The Wanpanbon<br />
Center has several examples of both the woodblocks<br />
and covers involved in this process.)<br />
● The quality of hanji for this process has to be very<br />
high, sometimes 20 or 30 thousand won per piece. Imagine<br />
this when multiplied into a finished 220-page<br />
book!<br />
WHY.<br />
The question many people might initially have is<br />
“why.” Why do this, now, today, when we can simply<br />
print something out on the computer?<br />
“That’s the most difficult question to answer,” Jo responds.<br />
“But I think what we did in the past shows<br />
us who we are. It’s the best way to move to the future.<br />
These kind of things that are not used today are<br />
still very important and this kind of effort can make<br />
us keep our knowledge and move into another way<br />
of doing it. I think it’s very important to inherit the<br />
tradition of what we’ve been doing and let the world<br />
know about our past.”<br />
Then, why in Jeonju?<br />
The Wanpanbon Culture Center belongs to Jeonju’s<br />
city government and opened on January 1st this<br />
year, focused on making woodblocks and printed<br />
books in the ways of old. (Before this, much of the<br />
group’s work happened via the Woodblock Culture<br />
Experience Center down the street, which still holds<br />
classes in woodblock printing.) The name itself contains<br />
a valuable bit of history. In the time of the Joseon<br />
Dynasty, Jeonju was one of three major hubs of<br />
the production of woodblock-printed books, and the<br />
popular books from this location were called wanpanbon.<br />
Many of them were novels that sprang from<br />
the desire to read Korean stories that had only been<br />
oral before, while in other regions prints were made<br />
largely of historical and important Chinese texts.<br />
With its history in mind, the new center focuses<br />
on the entire process as it existed in old days, from<br />
cutting the wood, to making the boards, engraving<br />
them, choosing the paper, and printing a final product.<br />
Specifically, these days their work involves reproducing<br />
important books from the age of woodblock<br />
printing. This is partially so that people can<br />
see the history of how these works were made. Also,<br />
while many historic woodblocks still exist, there is<br />
rarely a complete set to represent a book. The center<br />
seeks to fill in the gaps and produce full print-capable<br />
sets.<br />
Up until last year, the group behind the center was<br />
working on a story book called “The History of the<br />
Three Kingdoms,” created in the Joseon Dynasty.<br />
The three different countries or kingdoms are still<br />
considered as one foundation for the Korean culture.<br />
Gumi County in Gyeongsan Province – the place<br />
where the text originated – wanted to reproduce all<br />
the woodblocks related to the story as part of the history<br />
of a local temple. Thus, the group and seven<br />
gaksu (woodblock engravers) set out on the daunting<br />
two-year voyage of making and printing this historic<br />
volume. Wanbanpon’s director, Esan Ahn Junyoung,<br />
was himself one of the engravers, while the group<br />
behind the center was asked to do the actual printing<br />
of the book. The process required 110 woodblocks<br />
on both sides, Seungbin explained. About a year of<br />
the work was required just for engraving them, with<br />
another two months just for the actual printing part.<br />
g<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 31
ARTS<br />
This amount of work for twenty volumes of one book<br />
reflects just what a complex and enduring process this<br />
art can be.<br />
Jo, an engraver himself, explains that one single woodblock<br />
of the typical size can take about a month to perfect.<br />
Just as in writing, there are different “drafts” to<br />
be done. The first draft of carving focuses on the main<br />
lines, with additional drafts cleaning up the holes and<br />
small details. A trial of printing with ink is necessary<br />
before making the “final draft,” ensuring that all words<br />
are legible.<br />
“Even if the woodblock looks pretty, if the printout<br />
doesn’t come out correctly, it’s useless,” Jo explains.<br />
As for the engraving process itself, few different types<br />
of tools are necessary, but the ones used are special in<br />
that they are often made by the engraver himself. Jo<br />
illustrates that only two kinds of engraving knives –<br />
one flat and one sharp – are prevalent, yet his toolbox<br />
overflows with different sizes and examples of each, all<br />
made by his hand. Most of the flat tools can be pushed<br />
or pulled by hand to carve, while the sharp knives can<br />
be used with a special kind of iron hammer to pierce the<br />
wood.<br />
No tools are pre-made for this traditional process. His<br />
own are made from saw blades, cut and ground to the<br />
proper shapes, with all different custom-made handles.<br />
“The beginning engraving class actually starts with<br />
making their engraving knives,” he explains. “That’s<br />
their first lesson. It’s one of the important skills they<br />
need to know so that they can later do it by themselves.”<br />
While his director has done woodblock engraving his<br />
whole life, Seungbin became involved in the art form in<br />
a surprising manner. A former graduate of English Education,<br />
Seungbin was working with the International Affairs<br />
Office at Chonbuk National University. He brought<br />
a group of international students to the Woodblock Experience<br />
Center, and this simple act would lead to a path<br />
of deep connection to the woodblock printing culture.<br />
