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REPORT<br />
Oct. 2012<br />
2O<strong>17</strong><br />
APRIL<br />
For your Health, Wealth,<br />
and Good Times!<br />
April Parks<br />
Let’s talk about getting you<br />
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Humana sales agent today.<br />
1-855-882-4351 (TTY: 711)<br />
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¿Español? 1-855-346-7990<br />
Humana is a Medicare Advantage HMO, PPO and PFFS organization and a stand-alone prescription<br />
drug plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal.<br />
This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact a licensed Humana sales<br />
agent at 1-855-882-4351 (TTY: 711).<br />
Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Póngase en contacto con un<br />
agente de ventas certificado de Humana al 1-855-346-7990 (TTY: 711).<br />
本 資 訊 也 有 其 他 語 言 的 免 費 版 本 可 供 選 擇 。 請 撥 1-855-882-4351( 聽 障 專 線 :711) 與 持 照 Humana 銷<br />
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2<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
Can I change my Medicare Advantage plan?<br />
Fall Open Enrollment may be over but you could be eligible for a special enrollment period.<br />
Humana can help. We have plans available in Las <strong>Vegas</strong>.<br />
You may have the opportunity to choose or change your Medicare Advantage plan if, for example, you:<br />
• Are newly eligible for Medicare or will soon be age 65<br />
• Have just moved into a different service area<br />
• Receive Medicaid assistance<br />
• Are losing your retiree health coverage<br />
• Qualify for extra help with the cost of your prescription medicines<br />
You may also be eligible to change plans if you have certain chronic conditions such as:<br />
• Diabetes<br />
• Chronic lung disease<br />
• Cardiovascular disorders or chronic heart failure<br />
Knowing if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period can seem confusing. Humana’s local<br />
licensed sales agents are happy to talk with you on the phone or in the comfort of your own<br />
home. Let us help you find out if you qualify.<br />
Call today to learn more about all your options!<br />
Call to speak with a licensed Humana Sales Agent<br />
1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711)<br />
8 a.m.–8 p.m. Monday through Friday<br />
¿En Español? Llame gratis al 1-844-681-0981<br />
Humana is a Medicare Advantage HMO / PPO / PFFS organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment<br />
in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Humana is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare<br />
contract and a contract with the Nevada Medicaid program. Enrollment in this Humana plan depends<br />
on contract renewal. A licensed Humana sales agent will be present with information and applications.<br />
For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711)<br />
8 a.m.–8 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applicable to Humana Gold Plus H2949-012 (HMO), Humana<br />
Gold Plus H2949-013 (HMO), and Humana Gold Plus H2949-014 (HMO). Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries<br />
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English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are<br />
available to you. Call 1-888-530-2645 (TTY: 711).<br />
Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia<br />
lingüística. Llame al 1-844-681-0981 (TTY: 711).<br />
繁 體 中 文 (Chinese): 注 意 : 如 果 您 使 用 繁 體 中 文 , 您 可 以 免 費 獲 得 語 言 援 助 服 務 。 請 致 電 1-888-530-2645<br />
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4<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
What a Month!<br />
By: Dan Roberts / Publisher<br />
The past 30 days have been the most<br />
extraordinary month in our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />
history. How we managed to “survive” and put it<br />
all together says something about us “seniors.”<br />
Just as we were reviewing the change over from newspaper to magazine<br />
(guess you guys like it too, see below and much thanks for your emails)<br />
we had the following:<br />
1. For those interested in “staying safe” two successful Elder<br />
Empowerment Events. Thank you Debbie Landry, VP/Marketing for<br />
hosting and putting this all together. AND<br />
2. For those wanting great entertainment, our Twilight Affair show at<br />
Siena AND<br />
3. Finalizing our upcoming FREE live TV shows at the Humana<br />
Centers (page 15 ). Take a look at our celebrity guest line-up – simply<br />
spectacular! Our thanks to Humana, entertainment editor Evan Davis<br />
and TV host Rich Natole for such an incredible kick-off. AND<br />
4. Get ready for even more fantastic entertainment in your own Sun City<br />
Clubhouse. Thank you Sun City Aliante and Summerlin for bringing<br />
future Twilight Affairs to our readers in their own backyards. AND<br />
5. For those who want to combine entertainment with travel – how<br />
about our (page 27) Phat Pack cruise? AND<br />
6. Then to top it all off, after over two years of guardianship research,<br />
investigation and continuous <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> articles, last month Nevada<br />
Hope all is well…just wanted you to know I love the ‘new’ <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>;<br />
neat, easy to read, in other words classy .<br />
Good job to you and staff.<br />
Regards, Carole<br />
From newspaper to magazine a real improvement. I understand, and appreciate,<br />
your efforts on behalf of “elder abuse”, but, why aren’t our politicians, who<br />
supposedly work on our behalf, doing anything about correcting the problem.<br />
All of them certainly can’t be in the back pocket of the abusers, or can they?<br />
Continued success for you and your magazine. D.W. K.<br />
It is beautiful. We cannot thank you enough for the wonderful job <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />
has done alerting us about the Guardian scam in our state. Who would ever<br />
have thought such a thing would happen?? It makes me sick to think about<br />
how many are still unaware or others that think it won’t happen to them. <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
<strong>Voice</strong> truly saved us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!<br />
Harriet B.<br />
Good Evening Rana,<br />
Congratulations for the fine work you and Dan Roberts for the Guardianship to<br />
help seniors in ourValley and Communities. I am so proud of you and Dan, the<br />
Dynamic Duo with their determination and Tenacity pay off BIG Time and WIN.<br />
Keep up your good work. Love You, Charlie W.<br />
Elder Empowerment Event in Sun City MacDonald Ranch<br />
AG Adam Laxalt and Clark County DA Steve Wolfson announced the<br />
Grand Jury verdict. The 270-count indictment alleges that former private<br />
guardian April Parks, office manager Mark Simmons, husband<br />
Gary Taylor, and attorney Noel Simpson, collectively committed:<br />
(a) 1<strong>17</strong> counts of Perjury,<br />
(b) 73 counts of Offering False Instrument for Filing or Record,<br />
(c) 42 counts of Theft,<br />
(d) 37 counts of exploitation and<br />
(e) 1 count of Racketeering.<br />
As our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> political editor Rana Goodman happily announced:<br />
“Finally, some justice. I cannot begin to tell you how many times Parks<br />
laughed at The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> and advised everyone that our paper had no<br />
effect on her whatsoever. I guess she not laughing anymore.” To read the<br />
125-page indictment, visit our <strong>web</strong>site:<br />
What a month indeed. AND we’re just getting started!<br />
How wonderful your new magazine is. The content of all is “sooo” me<br />
in every article. I am a senior who loves this town and all the people like<br />
all of you. I wish I had something to contribute to it except to encourage<br />
everyone I know to read it. I met Marty at the Bagel Cafe on Buffalo<br />
some time ago, he was favoring a foot he had surgery on and said “One<br />
foot is better than none” How about that!!!! Smiling at everyone around<br />
him. Happy Birthday to a great Comic and above all a great american.<br />
Saw his show some time ago at the Rampart and my side still hurts from<br />
laughing. Please keep up the good reporting of all important issues. I pray<br />
{and all my prayers are answered in some way, mostly Good } that Rana<br />
can sustain God”s help to get rid of the horrible Guardianship Laws that<br />
are still plaguing seniors and put some wonderful low cost help we seniors<br />
need in our old age. Thanks again for the good reading magazine. Much<br />
good wishes for your health and happiness as well.<br />
Sylvia O.<br />
Dan, and “crew”,<br />
We love your new magazine format. It is so much better than the<br />
newspaper format. It is easier to read and “handle”.<br />
Great job! Keep up the great journalistic work! We especially are<br />
impressed with Rana’s focus on the ”Guardianship” issue.<br />
Thanks again,<br />
Don and Sharon M.<br />
Sun City Anthem<br />
Dear April:<br />
You are really screwed.<br />
Have to admit, everyone at The <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
<strong>Voice</strong> believed you would get away with it when you left<br />
Nevada. One question – why Pennsylvania?<br />
We thought you’d be smart enough to flee the country.<br />
I bet you regret that decision now; however as so-call<br />
“reform” individuals have been advising guardianship<br />
victims, let’s not look backwards, but discuss what’s<br />
ahead.<br />
First off, you’ve got to give credit where credit is due.<br />
Despite our strong and constant criticism of Nevada<br />
Attorney General Adam Laxalt and Clark County District<br />
Attorney Steve Wolfson, they, and their joint task force<br />
did an unbelievable, magnificent and herculean job in<br />
dropping the hammer on you, your former employee,<br />
attorney, and even your husband.<br />
All we can say is: “WOW!” It was beyond our wildest<br />
hopes and dreams that a grand jury would come up with<br />
a 270-count indictment; 212 felony charges against you<br />
alone.<br />
What do you do now? All the money you stole over the<br />
years is going to be sucked dry by your criminal attorneys.<br />
To make things worse, (and contrary to past practices)<br />
you can’t rely on your numerous wards’ estates to pay<br />
those obscene legal fees.<br />
6<br />
Our Open Letter to April Parks<br />
By: Dan Roberts / Roberts Rules<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Even if you spend all that cash stuffed under your<br />
mattress for your “dream team” and even if they can<br />
knock off 50, or perhaps 75 charges, does it really matter?<br />
The judge is still going to throw the book at you.<br />
If former private guardian Patience Bristol had “only”<br />
15 felonies and received a sentence of 3-8 years, can you<br />
imagine what your time will be? 25, 40 years?<br />
Be prepared. You’re going to spend your “golden years”<br />
and die in the Big House.<br />
And don’t forget; as I always stated at our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />
guardianship seminars held these past 2+ years, if there<br />
is indeed a God and a Heaven, you will surely end up in<br />
Hell. But, one problem at a time.<br />
We offer our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> suggestion since there might<br />
be a way for you to shave some years from your jail<br />
sentence and to possibly avoid those eternal flames. Talk.<br />
I mean really talk. Drop that dime, snitch, turn rat,<br />
and squeal like a pig.<br />
No kidding - sing like a canary and tell authorities<br />
how you got away with it all these years. Name names<br />
and tell that joint task force who conspired and helped<br />
you in your criminal enterprise.<br />
Name the doctors, medical personnel, hospitals, assisted<br />
living, group homes and all other health facilities that<br />
had those “special relationships” with you. And while<br />
you’re at it, don’t forget the legal system.<br />
Spell out what arrangements and/or “understanding”<br />
Continued on page 10
SUITE 100-244<br />
702/251-4441 • Fax: 702/666-0427<br /><br />
Volume 14, Issue 2<br />
TV HOST<br />
Dan Roberts<br /><br />
