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solo travel<br />

10 Amaz<strong>in</strong>g Apps<br />

Apart from simple, everyday apps like<br />

Facebook, Flickr, Skype, Viber, Whatsapp,<br />

Google Maps, or music/iBooks, you may f<strong>in</strong>d<br />

these apps useful with just a f<strong>in</strong>gertip swipe.<br />

➊ Bank<strong>in</strong>g – to quickly check your<br />

balance and transfer funds whilst<br />

on the go.<br />

➋ Dropbox – A great way to back<br />

up all <strong>of</strong> your photos and videos<br />

<strong>in</strong> case you lose your computer/<br />

external hard drive.<br />

➌ Uber/GrabTaxi – for a reliable<br />

rate and safety, plus GPS to track<br />

where the driver is, how they look,<br />

the driver’s phone number and the<br />

car’s registered number.<br />

➍ Google Translate/Micros<strong>of</strong>t<br />

Translator – Whether you’re try<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to understand a road sign <strong>in</strong> a<br />

foreign language — or a menu <strong>in</strong><br />

a Chiang Mai café or wonder<strong>in</strong>g<br />

how to say “Can you give me a<br />

discount?” <strong>in</strong> the Thai language —<br />

the apps work like magic.<br />

➎ TripIt – Your personal assistant!<br />

All you have to do is to forward all<br />

confirmation emails you receive<br />

— car rental, <strong>flight</strong>, hotel, d<strong>in</strong>ner,<br />

whatever to TripIt and the app<br />

“automagically” assembles<br />

them as trip it<strong>in</strong>eraries <strong>in</strong> one<br />

handy location.<br />

➏ SoloTraveller – Quick way to<br />

meet new travel buddies to share a<br />

ride, dr<strong>in</strong>k or adventure. It <strong>in</strong>stantly<br />

connects you with like-m<strong>in</strong>ded<br />

solo travellers across the globe.<br />

➐ Travelmob – A new<br />

way <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g friends with<br />

accommodations. You can search<br />

for hospitable people who can<br />

share their spaces with you by<br />

brows<strong>in</strong>g accommodations,<br />

check<strong>in</strong>g the hosts’ pr<strong>of</strong>iles<br />

and reviews.<br />

➑ Here – Forget the paper map<br />

if you travel alone. Map apps<br />

are better choices and not make<br />

you look too touristy. Apart from<br />

navigat<strong>in</strong>g onl<strong>in</strong>e and <strong>of</strong>fl<strong>in</strong>e, these<br />

apps give you <strong>in</strong>formation about<br />

tourist attractions, subway maps<br />

and other public transportation <strong>in</strong><br />

the particular country.<br />

➒ F<strong>in</strong>dery – allows you to leave or<br />

view digital “notes” (which <strong>in</strong>clude<br />

photos, videos, and even music<br />

clips) that have been distributed all<br />

over the globe by other travellers.<br />

➓ Foodspott<strong>in</strong>g – is a handy tool,<br />

whether you’re crav<strong>in</strong>g a specific<br />

cuis<strong>in</strong>e or flavour and want to<br />

track down the best.<br />

must haveS<br />

When travell<strong>in</strong>g alone, you will need trustworthy<br />

items to keep a solo trip trouble-free and easy as<br />

ABC. Be sure to have this list <strong>of</strong> devices and apps<br />

before ventur<strong>in</strong>g out on the solo journey and<br />

you’ll be thankful you did!<br />

devices<br />

Gone are the days <strong>of</strong> solo travellers not want<strong>in</strong>g to take any technology with<br />

them. Now that technology has improved and its cost decreased — it’s much<br />

easier to take some <strong>of</strong> these devices with you.<br />

Mobile Phone – A true<br />

friend and a must. Without<br />

it, you’re completely alone<br />

with a greater chance <strong>of</strong><br />

gett<strong>in</strong>g lost.<br />

Travel Sim Card – Better<br />

check and compare local<br />

sim cards and carrier<br />

policies. F<strong>in</strong>d one that suits<br />

your needs and habits.<br />

Power Bank – as a backup<br />

to make sure your device is<br />

charged at all times.<br />

Small, Adjustable Tripod<br />

/ Selfie Stick – Most solo<br />

travellers love this when<br />

they know they themselves<br />

are the best photographers<br />

and don’t want to impose<br />

on anyone else.<br />

Laptop/ Tablet – are<br />

alternatives. Carry<strong>in</strong>g too<br />

many th<strong>in</strong>gs may become a<br />

burden <strong>in</strong> the end.<br />

Alarms, Whistles –<br />

People walk<strong>in</strong>g alone <strong>in</strong><br />

isolated places or travell<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong> public transport such as<br />

tra<strong>in</strong>s and may fall asleep<br />

can rely on these items as<br />

added protection.<br />

Solo travellers<br />

need not feel lonely<br />

with apps that<br />

connect with fellow<br />

sojourners with<br />

match<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terests.<br />

It could be a meet at<br />

a live event, local spot<br />

or exotic meal.<br />


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