Jo was one of the first students to take classes at the<br />
nearby center, where his current director has now taught<br />
the craft to more than 130 students. Along with Ahn and<br />
several other apprentices, he is currently working on a<br />
three-year project involving the making of 233 woodblocks,<br />
as well as other projects, like practicing the carving<br />
of folk art prints.<br />
He is also an eager advocate of the art and of spread-<br />
ing it to others, particularly those from other cultures. Jo<br />
plans to reorganize some parts of the museum to offer<br />
more English signage (some already exists) and showcase<br />
fewer items with more detailed and focused explanations.<br />
He has also traveled to events domestically<br />
and abroad to demonstrate the art of Korean woodblock<br />
engraving in person and answer questions about it, and<br />
has explained the process to a UNESCO committee who<br />
designated Confucian woodblocks as a registered part of<br />
World Heritage.<br />
One thing he did notice through many of these events<br />
is that Western countries are very active in showcasing<br />
their metal-based printing history, and many museums<br />
exist to exhibit the artifacts from these practices. Korea,<br />
in comparison, has not yet been as active in sharing and<br />
showcasing its woodblock printing – a fact he hopes to<br />
change.<br />
“My goal is that, since Korea is kind of dominant in this<br />
woodblock culture, I want to let the world know about<br />
the printing culture and everything related to it,” Jo said.<br />
To learn more about Jeonju’s woodblock printing culture<br />
or the Wanpanbon Culture Center, visit them on Facebook<br />
at facebook.com/wanpanbon or on their website at<br />
www.jjcf.or.kr/main/wan. Better yet, visit in person for<br />
an up-close look. The center, adjacent to Jeonju’s famed<br />
Hyanggyo Confucian school, opens every day except<br />
Monday from 10 to 7, with Jo himself usually on hand to<br />
explain the cultures and process in English or Korean to<br />
those who visit.<br />
32<br />
PHOTOS: [Page 25] A rooster print made at Wanpanbon’s<br />
free Lunar New Year demonstrations and<br />
the woodblock used to make a tiger print at the same<br />
event. [LEFT] Handmade tools and the first draft of a<br />
woodblock. [RIGHT] Seungbin Jo demonstrating his<br />
craft at an international event (top) and at the center<br />
itself (second); the beautiful setting of the Wanpanbon<br />
Culture Center (third); a woodblock used for<br />
embossing rather than ink printing (bottom).<br />
[1st and 3rd photo on this page courtesy of<br />
SEUNGBIN JO; other photos by ANJEE DISANTO]<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 33
ARTS<br />
34<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Co-Editor<br />
Can you write a book without being a<br />
writer? This may sound like one of<br />
those “if a tree falls in a forest” questions,<br />
but it makes sense in the context of the<br />
Zen-infused world of writer (or not writer?) Ash<br />
Dean.<br />
In fact, Dean, an American-born poet and teacher<br />
currently living in Jeonju, does not consider<br />
himself a writer, despite having just published a<br />
poetry collection.<br />
“I was giving advice to a writing friend recently<br />
and I said I deliberately try not to write,” Dean<br />
explains. “I try to be as quiet as possible. … So<br />
much of what we say and write comes from a<br />
kind of diseased organ. The brain, but to make it<br />
clearer, I will call it the mind.”<br />
Dean thinks that these days we have a sort of<br />
“word sickness,” which functions as a symptom<br />
to “mind sickness.” His poetry and teaching of<br />
poetry, he hopes, can be a sort of medicine to this<br />
disease, even for himself.<br />
“As a poet, I only write a poem when it is word<br />
medicine. So I deliberately try not to write poems.<br />
… It is not possible for me to be silent, but it<br />
is possible to only use word medicine. Of course,<br />
I fail, as some treatments inevitably do. But, in<br />
being aware that I am providing word medicine<br />
and only word medicine I am in the best position<br />
to help and to do no harm.”<br />
Dean’s recently published poetry collection,<br />
Cardiography, is meant to be a large dose of this<br />
treatment, and, in this case, seems to have enough<br />
heart not to fail. Cardiography offers up a varied<br />
roster of more than 20 works “for everyone with<br />
a heart” (as its dedication states). Published by<br />
Finishing Line Press, the volume shares themes<br />
that reflect personal moments, find beauty in simple<br />
relatable journeys (like a bus to Gwangju),<br />
and use well-thought forms to capture the essence<br />
of events.<br />
Dean, born in Ferguson, Missouri, has himself<br />
been formed by his upbringing. His American<br />
life involved stints as a working-class carpenter<br />
and day laborer, one who was (and partially still<br />
is) unaccepting of the academic world. Yet he<br />
ended up with six years teaching in and studying<br />
from Suzhou, China, topped off by coming here,<br />
to Korea, as a local literature teacher.<br />
About that anti-academic sentiment, Dean,<br />
though very much an artist at heart, still struggles<br />
with the concept of poetry being an academic<br />
or professional field – at least for himself<br />
personally. He received his MFA in Creative<br />
Writing from the International Writing Program<br />
at City University Hong Kong, but says he did<br />
so more to join a dialogue than to become a<br />
professional writer or an academic.<br />
“Not everything of value needs to be professionalized,”<br />