Ray Sarbacker<br /><br />
Debbie Landry<br /><br />
Rana Goodman<br /><br />
Evan Davis<br /><br />
Sam Wagmeister<br />
Stu Cooper<br />
Rich Natole<br />
Michael Roberts<br />
Lou Lozitsky<br /><br />
Bill Caserta<br /><br />
Marty Allen Kathy Manney<br />
Adrea Barrera Kyo Mitchell<br />
Yvonne Cloutier Mary Richard<br />
Dianne Davis Crystal Sarbacker<br />
Chuck Dean Victoria Seaman<br />
Alice Edwards Marilyn Sirna<br />
Jan Fair Jim Valkenburg<br />
Linda Gomez Pat Warren<br />
Ali Guggenheim Beverly Washburn<br />
Dan Hyde Devon Wickens<br />
Mike Landry Vicki Wentz<br />
BJ Killeen James White<br />
Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Valley Distribution includes:<br />
Anthem Country Club • Sun City Aliante • Country Club<br />
Senior Apts.• Siena • Horizon Pines • Sun City Summerlin<br />
All Destinations Centers • Solera @ Anthem • Las <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
Meadows • Sun City Anthem • Solera @ Stallion Mountain<br />
Quail Estates • Seven Hills • Sun City MacDonald Ranch,<br />
and select local casinos, bookstores, coffee shops, and all<br />
libraries and community centers.<br />
Indictments & Coincidences<br />
By: Rana Goodman / On My Soapbox<br />
After two long frustrating years, The <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
<strong>Voice</strong> is celebrating the guardianship<br />
indictments that have finally come down.<br />
Thank you readers for your emails, phone calls and notes of<br />
recognition. Believe me, it was a team effort.<br />
A very special thank you to Nina & Alan Gelman for<br />
the beautiful surprise that came in our mailbox. All such<br />
correspondence was most appreciated.<br />
Former private guardian April Parks will be extradited<br />
and is due back in Las <strong>Vegas</strong> early April (no pun intended),<br />
orange jump suit and all. I just wish the courts could have<br />
found her money so the victim families could have received<br />
some compensation.<br />
One of the most interesting things that came out of this<br />
was an odd “coincidence” especially since I do not believe<br />
in “coincidences.” Last month, I wrote about a lady in Sun<br />
City Summerlin that had been taken by the Clark County<br />
Public Guardian into temporary guardianship. She asked<br />
for my help.<br />
A few days before these indictments came down I was<br />
subpoenaed to appear as a witness by her defense counsel<br />
after I had spoken at length with her attorney, sent letters<br />
to the public guardian and to Clark County Commissioner<br />
Steve Sisolak.<br />
Suddenly the “dominos began to fall” in this order: A<br />
documentary film maker that has been working with<br />
The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> on guardianship since we began, went<br />
to District Attorney Steve Wolfson for an interview. A few<br />
days later a press conference was called announcing the<br />
indictments of Parks and her gang. The RJ ran the story<br />
as well as and KTNV-ABC Channel 13’s Darcy Spears, and<br />
Channel 8 News.<br />
The following day, I arrived to find a message telling me<br />
I did not have to appear in court. The public guardian had<br />
dropped the case requesting permanent guardianship and<br />
all her belongings would be returned to her right away.<br />
No explanation, I guess her dementia was suddenly<br />
cured! SHE WAS FREE!<br />
Rana Goodman in front of the cameras for the<br />
guardianship documentary<br />
Help Us Help You - Last Chance<br />
By: Dan Roberts / Rana Goodman<br />
With the arrest of former private guardian April Parks and<br />
the about-face of the Public Guardian as highlighted in<br />
Rana’s column, it may appear that the guardianship problem no<br />
longer exists. Unfortunately, that is not true.<br />
But we now have the chance to finally put this to rest<br />
forever. And it costs nothing for you (and taxpayers) to<br />
do so. Simply send in the attached petition.<br />
Let us be very clear: If the senior community does not<br />
totally defeat this collection of liars and thieves, there<br />
will be another scandal, another April Parks, another<br />
corrupt guardian. The temptation (and money) is just<br />
too great.<br />
Even worse, the proposed legislative “reforms” will<br />
do nothing but add more meaningless and expensive<br />
regulations, bureaucracy, fees (for everyone) and worst<br />
of all – more lawyers. You think more lawyers makes<br />
things simpler, or more complicated?<br />
Do you really believe (or expect) the “government”<br />
and/or attorneys to provide guardianship protections?<br />
And who do you think is going to pay for all this?<br />
As we have opined at our Guardianship seminars,<br />
who better to make sure “nothing happens” to you,<br />
your loved ones, your friends and neighbors than your<br />
fellow seniors? The last thing these bad guys want is an<br />
independent, non-biased senior volunteer organization<br />
looking over and reviewing their activities.<br />
We already have over 200 seniors able, willing and<br />
ready to volunteer. We don’t know about you, but we<br />
would take one caring, compassionate, dedicated<br />
volunteer over a bunch of lawyers and bureaucrats.<br />
If you agree – then please add your name to our<br />
petition drive.<br />
Fill out the attached petition and mail/fax/email it<br />
to The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>. It will cost you no more than a<br />
stamp (or a local fax call) and for those individuals<br />
who are “on line” (our <strong>web</strong>site: www.thevegasvoice.<br />
net) absolutely nothing.<br />
Time is running short for the Nevada Legislature to<br />
hear what we demand. It’s now or never.<br />
8<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Last chance to submit petition. Have you done<br />
your part?
”<br />
Thank You<br />
”<br />
Clark County District Attorney<br />
Steve Wolfson<br />
Nevada Attorney General<br />
Adam Laxalt<br />
Well done. You both deserve an award for all your work.<br />
Thank you. Carole R.<br />
Congratulations!!! After all the work you have done to expose the<br />
guardianship nightmare, April Parks has been arrested. After she left the<br />
state, I did not think she would ever see justice.<br />
You have done an incredible job reporting about guardianship abuse. I<br />
know no one who has been in that situation, and hope I never need<br />
a guardian, but if I do, I know that I will be better off thanks to your<br />
efforts. Marnee F.<br />
10<br />
Re: April Parks:<br />
It appears we’re on the right track...!<br />
Congratulations!! What an amazing job Rana, you, and all at The <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
<strong>Voice</strong>, have done! Bill A. and I read this great news early this morning<br />
and are ecstatic that justice, through your hard work, is at long last being<br />
done. THANK YOU!! Regards, Margy H.<br />
AWESOME!!! Can’t wait to hear the final results. You two are amazing!<br />
We know nothing...nothing...would have happened without both of your<br />
tireless involvement. Sharon C.<br />
Congrats!! Without you and Rana this wouldn’t have ever happened.<br />
Hopefully the clean up continues.<br />
Dan & Rana:<br />
Your diligence paid off, when I saw the headlines on the front page,<br />
WOW. Guess as is with most high profile cases, they kept this one close<br />
to the “vest”, but it would not have happened without you and your<br />
Rana pursuing this.<br />
Thanks to Rana, I have now secured that my significant other will have<br />
an out of State Guardian (Daughter) to take over in the event something<br />
happens to me. Rana and I met twice to fill out the proper papers<br />
and her willingness to be my sponsor and showing me how to file the<br />
papers with the Secretary of State was immeasurable.<br />
For those that have not done it, it takes a little leg work, but well worth<br />
the effort, not to mention the peace of mind.<br />
Thanks Rana and Dan. Jan V.<br />
Thank you, Dan and Rana, for all you have done to correct this<br />
monstrosity! Although Lanie and I are very unlikely to need such<br />
guardianship services, we have supported your actions throughout.<br />
May April and her ignominions have a long time to ruminate on<br />
their dastardly acts!! Warmly, Joel B.<br />
What Wonderful news. I know Rana and you have worked hard and<br />
spent many hours in this quest to fight for justice. I am one who will<br />
benefit from your work and sincerely thank you for your crusade to<br />
justice for that evil woman. Beverly S.<br />
Fantastic job. All of the efforts you have put into getting this crook<br />
have finally paid off. Hope they throw the book at her. Lois N.<br />
Plus many, many more, we don’t have room for--<br />
Thank you to all!<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Continued from page 6<br />
you had with Guardianship Hearing Master Jon Norheim.<br />
Did you know that he testified before the grand jury?<br />
You think he defended you… or to save his hide, drove<br />
that proverbial bus? (Spoiler Alert: He was “shocked,<br />
shocked!” by your conduct).<br />
Explain how those guardianship lawyers, your fellow<br />
for-profit guardians, court employees and state/local<br />
bureaucrats “worked with you” despite knowing how<br />
dirty you were. So long as they were on the receiving<br />
end of your ill-gotten gains, everyone was “fat, dumb<br />
and happy.”<br />
Are you going to allow those who stood on line to be<br />
your “BFF” (and now claim: “April who?”) walk away<br />
while you sit in the slammer? You really want them to<br />
profit from what you taught them?<br />
You know where all the bodies are (heck, you buried<br />
them) but not even you can commit such a massive<br />
amount of crimes without considerable assistance. And<br />
keep in mind, you better believe former co-worker, Mark<br />
Simmons (facing 134 felony charges) will roll over<br />
faster than my Rana’s dogs to testify before the grand<br />
jury.<br />
Once (not if) he does, your cooperation might be<br />
unnecessary. Don’t let him beat you to the courthouse.<br />
You have the opportunity to take down the entire<br />
guardianship gulag. This could be your chance; your<br />
moment to find “religion” and do something positive -<br />
clean up and eliminate this corrupt cesspool.<br />
Obviously, you have a very difficult future ahead. But<br />
perhaps you can now appreciate and understand how<br />
destructive you were to your wards, and their families.<br />
In any event, Rana and I look forward to seeing you in<br />
court – and prison.<br />
Dan Roberts/Publisher<br />
P.S. With everything going on, I almost forgot to ask.<br />
How do you like our new magazine-style publication?<br />
Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt and Clark County District<br />
Attorney Steve Wolfson announce the indictment and arrest of<br />
April Parks
Avoid Guardianship<br />
By: Robert Telles<br />
/ Accolade Law<br />
Folks are concerned with avoiding guardianship.<br />
A guardianship is opened when a person (called<br />
the principal here) can no longer handle his or her<br />
own affairs.<br />
Often, a well-meaning relative seeks the guardianship<br />
to protect the principal from harm. Unfortunately,<br />
there are also times where the guardianship is being<br />
sought by someone that the principal would not<br />
choose as a guardian. Well-crafted powers of attorney<br />
may avoid this.<br />
If you fear you may one day be that principal, the<br />
durable financial power of attorney and the durable<br />
healthcare power of attorney are documents that<br />
together may allow you to avoid guardianship. This<br />
involves selecting a trusted relative or friend to act on<br />
your behalf should you need help.<br />
The grant of this power will cover most, if not<br />
all circumstances depending on how well they are<br />
drafted. And, even if a guardianship is needed, you can<br />
nominate that same person to act as your guardian<br />
to keep others from stepping in. That’s peace of mind.<br />
12<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Rob Telles is the founder of Accolade Law, a law<br />
firm that serves clients in guardianship, estate<br />
planning and probate. His office can be reached at<br />
(702) 337-3000.