Dean explains. “I’ve always been<br />
uncomfortable with the idea that you professionalize<br />
joy, horror, sadness. This is the stuff<br />
of poetry.”<br />
His own book, he says, happened more organically<br />
than professionally. Many of the poems<br />
were collected during the time when his wife<br />
(a Gwangju native) was having open-heart surgery.<br />
This theme becomes evident in the reading<br />
of several of the compilation’s pieces. The<br />
transportation theme pops up periodically, too,<br />
reflecting the many journeys between cities in<br />
this time period. And the rest, with notes of<br />
spaces and events in China, Korea, and beyond,<br />
perhaps connects the dots between these and<br />
the writer’s own frame of mind.<br />
“Really what I’m doing is a record of my<br />
heart,” Dean says.<br />
As for the content, one of the points of distinction<br />
for Dean’s poetry is that it often embraces<br />
meaning through both its words and its<br />
physical shape. His forms are carefully contemplated.<br />
Each subconsciously directs the<br />
reader to envision or read in a certain manner.<br />
“Lag,” his book’s second selection, offers up<br />
lines split with uneven spacing between words,<br />
altering one’s internal reading as well as giving<br />
an intended aesthetic effect. The overall poem’s<br />
form represents an airplane’s cabin, with<br />
spaces for aisles and room between passengers.<br />
“This is an important part of the meditation<br />
that is taking place,” Dean explains, “and each<br />
line is part of the meditation because of the lim-<br />
g<br />
包<br />
four tiny<br />
incisions<br />
in the<br />
pericardium<br />
::<br />
a bento box<br />
prepared<br />
by mom<br />
at 4am<br />
::<br />
they never<br />
reveal everything<br />
about the contents<br />
of a dumpling<br />
::<br />
some things<br />
once open<br />
are more than<br />
we can say<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 35
ARTS<br />
The Woman Who Works<br />
at the Botanical Garden<br />
She has just learned<br />
to use email &<br />
when a rare species<br />
blooms sends out<br />
a message further<br />
than she has ever<br />
traveled “Hey come down<br />
here right away…” pressing send<br />
she imagines should have<br />
the kind of pull<br />
to draw them in<br />
for a moment to have a look<br />
After closing the gate<br />
to the garden she is<br />
standing in line<br />
buying catfood She waits<br />
like everyone else but there<br />
are things she knows<br />
that can’t wait<br />
its placed on it.”<br />
His piece “Sewol (The Passing of Time)” also<br />
serves as a somber demonstration of how words<br />
and form can come together to convey feeling,<br />
commemorating Korea’s Sewol disaster. The<br />
“meditation” (as Dean refers to it) sinks and<br />
spirals down over six pages, with a single word<br />
thoughtfully placed on each line.<br />
“One word on each line is meant to slow the<br />
reader down, to experience time passing, becaues<br />
‘Sewol” means the passing of time, so in<br />
this elegy I have selected the form, because who<br />
would ever want that end to come— one word<br />
per line is enough, and of course each line is a<br />
kind of heart beat that leads up to how the poem<br />
ends.”<br />
Like the “Sewol” piece, many works in Dean’s<br />
collection connect to Asian events and culture…<br />
an inescapable theme due to not just living in<br />
but immersing himself in the respective cultures<br />
he’s encountered here. He reads and speaks<br />
Chinese and feels strongly connected to its poetic<br />
tradition. While fairly new in this country, he<br />
hopes to gain the same sort of connections here.<br />
“Learning to read Chinese poetry in Chinese<br />
was very important to me. If one can speak of<br />
a lineage, those are the roots of a type of deep<br />
meditative lyric poetry, and inevitably this poetry<br />
takes in the landscape,” Dean says.<br />
“Poetry is also an important part of the Korean<br />
Tradition. And there are many poets from the<br />
Jeolla region. It is not an accident that I moved<br />
here. My wife is from Gwangju, but I was eager<br />
to move to this region. Not that I expect to be a<br />
part of something, but there is an energy. Poetry,<br />
good poetry happens at more of a geological<br />
pace. These mountains, the Honam plain, the<br />
people, they speak to me.”<br />
The stories of Dean’s individual poems are<br />
journeys themselves. Ask him of the inspiration<br />
for a certain piece and you will no doubt hear<br />
the place he first thought of it, whether a British<br />
museum or a plane from Stockholm to Sweden,<br />
as well as any events that shaped its growth over<br />
time. While in some cases poetry is a quick act<br />
driven by the moment, a talk with such an artist<br />
makes it clear that even the shortest poem we<br />
read may be a year or twenty years in the making.<br />
At the time of publishing, Dean and his wife<br />
had just welcomed their first baby, Haru. When<br />
the heavy task of caring for this new heart settles,<br />
Dean hopes to do some book readings around<br />
Jeonju, perhaps starting an English literary magazine<br />
of some sort highlighting the Jeonbuk area<br />
as well.<br />
For more information or to find a copy of Cardiography,<br />
visit the book’s page via Finishing<br />
Line Press: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/<br />
product/cardiography-by-ash-dean/.<br />
All photos and poetry<br />
courtesy of Ash Dean.<br />
Late Summer Full<br />
humidity & mosquitos<br />
roadside peaches under neon<br />
all night long the frog song--<br />
Bats chasing happiness<br />
::<br />
There is a street<br />
where women sit<br />
in glass tanks<br />
flooded with pink light<br />
Of all the ways<br />
that desire leaves the body<br />
I have mastered none<br />
::<br />
like the old lawn mower<br />
I could not start,<br />
no matter how hard I pulled<br />
on the cord<br />
::<br />
so i got the scissors<br />
and began cutting the grass<br />
blade by blade,<br />
perhaps this is the season<br />
to accomplish nothing<br />
36<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 37
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Contributing Writer<br />
Olga Kan, a talented seamstress who has been<br />
in the local Jeonju costume design business<br />
for over ten years, is ethnically Korean, but<br />
was born in Uzbekistan. As a rare phenomenon in Jeonju,<br />
I interviewed Olga at her studio in January to learn<br />
about her experiences and her work here as part of the<br />
Jeonju community.<br />
Olga’s parents always wanted her to become a violinist,<br />
but she was fascinated with fashion. She decided<br />
to go to her local college and gain a diploma in fashion<br />
and textiles. After graduation, she opened a small<br />
tailoring business in her hometown. During that time,<br />
she met her husband, who is Korean. For her husband’s<br />
sake, she moved to Jeonju in 2003, and two years later,<br />
she opened 강올랴, a business that mainly focuses on<br />
making costumes.<br />
When Olga first arrived in the city, she noticed that<br />
there was a high demand for costumes in Jeonju, as the<br />
city is well-known for showing live Korean traditional<br />
performances and many locals are interested in competing<br />
in singing and dancing competitions. Thus, to<br />
tone up her skills and gain knowledge about the Korean<br />
market, she worked part time as an assistant for a number<br />
of Korean seamstresses. Along the way she gained<br />
experience in making Korean traditional clothes and<br />
methods in dealing with Korean customers.<br />
Now, Olga works independently, as she enjoys being<br />
her own boss -- having the freedom to decide what jobs<br />
to accept, what materials to buy, and so on.<br />
Olga is very talented with her needlework. She can<br />
make various types of costumes and clothes, such as<br />
stage costumes (for dancers, singers, and so on) and<br />
Uzbek and Korean traditional clothing. Her favorite<br />
jobs are when she’s making costumes for choir girls<br />
and for dancers because those customers let her decide<br />
on the design and the materials.<br />
Since Olga relies on word of mouth to gain clients,<br />
she usually gets customers who work in the same<br />
field; for example, opera singers, dancers, actors and<br />
so forth. In addition, the word of mouth can attract<br />
customers from neighbouring cities and from Seoul.<br />
Right now, she is making several dresses for a young<br />
female choir group who are competing in the national<br />
junior choir competition. Then she will be creating<br />
costumes for a women’s choir that consists of 30<br />
members.<br />
Besides her main business, Olga has a great interest<br />
in participating in fashion shows because it challenges<br />
her creativity, helps promote her business, and<br />
allows her to meet other designers. For the past two<br />
years, she has taken part in Jeonju’s annual fashion<br />
show.<br />
Olga admires the late Andre Kim, who was a Korean<br />
fashion designer famous for his couture wedding<br />
collections. Clients’ requests also influence Olga’s<br />
work, as each customer has a specific theme that they<br />
desire.<br />
Olga would like to move her business somewhere<br />
in Jeonju’s downtown or Hyojadong area because she<br />
wants to attract more customers. However, if she did<br />
not have any family obligations, she would like to<br />
one day expand her business to Seoul.<br />
For now, if there’s a costume or a fashion you wish<br />
to make, you can visit her in her humble shop (scan<br />
the QR code below for a Google Map). While she<br />
doesn’t speak English, she does speak the universal<br />
language of fashion and is happy to help.<br />
PHOTOS:<br />
[LEFT] Olga Kan in her studio.<br />
[Photo by ANJEE DISANTO]<br />
[RIGHT] Fashion show and performance<br />
costumes made by Olga.<br />
[Photos courtesy of Olga Kan]<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 39
40<br />
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Co-Editor<br />
NOTE: This article is part of a multi-issue series investigating<br />
the religious roots of North Jeolla and Korea<br />
throughout history until the present. It is the aim of this<br />
series to sketch out the way Jeolla natives think. This is<br />
for the purpose of greater understanding, multicultural<br />
sensitivity, and to tear down the walls of misunderstanding.<br />
Jeonbuk civilization has its own unique, complex<br />
blend of history and mindset. The picture in this series is<br />
admittedly painted with a broad brush; but it may be a<br />
helpful backdrop to your interactions and appreciation<br />
of our beautiful host culture.<br />
A<br />
worldview is a collection of presuppositions.<br />
These presuppositions are like lenses, and we<br />
see the world through them. Everybody has<br />
a worldview. Some are as simple as a pair of 3D movie<br />
glasses, and others are as complex as a kaleidoscope.<br />
Most of us go through life without really analyzing<br />
our worldviews and enjoy the show in Plato’s Cave all<br />
through life. Some of us spend a lot of time and money<br />
and studious effort to become ‘enlightened’ and say<br />
pithy things like, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”<br />