Watching the Nevada Legislature<br />
By: Victoria Seaman / Victoria’s Corner<br />
Seniors should be watching the Nevada<br />
legislature closely. Seniors, more than<br />
any other population, are likely to live on a<br />
fixed income. Any increases in costs hit them harder than other<br />
parts of the population for this reason.<br />
Currently, the Nevada legislature is considering a measure that would<br />
change the way property taxes are calculated. Some in Nevada want the<br />
property tax cap renegotiated to allow for higher property taxes faster<br />
than the current cap allows.<br />
Even for seniors who pay their property tax indirectly, this represents a<br />
substantial increase in tax.<br />
Further, legislators are trying to mandate that Nevada businesses<br />
pay $15 an hour as a minimum wage. This would force many<br />
people out of business, but no industry is more susceptible to<br />
this type of meddlesome legislation than our food providers.<br />
Not just restaurants, but grocery stores. Both of those industries typically<br />
operate on profit margin in the low single digits and rely on their<br />
customers to have disposable income for high dollar purchases that keep<br />
them in business.<br />
This law would not only threaten your favorite restaurant and<br />
grocer, but your ability to enjoy these amenities. Undoubtedly these<br />
businesses would pass their massively increased costs into the customer<br />
- and when your income is fixed, the only option is to forego the cost.<br />
There are even proposals being considered that bring us back to the<br />
1990s, before the widespread availability of single stream recycling.<br />
These laws serve little purpose now that major waste management<br />
companies provide meaningful recycling programs available to virtually<br />
every home in Southern Nevada, but may be useful for driving up your<br />
grocery bill.<br />
The bottom line? Keep your eyes peeled for legislation that can hit you<br />
where it matters most - your pocket book.<br />
Victoria Seaman is a former Nevada Assemblywoman,<br />
businesswoman and currently a Realtor in Las <strong>Vegas</strong>. You can<br />
contact Victoria at:<br />
With thanks to The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>’s further<br />
expansion into the entertainment arena, I<br />
have the great pleasure and opportunity to bring the<br />
best talent to the stage and theater near you. It’s also allowing performers<br />
to receive some additional exposure and promote their upcoming shows.<br />
And for those who haven’t seen my new stage jacket yet… well come to<br />
our shows.<br />
We’ve been fortunate to be in just about every active adult community in<br />
the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Valley. We now proudly hold fantastic, wonderful and “Strip”<br />
shows in Sun City MacDonald Ranch, Siena, Sun City Summerlin and Sun<br />
City Aliante. That’s a lot of Sun!<br />
And let’s not forget our Twilight Affair variety shows at the Silverton Hotel<br />
beginning again in May. The kick off show in May will be outstanding, with<br />
follow up shows in August, September, October, November and December.<br />
And the best part – their FREE!<br />
The shows will take place in the Veil Pavilion on the 3 rd Tuesday of these<br />
months starting at 6 pm.<br />
And there’s more. Starting this month, and with great thanks to our<br />
sponsor, Humana, we have a new twist in our bringing you the finest in<br />
entertainment - our “Celebrity Spotlight Interview.”<br />
Twice a month a Las <strong>Vegas</strong> headliner/celebrity (our two) will be sitting<br />
down and talking about…well you’ll just have to join us to find out.<br />
Every 2 nd Wednesday, I will be interviewing a celebrity at the Humana office<br />
14<br />
Expanding Our Entertainment<br />
By: Evan Davis / Entertainment Editor<br />
Keith Thompson’s Labor of Love<br />
By: Sam Wagmeister / People & Places<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Pia Zadora will be my first guest on our new TV show<br />
on W. Charleston. My first guests will be Pia Zadora and Sonny Charles.<br />
And every 3 rd Tuesday, Rich Natole will be hosting at the Humana office<br />
in Green Valley. His first guests – the great Marty Allen and his beautiful,<br />
talented wife Karon Blackwell.<br />
Both shows will be recorded in front of a live audience. The TV Podcasts<br />
will be seen on our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> <strong>web</strong>site, You Tube site, Facebook page, and<br />
of course, my <strong>web</strong> site.<br />
Call the local Humana offices to reserve a seat. See the announcements<br />
on the next page. Also, don’t forget to check out my <strong>web</strong>site: www.<br /><br />
You can read Evan’s entertainment blog and sign up to receive<br />
his free email weekly Calendar of Events at www.EvanDavisJazz.<br />
com. Email him at:<br />
Olivia Newton-John was at Table 35; the<br />
Righteous Brothers at Table 55; Cindy<br />
Williams, appearing in Menopause the Musical was<br />
at Table 54 and Lucie Arnaz with hubby Lawrence Luckinbill at Table 25.<br />
Each month, celebrities jockey for tickets and stage time at the Smith<br />
Center’s Composer’s Showcase, an unscripted jam session that sprung from<br />
the mind of Keith Thompson, usually a behind-the-scenes guru. It was born<br />
when cast members of Mama Mia met to audition material.<br />
After a nomad existence that included stops at now closed Suede Bar,<br />
Garfield’s Restaurant, Liberace Museum and other gritty venues, the Smith<br />
Center’s COO Paul Beard brought Thompson’s magical nights to the 250-<br />
seat Cabaret Jazz Theater. It has blossomed with the host’s efforts and sparkle<br />
- and the venue’s state-of-the art lighting and sound.<br />
Thompson, who settled in Las <strong>Vegas</strong> in 2004 as Musical Director of We<br />
Will Rock You based on the music of Queen, piled up credits directing the<br />
horns, strings and percussion for Mama Mia, Phantom and Jersey Boys.<br />
“I thought it was more than a cute idea,” Thompson recalls, “I thought it<br />
was an amazing idea.” It has evolved he says, into a “lovefest” relationship<br />
between the performers and the audience. “All the artists are sitting in the<br />
room. That’s one of the things people like…the old vibe in the room.”<br />
Audiences grew through word of mouth and social media.<br />
For the carefully planned Showcases, Thompson assembles cream-of-<br />
Thompson & Kristen Hertzenberg<br />
the-crop vocalists,<br />
musicians and composers whose original music has not previously<br />
been performed in public. The witty Thompson hosts the carefully crafted<br />
evenings of wide ranging musical genres.<br />
He introduces marquee Strip performers: Jersey Boys’ Travis Cloer, the<br />
versatile Chadwick Johnson, comedian/musician Dennis Blair, <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
favorite, Clint Holmes and others.<br />
“We are cultivating the creative process. Don’t take that for granted.”<br />
Thompson debuted songs last year for his Broadway-quality musical,<br />
Idaho, a parody of Oklahoma.<br />
“I want everybody to know that <strong>Vegas</strong> is where new Broadway shows are<br />
being written. There’s kind of nothing anywhere like this. It feeds my artistic<br />
soul.”<br />
Tickets:, $20 - $25.
Summerlin<br />
11:30-1:30pm<br />
Henderson<br />
11:00-1:00pm<br />
LIVE!<br />
LIVE!<br />
CelebrityInterviews<br />
Entertainment Editor<br />
Evan Davis<br />
April 12,<br />
TV Host<br />
Rich Natole<br />
April 18,<br />
PIA<br />
ZADORA<br />
SONNY<br />
8885 W. Charleston,<br />
Suite 140,<br />
Las <strong>Vegas</strong>, NV 891<strong>17</strong><br />
Pebble Market Place Shopping Center<br />
1000 N Green Valley Pkwy Suite 720,<br />
Henderson, NV 89074<br />
702/380-6<strong>17</strong>0<br />
Summerlin<br />
702/269-5200<br />
Henderson<br />
16<br />
Tuesday<br />
May 16 th I n 1963<br />
Scheduled<br />
to Appear<br />
Your Host:<br />
Evan Davis<br />
In the beautiful Veil Pavilion<br />
and it’s FREE!<br />
Tue., May 16 th , 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Doors at 5:30 pm.<br />
Show begins at 6 pm.<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Chadwick<br />
Johnson<br />
Vanessa<br />
LeGrand<br />
Treasure<br />
Guffy<br />
Chase<br />
Brown<br />
Geechy<br />
Guy<br />
Robin<br />
Vincent<br />
Gary Anderson<br />
Musical Director<br />
Surprise Guest Appearance<br />
For guaranteed seating<br />
call/text Evan Davis:<br />
702/630-6111<br />
Or call The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> at 702/251-4441<br />
I was<br />
cast in a<br />
pilot called "Calhoun" starring<br />
Barbara Stanwyck. In the<br />
episode, I played her daughter.<br />
Unfortunately, the pilot never<br />
sold so it was just shown as a TV<br />
movie. It also starred Jackie Cooper,<br />
a wonderful and kind man.<br />
Barbara Stanwyck’s real name<br />
was actually Ruby Catherine<br />
Stevens - but those who were close<br />
to her always called her "Missy."<br />
Since I was a teenager, I felt it would<br />
be disrespectful to call her that, so I<br />
called her “Miss Stanwyck.”<br />
I was honored to work with her<br />
and liked her very much, but I<br />
must say she was "all business."<br />
Everyone had better be on time<br />
and know their lines, etc.<br />
I'm sure everyone remembers<br />
where they were when President<br />
John F. Kennedy was assassinated. I<br />
was on location filming this show<br />
when we all got word.<br />
Everyone was devastated and<br />
production was shut down for that<br />
day and resumed the following<br />
work day. It was a very<br />
sad day indeed.<br />
Barbara Stanwyck<br />
was nominated four<br />
times for an Oscar.<br />
Although she never<br />
received one, many<br />
people have said that<br />
she was "The best<br />
actress who never won<br />
an Oscar." She was<br />
voted the 40th Greatest<br />
Movie Star of all time by<br />
Entertainment Weekly.<br />
For most of her<br />
career, she was plagued<br />
They Called Her “Missy”<br />
By: Beverly Washburn / Hollywood Memories<br />
with rumors of being gay. She<br />
had things written about her<br />
alleged affairs with Marlene<br />
Dietrich and Joan Crawford.<br />
Stanwyck was married however<br />
to Robert Taylor for several years.<br />
And ironically, Taylor had gay<br />
rumors of his own to dispel.<br />
The interesting thing is that<br />
she also had an affair for four<br />
years with Robert Wagner. She<br />
was 45 at the time and he was 22.<br />
When she worked with Fred<br />
MacMurray on "Double<br />
Indemnity" it was said that she<br />
didn't like to watch herself the next<br />
day during the "dailies” - which<br />
was a screening of the previous<br />
day’s work. Back then, they were<br />
called the "rushes."<br />
Reportedly she asked Fred after<br />
he had watched the previous day<br />
rushes: "How was I?" He replied: "I<br />
don't know about you, but I was<br />
wonderful."<br />
Barbara Stanwyck died in 1990.<br />
I am blessed to have worked with<br />
her.<br />
Until next time remember:<br />
There is always, always, always,<br />
something to be thankful for.<br />
Beverly Washburn graced the silver screen as a child actress and<br />
is the author of Reel Tears. You can contact Beverly at: bjradell@<br /> Check out her awesome, new <strong>web</strong>site: www.<br />
Tape Face!<br />
By: Dianne Davis / That’s Entertainment<br />
W<br />
hat<br />
do you say about a man who<br />
doesn't say anything? “Hey, you're<br />
funny!” Tape Face is delighting audiences of<br />
all ages at Bugsy's Cabaret at the Flamingo.<br />
He came to the attention of millions with his rise to the finals of<br />
television’s Americas Got Talent and is in <strong>Vegas</strong> only until May 7 th. Arrive<br />
early and pose for photos with your own camera. (no charge!)<br />
Don't think your early arrival gives you a chance to chat with this<br />
charismatic entertainer. How can you be charismatic when your mouth<br />
is taped?! See for yourself.<br />
He doesn't hold a conversation with you, but boy does he communicate<br />
as he nabs audience members and brings them on stage to be in the show<br />
which feels like a big party. There are loads of sight gags.<br />
Props include trash bags, tape measures, squeaking balloons, and sock<br />
puppets. The sock puppets which brought audience members to their feet<br />
on Americas Got Talent inspire huge applause.<br />
Picture this: Tape Face and a guy from the audience. Staple guns,<br />
balloons placed in significant locations, safety glasses – a very funny<br />
duel!<br />
Beware the on-stage button warning, “Do Not Touch” which sets off<br />
the 60 minute count-down. The fun and laughter is outrageous and<br />
contagious. No one is safe. Victims – volunteers - are selected from all<br />
sections of the room.<br />
Then there's the toilet seat and cheerleading pom poms and a plunger.<br />
The result is hilarity gone viral.<br />
He is a combination of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Marcel<br />
Marceau and street performers appealing to your inner child. Simple,<br />
clever, unique, funny, and inventive.<br />
See Tape Face at the Flamingo Wednesday - Saturday at 8 pm. Hurry -<br />
his other commitments will take him away on May 7 th .<br />
In addition to The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>, Dianne Davis is a reporter for Sun<br />
City Anthem TV (SCA-TV) specializing in entertainment and is a<br />
columnist for<br />
By: Marty Allen / Hello Dere<br />
1<br />
. Patient: “Doctor, please<br />
help. I think I have<br />
amnesia.” Doctor asks: “How<br />
long have you had it?” Patient<br />
answers: “Had what?”<br />
2. Did you hear about the crazy ventriloquist who went around<br />
throwing his voice under the beds of different women?<br />
3. My friend Ernie claims he gets enough exercise just pushing his<br />
luck!<br />
4. If you ever want to cure yourself of gambling, get married on a bet.<br />
5. New song title: I Dated a Million Dollar Baby, But After Taxes, She<br />
Wasn’t Worth a Dime.<br />
6. Some women are very loyal. When they like a certain age, they stick<br />
to it!<br />
7. Sign of Aging Men: First, you forget names. Then you forget faces.<br />
Then you forget to pull up your zipper. And finally - you forget to pull<br />
it down!<br />
8. Father tells his young son: “Go outside and see if it’s still raining.”<br />
Son replied: “Why don’t we just call in the dog and see if he’s wet?”<br />
9. Some guy just invented a perfume that will drive women crazy. It<br />
smells like money.<br />
10. They say if your hand itches, you’re going to get it. But if your head<br />
itches, you already got it!<br />
AND, my 95 th birthday wish: I’d like to throw something over those<br />
beautiful girls who are wearing topless bathing suits – ME!<br />
18<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Marty’s Top Ten<br />
For over the past decade, Marty Allen has performed with his on<br />
and off stage singing partner Karon Kate Blackwell.<br />
Dear God: Please send clothes for all those<br />
poor ladies on my grandpa’s computer.<br />
You Gotta Laugh<br />
By: Bill Caserta / Bill’s Blurbs<br />
IRS Inquiry: The IRS suspected a fishing<br />
boat owner wasn't paying proper wages to<br />
his deckhand. It sent an agent to investigate<br />
him.<br />
The IRS agent told the boat owner, "I need a list of your employees<br />
and how much you pay them." The owner replied, "Well, there's<br />
Clarence, my deckhand. He's been with me for 3 years. I pay him<br />
$1,000 a week, plus free room and board.<br />
“Then there's the mentally challenged guy. He works about<br />
18 hours every day and does about 90% of the work around here.<br />
He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board<br />
and I buy him a bottle of Bacardi rum and a dozen Budweisers<br />
every Saturday night so he can cope with life. He also gets to sleep<br />
with my wife occasionally."<br />
IRS Agent: "That's the guy I want to talk to - the mentally<br />
challenged one." Boat Owner: "That would be me. What would you<br />
like to know"?<br />
My Mind is Gone: "Oh God," sighed the wife one morning, "I'm<br />
convinced my mind is almost completely gone!"<br />
Her husband looked up from the newspaper and commented, "I'm<br />
not surprised. You've been giving me a piece of it every day for twenty<br />
years!"<br />
Bill Caserta is the Project Director for The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> and<br />
has a very “unique” sense of humor. He welcomes all funny<br />
submissions at:
Rick<br />
Veteran / Republican<br />
For Henderson Mayor<br />
Stop Property Tax Increases<br />
In 2013, the Henderson City Council pushed for complete removal of our local property<br />
tax increase cap. Now, the state legislature is discussing removal of other protections<br />
against huge tax increases. Rick will fight efforts to increase property taxes while the<br />
city also continues to waste tax dollars on unnecessary programs.<br />
Increase Community Safety<br />
Henderson has suffered a rise in burglary, home invasion, robbery and other crimes.<br />
Rick developed Henderson PD’s Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) section and forensic<br />
lab. He is leading efforts to use private funds for a new lab with DNA analysis<br />
capability to solve and prevent rape and other crimes. -<br />
Stop “Henderson Strong” HUD-supported Urbanization Plan<br />
The plan calls for eight “urban centers” to include high density housing. These centers<br />
would place an incredible strain on public safety resources. Hundreds of thousands of<br />
dollars have already been spent on surveys, planning, and marketing. When pressed<br />
by questions, City Council members* reported that it is “... just a dream”, “a visionary<br />
document”, “not a plan”, and “it will probably never happen in our lifetime”.<br />
*J. Marz, and D. March campaign representative E. Trosper at a 3-20-<strong>17</strong> HOA Town Hall<br />
20 Year U.S. Air Force Veteran<br />
- Served as both a non-commissioned and<br />
commissioned officer<br />
- Nuclear weapons inspector and manager<br />
- F-1<strong>17</strong> Stealth fighter aircraft maintenance<br />
commander<br />
Latest endorsements<br />
- Henderson Police Supervisors Association<br />
- Republican National Hispanic Assembly<br />
of Nevada<br />
23 Year Public Safety Service<br />
- Former Police Officer (California)<br />
- Former Crime Scene Investigator (CSI)<br />
- Developed and manages the<br />
Henderson crime lab and CSI section<br />
Paid for by Committee to Elect Rick Workman<br /><br />
By: Vicki Wentz / Vicki’s <strong>Voice</strong><br />
So, it’s 10 pm and I’m getting ready for bed.<br />
Mostly, I’m asleep by 10 - not because I’m<br />
old and exhausted from teaching children all day,<br />
but because...well...fine, I’m old and exhausted from teaching children<br />
all day.<br />
Anyway, I’m turning on the dryer, starting the dishwasher, slipping<br />
into my flannel nightgown (which, contrary to popular belief, can be<br />
extremely sexy...shut up), and doing everything women do to get ready<br />
for bed (as opposed to men, who “get ready” by taking off their clothes<br />
and passing out). I’m flossing when the lights go out.<br />
Now, I’m not a panicky, overreacting kind of person (Yep, that was<br />
the sound of everyone I’ve ever met dropping coffee all over their laps...<br />
serves them right) but there is no storm tonight. There’s no wind, rain,<br />
hail, sleet or snow.<br />
There’s just cold. Very cold. Like bone-chilling cold. But, bonechilling<br />
cold doesn’t normally cause a power outage.<br />
Naturally, therefore, my first thought is that someone has cut the<br />
power lines in order to plunge me into darkness, with the phones not<br />
working (and my cell is in my car because I see no need to keep a<br />
phone glued to my head 24/7. Also, my brain can NOT take the chance<br />
that cell phone frequencies may produce brainial deficiency).<br />
My second thought is - did I put the shotgun I got for Christmas back<br />
where it belongs, and did it have bullets in it, and if not, where did I put<br />
the bullets, and would I remember how to load it, and where did I put<br />
20<br />
A Survival Guide for the Electrically Challenged<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
those ear-protector thingys because if I have to shoot somebody I might<br />
as well not lose my hearing in the process, right?<br />
So, this guy (burglar, ax murderer, terrorist) obviously cut the power<br />
so he can trap me, but instead, he will confront a ticked-off, shotgunwielding,<br />
flannel-nightgown-wearing over-reactor, and if he has any<br />
sense of self-preservation, he will run like the wind.<br />
But, before I arm myself to the teeth, I glance outside and through<br />
the woods I see that my neighbors’ lights are out too. They have four<br />
boys under the age of 8; their lights are ALWAYS on.<br />
I call the electric company, which hasn’t employed a real human<br />
being in decades and the robot voice (which first tells me they have no<br />
account for me, so who’s cashing my checks, I want to ask, but who<br />
argues with a robot) announces a power outage in my area... but it will<br />
be fixed by 12:30 am.<br />
I feel my way to the closet and retrieve my emergency radio/flashlight,<br />
which has no batteries (swine children!) so, I climb into bed. The dogs,<br />
Gabby and Kasey, are unconcerned and already asleep, and I finally<br />
drift off.<br />
I awaken at midnight for two reasons: my nose, the only body part<br />
exposed, has become a cute, perky icicle and Gabby is throwing up on<br />
the bed.<br />
Now, I know I must get up and tend to the dog - and the bedspread<br />
- but it is seriously cold in this house, I mean frigid, glacial cold (and<br />
my house in the woods is brick and normally ten degrees lower than<br />
outdoors) so, I give it a good deal of thought first. But, finally, I get up<br />
and do my duty with due diligence (even in emergencies, I employ<br />
alliteration).<br />
I also call the electric company again, and again I’m told 12:30 is<br />
their target time.<br />
So, I don sweatpants, thick wooly socks, and hooded sweatshirt over<br />
my nightgown, go back to bed under the scornful gazes of the dogs and<br />
remember that the TV was on and I can’t turn it off now, so I might as<br />
well stay awake until 12:30.<br />
The power leaps to life... at 9 am. When I thaw out, I’m going to get<br />
those ear-protector thingys… and find that robot.<br />
Vicki Wentz is a writer, teacher and speaker living in North<br />
Carolina. Readers may contact her - and order her new children’s<br />
book! - by visiting her <strong>web</strong>site at
Sky City<br />
By: Kathy Manney / Around Our World<br />
Up a winding road from the Sky City<br />
Cultural Center, which includes the<br />
Haak'u Museum, is Acoma Sky City. The views<br />
of the lower basin are striking.<br />
Located 60-miles west of Albuquerque, Acoma Sky City showcases Acoma<br />
family owned adobe dwellings, remnants of an ancient civilization. The<br />
Acoma tribal societies estimate that they have been here more than two<br />
thousand years, centuries before Columbus crossed the Atlantic.<br />
The Acoma Pueblo tribe safeguards their cultural resources and is<br />
a federally recognized tribal entity. Acoma people are believed to have<br />
descended from the Anasazi and other ancient peoples.<br />
Early climate change and societal turmoil likely caused the Anasazi<br />
to desert their canyon homelands. By the thirteenth century the Acoma<br />
Pueblo had developed and the mesa location’s isolation has, for the most<br />
part, sheltered the community.<br />
Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado’s 1540 expedition<br />
stumbled on the Acoma Pueblo when the only access to the mesa was a set<br />
of almost vertical stairs cut into the rock. It is believed Coronado’s party was<br />
the first Europeans to encounter the Acoma, but trade with the Spaniards<br />
deteriorated by 1598, worsening further when the Acoma learned that the<br />
Spaniards intended to colonize them.<br />
The Acoma ambushed and killed eleven Spanish. In revenge, the<br />
Spanish burned most of the village, killing more than 600 Acoma and<br />
imprisoning approximately 500 others.<br />
Prisoners were forced into slavery. Massacre survivors rebuilt their<br />
community, but the Acoma and other local Indians were required to<br />
convert to Catholicism and pay Spanish taxes in crops and labor.<br />
With the arrival on the mesa of Father Juan Ramirez, construction<br />
began on the San Estevan Del Rey Mission Church. Forced to build the<br />
church, the Acoma transported by hand, tons of adobe, straw, sandstone<br />
and mud for the church walls and brought pine from 40 miles away. The<br />
6,000 square feet church altar is flanked by 60 feet high wood pillars that<br />
are hand carved in designs representing Christian and Indian beliefs.<br />
Aware their ancestors suffered while building the church, the Acoma<br />
regard it today as a cultural treasure. In 1970 it was placed on the National<br />
Register of Historic Places and in 2007 designated as a National Trust<br />
Historic Site, the only Native American site in that ranking.<br />
22<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
In addition to The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>, Dianne Davis is a reporter for Sun<br />
City Anthem TV (SCA-TV) specializing in entertainment and is a<br />
columnist for
Wouldn’t it be<br />
great to unpack<br />
only once...?<br />
Crystal<br />
Merryman-Sarbacker<br />
The Travel Compan<br />
Unpack just once with any of t<br />
<strong>17</strong> stress free Getaways!<br />
Choose a Collette Spotlight Vacation…<br />
One of my clients, who has traveled all over the world, recently<br />
selected a 9 day “Spotlight On Tuscany” vacation from Collette.<br />
She’s been to Italy before, but she was really attracted to the<br />
“Spotlights” concept, which focuses on a more inclusive, more<br />
relaxed style of traveling. And she was really pleased to find that<br />
throughout her entire trip, she’d be staying in a four star hotel in<br />
one of Tuscany’s famous spa resort towns, Montecatini Terme...<br />
Seven nights of Italian bliss and she would only have to unpack<br />
once. Que Bella!<br />
Collette<br />
Spotlight Vacations-<br />
<strong>17</strong> City Stays & Quick<br />
Getaways in USA<br />
& Europe<br />
24<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
*All prices subject to change.and are based on per person, double occupancy. Single room<br />
upgrades available at extra cost. MasterCard, VISA, Amex accepted or private checks.