At the end of the day, we all inescapably have a<br />
worldview, and we all can benefit from careful reflection<br />
-- and from an outside perspective.<br />
If we are in a foreign culture, the more we understand<br />
our host’s worldview, the less we will be baffled, annoyed,<br />
and indignant when strange things happen. Such<br />
understanding can temper our frustrations into compassion,<br />
and our reactions into responses; and even respect.<br />
It can also trigger a critical examination of our own<br />
worldviews that we brought with us.<br />
In previous installments of this series, we began to survey,<br />
in chronological order, the mixture of contributing<br />
mindsets that compose Jeonbuk’s basic worldview. We<br />
started with Jeolla province’s manifestation of grassroots<br />
Animism and interviewed a local mudang. Next<br />
was a too-brief glimpse at the very dominant Confucianism,<br />
which is something hard to understand merely by<br />
reading about it. It’s like explaining saltwater to someone<br />
who’s only known a lake. To really get a grasp of the<br />
Confucian way, you have to come here, to Korea. Last<br />
issue’s article spoke of Buddhism’s influence, and featured<br />
Jeolla’s own contribution, Won Buddhism: practical<br />
Buddhism made simple and accessible to all.<br />
Now let’s turn our attention to the next major influence<br />
to land on Korean soil: Roman Catholicism.<br />
A quick Google search will show that “Catholic” is<br />
천주교 (cheon ju kyo) in Korean, stemming from the<br />
Chinese “heaven lord religion,” or a less wooden translation,<br />
“The religion of the Lord of Heaven.” Records<br />
show the first Catholic missionary here was a Portugese<br />
Jesuit who landed in Busan in 15-something, but then it<br />
gets pretty foggy. Mentions of early Korean Christians<br />
are scattered through histories, and many places claim<br />
to be the real birthplace of the faith on this peninsula,<br />
but it’s pretty much uncontested that the faith as a movement<br />
flourished here through 솓 instumentation and<br />
martyrdom of a Korean man named Yi Seung-hun.<br />
It was Koreans who embraced the faith, and who shared<br />
it here in Korea; not European missionaries. The faith<br />
was taught freely and simply, accessible to all classes,<br />
and to women, and to beggars, without prejudice.<br />
Yi Seung-hun was Yangban (nobility) born in Seoul in<br />
1756. He accompanied his father on a diplomatic mission<br />
to Beijing, where he converted to Catholic Christianity,<br />
entered the priesthood, and brought the<br />
g<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 41
faith back to Korea.<br />
In the beginning, the Catholics wouldn’t bow the<br />
knee to the ancestors, so they were persecuted. Tertullian<br />
said that ‘the blood of the martyrs is the seed<br />
of the church,’ and Korea was no exception. The<br />
attempt at ridding the peninsula of believers was<br />
bloody, rigorous, and a glorious failure. Today, Roman<br />
Catholic Christians represent about ten percent<br />
of the Korean population (but these days they have<br />
become very Confucian again, right down to the<br />
bowing to ancestors, though now it’s rationalized differently,<br />
or syncretized). Catholics were persecuted<br />
officially by the government for practicing a banned<br />
religion. They were also persecuted and ostracized<br />
by their own families and communities for shunning<br />
ancestor worship. Many formed little Christian villages,<br />
where they could live together and have property<br />
in common. When French missionaries came in<br />
the 1800’s, they were astonished to find that there<br />
were already Christians in Korea, and that they were<br />
living in a communal way that very much resembled<br />
the early church.<br />
Certain regions have a greater Catholic presence<br />
than others. Iksan, here in Jeonbuk Province, is said<br />
by locals to be the real epicenter of the faith. Perhaps<br />
it is why the Jeolla people are so warm, accepting,<br />
and are taking to globalization so earnestly. After<br />
all, ‘catholic’ means global. It appears the ‘yeast’ of<br />
Catholic believers ‘leavened the whole loaf’ of the<br />
province.<br />
The influence of Catholic Christianity is especially<br />
strong in Jeonbuk. The Samnye countryside, for example,<br />
has many hospitals and retirement care centers<br />
founded and run by Catholics. This can probably be<br />
seen around the nation as well, to varying degrees.<br />
Roman Catholicism is generally thought by locals<br />
to resemble Won Buddhism very much in its simple,<br />
accessible, common-people approach. An erudite local<br />
physician observed that the two faiths are compatible<br />
and even syncretistic in many ways. Both faiths<br />
offer a very clear system, are easily accessible to the<br />
average working person, and emphasize practical<br />
compassion.<br />
In Korea, the Roman Catholic church is unrivalled<br />
in compassion for the poor. Other religions and fellowships<br />
have great merit, but in them it is hard to<br />
find as many accounts of self-less compassion, and<br />
simple, total devotion to sharing God’s love, sharing<br />
property, sharing meals, sharing health care, and sharing<br />
time.<br />
The thesis of these articles is that all these religions<br />
and philosophies are to some degree syncretized into<br />
the Korean culture and mind.<br />
But more specifically, that the complex, liberal,<br />
thoughtful, Jeonbuk mentality isn’t the same as the<br />
other regions of Korea. This has been deeply impressed<br />
upon me by my older Korean friends, family,<br />