y Designed Especially for Active Seniors!<br />
hese trips!<br />
Tuscany<br />
Online at:<br />
www.<strong>Vegas</strong><br />
Find yourself in Tuscany on this<br />
relaxing sojourn through the Italian<br />
countryside. Experience its rolling<br />
hills with sprawling vineyards,<br />
medieval hill towns and enchanting<br />
cities steeped in Tuscan history,<br />
culture and legend.<br />
She was also impressed with the terrific itinerary which<br />
includes personal time to explore the area, as well as tours<br />
to Florence, Lucca, Siena, Pisa, and San Gimignano.<br />
Collette has arranged for local guides to provide all the<br />
interesting background information that only they would<br />
know. And then, of course, her Collette tour manager will<br />
also be available throughout her vacation to handle any<br />
special concerns or requests, like “which spa is the best<br />
in Montecatini?” just in case she wants to enjoy an afternoon<br />
or even a day of luxury.<br />
Could this visit to Tuscany get any better?<br />
Starts at<br />
$ 1399. pp dbl.<br />
occ.<br />
Air avail., but<br />
not included<br />
Only if you want to experience the optional excursions<br />
which are amazingly well priced. You can choose from a<br />
Dinner and Entertainment at a Tuscan Villa, a Tuscan Cooking<br />
Class & Dinner in Montecatini, or a picturesque day<br />
trip to legendary Cinque Terre, or why not choose all three?<br />
Call 702-419-0550 for more information on this exciting<br />
“Spotlight on Tuscany” and all of the other 16 “Spotlights”<br />
featuring City Stays & Quick Getaways from Collette including:<br />
London, 7 days; Christmas in London, 7 days; Paris, 7 days;<br />
Paris Holiday, 7 days; French Riviera, 8 days; Rome, 7 days;<br />
Venice in Winter, 7 days; Madrid, 8 days; Barcelona, 7 days;<br />
New York City, 5 days; New York City Holiday, 5 days; Washington,<br />
D.C., 6 days; San Antonia, 5 days; San Antonio Holiday,<br />
5 days; New Orleans, 5 days; South Dakota, 7 days.<br />
Wow!<br />
Local professional airport<br />
transfers provided by <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
Vacationers for every<br />
Collette Vacation w/air!<br />
Collette’s latest booklets are available now.<br />
Call Crystal now for your copy at<br />
702 419-0550<br />
Our Phat Pack Cruise<br />
By: Stu Cooper / Happy Destinations<br />
What do these three things have in<br />
common - The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>, our <strong>Vegas</strong><br />
Voyagers "Bus to the Boat", and the world<br />
class Las <strong>Vegas</strong> entertainers - the Phat Pack?<br />
Answer: We will all be sailing on the Carnival Splendor January<br />
27 - February 3, 2018 for the first ever VEGAS VOICE/VEGAS<br />
Not only will we be sailing to the Mexican Riviera, Cabo San<br />
Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan; and not only, that we will be<br />
sailing on one of Carnival’s best ships - the Carnival Splendor; and<br />
(once again) not only that we provide round trip bus transportation<br />
from Las <strong>Vegas</strong> to the pier, but we will be cruising with the cast of<br />
the PHAT PACK!<br />
And during the cruise, they will do TWO “command” full length<br />
shows (just for our group) and will meet and greet all with our<br />
private <strong>Vegas</strong> Voyagers cocktail party.<br />
So if you like world class entertainers (after all, these gentlemen<br />
have performed in Les Miserable, and Phantom of the Opera)<br />
performing old standards, iconic Broadway show stoppers and<br />
contemporary hits - combined with a fantastic seven-night cruise,<br />
then this event is for you!<br />
When I mentioned this idea to Publisher Dan, his first instinct<br />
was to say, “No.” He made it clear that he would not be away during<br />
Our Phat Pack Cruise will be spectacular!<br />
the NFL playoffs or his holiest day of the year – the Super Bowl.<br />
Naturally, when I advised him that there was no Sunday game<br />
due to the “bye” weekend between the championship games and<br />
Super Bowl, he had to check for himself (twice). We return home<br />
the day before the “Big Game” so unless his Rana suffers another<br />
December health issue (long story) they will be there. How about<br />
you?<br />
Prices start at just $869 per person (based on double occupancy)<br />
and that includes the cruise, all port charges, taxes, fees, round<br />
trip bus transportation from Las <strong>Vegas</strong> to the pier and all the PHAT<br />
PACK events. WOW!<br />
Call me at 800/698-1101 to make your reservations.<br />
Mix and Match<br />
Carnival Splendor<br />
Jan. 7-14, 2018<br />
7 Night Western Caribbean Cruise,<br />
from Miami<br />
Cozumel, Isla Roatan, Belize & Grand Cayman<br />
Inside Cabin $600 pp, / Ocean View $660 pp,<br />
Balcony $990 pp<br />
Price based on double occupancy, subject to availability and<br />
includes the cruise and all port charges, taxes and fees. Airfare<br />
to Florida is additional<br />
Jan. 14-27, 2018<br />
13 Night Panama Canal<br />
Cruise from Miami to LA<br />
Cartagena, Columbia; Panama Canal Transit;<br />
Punta Arenas, Costa Rica; Puerto Quetzal,<br />
Guatemala; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico<br />
Inside Cabin $1,716 pp,<br />
Ocean View, $2,016 pp,<br />
Balcony $2,665 pp<br />
Price based on double occupancy, subject to availability<br />
and includes the cruise and all port charges, taxes and<br />
fees. Airfare to Florida and back from Los Angeles to<br />
Las <strong>Vegas</strong> is additional<br />
800/698-1101<br />
www.<strong>Vegas</strong>voyagers.Com<br />
Email: Fairtravel@Aol.Com<br />
26<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
Cruise with the Phat Pack<br />
7 night Mexican Riviera<br />
Jan. 27- Feb. 3, 2018 “Bus to the Boat”<br />
Featuring TWO Special Private<br />
Performances and Cocktail Party<br />
The Phat Pack<br />
Bruce Ewing • Kevan Patriquin<br />
Randal Keith • Philip Fortenberry<br />
(Musical Director)<br />
This extraordinary group of artists met while performing<br />
in “PHANTOM: The Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Spectacular” and<br />
together formed their own highly-acclaimed spectacle<br />
that continues to thrill audiences everywhere:<br />
Destinations: Cabo San Lucas,<br />
Mazatlan & Puerto Vallarta<br />
Inside Cabin $ 869 pp,<br />
Ocean View $ 999 pp,<br />
Balcony $1,169 pp<br />
Price based on double occupancy, subject to availability and includes<br />
the cruise, all port charges, taxes and fees and Round Trip Bus Transportation<br />
from Las <strong>Vegas</strong> to the pier in Long Beach, CA.<br />
800/698-1101<br />
www.<strong>Vegas</strong>voyagers.Com<br />
Email: Fairtravel@Aol.Com<br />
Summer Trips<br />
By: Marilyn Sirna / Let’s Go!<br />
We have two really great trips planned<br />
for this summer.<br />
JULY 11-13 Santa Barbara, Solvang &<br />
Hearst Castle Trip includes bus fare, hotels shopping in Solvang,<br />
Elephant Seal vista point, San Simon and Hearst Castle with tour<br />
included.<br />
Cost: $425 Double Occupancy, $589 Single Occupancy. Minimum<br />
of 35 guests to make this trip. No refunds unless we have a waiting<br />
list. MUST register for this trip by June 23, 20<strong>17</strong>.<br />
Don’t delay, our trips sell out very quickly. Hope you can join us.<br />
JULY 26-27 Del Mar Race Track, San Diego, Old Town<br />
& Seaport Village. This trip includes bus fare, hotel and one<br />
breakfast and race track ticket at Trackside Restaurant.<br />
COST: $189 Double Occupancy, $279 for Single Occupancy.<br />
Deadline for registration is July 10, 20<strong>17</strong>. No refunds unless we<br />
have waiting list. Minimum of guests needed is 35.<br />
If you are NOT a resident of Sun City MacDonald Ranch, you<br />
will pay for your trip directly to LD TOURS: Jennifer 702--870-<br />
5530. If you live in MacDonald Ranch you will pay at the front<br />
desk.<br />
Any questions? Contact me at 702/270-7006 or mirna@<br /><br />
Pack your bags and let’s go!<br />
Hungry Seniors<br />
By: Dan Hyde / Call to Action<br />
Do you know what it is to go hungry?<br />
Did you know that over 7,800<br />
homebound seniors throughout Clark County<br />
go without even a single meal every day? Are you aware that there is a<br />
federally supported program called “Meals On Wheels” that provides vital<br />
nourishment to the hungry even though the program is lacking sufficient<br />
funding to feed the hungry?<br />
That means that seniors not being served are going without food every<br />
single day (unless a concerned neighbor or family member intercedes on<br />
their behalf). Making matters worse - we have no way of knowing how<br />
many there are.<br />
The local governing bodies, the cities throughout Clark County and<br />
the County itself, are doing a fairly decent job, but they lack the resources<br />
necessary to feed all of the needy seniors. They simply lack the money!<br />
Luckily, there is a solution and you can help make this problem<br />
go away. Yes, it involves giving money in whatever amount you can<br />
afford. Visit, click on “Meals on Wheels” and follow<br />
the guidelines.<br />
Any amount of money you give will help feed a homebound hungry<br />
senior!<br />
Dan Hyde is a passionate and effective advocate for the senior<br />
community. He served as Chair of the City of Henderson’s Senior<br />
Advisory Commission. He can be reached at:<br />
28<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
I have stated from the beginning of my campaign that I am not in favor<br />
of raising property taxes. I am also not in favor of removing the property<br />
tax cap. I understand that many seniors are on a fixed income and<br />
raising property taxes would directly impact them.<br />
An example is The District at Green Valley Ranch. It is a place where<br />
people can work, shop, dine and live all in one general area.<br />
Another example of an urban center is Downtown Summerlin.<br />
Again, Downtown Summerlin has similar opportunities to those you<br />
find at The District - shopping, working, dining and living.<br />
Development in any part of Henderson will have to adhere<br />
to the highest development standards in the County. Developers<br />
often question why they have to provide more open space and a<br />
higher level of design than they do in other jurisdictions. Our answer<br />
is simple, our residents demand a higher quality of life and they<br />
realize a return in higher property values.<br />
With a burst of<br />
Spring energy, the<br />
Ms Senior Nevada Pageant<br />
Family is scheduled to<br />
do five events at assisted<br />
living centers this month.<br />
Please feel free to attend<br />
any of these, call or email<br />
for dates or schedule.<br />
We are also finalizing our<br />
annual trip to Carson City<br />
and our visits with Governor<br />
Sandoval, the Legislature, the Governor’s Mansion and the Capital<br />
Grounds. We have added an additional day, to attend the Nevada State<br />
Museum, tour Virginia City and a Museum in Reno.<br />
All Ms Senior Nevada Family members and family are invited to join<br />
us as we caravan (drive) or fly. We have a unique opportunity to observe<br />
our legislature as they go about the business of governing - a priceless<br />
experience.<br />
For more information about Ms. Senior Nevada, please visit our<br />
<strong>web</strong>site:<br />
30<br />
Performing & Road Trip<br />
on Our Schedule<br />
By: Charlie Christy / Exexutive Director<br />
- Ms. Senior Nevada<br />
Catch A Dream... Live the Experience!<br />
Enter the 20<strong>17</strong> Ms Senior Nevada Pageant<br />
Open to all Women Who Have Reached<br />
“The Age Of Elegance” 60 Years and up!<br />
August 22nd & 23rd 20<strong>17</strong><br />
South Point Casino Hotel Showroom<br />
This Could Be You!<br />
For More Information Contact:<br />
Charlie Christy, Executive Director<br />
Ph. 702-458-9899, Fax 702-458-9585<br />
Website:<br />
E-mail:<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
At the Governor’s Mansion<br />
last year.<br />
A Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Force -<br />
Mistinguett<br />
By: Rich Natole / <strong>Voice</strong>s of a Generation<br />
Mistinguett<br />
is a very<br />
successful Las<br />
<strong>Vegas</strong> force to be<br />
reckoned with.<br />
A producer, director<br />
and choreographer,<br />
Mistinguett has<br />