and colleagues, in interviews and conversations over<br />
the last dozen years. It is readily apparent in political<br />
history, and in the regionalisms that persist within<br />
Korea. Jeonbuk has been marginalized by the other<br />
regions of Korea for a thousand years, so it’s not the<br />
only reason for the difference, granted; but talking to<br />
the people, not surfing the web, is how this theory has<br />
been formed.<br />
(By this point, any astute reader is calling ‘bias.’ I’d<br />
like to note, parenthetically, that my background is<br />
ferociously Protestant. Indeed there was a bias; and<br />
it has been tenderized significantly by my time spent<br />
investigating Jeonbuk Catholics.)<br />
There is strong evidence to support the idea that the<br />
Catholic ingredient is much stronger in the local stew.<br />
Even if you do not subscribe doctrinally to some, or<br />
any, tenets of Roman Catholicism, its strong presence<br />
in the recipe still offers a most pleasant aroma.<br />
PHOTOS :<br />
PAGE 42-43 -- Jeondeong Cathedral, in<br />
Jeonju’s Hanok Village.<br />
LEFT -- Images of Catholic martyrdom outside<br />
Jeondong and the cross atop Martyr’s Mountain,<br />
a renowned Catholic site in Jeonju.<br />
RIGHT -- The inside of the Cathedral; the statue<br />
atop a small Catholic church in Dukjin-gu.<br />
[Photos by ANJEE DISANTO]<br />
42 Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 43
<strong>JB</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Contributing Writer<br />
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is the second<br />
in a new section for <strong>2017</strong> titled “‘Being’<br />
in Jeonbuk.” The intention of this section<br />
is to share how local expats maintain<br />
their lifestyles and their sense of “being”<br />
while living in our province. This might<br />
include being from a certain nationality,<br />
whether Indian, Mexican, or Ethiopian, or<br />
being part of a certain religion or lifestyle,<br />
such as being vegetarian, gay, or Muslim.<br />
Keep an eye out for this section to see how<br />
people from all walks of life survive and<br />
thrive while abroad.<br />
A<br />
few months ago, my friend told me<br />
that there are more chicken shops<br />
in South Korea than the number of<br />
McDonalds, world-wide. I was shocked, but<br />
not in disbelief. At that moment, we could spot<br />
three different chicken shops in our frontal<br />
vision! I checked the source of this information<br />
and found it stated as a fact in the Korean<br />
Herald article titled, “Korea, the Republic of<br />
Chicken.”<br />
So, can we be vegetarians in the Republic of<br />
Chicken?<br />
Korea once followed a vegetarian diet comparable<br />
to Buddhist “temple food” and most<br />
North Koreans have not had the “luxury” of<br />
eating meat in their lifetime. But, today, many<br />
will likely declare that being vegetarian in<br />
South Korea is impossible.<br />
I have lived in Korea for three years, and half<br />
of that time was spent as an uncommitted vegetarian,<br />
being spoon-fed meat by my employers<br />
at work dinners and occasionally falling prey<br />
to the flashy Korean drinking + samgyeupsal<br />
scene. The second half was spent as a “100%”<br />
vegetarian, aka vegan.<br />
Despite the startling number of chicken<br />
shops, times are changing and the concept<br />
of vegetarianism and veganism has found its<br />
place in Korea once again.<br />
I will provide some of my accumulated tips<br />
and resources for eating, shopping and traveling<br />
as a vegetarian, specific to Jeollabukdo.<br />
Note: Omnivores will also enjoy and benefit<br />
from my suggestions and many of my meat-loving<br />
friends are happily surprised by the supreme<br />
tastiness of vegetarian food in Korea.<br />
EATING<br />
TIP: Do your research and buy a<br />
blender.<br />
1. HappyCow<br />
The most comprehensive site of vegetarian<br />
restaurants worldwide! Not everything<br />
in Korea is listed, but you should be able<br />
to find a wonderful place to eat. Currently,<br />
restaurants in Iksan, Gunsan, and Jeonju<br />
are listed. Wanju and Jeongeup also have<br />
vegan restaurants, so if you visit them,<br />
submit their information on HappyCow!<br />
(https://www.happycow.net/asia/south_<br />
korea/)<br />
2. Facebook/ Blogs<br />
Join Seoul Veggie Club or Seoul Vegans,<br />
where people constantly post recipes, blogs,<br />
and new restaurant finds. I also have an<br />
abandoned but resourceful blog about being<br />
vegan in Jeonju, https://jeonjuveggietravel.wordpress.com/,<br />
and Simply Hofit’s<br />
Korean Vegan Vlog on what to buy at a<br />
Korean convenient convenience store will<br />
be particularly helpful for citizens of rural<br />
Jeollabukdo.(https://www.youtube.com/<br />
watch?v=1_cywdlpU_M)<br />
3.Blender<br />
Along with a toaster oven, my blender<br />
helped me the most in my transition to becoming<br />
vegan. When in Seoul or Busan, I<br />
could go without a blender, but in Jeollabukdo<br />
it serves as an essential tool. I make<br />
smoothies constantly blend up creamy soups<br />
and dressings and perform random scientific<br />
experiments with tofu. Get one second<br />
hand on one of the Jeollabukdo Facebook<br />
pages or buy new at large supermarkets.<br />
4.Maangchi<br />
Learn to cook vegetarian Korean food with<br />
the help of Maangchi. She is adorable and<br />
her ingredients are specific to Korea and<br />
easy to find locally, so I prefer learning from<br />
her vegetarian recipes. Try her easy soy<br />
milk recipe with your new blender! (http://<br />
www.maangchi.com/recipes/vegetarian)<br />
TIP: Be lazy and shop online.<br />