currently produced<br />
over 60 productions in<br />
Las <strong>Vegas</strong> alone. She's<br />
created many hit<br />
shows for some of the<br />
biggest companies in<br />
the world - such as<br />
Harrah’s, Mirage and<br />
Caesars to name just<br />
a few.<br />
Her productions are also successful shows on some of the most<br />
prestigious cruise lines in the world. She's choreographed dozens of hit<br />
Broadway style shows in theatres around the globe.<br />
I worked with Mistinguett when I performed for Greg Thompson<br />
Productions several years ago in That’s Entertainment in Valley Forge,<br />
Pennsylvania. She was the dance choreographer for all of Greg’s<br />
production shows for years.<br />
Now she's out on her own and working with some of the biggest names<br />
in our field. Combining years of training and experience, Mistinguett<br />
travels the world loving every minute of what she does.<br />
Las <strong>Vegas</strong> is home base for her these days. This town started with<br />
production shows and seems to be coming full circle back to its roots.<br />
We need great producers like Mistinguett (as well as our <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />
entertainment editor, Evan Davis) to highlight old <strong>Vegas</strong> and bring<br />
talent to the forefront once again. Las <strong>Vegas</strong> and the corporations here<br />
seem to have lost focus on what this town was always known for - the<br />
Entertainment Capitol of the World!<br />
Over the past several years they seem to put their time and energy in<br />
everything BUT talented entertainers. This has become a bit disheartening!<br />
That makes Mistinguett a well needed breath of fresh air. See her<br />
production shows since it always contains music, dancing, singing and<br />
comedy. You will not be disappointed!<br />
For more information on this talented lady visit www.<br /><br />
Rich Natole is a comic/impressionist headlining entertainer & host<br />
of The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Television/Podcast Show. For more information<br />
visit: You can also contact Rich at: rich@<br />
South Pacific, Cinderella, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma<br />
& More by Broadway Performers<br />
Joan Sobel Daniel Emmet Nicole Kaplan<br />
Under the Musical Direction of Philip Fortenberry<br />
Joan Sobel Daniel Emmet Nicole Kaplan<br />
Under the Musical Direction of Philip Fortenberry<br />
Saturday, May 20 th<br />
Doors at 6:30 pm. Show begins at 7 pm.<br />
Tickets: $20. in advance<br />
$25. at the door<br />
Saturday, May 20 th<br />
Call Evan Davis: 702/630-6111<br />
Doors at 6:30 pm. Show begins at 7 pm.<br />
Entertainment Editor, The <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />
Sun City<br />
Randal Keith<br />
Sun City<br />
MacDonald Ranch<br />
Sponsored by<br />
Community Center<br />
Randal Keith<br />
MacDonald Ranch<br />
Everything in life can be<br />
defined by numbers.<br />
When two or more of the<br />
same number appear together,<br />
such as 11, 22, 33, etc., they<br />
are considered to be “Master<br />
Numbers.” These numbers are<br />
both a curse and a blessing when<br />
anyone or anything is under their<br />
influence.<br />
Carol Adrienne explains, “The<br />
Master quality appears in the<br />
person who has an awakened<br />
awareness and a comprehensive<br />
view or ability to access the<br />
potential of the base number.<br />
Those who seek to recognize and<br />
realize their life purpose and who<br />
strive to see the higher purpose<br />
behind events that are examples<br />
of heightened awareness.”<br />
Master numbers contain<br />
great energies of empowerment.<br />
Especially when appearing in<br />
destiny charts, these numbers<br />
carry vibrations of leadership,<br />
abundance and influence over<br />
others.<br />
When drawing these numbers,<br />
or consistently seeing them, i.e.<br />
11:11, it's an "opportunity to walk<br />
into a gateway of manifestation."<br />
It’s a perfect time for meditation<br />
and inner contemplation.<br />
Master Numbers and You!<br />
By: Ali Guggenheim / Psychic Phenomenon<br />
The people who are blessed with<br />
this gift, (or not if misused) have<br />
the confidence and charisma that<br />
enables them to lead. With the<br />
right words, they have the ability<br />
to impact and inspire others.<br />
Examples: #33 is Jesus'<br />
number, as well as being a<br />
significant number in American<br />
Indian Culture, Ghandi #55,<br />
Martin Luther King #11.<br />
It is true that everyone<br />
experiences this profound<br />
connection with the Universe at<br />
some point in their life. We often<br />
hear about people being "in the<br />
zone" where they achieve peak<br />
performances.<br />
However, for people that are<br />
under the influence of a master<br />
number, it is imperative to align<br />
themselves with universal good.<br />
Master number people need to<br />
surrender themselves to a life of<br />
service and to lead with integrity<br />
and humility in order to master<br />
their life mission.<br />
Their challenge however is<br />
not only to surrender their ego<br />
and to abstain from suppressing<br />
themselves and others, but to<br />
learn how to sustain it. This<br />
is not an easy task, since their<br />
vibrations and levels of intensity<br />
and responsibility can turn<br />
excitement into fear - and even<br />
disappointment.<br />
32<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
To learn more about Ali, spiritual consultations, coaching,<br />
classes, workshops, and readings, call, give her a call: 702/373-<br />
APRIL 6-9<br />
APRIL 26-30<br />
SUNDAY, APRIL 30 • 3 PM<br />
May 31 - June 11<br />
702.749.2000 | TTY: 800.326.6868 or dial 711 | For group inquiries call 702.749.2348 | 361 Symphony Park Avenue, Las <strong>Vegas</strong>, NV 89106 |<br />
34<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
He Set the Jazz World on Fire<br />
By: Yvonne Cloutier / Musical Moments<br />
In<br />
the<br />
world<br />
of music, a mark of lasting<br />
musicians is their flexible<br />
adaptability to music<br />
eras. This was Walter<br />
Maynard Ferguson, a<br />
remarkable Canadian jazz<br />
musician and band leader.<br />
Few careers have lasted<br />
through so many different<br />
forms of music. In his case, forty years!<br />
Known as Maynard (nicknamed Mayn) he was born in 1928 in<br />
Montreal, Canada.<br />
A child prodigy, he played violin and piano by age 4; at 9, he was<br />
enrolled in the French Conservatory of Music. At 11, he soloed with the<br />
CBC Orchestra, eventually mastering 10 instruments. He specialized<br />
with the trumpet.<br />
Maynard was a jazz legend-- a great internationally famous brass<br />
player, big-band leader; an instrument designer of the Firebird and<br />
Superbone trumpets; a record and film soundtrack producer, composer,<br />
arranger; and remarkably generous with his musical talents in teaching<br />
young people.<br />
Ferguson’s lashing, screeching, high-register, dazzling trumpet<br />
technique; in the dizzying upper register of his instrument was the<br />
cornerstone of Stan Kenton Orchestra’s enormous brass section. Mayn<br />
could play high notes with a full rich tone, with power.<br />
He was instantly recognizable where he showcased the F high register<br />
abilities of his signature trumpet. He attributed this command of upper<br />
register and breath-control ability to yoga practice.<br />
Amongst many recognitions, Ferguson was a Canadian Hall of Fame<br />
honoree; a three time Grammy Award nominee, (including the theme<br />
from Rocky, Gonna Fly Now from his Conquistador album) and first<br />
place in Down Beat Magazine’s best trumpeter awards.<br />
He is also recognized for playing in notable bands such as Boyd<br />
Raeburn and Jimmy Dorsey; for his association with Birdland<br />
Dreamband, eventually becoming the band’s leader.<br />
He recorded film sound tracks for Paramount, including the Biblical<br />
Epic The Ten Commandments. He joined Leonard Bernstein for a<br />
performance of Russo’s Titans with the New York Philharmonic.<br />
He lived and taught in India and wrote music of that nature. He<br />
produced hit arrangements of MacArthur Park and the Beatles Hey<br />
Jude.<br />
Maynard Ferguson, a family man, was married to his only wife for 49<br />
years. They had 4 daughters, and a son. He died in 2006 at 78.<br />
Yvonne Cloutier, a former teacher/principal, with a music<br />
background, specializes in ragtime piano. She reports about<br />
music on Alive! You can contact her at www.<br />
Miracle-Ear - The Hearing Solution<br />
There has been a recent study by researchers from<br />
Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging.<br />
The findings add to a growing list of health consequences<br />
associated with hearing loss - including<br />
increased risk of dementia, falls, hospitalizations,<br />
and diminished physical and mental health overall.<br />
Hearing instrument prices vary greatly, depending on the<br />
size, type of instrument, and technology.<br />
The proper selection<br />
of a hearing instrument<br />
encompasses<br />
not<br />
only a person's<br />
hearing<br />
loss, but<br />
other factors,<br />
as well.<br />
For example, lifestyle,<br />
environment, occupation, and<br />
physical limitations must be considered before proper<br />
selection of the hearing instrument can take place. The<br />
objectives of the Professionals at Miracle-Ear are to<br />
provide quality-hearing instruments that will meet the<br />
needs of each individual client.<br />
Research has proven that people benefit most from<br />
wearing hearing instruments in each ear. Such benefits<br />
include better sound quality, better balance of sound, and<br />
better understanding in group and noisy environments.<br />
It is emphatically recommended that you purchase<br />
a hearing instrument in person, rather than through<br />
mail order or the Internet. Expert, personal assistance<br />
is required in the evaluation<br />
of your hearing, the<br />
selection<br />
and<br />
fitting of the<br />
h e a r i n g<br />
instrument<br />
and the<br />
f o l l o w -<br />
up services<br />
needed for the<br />
successful use of<br />
your hearing system.<br />
Consult with your Miracle-Ear<br />
provider for a free evaluation to advise you of your<br />
hearing options. We will combine our expertise of<br />
fitting hearing instruments with your personal needs for<br />
hearing.<br />
Natural Alternatives<br />
By: Chuck Dean / Vet 2 Vet<br />
In my previous columns, I zeroed in<br />
on the benefits of some alternatives<br />
regarding the stress and pain that so many<br />
veterans endure.<br />
I wrote about the advantages of medical cannabis working well for<br />
many veterans and then I wrote about discovering personal peace by<br />
learning and engaging in mindfulness practices.<br />
During military service and deployment, many veterans are exposed<br />
to conditions where they are put in high risk situations. Some of those<br />
situations often result in injuries or illnesses; and the course of treating<br />
these health conditions becomes a real issue.<br />
One traditional method of pain control is through a prescription of<br />
opioids. While opioids chemically bind to receptors in the brain and<br />
other organs blocking pain signals, they are, however, not without risk of<br />
serious medical complications. These include overdose and/or addiction.<br />
Exposing veterans to the increased risks of uncontrolled use of these<br />
drugs is also a major problem. But there is some good news.<br />
The VA is putting together alternative treatments to help decrease the<br />
need for these substances among veterans. Complementary Integrative<br />
Health (CIH) is a program proving to be an effective alternative to<br />
control pain for many veterans.<br />
It includes Aqua Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy groups,<br />
Mindfulness classes, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and other similar programs.<br />
These clinics are spotlighting the importance and benefits to one’s health<br />
through the engagement in alternative methods for treating chronic<br />
pain. The concept is to empower an individual to choose and participate<br />
in more natural alternatives for the treatment of their health.<br />