1.iHerb<br />
If you don’t know about this already, then<br />
I’ve just saved your life. Organic peanut<br />
butter, lotion, shampoo, make up, essential<br />
oils, herbs and all of the other things<br />
that are hard to find at Homeplus, your<br />
only shopping option in miles. It only<br />
takes a week to have your box of goodies<br />
44<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 45
delivered to all areas of Korea, and it’s free<br />
for orders over 60,000 won! (http://www.<br />
iherb.com/)<br />
C. Vegan Groceries: http://www.lovinghut.<br />
co.kr/<br />
programs locally in Buan, Gochang, and Gimje.<br />
(http://eng.templestay.com)<br />
1. OurShop India<br />
A store in Jeonju (but with nationwide<br />
delivery!) that gives access to South and<br />
Southeast Asian spices and goods as<br />
well as fresh and frozen vegetables and<br />
herbs.<br />
2. Veggiehill<br />
You can make specific orders for organic and<br />
non-pesticide produce at this site. This is a<br />
great option if it is hard to find certain fruits<br />
and vegetables you may be craving, or if you<br />
just want organic eggs. (http://veggiehill.<br />
com/)<br />
3.Vegan Specialty Sites<br />
A. Fake Meats, Sauces, and Packaged foods:<br />
http://www.broccolis.co.kr/<br />
B. Vegan Cheese: http://www.vegbox.kr/<br />
TRAVEL<br />
TIPS: Have food stashed on you at<br />
all times and meditate.<br />
1.Goodies-to-go<br />
Planning a trip to rural areas of South Korea?!<br />
Don’t forget to bring snacks, and lots<br />
of them, unless you can survive off soju and<br />
field weeds. You may be able to find fruits<br />
and some traditional types of snacks, but it<br />
can be difficult. I went to a small beach last<br />
summer with no food to test out my vegan<br />
survival skills and it did not go well. I ate an<br />
entire box of digestive biscuits and a 4,000<br />
won tiny bag of dried sweet potatoes from<br />
7-11.<br />
2.Last-minute Snack Ideas<br />
A. Organic and dried goods section of any<br />
big supermarket (E Mart, Homeplus..)<br />
B. Snacks at highway rest areas: steamed<br />
corn, fried potatoes, baked sweet potato.<br />
C. Kimbap ordered without egg, imitation<br />
crab, and/or ham.<br />
D. Fruit and rice cakes at traditional markets.<br />
3.Temple Stay<br />
Temple stays offer all conscious eaters need,<br />
3 vegan meals, nature, and comfy cotton<br />
lounge wear. There are English temple stay<br />
4. Yoga retreat in Wanju<br />
Ananda Marga Korea, right here in Jeollabukdo,<br />
holds yoga and meditation classes, detox retreats,<br />
and yoga teacher trainings. I took one module of<br />
their yoga teacher training course and it was a<br />
weekend full of vegetarian feasts, relaxation, and<br />
loving people. (https://www.facebook.com/AnandaMargaKorea)<br />
You now have the knowledge to bypass the fried<br />
chicken shops and explore the emerging and traditional<br />
vegetarian culture in South Korea. Jeollabukdo<br />
is a wonderful place to fill your belly and<br />
experience a unique and fulfilling way of life.<br />
If you are craving some vegetarian/vegan food<br />
right now, you can run out to get bibimbapb without<br />
meat/eggs, red bean porridge or red bean noodle<br />
soup (팥죽/ 팥칼국수), or veggie pizza with<br />
no cheese. Many things can be made in Korea to<br />
accommodate vegetarians, so don’t take no for an<br />
answer!<br />
************************************<br />
Editors’ Note:<br />
In addition to Taylore’s suggestions, we’d like to<br />
refer any new vegetarian/vegan residents to some<br />
of the veggie-friendly shops we’ve covered in previous<br />
issues:<br />
2. Masala<br />
One of Jeonju’s most beloved foreign<br />
food spots, this cozy Indian restaurant<br />
has options for all walks of eating, including<br />
tasty vegetarian/vegan dishes.<br />
3. Tacocina<br />
Jeonju’s newest Mexican restaurant is<br />
luckily accompanied by a chef and owner<br />
who is more than willing to adapt<br />
dishes on request, allowing access to<br />
delicious plates for vegetarians, vegans,<br />
and a variety of other restrictive diets.<br />
46<br />
Illustration by Bonnie Cunningham<br />
The stairs reach into the heavens. The stones<br />
pound my feet. The Earth moves me upward.<br />
I march to its rhythm. Sunlight scatters<br />
through tree branches overhead. Even in winter<br />
the trees’ colors look brighter, their bark healthier,<br />
their smell sweeter. I look straight ahead at the<br />
stones shining bright in the daylight. I feel the sweat<br />
on my brow and back from the heat of the sun. In<br />
this moment my thoughts swim and shift and I am<br />
surrounded by spring, not winter.<br />
My body aches.<br />
A long and chaotic search brought me to this far<br />
corner of the world. I imagine myself on the heels<br />
of ancient ascetics. Bald head exposed to the hot<br />
sun. Bare feet slapping cold ground. Mind full of<br />
questions. Body tempered, never tired. Do not<br />
stop. The monks meditate only at certain times of<br />
day but this is a gentle lie. The truth is they never<br />
stop. The rhythm of the Universe never ceases.<br />
The monks always feel a march to that rhythm. As<br />
a boy I wondered if magic was real, if those monks<br />
who wandered unhurried across peaks and through<br />
valleys were imbued with a power beyond normal<br />
reckoning.<br />
Sometimes the smog rolls in and covers the whole<br />
valley. I am reminded of the cities in the West, titanic<br />
brick and concrete monoliths that rise to dizzying<br />
heights and eclipse the sun. They stifle and suffocate.<br />
They are hollow mountains. They are breathless<br />
creatures.<br />
My lungs move thick like a bellows.<br />
These stairs are not like those bleak monuments. A<br />
very different excavation gave birth to these stones.<br />
They were all once identical, but across time each<br />
step has become etched with unique ruts and scars.<br />
My feet slap the smoothed rock. How old are these<br />
stones? How many sets of feet have stubbornly<br />
48<br />
By<br />
Robert<br />
Sancrainte<br />
climbed, their owners fatigued yet resilient, seeking<br />
an obvious challenge without obvious reward?<br />
There is a bend in the climbing path that I cannot<br />
see around. Even in the grip of winter the summertime<br />
strength of these trees does not recede and the<br />
wider world can only be seen through the occasional<br />
gaps in the dense thicket of branches and leaves<br />
all around. I look over my shoulder at my traveling<br />
companion far below. He stops at a clearing, to<br />
breathe and to take in the sights. Dark shadows and<br />
golden sunlight mingle about his bright clothes and<br />
ignite him with inner fire. He looks out. I look out.<br />
We can see for miles in every direction. The Earth<br />
mankind purports to conquer stretches to oblivion<br />
in silent rebuke. Even if we spend every day trekking<br />
through its mountains and valleys and across<br />
its plains and deserts, we will never see more than<br />
a fraction of it all before our bones collapse and our<br />
blood turns cold.<br />
My feet are bleeding.<br />
My companion begins to climb again, and I rejoin<br />
the effort soon after. He moves faster than me now.<br />
I wonder if he moves faster because we are nearing<br />
our destination. It may be that I am only moving<br />
slower while he maintains the same dogged pace.<br />
Rains approach slowly in the mountains. Halfway<br />
up this flight of hundreds of stairs, we stop and<br />
stare at the clouds as they unfurl across the skies and<br />
swallow the sun. My companion utters something<br />
in a tongue I don’t know but can intuitively understand.<br />
We must press on. The rainclouds’ slow speed<br />
belies their ferocity. The first drops that strike are<br />
gentle, but the dark clouds to come portend that that<br />
will not last.<br />
The wind picks up, cold and biting. The rains get<br />
sharper, stabbing like knives. Thunder begins quietly,<br />
its roar growing steadily louder until the colossal<br />
sound is right overhead. I look up at a black sky<br />
and pause for a moment in awe. My companion<br />
picks up his pace as the rain begins to soak our<br />
clothes, and he overtakes me quickly. The strength<br />
he summons comes from that same deep well of<br />
constitution I have only seen in those who live<br />
lives of devotion. He has been here before. He has<br />
lived through strange storms like this one. I am exhausted.<br />
I fear I cannot match his pace. I know I<br />
must. The path back down the mountain is longer<br />
now than what lies ahead.<br />
My body shakes from the cold.<br />
He reaches a platform of stone many dozens of<br />
steps above me. The stones are slick with water,<br />
and sheets of it slide off the steps like a hundred<br />
waterfalls. His cloak is soaked through with rain<br />
and the gusting wind whips about the damp fabric<br />
in wide and tangled arcs. He is framed by a<br />
charcoal sky lit with chaotic blue lightning. I had<br />
thought the winter cold could never avail such wild<br />
storms. I feel no surprise when my false assumption<br />
is shattered.<br />
We press on into the storm. I stumble to the top<br />
of the next rise, eyes downcast to shield them from<br />
the piercing rain. My feet are caked with wet dust<br />
left by travelers who came before. My companion<br />
calls out, his voice nearly lost on the wind. I look<br />
around to try to see why he beckons. He stands<br />
off to one side of the ridge, under the shelter<br />
of an old pagoda, weather-beaten yet sturdy.<br />
It is unmoved by the gusts of wind, and the<br />
raindrops roll off the slick timbers as though<br />
they never touched them at all.<br />
I stagger forward and he takes my arm and<br />
guides me out of the torrent and into the shelter.<br />
I stand in the middle of the floor, shaking, looking<br />
down at the wet wood, shivering, cloak held<br />
tight around me. I look up to see him standing at<br />
the railing of the pagoda, looking out across the<br />
city. I wrap my cloak around me tighter and come<br />
to stand next to him at the railing. We look down<br />
from the mountain across the wide valley and the<br />
sparkling city below. The storm does not mar the<br />
view; it enhances it.<br />
The clouds part off in the west, making way for<br />
the orange light of the late hour to break through.<br />
Grey clouds still darken the mountain and leave a<br />
chill in the air and in my body, but the light that<br />
spills over the valley brings a sudden surge of color<br />
that arrests my gaze and stymies any regret for<br />
the painful climb that brought me here. A rainbow<br />
stretches across the sky, its dazzling colors outmatched<br />
by the brilliant shades of the thousands<br />
upon thousands of rooftops below. Hills rise out of<br />
the city, and the buildings part for them like water<br />
flowing around rocks in a river.<br />
As a boy I wondered if magic was real.<br />
“Quite the view.” My companion speaks every<br />
word with great weight. It could be his imperfect<br />
grasp of my language. It could be something else.<br />
“Yes.”<br />
I take a deep breath. The air smells sweet after<br />
the rain.<br />
“Yes it is.”<br />
illustration by<br />
Bonnie Cunningham<br />
Jeonbuk <strong>Life</strong> 49