I’m glad to see that safer, more holistic approaches are being<br />
researched and utilized, rather than constantly prescribing dangerous<br />
and destructive opioids for long-term pain management. If you have an<br />
interest in CIH, I encourage you to check with your VA primary care and<br />
see how you can get the care that is best for you.<br />
As a veteran who relies on the VA Medical system to provide safe and<br />
effective care, I am encouraged because since being exposed to the<br />
chemical defoliant, Agent Orange, in Vietnam, and having complications<br />
secondary to that poisoning, I am always looking for more natural ways<br />
to maintain my health. I hope you are too.<br />
Chuck Dean served as an Army paratrooper in Vietnam and<br />
through that experience was led to address the many transitional<br />
issues veterans struggle with. He is the author of several important<br />
books for veterans. All can be found on Amazon at: http://www.<br /><br />
36<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
Reaching Your Potential<br />
By: Mike Landry / Golf Fore Ever<br />
How will you know when you have<br />
achieved your greatest potential in golf?<br />
I recently ran into a golfer I’d known for years<br />
and asked him if he was back to playing golf.<br />
He’d given up the game about a year ago because he’d lost his skills<br />
at the game, couldn’t drive the ball very well, was shanking the ball and<br />
taking 3 and 4 putts per green.<br />
To save embarrassment, he quit playing.<br />
I asked what had changed to bring him back. He’d given some thought<br />
to the fact that he previously scored a hole in one, had carded Eagles on<br />
par 4’s and 5’s and scored an Albatross at one time during his playing<br />
years and felt that he’d achieved some of the greatest feats in golf.<br />
After realizing this, he picked up his clubs once again and is back to<br />
playing the game he loves.<br />
The moral of this story: If you have scored a Hole-in-One, an Eagle<br />
an Albatross etc. you have achieved some of the best scoring in golf and<br />
are amongst an elite group of golfers for making such incredible shots.<br />
Give yourselves a round of applause for your achievements as they are<br />
truly special.<br />
So if you ever think of quitting the greatest game, don’t. Instead the<br />
next time you step up to the T box you can relax knowing you’ve already<br />
accomplished the greatest shots in golf. Enjoy the game as I do.<br />
See you on the links.<br />
Presents<br />
The Phat Pack<br />
Bruce Ewing • Kevan Patriquin<br />
Randal Keith • Philip Fortenberry,<br />
(Musical Director & Pianist)<br />
Mike Landry resides in Sun City MacDonald Ranch and is a member<br />
of both the Nevada State Seniors Golf Club and Winterwood Men’s<br />
Group. He can be reached at:<br />
This extraordinary group of artists met<br />
while performing in “PHANTOM:<br />
The Las <strong>Vegas</strong> Spectacular” and<br />
together formed their own highlyacclaimed<br />
spectacle that continues to<br />
thrill audiences everywhere:<br />
Fri., Apr.28 th , 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Doors at 6:30 pm.<br />
Show begins at 7 pm.<br />
Sun City<br />
at the<br />
Vista Cabaret<br />
Aliante<br />
Tickets: $15. at the Monitor’s desk<br />
Sponsored by:<br />
Advance Care Planning<br />
By: Regale Harris / Your Kindred Team<br />
It can be difficult to imagine a time when<br />
you or your loved ones will face making<br />
end-of-life care decisions, and it may be<br />
something you’ve put off doing. A quick 30-minute conversation<br />
with your doctor can help<br />
you find peace of mind<br />
knowing your wishes for<br />
your healthcare will be<br />
honored, and can help<br />
your loved ones in future<br />
situations.<br />
What Is Advance Care<br />
Planning? Advance Care Planning<br />
is a process that begins with speaking<br />
with your physician to learn about common<br />
end-of-life decisions. You can ask questions and consider your options,<br />
then discuss your feelings with your loved ones.<br />
How Does an Advance Directive Work? Should you ever become<br />
incapacitated or unable to speak for yourself, your advance directive will<br />
become a legally binding document instructing family members and<br />
healthcare professionals how you wish to be treated; regardless of the<br />
current state of your health.<br />
While each state has its own advance directive, FIVE WISHES is one of<br />
the most widely used, as it is both comprehensive and easy to use. This<br />
12-page document is legally binding in Nevada and covers a variety of<br />
scenarios – from whether you wish to utilize life support while in a coma,<br />
to which personal care treatments you’d like to receive, such as hair<br />
brushing or nail clipping.<br />
The document contains five categories, or wishes, which are:<br />
1. The person I want to make care decisions<br />
for me when I can’t<br />
2. The kind of medical treatment<br />
I want or don’t want<br />
3. How comfortable I want to be<br />
4. How I want people to treat me<br />
5. What I want my loved ones to know<br />
Does an Advance Directive Waive<br />
My Rights? Creating an advance directive<br />
will not nullify your durable power of<br />
attorney, if you’ve appointed one. In fact, the<br />
two can work in tandem to ensure you receive the<br />
care you want if you’re unable to speak for yourself.<br />
If you choose to appoint a durable power of attorney or healthcare<br />
agent, they should be someone who you love and trust, such as a spouse,<br />
sibling or child. This person should be familiar with your advance<br />
directive, along with your personal beliefs and values.<br />
It isn’t easy to talk about end-of-life care, but doing so helps you<br />
maintain control, regardless of the situation. When you and your<br />
loved ones make your preferences known, you can find peace<br />
of mind knowing your wishes will be honored, and knowing<br />
that you’ll be able to make the decisions that your loved ones<br />
would want you to make for them.<br />
If you’re interested in receiving a free copy of Five Wishes, please call<br />
1.866.KINDRED.<br />
Regale Harris is the Manager of Volunteer Services and<br />
Community Liaison for Kindred. She welcomes all questions and<br />
inquiries and can be reached at:<br />
38<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
Let’s Talk Cars<br />
By: BK Killeen / Down the Road<br />
Hello, everyone! My name is BJ Killeen,<br />
and I am the newest contributor to The<br />
<strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> magazine. I’m thrilled to join<br />
a great staff of writers who bring a wealth of knowledge and<br />
experience to the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> valley.<br />
This column will cover all things automotive, including<br />
but not limited to explaining new technologies and their<br />
value, news of the industry that affects how and what you<br />
drive, helping you save money when buying or maintaining<br />
your vehicle, and much more.<br />
The goal is to deliver the information so it’s easy to<br />
understand, and, I hope, help you make informed decisions<br />
about buying, using, and keeping your car.<br />
I also promise to include some fun articles to keep you<br />
entertained. After all, if I’m not having fun, neither are<br />
you!<br />
Just so you know the credentials behind the face, I’ve<br />
been an automotive journalist for over 30 years, and an<br />
automotive enthusiast for much longer than that. My father<br />
got me into the field, thanks to his love of cars, and a love<br />
of anything with wheels is quite infectious.<br />
I spent a few years at Motorcyclist Magazine, honing my<br />
writing skills and playing around with two-wheeled toys. I<br />
joined the staff of Motor Trend magazine shortly afterward,<br />
and served as Road Test Editor for many years. I currently<br />
freelance, and am a co-host of two radio shows about cars:<br />
Drivers Talk Radio, and The Drive with Alan Taylor.<br />
I grew up in Los Angeles, and am a fairly recent transplant<br />
to the Las <strong>Vegas</strong> area, hanging my hat in Henderson<br />
alongside my husband, automotive photographer Scott<br />
Killeen, and a Maincoon furball named Rusty.<br />
I will be happy to answer questions you have about<br />
anything related to cars, the industry, suggested topics, or<br />
other roadworthy vehicles. Email me at<br />
Next month I’ll be looking at a hot topic: autonomous<br />
and semi-autonomous vehicles; they sound scary, but can<br />
be a huge blessing for those who don’t get around much<br />
anymore. See you then!<br />
BJ Killeen has been an automotive journalist for over 30 years.<br />
She welcomes all questions and inquiries, and can be reached at<br /><br />
Are You Looking<br />
for Full-Time Work?<br />
Start the next step of your job search with BACK TO WORK<br />
50+ at Workforce Connections One Stop Career Center.<br />
Our team can help you update your job search strategies,<br />
practice for interviewing and networking, and enroll in<br />
training programs that employers value.<br />
CALL TOLL FREE (855) 220–9723 TODAY!<br />
• Register for a Smart Strategies for 50+ Jobseekers<br />
Workshop near you where you can:<br />
- Learn about the 7 Smart Strategies you need to get<br />
back into the<br />
workforce.<br />
- Apply for the BACK TO WORK 50+ Coaching and<br />
Training program<br />
• Order AARP Foundation’s free job search guide<br />
To learn more, visit:<br />
This program is available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age,<br />
political affiliation, or religion.<br />
Photo courtesy, Dr. Mitch Fadem<br />
Sun City Dance Company<br />
Sun City Dance Company Las <strong>Vegas</strong> proudly presents Ticket<br />
to Broadway at the Summerlin Starbright Theatre. For two<br />
weekends, May 13-14 and 20-21, 20<strong>17</strong> this award winning group<br />
of women and men will take you on a two-hour tap dancing<br />
journey of all the best shows ever to grace a stage on Broadway.<br />
But your tickets now! The cost is only $11.<br />
For more information, call the Starbright Theatre box office at<br />
702/240-1301 or book your tickets online at<br />
Autospeak<br />
By: Adrea Nairne-Barrera / 60s to 60<br />
The older I get, the more I try to pay<br />
attention to what I hear and what I say.<br />
I’ve said things forever and sometimes I want<br />
a re-do.<br />
An unusual event starts with “You wouldn’t believe it if I<br />
told you” and my thought is, why bother? You won’t believe it<br />
anyway. And the moment is gone.<br />
How about “You have no idea….” while explaining a<br />
situation? So if the person has no idea, do you have to educate<br />
them first? Otherwise they won’t understand the story.<br />
An all-time favorite is “There is nothing worse than….”<br />
describes something awful. But is it really that awful? I realize<br />
there are millions of things worse, but we like the drama.<br />
“At the end of the day” seems to be a summary statement.<br />
The first time I heard that, it sounded very original. It isn’t.<br />
I even see these things show up on my phone in autocorrect<br />
mode. Who made that decision? It certainly wasn’t me. Yes,<br />
you can turn off the option, but that would defeat my whole<br />
story.<br />
Let’s talk about “autocorrect.” Whether you use an android<br />
or an iPhone, someone out there has decided you need<br />
help sending messages. As I just found out, this can be very<br />
dangerous.<br />
I invited an important client and his family to lunch at<br />
McCormick & Schmicks a few weeks back and when I sent him<br />
the text, it autocorrected to McCormick & Schmucks. Thank<br />
goodness I caught it. That would have not gone over very well<br />
at all!<br />
“It’s a piece of cake!” Huh? If the meaning is that something<br />
is easy, just say so. Apparently, according to a dictionary of<br />
idioms, the expression originated in the Royal Air Force in<br />
the late 1930s for an easy mission. The precise reference is a<br />
mystery, just as the expression, “easy as pie.”<br />
40<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
At our age, saying things like: “You’re gonna die laughing”<br />
or describing something wonderful as “to die for” has a whole<br />
different meaning. Every time I hear myself saying it, I wish<br />
I could do a re-take.<br />
Trust me.
Saturday, April 8 • 8pm<br />
Saturday, Saturday, April April 8 • 8pm 8pm<br />
Tickets Starting At $ 18<br />
Tickets Tickets Starting Starting At At $ 18 18<br />
Purchase tickets at the Silverton Box Office,<br />
by calling 702.263.7777 or online at<br />
Purchase tickets at the Silverton Box Office,<br />
All ages show. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult 21+. Ticket price subject Live Entertainment Tax “L.E.T.”<br />
Purchase and fees where applicable. tickets Entertainment subject at to the change without Silverton prior notice. Management Box reserves Office,<br />
all rights.<br />
by calling 702.263.7777 or online at<br />
by calling 702.263.7777 or online at<br />
All ages show. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult 21+. Ticket price subject to Live Entertainment Tax “L.E.T.”<br />
and fees where applicable. Entertainment subject to change without prior notice. Management reserves all rights.<br />
All ages show. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by an adult 21+. Ticket price subject to Live Entertainment Tax “L.E.T.”<br />
and fees where applicable. Entertainment subject to change without prior notice. Management reserves all rights.<br />
I-15 & BLUE DIAMOND RD. • 702.263.7777 • SILVERTONCASINO.COM<br />
I-15 & BLUE DIAMOND RD. • 702.263.7777 • SILVERTONCASINO.COM<br />
I-15 & BLUE DIAMOND RD. • 702.263.7777 • SILVERTONCASINO.COM<br />
18597-03<strong>17</strong> 38Special_<strong>Vegas</strong><strong>Voice</strong>MadAd • Bleed: 8.375”x10.625” Trim: 8.125”x10.375” Area: 7.125”x9.375” •<br />
41<br />
Runs in <strong>Vegas</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> Mag
Self-Dentistry<br />
By: James J. White, D.D.S. / Your Dentist<br />
It is quite surprising to find that patients<br />
often attempt “self-dentistry.”<br />
Recently a gentleman came to the office because<br />
one of his older crowns had come off. When chatting with his friend about<br />
having to go to the dentist because of the displaced crown, the response<br />
was “I have had that happen and I just<br />
use Super Glue to put it back on.<br />
Fortunately, and smartly, the<br />
gentleman replied: “No, I think I’ll<br />
leave it to the professional.”<br />
This gentleman is intelligent. He<br />
knows that if a crown came loose there<br />
may be more than one reason.<br />
It could be that the cement simply let<br />
go. It could be that there is recurrent<br />
decay (“a cavity”) that has taken away<br />
previously sound tooth structure. It<br />
could also be due to an interference<br />
with function; eventually weakening<br />
the cement bond with resultant loss of<br />
the crown, etc.<br />
If a patient just attempts to “recement”<br />
the crown with the glue<br />
at hand, then there has been no<br />
opportunity for a dentist to check<br />
the tooth and crown to see that everything is ok. Before a crown is recemented<br />
the old and residual cement needs to be air-abraded out of the<br />
crown so that it will fit precisely.<br />
The tooth has to be cleaned of any residual cement and the crown<br />
needs to be checked in place to make certain that it is still fitting the tooth<br />
correctly.<br />
I cannot begin to explain the number<br />
of patients I see on an emergency basis<br />
due to “happy hands at home” dental<br />
work. In most cases the problems that<br />
have resulted from trying to save a visit<br />
to the dentist will result in much more<br />
extensive and expensive care than<br />
would have originally been necessary.<br />
Re-cementing a crown over a tooth<br />
that has decay will only result in the<br />
tooth eventually abscessing, usually<br />
with great pain, or the complete loss<br />
of the tooth which will then require<br />
bridgework or implant placement.<br />
I will close this article by saying that<br />
when making our decisions we should<br />
not lose sight of the old cliché: “penny<br />
wise and pound foolish.”<br />
Remember, one is not in good health<br />
without good oral health.<br />
42<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong>
Determining Your Skin Tone<br />
By: Linda Bateman-Gomez<br />
/ Timeless Beauty<br />
As we trade in our sweaters for warmer<br />
days, Spring brings about a new color<br />
palette for our wardrobes and cosmetics. If you're looking to<br />
embrace some fun new colors, determining your skin tone can<br />
help identify your most flattering hues.<br />
This applies to clothing, makeup, hair color, even nail polish! Here’s a<br />
cheat sheet for determining which colors may be best for your skin tone!<br />
Types of skin tones: Warm, Cool, and Neutral. Most will fit into the<br />
first two categories. Sometimes your tone can be unexpected. Very pale<br />
skin may have a warm tone, while very dark can have a cool tone.<br />
Warm Skin Tones: Have an olive or yellow under tone. They may tan<br />
more easily, have dark or hazel eyes, and gold jewelry very complimentary.<br />
Most flattering colors: Citrus and warm sunset colors. Deep reds,<br />
oranges, yellows, magenta, olive, taupe, grey, and ivory.<br />
Cool Skin Tones: Have a blue or pink undertone and range from<br />
very light to very dark skin. This tone may burn more easily and often<br />
have blue or green eyes. Silver metals very complimentary.<br />
Most flattering colors: Think spring flowers, bright blues, pinks,<br />
pastels, yellows, purples, navy, light grey, white, and jewel tones like jade<br />
and sapphire.<br />
Neutral Skin Tones: If you appear to be between the two, then you're<br />
probably a neutral tone.<br />
Most flattering colors: Neutral tones can wear almost anything! Black,<br />
off-white, jade, red, rose, peach and more muted colors, as opposed to<br />
bold ones.<br />
If you're still not sure which skin tone you may be, try the vein test! If<br />
the veins on the back of your wrist appear more blue/purple, then you’re<br />
probably a cool tone. If they appear more of a green tone, you’re a warm<br />
tone.<br />
Of course this isn’t set in stone, just a simple guide that may help<br />
determine your most flattering skin tone, especially for online shoppers<br />
like me!<br />
If you just love a color, but can’t really pull it off, try a cute handbag or<br />
shoes in your favorite color instead! You'll still freshen up your color and<br />
be ready for Spring!<br />
Linda Bateman-Gomez has an international beauty company<br />
based in Las <strong>Vegas</strong> that specializes in cosmetics and other beauty<br />
products. Contact Linda at or<br />
through her <strong>web</strong>site<br />
•Family Owned & Operated•<br />
24 HOUR<br />
( 7 0 2 )<br />
805-5335<br />
Bonded & Insured • Lic. #0080600<br />
We Need Balance in Our<br />
Lives<br />
By: Mary Richard / Health Fitness<br />
BALANCE - and I don’t mean it the way<br />
you think! Yes, we need balance in our<br />
lives and we start losing our sense of balance beginning in our<br />
middle ages.<br />
If we don’t do any balance exercises, we can lose our<br />
balance in our aging selves and take falls. Have you ever<br />
taken a fall? Older adults 60 or older who have not done any<br />
balance exercises have a greater risk of falling.<br />
For the 9 years that I’ve been teaching my Zumba classes, I<br />
have incorporated some balance exercises in my cool downs.<br />
One in particular that I find helpful is to do tandem walking.<br />
You place heel to toe (or side by side) and walk in as straight<br />
a line as much as you can. Some of my students laugh at this -<br />
calling it their “DUI walk.” But this does help with balancing.<br />
Another is to stand with both feet about shoulder width.<br />
Then lift one foot forward at least one inch and hold as long<br />
as you can - 10 seconds or more. Bring that foot down and<br />
then shift to the other foot.<br />
You can also try this by bending the knee and bringing the<br />
foot backward (similar to a flamingo stance). Try holding<br />
this for as long as you can - 10 seconds or more. Repeat for<br />
the other foot.<br />
If this is uncomfortable or you cannot do this without<br />
holding on to something - try having a counter or something<br />
solid in front of you. Eventually you should be able to do it<br />
without any added object.<br />
When Your Feet Touch<br />
the Earth<br />
By: Kyo Mitchell / A Healthier You<br />
The human body is an amazing creation.<br />
The wisdom of its design, both as an<br />
integrated whole and as an integrated part of nature will never<br />
cease to amaze.<br />
The phenomenon of grounding or “earthing” is one example.<br />
One of the ways the body communicates between parts of itself,<br />
as well as maintains its normal physiological functions is through<br />
a flow of electrons. Where we get these electrons is one of the<br />
amazing facts of nature.<br />
Due to the millions of lightning strikes per day that happen<br />
on the earth, the earth's surface is charged with electrons. When<br />
your body becomes low in electrons, the electrons will move from<br />
an area of higher concentration (the earth) to an area of lower<br />
concentration (you).<br />
The only thing that has to happen is that your skin must touch<br />
the surface of the earth. Absorbing electrons from the earth is<br />
called “Grounding” or “Earthing.”<br />
However, here’s the problem. Because we walk in rubber soled<br />
shoes, and because we walk on carpet, tile, linoleum, asphalt,<br />
concrete - and not grass or soil, we no longer get recharged every<br />
day.<br />
The question you may have is, “How does this affect me, if it<br />
does at all?” Research has demonstrated the following effects for<br />
grounding: Reduced inflammation, reduced pain, improved sleep,<br />
increased level of relaxation, and reduced clumping of red blood<br />
cells.<br />
According to Richard Feynmann, (one of the most noted<br />
physicists of the twentieth century) the process of grounding helps<br />
us to become “an extension of the Earth's gigantic electric system.”<br />
This may help prevent the deleterious effects of electromagnetic<br />
pollution on the body.<br />
The technique for grounding is simple. Let your feet touch the<br />
earth daily for thirty minutes to an hour.<br />
If you spend a lot of time inside surrounded by electronic devices,<br />
you can purchase an earthing mat. You simply plug the mat into<br />
the ground of any electric outlet and put your bare feet on the mat<br />
while watching TV, working on a computer etc.<br />
With a little more balance exercises each day, you can help<br />
strengthening your core to help prevent falls. The more you<br />
do balance exercises, the less chance of injuring yourself.<br />
I’m in my 72nd year and believe me - I want to prevent<br />
falling and injuring myself as much as I can.<br />
Mary Richard was crowned Ms. Senior Nevada 2006, was first<br />
runner-up for Ms. Senior America 2006 and is a life-time dancer.<br />
Mary can be reached at<br />
44<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
Dr. Kyo Mitchell served as faculty at Bastyr University in Seattle<br />
and Wongu University in Las <strong>Vegas</strong> for over a decade. Dr. Mitchell<br />
practices in Summerlin and can be reached at 702-481-6216 or<br />
To place your business listing, contact Advertising Sales 702/592-4818<br />
Chazell A/C & Heating 702/647-3355<br />
Servicing the valley since 1992. LIC#005365<br /><br />
Carls Air Conditioning & Heating<br />
702/628-9454<br />
Family owned/operated<br />
since 1964. LIC #8370B<br /><br />
Alarmco, Inc.<br />
Nevada’s oldest/largest locally owned and operated<br />
systems provider/monitoring center since1950.<br />
Burglar/Fire Alarm systems. Access control, CCTV,<br />
Guard Services and Locksmith Services.<br /> LIC#0008024/NPILB #608.<br />
Miracle Ear/877-632-6320<br />
6 convenient locations across the valley.<br /> Miracle-Ear® ®<br />
Rae Rocco 702/897-9929<br />
Independent Agent, No charge for consultations.<br />
Toni’s Pet and Home Sitters<br />
702/499-8606<br />
Care for all needs, loving and dependable. VET<br />
recommended for 14 yrs. Henderson/surrounding<br />
areas.<br />
Sanderson Plumbing<br />
702/610-7236<br />
Very dependable. Lic. #78397<br /><br />
46<br />
April 20<strong>17</strong><br />
A great (and affordable)<br />
way to build your business!
Wondering How Much Your Home Is Worth?<br />
How has the price of your home changed in today's market? How much<br />
are other homes in your neighborhood selling for?<br />
If you're wondering what's happening to prices in this area, or you're thinking about selling<br />
your house, I'll be able to help! Just give my office a call for a no-fuss, professional<br />
evaluation. I won't try to push you into listing with me or waste your time. I'll just give<br />
you the honest facts about your home and its value, and I'll also give you the "inside<br />
scoop" on what's happening in the housing market!<br />
Laura Harbison<br />
Broker/Salesperson/Branch Manager<br />
Seniors Real Estate Specialist ® (SRES)<br />
Accredited Buyer Representative ® (ABR)<br />
Graduate, REALTOR ® Institute (GRI)<br />
Equator Platform Platinum Certification<br />
Equator Short Sale Agent Certification<br />
Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)<br />
Advanced Evaluations Certification<br />
At Home With Diversity (AHWD)<br />
Broker Price Opinion Resource (BPOR)<br />
NVS Institute BPO Certification<br />
Five Star BPO Designation<br />
Certified Distressed Property Expert ® (CDPE)<br />
Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist<br />
(RSPS)<br /><br /><br />
Call Laura Today!<br />
702-777-1234<br />
Spring is in the air! Home sales were a little sluggish in this area in the 4th quarter of<br />
2016 (typical for an election year) but we have certainly been making up for it in the past<br />
couple of months. I am very happy to be able to give "good news" about our current<br />
real estate market, and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you!<br />
Please call or email me anytime for an appointment to discuss your current real estate<br />
wants and needs. Whether you are looking to sell your existing home, or to purchase a<br />
property in this area, I will be able to answer your questions and assist you with your real<br />
estate needs.<br />
BONUS: I have updated my Preferred Vendor List and would be happy to share it with<br />
you. It is NOT paid advertising, this is a list of vendors in many different professions<br />
(Estate Sales? Home loans? Dentists?) that I have found to be honest, trustworthy, and<br />
reliable through my personal experiences with them, and feedback that I have received<br />
over the years from my clients and associates that have also used their services.<br />
Laura Harbison, ABR, AHWD, BPOR, BS, CDPE, CRS, GRI, RSPS, SRES<br />
Broker/Salesperson/Branch Manager<br />
Realty Executives Harbison Team<br />
770 Coronado Center Drive, Ste. 100<br />
Henderson, NV 89052<br />
Office: 702-777-1234 Fax: 702-777-5678<br />
EFax: 702-924-0777 (Faxes into the offers email)<br />
Corporate Email:<br />
Personal Email:<br />
Offers Email:<br /><br />
Featured Homes of the Month!<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Gorgeous Sonata Floorplan with Casita!<br />
4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths, 3,34 Sqft<br />
Premium View Lot<br />
3 Car Garage, Courtyard w/ In-ground<br />
Spool, Island Kitchen w/ Granite Counters<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Captivating Columbia Floorplan with Casita!<br />
4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths<br />
2,705 Sqft of Living Space<br />
Mountain Views, Family Room w/ Surround<br />
Sound, Island Kitchen w/ Corian, Courtyard<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Spacious Glenmore Floorplan<br />
3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths<br />
2,706 Sqft of Living Space<br />
Granite Counters, Huge Rear Yard, Oversized<br />
Garage<br />